Welcome to Year 8
Welcome to Year 8, the second year of the Senior School.
Year 8 is the second year of Key Stage 3. The curriculum in Year 8 continues to offer a broad and balanced education, consolidating the work from Year 7 and providing, as part of Key Stage 3, the essential foundations for the GCSE courses offered later in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) and beyond. Our programmes of study take into account the rich diversity of nationalities in the student body.
The school operates a two-week timetable so lessons in Week A will be different to those in Week B.
The school day
08:45–15:30 with 6 x 50 minute lessons. There is a morning break and tutor time and a one hour lunch break.
● English (7 lessons per fortnight)
● Dutch (4)
● German/Spanish/French (3)
● German/Spanish/French (3)
● Geography (3)
● History (3)
● Mathematics (7)
● Computer Science (3)
● Integrated Science (7)
● Design and Technology (3)
● Food Preparation and Nutrition (3)
● Music (3)
● Art and Design (3)
● Physical Education (4)
● PSHE (2)
● Drama (2)
Learning support
We have provision, where necessary, to offer students support in English as an Additional language (EAL). Additional Educational Needs (AEN) staff are also available to give help to children with particular needs.
All Year 8 students have regular homework with each piece taking around half an hour. A variety of tasks are set and homework involving project work in some subjects may last over several weeks. All students are therefore taught and encouraged to manage the timing of their homework to see that it balances out over each week. We would expect students to take increasing responsibility for the organisation of their work as they move through the first three years of the Senior School. The Library is also open for study after school until 17.30 (16.00 on Fridays) each weekday evening and at breaks and lunchtimes.
Students are continually assessed throughout the year in a variety of ways which will include formal tests. Please see the subject entries for details. There is no official examination period at the end of Year 8, although there are end of year assessments carried out by some subjects. The reported attainment at the end of the year will be based on data that is gathered throughout Year 8 to give the best possible analysis of student progress and achievement.
Reporting and contact
A Parents’ evening will occur in January. On this occasion, parents will be able to meet subject teachers. Parents who have concerns or queries about a particular subject are welcome to contact the teacher or department at any other time of the year via their direct email. All address are available via the SSV hompage of Compass. A full report will also be issued in April, and an Achievement and Progress Update in June.
We strongly encourage parents to bring their children to parents’ evenings. It is important for students to hear what is being said directly and to be able to contribute to the discussion. The most effective dialogue is three-way. Students can also be very helpful in guiding parents from one room to another between appointments.
In between these formal periods of contact, problems and issues may arise. Parents may contact the school and vice-versa. The Form Tutor, or Head of Year are the main people to contact if you have any concerns. Staff will also communicate with parents – both collectively and individually – via Compass.
Tutor time
Each form has a brief 5 minute meeting with their tutor at the beginning of the day, followed by a 20 minute lesson later on in the morning.
The form tutor is there to help with problems, encourage students to organise themselves for the day, check homework entries and to discuss matters of importance.
Developing effective learners
The BSN Senior School places students and their learning – both inside and outside the classroom –at the centre of its thinking and planning. Ours is a holistic education. We introduced the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in September 2008 alongside A level for Years 12 and 13. The school also offers the International Baccalaureate Careers Related Programme (IBCP), which includes a core vocational Business programme and 2 subject courses from the Diploma programme. The BSN is an IB World School.
Underneath is the IB Learner Profile which we believe is applicable not only to students in the final two years of school but younger students too. Although we certainly encourage these qualities already in all students, we would expect this approach to infuse the whole curriculum in the years ahead. These are the kinds of learning qualities which we would like our students to develop.
They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognise and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.
They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
The last of these qualities is addressed under the school’s Academic Honesty Policy which both discourages acts of academic dishonesty and malpractice and encourages students to develop decent and effective study habits which will stand them in good stead in the future. This policy can be viewed on Compass.
In the Appendix, you will find what we hope will be a helpful section with further information about some of the most common terms and abbreviations used in the English system as well as some websites which provide additional background information, including examinations after the age of 14 and universities.
Whether your child is an existing student, or new to the BSN, we look forward to welcoming them in September and wish them a happy and rewarding time in Year 8.
Art and Design
Aims of the course
The aims of the Year 8 Art and Design curriculum are to:
● Develop observational skills and associated techniques;
● Emphasise the need to research and develop ideas, within a given context;
● Develop the use of tone in different media;
● Explore design applications;
● Encourage the development of work in appropriate sequence
● Make use of the works of artists, designers and craftsmen
● To nurture creativity and the capacity for independent and critical thought
Details of what the course involves
Year 8 is very much focused on the building of skills, using the previous year as a platform to extend into new experiences. A range of new processes will be considered including modelling and sculpture, refining painting skills, and also image manipulation.
Adobe Photoshop is explored to develop students, understanding of new media and its potential as an artistic tool. Students continue to develop their use of the sketchbook to record and develop ideas, organising and presenting their work.
How will the course be assessed?
Assessment is a key element to student progress. A number of approaches are used to have maximum impact, mainly focusing around teacher, peer and self-assessment. The process is continual to support development, focusing on spoken and written feedback.
