The British School of Nanjing
The British School of Nanjing
Mr Matthew Shephard
Mrs Adeline Sutherland
It is something of a convention when writing for a Yearbook, to look back over the year at the many, many events that have taken place over that year.
This academic year has been filled with a range of fun filled learning opportunities for all the children in our school. As I look back at our school calendar for this academic year I reflect on the range of in school and out of school events, trips, productions, instrumental lessons, sports events and afterschool activities the staff and the children have been involved in. Tracking the children’s progress throughout the year has been one of the rewarding parts of my job as I know that all the staff have been very passionate and dedicated towards delivering outstanding lessons that cater for the children’s learning needs in their class. It has been inspirational to watch the students grow in maturity, confidence and knowledge, excelling in all subject areas. I would like to congratulate all the students and staff on all their achievements this year and thank all the parents for their continued help and support.
Deputy Head
However, amongst those many, many events (all of which you can read about within these pages), there was one that, for me, brought that backward glance into sharp focus: This year, we buried a time capsule in the grounds summarising the history of the British School and, whilst our history may not be long, the changes we have been through have been immense.
As we reach the end of the year we say farewell to some of our students, we wish them all the best in their new school and to our returning students we hope you have a fantastic and safe summer and look forward to seeing you in August.
From the 32 students on our first day, a handful remained to provide their memories for the capsule: memories of a single building, a quieter playground and friendly faces. Newer students – including those who joined us this year - added recollections of nervous first days, growing classes, new buildings…. and friendly faces. But history is a movement that never stops and, as you read this, the 2012-13 school year is now part of that history; a history that will continue next year with students beginning their IGCSE courses and, beyond that, sitting their Cambridge examinations in our new facilities. Our history is secure and our future is bright!
Mr Matthew Bradley Middle School Leader
The opening of the Pagoda Middle School gave a space in which to grow. With a new fussball table; iPads in lessons; new teachers; amazing trips to Beijing and to Borneo; longer ASA’s; school production, all produced by students... charity drives; merits; sports day... It was an amazing year. I wish those of you moving on the best in all you do and for the rest, I wish a wonderful holiday. Come back fit and healthy ready for the everything we have to offer in 2013/4.
Ms Rajinderpal Gill
Foundation Stage Leader This year has been a very busy and exciting year for our Foundation staff and children. All the children have had great fun during the many events that have taken place this year. Along side the structured classroom based activities and out of school educational visits, the children have participated enthusiastically in our Productions, United Nations Day, Spring Festival celebrations, Book week activities, Sports Day and Splash Day! By providing well-planned experiences and learning opportunities the children in Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception have made outstanding progress in all aspects of their learning and development. I would like to thank all the children, staff and parents for an extremely successful year.
Mr Matthew Jones Primary Stage Leader
I have seen many incredible changes in six years at BSN. Our current Year One now boasts more students than our entire Primary Stage when we first opened our doors in 2007. What could once comfortably fit into one building now fills three. However, so much still feels the same. BSN still feels like the warm, family-orientated school in which children and teachers work hard in lessons, but still share a smile in their break times. I look forward to hearing of many more changes - and much, much more of the same - in the future!
2012-13 Academic Staff
Oliver Kevin
Aaron Sean
En Ze Grace
Jacky Vicky
Nana Kevin
The children in our Pre Nursery class have had a very exciting and successful year. All of the children have made tremendous amounts of progress in developing their social and independence skills as well as growing in confidence over the course of the year. Through our topics on ‘All About Me’, ‘Shapes, Patterns and Colours’, ‘Pet and Farm Animals’, ‘Mini Beasts’, ‘Transport’, ‘Fairy Tales’ and ‘Weather’ the children have developed and progressed in all six areas of learning. The children made a super effort during our Foundation Stage Christmas Production and made a fantastic contribution to our Chinese New Year celebrations as well as actively participating whilst we had Book Week and Humanities Week.
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This year I have had the pleasure to be able to work alongside a group of very inquisitive, caring and kind children that have exceeded my expectations in all areas of learning. A HUGE ‘Well Done’ is due to all of the children for their outstanding achievements this year. I wish you all the best for next year.
