The Ahead Path

Pages 49-77
Grad wishes are listed alphabetically.
Puzzles answers: 77
Going through each grade, from kindergarten and beyond, teachers become a regular component of a person’s life. However, research suggests the teaching profession is dwindling in numbers and rising in rates of unhappiness.
According to a comprehensive report from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, there has been a consistent downward trend of students enrolling in teacher-education programs, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The report states between the 2008-09 and 2018-19 academic years, the number of people completing a teacher-education program declined by almost a third.
The reasons why students leave this career vary, but one of the more significant reasons is teachers’ salaries. According to the Economic Policy Institute, teachers make about 20 percent less than other college-educated workers with similar experience.
This considerable aspect prevents graduates from becoming educators, as they are afraid of
90% of NEA members say feeling burned out is a serious problem.
Source: National Education Association
Teachers help to raise future generations, and that’s something that I want to be a part of. There are so many things wrong in this world today, and as educators, we can help change that. It starts with teaching the younger generations the difference between right and wrong. We can instill that in students because we’re with them for extended periods of the day.”
- MEGAN GRASSO, Health and physical education major and Ball State fourth-yearbeing unable to make a suitable living for themselves and their families. Ashley Casteel, elementary education major and fourth-year at Ball State, said the salary for teachers could be better, especially since they do so much for students and administration.
“It’s ironic because the people who work in careers that pay more, such as lawyers and surgeons, learn everything they need to know from teachers who are underpaid and overworked,” Casteel said.
Other teachers desire a support system they feel needs to be improved by upper administration.
The U.S. Department of Education’s 2020-2021 National Teacher and Principal Survey states the relationships between teachers and their administrators are often negative.
According to the survey, “half of teachers reported not feeling a great deal of support or encouragement. Six out of 10 reported not feeling a lot of cooperative effort among staff members, and 71.3 percent of teachers reported not having much control or influence on selecting the content, topics and skills they will be teaching in their classrooms.”
This lack of support coincides with the amount of disrespect they are forced to endure from the bad, and even violent, behavior some students exert daily.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, during the 2015–16 school year, a high percentage of elementary public school teachers reported being
threatened with injury or being physically attacked by a student from their school.
These complaints, and many others, dissuade students from becoming educators due to the overwhelming stress and lack of respect teachers experience.
“Everyone needs to start standing up more for our teachers,” said Megan Grasso, health and physical education major and Ball State fourth-year. “They deserve more respect than they are getting since they are the ones who are teaching the younger generation and, in doing so, are changing the world.”
The education career quickly became more of a declining job market after COVID-19. Virtual learning and a lack of communication from administrators concerning how to teach from home only exacerbated the grievances some teachers were already experiencing with their jobs.
Chase Braden, a permanent substitute teacher at Scribner Middle School in New Albany and a former secondary education major at Ball State, said many problems within the education system were exposed with the pandemic.
“After we returned to in-person learning, everyone was expected to move on as if nothing had happened. This is extremely frustrating to many people I know within the education field,” Braden said.
According to a poll from the National Education Association (NEA), 55 percent of public school teachers, administrators and other
Graduates express their desire to pursue education occupations within the declining job market.
staff said they were going to leave the field sooner than they’d initially planned because of the additional stresses brought on by the pandemic.
The NEA also cited data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, stating around 10.6 million teachers worked in public schools in January 2020. That number dropped to approximately 10 million in the months that followed. This represents a loss of roughly 600,000 teachers for many reasons, some due to the substantial stress and potential safety hazards the pandemic introduced into the classroom.
While some graduates are deterring from this occupation for these reasons, others are still undeniably passionate about becoming educators. This is especially true for Grasso, who believes being an educator is a rewarding career despite some negative aspects.
“The kids can be appreciative, especiallywhen attending a physical education class,” Grasso said. “This is because they don’t have many times during the day when they can be active and have fun activities planned for them. That time to be active for students is crucial, especially when sitting in classrooms all day.”
The pandemic’s negative educational impacts only proved this, as it showed students were missing the active support system they received from teachers in the classroom. According to a study conducted by Horace Mann Educators Corporation, more than 97 percent of educators reported seeing some learning loss in their students over the past year compared with children in previous years. Fifty-seven percent estimated their students are behind by more than three months in their social-emotional progress.
“The world needs teachers. For years to come, studies and research will be done on the pandemic’s negative educational impacts. I had sixth graders at a kindergarten reading level when I was student teaching because of it. We need teachers to help these students catch up more than ever,” Braden said.
Becoming a role model for students is another reason graduates are still passionate about becoming educators. Casteel said this is because they have the potential to inspire their students and encourage them to go further and dream bigger.
“Teaching is the only career I’ve ever found myself in,” Casteel said. “I had many amazing teachers growing up who were there for me when I was going through a lot, and they inspired me. I want to make that impact on the future children one day.”
Teachers also have a significant influence on their students in the sense that they are the ones who hold students accountable for their successes and failures in school. This positive aspect of teaching draws graduates in because they feel they can help their students live up to their full potential.
According to TeachHUB, “Student accountability is important because it encourages students to take responsibility for
their learning and actions. Students, in turn, learn to value their work and likely increase their levels of confidence. This prepares students for life beyond high school, whether it be furthering their education, going into the workforce or a combination of both.”
Braden said that he believes teachers leaving the profession isn’t due to a lack of passion in this sense.
“I think a lot of change needs to be done within the system, and teachers can be that change,” Braden said.
Teachers do spend a lot of time with their students during the day, which means that they are the ones who help prepare students for the aspirations they want to achieve in life. In doing so, they are also evoking this change within the education system by helping to influence future generations.
“Teachers help to raise future generations, and that’s something that I want to be a part of,” Grasso said. “There are so many things wrong in
this world today, and as educators, we can help change that. It starts with teaching the younger generations the difference between right and wrong. We can instill that in students because we’re with them for extended periods of the day.”
After graduation, Grasso hopes to find a physical education or health teaching job in an elementary or middle school. Casteel would also like to teach in an elementary school for three to four years before obtaining her master’s degree in either school administration or school counseling.
Despite the many challenges facing many teachers, graduates like Casteel and Grasso are gravitating toward their future careers for that very reason. They’re ready to become educators and have a hand in teaching future generations.
Contact Meghan Braddy with comments via email at or on Twitter @meghan_braddy.
Teaching is the only career I’ve ever found myself in. I had many amazing teachers growing up who were there for me when I was going through a lot, and they inspired me. I want to make that impact on the future children one day.”
‘Ground Zero’
With a bang of a gavel, Tina Nguyen, Ball State University Student Government Association (SGA) president, said goodbye to the university that ingrained itself within her.
Nguyen, legal studies major with a concentration in public law and a minor in political science, is a part of the 2023 graduating class. She has not only done work with the SGA but also with establishing a role in her sorority Phi Mu.
In her years at Ball State, Nguyen has earned many accomplishments, such as establishing a fair wage commission for student workers as SGA President and becoming the President of North West Residence
Hall, all while being a resident assistant (RA) at Kinghorn Hall.
Two of Nguyen’s mentors, Abby Haworth and Ro-Anne Royer Engle, inspired her to do her best work.
“They have helped me a lot throughout my journey because I literally came to college without any help. I literally moved in by myself; it was hard,” Nguyen said. “I had no support system. I was at ground zero, so having them pour into me and believe in me as not only a person but as a student as well [was helpful].”
Though the last four years have been a struggle with the effects of lockdown while Nguyen was in the middle of her campaign for student body president, she continued to work with her community and kept campus safety in mind.
“Don’t be afraid to fail, because failing is literally part of the journey, but [it’s] not your ending. Failing is what it takes to learn how to succeed,” Nguyen said. “If you fail, that’s one step closer to success. Don’t be afraid to go out of the box and try new things … Take a leap of faith and believe in yourself and better yourself, and don’t listen to what other people say, because at the end of the day, you have you.”
As the African Student Association’s (ASA) weekend in Bloomington marked the last ASA event for the year, Jessica Serwah tipped her cap to ASA and Ball State.
Serwah has been the public relations head of the ASA for two years. She will be graduating with a major in computer information systems. Something Serwah feels she has struggled with in college is feeling as though she deserves to be a part of the community she has built here.
“There’s times where as a minority woman, I think there’s only one of me in my capstone class, so I just feel like I have to work harder than the next person,” Serwah said.
Serwah has also been a part of her hall council, and she is currently on the public relations team of the Men and Women of Color organization. She was
also a member of Information Technology Students of America.
“Find a greater purpose outside of yourself, and once you find that, everything that you’re struggling to do or finding a hard time in school with,” Serwah said, “it will become easier because you’re not only doing it for yourself, but you’re doing it for the greater good of your community, of your family, your friends and anybody who wants to level up and be someone like you.”
After college, Serwah plans to work at the University of Notre Dame in the tech department. She plans on going back to university to receive her masters in business administration in the future.
“Keep going and know that there is a finish line at the end,” Serwah said. “There’s different things that you’re gonna do in life, and you can give up at any time because it’s easier to give up, but once you reach that finish line, everything becomes much clearer. You’re happier.”
Like Nguyen and Serwah, Andy Myers, fourth-year supply chain management major, has also been heavily involved during his university career.
In his first year at Ball State, he joined Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed business fraternity, holding many positions within it, including the president from December 2021 to December 2022.
When he started his presidential position, there were 25 members, and under his leadership, in the 2023 spring semester the membership grew to 75, Myers said.
Myers joined Delta Sigma Pi to be a part of “something businesslike and more of a community.”
On top of that he was an RA in the Dehority Complex for three years.
“I lived in Dehority my freshman year, [and] there’s so many different majors and creativity there,” Myers said. “So I wanted to be a part of that, to be able to help incoming freshmen kind of have the resources they need to foster that creativity and the talents they have.”
Myers attributes his upcoming full-time job at Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis to the involvement he had in his four years at Ball State. Starting in September, he will be traveling to different brewers in the supply chain rotational program.
Being involved helped to “broaden [his] mind” and gain many different transferable skills, such as leadership skills and learning how to be a good role model. Along with the skills he picked up, the people in the hiring process were also involved at their universities, allowing Myers
to connect with them.
Myers advises other Ball State students to “just go for it” when it comes to involvement on campus, to look at all the different organizations on campus and see what works for them.
“Just getting involved at least opens the door for you, for an experience that you don’t know what can happen,” he said. “You don’t know what could have been there for you if you don’t take that step, and college is hard with all the schoolwork, but it’s also about getting involved and going outside your social boundaries a little bit.”
Contact Jayda Mann with comments via email at jayda. Contact Hannah Amos with comments at hannah. or on Twitter @ Hannah_Amos_394.
If you fail, that’s one step closer to success. Don’t be afraid to go out of the box and try new things.”
- TINA NGUYEN, Former SGA president
The outcome of graduating from college is relatively simple: receive a diploma that unlocks the gateway to a new stage of life during adulthood. But for some, the process to get there involves both personal and academic growth obtained only through higher education.
Indeed, the college experience allows students to gain a sense of their identity in both who they are as a person and as a contributor to society’s economic workforce.
While job opportunities for success might present themselves where no degree is required and no tuition or loans need to be paid or borrowed, colleges such as Ball State University offer several advantages to committing several years of one’s life to higher education.
Fourth-year logistics and supply chain management major Austin Mote, for example, thought of potentially going into a “blue collar” job such as welding or heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems after high school.
However, after seeing the stress such labor puts on someone’s body through his father’s experience, he decided against it and pursued a managerial office position.
Combine that with a close commute, tuition reimbursement through Mote’s father being a Ball State employee and a program for his major provided by the Miller College of Business, Mote had the perfect case to become a Ball State Cardinal.
One benefit he saw with his education were the opportunities it provided in gaining relevant experience for his career before he’d perform in a more professional setting.
“College gives you a chance to show that you can apply yourself, and there are a ton of people out there who are really smart but can’t necessarily apply themselves,” Mote said.
What made such experiences worthwhile for Mote weren’t simply pplying his skills and academic growth but doing it in a setting with friends who shared similar goals and majors.
“I’ve been in study groups with people where we can all apply ourselves together cooperatively as a group, and that’s been really cool to see unfold,” he said. “We can study and benefit from our grades and classroom activities but also have fun and go to basketball games outside of study groups.”
Mote said he made several long-lasting relationships with others during his time at Ball
State, one of them being his fiance. Beyond relationships, he recognized his own growth by pushing through challenges he lacked elsewhere.
“Growing up, I didn’t really need to study, as school came naturally easy to me, but once I ended up coming to college and struggled with some classes more than I thought I would, I had to go to study hours and get a tutor,” Mote said. “College also helped me to be more of an extrovert … I think college gave me the kick in the butt toward that direction, and so now I’m pretty comfortable meeting new people and talking to them.”
If you’re willing to be open and meet more people, then you can filter out a lot of people and find people [where] you’re like, ‘OK, I feel super comfortable around you.’”
- SHERLYN CONTRERAS, Fourth-year biology major
Mote saw this through participation in activities, such as the university’s tennis club and Late Nite events. While he wasn’t on campus as often during his underclassmen years, he got more exposed to Ball State after living off-campus close to the university his third and current year.
Mote also valued the opportunities he received through resume building and networking at career fairs and the Miller College of Business. All of these provided him with valuable internships and a job he’ll start full-time after graduation at Interstate Warehousing in Anderson, Indiana.
Briana Towns, fourth-year double major in history and political science with a concentration in international relations, visited the L.A. Pittenger Student Center on a tour during her junior year of high school. Now, she’s engaged and gained numerous leadership opportunities through Ball State.
Towns took interest in the university Housing and Residence Life, having been a part of the Hall Council and taking on the role of a resident assistant (RA), and now she is the Housing and Residence Life Chair.
“I have seen housing from so many different perspectives and had the privilege to meet prospective students and their families,” Towns said via email. “I can honestly say that without Housing and Residence Life, I would not be the same person I am today.”
Indeed, Towns said via email that being a leader isn’t always easy, but the right environment allows for growth and demonstration in leadership for anyone.
Not only did she grow as a leader during her time at Ball State but also as a communicator in a professional setting.
“Learning good communication skills is crucial to your success in the future, so college can be seen as a test run for the real world,” Towns said via email. “College can also translate to a career field based on pure interest and course work.”
The way Towns views college is an opportunity
for those who wish to seek a career that involves attending a higher education school, but she understands it’s also not for everyone.
“At the end of the day, I think a degree is very important, but not everyone has the means or opportunity, so we have to acknowledge that it is a privilege,” Towns said via email.
Sherlyn Contreras, fourth-year biology major, discovered more about themself beyond their own academic goals and ambitions. Contreras found their own gender identity as non-binary and represents the LGBTQ+ community.
College was an opportunity for selfdiscovery and growth in Contreras’ own gender. Ball State provided them with an open-minded environment about social topics, such as gender identity, unlike any other they had previously experienced.
This is because Contreras said college is more open-minded about queerness compared to high school. Additionally, they said their queer friends helped open them to the queer community.
The relationships Contreras made with friends and peers during their Ball State journey helped them gain acceptance.
“Being friends with people who were really open with not being limited to, ‘Oh, I have to act this way because I identify as a man or a woman,’ or [a] gender doesn’t define who I am as a person,” Contreras said. “Being surrounded by that type of energy made me feel more open … and having friends who made it very apparent at first meeting that they’re really open about those types of things.”
Ball State, especially through the Honors College, also taught Contreras to accept worldviews that, while different from theirs, still emphasize tolerance of different beliefs and values regardless of one’s identity. In other words, they learned to agree to disagree but in a welcoming manner at a diverse university.
Contreras views college as an opportunity for discovering the lifestyles and choices each student takes and for developing themself personally and academically, all in a setting where everyone is in the same boat and figuring out such opportunities for themselves.
“It’s kind of like high school, but you have so much more freedom, and also the set schedule college comes with is very beneficial for you to grow into yourself and grow into your passions,” Contreras said. “You can change your passion, you can change your major, and it’s because everyone’s going through similar experiences, as well that people want to make friends.”
The soon-to-be graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis also sees college as a chance for students to present themselves and find their true tight-knit group of people.
“Even if you’re not a super extroverted person, try your best to be the first couple of months that you’re here,” Contreras said. “If you’re willing to be open and meet more people. then you can filter out a lot of people
and find people [where] you’re like, ‘OK, I feel super comfortable around you.’”
What got Contreras into Ball State was the Lilly Endowment Scholarship, some distance from family and the Honors Fellowship. What they’ll get out of college will be the realization they can be their authentic self.
“Sometimes just getting to know yourself is an entire process,” Contreras said. “Nobody wants to become friends with the fake version of you.”
Contact Zach Gonzalez with comments via email at or on Twitter @zachg25876998
Fourth-year biology major Sherlyn Contreras skates between Noyer and Woodworth complexes Feb. 20 in Muncie, Ind. SHERLYN CONTRERAS, PHOTO PROVIDED Fourth-year 2022 Ball State Homecoming Committee member Brianna Towns poses for a portrait April 18. SAMANTHA BLANKENSHIP, BALL STATE MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS, PHOTO PROVIDEDAt the end of the day, I think a degree is very important, but not everyone has the means or opportunity, so we have to acknowledge that it is a privilege.”
- BRIANA TOWNS, Fourth-year history and political science major
For Joey Ranieri, there are two characteristics he thinks he has always had.
“I’ve always been a very small guy and overlooked,” he said.
A 5-foot-9 graduate student and golfer for Ball State University, that “very small guy” first started golfing all the way back at Zionsville High School.
“In middle school and high school, I was always in the shadow of another golfer, one of my high school teammates, who was an absolute stud, and everyone talked about him and how great he was, and I never had that opportunity, to be honest,” Ranieri said. “It gave me a lot of motivation because I wanted to be in that spotlight, and I was just gonna prove people wrong.”
Ranieri knew he had what it took as a freshman in high school on the club circuit, where he got an early taste of competition.
“I got an opportunity to play in my club championship, and we had some very good players,” Ranieri said. “It was kind of the same deal where they were the ones in the spotlight, and I was the young kid trying to prove something.”
Ranieri recalled going up against one of the better players, Seth Fair, at his club championship. Fair had success at the state level in high school, and Ranieri had one goal going into the championship.
“I just wanted to go out there and beat him,”
While he wound up falling short in his quest to beat Fair, Ranieri said being able to hang with a player at Fair’s level as a freshman in high school gave him the confidence and desire to keep playing golf.
Zionsville boys golf head coach Steve Simmons said Ranieri was a late bloomer when it came to golf and recalled he was smaller than most of the incoming freshmen they had at the time.
But his size didn’t stop him.
At Zionsville, Ranieri had a plethora of success, making the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) state finals each of his four years. In the last three of those four years, he finished in the top 10.
Ranieri was also a three-time all-state selection in high school. By the time his high school career had finished, and he was prepping for Ball State, Ranieri was the No. 7 ranked player in the state of Indiana.
“Nobody was gonna outwork Joey,” Simmons said. “He was relentless in his preparation, he wanted to learn, he was a sponge, and I think that caused a need to prove himself, and that is what separated him from others.”
Simmons said Raneiri would stay late after practice and would work on his game on his own time seven days a week.
During the IHSAA State Championship meet in Raineri’s junior year of high school, he caught the eye of Ball State Men’s Golf head coach Mike Fleck.
“In middle school and high school, I was always in the shadow of another golfer, one of my high school teammates, who was an absolute stud. It gave me a lot of motivation because I wanted to be in that spotlight, and I was just gonna prove people wrong.”
- JOEY RANIERI, Graduate student golferGraduate student Joey Ranieri tees off Oct. 1, 2018. Ranieri earned the Mid-American Conference Freshman of the Year Award in 2019. JEFF HARWELL, PHOTO PROVIDED
“I think I saw him on the second tee box, and that was probably the first time I had seen him swing a club,” Fleck said. “During that event, I knew [Ranieri] was someone I wanted to be a part of our program.”
In his time at Ball State, Ranieri racked up a number of individual accomplishments. In 2018-19, his freshman year at Ball State, he was named the Mid-American Conference (MAC) Freshman of the Year.
Despite the 2019-20 season being cut short due to COVID-19, Ranieri finished the season as the No. 7 ranked golfer in the MAC, according to Golfweek.
His junior year in 2020-21 was his most successful as an individual golfer up to that point when Ranieri was selected for the AllMAC Second Team and Academic All-MAC.
2021-22 saw much of the same from Ranieri, with a second-straight All-MAC Second Team and Academic All-MAC selection; however, he was also awarded MAC Golfer of the Week at one point. During this season, he led the Cardinals with a scoring average of 72.64, was the top finisher for Ball State in five out of their 11 events, had 14 rounds of shooting par or better and had four top 10 finishes, two of which he placed in the top five.
“I have grown a lot since I came in here … I’m still growing and learning every single day,” Ranieri said. “Coach Fleck has built a program where young men make progress, and I have felt each and every day and each and every year, I have just gotten at least one percent better.”
Instead of graduating at the end of the last school year, Ranieri decided to stay for the
2022-23 season and get his graduate certificate.
“It was mainly because of [the men’s golf team],” Ranieri said. “We were gonna have a really strong team coming in, and our [previous] teams did not have the success we were striving for when I was here. I wanted the opportunity to go on a little revenge tour, and we’ve had some success, but one of the ultimate goals is to win a conference championship.”
Fleck gave credit to Ranieri for his leadership ability and his tendencies to help the younger players at Ball State. He said it has been very rewarding having Ranieri a part of his program.
This season, Ranieri was able to try out for the PGA Tour Canada March 7-10, and while he did not make the cut, he took a lot away from it.
“It was an incredible experience,” Ranieri said. “Obviously, it did not go the way that I wanted it to, but it invigorated a couple of things in me, and it rekindled my love to practice and love the process of golf, not just looking for results. To be able to see what everyone else was doing at that level and understand that I can hang with them out there... and I’m just getting started.”
Once Ranieri graduates in a few weeks, he will turn his attention back to the process, as he hopes to play professional golf.
“My current plan is to pursue golf professionally … We’re gonna ride it out as long as we can and hopefully have a lot of success,” Raneiri said. “I’m excited for it, and I’m ready to go.”
Contact Corbin Hubert with comments at or on Twitter @corbin_ hubert_Nobody was gonna outwork Joey. He was relentless in his preparation, he wanted to learn, he was a sponge, and I think that caused a need to prove himself, and that is what separated him from others.”
- STEVE SIMMONS, Zionsville boys golf head coachJoey Ranieri’s golf clubs sit on the green Oct. 1, 2018. JEFF HARWELL, PHOTO PROVIDED
When you ask Amaia Daniel about Ball State softball, she has three words.
“A second family.”
She won’t boast about her achievements with the Cardinals, even though she ranks in the top 20 of 16 different statistical categories in program history and in the top 10 of eight of those categories.
She won’t talk about her love of the game; she will speak of her love for her teammates, her “second family.”
“There’s people on this team who have known me for that long, and there’s people who I deeply trust with many, many things, and I respect them deeply,” she said. “I could honestly call them family, and I could treat them like family.”
During her first year at Ball State, Amaia roomed with current softball student-athlete fourth-year Jazmyne Armendariz.
“She [Amara] was my first friend in college, and we instantly clicked with each other,” Armendariz said. “And she’s probably one of the funniest people I know, if not the funniest person I know.”
That comedic tone continued into this season. On road trips, the upper class students sit in the back of the bus.
“There’s not a time where we are not laughing,” Daniel said smiling. “Sometimes,
we get in trouble for it. But it’s moments like those where you’re like, I’m gonna remember these people forever because...these are my sisters.”
But when Daniel calls her teammates her “sisters,” they think the same way about her. On senior day, Daniel walked down the third base line to home plate with her parents and her dog, Zeke. After that, she was honored with flowers and other celebratory items.
thinking about leaving. Before Ball State head coach Lacy Schurr took the reigns, Daniel was recruited and chose to play under then head coach Megan Ciolli Barlett. As seen in today’s college athletics, players sometimes choose to transfer when confronted with that situation. But not Daniel.
“My teammates kept me here, and there are people that I knew I cared for and who I played for,” Daniel said. “And I know that they cared about me, and I was gonna stay to just be around them, and I committed to this team, and I wanted to stick it out.”
The bond between her and Armendariz will always be special.