Other information
Students require some basic equipment to complete class and homework. We do expect all students to have a range of pencils to use in lessons. At home, pencil crayons and a set of watercolour paints would help. Access to a camera will be essential as some homework is photography based. Having a USB memory drive will help to transfer images from home to school.
Design and Technology
Aims of the Year 8 course
Design and Technology (DT) in Year 8 aims to consolidate and build upon the introduction Year 7 students had last year to DT in Key Stage 3. This process gives the students a framework within which they can start to identify real situations and solve problems in an increasingly sophisticated way, and to write a specification to guide them when designing and making a product.
A wide range of communication techniques is taught; these techniques help the young designers to articulate their design ideas and to present a final design proposal ready for manufacture.
Year 8 students will now be experienced in working in the DT environment, so they will be able to work safely with an increasingly wide range of media, materials and equipment. The students will develop an increased appreciation of the properties of a range of materials and how they can be formed and wasted safely and appropriately.
At the end of the DT process, the students are taught how to test their finished product for fitness-for-purpose as well as quality of finish, and also how to evaluate their product against the original specification, to demonstrate how successfully they have been able to solve the problem they were set and how to propose modifications to improve the final design.
Details of what the course involves
The DT course involves a number of different Design and Make Assignments (DMA), Focused Practical Tasks (FPT) and Investigation, Disassembly and Evaluation. Assignments (IDEAS). DMAs are projects designed to develop and assess the whole range of Designing-andMaking skills of a student through to the testing and evaluation of a final practical outcome.
FPTs are used for teachers to demonstrate new skills and processes involving materials and equipment and for students to practise them safely. This raises the level of knowledge and understanding of specialist DT terms and hones
Designing-and-Making skills. IDEAS are used to help students to understand how familiar, existing products work and are manufactured. This helps the DT students to understand the built environment they live in, appreciate the role of industry in designing and making and to help them to discriminate between products fit for their intended purpose and products which do not meet their original specification or do not pass health and safety legislation.
How will the course be assessed?
DT assesses three main areas of study: Designing; Making; and Knowledge and Understanding. The DT students keep a DT resource folder, which they build up throughout the key stage covering Years 7, 8 and 9. They record their projects using the DT process of Designing-and-Making as a guide. The projects are assessed at key points and targets are set to help the students towards future progress. There is an end-of-year assessment to evaluate the individual level of knowledge and understanding accrued during the Year 8 DT course. This takes place in the Summer Term.
Other information
It is important to the students’ progress and well-being that they bring essential equipment to all of their DT lessons. Students should bring the following:
● Surface Pro
● Black or blue ball point pen
● Band to tie back long hair
● HB and 2H pencils
● Set of coloured pencils
● 30cm rule
● Eraser
Aims of the course
English is a vital way of communicating in school, in public life and internationally. Literature in English is rich and influential, reflecting the experience of people from many countries and times. In studying English, students develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Students learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama as well as non-fiction and media texts. The study of English helps students understand how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Using this knowledge, students can choose and adapt what they say and write in different situations.
Details of what the course involves
The English and Drama Syllabus for Year 8 is broadly in line with the National Curriculum for England and National Literacy Strategy requirements for Key Stage 3, which focus on the four areas of: competence in communication, creativity, cultural understanding and critical understanding.
Reading, both shared and individual, is central to the English curriculum. Students study a wide variety of literature, including fiction texts, plays, Shakespeare, short stories and a selection of poetry. Students also study literature from other cultures, autobiographical writing, literary nonfiction, and media texts. One lesson per two week cycle is allocated for library work.
It is important that students enjoy writing; throughout the course, students are given the opportunity to express their ideas in a variety of forms and styles. Through planning and drafting, students are encouraged to consider the purpose of their writing and their audience. Students are encouraged to use dictionaries and thesauri; they are expected to proofread their work before submission. Throughout the course they will produce a range of different writing, including: narrative writing, descriptive writing, poetry, personal writing, play scenes, formal letters, essays, a structured speech and magazine/ newspaper articles. Language skills taught in Year 7 are reinforced; grammar and spelling skills are an integral part of the course. Year 8 students will need to begin to come to terms with the development of a detached critical voice when analysing texts. They should become increasingly confident with embedding quotation in their work.
Speaking and Listening
Students will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of speaking and listening activities, from formal discussion to informal contributions. All students in Year 8 present a formal speech at some stage during the year and contribute to the end of year Inter-House Debating Competition.
Aims of the course
Dispelling the myth that Drama is about creating “actors”, we are encouraging our learners to develop transferable skills that are relevant to all aspects of life. We aim to encourage our learners to take risks, develop tolerance, resilience and to be reflective. Through group work, we will work on developing team-working and communication skills, invaluable tools for any learner’s journey.
Details of what the course involves
In Year 8 the course builds upon the basics developed in Year 7. Learners are still encouraged to work in groups, but now find their own roles within these with varying levels of responsibility. Drama conventions will be studied in more depth requiring learners to take further risks and develop their confidence in a safe environment when studying familiar Shakespeare texts. Evaluation of their own work and the work of others becomes more prominent and the length of projects reflects this. Learning about the creation of atmosphere and the technical aspects of Theatre that aid this process provides learners with alternative views of what constitutes a performance. The structure of story, work on movement and still images all lead into working on strengthening character development both within devised work and when using scripts.
