Sunshine and the Moon's Delight

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Alumni Asked To Give Fi nancial Support More than 7,500 AUB will ~eive in the mail in the next teo days a letter urging their financial support of their University. The objective _of the c:ampaign headed by Dasim Faris, AUD '25, President of Arabia Iosnrabce, is to enlist the 100% support of all AUB Alumni. The University has announced that all gifts received from Middle East Alumni will be matched under a special grant from the Rockefeller Foundation which will have the effect of doubling each donation. Contributors may designate their contributions to scholaflShips or student loans, the general snpport of the AUB program, or to a project of their choice. Another letter signed by Dr. Ibrahim Mnfarrij, AUB '48, bas been sent to a select group of concerned alumni. Dr. Mufarrij is Chairman of the "Committee of 600" which seeks 600 friends of the University prepared to give L.L. 1,000 or more for each of the next three years. These funds will greatly assist A UD to meet its program commitments which are threatened as costs of higher education rise. Individual contrihutions, Whether L.L. 50 or L.L. 50,000 will also be matched in equal amount by the Rockefeller matching grant. Alumni in North America have already contributed $22,517 to the campaign.

Anticipating greater demand for scholarship aid and student loans, the campaign appeal. is especially directed to alumni who received scholal'Sbip aid themselves at AUD~ and who may now be in a position to help an AUB student. More than 50% of all AUD students ~eive some form of financial support, but in aU too many cases funds are inadequate to lileet the need.


Centenary Tribute To J.M. Synge

Dr. Calvin H. Plimpton Patronizes Frost Centenary

Sunshine and the Moon's delight, which was edited by Prof. S.B. Bushrui as a Centenary tribute to John Millington Synge (18711909), is a collection of profound essays which demonstrate the universal appeal of ].M. Synge's writings and their worldwide felt influence. The collection consists of essays dealing with specific works (drama, poetry and prose) as well as with general stud ies of Synge as man and artist. It includes a survey of recent work on Synge, a Synge glossary, and finally-a valuable section for literary scholars-an up-to路dMe bibliography. Printed by AUE and Colin Smythe of London, the volume is described as originating "'from the oldest 'modern' university in the Arab world,"' and the contributions come from many countries-Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Jordan. Syria and the United States. The book brings together in one volume some of the d;Herent kinds of work being carried out ,it路 present in the field of Synge studies. It has become of value tu scholars and an indispensable reference work for students at schools af1'~ universities. The American edition of the book has just been published in USA by Barns and Noble of New York ,1I1d is described as the "'most 路,aluable rderence work on J.M. Synge." AUB Professors John Munro and Suheil Badi Bushrui have both contributed to the collection; the first on "J.M. Synge and the Drama of the Late XIX Century" and the second on "Synge and Yeats.'" Prof. Bushrui, whose main interest is Anglo-Irish literature, was awarded the Una Ellis-Fermor Prize in 1963 for his work on W.B. Yeats, on whom he has already pub 1ished four books. Prof. Bushrui is on the Executive Council of the International Association for the study of Anglo-Irish literature (IASAIL); Chairman of the Synge Centenary Committee (Lebanon); and President of the Association of University Teachers of English in the Arab World.

Robert Frost

And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world. From "The Lesson for Today," A Witness Tree. The English Department, in looking ahead to 1974, the onehundredth anniversary of the birth of American poet Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), has begun preparations for commemoration activities at the American University of Beirut. From the publication of his first book of poems, A Boy's Will, in England in 1914, FroM received international popular and critical acclaim. He relished his role as mentor to aspiring students of creative 'writing and eventually assumed an unofficial role as "poet laureate of the United States." The convocation marking the Frost Centenary will take place during the spring term of 1974 under the patronage of Dr. Calvin H. Plimpton, Chairman of the University Board of Trustees, and until recently President of Amherst College where Frost had taught

for a few years. At the present moment, members of the路 supporting committee include Professors Suheil B. Bushrui and Jack Capps of the English Department. AUB faculty members interested in participating in the planning and presentation of the celebration should contact Prof. Bushrui, AUB extension 2406. The Department of English has already Marted preparations for .the coming event. A "Robert Frost Exhibition" was arranged in Jafet Library on April 13 last by Prof. Jack Capps of the AUB Department of English. Prof. Capps' delivered the opening remarks and Miss C. Heditzian of the John F. Kennedy American Center presented Frost volumes to the University Library. A film on Robert Frost was shown, and Prof. S.B. Bushrui made the announcement of the Frost Centenary.

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