UMD Anthropology Good News Spring 2017

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Good News Spring 2017

Summer Courses ANTH222 Introduction to Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology Taught by: Miguel Vilar ANTH240 Introduction to Archaology Taught by: Stephen Brighton & Joshua Samuels ANTH260 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics Taught by: Stanley Herman & Irene Calis ANTH263 Sexuality and Culture Taught by: Charneka Lane ANTH266 Changing Climate, Changing Cultures Taught by: Stanley Herman ANTH298E Anthropological Approaches to Sustainable Development Taught by: Melissa Stevens ANTH468P Anthropology, War, and Security Taught by: Katherine Izsak ANTH473/673 Native American Languages and Cultures Taught by: Jacqueline Messing

Message from Chair For me, the spring semester always fly by. Classes start in late January and before you know it we are holding commencement. As I think back on the semester’s activities, I am again reminded of the efforts and commitment of our faculty, staff and students to improve our department’s programs and its contributions to advancing knowledge and solving world problems. We are ambitious in the scope of our anthropology, and we remain committed to making the world a safe place for our shared human differences. The below “Good News” is a snapshot of our student, staff and faculty efforts and accomplishments. The scope is broad: awards, honors, scholarship and practice, media engagement and conference activities. I think you will agree that these accomplishments are impressive. Have a productive summer but also find some time to relax! – Michael Paolisso

Stay Connected Department of Anthropology University of Maryland 1111 Woods Hall 4302 Chapel Lane College Park, MD 20742 Phone: 301-405-1423






Awards, Honors, & Grants Emily Colón received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Fabio Correa received the Graduate School's Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award. Nadine Dangerfield received the Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies Award.

Nadine Dangerfield received the Outstanding Coordinator of Graduate Studies Award

Kevin Gibbons accepted a scholarship from the Leifur Eiríksson Foundation to continue his dissertation research on Icelandic archaeological materials. Emilia Guevara was awarded a Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship. Erik Hanson received the 2017 BSOS Outstanding Advisor and Administration Award. Sarah Noe received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Camille Westmont was awarded the Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship to document workers’ houses in the company town of Eckley for inclusion in the Historic American Building Survey.

Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman received the GMAC Diversity Field School Award, here pictured with Lewis C. Jones

Camille Westmont received the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide grant that will fund seven months of study at the Center for Critical Heritage Studies in Gothenburg, Sweden. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman won the 2017 Society for Historical Archaeology Gender and Minority Affairs Committee (GMAC) Diversity Field School Award presented at the SHA annual meeting in Fort Worth, TX. Tori Tully received a Summer Internship Award from Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.

2 Erik Hanson received the 2017 BSOS Outstanding Advisor and Administration Award

Scholarship & Service Janet Chernela was an invited discussant for "Rethinking Notions of 'Isolation' and 'Contact' in Amazonia at the New York Academy of Sciences and Wenner-Gren Society Janet Chernela initiated and led, with Emily Dooley, Emily Masucci, Delia Dreher, and Theresa Miller, a Binational Global Classroom project between UMD and Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA).

Mark Leone discussed the findings of the Wye House Plantation and the exhibition on Frederick Douglass in Hornbake Library on 88.1 WYPR. Judith Lynne Hanna served as an outside reader for “Performing the Township: Pantsula for Life” at Rhodes University, South Africa. Judith Lynne Hanna gave an interview about dance on NBC’s America’s Got Talent.

Elizabeth Van Dolah published "Understanding Methodist Heritage Can Inform Planning Climate Futures" as a part of the Deal Island Peninsula Project on the Maryland Sea Grant website.

Mark P. Leone organized a book launch for Atlantic Crossings in the Wake of Frederick Douglass: Archaeology, Literature, and Spatial Culture in the Hornbake Library on Maryland Day.

Carol Ellick, Barbara Little, Paul Shackel, and Joe Watkins were visiting scholars at the University of Minnesota as part of the Institute for Advanced Study’s (IAS) “Heritage, Inclusion, and Civic Engagement: New Directions in Heritage Studies Residency”.

Adriane Michaelis gave an invited talk titled "Understanding Participation in Maryland Oyster Aquaculture" at the Interstate Seafood Seminar in Harrisburg, PA.

