UMD ANTH Good News Fall '18

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Fall 2018


Message From Chair

Winter Courses ANTH221 Introduction to Forensic Sciences Taught by Erin Guthrie ANTH222 Introduction to Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology Taught by Miguel Vilar ANTH260 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics Taught by Jana Kopelentova Rehak ANTH263 Sexuality and Culture Taught by Charneka Lane ANTH264 Immigration Policy, Immigrant Lives Taught by Maria Viteri ANTH265 Anthropology of Global Health Taught by Clara Richards ANTH266 Changing Climate, Changing Cultures Taught by Stanley Herman ANTH469C/689C Language and Culture, Taught by Jacqueline Messing

This fall we welcomed our two newest faculty members to the Department, Dr. Daniel Contreras and Dr. Yancey Orr. They are off to a good start teaching and advising our students. This past summer faculty were busy on various research projects, locally and abroad. At the end of the Spring semester Marilyn London was recognized by the 2018 University of Maryland outstanding Professional Track faculty member for her long-term contributions to the Department of Anthropology, as well as to the field of forensic Anthropology. While working on many important cases, she served as a lead investigator in the work at Shankesville, PA, as a result of the 9-11 attack. This past summer she led her second Forensic Aviation Archaeology Field School, partnering with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. And she is now preparing for her third summer working in Europe with our students. To name a few other highlights: 1) many of our faculty and students presented their research at the American Anthropological meetings, 2) Dr. Jen Shaffer became an associate editor for the Journal of Ethnobiology, and 3) Dr. Andrea Lopez has been awarded a $375K grant by the Maryland Department of Health through the CDC Public Health Crisis Response funds, 4) our Bio-Anthropology lab is undergoing a major renovation and will be up-and running for the winter term, 2019. And, of course, there are so many more outstanding accomplishment by the members of the department. This issue of “Good News� provides an overview of the research, scholarship, and teaching that our students, staff and faculty perform in service to local, state, and national communities over the past half year. Congratulations to all and wishing you all the best for happy new year. 1 Paul Shackel

Awards, Honors, & Grants Students Maeve Bassett won the 2018 AAA Calendar Photo Competition for her picture “A Prayer to Mother”. (Photo Included)

Katie Boyle received a travel grant to attend PastForward, the National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference in San Francisco, CA. Kyla Cools has been awarded the 2019 SHA Ed and Judy Jelks Student Travel Award. Kyla Cools wrote the nomination that awarded the Anthracite Heritage Project 2nd place for the Society for Historical Archaeology’s Mark E. Mack Community Engagement Award.

"A Prayer to Mother" – Maeve Bassett AAA Winning Photo

Ellen Platts received the Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant for the 2018 AAA meeting in San Jose, CA. Betselot Wondimu was selected as the second runner up for the 2018 National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) Student Achievement Award for his paper titled “Coping with Death Among SecondGeneration American Youth: An Ethnographic Review.” (Photo Included)

Alumni Patricia Markert received the Presidential Recognition Award for outstanding contributions to archaeological ethics and service to the Register of Professional Archaeologists. Megan Springate and her colleagues’ LGBTQ Theme Study won an award from the Vernacular Architecture Forum.

Betselot Wondimu NAPA Award

Jeremy Trombley was awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral fellowship from Wenner-Gren. Faculty Andrea Lopez was awarded a $375K grant by the Maryland Department of Health through the CDC Public Health Crisis Response funds to conduct a regional ethnographic assessment from the perspective of people who use drugs. Thurka Sangaramoorthy was a recipient of the Rudolf Virchow Professional Paper Prize from the American Anthropological Association, Society for Medical Anthropology, Critical Global Health Caucus. (Photo included)

2 Thurka Sangaramoorthy receiving the Rudolf Virchow Professional Paper Prize

Conferences & Presentations Students Katie Boyle and John Hyche presented "Close Encounters of the Three-Dimensional Kind: ReExamining the Archeological Collection of Cedar Hill" with fellow National Park Service intern Shelley Albee at the D.C. History Conference.

Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman and Kathryn Deeley at the Southeastern Archaeological Conference

Magda Mankel presented “The Migrant Trail as Protest and Rhetoric: Exploring the Persuasive Influence of Cultural Heritage on Protests and Public Deliberation” at the session Cultural Heritage, Rights, and Democratic Practice, organized by Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels, at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Ellen Platts presented “Rights to Heritage in/and the City: Democratic Practice in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA in the Cultural Heritage, Rights, and Democratic Practice panel, organized by Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels and Jon Daehnke. (Photo Included) Samantha Primiano presented the poster “Fashioning the Self: Crossfitting the ‘Fit Body’” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels and Ellen Platts at the American Anthropological Association Meeting

Andrew Webster presented the TLTC’s "Graduate Peer Outreach Workshop: Effective and Efficient Teaching for Graduate Students" to Anthropology graduate students. Andrew Webster developed and presented the workshop “An Introduction to Typology in Historical Archaeology” to staff and volunteers at Historic London Town & Gardens. Camille Westmont gave the talk “Fostering Inclusion through Public Archaeology: Using archaeology to support migrant integration in Sweden and the United States” in September at the European Association of Archaeologists Meeting in Barcelona, Spain. Alumni

Devon Payne-Sturges at the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Joint Annual Meeting – Photo Submitted by Thurka Sangaramoorthy

Jeremy Trombley organized the session Inter-topia: Productive tensions within the collisions of technoutopianism and techno-dystopianism and presented “All Models are Wrong, But Some are Intertopian” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting 3 in San Jose, CA.

Faculty Janet Chernela was a presenter and discussant at the session Negotiating Gender, Race, and Indigenous Language Use in the Amazon and Andes at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Judith Freidenberg was a presenter at the World on the Move Business Meeting at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Christina Getrich was a roundtable presenter at the session Anthropologists adapting to Anti-Immigrant Climates: Resistance and resilience on campuses and in communities at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

Photo Submitted by Alison Heller

Kathryn Lafrenz Samuels was an organizer of the session Cultural Heritage, Rights, and Democratic Practice and a presenter of “From ‘Heritage Rights’ to the Heritage of Rights: The Value of Heritage for Human Rights Practice and Global Justice” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Mark Leone presented “Religious Culture within Slavery at the Wenner-Gren symposium: Atlantic Slavery and the Making of the Modern World” in Sintra, Portugal. Andrea Lopez was an organizer of the session Necropolitics and the City in the Era of Trump and presented “Necrogeography and Frames of War: Opioid Overdose Death and the Politics of Exclusion in Washington, D.C.” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

Cesar Chavez at the Lattimer memorial commemoration, 1972 – Photo courtesy of the Standard Speaker

Thurka Sangaramoorthy presented “Immigration and the Landscape of Care in Rural America” at the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ and at the Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Devon Payne-Sturges, and Helen Mittmann presented “More than a technical challenge: The social life of cumulative risk and mixtures toxicity policy” at the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Joint Annual Meeting in Ottawa, Canada. (Photo Included) Thurka Sangaramoorthy and M. Carney presented “Immigration and Mental Health in the Age of Trump” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

4 Photo Submitted by Alison Heller

Paul Shackel presented “The Landscapes of Anthracite Mining Towns” at the Pennsylvania Historical Annual Meeting in Lancaster, PA. Jen Shaffer was the symposium chair for How the Social Sciences Are Adding Value to African Vulture Conservation at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Jen Shaffer presented a paper entitled "Vulture Conservation Social Network Capacities and Challenges" at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation at Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photo Submitted by Alison Heller

Tony Whitehead was a roundtable presenter at the session Outsider Within, 10 Years Later: Celebrating the Important Interventions of Faye V. Harrison at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Professional Track Faculty A Lynn Bolles was a roundtable presenter at the session The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Mary Butler was an organizer of the Evaluation Anthropology Mentoring Session at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Photo Submitted by Alison Heller

Cathleen Crain was an organizer of the 13th Annual NAPA / AAA Careers Expo: Exploring Professional Careers at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Ricardo Punzalan was a roundtable presenter at the session, Approaches to Expanding the Use of Anthropological Archives, at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Linda Rabben presented "Sanctuary Now and Then" at Stockton University in NJ. Jana Rehak presented “We Live in the Water: Weather is everything and Wind is the Weather, as part of the Ecological Knowledge and the Making of Lifeworlds” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA. Joshua Samuels presented “Cultivating Heritage, Adapting to Climate Change: Participatory GIS and Sicilian Vinicultural Landscapes” at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

Molly Maguire memorial, Mahonoy City, PA – Photo Submitted by Paul Shackel

Maria Viteri presented “Capitalist Imaginings in the Andes: U.S. retirees and gated communities, as part of the session Urban Futures and Expropriated Natures II: Rearticulating Relationalities of Scale at the American Anthropological 5 Association Meeting in San Jose, CA.

