BSOS Be the Solution Magazine 2018

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Contents 2018

Features Brave Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Building a Cochlear Implant Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 By Women, for Women—and the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 African American Studies (AASD) News Bell Receives Grant to Study Economic, Racial Health Disparities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Helping Black Children Navigate Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Anthropology (ANTH) News Studying the Opioid Epidemic at the Ground Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Addressing Climate Change as a Community Effort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJS) News Gary LaFree Takes the Helm of CCJS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Honoring the Unknown: Alumnus Josh Wesnidge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Economics (ECON) News UMD, Global Researchers Link Pollution with Global Fatalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 John Wallis Receives Mancur Olson Professorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Geographical Sciences (GEOG) News UMD and NASA Join Forces to Improve Global Food Security through Satellite Data. . . . . . . . 20 Eradicating Poverty and Slowing Climate Change are Compatible Goals, UMD Research Shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Government & Politics (GVPT) News

The Gibran Chair is fostering female-led social change in the Middle East and North Africa. See story page 12.

Veteran Journalists Invited to Headline Inaugural Feller Lecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Washington Post-UMD Poll Finds Only 10% of Americans Trust US Government . . . . . . . . . . 21 Hearing & Speech Sciences (HESP) News UMD Awarded $8 million to Combat Hearing Loss in Older Americans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Finding ‘Fido’: Studying Canine Name Recognition in Noisy Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) News JPSM Offers Online Program Designed for Working Professionals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Commission Led by Abraham Makes Recommendations to President, Congress. . . . . . . . . . . 23 Psychology (PSYC) News Turtle Program Helps Shy Children Come Out of their Shells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 What Not to Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Sociology (SOCY) News Professor John Pease Retires after 50 Years of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Doctoral Candidate Receives Milton Dean Havron Social Sciences Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Peace Chairs News Bahá’í Chair Receives Record-Breaking Support for Timely Campus Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sadat Chair Events, Polls Shape Discourse on Pressing Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Updates from Centers and More C-BERC Fishlinger Lecture Features Jeffrey Sonnenfeld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

The Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence serves the DC/MD/VA region. See story page 8.

BSOS Launches Center for Geospatial Information Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Addressing the National Opioid Crisis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 START Students Win National Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CIVICUS Welcomes Director Korey Rothman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Giving News BSOS Unveils Feller Scholars Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 BSOS Celebrates Giving Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Donors Help Make Dreams Come True. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Cover illustration by Chris Campbell

Honoring the Legacy of Faculty Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Letter from the Dean

Dear Friends, Whether in the classroom, at an academic conference, around the water cooler, or at a family barbecue, sometimes we find ourselves wondering, “How can we talk about challenging issues?” While the academic disciplines found within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences are diverse and complex, all members of our community have a few things in common. Notably, we’re all working to be the solution to the world’s great challenges related to social interactions and behavior. And because of that, we know it’s important to openly, honestly and candidly discuss the issues that face our society. These discussions are happening not just among peer groups, but at open forums where faculty, students, staff, alumni and members of the public come together to learn, to share and to ask significant questions. There is value in getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.You’ll learn more about this important work in our cover story, “Brave Spaces.” Also in these pages, you will read about how BSOS is emerging as a leader in cochlear implant technology and treatments; how we are engaging with women community leaders in the Middle East and in North Africa; and how we are offering insight into voter confidence and action in Maryland and beyond.

Dean Gregory Ball

We face challenges together, we learn together, and we also celebrate together. For the third year in a row, I am proud to say that the BSOS community contributed to record-breaking participation in UMD Giving Day, which was held on March 7. Overall, the University of Maryland raised more than $1.2 million. Our donors helped BSOS to secure the highest amount of any unit on campus during this 24-hour fundraising challenge. Our college brought home more than $300,000 in gifts and in additional funds by winning hourly competitions. Overall, BSOS received 567 gifts. Thank you! We invite you to read more at, and to keep up with us via social media. Please send your updates and feedback to I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Gregory F. Ball Dean and Professor, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences University of Maryland

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By Sara Gavin, Journalism ‘01


It’s the second week of the spring semester in Stella Rouse’s Racial and Ethnic Politics course. Rouse asks who watched the State of the Union address two days prior. Nearly everyone raises a hand. What follows is a 30-minute discussion that begins as a critique of President Donald Trump’s speech and dovetails into a debate over immigration, gun control and military spending. Rouse’s classroom, like so many others at the University of Maryland, is a space where students are encouraged to speak their minds and engage in rigorous debate. “At the beginning of each semester, I make sure students know they need to be respectful of diverging opinions, and then I enforce that,” Rouse said. “I also don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable if they don’t want to share who they are, how they identify or what their background is.” These days, society doesn’t seem to operate under the same rules that govern Rouse’s class. In a deeply divided national climate where people are reluctant to listen to viewpoints that don’t mirror their own, political discussions can quickly turn into confrontational, personal attacks—both offline and online. The question many Americans, and many Terrapins, are asking themselves lately is, How do we narrow the divide? Associate Professor Rashawn Ray from the Department of Sociology champions creating “brave spaces” both on- and off-campus. “‘Safe spaces’ is a term I find problematic,” Ray said. “I don’t necessarily see any place at work or school as a safe space—I’m not sure there necessarily should be. So, we have to create brave spaces. Brave spaces are where we actively work to build bridges.” Faculty and staff members throughout the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences are embracing this concept every day. We asked four of them to share their personal approaches to creating brave spaces for students and themselves.


ROUSE SAYS THE CURRENT POLITICAL CLIMATE has made her job as a researcher and an educator more challenging than in years past. While moderating debates in class ensures they are civil and respectful, Rouse says she regularly fields questions from students struggling to find common ground with family members or friends who don’t share the same political or ideological opinions. “I had a student last semester who came and talked to me and said ‘I’m liberal, but my parents are Trump supporters, and I just avoid any conversation with them. What do I do?’” Rouse said. “I think we used to be much more of an open society that valued opposing opinions and tried to take something away from them. I’m just sort of navigating it as we go along.” Nevertheless, Rouse is committed to helping students cultivate informed opinions, no matter where they lay on the political spectrum, and the confidence to speak out on subjects about which they are passionate. Part of that involves sharing her personal history as an immigrant who came to the United States from Colombia at 2 years old. Rouse tells students about her

“ People are not monolithic. They have varying opinions about different things. If you explore and have those conversations, you might find people are much more moderate on some issues than you would expect if you just presume

based on one factor.

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background when they discuss immigration policy and the current debate over what to do with people known as Dreamers—those who came to the United States in childhood but do not have legal status as citizens. “I tell my students all the time, I could have been a Dreamer,” Rouse said. “My parents fortunately had permanent visas, but it could have been a situation where they brought me here and then lost their legal status. So I can certainly relate to this being the only country I know even though I wasn’t born here. I think it’s important to bring that personal aspect so students understand that it’s not just me sort of spewing material. This is something I’ve lived, and I understand it.” Rouse encourages students to pick their battles: to recognize when a discussion is futile and to leave it alone, but also to focus on specific issues, rather than on politicians themselves. “Find a particular area where there might be some opportunity to have a conversation, rather than having a broad discussion like ‘Why did you support Trump?’” she advises. “People are not monolithic. They have varying opinions about different things. If you explore and have those conversations, you might find people are much more moderate on some issues than you would expect if you just presume based on one factor.” It’s advice junior government and politics major Darius Craig takes to heart. As an aspiring politician, he aims to be able to connect with people across ideological divides. “I’m not going to speak about anything I’m not confident in,” Craig said. “However, until every stakeholder in an issue is willing to talk about it and speak about how we can solve problems, nothing’s going to change. If anything, it’s going to get worse.”


