UMD BSOS Winter 2021 Commencement Program

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Welcome From The Dean

Dear Graduates, Congratulations! Today, the faculty and staff of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences join with you and your families and friends in celebrating your tremendous achievements. During your time here at the University of Maryland, you have worked alongside your peers and your professors to Be the Solution to some of the world’s greatest challenges. You have done so in the classroom, within virtual environments, and through valuable internships, research projects, and learning experiences, locally and globally. We trust that you will continue to make a difference throughout your careers and in all of your future endeavors. I would like to acknowledge two groups of international Terps who could not be physically present today: graduates of the Master’s programs in Geospatial Information Sciences, and of the Criminology and Criminal Justice-China program. You are curious, you are passionate, and you are fearless.We are proud of all that you have done as students, and we are proud of all you have yet to do as graduates of this extraordinary institution. Please stay in touch. We look forward to hearing about your future successes. Sincerely,

Gregory F. Ball Dean and Professor

Order of Ceremony Processional Students, Faculty and Platform Party National Anthem Welcome Address Dean Gregory F. Ball Featured Address Katherine Pedro Beardsley, Ph.D. Chair, BSOS Board of Visitors Student Address Diana Villanueva Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Presentation and Hooding of Doctoral Candidates Associate Dean Jean McGloin Presentation of Master’s Degree Candidates Associate Dean Jean McGloin Presentation of Baccalaureate Candidates Associate Dean Katherine Ford Russell Associate Dean Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz Assistant Dean Kim Nickerson Recessional

Academic Officers of the College Gregory F. Ball Dean Ann M. Holmes Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Mengxue Li Assistant Dean for International Affairs Jean McGloin Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Kim Nickerson Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Katherine Ford Russell Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

Department Chairs and Program Directors Sangeetha Madhavan Chair, African American Studies Barnet Pavão-Zuckerman Chair, Anthropology Sally Simpson Chair, Criminology and Criminal Justice Judith Hellerstein Chair, Economics Mark Carroll Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program Tatiana Loboda Chair, Geographical Sciences William Reed Chair, Government and Politics Rochelle Newman Chair, Hearing and Speech Sciences Partha Lahiri Director, Joint Program in Survey Methodology Matthew Roesch Director, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Michael Dougherty Chair, Psychology Jeff Lucas Chair, Sociology

Featured Speaker

Dr. Katherine Pedro Beardsley Chair, BSOS Board of Visitors Dr. Katherine Pedro Beardsley is the Chair of the Board of Visitors of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. In this role, she provides invaluable support and guidance to Dean Gregory F. Ball and to BSOS administrators. Dr. Beardsley served BSOS for many years as the associate dean of undergraduate studies, and in 2013 was awarded the Dean’s Medal— the College’s highest honor—for her extraordinary service and commitment. Dr. Beardsley joined the College in 1986, serving as assistant and associate dean for undergraduate education, overseeing undergraduate programs and advising, mentoring scores of students, and providing campus leadership on many initiatives, including the Dean’s Student Advisory Council. Dr. Beardsley and her husband, Robert Beardsley, made a generous bequest to the College to endow and name a Director of Advising position in the Feller Center for Advising and Career Planning.The gift also provides operating support for advising activities in the Feller Center. The Beardsleys also founded the Katherine and Robert Beardsley BSOS Scholarship for Outstanding Student Leaders, and are parents of a BSOS graduate, Kyle Beardsley. The BSOS Student Leadership fund was established in Dr. Beardsley’s honor to support student leadership programming in the College.

Featured Student Speaker

Diana Guadalupe Villanueva, ’21 Criminology and Criminal Justice Major Diana Guadalupe Villanueva is a summer 2021 graduate of the University of Maryland, where she majored in Criminology and Criminal Justice. During her time at UMD, Diana was a GED tutor in a correctional facility, served as a teaching assistant, and was named to the Dean’s List for seven semesters. She is a member of the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society, the OMSE Academic Honor Society, and Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. Diana had the honor of serving as a College ambassador and represented BSOS at prospective student open houses to showcase her Terp pride. She also had the honor of interning with the Fairfax County Public Defender’s Office with the Criminal Investigative Unit, where she assisted in investigating 15 major crimes, including felonies. Hailing from Prince George’s County, Maryland, Diana is committed to her community. She hopes to continue to use her knowledge and connections from UMD to impact future Terps, and she is honored to serve as the Winter 2021 BSOS Commencement Speaker.

