BSU 08-20-20

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ROLL CALL Find out where students in Ball State University’s class of 2024 are traveling from.423 What you missed: See what changes came to Muncie and Ball State this summer.405

College Survival Guide: What you need to know to get the most out of your time at Ball State. 416


Ball State, Muncie community members march for racial injustice Rohith Rao and Jake Merkel Reporters

On a sunny Thursday afternoon several members of the Ball State and Muncie communities gathered outside Shafer Tower for the march protesting the death of George Floyd and racial injustice against African Americans. Organized by Ishmael El-Amin, junior Ball State Basketball guard, and his roommate, Sultan “Mufasa” Benson, the peaceful protesters would march down to Muncie City Hall. The protests began with eight minutes of silence, followed by speeches from the organizers and a short prayer. Eight minutes and 46 seconds is the length of time prosecutors say Floyd was pinned to the ground under a white Minneapolis police officer’s knee, according to the Associated Press. El-Amin said the turnout proved to him that people want things to be different. “We’re done being tired, and we’re done being quiet,” he said. He said it’s very important that the protests remain peaceful.

4See PROTEST, 07

Ishmael El-Amin, junior Ball State Basketball guard, hold his fist in the air while the peaceful protest marches by, June 4, 2020, on University Avenue. The protesters marched from Shafer Tower to Muncie City Hall. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN







Did you miss it? Catch up on the news from July 27 - August 11 on ... Ball State releases COVID-19 tracing plan

MSC schools to offer devices, hotspots

wide email was sent out explaining Ball State’s testing and contact tracing plan. Students that will be living in residence halls are required to show a self-certification of a 14-day selfquarantine or present a negative COVID-19 test, according to the protocol. Students living off campus are encouraged to self-quarantine or obtain a negative test result.

Muncie Community School children were able to check out internet devices and personal hotspots to be used at home for virtual learning. Close to 800 MCS students are enrolled in the new virtual learning program, which happens at the same time as normal in-person learning hours. Parents are asked to wear a face mask when checking out devices.

4July 27: On July 27, a campus


Trump allows some unemployment pay

Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate

Donald Trump claimed the authority to defer payroll taxes and replace an expired unemployment benefit after talks with Congress on a new rescue package fell through. Trump moved to paying a supplemental federal unemployment benefit, which could face legal challenges that would question the president’s authority to sidestep Congress.

presidential candidate Joe Biden chose California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate for the 2020 presidential election. Other potential candidates for the running mate position were Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Florida Rep. Val Demings, California Rep. Karen Bass and former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice.

4Aug. 8: On Aug. 8, President




The Ball State Daily News (USPS144-360), the Ball State student newspaper, publishes Thursdays during the academic year, except during semester and summer breaks. The Daily News is supported in part by an allocation from the General Fund of the university and is available free to students at various campus locations.

4Aug. 4: On Aug. 5, parents of

VOL. 100 ISSUE: 1 CONTACT THE DN Newsroom: 765-285-8245 Editor: 765-285-8249, EDITORIAL BOARD Zach Piatt, Editor-in-chief Taylor Smith, Managing Editor Charles Melton, News Editor Nicole Thomas, Lifestyles Editor Ian Hansen, Sports Editor Jacob Musselman, Photo Editor Sophie Nulph, Opinion Editor Josh Bennett, Video Editor Alyssa Cooper, Social Media Editor John Lynch, Copy Director CREATIVE SERVICES Elliott DeRose, Creative Director Maggie Getzin, Print Design Editor Kamryn Tomlinson, Web Design Editor

4Aug. 11: Democratic party

POSTAL BOX The Daily News offices are in AJ 278, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306-0481. Periodicals postage paid in Muncie, Indiana. TO ADVERTISE Call 765-285-8256 or email between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday or visit TO SUBSCRIBE Call 765-285-8134 between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Friday. Subscription rates: $45 for one year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily News, AJ246, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. TO DONATE Visit


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CARDINALS CARE PLEDGE Consistent with the Beneficence Pledge, guided by our enduring values, and grounded in more than 100 years of history, Ball State University is committed to social responsibility. We view social responsibility as our collective and individual obligation to behave and act in ways that are in the best interest of others in our communities and our society. Now more than ever, it is important for all of us to focus on civility, courtesy, compassion, and dignity, and seek to understand one another by genuinely caring for each other. With our nation confronting the COVID-19 pandemic, we must rise to the occasion by being responsible for ourselves and each other during these unprecedented times. We are asking all members of the Ball State community to take the Cardinals Care Pledge.

I pledge to:

Care for Myself

I will monitor my health on a daily basis and, when appropriate, I will seek professional care to prevent and treat COVID-19 symptoms. I will cover my cough and my sneeze, and I will wash my hands often. If I suspect I have symptoms of COVID-19, I will promptly communicate with staff and healthcare professionals who can help me manage my health.

Care for Other Cardinals

I will wear a mask to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to protect others. I will maintain physical distancing and stay home if I feel sick or if I believe I’ve been exposed to someone who has COVID-19. I will inform my instructors and fellow students who may be counting on me to complete courses and academic goals.

Care for Our Campus and Community

I will educate myself regarding regulations, requirements, and guidelines that I need to be aware of as part of the campus and community. I will abide by protocols set by businesses and other organizations to help mitigate the transmission of COVID-19.


I will participate in educational programs to help take care of myself and others, and demonstrate respect and compassion for those around me.

Ball State Online Even if plans keep changing, your educational journey doesn’t have to.

It’s true! Thousands of Ball State’s on-campus students (more than 7,000 in fact!) have benefitted from taking online courses in one way or another. They’ve learned that web-based courses . . . • Can help you stay on schedule for graduation • Give you options when you have scheduling conflicts • Are available in a 12 to 18-credit load in the fall and spring, and are an affordable summer choice Questions? Call 800-872-0369 or email




Ball State anthropology professor wins Fulbright’s US Scholar award



Worries about census rise with cut schedule On Aug. 3, the Census Bureau said that the door-knocking and the ability of households to respond online, by phone or by mail to the questionnaire will stop at the end of September, instead of its regular October deadline, in order to meet the end-of-the-year deadline to turn in numbers to redraw congressional districts.


Evictions expected as moratoriums end A rise in evictions is expected to happen in the United States, affecting both low and high-income families. Experts predict the problem will worsen, with 30 million people unemployed currently and it is uncertain whether or not congress will extend the $600 unemployment benefits that expired.