caller’s sentiments and wanting to offer Nichols support. To date, WHEN JASON NICHOLS AGREED TO APPEAR as a guest on the it has received more than 2.3 million views and has been shared Fox News program Tucker Carlson Tonight, he knew he would be more than 35,000 times. speaking before an audience with views likely more conservative “I didn’t think it was going to go as viral as it did, but I did think it than his own. was important to make it public because this woman said she was “I think people with my viewpoint should be in every conversaan educator and she said she was a parole officer. I thought about tion in America, and there are conversations happening on Fox all the lives she probably affected,” Nichols said. News in front of the biggest audience in America that we’re not a Although it’s been months since the infamous voice mail, part of,” Nichols said. “If it takes that I have to go out into that space Nichols said he still receives emails several times a week from all and even get some backlash for it, I’m willing to do that.” over the world, encouraging him to After a segment in which Nichols keep speaking out. He hasn’t shied away referred to Christopher Columbus as a from appearing on Fox News again or terrorist and criticized the practice of offering dissenting opinions via other celebrating the explorer with monumedia outlets. ments and a national holiday, Nichols “In some ways, it validated what I do was inundated with emails, comments every day and what I’m fighting every on social media and voice mails at his day and why I’m here,” Nichols said. “If office on campus. the wrong people don’t like you, that’s Although the majority of the mesnot always a bad thing. That might sages were critical of Nichols’ viewpoints, Nichols appears on a Fox News program to discuss the complexities of commemorating Columbus Day. mean you’re doing the right thing or one voice mail in particular stood out. In (YouTube/Fox News) you’re moving in the right direction.” a lengthy message, a woman—who does It’s a philosophy Nichols uses in the classroom as well. As an not identify herself by name but says she has worked as a parole instructor for Introduction to African American Studies, as well as officer and as an educator—uses a barrage of racial slurs and repeatcourses centered on black masculinity and race relations, Nichols edly refers to African Americans as “inhuman” and “primates.” tries to help Terps navigate tough topics. However, he makes sure “I’ll admit I was affected after 25 minutes of being berated on to emphasize—as his own experiences have taught him—that the basis of my race, and I’ll admit it got to me when she says standing up for your opinions and beliefs is rarely easy. ‘you’re not even human,’” Nichols said. “But it wasn’t even about “If you are doing something that is going to bring about change me. She only talks about me directly for about 10 seconds. And in any way, people are going to attack you, because change is then it’s just ‘you people.’” never comfortable,” Nichols said. “You have to be willing to have Nichols decided to share the voice mail via a Facebook Live uncomfortable conversations.” video post. In the video, Nichols sits calmly at his desk while the audio of the expletive-filled rant plays out. The video quickly spread throughout the internet, garnering comments to Nichols’ Facebook page from all over the country, mostly from people shocked by the


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FOR A FACULTY MEMBER who studies social movements and political violence, now is a busy time to be a researcher. Kanisha Bond has spent the past couple of years attending both white nationalist and anti-fascist movement rallies around the country to “learn more about what this brand of racist and anti-racist organizing looks like in the wild.” “I’ve been spit on, I’ve had stuff thrown at me, I’ve been called all kinds of names,” Bond said. “Nothing shocks me anymore. I get scared, but I’m not necessarily shocked.” While current events have provided Bond with ample research material, they also supply rich context for the course she teaches on social movements. In class, Bond encourages students to look critically at both violent and non-violent social movements to understand how they’ve shaped the course of history. Last August, Bond traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to observe the “Unite the Right” rally, organized by several white nationalist groups, and the expected counter-demonstration. She was walking in the middle of a crowd of counter-protestors when, for her, the line between researcher and participant quickly blurred. As the crowd was walking down the street, a car rammed through a downtown intersection, striking and killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring 19 other people. Bond and her husband, who traveled to the rally along with her, were unharmed but helped injured people get out of the street to receive medical attention. “I had never been in the midst of a terrorist attack before,” Bond said. “I’ve been in violent situations before, but this was unique.” Just a few weeks after the rally in Charlottesville, Bond was back on campus for the beginning of the fall semester. Although still shaken, she felt it was important to share the experience with students. “One thing it does is humanize the research for all of us,” Bond said. “Last semester was a little bit different for me because it was so new, and it really was a fairly traumatic event for me. So recalling

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what had happened there was important for me to work through my experience—not only as a researcher and teacher, but also just as someone who was there.” Bond said her students were naturally curious about what she experienced in Charlottesville and how it affected her personally. It also spurred discussions about the state of political turmoil in America and the broad ripple effects of how polarized the country can be. “One thing that’s very clear from all of my students is that they are very fatigued by the sort of open conflict that comes along with this sort of conversation,” Bond said. For senior Katelyn Turner, who is double majoring in government and politics and philosophy, her frustration stems from other people being unwilling to engage in dialogue about controversial subjects. “What’s really been difficult for me is knowing people aren’t interested in having the conversation because they see you as an enemy, or they distance themselves,” Turner said. “People aren’t willing to compromise because they see the other side as evil, and so what’s really been difficult is trying to separate these political identities from the social identities in order to see that we’re all just people trying to prosper and succeed.” Bond tells students the best thing they can do is to focus on themselves first and make sure their opinions are grounded in fact and evidence. Like Rouse, Bond encourages students to avoid engaging with people who are especially combative, but says if someone is willing to listen, extend them the same courtesy. “You gotta get in the ring, and our classroom is hopefully a space where everyone’s working with the same ground rules,” Bond said.


SOME STUDENTS ARE SURPRISED TO DISCOVER a white man teaching Introduction to African American Studies. But, Jonathan England is OK with that. In fact, he calls attention to it. “I think it’s important for people to know where I’m coming from, because if I want to talk about who you are, I should be comfortable talking about who I am,” England said. “We often act like African Americans are the only ones responsible for talking about race and addressing Civil Rights, and I think that’s a flawed way of thinking.”

REMEMBER T-E-R-P-S When it comes to responding to comments deemed offensive or inflammatory, England advises his students to remember T-E-R-P-S:

TAKE A MOMENT: Compose yourself, take a deep breath. E

XPRESS YOURSELF: How does that comment/question make you feel? It’s OK to say, “I find that offensive.”


EAFFIRM AND REDIRECT: Let the person know exactly who you are; correct them if necessary. Direct a similar, but more properly worded response to them, or reframe their statement and respond accordingly.


ERSPECTIVE: Talk about both of your perspectives in a way that gives the other person the impression that what they said was acceptable, and illustrate why you find it problematic.


EEK HELP: If you don’t feel comfortable progressing with the conversation, report it. Talk to a co-worker, HR representative, faculty or staff member.

BSOS Online In addition to the introductory course in his department, England teaches classes Watch Jonathan on African American politics, and race and England’s Alumni sports. He also routinely leads seminars Association and webinars about navigating conversawebinar, “Can We tions related to race and multiculturalism. Talk? Navigating “To me, race is not a difficult conversaConversation in a tion to have if you enter it in a mindset Multicultural World”: that you’re going to respect everyone and look at facts and truth,” England said. “I’m canwetalk not dismissive of the gravity of the issue, but I think sometimes we overcomplicate things. When you treat topics as taboo, it makes people even more resistant to conversation.” England says one of the hardest things to teach students is to value opinions that don’t match their own and to put in the work to try to understand them. “Whether you agree with someone’s feelings or not, you never dismiss those feelings,” England said. “If you do, you can’t really talk to them. We do that way too often.”

q Faith in the Future Back in Rouse’s racial and ethnic politics course, she has to cut the discussion short in order to leave time to go over new material for the week. Rouse says that enthusiasm gives her confidence that Terps will go out and create their own brave spaces and, eventually, bring the nation closer together. “My students are just terrific, and I look at them and talk to some of them and I think ‘Oh I have faith that you guys, once you take over government and business institutions, you’ll put us back on the right track,’” Rouse said.

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COMMUNITY MCICE Advances Cochlear Implant Research and Services


he University of Maryland has long been a leader in cochlear implant (CI) research, as well as CI clinical services, which are offered by the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP). Associate Professor Matthew Goupell is one of the leading CI researchers in the nation. Dr. Nicole Nguyen, director of Clinical Education in Audiology, has treated patients who have or are considering CIs in the greater Washington, D.C., region for many years. In the fall, the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) and two leading Maryland educational and medical institutions combined forces to launch a new national center that will advance hearing and health possibilities for patients, practitioners, researchers, and clinicians—the Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence (MCICE). MCICE combines the research and educational strengths of UMCP with the surgical and clinical expertise from the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Maryland Medical Center to create a cohesive entity composed of educational, clinical and research components.