Commencement Marshals College Mengxue Li Faculty Jason A. Nichols Doctoral Ann Holmes Master’s T.C. Lloyd Baccalaureate Christie S. Cradock and Rosalyn E. Anderson-Howell African American Studies Marshal F. Washington Anthropology George Hambrecht Criminology and Criminal Justice Laure Brooks, Justine Madoo and Thomas Mauriello Economics Phylicia Nance and Alice Szczepaniak Environmental Science and Policy Joanna Goger Geographical Sciences Amanda Hoffman-Hall Government and Politics David Cunningham Hearing and Speech Sciences Stephanie Grissom Psychology Nazish Salahuddin Sociology Amy McLaughlin

Doctoral Candidates Anthropology Magda E. Mankel “Walking the Migrant Trail: Mobilizing Cultural Heritage and Commemorating Clandestine Migration in the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Paul Shackel

Patrick Rivera “Metonymies of Color: The Material Discourses of Race in the Irish and Mexican American Experience” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Stephen Brighton

Criminology and Criminal Justice Emily M. Glazener “Exploring Heterogeneity in Disciplinary Custody Sanctioning and Subsequent Inmate Misconduct” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Jean McGloin

Economics Camila A. Galindo Pardo “Essays on Treatment Effects From Multiple Unordered Choices” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Sergio Urzua

Gonzalo Garcia Trujillo “Essays on Entrepreneurship, Labor Markets and Business Cycles” Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Boragan Aruoba and Dr. John Haltiwanger

Luke W. Pardue “Essays on the Effects of Public Policies on Housing, Employment and Inequality” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Melissa Kearney

Geographical Sciences Kelly J. Anderson “Contextualizing Drivers and Outcomes of Rural-To-Urban Migration: Lessons From Mozambique” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Julie Silva

Yao Li “Understanding Geospatial Dynamics of Parasite Migration and Human Mobility as Factors Contributing to Malaria Transmission in the Greater Mekong Subregion” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Stewart

Austin M. Sandler “A Discourse on Child Malnutrition: Anthropometry, Emergent Themes, Quality Control Maxims, and Climatic and Economic Determinants” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Laixiang Sun

Hannah Younes “Examining the Environmental, Economic, Societal and Sustainability Potential of Shared Micromobility Usage in the U.S.” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Giovanni Baiocchi

Government and Politics Jiun-Da Lin “Between Global and Local Standards: The Adoption of Global Green Bond Standards in China” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Margaret Pearson

Nicholas S. Miras “A Collection of Red States and Blue States: Out-Party Threat and Contemporary State Lawmaking” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Stella Rouse

Diana Partridge “Why Social Movements Become Sustained: The Role of Decision-Making Processes in Social Movement Organization Survival” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Shibley Telhami

Alauna C. Safarpour “Taking Perspective: A Theory of Prejudice Reduction and Political Attitudes” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Michael Hanmer

Hearing and Speech Sciences Rebecca Bieber “Influence of Supportive Context and Stimulus Variability on Rapid Adaptation to Non-Native Speech” Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Sandra Gordon-Salant and Dr. Samira Anderson

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Diana R. Alkire “The Role of Theory of Mind in Social Interaction” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Redcay

Kevin N. Schneider “Cortical Contributions to a Combined Appetitive-Aversive Social Outcome Task” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Matthew Roesch

Hetal V. Shah “Unraveling Quality Control Pathways: The Role and Function of Parkin-Independent Mitophagy” Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Catherine Carr and Dr. Richard Youle

Willy Sun “The Nanoarchitecture of the Outer Hair Cell Lateral Wall: Structural Correlates of Electromotility” Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Catherine Carr and Dr. Bechara Kachar

Psychology Claire M. Kaplan “Perceptual Decision Impairments in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: State and Trait Symptom Effects and the Role of Working Memory” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Alec Solway

