Awakening August 2018

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I Travel with Purpose August 2018


Let love f low ‘Bubbly’ is a word often used to describe a person, and their energy, but have you ever noticed that happy people just feel different when you are around them, you can little literally feel their effervescence… When we say someone has “good vibes,” we are really talking about that person’s vibrational energy. The same is true of places, when you walk into a room in which a fight has just occurred, you may feel a dense energy that makes you want to leave right away. The beach, on the other hand, has a light energy due to the salt (a natural energy cleanser) and constantly moving air. The air at the beach also vibrates at a higher frequency. Last month, I had an opportunity to experience Niagara Falls. I love the sound and the power of water, whether waves or a waterfall, it is a symbol of purity and fertility. I have always found that waterfalls have a unique ability to pause our train of thoughts, bring our awareness completely back to the present moment. At Niagara Falls I was once again filled with awe, there I found pure, unleashed energy, a constant yet fluid shape that is ever-changing and renewing. For me, it represents openness, flexibility, power and spirituality (all ancient symbols associated with water) – it was magical and utterly mesmorising. I pulled my on my poncho and headed down into the Cave of the Winds Pavilion to experience the full force of the water, the energy of a shower of thousand tons water upon me. I felt the water massage my skin as it fell, flowing over and around me. The sounds were incredible, water playfully splashing all around is one of the best ways to soothe stress I have ever found. After feeling this magnificent force of nature, I came to learn that water is also spiritually healing since it is a channel of universal energy. It can literally wash away negative energy that has become lodged in our

chakras from past heartbreak or trauma and clear any negative energy that has rubbed off from someone else. Healing occurs on all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual, the shower of naturally pouring water both mystical and practical. Here, the water from Niagara Falls goes on its own journey, traveling from different lakes until it finally rests in the Atlantic Ocean. Ancient people knew the healing power of water. Sacred wells and springs can be found all over the world. The Romans made public baths a significant part of their culture, folk wisdom tells us to drink from the white water in a stream, and science can now prove that the water becomes naturally ionized when it is active. The power of water is enhanced and energised as it tumbles over rocks and down cliffs. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life and in Taoist tradition, water is considered an aspect of higher wisdom. The Niagara Falls are a beautiful mark on the landscape, and their enduring appeal has been documented over and over again. However, for me, the fascination with the constant flowing brings a special joy. The joy of a moment, receiving and allowing good thoughts, creating good feelings as the flowing water continues in its ever-lasting rhythm. Regular cleansing of energy is important for maintaining a high vibration in life, staying in alignment with love and joy, and for manifesting more of what we want to create and experience in our lives. After every remarkable and uplifting experience, I stop and reflect on how travel has changed my life and I realise how much travel is a part of me. Like the water flowing through the falls, to travel is to live. Follow us on Instagram @awakeningmagazine






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Why travel is good for business While often seen as an indulgence in the workplace, business travel can reap benefits far and wide says Elle Blakeman

Globetrotting for the Game


Unlocking the secret

Travel is not only a necessary luxury, it is essential to our wellbeing, says Katie Tankard

From marathons and mountains to the best cycle routes, we’ve searched out the best sporting tourist destinations.

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Fueling your travels

The science of travel & happiness

Eating well on the go is not only possible, it’s preferable. Here’s how to do it...

Science has revealed travel is one of the best methods to maintain happiness, says Miles Demars-Rote

Page 39

Travel and the mind

Travel isn’t only good for our cultural agenda, it can be vital for our mental health and wellbeing too, says Rosie Rider

4 INSPIRE Page 43

Craft on the go

Keep minds inspired and idle hands busy when travelling with simple crafts for intrepid souls.

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The World is your classroom Why travelling is the best form of education

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Story of Wisdom Two Miles

Page 54 Al-Hayy

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How travelling strengthens relationships

by Dr Asma Naheed




‘‘A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it’’ - Jean de La Fontaine



Why travel is good for business Expensive flights, time away from the family... business travel is often seen as an indulgence in the workplace, however, the benefits by far outweigh the costs says Elle Blakeman





here’s an old adage that reminds us that technology is a ‘useful servant but a dangerous master’, and never is this more important that in the art of human interaction. Indeed as the world keeps spinning ever and ever faster, with apps, tips and tricks to make everything easier, quicker, it’s often easy to forget that some things simply cannot be rushed, the most obvious example being human connection. And business, at its very core, is quite simply a collection of human connections.

FACE-TO-FACE INTERACTION communication. If you are there in person, you can pick up on these clues and talk through any issues in real time. According to The Journal of Neuroscience, face-to-face communication also involves more continuous turn-taking behaviours between partners, which has been shown to play a pivotal role in social interactions and reflects the level of involvement of a person in the communication – in other words you fall into a ‘real’ conversation when you take time to meet in person, one that involves listening and responding properly, as opposed to a Skype one, which is often about running through a list of points without truly hearing what the other party has to say. Interestingly, as email, Skype and video conferencing become easier, face-to-face communication has become all the more important – and rare – meaning that you can stand out from the crowd simply by just turning up.