Mrs Keran Jdali Pre-NurseryTeacher
Till Alissa
Jung Woo(Derek) Ha Jin Dong Eun(Dylan)
Emma Mayu
Angel Emilia Paula
William Laurence Atsuya Zach
The children in Nursery have had such and exciting and successful year. They have become independent, grown in confidence and are becoming skilful communicators. Throughout the year, the children have become creative in their thinking, and can express themselves whether it is through drawing, painting, dancing, singing, making models out of construction, imaginative play or dressing up. During our topic about ‘Wild Animals’, the children painted some amazing camouflaged animals and had lots of fun camping in the jungle. They were very excited when we planted beans for our ‘Growing Plants’ topic and were convinced that it was going to grow into a giant beanstalk, just like the one in ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ story!
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Our Nursery trip to Global Doctors, was very informative for the children as they had been learning about ‘People who help us.’ They were very interested in the equipment the Doctors and Nurses were using to help people get better. ‘The Gingerbread Man’ was the children’s favourite Fairy Tale. This was clearly evident as the children’s performance was outstanding in our summer production of ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ The children have enjoyed participating in Music and Movement, Chinese lessons and swimming sessions. Well done Nursery…you have had a fantastic year!
Raj Gill Nursery Teacher / Foundation Stage Leader
Aiden Antonin Sophie
Yul Ha Ye Eun Seo Woo Bo Yun
Ethan Cedrych Rafael Henrique
Sze Yi Sze Nok Elliot Anna
Kirsten Richard Anne Marie Souren
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The children in our Reception Class have had a very exciting and successful year. They participated in a range of learning opportunities and fun activities. The children have developed independence and confidence to have a go at every learning opportunity throughout the year. The children regularly displayed their talents and strengths through adult led and independent activities. They took part in whole school book week activities, productions, sports day and class assembly. Their participation in Drama, PE, Music, Chinese and swimming lessons was outstanding. Learning in our class has been an adventure as we progressed through the year, from trips outside of school to space parties and our first Cinderella Ball in Reception. We started the year with a quiet and reserved class, which has now turned into a very confident, chatty and adventurous group. The children have developed and progressed in all the six areas of learning and I would like to congratulate all the children for their achievements and wish them all the best in Year 1. I would like to thank all the children in our Reception class, their parents and Miss Yuan for their hard work and support throughout the year.
Adeline Sutherland Reception Teacher / Deputy Head
Soo Min Rae Eun
Kang Lee Eun Seo Hyun Woo
Finn Emma
Jacinda Daniel Brennan
Riordan Laura Cristiano
What an amazing year! Year 1C began their transition to KS1, by forming new friendships that have grown as the year progressed. They have developed into a cohesive team that works so well together. Along the way, they met a bear called Barnaby, travelled back in time, investigated other countries, solved problems, predicted and tested, created works of art and gained new skills and understandings. They have asked questions, discussed ideas and explored a variety of concepts across the curriculum. From Literacy to the KS1 Production and everything in between, they have shown enthusiasm, perseverance and dedication to the task at hand. Most importantly, the students learnt to believe in themselves and have confidence in their abilities. I am so proud of their achievements.
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It has been a spectacular year filled with many wonderful memories. I wish Year 1C every success as they continue on their learning adventure.
Clare Cannon Year One Teacher
Max Eddy Ye An (Anni)
Min Seok Kyung Kuk Ji Yun
Ja Yeon (Allisa) Nancy
Sabrina Tsuyoshi Brady
Emily Emma Siru
We have a very busy and successful year in 1B. Children have enjoyed working on a number of interesting topics from ‘Where in the World is Barnaby Bear?’ to ‘Growing Plants’. The children have developed their maths skills through daily Numeracy lessons and counting. I have been thrilled to see the children become fluent and confident readers this year and develop their English through reading, writing, speaking, phonics and handwriting practice. Everyone has enjoyed participating in various enjoyable events this year; I think the highlight being learning to skip for Red Nose Day! The children in Year 1B were involved in the Mathematics assembly, a class assembly about the Weather and an assembly displaying their learning on ‘Animal Poetry’. Year 1B also made a fantastic contribution to the Key Stage 1 Production of Little Red Riding Hood as the ‘bad’ animals in the forest.