How will the course be assessed?
Assessment for Drama takes the form of selfevaluation linking directly to the BSN Assessment Levels dealing with the creation, performance and response to Drama. This is then progressed with further dialogue directly between learner and teacher. It is a more formative approach to assessment which is designed to be informal and useful to the learner directly.
Other information
Learners will be encouraged to take part in all elements of the lesson, they will be expected to try all aspects of the tasks set.
Learners should be prepared, like any other lesson, with their Surface Pro’s, their pencil cases and anything else they should need.
Food Preparation and Nutrition
This is an exciting and creative course focusing on Food and Nutrition. Through the course, students will develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food preparation and the working characteristics of ingredients.
The five core topics at Key Stage 3 are:
● Food, nutrition and health
● Food science
● Food safety
● Food choice
● Food provenance including information on the environmental issues associated with sustainable sources of food
Aims of the course
The main aims of the Year 8 Food Technology are:
● To further students’ knowledge and understanding of nutrition
● To help students to develop an understanding of how culture and lifestyle affect food choice;
● To encourage students to work creatively with food to produce quality dishes
● To apply students’ understanding of food science and experimental work to practical food preparation
Details of what the course involves
The course is organised into units of work, each unit lasting approximately a term. The course focuses on a range of student–centred activities based on the themes of Nutrition, Multi-Cultural Foods and The Science of Baking. Students also complete practical cookery assignments and experimental work as a part of the course.
How will the course be assessed?
Students will have their practical skills assessed at the end of each module and in addition, homework and classwork will be assessed throughout the year. Students will be encouraged to evaluate their work.
Aims of the course
The course is designed to meet the needs of the English National Curriculum for England whilst recognising the European and international dimensions of the BSN, and to develop an awareness of some key physical and human issues such as coastal retreat and dark tourism.
Details of what the course involves
We cover human, physical and environmental geography in each of the years in Key Stage 3. The skills and techniques of Year 7 are built upon and developed throughout the Year 8 course. A wide variety of places are studied.
This unit explores the formation of erosion features such as caves, arches, stacks, stumps and wave cut platforms. Students will also investigate the impact cliff retreat can have on human activities. The course will also look at depositional landforms such as beaches, spits and tombolos. Methods of coastal defence will also be considered with particular reference to The Netherlands.
Dark Tourism
In recent years, a new tourism phenomena of ‘Dark Tourism’ has emerged. In this unit, we will look at a range of dark tourism destinations from the 9.11 memorial, to the Killing Fields in Cambodia. Students will evaluate the impact of this new type of tourism considering the opportunities it offers Low Income Countries in economic development versus the moral questions about important memorial sites becoming disneyfied.
Sense of Place
This unit explores how we attach meaning to places and how we develop our sense of place through our own experiences and the media. Using the novel ‘The Beekeeper of Aleppo’ we will discover how places and our sense of place are constantly changing and how different groups can be seen as ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’. This unit will include some fieldwork looking at a changing location in South Holland.
In this unit Y8 students will discover the importance of our oceans for weather and climate patterns, biodiversity and climate control alongside exploring the issues that face our oceans today. The assessment for this unit is a group presentation on one ocean issue, e.g. Microplastic waste or oil spills.
Haiti: Are Haiti’s development challenges human or physical in nature?
In this unit we will draw together students’ geographical knowledge from across year 7 and 8. We will explore the physical challenges Haiti faces, including tropical storms and earthquakes, and evaluate their role in Haiti’s development challenges alongside exploring the role of colonialism and debt in minimising Haiti’s economic development.
How the course will be assessed?
Classwork and homework will be assessed through a range of formative approaches including self and peer assessment where students will be involved in setting their own “next steps” and targets. End of topic assessments will include a range of skills tests, written tests and projects which will be given a BSN level.
Aims of the Course
The aims of the course are to develop the historical knowledge and skills of all students and to enable them to apply historical skills to a variety of different tasks.
Details of what the course involves
During Year 8, students learn about significant individuals, events and changes between c.1550 and 1900. The main theme linking the topics taught is the idea of change. They will analyse the origins of the French Revolution and its implications for society and politics. Students will also study some of the key features of the Napoleonic era. This will be followed by a depth study of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and then a unit focusing on the Industrial Revolution.
Students will be taught the following knowledge, skills and understanding:
● Chronology
● Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past
● Historical interpretation
● Historical enquiry
● Organisation and communication
Each student will be issued with the relevant textbook, though teachers make use of other resources. ICT is treated as an integral part of the course and students are given opportunities within the curriculum to develop their ICT skills.
How will the course be assessed?
Classwork and homework are assessed formatively i.e. to support learning during the learning process. Thus students will be engaged in peer and self-assessment and will be expected to be involved in setting their own targets in relation to their learning in History. Students will also sit a series of formal assessments, which specifically target a number of historical skills.