Nadya G. Teneva “‘I Want You to Want Me’: Implications of the Desire to Be Sexually Valued For Psychological Functioning and Romantic Relationships” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Edward Lemay

Rachael Tillman “Impact of Social Threat on Extended Amygdala Function in Adolescent Social Anxiety” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Alexander Shackman

Kelsey E. Woods “Group Interventions For Selective Mutism in a Community Setting: A Preliminary Effectiveness-Implementation Hybrid Study” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscano

Sociology Shaun Genter “Collective Racial Emotion and Whites’ Reactions to Demands for Racial Equity” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Rashawn Ray

Shinta Hernandez “A Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Online Education on Community College Completion: A Case Study of Montgomery College in Maryland” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Jeff Lucas

Polina Zvavitch “The Socioeconomic Associations with Women’s Partnership Formation and Dissolution in Russia, Germany and the United States” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Michael Rendall

Posthumous Award of Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Criminology and Criminal Justice Anat Kimchi “Set Up to Fail? A Longitudinal Examination of Disparities in Community Supervision Sentences and Outcomes” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Brian Johnson

Master’s Degree Candidates Master of Applied Anthropology Samantha Jo Matera Aryn Grace Neurock

Master of Applied Anthropology/ Master of Historic Preservation Angela Nicole Bailey

Master of Arts Criminology and Criminal Justice Tianying Cai Yihao Cao Jinyi Chen Mu Chen Xiran Chen Yongchao Chen Wenrui Ding Leila Duka Ziyue Gu Mengqiao Guo Sarah Elizabeth Holland Zeju Hu Zihan Hu Hanlu Jin Kalani Chanel Johnson Zefan Li Boyi Liu Cheng Liu Xiaoying Liu Xinghan Lu Zeyu Lu Zhehui Mao

Kristin Reque Madeline Carlyle Romm Qingyan Shen Xinyi Situ Muxiu Song Toryn Rae Sperry Zhe Sun Hongxiao Tian Yanlei Wang Ze Wang Zhen Wang Keqin Wei Zhuolin Wei Taylor Elizabeth Whittington Yijing Wu Yulun Wu Gabrielle Cabrera Wy Geng Xiang Shenzhi Xie Ze Xu Zhehao Xu Yuxi Ye Yue Yin Qi Zhao Yiming Zhao Kemiao Zhu

Economics Mrinmoyee Chatterjee Olga Fetisova-Canas Jun Ge Francy Nathalie Gonzalez Prieto Nayeon Kwon Weizheng Lai William King Leroy Chenyu Mao Maranna Yoder

Government and Politics Haley Taite Augustson Ted Spencer Ellsworth Elizabeth Jean Irlbacher Connor Nicholas Kopchick Nathan Huey Lovin Sociology Ge Gao Asiah Gayfield Bernard William Hanna III Kordell L. Harper Sydney Yarbrough

Master of Professional Studies Clinical Psychological Science Lillian Alford Jamie Daniella Besaw Kyle Allen Butters Matthew Charles Caton Natalie Rose Charamut Emily Grace Curren Kiristen Leigh Draughn Lee Patrick Duffy-Ledbetter Cheryl Lyn Errichetti Alexa A. Euceda Domonique Fiddemon Alex Joseph Greenberg Kaitlyn Anne Haller Michelle Lindsey Harlan Joy J. Hocut Meghan Lynne McCann Carlos Rolando Melendez Jr. Emilia Ann Milheim Philip Newsome Jr. Kaitlyn Kelley Nibblett Ultimate Jewel Peatross Sebastian Michael Max Preilipper Kaitlin Rose Ringler

