Byron Porter Smith Lecture and Reception

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Porter Smith

Lecture Series

ADB Faculty Participate in Science Week in Damascus

H.E. Eamon 0 Tuathail, Ambassador of Ireland. introduced the inaugural lecture of the Byron Porter Smith Lecture Series last Tuesday in West Hall. The Chairman of the Department of English, Professor Suheil B. Bushrui, launched the series with An Introduction to James Joyce's «Finnegans Wake»; With a Note on its References to Islam and the Koran. This attempt to present a work rarely assimilated by the most accomplished literary critics was readily appreciated. lmmediately following the lecture Professor and Mrs. Bushrui gave a reception in the Faculty Lounge in honor of H.E. Eamon Tuathail and the lecturers in the series. The remaining ten lectures in the series are scheduled to be given as follows in the Lecture Room of West Hall, 7:30 pm. January 21 : P. Gotch (Guest Lecturer) : Upon a Midnight Pillow : Sonnets and Lyrics of Shakespeare.

February 4 : S. Nassar: Reality in Fragments: The Early Poetry of D.G. Rossetti.

February 11 : G. Khairallah : William Faulkner's «A Fable.»

18 : J . D'Amico: Roger Ascham : «The



Dean E/ie Sa/em speaking at the banquet given by Professor Bushrui in honor of participants in the lecture series. April 29 : March 4 : D. Cook : Harmless Drudgery J.M. Munro Literature and Society. The Art of Lexicography.

March 18 B. Blackstone : Aspects of Romantic Perception.

April 1 : R. Murphy : The Orient as Resolution : Durrel/'s Quartet.»


April 15 : R. Nourallah : «The Spell of Far Arabia» : The East and the Victorians.

May 20: A. Melikian : Edward John Trelawny : Adventurer.

Byron Porter Smith (1889-1957) was Professor of English and Chairman of the Department of English at AUB from 1920 until 1953. This lecture series is dedicated to the memory of Professor Smith in appreciation of his distinguished services to his students, the University, the Department of English and the peoples of the Middle East.

Women's Association Sponsor Christmas Program

Four AUB professors were recently in Damascus where they participated in the XIV Science Week of the Supreme Council of Sciences held under the patronage of His Excellency President Hafez AI·Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic. Papers in Basic Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Medical Sciences and Engineering Sciences were presented during this Science Week by participants from fifteen countries, mostly Arab. Special sessions were also held as a millenial celebration of the birth of AbuRayhan al-Bironi, the famous 10th century Arab mathematician and astronomer. The four participants from AUB presented the following papers: «Ecology of Marine Macroalgae in Relation to Pollution along the Coast of Lebanon,» by Professor Philip Basson of the Department ot Biology; «Recent Advances in Hodgkin's Disease and the Role of the Pathologist in Diagnosis and Management,» by Dr. Latifeh GhanoourMnaymneh of the Department ot Pathology; «The Role of TSH in Endemic Goitre,» by Dr. Ibrahim Salti of the Department of Internal Medicine; «On Subplane Partitions of Finite Projective Planes,» by Professor Peter Yff of the Department of Mathematics.

Reception Given by Vice President Hakim The Vice President and Mrs. George Hakim gave early this month a large reception at the Alumni Club. Diplomats, heads of institutions of higher education, pressmen, men of letters, and businessmen were present together with President Samuel B. Kirkwood and deans and senior faculty and administrators of the University.

Islam and Family Planning Islam and Family Planning, a twovolume book co-edited by Professor M. Zayid of the Department of History and Archaeology was recently published by the International Parenthood Federation of the Middle East and North Africa. It is a translation of the two-volume work in Arabic which was published last year. The book contains the full proceedings of the First International Conference on Family Planning which was convened in Rabat, in 1971. It ·also contains papers on Islam society and its outlook on family planning, abortion and sterilization. The book also includes discussions and all the available fatwas from all Muslim countries on this subject, as well as all the Prophetic traditions -(hadith), translated anew in order to convey their original meaning as accurately as possible.

Not only one, but two Santa Clauses were there!

The annual lighting of the Christmas tree was celebrated Tuesday when President Samuel B. Kirkwood lit the yuletide lights of the tall evergreen near the Main Gate. Following the ceremony, commun-

Holidays It is announced by the Director ot Personnel that the following days will be recognized as holidays for nonacademic personnel.

ity children and their parents gathered in the Chapel to watch the Christmas program sponsored by the Women's Association of AUB. There was a Christmas play and carols. And then, unannounced but not unexpected, came Santa Claus, handing gifts to the children from a voluminous bag. Families attending the program brought gifts to be given to less fortunate children.

AI-Adha :


The first day of AI-Adha is confirmed to be on Tuesday, December 24. Since it coincides with the Christmas holiday, then Monday, December 23, will be observed instead as a holiday.



Christmas :


Tuesday and Wednesday, De· cember 24 and 25.

;'\lew Year :


Wednesday, January 1, 1971>.

On the occasion of the coming AI·Adha. Christmas and New Year holidays the BULLETIN ex· tends the Season's Greetings to all its readers.

Director ot IntonnatioD and Responsible Editor Redwan Kawlawl. EdItor : Georg'e Salhab.

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