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The center serves the Maryland and broader national communities by providing patients with CI clinical services; giving students unique opportunities to learn about both the science of CIs and how to work with and care for CI recipients; and pursuing research that enhances understanding of how best to improve human hearing. “We are poised to become a premier institution for educational training, clinical services, and basic and translational biomedical research on cochlear implants,” Goupell said. In the fall, UMB and UMCP announced five new programs as signature projects of the University of Maryland Strategic Partnership: MPowering the State, a collaboration between the state of Maryland’s two most powerful public research institutions. MCICE was named among these signature projects. “MCICE combines Baltimore’s strengths in CI surgeries, clinical services, and genetics research with College Park’s strengths in student training and audiology research,” said Professor Rochelle Newman, chair of HESP and a co-director of the center. “This will allow us to explore new ways to maximize hearing outcomes by individualizing clinical services. It also allows us to provide some amazing interprofessional training opportunities between future audiologists, speech pathologists, and otolaryngologists.”

Dr. Nguyen works with a patient to ensure that his CI is functioning properly before he travels overseas for a work assignment.


THE MCICE TEAM is serving people like AJ White, a patient in his mid-twenties. White works with the military and is sent into combat zones, so it is imperative that his CI is working properly, to help ensure his safety and the safety of others. At a recent appointment, Nguyen completed an assessment of White’s internal device, and optimized device programming to maximize his hearing abilities. Nguyen and White also completed assessment measures of how White understands speech in the presence of noise, to ensure that he is hearing well enough for the environments he encounters at work. As his device is about four and a half years old, it is showing signs of wear and tear, and they discussed getting an upgrade in the future. They also spent some time troubleshooting dayto-day problems. “The system he has is vulnerable to moisture—and since the processor is worn on the head, it is susceptible to perspiration. This summer, AJ emailed to ask me about waterproofing options, and showed me how he was wrapping the processor in a small plastic bag. If moisture gets into the device, it shuts down, and he has to put it in the dehumidifier to get it working again,” Nguyen said. “This is a common problem, and we do our best to help patients work around challenges with existing devices, and learn about improvements with some of the newer technologies.” MCICE provides patients with a comprehensive array of CI-related health services, including CI surgeries and audiological clinical services, as well as speech-language rehabilitative services. “Once a CI is in place, we work with patients to program the device in a way that provides maximum audibility and sound clarity, while also maintaining comfort. We then help them process what they are hearing and make use of the new type of signal they are receiving. We give them tools and exercises that help them to better understand speech in noisy environments, in conversations with multiple speakers, or to begin enjoying music again,” Nguyen said. MCICE serves as a point of connection for service providers, existing patients and potential patients. From discussions of CI candidacy through scheduling implant surgery to assisting with acclimation services once the CI is in place, MCICE researchers, practitioners and staff walk patients through each process. Researchers and practitioners are able to take information and improvements from their work with one patient and apply them to their work with future patients. “We are excited about leveraging the strengths of our two campuses to provide the best hearing health for the State of Maryland and beyond,” said Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology David Eisenman of UMSOM. “The ability to participate in translational research projects allows our CI users to benefit not just themselves, but others as well.”

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The new CI Summer Program will build on the resources and success of the LEAP preschool program.

ING N R EA ES L E U TI UNIQ RTUNI O OPP FOR UMD STUDENTS, MCICE provides unique preparation for the professional world, and for continued engagement in academia. Most training programs in cochlear implants focus on either the clinical or research aspects. This center provides students the opportunity to become invested in both. “The goal of MCICE is to train researchers that can think like clinicians, and clinicians that can think like researchers,” Newman said. MCICE will also allow students to move through various stages of their academic career with increased efficiency and fluidity. “There are very few graduate programs in audiology or speechlanguage pathology that offer specialty training in cochlear implants from the moment the student walks through the door,” Nguyen said. “Students typically receive this training through outside placements during the second or third year of training. MCICE allows for training that incorporates research, clinical practicum, and academic didactic starting in the first semester, which cultivates extensive knowledge of these technologies and of patients’ needs.”


THE MCICE TEAM is starting to integrate across speech-language and hearing with plans for a two-week, intensive summer program for young children with CIs that will launch in July. The daylong program is designed both for young patients who currently have CIs, and patients and families who may be considering a CI in the future. The summer program experience will build on the resources and successes of the Language-Learning Early-Advantage Program (LEAP) preschool. LEAP is run by HESP and for more than 20 years has provided treatment to preschool-age children between the ages of 3 and 5 years who demonstrate speech and/ or language delays. During the CI summer program, undergraduate and graduate students in speech-language pathology and audiology will work together to provide children with enhanced language and emergent literacy skills. Children and families will also learn more about how to care for their CI equipment.

Learn more at

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By Women, _ For Women and the World UMD Awarded $2.5 Million Grant from the U.S. Department of State to Support Women Leaders in the Middle East and North Africa

For decades, May Rihani—the director of the George and Lisa Zakhem Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace— has championed girls’ education and has advocated for women’s rights. In various leadership roles with nonprofit organizations and with the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, Rihani and her colleagues have identified social challenges and designed and implemented possible solutions. Now, by creating a groundbreaking regional initiative, Rihani has built an infrastructure that empowers women in the Middle East and in North Africa to identify and prioritize the challenges that they consider most daunting, and to work together to plan strategic actions to overcome them.

The U.S. Department of State awarded the University of Maryland a two-year, $2.5 million grant to support this initiative, Women as Partners in Progress (WPP), a forward-looking platform that promotes women’s leadership and gender-inclusive policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Rihani serves as the principal investigator of the project. Patricia Flederman, a noted international education consultant, is the project’s deputy director. The Gibran Chair, which is housed in BSOS, leads the project in conjunction with three partner organizations—Jossour, a women’s rights advocacy NGO in Morocco; World of Letters, a social enterprise promoting youth dignity and equity in the Arab Region, founded in Jordan; and Abolish 153, a women’s protection and empowerment organization in Kuwait. These organizations represent the Maghreb, the Levant and the Gulf areas across the MENA region. Rihani’s knowledge and leadership in the areas of girls’ education and women’s rights is drawn from decades of experience designing and implementing programs in more than 40 countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. She previously served as cochair of the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative between 2008 and 2010. Her seminal book, Keeping the Promise, is a framework for advancing girls’ education that is used by global organizations. “Women as Partners in Progress will amplify women’s voices through a knowledge-based, results-oriented program that will help current women leaders—as well as the next generation across the MENA region—work strategically on advancing selected causes, and build a strong network to empower their ideas,” Rihani said.

Participants discussed timely topics at the first WPP knowledge seminar in Morocco.

Finding and Connecting Women Leaders The first phase of WPP, which launched in October, focused on sharing quantitative and qualitative knowledge with women leaders about existing research on pathways and obstacles to increasing women’s rights and leadership in the Arab world. This synthesized knowledge now serves as a basis for the second phase, the organization of knowledge seminars for established and emerging women leaders. The seminars provide participants

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with the opportunity to discuss the findings of the research. Participants then focus on key issues they wish to address in their countries, analyze the constraints they might face, and design strategic plans of actions. This process better equips women leaders with tools to advance priority women’s issues in their countries, as well as to organize effective campaigns and build a network across the MENA region supporting gender-inclusive policies. Selection of the women who participate in the seminars, about 30 for each event, is competitive and rigorous. “We chose powerful women who are political leaders, social leaders, academic leaders, media leaders, legal leaders, leaders in the entertainment industry, and beyond,” Rihani said. Rihani and her colleagues believe that, because they are selecting women who come from multifaceted sectors with different points of view, the action steps and solutions they develop will be multifaceted and far-reaching. “We are working with women across all professions May Rihani and all geographic regions in these countries to effect change. They are in charge of this important work. My role is to play Socrates—I ask them questions and help draw out their responses. But they decide what issues matter the most, and they decide how they will work together to face these issues,” Rihani said. “What all these women have in common is how committed they are to improving their countries and how passionate they are to advance women’s causes.” The program’s first knowledge seminar—conducted in French and in Arabic—was led by Rihani in Rabat, Morocco, in December. There, participants worked for three days to debate and select two key women’s issues on which to focus. The group chose two central issues to work on over the next year: citizenship and equality, and violence against women. The violence against women platform includes violence in the workplace; violence at home; violence in schools; and violence in public spaces. “It was difficult for our leaders to select only two central topics on which to focus, because they are so passionate about making change across all aspects of society. That’s why we made the topic selection process visual, open and transparent,” Rihani said. “It was important that everyone felt they were a part of that process.” After the summit, the working group submitted a draft plan of action to Rihani, who asked further questions and recommended more specificity and detail. As the action plan progresses into concrete action items, the UMD staff of WPP will work closely with participants as they move the process forward in order to complete the action items. The staff of WPP stay in touch with participants online and on weekly Skype calls.