Publications Edited by Jana Rehak

Authored by Alison Heller

Authored by Paul Shackel

Students Kyla Cools and Katie Boyle completed a co-authored report on the 2017 Anthracite Heritage Program's field school, which included an architectural survey of outbuildings and archaeological excavations. Camille Westmont and Andrea Antelid co-authored an article titled “The place to be: Community archaeology as a tool for cultural integration” in the Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage. Camille Westmont and Francesca Benetti co-authored an article titled "Public Archaeology in the European Association of Archaeologists” in the EAA newsletter, The European Archaeologist. Alumni Amelia Jamison co-authored the article, “Weaponized Health Communication: Twitter Bots and Russian Trolls Amplify the Vaccine Debate” in the American Journal of Public Health. Michael Roller published a new book titled An Archaeology of Structural Violence: Life in a Twentieth-Century Coal Town. (Photo Included)

Megan Springate and Hilda Maclean co-authored a chapter titled “Burial at the Edge of Empire: Divergent Histories of Coffin Furniture and Casket Hardware” published in the book In Death Across the Oceans. Faculty Stephen Brighton published an article titled "Excavating Skibbereen's History: An archaeological View of Life on Windmill Hill” published in the Skibbereen Historical Journal.

Authored by Michael Roller

Daniel Contreras co-authored the article “Regional paleoclimates and local consequences: Integrating GIS analysis of diachronic settlement patterns and process-based agroecosystem modeling of potential agricultural productivity in Provence (France)” in PLoS One. Alison Heller published the book Fistula Politics: Birthing Injuries and the Quest for Continence in Niger. (Photo Included) Judith Freidenberg published an article in Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos. Mark P. Leone, Elizabeth Pruitt, Benjamin A. Skolnik, Stefan Woehlke, and Tracy Jenkins co-authored the article “The Archaeology of Early African American Communities in Talbot County, Eastern Shore, Maryland, U.S.A., and Their Relationship to Slavery” in Historical Archaeology. Mark Leone and Michael Roller co-authored the article “Waste” in an online journal in Public Anthropology. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman and Nicole Mathwich co-authored the article “Bureaucratic Reforms on the Frontier: Zooarchaeological and Historical Perspectives on the 1767 Jesuit Expulsion in the Pimera Altâ” in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman co-authored an article titled “Dining with the Madisons: Elite Consumption at Montpelier” in the journal Historical Archaeology. Thurka Sangaramoorthy published “Putting Band-Aids on Things that Need Stitches: The Landscape of Care in Rural America” in American Anthropologist.


Audrey DeAngelis and Alessandra Portillo take measurements of the house that the Anthracite Heritage Program documented during the 2018 field season. – Photo Submitted by Katie Boyle

Thurka Sangaramoorthy published "Maryland is not for Shale: Scientific and public anxieties of predicting health impacts of fracking" in The Extractive Industries and Society. Paul Shackel published the book Remembering Lattimer: Migration, Labor, and Race in Pennsylvania Anthracite Country. (Photo Included) Paul Shackel wrote the Forward in An Archaeology of Structural Violence: Life in a Twentieth Century Coal Town authored by Michael Roller. Paul Shackel and Barbara Little (et al.) co-authored an article titled “Thinking through ‘Community’ in Archaeological Practice” in Practicing Archaeology. Paul Shackel published an article titled “Immigration Heritage in the Anthracite Coal Region of Northeastern Pennsylvania” in the Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage. Paul Shackel published an article titled “Structural Violence and the Industrial Landscape” in the International Journal of Heritage Studies.

St. Nicholas Breaker, Mahonoy City, PA – Photo Submitted by Paul Shackel

Professional Track Faculty Robert Bienvenu co-authored the article "The Integration of Emerging Omics Approaches to Advance Precision Medicine: How can Regulatory Science help?" in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. Judith Lynne Hanna published “Why Dance Education Matters” in Conscious Dancer. Stanley Herman wrote an online article titled “In-work dining at Silicon Valley companies like Google and Facebook causes spike in divorce rate” on Salon. Linda Rabben published "The Quaker Sanctuary Tradition” in Religions. Jana Rehak co-edited the book Politics of Joking: Anthropological Engagement. (Photo Included) Robert Winthrop wrote the chapter "Culturally Reflexive Stewardship: Conserving Ways of Life" published in The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice.

