Essays & Studies

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Editorial group at work

CAMPUS 82 YEARBOOK The "Campus" heritage was originally founded in 1963 with an editional group headed by Faisal Najjar. From 1963 to 1973 "Campus" was published periodically and was suspended in 1974 due to events at the time. In 1975 Arts and Sciences students published "Our Campus" which, though unrecognized by the administration as official, shed a I ight on student life of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences that year. In 1980 this heritage was once again revived by a group of dedicated students headed by Mamdouh Ghazaleh. Campus '80 was a great accomplishment, but it left behind a deficit of LL

Studies 1982: The Poet's Power, and James Joyce: An International Perspective, the first collected by 'Professor Suheil Bushrui, and the second co-edited by him and Professor Bernard Benstock of the University of Illinois, have been the subject of commendatory reviews in the Irish, American and British press. Yeats: The Poet As Hero, is Professor Bushrui's contribution to the first book, which he was commissioned to edit by the English Association, thus becoming the first non-British subject to have this singular honour. In his foreword, Professor Bushrui states that this theme for the volume is "the Poet's power in English Literature". This theme is traced through seven distinct periods of Engl ish Literature: Those of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton,

Pope, Blake, Tennyson, antj Yeats. The second book is described in press reviews as a monumental work and a book that no serious scholar of Joyce can affored to ignore. Foreworded by Richard Ellmann, it is a collection of essays. and poems in which almost the entire Joycean canon is expertly discussed. This volume is dedicated to Sir Desmond Cochrane, late Honorary Consul-General of I reland in the Lebanon who encouraged Arab interest in Irish I iterature. All in all, as one review says, "this is an excellent book, one of the most provocative and rewarding, in the current centenary-year cornucopia". It is prefaced by a homage to Joyce by Samuel Beckett who says: I welcome this occasion to bow low once again, before I go, deep down, before his heroic work, heroic being.

Mr. KhatlD

ALUMNUS MEMBER OF JORDAN ACADEMY The very fi rst response to ou r request to promote AUB's image (see the previous Bulletin, page 8) came from a well-known alumnus in Beirut, Mr. Ahmad Shafiq AI-Khatib (BS '56, MA '58), now with Librairie du Liban. I n a letter to the Director of Information, Mr. Khatib speaks in appreciation of the Bulletin and its usefu I service to the Community. Mr. Khatib was last year awarded honorary membership of the Jordan Academy of Arabic. In 1980, Mr. Khatib represented Librairie du Liban at the Conference on the Standardization of Scientific Terminology, which was held in Rabat and was sponsored by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, and by the Arab Bureau for Coordination of Arabisation in the Arab world.


25,000. In 1981 Ramsay Fuleihan was elected editor-in-chief of "Campus "81". Funds for this edition were LL 25 a copy added to the statement of fees of each student registering for the ftrst semester. Through advertising and fund raising "Campus '81" covered this deficit and made a profit of LL 5,000 which went to student scholarships. In 1982 the editiorial group of some 20 students elected Jawad Saba to be editor- in -chief, Mohamed Hamawie as art director and Basil Fuleihan as director of financial affairs. The funds for "Campus '82" had been allotted by the University Student Faculty Committee out of the student fund set up by the administration. This edition was scheduled to come out last June but had to be delayed because of the war. The resulting confusion led to the loss of some of the materials and a lot of work had to be redone. Most members of the editorial group were away last summer, but work went on even during critical periods. The main difficulty was naturally the non -ava i lability of a printin!l press. With the new academic year work has been speeded up. The anxious editors now expect Campus '82 to be out late this month.

Mr. Khatib was born in a small town near Jaffa, Palestine, in 1926. He has been with Librairie du Liban, Department of Dictionaries for almost twenty years. He is presently working as author and editor of the valuable dictionaries which the Librairie du Liban is publishing. Mr. Khatib has a large number of works to his name, among them around twenty specialized dictionaries, as well as scientific textbooks, and many translations of UNESCO reference works.

Mr. Salam addresses assembly

The group of Makassed students at AUB held an acquaintance party last week at the National Nursing School of this Society under the patronage of its president, Mr. Tammam Salam. AUB's Dean of ~tudents, Dr. Fawzi Hajj was presefit at the party, together with the Dean of Education at the Makassed Society schools, Dr. Hisham Nashabi, his deputy Mr. Mahmoud Gharizi, a$ well as Drs. Kassem Shaaban, Muhidine Kaissi and Muhammad Ktileir AI-Kadi, and Makassed students at AUB. In his address on this occasion, Mr. Salam called on Makassed students to benefit by their education and by AUB's Library facilities. He urged them to rise to the level of responsibility and

gather around the Makassed group who occupy a good place at AUB. Dean Hajj spoke in praise of Makassed and its students, saying they are a chosen group of good repute and among AUB's best students. 0 r. Kadi thanked the two "administrations of Makassed and of AUB for their beneficial cooperation.

ARTS AND SCIENCES RUNOFF ELECTIONS In the runoff elections held In the Faculty meeting on 4 November, Professor Costas Issidorides was elected as a member of the Advisory Committee and Professor Robert Cook was elected to the

University Senate as a Regular Member. This was announced in a recent circular by Acting Dean Landry T. Slade of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.


The AUB Bulletin is the official news publication of the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. It is published fortnightly, except during University holidays, by the Office of Information, Ada Dodge Hall.


Director of Information and Responsible Editor: Redwan Mawlawi Editor: George Salhab Printed by CI.P. Beirut, LelXJnon . Tel. 39 J228¡ J4V455/6

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