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Design Studio: Air 329341 BLAIR SCOTT






The site for the Western Gateway installation is located near the edge of the Wyndham urban growth boundary where future residential and commercial developments will meet the undeveloped plains of the west. It will primarily be viewed by motorists travelling at high speed and provide the first indication of arrival into metropolitan Melbourne. The backdrop of the large scale service centre and associated signage will require serious consideration in the design and location of the installation. The Western Gateway installation should provide an entry statement and arrival experience, and become a new identifier for the municipality. The installation should create a focal point of iconic scale and presence and encourage a sense of pride within the local community. The Western Gateway should propose new, inspiring and brave ideas, to generate a new discourse. The key considerations and issues to be resolved and addressed in the development of the design include:  Prominent location of the site at the entry to metropolitan Melbourne;  Back dropped by a large scale service centre;  Consideration of how the installation integrates with and/or sits in the immediate and surrounding landscape;  Iconic feature;  Appropriately scaled;  Dialogue between sculpture and landscape to compose the Gateway;  Original and engaging in form;  Object‐centred individual sculpture or a more experiential approach;  Literal or abstract;  Adherence to the regulations imposed by VicRoads in relation to siting, view lines, setbacks, materials, colours etc;  Daytime and night time viewing; and  Safety, ease of maintenance, materials and longevity. The complete Western Gateway installation of sculptural and/or landscape elements is to form part of the design process.

journal entry ONE

Select one (1) personal and two (2) state of the art projects and explain how they are (could be) advancing architectural discourse. Integrate into the Expression of Interest proposal

DESIGN PRECEDENTS Headspace, Virtual Environments 2010, Blair Scott I took part in the Headspace design project via Virtual Environments in 2010. This project involved moulding a form from plasticine which could be worn on the head, this mould was then modeled in 3D modelling and finally fabricated from this software. Whilst only a small project this is an example for the architectural discourse of a new way of thinking about design of the possibilities in which curved and parametric design can be modelled and fabricated. This is certainly a modern style that is on the forefront of design and an area of the architectural discourse that will continue to be explored and expanded upon into the future

New Taipei City Museum of Art Proposal, Taipei, OTA+ Architects. The above example is a proposed designed for a Museum in Taipei. Its a complex and curved design which could not be achieved if without the aid of 3D modelling software. I think it can be said that designs such as these extend from the success of designs such as the projects discussed on the previous page. Furthermore regardless of whether this design is ultimately built or not, it indeed has an impact to that architectural discourse. Explorations of designs such as this provides inspiration and ideas for other designs and further opens up the possibilities that can be achieved in projects in the future.

Art and City Museum, Ordos, MAD Architects. This recently constructed museum, located in Inner Mongolia is a Prime example of built example which no doubt plays a role in advancing the architectural discourse, particularly in relation to forms and shapes which have become only possible with advancements in digital modelling software. Similarly to my personal project shown above, but on a much larger scale this Museum by MAD architects goes beyond the possibilities that can be explored in 3 dimensional modelling software shows how these forms can in fact be fabricated. What this does is provide one of many examples to those interested in this fluid style of design of the possibilities that can be achieved which encourages the discourse to continue to explore designs such as this a realistically achievable options and designs which are cutting edge, which is something I think should certainly be a major goal for the Wyndham gateway proposal. .


What is important to recognise about the examples shown here is that they are truly projects which can be seen pushing the boundaries of what architecture as a discourse can achieve and as a result they draw much attention and interest the designs them selves but the surroundings. It is projects such as these which should be used as examples and inspiration in broadly achieving a design for the Wyndham City Gateway Project that too acts as one which is contributing to the advancement of the architectural discourse. This will undoubtedly act as a draw card to the site itself but also act as a symbol for Wyndham as a modern urban environment that is a great place to be a resident but also to visit.

journal entry TWO

Using suggested readings and independent research present the unique innovations presented by contemporary computational design techniques. Integrate into the Expression of Interest proposal.


AAMI Park, COX Architects, Melbourne, Australia. AAMI Park stadium is a local example of how contemporary digital design techniques have been embraced to achieved this design outcome. Computation in the design process was a key in being able to realise this bold design with its bubble like exterior which appears to have no obvious structural supports internally, a clear design intent. It was through the use of parametric modelling and computational design that the design was able to achieve this. The software not only allowed designers to test a variety of geometries quickly and then structurally examined. Furthermore it facilitated a design which was efficient with in its use of materials, in particular structural steel. Its estimated that this stadium uses only ‘50 % of the steel tonnage used on stadium roofs of similar size.’ The use of computation in this project is clearly beneficial in relation to being able to structurally test various options but also analyzing materials to be used in the most efficient way possible.


