2010-11 Yearbook - The British School of Nanjing

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The British School of Nanjing



Mr Nikolas Bishop Headmaster

Writing this Yearbook entry fills me with both pride and sadness. I feel immense pride in the children and the progress that they have made. I am proud of our achievements as a school, having shared some wonderful events and celebrations together. But at the same time, I feel sadness since this is my last year at BSN. It will indeed be sad to leave the children (and of course the staff and parents) as I embark on a new leg of my own adventure in Africa. I would like to share with you a comment made by one of our children, that is seemingly innocuous and yet at the same time very powerful and revealing. The other day I was walking down the corridor and in typical British style I said to a young child “Good morning, how are you?” Now the typical responses include “I’m fine,” or “ok,” but this delightful and innocent child replied with a beaming smile and said “I am happy.” I must admit that I was caught a little by surprise by this somewhat unorthodox reply, but then when I had a chance to process the child’s response, I realised just how wonderful her comment was. When I look around the school, in the corridors and classrooms, and when I observe children as they are walking into school or leaving at the end of a busy day, it is easy to see that we have a school full of happy children. When I reflect on the past year, I remember happy and fulfilled children, I remember staff and parents that have thrown themselves into activities to enrich the children’s lives and I remember a special atmosphere that exists in our wonderful school.

Mr Matthew Shephard

Deputy Headmaster & Primary School Coordinator This school year has seen the primary school students scorched by the summer sun, spooked by Halloween, silenced by the fireworks of bonfire night, spellbound by the story of St Martin, soaked by autumn showers, sent shivering by snowfall, speak with confidence in assemblies, sharpen thousands of pencils , sponsor children in rural China with their charity work, strengthen friendships, support relief work in Japan, sparkle in Cinderella, Bugsy and The Christmas Show, spend time wisely, sit on the carpet, search the web for answers, search the library for books and search the garden for chocolate eggs, score goals, solve sums, stun their teachers with their ideas, succeed in reaching targets… and surpass every expectation! Great work children and thank you to everyone for making it such a wonderful year.

Mr Gregor Polson

Middle School Coordinator With another year coming to an end, it is always a time to reflect and consider all the marvelous achievements of the students in the Middle School. This year particularly has been very memorable for the various activities that the Middle School students have been involved in. These have included: the Xian residential trip, Bugsy Malone, Jammin in Jianging and the Moganshan residential trip along with all the other whole school activities. My personal favourite is seeing the sense of achievements on a student’s face when they complete something they think they couldn’t do. This was very evident on the Moganshan trip when the students came down the abseiling ropes with huge smiles and the cry ‘Can I do it again!’ The other outstanding memory for me was the tremendous production of Bugsy Malone and the sheer enjoyment from all the students in the final scene. Finally I would like to thank all the Middle School teachers for all their hard work and dedication and to say a fond farewell to Mrs. Pinney.

Mrs Adeline Sutherland

Foundation Stage Coordinator This year has been a very eventful and exciting year for our Foundation staff and children. All the children participated enthusiastically in our Sports Day, Productions, UN Day, Spring Festival celebrations and all classroom based learning activities thorough the year. Alongside the structured classroom based activities in our Pre Nursery, Nursery and Reception classes the children have been involved in some amazing Golden Time activities in and out of school. All the children in our Foundation Stage are beginning to explore the world around them through stories, pictures, educational programs and imaginative play. The children have expanded their knowledge and understanding of the world, developed eye-hand coordination and motor skills through play activities such as drawing, building with blocks, dance, music, and craft activities that have been integrated in our topic work. It is evident that the children have benefited from structured daily play activities, props, and toys that have encouraged them to interact with others and engage in imaginative role play. This was evident in our Christmas and Summer Productions. I would like to thank all the children, staff and parents for a very successful year.