At the WPP’s first knowledge seminar in Morocco, participants elected to focus on citizenship and equality, as well as on violence against women.

“My constant reminder to them is to keep the goals and steps ‘SMART’; meaning: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely,” Rihani said. “This is a practical process. That is the only way to achieve results.” A similar Knowledge Seminar and summit took place in Amman, Jordan in March. There, participants chose to focus on: 1) How to increase the opportunities for women to enter and be retained in the labor force, and 2) How to influence the Ministry of Education to reform textbooks in Jordan so that the portrayal of women and men, as well as of girls and boys, is based on the value of equality. The final Knowledge Seminar and selection process of two causes will take place in Kuwait in May. “This project has an enormous impact on leadership development for women in the Middle East and North Africa,” said Dean Gregory Ball. “The work aligns with our college’s focus on investigating the social and behavioral dimensions of international challenges, and on supporting the development of practical

In Jordan, Knowledge Seminar participants worked together to choose two areas of focus.

applications and policies to bring about lasting change. BSOS is proud to engage in this effort.”

Tracking progress, building community WPP is creating a network of women leaders in Morocco, Jordan and Kuwait—and then linking them together and connecting them with other women’s organizations in other Arab countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. Thus, WPP is establishing a virtual hub that will build community and bring together individuals with different backgrounds and knowledge. “Our virtual hub will help advance key women’s issues and gender-inclusive policies, and will ensure that these activities will grow and achieve greater impact and sustainability in the years to come, well after the project term is over,” Rihani said. “We are working for widespread and lasting change.” The third phase of WPP will focus on training workshops designed to contribute to the empowerment of the women leaders to apply their knowledge and build their leadership capacity. It will also help participants to develop effective decision-making skills and will strengthen their alliances with men and women, civil society, and the public sector, in order to accelerate collaboration and impact. The fourth and final phase will increase regional and national awareness regarding selected women’s issues in each of the three countries through social mobilization campaigns composed of national and local activities that will engage organizations and government institutions. “I believe positive change is happening in the Middle East and North Africa, and I think women leaders are spearheading these transformations. Part of the challenge is to encourage the media to report in an in-depth way on these leaders, these outcomes, and on this good news,” Rihani said.

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Bell Receives Grant to Study Economic, Racial Health Disparities THE ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON FOUNDATION awarded Assistant Professor Caryn Bell of the Department of African American Studies a 12-month grant through its New Connections program. The grant will support Bell’s study that examines the effects of the suburbanization of poverty and other demographic changes on health and racial health disparities. Additionally, the study focuses on the role of racial residential segregation in suburban contexts on poverty and health-related resources. “This award will connect me to a network of established experts in research and evaluation related to health and health

care, while providing me with an opportunity to conduct a research study that has farreaching implications for the intersection of race and place on health outcomes,” Bell said. Bell earned a Ph.D. in social and behavioral sciences from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research uniquely utilizes geographical information systems methods to examine segregation and its mechanisms on health. She has also been involved in community-based participatory research projects on health promotion among African Americans.

“Black Pain, Black Joy, and Racist Fear: Supporting Black Children in a Hostile World” outlines ways that adults can be emotionally responsive to children in light of racially-charged events.

Helping Black Children Navigate Challenges ON AUGUST 11, a white supremacist demonstration at the University of Virginia captured the nation’s attention. The next day, an attack on counterprotesters left several injured and 32-year-old Heather Heyer dead.

In the aftermath, Dr. Angel Dunbar—a postdoctoral associate in the Department of African American Studies—was invited to write a post for the American Psychological Association’s “Psychology Benefits Society” blog. Her post,

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“As adults, experiencing or witnessing racism can be extremely emotionally upsetting. So imagine how overwhelming it must be for children, who are still developing the skill of managing their emotions, to experience or even learn about racism,” Dunbar said. “Research shows that validating and being sensitive to children’s feelings of fear, anger and sadness helps them learn to effectively cope with these emotions.”

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Studying the Opioid Epidemic at the Ground Level OPIOID OVERDOSE is now the leading cause of accidental injury death in the United States. Specifically in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, the opioid overdose death rate nearly tripled between 1999 and 2015, claiming 2,449 lives.

Image courtesy of DIPP showing erosion near a community in Wenona, Md.

Addressing Climate Change as a Community Effort

“Opioid overdose as a crisis has existed for a long time, but particular communities have been historically differentially impacted by those issues—mainly poor communities of color in urban areas,” Assistant Professor of Anthropology Andrea López said. “Now we see a sort of expansion of opioid overdose death into white middle class communities, so we have a lot of new attention and different resources coming into play.”

LOCATED ON MARYLAND’S eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, the Deal Island peninsula has about 1,000 residents. This small community plays an important role in tracking the impact of climate change on rural regions. The low-lying area features marshes and tidal waterways—as well as farmland—and is home to many watermen.

With funding from the BSOS Dean’s Research Initiative, López is conducting a study on opioid overdose from the perspective of people who use drugs. She is interviewing people about their experience with overdose prevention and access to naloxone—the controversial medication used to reverse opioid overdoses. López is also working with local and national policy experts dealing with the opioid crisis to explore any disjuncture between actions at the policy level and the ability to adequately respond in community contexts. “There are still barriers in terms of people accessing what they need, and issues with stigma and the criminalization of addiction,” López said. “How do we ensure people are able to get what they need on the ground and address issues of historical exclusion?” López is incorporating opioid epidemic research into the courses she teaches on urban health and social marginality in an effort to increase awareness of overdose within the campus community. She also is collaborating with an overdose awareness group, The Chosen Few, on events and initiatives around D.C. Lopez is also initiating a research collaboration with an epidemiologist to look at overdose in D.C. from a mixed-methods perspective.

In 2012, Professor Michael Paolisso and his colleagues worked with the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Maryland—and with local communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, policymakers, and scientists—to found the Deal Island Peninsula Project (DIPP). DIPP aims to increase the resilience of coastal environments and communities in the face of flooding, erosion, and other damaging natural phenomena accelerated by climate change. They are also studying related socio-economic changes by creating partnerships between communities, decision-makers and scientists through a collaborative learning process. Researchers and residents share knowledge and strengthen the ability of local communities and the marshes to successfully adapt to changing conditions. “Ultimately, our goal is to scale up. We’re creating a roadmap that other high-risk communities can use in the future to protect citizens, as well as local wildlife and ecosystems,” Paolisso said. Learn more at

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Gary LaFree Takes the Helm of CCJS DR. GARY LAFREE will serve as the new chair of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, beginning July 1. LaFree has been a faculty member at the university since 2000, and is the founding director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), housed at UMD. “Gary has long been a respected leader on teaching, research and scholarship—on our campus, across the nation and around the world,” said Dean Gregory Ball. “His work has transformed global understanding of terrorism, criminology and policy.” LaFree served as president of the American Society of Criminology in 2005 and is a fellow of the organization. He received

a Ph.D. from Indiana University, and has authored several books, including Putting Terrorism in Context (with Laura Dugan and Erin Miller) and Countering Terrorism (with Martha Crenshaw). “I am honored to step into this role and am eager to maintain the department’s strong standing within the discipline. I also am eager to position our department as a worldwide leader in the scientific study of crime and the criminal justice system,” LaFree said. LaFree succeeds Dr. James Lynch, who served as chair of CCJS for five years. Dr. Sally Simpson is serving as interim chair for the 2017–18 academic year. William Braniff will assume the directorship of START in July.