Christina Getrich along with Alaska Burdette, Umai Habibah, Kaelin Rapport, Ana Ortez-Rivera, and Delmis Umanzor, presented their findings from the the research project, “Examining the Health and Well-Being of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients Living in Maryland,” to community audiences and conferences on campus. Sarah Grady was appointed as the 2017-2018 Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference Student Committee Chair-Elect. Emilia Guevara was an invited speaker at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, Qualitative Methods and Practice in Anthropology.

Adriane Michaelis gave a talk titled "Who becomes a shellfish grower?", at the 43rd East Coast Commercial Fishermen's & Aquaculture Trade Exposition in Ocean City, MD. Linda Rabben gave an interview on “Interfaith Voices, an NPR syndicated program. Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels was an invited speaker for the conference Critical Conversations in Cultural Heritage, hosted by the UC Santa Cruz Archaeological Research Center in Santa Cruz, CA. She presented the paper “Carbon Heritage: Intergenerational Justice in Climate Change Mitigation”. Thurka Sangaramoorthy wrote “Decolonizing Anthropology in the Trump Era” for The 3 Anthropoliteia Black Lives Matter Syllabus Project.

Thurka Sangaramoorthy organized the Annual Global Health & Culture Lecture, featuring guest speaker Dr. Nicole Bates. Paul Shackel gave an invited lecture titled “A Sense of Where You Are: Water, Place, and Community” at the Institute for Advanced Study at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN. Paul Shackel gave an invited lecture titled “Race and the New Immigrant in Northern Appalachia” at the Anthropology Colloquium Series, “Race: An Anthropological Interrogation” at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA. Paul Shackel was a resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN in April 2017.

Paul Shackel, Barbara Little, and Joe Watkins participated in an IAS Thursdays panel ““A Sense of Where You Are: Water, Place and Community,” moderated by Pat Nunnally. Jen Shaffer and Adriane Michaelis joined the IUCN Cultural Practices and Ecosystem Management thematic group. Jen Shaffer joined the new SESYNC Pursuit, “Saving Africa’s Vultures” Rob Winthrop was the lead organizer of a workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, titled “Social Science Perspectives on Climate Change”.

The city of ​To​ruń​ from across the Vistula River, Poland. Submitted by Kevin Gibbons


Publications Katherine Deeley, Adam Fracchia, Mary Furlong Minkoff, Elizabeth Pruitt,Tracy Jenkins, Benjamin A. Skolnik, and Stefan Woehlke wrote chapters for the book Atlantic Crossings in the Wake of Frederick Douglass: Archaeology, Literature, and Spatial Culture Kevin Gibbons co-authored the article "Anthropological contributions to historical ecology: 50 questions, infinite prospects" that was recently published in PLoS ONE. Kevin Gibbons contributed to the National Park Service's new Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy, authored by Marcy Rockman, Marissa Morgan, Sonya Ziaja, George Hambrecht and Alison Meadow.

Katherine Johnson, Brian Needelman, and Michael Paolisso published a chapter titled “Vulnerability and Resilience in a Rural Coastal Community", in the book Responses to Disasters and Climate Change: Understanding Vulnerability and Fostering Resilience. Adriane Michaelis co-authored "The impact of environment and ontogeny on the relative fecundity and egg quality of female oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from four sites in the northern Chesapeake Bay" in the Biological Bulletin.

Thurka Sangaramoorthy published the article “Black Lives Matter and Reflections from a Civil War” in SAPIENS. Thurka Sangaramoorthy et al. published the article “Residential Noise Associated with Natural Gas Compressor Stations” in PLoS ONE. Thurka Sangaramoorthy et al. latest paper from the University of Maryland’s Marcellus Shale Public Health Study, titled “A Pilot Study to Assess Residential Noise Exposure Near Natural Gas Compressor Stations,” was recently published in PLoS ONE.

Teresa Moyer and David Gadsby recently published the article "The Scope of US National Park Service Archaeology at Home and Abroad" in American Anthropologist.

Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Amelia Jamison, and Typhanye Dyer published “HIV-stigma, Retention in Care, and Adherence among Older Black Women Living with HIV” in the Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.

Judith Lynne Hanna’s published her review essay of The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity titled “To Dance Is Human Boundary Marking” in Dance Chronicle.