Vehicle malfunction sparked wildfire After winning a U.S. Scholar award, anthropology professor Jennifer Erickson will be teaching in Bosnia during the spring 2021 semester. Erickson will continue her research project titled, “The Good Life: Examining Everyday Life in Postwar/Postindustrial Zenica.” JENNIFER ERICKSON, PHOTO PROVIDED Weiyu Ding Reporter Jennifer Erickson, anthropology professor at Ball State, will be traveling to Bosnia during the spring 2021 semester after winning a U.S. Scholar award from the Fulbright program. According to Ball State’s website, Erickson will be conducting her research project titled “The Good Life: Examining Everyday Life in Postwar/

Postindustrial Zenica,” which will focus on the everyday life of people in the Bosnian city of Zenica during the transformation following the civil war in the region during in the 1990s. “Learning another language and culture opens your world in immeasurable ways,” she said. “In anthropology, we seek to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange by comparing and contrasting different cultures.”

Erickson said she worked at a women’s non-governmental organization in Bosnia at the end of the 1990s and did a study on the prevalence of domestic violence among Roma women. In the summer of 2019, she led a group of seven to Bosnia and Herzegovina to join an ethnographic field school for three weeks. These experiences, she said, have accumulated material and laid the foundation for her research.

4See SCHOLAR, 07

In the mountains east of Los Angeles, a wildfire had forced thousands of people from their homes. The cause of the wildfire was started by a malfunctioning diesel vehicle, which had spewed from it’s exhaust systems, starting several fires, according to a statement from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.






MCS addresses issues of diversity, inclusion and racism Editor’s Note: This story is part of The Partnership Project, a series of content written in an effort by The Daily News to follow the formal collaboration of Ball State University and Muncie Community Schools. Read more in this series here. In the wake of the death of George Floyd, Lee Ann Kwiatkowski, director of public education and CEO of Muncie Community Schools (MCS), sent out a statement Monday about Muncie Community Schools’ plan to address issues of diversity, inclusion and racism in the school district. “Racism and racist violence, by action or inaction, is intolerable and unacceptable,” Kwiatkowski said in the statement. “The Black Lives Matter movement must include all of us as we support our black and

This kind of proactive approach with our frontline workers responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone inside our schools is just one more way we can provide the best educational environment for every student.” - LEE ANN KWIATKOWSKI, Director of public education and CEO of Muncie Community Schools brown students, teachers, staff and families. It is not a black problem, but a global problem.” Moving forward, she said the schools’ actions moving forward must reflect the fact that black lives matter. “We are committed to dismantling racism in our schools and acknowledge some practices that are unacceptable, including an inadequate representation of our black and brown educators, disproportionate discipline and euro-centered curriculum,” Kwiatkowski said. Her statement listed different steps MCS has taken and will take in the future to address diversity, equity and inclusion:

New director of diversity Last year, she said MCS established a cultural competency committee to provide “a welcoming, inclusive environment for students, families and staff.” Based on its recommendations, she and the committee and requested the MCS Board of

Lee Ann Kwiatkowski, director of public education and CEO of Muncie Community Schools (MCS) sits at her desk Jan. 22, 2020, in the MCS Administration Office and Area Career Center. She has worked at the schools for almost 10 months and has previously worked in teaching, administrative and state-level positions. JAKE HELMEN, DN Trustees to appoint Rhonda Ward as the school district’s director of diversity. Kwiatkowski said Ward will continue in her current role as assistant principal at Muncie Central High School. Additionally, she said the committee created a plan for cultural diversity training, including implicit bias, which will begin this summer. Before every staff meeting, there will be time to read, reflect, listen and have honest conversation regarding issues of racial justice.

bias training starting this summer, she said. “This kind of proactive approach with our frontline workers responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone inside our schools is just one more way we can provide the best educational environment for every student,” she said.

Student behavior

Kwiatkowski said one of the foundational principles in the strategic plan of the joint MCS and Ball State academic innovation plan includes culturally relevant teaching and learning, She said this will be embedded in curriculum, professional development, social emotional learning and family and community involvement, among other steps taken by MCS.

She said the schools will “continue to work to eliminate racist and punitive policies and practices” and plan to “incorporate restorative practices.” The groundwork for this, she said, has begun through the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports initiative and with the revamping of the 2020-21 Student Discipline Handbook. Additionally, she said the schools are strengthening their Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) teams to proactively address student behavior so issues do not reach the level requiring suspensions.

Implicit bias training

Additional steps

MCS school resource officers, bus drivers and front office staff will be required to take implicit

Kwiatkowski said MCS will review its curriculum to ensure there is relevant material

MCS-Ball State Academic Innovation Plan

and classrooms have a variety of texts that include positive, diverse representations. She added it is committed to improving communication with our communities of color through multiple channels. MCS, she said, will dismantle biased practices put into place in order to provide black students equitable access to different programs for gifted and talented students, Advanced Placement courses and dual credit opportunities. She added, the schools will ensure minorities will be included, considered, and/or represented when it comes to identifying a panel of judges within the schools. “It is what MCS does in the days, weeks and years ahead that will ultimately make a difference in the dismantling of anti-black racism that occurs within MCS and beyond,” Kwiatkowski said. “We are committed to a sustained effort to create change where there will truly be equity and justice for all.” -Staff Reports




PROTEST Continued from Page 01

“For that to happen throughout the whole day is something we really hope that we’re able to do,” El-Amin said. Benson thanked everyone that came out to the protests and reiterated the importance of having a peaceful protest. “We are all her for peace,” he said. “We want to show them how we get this done.” KeAyra Williams, a 2019 Ball State alumna, said she decided to come to Ball State for the protest from Indianapolis because it was a big cause for her. “I am a black woman. At some point I’m going to have black children, a black husband. I don’t want my kids laying in the streets. I don’t want them dead. I don’t want their brothers dead. I don’t want my father dead, my grandfather,” Williams said. “This has to stop.” Another protestor at the event was Chandler Bew, who reflected on when he first heard the news about Floyd’s death. He said he was at his father’s house, watching the news when he first heard about the incident, and thought that the incident would lead to something. “I think it’s justified,” Bew said about the protests in Minneapolis. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t justified.” The protesters were also joined by people in the Ball State and Muncie community, like Muncie Mayor Dan Ridenour and Muncie Police Department (MPD) Chief Nathan Sloan. Ridneour said every protest in Muncie has been peaceful, informative and a chance for everyone to share their thoughts. “It brings people together and anytime people can be together, the communication level rises,” he said. “They’re being heard.” Sloan said he and MPD officers were invited by the organizers to join the protest and they wouldn’t miss the opportunity. He said nobody dislikes a bad cop as much as a good cop. “I’ve got good people in my department and

Protesters kneel and bow their heads June 4, 2020, at Muncie City Hall. In response to George Floyd’s death, they held eight minutes of silence. BAILEY CLINE, DN that’s what we’re going to let people know,” he said. “This is the kind of community engagement we need everyday, all day.” The protesters chanted slogans like “Black Lives Matter,” and “No justice, no peace” before marching down McKinley Avenue headed to City Hall. At City Hall, other speakers will be joining the protesters including Joe Anderson, Muncie’s NAACP president and Jeanine Lee Lake, Democratic candidate for the 6th Congressional District. Contact Jake Merkel with comments at or on Twitter @jakemerkel4. Contact Rohith Rao with comments at rprao@bsu. edu or on Twitter @RaoReports.