Sports Stadium Data Driven Panelization pt.2, Yazdani Studios. This is a concept sports stadium project and whilst it is not been built, it certainly provides a precedent and advances the discourse as has been discussed earlier. The final design outcome is a fascinating example of how computation has been used in an innovative way and allowed for a result that could not have been achieved with out it. In particular I would like to focus on the facade of this stadium that has been driven largely from data and analysis and the ‘responsive building skin’. The designers were able to digitally analyze the effect that solar radiation had of the form of the building and using this data in turn determined both how many panels and what type of panels would be need to required to be placed into an over geometric pattern that would cover the whole building. Not only is the effect of this visually appealing but it serves a greater function of controlling the temperate internally of the stadium as a whole. This kind of analysis and result is only possible through the using contemporary digital design techniques. For our proposal for Wyndham, taking the idea of analysing a set of data which is appropriate to the site, for example wind or sun light and using this information to digitally design a out come that responds directly. The gateway proposal is a significant chance for Wyndham to be involved in a relatively new approach to architectural thinking and invest in a piece of architecture that can is at the forefront of architectural thinking.

The most important thing to take from these examples for the Wyndham project is that these highly regarded advanced designs are simply not possible without the use of contemporary digital design techniques and because of this these kinds of designs as with other precedent tend to attract attention as they standout from other architecture in their surroundings and will be continually referred to as precedents moving forward. In relation the proposal for the Wyndham gateway we would certainly embrace the use of computational design techniques. Yehuda Kalay who has written heavily on computers in design does point out that computer aided design indeed has a human element which a computer can never replicate he strongly makes the point that computers have ‘opened up the design process.’ (Burry 2011) Given the range kinds of success that has been achieved in contemporary digital design techniques, the gate way proposal represents an opportunity for Wyndham to make invest in a design process that too could replicate the success of other projects locally such as AAMI park but also more importantly become an architectural precedent that is recognised locally and international and unique to Wyndham. Furthermore as discussed in the above example and reiterated by Kalay is that computation in design allows materials to be designed and fabricated in the most efficient way. Thus the proposal would certainly be seen to represents to residents and those who pass by that quality design can be achieved whilst still maximising the efficiency of materials and keeping the overall costs down, which is a positive environmental message to spread to local residents and the population more broadly of Wyndhdam’s attitude to design and construction, particularly with the number of houses planned for construction in the area.

journal entry THREE

Select one project that expresses contemporary scripting/programming cultures and defend/critique the author’s design philosophy. Integrate into the Expression of Interest proposal

DESIGN PRECEDENT. The Kartal-Pendik Masterplan by Zaha Hadid architects is an which clearly exemplifies the possibilities and outcomes of contemporary scripting and programming based on a number parameters that are apart of an urban fabric. The urban fabrics is articulated by an urban script that generates different typologies of buildings that respond to the different demands of each district.’ I think its critical that when finding solutions for the design of mass urban areas to look beyond broad parameters such as the basics of population density in urban areas for both living and working which has been a large focus in this particular project and develop programming and scripting that incorporates a number of parameters that relate to the particular ways of life and expectations of urban areas for the people in which an urban area is being designed for. Whilst the scripting used to generate the design of this project may be sufficient for the focus area and populations in that particular sector of Istanbul, I would suggest that using the same scripting would produce an inappropriate design for Melbourne and the ideas of urban design in which people value as opposed to what is valued by the people of Istanbul. Whilst it is unlikely that this project would ever be realised, this idea of parametric urban design is certainly a new way of imagining layouts and spacial requirements for urban areas which going forward could be a particularly powerful tool in the planning of urban areas in the future. However I feel the key to this is to input a number of parameters specifically related to the people in which the urban area. For example I feel the types of dwellings the population want to live in would be a key parameter as to would be the attitudes towards transportation. These two more specific parameters alone would impact on both the number of roads, sizes of dwelling and more broadly the over form of an urban area.

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. Whilst this example of the use of parametric scripting is on a vastly different scale to that of the proposed gateway for Wyndham, it is a great example of the capabilities of parametric scripting can achieve. It represents a new modern approach to design that could not be achieved with such a refined eye catching outcome with out the use of a parametric scripting. Mark Burry who has studied the area of a describes scripting as a design in great detail describes this design approach as a

‘driving force for 21st century architectural thinking.’

Zaha Hadid Archiects, Kartal-Pendik Masterplan, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006

(burry 2011)

The success of the parametrically designed city also represents an appreciation by both critics but more importantly that this is a design approach which some of the World’s most famous current day architecture firms are certainly embracing as a method for achieving innovative and modern design which on a smaller and local scale could indeed be achieved in this project.. For the gateway project a the use of a parametric scripting in achieving a design outcome would draw much attention to the area both locally and internationally and furthermore this would represent an investment by the Wyndham council in a design style in which outcomes would be unlike anything else in the local area. However as discussed above the success of such a design depends of the parameters themselves and our proposal we will ensure that the outcome remains relative and has a genuine meaning for the Wyndham area whilst still achieving design outcome which can only be realised with parametric scripting.

journal entry FOUR

The images of this page show my explorations using provide grasshopper definitions and the variable results I was able to acheive by changing the parameters.