Honoring the Unknown: Alumnus Josh Wesnidge JOSH WESNIDGE, CCJS B.A. ’17, isn’t afraid of the unknown. Prior to earning an associate’s degree from Montgomery College and then coming to UMD, he served for three years in the U.S. Army. During most of that period, Wesnidge served as a Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. “Serving at the Tomb came with a lot of pressure—not only pressure that may be obvious, like not messing up the guard change or a wreath-laying ceremony—but also inward pressure that came with guarding the Unknown Soldier himself, which is a tremendous honor,” Wesnidge said. After meeting rigorous training requirements and passing the final “Badge Test,” the Sentinel is awarded the Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge, the only military badge that can be taken away from a soldier after he or she leaves the Army. Sentinels are expected to uphold the personal standards of the position for the remainder of their lives.

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At Maryland, Wesnidge chose to study criminology and criminal justice because of personal tragedies. A family member struggling with drug addiction spent much of Wesnidge’s childhood in and out of prison, causing Wesnidge to question substance abuse policies. Additionally, Wesnidge’s cousin, Tyler, was murdered near his hometown in Oklahoma. The murderer was arrested, tried and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. “My cousin’s murder really made my interest in criminal justice much more personal,” Wesnidge said. “I believe that I will have a much more in-depth understanding of what people and their families go through when they become victims of a violent crime.” Wesnidge will soon be a full-time law student at Georgetown University. He ultimately hopes to become a prosecutor and to work as a U.S. Attorney or judge.

John Wallis Receives Mancur Olson Professorship

UMD, International Researchers Link Pollution with Global Fatalities POLLUTION IS LINKED to an estimated 9 million deaths each year worldwide—equivalent to one in six (16%) of all deaths— according to a major new report in The Lancet.  The report finds that exposure to pollution is one of the largest risk factors for premature death. Distinguished University Professor Maureen Cropper, chair of the Department of Economics, served as a commissioner and a coauthor of the report. Most of these deaths are due to non-communicable diseases caused by pollution, such as heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. With almost all of pollution-related deaths (92%) occurring in lowand middle-income countries, the researchers found that pollution disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized in every country worldwide.The authors of the report aim to focus attention on the issue across the political spectrum, and mobilize the will, resources, and the leadership needed to confront it. “Pollution in its several forms is a huge public health issue. We must look for national and global policy pathways to help protect people at all income levels from exposure to environmental hazards,” Cropper said. The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health is a two-year project involving more than 40 international health and environmental authors. Using data from the Global Burden of Disease study, it brings together comprehensive estimates on the effects of pollution on health, provides economic costs, and reveals the extent of contaminated sites across the world for the first time.

JOHN WALLIS has been named the second Mancur Olson Professor of Economics, a five-year appointment that includes an annual research fund. The professorship is awarded to a leading scholar with expertise in institutions and markets and their influence on the global economy. Wallis is an economic historian who specializes in the public finance of American governments, constitutional development, and in the institutional development of governments and economies. Wallis joined the UMD Department of Economics in 1983. He has been a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research since 1989, and a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research since 2015. In addition to numerous articles, Wallis published Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History with Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast. He has edited several other books, including Organizations, Civil Society and the Roots of Development with Naomi Lamoreaux.

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UMD and NASA Join Forces to Improve Global Food Security through Satellite Data DR. INBAL BECKER-RESHEF from the Department of Geographical Sciences is leading a multidisciplinary consortium dedicated to enhancing the use of satellite data for improving food security and agriculture around the world. T   he Earth Observations for Food Security and Agriculture Consortium (EOFSAC) will combine the expertise of more than 40 partners to advance the adoption of Earth observations in informing decisions affecting the global food supply. The consortium partners with the Food Security Office at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center.

“Events such as food price spikes and food shortages related to severe weather illustrate the risks associated with knowledge gaps around food production and supply,” said Becker-Reshef, co-lead of UMD’s Center for Global Agricultural Monitoring Research. “Satellite data can help identify areas vulnerable to things like drought, flooding and fire, as well as variability in soil, crop conditions and yield status. The goal of this new consortium is to get this data into the hands of more people making decisions about agriculture and food production.”

Photos by Catherine Nakalembe, EOFSAC

NASA awarded the EOFSAC a total of $14.5 million over a five-year period through its Research Opportunities in Earth and Space Science grant program. Learn more at

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Ending extreme poverty by 2030 is the first of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Meanwhile, plans set forth by the Paris Climate Agreement aim to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Professor Klaus Hubacek and colleagues investigated the potential consequences of achieving both of these objectives simultaneously.

Eradicating Poverty and Slowing Climate Change are Compatible Goals, UMD Research Shows EFFORTS TO ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY will have little impact on achieving climate targets, suggests a study led by researchers in the Department of Geographical Sciences and in the School of Public Policy. However, elevating the income of the extremely poor to a fairly modest level will require additional climate mitigation efforts and resources.

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The research team discovered that eradicating extreme poverty does not threaten the climate target. However, to bring the poor to the next income level would require ramping up climate mitigation efforts by 27% to avoid dangerous climate change consequences. The findings were published in Nature Communications in October. “Given that the top ten percent of global income earners are responsible for about thirty-six percent of the current carbon footprint of households, the climate change discourse needs to address income distribution as well as lifestyle and behavioral changes if we are ever to become a low-carbon society and a truly sustainable world,” Hubacek said.

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Veteran Journalists Invited to Headline Inaugural Feller Lecture A LARGE AUDIENCE of alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends were invited to gain insights into timely political and media topics from renowned journalists Chuck Todd and Mike Viqueira, GVPT ’86, at a planned April 12 event. Todd is the moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press.Viqueira is a veteran journalist who has covered the White House and Congress, and is the author of You Didn’t Get This from Me: A Novel of Media and Politics. Scheduled to be held in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, the conversation inaugurated a signature annual event series to be held by the Department of Government and Politics. The Feller Lecture was made possible through a generous gift of $500,000 from Joel J. Feller, GVPT ’90, and Kim A. Feller, ’89, long-time BSOS supporters.

Chuck Todd, left, and Mike Viqueira, GVPT ’86

Dr. Irwin Morris, chair of the department, moderated the discussion. “It is a rare privilege for any audience, especially our students, to hear from such experienced journalists,” Morris said. “Our speakers were asked to cover a lot of ground, and share interesting viewpoints from behind the scenes. This event will set the standard for memorable Feller Lectures in years to come.”

Washington Post-UMD Poll Finds Only 10% of Americans Trust US Government AS PARTISAN DIVISIVENESS seems to worsen, a recent Washington Post–University of Maryland Poll uncovered one issue on which Republicans and Democrats agree: how little they trust the U.S. government. Only 10% of people responding to this national poll said they trust the federal government to do what is right most or all of the time. Democrats and Republicans indicated similar levels of distrust (both parties at 13%), while Independents are considerably more concerned, with just 5% saying they trust the government in Washington to do what is right at least most of the time. Trust in state government is higher, but still low, at 23%, while trust in local government is at 31%. Again, Democrats and Republicans responded similarly on these measures. “Low levels of trust in various levels of government should strike everyone as problematic,” said Associate Professor Michael

Hanmer, research director of UMD’s Center for American Politics and Citizenship. “Both parties have their work cut out for them if they wish to convince citizens that the government can serve them well, especially if they want to win Independents, who express the least amount of trust in government.” Seventy one percent of people polled said they believe problems in American politics have reached a “dangerous low point.”

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Finding ‘Fido’: Studying Canine Name Recognition in Noisy Environments RESEARCHERS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HEARING AND SPEECH SCIENCES are studying whether dogs can still recognize and respond to their names in situations where there is background noise, or in which multiple people are talking at once. The researchers, led by department chair Professor Rochelle Newman, are interested in dogs because they are often used as an animal comparison to human infants.

UMD Awarded $8 million to Combat Hearing Loss in Older Americans THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING awarded more than $8 million to a team of multidisciplinary UMD researchers to develop an innovative approach for addressing hearing loss and communication challenges that affect millions of older Americans. The researchers will examine processes at the neural level that cause auditory and speech perception difficulties with aging, and hope to determine whether the brain can be effectively “rewired” through auditory and cognitive training to overcome these hearing and speech obstacles. Project 1 of this effort will examine whether neurons in the auditory cortex of the brain can be reorganized through specific training exercises. Project 2 will assess the effectiveness of focused strategies in helping people process acoustic signals, including rapid speech. Project 3 will combine cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques to measure the brain’s ability to form new neural connections following auditory and cognitive training.

