BSOS Capabilities Brochure

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College of

Behavioral & Social Sciences the Solution


CollEgE oF

Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution



The College of Behavioral & Social Sciences is home to 10 diverse, interdisciplinary departments



and programs, all committed to investigating and improving the human condition. BE CULTURAL

African American Studies  »   Be empowered BE UNDERSTOOD

CollEgE oF

Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution

Anthropology  »   be cultural CollEgE oF

Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution

Criminology & Criminal Justice  »  be just DEPARTMENT OF

Criminology & Criminal Justice

Economics  »  be efficient joINT PRogRAM IN

Survey Methodology

Geographical Sciences  »  be global Government & Politics  »   be civil


Hearing & Speech Sciences  »   be heard Joint Program in Survey Methodology  »  Be counted BE COUNTED



Psychology  »  be understood CollEgE oF

Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution

Sociology  »   be social

Major centers


Geographical Sciences

Center for Addictions, Personality, and Emotion Research


Government & Politics

Center for Substance Abuse Research


Hearing & Speech Sciences


Maryland Population Research Center


CollEgE oF



Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism

CollEgE oF

Behavioral & SoCial SCienCeS the Solution



Interindustry Forecasting Project at the University of Maryland

CollEgE oF

Center for Safe Solutions

The worldwide economic crisis. Crime and terrorism. Climate change. Transitions in populations and governments. These are among the critical challenges facing humanity, and the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland (BSOS) is already working to solve them.

Our 10 academic departments and six major research centers work together to explore individual and group behavior as well as political, social, legal and economic institutions. Our outstanding researchers— including a Nobel Prize winner and three members of the National Academy of Sciences—collaborate with students to push the boundaries of their fields. Our faculty are also committed to teaching, by providing relevant and exceptional classroom experiences. Our students are engaged citizens, whether interning with nonprofits or government agencies or volunteering as peer counselors.

We are innovators, drawing on the resources of and our connections to Washington, D.C., and the world to investigate issues, inform policy and shape the future.

BSOS strives to be the solution.

Enhancing International Relations » Globalization and the changing worldwide political landscape have made it more important than ever to understand international social issues. At BSOS, our research, teaching and outreach seek to make the world better educated, safer and more peaceful.

“I’m preparing for a career with nonprofits, and taking government and politics courses has helped me understand how government works, as well as the interplay between all its different aspects, which is so incredibly important.”

Thor Schumacher ’13, government & politics, bachelor’s / master’s in public policy



Shibley Telhami


Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace


and Development


How do Arabs view the United States?

Gary LaFree and Laura Dugan

Who supports the Arab Spring? Where

Director and Investigator

do Arabs get their information? Shibley

Gary LaFree and Laura Dugan devel-

Telhami offers policymakers and the pub-

oped and lead START’s Global Terrorism

lic new insights into the impact of the

Database (GTD), which provides the

Arab Awakening, attitudes about Middle

world’s most comprehensive unclas-

East peace prospects and much more

sified data source for measuring

through his annual Arab Public Opinion

terrorist attacks. Defense and security

Poll. Now he’s examining how social

policymakers use the GTD to learn about

media can be used to detect opinion

more than 100,000 terrorist attacks

shifts as they occur in the region. He’s also

around the world since 1970, including

a frequent advisor to Congress and other

the types of weapons used, the target, the

federal officials on foreign policy, diplo-

number of casualties and, when identifi-

macy and security in the Middle East.

able, the group or individual responsible. START has research projects with more than a dozen international partners, working together to better understand and eliminate terrorism.

Peace Chairs Hoda Mahmoudi

Suheil Bushrui

Bahá’í Chair for World Peace

Lisa and George Zakhem Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace

Peace is more than just the absence of war: It’s a state where

Suheil Bushrui’s work, which spans both modern Anglo-Irish

the basic needs of every human being are addressed. Hoda

and Arab writers such as Yeats and Gibran, and the great faith

Mahmoudi is examining the impact of globalization on

traditions, highlights the spiritual unity at the heart of the

world peace, as well as challenges and barriers to creating a

world’s cultural heritage, affirming a set of universal ethical

peaceful society, including the changing nature of state sover-

values to help humanity address the challenges facing it today.

eignty, equal access to resources, environmental degradation

A recipient of numerous national and international awards,

and gender inequality. Her work emphasizes that male leaders

Bushrui has been a frequent speaker at international peace con-

in all arenas—including the media, politics and education—need

ferences, as well as cultural advisor to a number of world leaders

to help resolve gender disparities.

and heads of state.