Jen Shaffer co-authored a paper with Reginal Harrell and Nicolas Funda titled "Vulture Belief Use and Conservation Ethics" presented at the 2018 Annual Meetings of the Raptor Research Foundation in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Jen Shaffer co-authored a paper with Mary Ann Ottinger and others titled "The Interdependence of One Health and Vulture Populations" presented at the 2018 Annual Meetings of the Raptor Research Foundation in Kruger National Park, South Africa. 7 Bird's Eye View Lithograph of Miners Mill, Luzerne County, PA - Photo Submitted by Paul Shackel

Scholarship & Service Students Katie Boyle, Sarah Grady, John Hyche, and Maddie Laub assisted with salvage excavations at the mid nineteenth-century Sellers Mansion ahead of its renovation. The project was directed by Adam Fracchia in cooperation with the preservation nonprofit Baltimore Heritage. The excavations provide a detailed picture of the dynamic history of the Lafayette Park neighborhood. (Photo Included)

Archaeology in Annapolis Field School – Photo Submitted by Mark Leone

Jess Breitfeller was selected to participate as a Graduate Climate Fellow on the AAA delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland. She worked with a group of undergraduate interns and established anthropologists to promote anthropology's role in international climate policy, as well as conducting pre-dissertation research. Kyla Cools, Katie Boyle, and Paula Nasta collaborated to direct the Anthracite Heritage Program's field school at Eckley Miners' Village, PA, which included both architectural documentation and archaeological investigations. (Photo Included)

Katie Boyle and Maddie Laub uncover a brick ball at Sellers Mansion in Baltimore. – Photo by Adam Fracchia

Tracy Jenkins, Samantha Lee, and Madeline Laub ran the Archaeology in Annapolis field school in 2018. Work continued at the Freeman Site in Easton and an African-American lateeighteenth-century garden bed was discovered. (Photo Included)

Camille Westmont elected co-chair of the Public Archaeology Community of the European Association of Archaeologists.

Anthracite Heritage Program students and volunteers begin excavations during the 2018 field season at Eckley Miners' Village. - Photo Submitted by Katie Boyle

Alumni Amelia Jamison’s research on the Russian influence on the vaccination debate in the United States was featured on CNN, Forbes, and Maryland Today. Michael Roller’s work with the National Park Service (NPS) at Arlington house was featured in the Washington Post. Kristin Sullivan was named Executive Director of Salisbury University's Ward Museum.

Volunteer archaeologists, including Adam Fracchia and John Hyche8 assist with excavations at Sellers Mansion in Baltimore during the late summer and fall of 2018. – Photo Submitted by Katie Boyle

Faculty Judith Freidenberg served as a research associate at IDES in Argentina, co-organized Emigration and Immigration session for IUAES, organized workshop at Universidad de Santa Maria in Brazil, and taught Applied Anthropology at Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay. Andrea Lopez was a speaker at the closing plenary session of the Maryland Harm Reduction Summit in Baltimore. Michael Paolisso, Christy Miller Hesed, and Elizabeth Van Dolah hosted six workshops as part of DIPP's Engaging Faith Communities for Coastal Resilience Project on the Eastern Shore to improve church - government collaborations for addressing rural climate vulnerabilities.

Judith Hanna Featured Image in Terp Magazine

Joseph Richardson’s research on Capital Region Violence Intervention Program was featured in Huffington Post. Thurka Sangaramoorthy along with Lis Maring organized the 3rd Global Health, Culture, and Society Lecture Series with guest speaker Brian Honermann. (Photo Included) Thurka Sangaramoorthy was appointed a seat in Public Policy, Members Programmatic Advisory and Advocacy Committee in the American Anthropological Association.

UMD Field School Students washing artifacts in Skibbereen, Ireland - Photo by Stephen Brighton

Jen Shaffer became an associate editor for the Journal of Ethnobiology. Professional Track Faculty Cathleen Crain was chosen by the Office on Women’s Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to support the development of a new, national social marketing campaign to increase postpartum depression symptom reporting among new mothers. Cathleen Crain was elected as president-elect of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA). She will become president of NAPA in 2020 for a two year term. Judith Lynne Hanna was featured in a Q & A on “Pole Positions” in the Fall edition of Terp magazine. (Photo Included)

Thurka Sangaramoorthy & Lis Maring at the 2018 Global Health Lecture with Brian Honermann

Barbara Little and Stephen Brighton were cited in a Science article about drinking in the profession. Marilyn London and Adam Fracchia led The Forensic Aviation Archaeology field school, which completed another successful year. The archaeological field school is a pilot program to test the feasibility of partnerships between universities and the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) to further their mission to bring back US soldiers still missing from past conflicts. (Photo Included) Rob Winthrop was appointed to the external advisory board of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, which fosters the integration of research from the environmental and social sciences.

9 Forensic Aviation Archaeology Field School

Happy Holidays

Have a Wonderful Winter Break

& Happy New Year 2019!

University of Maryland, Department of Anthropology 1111 Woods Hall, 4302 Chapel Lane, College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-1423


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