National Pact Translation

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Professor Nassir Sabah, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, was invited to participate in the Symposium on the Current State of Research on the Use of Arabic in Computers, spon~ored by UNESCO and held in Tunis early this month. The topics discussed included problems of display and coding of Arabic characters with full punctuation, machine recognition of written Arabic, voice recognition and synthesis, automati c translation to and from Arabic, Arabization of higher-level computer languages and retrieval of information stored in Arabic, in addition to translation or Arabization of technical terms. Many of these topics involve a deep understanding of Arabic grammar and syntax and require close collaboration between Arabic linguists and computer specialists. Professor Sabah was elected secretary general of the symposium.

The rector of the University of Sanaa, North Yemen, Dr. Abdul Aziz Maqalleh wrote recently to Professor Suheil Bushrui requesting him to translate the country's National Pact. Dr. Maqalleh points out that as commissioned by H.E. Prime Minister al-Aryani of the Yemen Arab Republic and on the directive of H.E. the President Ali Abdallah Saleh, President of the Republic, Professor Bushrui has been selected to translate the pact into English in view of his mastery, competence and faithfulness in preserving the Arabic spirit in all his translations into English.

PROFESSOR BOSWORTH OF MANCHESTER LECTURES AT CAMES Professor Wad ad Kadi has provided the Bulletin with the following review of the lecture that Professor C.E. Bosworth of Manchester gave recently at the Center for Arab and Middle East Studies. William Lithgow of Lanark (1582 - after 1645) was in many ways a typical Scoti of the type of travellers and explorers like James Bruce, Mungo Park and David Livi ngstone. He made between 1609 and 1620 th ree extended journeys through


By Professor J. Malarkey During this month the AUB community had the opportunity of meeting two you ng professors from the American University in Cairo. Dr. David Konston and his wife Dr. Barbara Harlow are both specialists in comparative literature, the former currently on loan to AUC from Wesleyan University. The two scholars graciously accepted to give public lectures and lead informal seminars during their stay in Beirut. On 10 May, Professor Konston, an expert on classical literature, led a discussion on "Greek Conceptions of the Origin of the World" in Professor Malarkey's seminar on "Comparative Cosmogony." The next day Professor Harlow addressed the C.S. Forum on the subject of " The Colonial Mag h reb and Camus' L 'Etranger." That evening at the Philosophy Symposium Professor K 0 n ston read a paper on "E p icurus, Islam and the Renaissance: the Strange Career of the Atom." Professor Konston also spoke at the C.S. Forum on "Comedy and Ideology."

Finally, Professor Harlow lectured twice to the students of C.S. 204 in West Hall Auditorium on the timely topic of "Season of Migration to the North and Othello." In addition to the substantive areas treated in the diverse presentations Professors Harlow and Konston also manifested a keen interest in some of the new interdisciplinary modes of textual criticism. In all, a stimulating week for those who had occasion to meet these two scholars. As a result hope has arisen that such visits between AUC and AUB might increase in the years to come.

southern and eastern Europe to the Islamic lands, his supreme aim being to make a pilgrimage to the holy places in Jerusalem, one which he achieved at Easter 1612, this being made via Da Imatia, Greece, Ottoman Turkey (Istanbul and Izmir) and Syria, after his landing at Tripoli from Cyprus. A further journey took him to North Africa and the regions between Fez and Tunis.ln all these journeys Lithgow displays his strong prejudices against Jews, Roman Catholics and Muslims alike, whilst nevertheless acknowledging the Ottoman sultans' tolerance towards their dhimmi subjects provided that they stayed within the role alloted to them in Islamic society; he thus grudgingly admits that not everything which he saw and experienced was wholly bad.

REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER SESSION The acting Registrar, Mr. Edward Mazloum has released the following information on registration for the coming summer session: Final registration for new students, former AUB students, B UC, N EST and Haigazian students will take place in West Hall, 8:30 - 13:30, June 28 and 29. A II students must prepare their schedules with their advisors and secure from their respective departments the necessary computerized cards which, on the advisor's approval of the registered courses, should be returned to the computer center. Final registration and payment of fees are scheduled as follows: Engineering and Architecture; June 27. UOP, Arts and Sciences, DEEP and new students: June 28 for family names A K. June 29, for L - Z. Agriculture, Medicine Graduates, Special Health Sciences, Nursing and X-ray: July 1. Medicine III, IV, V: June 30 Medicine II: August 31 Medicine I : September 20. Fees must be paid in full. No deferred payments are granted for the Summer Session.

Professor C.E. Bosworth is a we II-known British Orienta list, who has written many books and articles about Islamic history, Arabic and Persian, and has done some work on Arabic literature. Professor Bosworth is presently Chairman of the Departments of Near Eastern Studies, University of Manchester, Editor of the Journal of Semitic Studies, and one of the editors of the Encyclopaedia of Islam.

WOMEN'S LEAGUE MEET ON 6 JUNE T he Women's League is holding its next meeting on Monday, 6 June, 4:00 p.m. in Marquand House gardens. The meeting will be addressed by Professor Suheil Bushrui who will speak of "Gibran, a centenary tribute."

TUESDAY, 31 International Show and Dinner by Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. 6:30 Dr. Sarnir Thabet. In Praise of Portrait Painting. Goethe Institut.


The AUB Bulletin is the official news publication of the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. It is published fortnightly, except during Urriversity hoi idays, by the Office of Information, Ada Dodge Hall.


Director of I nformation and Responsible Editor: Redwan Mawlawi Editor: George Salhab

Printed by MAKDISI PRESS (CIP), Beirut, Lebanon, Tel' 340455/6 - 391228

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