When it comes to travel, companies can often see this as a costly investment – flights, accommodation, time away from families – all for a meeting that could in theory be done over Skype. However there are many reasons it can be well worth the investment. According to the Harvard Business Review, a faceto-face request is 34 times more successful than an email one – 34 times! It is also worth noting that 87 per cent of people surveyed preferred to meet in-person, and in-person meetings were ranked as more productive than their virtual counterparts. Indeed, today several Fortune 100 companies won’t sign any contracts without a face-to-face meeting between company leaders. There are a number of reasons a face-to-face meeting is more productive, firstly it allows you to pick up on non-verbal communication – the pauses, the smiles or frowns, the folding and unfolding of arms that count for an impressive 93 per cent of



WIDEN YOUR CIRCLE Can you remember the last email you received from a stranger? Did you give it any thought or time, or did it rapidly find it’s way into your deleted items. Business travel allows you to widen your circle and make new connections with people in different areas. In doing this, not only are you making new immediate connections – and more genuine ones – you may well be making invaluable indirect ones – who knows who that CEO may introduce you to one day.

Leisure travel is known to open our eyes in all sorts of ways, but there is no reason to suspect that this stops at business travel. New places, new cultures and different ways of doing things are all things we can pick up on a business trip, perhaps the company you are going to meet have just found a great local app that you can use when you are back home, or perhaps they have found a way of doing business that could revoluntionise your own. ‘I had a meeting in San Franciso,’ says Talon Golding, CEO of Novo Capital, ‘and the marketing director mentioned that they never have any chairs in meetings and make sure that no meeting goes on for more than 20 minutes. I decided to try the same back in London and it saved us so much time, I didn’t realise how much time we had been wasting just sitting around talking. Plus everyone is more interested and engaged now as meetings are short and sharp.’ Next time you are away, remember to keep your eyes open for what you can bring back home.



INSPIRE YOUR TEAM These days, staff are often so busy with their day-today work that thinking outside of the box is simply impossible. Getting out of the office, the commute and the general daily routine and into a new place – even for just a few days – can be a great tool for staff. By stepping out of the office environment you instantly broaden your options and uncover multiple avenues of opportunity. In a new context, a team may spend more time together and discover more about each other and have conversations which could go on to lead to new innovations and ideas. Travel can allow for a moment of reflection, which can lead to some excellent new insights for your company. It can also make for a great team motivation and bonding exercise – start your day with a team yoga class on the beach, or end it in a lovely local restaurant, remember, a change can be as good as a rest!





“Take only memories, leave only footprints” - Chief Seattle



Travel for Wellbeing Travel is not only a necessary luxury, it is essential to our wellbeing, says Katie Tankard



YOU LOOK WITHIN “The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.” – Diane Von Fustenberg You learn so much about yourself when travelling. You discover who you are, what you believe in, what you truly desire, and the things you value most. Plus, you have no distractions while delving right into this freedom. There is no-one close enough to shape your beliefs any longer, and no family or friends to sway your thinking or true feeling. Nothing can bring you closer to building an intimate relationship with yourself and getting to know yourself better than being alone in another country. This process can make you evaluate who you are, and the various characteristics about you that were influenced by your upbringing. This can force you to re-think your future vision, and get crystal clear on who you truly want to be. Some of my greatest insights have occurred while in my most vulnerable moments around the globe.





YOU EMBRACE CHANGE You begin to thrive on change. Stagnancy and complacency become your worst enemy. Adventures reinforce the importance of change, which results in growth. You look forward to the excitement of adapting yourself to each new city and discovering new ways of life, and attempting to make sense of your surroundings. Change is scary. It makes us fearful. But, through wanderlust, you’ll become your own fear-buster, realising that you can do what you set your mind to. Self-doubt will diminish, and you’ll carry this new confidence into your home life. You only have yourself to trust and that’s your gut instinct. You become more aware of detecting fears and danger, and can make decisions from the inside out, rather than outside in. You tune right in to your own instinct. Hence, this makes you wiser and more connected with your intuition.


IT EXPANDS THE MIND “Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.” Frank Herbert I’ve heard of people travelling overseas to the most amazing places, and yet they have neglected to engross themselves in the different cultures. I am usually so excited to hear about the local cuisine, and am always slightly disappointed when I hear that they stuck to the familiar restaurants and didn’t experiment. If you’re going to travel, why not fully immerse yourself into their way of life to experience how other people around the world live? When in Nepal, I ate what the Nepalese ate, slept where they slept in little tea houses and followed their customs. By immersing yourself into the culture you will come back home and see everyone still living their same lives and to other people it will be as though you had never left. However, inside you will be bursting at the seams with new knowledge, insights and experiences. It will challenge you. It will give you invaluable life skills, including plenty of resilience.




