Yeats International Summer School

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English Department Chairman Lectures in Ireland Professor Suheil B. Bushrui, Chafrman of the AUB Department of English has been invited to lecture at the Yeats International Summer School. August 11th-25th, in Sligo (Yeats's hometown) in the Republic of Ireland. Professor Bushrui will be delivering a paper on .Yeats and the EastÂť and will conduct four seminars on: Yeats's early poetry, Yeats's early plays, ideas of A Vision, and recent work on W.B. Yeats. The Yeats International Summer School is intended as a permanent memorial to William Butler Yeats. It provides lectures, seminars, discussions, and performances of Yeats's plays, as well as excursions and visits to places of interest. Many of these, including Drumcliff where Yeats is buried, are enshrined in his work. Professor Bushrui is one of 24 lecturers and leaders of seminars taking part in the program, among them Miss Kathleen Raine (London), Professor Richard Ellmann (New College, Oxford), Professor John Unterecker (Columbia University, New York), Dr. Oliver Edwards (Belfast), and Professor A.N. Jeffares (University of Leeds). After the summer school Professor Bushrui will be attending the Second Triennial Conference in Cork, Ireland, organized by the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, to be held August 27-Sept. 1. Professor Bushrui has been asked by the executive committee of the Association to take to the Conference the photographs and material used in the Synge Centenary Exhibition which was organized by the AUB Department of English in 1971. He will also be reading one paper on Synge and a report on Anglo-Irish Literature in the Lebanon and the Arab world.

Assistant Director of University Health Service The Dean of the Faculties of Medical Sciences, Dr. Craig S. Lichtenwalner has announced the appointment of Dr. Salah Nasrallah as Assistant Director of the University Health Service as of July 1st.




Monnier Decorated

L. to r. Vice President Hakim, President Kirkwood, Mrs. Monnier, H.E. the Mi-

nister of Education, Dr. Monnier.

Vice President Dwight C. Monnier was this week decomted with the Lebanese Order of the Cedar!> of Officer Rank by H.E. the Minister of Education, Mr. Edmond Rizk. The award was made in the Faculty Lounge at a big farewell party given in his and Mrs. Monnier's honor oefore they left for the US where Dr. Monnier will be joining the staff uf the American College of Cardiology at Bethesda, Maryland, Dr. Monnier's home state. President Samuel B. Kirkwood, Mr. Shukri H. Shamm3s, Mr. David S. Dodge, Vice President George Hakim, Provost Samir K. Thabet, and a good number of notables and faculty and staff members were present. Vice President Hakim welcomed the Minister of Education and spoke of Dr. Monnier's valuable service to the University. He was followed by H.E. the Minister who said he was happy to be again honoring a member of the American University of Beirut. Mr. Rizk explaint'd that in honoring Dr. Monnier, the Lebanon honors AUB and its community. There is no better occupation for a Minister of Education, he said, than that of honoring educators. The Minister spoke of Lebanon as an educational prospect and stressed that Lebanon shall be tl:\! State where the university, cd:.lcatioD and know-

ledge are always hono~ed. Mr. Rizk praised AUB for its services to Lebanon and the Arab world. The last to speak was Dr. Monnier who said he was deeply honored and touched by the award, and asked the Minister to convey h;, appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency President Sleiman Franjieh. Dr. Monnier considered his decoration not as a recognition of one man, but of many persons-young and not so young, Lebanese and Americanswho have banded together as a team which has brought a high level of coordination, efficiency and dedication to the University's support pI\.lgrams. He said he wishe1 to n~cognize also the gracious support gi~en by the Trustees, pointing out that their generous gifts of time and ~ffort have been invaluable to the llniversity. Dr. Monnier went to say that the University has been fortunate to have received excellent cooperation from the AUB Workers and Staff Syndicate Council. Labor and management together, he said, have achieved a fine working relationship. Dr. Monnier concluded by speaking of his work with President Kirkwood and referred to him as a person of great personal integrity and a worthy successor to the Reverend Daniel Bliss, the founding father of AUB.

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