Mackenzie Robeson Nikita Shah Joeanne Alexis Thomas Toni White

Cultural and Heritage Resource Management Jamie May Colopietro Tamara Billie Industrial/Organizational Psychology Maribel Alberto Jake Quint Averch Elizabeth Ashley Bolinsky Kellie Renae Clark Chauntel Tiara Coombs Shira Cygler Loren Olivia Deaver Domonique Alexis Edwards Margaret Ann Galdi Kelli Gray Shirley Han Solomon Hassan Eun Young Heo Mykal Jaquori Johnson Awalski Lazonne Jones II Caroline Larkin Kettering Esther Lam Cali Ann Cornacchia Moore Tara Morrison James Nixon Y. Ngoc Thien Phung Erin Ashley Pozolo Briana Marissa Rudolph Fatima Seasay Gabriela Maria Silva Khala J. Smith Gabrielle Antoinette Tharkur Colleen Valerio Jonea M. Weekley Survey and Data Science Mary-Anne Stewart

Master of Science Applied Economics Ahmed Moustafa Abdel Khalek Brian Kirk Adkins Taylor Alexis Aultman Sean Joseph Biglin Bingqing Chen Jeffrey Russell Dawson Michael Ian Farquharson Michael Joseph Fineberg James Dakota Griffith Thomas Spencer Guillaume Arif Quazi Hafiz Adam Nabil Halawa Lisa Thao Nguyen Huynh William Bowen Kehoe Muhammad Salman Malik Mulugeta M. Marye Alek Pascal Mouly Kyle Florian Mouly Jacques Mayo Muya Papa Ousmane Niang Tope Toyin Nwoseh Corey Lane Pippin Nathan Alan Pool Peter McKenna Redmon Aryan Ashkan Safi Courtney Jane Smith Emma Marie Tilley Christopher David Whittle Geospatial Information Sciences David Patrick Adamkiewicz Adeniyi Adeleye Brian Keith Akers Manal Zahed Al-Hajji John Gregory Doroba Jr. Ge Gao Muchen Gao Ryan Michael Garvis Wanyan Gong

Melisa Hansen Rafael Hauge Tianrui Ju Ying Li Chuhao Liao Yifan Luo Camille Ellen Milton Jordan Anthony Nicolette Katherine Ann O’Brien Chidi Eunice Opurum Yue Qiu Haoran Su Shiyu Tang Henry Jacob Steele Wald Zhangqian Yang Jialu Zhang Bolin Zhu

Geospatial Intelligence Robert Charles Klara Amanda Beatrice Lopez Irma Aracely Quispe Neira Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Tawen Ho Elizabeth Rose Kolberg Ira Kraemer Lauren Kathleen Salig Shakeera Walker Psychology Michael Alexander Burrows Virginia Choi Shannon Elizabeth Grogans Mary Buckley Kleinman Xinyue Pan Kristen S. Regenauer Katie Lee Rim Leah Kahn Sorcher Survey and Data Science Samantha Lee-Ming Chiu Douglas Dennis Kilburg

Baccalaureate Candidates Bachelor of Arts African American Studies Jamie Lauren Tyson Anthropology Miguel Antonio Resendiz 2nd Degree: Studio Art

Maria Alexandra Cordero Nieves Adam Louis Germaine 2nd Major: Spanish Language, Literatures, and Cultures

Michael Angel Lopez Mia Antonella Vanelli

Criminology and Criminal Justice Melina Andrea Acuna Lopez Adam Jay Allen 2nd Major: History

Devon Zachary Allison Edwyn Alonso Alvarado Nicholas Tung-Po Banai Cierra Jade Belinkie Christiana Marie Benton Kyle Patrick Berkeley Benjamin J. Blankenship Daniel Louis Bloomfield Emily Sarah Blume 2nd Major: Psychology

Taylor Ashley Boyd Meghan Helen Brennan Nicholas William Brennan Tori Michele Cain 2nd Major: Psychology

Jennifer Patricia Chavez-Orellana Mayv Isabella Clune Sam Del Vecchio Collins Taylor Nicole Colvin Sean Vincent Cooke