IT PUTS YOUR HEALTH INTO PERSPECTIVE It is the most humbling experience travelling to countries where they resources are limited and things such as toys, books and writing materials are seen as luxuries. Witnessing poverty is heart-breaking and you will return home with a newfound gratitude, and a more profound zest for life. You will appreciate every little thing, from the clean water you have readily available, to clothes, nourishing food and family. You’ll come home more able to appreciate your health, appreciate the wide range of resources available to help you achieve your best level of health. You will develop a profound feeling of gratitude for what you do have. “You lose sight of things, and when you travel, everything balances out.” Daranna Gidel



IT TEACHES YOU PATIENCE AND GRATITUDE Flights, cars, hotels, languages, customs, different people. It WILL test you. But even the ‘bad’ or negative experiences will take on new meaning when you compare what you have in relation to others. All perceived negative experiences are simply an opportunity to grow through them during your travels and will help you develop as a person. Stop and ask yourself in each situation that comes your way: What is the blessing? It might be difficult at first. However, the choice is all yours. You can choose to suffer, or you can choose to empower yourself through trusting the process and see the benefit that is waiting for you. Remember, so much more goodness will be generated by taking the time each day to feel gratitude. Happiness is, in a way, simply appreciation. So, foster all the thankfulness you feel each day and write a list to remind you of the primary things to appreciate every day—from getting enough nightly Zzz’s and your favourite song playing, to lying in the sunshine and soaking up the rays. Just go with what comes to you and observe your life change in front of your eyes, including possible travel plans.




SENSE OF FREEDOM “A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu Daily wandering and a sense of freedom to go wherever you like and do as you please is truly rejuvenating for your mind and body. Put the diaries away and utilise the rare opportunity to wake each morning and do what you feel like doing. Not what you think you should do. Not having a daily routine - even for a little while - is pure bliss, as you don’t have to deal with all the little stresses of day to day life. I call this wanderlust at its best.



UNPREDICTABILITY IS EXCITING “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch Inject some real zest in your life. Turn your fears into curiosity, get out there and explore the world. Tourists tend to find comfort overseas by trying to surround themselves with familiar things. Travelling is about being in unfamiliar places, surrounding yourself with unfamiliar people, growing and challenging yourself through uncomfortable situations. Being independent takes courage – the courage to get over your internal fear to face unfamiliarity on your own.

This article first appeared on and is reprinted here with their kind permission.



The Science of Travel & Happiness Science has revealed travel is one of the best methods to maintain happiness, says Miles Demars-Rote

Before we talk about the science behind travel, let’s get to the bottom of happiness. Discovering and maintaining happiness can be tricky, but there is a lot of science seeking to solve the problem. With the recent advances in technology, we have begun to really measure and quantify what it is to be happy – and consequently – the optimal way to live your life and achieve true happiness. Of course, the path to happiness may be unique to everyone but research is showing specific things that have the greatest effect for the most people.


WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS For more than 20 years, Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, has been trying to untangle the complex web of happiness and its relationship with money. Through his research, Dr. Gilovich has discovered that happiness is not sustained from buying things that we want—even if they’re things we highly desire or consider to be an extension of our personality. BUT WHY? Gilovich explains: We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed. But only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them.” Okay, that makes sense. We all can relate to the feeling of being excited by something new and then bored of it rather quickly. But, if we just kept buying new things, couldn’t that provide the novelty we are looking for and thereby maintain our happiness? Well, not according to the trends of happiness throughout the world, or by the research conducted at Cornell. So, what is the secret sauce in the recipe of sustained happiness? Experience. Although buying new items may provide novelty, they lack an essential ingredient to the recipe of maintaining happiness. Here is how Dr. Gilovich puts it: “Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things, but nonetheless, they remain separate from you. In contrast, your experiences really are part of you. We are the sum total of our experiences.” This research reveals what many of us intuitively know to be true. I am confident that everyone reading this can directly relate to the notion that experiencing things can induce greater states of happiness than buying them. Our richest and most precious memories do not originate from material goods we’ve purchased. Instead, they are a consequence of experiences we’ve had.

OPTIMISING HAPPINESS Now that we have a better understanding of how to achieve happiness, let’s optimise the process of maintaining happiness. The science of happiness has revealed two key elements: •Happiness thrives best in novel environments •Material goods are less influential than experiences because they are separate from you Therefore, what is the optimal way of achieving happiness? It is, of course, travel. Travelling offers one of the best sources of novelty, since it brings you to entirely new places and cultures. The barrage of new stimuli significantly impacts your brain and how you process information. In this space, time seems to slow down and everything feels more enriching. That is because you are focused on absorbing all of the new information. In other words, you’ll forget about the stuff you buy, but you won’t forget this. The disconnection from your typical surroundings provides a new and optimal environment for happiness to thrive in. And where does this bliss live? Novelty. You can easily become adapted to your new phone after using it for a while and when the novelty wears off, you’ll be searching to replace it. But travel provides us with the opportunites to have experiences of a lifetime that cannot be replaced and won’t be forgotten. Buying physical things is a separate act from your actual self, since you are purchasing material goods; but actual experiences are a direct part of you, in fact they forge you. We buy things to evoke joy, but what if we did things that directly induced happiness instead? Having experiences that become a fabric of your identity is a much better investment like cutting out the middle man and buying straight from the source. Travelling is powerful and extremely impactful because it uniquely combines novelty and experience in a way that nothing else on Earth does. Invest your hard-earned money in new experiences and you will be investing in a better version of yourself.