“I was talking to [Armendariz] the other day,” Daniel said. “She has seen me for five birthdays. That’s five years. … That’s more than some of my family members have seen me, like great uncles and second cousins, you know, and that’s direct family.”
“I am about to tear up just talking about her right now,” Armendariz said. “I just got to come into college and meet somebody like her and somebody that’s so down to earth and so genuine. She genuinely cares about the people around her. She has made me a better person, and I’m really lucky to know her and to get to play with her.”
That mutual love is what kept Daniel from
When it comes to her actual family, they are very proud. Amanda and David Daniel try to travel to every game, and when David can’t make it, Amanda will still be there. After games, Amanda can be found sharing anything from her daughter’s games.
“It’s so amazing, but it’s kind of embarrassing,” Amaia said, chuckling. “But I love it. I love them so much because having a support system like that, I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have a support system like that.”
But to understand her reasoning, you have to go back to where she began.
In her five years with Ball State Softball, Amaia Daniel found more than just a team.
She has developed into an amazing young woman, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to coach her.”
- LACY SCHURR, Softball head coachFifth-year infielder Amaia Daniel poses for a photo at the softball field at First Merchants Ballpark April 19. JACY BRADLEY, DN
Daniel was born in New Mexico, but she was only in the “Land of Enchantment” for around five weeks.
Her mother is from the Shiprock, New Mexico, and met her husband, and Amaia’s father in the United States Army. David is originally from Delaware, Ohio, and after he retired from the military, the family moved there.
“I was born and raised on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico,” Amanda said. “That’s where I had Amaia. A lot of the high schools there, like my high school, have a lot of players that go play Division I, but the Division I sport is basketball.”
David was a big reason his daughter picked up a bat and a glove in the first place.
“My dad was a huge sports guy,” Amaia said. “He taught me everything I knew or had to know about baseball, softball, … tried to teach me soccer, but I just stuck with softball.”
Going into Rutherford B. Hayes High School in Delaware, Ohio, Amaia played softball and volleyball. Freshman year of high school was when she started to take softball more seriously.
Amaia’s varsity softball head coach and current head coach at Hayes City High School, Mark Thomas, believes that her work ethic set her up for success.
He explained that if Amaia had a game where she wasn’t happy with her offensive performance, she would go home and practice for hours. Today, she doesn’t really do that.
“My dad wants me to,” Amaia said laughing. “But not anymore. I would like to say I’ve gotten a little bit wiser, and it’s not about hitting for two hours straight. Bad games happen.”
Thomas has many favorite memories with Amaia, but what he remembers about her the most was the way she grew into who she is now.
He remembers when she first started attending his softball camps and being timid in the sport, but after practice and hard work, she is now one of Ball State’s most successful softball players.
When Amaia started the recruiting process, she didn’t know where to start.
“I honestly wasn’t talking to that many schools,” she said. “My parents were not college athletes, … so they were pretty new to the recruiting process, and I didn’t really know what I was doing, other than just going into camps and just trying to ball out.”
On some of her first unofficial visits, Amaia went to bigger Divison I universities, but Amaia was not a fan.
“She didn’t want to be at a big, big school,” David said. “And we left it all up to her, and when we took her to the official visit, they gave her the offer, and she jumped all over it. She said this is where I want to go to school.”
Before this season began, Schurr believed that Amaia would be one of the leaders on the team because of her actions. Nearing the end, she still believes it.
“She has been here for a long time, “ Schurr said. “She’s been through coaching changes, both assistant and head coaches. Her demeanor brings everything to the team. She is quiet,
confident … and her skills are backing it up.”
Amaia currently has a batting average of .419 with 57 hits and 28 RBI’s.
“I think that every year that I have been here, she has continued to get better,” Schurr said. “But it’s not just who she is on the field, it is what she does off the fields and the kind of person she is.”
Not just graduation, another big moment for her future took place before senior day. Before the game, her boyfriend Jack Blanco, a redshirt junior safety on the football team, proposed.
‘It was Good Friday,” David said. “He asked Amanda and I if we could meet him at Roots [Burger Bar]. He wanted to talk to us about something, and he graciously bought us lunch. He asked us for our blessing, and we love the kid to death, so we told him sure.”
Amaia, a marketing major, keeps coming back to the game she fell in love with as a child.
“I would love to coach somewhere,” she said. “... I feel like I’ve learned a lot in my five years here. And I would love to share that knowledge with other players and just like [help] other players as well.”
If she was to become a college coach, she thinks she would have the same quiet qualities she has now, but for now, she is focused on being the teammate she has been since she arrived in Muncie.
“I would say I would want to be remembered as a good teammate, somebody who inspired my teammates, and yeah, somebody who, after softball is over, could call them,” she said. “They would be able to call me up and say, ‘Hey, Amaia, what are you doing?’ And then we could go out to dinner.”
Contact Zach Carter with comments at zachary. or on Twitter @ZachCarter85.
It only took one class.
Kinzee Davis and Victoria Stout started in drawing. Arielle Birk started in animation, and Kelsey Bobrowski wanted to pursue the same. But after getting a taste of metals, each of the students decided a focus in metals is what they needed to do.
“I saw metals and signed up for it not really thinking much of it, didn’t really know what all it entailed, but I immediately fell in love with it …” Davis said. “Just everything about it. I felt like I was finally connecting to the material that I was working with.”
As the end of the year approaches, future graduates in the metals concentration are wrapping up their time and preparing their theses and final galleries before stepping into the world of metalsmithing.
Metalsmithing is defined as an artist or craftsman who works with metal, most often used for jewelry or sculptures, according to Collins Dictionary.
The metals program at Ball State is a part of the School of Art and requires 60 credits. Through the concentration, students are able to use their hands and technology to produce their own works and pieces of art from an assortment of metals, including copper, silver and gold, as well as gemstones and other materials.
Similar to many students in the metals concentration, Ball State’s associate professor of metals and jewelry, Jessica Calderwood, didn’t originally pursue metals when she was in college either. She didn’t discover her love for the tactile art form until her boyfriend at the time recommended she take it as an elective.
She switched from painting to metals, and the rest was history. Now, Calderwood has been teaching at Ball State since 2016.
As a part of the program, Calderwood decided to change the metals concentration to metals and jewelry, widening the scope. Calderwood is one in a small group of professors who teach metals at Ball State. Although she is currently on sabbatical, with Natalie Lowe, assistant teaching professor, in her place, she is still just as passionate.
“The material that we work in is incredibly relevant, especially to everyone’s daily life,” Calderwood said. “Everybody uses metal objects in their daily life, … many people wear jewelry, and it’s such a signifier of our class, our identity, religion and just personal design preferences.”
Due to the complexity of metals, students are able to learn about other forms of art in metals as well. While Calderwood is away, she is currently working on combining glass and metal in her pieces. She is still an active artist, and she encourages her students to pursue getting real-world experience.
One way students are able to do this is through the Metals Guild, a club at Ball State for metalsmiths, though it’s open to students outside of the concentration. The guild helps students gain experience selling their work. The money raised from their sales, often in the Atrium, goes partly in the pockets of the students and also toward annual trips and expos.
Stout, the president of the Metals Guild and fourth-year metals major, has even helped bring in guest speakers. Stout said the sales are beneficial to students in preparing them for post graduation through understanding how to sell their work and get along with others.
“It was the first time that I ever was actually able to sell my art in a way that felt good. I had tried doing drawing commissions so many times, and it just was not for me,” she said. “But within this, I feel so much more capable, and I’m able to make my art, and then people are like, ‘I want it,’ and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Stout will be graduating in fall 2024, alongside Birk, vice president of the Metals Guild and sixth-year animation and metals student. The two were in a sculpture class when they made a pact to pursue metals together.
In the metals studio, Birk is often referred to as the “rabbit lady.” Due to the rabbit being her Chinese zodiac and the animal having shown up during difficult times in her life, the rabbit has become a symbol for her. She said she’s heard an animal showing up in your life this way can mean they are your “spirit animal.” She uses rabbits in most of her work, which mainly includes broaches and other
So when I switched to metals, I felt like I was really connecting with the material that I was using for the first time and like I knew what I was doing.”
- KINZEE DAVIS, Fourth-year fine arts major with a concentration in metalsFourth-year metal-smithing concentration student Kelsey Bobrowski explains the process of making the copper flowers for her thesis project in the metals studio April 11. JACY BRADLEY, DN
“I put a lot of spirituality in my pieces, but not everybody agrees with you on spirituality or religion, so I try to be as broad and accommodating as possible of other people’s views while also still putting my views in perspective,” she said.
The Muncie native was born for the role in metals, combining her mother’s love of fashion and her father’s role in construction management.
Birk works at HeidiJHale Designs, a jewelry shop in Muncie. She has been making rings while being mentored by the owner. After graduation, she plans to work there and gain experience, and, ultimately, she hopes to open a jewelry business of her own in Muncie.
Alongside Birk, Davis, fourth-year fine arts major with a concentration in metals, also works at HeidiJHale Designs. When she graduates this spring, she is going to start as Heidi’s “secondhand person.”
Davis is a big jewelry person, having sold earrings on her Instagram and through sales with the Metals Guild. She enjoys making wearable metals, coming from a dream of being a fashion designer when she was 8.
“There probably is something in me that’s just like I want to put things on the body,” she said. “But I just feel like it’s a very personal place to keep things.”
Davis has always been interested in medieval adornment, what royalty would wear and how they would present themselves.
She often uses Art Nouveau, an energetic artistic style spanning from the early 1890s to World War I, according to Rise Art. This form of art is often inspired by plants and nature, something Davis takes after.
For her thesis, she created a wire, wearable sculpture that represents her childhood. As a middle child, she didn’t get a lot of attention, so she had to learn how to raise herself. She spent most of her time playing in her backyard, so her sculpture is inspired by nature, showcasing glass flowers along with the metals.
“I want the other kids who had to grow up alone and didn’t really have friends and felt awkward and never really fit in to know that there are other people that felt that way as a kid,” Davis said.
She wants other kids like her to be able to learn they can “make cool sh–” out of their experiences and turn them into stories.
When Davis was a drawing major, she felt average compared to other artists. She would compare herself to others, and it made her feel like she had no future.
“So when I switched to metals, I felt like I was really connecting with the material that I was using for the first time and like I knew what I was doing,” she said. “I felt like I could make the metal do what I wanted to just by touching it.”
After her move to metals, Davis noticed her work ethic increased, and she became more proud of her results, growing a deep love for the art form.
Bobrowski’s passion for metals is also personal. The fourth-year metals major will graduate this spring. Emotion heavily drives her artwork.
When she’s thinking of an idea, she sits in the shower in the dark and listens to a song on repeat until she is inspired.
Bobrowski has a rare skin disorder called palmoplantar keratosis. It causes calluses on the hands and feet that have to be shaved off. This disease makes metalsmithing more
Hephaestus, the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, fire, carpentry and more. The god was depicted with curved feet and impairments.
“I find him really inspiring, and I feel closer to him by doing metal smithing,” she said.
Following in Hephaestus’s footsteps, she wants to learn blacksmithing next. After working with metal forming and foraging, she realized she wants to work on a bigger scale, something she did with her thesis.
Bobrowski’s thesis, titled “Escaping Escapism,” represents the mid-life crisis.
Her piece shows reflections of people’s lives through mirrors on the ground and in the air, incorporating metals, enameling, powder coats, installation and more.
“What I’m exploring is perfection and imperfection. We always want to find that perfection, but it’s too fake and candy coated. It’s something we can never really achieve …” she said. “I’m exploring that feeling of going back and forth with what I am doing with my life.”
For now, Bobrowski is hoping to work at a metals shop in Indianapolis and get experience before opening up her own studio.
“I want people to look at [my art], and say, ‘That’s really cool … I want to make sure you’re like, ‘This is impactful,’” Bobrowski said. “And whether or not that’s using a backstory behind it to tell the meaning through the artwork, or whether it’s using a song to make it into artwork, I just want to tell a story.”
The students’ art galleries will be showcased at The Ned and Gloria Griner Art Gallery during their open hours, Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Bobrowski’s gallery will be open from May 2-5, with a reception on May 5 from 4-6 p.m; Davis’s gallery is from April 25-28, with a reception on April 26 from 4-6 p.m.
Contact Lila Fierek with comments at
Fourth-year metals concentration student Victoria Stout shapes her copper plate in the metals studio April 11. JACY BRADLEY, DNThe nomination. Filling out the application. Writing an essay about defining Beneficence. All of it ends in a waiting game.
The process for applying to be a top 100 student can be lengthy between recommendations from bosses or professors to having to wait to see if you made it.
The top two student, fourth-year theatre education and English education double major Denver Hammons, went through this process for the 2023 top 100 students.
According to Hammons, he applied in November and found out in February he got into the top 100. By the end of March, he found out he was in the top two specifically.
Grace Carman, third-year public relations and advertising major, Finding out if students made it into the top 50 is through a brunch at the Alumni Center where the students and two to three of their family and friends were invited.
“[At the brunch], you have no idea if you are top 25, top 10 or top two,” Carman said. “You just sit there waiting for your name to be called, which is quite anxiety-inducing with your friends and family sitting right there.”
While process and waiting is the anxious part of being a top 100 student, the benefits that come with it can be anywhere from event opportunities to being mentored.
According to Hammons, the top two
students get $500 each to donate to a fund or organization on One Ball State Day. He was able to donate to the fund set up for a scholarship in the name of the late professor Troy Dobosiewicz.
The newest benefit for the top 100 students through the program is an alumni mentor they can use as a connection or to ask questions about anything.
“Being able to connect with my mentor has given me opportunities that I would not have gotten if it wasn’t for the top 100 student program,” Carman said.
For other top 100 students, the designation can be used on their resumes and to Katelyn Harris, fourth-year pre-medicine and biology double major, it gave her more connections to different events and people who she normally wouldn’t have spoken to.
“The only downside to this program is that people do expect more out of you,” Harris said. “Like, everyone thinks that I’m just going to be absolutely perfect.”
I remember having a conversation with my fifth grade math teacher telling her that I wanted to go to Ball State when I went to college.”- DENVER HAMMONS, Fourth-year theatre education and English education double major Top 100 student Denver Hammons sits at a table at the Top 50 brunch March 25 at the Alumni Center in Muncie, Ind. Hammons is a top two student. SAMANTHA BLANKENSHIP, BALL STATE MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS, PHOTO PROVIDED
Being a student for the past four years, some top 100 students got to experience new things like a new minor or new organizations that weren’t around when they started at Ball State.
“At the end of [the pandemic], the new minor of health humanities started, so I got into that, which I very much enjoy. [I will be] the first student to graduate with the health humanities minor,” Harris said. Harris plans on taking a gap year before going into medical school. She is interning and helping get the word out about the health humanities minor.
When it comes to the top 100 students, which are mainly third-year and fourth-year students, they tend to have more experiences and memories that can be told to the lower classes.
The highlight of Hammons’ college years was being able to work with the National Collegiate Jump Rope Association to host the seventh annual University Jump Rope Summit March 21 to April 2.
“I would say the biggest highlight and the most exciting moment of my time here was getting to watch 100 competitive jump ropers
from 14 different universities come to Ball State and see how great it is and how cool of a school it is and how wonderful of a place it can be,” Hammons said.
To other students, it’s spending time with friends that will be remembered as they move onto the next chapter of their lives.
Harris recalled studying in the library at 3 a.m. with her friends, and they got stuck in the elevator. They started joking around and laughing so hard, in the 15 minutes they were stuck, she ended up spitting coffee in her friend’s face.
For some of the top 100 students, their love for Ball State started years beforehand.
“I remember having a conversation with my fifth grade math teacher telling her that I wanted to go to Ball State when I went to college,” Hammons said. “So I made that dream come true.”
Overall, the top 100 students have experiences they will carry with them for a long time.
“Say yes to almost everything because you never know what experiences are going to come your way,” Hammons said. “After making that educational commitment, you never know who you might cross paths with, what you might learn, what you might see and what you might experience.”
Contact Mya Cataline with comments at or on Twitter @mcata_20.
Being able to connect with my mentor has given me opportunities that I would not have gotten if it wasn’t for the top 100 student program.”
- GRACE CARMAN, Third-year public relations and advertising major
Elissa Maudlin is a fourth-year journalism news major and writes “Abstractions” for The Daily News. Her views do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper.
Throughout my first few years in college, I lost myself.
It was a new environment with new friends. I was an undecided major, and the confidence I held from being complimented for previous extracurricular endeavors at my high school faded. I was now recreating myself in some ways, and that came with its own challenges.
According to the Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences, “self-confidence is the understanding to trust our own judgment and abilities which make us value ourselves.”
The journal created a study based on a questionnaire regarding awareness of confidence levels to a group of college students 18 to 25 years old through an online survey planet link.
According to the study, 49.6 percent of the participants boosted their self-confidence by rewarding their achievements, but 50.4 percent of them boosted their self-confidence from the start.
Also, the study suggested that selfconfidence increased the participants’ selfesteem, with 92.2 percent of the participants stating that.
From that study, it’s easy to see that selfconfidence is connected to how we view ourselves, and if we don’t have confidence in ourselves, it can change how we view the person looking back at us in the mirror.
The problem is, before the end of this year, I didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself. Because of that, my self-image crumbled when I wasn’t constantly being affirmed by my achievements.
However, a lot of that changed with my third and fourth years at Ball State University; primarily when I became editor-in-chief, and not for the reasons many would expect.
Through being editor-in-chief, I am back on the path of feeling like myself again.
Whether I fully believe in myself at that moment or not, I’m showing up and I’m doing the job because, deep down, I have goals and dreams I’ve set for myself.”Fourth-year journalism major and Ball State Daily News editor-in-chief poses for a photo outside of the David Owsley Museum of Art April 22. JACY BRADLEY, DN
My year of being editor-in-chief wasn’t always filled with the confidence-inducing compliments I had known throughout my high school career. People weren’t feeding my head or boosting my ego with how great I was doing or making me feel like the best all the time.
I realize now that this was kind of a good thing for me.
For so much of my life, I based my own self-perception on whether or not other people thought I was doing a good job in everything I did. My own confidence could shatter like broken glass if others critiqued me, creating my own unsustainable self-image and dysregulated emotional boundaries.
There were moments of being editor-in-chief when people did tell me I was doing a great job. There were moments I felt such love and compassion from the people around me, moments of joy within the newsroom and beyond. The energy in the newsroom at times could be riveting and where everyone felt proud to be there.
Like all things in life, there were also moments of contention where I had to trust myself that I was trying my best and that was enough. There were times when it felt like I was wrong, a bad leader and a bad person. There were moments I questioned every facet of how I thought and why, wondering if I was the one who didn’t have my head on straight, even questioning my truest intentions.
Needless to say, there were difficult moments and times when, with tears, I had to dig deep and learn to believe in myself. It was in those moments, as well as the joyful moments, where I saw glimpses of the person I was at my core again. It was because of these moments that I am beginning to feel like myself again.
That study from the Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences also stated that 80 percent of participants felt a lack of confidence affected
their future goals.
Being editor-in-chief became a goal of mine when I was encouraged by others. Originally, I didn’t think I was good enough or knew enough about journalism to sit in that chair at that desk in the newsroom. My journey started with confidence being instilled in me, rather than me actually finding the confidence in myself to know I was capable.
That lack of self confidence caused me more hardship in the roles I wanted, like editor-inchief, than it needed to. If I let myself fully believe without question that lack of confidence could affect my goals, low self-assuredness would be able to take control of my entire life.
The only difference between me and that statistic from the Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences is that I refuse to let my goals be swayed by insecurity. Whether I fully believe in myself at that moment or not, I’m showing up, and I’m doing the job because, deep down, I have goals and dreams I’ve set for myself.
Beginning to find yourself, though, isn’t a final destination; for me, I am just starting to get back on the path to finding my confidence. I still have so many moments of self doubt, insecurity and moments of high emotions, and that feeling of me standing by myself in a sea of critics doesn’t just go away.
However, I’m gathering the tools to help me
fight when that insecurity comes up. I’m learning to depend on myself more, develop more inner confidence and use that to remain unphased by problems that come my way.
I have my time as editor-in-chief to thank for that. It showed me where my weaknesses are but also where my strengths are. It gave me back that fire to be myself and stand strong in who I am as a person and a journalist. With the good, the bad and the ugly, I learned how to cope with the negative inner voice that pops up from time to time and focus on trying the best I can throughout everything.
Doing the best I can is the number one thing I can control, and it is my superpower.
This is the last article I will ever write for The Ball State Daily News, which comes with its own level of nostalgia. I started in the opinion section, and it seems fitting that this is where my collegiate journalism journey ends.
It also seems fitting that my last article bids farewell to a role at this newspaper I’ve cherished deeply. Even though it took away that sense of security I felt with everyone else’s opinions of me and peer ego boosts, it gave me a brand new sense of self-assuredness and perspective on who I am.
It gave me myself again.
Contact Elissa Maudlin with comments at or on Twitter @ ejmaudlin.
Needless to say, there were difficult moments and times when, with tears, I had to dig deep and learn to believe in myself.”
All the RuPaul references intended, making mistakes taught me more than anything else.
I would often label myself a perfectionist. Years of honors programs had instilled in me the importance of “being the best” in school, and I was fully invested in that goal — so much so that I was willing to go to any length to get there, even sacrificing my physical and mental well-being for it.
I’ve had the goal to graduate summa cum laude, or with a 3.9 GPA or higher, since before even starting college. It was much too late in the game by the time I noticed the toll it was taking on me, so I continued on. After all, what would it all be for if I didn’t end up successful at that goal? It would be all for nothing, the imposter syndrome would finally engulf me, and I’d forever be a failure. That’s how it felt.
So I said yes to every opportunity that came my way: I joined the Spanish club, I became a part of student media, I was briefly the president of the Ball State Society of Professional Journalists chapter, and I decided to continue on in honors even at Ball State.
forgiving myself for it for a while to come.
When I look back now, I can think of so many times where I made the wrong choice. I see so clearly the moments when I should’ve stayed in and finished that assignment instead of going out with friends. It always ended in me coming home, promising myself I’d be productive, then falling asleep from exhaustion right around 4 a.m.
I paid the price for it over and over again. But it’s taught me something very important along the way.
We are not supposed to be perfect. We are not supposed to never fail. Making mistakes is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve walked away with so many valuable lessons because of it.
Never measure your self worth by a letter grade or a percentage point — it’s not worth the heartache the first time you see something other than a 90 percent or higher.
Never end a conversation on bad terms with someone — you don’t always get the chance to apologize or say goodbye the way you wanted to.
And most importantly, never reduce your college experience to just academics — you’ll miss out on all the beautiful things this period of your life brings you outside of classes.
I’ve had some of the best experiences I’ve ever known right here on campus. There are people and places I will take with me forever, even if it’s just in memory. I’ve been a part of some of the most incredible teams student media has ever seen (yeah, I said it), and there are so many things I can show for it.
I’ve fallen in love, had my heart broken and
I’m finally able to look at this experience in all of its good, all of its bad and all of its ugly. long run.
I won’t remember the tests I bombed, but I will remember doing karaoke on Thursday nights with our editor-in-chief Elissa.
I won’t remember my GPA, but I will remember putting on music in the Unified Media Lab so loud that everybody in the room can hear it.
I won’t remember crying my eyes out over my senior thesis, but I will remember saying goodbye to my best friends.
If I could give one piece of advice to anyone soon to be in my position, I’d tell them to not fear messing up. I’d encourage it. No amount of perfectionism could ever be worth the lessons you learn from your mistakes.
In words inspired by the legendary RuPaul: good luck, and please mess it up.
Contact Evan Chandler with comments via email at or on Twitter
We are not supposed to be perfect. We are not supposed to never fail. Making mistakes is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve walked away with so many valuable lessons because of it.”
understand the English language.
It was very difficult to try to adjust to two different lifestyles. Yet, there was one phrase that always stuck with me and showed how it feels with being Mexican-American. The memorable phrase came from the movie “Selena,” specifically when Selena’s father, Abraham Quintanilla, would try to aid his kids in understanding the difficulty of being
“We have to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than Americans both at the same time,” Quintanilla said.
Going to school, everyone was always questioning my ethnicity. It didn’t matter what I told them, people assumed that I was too light to be Mexican but was too dark-toned to be American. People couldn’t understand why I had freckles and red hair if I was Mexican.