The group of protesters marches down McKinley Avenue, June 4, 2020. One of the slogans used in the protest was “No justice, no peace.” JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN

SCHOLAR Continued from Page 05

She said she will continue her research in the city of Zenica while comparing it with Muncie.. “I am curious to investigate how histories of capitalism and communism, ethnicity and race and gender have shaped these two cities,” Erickson said. “Twenty-five years after the 1992-95 war ended, Bosnian politicians are corrupt and the political structure is a joke, the economy is terrible, and people are frustrated, if not also resilient. Many young people are leaving in search of jobs in Germany and other European countries.” She said she sees a lot of similarities and differences between the two cities, and the comparisons she makes will help show where each city can improve. “For many, a ‘normal life’ in Bosnia-Herzegovina includes a steady job; time to relax with family and to visit with friends and neighbors; not having to think about ethnicity, nationalism, or politics; and

Zineca, a city in Bosnia, is known for its steel factories, similar to Muncie, said Jennifer Erickson, anthropology professor at Ball State. will use similarities between the two cities and find ways for them to improve. UNSPLASH, PHOTO COURTESY freedom to travel,” Erickson said. Muncie, she said, is famous for glass, iron and steel factories while Zenica is famous for its steel factories, and such similarities would be good examples of industrial analysis. Erickson said her hands-on practice is important to her and she likes to do her

studies in-person to get more valuable information. “Anthropology is a great job to have, but it’s best conducted in person which means traveling and closely observing everyday life in a place over time, which takes time and money,” she said. Kiya Mullins, a graduate student in urban and

regional planning who travelled with Erickson in 2019, said the trip was “one of the best learning experiences ever.” “Professor Erickson is an amazing teacher that allowed us to develop our own ways of investigation of cities and people, by providing opportunities to see as much as we could in the short time but pushing us to use new skills to grow academically and personally,” Mullins said. Erickson said she loves her work and wants to see how Bosnia and Herzegovina and conceptualizations about a “normal life” in the country have changed over time. “I love learning how other cultures work, how they think, the problems they have encountered and novel ways they have addressed them,” she said. “I love to learn new perspectives on my own culture, to understand the power of language, the role of history, to experience different geographies, to try new and different foods, hear new music, and of course, meet new people.” Contact Weiyu Ding with comments at wding@ or on Twitter @WeiyuDing.





Enjoying Nature on National Nature Photography Day

A lakeside view from inside the BWCA, 2018. After hiking through the woods, it was finally time for Tyler to canoe in the water and paddle to his campsite. TYLER GRIFFITH, DN


yler Griffith is a senior Journalism major and interns for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. Today on National Nature Photography Day, I find myself looking through old pictures I took on my camping trip to the Minnesota/Canada Boundary Waters. For me this was more than just a camping trip, it was a life-changing experience that taught me a lesson that I still reflect on to this day. My family has a long history with Mother Nature. In the summers, my dad’s side of the family would all retire to their cabins in Minnesota to spend time together on the lakes. Growing up I heard many stories about these summers in Minnesota, but I never got the chance to experience it like my father did. The cabins were eventually sold during a hard time in the family. I feared I’d never get the experience. That fear subsided in the summer of 2018 when my father told me we were making a trip up north to visit his brother for a camping trip. I think that everyone should experience a stay in nature. I’m not talking about walking out to your backyard and watching the birds for a few minutes. I mean an extended stay in the environment, with nothing but Mother Nature surrounding you.

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) stretches across 1,000,000+ acres of land located in the Superior National Forest in Northeastern Minnesota. Established in 1978, BWCA is protected by the BWCA Wilderness Act which restricts mining, logging and motorized vehicles within the million acres of wilderness. Campers can explore the more than 2000 campsites, paddle 1200 miles of canoe routes, or hike across the 12 designated trails. The time finally came. We packed and started the drive up north. The three of us would spend the next four days in the wild living off the land, carrying what we needed in on our backs. To get to our campsite, we had to travel roughly two-and-a-half miles. The first stretch by foot, the next by canoe. Once we arrived at our campsite, we had to pitch the tent, line our fishing poles and prepare our dinner for the night. The first night’s dinner consisted of Hamburger Helper, which was brought with us in our packs. That would be the last meal that wasn’t directly from nature. We went to bed and dreamed about the fish that we would catch the next day. I awoke to the morning sun leaking through the walls of our tent. By habit, I immediately reached for my phone to see what notifications I got over night, but there was absolutely no

reception. My screen was blank. That is when it set in for me. I would be in the middle of the forest with no contact with anybody but those who hiked in with me. No longer would I be able to aimlessly scroll through social media when I was bored. Uncertainty began to set in. My phone felt

Choices, no matter how big or small, have a direct impact on what our outcome will be.” like an extension of myself and on any other normal day, I’d spend my downtime on it. The uncertainty subsided and the next few days are now known as some of the best days of my life. We didn’t have a set schedule, nowhere to be and no one to see. All we had to do was make sure we caught enough fish to stay full and enjoy each other’s company. Everything we did in the woods had a direct impact on what the outcome of the trip would be. If we wasted time during daylight, we may not have enough firewood and food for the night. This made me reflect on the choices that

we make in our everyday lives. Choices, no matter how big or small, have a direct impact on what our outcome will be. These forests have been around long before I was born and they will be around long after I’m gone. This made me reflect on life, as the time we spend on earth is relatively short. Realizing that our time here is limited forced me to be more conscious of my decisions in life. In March, a lot of state parks and campgrounds were closed to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to Indiana’s “Back On Track” plan, campsites were supposed to open by May 24 while following social distancing guidelines. State parks are allowed to open, with few facilities and services restricted, making it the perfect time to reconnect with nature. In today’s society it feels that everything is so centered around technology that sometimes we can’t imagine our lives without it. I spent my time in the woods soaking up the world that was a few feet in front of me, instead of inches ahead of me on my screen. Technology is very valuable, don’t get me wrong, but there are a lot of distractions involved as well. If we don’t put it down every once in a while we can easily forget the beauty of the natural world.