This article first appeared on, and is reprinted here with their kind permission.

“Invest in new experiences and you will be investing in a better version of yourself.”



“Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right” - Pope Francis



Globetrotting for the Game Increasing numbers of people are travelling abroad not for sunshine or cultural diversions, but for sporting escapes. From marathons and mountains to the best cycle routes, we’ve searched out the best sporting tourist destinations‌




CYCLING Tour de France –With a route that takes in destinations in France, Belgium and Germany, including Marseilles, Paris, and Düsseldorf – the Tour de France is worth being around for either to watch, or to follow in the footsteps of competitors. Passing through the Alps and the Pyrenees, as well as numerous European towns and villages, it truly brings the region together and remains one of the most exciting road races in biking history. Madagascan Highlands – A striking, biodiverse island, cycling routes on Madagascar are relatively flat, with plenty of great views and several downhill cruises. The proliferation of national parks and nature reserves make it quiet, peaceful racing amongst a quite spectacular and lush landscape. Don’t miss the lemur reserve on your way round. Dolomites, Italy – The rollercoaster that is the Dolomites Passes makes it one of the most sought after cycling destinations in the world. The views are unparalleled and make even the toughest of uphill climbs worth it. From the Passo Fedaia to the Passo delle Erbe , with views of the Odle Massif and the Marmolada glacier, cycling in the Dolomites serves both adrenaline junkies and culture vultures alike. Pan Am, Central America –The iconic Pan America Highway wends its way through Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, taking in lakes, lush countryside and volcanoes, as well as sugarcane plantations and the pulse and thrust of Panama City. This is a route to take your time over and really explore all the beauty that Central America has to offer. Prague to Budapest – For a city cycle you can’t beat the route between these two Eastern European cities, which takes in four countries - Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary – on quiet roads and paths, and allows you time to get to know their culture, cuisine and beer.


MARATHONS London and New York – For any serious runner, there are two city marathons that have to be on your list. London and New York are by far some of the oldest, and most iconic, city marathons in the world. In London, up to 35,000 runners traverse a relatively flat but incredibly scenic course that takes in Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, Buckingham Palace and Westminster. While, in New York, runners are traditionally serenaded at the start with Sinatra ‘New York, New York’, and the 50,000 strong crowd of athletes finish their run in the heart of the city’s most famous landmark, Central Park. Midnight Sun, Tromso, Norway – Starting a race at 8:30pm is a novel experience, but in Norway in June and July the midnight sun phenomenon creates the conditions for an incredible night race amidst a striking Arctic landscape. The route runs along the Norwegian coastline, backed by dramatic mountains and going past the amazing Arctic Cathedral, and across the Bridge of Tromso.

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania – While not actually taking part on the mountain, this race, in the shadow of such a famous peak, is an awe-inspiring run, For its 6500 participants, it’s demanding and challenging, with hot weather and several hill climbs, but the majesty of the mountain and the lush green African providing a beautiful balance. Great Wall of China – This isn’t one to run for a personal best or to break a record. But it is one to run for any marathon bucket lists. Starting and finishing in Yin and Yang Square, nearly all of this 26.2 miles takes places on The Great Wall, which includes a thankless and hefty uphill slog along what’s known as the ‘Goat Track’. Runners will go through tiny villages and vast landscapes, hills and plantations all around, with the cheering locals urging them on.



CLIMBING El Chaten, Patagonia – Home to some of the most iconic mountains in the world, the El Chaltén massif in Patagonia is a climbing mecca, but should only be attempted by the most experienced climbers – the routes includes hiking across glaciers, climbing up big ice gullies and walls up to 5000 feet tall. Amateurs and beginners can still soak up the atmosphere though, with a trek and hike around the base of Fitz Roy, the range’s most photographed peak.

Yosemite, United States – A fantastic place for all levels of climbing, Yosemite is both inspiring landscape and challenging peaks, the perfect playground for the adrenaline junkie. Beginners can start with any manner of simple rocky areas and slopes, while mid-level climbing can be found at Half Dome and the Cathedrals. Experienced climbers will want to conquer the impressive ‘El Capitan’ - towering 7,500 above sea level, it is the largest exposed granite monolith in the world, and represents the peak of climbing holy grails. Fontainebleu, France – About an hour’s drive south of Paris the lush green forests hide numerous giant sandstone boulders – and one of the most familyfriendly climbing locations in the world. Boudldering can be done by amateurs and beginners, children and adults, and is a much simpler way of climbing, wth no ropes or equipment, and safe landing places all around. A great way to take sporty breaks to the whole family.




