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Ball State responds to COVID-19 concerns with unprecedented strategy to ensure community safety. Ball State responds to COVID-19 concerns with

Charles Melton and Rohith Rao Assistant News Editor and News Editor

Beginning March 16, all in-person classroom instruction for the duration of the spring semester at Ball State has been suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak, said President Geoffrey Mearns in a campus-wide email.

However, he said the university is not directing students to leave campus, and university services and offi ces will remain open.

In-person classes will be replaced with virtual instruction and other alternative learning options, Mearns said.

Additionally, from March 16 until April 30, Ball State will be suspending all university-sponsored and funded events of 100 people or more. Event organizers, he said, should consider conducting events via alternative technologies.

The university, he said, will continue to monitor

athletic activities, practices and competitions in coordination with the commissioner of the MidAmerican Conference, the NCAA and other member institutions.

In a campus-wide email sent March 5, Susana Rivera-Mills, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Ball State, said the university has canceled all summer and fall semester study abroad programs.

Currently, Mearns said, the university hopes to host commencement ceremonies May 2 but will make a fi nal decision at a later date.

Apart from rare circumstances, Ball State has suspended all university-sponsored and funded international, domestic and intra-state travel until further notice.

 See PLAN, 05

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