Ashley Rosalie Corcoran Edward Coronel Grace Marie Costa Cynthia Maleni Cruz-Gomez Sarah Elizabeth Daniels Emilie Rae Darroch Asha Nile Davis Mekdelawit Mesganaw Dejene Joseph Thomas Dermody Vianney Julissa Diosdado Montalvo Hawaney Taressa Djaleta Flores Teddy Doltaire Yael Damete Emeshwu Andres Evans-Cuervo Jade Raquel Ewing Emily Ann Fairbrother Dale Lahma Flack Alexander Robert Flaggs Thomas John Gardiner Hassan Lewis Garrison Jacob Clark Gilbert Shane Michael Glackin Fanajae Afon’E Gotay Alexa Morgan Gutchess Jazmin Michelle Gutierrez Jennifer Lorena Hernandez Silvia Berenice Hernandez Conde Autumn Skye Johnson 2nd Major: Psychology

Louis Christopher Johnson II Daniel Andre Jordan David Heisung Jung Amber Renee Kaiser 2nd Major: Psychology

Roula Konstantinos Kanios Ryan Joseph Kinsinger Trevor Richard LaBonte Kailey Deanna Lauter

Jordan Marie Leffler 2nd Major: Psychology

Andrew Ali Lolavar Jessica Aliana Lopez Jocelyn Lopez Sandaly Kawindya Madawala Luke Alexander Mahaney Ashley Daniela Martinez Katelyn Lee Mathieson Brianna Lynn McMahon Ashley Nicole Metzbower Alyssa Lashaye Miller Erin Louise Namovicz 2nd Major: Spanish Language, Literatures, and Cultures

Alison Naoussi Mikaela Ifeoma Nwulia Soley Ermely Ochoa Cameron David O’Hara Samuel Emeka Okoh Thatyana Alyssa Olivera Lorenzo Liceralde Pavoni Makenzie Lynn Pennington Agustina Ribulotta Jackeline Stella Rivas Christopher Glenn Rothenberger Avva Nicole Sarkarzadeh Nischal Bikram Shah Rebecca Abby Silverman Madelinn Ann Small Quiana Shanae Snowden Odalys Milagros Sorto Nicholas Michael Stehman 2nd Major: Economics

Alex Gail Stewart Eric John Sullivan Claudia Marie Taylor Megan Adjawa Thompson Jinheng Tian 2nd Major: Economics

Shawn Michael Umberger Jacob Van Brandt

Jenna Mae Van Der Hulst Andy Jose Vega Diana Guadalupe Villanueva Rebeca Sarai Villatoro Aristides C.Villatoro Santos Kaitlyn Taylor Vitzthum Deanna Vivar Avery Davies Whitney-Blum Iyosias Wondwossen Kwabena Yalley Andrea Margarita Zapata Maria Rose Ziegler

Economics Miguel Angel Aguilar Regina Tofunmi Akinwale 2nd Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice

Ammar Arif Ali Chandler Mackenzie Ankenbrand Kevin Bao Douglas Mark Barnes Jr. Colin Edward Bonner Russell Anthony Brooking Carlos Fernando Casaperalta Stephen Timmy Chan Sheanice Ruby Charles Yongjie Chen Jin Hyuk Choe Lakshna Chopra Borga Cinar Bruce Perry Crandall David Lawrence Crosby Kyle John D’Elisa Joseph Cyprian Danner Emily Elizabeth Defee 2nd Major: Finance

Peter Michael Digiacomo Jared Emanuel Duarte Jonathan Paul Dumm Sheldon Rickardo Ellis II Matthew Clark Embrey

Economics (continued) Andrew Daniel Footer Eyouel Konu Gebreyes Michael Anthony Glorioso Ethan Fletcher Grandinetti Matthew Hamlyn Arianne Celine Heather Hennis 2nd Major: Spanish Language, Literatures, and Cultures

Jaxon Barry Hyppolite Natalie Rose Jack Malonnie Rayana Jackson 2nd Major: Information Science

Erich Benno Jampolsky Vladimir Kivimae Karpoff Tamara Samir Khalil 1st Major: Finance

Ali Humzaha Khan Savannah Mae-Diane Kopp Jun Suh Lee Markese Lamont Leonard Jonathan Leroy Sam Gabriel Levins Mingqian Li Yujie Lin Jeneieve Caroline Maitland Brian Haydn Manning Jake Norman Martellucci Jack Elias Martin 2nd Major: Finance