Additionally, at least once a year, students will have the opportunity to explore different homework tasks on a given topic area, with an emphasis on free choice, creativity and extending historical knowledge.
Computer Science
A high-quality Computer Science education equips students to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computer Science has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of the subject builds from the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, students are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems, and a range of content. Computer Science also ensures that students become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Aims of the course
The BSN Year 8 Computer Science curriculum aims to:
● Give students an awareness of the underlying technologies behind influential developments such as the World Wide Web, artificial intelligence & computer-generated content.
● Reinforce key coding skills and techniques using a text-based languages
● Embed computational thinking skills at all levels and create learners who can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms, and data representation
● Give students opportunities to analyse problems in computational terms.
● Develop critical thinkers who can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
● Empower students to be responsible, competent, confident, and creative users of information and communication technology.
Details of what the course involves
Students in Year 8 Computer Science will work on three main units during the year:
Animation & Simulation
This unit will introduce students to the JavaScript programming language and give them the opportunity to develop digital art, animation, and simulation. Students will be encouraged to think creatively, problem solve through code and evaluate the wider implications of computerbased art.
Web Design
In this unit, students will explore important questions such as what exactly is the World Wide Web? How did it develop? What does the web consist of? What issues has the web created? Students will also learn the basics of web design: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript culminating in them developing a website highlighting their knowledge and skill.
Artificial Intelligence & Chatbots
In this unit students will explore the topic of artificial intelligence. They will explore the moral and ethical issues associated with this groundbreaking field of Computer Science. As part of this students will explore how Chatbots have developed with the aim of writing their own chatbot program in Python.
How will the course be assessed?
Students will complete a piece of assessed work at the end of each topic during which they can demonstrate the skills they have developed in the area of study. This could be in the form of an extended project to demonstrate a computational skill, a lesson-based coding task or OneNote portfolio submission. There will also be regular quizzes and homework activities to test students’ understanding and track their performance throughout the year.
What other opportunities are there within the subject?
The Computer Science department runs several CCAs that allow students to develop their computational thinking skills further. These include:
Python Café, where students can get help and support with their Python code.
Competitive Coding Club, where students work in teams to develop their computational thinking and problem-solving skills using real coding competition challenges.
Minecraft Club, where students can explore the wonderful world of Minecraft.
Technovation, a global competition specifically targeted at girls in Computer Science and encourages them to solve real world problems by designing and building digital products.
The students will also have opportunities to take part in several Computer Science based events throughout the school year including Ada Lovelace Day, Hour of Code, EU Code Week, The Bebras Computational Thinking Competition, Oxford University Coding Competition and much more.
Integrated Science
Year 8 follow an Integrated Science course. Each class has one or two Science teachers for all their Integrated Science lessons (seven lessons over two weeks).
Aims of the course
● Planning and carrying out scientific investigations
● Making accurate and relevant observations
● Recording and presenting results appropriately
● Working safely and co-operatively
● Stimulating and maintaining interest and enjoyment of science
● Preparing students for Year 9 separate science courses, which lay the foundations for GCSE and round off KS3
Details of what the course involves
Lessons are taught in purpose-built teaching laboratories and supported by experienced technical staff. The complete course is structured into independent modules which are divided into Biology, Chemistry and Physics sections.
● Food and nutrition
● Plants and their reproduction
● Breathing and respiration
● Combustion
● The Periodic table
● Energy transfers
● Light
● Fluids
The course uses a specially designed text book ‘Exploring Science 8’, Working Scientifically, which is supported by “Active Teach”.
How will the course be assessed?
On completion of a module, students will be given a quick multiple-choice quiz. On completion of 3 modules, one Biology, one Chemistry and one Physics, they will sit a test of structured questions. Students will receive a summary sheet for each module to prepare.
In the summer term, students will also carry out a Core practical and a practical skills written test.
This will involve:
● Planning a simple practical
● Setting up a results table
● Carrying out a practical by following instructions. (This will be given to them)
● Collecting data
● Drawing a graph and making a conclusion
● Answering questions on practical skills learnt throughout the year
This will take 2-3 lessons to complete (one week) and will not require any revision. It will be based on skills they will have acquired during the year.
Learning Support
The Learning Support Faculty consists of two departments: Additional Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language. The aim of both departments is to enable students to access the curriculum to the best of their ability.
Additional Educational Needs (AEN)
Some students have additional educational needs and have difficulty (temporary or longer term) accessing the curriculum, which requires additional educational provision to be made for them.
The aim of the Additional Educational Needs department is to ensure students who have additional educational needs are enabled to make the best possible progress at the BSN and to become independent, confident and successful learners.