Miss Rebecca Taylor

- EAL Coordinator

Our year in EAL has been a huge success, and we have enjoyed every minute! Each and every student has worked hard to improve their skills and fluency. We’ve practiced our phonics from aahh to zzzz. We’ve read everything we could find, from cats sitting on mats, to Prospero and Caliban’s insults. We loved Book Week: loved reading, talking about reading, acting out crazy dogs running and writing pages and pages of alien stories… We’ve spoken about ourselves, we’ve gained confidence in our abilities to use English to answer questions in class, and ask our teachers questions (that sometimes they didn’t even know how to answer…) and we’ve learned how to listen in English- listen to our teachers, listen to our friends, listen to our own voices. We even learned to listen for our stage cues in Bugsy and Cinderella- and to learn our lines and our lyrics- because neither show could have happened without all of our EAL students’ hard work. We’ve used books, computers, cards and board games to look at English from every angle, to activate every part of our brains and engage with syntax and semantics better than most adults can. We can talk about our pasts, and our dreams for our futures. But the best part….? We’ve learned to express who we are in another language, to dream and chat and scream and sing with our friends from all over the world and that is something worth working hard for.

Miss May Zheng

Chinese Coordinator We had a very encouraging year. Our beginners established basic skills in ‘pinyin’ and learned the fundamental strokes for building Chinese characters. Intermediate students improved their ability to express themselves and use a variety of grammatical structures. Our advanced students developed imaginative and descriptive talents through composition and weekly diaries. A variety of activities, presentations and field trips supported the learning experience. Spoken Mandarin skills and cultural understanding were demonstrated during the New Year assembly. For UN day we explored a traditional game ‘Ti Jian Zi’ or foot shuttlecock allowing the students make their own and have fun learning to keep it in the air. A spring field trip encouraged observation of nature in blossom and afterwards the students expressed their feeling through a Chinese written composition. Storybooks captured interest and supported vocabulary growth at all levels as well as nurturing an understanding of Chinese expression and writing styles. r

Mr Timo McVey

Music Coordinator

The musical skills of the children at BSN have developed greatly throughout the year through their regular lessons, PIPS and individual music sessions with our peripatetic teacher Miss Vicky. Whilst music can be a very personal pleasure, it is also something that naturally lends itself to sharing and throughout the year we have been blessed with opportunities where pupils have showcased their talents. We saw some remarkable performances during auditions and finals for BSN idol, showing not only individual talent but also some group performances. We have also had 5 productions during the year aimed at the different year groups and it has been tremendous to watch (and listen) to the children singing and working together. Music at BSN takes covers a multitude of genres and embraces voice and various musical instruments. We have some exceedingly talented pianists in the school, but we have also seen that we have budding DJs, violinists and percussionists.

P N / N U R S E R Y

Alexander Schlecht Fabian Lesche Jacob Kuchel Laura Thorne

Antonin Cazamian Teun Schep Lena Breitwieser

Cristiano Bertelle He Sze Nok Johannes Schlecht Si Ru Huang

Daniela Scheller Emma Jensen He Sze Yi Eddie Miao Maximilian Staudinger Kirra Anderton Sabrina Pena-Sy

The children in Pre-Nursery and Nursery have had such a busy year. As we use a thematic approach to cover the six areas of the curriculum, this gives the children a vast and varied exposure to experiences that supports their learning. The children immersed themselves in all our topics and through visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning they enjoyed finding out how and why wild animals camouflage themselves and had fun camping in the jungle. They were able to use Active Inspire to draw their amazing transport pictures, a bike wash day and carried out a traffic survey. They role played “Little Red Riding Hood” with confidence and extended their learning by using their imagination and improvising traditional tales. During our “Dinosaur” topic they made a 3D dinosaur and they became paleontologists by digging for dinosaur fossils!

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

During “Book Week” we chose the story “We’re going on a bear hunt.” The children absolutely loved going on a bear hunt in garden view and were so thrilled when our school mascot Noah the bear chased them at the end of the hunt! Chinese New Year was the year of the rabbit and the children made fantastic rabbit masks and were so excited about showing off their lion dance. Well done Pre-Nursery and Nursery…what a great year you have had! Miss Raj Gill Pre-Nursery/Nursery Teacher


Akhilesh Indrayogan Alina Benesch Andrea Pira

Angelina Zhao Cairn Polson

Daniel Hasselbach Edoardo Corso Helena Stubbs

Marc Rueckl Min Jun Kim

Oscar Stapleton Torres Renee Wang Sean Ed-Sel Pang

The children in our Reception Class have had a very exciting and successful year. They participated in a range of learning opportunities. The children have developed independence and confidence to have a go at all class and whole school activities throughout the year. For Book Week the children focused on “The Gruffalo� written by Julia Donaldson. They learnt about the different characters and settings in the story and worked well together to make the different characters using different types of material. All the children were able to retell the story in sequence and make up a different ending. During our UN Day the children participated in a range of exciting activities from different countries. The children regularly displayed their talents and strengths through adult-led and independent activities.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

