50th Anniversary of "Ulysses" & Joyce Exhibition

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ii:f.ij:::flll1:l1ll< University Chopel Services Chapel worship services for members and friends of the AUB community are held each Sunday morning during the academic year from 9 :30 to 10 :00. A coffee and conversation period follows the service in the Faculty Lounge. Child-care for pre-school children is available in the Chaplain's residence just behind the Observatory.

SUNDAY, Dec. 10 - VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT (Arabic), Assembly Hall - AUB, 8 :30 p.m. Invitations available at West Hall.

Prof. John C Bailar, Jr. Prof. of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Illinois will be lecturing on "Some New Development in the Stereochemistry of Metal Amines", On Monday, December 11, 1972 6:00 p.m. - Chemistry Room 101

AREA LECTURES SERIES Prof. Nabeel Shaath on Manpower Development in the Area Wednesday, December 13 8:00 p.m_ Faculty Lounge - Ada Dodge Hall

Faculty of Arts and Sciences DEfARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM 111ird meeting of 1972-73: Speaker: Prof. Jack Anderson Subject: "Algebraic Automata Theory" Friday, December 15, 1972 3 :30 p.m. Tea 4 :00 p.m. Paper Room 329 Agriculture (Math. Dept.)

SUNDAY, Dec. 17 - CHRISTMAS MUSICALE (CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA), Assembly Hall - AUB, 5 :15 p.m. Tickets: LL. 5, 3 and 1. (Net proceeds to Fine and Performing Arts Department Student Scholarship Fund)

From time to time, especially during the summer months, faculty apartments become vacant. Anybody interested please apply in writing to the Director of Housing. Only applications on file will be considered.

50th Anniversary of James Joyce's Ulysses Commemorated The year 1972-73 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of James Joyce's Ulysses. To commemorate this event which is patronized by Sir Desmond Cochrane, with Professors Douglas Duncan and Vivian Mercier as guests of honor, the English Department and the Department of Fine and Performing Arts are organizing a program of tJwo lectures and a James Joyce exhibition. The first lecture, in English, on "The Scylla and Charybdis Episode of Ulysses'" will be given at 7 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 1972 at 'West Hall, AUB, and the second, in French, on "James Joyce and French Literature" will be given at 7 :30 p.m. the next day, Wednesday, December 13, at Dar-el-Fan, Beirut. Both lectures will be delivered by Dr. Vivian Mercier, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder. Prof. Vivian Mercier, born in Dublin. 1919, attended Portora Royal School and Trinity College, Dublin (B.A. 1940, Ph.D. 1945). He emigrated to the U.S. in 1946 and has taught at Bennington

College, the City College of CU.N.Y., and the University of California, Berkeley. He has written on Irish, English and French literatures for a wide variety of periodicals and is the author of The Irish Comic Tradition and The New Novel: From Queuean to Pinget. The James Joyce Exhibition, to be held from 10-15 December at the Central (Jafet Memorial) Library, illustrates selected aspects of the life and work of

Sir Desmond Cochrane James Joyce and of Dublin. It concentrates on those facets of Irish character and landscape that nourished and stimulated his imagination. About 100 photographs of people, places and events in Joyce's lifetime comprise the exhibit. The major part of this material has been kindly lent to the University by the Joyce Museum, Dublin through the courtesy of Sir Desmond Cochrane and the Cultural Relations Committee of Ireland, and has been assembled and edited by Dr. Suheil Bushrui, Chairman of the AUB Department of English.

AUBite Elected President of Order of Engineers and Achitects Mr. Khalil Maalouf, a graduate of the AUB Faculty of Engineering (1945) was elected last week President of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut. His election was widely reported in the local press, and the French language L' Orient-Le lour, which published an interview with Mr. Maalouf, said he obtained his Ph.D. in 1950 from the University of London and taught for several years at AUB. Mr. Maalouf is Managing Director of the Association of Consultant Engineers (ACE).



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Sir Desmond Cochrane, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Ireland in Lebanon opened this week the James Joyce Exhibition at the AUB Central (Jafet Memorial) Library. The opening ceremony ,was attended by President Samuel B. Kirkwood, a number of ambassadors, Professors Vivian Mercier and Douglas Duncan as guests of honor to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Joyce's Ulysses, AUB faculty members and students. The exhibition, assembled and edited by the AUB Department of English under the supervision of its chairman Prof. Suheil Bushrui, is a pictorial biography ilhstrating selected aspects of the life and work of James Joyce (1882-1941). In his speech, Sir Desmond Cochrane thanked AUB for its valuable efforts in the service of culture and education in Lebanon and the Arab world, and spo-



ke of the University's services in various fields. Sir Desmond referred to AUB graduates who are helping develop the Middle East area. He concluded by offering the thanks of the Irish Government to the American University of Beirut for introducing Irish culture to Arabs, particularly through the cultural exhibits which AUB has been organizing, such as the two previous ones on Yeats and Synge. In thanking Sir Desmond for his speech, President Kirkwood described the exhibits as a happy kind of cultural meetings and human understanding. These exhibits, President Kirkwood said, have pictured men of a small nation with a remarkably universal outlook and they have shown the unusual depth of perception of the men of another small nation, world-wide in their own appreciation


Director of Information and Responsible editor: Redwan Mawlawi. Editor: George 5alhab.


Address To:

Prof. Bushrui, who began his speech by asking "why should we here in the Arab world wish to honor an Irish writer and poet?", went on to say: The answer lies not in events or facts but in things less tangible. There is a certain affinity of spirit and sentiment which reveals itself most clearly in a similar attitude towards language; a common devotion to the manner of expression: a heady delight in the hypnotic rhythm of the music of speech, a sensuous feeling of the texture of words. The effect on the hearer (for, to both Irishman and Arab, the written word must be heard) is one of enchantment. The Arabs call this "lawful magic" (Sihr halal) . So when the truth came to them from Us they said: this is surely clear enchantment (The Holy Que'an, X :76)

Prof. Bushrui and members of the Exhibition Committee.

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