With all their might, people will try to correct me by telling me that I am wrong to have light skin, red hair and freckles. People will tell me that I can’t possibly be Mexican
I had everyone telling me how surprised or shocked they were to know my true identity, yet they didn’t get to know me beyond my
didn’t understand how I had to be different and fight to prove who I am to others.
It was a tiring battle, a battle that I’ve been doing for 22 years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
It felt like a burden to be different from everyone else and be the only one in the classroom. I tried to blend in and not stand
So going into college, I felt that burden of being comfortable with my ethnicity. Then, I started to meet other students of color, and they shared with me how it’s difficult to live different lifestyles when having a diverse background. After having those conversations with other students, that moment is when I felt seen; I felt like I didn’t have to hide myself.
Contact Angelica Gonzalez Morales with comments at or on Twitter @angelicag_1107.
Fourth-year journalism major and Ball State Daily News Digital Managing Editor Angelica Gonzalez Morales poses for a photo by Beneficence April 11. JACY BRADLEY, DN
Zach Gonzalez is a second-year journalism major and writes “Glory Days” for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper.
Our first year as legal adults, and we’re forced to make a single choice that affects the rest of our lives.
This is at a time when most of us barely know how to do taxes or manage our own households.
For me, I thought I was going to be an athletic trainer when I was 18 years old. I spent my high school career practicing martial arts and working out at my local gym. Most would say I was just a gym rat, but I thought of it as a tangible career in the field of athletics and physical fitness.
I had something to look forward to, something to pursue that would transfer a hobby of mine into a rewarding occupation. That was until my career aspirations changed.
What I thought would be a profession I’d love turned out to be the exact opposite, especially after my first semester at Ball State University.
In other words, I found out that being an exercise science major with a concentration in pre-athletic training would be a medicaloriented field. I felt I was going into a role similar to a doctor, which I never wanted to be.
I was shocked when I learned being an athletic trainer primarily consisted of healing individuals from their injuries. A semester later, I changed my major but not for anything even remotely related to the School of Kinesiology.
I switched my major to exploratory studies – which took me all the way back to square one. Such a revelation forced me to reevaluate myself and my future throughout the second half of my first year.
However at this time, I found a new hobby for myself, one where I genuinely felt I could express my authentic self in a way that reflected my own personal identity.
Once I got into college, the insane amount
of stress from academics and independence away from my loved ones back home frequently overwhelmed me.
To cope, I journaled pages and pages of genuine heartstrings pouring my sanity into my notebook.
Eventually, it came to my realization that writing was not just a hobby or an extracurricular activity, rather a calling card to a career I spoke of with peak interest when I told my adviser I wanted to switch my major again.
That major was a degree in journalism with a concentration in news writing and reporting. So here I am as a second-year student writing stories for The Ball State Daily News and Ball Bearings Magazine, and I’ve never felt more in control of my future than I do right now.
Now, to say all these transitions throughout my first year were challenging would be an understatement. During my time in exploratory studies, I doubted myself a ridiculously high amount of times.
Changing your major is not a sign you’re struggling in college but an opportunity for self-evaluation and personal and academic growth.
ColumnistSecond-year journalism major Zach Gonzalez poses in front of Frog Baby Fountain April 20 at Ball State. GRAYSON JOSLIN, DN
I compare myself to others a lot. Combined with refusing to give myself grace for simply still needing time to assess my career path, I envied the success my peers had in their respective majors when I didn’t even know my own major.
Heck, switching to journalism wasn’t easy because I still had doubts this wasn’t the right fit for me and that it was more of just an impulsive decision to give myself another degree to work toward.
In fact, I didn’t even join The Daily News or Ball Bearings Magazine until this school year, because I was afraid I wouldn’t enjoy my new career plan based on the workload it required through these student-run organizations.
For anyone who’s currently experiencing a struggle of not knowing their place in life, it’s OK not to know yet. I’ve been there before, and I’ve experienced some of the worst it has to offer in terms of self-doubt and anxiety about the future.
No matter how many years a student is taking until they graduate, your time at college is a transitional period toward a career intended to potentially remain lifelong.
In fact, according to Ball State’s website, 50 percent of students switch their majors at least one time between their first year to fourth year. So this idea of changing one’s major is not a foreign concept and is perfectly normal in a college setting.
Feeling content with our degree matters more than the amount of credits we need to obtain it or however many years it’ll require. I know this is a phrase many have heard time and time again, but the satisfaction of our desired profession matters more than the profit it makes.
Pursuing a degree is never easy and has plenty of dreadful moments where stress feels at an all-time high, but it should be enjoyable enough where we feel confident the classes we take fit the field we happily envision ourselves going into.
Sure, some might prioritize the salary over the satisfaction, and if that description sound’s like you, then that’s perfectly fine.
But I know where I stand.
I’d much rather take a few years of my life figuring out a career than suffer working at a job I hate.
Now, the cons of changing majors are the extra tuition and miscellaneous costs a student
must pay by attending a university an extra year. This is why it’s much better to get a head start if you have any uncertainty on your major, and make those potentially necessary transitions as soon as possible.
Ball State’s advising handbook offers students the initiative to have a second plan in place, which is referred to as a parallel plan. This plan is structured for when a first-year student desires to switch their major for any reason.
The university acknowledges it’s possible many first-year students might have lingering thoughts in the back of their head on whether or not their degree choice is right for them.
But even so, not everyone’s case is the same, and it’s possible, for example, a student changes their major during their third year in college.
While there’s an advantage to changing your major sooner rather than later — as switching during your third or fourth year risks an extra year to take and more tuition to pay — it’s not the end of the world. The time you spend in college determines the outcome of the rest of your life, and your college years are much smaller in comparison to those after higher education.
According to a survey from BestColleges about the personal significance of the degrees of numerous college graduates across the United States, 61 percent said they’d change their majors if they had the chance to go back to college. Twenty percent said they’d change majors in order to follow their dreams.
In fact, changing majors multiple times is not out of the ordinary. According to a from the Department of Education survey consisting of undergraduate students during their first three years of higher education, one in 10 students switched their majors more than once.
College is a process of figuring out who you are and expanding your identity and personality. It doesn’t matter who you are; you probably won’t graduate from college the same
person you were when you started college. If that involves switching some career goals around, that’s absolutely acceptable.
While you’re still in college, make sure you know your genuine passion, and take the time to analyze the reasonability of whether or not the major you’re in will fit that passion.
If that’s unclear to you, then know you’re not alone. There’s several resources available to you to help out.
Based on academic advice courtesy through Ball State’s website, speaking to anyone in an academic department you might be interested in; joining a student organization that relates to your current major to see if you view yourself doing this type of work in the future or taking tests, such as the Counseling Center Career Assessment, to determine majors and careers that best suit you can be helpful.
All of these resources help students explore potential career paths they might be interested in and could take.
For me personally, I know this advice might seem a little obvious, but each resource I just mentioned either persuaded me to go into journalism or kept me confident in the decision I made.
Looking back, a huge benefit I realized about being in exploratory studies was the amount of self-exploration I got to do. Because when you have an undecided major, you have to really dive into who you are and what type of jobs best suit you.
Given I already had exposure to an environment that didn’t work well with me in kinesiology, along with knowledge I learned about myself based on some universityprovided career resources, I had a more clear idea of ideal work environments for me.
If change requires making a couple of adjustments to your academic calendar, then no worries. Numerous other students have made such decisions and graduated with no problem. Employers value the major that’s on your degree, not the number of years it took to receive it.
In fact, it doesn’t even mention the number of semesters or school years one spent pursuing a degree.
As long as you understand what you want from a job, and that’s what you’re pursuing, you’re free to spend whatever your academic dreams desire during college for however long it’ll take you.
Contact Zach Gonzalez with comments via email at
But no matter how many years a student is taking until they graduate, your time at college is a transitional period toward a career intended to potentially remain lifelong.”
Employers value the major that’s on your degree, not the number of years it took to receive it.”
Students enjoy the “Wipeout” at the Ball State Late Nite Carnival on April 21 on Ball State campus.
A child at the Mitchell Early Childhood and Family Center pieces a puzzle together in a preschool classroom Feb. 21.
First-year students Brynn Prefer and Alexander
Kerner lay down in a hammock at University Green Feb. 15. Students set up hammocks to enjoy the sunny weather.
• Aaron Albright, BS
• McKenna Anthony, BS
• Mitchell Archer, MAR
• Noah Ayres, BARCH
• Adrienne Barron, MS
• Emily Berge, BARCH
• Nicholas Bethel, BARCH
• James Blankenberger, BARCH
• Nathan Blei, MAR
• Ava Blount, BS
• Rebecca Booker, BARCH
• Jalyn Bowie, BS
• Katherine Brand, BS
• Nicholas Brauer, MAR
• Kayla Brownie, BS
• Connor Bryan, BS
• Joseph Buchmeier, BARCH
• Noah Buening, MAR
• Abigail Bulmahn, BARCH
• Tristen Byers, MS
• Austin Cain, BS
• Alexis Carr, BS
• Keith Carrasquilla, BARCH
• Kiona Casarez, BS
• Maliq Cherry, BARCH
• Kelsey Clady, BARCH
• Devin Cleaver, BS
• Lauren Cloonan, BS
• Cylie Collins, BS
• Matthew Combs, BS
• Isabelle Copeland, BS
• Georgia Cushing, BARCH
• Charles Davis, BARCH
• Grace DeBaun, BLA
• Oliver Deck, BS
• Riley Decker, BS
• Elkah Devoe, BS
• Andrea Eageny, BLA
• Nourhan Elboraei, MAR
• Christina Ellett, BLA
• Peyton Emmons, BARCH
• Ryan Feely, BS
• Dylan Fruchey, BARCH
• Matthew Furiak, BS
• Sofia Gallo, BARCH
• Hannah Garrett, BS
• Stephanie Gates, BLA
• Carolyn German, BARCH
• Morgan Getz, BLA
• Kaitlin Gobrogge, BLA
• Genevieve Goldthorpe, BS
• Yadiel Gonzalez Torres, MAR
• Michael Grossniklaus, BUP
• Emma Hawkins, BLA
• Emily Hegbli, BARCH
• Andrew Heimann, BARCH
• Jared Heitkamp, BLA
• Nick Highsmith, BS
• Joszlyn Hill, BARCH
• Tessa Hill, BARCH
• Analiese Hooten, BS
• Madison Hornung, BS
• Allison Janik, BLA
• Therese Jirgal, BS
• Nicole Johnson, BARCH
• Alexander Juliano, BARCH
• Paul Kaiser, BARCH
• Monalisha Khati, MAR
• Alexis King, BS
• Nathaniel King, BS
• Matthew Klepinger, BS
• Benjamin Koester, BS
• James Kohlmeyer, BARCH
• Alana Kunkler, BARCH
• Julianne Kurnos, MLA
• Dioselin Lagunas Garduno, MAR
• Meredith Laird, BARCH
• Hayley Laker, BS
• Autumn Larkins, BS
• Ethan Lee, BS
• Jack Leibham, BARCH
• Emilee Lemmer, BLA
• Brian Madden, BS
• Youssef Mahfouz, BS
• Matthew Martella, MAR
• Evalyn Martin, BLA
• Mary Martin, MAR
• Mary Martin, MS
• Jacob Mattson, BS
• Sydnie Matula, BS
• Sabrina Mccoll, BARCH
• Austin McIntosh, BS
• Mathias McLaughlin, BS
• Ke’Toren Mendoza, BARCH
• Kaylor Mickle, BARCH
• Kenny Mills, BS
• Sandra Misigo, MUR
• Tanner Mote, BARCH
• Nian Muang, BARCH
• Bridget Mudd, BUP
• Bryce Muller, BLA
• Lauren Mullins, BARCH
• Jessica Muncie, MUR
• Jessica Murawski, MAR
• Nicholas Nelson, BS
• Drayson Nespo, BLA
• Miller Nichols, BS
• Assumpta Nyein, BARCH
• Cassidy O’Hara, BARCH
• Keller Oeth, BLA
• Timothy Ott, BS
• Violet Overstreet, BLA
• Nathan Owen, BS
• Logan Paino, BARCH
• Drew Pankey Wallace, BARCH
• Seong Joon Park, BARCH
• Autumn Patrick, BARCH
• Emma Peeler, BS
• Zachary Poor, BARCH
• Karlie Potts, BS
• Matthew Pytel, BUP
• Zoe Rader, MAR
• Dillon Redding, BARCH
• Emily Rheinheimer, MAR
• Thomas Richards, BS
• Ryan Rufer, MAR
• Ryan Rufer, MS
• Anton Schauerte, MUR
• Halle Schrank, BS
• Rianna Schwartz, MLA
• Amber Scott, BS
• Kyle Sharp, BARCH
• Shraddha Shetty, MAR
• Michael Shirley, BARCH
• Ciera Silva, BLA
• Claire Sloderbeck, BARCH
• Nichola Sobota, MAR
• Abigail Sprague, BS
• Ellie Sprecher, BS
• Carlie Stalnecker, BS
• Casey Stamm, BARCH
• Trevor Stenger, BS
• Kenzi Stephenson Fujawa, BS
• Lucas Stirn, BARCH
• Haley Stonecipher, BS
• Brian Strout, BS
• Elise Stueve, BLA
• Zeelyn Stutz, BARCH
• Christian Terrell, BUP
• Lal Len Thang, BARCH
• Jarron Tichenor, BARCH
• Kayleigh Timmons, BARCH
• Ashleigh Totten, BARCH
• Shayla Tran, BARCH
• Taylor Trowbridge, BA
• Victoria Vega, BS
• Cooper Walchle, BS
• Krista Walterbusch, BLA
• Jacy Weatherly, BS
• Bryce Whaley, BARCH
• Zane Wicker, MAR
• Ashra Wickramathilaka, MUR
• Elizabeth Wickware, BS
• Connor Wilson, BS
• Isaac Wilson, MAR
• Paige Wojcik, BARCH
• Jack Wolfred, BS
• Paige Zoran, BS
• Jenna Abraham, BS
• Emily Adams, BS
• Stacia Adams, BSW
• Samuel Adkisson, BS
• Aalia Aliwa-Mejia, BS
• Kade Allen, BS
• Taylor Altun, MS
• John Ethan Andamasaris, MS
• Sammera Anthony, BS
• Logan Arnold, BS
• Kelsey Aschenbrenner, BS
• Skylar Augenstine, BSW
• Amber Aultman, MS
• Caylah Awls, MS
• Samantha Baczynski, BSW
• MaKenna Bailey, BS
• Ashaun Baker,, MA
• Jake Ball, BS
• Julia Ballain, AUD
• Brooke Barnett, BS
• Annmarie Baron, BS
• Kloei Bartholomew, BSW
• Makenna Bauer, BS
• Gabriela Beckham, BS
• Austin Benner, BS
• Emma Blevens, BS
• Sarah Bochnicka, BS
• Lonesha Booker, BSW
• Ashlee Botkin, BSW
• Emma Bowen, BS
• Brianna Bowles, AUD
• Sicily Bowling, BS
• Tyra Boyd, BS
• Kaila Brack, BS
• Anna Brandt, MS
• Brent Bredemeyer, BS
• Jacob Brewer,, MA
• Emily Brimer, BS
• Maurice Broaddus, BS
• Maria Brown, BS
• Megan Brown, AUD
• Jenna Browning, BS
• Emma Bryant, BS
• Melajah Bryant, BSW
• Amanda Bultemeier, BS
• Emma Burns, MS
• Payton Burns, BS
• Kavan Byrd, BS
• Kyran Calhoun,, MA
• Emma Cammack, BS
• Rachel Campbell,, MA
• Lauren Carlisle, MS
• Shawna Carter, BSW
• Bryson Chapman, BS
• Sydney Chism, MS
• Megan Christianson, BS
• Gillian Ciscell, BS
• Megan Clifford, BS
• Emma Cobb, MS
• Faith Cochran, BSW
• Casey Coll,, MA
• Grace Conn, BS
• Sydney Cook, BS
• Zoe Cook, BS
• Sarah Coulup, BSW
• Grant Covey,, MA
• Emma Coy, BS
• Daniel Curran, BS
• Cole Dailey, BS
• Lea Daugherty, BS
• Trenton Davis, BSW
• Sierra Dean, BS
• Abri DeAtley, BS
• Marlenne Devia, PHD
• Claudia Dirksen,, MA
• Chloe Dockery, BS
• Ashley Dudley, BS
• Mara Dues, BS
• Emy Duke, MS
• Grace Durand, MS
• Nicole Durben,, MA
• Danae Durham, BS
• Hannah Eads, BS
• Emily Edwards, BS
• Isabel Edwards, BS
• Lauren Eisenhut, BS
• Tyler Else, BS
• Olivia Estrada, BSW
• Morgan Fadness, BSW
• London Farlow, BSW
• Jenna Fath, BSW
• Benjamin Fechtman, BSW
• Dylan Fillwock, MS
• Christian Flores, BS
• Haley Foster, BS
• Kathleen Foti, BS
• Emma Freshwater, BS
• Emily Fritz, MS
• Kiara Fugett, BS
• Kyleigh Fuller, BS
• Morgan Fuller, BSW
• Sebastian Garibay, BS
• Bailey Gasser, MS
• Madison Gatzlaff, BS
• Timothy Gee,, MA
• Monica Gerstbauer, BS
• Gabrielle Gilbert, BS
• Cameron Gillentine, BS
• Meghan Gillespie, BS
• Paige Gindling, BS
• Jessica Girt, BS
• McKenna Goodson, BSW
• Kristen Gower,, MA
• Megan Grasso, BS
• Audrey Gregory, BS
• Charity Griffith, BS
• Joshua Grimes,, MA
• Caitlyn Grodzicki, BS
• Emma Groot, BS
• Dara Grove, BS
• Hannah Grubbs, BS
• Justice Guerrero,, MA
• Emily Guiff, MS
• Charles Gulino, BS
• Shelbi Guy, BSW
• Taylor Haager, BA
• Madelyn Hamp, MS
• Casey Hand, MS
• Allison Hansen, MS
• Audra Harrell, BS
• Megan Harrison, MS
• Meghan Haser, MS
• Luke Hays, BS
• Madison Heiniger, BSW
• Siera Helmick, BSW
• Aubrey Helpling, BS
• Janaya Hence, BS
• Abby Hensley, BS
• Courtney Herrington, BS
• Kelsey Heslip, BS
• Kaden Hickman, BS
• Levi Hicks, MS
• Megan Hilbish, BS
• Alison Hildebrand,, MA
• Heather Hilliard, BA
• Lindsay Hirchak, BS
• Clara Hochgesang, BS
• Elizabeth Hohos, BS
• Ian Holder, MS
• Kia Holder, MS
• Kyler Hoopingarner, BS
• Danielle Hoover, MS
• Grace Huelhorst, BS
• Summer Huffman, BSW
• Aubree Hughes, BS
• Ryan Hughes, MS
• Julia Hunnicutt, BS
• Ashlyn Hurley, BS
• Jennifer Huston, MS
• Cassandra Huys, BS
• Aaron Jessup, MS
• Reagan Johns, BS
• Anaya Johnson, BS
• Lamarria Johnson, BSW
• Austin Jones, BS
• Emily Jones, MS
• Janielle Jones, BS
• Kelsey Jurgonski, MS