Fuelling your Travels


hether heading out on a business trip wind up working against you, leaving you bloated, or taking a holiday, even the most irritable and tired. The phrase “If you don’t have experienced travellers can fall off their your health, you’ve got nothing”, rings true as ever, nutrition game. These are some easy ways you can especially when you are far from home. stay sharp on the road. Make eating healthy while on vacation a goal by Being away from home and routine is a powerful sticking to a normal eating routine as much as possible. temptation to do too much, eat too much and throw When you go for long periods of time without caution to the wind. A long flight or car trip can mean eating, you’re far more likely to pick up something sitting in your seat for hours on end, unhealthy. Live by the golden rule but that doesn’t mean you have to let “Being prepared is the of eating something every 2-3 boredom get the better of you, and hours. It doesn’t have to be much, give in to temptation. Believe it or first step. You can still just a handful of nuts or a small not, many of the unhealthy cravings indulge in a nutritious tub of yogurt to keep your hunger we experience on the road can be at bay. diet while on the go” satisfied with a simple, refreshing Being prepared is the first step. drink of pure water. Besides making You can still indulge in a nutritious sure you stay hydrated, water helps you eat less by diet while on the go. keeping you feeling full and energized. Ready for more? We’ve outlined 20 nutrition tips With so many fast food chains and large food for travel and fun healthy travel food ideas to help portions served in restaurants, being too casual and you plan accordingly to keep you happy, healthy and having a mindset of, “I can eat whatever I want”, can energized when your life takes you next on the road.


IN THE CAR­ It always happens… you’ve finally hit the road, but everyone in the car is ravenous. The last thing you need to have is an endless supply of junk food. Instead, pack a few snacks and easy meals. To keep things fresh, bring some airtight containers and a cooler along. Here are some foods to eat while traveling in a car: •Yogurt •Hummus and celery or baby carrots •Sandwiches •Hard-boiled eggs •Quinoa black bean salad




ON THE PLANE While most airlines don’t provide healthy food choices, you can still plan ahead so that you can stay on track with your healthy eating goals. For long haul flights ask the airline ahead of time for a special meal: kosher and vegetarian are a great choice. Instead of spending money on expensive, salty fast food at the airport or junk food on board, you can save time and money by being prepared. Travelling with some protein sources and a full litre of water can help prevent dehydration and fatigue, as well as excessive hunger and overeating later. Consider these healthy options next time you travel on a plane so when the flight attendant comes around passing out bags of pretzels, you’ll be able to reach for these healthy snack alternatives:

DINING Depending on your accommodations, you might or might not have access to a kitchen. Modern vacation rentals and many Airbnbs can set you up with all the kitchen amenities of home. This is usually the least expensive option compared to a normal hotel – by far! This means you can buy and cook your own food, which can save you a lot of money on a trip and lets you make better choices about what you eat. Here are some smart healthy choices for dining while traveling:

•Rice cakes with almond butter •Hummus •Homemade trail mix (raisins, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts) •Protein Bars •Whole fruit

No kitchen? Search out healthy restaurant options close to the hotel using Google Maps so are familiar with great ideas in the area you will be staying in. This article first appeared on and is reprinted with their kind permission.

AT THE HOTEL Find out ahead of time if there is a supermarket nearby. The good news is there are supermarkets almost everywhere! Ask hotel staff for recommendations. You can also request a refrigerator or microwave in your room to keep anything that you’ve purchased from going bad. Stock your hotel refrigerator so you have snacks on hand when you get those late-night munchies.

BY THE SEA When you need energy for a long hike, a long drive, or a day at the beach, make sure your diet includes high-quality, lean protein. It’s important to eat balanced meals throughout the day, but not having protein can leave you worn out before your time. Get a good dose of lean protein such as eggs or tofu and add some veggies to your plate. Be sure to include some of these healthy foods choices:

•Steamed vegetables •Brown rice •Wholegrain pasta •Tofu •Egg salad

•Milk •Pre-cut veggies (carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, celery) •Bread •Whole grain cereal •Brown paper bags and popcorn kernels to pop in the microwave

•Collard Green wraps •Wholegrain pasta salad •Poached eggs •Whole grain crackers •Sushi



Travel and the mind Travel isn’t only good for our cultural agenda, it can be vital for our mental health and wellbeing too, says Rosie Rider



ften travelling can seem like an indulgent past time – as we prepare for a holiday or trip abroad we think of it as a break and a luxury. And of course, it is. But it is also a really great way to improve your mindset and give your brain and mental health a much-needed boost. Travel asks many things of us, but it also gives many things back. What we gain from travel is so much more than we put in. Psychiatrist and writer, Jean Kim, who writes often about travel and the mind, says: “Travel disrupts your routine and introduces novelty to your brain, which improves cognition and helps reactivate reward circuits. You have to think about how to get through new neighbourhoods, new transportation patterns, new customs and rules…Your brain can benefit from being put on its toes… Seeing different people and cultures and encountering them directly as individuals and human beings opens yourself to becoming more tolerant and flexible about unfamiliar ways of life. Your sense of empathy can increase, which can help you feel better able to negotiate interpersonal issues back home as well.” Travel has numerous benefits, below are the six key ways that travel can help boost your state of mind.

