SEIbrahim 2009 Rihani Lecture Program

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In the literary field Rihani was a unique figure in the early 20th century. He enriched English with translations of such Arab poets as Imru’ul-Qays and Abu’l-Ala’ al-Ma’arri, and enriched his own culture by transmitting the ideas of Carlyle and the American Transcendentalists through his Arabic writings. The subjects he covered were not merely literary, but ranged from modern American painting to Russian ballet. Rihani also demonstrated great foresight in his choice of political and social issues upon which to concentrate. He corresponded with King Abdu’l-Aziz ibn Sa‘ud about the implications of the discovery of oil in Arabia, the politics of the region, and the chief obstacles to Arab unity. He also wrote a penetrating study of Iraq in which he discussed the unresolved Kurdish problem. He thus dealt with issues of crucial political and cultural importance, both in the West and in the Middle East, issues which were destined to have a continuing impact on world affairs right up to the present day. But although Rihani was a dedicated liberal, his idealistic approach was tempered with a very down-to-earth realization of the need for an ordered, disciplined society. His opposition to blind fanaticism, coupled with a profound respect for tradition, gave him a common-sense stance which remains an important legacy for Lebanon and the Arab world. It was no accident that Rihani was the man called upon to represent Arab interests at several international conferences. The significance of Rihani’s work can scarcely be lost on modern day scholars and politicians alike. Some of the answers to the problems of today were provided by him over half a century ago, only his voice was heard but not listened to. There is surely no more crucial contemporary issue than the importance of East/West relationships, something Rihani not only realized but did his utmost to promote. His work, therefore, deserves consideration on two levels: in the context of the prevailing atmosphere of the times in which he lived, and in the light of present-day issues on which his influence still has an enduring bearing. It may be in the interest of all of us to heed his warnings and listen to his advice.


The Arab World: Extremism or Reform? a lecture by

DR. SAAD EDDIN IBRAHIM Professor of Sociology and Leading Human Rights Activist Chairman of the Board, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies organized by

THE GEORGE AND LISA ZAKHEM KAHLIL GIBRAN CHAIR FOR VALUES AND PEACE at the Center for Heritage Resource Studies University of Maryland in association with


Friday, 4 December 2009 Dinner 7:00pm Lecture 8:30pm University of Maryland Inn & Conference Center Designed by Farinaz Firouzi


Remove those banners above your head – speaking of sects and factions – and erase from the tablet of your heart what your predecessors have inscribed therein of prejudice or envy. Purify, my brother, the tablet within yourself and erase from it all traces of defilement. Be thou none other than thyself and inscribe upon this tablet the beautiful, sweet words: Liberty, Truth, Love, Beauty; and be a true human being. —Ameen Rihani (translated from the Arabic by Suheil Bushrui)

Dr. John Townshend

Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences *



Dr. Suheil Bushrui

Professor, George and Lisa Zakhem Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace

Dr. John Townshend

Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences *

The Arab World: Extremism or Reform? a lecture by



Ms. May A. Rihani

on behalf of Min Ajl Lubnan and the Rihani family

THE AMEEN RIHANI ANNUAL LECTURE SERIES The Ameen Rihani Annual Lecture Series is designed to address the thought and achievement of Ameen Rihani (1876-1940), as reflected in his English and Arabic writings. It will concentrate on his published and unpublished works in both languages, and explore other relevant and important material in international archives. An attempt will be made to trace the evolution of Rihani’s ideas and the maturation of his literary style both in English and in Arabic. This developmental analysis will be juxtaposed at each stage with the subject’s biography and details of his involvement with the major issues of his day. Particular attention will be paid to the influence upon Rihani of his Lebanese and Arab heritage on the one hand, and of his American experience on the other. This lecture series will also address in general terms the major issues discussed by Ameen Rihani in his English and Arabic works such as: East/West relations, the future of the Arab world, and inter-religious and inter-faith understanding.




Ameen Rihani is generally recognized as the most prominent member of the “Lebanese-American” school of modern literature and thought, which included such authors as Kahlil Gibran and Mikhail Naimy. Essayist, novelist, philosopher and poet, Rihani wrote with equal facility in both Arabic and English. His early attempt at a novel in English, The Book of Khalid, was the forerunner of Gibran’s famous work, The Prophet. But Rihani’s eminence is not solely owed to his remarkable interdisciplinary talents. He was also a man who believed passionately in the brotherhood of all nations, and devoted his entire life to promoting the cause of East/West understanding. In virtually being able to claim dual nationality, he assimilated two widely differing cultures to an extent perhaps never achieved before him. But profound though his grasp of the meaning of the modern West was, he never lost sight of the priceless cultural heritage bequeathed to the world of Arab civilization.

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