Literary Boards

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Centennial Fund Committee For Alumni in U.S. Formed AUB Centennial Fund CampaIgn Chairman, trustee David A. Shepard, early January announced the organization of the Campaign's Alumni Committee for North America. This campaIgn committee will mclude 250 alumni and former faculty and staff covermg the various parts of the United States where AUB alumni live. The Committee will proVIde the organization and dedIcated manpower for the personal solicitation of all alumni and former faculty and staff during this mtensive year of AUB's Centennial Fund Campaign. Each person will be asked to demonstrate hIS support of AUB by making a pledge to this vitally Important development program. The goal of the Alumni Committee IS 100 per cent participatIOn by the 1,500 alumni and former faculty and staff now residing m the United States and Canada. In announcing the formation of this Committee, Mr. Shepard stated that AUB has an outstanding alumni body in terms of theIr professional contnbutions to the affairs of the world and the welfare of humanity.

Dr. Bushrui to Serve On literary Boards Dr. Suheil Bushrui, associate professor of English, has been invited to serve on two international organizations: the International AssociatIOn for the Study of AngloImh Literature (IASAIL) and the International Advisory Council for the Journal of Yeats Studies, The Cutting of an Agate. As member of the Steering Committee of (IASAIL) he wlll be takmg part in organizing the InternatIOnal Conference of IASAIL due to take place in August 1970. He has also been inVIted by the ].M. Synge Centenary Committee (Ireland) to participate in the Synge Centenary celebrations 10 Dublin in Aprll-May 1971. At present Prof. Bushrui IS edIting a Synge centenary volume, J.M. Synge 1871-1971 Centenary Essays, to which twenty-five scholars from England, Ireland, USA, Japan, Germany, Syria and IndIa have made scholarly contributions. Last month Prof. Bushrui was also made a Life Associate of the International Poetry Inshtute (Houston, U.S.A.), "as an expression of appreciation of [his} scholarship, ... numerous talents, and '" splendid work 10 connectIOn with [the Gibran Internahonal} Festival."

Mr. Shepard also noted that the actiVIties of the Alumni Committee are one of the most important aspects of the Centennial Fund CampaIgn. "How can we ask or expect others to contnbute to our UOlverslty unless we who know it best and love it most give it our full support?" he asked. Mr. Shepard added that over '$12,000 already has been received in advance gifts from alumni and former faculty and staff. Meanwhlle, Mr. Mark Keshishian (Ph.M., '19) and Dr. Zekin Shakhashiri (B.A., '31; M.S., '34; M.D., '38) have accepted appointment as Regional Co-Chairmen of metropolitan Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland, for the Centennial Fund Campaign AlumnI CommIttee of North Amenca. Mr. Keshishian and Dr. Shakhashiri wlll direct the first regional campaign among AUB's alumnI and former faculty and staff. Mr. KeshIshIan is owner of Mark Keshishian and Sons, Inc., in Washington, Dr. Shakhashiri is in the Perinatal Research Branch of the national Inshtute of Neurological Diseases and Blmdness in Washington. He has served as President of the District of Columbia Chapter of the AUB AlumnI Association of North America.

Representatil'es of AVB Near East Emergency Donations (NEED) recepients presented a gift to Mr. James A. Linen, representing NEED and President of Time-Life Incorporated, 011 February 6, 1970 as a token of their appreciation. The presentation took place at the office of President Samuel B. Kirkwood.

Four Jordan U. Administrators Attend AUB Training Program Four administrators from the University of Jordan February 20 completed a one-week observation training program at the American UniverSIty of Beirut. The program consisted of theorehcal mstructlOn by supervisors assigned as advisors to each 10dlvidual trainee 10 hIS area of specializatIOn as well as a semmar on the "Basic Principles of SupervIsory Management.'" The semmar was conducted by Prof. Mohammad Sadik of the Graduate Program 10 Development Admi01stration (GP DA).

Dr. Ziadeh Visits Gulf States Dr. Nicola Ziadeh, professor of Bahram, 'Kuwait hIstory, viSIted and Abu Dhabi February 3-15 to explore the possiblllties of research109 documents related to the modern history of the Arab Gulf SheIkhdoms. Dr. Ziadeh was accompa01ed on his tour by his son Raid (B.A. 69). While in Bahrain, Prof. Ziadeh visited the two HIgher Teachers Institutes, one for men and the other for women. At the Men's Inshtute, run by AUB Alumnus Jalll al-Urayid (B.A. 64), he discussed a number of educational problems with the teachers. At the run by MISS women's Institute, Safla Dowaigher (M.A. 64), he met with students and talked to them about AUB. In Bahrain, Dr. Zladeh also gave a lecture at the Alumni Club on "ReflectIOns on Arab History." In Abu Dhabi, Prof. Ziadeh was the guest of the Emiri Diwan. He examined a number of documents and dIscussed them with the Director of DocumentatIOn, Mr. Mu-

hammed Mursl Abdallah. At invitation of the Diwan Dr. deh gave a lecture on "Arab naissance 10 the 19th and 20th tunes.'"

the ZlaRecen-

In both Bahram and Abu Dhabi, Dr. Ziadeh and his son were received by the rulers, SheIkh Isa of Bahram and SheIkh Zayid of Abu Dhabi. Commenting on his tour, Prof. Ziadeh noted the rapid development which the emIrates are undergoing. In Bahram, he noted in parhcular the change of admmistration brought about by the formation of a 12-man Council of State headed by a brother of the ruler. The twelve men are heads of the vanous departments five of whom are AUB alumni. The construction of a new aluminum plant and the progress of work in education and on housing schemes for persons with limited income were also among the features of development in Bahrain. In Abu Dhabi vast road and housing construction projects are underway.

The program also included actual observatIOns and analysis of the vanous work methods and procedures adopted by AUB. The need for such trammg was determined in a study prepared by the AUB Training OffICer, Mr. ]. Abu Jawdeh, dunng his visit to Amman last Summer, on the tram109 needs at the University of Jordan. The objective of such a program was to expose the trainees to the methods, procedures, and techniques bemg followed and Implemented at AUB. Upon the conclUSIOn of the program, on Friday, VICe President DWIght Monnier gave a luncheon party at hIS campus residence to honor the JordanIan VIsitors. The four administrators are: Mr. Mohammad Mir'!, director of admmlstrative affairs; Mr. Samlr HabIb, comptroller; Mr. Ahmad Baydoun, supply manager; and Mr. Ata As-Sa'di, food service manager. The traming program was financed by the Ford Foundtaion. AUB volunteered ItS services.

Dr. Morton Lectures In Milwaukee Dr. S.A. Morton, professor of radIOlogy, recently returned from a one week visit to the MIddle WeH of the United States where he gave the address at the annual meeting of the Mllwaukee Academy of Medicine, and spoke before the Medical SOCIety of Mllwaukee UniverSIty. Dr. Morton's two lectures dealt with the geographical dlstnbutlOn of disease and WIth the opportunihes open for doctors after retirement. These opportunihes, according to Dr. Morton, include work in miSSIOn hospItals and in deveteaching at institutIOns loping countries

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