Ball State to create official varsity esports team Ball State is creating a varsity esports team, joining more than 300 colleges and universities to compete nationally in the digital sport, according to a press release from the university. The university will join 12 members of the MidAmerican Conference (MAC) during fall semester for the 2020-21 season in the newly created independent Esports Collegiate Conference (ESC), the press release states. MAC leadership announced the new venture today, it states, adding ESC is an independent entity and will operate separately from the MAC. ESC will provide structure, scheduling and championship opportunities for its membership, an ESC press release states. ESC will feature fall and spring seasons. Titles being considered for the fall include games like Rocket League, Fortnite, Super Smash Bros., Madden NFL and FIFA. The spring season competition will be in Overwatch and League of Legends, the press release states. An ESC Champion will be crowned in each game title, with the champion earning an automatic bid to the national postseason tournament, it states. “The creation of Esports Collegiate represents the foresight of our presidents to establish a stand-alone competitive framework for collegiate esports competitors and enthusiasts,” said Jon Steinbrecher, MAC commissioner, in the ESC press release. “I look forward to this organization maturing and growing, facilitating excellent competitive opportunities, fostering teamwork, and providing even more reasons to attend an Esports Collegiate member institution.” Greg Crawford, president of Miami University, will serve as the president of the ESC board of directors, the press release states. “I, along with my presidential colleagues are thrilled by the creation of the Esports Collegiate Conference,” Crawford said. “Esports has a growing presence on all of our campuses. Esports Collegiate will provide a framework for competition among peers, and afford another opportunity for student engagement.”

A seven-member competition committee has been established to oversee scheduling, game title selection and recommendations, championship format and any other infrastructure issues that may arise. ESC’s website states competitions will be played online at individual campus sites and teams will not need to travel for regular season competition. President Geoffrey Mearns said in the Ball State press release the program provides students with a new source for school spirit and pride in their own campus community. Currently, the university has Cardinal Esports, an active club team with about 500 participants, the press release states.

I, along with my presidential colleagues are thrilled by the creation of the Esports Collegiate Conference. Esports has a growing presence on all of our campuses. Esports Collegiate will provide a framework for competition among peers, and afford another opportunity for student engagement.” - GREG CRAWFORD, President of Miami University

“Our expansion into this dynamic domain of esports is another way in which our University is providing our students innovative opportunities to learn and to make connections with their peers

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Jullian Thomas sits in front of a computer. Thomas is wearing his headset and Cardinal Esports jersey. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN and within the community,” Mearns said. “This initiative will elevate the academic experiences that we offer across multiple disciplines.” Paaige Turner, dean of Ball State’s College of Communication, Information, and Media (CCIM), said in the press release the new varsitylevel team will enhance academic offerings by bringing esports experiences into curricula across multiple disciplines — including digital sports production, business, computer sciences, animation, and sport administration. Turner said the new venture will provide students with a sports team that mirrors their interests and support those who are interested in employment opportunities in the fast-growing field. “This is a sport that is spreading across the globe,” she said, acknowledging the financial and job growth in the esports industry. “Our team

will make Ball State even more attractive to high achieving students around the nation.” The varsity team, Turner said, will be housed within CCIM and a search for a coach will be underway soon. Alex Kartman, lecturer of telecommunications and director of digital sports production at Ball State, has been spearheading Ball State’s efforts to create a varsity-level program, the press release states. “Varsity esports competition is a new way we will provide students distinctive opportunities to learn and make connections with their peers and the community,” Kartman said. “Through our esports opportunities, students will find their passion and purpose at Ball State.” -Staff Reports

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TALKING FROM A DISTANCE Ball State professors develop messaging service for Burmese refugees.

Daniel O’Connell Reporter Two Ball State professors have created a textmessaging information service for the Burmese refugee population in Indianapolis. The service, which can translate 500 messages into Hakha Chin and Burmese, provides maternal and child health care information. The project is headed by Jean Marie Place and Mengxi Zhang, two assistant professors of health science at Ball State’s college of health. Place said the idea originated with knowledge that public-communicated text messages have been known to change knowledge and behavior in various populations. It was also recognized by Place that there were problems with transportation and the language barrier that the Burmese population in Indianapolis faced. The professors hatched an idea to use a texting service providing health information. “We wanted to help address that gap,” Place said. “Using a text messaging system could help bypass the barriers these women faced, especially while pregnant or raising small children.” Place and Zhang hope that this service will lead to better birth outcomes for Burmese women and their children, as the service provides

free information on interconception, prenatal and postpartum health. The service also gives resources in the community that will provide a translation service.

We wanted to help address that gap. Using a text messaging system could help bypass the barriers these women faced, especially while pregnant or raising small children.”

the Burmese American Community Institute to create and develop the project. The institute helped facilitate the research for the project and collect data. Place said that they “were very grateful” for their help. According to Zhang, data shows there are several problems that the Burmese community face. Aside from issues accessing health care due to the language barrier and transportation, the biggest problems they face are mental health issues and high prevalence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. While the institute helped Place and Zhang with the health and cultural side of the project, both the IU Health School of Medicine and Indiana State Department of Health contributed to the text message aspect of the project. They mainly helped Zhang and Place by providing sample text

messages to use as a basis. They also work with healthcare providers in the Burmese community to revise the messages to fit the problems that are affecting them. “All the interviews were and will be conducted in Burmese and Hakha Chin,” Zhang said. Both professors said they believe the messaging service is a way of addressing gaps in the system that affect the disadvantaged refugees. They said it’s important for everyone to understand and research the push and pull factors affecting refugees and forcing them to resettle. “Hopefully, the message service will inspire greater change for the Burmese refugees,” Place said. Contact Daniel O’Connell with comments at or on Twitter at @ DanielO89155766.

