Gibran Chair 2008 Activity Report

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ANNUAL REPORT ON ACTIVITIES OF PROFESSOR SUHEIL BUSHRUI Prepared by the Staff of the Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace Project The University of Maryland 2008

UK NATIONAL BAHÁ’Í FESTIVAL Date: January 2-4, 2008 Venue: University of Warwick Professor Bushrui was the keynote speaker at the UK National Bahá’í Festival at the University of Warwick. The Festival, which was held from January 2-4, 2008, was attended by approximately 1,500 participants from the United Kingdom and several other countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Dr. Bushrui’s two addresses entitled: “Religion: The Civilizer of Mankind” and “Idle Singer or Prophetic Seer? The Poet’s Vision and the Promise of World Peace” were very well received. THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE LOVE POEMS: VALENTINE’S DAY EVENT Poetry Reading and Book Signing Events Date: Thursday, February 14, 2008 Venue: University of Maryland, and Neyla Restaurant, Washington, DC Two major book signing ceremonies were held on February 14, 2008. The first event was a poetry reading organized at the University of Maryland. Many students and faculty attended this special Valentine’s Day event at which Professor Bushrui read selections from this latest publication, The World’s Favorite Love Poems. That same evening a special Valentine’s Day dinner event was organized by the proprietors of Neyla Restaurant in Washington, DC. The book, The World’s Favorite Love Poems, was included in the menu, and each guest received a signed copy of this latest publication. The restaurant was fully booked with over 400 guests in attendance. As one guest remarked: “This was a unique event. Never before has a book been included in a restaurant’s menu.” The book has also received favorable reviews in the Arab press. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP LECTURE SERIES Inaugural Lecture Date: Thursday, April 10, 2008 Venue: University of Maryland On Thursday, April 10, 2008 Professor David Cadman delivered a lecture entitled: “Leadership in a Global Age: The Thoughts and Work of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales.” Nearly 100 guests from the University of Maryland, as well as the Lebanese community of Metropolitan Washington, attended Professor Cadman’s lecture, after which Professor Cadman answered questions from the audience. Professor Cadman’s lecture was subsequently edited and published by the Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace.


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