Synge Exhibit in Cork

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President of Republic of Ireland Visits AUB Exhibit In Cork

His Excellency President Erskin Childers on a visit to the Synge exhibit recelvrng from Professor Bushrui a gift of books on Irish literature published in Lebanon. Professor Suheil B. Bushrui, Chairman of the AUB Department of English has returned from Ireland where he lectured last August at the exclusive Sligo International Summer School and participated in the Conference of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature. Professor Bushrui was one of ten experts in Anglo-Irish literature who delivered lectures and conducted panels on the famous Irish poet W.B. Yeats. Of two hundred participants representing seventeen countries, Professor Bushrui was the only Arab. Professor Bushrui spoke as well of a variety of literary topics in several radio interviews, and the exhibition of pictures illustrating the life of the Irish poet John Millington Synge was described by papers as Professor Bushrui's prodigious contribution to the Conference of the International Association for the Study of AngloIrish Literature. The President of the Republic of Ireland and Mrs. Erskin Childers were among the many visitors who admired the exhibition. President Childers, who attended part of the conference publicly thank-

ed Professor Bushrui and AUB, saying: « You have done for Ireland more than any outsider has done. The Irish nation should see this fine display». At the suggestion of President Childers, the exhibition is to be patronized by the Irish Council of Tourism. Furthermore, the Synge family has decided to publish soon the exhibition's illustrated documents. Professor Bushrui's comprehensive report «Anglo-Irish Literature in Lebanon and the Arab world » was appreciatively received by both the Conference and the press and was adopted as a model for future Conference reports. Professor Bushrui was named member of the executive council of the congress, and all Asia representative: Invited to participate, with six Irish poets, in an evening devoted to poetry, he spoke of Lebanon, Gibran and the Cedars. Professor Bushrui's contributions have led the International Associa_ tion for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature to' recommend that a special congress be held in Beirut, in 1977.

AUB Committed to Serve Arab People President Samuel B. Kirkwood released last month the following statement: In the present critical times, the American University of Beirut reaffirms its commitment to serve the Arab people. Throughout its long history as an educational institution, AUB has provided an opportunity for higher education to thousands' of students from the Arab World. Its graduates have become leaders in all fields., serving their countries with distinction. In the present situation, AUB intends to continue within its responsibilities to follow its traditional course, offering higher education and professional training to those who would prepare themselves to take part in the development of their homelands. This is the University's major contribution to the present and to. the future. As an institution of Beirut, Lebanon and the Arab World the AVB has always offered the services of its staff and its facilities to meet the needs of its community, particularly in times of crisis. At the beginning of the present conflict, the University placed its facilities at the disposal of the Lebanese Government. The Hospita~ was put on an emergency basis with priority given to battle casualties. Teams of AUB surgeons, physicians and medical students are already serving in Syrian hospitals. Further projects are being set up in each Faculty with students, faculty and staff participating. AUB's students have been active throughout these past days in operating a blood donation center and in collecting funds for relief aid. Women of the University community are making surgical. dressings and have collected blankets and clothes for those made homeless. The University is coordinating its academic program with these activities. (cont'd on p. 3) J

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