• Megan Kalemba, BS
• Anjusha Kasetty Ramesh Kumar,, MA
• Julia Keating, BS
• Amanda Keith, MS
• Erin Kelly, BS
• Kara Kerns, AUD
• Hilary Kerr, BS
• Victoria Kesecker, AUD
• Keeleigh Kikendall, BS
• Bobah Kim, MS
• Alexandra King, BS
• Marissa King, BSW
• Ashleigh Kleiman, BSW
• Austin Kleitz, BS
• Grace Krider, BS
• Adam Kroot,, MA
• Adam Kroot, MS
• Anna Krueger, BS
• Kierstyn Kuhn, BSW
• Grant Lamkin, MS
• Bethany Lancaster, BS
• Tasha Lane, MS
• Riley Leavell, BS
• Trinity Lee, BS
• Lexi Leeper, BS
• Alexis Leisure, BS
• Morgan Lewis, BS
• Kimberlee Lichtenberger, BS
• Cathlin Lincicome, BS
• Olivia Linnemann, BS
• Madyn Litten, BSW
• Jeffrey Littleton, BS
• Erin Lopez, BSW
• Makayla Love, MS
• Colleen Lynch, PHD
• Rebecca Lynch, BSW
• Patrick Lyons, BS
• Melissa Maas, BS
• Emilie Macowan, BS
• Theresa Malinowski, MS
• Jared Martin, BSW
• Karlie Martin, MS
• Taylen Martzall, BS
• Annelise Masshardt, BS
• Davis Matz, MS
• Arynn McAlister, BSW
• Logan McClurg, BS
• Andrea McCoy, BS
• Kendra McDaniel, BSW
• Molly McGill, MS
• Cameron Mcglothlin, BS
• Caelie McRobert,, MA
• Brittany Meeks, MS
• Makenzie Meeks, BS
• Grace Mehne, BS
• Alyanna Mejia, MS
• Katia Melendez Alvarado,, MA
• Justin Mendoza, MS
• Marissa Mercer, BSW
• Corby Mertens,, MA
• Anna Meyer, BS
• Sydney Mijares, BS
• Katherine Miller, BS
• Maggie Miller, BS
• Gwyneth Milliken, BS
• Meredith Minich, BS
• Dawn Minnick, BS
• Marissa Minshall,, MA
• Jack Musial, BS
• Mary Myers, BS
• Masatoshi Naruse, PHD
• Meredith Nash,, MA
• Alyssa Newsom, BSW
• Robin Nielsen, MS
• Joelle Niemzyk, BA
• Mackenzie Norris, BS
• Sebastian Obrian, BS
• Mia Ochoa, BSW
• Kathryn Oelker, BS
• Olivia Olson, BSW
• Funmilayo Oludemi, BS
• Nevaeh Orr, BS
• Blanca Ortiz, BS
• Balee Osting, BS
• Whitney Overholt,, MA
• Darian Owens, MS
• Paxton Parris, MS
• Brittany Peterson, MS
• Kena Phimmasen, BS
• Jillian Pitchford, AUD
• Lydia Platt, BS
• Madison Pruitt, BSW
• Lauren Pryle, BS
• Annie Rauch, BS
• Jada Redmon, BSW
• Julee Redwine, MS
• Noah Ritchie, BS
• Christopher Robinson, BS
• Grace Roembke, BS
• Brylee Rose, BS
• Shannon Rossi, MS
• Dennis Runyon, BS
• Kaleb Sackenheim, BS
• Makala Saeger, BS
• Grace Sanders, BS
• Rhett Saylor, BS
• Michael Schassburger, BS
• Ellenor Schelm, BS
• Nicholas Schreck, BS
• Angela Schroeder, MS
• Camille Scurlock, AUD
• Estelita Seaton, BSW
• Emma Shepard, BS
• Adriann Shepherd, BS
• Caitlin Shunneson, BS
• Jacob Shurboff, BS
• Erin Simons, MS
• Katherine Sizemore, BS
• Madison Skaar, BS
• Adam Sloane, BS
• Bailey Smith,, MA
• Olivia Smithson, BS
• Sophia Spence, BS
• Hamilton Spidle, BS
• Madeline Steinke, BS
• Samantha Stephens, BS
• Jamie Stout, BS
• Zoe Stratton, BSW
• Megan Stricker,, MA
• Madison Tarry, BS
• Jesse Terris, MS
• Haleigh Tharp, MS
• James Thompson, BS
• Makayla Thompson, BSW
• Autumn Thurber, BS
• Claire Tinkle, BS
• Armoni Toles, BSW
• Katelyn Tracy, BSW
• Morgan Tripi, BS
• Lauren Trumbauer, MS
• Madison Trusty, BS
• Lauren Tuchscherer, BS
• Bailey Turner, BS
• Cameron Tyler, BS
• Vivian Van Eck, BS
• Jeannette VanHoogstraat,, MA
• Shelby Vice, BS
• Isaac Wagner, BS
• Abigail Wallace, BSW
• Alyssa Wampler, MS
• Taylor Washington, BSW
• Ronnie Watson, MS
• Ronnie Watson,, MA
• Alexis Webster,, MA
• Gabriel Weiss, BS
• Emily Welling, BSW
• Carl Werling,, MA
• Molly West, BS
• Taylor West, BSW
• Seth Wilson, BS
• Evan Wolferman, BS
• Lauren Wood, MS
• Makaylee Woods, BA
• Bailey Wright, BSW
• Mark Yaeger,, MA
• Angelina Yarbrough, BSW
• Jordan Young, BS
• Isabella Zoglio, BS
• Zainab Aamir,, MA
• Shelby Abner,, MA
• Sarah Akins, BA
• Bradley Alasauskas, BA
• Miah Albritton, BA
• Madelyn Andrews, BS
• Caleb Anglin, BA
• Ben Atchison, BA
• Anthony Battles, BA
• Roselyn Beaman, BS
• Colin Bell, BA
• Marissa Benton, BS
• Isaac Berry, BS
• Lydia Bertsch,, MA
• Claudia Blankenship,, MA
• Greyson Bolding, BA
• Peyton Bonine,, MA
• Matthew Borders, BA
• Katelyn Bowling, BS
• Haley Boyce, BA
• Preslee Boyd, BA
• Alexander Bracken, BA
• Kathryn Bradley,, MA
• Zachary Bundy,, MA
• Hayley Burris,, MA
• Daria Buschur,, MA
• Ryan Busse, BA
• Alexandra Butler, BS
• Imani Butts, BA
• Jordan Cabeen, BA
• Caleb Callan, BA
• Kaleb Carter, BA
• Kathryn Catterall, BA
• Riley Cave, BA
• Gavin Centofanti, BA
• Cole Chojnacki, BA
• Rachael Cochran, BA
• Sydney Cole, BS
• Austin Craig, MS
• Harrison Craig, BA
• Agustin Cutrone, BA
• Braya Daratony, BS
• Connor Davis, BA
• Sara Deboer, BA
• Thomas Deckard, BA
• Lindsey Deeter, BS
• Christina Diehl, BS
• Steven Donahoe,, MA
• Sydney Douglas, BS
• Skylar Dungy, BA
• Laura Durr,, MA
• Sydney Dygert, BS
• Alexyce Eblen, BA
• Gina Esposito,, MA
• Alexandra Esterle, BA
• Lauren Fabrizio,, MA
• Hatab Fadera,, MA
• Jayana Fennell, BA
• Maxwell Fettchenhauer, BA
• Anna Figel, BA
• Tanner Flores, BA
• Trisha Ford, BS
• Chloe Fortner, BA
• Dayja Foster,, MA
• Jessie Fraley, BS
• Audrey Freeland, BA
• Hudson French, BS
• Emma Fullen, BS
• Nathanael Ganger, BA
• Isabelle Glenn, BA
• Sophia Godfrey,, MA
• Angelica Gonzalez Morales, BA
• Madison Goodnight, BA
• Anne Grady, BS
• Paytn Green, BS
• Kaylee Greer, BA
• RuthAnne Grigoletti,, MA
• Logan Grubbs, BS
• Madelyn Guinn, BS
• Olivia Haggard, BA
• Mahnaz Hajesmaeili Nooghi,, MA
• Grace Hakim, BS
• Jacob Hale, BS
• Laura Hall, BS
• Charles Hammock, BA
• Carleigh Hannon, MS
• Ezekiel Hansen, BA
• Ian Hansen, BA
• Hadassah Harris, BA
• Zahria Hart, BS
• Jaden Hasse, BA
• Joshua Hays, BA
• Samantha Hensley,, MA
• Delmy Hernandez,, MA
• Emily Higgins, BS
• Hannah Hoban, BS
• David Hommel, BA
• Alexander Hornbach, BS
• Jackson Hottle, BS
• Madison Housel, BS
• Kyle Howard, BS
• Taylor Hubble, BS
• Austin Hudson, BS
• Kallie Hunchman,, MA
• Kristin Hylton,, MA
• Ashley Irvin, BS
• Kasen Jackson, BA
• Carlin James, BS
• Katherine Janosky, BA
• Katelyn Jasinski, BS
• Ciara Johnson,, MA
• Victoria Johnson, BS
• Zachary Jones, BA
• Lila Karafa, BS
• Molly Keane, BA
• Matthew Keiper, BS
• Ashley Keller,, MA
• Jasmin Khalil, BA
• Kollin Kincaid, BS
• Kaitlyn Kinser, BS
• Jeremiah Kittrell, BA
• Katherine Kois, BA
• Lilly Krambeck, BS
• Kylie Krempp, BS
• Joseph Lakes, BS
• Tess Lawyer-Smith, BA
• Jayde Leary, BA
• Jong Lee,, MA
• Grant Leff,, MA
• Hailey Leonard,, MA
• Evan Linde, BS
• Breanna Lockwood, BS
• Marcos Lopez Acosta,, MA
• Elizabeth Love, BS
• Cathleen Lynch, BA
• Abby Mains, BS
• Zoe Mantha, BA
• Luke Marble, BA
• Conner Marcum, BS
• Olivia Marr, BA
• Madison Marshall, BS
• Samantha Martin, BA
• Samantha-Jo Mata, BS
• Grace Mattix, BS
• Elissa Maudlin, BA
• Jordan McClung, BA
• Gavan Mccoy,, MA
• Jaylyn Mcdonald, BS
• Jennifer McGowen,, MA
• Curtis McIlvaine, BA
• Carter Mckillip, BA
• Wendy Mcvey,, MA
• Anna Mensendiek, BS
• Riley Merder, BA
• Madison Messick, BS
• Claudia Metzger, BS
• Alexis Miller,, MA
• Jeffrey Miller, BS
• Kaitlyn Miller, BA
• Nicholas Miller, BA
• Brooke Morenz,, MA
• Austin Morgan, BA
• Claire Morrell,, MA
• Alexis Morton, BA
• Sumayyah Muhammad, BS
• Celeste Mulett, BA
• Angel Navarrete Mejia, BA
• Jacob Newlin, BA
• Divine Ngangu, BA
• Ella Nicholson, BA
• Christopher Nixon, BS
• Jessica Norton, BA
• Zoe Nunley,, MA
• Vincent Orlando, BS
• Paige Osborne, BA
• Spencer Ozbun,, MA
• Rhoni Paige, BA
• Silas Parsons, BS
• Dylan Patterson,, MA
• Riley Pearson, BA
• Justin Peckinpaugh, BA
• Collin Phillips, BA
• Taylor Phillips, BS
• Alec Piggott,, MA
• Ethan Ping, BS
• Johannah Pollert,, MA
• Claire Presley, BS
• Thomas Preston, BS
• Grant Prewitt, BS
• Jordan Price, BA
• Aaliyah Prim, BA
• Evan Puckett, BA
• Dylan Ralph, BA
• Raeanne Ramey, BS
• Adele Reich, BA
• Luke Relue, BS
• Phoebe Rensink, BS
• Deisy Rico, BA
• Karly Riffey, BS
• Justin Riggs, BA
• Keith Rinker, BA
• Michael Rizzo, BA
• Olivia Romeo,, MA
• Giovanny Romero, BS
• Benjamin Rosen, BS
• Logan Salzbrenner, BA
• Mason Schafer, BA
• Otto Schlatter, BA
• Sydney Scott, BS
• Victoria Severyn, MS
• Reid Shaffer, BS
• Madelyn Shockey, BA
• Mia Showalter, BS
• Kieran Simmer, BA
• Shawn Sims, BS
• Anshika Singh,, MA
• Latrelle Smith, BS
• Madison Smith, BS
• Tate Snodgrass, BS
• Garrett Spoor, BA
• Leila Stacey, BA
• Hope Stauffer, BA
• Mac Strobel, BS
• Erin Sturm, BS
• Madison Surface, BA
• Kaitlyn Syferd, BA
• Joseph Theriot, BS
• Joseph Thomas, BS
• Jama Tighe, BA
• Mariia Tkacheva,, MA
• Caroline Tucker,, MA
• Desiree van der Kleij, MS
• Max Van Dongen,, MA
• Eliza Vandewalle, BA
• Corey Varnau, BA
• Anna Wainscott, BS
• Grace Walton, BS
• Lucas Wannemacher, BA
• Maggie Weaver, BS
• Matthew Weaver, BS
• Scott Weigand, BA
• Devin Welch, BA
• Cassandra Wendel, BA
• Sterling Wertanzl,, MA
• Jaelyn White, BA
• Jackson Whited, BA
• Karissa Wiegand, BA
• Maya Wilkins, BA
• Andrew Willett, BA
• Destiny Williams, BS
• Jacob Williams, BA
• Madysen Williams, BS
• Christopher Willis, BA
• Steven Wiltberger, BA
• Sydni Wiseman, BS
• Morgan Wood, BS
• Jaryd Wright, BS
• Jax Zinkie, BA
• Brooke Ackerman, BFA
• Abel-Raul Alejandre, BS
• Cheney Armstrong, BFA
• Clarissa Austin, BS
• Clarissa Austin, BM
• Diego Balseca, BM
• Cortni Baughman, BFA
• Aaliyah Beatty, BS
• Zoe Benjamin BA
• Laura Berigan, BFA
• Sunnie Berning, BFA
• Kayla Bethke, BFA
• Kelsey Bobrowski BA
• Juan Bolanos-Zuniga, BFA
• Hannah Booth, BS
• Cynthia Boothe, BS
• Katherine Brei, BFA
• Bradford Brevard, BFA
• Tamia Brezzell, BFA
• Imani Brissett, BFA
• Sean Britton BA
• Benjamin Brock, BFA
• Emily Brooke, BME
• Caitlyn Brown, BFA
• Jayden Brown, BS
• Jessica Brunner, BS
• Paul Butler, BS
• Hailey Byall, BFA
• Julieta Calzada BA
• Jacqueline Camacho, BFA
• Russell Campbell, BM
• Neftali Canas, BME
• Jesse Canchola, BFA
• Aidan Cangany, BME
• Joseph Cash, BFA
• Genevieve Cierpilowski, BS
• Jeffrey Clark DA
• Madison Clark, BFA
• Mariel Claxon, BS
• Cameron Clevenger, BM
• Ian Cobb, BFA
• Hannah Coffman, BS
• Kate Cole, BFA
• Haley Congdon, BFA
• Lucille Cook-Haus, BME
• Mariana Cordova, BS
• Avery Cox, BME
• Jacqueline Craft BA
• Jacqueline Craft, BFA
• Ezra Crow, BM
• Anthony Cuevas, BFA
• Helania Darden BA
• Caitlin Davey, BFA
• Chayton Davidson, BFA
• Cydney Davidson, BFA
• Benjamin Davis, BM
• Mickenzee Davis, BFA
• Skye Day, BFA
• Katherine Delawter, BFA
• Erika Denny, BFA
• Elijah Deweerdt, BME
• Zoe-Rose Dieguez BA
• Lily Disviscour, BFA
• Cecilia Donathan, BFA
• Yu Dong DA
• Kiah Dowdy, BS
• Dulale Dulale DA
• Brent Echols DA
• Noah Eckstein, MM
• Clare Endris, BFA
• Craig Ester, BFA
• Hannah Farber, BFA
• Anna Faulkinbury, BS
• Mackenzie Fear, BFA
• Ethan Fegan, MM
• Breanna Fields, BFA
• Chloe Fields, BFA
• Isabella Flanagan, BME
• Abigail Fleck, BME
• Misty Fox, BFA
• Paul Francis, BM
• Adriana Garcia, BME
• Haley Garner, BFA
• Madison Garrett BA
• Anika Gaska, BFA
• Jared George, BFA
• Kami Geron BA
• Emily Giffin, BFA
• Chestara Gooch, BS
• Jingle Grigsby, BFA
• Luke Guise, BM
• Elizabeth Hallal, BFA
• Bernadette Harding, BFA
• Jakob Harding BA
• Brynn Harty, BS
• Dominick Haskins, BS
• James Hayakawa, BFA
• Anthony Hayes, BS
• Gabriela Henderson BA
• Nicholas Herrera, BFA
• Alexis Hiner, MM
• Matthew Ho, BFA
• Noah Holtsclaw, BME
• Grace Hoots, BFA
• Victoria Horne, BME
• Kayla Howard, BS
• Jaylon Hudson, BS
• Kiley Hurst, BS
• Isis Jarnicki de Carvalho DA
• Katherine Jergensen, BFA
• Carter Jeurissen, BS
• Jiaqi Jin, MM
• Lily Johnson BA
• Oswald Johnson DA
• Katherine Jordan, BFA
• Samantha Joslin MFA
• Jonathan Kalinen, BFA
• Kira Kasdorf, BFA
• Evelyn Kegley, BM
• Sophie Kelsay, BFA
• Saddie Kendall BA
• Katherine Kimmell, BFA
• Maggie Kleinhenz, BME
• Laura Kloser, BS
• Shawn Knapp, BME
• Hannah Kot, BFA
• Emma LaPlante, BS
• Kemaleigh Laramie, BS
• Natalia Latham BA
• Soojin Lee DA
• Lynsey Leeson, BS
• Ellen Leigh MFA
• Haley LeJune, BME
• Ryan Lovell DA
• Ingrid Lowery, BFA
• Emily Lulley, BFA
• Skyler Lyons, BFA
• Mackenzie Lyseng, BFA
• Laila Malak, BFA
• Collin Matasovsky, BFA
• Annabelle McCammon, BS
• Zara McCord, BFA
• Courtney McDaniels, BFA
• Carlee McKenzie, BFA
• Pedro Medeiros DA
• Natalie Meyer, BS
• Mary Miedema, MA
• Emma Mikkelson, BS
• RyAnne Mikos, BME
• Bryce Miller, BFA
• Teah Mirabelli, BFA
• Evan Morales, BFA
• Kyra Morgan, BFA
• Alexandra Moss, BME
• Gray Mueller, BS
• Kearns Nelson, BME
• Alexis Nickle BA
• Lillia Nugent, BS
• Erica O’Connor, BFA
• Mildred Obungu, BS
• McKinley Ogden, BFA
• Devon Parsons, BFA
• Alivia Pello, BME
• Chloe Pendleton, BME
• Natalie Perez, BS
• Samuel Peters, BM
• Madison Pickering BA
• Christopher Pinto, BME
• Karina Powell, BFA
• Samuel Price, BFA
• Elizabeth Prynn, BS
• Lindsey Publow, BFA
• Lydia Rang, BFA
• Katherine Reel BA
• Lauren Reich, BFA
• Megan Reynolds, BM
• Rachel Riddle DA
• Kennedy Ripperdan, BS
• Katharine Robey, BS
• Ruby Rodriguez, BS
• Kyle Rogers, BME
• Minnie Rogers, BFA
• Carl Roos, BS
• Camille Roper, BME
• Julio Rosado Torres, BS
• Megan Rosich, BFA
• Jillian Roth, BS
• Brendon Sanderlin, BFA
• Thomas Santiago, BME
• Makayla Schuelke, BS
• Adriel Scott, BFA
• Toren Scott, BFA
• Terri Lynn Shepherd DA
• Alexander Shilling, BME
• Cameron Shope, BS
• Victoria Sills, BFA
• Riley Sims BA
• Noah Smelser, BM
• Kalleigh Smith, BS
• Keith Smith, BS
• Margaret Smith, BM
• Olivia Smith, BFA
• Victoria Smith, MM
• Gabrielle Sopher, BFA
• Alexis Stahnke, BME
• Juliana Stanger, BFA
• Mark Statler DA
• Tara Steinhilber, BFA
• Alexis Stephens, BFA
• Keeona Stewart, BS
• Richaun Stewart, BFA
• Lea Stouder, BFA
• Aidan Strain, BME
• Aidan Sturgeon, BS
• Rory Sullivan, BME
• Paloma Sutter, BS
• Emily Szelis, BME
• Noah Szucs, BFA
• Dimitri Taylor BA
• Jeri Taylor, MM
• Kara Teeters, BFA
• Alisha Terhark, BS
• Jessica Token, BFA
• Peyton Trowbridge, BM
• Angela Trusock, BFA
• Ryan Vachon, BS
• Andrew VanAsdall, BME
• Jarod VanDrunen, BS
• Andrew Watkins, BS
• Megan Watson, BFA
• Kathryn Wenger, BFA
• Christopher White, BS
• Ellinore White, BS
• Amelia Wilkinson, BS
• Caroline Wilson, BFA
• Kyla Wilson, BS
• Amelia Winter, BS
• Faith Wittman, BFA
• Sean Woodgett, BS
• Melanie Wytovak, BS
• Kaitlyn Yeager, BS
• Sawyer True, BFA
• Conor Dailey, BS
• Charles Agnew, BS
• Kawthar Alaoui, MBA
• Sager Alarifi, BA
• Corry Alexander, BS
• Thalia Alvarez, BA
• Janice Andedo, BS
• Anthony Arnce, BS
• Alyssa Arnell, BS
• Ethan Ball, BS
• Zechariah Bateman, BS
• Nathaniel Baxter, BS
• Elisabeth Bayles, BS
• Blaize Beatrice, BS
• Andrew Beckley, BS
• Bryce Behrendt, BS
• Jennifer Benefiel, BS
• Jake Berndt, MBA
• Lauren Bertling, BS
• Brooke Beuoy, BS
• Chiara Biddle, BA
• Michael Bierly, BS
• Madison Bildhauser, BS
• Lily Bird, BS
• Ayana Birhanu, MBA
• Jacob Bishop, BS
• Andrew Black, BS
• Wyatt Blades, BS
• Jack Blanco, BS
• Jonah Bogard, BS
• Carlie Boggs, BS
• Austin Bohman, BS
• Evan Bone, BS
• Emily Bouck, BS
• Elizabeth Bowen, BS
• Victoria Bradley, BS
• Anna Bragg, BS
• Benjamin Brannon, BS
• Jessica Braun, BA
• Andrew Bredensteiner, BS
• Jonathan Brenner, BS
• Alyssa Brinkman, BA
• Quontico Brisker, BS
• Imani Brown, BS
• Kyle Budke, BS
• Divinity Burgos, MBA
• Brayden Burke, BS
• Clare Burkert, MBA
• Reed Burton, BS
• Zhiyu Cai, BS
• Kailei Calhoun, BS
• Cameron Calvelage, BS
• Maggie Camp, BS
• Cole Campbell, BS
• Samuel Campbell, BS
• Jenna Cantrell, BS
• Cody Carey, BS
• Catherine Cataldo, BS
• Daniel Chapman, BS
• Peyton Chase, BS
• Carrie Citta, MBA
• Cameron Clark, BS
• Cade Clarkson, BS
• Chase Cline, BS
• Sarah Cobb, BS
• Amy Collins, MBA
• Kyle Conn, BS
• Zachary Contreras, BS
• Emily Cottrell, BS
• Andrea Counts, BS
• Chloe Cox, BS
• Daniel Cripe, BS
• Jessica Cruz, BA
• Jaqueline Cuatepotzo, BS
• Jeffery Cull, BS
• Ross Culy, BS
• Emily Cunningham, BS
• Liam Cunnington, BS
• Connor Curley, BS
• Camille Cutshaw, BS
• Parker Czizek, BS
• Zachary Dalton, MBA
• Julia Darling, BS
• Alexander David, BS
• Ethan Davies, BS
• Derek Davis, BS
• Jeffrey Davis, BS
• Cassandra Deckard, BS
• Chelsea Delagrange, BS
• Sajon Dhar, MBA
• Brice Diekhoff, BS
• Kimberly Dillman, BA
• Cooper Dohse, BS
• Carson Dolezal, BS
• Bailey Dougherty, BS
• Takailah Douglas, BS
• Paige Downing, MBA
• Connor Downs, BS
• Cole Droste, BS
• Colson Dunham, BS
• Isaiah Dunnuck, BS
• Kameron Edwards, BS
• Nicholas Edwards, BS
• Chidubem Egwim, BS
• Gloria Emiowhe, BS
• Livinus Enci, BS
• Austin Enghauser, MBA
• Torrence Fagg, BS
• Morgan Faulkenburg, BS
• Gabriel Faulkner, BS
• Lorenzo Ferraro, BS
• Michael Figura, MBA
• Faith Fleischman, BA
• David Flores, BS
• Margaret Flowers, MBA
• Victoria Floyd, BS
• Mary Fox-Walker, BS
• Nyah Frank, BS
• Gina Fromme, BS
• Zachary Fultz, BS
• Alannah Gallery, BS
• Zachariah Garrett, BA
• Jared George, BS
• Amy German, BS
• William Gibson, BS
• Jaigen Glaze, BS
• Tyler Gleason, BS
• Aaron Glover, BS
• Alyssa Gomez, BS
• Edwing Gonzalez, BS
• Samuel Govea Flores, BS
• Timothy Graley, MBA
• Samuel Green, BS
• Sarah Greer, BS
• Kyle Guttosch, BS
• Kasey Halfacre, BS
• Baydin Hall, BS
• Eric Hall, MBA
• Bradley Hamilton, BS
• Bryce Handshoe, BS
• Brian Harding, BS
• Noah Harrington, BS
• Emily Harris, MBA
• Steven Harsh, BS
• Keith Hartley, BS
• Coralyn Hawley, BS
• Cole Hedrick, BS
• Joseph Hege, BS
• Allison Heiniger, BS
• Khrystyna Helner, MBA
• Klarisa Hemmelgarn, MBA
• Christopher Hernandez, BS
• Eli Herran, BS
• Thomas Hibbard, BS
• John Hipskind, BS
• Gracy Hmung, BS
• Tluang Hmung, BS
• Brittin Hoekema, BS
• Hailey Holding, BS
• Emily Hollenbach, MBA
• Ryan Hollingsworth, BS
• Parker Hornback, BS
• Charles Hoyt, BS
• Nicole Huff, BS
• Ethan Huffman, BS
• Sarah Hunley, BS
• Matthew Hustel, BS
• Zachary Immordino, BS
• Logan Isbell, BS
• William Jacks, BS
• Benjamin Janes, BS
• Jenny Jiang, BS
• Elisha Johnson, BS
• Tyler Johnston, BS
• Cole Jones, BS
• Harold Jones, BS
• Jalen Jones, BS
• Robert Jones, BS
• John Joray, BS
• Kyle Joseph, BS
• Alexis Kansky, BS
• Owen Kass, BS
• Sean Keane, MS
• Hunter Kelley, BS
• Maxwell Kender, BS
• Brock Kerst, BS
• Nathanial Kimball, BS
• Nicholas Kincaid, MBA
• Alex King, BA
• Caleb King, BS
• Clark Kitchen, BS
• Cameron Klein, BS
• Tanner Knapp, BS
• Jack Knight, MS
• William Kopp, BS
• Elizabeth Kraus, BS
• Alexander Kruk, BS
• Donald Kunkler, BS
• Brian Lafayette, BS
• Alexander Lahrman, BS
• Mauriah Lanier, BS
• Isabel Laut, BS
• Aaron Lehrman, BS
• Kamdyn Lester, BS
• Jose Leyva, BS
• Riley Liechty, MBA
• Kelli Lochmandy, BS
• Kaylee Logsdon, BS
• Mauricio Lomeli, BA
• Alycia Longuemare, MA
• Carmela Lopezfilio, BS
• Anthony Lovergine, BS
