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BA (Hons) Design Management
Tutors: Nicholas Irvin, Course Director Dr Mersha Aftab
BA (Hons) Design Management Level 6
This Level 6 opportunity allows students to ‘explore’ and ‘develop’ as individuals, whilst working collaboratively within their design specialisms and towards their personal goals and ambitions.
Following its first year, the BA (Hons) Design Management Level 6 Top-Up course provided a range of experiences, designed to challenge the students from an academic, creative and professional perspective.
The course has taken students on a personal journey, developing empathy for themselves, whilst considering concepts and recommendations for the end user and the client. Design Management encourages students to take ownership and build on the skills and knowledge acquired, in order to become effective within their own design focus/professional design specialism.
One of the most significant and noticeable outcomes has been the development in ‘confidence’ and this has been demonstrated throughout the modules. Students have identified their own research aims and developed detailed written/visual reports, produced and delivered visual presentations and exhibitions, with the aim of being able to professionally communicate an effective response to an audience.
This year has been challenging for the students, particularly accessing primary research data, conducting interviews and experimenting with technology within industry. However, students have been proactive during the analysis of studies and have worked innovatively to demonstrate visual proposals and strategies based on the evidence.
Design Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Innovation: ‘Team Presentations’ to a client.
The course has an emphasis on professional development planning throughout the academic year and students are encouraged to record experiences and explore further skills and knowledge which connect to their specialism.
Team A: Immani Bailey, Hamed Arab Choobdar, Claudia Beaumont and Iram Aslam: Team B: Hermione Archer, Lauren Hamilton, Michelle Brown and Shinobu Gahan.
A user journey showing a continuous flow of all concepts to the client.
Shinobu Gahan, Iram Aslam, Michelle Brown and Hermione Archer.
Michelle Brown Hamed Arab Choobdar, Process Mapping Jewellery Manufacturing using CAD/CAM.
These experiences are closely connected to the Graduate+ Awards Scheme and students also have the opportunity to gain access to a business mentor using Careers+ to develop their professional skills in industry.
Students are encouraged to connect the skills, knowledge and professionalism and move to the Masters in Design Management course or into employment.
Imaani Bailey, Design Major Project
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