Students who require additional support in school usually have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
● Students may make little or no progress despite the use of targeted teaching approaches and a differentiated curriculum
● Students may work at levels significantly below age expectations, particularly in Literacy or Numeracy
● Students could present with persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, which have not been managed by appropriate strategies usually employed
● Students may have Sensory or Physical impairments that result in little progress despite the provision of appropriate aids or equipment
● Students may have medical needs, which require additional interventions or adaptations to the curriculum in order ensure progress is being made
● Students may have poor communication or interaction skills, requiring specific interactions and adaptations to access learning
The AEN department offers a wide variety of additional interventions, such as:
● Appropriate curriculum teaching groups or setting
● Assessment by the AEN department –this may be triggered when a student fails to achieve adequate progress, despite having had access to a differentiated programme
● A student passport, outlining a student’s learning needs, how these are presenting in class and what support is needed in curriculum lessons to ensure good progress
● Small group support focussing on Curriculum Support
● Targeted small group or 1-1 support, in order to improve or manage a student’s specific learning need(s)
● Assessment and/or intervention from Specialist Agencies when required (this comes at an additional cost to parents)
● In class and 1-1 directed study support from a Learning Support Assistant (this comes at an additional cost to parents)
Parents, students and staff will be informed should a student be identified with additional educational needs. Additional support in the school will always be discussed with the student, parents and teachers to ensure appropriate interventions are in place to meet the student’s individual needs. Interventions and their impact are regularly reviewed with everyone involved and are adjusted when required.
Please contact the Head of AEN should you have any questions or concerns. Continued
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
What is English as an Additional Language (EAL)?
In many schools, English language acquisition is referred to as ESL (English as a Second Language) but as many of our students are already multilingual, the British School uses the term EAL (English as an Additional Language).
Many of our students are also proficient in English as a personal and academic language. For those who are developing their English in a school context, we provide specialist support both within the mainstream classroom and in small group or one-to-one EAL classes.
How is EAL taught at SSV?
Students who need extra support work with language acquisition specialists in small groups. A wide range of materials are used to facilitate language learning in meaningful and realistic contexts for the age of the students and in close collaboration with subject teachers.
Our EAL syllabus reflects the topics and concepts that students encounter across the curriculum and is based on texts that inform, argue, narrate and explain. Students explore academic conventions and learn to interpret different types of writing, reading, speaking and listening so that they can become successful learners in an English medium classroom.
In addition to this, we provide in-class support for small groups and individuals, where possible, to support the development of classroom skills and strategies for academic English literacy.
When do EAL classes take place?
Academic language development is a long-term but rewarding journey for students learning EAL. Initially, students will swap some language and/ or mainstream English lessons for EAL classes. However, we constantly assess progress and reduce support incrementally as students are increasingly able to access and respond to the curriculum successfully on their own. Timetable changes and decisions regarding changes in support are always taken in consultation with the students themselves and with their parents.
Aims of the course
The aims of the course are to increase the mathematical skills of the individual and to enable students to apply these skills in solving a variety of problems in different contexts.
Details of what the course involves
The course follows the guidelines set out in the UK Curriculum. This comprises four areas of study in which students increase their knowledge and skills:
● Using and applying Mathematics: identifying the necessary information to solve a problem, representing and interpreting solutions in algebraic, geometric and graphical form
● Number and algebra: mental and written arithmetic including fractions, percentages and ratio, more complicated linear equations and sequences, y=mx+c and non-linear formulae
● Shape and space: geometry, transformations, construction and mensuration
● Data handling: collecting, processing and representing discrete and continuous data, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events in probability and expectation
Physical textbooks are not used; digital textbooks are used that follow the UK curriculum. Each student will also be issued with a username and password for the MyMaths website, which will be used for some homework tasks as well as the review and practice of key skills.
Banding and setting
Students in Year 8 are taught in bands according to ability. Students new to the BSN are given a diagnostic placement test. All students follow similar schemes of work in the above four areas, the difference largely being in terms of depth and pace. In this way, the faculty is more able to meet the mathematical needs of each individual student. It should also be noted that through close monitoring of individual progress, adjustments to teaching groups may be made during the year.
How will the course be assessed?
Aside from the regular assessment of classwork and homework, students will take several tests during the course of the year. At the end of the academic year, the students take two summative assessments.
Aims of the course
Students are divided into three sets in Dutch in Y8.
Students with little or no experience of the language are taught as ‘beginners’, going on to intermediate level and those with more experience as advanced and proficient level. Advanced and proficient speaker will be working from a variety of materials ranging from websites to Dutch newspapers. The course aims to make the students aware of the Dutch culture around them and to give them the confidence that they require to function in everyday situations in the language. By the end of the course, intermediate students should be able to use the present and past tenses with a reasonable amount of accuracy. The advanced students should be able to use these concepts with a greater degree of accuracy and feel at ease with the written language. Proficient speakers should aim to be on approximately the same level as their counterparts in Dutch schools.
Details of what the course involves
Students work with the course book Plein 16, which focuses mainly on vocabulary acquisition and oral communication, and the website Nieuwsbegrip.nl, covering a vast range of topics, including Living area, Food and Drink, Health, Shopping, etc. We also use additional resources such as Eenvoudige basisgrammatica NT2, Geregeld spreken and Kidsweek.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year. There will be formal tests assessing knowledge and understanding of the subject matter covered in the course.