BEATS STRESS The day to day of life can wear you down. Getting the space to get away from it, to give your mind a rest from worry and stress, and concentrate on simple tasks is restorative for the brain. This space allows us to concentrate on things that matter and to reconsider what is meaningful. Travel can also disconnect you from your technology and social media, giving you peace of mind too.

CONNECTS YOU WITH NATURE We are all happier and healthier when we spend time outside in the natural world. By its very nature, travel puts us closer to the sea, the sky, the forests and the mountains.




BREAK AWAY FROM OLD HABITS Space from toxic situations or debilitating relationships is very important. Travel allows us the space to be on our own and to reset old habits and customs. It is easy to simply live differently when you travel. In turn, you can reinvent yourself, find new places and new people to become part of.



They say a change is a good as a rest and in this way travel can certainly help you feel happier and more fulfilled. New events and experiences help rewire your brain, hence boosting your mood and self-confidence.

Perspective is very important and travel offers this in spades – it expands our minds and offers us a new way of looking at our lives. Travel is one of the key things that introduces gratitude back into our lives, as we consider our situations in comparison to those of others. We see the different challenges being faced by people across the world and understand our own challenges better because of this.




‘‘Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit” ~ Frank Borman



Craft on the Go Keep minds inspired and idle hands busy when travelling with simple crafts for intrepid souls.




Now that you can order patterns to print at home, it’s easy to prepare everything you need for cross stitch on the go. Use the smaller patterns and bring plastic needles so you can take them on planes and easily transport them in hand-luggage. Create pieces that speak to where you have been or are going, words are always popular so you could try stitching different languages or translations of popular phrases.

The art of crochet is very on trend these days and you can make pieces like beanie hats or snoods quickly on a short-haul or domestic flight too. Remember to take larger hooks and yarn as it can be hard to see in dim airport lighting, and you’ll need bamboo or plastic hooks so you can get through security easily. Take some spares in your checked luggage too. Unless you’re giving crocheted items as gifts along the way, think about what you’ll have to store, so blankets or big scarves aren’t advised but smaller pieces such as baby cardigans or little hats are perfect.

Origami Origami is a beautiful and ancient art and has some important links with mindfulness and wellbeing. The beauty of it is that is requires no tools, just your own hands and some paper. You can buy origami packs, make sure to store them in a rigid cardboard case so they don’t crumple, but remember that any piece of paper can be the starting point of origami art. Get inspired by what you’ve seen and done on your travels – from boats to birds. Friendship Bracelets A perfect gift for anyone from family hosts to local schoolchildren, friendship bracelets are so easy to travel with. Cut the thread up at home into the right length before you go and use a simple bead box and a bobbin to organise beads and threads, then simple weave together while puttering along on a train or a bus, but don’t forget to look up at the view occasionally! Be inspired by local patterns or colours, so you can see a little record of your travels in everything you’ve made.

Colouring Books Adult colouring books have seen a massive surge in popularity recently, since they clearly have shown to aid concentration and help us be more mindful and present. A pack of pencils or pens ina zip up pencil case will fit neatly into luggage or carry-on bags, but make sure they’re not liquid-filled for security. There are a host of colouring books to choose from, and they are popular at airports, often with a local theme, so you can start quite the collection on you way around the world.



The World is your Classroom Ten reasons why travelling is the best form of education Almost every one of us agree that life’s real education happens outside the classroom. Classrooms with teachers, friends and textbooks are of course one way to learn, but they are not the only way. In fact, travelling is the best way to learn things and, crucially, to learn the things that matter. Whether you stroll through the streets of Paris, hike through the most trying trails in the Himalayas or spend a sunny afternoon on the Caribbean beaches, travel will never fail you as a teacher. Here are ten reasons why travelling is the best form of education you can get, irrespective of the places you travel and adventures you have.


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You learn languages English is spoken in almost all parts of the world and it will work for you mostly. Nevertheless, it’s always better to learn the native language of the place you’re going to visit. In a way, travel forces you to learn languages. After learning the basics through books, apps or videos, you can stretch your skills when you speak with the actual native speakers. By putting your language education to use, travelling mostly develops your listening and speaking capabilities. Even when you have already studied a language, travelling is the best way to master that language. When you travel, you don’t just test your language skills in a real world scenario but also learn things like accent, intonation and slang in the most practical way.