Their participation in Drama, PE, Music, Chinese, productions, sports days, class assemblies and swimming lessons were outstanding. All the children in our Reception class have been very friendly and welcoming to our visiting families and toddlers that join us on a weekly basis. The children have developed and progressed in all the six areas of learning and I would like to congratulate all the children for their achievements and wish them all the best in Year 1. I would like to thank all the children in our Reception class, their parents and Miss Cindy for their hard work and support throughout the year. Adeline Sutherland Reception Teacher Foundation Stage Coordinator


Hoyun Han Anakin Sanchez Jin Seo Kwak Rinyada Bertelle Jordan Kuchel Dean Park Fynn Phillipp Baltruschat

Mia Breitwieser Wen Yuan Zhu Lin Hai Wang Na Kyung Song

Patrick Stapel Robin Kiemes So Yeon Kwon

Sophia Hong Emilia Rodriquez Ui Bin An Viva Moukda

In Year 1, the children have flourished into mature, determined and independent learners. The children have accomplished great things: from developing strong friendships to developing their understanding of the English language to becoming more fluent readers and writers. The children began the year learning phonic sounds and have since become passionate readers; the greatest achievement of all. The children’s talents have let them shine like twinkling stars as everything from budding actors to potential mathematical geniuses. They have used the Internet to research information about space, their imagination with colour and line to become the next Picasso, their creativity to re-write and re-tell familiar stories like “The Gruffalo� in assemblies, their curiosity to explore where fabric comes from when visiting a clothing factory, and their practical skills to design and make 3D structures.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

We believe that making mistakes can only strengthen our knowledge and learning and that through motivation and determination we can always reach our goals. As we say in Year One: try and try, for sure you will soon succeed! I will truly miss the spirit the children have brought to the class and wish them a wonderful future! Meeta Patel Year 1 Teacher


Sarah Staudinger Ji Hoon Jung Frida Acosta-Balderas

Sandra Deutl Mateo Montoya Beatriz Kostnar Frundt Joy Xing Alexia Houliat CalĂŠach Presas

Iris Cazamian Elena Habscheid

Min Chae Kim Ji Hun Bae Alex Jensen

This year has been busy, eventful and full of new learning experiences from beginning to end! In October we enjoyed United Nations Day and a week later we had the excitement of Halloween and the scary activities the Parents and Friends group organised in the hall. November saw our Year 2 assembly, ‘Peace’ which was very enthusiastically received by the audience of parents and friends. The children sang beautifully and acted out parts of the Nobel Peace Prize Giving assembly. December was an exceptionally busy month and Year 2 was invited to visit the Sofitel Hotel where they were given a guided tour behind the scenes and enjoyed making cookies. The children participated in a beautiful Christmas Carol performance and also took part in Christmas table decorating, party games and Christmas craft activities. In January the children had great fun playing in the snow, which seemed to last a long time! February arrived and so did Chinese New Year and a wonderful Spring Festival Assembly! In March the children were exposed to 5 days full of Book Week activities.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

Sports Day saw the beginning of the hot weather and we had a fantastic day competing and cheering each other on in a variety of sporting events. The children looked and sounded wonderful in their ‘Fun in the Sun’ assembly in May. The Swimming Gala also prompting much cheering and there were many comments on how much the children had progressed from last year! The year 1-3 production of Cinderella proved very popular and was an excellent ending to an excellent year! Lesley Polson Year 2a Teacher


Sydney Modien Lucas Shephard

Min Seo Kwak

Na Hee Kim Ana Palacio

Mia Au Galileo Blanch

Eugenia Rodriguez Arvind Emanuel

Year 2 takes children through to the end of Key Stage 1 and is the time when most children secure many of their early key skills as learners. Children’s reading and writing strategies are developed to provide them with the learning skills they need for independent work and sustained activity. Children develop more sophisticated mathematical skills. The children become more independent and competent early mathematicians. Caroline Shephard Year 2b Teacher