• Alexander Loy, BS
• Franz Lozano Ziebart, BS
• Megan Lutes, BS
• Ethan Ma, BS
• Luis Macias, BS
• Mackenzie Mackie, BS
• Ashley Marcum, BS
• Matthew Marshall, MBA
• Brandon Martin, MBA
• Aiden Maurer, BS
• Holly May, BS
• William McCarter, BS
• Ian McCurdy, BS
• Jordan McKey, BS
• Christian McKinley, BS
• William McKinney, BS
• Mitchell Medley, BS
• Jake Meyers, BS
• Josh Meyers, BS
• Reece Miller, BS
• Rylee Miller, BS
• Derek Minter, BS
• Charles Moody, BS
• Evan Moore, BS
• Austin Mote, BS
• Alexia Mueller, BS
• Sandra Munoz, BS
• Dylan Muse, BS
• Andrew Myers, BS
• Jacob Nardini, BS
• Annamarie Neighbours, BS
• Erik Nelson, BS
• Sophia Nelson, BS
• Jared Nobbe, MBA
• Jacob Noll, BS
• Mark Nondorf, BS
• Riley O Brien-Huerta, BS
• Adare O’Connor, BS
• Katelynn Olinger, BS
• Ryan Ott, BS
• Brooke Otte, MBA
• Brendan Ottinger, BS
• Fletchyr Owens, BS
• Sophie Oxtoby, BS
• Juan Pantoja, BS
• Sangwook Park, BA
• Alexander Parrish, BS
• Denise Payne, MBA
• Carly Pease, BS
• Rebeca Perez Castro, BA
• Jacob Pfeifer, BS
• Matthew Phillips, BS
• Dominick Pitts, BS
• Peter Plaskow, BS
• Jalen Pleak, BA
• Jason Pociask, MBA
• John Podzielinski, BS
• Jori Poling, BS
• Itzel Portillo Cruz, BS
• Nayeli Pozuelos, BS
• Michael Prewitt, BS
• Alyson Proper, BS
• Randy Pryor, MBA
• Kenneth Rainey, BS
• William Rastetter, BS
• Morgan Reasor, BS
• Adam Reed, BS
• Lauren Reed, BS
• Michelle Reichart, MBA
• Logan Reidenbach, BS
• Elsa Rhodes, BS
• Emily Rich, BS
• Elias Richards, BS
• Laura Richman, MBA
• Landyn Riester, BS
• Adam Rinderle, MBA
• Haley Ripley, BS
• Trent Risetter, BS
• Natalie Risi, BS
• Adam Rivellino, MBA
• Adam Robertson, MBA
• Holden Robinson, BS
• Fatima Rodriguez, BS
• Todd Rohm, BS
• Andrew Rose, BS
• D’Andre Rose, BS
• Dustin Rose, MBA
• Courtney Rowland, BS
• Brendan Ruane, BS
• Apsara Sakbun, BS
• Kaitlynn Santino, BS
• Tanner Sasin, BS
• Jackie Schascheck, BS
• Joshua Scheurich, BS
• Gabriel Schillereff, BS
• Samuel Schlosser, BS
• Emma Schneider, BS
• Chase Schnepf, BS
• Ayanna Scott, BS
• Eliana Serna De Lara, BA
• Clare Sexton, BS
• Alfonso Shaw, BA
• Cassandra Shelton, BS
• Karlyne Shepherd, BS
• Bryant Shields, BS
• Trenton Shively, BS
• Caleb Sholty, BS
• Matthew Shores, BS
• Cierra Simpson, BS
• Leah Sincich, BS
• Kavita Singh, MBA
• Andrew Skinner, BS
• Benjamin Slavin, BS
• Da’koyta Sloss, BS
• Walter Slusher, BS
• Daniel Smith, BS
• Isaac Smith, BS
• Logan Smith, BS
• Olivia Smith, BS
• Zachary Smith, BS
• Blake Smithson, MBA
• Eliza Soendlin, BS
• William Sondgerath, BA
• Caine Spencer, BS
• Braedon Stark-Abbott, BS
• Kennecia Steele, BS
• Julie Steitz, MBA
• Daquan Stephenson, MBA
• Nathan Stewart, BS
• Nathan Stout, BS
• Braedyn Stovall, BS
• Bradley Strickland, MBA
• Hannah Summers, BS
• Connor Sutherland, BS
• Kinley Sweeney, BS
• Lindsay Swindell, MBA
• Alexander Taylor, BS
• Adam Tellier, BS
• Andrew Tharp, MBA
• Jessica Thee, MBA
• Kyle Todash, BS
• Lucy Toliver, BS
• Mya Tolliver, BS
• Brock Troyer, BS
• Paige Troyer, MBA
• Evan Trumpey, BS
• Shauna Turner, MA
• Dylan Vakerics, BS
• Jessica Veldman, BS
• Taylor Vo, BS
• Rachel Vogelsang, BS
• Andrew Voskuhl, BS
• Margaret Wagner, BS
• Andrew Waitkins, BS
• Taylor Waldo, BS
• Kaitlyn Waldrop, MBA
• Brandon Waller, MBA
• Xavier Walls, BS
• Amber Ward, BS
• Jordan Ward, MBA
• Ethan Warren, BS
• Olivia Watt, BS
• Jacob Weaver, BS
• Amani Webster, BS
• Jacob Webster, BS
• Jordyn Weems, BS
• Jason Wegener, BS
• Sean Weiss, BS
• Brian Wellman, MBA
• Jack Welsh, BS
• Jack Wesner, BS
• Davilyn Wesseler, BS
• Erica West, MBA
• Ariyana Whatley, BS
• Patrick White, BS
• Madalyn Wickens, BS
• Jacob Wilkinson, BS
• Steven Willeke, BS
• Samuel Willey, BA
• Deja Williams, BS
• Allison Wilson, BS
• Matthew Wilson, MBA
• Dennis Wingard, BS
• Derek Wood, MBA
• Kyle Wood, BS
• Jelani Wright, BS
• Shelby Wright, BS
• Bronwyn Wuthrich, BS
• Amy Wyse, BA
• Sydney Yarnell, BS
• Madison Yoder, BS
• Henglym You, BS
• Nathan Yung, BS
• Andrew Zangri, BS
• Rachel Zentz, BS
• Rachel Abdoo, BS
• Parker Abrell, BA
• Jailee Acevedo, BS
• Mark Adjei, MA
• Morgan Adkins, BS
• Thelma Agustsdottir, MA
• Akinfolarin Akinola, MS
• Nicholas Alexander, BS
• Rachel Alexander, BS
• Cameron Allan, BS
• Madison Allen, BS
• Chloe Alspach, BS
• Kyra Andersen, BS
• Ashley Anderson, BS
• Cheyenne Anderson, BS
• Liam Anderson, BA
• Henaku Kwaku Anim, MA
• Connor Antczak, BS
• Brittany Arendt, BA
• Isabella Arguello, BA
• Theresa Arhimah, MS
• Molly Armstrong, BS
• Karen Arnold, MS
• Donovan Asbell, BA
• Niaa Asim, BS
• Arash Assar, MA
• Russell Baas, BS
• Connor Bailey, MS
• Cory Balkenbusch, MA
• Cameron Bandy, BS
• Aimee Barnes, MA
• Miriam Barrera, BS
• Jennifer Bastian, BS
• Sydney Bauman, BS
• Jalyn Baumgartner, MA
• Braelyn Beaty, BS
• Grace Beckham, BA
• Keri Beechler, BS
• Isabelle Behrman, BS
• Connor Belin, BS
• Destinee Belinski, BS
• Lindsay Bennett, BS
• Alyssa Bergstrom, BA
• Shelby Bernard, BS
• Noah Berryman, BS
• Phillip Betts, BS
• Emma Biddle, BS
• Joshua Birnbaum, BS
• Spencer Blakely, BA
• Maia Blazek, BS
• Mallory Bledsoe, BS
• Alyson Blessing, BS
• Martha Boahene, MS
• Alexander Board, BS
• Matthew Boersma, BS
• Elizabeth Bogle, BS
• Drake Bond, BS
• Ty Bonnell, BS
• Julianna Borgia, BS
• Allison Bornkamp, BS
• Skylar Bowen, BS
• Alyssa Bowers, BS
• Myah Boyes, BS
• Jessica Bradley, BS
• Jordan Bradley, BS
• Samuel Bradley, BS
• Caitlyn Brandt, BS
• Makenzie Brantley, BS
• Riley Braselton, MS
• Lauryn Bredlow, BS
• Chamese Brewer, BS
• Heaven Briley, BS
• Benjamin Brock, BS
• Erin Brock, MA
• Angela Broom, BS
• Jared Brown, BA
• Jared Brown, BS
• Morgan Brown, BS
• Olivia Brown, BS
• Kendra Brown-Kamler, BS
• Ella Bruhn, BA
• Molly Buesing, BS
• Zachary Bumbalough, BS
• Brooke Burgess, BS
• Jillian Burton, BS
• Melissa Bushong, BS
• Dominic Butz, BS
• Kayla Byers, BS
• Brandon Bzdyl, BS
• Kolbi Cambric, BS
• Jillian Campbell, MS
• Karisa Candreva, BS
• Natalie Cangiano, BS
• Gina Caravaglia, BS
• Edwin Cardona, BS
• Cameron Carter, MA
• Hayley Carter, BS
• Taylor Carter, BS
• Virginia Carter, BS
• Jasmyn Casillas, BS
• Maria Casillas-Romero, MA
• Heather Cassady, MA
• Jazmin Castillo-Soto, BS
• Alexis Cathey, BS
• Kylie Catron, BS
• Evan Chandler, BA
• Gabriel Chandler, BS
• Jalen Chandler, BS
• Joey Chau, BS
• Yusi Chen, PHD
• Dan Chepkwony, BS
• Andrew Chester, BS
• Kaitlyn Christie, MA
• Kaelin Christjansen, BA
• Donald Clark, BA
• Abigail Clemmons, BS
• Chandler Clevenger, BS
• Tyler Clevenger, BS
• Claire Close, BS
• Derek Coers, BS
• Leah Coffman, BS
• Olivia Cole, BS
• Brian Comeaux, MA
• Ella Connell-Brewer, BS
• Matthew Conolly, MA
• Simone Corey, BS
• Dylan Craig, BS
• Leah Craig, BS
• Natalie Craig, BS
• Ethan Craven, MS
• Olivia Craven, BS
• Claire Cronin, BS
• Emily Cronk, BS
• Krista Crouch, BS
• Enrique Cuazitl, BA
• Vanessa Cuazitl, BA
• AléJa Culbreath, BS
• Mackenzie Cummings, BS
• Sydnee Cummings, BS
• Emily Cupka, BS
• Hayley Curran, BS
• Conner Curry, BS
• Arthur d’Auteuil, MA
• Emily Danzeisen, BS
• Caroline Daugherty, BS
• Cydney Davidson, BA
• Caitlin Davis, BA
• Dawson Davis, BS
• Harriet Davis, BS
• Maggie Davis, BS
• Shannon Davis, BS
• Emily Davison, BS
• Taylor Day, BS
• Grace Deak, BA
• Belen Dealmonte, BS
• Walter Dearing, MS
• Emily Decker, MS
• Olivia DeClue, BS
• Alexandria Deel, BS
• Kenneth Deetz, BS
• Jeremiah Deffendall, BS
• Sydney DeLotelle, BS
• Braham Dembar, MS
• Kaylee Demlow, BA
• Andréa Dengler, BS
• Sarah Denicolo, MA
• Sean Denscombe, BS
• Emily Desai, BS
• Taylor Desena, BS
• Alexis Detrich, MA
• Courtney Detwiler, BS
• Margaret Dew, BA
• Megan Dewald, BS
• Priscilla Diaz-Turcios, BS
• Allison Dittmer, BS
• Erika Dixon, BS
• Cameron Doerr, MS
• Stephen Doll, BS
• Bridget Donnellan, MA
• Sydney Dreflak, BS
• Stephanie Dressler, BA
• Logan Drumm, BS
• Alexander Duffus, BS
• Robert Duncan, BS
• Tiana Dunn, BS
• Blaik Duran, MS
• Jacob Dye, BS
• Abigail Eads, BA
• Katherine Eads, BS
• Nathan Earle, BS
• Adam Eden, BS
• Airhenvbahihea Edionwe, MS
• Charles Edwards, BS
• Avery Elliott, BS
• Gabriel Eshelman, MA
• Grace Evans, BS
• Rianna Evans, BS
• Taylor Ewing, BS
• Ikeoluwa Fagbemiro, MS
• Emmanuel Fasipe, MA
• Jonathan Fason, BS
• Kaylee Fender, BS
• Madison Fenton, BS
• Taylor Figgins, BS
• Cassidy Fisher, MA
• Aaron Fix, BS
• Hannah Flanagan, BS
• Nathan Flaris, BS
• Angela Fletcher, MS
• Caleb Floyd, BS
• Joseph Forbeck, BS
• Sidney Ford, BS
• Hannah Foster, BS
• Logan Foster, BS
• Dalton Foustnight, BS
• Jose Fragoso, BS
• Haley Franklin, BS
• Kaylee Fredrychowski, BS
• Javona Freeman, BS
• Jacob Freestone, BS
• Jaclyn Fries, BS
• Delaney Fritch, BA
• Natalie Fulghum, BS
• Sabrina Fullenkamp, BS
• Thomas Fuller, BS
• Gregory Gallagher, MS
• Garrison Gamble, BS
• Joseph Garberick, BS
• Ky’Lie Garland-Yates, BA
• Mackenzie Gaskill, BS
• Stephanie Gates, BS
• Dimitrius Gegas, BS
• Riley George, BS
• Elie Gerth, BS
• Grant Gibson, BS
• William Gibson, BS
• Jennifer Gillen, BS
• Cheyenne Gillett, BS
• Bryce Godbold, BS
• Elysa Goldberg, BS
• Abigayle Gondeck, BA
• Gabriella Gonzalez, MA
• Emily Goodman, BS
• Evan Gosnell, BS
• Jennifer Gosse, BS
• Samantha Gosser, BS
• Matteson Gragert, BS
• Emily Grant, BS
• Matthew Grasso, BS
• Noah Greene, BS
• Sebastian Grey, BA
• Lauren Grile, BA
• Amanda Grogan, MA
• Drew Grubbs, BS
• Kylie Gruber, BS
• Dion Grundy, BS
• Julia Gruss, BS
• Joseph Gumina, BS
• Gavin Gunder, BS
• Rebecca Gutierrez, BS
• Stephanie Gutierrez, BS
• Sampson Gyamfi, MS
• Sara Haas, BA
• Brenna Hackett, BA
• Andrew Hakes, MA
• Lydia Hale, BS
• Brenna Haley, BA
• Corwyn Hall, MS
• Sarah Hall, BS
• Sean Hall, MA
• Allison Hamaker, BS
• Veronica Hamilton, MS
• Landon Hammond, BS
• Molly Hapner, BS
• Brenda Harder, BS
• Caleb Hardesty, BA
• Bryce Harman, BS
• Emily Harmon, BS
• Samuel Harold, MS
• Bryn Harper, BS
• Rosemary Harrelson, BS
• Brieann Harris, BS
• Katelyn Harris, BS
• Lucas Harris, BS
• Brett Hartman, BS
• Eva Hauber, BS
• Porter Haught, BS
• Lauren Hawn, BS
• Shunming He, MA
• Bradin Heaston, BS
• Allison Heck, BA
• Trevor Heim-Prechter, MA
• Hayley Hein, BS
• Jordan Hensley, BS
• Dylon Herring, BS
• Presley Hess, BS
• Aurora Hibbert Scott, BS
• Lea Hickle, BS
• Kayla Hinckley, BA
• Baileigh Hofer, BS
• Meredith Holland, BS
• Connor Hollen, BS
• Brett Holliday, BS
• Lucas Holliday, BS
• Divine Holmes, BS
• Austin Housh, BS
• Solomon Howard, BS
• Gwendolyn Howell, BS
• Fan Hu, MA
• Kaylee Hubbard, BS
• Abigail Huelhorst, BS
• Kevin Huezca, BS
• Kerrigan Huffman, BS
• Natah Hughes, BS
• Zachary Human, BS
• Addison Humburg, BS
• Alex Hupe, BS
• Madeline Huser, BS
• Conor Imhoff, BS
• Cheyenne Ireland, BS
• Kiera Irvin, BS
• Mary-Ivory Jackson, BS
• Madison Jarvis, BS
• Ashley Jenca, BS
• Peyton Jenkinson, BS
• Alexis Jennings, MA
• Courtney Johnson MPA
• DeShae Johnson, BS
• Koby Johnson, BS
• Lance Johnson, BS
• Rachel Johnson, BS
• Nellie Joiner, BS
• Elizabeth Jolly, BA
• Kaitlyn Jones, BS
• Sydni Jones, BS
• Mohamed Kaba, BS
• Dawn Kaletta, BS
• Marissa Kantner, BS
• Amy Kaplan, BS
• Jordan Kasuboski, MA
• Logan Kavanaugh, BS
• Ozzie Kazarian, BS
• Lia Keadle, BS
• Megan Kedzierski, BS
• Jentry Keesling, BS
• Olivia Keller AA
• Eilish Kelly, BA
• Lindsey Kensinger, MA
• Huu Cuong Khong, MA
• Ian Kidd, MS
• Samantha Kidder, BS
• Brady Killion, BS
• Minsoo Kim, BS
• Jude King, BS
• Samuel Kinghorn, MS
• Kaylee Kingston, BS
• Ava Kinser, BS
• Halley Kissel, BS
• Michael Knudsen, BS
• Kaed Koehler, BS
• Kyle Koeller, MS
• Elizabeth Kohn, MA
• Joy Kohol, BA
• Zachary Koll, BS
• Lavada Koon, BA
• Cailyn Kootz, BS
• Elizabeth Kosegi, BS
• Wesley Kring, BS
• Taylor Kuklish, BA
• Allison Kunert, BS
• Bryce Kuschel, MS
• Taylor Lahee, BS
• Kendra Lamm, BA
• Mariana Lane, MA
• Emma Lang, BA
• Jacob Lauve, MA
• Vishalli Lawrence, BS
• Linda Laws, BS
• Kylie Leavitt, BS
• Amaya LeBlanc, BS
• Luke Leckron, BS
• Rebecca Lee, BS
• Thaddeus Lee, BA
• Josee Leever, BS
• Laura Lemen, BS
• Khalilah Lewis, BS
• Schuyler Lewis, MA
• Dylan Liddle, BS
• Nathan Lindholm, BS
• Michael Lindman, BS
• Michaela Lindsay, BS
• Larsen Lindsey, BA
• Justine Ling, BS
• Cecilia Linn, BS
• Runlan Liu, MA
• Chloe Livensparger, BS
• Cody Lockridge, BS
• Kenton Long, BS
• Olivia Long, BS
• Rachel Longsang, BS
• James Lopez, MA
• Sherlyn Lopez-Contreras, BS
• Kelena Louis, BS
• Kyle Lowden, BS
• Mary Lowry, MA
• Thomas Maahs, MA
• Connor Macrae, BS
• Reece Malchow, BA
• Jesse Malone, BS
• Kaysha Malone, BA
• Sarah Malone, BS
• Molly Mangels, BS
• Nicholas Manley, BS
• Chloe Mannan, BS
• Joseph Markitan, MA
• Rebecca Marquell, BS
• Alexandra Marshall, BS
• Austen Martin, BS
• Leslie Mason, MA
• Megan Massoels, MA
• Katelyn Mathew, BA
• Rebekah Mathis, BA
• Josiah Mauller, BS
• Brittney Mayer, BS
• Robert McCallister, BS
• Lauran McClain, BS
• Kerrianne McClay, BS
• Trinity McClendon, BS
• Emily McClish, BS
• Kaitlyn McClure, BS
• Dailah McCoy, BS
• Elizabeth McCune, MA
• Anna McGee MPA
• Tyler McGeorge, MS
• Emily McGuire, MA
• Ronieka McKinney, BS
• Adison McLain, BS
• Austin Mclin, BS
• Erica Mcvicker, BS
• Anna Meister, BS
• Ryan Melbert, BA
• Jessica Melvin, BA
• Sebastian Mendenhall, BS
• George Mendoza, BS
• Evans Mensah, MA
• Kathryn Merkling, MA
• Sydney Merrill, BS
• Luna Metzing, BS
• Dylan Meyer, BS
• Taylor Mickle, BS
• Sarah Miles, BS
• Bryant Miller, BS
• Kristina Miller, MA
• Samson Miller, BS
• Molly Mills, BA
• Madeleine Mills Craig, BA
• Rayna Minix, BS
• Jah Jah Minka, BS
• Collin Minnick, BS
• Cole Mitchell, BS
• James Mitchell, BA
• Katelyn Mitchell, BS
• Kayleen Mitchell, BS
• Natalie Mitchem, BS
• Noah Mohler, BS
• Lauren Monasa, BA
• Robert Mooney, BS
• Morgan Moore, BS
• Alan Morales, MA
• Ahmad Morocco, BS
• Ivy Morr, BA
• Brianna Morton, BS
• Shayla Motteler, BA
• Isabella Muddiman, BS
• Bright Mudumo, MA
• Cody Mullins, PHD
• Madison Murray, BS
• Kara Nahrwold, BS
• Conner Narramore, BS
• Olivia Neff, BS
• Desiree Nelson, BS
• Grace Nelson, BA
• Brett Nesbitt, MS
• Joshua Neumann, BS
• Tyler Newlin, BS
• Tina Nguyen, BS
• William Nicely, BS
• Chloe Nirrengarten, BS
• Angel Nkosi, BS
• Trenton Nobbe, BS
• Patrick Noble, BS
• Samantha Norman, BA
• Ashley Norris, BS
• Dana Northam, MA
• Kylie Norton, BS
• Rylee Norton, BS
• Sammantha Nowak-Wolff, MS
• Chloe Nye, BS
• Dylan O’Connor, BS
• Reganne O’Connor, BS
• Virginia Odenkirk, BS
• Phillip Oechsle, BS
• Hayly Oldfather, BS
• Kelsie Olinger, BS
• Nyssa Oliva, BS
• Christopher Ormsby, BS
• Brianna Ortiz, BA
• Jevon Osborne, MA
• Elizabeth Osifalujo, MA
• Elizabeth Osifalujo, MS
• Lilly Owsley, BS
• Sarah Pahl, BS
• Karen Palencia, BS
• Cathy Parks, BA
• Logan Parrett, BS
• Suniah Parsons, BS
• Addison Paul, MA
• Thomas Payne, BA
• Rachel Peele, BA
• Andrew Pennycuff, BS
• Eric Perez, BS
• Noah Perez, BS
• Yatzari Perez-Munoz, BA
• Israel Pernell, BS
• Connor Pflederer, BS
• Nadya Phelps, BS
• Paige Phelps, BS
• Ayrton Phillips, BS
• Kyle Pittman, BS
• Keely Pitts, BS
• Jane Plitt, BS
• Madison Podunovich, BS
• Kelsey Poehlein, BS
• Karlene Poland, BS
• Brittany Pollitt, BS
• Jazmin Powell, BS
• Lillian Powers, BA
• Constance Prater-Baker, BA
• Madison Pruitt, BS
• Kathryn Rader, BS
• Whitney Ragon, BS
• Md Atiqur Rahman, MS
• Mammad Ramazanli, BA
• Vincent Ramos-Niaves, MA
• Alyssa Ramsell, BS
• Ann Ramsey, BA
• Kelly Randall, BS
• Ambria Rankin, BS
• Delphine Rapenne, MA
• Hunter Rasor, BS
• Ella Rastatter, BS
• Lauren Ratzburg, BS
• Celeste Ray, BS
• Marcus Rayl, BS
• Desmond Reynolds, BA
• Mallory Reynolds, BS
• Abby Rhoad, BA
• Collin Rhodes, BS
• Makenzie Richards, BS
• Rebekah Richardson, BS
• Ashyia Riley, BS
• Garrett Riley, BA
• Jiale Ritter, BS
• Ariana Rivera, BS
• Matthew Rivera, BS
• Jessica Robinson, MA
• Zachary Robinson AA
• Javon Rodgers, BS
• Kathryn Rodgers, BS
• Kyla Romines, BA
• Gregory Rosen, BS
• Keyanna Rosetto, BS
• Makenna Rosplock, BS
• Emily Ross, BS
• Kennedy Row, BA
• Cyann Rubio, BS
• Louis Satterwhite, BS
• Jordan Saunders, BA
• Nyisha Savado, BS
• Peyton Schaefer, BS
• Alexander Schendel, BS
• Addisyn Schick, BS
• Julia Schickel, BS
• Ryan Schlechty, BS
• Stephen Schmidt, BS
• Audrey Schockett, BS
• Brice Scott, MA
• Chaney Scott, BS
• Eric Segbor, BS
• Maisy Seib, BS
• Dylan Seiler, BS
• Lauren Sellers, BS
• Asa Sewell, BS
• Atyra Seymour, BA
• Erin Shaffer, BA
• Grace Shaffer, BS
• Ty Sheahan, BS
• Jon Sheinfeld, BS
• Blake Shell, BS
• Madeline Shelton, BS
• Trent Shelton, MA
• Samantha Shepherd, BA
• Madeline Shepley, MS
• Peter Sherfey, BS
• Rachel Sherfey, BS
• Cassius Sherwin, BA
• Haylee Shull, BS
• Gabriella Shumylo, BS
• Mickayla Shurn, BS
• Whitney Sievertson, BA
• Victoria Sills, BA
• Hannah Simmon, BS
• Kristen Simons, MA
• Ryan Singer, BS
• Nisha Singh, BS
• Austin Skaggs, BS
• Grant Skinner, BS
• Truman Skinner, BA
• Autumn Slack, BS
• Nathaniel Slagter, BS
• Timothy Slatton, BS
• Ethan Smart, BS
• Hannah Smith, BS
• Jaida Smith, BS
• Joseph Smith, BS
• Lauren Smith, BS
• Lila Smith, BS
• Riley Smith, BA
• Zachary Smith, BS
• Lauryn Snowden, BS
• Denae Snyder, BS
• Seth Snyder, BS
• Emma Soderstrom, BS
• Sierra Southard, BS
• Brock Spahr, BS
• Sydney Sparks, BA
• Hannah Sprenger, BA
• Erica Spriggs, MA
• Faith Starks, BS
• Seth Stegall MPA
• Racheal Stenger, MS
• Zachary Stephens, BS
• Isaac Sterrett, BS
• Cassandra Stickler, BS
• Madeline Stockwell, BS
• Nicholas Stoll, BS
• Jessica Stone, BS
• Zoe Stratton, BS
• Zachary Stricklin, MA
• William Strobel, BS
• Rickie Swim, BA
• John Symanski, BS
• Lauren Szymczak, BS
• Tylar Tebben, BS
• Jacob Temple, BA
• Nicolette Terracciano, BS
• Kristin Terrigno, MA
• Megan Teter, BS
• Lydia Thompson, BS
• Sophie Thompson, MA
• Kiana Thurber, BS
• Danielle Tinkel, BA
• Lina Tobia, BS
• Briana Towns, BS
• Mary Tragesser-Tina, BS
• Loc Tran, BS
• Molly Trivett, BA
• Kana Turnell, BS
• Patrick Turner, BS
• Bradley Vaal, BS
• Maxwell Vale, BS
• Conner Van Scyoc, BS
• Rileigh Van Skyock, BA
• Joycelyn VanAntwerp, MA
• Brianna Vannatta, BS
• Hugo Vargas, BS
• Jessica Vaughan, BS
• Anthony Vaughn MPA
• Giavonna Venturella, BS
• Olivia Vincent, BS
• Jack Wagner, MS
• Jazmyn Walker, BS
• Sam Walsh, BS
• Brooke Walter, BS
• Olivia Walter, BS
• Macy Walters, BS
• Rheanna Walther, BS
• Zihan Wang, MA
• Christina Washington, BS
• Ashlyn Waterbury, BS
• Lydia Waters, BS
• Haley Weaver, BS
• Lauren Weaver, BS
• Faithe Webster, BS