You learn about other cultures Not just travelling to a foreign country, but also to the different parts of your own country is the best way to discover what it’s all about. You better understand how the cultures around the world vary and where the common ground lies. Differences exist in cuisines, etiquettes and lifestyle across different cultures. But in spite of the differences, you can find so many commonalities, like shared love for art, nature and family that bind all the different cultures together. Education is not just about learning things to make a living, but also contributing towards making the world a better place to live in. The understanding of diverse cultures plays a vital role in your education.




You learn history You studied about the civilisations and major historical events in your history class. And all that was really cool. But nothing beats travelling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city’s history and culture. When you stroll through the streets and visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation’s history comes to life, right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation. Most often, what we learn about history through textbooks is removed from reality. Entering into a dialogue with the locals, you understand history in a more accurate way, or at least it provides with you with a whole different perspective.

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You learn about today’s world Travel teaches you, not just about the world as it was in the past, but also as it is today. It’s probably the best way to truly understand the political situation, economic standing and social structure of the world we are living in today. Our views about distant people and cultures are often influenced by what we are told in the media. Travelling is a way to learn about them for real, not through the eyes of newspapers and media channels, which can be biased and prejudiced. When you travel often, you begin to understand the underlying reasons behind why societies in different areas are shaped in a particular way and differ from the societies in other places.



You learn about nature When you move out of the comfort zone of the concrete jungle and begin to explore the exotic wonders of the natural world, you will begin to realise the colossal majesty of nature. Understanding the grandeur of nature is essential to solving most of the issues of the world today, such as climate change, air pollution and global warming. When we fully realise what we are going to lose, solving these issues becomes much easier.


You learn to do new things Travelling will test you in each and every step you take. As you’re exploring your way into the unknown, travelling naturally forces you to do so many things which you wouldn’t have done otherwise. Whether it be learning to ride elephants in Cambodia, mountaineering through snowclad mountains in Nepal or dancing Samba in Brazil, you will experience plenty of new things during your travels. Travelling is in fact a way of learning to learn. You are out of your comfort zone and so you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time.


You learn social skills You may be little shy and find it difficult to engage socially. But travelling will change that. Things like talking to complete strangers, or asking people for favours is not an option but a necessity when travelling. If you are thinking of some personal development courses, you might not need them. Travel your way to somewhere wonderful, and if possible, on your own. You’ll grow so much on that journey. Lack of skills in conversation, presentation and public speaking often limit opportunities for us. Most of us find it difficult to master them how hard we try. If you’re facing difficulty with them, travelling will make your situation much easier.



You learn to be independent If you have spent your life being reactive, fighting again circumstances placed upon you, and you want to change that and haven’t yet been able to do so, travelling will teach you to be proactive and control your own fate by yourself. Travelling forces one to be independent. This is even more the case when you travel on your own. There’s no choice but to make decisions and take initiatives completely by yourself, as you don’t have anyone to tell you what to do, nor anyone you can outsource the task to. Independence is a fundamental goal of education. The focus of what we refer to as traditional education may be on financial independence, but travelling will also teach you to be independent


You learn compassion for the lives of others When you travel extensively, you begin to realise that, in spite of all the differences, we all are the same deep down. All your prejudices will subside. You can’t truly hate anyone when you know what they have been through and why they behave in a certain way in the first place. And when you travel, you have a better understanding of people and their actions. You’ll be touched when you find so many wonderful people all over the world that you begin to feel the whole world is your home.


You learn about yourself Probably the most important aspect that travel helps, is your learning about yourself. Travel is your best teacher, not only on history, language and politics, but also on you. You realise your true potential, the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you have a very limited understanding of your true self and you may even be completely unaware of your real persona. If you haven’t really decided what you are going to do with your life, or what you want to be in future, travelling extensively - and preferably to places you have never heard of before - is the best way to help you make a decision. This article previously appeared on and is reprinted here with their kind permission.





Two Miles


uddha is travelling with his disciple, Ananda. “What is this laughter?” And after two miles still there They are tired. They want to reach the is no town. They ask a third man, and again the same next town before sunset; they are rushing question and the same situation. as fast as possible. But Buddha has become And Ananda drops his bag and he says, “I am not old, and Ananda himself is older going to move any more. I am so than Buddha. They are worried that “How far is the town?” tired. And it seems we are never perhaps they will have to stay in the going to cross these two miles. Three forest for the night, they will not be And the old man says, times we believed... but one question able to reach to the nearby town in my mind continually....” “Not very far. Don’t arises They ask an old man, a farmer Living with Buddha for 40 years, who is working in his field, “How be worried.” he has learned how to live with such far is the town?” And the old man a man, not to ask him unnecessary says, “Not very far. Don’t be worried. It is just two questions. But he said, “Now if it is unnecessary or miles, at the most. You will reach it.” Buddha smiles. necessary, I don’t care. One thing you have to tell me – The old man smiles. Ananda could not understand: why were you laughing when that old man said: ‘Two “What is going on? “Two miles have passed. There is miles, just two miles – you have not to go more than no town yet, and they are more tired. An old woman that’? And again you laughed with that old woman, and is collecting wood and Ananda asks her: “How far is she also smiled, and again with the third person the the village?” same thing happened. What was this laugh? What was And she says, “Not more than two miles. You have transpiring between you people? You don’t know them, already reached it, don’t be worried.” Buddha laughs. they don’t know you.” The old woman laughs. And Ananda looks at both: Buddha said: “Our profession is the same. When