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro


Jee Hyun Jeon Timothy Turner Da Eun Choi

Janet Ruonan Chen Soo Hyun Kim Hee-Seok Kim Amber Turner

Elias Benesch Chae Yun Han Alexander Polson

Kate Yan-Maddox Faith Pang Adrian Wong

Tara Thorne Janani Nathan Daniel Won

Everyone in Year 3’s had an amazing year, We’ve all got smiles from ear to ear. ‘Cos in the Autumn term we learned about Vikings, We did a great assembly about eating our vitamins, We used loads of “wow” words in our Big Writing, And made some Jack-o-Lanterns that were pretty frightenin’. And then the Spring term was really neat, In our I.C.T. we learnt to use a spreadsheet, We did loads of Shrek stuff for our Book Week, Then we visited a mountain for a marble treat. But the Summer term was the best of all, We rode our bikes and played football, Learning about Ancient Egypt was really cool, And everyone loved going swimming in the pool!

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

So now it’s the end of the year again, And it’s hard to say goodbye to all our friends, But at least we’ve got the holiday to rest our brains, Before we’re back in Year 4 for more of the same! Matthew Jones Year 3 Teacher


Yeshanjana Lokesh Iona Polson Angela Davis

Sudha Nathan Lucas Blanch Frederik Doht

Marine Cazamian Yun Ha Jung Andrew Hwang

Luke Bromley Izabel Sinanian

Chloe Fujimoto Alex Wang

Year Four… prepared for battle as Roman soldiers, explored rivers, investigated climates, documented Marco Polo’s epic journey to China, followed Alice to Wonderland, performed a Fox’s fantastic story about three farmers, searched for the NorthWest passage, argued with each other, persuaded each other, advertised ourselves, wrote poems about ourselves, wrote about superheroes, knights and ponds. We have had an adventurous and colourful time in Year 4. We will look back on many fond memories and well-built friendships.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

Matthew Shephard Year 4 Teacher Deputy Headmaster


Yun Jeong Heo Brianna Lewis Ji Hu Bae Evan Darwick

Yoo Bin Jung Sofia Montoya Min Kyung Song Hee-Jae Kim Daniel Stapleton Torres Caroline Wong

Tim Krueger Leo Witt-Williams Gert Van Der Merwe

Tara Won Hannah Pinney Andrew Wang

It has been a tremendous year in Year 5, packed with memorable experiences. The year has seen the class face new challenges whilst developing their skills and confidence. The students have all matured into fine, hard-working individuals and can feel immensely proud of all of their accomplishments. It has been a year of so many highlights. In the Autumn Term, the students both entertained and educated the rest of the school with an unforgettable class assembly about Ancient Greece. The children used their acting, dancing and singing talents to great effect in producing a much talked-about performance. The Spring Term was one of individual and collective excellence, both in the classroom and on the stage. The class spent a lot of time researching Space and produced a mesmerizing Science display of the planets, whilst their sensational performances for BSN Idol and Bugsy Malone were celebrated by all.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

The year culminated in an excellent Summer Term, where the students took part in a fantastic Poetry Slam competition. They refined their poetic skills and wrote their own rap-style poems. The Hip Hop theme was echoed throughout a wonderful week dedicated to Street Art. What an amazing year it’s been! Michael Burrows Year 5 Teacher


Hyun Woong Yoon Do Jun Kim

Justin Kappler Carolin Doht

Simon Habscheid Alexander Stubbs

Tae Kyung Hwang

Nick Davis Ahhyun Jeong

This year we have been covered in noodles, challenged each other to a bike race on the Xian city wall, Hip Hopped and been insulted in Shakespearean English amongst many other activities! It has been a very dynamic year for all the students in Year 6 and a real delight to watch them grow in skills and confidence. Year 6 is known throughout the school as a class with close friendships, hard working students and a great sense of humour. Sarah Pinney Year 6 Form Tutor

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Emily Wu Risa Yorizane Cristian Kostnar Frundt Edith Kee

Thomas Lim Hyung Min Park

Maxwell Modien

Yong Deuk Hong Chloe Pinney

S E V E N / E I G H T

Year 7/8 started off with great excitement and new members joining the class. However, this was quickly followed by sadness when we heard that other members were leaving after Christmas. I am sure we will never forget Yong Deuk and Cristian and what they contributed to the class. School is always a balance between classwork and other activities to keep students engaged and interested. I am sure Year 7/8 were both, due to variety of events that have been offered this year. These have included Book Week with Alan Gibbons, trips, productions and students from other schools coming to school for both football and Jammin in Jianging.