Encouraging Global Sustainability  » Deforestation, waterway pollution, global warming—human activity frequently clashes with protection of our limited natural resources. Through technology and hands-on research, BSOS is exploring how economic progress affects our physical environment and vice versa.


GEOGRAPHical sciences

Maureen Cropper

Christopher Justice

Distinguished University Professor and Chair

Professor and Chair

What value do people place on cleaner

As an average of 10,000 fires burn

air or water? How much are people

around the world on a typical August

willing to pay to reduce their risk of

day, Christopher Justice is using satellite

dying of a particular disease? Maureen

remote sensing for much-improved

Cropper has made major contributions

detection and monitoring of fire on a

in environmental policy by developing

global scale. He helped develop a rapid

methods to answer such complex

response system used throughout the

questions. A former lead economist at the

world for natural resource management

World Bank, she’s now evaluating the

and firefighting. A longtime collaborator

impact of programs to promote energy

with NASA, he’s currently examining fire

efficiency in India and the benefits of

trends and their connections to trace gas

distributing antiviral drugs in developing

emissions, climate change, land use and

countries to mitigate the spread of

human interactions.

pandemic flu.

Understanding Societies & Cultures  » Disparities in schools and incarcerations. Challenges faced by single moms,

AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES Odis Johnson / Assistant Professor A low-income neighborhood is likely to have schools with run-down buildings, out-of-date books and underqualified teachers, putting students—often African

veterans and religious groups. Misunderstandings

American or other underrepresented

between different ethnic groups here and abroad. All

Odis Johnson hopes his research on

of these are the focus of contemporary research at

populations—at a disadvantage. opportunity gaps between white, black and Latino students will lead

BSOS. We’re exploring the educational, legal, social

to policies to change that. Solutions

and political institutions that our communities are

neighborhoods through government

built on in order to advance understanding and effect

include relocating families into better programs or allocating more funding for urban schools to increase resources and accountability. Bringing together

positive change.

education, sociology and public policy, he’s giving low-income students better opportunities to succeed. SOCIOLOGY Sonalde Desai and


Reeve Vanneman / Professors


India has undergone tremendous social

Ray Paternoster / Professor

change in the last decade as a result of its

Ray Paternoster’s work spans both ends

economic progress. But growth remains

of the criminal justice spectrum, from

uneven, with people of lower castes and

investigating the motivations of

those in remote areas falling behind.

potential lawbreakers to the possible

Sonalde Desai and Reeve Vanneman have

biases of prosecutors seeking the death

been surveying households in India for 10

penalty. He’s researching what compels

years to uncover the differences in health,

people to steal, lie or kill, hoping that

education and employment. Working

insight can help parents, social workers

closely with Indian partners and the

and guidance counselors keep young

Indian government, Desai and Vanneman

people on the right path. Paternoster

are identifying ways to improve

has also revealed racial discrimination in

policies to help give all Indians an

capital punishment cases in Maryland,

opportunity to be productive and capable

South Carolina and Georgia, particularly

members of society.

when the defendant is black and the victim is white.


Chinese officials graduated from The Department of Criminology & Criminal justice’s professional master’s degree program at Nanjing Normal University Law School. The program is the first of its kind in China. The department also recently initiated a master of professional studies in justice leadership program with the People’s Police Academy in Vietnam.

Improving the Human Condition   Human behavior is invariably connected to health and well-being. Our work in BSOS delves into how the brain functions and how societal conditions play a role in disorders as disparate as autism and schizophrenia. We also explore important policy issues including infectious diseases, immigration and addictions, offering new insights, treatments and results.



Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah

Luiz Pessoa  /  Professor

Associate Professor

Fear can change your thinking. So can

Approximately one in 200 American

cash. Luiz Pessoa uses behavioral and

adults have chronic difficulties speaking

functional MRI methods to study how

and understanding language due to

emotion and motivation interact with

brain injury, a condition known as

cognition. His work investigating how

aphasia. Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah studies

a jolt of fear sharpens attention or

relationships between thought and

clouds reasoning is expanding scientists’

language for people with aphasia,

understanding of phobias and anxiety

such as how to quickly formulate

and is leading to better treatments and

speech using proper grammar. A

patient outcomes. His research analyzing

speech-language pathologist, she brings

motivators and rewards, whether money,

together methods from neuroimaging,

food or sex, offers new insight into such

linguistics and cognitive psychology to

contemporary mental health problems as

discover how speech therapy and other

gambling addictions or compulsive eating.

treatments can help the damaged adult brain reorganize itself.

ANTHROPOLOGY Judith Freidenberg  /  Professor


Little is known about the burgeoning


but often invisible immigrant population

Richard Valliant

that is changing the face of the nation

Research Professor

and the state of Maryland: Where did

How can an economist predict the impact

they come from? Why did they come

of a new government jobs program

here? What challenges do they face?

on the unemployment rate? How can

Judith Freidenberg, an immigrant herself,

a medical researcher anticipate the

seeks to answer these questions, in

spread of a new virus? Richard Valliant’s

hopes of challenging stereotypes

work helps to create the best models

and educating communities and

for many types of social, economic

policymakers on the specific needs of

and public health phenomena. Today,

immigrant populations. In East Harlem,

academics, government officials and

N.Y., she explored the socioeconomic

commercial businesses rely on his

conditions that shape elderly immigrants’

methods to develop and refine analyses

lives. And in Prince George’s County, Md.,

based on data from complex surveys.

she’s curated a traveling exhibit on the immigrant experience and is researching barriers older Latinos face to employment and access to health care.

“Abnormal psych has been my favorite course. I’m fascinated by mental health issues and how they would be treated, and now I’m thinking about applying for a master’s in social work so I can work with families touched by a mental health disorder.”

Emily Utz ’13, psychology / family science

BSOS Facts & Figures » BSOS houses two of UMD’s highly praised living and learning programs. CIVICUS allows students seeking to become engaged citizens to live together under one roof and participate in unique courses, internships and community service. Global Communities is a two-year program in which students live with peERS from different cultures and learn about the global interconnections that shape our lives.



among the nation’s schools in social sciences, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (Jiao Tong University, Shanghai)


Geographical Sciences Program,


according to the National Research Council

Several Graduate programs are ranked among the best in the country, according to U.S. News & World Report:

1 6 10 22 24 28 40



Criminology & criminal justice


Sex & Gender (Sociology)


Sociology of Population (Sociology)






Government & Politics



4 5

of the most popular undergraduate majors at UMD ARE IN BSOS: criminology & criminal justice, psychology, government & politics, and economics


intercollegiate national championships won by The Mock Trial Team, based in the Department of Government & Politics

6,000+ 800 undergraduate and

master’s and doctoral students

51 million+ in external research funding brought in by BSOS faculty in 2012 from institutions including the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, NASA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counted Psychology Be Understoo Sociology Be social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology Be cultural Hearing & Speec Sciences Be Heard Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counted Psycholog Be Understood Sociology Be social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology Be cultural Hearin & Speech Sciences Be Heard Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counte Psychology Be Understood Sociology Be social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology B cultural Hearing & Speech Sciences Be Heard Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Surve Methodology Be 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College Park, MD 20742 American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology Be cultural Hearing & Speech Sciences Be Heard Geographic sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counted Psychology Be Understood Sociology B social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology Be cultural Hearing & Speech Sciences Be Hear Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counted Psychology Be Understoo p 301.405.3475 / f 301.405.2826 Sociology Be social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal Justice Be Just Anthropology Be cultural Hearing & Speec Sciences Be Heard Geographical sciences Be Global Economics Be efficient Government & Politics Be Civil Survey Methodology Be Counted Psycholog Be Understood Sociology Be social African American Studies Be empowered Criminology & Criminal 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2141 Tydings Hall college park, md 20742 p 301.405.3475 / f 301.405.2826

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