Both dogs and young children are frequently exposed to language in multi-talker or noisy environments. The auditory processing systems of the brain in both species evolved in what were presumably far quieter ambient environments than present-day settings. “Understanding the limitations of dogs’ ability to understand commands in real-world settings will have implications for how best to train these animals as service dogs,” Newman said. The researchers are also exploring whether dogs can recognize their name when spoken by a stranger, even in quiet.

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“This research has the potential to transform the nature of rehabilitative services for millions of older people with communication problems,” said Professor Sandra Gordon-Salant from the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, who serves as the project’s lead investigator.

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UMPD Corporal Matt Suthard and study participant Jimbo

JPSM Offers Online Program Designed for Working Professionals THE JPSM ONLINE GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM provides post-baccalaureate training for individuals interested in broadening their knowledge and understanding of survey methodology within the context of the emerging field of data science. This study includes understanding the design and execution of sample surveys, as well as data management, statistical analysis, and practical applications of survey and big data in the current environment. Students participate online, an ideal scenario for working professionals. Lectures are recorded and are accompanied by realtime online class discussions with the instructor. Most courses

are 1- or 2-credits and run for shorter time frames than the traditional full term. Offerings include a Master of Professional Studies in Survey and Data Science, a Graduate Certificate in Survey Methodology, and a Certificate in Survey Statistics.

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Commission Led by Abraham Makes Recommendations to President, Congress IN SEPTEMBER, the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking released its final report to President Donald Trump and members of Congress on how the government can make better use of data it already collects to improve the way federal programs operate. Commission Chair Professor Katharine G. Abraham is a faculty member in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology and in the Department of Economics, serves as director of the Maryland Center for Economics and Policy, and is a faculty associate of the Maryland Population Research Center. Created in 2016, the commission was charged with developing a strategy to increase the availability and use of data in order to build evidence about government programs, while protecting privacy and confidentiality. President Barack Obama appointed Abraham as the commission’s chair. In its report, the commission outlines the greatest problems facing evidence-building

while ensuring privacy and transparency about how the data are used; ■ Modernize privacy protections for evidence-building by adopting emerging technologies, requiring comprehensive risk assessments before releasing data, and assigning senior officials the responsibility for stewarding data within government departments; and Dr. Abraham (left) with Sen. Murray and Speaker Ryan at the public release of the commission report.

today: data access is limited; privacy-protecting practices are inadequate; and the capacity to generate the evidence needed to support policy decisions is insufficient. The commission recommended the federal government take several key steps, including: ■ Establish a National Secure Data Service that will improve the government’s capacity to use the data it currently collects

■ Strengthen federal evidence-building capacity by identifying a chief evaluation officer for each department, developing departmental learning agendas to guide the generation and use of evidence, and improving the coordination of evidencebuilding efforts across the government. The commission’s report represents a nonpartisan approach to improving how government staff, private researchers, foundations, nonprofits, the business community and the public interact to ensure the government delivers on its promises.

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Turtle Program Helps Shy Children Come Out of their Shells ABOUT 15% OF YOUNG CHILDREN are classified as behaviorally inhibited (BI). This means they consistently respond to unfamiliar situations, objects and people with negative emotions or withdrawal.

approaches.These measures include diagnostic interviews, laboratory observations of parenting, preschool classroom observations, physiological indices of child and parent emotion regulation, and parent/teacher questionnaires.

intervention program for preschoolers displaying high BI and their parents.

When BI continues into childhood, some children can develop anxiety disorders— especially those whose parents respond by stepping in to relieve their children from anxiety-provoking situations.

The Turtle Program focuses on parent and child behavior using an adaptation of Parent–Child Interaction Therapy, and a child intervention designed to improve social interaction and emotion regulation.

Professor Andrea Chronis-Tuscano in the Department of Psychology and Dr. Ken Rubin from the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology have received a series of grants in excess of $3 million from the National Institute of Mental Health to develop and evaluate an early

Chronis-Tuscano and Rubin are now evaluating the Turtle Program in comparison with a parent-only psychoeducation group, and are examining mediators and moderators of intervention effects.They are trying to learn which children and families require more intensive interventions, and which benefit from simpler, more efficient

Andrea Chronis-Tuscano

“Our research is helping to improve developmental outcomes for shy or inhibited young children so that they can learn to face their fears, gain confidence, and come out of their shells,” ChronisTuscano said.

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What Not to Study WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED IN THE PAST is a good indicator of what you can successfully learn and remember in the future, according to new UMD research published in Psychological Science. Dr. Michael Dougherty, chair of the Department of Psychology, authored the article along with Research Associate Daniel R. Buttaccio and postdoctoral student Alison Robey, Ph.D. ’17.

Photo: John T. Consoli/ University of Maryland

The researchers found that making retrospective confidence judgements (RCJ) of learning may help students identify what material they might easily remember. This can help them decide what to primarily focus on while studying. This advised approach is in contrast to previous conventional wisdom, which viewed predictions about future retrieval success—known as judgments of learning (JOL)—as most important for effective control over learning. “Our study uniquely looks at how RCJs may affect control over learning,” Dougherty said. The research team worked with more than 300 subjects on memory tests in the Decision, Attention and Memory Lab for this project.

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Participants in the RCJ group were better able to discriminate between information that they would be able to retrieve and information they would be unable to retrieve in the future, compared to participants in the JOL group.

Doctoral Candidate Receives Milton Dean Havron Social Sciences Award

Professor John Pease, fourth from left, back row, at his SOCY retirement celebration.

Professor John Pease Retires after 50 Years of Service JOHN PEASE joined the faculty of the Department of Sociology in 1967. Fifty years later, Pease claims he “forgot” to leave UMD, even after retiring in June as an Associate Professor Emeritus. He continues to hold an office in the Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building, and still teaches a general education course on human societies. Pease is known for his deliberately bad jokes, teaching in socks, and generosity as a teacher and a mentor. Pease chaired the committee that reformed general education at UMD in the 1990s; its recommendations became widely known as “the Pease Report.” “We take so much pride now in the quality of students we recruit and the success they have and our graduation rates,” said Brit Kirwan, former UMD president and chancellor for the University System of Maryland. “None of that could have happened, in my opinion, without the contributions of John Pease; his vision, his foresight, his ideas.” Pease received numerous accolades during his tenure at UMD, including: the 2009 Inspire Integrity Award from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars; the Excellence in Mentoring Award and the Faculty Award for Teaching from the Board of Regents; and the Kirwan Undergraduate Teaching Award. In 2001, he established the John Pease Scholarship, providing need-based funding for sociology students.

WENDY LAYBOURN, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology, recently received the 2017-18 Milton Dean Havron Social Sciences Award. The award was established in 1988 and is given annually to an outstanding graduate student in psychology or sociology at UMD. Laybourn earned a B.A. in sociology at the University of Memphis. At Maryland, she focuses on social psychological processes of identity development and on the structural and cultural forces that shape racial and ethnic identity formation. She investigates the role of proximate social structures—such as family, support groups, and social organizations—in defining and redefining racial identity. Laybourn has published eight peer-reviewed articles and has a forthcoming book, Diversity in Black Greek Letter Organizations: Breaking the Line, with Routledge. In addition to her research and publications, Laybourn has been recognized throughout BSOS and the university for her contributions to diversity and inclusion. After defending her dissertation in May, Laybourn plans to pursue an academic appointment in sociology. “It is an immense honor to receive the Havron Award. My research would not have been possible without the support of awards like this,” Laybourn said.