• Jessica Weir, PHD
• Kathleen Welch, BS
• Riley Wert, BS
• Brooke White, BS
• Che-Aaron White, BS
• Kailey White, BA
• Tamar White, BS
• Brandon Whitsit, MA
• Kyle Wickizer, BS
• Mariah Wickware, BS
• Jacob Wigent, BS
• Tyler Wilburn, BS
• Lexia Wilcox, BS
• Cali Willaman, BS
• Maureen Willauer, BS
• Jaidyn Williams, BA
• Natalie Williams, BS
• Justin Willis, BS
• Grant Wilson, BA
• Erin Wine, BS
• Maelyn Wolber, BS
• Addison Woodham, BS
• Blake Wright, BS
• Noah Wright, BS
• Annabelle York, BS
• Anizha Young, BS
• Madisen Zent, BA
• Ismael Zerbo, MA
• Kevin Zhang, BS
• Gwynith Zimmer, BS
• Nazir Zuberu, MA
• Dorcas Acherekoh, MA
• Carson Adams, MA
• Oluwatomisin Adepoju, MA
• Senami Adepoju, MA
• Surbhi Aggarwal, MA
• May Ahrens, MA
• Oluwafemi Akinlotan, MA
• Emma Albert, MA
• Sandra Alesch-Peck, MAE
• Ahmad Alhaidar, MA
• Shelby Allen, MA
• Sarah Almeida, MA
• Caleigh Amaru, MA
• Jessica Ameen, MA
• Nwadituo Amessinou, MA
• Matthew Anderson, MAE
• Kyle Archer, BS
• Courtney Armstrong, BS
• Ramina Asdou, MA
• Arash Assar, MS
• Jillian Atkinson, MAE
• Makayla Atwater, BS
• Molly Ault, BS
• Isabelle Auskalnis, BS
• Melinda Autry, MA
• Emily Avera, MA
• Emilee Ayala, MA
• Amanda Bagby, MA
• Jimmy Bailey, MAE
• Ashley Baldwin, BS
• Emily Banks, MA
• Chelsea Barber, MA
• Jolene Barber Wong, MA
• Genevieve Barnes, MA
• Isabella Barounes, BS
• Shawna Basham, MA
• Thomas Bass BA
• Elisabeth Bayer, BS
• Alesia Beauregard, MA
• Marrissa Bedolla, MA
• Kelly Beechler, MA
• Mishel Bejar, MA
• Elizabeth Bell, BS
• Kloee Benadum, BS
• Tyler Benson, MAE
• Jana Benton, MA
• Scott Berrier, MAE
• Holly Bettis, MA
• Katherine Bevan, MA
• Sydney Bias, BS
• Mercedes Bickel, BS
• Nicole Biel, BS
• Courtney Bihm, MA
• Nicolle Bingham, BS
• Lorraine Bishop, MA
• Sydney Bishop, BS
• Tremario Bivens, MA
• Ciara Blackmon, MA
• Emily Blake, BS
• Katherine Blandford, BS
• Kayla Bloss, MA
• Courtney Boehm, BS
• Joseph Boggs, BS
• Alicia Bohn, MA
• Czarina Bolden, MA
• Cailyn Bolser, BS
• Lyndsey Bolzman, MA
• Dorothy Bonds, MAE
• Zachary Bonewit, MAE
• Patricia Bonner, MA
• Mallory Bopp, MA
• Kayla Bostick, MA
• Melanie Boughn, MA
• Camila Bourzac, MA
• Allie Bowman, BS
• Allison Boyd, MA
• Jaclyn Boyd, BS
• William Boyles Kramer, MA
• Gara Bradley, MA
• Lorne Brantley, MA
• Christie Braun-Hammelman, MAE
• Joshua Breezee, MA
• Sara Breland, BS
• Hanna Brenner BA
• Dayilynn Briggs, BS
• Coleen Brittingham, MA
• Krista Bronnenberg, MA
• Brittany Brooks, MA
• Cassidy Brothers, MA
• Casey Brown, MAE
• Jourden Brown, MA
• Abbey Browning, MA
• Casey Brunson, MA
• Kiona Bryant, MA
• Caitlin Buche, MA
• Nicholas Bullman, MAE
• Kathryn Burbrink, BS
• Jasmine Burdette, MA
• Kimberly Burgess, BS
• Haven Busbee, MA
• Evelyn Camacho, MA
• Josie Campbell, MA
• Cheyanne Cannaday, MA
• Delaney Carlovsky, MA
• Caitlyn Carlson, MA
• Jillian Carlson, BS
• Megan Carlson, BS
• Emilie Carpenter, MA
• Kaitlyn Carter, BS
• Maeci Carter, BS
• Erendira Castanon, MA
• Melissa Cenizo, MA
• Alexia Cerda, MA
• Abbey Chapman, MA
• Caitlin Child, MA
• Kelby Christner, BS
• Jennifer Chung, MA
• Elizabeth Ciesialka, BS
• Amanda Clark, MA
• Morghan Clements, BS
• Trashan Clemons, MA
• Sarah Coker Everett, MA
• Kenya Cole, BS
• Faith Coleman, MAE
• Kelly Coleman, MA
• Stephanie Coleman, MAE
• Samantha Coley, MA
• Hailey Collins, BS
• Kelsey Collins, MA
• Danielle Combs, MA
• Julie Congdon, MAE
• Jada Cooper, BS
• Amanda Corman, MA
• Berenice Corral, MA
• Heather Coudret, MAE
• Mackenzie Cox, MA
• Nathan Cox, MA
• Wilson Cox, MA
• Macy Crapo, MA
• Brittany Crider, MA
• Rebecca Cronk, MA
• Ashley Cross, MA
• Amy Crouch PHD
• Erika Cruz, MA
• Jennifer Cruz BA
• Pablo Cuevas, MA
• Sharon Cung, BS
• Tanya Currie, MA
• Amelia Cuthbertson, MA
• Olivia Davila-Finch, MA
• Shannis De La Cruz, MA
• Ashley Dejnowski, MA
• Camryn DeLuca, BS
• Katrina Deminski, MA
• Zach Dennis, EDS
• Emily Deramus, MA
• Natalie Desmarais, MA
• Brianna DeWitt Del Toro, BS
• Antonio Diaz, MA
• Leah Diekow, MA
• Rachel Dier, MA
• Rebecca Digney, MA
• Adrienne Doerr, MA
• Connor Donaldson, BS
• Savannah Donovan, BS
• Elizabeth Dossey, MA
• Brodie Douget, MA
• Sydney Douhan, BS
• Micaela Doyle, MA
• Kathryn Duarte, MA
• Keegan Ducke, BS
• Kelsie Dunaway, MA
• Thuy Tien Duong, MA
• Lindey Dupre, MA
• Kara Duquette, EDD
• Kaeli Eberle, BS
• Victoria Ebersol, MA
• Trinity Eckerty, BS
• Emily Edgerton, EDD
• Taylor Eggenberger, MA
• Talore Ellis, MA
• Rachael Elmers, MA
• Robyn Enriquez, BS
• Morgan Ereon, BS
• Morgan Erfman, BS
• Trevor Escobedo Corn, MA
• Michelle Evans, MA
• Mckenzie Farnsley, MA
• Faiza Farooq, MA
• Kaya Farrell, BS
• Angela Fellenz, MA
• Emily Feng, MA
• Danielle Ferguson, MA
• Taylor Fields, BS
• Jon-Philip Filippello, MA
• Abigail Fischer, MA
• Emily Fisher, MA
• Kathleen Fivecoate, BS
• Kathryn Flick, MA
• Grace Flowers, MA
• Austin Fontenot, MA
• Patrice Ford, MAE
• Madison Foster, BS
• Marta Franco, MA
• Emma Frederic, MA
• Jarrett Freeman, BS
• Nanami Frigillana, MA
• Carrie Gable, MA
• Reshelle Gainor, MA
• Emily Galindo, MA
• Chassy Gallmeier, BS
• Kayla Galyen, BS
• Abraham Garcia, MA
• Crystal Garcia, MA
• Solange Garcia, MA
• Catherine Gardner, MA
• Kyra Garner, MA
• Abbie Garrison, MA
• Jessica Garrison, MA
• Sydnee Gentile, MA
• Katie Gilmartin, MA
• Asha Gilmore, MA
• Gabriella Gonzalez, MS
• Shawn Goode, MA
• Jordin Goodwin, MAE
• Adeline Gordon, BS
• Morgan Gray, BS
• Nicole Green, MA
• Amanda Greer, MA
• Gabrielle Griffin, MA
• Alisha Griffith, BS
• Briana Grilliot, MA
• Isabelle Grove, BS
• Madison Groves, BS
• Geoffrey Grubb, MAE
• Stephanee Grunden, MA
• Diana Guerrero, MA
• Ruth Guevara, MA
• Natalie Guisinger, BS
• Muhammed Samil Guney, MA
• Lauren Haan, MA
• Hannah HagQuist, MA
• Lillian Hall, BS
• Bailey Haney, BS
• Deanna Hansen, MA
• Westin Hanson, MAE
• Gabrielle Hantak, MA
• Jennifer Harlow, MA
• Ashlie Harpster, MA
• Chelsea Harrington, MA
• Cynthia Harter, MA
• Cynthia Harter, MA
• Veronica Hartsough, MA
• Cheyanne Hasty, MA
• Julia Hawley, MAE
• Hannah Hays BA
• Audri Hayward, MA
• Ashley Haywood, MA
• Amanda Heck, BS
• Kaleigh Heer, MA
• Tracey Helland, MA
• Jared Hendershot, MA
• Shardonnae Henderson, BS
• Jordan Hendry, MA
• Genna Henhaffer, MA
• Shelby Herrington, BS
• Jessica Hess, MAE
• Kaitlyn Hettinger, MA
• Riley Higginbotham BA
• Maggie Hill, MA
• Lauren Hirliman, MA
• Kaelyn Hobbs, BS
• Chandler Hoel BA
• Ashley Holland, MA
• Dionette Holm, MA
• Leah Holman, MA
• Victoria Holt, BS
• Toni Holton, BS
• David Hommer, MA
• Amelia Honn, BS
• Kaylor Hoover, MA
• Tori Hopkins, MA
• Tressie Hopper BA
• Charlotte Hordinski, MA
• Eric Hormuth, MAE
• Ashley Howell, MA
• Casey Hubbard, MA
• Margaret Huber, BS
• Raeosha Huffman, MA
• Katelyn Huitsing, BS
• Ellah Hur, MA
• Amy Hurt, MA
• Karen Hutchings, BS
• Destini Hutchison, MA
• Andree Hutsell, MA
• Dianna Indelicato, MA
• Jordan Ingle, MA
• Berenice Iniguez, MAE
• Penny Inskeep, MAE
• Lacy Ison, MAE
• Dalton Jacobs, MA
• Viviana Jaimes, MA
• Kayleigh James, BS
• Ashley Jamriska, MA
• Jordan Jeran, MAE
• Courtney Johnson, MA
• Danielle Johnson, BS
• Erica Johnson, MA
• Joseph Johnson, MA
• Morgan Johnson, MA
• Peyton Johnson, BS
• Baylee Johnston, MA
• Allison Jones, MA
• Heather Jones, MA
• Kristyn Jones, MA
• Molly Jones, MA
• Sadie Jones, BS
• Stacey Jones, MA
• Tala Jones, MA
• Jessica Jordan, MA
• Keonna Jordan, MA
• Sade Joseph, MA
• Margaret Juhase, MA
• Victoria Jurek, MA
• Gina Justak, BS
• Shannon Kahl, MA
• Eve Kaufman, MA
• Sarah Kawata, MAE
• Erin Kearney, MAE
• Mika Kern, MA
• Alethea Kessler BA
• Grace Kessler, BS
• Allison Kindy, MA
• Kaylin Knoll, MA
• Victoria Koehl BA
• Katelyn Kolb, BS
• Abigail Kolk, MA
• Amy Korus, EDD
• Anna Kozor, MA
• Mikayla Kramer BA
• Chelsea Kraus, MA
• Courtney Kreischer BA
• Laura Krieger, MAE
• Antonia Kringas, MA
• Samantha Lacognata, MA
• Erica Lamb, MA
• Kaysi Lampton, BS
• Jacob Lange, MA
• Kathryn Lash, EDD
• Kynda Laufmann, MA
• Rebecca Lawrence, MA
• Kaitlin Lawson, MA
• Nekashay Lawson, MA
• Natasha Le Morvan, MA
• Abigayle Lee, BS
• Tamia Lee, MA
• Chloe Leffler, MA
• Chelsea Leifels, MA
• Alexa Leisure, BS
• Magdalin Leitch, MA
• Emma Levstek, BS
• Sophia Ley, BS
• Hope Lighty, BS
• Caleb Lloyd, BS
• Katelynn Lloyd, MA
• Emileigh Locke, MA
• Jennifer Londino, MA
• Abigail Long, BS
• Kendra Loos BA
• Alejandro Lopez, BS
• Katelin Lothamer, MAE
• Heather Ludlum, MA
• Natasha Luttrell, MA
• Alyssa Lutz, BS
• Grace Lynch, MA
• Jenna MacNulty, BS
• Mariah Maddy, BS
• Murphy Mahalik, MAE
• Judith Malasto, EDD
• Emily Mallek, MA
• Colleen Manley, MA
• Allison Mann, BS
• Irisbelle Maravilla, MA
• Cassierra Mareno, MA
• Mary Marshall, BS
• Allison Mason, BS
• Shelby Mason, BS
• Cheryl Massey, MA
• Delilah Mathis, MA
• Carlee Matthews, BS
• Jacob Mavko, MA
• Rochelle Maynard, EDD
• Sara Mayo, MAE
• Ginamarie Mazzucco, MA
• Ryleigh McAllister, BS
• Kaitlyn McBride, MA
• Jett McClaskey, BS
• Madeline McConkey, MA
• James McCormack, MAE
• Sydney McCormick, BS
• Alexis Mccormick, MA
• Maddie Grace McCurdy, MA
• Bailey McDowell, MA
• Hayden McDuffee, MA
• Robert McElroy PHD
• Catherine McGovern, BS
• Lyndsey McGraw, BS
• Samantha Mcguire, BS
• Casey McHaney, MA
• Kristin Mckeen, BS
• Joel Meacham, MA
• Alyssa Medeiros, MA
• Yeney Medina Arencibia, MA
• Leah Meersman, BS
• Matthew Mendoza, MA
• Jennifer Menko, MA
• Aria Meo, BS
• Brittany Merchant, BS
• Kimberly Meyer, MA
• Madison Meyer, MA
• Stacy Miceli, MA
• Denae Midle, BS
• Alissa Miller, BS
• Chad Miller, MA
• Emily Miller, MA
• Madelyn Miller, BS
• Tayla Miller, MA
• Zoe Miller, MA
• Nathan Mittleman, MA
• Chelsea Moczulak, MA
• Dannia Mojica, MA
• Tabitha Monsivais, MA
• Kimberlyn Montgomery, MA
• Jessica Mooningham, MA
• Shakima Moore PHD
• Michiko Morales, MA
• Mikenna Mork, MA
• Jennifer Morrill, MAE
• Chrishina Morris, MA
• Savana Morris, BS
• Angela Mowery, MA
• Brittany Muhlenkamp, MA
• Seraphim Muir, MA
• Kendyl Mullett, BS
• Kasey Munie, MA
• Alisha Murrell, MA
• Christa Myers, MA
• Teresa Myers, BS
• Tenmu Nakamura, BS
• Jassmine Nance, MA
• Leslie Napora, EDS
• Oscar Narvaez, MA
• Caroline Nelson, MA
• Maegan Nelson, BS
• Emma Neubauer, BS
• Hannah Newton, BS
• Lauren Newton, BS
• Tabitha Newton, BS
• Steven Ngo, MA
• Michelle Niedbalski, MAE
• Dru Niedenthal, BS
• Christian Nol, MA
• Jacey Norman, MA
• Lillian Nortey, MA
• Grace Norton, MA
• Rocio Nunez Medina, MA
• Thaddaeus Nyland, BS
• Taylor O’Brien, MA
• Madelyn O’Cull, MA
• Casey Ochieng, MAE
• Karlie Odam, MA
• Kasey Oetting, MAE
• Haley Oneschak BA
• Ashley Ooten, BS
• Hannah Orcutt, MA
• Alyssa Oshields, MA
• Kayla Owens, MA
• Victoria Owens, MA
• Brandi Pando, MA
• Caitlin Paolini, MA
• Nicole Papallo, MA
• Brianna Paris, BS
• Jessica Parish, BS
• Diamond Parker, MA
• Kaysee Pascalli, MA
• Alyssa Pascoguin, MA
• Christian Pastrana, MA
• Shivam Patel, MA
• Nyreeja Patterson, BS
• Gracey Patton, MA
• Jenima Paulema, MA
• Antonette Payne, EDD
• Tazmyn Pegues, MA
• Steven Pelych, EDS
• Samantha Penman, MA
• Vanessa Perez, MA
• Christian Peterson, BS
• Katelyn Phillips, BS
• Brittany Pierre, MA
• Trenton Pipes, MAE
• Jordyne Pitts, BS
• Maddison Plunkett, MA
• Hsi Hsi Poe, BS
• Morgan Poe, BS
• Alyssa Pointer, MA
• Anastasia Polerecky, MA
• Kai Pommer, MA
• Amy Porter, BS
• Ashley Porter, BS
• Talaya Posselt, MA
• Jessica Postle, MA
• Olivia Price, MA
• TaSharia’ Promise, BS
• Hope Pruitt, BS
• Megan Puckett, MAE
• Sarah Puhr, MA
• Ryan Purnick, BS
• Amanda Pynaert, MA
• Marjorie Pyron, EDD
• Keily Quintana, MA
• Kayla Radachy, MA
• Sydney Rallo, MA
• Blair Raphael, MA
• Kylie Rapp, BS
• Lauren Rash, MA
• Sara Rayson, MA
• Kelsey Reder, MA
• Courtney Redmond, MA
• April Reed PHD
• Jacqueline Reed, MAE
• Sarah Regan, MA
• Toni Reilly, MA
• Julie Remschneider, EDS
• Ryan Reynolds, MA
• Rachel Rhodes, MA
• Aubree Rice, MA
• Leroy Richardson, MA
• Rebecca Richardson, MA
• Chelsea Richmond, MA
• Elizabeth Richter, MA
• Renee Rifenberg, MA
• Kayla Riley, MA
• Hayley Ritter, MA
• Emilee Roberts, MA
• Alyson Robinson, BS
• Erica Robinson, BS
• Al Robiullah, MA
• Gwendolyn Robledo, MA
• Samantha Roderick BA
• Lauren Rogers, MA
• Sarah Rogers, MA
• Matthew Rooney, MAE
• Destiny Rosario, MA
• Ronald Ross, EDD
• Yanet Rubio Miranda, MA
• Ashleigh Ruddock, MA
• Emily Ruiz Guttman BA
• Adam Russell, EDD
• Emily Ruthrauff, BS
• Julianne Saad, MA
• Annette Sage, MA
• Caitlin Sakkinen, MA
• Floren Salem, MA
• Gabrielle Salgado, MA
• Brett Sanders, EDS
• Carolina Santiesteban, MA
• Nicole Santos, MA
• Kailee Saulsgiver, MA
• Jacob Savage, MA
• Jamaica Sawyers, MAE
• Audrey Schapker, BS
• Peyton Scharpenberg, MA
• Morgan Scherrer, MA
• Krissie Scholl, MA
• Courtney Schrock, MA
• Kelly Schuster, MA
• Hayla Schutt, BS
• Alexys Sciatto, BS
• Starla Scott, MA
• Nicole Screeton, MAE
• Allison Seabrease, MA
• Hayley Sekula, MA
• Aleksandra Serdar, MA
• Jacob Shaffner, EDD
• Romharsh Shah, MA
• Nicole Shalkowski, MA
• Jacqueline Sheffer, MA
• Dailynn Shelton, BS
• Amber Shepherd, MA
• Keith Sheppard, MAE
• Lashay Sheppard, BS
• Tiffany Sherman, MA
• Michelle Shevtsova, MA
• Jeremy Shewmaker, BS
• Erin Shine, MA
• Evan Shroyer, MAE
• Laura Silva, MA
• Bailey Simpson, MA
• Hannah Sitzman, MAE
• Anna Slade, MS
• Hannah Small, BS
• Adam Smith, MA
• Alicia Smith, MA
• Chaylee Smith, BS
• Delaney Smith, MA
• Emily Smith, MA
• Jesse Smith, MA
• Karly Smith, BS
• Madeline Smith, MA
• Jordan Smyser, MA
• Claire Soendlin, BS
• Erin Somerville, MA
• Sarah Soriano, MA
• Taylor Sotebeer, MAE
• Kimberly Southorn, MA
• Colleen Spain, MA
• Janelle Sproul, MAE
• Heather St Myers, MAE
• Lisa Stage, BS
• Kaitlin Stapleton, BS
• Lisa Stephenson, MAE
• Kaylah Stevenson, BS
• Carissa Stewart, BS
• Kylie Stewart, MA
• Rachel Stewart, MA
• Cassie Stiger, MA
• Valerie Still, MA
• Kassondra Stockel, MA
• Madison Stone, MA
• Julia Stonebraker BA
• Angelina Storie, BS
• Jonathon Stover, EDS
• Stacey Strater, BS
• Sophia Strati, BS
• Sharese Stribling, MA
• Flaviane Strickland, MA
• Samantha Stuck, BS
• Jordan Stultz, BS
• Christina Sugrue, BS
• Reese Sutherland, MA
• Anastasia Swacker, BS
• Keith Tabor, MA
• Sierra Tamosaitis, MA
• Melissa Tauscher, MA
• Katie Taylor PHD
• Gabriella Teandon, BS
• Stephanie Tenhundfeld, MA
• Alexandra Terpstra, MA
• Zacaria Terry, MA
• Lynn Teter, BS
• Abigail Thayer, MA
• Jamie Thomas, MAE
• Jennifer Thomas, MA
• Tristan Thornton, MA
• Rachel Thorpe, BS
• Sydney Ticen, BS
• Allison Tornai, MA
• Kennedy Trice, BS
• Eriel Truitt, BS
• Jordan Tucker, BS
• Alyssa Ullmann, MA
• Allyssa Umbanhowar, MA
• Alexia Vandiver, MA
• Jessica Vaughan, MA
• Laura Vaughan, MA
• Valerie Vazquez, MA
• Jessica Vazquez-Salazar, MA
• Regan Vendramin, BS
• Kylie Verdin, MA
• Marisa Vershaw, BS
• Lillian Vest, MA
• Larisa Victor, BS
• Gabrielle Viegas, MA
• Jenna Vieira, MA
• Richelle Vincent, MA
• Hannah Wade, MA
• Skye Walden, BS
• Gabrielle Walker, BS
• Eryn Walsh, MA
• Jessica Walters, MA
• Ashley Ward, MA
• Emily Wargo, MA
• Jennifer Warnock, MAE
• Destiny Washington, MA
• Douglas Wassilak, MAE
• Courtney Waters, MA
• Kaitlyn Watkins, MA
• McKenna Way, BS
• Caleb Wears, MA
• Osha Weary, MA
• Felicia Weber, MA
• Isaac Weimer, BS
• Shino Welch, MA
• Pamela Wells, MAE
• Sherlon Weneck, MA
• April Werner, MA
• Grace White, BS
• Clara Wieczorek, MA
• Abigale Wiggam, BS
• Courtney Wiginton, MA
• Jessica Wilcox, MA
• Lily Wilczewski, MA
• Demi Wilhelm, BS
• Alyssa Williams, MA
• Cambria Williams, BS
• Justice Williams, MAE
• LaShaya Williams, EDS
• Madison Williams, BS
• Sierra Williams, BS
• Lukas Willis, MA
• Abigail Willner, MA
• Anna Wills, MA
• Brianne Winston, MAE
• Emily Wintczak BA
• Grace Witty, BS
• Erika Wold, MA
• Reyna Wood Mccomish, MA
• Montana Woodard, MA
• Aspen Woodyard, BS
• Rachel Wright, MA
• Ashlee Xayyachack, BS
• Katelyn Yates, MA
• Rachel Yensz, MA
• Abigail Yohler, MA
• Rachel York, MA
• Alma Zahirovic, MA
• Rachel Zalud, BS
• Jill Zapf, MA
• Marissa Zimney, BS
• Kelsey Zircher, MA
• Allie Zook, BS
• Karen Allee BGS
• Patrick Allen BGS
• Spencer Almeda BGS
• Trenton Baker BGS
• Kayla Bartnicki AA
• Brian Benson BGS
• Abigail Birsfield BGS
• Brooke Bishop BGS
• Joanna Bostick BGS
• Aahjanee Bournes AA
• Amel Branson BGS
• Ryan Brockman BGS
• Elise Caraway BGS
• Kloee Chase BGS
• Kaiyem Cleary BGS
• Clay Cochran BGS
• Ray Cole BGS
• Holden Craig AA
• Alyssa Culp BGS
• Michael Cummings AA
• Kelli Davis BGS
• Aries Drake BGS
• Zoe Duah BGS
• Jacob Ely AA
• Ashley Falkenstern BGS
• Georgia Ferry BGS
• Allerdyce Fidler BGS
• Elizabeth Foxworth BGS
• Megan Gaffney BGS
• Evan Good BGS
• Gabriella Guerrero BGS
• Briana Gunter BGS
• Garrett Harsh AA
• Cody Hausz BGS
• Charles Horn BGS
• Theresa Horoschak BGS
• Alexandria Huffman BGS
• Demarius Jacobs BGS
• Bethany Johnson BGS
• Leisa Jones AA
• Nicholas Jones BGS
• Damon Kaylor BGS
• Katelyn Keller BGS
• William Kincaid AA
• Francys King BGS
• Kyle King BGS
• Cierra Landers BGS
• Trixy Larimer BGS
• Andrew Lockard BGS
• Lesli Mackey BGS
• Maxwell McTigue BGS
• Kalyn Melham BGS
• Alexis Miller BGS
• Diane Miller BGS
• Jefferson Milliken BGS
• Anna Mishler AA
• Joshua Moore AA
• Jacob Morris BGS
• Ashley Navarro Rodriguez BGS
• Andrew Needler BGS
• Lauren Nekola BGS
• Jenna Nelson BGS
• Megan Newby BGS
• Aaron Niedzwiecki BGS
• Devon Pardue AA
• Eric Perez BGS
• Nick Ramos BGS
• Bryanna Richardson BGS
• Lillian Richardson BGS
• Tara Risser BGS
• Brittnee Rust BGS
• Brennan Sadler AA
• Alexia Scherer BGS
• Kara Schrock BGS
• Cameron Secrest AA
• Alexander Sibley BGS
• Mitchell Slagle BGS
• Tristan Snell BGS
• Alexis Sotelo BGS
• Gabrielle Springer BGS
• Cuinn Stalnaker BGS
• Laura Stermer AA
• Juliana Stogsdill BGS
• Bart Sturgeon BGS
• Joshua Tarango BGS
• Anastasia Taylor AA
• Jazzmyne Taylor BGS
• Abby Thompson BGS
• Calli Thompson BGS
• Anna Marissa Troxell BGS
• Carol Vanaver BGS
• Claire Vanlaere BGS
• Constance Walker BGS
• Liam Wanner BGS
• Adyia Ward BGS
• Sarah Warren BGS
• Chayce Watson BGS
• Mark White BGS
• Katelyn Wilhelm BGS
• Alayzia Williams BGS
• Nathanial Williams BGS
• Averell Wooten-Brown AA
• Jacob Wormer BGS
Philippians 4:13We are very proud of your accomplishments at Ball State. You’ve set high goals and exercised courage, intellect, wisdom, and resilience to meet them. We hope that you’ve made memories that will last a lifetime. We love you!