- JEAN MARIE PLACE, Ball State assistant professor of health science “Although knowledge alone is not the key to changing behavior, it is an important piece,” she said. Both Place and Zhang have received help from

Students from the Burmese community join Ball State professor Mengxi Zhang for a video call. Zhang and fellow professor Jean Marie Place created a text-messaging service for Burmese refugees needing maternal and child health care information. MENGXI ZHANG, PHOTO PROVIDED

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Stop by for a Ball State professors Jean Marie Place and Mengxi Zhang said they noticed how transportation and the language barrier impacts the Indianapolis Burmese community, specifically mothers. “We wanted to help address that gap,” Place said. “Using a text messaging system could help bypass the barriers these women faced, especially while pregnant or raising small children.” MENGXI ZHANG, PHOTO PROVIDED





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MUNCIE ORIGINS: Forever Young Children’s Boutique Amanda Hughes reflects on returning to Muncie to start her business and her experiences. Taylor Marshall Reporter Amanda Hughes, owner of Forever Young Children’s Boutique, has always known she was a business woman at heart. “As a small child, I sold crafts and things that I would make up and sell around my neighborhood,” Hughes said. “Before opening the store, I hadn’t had any experience actually running a business.” Although Hughes had never actually ran a business herself, her previous experiences prepared her for the challenge, she said. She worked for a manufacturer, where she gained customer service experience, and she worked for the Minnetrista, where she got experience in hospitality and events. She then went on to obtain a business management degree from Anderson University and returned to Muncie in 2016 to begin her business life at the children’s boutique. “I never imagined what my business would be until I had children myself and decided that my hometown needed a boutique for kiddos, Hughes said. “Having my own really helped me

see a vision.” Supporting local charities and giving back to the community has always been something that was important to her, Hughes said, and she knew she wanted to incorporate it into her business since the beginning. The children’s boutique donates to four different charities. “Our hometown is important and the uprising of our downtown is important,” Hughes said. “We currently support the Women’s Mission with donations, First Choice for Women, Bridges Community services, and The Foster Closet. All of these missions are important to the women and children of this community.” As the owner of the brick and mortar, Hughes keeps herself busy with endless responsibilities. While it may seem like it never ends, she said she loves it and “wouldn’t have it any other way.” “I am the manager, store designer, buyer, point of sale associate, e-commerce manager, cleaning lady and all. It never ends, but I love it so much I wouldn’t have it any other way. I enjoy everything I do.” Forever Young Children’s Boutique has many

a gathering place for friends

Forever Young Children’s Boutique owner Amanda Hughes said her kids gave her a vision for the store. “I never imagined what my business would be until I had children myself and decided that my hometown needed a boutique for kiddos,” Hughes said. AMANDA HUGHES, PHOTO PROVIDED

loyal customers, one being a local grandmother, Roberta Smith, who says her favorite part about shopping at the boutique is the uniqueness of the clothing. A lot of the brands sold at the children’s boutique are unique items, that shoppers can’t find any regular retail store, Hughes said. “The style of the clothing is just different. It’s not something that you see everywhere. I shop for my granddaughter and not every little girl I see has on that line of clothing. There are different and unique patterns that wash and wear very well.” Smith said her first time going into Forever Young Boutique was plain and simple: fun. She had nothing but positive things to say about the owner. “I think the owner, Amanda, makes this store feel very unique,” she said. “She puts a personal touch on everything she sells and she gives recommendations that I wouldn’t get at a big box retailer.” Contact Taylor Marshall with comments at or on Twitter @ Tamarshall333.

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Mac cancels fall football season due to virus

COVID-19 stalls college football , university presidents looking for new spring season Associated Press By Ralph D. Russo The Mid-American Conference on Saturday became the first league competing at college football’s highest level to cancel its fall season because of COVID-19 concerns. A person with knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press the university president’s voted to not play in the fall and consider a spring season. The person spoke to AP on condition of anonymity because an official announcement was still being prepared. With the MAC’s 12 schools facing a significant financial burden by trying to maintain costly coronavirus protocols, the conference’s university presidents made the decision to explore a spring season. MAC schools rely heavily on revenue from playing road games against power conference teams. Most of those games were canceled when the Power Five went to exclusively or mostly conference games. Without them, the strain of trying to implement all that it would take to keep players and staff safe during a pandemic became too much.


Then redshirt junior quarterback looks back before he snaps the ball, Sept. 14, 2019, at Scheumann Stadium. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN

What could ever equal Mancino’s beloved Pizza and hot, baked Grinders? Mancino’s Sweet Shop treats! Hand-dipped Ice Cream, made-to-order Ice Cream Sandwiches and Gourmet Cookies... mmmm! DINE IN • CARRY OUT (765) 287-1300 4116 W. Bethel Ave!

MancinosMuncie.coM serving the Muncie coMMunity for over 20 years! The grandstands sit packed during the pregame ceremony of the home opener of the 2019 football season, Sept. 8, 2020, at Scheumann Stadium. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN






tips for stargazing in your own backyard and beyond

Sarah Jensen Reporter With summer in session, warm nights are the perfect time to get outside and look at the sky. Stargazing is a hobby anyone can pick up and it can be an inexpensive way to connect with nature and the universe around us. Here are six tips that will help you appreciate this activity.

1. Look for clear skies The only thing you truly need to stargaze is a patch of clear sky. It’s important to look for evenings with no cloud cover and less humidity because it can cause a haze and prevent you from seeing as much of the sky as possible. It also helps to try and limit the light pollution around you, which can obscure your view of the sky. You can do this by getting away from street lights and buildings, if possible. If not, you can still see plenty of the brighter stars even with light pollution.

2. Let your eyes adapt to the darkness The longer you look up at the dark sky, the more stars you will begin to see. This is because of a process our eyes undergo, called dark adaptation. Our eyes are able to adjust and become more sensitive to smaller sources of light over time. This process typically takes our eyes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to reach our maximum night vision. That being said, it’s important to not look at bright lights, such as street lamps or cell phones, while our eyes are adjusting. When stargazing, it can be useful to have a red light with you for seeing things in the dark. Red lights allow for you to have visible light without affecting your eye’s dark adaptation. Some astronomy apps offer red light interfaces so you can still use your phone to learn about the sky while you’re stargazing.

3. Download astronomy apps One of the best ways to learn about the stars you see in the sky is through astronomy apps. They sometimes allow you to point your phone at the sky and tell you what stars, constellations, satellites and comets you are viewing. Here are a few popular apps recommended by Rachel Williamson, Charles W. Brown Planetarium show specialist, that can help you learn about the night sky while you are stargazing. Google Sky: This free website helps you explore the far reaches of the universe using Google Maps to position the planets and constellations with your own surroundings. Stellarium: There is a $2.99 mobile version and

a $9.99 version. The mobile option has an extensive catalog of space information. There is also a free open source planetarium computer program. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with your own eyes. SkySafari: This smartphone app costs $3 for the artificial reality version and there is a plus version for $14.99 and a pro version for $39.99. This app shows you 120,000 stars, 222 of the best-known star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies in the sky; including all of the Solar System’s major planets and moons, and more than 200 asteroids, comets, and satellites. Star Tracker: This smartphone app has a free lite version and a pro version for $3. You can see stars, constellations and deep sky objects by pointing your phone at the sky and all of this data is available offline

4. Be prepared When stargazing, you want to make sure you are prepared to be outside for a while. Blankets, lawn chairs, bug spray, drinks and snacks are good to bring, as well as a red light and phone charger. If you are stargazing from home, it’s still a good idea to get all of your supplies nearby so you aren’t having to turn on lights and lose your dark adaptation. If you have binoculars, they can help you see stars in more detail, however, they aren’t necessary to get a good view of the sky.

