Evening Course on Shakespeare

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At A & 5 Faculty Meeting:

Amendment of Probation Regulations Approved The Arts and Sciences Faculty m Its general meeting of January 20, 1970 voted to change the A&S regulatlOns concerning placement on probatlOn and removal of probatlOn, announced Mr. Emile Rubelz of the Registrar's OffiCe. This deClsion is effective immediately. He said the deClsion was made upon the Jomt recommendatlOn of the A&S Administrative and Curriculum Committees. The following are the new regulatlOns adopted: Placement



A student will be placed on probatlOn for anyone of the followmg reasons. (a) If at the end of a semester or summer session he fails in onethird or more of the total number of credits he is carrying;

(b) If at the end of a semester, while carrymg 12 or more credits. he does not earn a grade of 70 or higher in one-thud or more of the total number of credits he IS carrymg. Those students carrymg a reduced schedule of less than 12 credits who have not failed in any of their courses are not subject to probatlOn regulations untIl they have accumulated 12 or more credits. The countmg of accumulated credits starts from the beginning of the reduced schedule. In all cases where 12 or more credits have been accumulated, probation regulations apply; (c) If at any tIme beginning with the Sophomore year the student's cumulative average in hiS major field falls below 70.

Dr. Sarruf Will Participate In Special UNESCO Board Meeting Dr. Fuad Sarruf, former vice president of AUB, will attend a one-week meetmg of the Special Committee of Unesco's Executive Board. As Chairman of the SpeClal Committee, Dr. Sarruf Will leave for Pans on January 29. 1970 in order to have a full day's discussion on the 30th with the Secretary of the Board and the Director of the office of conferences m preparation for the meeting whICh Will take place between February 2-10, 1970. Unesco. United NatIOns EducatIOnal SClentific and Cultural Organization, has a General Conference compflsmg 125 delegatIOns of member states which meet once every two years. From the General Conference, an ExecutIve Board of 34 members is elected. The SpeCIal Committee IS one of three committees of the Executive Board. Sixteen member states represented m the Execul1ve Board make up the SpeCIal Committee. The purpose of this committee IS to study speCIfIc problems m detail on which the Executive Board must deCIde. These problems are directed to the SpeCIal Committee either by the Executive Board or in conformity With resolutIOns of the General Conference. The Special Committee then studies these problems m depth and recommends to the Executive Board Its solutIOns. The purpose of the forthcommg meetmg of the Special Committee this February IS mamly to diSCUSS and recommend on the organiZatIOn of the General Conference of Unesco which will be held be-

tween October 12 and Noveml::cr 10, 1970. Dr. Sarruf expects to return to Beirut between February 12-14, 1970.

A freshman or sophomore student will be placed on probation at the end of hiS fust semester at the UniverSity only If he fails in one half or more of the credit hours carned. Remol·al of Probation

If allowed to remam at the University, a student who is placed on academic probation continues on probatIOn until It is removed by the Administrative Committee. The load of a student on probation shall not be less than 12 nor more than 17 credIt hours during a regular semester-except for student~ during the last semester before graduatIOn. For purposes of removmg probatIOn, the summer session IS only regarded as a semester If the student carries a mmimum of 8 credit hours. ProbatIOn will be removed at the end of a semester or summer sesSIOn (With a mmimum of 8 credits) provided the student passes in all courses, attams a general average of 70 or more m one-third of the credits he is carrymg and altams a cumulative general average of 70 or more m the major fIeld.

Physics Department Gets $10,000 Grant For Research Program A sum of $10,000 has been awarded by the Volkswagen FoundatIOn to support a research program m elementary particle phYSICS conducted by Dr. 'Karl Schilcher, assistant professor of physICS. Leadmg theoretIcal phYSiCists of German research institutes Will Visit the physics department for varied penods of time with the fmal aim of establishing mutual research programs. The fust Visitor, Dr. Deiter Schildknecht, theorel1Clan at the 2000-mllllOn electron volt accelerator m Hamburg, gave a series of nme lectures on "Vector Meson Dommance" at the department of physics. The grant also prOVides for a one year fellowship to a young sCientist WhICh has been awarded to Dr. Roland Blomer, a research aSSOCiate at the department of physiCS and formerly of MunICh University. Lectures for the general publIc on frontiers of physics are planned for the commg semester.


Evening Course on Shakespeare Begins Feb. 5 The fmt of the special (noncredit) evenmg courses offered by the AUB DIVISIOn of Extension and SpeCial SerVices, begmnmg in February 1970, IS entitled "Shakespeare and Modern Man." The course wIll commence on February 5, 1970. The lecturer for the course wIll be Dr. Suhaii Bushrui, assoCIate professor of English at AUB The course consists of seven lectures, on Thursdays from 4: 30 to 5' 30 p.m., deSigned for the general publIc; persons with an interest m Shakespeare. Other than a deSire to understand Shakespeare and some of hiS plays better, there are no prerequisites. The lectures wIll cover these plays' "Richard II," "Hamlet," "Twelfth Night," "Richard III," and "Measure for Measure." The seventh lecture wIll deal With "Shakespeare and the Arab ·World." The parallel is drawn between two ages of doubt; throughout, the aim IS to discuss the modern relevance of Shakespeare's thmkmg concernmg problems of polttics, of sOCIety and of the individual. The lectures will be held at the AUB Faculty Lounge, Ada Dodge Hall, 2nd Floor. Tea will be served before each lecture begmnmg

at 4.00 pm. The registratIOn fee for the course IS LL. 35. Another special (non-credit) course Will also be offered by the University m early February. ThiS course m Applied Arts is on FashIOn DeSign and wIll commence on February 10, 1970. The course IS a theoretICal and practlGti study of the creatIOn and executIOn of ongmal fashion Ideas It Will consist of mformal Illustrated lectures, discussions, demonStratIOns and lab work m the atelIer usmg a vanety of matenals mcludmg leather. Each partIcipant wIll have the opportunity of pursUIng an mdlvldual project. The object of the course is to develop appreCiatIOn and applIcable unders'andmg of the prInCiples of creative deSign. The course wIll be directed by ERSIE, a deSigner and graduate of Parsons School of DeSign. The course Will extend for five weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 '00 a.m. to 12 '00 noon. Other speCIal (non-credit) courses to be offered at the AUB beginning February 1970 mclude: "The Fundamentals of Islam and the Challenges of Modern Times," commencing February 24; "M.AD.· The Contemporary ExperIence m

the Arts." commencmg February 16; "Mozart and Modern Christian Thought." commencing April 18; "leadership Trainmg mWomen's PhYSICal EducatIOn and Recreation," commencmg February 20; "Elementary School SCIence Teachmg." (m ArabIC), commencmg February 19; "FamIly NutrItIOn and Health," (m ArabiC), commencmg May 12; "Zone Electrophoresis Workshop." February 1O-l3 and a "Hlghway Engmeering Course," commencmg May 7. DetaIls on each of these courses Will be published m the Bulletin at least one week before they commence. RegistratIon for the speCIal courses IS now open and will close one week before the begmnmg of each course In some courses places are lImited' Early registratIOn is adVised. RegistratIOn consists of filling out a card and paymg a fee for the courses. Fees cannot be refunded, except in cases where a course is cancelled because of msufflC1ent enrollment. Registration for special courses will be in Room 110, West Hall, Tuesdays through Fridays from 3 '00 p.m. to 5 :30 p.m. and on Mondays from 4'00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. A passport type photo IS required.

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