Mark P. Leone co-edited a book titled Atlantic Crossings in the Wake of Frederick Douglass: Archaeology, Literature, and Spatial Culture with Lee M. Jenkins.

Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Amelia Jamison, and Typhanye Dyer published “Intersectional Stigma and Older Black Women with HIV/AIDS” in Culture, Health, and Sexuality.

Christine Miller Hesed coauthored “Promoting Climate Justice in High Income Countries: Lessons from African American Communities on the Chesapeake Bay” in the journal, Climatic Change.

Michael Paolisso et al. published the new edited volume, Environmental Modeling with Stakeholders: Theory, Methods, and Applications.

Paul Shackel published an article titled “Applied Anthropology Training and Internship Preparation on the Graduate Level” in SAA Archaeological 5 Record.

Rob Winthrop was one of the contributors to a report from the National Ecosystem Services Partnership, Data and Modeling Infrastructure for National Integration of Ecosystem Services into Decision Making. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman, co-authored a paper titled “Bureaucratic Reforms on the Frontier: Zooarchaeological and Historical Perspectives on the 1767 Jesuit Expulsion in the Pimería Alta.” Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman contributed a chapter titled “Missions, Livestock, and Economic Transformation in the Pimería Alta” to the volume New Mexico and the Pimería Alta: The Colonial Period in the American Southwest, recently published by the University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Conferences & Presentations Emily Dooley and Adriane Michaelis, presented "Seeking Sustainable Livelihoods in the Peruvian Amazon" at UMD’s Social Justice Day. ​Kevin Gibbons presented a paper titled "Icelandic Livestock and Landscapes: Biometrical Signatures of Land Surface Change" at the Society of American Archaeology conference in Vancouver, Canada. Kevin Gibbons presented a paper titled "Biometrical Approaches to the Icelandic Palaeoanthropocene: Integrating Livestock and Landscapes on the Periphery" at the Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum, hosted by the Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University To​ruń​, Poland. Sarah Grady presented “Recovering the Landscape of an Abandoned Town in Port Tobacco, Maryland” by Sarah Grady and Esther Doyle Read at the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Sarah Grady presented “Engagement, Agency, and Activism through Environmental Archaeology” by Sarah A. Grady, Valerie M.J. Hall, and Sarah N. Janesko at the Middle Atlantic Archaeology Conference in Virginia Beach. Katherine Johnson presented “Collaborative Science and Learning as Tools for Climate Change Adaptation” by Katherine Johnson, Christine Feurt, and Michael Paolisso at the 9th International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, UK. Adriane Michaelis presented "Understanding Participation in Maryland Oyster Aquaculture: In a Changing Environment" at Aquaculture America in San Antonio, TX. 6

Linda Rabben presented on sanctuary, asylum, and refugees at Penn State University Law School, William Penn House in Washington DC, Bird in Hand bookstore/café in Baltimore, Towson University, Brandeis University, Friends Meeting at Cambridge in Massachusetts, Boston College, Princeton University, Torture Abolition and Survivors’ Support Coalition in Washington DC, Annapolis Bookstore, and Richmond VA Friends Meeting. Joe Watkins gave a presentation titled, “Environmental Justice and Tribal Sovereignty: New Directions in Old Issues” at the Territoriality, Sovereignty, and Water Panel Discussion on Indian Law and Rights at the Mill City Museum in Minneapolis, MN. Drs. Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Nicole Bates, and Lis Maring at the Spring 2017 Global Health & Culture Lecture Series

Andrew Webster presented a paper titled “Marginality in a Connected World: Consumption and Consumerism in Nineteenth-Century Rural Ireland” at the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver, BC. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman and University of Arizona graduate student Nicole Mathwich presented a paper titled “Cattle Ranching and O’odham Communities in the Pimería Alta: Zooarchaeological and Historical Perspectives” at the Society for Historical Archaeology Meetings in Fort Worth, TX.

Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) 2017 Presentations The DACA Team at the Santa Fe Plaza for the SfAA Conference

BENESSAIAH, Nejm and SHAFFER, Jen (Chairs and Presenters) Session: Water Security: Scalar Conflicts, Participatory Management & Climate Change Paper Presentation: Relative Scales, Fluid Responses: Polycentric Water Governance from States to Communities in the Middle East & North Africa Paper Presentation: The Potential for Participatory Water Resource Management in the MENA Region BURDETTE, Alaska, RAPPORT, Kaelin, and GETRICH, Christina Session: Immigrant Experiences with Health Systems Paper Presentation: “We Lost Our Health Insurance When We Moved”: Navigating a Fragmented Health Care Landscape: DACA Recipients in Maryland 7

Sarah Hartge received Honorable Mention in the Valene Smith Prize for Student Posters on Tourism competition at SfAA conference

CHERNELA, Janet M., BREITFELLER, Jessica, DOOLEY, Emily, and COLON, Emily (Chairs and Presenters) Session: Indigenous Peoples, Conservation Policies and Practices: Challenges, Negotiations Paper Presentation: BREITFELLER, Jessica- Climate, Culture, and Consent: Indigenous Consultation Processes in Costa Rica Paper Presentation: CHERNELA, Janet M.- Linking Levels: Structural Arrangements among Multilevel Stakeholders in Environmental-Indigenous Collaborations in the Brazilian Amazon Paper Presentation: COLON, Emily-Words that Kill: Inter-ethnic Oratory among the Kayapo in Historic Perspective Paper Presentation: DOOLEY, Emily-Global Classroom Re-contextualized: Climate Change in the State of Amazonas Addressed through an Inter-cultural Educational Approach Paper Presentation: DREHER, Delia- Indigenous Self Determination and the Rise of Social Media: Internet Connectivity and New Technology in the Amazon COHEN, Amber Session: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Managing Marinescapes: Highlighting Graduate Research, Part I Paper Presentation: Subsistence Fishing in Urban Waterways: A Cultural Resource? CRAIN, Cathleen, and TASHIMA, Nathaniel (Chairs and Presenters) Session: Decoding Permission to Change: Exploring the Importance of Sanctioned Spaces for Behavioral Change Paper Presentation: TASHIMA, Nathaniel, CRAIN, Cathleen, and ISHIHARA-BRITO, Reiko- The Challenge of Intimate Partner Violence Prevention, Community Evaluation and Creating Sanctioned Space Paper Presentation: ISHIHARA-BRITO, Reiko, TASHIMA, Nathaniel, and CRAIN, Cathleen- Honoring Cultural Trails to Raise Well Children: The Need for Sanctioned Spaces for Parenting Support Paper Presentation: CRAIN, Cathleen- A Video Ethnography on Barriers and Facilitators to Raising Well Children in California Paper Presentation: EDBERG, Mark- Imposed Modernity, Social Networks, and Family Planning Practices in a Rural Ethiopian Community

DANGERFIELD, Nadine Session: Identity and Transformation Paper Presentation: Blurring Boundaries with Happy Hour Diversity Discussions: An Evolving Model on How to Be Inclusive and Transformative in an Organizational Culture Nadine Dangerfield Session: Resistance Open Mic forum dedicated to exploring the idea of resistance as understood and experienced by anthropologists and the communities with which we work. FISKE, Shirley (Chair and Discussant) Session: A Changing Climate: How Will the Southwest Survive Session: Ethnographic Futures of Weather and Climate Forecasting Paper Presentation FISKE, Shirley and FREIDENBERG, Judith Session: Meet the Editors of Human Organization and Practicing Anthropology FREIDENBERG, Judith (Chair) Session: How We Think, Work and Write about Migration, Part I Session: How We Think, Work and Write about Migration, Part II FREIDENBERG, Judith (Chair), CHAMBERS, Erve, SCHACHT REISINGER, Heather, and BUTLER, Mary Odell (Roundtable participants) Session: “What’s in a Name?”: A Round Table on Practice GUEVARA, Emilia M. and SANGARAMOORTHY, Thurka Session: Factors Influencing Health Service Utilization among Immigrants Paper Presentation: Health and Housing: The Impact of Substandard Housing on Farmworker Vulnerability on Maryland’s Eastern Shore HABIBAH, Umai Session: Neither Here Nor There: Being Refugees Paper Presentation: Understanding the Refugee Experience During Resettlement 8