5. Look for easily recognizable constellations The Earth is constantly rotating on its axis, but the stars are fixed. So, while the stars appear to be rotating, they are moving together across the sky. Being able to recognize a few constellations allows you to learn more about the Earth’s celestial sphere.

6. Find stargazing friends Finding people who either know a lot about the stars already or want to learn alongside you can make your stargazing experience even better. Many communities have local astronomy groups that encourage new membership of any skill level. In Muncie, there is the Muncie Astronomy Club. They host and attend astronomy classes as well as hold sky tours around Muncie. There is also the Charles W. Brown Planetarium on Ball State’s campus, which typically holds free astronomy shows for the public. It can also be beneficial to join Facebook groups or online forums for more tips and tricks about stargazing. Contact Sarah Jensen with questions at or on Twitter @jensenesarah2






Intern reflects on summer internship at CNO Financial Group Weiyu Ding Reporter Tyler Hollis, junior actuarial science major, spent his summer as intern working virtually for CNO Financial Group. Hollis said in an email he was working with the company’s health valuation team in their actuarial department. “As of the first week of the internship, I am learning more actuarial language and getting to understand the programs/software that are used in the department through various tasks assigned to me by my manager,” he said. Carolyn O’Donnell, vice president of organizational development at CNO, said in an email due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s summer internship has been changed to an online virtual internship. “A virtual intern program experience, though directed by our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, also serves to prepare our interns for the ever-increasing virtual workforce that will continue to grow throughout their careers,” O’Donnell said. She said CNO is committed to helping provide students quality summer internships. “Our summer internship program has long been a core part of who we are here, and this public health crisis won’t stop us from giving both young grads and our own business a leg up by helping these interns gain meaningful real-life work experience,” O’Donnell said. Hollis said CNO is doing a good job with its remote internships because it imitates real-life internships. “I am still able to connect with co-workers and executives through virtual meetings where we can introduce ourselves and get to know each other as if we are talking in person,” he said. One advantage of virtual internships, O’Donnell said, was an improvement in communication between interns and employees. “Associates are participating more and connecting more as office geography doesn’t play a role any longer,” O’Donnell said. She said it also adds a more lighthearted “humanizing” component in their day-to-day interactions. “In an office, although you have small talk about the weather and weekend plans, you don’t see someone’s family member unexpectedly do an unintended photo bomb or dog jump up and lick someone’s face,” O’Donnell said. In general, she said she believes remote internships can be useful in an intern’s career.

Tyler Hollis, junior actuarial science major, is spending his summer as intern working virtually for CNO Financial Group. Hollis is working with the company’s health valuation team in their actuarial department. TYLER HOLLIS, PHOTO PROVIDED

“I believe that that going virtual will challenge our interns to be self-starters and really hone their time management skills,” O’Donnell said. “Additionally, this experience will help push our interns to take the initiative and be proactive self-starters, which are skills that will help them throughout their careers.” She said she sees benefits of remote internships like interacting with some of the company’s key initiatives — one being diversity and inclusion — “which fosters and encourages an inclusive work environment.” Hollis said he encourages other students to always consider doing internships during their academic journeys, even if working virtually isn’t the ideal situation. He said CNO’s virtual internship program mimics the “in-real-life” feel of the original in-person internship. “If anyone has doubts about getting out and trying to get an internship, I would advise them to work towards getting one because it allows them to experience much more about how a ‘realworld’ job functions, as well as, permitting you to build connections that you can use when you are ready to find a full-time job after you graduate college,” he said. Contact Weiyu Ding with comments at wding@ or on Twitter @WeiyuDing.

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BALL STATE SURVIVAL GUIDE Learn how campus will continue to function during a global pandemic.417

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See what living in a residence hall will be like this year.421 Read how one of Ball State’s most popular study spots will operate.422



Cooking in the dorms

Easy recipes for a quick midnight snack Ramped-up Ramen EMILY WRIGHT, DN

Directions: Toss mushrooms, celery, spinach and the white root portion of the green onions in a saucepan with boiling water

and let it simmer. After a while, add sauces and seasoning from the ramen packet to the water and the seasoning from the ramen packet and turn the heat down. Cook ramen in a separate pot according to directions in the packaging Drain the noodles when they’re done cooking and set them aside. Boil an egg for about six minutes to top your ramen. Put your noodles in a bowl and pour the broth on top. Top it with the egg, sliced green leaf portion of your onions and red pepper flakes.

Mushroom and Spinach Quesadilla JAKE HELMAN, DN


Campus COVID-19 plan

Student will be required to adjust to certain changes at Ball State in the fall. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ball State has implemented numerous changes, some directly impacting students in their academic, social and extracurricular life.

Academic changes:

What you need: • 1 pack of ramen noodles • 3 chopped baby portobello mushrooms • 1 chopped celery stick • A cup of baby spinach • 2 chopped green onions • 1 tablespoon soy sauce • ½ tablespoon Sriracha sauce or gochujang chili sauce • Red pepper flakes • 1 egg • Water


While Ball State will commence classes Aug. 24, it will do so consistent with guidelines from federal, state and local public health officials, according to Ball State’s reopening plan . These changes might include more evening and weekend class sessions, if necessary, and dividing larger classes into smaller sections. The two-day fall break and Labor Day weekend will not be observed as usual and classes will be held on those days. Additionally, instructors will front load learning activities earlier on the semester in order to complete them before Thanksgiving break so that students can return back home and continue their classes, complete projects and take examinations online for the remainder of the semester. More classes will be made available online, especially to accommodate faculty and students who belong to higherrisk populations.

and employees.