Lucie Habiba Mbete Emily Anne McNesby Christopher Phillip Meyers Thomas Moses Montgomery Zaman Naseer 2nd Degree: Biological Sciences

Solomon Negus Seamus Patrick O’Leary Matthew John Pappas Nitul Atul Purohit Marielle Faith Quibilan Karnbir Singh Randhawa

Montana Colby Reynolds Neal Michael Rodin 2nd Major: Public Policy

Luena Melody Rojas Nicholas Alexander Rosin Joseph Henry Sakai Joshua Conrad Schultz Ryan Alexander Shon Hameed Ulla Siddiqui Noah Alexander Smith Timothy John Srenaski Alexys Antonette Still Asli Makhmudovna Tashtanov Futsum Semere Tekle Jorge Alejandro Tello-Campozano Dinglin Tu Frazer Dereja Tuffar Briant Keith Vanegas Leilani Elizabeth Vasquez 2nd Major: Government and Politics: International Relations

Ashley Tatiana Villalta Yueshan Wang 1st Major: Computer Science

Hao Xia Danyun Xu Mason Alexander Yeager Clearity Shannon Yentzer Sang Min Yoon Zhaoxuan Yu Shuming Zhang 1st Major: Finance

Matthew Gabriel Zuiderhof

Government and Politics Aliyah Abdulmalek 1st Major: Information Science

Neil Kamlesh Amin 2nd Major: Economics

Jenna Tutua Amoako-Atta Kiara Marie Anthony Ashley Jasmine Armstead Stephen John Attiani

Ahmad Abdulaziz Bacha Anna Ruth Baranko Grace Michelle Becraft Marley Forrest Berk Caitlin Emily Bourke 2nd Major: Economics

John Warren Brady Reid Stephen Buskirk 2nd Degree: Economics

Sawyer MacKenzie Carlesi Schleika Sarah Castan Ayesha Abid Chaudhry Samantha Faith Chichester 2nd Degree: Psychology

Ryan Thomas Clark Helen Abigail Cordero Olasubomi Jonathan Eboda Malik John-Daniel Ferguson 2nd Major: Economics

Caio Fonseca 2nd Major: Philosophy

Emily Margaret Froman 2nd Major: Economics

Shania Garcia-Herrera Christina Constantina Gerohristodoulos Ben Matthew Gilks Timothy David Gray Graciela Vanessa Grijalva 2nd Major: Philosophy

Keon Guide Philipp Timothy Haloftis Kunal Subodh Harmalkar Clare Elizabeth Hemmig Sarah Linda Jacobo 2nd Major: Public Policy

Ruby Ann Elizabeth Jenkins Ngoneh Jobarteh Cecelia Amanda Kastner Julian Scott Kosmides Clara Langbehn Kalsoom Hassan Leghari Deborah Anne Levin

Casey Patrick Lock Chris Jason Luna Janani Sierra Madhavan Kimberly Marilyn Mahecha 2nd Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice

Eder Marique Dias Eleanor Jennings McGuire 2nd Degree: Economics

Amanda Rose Miller Anita Izihirwa Misago Alex Geonhee Na Ray Jackson Newby 1st Major: English Language and Literature

Binh Thai Ngo Anh Nguyen Charles Edward Olmsted Daniel Michael Ovetsky Quaryshon Malik Pittman Samuel Levi Rasmussen Murphy Jonah Corey Riffkin Nazareth Maria Rodriguez Brenden Michael Seidel Kimberly Anne Seif 1st Major: Journalism

Tyberius Shake Justin Alistair Shockey Danielle Maya Singman Dhruva Chaitanya Someshwar 2nd Major: Economics

Belmar Noemi Sorto Philippos Ioannis Sourvinos Hannah Starr Stack 2nd Major: Chinese

Jack Samuel Ullman Andrew Bradley Vincent Blake Rock Von Hein Amadou M. Wane III 2nd Major: Economics