The images of this page show my group members explorations using provide grasshopper definitions and the variable results I was able to acheive by changing the parameters.

The images of this page show my group members explorations using provide grasshopper definitions and the variable results I was able to acheive by changing the parameters.

THE MATRIX. The images over the previous three pages shows both my person work and that of my group members in which we have used a range of pre-set parametric input, associations and outputs. Through the use of parametric modelling techniques we have been able to experiment with a range of possible design solutions in a short period of time and furthermore easily adapt certain aspects of each outcome to continuously refine each outcome to achieve effects that we think could be possible explored for the Wyndham city gateway project. This represents an exciting opportunity for the Wyndham gateway project in that we can explore a range of designs related to our overall vision for the site which will allow for comparison and also feedback which can then be used to refine the designs to produce the best outcome. From the matrix we have picked these two particular parametrically designed models to proceed with further exploration.

In this model we are interested to see how symbolism could be achieved. For the sake of our exploration we have chosen to use a W to represent Wyndham. With this example we are interesting in exploring how lighting could be used to convey this symbolism for those that would pass by on the highway.

With this design we are interesting in exploring the effects that can be achieved by overlapping two different patterns by both the patterns themselves but also by various lighting conditions. We feel that the outcomes achieved through this kind of design could be dynamic, atmospheric and create effects that would change over the course of the day.

Through the use of computational techniques directly related to the contemporary digital modelling software we have used to create the models seen in the matrix we have been able to easily fabricate our designs to explore them under different circumstances. This ability is certainly a benefit of the use of parametric modelling and has been previously mention has positive benefits in relation to material exploration and maximising efficiency in resources used.


These images show the results we were able to achieve in the fabrication of our overlapping pattern models. What we felt was particularly effective was the use of lighting which changed the effect of the design and hence the experience that could be achieved. What was also pleasing to see was that changes in the distance and order of the screens resulted in differing effects which as one moves past. This is particularly relevant for this project given that majority of people will experience the site from their cars as they drive past. As the images show we were also able to achieve different effects by being able to bend and twist the material, and as we look toward a final design, it will be vital that we pick an appropriate material which will allow us to achieve this but which is also appropriate for conditions in which the it is to be placed.


With this model what we noticed almost immediately was that the symbolism of the ‘W’ which we were experimenting with was only effective when the light source was coming from behind. We felt that this would not be appropriate for the site as we would want the final design to be experience by outbound and inbound traffic. In fabricating this we tried experimenting with making the surface into simple 3D form. What was evident was there were to many strips to piece together and the model lost its structural integrity, hence we feel that final model must carefully consider both the weight of materials and joins in order for it to be effective on the relatively open and exposed site. We experimented bending and twisting this model and by changing the source of light were able to achieve some really interesting effects. In summary we felt trying to represent symbolism was not particularly successful, however the results of back lighting and effects achieved by ending the form are certainly design principle we will be taking forward into the final design proposal.



The facade of the airspace building in is of particular interest to me in relation to the design process and materiality. As part of the exploration of parametric design and computational design techniques I feel this is a precedent which could indeed be relevant to the proposal for the Wyndham gateway proposal for a number of reasons. First and foremost it is another great example of a parametric design that could not have been achieved without the use of computers which has not only attracted great attention to this as a piece of architecture but as a design precedent that is advancing the architectural discourse, something an opportunity which we would embrace for the Wyndham site. Whilst this is a complex design, it is one that I have been able to replicate having explored computations and furthermore was able to manipulate quickly to explore a range of outcomes. Obviously its important to explore design outcomes but its also imperative to consider materiality. The facade of this building appear to be seamless and therefore the design is not compromised because of visible structural elements. It has used a lightweight ‘aluminum and plastic composite material’ (world architecture news 2007) that is capable of achieving the design intent but also capable of withstanding the surroundings of the site. This will be an important factor for the proposal, we want the final outcome to not be compromised by visually unappealing structure but to also withstand the open conditions and continued exposure to traffic pollution. Another key reason that I think this is great precedent is the multi layer effect of the ‘cut’ facade which has resulted in a ‘atmospheric space of activity’(world architecture news 2007) that is very much key to the success of this project. As has previously been discussed we too have focussed much of our attention through in our parametric explorations on this area and the effects that can be achieved in a multi-layered approach and precedents such as these not only verify that it is a design interest that can generate fascinating outcomes but also that this idea has had much success critically around the world. Furthermore given the site for the proposed landscape is both large and in a reasonable open area, the idea of creating a sense of both atmosphere and place will take our final design proposal beyond just a piece of highway art, but create an experience unique to the site and Wyndham more broadly for everyone who would drive past , just as this building has achieved through its facade for both people on the inside and outside of the building. Continued....