Face masks and other safety protocols: Students will generally be expected to wear their face masks or face shields during in-person class sessions, according to the plan. Students will also be required to wear them in the presence of people where physical distancing might be difficult to maintain, like hallways, elevators, stairs, public spaces and common areas, and in campus transportation. Wearing a face mask is not required when working alone in a private office or work space, nor is it required when working behind a plexiglass barrier. However, students will have to wear masks or shields when in a classroom or laboratory where

physical distancing might not be possible. Ball State will also be providing up to two washable and reusable face masks to all students who request them. The Office of the Dean of Students will provide additional information regarding where to collect these face masks prior to the start of the fall semester. Students will also be required to follow physical distancing guidelines and practice personal sanitization measures when feasible. This includes avoiding crowded places and mass gatherings, avoiding physical contact with others like hugging and handshakes and keeping distance from those exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. While frequent handwashing is the first line of defense against COVID-19, students are also

encouraged to carry their own hand sanitizer. They are also encouraged to carry their own water bottles to avoid drinking from common water fountains which might not be operational due to the pandemic. Students should also avoid sharing personal items, supplies and equipment with other students. Specific guidelines for student organizations, residence halls, dining facilities, recreation services, transportation, athletes etc. can be found on Ball State’s COVID-19 website. Regular updates on new rules and guidelines and new announcements from the university regarding the pandemic are usually communicated via campus-wide emails and made available on this website. -Staff Reports

Health guidelines:

What you need: • ½ cup of mushrooms • ½ cup of green onion • A cup of spinach • ¼ cup mozzarella cheese • Flour tortillas Directions: Toss spring onions and mushrooms in a pan with some oil and sauté until tender. Clear the pan and put the vegetables in a bowl. Pour some more oil on the pan and toss a tortilla on it.

Put your mix of onions and mushrooms on one half of the tortilla and sprinkle some mozzarella cheese on it. Fold the tortilla shell in half and fry until golden brown. Serve the quesadilla with a side of any sauces you like. For more recipes, follow The Daily News on Facebook and watch our Daily Dining videos. -Staff Reports

Students are expected to monitor their symptoms everyday before coming to campus or leaving their residence halls and should seek medical care when necessary, either through their primary healthcare provider or through the Student Health Center, the plan states. Additionally, the university will coordinate COVID-19 screening, testing and contact tracing for students and employees when they are made readily available. To minimize the risk of spreading the coronavirus during the flu season late in the year, students are strongly encouraged to get a flu vaccination in the fall semester. Ball State will expand access and availability of the flu vaccinations for all students

Join an Ensemble

The School of Music has a variety of ensembles that are open to all Ball State students. Join one of our many bands, orchestras, jazz ensembles, choirs, and more. For more information, email or call 765-285-9178.




Recreation during the pandemic Ball State’s Recreation Services reopened its locations, hours and programming July 6. In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Ball State’s Recreation Services reopened its locations, hours and programming July 6 based on available staffing and with certain guidelines and restrictions for the fall semester.

Classes and outdoor exercise Class sizes will be spaced to accommodate physical distancing of at least 6 feet between people and equipment, according to the recreation reopening plan. Programming that does not provide the ability to maintain this physical distancing requirement will be suspended, modified or have its capacity limited. Outdoor exercise classes may be an alternative option, promoting existing outdoor activities such as the trips and clinics provided by the Recreation Services’ Outdoor Pursuits program. For trips, Recreation Services will transport participants in vehicles that can seat eight passengers and institute a requirement for face masks to be worn in the vehicle, the plan states. Participants will also be allowed to drive themselves to trip locations to promote physical distancing. Additionally, Recreation Services will continue creating and offering virtual options.

Equipment and other services Equipment will be spaced to accommodate physical distancing, according to the plan. Facility layouts will be modified, use of equipment limited, and additional rooms

and locations may be used to space equipment appropriately where possible. Those who use equipment will be required to clean and disinfect it after each use. Checking out communal equipment will be limited to equipment that is easy to clean and sanitize efficiently and effectively. Additionally, people will be encouraged to bring their own equipment such as basketballs and racquets. Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center hours may vary. A 72-96 hour holding period between rental returns will be implemented for all equipment that cannot be easily cleaned and disinfected. This holding period may be reduced or increased based on guidance regarding environmental health and safety. While locker rooms and lockers will be made available, towel and laundry services will be suspended until further notice. People must bring their own towels, come dressed to workout and are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to their workouts. Guest passes will not be available until further notice.

Co-curricular activities Physical contact will be permitted according to this schedule: • Informal recreation: July 6 • Sport clubs: Aug. 24 • Intramural sports: Sept. 7 Sport clubs and intramural sports present challenges when it comes to physical distancing and minimizations of groups, particularly with contact sports, according to the plan. University guidelines will apply to all these sports and special considerations will apply to protect participants, staff safety officers and coaches

as necessary. Spectators for co-curricular activities will be asked or reminded via signage and/or announcements to physically distance and wear face masks. Decisions about holding activities such as practices and events and under what conditions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Other practices People are strongly encouraged to wear face masks when physical distancing cannot be reasonably maintained. Recreation Services will maintain its normal cleaning and disinfecting schedules with heightened cleaning schedules for high-touch public equipment and areas. Additionally, consideration will be given to expanding crowdsourced cleaning. Signage regarding face masks, hygiene, and physical distancing will be posted and promoted. Appropriate signage will be posted at entrances and within buildings indicating pathways and positions for standing, waiting and other things where applicable. A foaming hand sanitizer dispenser will be available upon entry to all buildings. Physical barriers such as sneeze guards and partitions will be placed at locations where frequent face-to-face interaction occurs. Facilities may be closed at various times of the day to increase environmental cleaning and disinfection. Some facilities, like pools and the climbing wall, may require sign-up times for various locations to ensure appropriate capacity limits. -Staff Reports

Ball State’s Recreation Services will be open under certain guidelines this semester including the suspension of towel and laundry services. SAMANTHA BRAMMER, DN FILE

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20 On campus visitors are recommended to social distance and utilize outdoor spaces. Those who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms are asked to not enter the campus grounds. DN FILE

Visiting Ball State during the pandemic Ball State released its plan for people visiting campus as part of its planned reopening of services for the fall 2020 semester. As part of its planned reopening of services for the fall 2020 semester, Ball State released its plan for people visiting the university’s campus during the pandemic. For members of the general public visiting Ball State’s campus, the university recommends utilizing its outdoor spaces while maintaining appropriate physical distancing of 6 feet or more from others while on campus, according to Ball State’s website.