Connor Alexander Wei-Williams Natasha Nicole Wiscovitch Francisco Zuluaga

Hearing and Speech Sciences Mariam Ahmed Aslam Holly Marie Ballentine Cameron Shea Barnes Kendall Elizabeth Bear Taylor Elizabeth Kenyon Alessandra Molina Raquel Eva Monterrey Madison Blaire Rolf Mikayla Sarah Talmud Kayla Whitlock Psychology Jillian Morgan Abraham Abiola Olufunke Adesina Natalie Marie Antista Barathi Aravindan 2nd Degree: Finance

Isabelle Rose Baildon Ayla Catherine Smith Beasley Tinbit Getaneh Berhanu 2nd Major: Communication

Angelina Marylin Berry Jasmine Mitch Bridi Virginia Elizabeth Canter 2nd Major: Philosophy

Jeneva Roylyn Chester 2nd Degree: Family Science

Samantha Faith Chichester 2nd Degree: Government and Politics

Casey Shea Collins Reyes Jazmine Chareez Delos Christian Andres Escobar 2nd Degree: Information Science

Safiyyah Azhar Ghori 1st Major: English Language and Literature

Astri Emelina Hernandez Lanza Alexander Kai-Yueh Hsu Erin Kim Jenks Madeleine Louise Jones Jenna Lizbeth Koch 2nd Degree: Management

Gabrielle Lynn Lacoille Mirna Elizabeth Maldonado 2nd Major: Family Science

Jazmine Nicole Massie Kayla Marie Milholland Kayla Alyssa Napoli Alejandra Isabel Obregon Rachael Marie Peters 1st Major: Management

Gracie Anne Powasnik Huda June Rezvani Emmanuel Edma Romelus Nassor Tait Saidi Bailey Skylar Sanford 2nd Major: Philosophy

Juliette Alexandra Schank Ematu Amie Sesay Alia Noelle Shields Liam Charles Smith Alejandra Lizette Tovar-Argueta 1st Major: Studio Art

Alisha Carol Tronetti 2nd Degree: Management

Thuy Minh Vuong Abigail Marie Wang 2nd Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice

Justin Zhou 2nd Degree: Philosophy

Sociology Khadijah Surayyah Ali Shirish Kumar Bishwokarma Tania Isabel Bonilla-Paul Lee Alexander Brady Katura Osaria Britt Mark Kirk Buckland Jr. Tahj Capehart Kimberly Clarissa Carbajal Jenny Chen 1st Major: Public Policy

Mark Jeffrey Diluia Naya-Nichole B. Franks

Rachel Paris Heller Chelsea Amanda Hudson Sharon Mi Kim Savannah Mae-Diane Kopp Michael Brett Lavenstein Channise Aryan Lewis Ebenezer Mesfin Paris Shaina Orloff 2nd Major: Jewish Studies

Taylor Anne Osterhuber Madelyn Grace Rivers Greta Eugenia Salvo Sonia Rosibel Villatoro Ramos 2nd Major: Family Science

Jalen Jomo Walker Ariyonna Siobhan Watkins Paola Marie Williams Candice S. Wong Alex Yoon

Jacob Benjamin Dolinger 2nd Major: Operations Management and Business Analytics

Colin Douglas Doscher Edelen Ann Harless Claudia Hill 1st Major: Mathematics

Arshad Hussain Jahir Hussain 2nd Degree: Computer Science

Dalton Andrew Johnson Jacqueline Victoria Juergensen 2nd Degree: Mathematics

Bissaka Insing Kenah 2nd Major: Computer Science

Muhammad Wasay Khan Rohit Krishnagopal 2nd Major: Mathematics

Stephen Kalman Lindsey Shaojun Ma Eleanor Jennings McGuire 2nd Degree: Government and Politics

Bachelor of Science

Mahidhar Venkat Mulpuri

Anthropology Preeti Reddy Bairi

Miguel Alejandro Ordonez Kaan Ozdogru

2nd Degree: Computer Science

Rebecca Felicia Lorente 2nd Degree: Psychology

Kaethe Nicole Rose

Economics Hassan Uzair Ahmad Alexandra Kaila Banham Jeremy Brett Barton 2nd Degree: Finance

Patricia Nicollette Brissett Reid Stephen Buskirk 2nd Degree: Government and Politics: International Relations

