Teaching of English

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American University of Beirut




THURSDA Y, MAY 18, 1972

Teaching of English Seven ty teachers from the rna jor institutions of higher learning in Lebanon attended the first interuniversity conference on the teaching of English, held recently in the Faculty Lounge of AUB. The conference was opened by Prof. Edwin T. Prothro, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. and the all-day sessions were co-sponsored by the AUB English De¡ partment, whose Chairman, Dr. S. B. Bushrui, presided over the morning session of the conference. The presiding officer during the afternoon session was Dr. Yaser Daghistani, Chairman of the English Department at the Lebanese University. The keynote of the sessions was a masterful presentation of the

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ticularly concerned with in English of students who achieved the requisite level continuation. in afield other English language or literature. Their problem is best stated by the observation that one's competence in English often actually deleriorates as lie progresses in his area of specialization. A possible solution to this problqm is to restructure the program during the first two years at the Universiy. The greater part of the afternoon was devoted to the business meeting of the new Association of U ni vers i ty Teachers of Engl ish in the Arab World. Dr. Bushrui was re-elected President. by acclamation; in addition, several committees were formed to carry out


Thirty-three Lebanese firms and manufacturers participated in the Engineering Materials and Equipment Exhibition at AUB, May 4"14. Held under the auspices of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Mr. Saeb Salam, the exhibition was opened by the Minister of Public Work, Mr. Kamal Khouri. The exhibition was organized by the AUB Engineering Student Society and the Engineering Alumni Chapter. The first exhibition, in 1965,



has now beconje. an annual, international event. Its purpose is to acquaint students with the practical side of engineering and enable them to have direct contacts with merchants and contractors. Furthermore, the exhibition is an engineers excellent occasion for and contractors, as well as the public, to see the most up-to-date engineering equipment, whethe. manufactured locally or imported. Proceeds go to help AUB engineering students.




Ph.D. in Physics "Problems and Standards of English Teaching in Lebanon,''' by Dr. Raja T. Nasr, Chairman of the Education Department, Beirut College for Women. Dr. Nasr summarized the current situation ;n the teaching of English in this country, and spelled out problem areas ranging from curricula and examinations to teacher qualifications and the place of English in the university curriculum. His presentation was followed by active discussion from the floor and the presentation by Dr. Yorkey of the Center for English Language Research and Teaching (CELRT) AUH ot proposed syllabus revisions for both the primary and the secondary cycles. A further proposal was presented during the afternoon session by Dr. Neil Bratton of the CELRT concerning rhe place of English at the University level. He was par-

projects proposed during the day's sessions. Of particular significance in this respect was the presence during the morning session of Dr. Wadi' Haddad, Director General of the Educational Research and Development Cente'r, Ministry of Education, Lebanon. In his opening remarks to the conference, Dr. Haddad asked f()r the active collaboration of the Association in identifying and proposing solutions to the problems of teaching English throughout the school system. The Association further decided to plan for an area conference on the teaching of English throughout the Arab world, to be held in 1974. Tentatively, May 1974 was chosen as the date and the American University of Beirut as (he venue. A planning committee was nominated during the business session.

The first Ph.D. candidate in Physics at AUB, Mr. Nabil Kassis will take his final oral examination on Monday, May 22. Mr. Kassis' thesis in Nuclear Physics entitled "Third Order Energy Calculation in Closed Shell 'Nuclei and Closed Shell Nuclei + 1 Nucleon" which concerus itself with the controversial topic of the convergence of per-

turbation theory in Nuclear structure calcula tions has resulted in two publications. The examining committee will include Prof. P. Ellis from the Nuclear Physics Department of Oxford University who will be visiting the Physics Department for about ten days, and Professors Mavromatis ( Adviser ), Schilcher, Singh and ZahIan from AUB.

MA in Urbans Planing and Design The Department of Architecture at the AUB Faculty of Engineering and Architecture is now offering a master's degree in Urban Planning and Urban Design to help meet the problems and needs created by the rapid ur-

banisation of the Middle East. Further infonnation may be obtained on application to the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the American University, P. O. Box 236, Beirut, Lebanon.

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