: r e h c a e T r u o Y m Notes Fro

All in all a tremendous year and I look forward to seeing what new adventures lay ahead.

Gregor Polson Year 7/8 Form Tutor

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United Nations Day UN Day, or what we sometimes refer to as International Day is a feast for the eyes, nose and mouth! As an international school, we find opportunities throughout the year to celebrate our cultural diversity. UN Day is a special occasion where we embrace our cultural heritage and diversity and where children and staff come to school in traditional dress. During the day the children had opportunities to participate in activities based on different parts of the world. Parents help to make it a day to remember, by bringing in traditional food dishes to share. The lunchtime feast is like a huge family gathering, with parents, staff and students all enjoying the special treats.

Beaver Scouts

The 1st Nanjing Scout Group runs during the After School Activities and is the first Beaver Scout Lodge in China. Beaver Scouts are boys and girls aged between six – eight; they belong to the first and youngest section in the Scouting family. Badges and challenges taken throughout 2010 – 2011 include ‘global,’ ‘healthy eating,’ ‘ICT,’ ‘imagination,’ ‘science,’ ‘fitness’ and ‘friendship.’ The 1st Nanjing Scout Group is part of the British Groups Abroad (BGA). Scouting when living abroad can be difficult if families are moving around and are sometimes unable to speak a local language but BGA is set up as an English Scout County who operate the U.K programme globally. The unique Nanjing BGA District badge takes elements of our school and our location to show a lion rampant within the city walls.

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Chinese New Year

BSN celebrated Chinese New Year with an assembly where the students demonstrated a variety of skills through playing instruments, reciting poems, singing, dancing and melodrama. Special guests performed dance, Kung Fu and ancient Chinese magic and the BSN mothers delighted the audience with a traditional Chinese dance.

Guy Fawkes ‘Remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot...’ So the rhyme goes. But how could we forget such a memorable evening that began with a barbeque and ended, literally, with a bang as fireworks lit up the night sky.

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Chinese BSN offers Chinese lessons from pre-nursery to Year 8. Multifarious teaching methods have been adopted to accommodate and nurture children from different countries and backgrounds, with beginner, intermediate and advanced level differentiation. Learning a new language may be a challenge for children, but it is also an exciting opening into another world. An integral part of Chinese teaching is to encourage awareness and foster understanding of Chinese culture, customs, history and geography and this conveys a rounded language learning experience to every child.


What a fantastic year it has been with the standard of music-making going from strength to strength. Everyday we hear the sound of strings being strummed, bowed and plucked along with the piano tinkling away in the background. The chorus of recorders and the mixing of music also makes BSN a vibrant place. This year has been all about singing, with the sound of sonorous songs from Musicals reverberating through the corridors of Garden View, majestic St Martin’s lights and lyrics and cracking Christmas Choirs. A Shakespearean quote was placed on my door by Ahhyun in Year 6 which sums up my thoughts about this year: “I thank you for your sweet voices, thank you, your most sweet voices.”

Foundation Stage Productions Xmas Production The Foundation Stage Christmas production of ‘Ralph the Reindeer’ was a great hit! All the children looked so lovely and worked very hard with learning the songs and actions. We had a surprise visit from Santa, bringing presents for all the children!

Summer Production Our Foundation Stage Summer Production was based around the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children performed with confidence, enthusiasm and flair. The children showed their talents in acting, singing and narrating.

Family Fun Days

Organised by the Parents & Friends, Family Fun Days are an ongoing tradition at BSN. The main idea behind these termly events is, as you may have guessed, fun for the whole family. From sports to music and dance the Family Fun Days always have something for everyone.

BSN Football Team

Both boys and girls joined together to make the trip to Shanghai for BSN’s first ever school football match. Under the guidance of Mr Aylward and some slick moves from the students, The British School of Nanjing came away with a well deserved victory. With confidence high, BSN took the challenge of competing against NIS and then welcoming BISS to Nanjing for the return leg. Pleasingly the team finished the year unbeaten.