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Overall, I feel very privileged to have been a part of Year 1B this year.
Nicola Birch Year One Teacher
Ace Nina Mithaly So Min
Seung Jin Seo Jin Dong Keun Dong Hee
Edoardo Helena Andrea Jacob
Isabel Thea Petr Oscar
Yi Ding Renee RJ Tomoya
Adapted from “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” By Dr. Seuss Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! Take all that you’ve learned From One Year in Year Two. About Fractions and Friction And Fiction and You. Like our Olympic heroes Be as mighty as Zeus! Or like Isaac Newton, Put your brain to good use! And remember the shows, About da Vinci and more! Like “The Shopping Basket” Or the Wolf at Granny’s Door. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! To Aquariums and Gymnasiums. Where next? Who can say?
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So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU’LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!
Matthew Jones Year Three Teacher
Min Kyeong Seo Hyeon So Yeon Ui Bin
Yoon Seo Yun Soo Jae Woo Ho Yun
Geon Woo Katrina Anakin Robin
Flynn Viva Simon
Deena Kalia Todd Ricky
Year 3 have had a wonderful year. I have been so proud of the way the class has welcomed our newcomers, and kept up good friendships with old classmates too. Along the way we have performed wonderful assemblies, created a hilarious joke book for Red Nose Day, and composed an album of very festive Christmas songs. We investigated the world of magnets, soils, and teeth in our science lessons (and learned that you can’t make a shadow if the sun doesn’t shine!) We enjoyed a delicious taste of Indian food on our trip into Nanjing, and tracked down a runaway elephant by the Phoenix statue near school. We found out that a classroom can also become a bedroom on our sleepover, and of course, we played lots of songs on the ukulele. Well done Year 3! Tom Birch Year Three Teacher
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Elena Hyeon Seo Na Hee
Ji Hoon Hyun Gyu Yuya
Iris Ricarda Cameron
Lara Sarah Galileo Brandon
Alex Cooper Lucas Mia
There are many words that spring to mind when I consider the time that is Year 4. Excitement, education, sharing, friendships and creativity are to name a few, but for this group the defining word has been experience. From the characterforging school experiences of working and playing together, to the first-time experiences of limbodancing, a residential trip to another province and singing Spice Girls’ songs, the students in Year 4 have experienced a great many things this year. I have been overwhelmed by the students’ desire to learn and experience new, and sometimes strange, ideas. To try things that are novel or unfamiliar and to embrace diversity have been Year 4’s great experiences. Rob Crook Year Four Teacher
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Soo Hyun Jong Ho Dong Hyeok Da Eun
Chae Yun Ameline Adrian Tara
Adam Lainey Charlotte
Kate Amber Timothy Janet
Lingyu Shawna Marco Kyle
It has been another fantastic year here in Year 5. I have been blessed this year to have such a special and hard working class. We truly all went on a journey together of learning and discovery. Each morning Mrs He and I have been greeted by an infectious enthusiasm from the children as they arrive into class. We have had a very busy year between putting on the Environment Show and two assemblies, going on various day trips and not to mention our amazing three day trip to Anhui and, of course, the Lion King Production... and let’s not forget about the learning. This year has been filled with Poetry, letter writing, line graphs, Philosophy, gases and much more. We have all become experts in Sudoku and have learned the benefits of collaborative learning. The learning never stops! I would like to wish all the children every success in the next stage of their learning journey. Sonia Bradley Year Five Teacher
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Ryan Luke Andrew Won Jin
Min Ji Kyeong Min Joon Seo
Hee Min Eun Sun Lucas Chloe
Chelsie Catherine Angela Alex
Mahala Katerina Marine Yeshanjana
Pupils in Year 6 have had a fantastic year! Firstly, they joined the Middle School, suffering the extra responsibilities and enjoying the extra freedoms (and iPads . . .) involved in moving up the education ladder. Challenging lessons have been punctuated by rewarding extra-curricular activities such as after school clubs, Wacky Hair Day, UN Day, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Languages Week, Humanities Week, Sports Day and Popcorn Fridays to name but a few! Then of course, we escaped our parents when we went to Beijing for a week, where we saw the Great Wall and explored China’s capital city. Year 6 pupils showed exactly how much they had matured, hardly losing shoes, bags, towels and toothbrushes at all. All in all, we’ve grown to be a happy, responsible and close-knit group of friends who can’t wait to see where next year will take us (because we know we’ll win all the talent competitions again)! Fred Greenall Year Six Teacher
