Rihani Centennial Press

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THE LOCAL PRESS The local press and other information media here and abroad continue to cover the various activities of the University. An-Nahar interviewed Prof. L. Cajoleas on the AUB summer 'training programs. These programs were also reviewed in the weekly Monday Morning.

The weekly M. E. Sketch published a 2-page article on family health in Lebanon. The article centered mainly on the AUB School of Public Health and on the Mreyjeh Famiy Health Center.

Reports with pictures appeared in the local press about the American students from AUB who are on the Junior Year Abroad Program and who went last week to the Red Cross to donate blood for the victims of the last Israeli attack on South Lebanon.

Press A fragile little lady with bright brown eyes, a warm smile and an enchanting accent came from San Antonio to Austin recently to present her late husband's treasured collection of rare and valuable Arabic books to the University of Texas. She is Mrs. Marie Basila, widow of the late Norman N. Basila-a long-time San Antonian businessman. Some of the books date back to Mr. Basila's college days at the University of Beirut in the late 1800' s. Included in the collection are books of poetry, history and fiction. Two additional items of special interest are : a complete Arabic-English encyclopedia, compiled between the years 18761900, and - six volumes of early editions (dating from 1897) of the Arabic periodical Al Hilal, which is still in publication. Active for many years in civic and cultural affairs, Mrs. Basila in 1959 was chosen by the San Antonio Express as "Woman of the Year." (News from AREJAS VITKAUSKAS WORLDWIDE NEWS BUREAU, USA).


In a TV panel early last month on the subject of the Amin Rihani Centennial, Prof. Suheil Bushrui spoke of Rihani's writings in English with an emphasis on the role of AUE in organizing the centennial and in introducing courses on the works of Lebanese writers in English. Mr. Joseph Bassila, representative of the Cultural Council of Lebanon participated in the panel and was most complimentary of AUB and of its contribution to the cultural life of the country.

In a report on the fluctuatin~ price of the US Dollar, Ad-Dlls/oor said RE, President Sleiman Franj ieh received AUB Professor Emeritus Said Hamadeh to discuss this matter with him.

Both An-Nahar and AI-Allu,ar, the leading dailies published long reports, with pictures, on AUE Geology students who were carrying out survey studies in the Qartaba-Tannourin area in the summer.

The registration of new students at AUB last week was reported with pictures in the major local papers. AnNahar said due to the registration activities two floors of College Hall became a busy workshop where a computer was actively processing the various formalities.


The New York Tillles. which published an obituary of the late Dr. Edgar S. Furniss who retired as provost of Yale University in 1957 after 20 years in the office, mentioned that he had taught economics at the American University of Beirut before joining the Yale Faculty in 1915.

The Sunday Press of Dublin has published a long review of Sunshine And The Moon's Delight, the centenary tribute to J.M. Synge, edited by Prof. S.B. Bushrui and published by Colin Smythe, Ltd., and the American University of Beirut. The publishers say that it originates from the oldest "modern'" university in the Arab World, and its editor comes from Jordan and is Chairman of the AUB Department of English_ The British Medical Journal of London, in a report on a recent medical congress in Cyprus, said the President of the Cyprus Branch of the 13.M.A., who was in the chair, thanked the American University Hospital of Beirut for providing all three of the speakers at the session-Dr. A. Kurban, Dr. R. Matossian and Dr. F.JD. Fuleihan (all of AUB). The Morninf!. Telef!.raph, of Sheffield, quoted Prof. John Taylor of Sheffield University in a declaration on town planning just before he and his colleagues left to attend the seminar on the Structure of the Planning Process at AUB, "the leading university in that part of the Middle East"

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