Bugsy Malone Bugsy Malone will always be a play etched into our memories. We will never forget the amazing performances of the students involved in Years 4-8. Everyone was singing and dancing the ‘Fat Sam Grand Slam’ for weeks after!

Book Week

This year’s Book Week saw the Nursery children “Going on a Bear Hunt” while Reception and Year 1 made up their own endings to Julia Donaldson’s “The Gruffalo.” Year 2A told the story of “Hairy MacClary” from Donaldson’s Dairy while 2B explained why they would “Never, Not Ever, Eat a Tomato”. Year 3 described their Shrek-based fun while Year 4 wowed us with stories of being shrunk like “Alice in Wonderland”. Year 5 taught us “How to Train Your Dragon” while Years 6, 7 and 8 showed us their interview with our guest Book Week author, Alan Gibbons.

BSN Idol A morning that was full of performances polished to shine like the stars. The heated debate of the judges to find a winner, a job made harder by such varied and wonderful performances. Who is going to win? Who was your favourite? Wasn’t that great? All these questions were on everyone’s lips but the main question was: “Has BSN Got Talent?” Only one answer. MOST DEFINITELY!!!

Middle School Camps

Residential trips are an important part of an education. I am sure as an adult some of the most lasting memories of school are from the trips you went on. In October the Middle School students went on our History and Art trip to Xian then in May we went on our Outward-bound and Geography trip to Moganshan. Fun and learning hand in hand.

Physical Education The Physical Education Department at The British School of Nanjing offers a varied, balanced and differentiated curriculum that gives all pupils the opportunity to experience a diverse range of activities. It is Mr Aylward’s aim that through pupil’s exposure to the BSN PE curriculum, interest and enthusiasm will be generated, and skills/techniques will be learned. These attributes will form a foundation and encourage all pupils to engage in an active, healthy lifestyle as adults.

Sports Days Key Stages 1 to 3 It is generally accepted that Sports Day breeds motivation and focus. Our Sports Day strengthens children’s appreciation of their House and pride in being part of a team. Foundation Stage The children in our Foundation Stage worked together as a team, displayed good ball-handling skills, superb running and following instructions. They were able to move with confidence, control and coordination. All the children were able to travel around, under and over balancing and climbing equipment. They all had fun and participated enthusiastically.

This year The British School of Nanjing held its Sports Day at Nanjing Aeronautics University where we were fortunate enough to have great weather (perhaps a little on the warm side). All children got the chance to compete in each event, which ranged from throwing, jumping and running. Competition between the houses was fierce with points being collected from each event. After all of the shouting and chanting, running and jumping, the Vikings were Victorious!

Swimming Gala All children at The British School of Nanjing get the opportunity to swim. Throughout the school the children learn the fundamental skills that establish improved technique in three major strokes (front crawl, back stroke and breast stroke). The swimming lessons culminate with our house Swimming Gala where all children are given the opportunity to swim for their house at an appropriate level.

Summer Fair The BSN Summer Fair was bigger and better than ever. We were fortunate to have glorious weather allowing us to use all the gardens and have the bouncy castle. Building on our tradition of providing a great day out for children and families, this year’s Summer Fair saw all the usual games and activities for the children, but also a wider variety of stalls selling food and other goods. All funds raised on the day go to charity. Thanks to all the staff who helped make this a special day and particular praise for those who were the target of Sponge the Teacher.

Roald Dahl’s Cinderella A traditional tale with a twist.

The children in year one, two and three delivered their spoken lines and songs with clarity; projecting their voices and facing the audience with confidence. In particular, Janani (Cinderella), Amber (Magic Fairy), Adrian (Prince), Kate and Tara (Sisters) performances were funny, enjoyable and delightful.

Student Artwork

BSN Administration Staff 2010 — 2011

BSN Students and Academic Staff 2010 - 2011

Signature Pages














The British School of Nanjing

Building # 2, Jinling Resort, Jiahu Donglu, Jiangning Nanjing, 211100, China Tel: 025 – 5210 – 8987 Fax: 025 – 5210 – 2385 www.bsn.org.cn

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