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Yoo Bin Luna
Tara Da Eun
Danny Gert
Leo Ananya
Caroline Olivia
During this year I had the pleasure of watching each and every Year 7 student mature and grow. Looking back at the beginning of the year we have some excellent memories which included Tim showing us his excellent dance moves during the Christmas Production to Luna, Leo and Caroline belting out their voices for the Middle School Production. We also saw Gert on the dance floor making some amazing moves, Olivia receiving the ‘Golden Chopsticks’ award in Beijing, Danny coming in an excellent costume for book week, Ananya swimming a lap in the pool before I could blink, Tara making every shot possible in a House Basketball Tournament and Da Eun learning the back stroke during swimming lessons. Overall, we had a successful and fulfilling year. Thank you Year 7! Dan Mazz Year Seven Teacher
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Elizabeth Simon
Won Jun Sun Woo
Chan Gyu Ahhyun
Nick Christie
Alexander Emily
Year 8 have had a truly exciting year. As well as developing their academic skills as they move up the school, our pupils have been involved in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our middle school production put our pupils (literally) centre stage and was a well-deserved success after so much hard work. With new after-school-activities such as archery, fencing and photography, they have been able to develop new talents. Our residential trip to Borneo was a fantastic experience that we will never forget. My proudest moment as a form-tutor came as our pupils put in a herculean effort to help build a kindergarten. These are only some of the highlights from a great year. Bring on Year 9! Richard Mands Year Eight Teacher
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Chan Ho
Sang Jun Jae Hyun
Hyeon Sik Emily
Elva Steven
It has been a wonderful year, with some truly memorable experiences that I for one will never forget: - A trip to Borneo saw us taking jungle showers and sleeping under some rather frightening spiders. -Elven Storm saw a different side to a few of us and taught some if us some new moves! A stunning production, though I say so myself -Friends came and went, Sophie certainly made an impact at Christmas and we have some teary goodbyes to come at the end of this year. - We had great fun with the International Award, chose our IGCSEs, raised money for charity, organised The Shoebox Appeal, ... Though many of you are moving on, I hope you will keep a wee ‘fire in your heart’ for friends near and far. And remember 2012/3 for it has been a good’un.
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Matthew Bradley Year Nine Teacher
Halloween The school hall was transformed into a magical land for our Halloween party and the children enjoyed wearing fancy dress. The staff and students celebrated with a wonderful lunch and games and many of our parents joined in the fun.
UN Day United Nations Day at the British School celebrates the diversity of our students and our staff and allows us all a little glimpse of the wonderful world around us - through costumes, culture and culinary treats!
Beavers and Cubs The 1st Nanjing Scout Group is part of the British Scouting Overseas (BSO). Scouting when living abroad can be difficult if families are moving around and are sometimes unable to speak a local language but BSO is set up as an English Scout County who operate the U.K programme globally.
Art and Design Art & Design offers students the opportunity to: Develop creativity and imagination through experience. Develop practical, technical and critical skills. Use visual and tactile language to communicate their ideas, feelings and meanings. Explore and learn about the ideas, diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary and world cultures in different times of history.
Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China and all the BSN family gathered together to welcome the Year of the Snake. They prepared a variety of performances - like singing, dancing, and Chinese Kung Fu - to celebrate. The production was a huge success; thank you to all our students!
EAL Our students are enthusiastic and dedicated to improving their English. Every day we see progress and our students growing more comfortable and confident. From speaking to friends over lunch, learning songs, or what an objective pronoun is, we see that every little step moves us closer to our goals.
ASAs After School Activities have been truly amazing this year with students dancing, fencing, baking, making music, creating beautiful pieces of art, learning new languages, getting fingers stuck into clay and having loads of fun at the same time.