I laughed, they laughed. They understood that this man belongs to the same kind of profession, where you have to keep people encouraged: ‘Just two miles, just a little more.’” He said: “For my whole life I have been doing that. People finally reach their destination, but if from the very beginning you tell them ‘15 miles’ they will drop then and there. But by “two miles” and “two miles” they will pass two hundred miles. “And I laughed at those people because I know this village, I have visited this village. I know it is not two miles. But I kept quiet because you were so eager to

know how far it was. I knew that we were not going to make it. But what was the harm? -- you could ask them. “You can understand a deep phenomenon of human psychology. These people are compassionate people: they were not lying, they were simply encouraging you. The first old man pushed you two miles, the second old woman pushed you two miles. The third man also pushed you two miles; you just needed a few more people and you would have reached the town! But now you have dropped your bag. It is okay, we can stay here under this big tree. The town is still... not two miles away!”



Al-Hayy The Ever-Living There is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent Fount of All Being

The One who is undying, everlasting. The One who is eternally whole and sound.

The One Life from whom all life arises. The One who calls all life into being.

The One who animates all life and who makes each living thing different and distinct.



Why travelling strengthens relationships

by Dr Asma Naheed, Educational Psychologist, Special Needs Consultant and Public Speaker



ravelling is truly one of the most amazing things you can do with a loved one. While solo travel can be empowering, inspiring and rewarding, a trip with a special someone can create sweet memories that you will cherish forever. Couples who travel together have healthier, happier relationships, compared to those who do not, according to a survey from the U.S. Travel Association. Couples in a romantic relationship report travelling together makes them significantly more likely to be satisfied in their relationships, communicate well with their partners, enjoy more romance, have a better sex life, spend quality time together and share common goals and desires. Many serveys and research indicates three important longterm benefits of traveling for couples •Travel helps build and maintain relationships

But seeing your loved one happy? That’s an incredible reward. These kinds of compromises are a wonderful way to show love for one another and to ensure you have a happy trip for two. Your marriage will be enriched by travel not only because you grow together, but because you grow independently. Getting out of your comfort zone, trying new things, expanding your horizon, all of this equates to becoming a more mature, thoughtful and brave individual. If you’re traveling internationally, it can also help you develop your understanding of other cultures and widen your views of the world and its people. This is invaluable knowledge and there’s no better way to obtain it than through travel. Travelling together brings out your partner’s true character. Travel pushes us away from our comfort zones, which will let us discover our partner’s positive and negative traits. Travelling as a couple lets you share the burden of travel planning and decision making. More importantly, it improves your chances of making the right decisions. You can become a better team player. Pico Iyer said that travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.

•Travel ignites romance and intimacy •Couples who travel together report higher levels of satisfaction with their relationships. Travel helps couples communicate better, and vacations are seen as an opportunity for “alone time” to improve the lines of communication. Relationships last longer among couples who travel together, and divorce rates are higher among couples who do not travel together. Travel helps build new relationships, because it enables couples to do new and interesting things together. Couples believe that travel together is a more effective way to spark romance in their relationship than giving gifts, big or small. Travelling teaches a healthy compromise. This is such a valuable skill to develop in any marriage, and travel makes an excellent proving ground. When you’re out in the world together, you’ll realise you have to make sacrifices for the benefit of your significant other. And that’s okay. So you have to give up the museum visit so your partner can see something else.



This month I am.. .… Trying to solve..


Listening to..

The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner What makes a nation happy? Is one country’s sense of happiness the same as another’s? After years of going to the world’s least happy countries, Eric Weiner, a veteran foreign correspondent, decided to travel and evaluate each country’s different sense of happiness and discover the nation that seemed happiest of all. In his quest he travels to places as diverse as Thailand, Qatar, Iceland, India and Moldova and learns an awful about happiness, unhappiness and cultural differences.

Ted Talk: Pico Iyer, The Art of Stillness The place that travel writer Pico Iyer would most like to go? Nowhere. In a counterintuitive and lyrical meditation, Iyer takes a look at the incredible insight that comes with taking time for stillness. In our world of constant movement and distraction, he teases out strategies we all can use to take back a few minutes out of every day, or a few days out of every season. It’s the talk for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the demands for our world.


“To travel is to take a journey into yourself ” ~ Danny Kaye


‘‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” -Marcel Proust

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