French Aims of the course
The aim of the course is to further promote the enjoyment of learning and using French, developing skills gained in Year 7 to a higher level and consolidating the students’ understanding of the language in order to equip them with the tools needed to use French in everyday situations. Their grammatical knowledge will be extended to include a wider range of tenses and structures.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Dynamo and an accompanying OneNote with consolidation and extension exercises. This follows directly from the course studied in Year 7 and consolidates structures and vocabulary encountered in their first year of French. Students will cover various topics including Holidays, Festivals and Celebrations, Leisure Activities, Where you Live and Sport, and will focus on learning to use the three tenses - past, present and near future. Homework will be set once every two weeks. Students may choose French as one of the two languages that they study in addition to Dutch.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient Speakers of French
Those students who have followed the Year 7 Personal Language Programme at the BSN or who are tested when they arrive in Year 8 and have been discovered to have an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a French-speaking country, will be offered an alternative after school Personal Language Programme which aims to maintain the level of their French and promote their knowledge of their home culture and history.
Aims of the course
The aim of the course is to further promote the enjoyment of learning and using German, developing skills gained in Year 7 to a higher level and consolidating the students’ understanding of the language in order to equip them with the tools needed to use German in everyday situations. Their grammatical knowledge will be extended to include a wider range of tenses and structures.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Stimmt! 2 and an accompanying Übungsheft with consolidation and extension exercises. This follows directly from the course studied in Year 7 and consolidates structures and vocabulary encountered in their first year of German. Students will cover various topics including Holidays, Media, Food and Fitness, School Trips and Festivals and Clothing and Going Out, and will focus on learning to use the three tensespast, present and future. Homework will be set once a fortnight. Students may choose German as one of the two languages that they study in addition to Dutch.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient Speakers of German
Those students who have followed the Year 7 Personal Language Programme at the BSN or who are tested when they arrive in Year 8 and have been discovered to have an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a German-speaking country, will be offered an alternative after school Personal Language Programme which aims to maintain the level of their German and promote their knowledge of their home culture and history.
Aims of the course
The aim of the course is to further promote the enjoyment of learning and using Spanish, developing skills gained in Year 7 to a higher level and consolidating the students’ understanding of the language in order to equip them with the tools needed to use Spanish in everyday situations. Their grammatical knowledge will be extended to include a wider range of tenses and structures.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Viva 2. This follows directly from the course studied in Year 7 and consolidates structures and vocabulary encountered in their first year of Spanish. Students will cover various topics including Holidays, Likes and Dislikes, Food and Eating Out, Inviting People Out and Directions, and will focus on learning to use the three tenses –past, present and near future. Homework will be set once a fortnight. Students may choose Spanish as one of the two languages that they study in addition to Dutch.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient Speakers of Spanish
Those students who have followed the Year 7 Personal Language Programme at the BSN or who are tested when they arrive in Year 8 and have been discovered to have an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a Spanish-speaking country, will be offered an alternative after school Personal Language Programme which aims to maintain the level of their Spanish and promote their knowledge of their home culture and history.
Pupils in Year 8 receive 3 x 50-minute sessions of curriculum time for Music over 2 weeks. The activities undertaken address the major Areas of Study of the National Curriculum for England:
● Performing
● Composing
● Listening and appraising
Activities are loosely structured around 5 or 6 week blocks, during which the Programmes of Study are implemented so as to integrate the 3 Areas of Study wherever possible. Activities are designed to address individuals’ progression of both skills and understanding whilst at the same time striving to maintain a balance with introduction to new skills and musical involvement. Classwork is designed to stretch students’ individual musical capabilities, and students are encouraged to broaden their musical skills base through Performing, Composing and Listening/Appraising activities.
Aims of the course
● The reinforcement of the core musical skills developed in Year 7, such as reading notation, awareness of pitch and discrimination between instruments, performing and composing music
● To introduce new and exciting concepts and styles, broadening students’ musical tastes and horizons
● To encourage students to make personal responses to music, and to evaluate and appreciate various genres of music
● To encourage students to create music individually and in groups, working as a team and constructing coherent patterns
● To encourage performance both in and outside the classroom, solo and ensemble, vocal and instrumental
Details of what the course involves
Students undertake a course of study based largely around practical activities in singing/ playing, composing/arranging and listening/ appraising. The work is centred on a series of projects, each representing a musical genre, group of instruments, skill development or music from a non-Western culture.
The focus of the 6 main Music projects undertaken is as follows:
● The Blues – students learn the history behind the Blues as a musical genre, and the features/ techniques involved in this style of music (12 bar blues, walking bass, improvisation, seventh chords). This can be studied on keyboard and later transferred to band instruments such as guitar, keyboard, bass, drum-kit
● Remixing techniques - students take a number 1 hit from the 1990s and adopt relevant music technology techniques to change the style to something relevant to today’s trends
● Minimalism – students use computer sequence software (Logic Pro X) to create an original minimalist composition
● Keyboard Skills – a project that enables students to play as many keyboard pieces in the 6 week time allocation, working through the various levels of difficulty (Easy/Standard/ Difficult) and improving their reading/ understanding of notation and chords
● Group Performance (play it by ear) – students learn to play parts of a song in a group by ear! They make a group performance of “Rolling in the deep” by Adele or something similar, using melody/chords/bass/rhythm and percussion
● Form and Structure – students learn about various musical forms and structures (Binary, Ternary and Rondo) through listening, composing and performing activities.