Chinese Language is not only a medium of communication; it is also a conceptual tool. As Chinese becomes an increasingly important world language, BSN values the students’ Chinese knowledge and ability, even just as a way to settle into their new lives in China. We also put a focus on Chinese culture, to cultivate the students’ understanding of the local community, and also to help to develop our students’ world-view.
German German has been the new language for Middle School students from Year 6 to Year 9 this year. They have been learning to talk, read and write about their lives. The students in Year 8 and Year 9 were so keen to advance their knowledge; they even started learning different tenses! And if that wasn’t enough, they all took part in a fantastic German assembly. Overall, it has been a very exciting and interesting year in German lessons for the Middle School. The German students in the Primary School have been continuing their studies this year. They have practised their reading and writing skills, have discussed books and poems and learned more about German culture and history.
Languages Week This year’s ‘Languages Week’ was a great success and provided a great opportunity for all of our students to explore the 3 languages we study at BSN: Chinese, German and English. We kicked off the week with a fantastic assembly from our EAL students showcasing their English language abilities. Throughout the week the students took part in a variety of exciting activities from buying fruit at the local supermarket, eating dumplings and making food at the Intercontinental Hotel to visiting the Rabe Haus Museum.
Music This has been an exciting year in music with Miss Medecin taking Foundation Music and the addition of new peripatetic staff and longer individual lessons. The quality of the student’s work continues to fuel new ideas for productions, events and performances continually pushing the presence of music in the school.
Guy Fawkes Night Although the weather was not kind, it did not dampen the spirits of the many that attended our Guy Fawkes celebration. Our families and friends enjoyed wonderful food and a convivial atmosphere as the night culminated with a spectacular fireworks display.
Christmas Show The Christmas Show took students and parents through the changes that have happened to Christmas over the centuries. The show was a melting pot of drama, singing, ensembles and all with the back drop of the students’ Christmas card designs.
FS: Music and Movement What a rewarding and inspiring year! The children had a lot of fun during their PE lessons; especially Gymnastics, Football and Swimming, and all have developed a taste for Sports and physical challenges. In Music, the children enjoyed learning more about Orchestra and Opera, playing musical games and accompanying their songs with their own instruments. The children’s singing, dancing and acting skills made the success of two superb productions, ‘We Three Kings’ and ‘The Gingerbread Man.’
FS: Sports & Splash Day A beautiful sunny day and the children in the Foundation Stage were full of energy and enthusiasm as they participated in Sports Day! The were quick of the mark for the relay races, showed great confidence, control and co-ordination when kicking the football into the goal and their balancing, climbing, crawling, aiming and throwing skills were amazing! Splash day is a great way to cool down and have lots of fun! The children in Foundation Stage were buzzing with excitement as they jumped into the large paddling pools to splash their friends and their teachers! Screams and laughter filled the air when the water hose was turned on them…no one was allowed to escape from getting completely soaked!
FS: Productions All the children have to be applauded for their outstanding performances for the Christmas Production of ‘We Three Kings’ and the Summer Production of ‘The Gingerbread Man!’ The children sang beautifully, recited their lines clearly and confidently, danced flawlessly, played the musical instruments perfectly and showed off their acting talents. Foundation Stage, you rock!
Humanities Week Humanities week this year was extremely important as it gave us a chance to look at our school history and leave something behind for future generations. Each year produced a piece of work about the school to represent an aspect of life at BSN, including our studies about Black History, the Space Race and Ancient Olympics. These precious items were then buried in a time capsule beneath a mural painted by our students and artist Qin Jian Ming.
Art Festival ‘Dare to Know!’ - Sapere aude!: The motto of Enlightenment is having the courage to use your own understanding, freeing the mind to reason and letting the light of knowledge shine. The students participated in eight varied workshops detailing many of the arts, music, crafts, principles and beliefs of the Age of Reason.
Book Week What a week! Visiting author and illustrator, Darcie Goodwin and Marianne Kaulima explored character development with the Primary students. Foundation and Key Stage 1 sang up a storm with Courtney Campbell. The students of Middle School connected with their artistic side, by exploring portraits with artist Ann Spudvillas.