HARTGE, Sarah Session: Student Posters Poster Presentation: Engaging with the Past: Mapping a Cemetery on the Chesapeake Bay to Create a Heritage Tool for a Watermen Community HELLER, Alison Session: Disability Technology and Identity Paper Presentation: A Complicated Calculus: The Hope for Health & the Risk of Social Harm in Treatment Seeking for Obstetric Fistula in Niger HEURTIN-ROBERTS, Suzanne, and SCHACHT REISINGER, Heather Workshop: Introduction to Implementation Science JOHNSON, Katherine J., NEEDELMAN, Brian A., and PAOLISSO, Michael Session: Learning from the Locals: The Importance of Community Perspectives in Countering “Expert” Bias in Disaster Response Paper Presentation: Vulnerability and Resilience to Climate Change in a Rural Coastal Community

RAPPORT, Kaelin Session: Challenges to Applied Anthropology Practice and Partnerships Paper Presentation: “Generalizing Within” and “Generalizing From”: An Anthropological Perspective on the Importance of Context in Implementation Science UMANZOR, Delmis, HABIBAH, Umai, and GETRICH, Christina Session: Perspectives on Refugees, Migrants, and Immigrant’s Experience Paper Presentation: “I Work Twice as Hard for Half as Much”: The Balancing Act of DACA Recipients in Maryland VAN DOLAH, Elizabeth R., PAOLISSO, Michael J., and JOHNSON, Katherine J. Session: Moving toward Sustainability and Addressing Climate Change through Local Governance, Citizen Engagement and Anthropology/Ethnography Paper Presentation: Developing Collaborative Governance through the Deal Island Peninsula Project: Climate Change, Adaptation Planning, and Heritage

KALJEE, Linda, JOSHI, Rajesh Dhoj, SHRESTHA, Basudha, KARKI, Kshitji, PLUM, Alexander, and PRENTISS, Tyler Session: An Applied Anthropology of Microbes Paper Presentation: A Hospital- and Community-based Study of Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship in Kathmandu MANKEL, Magda E. Session: Processes of Heritage-Making: Tales, Trails, and Traditions Paper Presentation: Linking Latinos to the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail: Using Cultural Heritage to Generate Civic Engagement ORTEZ-RIVERA, Ana and GETRICH, Christina Session: Reflections on Immigration and Resettlement Paper Presentation: “I Carry My Work Permit with Me Everywhere I Go”: DACA as Material Security during Anti-Immigrant Times

Initiated and led, with Emily Dooley, Emily Masucci, Delia Dreher, and Theresa Miller, a Binational Global Classroom project between UMD and Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA).


Graduating Class of 2017 Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology

Master of Applied Anthropology

Martin Krizan

Amber Cohen

Joint Culture in the U.S. Military: Accomplishing the Mission by Adapting to Organizational Diversity

Subsistence Fishing in Urban Waterways: A Cultural Resource?

Megan E. Springate

Perspectives and Challenges in Globalized Learning: Virtualizing the Brazilian Amazon

Respectable Holidays: The Archaeology of Capitalism and Identities at the Crosbyside Hotel (c. 1870-1902) and Wiawaka Holiday House (mid-1910s-1929), Lake George, New York

Emily Dooley

Sarah Hartge

Engaging with the Past: Mapping a Cemetery on the Chesapeake Bay to Create a Heritage Tool for a Watermen Community

Sarah Noe

“Lost in Translation: Bridging the Gap between Anthropological Research and NGO Project Implementation”


Scott Oliver

In the Smokehouse and the Quarter: Exploring communities of consumption through faunal remains at the Montpelier plantation”

Kaelin Rapport

Anthropology in Implementation Science: Bridging Research to Reality

Hannah Vahle

Beyond Battlefields: Incorporating Social Contexts into Military Sites 10

Graduating Class of 2017 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology Sarah Rebecca Buchanan Carley Michelle Carter Molly Anne Dana Delia Kennelly Dreher (Departmental Honors) Departmental Honors Aniqa Syeda Elahi Mayra Rocio Garcia llerena Warren Philip Griffiths Lindsay Nicole Grinder Naomi Joy Harris Double Major: Journalism Charles Anthony Howell Maya Elizabeth Koepke Kellie Frances Kubler Noah Lenes Maghsadi Matthew Thomas McAlister Alexa Sylvia Pinto Steven Michael Sexton Mary Katherine Skora Nicholas Richard Spielman Chelsea Rose Stolt Rachel Elizabeth Sweren

Congratulations! Have a wonderful summer


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