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Peace Chairs News

Bahá’í Chair Receives Record-Breaking Support for Timely Campus Discussions IN SEPTEMBER, Dr. Hoda Mahmoudi—the incumbent of the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace—and Dean Gregory Ball were presented with nearly $250,000 from Kenneth Bowers, secretary-general of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States, on behalf of the organization. This generous donation supported the Bahá’í Chair’s operations for the 2017–18 academic year. That same evening, Dr. Valerie Hudson of Texas A&M University presented a talk focusing on how the development of male-female relations in society affects nation-state level phenomena, including food security, economic prosperity, and conflict. Dr. Hudson, along with three colleagues, has created the largest extant database on the status of women in the world today. Later in September, Dr. Nicole Hirschfelder of Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Germany, discussed the language and terminology used in relation to refugees, and the underlying, problematic implications of this terminology. As part of the Bahá’í Chair’s Structural Racism and Root Causes of Prejudice lecture series, Dr. Sheri Parks, director of UMD’s Arts and Humanities Center for Synergy, gave a presentation on the Western cultural conceptualization of darkness, as exhibited in old and new mythologies, and how it has created a foundation and rationale for racial marginalization of people described as “dark.” Dr. Mehnaz M. Afridi of Manhattan College closed out the fall lecture series in October with “Muslims and the Holocaust: Reconciliation and Hope.” In February, Dean Gregory Ball presented “Aggression, Testosterone and the Biological Basis of Behavior.” Using research from his work with bird species in his lab, Ball discussed how human and animal behavior is—and is not—driven by biology. Later in the spring, Dr. Audra Buck Coleman, director of UMD’s Graphic Design Program, discussed how the arts can impact social discussion and understanding. In March, the Bahá’í Chair convened global thought leaders across many disciplines for its Ethical Foundations of Human Rights Conference at UMD.  The daylong event featured presentations by Dr. Alison Brysk of the University of California, Dr. Raimond Gaita of the University of Melbourne, and Dr. Samuel J. Kerstein and Dr. Karol Soltan of UMD.

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Professor Hoda Mahmoudi, left, with guest speaker Dr. Valerie Hudson.

“Human rights have become increasingly codified, in both national and international legal systems. While debates have focused on what types of rights should be codified—political rights, social rights, economic rights, and even environmental rights—less attention has been paid to examining the ethical foundations of the concept of human rights,” Mahmoudi said. “Our conference sheds light on this complex and deeply important issue.” The Bahá’í Chair is also publishing two edited volumes, including the contributions of many speakers from recent lectures. Structural Racism and the Root Causes of Prejudice is edited with Associate Professor Rashawn Ray of the Department of Sociology, and will be published by the University of California Press. Children and Globalization; Multidisciplinary Perspectives is edited with Professor Steven Mintz of the University of Texas at Austin, and will be published with Routledge.

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Sadat Chair Events, Polls Shape Discourse on Pressing Topics BY HOSTING EVENTS such as the Sadat Forum and by directing public opinion polls on central issues, Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development and Director of the UMD Critical Issues Poll, works to further the dialogue for peace.

Poll partner, Tokyo-based The Genron NPO. T   o view the results of these two polls, visit

Professor Shibley Telhami (left) moderated the Sadat Forum featuring Sen. Chris Van Hollen.

The Sadat Forum with Senator Chris Van Hollen IN SEPTEMBER, the Sadat Chair hosted a discussion with Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) on American political and social topics, with an emphasis on healing political fractures. One point of discussion was how the tone of political campaigns can deepen social divides. “If you run on a platform of ‘no compromise,’ what happens when you encounter gridlock?” V   an Hollen asked.

decision, citing poll results. The release of the Critical Issues Poll on North Korea and the panel discussion that followed were broadcast on C-SPAN. Telhami also did interviews with various other media outlets, including NPR’s All Things Considered as well as 1A, The Laura Coates Show, and Al-Jazeera. Comedian Samantha Bee included a clip of Telhami citing his poll on Jerusalem in a segment on her TBS show, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. Learn more at

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National and International Media Impact TELHAMI’S EXPERTISE and poll results were cited by The New York Times twice in recent months. Telhami also appeared on PBS NewsHour discussing President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem

Critical Issues Poll Explores American Attitudes on a Wide Range of Issues IN JANUARY, the results of a UMD Critical Issues Poll on American attitudes toward North Korea were released at an event at the Brookings Institution, alongside results of a similar Japanese public opinion poll conducted by Critical Issues

The Critical Issues Poll also released a survey on American attitudes toward the Middle East and Russia. Telhami discussed the results at a Brookings panel on “The Middle East and Russia: American attitudes on Trump’s foreign policy.” In May of 2017, another poll on “Syria strikes, travel ban, refugees, and Muslims: American attitudes on Trump’s early policies” was released. In January, the Critical Issues Poll issued a study analyzing three national surveys spanning two years, revealing decline in American national identity among both Republicans and Democrats. The principal investigators of the study were Telhami and Associate Professor Stella Rouse, director of the Center for American Politics and Citizenship. When comparing results from November 2015 and November 2017, analysts found that decline in American national identity was matched by a rise in religious identity among Republicans, and in cosmopolitan identity among Democrats. Learn more at

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Peace Chairs News


Updates from Centers and More

C-BERC Fishlinger Lecture Features Jeffrey Sonnenfeld THE CENTER for the Study of Business Ethics, Regulation, and Crime (C-BERC) is a unique interdisciplinary effort by the Robert H. Smith School of Business and the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences to address the legal and ethical challenges of operating businesses in modern society. In February, C-BERC welcomed Jeffrey Sonnenfeld to campus to deliver the Fishlinger Family Lecture. Sonnenfeld is the senior associate dean of leadership programs and the Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management at the Yale School of Management. He presented “The Hero’s Farewell: Courage, Character, and Business Ethics in the Trump Era.”

“At a time when many citizens are concerned about ethics and leadership, we are excited to welcome Dr. Sonnenfeld, a consummate expert on this topic,” said C-BERC Director Professor Sally Simpson, who serves as interim chair of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Citing the withdrawal of Merck CEO Kenneth C. Frazier from President Donald Trump’s Manufacturing Council, Sonnenfeld asserted that every CEO can feel vulnerable when speaking out alone. Sonnenfeld said that is why collective voices and actions are needed. He said that “heroic” leaders have a moral code of conduct; demonstrate fairness in decision making; guide others through periods of volatility; and are resilient in the face of adversity.

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BSOS Launches Center for Geospatial Information Science IN NOVEMBER, BSOS celebrated the launch of the Center for Geospatial Information Science (CGIS), headquartered in LeFrak Hall. CGIS focuses on a variety of research, including designing next-generation tools for use with geographic information systems, geospatial modeling and simulation, geocomputing, and visualization to address a broad range of applications, including public health, transportation, urban dynamics and atmospheric science. “Geospatial information and technologies are rapidly expanding into new corners of our everyday experience, and there is an increasing need to include geospatial perspectives in ongoing research, as well as a need to educate a new geospatial workforce,” said Professor Kathleen Stewart, director of CGIS. CGIS is building a strong network of collaborators, including UMD’s Institute of Advanced Computer Studies, Human Computer Interaction Lab at the iSchool, National Transportation Center, Center for Substance Abuse Research, the University of Maryland School

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Professor Kathleen Stewart (right), Professor Leila de Floriani and Assistant Professor Grant McKenzie.

of Medicine, and the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, among others. CGIS offers advanced research capabilities using the latest theories and tools from geospatial science that are beneficial for partnerships with industry and government labs.

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Addressing the National Opioid Crisis RESPONDING TO RESEARCH about the heroin and opioid problem in Maryland and across the nation, Governor Larry Hogan in 2017 declared a state of emergency and dedicated $50 million in funding over five years to address the growing epidemic. Among the drugs being closely monitored in Maryland are fentanyls and other opioids that are commonly used in pain medications. The Opioid Use Disorders project combines the expertise in preclinical, clinical and policy areas of the University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Maryland, Baltimore to address these crises. The goal of the project—which is supported by a three-year Signature Project grant from the University of Maryland Strategic Partnership: MPowering the State—is to better understand opioid use disorder, to develop treatment strategies, and to create recommendations for treatment research and education. The project is co-led by Dr. Asaf Keller, a professor of anatomy and neurobiology in the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM), and by Dr. Eric D. Wish, director of UMCP’s Center for Substance Abuse Research. A primary focus of the project is to educate health care providers and students to optimize the safe and appropriate prescription of opioids. “We will expand the education initiative to include professionals and students in dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and psychology,” Keller said. “We want to ensure that all current and future medical practitioners have the knowledge and tools they need to prescribe opioids and other medications in ways that are safe and effective for patients who need them.”

Baltimore; and patients enrolled in medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. The third phase is an examination of opioid-related emergency department admissions. Like those in many states, emergency departments in Maryland maintain electronic records of information about patients who came in for drug overdoses.The researchers are accessing Baltimore-area hospital admission electronic records to produce reports that track the number of opioid and other drug-related emergency department admissions over time. Wish and his collaborators at UMSOM will also design and test a monthly query to extract and quantify drug-related emergency department visits, to better understand patterns of opioid use.