BSN Idol BSN Idol this year was a spectacular show with the bar having been raised ever higher. Marine Cazamian in Year 6 took the title with a fantastic acoustic version of “Trouble is a Friend.�
Physical Education At the British School of Nanjing we value Physical Education, for this reason the the department ensures that all students participate in a varied, balanced and differentiated curriculum that promotes maximum involvement in a ever widening ranges of activities. It’s the departments’ desire that the curriculum implemented will increase the students interest and enthusiasm to participate in a variety of leisure interests, resulting in a lifelong passion to engage in an active and healthy lifestyle as an adult.
Sports Days Upper School Sports Day: On a hot and sunny summer afternoon Years 5,6,7,8 & 9 all competed in what was a fiercely contested event in an effort to help their house win the house cup! Yrs 5 & 6 were competing against children from their own age group whilst students in 7,8 & 9 were competing in gender specific events. These events were hotly contested with the victors from each round earning their house additional points in the finals. Even though there was a competitive edge all children participated with enthusiasm and showed good sportsmanship. Lower School Sports Day: Years 1,2,3 & 4 all competed in age specific events at this year’s lower school sports day. The children spent the afternoon competing for their houses in a variety of events such as sprints and tennis ball shot put to earn points for the 4 houses. All the students looked so smart in their house t-shirts and it was lovely to se the children enjoying the competitive yet fun atmosphere.
Swimming Gala Years 1 to 4 enjoyed a variety of races including, the ever popular dive and retrieve, a and new event in four leg freestyle relay. With great individual performances, everyone was a winner on the day. Although Years 4 to 9 competed the following day, unfortunately the event took place the day after this yearbook was to be printed.
Winter Fair The British School becomes a winter wonderland once a year as the Winter Fair rolls into town. With Santa and his helpers dishing out the fun, there was plenty to do again this year for elves of every age!
Parent & Toddlers Group Every Tuesday a number of mums, babies, toddlers and grandparents join our Toddler Group where they enjoy activities and play with each other. This always culminates in our Annual Toddler Party where our youngest community members had a wonderful time.
Beijing Trip The Beijing residential trip was an amazing success as this was the first time many of our Year 6 and 7 students had been away from their families. We visited the capital city of China and for many students this was the first time they saw the Great Wall, ate delicious Chinese cuisine, and learnt about Chinese culture through various activities. Each day was packed with excitement and we look forward to next year’s trip!
Borneo Trip A trip to Borneo was a trip of a lifetime for Years Eight and Nine. From river treks with wild monkeys and fireflies; to snakes and many, many spiders in the middle of the jungle. It was an adventure and a half.
Anhui Trip On the 14th of May 2013, 32 Students, 5 Teachers and two trip leaders from Year 4 and 5 went on a Residential trip to a Buddhist Monastery in Jui Hua Shan, Anhui. An amazing time was had by all!
Excursions & Outings Every term the children go on exciting trips outside of school to reinforce a topic of learning and to have lots of fun at the same time! This year the children met doctors and dentists, learnt about food chains at the aquarium and road-tested our future equipment at the playground factory!
Summer Fair On a perfect summer day, a carnival atmosphere was enjoyed by all. Children and parents were excited by the many activities, excellent food, great music and an opportunity to purchase from a wide range of vendors. An event not to be missed!
Primary Production Hakuna Matata were the words on the lips of year 3,4 and 5 as they led us through ‘the circle of life’ in a series of musical and dance numbers in their production of the Lion King.
MS Production Elven Storm: An elemental war of love and jealousy saw the entire Middle School singing and playing; wooing and dancing. There were jigs and reels aplenty as Faerie kingdoms collided with tragic consequence. And of course, a good time was had by all.
Red Nose Day BSN’s first ever Red Nose Day was a resounding success as children, staff and parents raised over 22,000 RMB for Comic Relief. Everybody took part by doing silly things like wearing clothes backwards, learning to skip or simply “doing something funny for money!”
Whole School
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Admin Staff
The British School of Nanjing Building # 2, Jinling Resort, Jiahu Donglu, Jiangning Nanjing, 211100, China Tel: 025 – 5210 – 8987 Fax: 025 – 5210 – 2385 www.bsn.org.cn