You make us proud every day, Kyra! We are so impressed with your work ethic, loyalty, and sense of responsibility. Congratulations on your great accomplishments so far and we are excited for your continued successes in life!
We love you! Mom and Dad
You’ve made us very proud and proved without a doubt that you can achieve anything you set your heart on. Congratulations! We love you.
~ From Dad and Mom
Ashley Anderson
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and look forward to all you do next. You are an amazing, smart, beautiful, kind and most of all, loving person. Always know you are special and loved, so keep being awesome. We love you!
~ Dad, Mom, Alyssa, Drew, Maximus & Jonathan
Congratulations, Alyssa! We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished at BSU. Dream big and we know you will make this life what you want it to be.
You are an intelligent, thoughtful, beautiful, caring young lady. You have endured a lot in your young life and have always come out on top. I have been proud of you everyday of your life. I look forward to seeing what your future holds.
Congratulations, Sammy Ann.
You made it through the most difficult times and you still persevered. You are one strong young lady. Stay focused on your passion. Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets! You cute, though. Congratulations!
!Bravo! Bravo! You did it!
Congratulations hijo! We are so proud of you! We know this is the beginning in your future life! may all your dreams come true! Fly high! Nothing can stop you now, Graduate!
~ With love from: Mom, Dad,
Alvaro, Sophia and Apolo
We are so proud of you and all od your accomplishments these last four years. Your hard work has cerainly paid off. The world of Special Education will be positively impacted with you as a teacher! Fly High! You have earned this!
~ Mom, Liam, and Rylan
Congratulations, Brooke!! This is a big milestone… cherish the moment. Embrace this new chapter but don’t forget hard work, perseverance and commitment got you here. Always be yourself and tackle every new challenge with faith over fear. May your future be filled with joy, success and all good things you deserve.
Love, Mom, Dad, Ashley, Mark, Tyler, Amelia, Remi & Pamma
To our Maddie, we are so incredibly proud of you. You have accomplished every goal you set for yourself at BSU. Here is to the next chapter. Congratulations!!
You did it! You’re all grown up and graduating! We are so proud of you! Your graduation is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and commitment. Congratulations and best wishes for all the adventures that lie ahead. May your hopes and dreams come true! We love you!
Congratulations, Aaliyah! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished in four short years! Chase your dreams wherever they may take you, wishing you all the best and happiness to last a lifetime! We love you!
~ David and Nan
Your time at Ball State has given you wings! Your energy, tenacity and enthusiasm are just a part of what has made you successful. We are excited for you as you take on new challenges. Continue to spread your wings as you fly to your next adventure. Chirp chirp!
~ Love Mom, Dad, Giana, Analise and Ebony too!
Guess what day it is?!?
Congratulations, Courtney! We’re so proud of you! You’re going to make an excellent teacher after 4 years of living your #bestlife. Special shout out to The Chug for helping you on the worst days!
Love you so much!
~ Mom, Dad and those 2 boys that have harrassed you your entire life :)
Melanie, we are very proud of all your achievements! Not long ago you were graduating pre-school and here you are with your masters and a 4.0 GPA, all while holding down a full-time job and supporting yourself. We couldn’t be more proud. We wish you the best in your career
~ Mom and Dad
The time has come! I can’t wait to celebrate YOU and everything you’ve accomplished. I’m so incredibly proud of you, and it’s been a privilege to watch you grow and flourish as my twin, best friend, and partner in crime. You are a phenomenal woman with so much potential <3
I am so proud that you found your passion. I had no doubt in your ability to rise above everything and spread your wings. You are amazing. I can’t wait to keep cheering you on for BSU Grad School! Congratulations!
Love you so much!
We are so proud of you!
Your hard work and dedication have paid off, completing your degree in three years! We admire your work ethic, shining at school and work. Keep your dreams big and reach for the stars. We Love You to the Moon and Back!
~ Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations to our amazingly talented daughter. We are bursting with pride over all that you’ve accomplished and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, we hope you dance!
~ Mom and Dad
I am so proud that you found your passion. I had no doubt in your ability to rise above everything and spread your wings. You are amazing. I can’t wait to keep cheering you on for BSU Grad School! Congratulations!
Love you so much!
~ Mom
We are proud of you, of course, but more than that, we admire you. Your leadership, humble & kind attitude and hard work has been so fun to watch. Your future is bright, on to the next chapter!! Love always
Congratulations to our kind, smart, courageous and beautiful daughter. We are so proud of you and the hard work you put in to get here. Keep reaching for the stars! We love you to Mars and back! Happy graduation, Riley!
Continue to soar, Bradford! From the moment you were born, we knew you were destined to succeed. As you complete this milestone, we know what’s next is even greater. You are your ancestors’ wildest dreams.
~ Your Family
We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished and what’s in store for you! Congratulations!
Congratulations Emily, you did it! It wasn’t easy but your hard work and determination paid off. We are so proud of you and excited for your future. You are an incredible person and will make such a great nurse. We Love you!!!
~ From Dad, Dana, Carter, Rissa, Averie, Faith, and Rylan
Congratulations, Jessica! To our amazing daughter: You make us proud in so many ways. Your drive and determination towards everything is impressive. We can’t wait to see where this life takes you.
Congratulations on this significant accomplishment! We wish you all of the best as you move forward onto the next phase of your life. May you continue to strive for excellence, achieve your goals, and find happiness in everything you do.
~ Mom and Chris
Congratulations to our wonderful Emily. We are over the moon proud of your accomplishments as you become a nurse. We know you will bless many with loving and skilled care. This next step in your life’s journey will bring joy and exciting experiences!
My sweet baby, words cannot begin to express how proud I am of you and your drive and passion to pursue YOU and what God created you to do. I am overjoyed! Congratulations on reaching this milestone. I’m excited and eager for what is to come!
I love you lots!
Casey Marie Brunson, I am so proud of you! I know it has been a difficult journey juggling school, work, and the farm, but you have shown you can do anything. I look forward to seeing where your next step takes you!
Son there are not enough words to say how proud we are of your accomplishments. You amaze us with a strong determination to always achieve what you set out to accomplish. We pray you will continue to dream big and many blessings.
- Love Tammy & Keenan
I’m so glad we met this year! You’ve been such a great friend. I am so happy for you and wish you the best for your next adventure! If you need anything, I will be here! Congratulations on graduating! Proud of you!
We are so proud of you, the woman you’re becoming, all of your accomplishments so far, and with so much more to come. We know you’re going to do great things and wish you all the best life has to offer. We love you so much.
~ Mom and Dad
I love you and wish you the best in your career. ~ Gabrielle
Follow your feet and let God guide your future. ~ Kevin
We are always grateful from heaven above for blessing us with a precious daughter as wonderful as you.
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Peyton! We are so proud of you and look forward to your bright future.
~ From Dad, Mom and Preston
So very proud of you and all the hard work you’ve done all through school. Can’t believe you’re going to be 23 and getting married. Love you.
~ Mom & Dad
Cameron, you never cease to amaze us with your determination and ambition to achieve your goals. Continue to dream big. We love you and are so proud of you.
Daniel, we are so proud of you! You have worked very hard earning your degree plus helping on the farm! We appreciate all your hard work! We look forward to having you full time at the farm and you bringing the wisdom you gained at BSU!
D-Ray, we don’t await your success, we’ve always seen it. Always remember, you are stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, loved more than you know, and there are more people praying for you than you could ever imagine.
Daddy, and too many others to name
Morghan Clements
I am SO proud of you and all of your hard work!! You will be an amazing teacher! Through everything, you persevered!
~ Love, Your husband, Kevin
Our deepest condolences on the end of your college life. We love you and are very proud of you.
~ Mom and Dad
We couldn’t be more proud of you as you graduate with honors. It’s been amazing watching you grow & spread your wings. As you enter this new chapter remember to be bold, be courageous and always be you! You are AMAZING! Congrats babygirl! We love you!
~ Mom and Dad
Sara, we are so proud of our honor student for all the hardwork you put into your education! May you continue to work just as hard to keep reaching for the next goal in the chapter of your life. We love you!
Kristi & Shannon
Morghan we are so very proud of you!!! You have been through so much and never gave up!! You are a rock star!! You will make an amazing teacher!! We love you!!
YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS! CLASS OF 2023 MASTERS OF SCIENCE, A.B.A. Our HUMBLE and tenacious kiddo, we’re SO PROUD of your astounding hard work!! Oh to be a child, privileged, in your teaching hands!
We are so very proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far, and we know you are going to continue to do amazing things!! Congratulations!! We love you sweetie!!
~ Mom, Dad, Samantha & Tiffany
Congratulations, Dr. Dong! You have worked hard and achieved a great milestone in your life. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Continue your journey in the piano world. Happy Graduation Day!
To our amazing son: At the beginning, you thought this day would never come, but here you are! We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished and wish you all the best that life has to offer!
~ Lots of love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! We admire your perseverance and hard work! We are so proud of you for completing your doctorate. Our entire family and all of our friends are so proud of you sweetheart!! Congratulations Dr. Kara Marie DuQuette!!! We love you!!
~ Michael DuQuette
Congratulations! Be proud of this moment ~ you deserve it, for all of the effort and dedication that you have invested. This is the beginning of many more achievements. We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad, Courtney, Grandma, Grandpa & Bentley
You have loved computers for as long as we can remember and are happy to see you turning your favorite hobby into your dream job. We are so very proud of you and cannot wait for you to spread your wings and fly!
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations on completing your Masters degree while juggling work and family responsibilities. Your dedication and hard work are an inspiration to us all. We’re proud of you and grateful for all you do.
~ Love from your family: Olalekan, Abigail, and Victoria
We are all so proud of you! The past four years have flown by. We have enjoyed watching you grow and into a beautiful, kind and smart young woman. Continue to strive for excellence and know that we will always be here to support you!!
Next stop… GSU!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Destiny and Daniel
Congratulations! We are so very proud of you! You have accomplished so much. From your first school experience in Cameroon, to Ivy Tech Graduate, and now BSU graduation you have been on an amazing successful path! Thank you for including us and letting us share in this journey! Blessings son!
~ John, Carole, & Samuel
Congratulations, Jonathan! You did it! And made it through this goal. I am so proud of you and so is your Prophet. Never stop believing in yourself and continue to strive for excellence. Always keep your fire burning bright and focus on what you want to accomplish in life.
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations, sweet girl! You did it! You amaze us with your determination and persistence to keep working towards your dreams. Your hard work is paying off. Keep chasing those dreams, but remember to take time to enjoy all you’ve accomplished. We are so proud of you! Keep shining your light!
~ Love, Mom, Dad, Ella and Aidan
We are so very proud of what you’ve accomplished at Ball State. May what you’ve learned here be a stepping stone to bigger and better things. With God’s help, your path to success is sure. Remain prayerful and know we’ll always have your back!
~ Love, Mom and Dad
Dylan, At this time, we are reminded of all you have accomplished at Ball State. We are so proud of you. Your passion for your craft, your enthusiasm, and your desire to constantly learn has paved the path for success. We love you.
~ From Mom, Dad, Aubrey, Kelsey, Jason, and Madilyn
Congratulations to our amazing daughter - we are so proud of you! Here is wishing you all the success & happiness the world has to offer! We love you!
~ Mom and Dad, XOXO
You have worked very hard to get to this point - graduating college. We are so proud of you and will continue to support you during the next goal you have set for yourself. Love you mucho.
~ Mom and Dad
In the wise words of Detective James Carter, “De Lordt has truly bless you weet treemendous talent!” ���� Congratulations on graduating. We’re beyond proud of all the work you put into your schooling. We have no doubt you’ll be met with success everywhere you go! Love you!
~ Kalyn, Harrison, Karley & Kara
You did it! Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment. I’m so proud of you today! Enjoy this special day because you’ve earned it! Wishing you nothing but the best as you embark on this new journey in life.
I love you today!
ConGRADulations, Ani!! Very proud of you and so glad to be here on your special day. Your work ethic and creative ability will take you very far. I love you! Can’t wait to see what the next chapter has in store for you. Chirp chirp!
~ Love, Dre & Mary Kate
Ani, it has been a joy to watch you become the unique individual you have grown to be. We are proud of what you have led, achieved, and the success accomplished. Best wishes as you continue to learn, do, and dream to create your amazing life.
~ Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations, Kaitlin! I am so proud of the young woman you have become and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. I am sure it will be great. Dream Big!!
~ Mom
I’m so proud of you! You have accomplished so much. I know you will continue to accomplish even more things because of how hardworking and talented you are. I’m glad I have you as my role model and as my sister. I love you so much and Congratulations!!
~ Your fav, Isabel Schene
Congratulations, Ani!! So proud of you and all of your accomplishments! I have no doubt that you will succeed in these years to come! So excited to see where God takes you!
~ Love, Leks
Congratulations, Bre! You worked hard and faced difficult situations with nothing but determination and perseverance. Remember you are strong and courageous. I love the person you’ve become, and I’m excited to see the woman yet to come. Being your mother is one of my greatest joys.
~ From Felicia Gilbert
Over the last 4 years, we have witnessed you blossom into the beautiful, wonderful, young woman you are today! Remember, life is full of endless opportunities so seize one and make it your own! We are so excited for your future! We love you more than the stars in the sky!
~ Mom, Christina, and Harlo
Congratulations, darlin! I’m so very proud of you! Your hard work and dedication has finally paid off. You have so many great things coming your way, and I can’t wait to see you conquer the news world. Angelica, my love, you are an inspiration and forever my hero.
~ Meghan, Ruby, and Theodore
Dearest Gabi, congratulations on graduating with your Master’s degrees! You have firmly believed your education is the most powerful tool. We are in awe of your determination, you are a bright star with a kind heart. You will make the world better! We love you to infinity and beyond!
We are so incredibly proud of all your hard work and accomplishments while at Ball State. We can’t wait to see what the next chapters brings. Dream big and spread your wings! So proud of our baby bird!
~ Love, Mom, Dad and Luke
Congratulations, Kaylee! We are so proud of your achievements during these last for years, but even more proud of the person you have become. We love you so much!
Gavin, we are beyond proud of all you have accomplished at Ball State these last 4 years! We cannot wait to see where your journey continues to take you! We know that you will be successful in whatever comes your way. We love you always!
We’re proud of you! Two years recipient Zag field hockey scholars of distinction award and all four years named on the academic all-mac team. Achieving academic excellence in a challenging major while playing field hockey is a great accomplishment. Your compassion and commitment will make you a great nurse. Congratulations!
~ Love, Mom, Dad, Shannon & Nana
We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments at Ball State! Your future is bright and you have many talents to use in the world. Congratulations! We love you!
~ Mom, Dad & Drew
Our sweet Miss B: Words can’t express how proud we are of you and all you’ve accomplished. But more than that, we are proud of the person you’ve grown to be. May you find joy with everything that comes next! We love you so much.
Congratulations to our graduating Cardinal, Bradley Hamilton (Miller College of Business). We are so proud of you and look forward to your next adventures! Lots of love to you and Cayley!
~ From Mom and Dad
Bailey, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. We can’t wait to see what’s next in your life. You will make a difference in everything that you do.
Congratulations, Bailey! We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished. You are a beautify young lady, inside and out. You have a bright future ahead of you.
~ Love, Nanny & Poppy
Mommy, you mastered it! With love and pride today and always, we congratulate Deanna M. Hansen on the successful completion of her Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. God is within you, so you can MASTER anything! Congratulations!
~ From your son Jru and the entire family circle
Molly, I’m so very proud of you! You are exceptional! We can’t wait to watch you take on the world! The life you and Seth have ahead of you will be so exciting! We love you!
Congratulations, Z! We are so proud of you! You are an overcomer! You worked hard and persevered through challenges to reach this milestone, and we have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things. We love you and wish you peace and blessings in the next chapter!
Congratulations, on your bachelor’s degree! You worked hard and put in countless hours preparing for your career. As you begin the next chapter, you’ll see a portrait of Romans 8:28. God’s plan is always best! We’re so proud of you for being our daughter.
Dearest Keith: There are no words to express our overwhelming joy and pride for you! Your hard work, dedication and perseverance have paid off! We love you and are excited for your future. Congratulations on your extraordinary achievements, and Best wishes for all that is to come!
~ Mom, Dad, Alyssa and Family
Congratulations to our amazing daughter! We are so happy for you and we are so proud of you for persevering these past four years. If your senior capstone is any indication, your determination to set you own course will shine through. Follow your heart! We love you so much!!
Congratulations, Abby! Starting college during the pandemic was not easy and had its own challenges. Your tenacity and perseverance never wavered through it all. All of your hard work has finally paid off. We are so proud of you and excited for the next step in your journey. Love you!
Congratulations, Tessa! You’ve worked so hard for this and we are so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. You’re an amazing, kind, smart and loving person and we can’t wait to see where life takes you next. Love you!
~ Mom, Dad, Jorja and Gianna
Congratulations! You did it! You have proven there’s no limit to what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. We’re all so very proud of you. The future looks bright with more adventures ahead. You are our shining star.
Congratulations, Joszlyn!! You have been dedicated and persevered through the long hours of designing and making projects, but you have done it! You are an amazing young lady and we couldn’t be prouder of who you are and your accomplishments! We love you and God bless you always!
~ From Mom, Jaden, Gpa and Gma Batts, Lugo and Thorley
You started this adventure in the middle of Covid, after moving halfway across the country. We are excited to watch you graduate and look forward to seeing where your adventure goes next. Fifty words is not nearly long enough to tell you how proud we are.
~ Love you!
Mom, Jaybee, Em, Lincoln and Zachary
To one remarkable woman, my Lizzy, as you walk across the stage to receive your diploma, pause to absorb the gift that your hard work got you, then shine brighter than Venus. I’m proud of you Doll, and look forward to the future. Well done, Daughter.
Congratulations! We are VERY proud of you! We know you will do great things in the future and will be an amazing teacher. We look forward to seeing you positively impact other people’s lives as much as you have impacted ours. We love you SO much!