Dr. Asaf Keller

The interdisciplinary team is also working to understand the symptoms of emergency department patients in a Baltimore hospital who tested positive for fentanyl and other drugs, even though the patients originally presented for use of synthetic cannabinoids. The results will help to clarify the accuracy of patient self-reports of drug use and physician diagnoses for drug overdose patients.

“I think our project represents a unique opportunity to create new local drug Dr. Eric D. Wish monitoring systems to better plan public health responses, both at the doctorpatient level and at the statewide and national levels,” Wish said.

The second phase includes preclinical and clinical research projects aimed at developing and implementing approaches to reduce and better target opioid prescriptions.

Another MPower project, to be conducted in the second year of the Opioid Use Disorders project, will be led by Dr. Peter Reuter, a professor in UMD’s School of Public Policy and in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Reuter will investigate how the criminal justice system responds to pregnant women with opioid use disorders.

Targeted populations for these studies are infants suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome admitted to the NICU at UMSOM; patients with acute orthopedic trauma admitted to the University of Maryland’s Shock Trauma Center in

Reuter’s goal is to provide models for jurisdictions to make decisions for individual patients, taking into account both the available science on the risks and the capacity of criminal justice agencies to manage their caseloads.

Wish adds that the team wants “to recognize and effectively address opioid use disorder in patients in need of treatment.”

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Updates from Centers and More


Updates from Centers and More

CIVICUS Welcomes Director Korey Rothman

START Students Win National Competition

AFTER A COMPETITIVE national search, Dr. Korey Rothman was selected to serve as the full-time director of the CIVICUS Living and Learning Program, beginning in August. She had served as interim director throughout the 2016-17 academic year and the summer.

THE “IT TAKES JUST ONE” CAMPAIGN, created by students affiliated with the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), rose above 49 competing teams from across the United States to win the Peer to Peer Challenging Extremism Initiative in July.

“Dr. Rothman is a tremendous leader and community builder,” said Associate Dean Katherine Russell.

The competition is a U.S. government effort aimed at finding new ways to challenge extremism and is led by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), managed by EdVenture Partners, and supported by Facebook. Tayler Schmidt, Victoria Challenger, Brittni Fine, Marcella Goldring and Elizabeth Streit won $5,000 in scholarship money and the opportunity to continue their work with a variety of interested potential partners from DHS and EdVenture. Their campaign aims to empower bystanders to intervene and help steer someone away from radicalization. Their moniker is derived from the idea that “it takes just one person to care, just one choice to make a difference, and just one action to save a life.” To actualize this idea, the team started a social media campaign, interviewed family members and friends of radicalized individuals and created a “choose your own adventure” style video game.

CIVICUS is a twoyear undergraduate academic citation program created around five themes of civil society: citizenship, leadership, community service learning, community building in a diverse society, and scholarship. CIVICUS courses and activities are linked with campus, local and national communities. Students in the program volunteer with nonprofit organizations, organize community service projects, and take advantage of internship opportunities.

The idea for the project began in a course offered through START. Taught by Education Director Katherine Izsak and Executive Director William Braniff, the course challenges global terrorism minor students to develop solutions to issues of radicalization.

“Through my interactions with CIVICUS students, staff and alumni, I have learned that this is a generation of people passionately committed to leadership, service and making the world a better place,” Rothman said. “As director of CIVICUS, I get to work with and learn from talented students who are dedicated to making a difference in the classroom, on campus and in their communities.”

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BSOS Unveils Feller Scholars Program BSOS AND MLAW PROGRAMS celebrate the establishment of the Joel and Kim Feller MLAW Endowed Scholarship, which supports merit-based scholarships for qualified undergraduate students in MLAW. Joel J. Feller, GVPT ’90, and Kim A. Feller, ’89, donated $500,000 to establish this scholarship; future recipients will be known as Feller Scholars. MLAW is a state-of-the-art collaboration between UMD and the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, driven by MPower. MLAW offers undergraduate students unique opportunities to learn from law professors and practitioners, and to visit points of legal and policy interest in Washington, D.C., Annapolis and Baltimore. The Feller family is well-known throughout the legal community, as Joel Feller is a founding partner at Ross Feller Casey, LLP in Philadelphia, and is a nationally renowned victims’ rights advocate. Joel and Kim Feller are dedicated supporters of BSOS and UMD, having previously donated $500,000 to establish a dean’s-level professorship aimed at helping the college recruit or retain faculty in academic areas of need. Dr. Jack Blanchard in the Department of Psychology was awarded the first Joel and Kim Feller Professorship.

Joel Feller, left, and Kim Feller, right, with their son Cory.

The Fellers donated an additional $500,000 to establish the Feller Lecture within the Department of Government and Politics (GVPT), the department’s annual signature event (see story page 21). The Fellers also previously donated $100,000 to support a research professor in GVPT. MLAW Director Robert Koulish currently holds the Joel J. Feller Research Professorship. Joel Feller is a member of the University of Maryland Board of Trustees, and in 2016 was named BSOS Alumnus of the Year. “We in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences are deeply grateful to Joel and Kim Feller for their continued leadership in support of our college and the university,” said Dean Gregory Ball.

BSOS Celebrates Giving Day ON BEHALF OF THE FACULTY, STAFF AND STUDENTS of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, thank you for supporting BSOS on Giving Day, March 7. This annual 24-hour fundraising challenge features good-natured competition between campus units for hourly prizes and challenge funds, and BSOS was one of the biggest winners of the day! Together, we raised more than $300,000 in gifts and by winning hourly competitions, the most funds of any academic unit on campus. We won three hourly challenges: Most Alumni Gifts (1011 a.m.), Most School/College Gifts Tier 1 (2-3 p.m.), and Most Alumni Gifts (7-8 p.m.). The loyalty of our donors allows us to support students, faculty and programs in ways that wouldn’t otherwise be possible: paying for students to attend academic conferences; providing innovative laboratory equipment and learning technology; bringing internationally renowned speakers to campus; covering travel expenses for students and faculty doing fieldwork around the world; and much more. Thank you for your generosity! We hope you will join us for Giving Day 2019.

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Giving News


Giving News Photo: John T. Consoli/ University of Maryland

Donors Help Make Dreams Come True IN 2015, Brian Kildee, GVPT ’99, and his wife, Laura Baptiste, generously donated a lead gift of $10,000 to lay the foundation of the Terp DREAM Scholarship Fund. The scholarship offers financial assistance to first-generation college students seeking undergraduate degrees at Maryland. The Terp DREAM Scholarship can mean the difference between a student being the first in his or her family to graduate from college, or having to put educational goals on hold.

Honoring the Legacy of Faculty Members MANY BSOS ALUMNI AND FRIENDS express interest in honoring faculty members who have passed away by making donations in their honor. For more information about these and other legacy gift opportunities, please visit

“We helped to establish the Terp DREAM Fund because we know that enabling firstgeneration students to achieve the American Dream strengthens our Terp community, our state’s economy, and our society as a whole,” Kildee said.

Suzanne Bianchi Endowed MPRC Student Research Support Fund

Kildee and Baptiste hoped that by spreading awareness, they could continue to raise funds in small amounts so that the scholarship would reach the $50,000 endowment level. In a little over three years, that goal was achieved with the support of fellow alumni and friends through Giving Day donations and matched challenge funds of nearly $25,000, and through a Launch UMD project supporting the Terp DREAM Scholarship. Launch UMD is a crowdfunding platform to help Maryland community members raise money so that their ideas and passions can take flight.

Established in memory of Suzanne Bianchi, founding director of the Maryland Population Research Center, this fund provides students with scholarships and research support for travel, coursework and more. BSOS Online Learn more at

Ray Paternoster Memorial Fund The Ray Paternoster Memorial Fund was created by friends and colleagues in memory of the life and scholarship of Professor Ray Paternoster. The fund will help support the installation of a memorial at the University of Maryland, and a lecture series in Ray’s name within the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

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Be the Solution is produced annually by the Office of External Relations, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. For more information about this publication, or about alumni engagement and giving opportunities, please contact 301.405.3475 or

Gregory F. Ball Dean and Professor, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

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