Patrick Rui-Peng Cao 2nd Degree: Computer Science

Amanda Qian Wen Chen John William Didio

2nd Degree: Computer Science

2nd Major: Physics

Lucas John Palmer Danvi Pham Muhammad Usman Qazi Kevin Wang 1st Major: Computer Science

Sebastian Wilhelm Thorpe Fabio Tocaj Yankai Xu Yelinna Yeerken

Environmental Science and Policy Esha Kaur Ahluwalia Mackenzie Allen 2nd Degree: Spanish Language, Literatures, and Cultures

Isabella Lynn Bowman Nina Helen Brener

Environmental Science and Policy (continued) Joel Patrick Cover Jr. Emma Rose Cwalinski Jose Alonso Diaz Itzamar Zariely Duran-Cruz Madelyn Ann Farrell Naomi Lichtenstein Leann Ngo Tessa Rose Quade Jacob Covington Shimek Caitlyn Judith Tucker Madelyn Leigh Walstrum Geographical Sciences Obinna Michael Anige Adam Nathan Childs Roxiel Gonzales Dela Cerna Margarita Vladimirovna Drozdetski 1st Major: Environmental Science and Technology

Ashley C.I. Edwards Jonathan Tyler Jameson Trevor G Johnston Kyle Henry Lippincott Durell Waji Nchami Brandon Anthony Pennington 2nd Degree: Information Science

Daniel Preston Simison Ana Auxiliadora Talavera Ruiz Matthew Clark Tralka Cassandra Rachel Nguyen Willkens Damien Alexander Wilson 2nd Major: History

Neuroscience Cameron Anthony Paranzino Christopher Lawrence Gagnon 1st Major: Chemistry

Psychology Zenab Raheem Abubakari Veronica Adler Khalia Markita Brittingham

Dawon Choi Naomi Choti Hayley Rose Aleida Cleveland Jack Gregory Dellafiora Alif Al Fiyaz Sumayyah Azhar Ghori 2nd Degree: English Language and Literature

Victoria Louisa Hahn McKenzie Celeste Hernandez Amida Fatmata Koroma Xiao Lin Kuang 2nd Degree: Biological Sciences

Eden Ray Li 2nd Degree: Biological Sciences

Rebecca Felicia Lorente 2nd Degree: Anthropology

Gintare Marija Meizys 2nd Major: Sociology

MacKenzie Middlesworth Chidera Nnamdi Okoli Madushi Panagodage Cassidy Tien Thuy Pham Sarah Danielle Przybocki Julie Guanmei Ren Tesneem Reshid Tyler Simone Ross Aayushi Roy 2nd Degree: Computer Science

Nicole Wael Salib Jordan Schwartzstein Daniel Lev Shapiro Ava Nichole Sukhenko Noah Eitan Sultan Reuben Singh Van Eck Rebecca Ann Watson Wen Da Zhan

Welcome to the Alumni Community! Welcome to the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) alumni community. You are joining a network of more than 80,000 BSOS alumni across the world, joined by the common bond of being a Terp. We hope you’ll keep in touch and will continue to be involved with the College, your department and the University. We look forward to hearing from you and about you. If you are moving, using a new email address, or starting a new job, update your contact information: The College and the UMD Alumni Association host special events and provide unique opportunities for alumni. To learn more, contact Jenny Kilberg, Director of Alumni and Donor Relations, at or 301.405.2998. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @bsosumd.

Photographs Please visit for more information. All graduates will be notified when photographs are available for viewing.

Reception to Follow Commencement Ceremony All BSOS graduates and their guests are invited to attend a reception immediately following the commencement ceremony. Please join us in the tent located next to the Xfinity Center main staircase entrance on the lawn. The reception will conclude at 6 p.m. Masks are required for entry and participation in the reception.

Acknowledgements Graduates and their guests have been welcomed today by many volunteers from all departments in the College who make this ceremony possible. BSOS faculty and staff share students’ joy in their accomplishments. There are too many to acknowledge for their contributions to this special event, but it would not have been possible without the BSOS Commencement Coordinators, the BSOS Marketing and Communications team and the BSOS Events Management team.


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