~ Tom, Joni, Emma and Fletcher
It’s so hard to believe four years have gone by already and you are graduating from college! We are so very proud of you! We can’t wait to see where God directs you and what your future holds. Congratulations! We love you very much!
~ Love, Mom, Dad and Brandt
Congratulations to our amazing daughter! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Words cannot describe how honored we are to be your parents! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!
~ Love, Mom, Dad, and your family
“We are so proud of you for following your dreams. Your genuine heart, your determined drive, and your enthusiasm for life make us so proud! May you never lose your desire to create and make the world more beautiful! We love you!
~ Mom, Dad, and Emma
We are so proud of you and the accomplishments you have made thus far. We wish you nothing but great success in the next step of your journey and beyond!
~ Love, Mom, Dad, and the J6 clan
We are so proud of you Victoria Rose!! You have grown into such a beautiful young women with such a caring heart and also very talented! We love you to the moon and back!!
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Janielle! No words can express how so very proud we all are of you. YOUR hard work and dedication have gotten you to this point in your life. You are an amazing young lady and we wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. We love you!
~ From Mom, Jasmine, Justin, Jordan, Camron, and Baby
Congratulations on this significant accomplishment! We wish you all of the best as you move forward onto the next phase of your life. May you continue to strive for excellence, achieve your goals, and find happiness in everything you do.
~ Mom and Chris
To the young woman who has pursued all of her dreams and achieved all of her goals, congrats on crossing another off your list! We love you so much and are looking forward to the changes you will make in the world! CHIRP, CHIRP!
~ From Mom, Dad, and Jonathan
What a proud day! We couldn’t be happier for you! Can’t wait to see you make your dreams come true. Wherever your path leads, our prayers and love go with you!
~ Love, Mom, Dad, & Luke
Son, I cannot tell you how proud and honored we are to be your parents. You never cease to amaze me... Keep being you. My wish for you Is that this life becomes all that you want it to Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
~ From Mom and Dad
Congrats! I would wish you good luck, but truly you don’t need it! I knew you were going to be successful in anything you put your mind to since we were babies. Love you!
~ From Eddie Kois
We are so proud of your hard work both academically and athletically. Whatever the next chapter brings just know we will always be there for you. It is an absolute joy to be your parents and keep living life to the fullest!
~ Love, Mom and DadEmma Rose Koster!! You did it my love! Your father and I are so proud of you! You can do anything you set your mind to. I can’t wait to see what you will achieve in the next chapter of your life. We love you so much! Our little peanut.
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Anna! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Best of luck in your next chapter. We know you will do great things! Chirp! Chirp!
~ Mom, Dad, and Andrew
I don’t have the words to describe how proud I am of you. Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Welcome to the amazing profession of nursing. I can’t wait to see what great things you will do. I love you to the moon and back.
I am so proud of you for all the hard work you have put in to get to where you are today. Your character always amazes me, and I know that will continue after graduation. I love you and I know I’m not the only one super proud of you.
~ ZachNo words can say how proud we are of our amazing girl. You have become a wonderful, sweet, smart young lady. You have accomplished the first step in your Mission of Greatness. God guide you and protect you always.
Congratulations on your well deserved achievement. Excited to share in the happiness of this honorable occasion… YOUR GRADUATION DAY. It’s been a privilege to watch you cross this finish line and the imminent positive impact it will have on your life and future. With love and pride, today and always.
I am so very proud of your accomplishments and for who you are as a person. You have so many great qualities. I look forward to see your future unfold. I love you so much!
We couldn’t be more proud of the incredible person you’ve become. As you embark on your next adventure, know that we’re proud of you and your hard work. Follow your passions and blaze your own trail - we love you and can’t wait to see what you do next!
~ Love, Mom and
Felicidades boy. Congratuletions, Alex! Your fathers, Felipe and Lety, and your brother and sister, Jorge and Ashley love you! Lo lograste, estamos orgullosos de ti.
~ From Felipe Lopez
Our Dearest Emi: Congratulations on completing your college education and all that that entails. Your academic achievements will serve you well your whole life. And all of your talents and gifts God has so abundantly blessed you with, you have worked so hard to develop. Love you madly!
~ Grandma and Grandpa
Congratulations on your graduation and continuing on the path to pursuing your dreams. We are so incredibly proud of all you’ve accomplished this far and so excited for the next chapter. Keep smiling and reaching for the stars… always our “little mushroom!”
Much Love our Smiley-eyes: Daddy, Mommy, Liv, Jack, Ry
Congratulations, Kaysha! It has been wonderful watching you grow and thrive in the BSU academic environment. We are so proud of you and wish you success in your future endeavors. Love you!
- Mom, Auntie, Grandma, Uncle Phil and Uncle Darrell
We are so proud of the person you have developed into. Your achievements and character are a true reflection of your dedication and hard work. We are so blessed to have you as our daughter. Grandma is cheering for you right now. We will always be there for you.
Love, Mom, Dad, Elliot, and Evan
Congratulations to our beautiful, unique and hardworking graduate… the best is yet to come! Your future is beyond bright; we can’t wait to share all your experiences. The next chapter is full of surprises, and Poppy and I are honored to be a part of this milestone. We love you mucho! ~ Poppy and Yai-Yai
You dreamed it and achieved it! Your hard work and dedication brought you to where you are today. Congratulations on your graduation! We wish you the best on your path to your career in Animation! We are so proud of you!
It has been an absolute joy to be your mom and dad and to get a front row seat to watch your journey. You’ve taught us as much as we’ve taught you. The world is a better place with you in it. Congratulations.
Love you tons!
Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Shelby! I’m so proud of you and I’m so excited to see what our future holds for us. Keep up the hard work! I love you!
~ John Zimmerman
Wish text goes here. Bitatur? Eles et bisqui venecat et quasper ibuscias doloreheni elluptios is molumqui occum dioremolorae eaquo dis ipsundi gnisinc totatiis soluptate autem am, to dollaut asinimus.
~ From Person & Person
You are truly my sunshine. We are proud of the lady you are becoming. Your work ethic will take you far. We are certain you will impact children’s lives in a profound way. Congratulations on graduating with a teaching degree. No doubt every child will want you as their teacher. We love you, Shelby Sue!
You were a blessing from the beginning and look at you now! You keep shinning bright in every way. You’ve worked hard, and we’re all proud of you! We believe in you and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Keep shining bright and move those mountains! Love you!
~ Mom, Dad and Family
Since you enrolled at Ball State four years ago, I have been so proud of you. You have accomplished more than I can imagine. The world is yours to explore!
Congratulations on earning your masters in child psychology with an excellent GPA, Ashley Girl! Your dedication and hard work will ensure your success. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and compassion to serve others. We love you and are so proud of you.
~ Love, Mom and Dad
I am so very proud of you. I miss you being little but love how you’ve grown. I’m thankful that I got to be a part of your life since day one. You are beautiful inside and out. Your Papa would be so proud of you also. Good Luck teaching!
~ Love, Mama & Papa in Heaven
Congratulations, Grace! We are so very proud of you.
~ Love, Mom and Dad
There aren’t enough words to describe how proud we all are of all your accomplishments these last 4 years. You amaze us everyday with your drive and ambition. We are so glad that you are graduating and can’t wait to see what wonderful things you will accomplish in the future.
Dad,Mom,Grandma and Grandpa
Sabrina, you rock!
You always had a plan. You structured your time around your studies. You created a blueprint for your life and you did it. You are rendering us speechless because we are so proud of you! Have fun building your future!
~ We love you!
Mom, Dad & Daphne
Congratulations, Maddie! What an amazing accomplishment! So proud that you strive for knowledge and excellence with patience and perseverance. May you continue your journey with grace and wisdom.
~ Love ya, Dad, Mom, Sarah,
Kate, Seth, & Caleb, too
Jaylyn Marie, Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength, and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you!
~Barack Obama~
~ From Proud Parents and Your Biggest Fans~ Dad and Mom!
We could not be more proud of you. You have so worked to get to this day and we know you are going to accomplish so much more in the years to come.
~ Love, Mom and Dad
Your mom and I are so proud of you and all you’ve done so far in life. The door to this world is opening for you and your opportunities are endless. We can’t wait to see what you do with this next chapter.
Congratulations on your graduation.
~ Love, Mom and Dad
We can’t express how so very proud we are of you. Your desire for greatness is evident in your studies and in earning honors distinction. We know this dedication to work hard will follow as you pursue your doctorate of physical therapy at Bellarmine. Keep God close.
We are so proud of you. You amaze us with your drive and ambition. We wish you all the best life had to offer!
~ With love Mom,Dad, Ben and Kennedy
Congratulations, Anna Mae, we are so proud of you!!! The sky is the limit, keep reaching for the stars and chasing your dreams! We love you!!!
Congratulations, Nicholas! You made it! We are incredibly proud of you and your hard work. Now it’s on to other adventures for you.
your favorite brother
We are so incredibly proud of your accomplishments! We are confident you will achieve anything and everything you set your mind to. As one chapter ends, a new one opens as you enter law school. Keep chasing your dreams and always remember we love you!
~ From Mom, Dad, Lucas, and Grandma
Congratulations, Lex! We are so proud of you! Take pride in this moment, you deserve it for all of your hard work, time, and dedication. We know God is ordering your steps and you’ll do great things! We love you very much!
~ Your Dad and Bonus Mom
Congratulations! We are incredibly proud of you and all you have become. Celebrate all your hard work. As you rush through life, take time once in a while to stop and enjoy the moments. May today hold the promise of all your amazing tomorrows. Chase your dreams. We love you.
~ Mom, Dad & Dustin
It seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma. It’s been a joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years. Continue being bold, courageous and always your best.
- Grandma and Grandpa Alvarez
Congratulations, Morgan! You did it! We are so proud and happy for you. It’s been a long road but all of your hard work has paid off. We always have been and always will be your biggest fans! We love you!
~ Mom, Dad, & Zoe
WOW! WOW! WOW! We are so incredibly proud of you! You have worked so hard for this, be proud of yourself! You have the power to make such positive change in this world, embrace the journey and we can’t wait to see you FLY! We love you so much!
~ From Mom, Dad, Grandpa
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL MY GIRLS!! From high school through college you have made this momma proud. Haylee Shull, Linda Laws, Ivy Morr and Katlynn Slann. I love you all and wish you the best of luck in your futures.
Congratulations, Erik! You are so loved and we all wish you all the best opportunities after graduation! You deserve the very best life has to offer!
~ Annelise Gingold-Nelson
Congratulations Jacob! We are so proud of you! We can’t wait to see what amazing things you do after graduation! You are loved!!
(Chirp! Chirp!)
~ Dad, Mom, Alex & Brooke
We are so excited for you! We have proudly watched as you pursued your degree with excellence. As this chapter of your life closes, we are eager to see what the next one has in store. Continue to “look to the Lord and his strength.” (Psalm 105:4) We love you!
~ Mom and Dad
Congratulations on your Bachelor’s degree! I am so proud of you! All the hard work pays off and soon you will have your diploma in your hands. I wish you all the best for your future and I am excited to see you in Summer.
Sophie Oxtoby
Congratulations! We’re SO proud of you - balancing school, job, volunteering in the community, serving as a student organization leader, along with great times you’ve had with your many friends! We’re filled with excitement to see what the future holds for you. We love you so much!
~ Mom, Kevin, Ben
Congratulations, Patrick! Your hard work and tenacity is paying off. It has been an absolute joy to watch you grow into the man you are. We wish you all the best as you start your journey into the adult world.
With much love - Mommo and Poppo
Keller, your Mom and I could not be more proud of what you have accomplished during your time at Ball State. Your dedication and work ethic toward achieving your goal has been very impressive and made us very proud.
~ Love, Mom and Dad
~ Love, Mom and Aunt Yvonne
Dear daughter, you are a shining star and have always made us proud.Today, we are overwhelmed by your achievements and excited to see you graduating as our first generation. We wish you a very bright future on all your projects and goals. May God continue to bless you always! Happy Graduation sweetheart!
~ Ana G Palencia
Congratulations on all your hard work! Keep striving to be the best you can be, and remember that this is just the beginning.
Wish text goes here.
Proverbs 3:5:
Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.
~ From Person & Person
Again, congratulations, and we love you! ~ Your family
You are such an amazing person. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments!
~ Love you, Mom and Dad
Hey Delle, you were a loser with camera and now you are a loser with a degree and a camera. - Kisses, Jack
Translation: Adele, you have always been amazing and so talented.You followed your passion and achieved your degree. We are so proud of you!
~ Mom, Dad and Jack
Congratulations on your well deserved success, you are a shining star!!!!
Andrew, you continue to amaze. We have watched you fly over the last four years! You have chosen a rewarding career that will allow you to make a difference. Your faith, skill and compassion, will allow you to fly high!
~ From Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Peach! You continue to impress everyone that loves you in how you handle yourself in the classroom and beyond. You have accepted every challenge and continue to grow every day. You’re the best! Chirp, Chirp #42!
~ From Mom & Dad
Congratulations, Abby! We are proud of all your hard work and accomplishments but even more proud of the person you have become. You are beautiful, smart, funny and you have the biggest heart. We pray your future is everything you want it to be and more! You deserve it!
My beautiful, resilient, hard working niece. Congratulations on your graduation. I’m proud of the young lady you have become. May your future be filled with joy and success. I love you forever and always!
I’m so proud of you. Over the years, I’ve watched you face challenges with strength and determination. With every challenge, you came out stronger. You’ve persevered through each season and became an overcomer. I’m proud to call you my niece.
Congratulations, Bree! You’ve worked so hard for this! This achievement is proof of what happens when you stay the course no matter what life throws your way. Hold on tight and never give up on your dreams. You can do whatever you want. The sky is your only limit.
I’m so proud of you, buddy! Watching you grow and mature has been one of the greatest highlights of my life. I love you in ways I can’t explain. No matter where life takes you, I will always be there for you. I love you to the moon and back!
Hey Bree, just want to stop by to say congratulations to you and how proud I am of you. I will see ya soon.
Congratulations, Cardinal! We are so proud of all that you accomplished at Ball State. Continue to dream big, live life to its fullest, and to always follow your heart. You will continue to do great things.
We are so proud of the young man you have become. You have worked so hard for this day. We can’t wait to see where you go and what you accomplish in life. We are so very proud of you! We love you bunches!
Mom, Dad and Your Bonus Dad
Congratulations on your graduation. Wishing you all the success you deserve.
With lots of love from your Big Sister,
To the best Little Sister: Michelle
I am so proud of all your hard work and dedication to better yourself, and look forward to your beautiful future. I love you Ashley.
Grace, you have been determined, strong, and independent since the day you were born! I have always known that you would do amazing things. I am beyond proud of you! I love you to the moon and back, forever and always, no matter what!
Dre, our laid back, kind, conservative graduate: You are full of potential and we are so proud of you! YOU DID IT! We know you will prosper in all your future endeavors. Take advantage of this moment, live in your purpose, and allow God to use you for good. God will never give you a future that he cannot trust you with in the present. Remember if you don’t go after what you want you will never have it. You may have to let go of people or situations that drain you. If you don’t step forward, you will always stay in the same place. Never regret a day in your life because tomorrow is not promised. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, worse days give you lessons, and your best days give you memories. We love you Dre and congratulations!
What an impressive achievement! The last 3 years have flown by with huge accomplishments. We could not be any more proud of the caring, young lady you are! Good luck as you continue on with this educational journey. Everyone deserves a Voice!
To an amazing son and brother! We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished. We wish all the best for you as you go on with your journey and follow your dreams! God Bless You Always… We love you!
Congratulations! You’ve come a long way! Your hard work, time, and dedication has finally paid off! We are so happy to share your graduation day with you and are anxious to see where the future leads you.
Congratulations, Jordan! We are so proud of you and all your amazing accomplishments! Your Dad is always with you shining down on you.
~ With Love, Dad (from above!), Angie, Khloe, Kaiden & Kelton
Congrats, Emily!!! You have overcome so many obstacles along the way and we are so proud of you all your achievements. Do your best in your teaching career.
LOVE YOUR BSU CARDINAL FAMILY: Ryan (2020), Abbey (2017), Mom (1990) and Dad (1990)
From the day you were born I prayed for your safety, health, happiness and success. My prayers synced with your spirit and determination and here we are... my first grandchild is graduating!! Stay honest and true to yourself and your name. I (we) love you so much. Call me!
A big congratulations on getting your Master’s!! We are proud of the person that you are (always have been and always will be) and are honored to be your parents.
~ Love, Mom and Pop
Congratulations, Nick, on graduating from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Science degree... Class of 2023! You have made us very proud of your accomplishments and achievements that you have earned. We are honored to celebrate graduation day with you. May your career bring you much joy and happiness. Love always!
These past couple of years have been a “whirlwind” but your perseverance has “given birth” to a whole new future for your family. Sticks and “stones” may break some bones, but you just took a deep “breath” and kept pushing forward. We are so proud of you! We Love You!
~ Luke SchroederCongratulations, Lauren! So proud of you and your accomplishments! You overcame a pandemic and achieved success! Graduating in four years and securing a job prior to graduation is extraordinary! Continue your growth mindset and be curious always!
~ I love you, Mom
To our amazing daughter: Words can’t explain how proud we are of you! We are so impressed with your perseverance and positive attitude. The world is a better place because you are in it! Congratulations, Seko! Keep chasing your dreams!
Lots of love, Mom, Tata and Aleks
We’re so proud of you and wish you all the best. Dream Big!
~ Love, Mom & Gregg
Congratulations, Lauren! We are so proud of you. Keep smiling, keep learning and have no fear! Fly and Soar!
~ Love, Mom and Grant
We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished, Reid! We cannot wait to see what this next chapter holds for you. There is nothing you cannot do!
~ Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Madeline! We are so proud of you and your achievements and accomplishments. You are beautiful inside and out and we know whatever you do in life will be amazing! Keep reaching for the stars. Congrats on earning your Master’s in physics!
~ Love, Dad, Mom and Joey
Congratulations, Haylee! You have persevered through so many obstacles over these last 4 years, you are amazing. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. We wish you nothing but the best for your future. We love you so so much.
~ From Mom, Dad
We are so proud of you Kalleigh! You have always worked hard to accomplish your goals and we know you’ll continue to accomplish whatever you put your mind to. You are a beautiful person inside and out and we love you very much! Keep living out your dreams!
~ From: Brian, Mom, and Jaxon
Congratulations to my baby girl! I am so proud of you today, not only for this accomplishment, but for the young lady you have become. I believe in you and know that you will reach every goal you have set. I love you Mimi.
~ From your Mama
From the day we brought you home from the hospital until today, we’re blessed to call you our daughter. It’s been a joy to watch each chapter of your life unfold and we can’t wait to see what comes next for you. We’re so very proud of you!!!
~ Mama and Dad
Congratulations, Olivia! You are made for great things. Start each day believing in yourself and know how proud we are of you! “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss.
~ Love, Mom, Kenny, Delaney, & Carter
Congratulations! We are all so very proud of you! What an amazing person you have become! Can’t wait to see the life you make. You are loved beyond measure.
~ Mom, Kevin, Finn, Sara, Jarred & Cleo
Brock Michael, words cannot express how proud we are of you. Remember where you came from, those around you that have supported you and cheered you on. “Use the brain God gave you” to serve him and those around you. We love you, bring on May, 6 2023. Chirp, Chirp!
~ Mom and Dad
We couldn’t be prouder of you, Sydney. Choosing to travel from Connecticut to Indiana over these four years, we watched you grow and mature into an incredible person. We know you’ll approach your next adventure with the same optimism and joy you’ve had since you were born. Love you!
~ Mom and Dad
We wanted to share how very proud we are of you. We can hardly wait to see what the future holds for you. Congratulations on your graduation and a job well done. We wish you much success! We love you so much.
Happy Graduation, El! I have loved watching you grow up over the past four years — you’re my not so little sister now. I am so proud of everything you’ve done so far & I can’t wait to see all the things you continue to accomplish!
The world will be gaining another great music teacher this fall. Congratulations to our daughter Alexis on following her passion of combining working with children and music. Your spirit, positive energy, and smile will make others fall in love with music. We are so proud of you Alexis!
You are an amazing son! I feel proud to be your father! You made this all possible with your hard work and patience!
Congratulations, Dad
El Bell, no words can express how proud I am of you. You have worked very hard and accomplished so much these past 4 years. You are incredibly talented and the Good Lord has even greater things ahead for you after graduation. Congrats El!!! God bless, I love you lots!
Congratulations, Ellie! We’re so proud of you!
Congratulations, Christina! We are so very proud of your accomplishments! You have worked so hard and will be a wonderful Child Life Specialist! God bless you on your next journey!
All our Love, Mom Dad, Brendan, Agnes, Ian and Logan
Mom and I are so very proud of your accomplishments on the field and in the classroom. But we are more proud of the Christian man you have become! Congratulations! Your next goal is to get off our payroll!!
~ With much love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations on your graduation!
It has been our privilege to watch you reach for the stars and soar. This is just the beginning; we can’t wait to see what you discover in your field!
~ Love Mom, Dad, and CC
It has been an amazing journey watching you grow up. We are so proud of you and all your achievements, however more importantly, we are proud of the man you have become. We love you more than words can say.
~ Love, Mom, Dad and Aidan
It’s finally here and the world awaits! Follow God’s lead, never stop dreaming, and embrace the road before you. You are a born leader with a heart of gold! I couldn’t be prouder of such a beautiful daughter. Congratulations, Sarah!
I love you Great One.
~ Mom
We are proud of you beyond words, Carlos. You have worked so hard, been out of your comfort zone, and come through with flying colors. We love you so much and hope for only the best for you. Congratulations!
~ Kim and Ken Teeters
Congratulations! All of your hard work and sacrificing has paid off. I’m proud of the man you have become. You made being a mom easy for me. I’m so excited for the journey that is ahead for you. Your life has a purpose. But more than anything I Love you!
Jessica, we are beyond proud of you and how far you have come against the odds. Keep reaching for the stars, and keep doing what is right even when the world disagrees. Love you so much...keep striving.
~ From Mom, Dad, Zayden and Chris
Congratulations, Amani, you have made me a proud mother. I’m proud of your achievements. May you continue with the same positive energy! It is with great joy to share this moment with you. May God give you the strength to fight all odds. Love you so much, Mom
Congratulations on your graduation! We’re so proud of all your accomplishments and the incredible man you’ve become. As you start your next chapter, continue to dream big, work hard and remember - the sky’s the limit!
~ Love Always, Mom & Dad
We all love you!
Baa Baa Baa Baa
~ From all the lovies - A to Z
We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished. We can’t wait to watch you fly.
Love, Mom, Dad and Ben
It seems like only yesterday that you were a baby in our arms. Today, we look at the strong, kind, thoughtful, and caring person you have become and we are looking forward to what the future brings. We are so proud of you!
~ With all our love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! We are beyond proud of you for everything you have accomplished! You are hard working, selfless, caring, smart, beautiful, and you will conquer the world. We love you so much! Now on to Masters! YOU GOT THIS! We love you!
~ From Mommy, Jake, Granny, Daddy, and Sarah
We are so incredibly proud of you. When it would have been so easy to quit, you continued to push yourself to get through. God has BIG plans for you and we cannot wait to see what the next chapter brings. Congratulations!
~ Love, Dad, Mom, Bryce, and Cole
Congratulations! I couldn’t be more proud of you, now on to the next big adventure. I love you most!
~ Emma Rose Koster
Blake, you have gained your Cardinal wings to fly out in this world. We are so very proud of you. Good luck in the future. Congratulations, we love you so much!!!!!
Love always, Mom, Grandma, Kelli and Jayce
We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished! You are such a bright young woman! Your uniqueness and well-rounded talents will take you far! Keep that tenacity for excellence. Your future is so bright!
~ Love, Dad, Mom & Chloe
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Congratulations, Son. We are proud beyond words. We love you.
We are so proud of you, and all your accomplishments in the last four years! We pray that you continue to follow the path that God has laid out for you, and we know the best is yet to come!
~ Love, Mom Dad and Ryan
No words can express how proud we are of everything you have accomplished. It was not always easy but you were determinded. Its one of your best attributes. Amazing job sweatheart! We love you so much
Love, Mom and Dad