Alongside these projects, students do much singing, playing and listening to a wide range of different musical styles/genres, and develop background knowledge and build up their musical vocabulary. In class, students use a mixture of their own instruments, classroom percussion, electronic keyboards, guitars, ukuleles and Music Technology Suite equipment (Apple Mac workstations using Logic Pro).
Students also complete exercises in musical theory as a combination of classwork and appropriate homework. Any written work undertaken is usually kept in an electronic folder (OneNote), which stays with the student throughout Years 7–9, and many worksheets and student help sheets are stored on students’ own Surface Pro. In addition, computer files of their Music Technology work are stored in secure areas on individually numbered machines.
The member of staff also stores recordings and/ or videos securely, where this is appropriate.
How the course is assessed
Continuous formative assessment of practical activities, including Performance and Composition, takes place throughout the year, and this is supplemented by listening activity tasks and a series of self-assessment/selfevaluation sheets completed by students.
Homework is linked to furthering understanding of the project topics, and is a mixture of aural, theoretical, practical and written research tasks. Much emphasis is placed on individual discussion with students about their work. Staff talk to students on a regular basis, continuously monitoring their work and taking account of their rate of progress and skills development. This is a major feature of how the department works, and of how we track individuals’ progress and achievements. As most of our work is practical in nature, this ongoing conversation and dialogue is worth so much more than just grading/assessing their work formally.
Grading throughout the course is in line with the school’s assessment criteria used on both the grade cards and reports. Throughout, and certainly at the end of each 5/6 week project, assessment of students’ work takes place, and they are given time to reflect on and evaluate what they have learned and how they have progressed. These are recorded by the teacher and form part of ongoing assessment strategies and overview.
Other information
Instrumental lessons are available through the school. A proportion of lessons are taken by Year 7-9 students during the academic day, on a rotating timetable, with other lessons taking place after school and into the evening where appropriate. Instrumental and Vocal lessons run from 9.00am until 9.00pm Monday to Friday.
All students, whether they have lessons in or out of school, are strongly encouraged to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular school ensembles which are an important part of our provision.
In recent years, these have included: Lower School Choir, Senior Choir, Showstoppers Group, Guitar Ensemble, Rock Groups, Orchestra, String Quartet, Funk band, Jazz band, Ukulele ensemble and BSN Sessions (the school’s official record label) and a variety of other ad-hoc ensembles which vary throughout the year. We also stage regular full-school musicals/plays and provide musical support for whole-school and lower school drama productions.
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
Aims of the course
Several important topics are considered through both informative and discussion based lessons, making use of worksheets, newspaper articles, DVDs, role play, games and debate, and student presentations.
The underlying aims of the course are to encourage students to:
● Develop the skills necessary to become informed and responsible citizens
● Develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, cultural, economic, physical and mental development of themselves and others
● Become self-confident and happy young people
● Develop a healthy and safe lifestyle
● Explore and understand the feelings, attitudes and values of themselves and others
● Develop and practise skills of enquiry and communication
● Take increasing responsibility for their own learning and behaviour
Details of what the course involves
The following themes form the framework of Year 8 PSHE and Citizenship course, which is delivered via one 50 minute lesson per fortnight:
● Personal management: research and discussion skills; group relationships; concerns and responsibilities; decision making and managing risk; values; learning styles; money management; career choices exploration
● Health and Safety: drug dependence and addictions; knowledge of ‘soft’ drugs; alcohol and its effects; media pressure
● Personal Relationships: friendship; influences on behaviour; self-awareness; communication; stereotyping; discrimination
● Citizenship: rules, laws, rights and personal responsibility; wealth and poverty; Third World debt and its impact on education; child labour; media and wealth; diversity: key features of the main world religions
Physical Education
Aims of the course
By offering a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum involving a range of challenging and enjoyable experiences to all students, the PE faculty aims to promote the following:
● The physiological development of the student
● The development of movement co-ordination and the acquisition of a range of motor skills
● An understanding and appreciation of a range of physical activities
● An understanding and appreciation of health, fitness and the benefits of being involved in regular physical activity
● An ability to work with others and to value their contribution without prejudice towards gender, ability and social/cultural background
● The development of personal qualities e.g. tolerance, leadership, fair play and responsibility
● An ability to plan and compose movement sequences in a variety of activities
● An ability to recognise, to understand, and to appreciate varying levels of performance
● The value and importance of physical exercise as a leisure time pursuit in the wider community
● The development of relevant skills, knowledge and understanding for future vocations in sport and recreation
● To provide and maintain an orderly, wellstructured and safe environment conducive to learning and achievement
● To provide an effective PE curriculum, available to all and appropriate to student needs. By doing so, this will promote the physiological development of students
● To provide for the development of both physical competence and awareness of aesthetic appreciation and of personal and social skills
● To promote the link between regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle
● To provide for the development of the following:
Skills – motor, problem-solving, decisionmaking and co-operation
Knowledge – rules, basic health, fitness and physiological aspects
Concepts – of defence, attack, space, safety, healthy lifestyles, teamwork and appreciation of movement
Attitudes – of fair play, responsibility, confidence and commitment
Details of what the course involves
All Year 8 girls receive instruction in the following activities:
● Athletics
● Netball
● Dance
● Rounders
● Gymnastics
● Basketball
● Hockey
● Soccer
● Health-related fitness
● Softball
● Cricket
All Year 8 boys receive instruction in the following activities:
● Athletics
● Rugby
● Basketball
● Soccer
● Cricket
● Tennis
● Cross-country
● Softball
● Gymnastics
● Health-related fitness
How will the course be assessed?