The images to the left show our further exploration of the design method of this particular project. Using the parametric modeling software in which we were able to replicate a design very much similar to that on the facade of the building. Again through the use of computational techniques were able to quickly and efficiently produce models, enabling us to be able to experiment with models ourselves and we achieved some successful result which we would certainly like to include into our final design. What was particularly interesting with this kind of multi layered design approach was the enhancement that lighting and shadows played in creating a sense of depth and atmosphere with in the design created by the air space in between each layer and furthermore changes to the lighting changed the effect of the design and hence the experience that one has when engaging with this. This is a particularly exciting element which should be included in the final design proposal particularly given the location of the site and type of engagement people will have with the final design outcome. We want our design to be dynamic so that someone could pass by it more than once in a day and experience in a different way. For the Wyndham gateway, the site lies in a large flat open area and hence we want to exploit the position of the sun during the day in our final design to help us achieve the desired effects, whilst artificial lighting could be used at night. With digital modeling techniques we will be able to experiment with the model but also us we will be able to model the sunlight to achieve our desired effect.

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. The Wyndham gateway project presents and exciting opportunity for myself and my team to be able to produce a piece of architecture that is more than a piece of highway art. As a team we are motivated by exciting examples of architecture around the world which are seen as cutting edge and which people view as advancing the architectural discourse. These examples have drawn attention locally and from abroad. By selecting our team to proceed with a design proposal for Wyndham we too want to place Wyndham on the map by creating the same attention through our final proposal.


We have analyzed the positives and negatives of contemporary computation designs techniques and the fascinating design outcomes which have been achieved and will use techniques to achieve similar architectural success for the Wyndham gateway,. In particular we have devoted much attention to the exciting opportunities and unique designs that can be used throughout the use of parametric techniques, which if selected we will use to explore a wider range of design opportunities and furthermore maximise the efficiency in its use of materials. This will undoubtedly resulting a piece of architecture that will standout out in the local and surrounding areas as truly innovative and represent Wyndham as modern urban area and encourage people to come and see what the area has to offer, which overall is the main objective for the Wyndham gateway. To achieve this we will be using a relatively new and exciting technique of parametric design, which as discussed is being used with much success in design competitions over the World by some of the largest and most recognised architecture firms and which we to have the skills to design effectively with. For Wyndham this is a chance to share in and build upon the success and attention that successful parametric designs have achieved internationally and locally. For our final proposal we will use parametric modelling in order to create a design that will manipulate the light and shadows to create a sense of atmosphere, but a design that will have a sense of change and morphing as one passes by. This kind of dynamic design will allow motorist to have a sense of engagement and experience with the site which will be an experience which is uniquely associated with Wyndham. Furthermore the use light to affect how the design responds at certain times of the day will mean that people will experience a change in the design if they pass by more than once a day, which many motorists will do and this sense of change will further reflect rapidly changing urban growth that Wyndham is experiencing, We strongly believe our vision for the site will indeed be a successful one. Not only will we create exciting focal along an otherwise bare stretch of highway that is unique to Wyndham, we will draw on the most exciting precedent and use very contemporary cutting edge parametric design techniques.

PERSONAL REFLECTION The first 8 weeks of this studio I have found to be quite challenging and initially intimidating. Before taking this studio I had no real understanding of what parametric modeling was, let alone how to even begin designing with it. Through the weekly tasks and the readings however, it is clear that is certainly a design technique that looking forward is going to play a big role when it comes to design and furthermore the analysis of design. I think it presents an exciting way to analyse structure, but also to maximize efficiency in the use materials, which is without doubt going to be key in achieving cost effective and successful design outcomes. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to work in a group. Between us we have not only had a range of interesting ideas but we have certainly been able to teach one another about the various software we have been using this semester to achieve results that I most likely would not have been able to if I’d worked alone. Whilst I struggled to get a grip on the weekly tasks initially, having looked back over my work for the last 8 weeks or so I’m confident that I will be able to build upon the skills I have learnt so far and see the use of parametric modeling for the remainder of this studio as a opportunity to achieve design outcomes that I otherwise couldn’t and see the software not as a constraint, which in looking back I was certainly doing in the beginning. I look forward to the next four weeks and hope that with my group members we can produce an outcome that does both the design brief, but also the hard work we are putting in to this studio justice. BLAIR SCOTT.

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