At the end of each unit of work, every child is graded based on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 is high, 5 is low). These criteria have been written with reference to the PE National Curriculum for England levels. The scale has been selected to dovetail into the school system of 1 – 5, which is used in both grade cards and formal reports.
The process of assessment is fully explained to all students at the start of each academic year and they are reminded throughout the year. There is a permanent display of these criteria on the PE notice board outside the main changing rooms.
Grades are recorded, firstly, on the register at the end of the final session. These are then transferred onto the profile sheet that forms a central database of information. These grades are the ones that will be used on the reports at the end of the academic year. Students are also encouraged to evaluate their own work by completing a self-assessment grade.
Other Information
Senior School sports kit
● T-Shirt: house coloured T-shirt with BSN logo
● Shorts or hockey skirt: navy blue
● Warm Top: choice of navy blue hooded top with BSN logo or navy blue tracksuit top with BSN logo
● Tracksuit bottoms: navy blue
● Rugby kit: navy blue rugby shirt, shorts and long socks
● Footwear: trainers, boots (football, rugby or hockey as appropriate), indoor trainers
● Miscellaneous: sports socks, shin guards, mouth guard
Years 7-9: Key Stage 3
The English and Welsh system is divided into key stages. The section covering Years 7-9 is called Key Stage 3. Key Stage 4 covers Years 10 and 11. For further details please see; http://www. education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/ curriculum/b00200366/about-the-schoolcurriculum
English as an Additional Language (see Learning Support section)
Additional Educational Needs (previously known as SEN, see Learning Support section)
Years 10 and 11: Key Stage 4
General Certificate of Secondary Education. Examinations are taken at 16 years of age usually in nine, or ten subjects. Grades range from A* to G. Higher grades from A* – C are generally accepted as qualifications to begin a course at AS level in Year 12, leading to A2 level in Year 13, or for the IB Diploma which runs over two years. The minimum requirement to enter the Sixth Form at the BSN is five passes at 4 grade, or better. In order to start a particular A or IB course subject, most subjects require at least a pass at 6 grade on a higher paper in that subject or in a related area (see the subject entries, or talk to the departments for details).
Year 12
GCE AS Level
General Certificate of Education at Advanced Subsidiary Level. These examinations form part of an internationally-recognised qualification for university entrance. Students usually take four subjects at the age of 17 in Year 12. They allow students to retain a breadth of knowledge at a high academic level, or to begin courses in new subjects. If students continue at A2 Level, the AS results count towards the final A Level award. Results in the subject(s) which a student may typically drop at the end of Year 12 to concentrate on their A2 courses, count as AS grades and may be used, along with GCSE grades, as part of a student’s application to university. For further details please see Compass, Student support menu and select Sixth Form options from the drop-down menu under the heading: Year Group Information
Year 13 GCE A Level
General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level. These are examinations which are internationally-recognised as university entrance qualifications. Students usually take these examinations at the age of 18 in Year 13, in three or four subjects. A levels are being increasingly referred to as A2 Levels; it means the same.
Years 12 and 13
IB – International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The school is an IB World School and we offer the full IB Diploma alongside A level. Like A level, the IB Diploma is internationally-recognised as a university entrance qualification. Students study six subjects – three at higher and three at standard level – over two years along with a central core which must be passed to gain the final diploma. For further details please see Compass, Student support menu and select Sixth Form options from the drop-down menu under the heading: Year Group Information
The IBCP is an internationally recognised university entrance qualification that has a specific vocational focus. All students will study a core BTEC Business programme, which has the broad equivalence of 2 ‘A’ levels, combined with two standard level Diploma subjects, chosen from a limited range. Students are also required to follow a “core programme” that includes community service, approaches to learning and an extended reflective project. For further details please see Compass, Student support menu and select Sixth Form options from the drop-down menu under the heading: Year Group Information
Here are some website addresses which you might find useful in your thinking about GCSE choices and beyond.
The National Curriculum online www.education.gov.uk/schools/ teachingandlearning/curriculum/secondary
Edexcel (examinations board which we mostly use at GCSE and A level) www.edexcel.com
International Baccalaureate www.ibo.org
UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service www.ucas.co.uk
EUNiCAS: European university Central Application Support Service www.eunicas.co.uk
The Department for Education (UK government) www.education.gov.uk
The British Council guide for overseas students wishing to study in the UK www.educationuk.org