Visitors are also expected to properly wear face masks that cover the nose and mouth when entering any campus building and in outdoor settings where proper physical distancing is not possible. To maintain a safe and healthy environment for Ball State community members and its visitors, the website also recommends visitors to wash hands often, avoid crowded places and mass gatherings, avoid hugs and

handshakes, cover coughs and sneezes and avoid those who appear to show signs of COVID-19. Visitors who experience symptoms of COVID-19 are asked not to attend events or enter campus buildings and grounds, according to the website. More information about events, scheduled campus tours and other visiting information can be found on Ball State’s website. -Staff Reports




Housing during the pandemic

In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Ball State Housing made some adjustments to the housing options available for students living in residence halls. In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Ball State Housing made some adjustments to the housing options available for students living in residence halls, according to its website and emails forwarded to residence hall students. While students already have completed their housing forms and have been given their housing assignments, the following are a list of changes outlined by Housing for students living in residence halls at the start of the fall 2020 semester:

Moving in: After room assignments are sent out, students will receive an email with directions to schedule an appointment, which will be available starting early August, to bring their belongings to campus, according to the Ball State website. During their scheduled appointment time, students will receive their room key and may bring their items and place them into their assigned rooms. Housing is unable to house students until either Aug. 19 or 20 depending on the premium or standard plans. Appointment slots will be scheduled by residence hall and will be coordinated to reduce the volume of people using common spaces at any given time. Anyone entering a residence hall will be asked to wear a face mask as they move belongings into their rooms. Students are also asked to limit the number of personal belongings they bring to campus this year to make cleaning and disinfecting easier. If a student is unable to utilize the appointment system, they may move in on the appropriate contract date or between Aug 21-23.

Quarantine and Isolation Accommodations: If a student is exposed to, or become sick with COVID-19,

the university will work with the student to have a room on campus while self-quarantining or isolating, according to the website. Students will need to work with their health care provider to make sure that staying on campus is the best choice for them. Quarantine housing will be provided to students who have had close contact with an individual who has had symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, and have the recommendation of the medical director of the Health Center. Students will live in quarantine housing for 14 days, or until the director of the Health Center provides authorization to leave quarantine to ensure they have not contracted COVID-19. Isolation housing will be provided to students who have tested positive for COVID-19. Students will be required to live in isolation housing for the period of time recommended by the CDC and until clearance is given by the Health Center to return to campus activities. Students who need to quarantine or isolate will not be permitted to do so in their regular rooms and will be moved into specially designated space on campus for the 14-day duration. They will have the option to move home for the quarantine or isolation period if their health care provider and family believe it is preferable. No visitors, including family members, will be permitted in quarantine or isolation housing. If a student leaves campus and travels internationally, they are requested to quarantine for 14 days before returning to campus.

Safety practices: Apart from deep-cleaning and disinfecting all rooms prior to move-in, cleaning and disinfecting other high touch surfaces and areas and

Erin Simons moves in during Welcome Week Aug. 18, 2018, at Woodworth Complex. This year students were asked to select a move in time to reduce the number of people moving in at a given time. REBECCA SLEZAK, DN FILE disinfecting equipment being made available in all common areas, Housing has put in place some additional practices. While visitors to residence halls will be allowed, they will not be permitted to stay past midnight. There will be a limit of three people allowed in a residence hall room at any given time, including the resident and roommate, and visitors will not be permitted to stay overnight. Water fountains and water bottle filling stations will be turned off. Students are

encouraged to bring bottled water. Kitchenettes and some other common spaces will be closed following CDC guidelines. A complete list of common spaces that will be closed is still being finalized. Students will be asked to wear a face mask when in any public areas of their residence hall to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. While a number of hand sanitizing stations will be available in residence halls and other campus buildings, students will be responsible

for bringing personal cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and other disinfectant products for use within their room.

Thanksgiving break: Residence halls will be closed during Thanksgiving break through the end of the fall 2020 semester, the website states. Students returning for the spring 2021 semester will be permitted to leave their belongings in their rooms over the extended break period. In rare circumstances,

a student with compelling reasons may be permitted to stay on campus with advanced special permission of the director of Housing and Residence Life. Plans are still being finalized for billing procedures among other things for the fall 2020 semester. Students and parents will be updated on new developments via email from Housing, on its social media page and updates posted on its FAQ website. -Staff Reports





Ball State University Libraries is reopening in phases culminating in full, on-site support for returning students and faculty at the beginning of the fall 2020 semester, according to the Ball State website. The website states that University Libraries is prepared to support HyFlex courses and online learning — a hybrid learning course design model that gives students the option of attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, or doing both. The libraries will continue to serve campus and provide information access if a COVID-19 resurgence were to force campus to unexpectedly pivot to online-only instruction before Thanksgiving break during the fall semester, the plan states.

Phase 1: until July 31 Following the installation of plexiglass barriers and availability of sufficient personal protective equipment for staff, University Libraries opened in July to Ball State researchers, according to the website. The libraries were providing essential access to physical collections and other user services. During this time, the libraries encouraged use of curbside or virtual services, rather than inperson attendance. These services included trunk delivery of circulating physical materials and equipment, electronic interlibrary loan and document delivery, electronic reading lists, virtual reference, online instruction and consultation services, and remote desktop access to specialized,

custodial software. Researchers were able to schedule appointments by contacting the libraries’ main circulation during weekday business hours. Researchers had to present their valid Ball State ID, practice physical distancing, wear a face mask and follow no-contact checkout protocols.

Phase 2: Aug. 1-15 University Libraries will open to the general public and community users Aug. 2 maintaining the following hours: Bracken Library: • Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m.-9 p.m. • Friday: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. • Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. • Sunday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Branch Libraries: • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Other: • Archives and Special

Collections: MondayFriday, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • GIS Research and Map Collection: MondayFriday, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • Drawings + Documents Archive: Monday-Friday, by appointment. The libraries will continue to maintain no-contact protocols for circulation transactions and virtual delivery of reference and consultation services, the plan states. Some physical distancing measures include small group study rooms being designated for individual use only, large study rooms and instructional spaces maintaining physical distancing, service areas with small or limited spaces being open by appointment only or with limited

concurrent use, physical distancing furniture reconfigurations and reduced public computer access.

Phase 3: Fall 2020 semester Beginning Aug. 16, the website states that University Libraries will resume regular semester operating hours with all measures described above in place.

Throughout the semester, the libraries will continue to provide curbside and virtual services to faculty and students unable to enter the libraries due to health vulnerabilities. Hours of on-site operation after the Thanksgiving holiday will be assessed and may be reduced, since students will not return to campus.




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-Staff Reports




Moving to Muncie

Ball State’s newest students traveled across the country and across the world to Muncie, Indiana for the upcoming school year. Check out where the class of 2024 is from inside.4


2 2 1


1 1






1 9

4 1

28 70


1 6 10 2 2

3 2 1

* District of Columbia


1 5 3,341 new students will be traveling to Ball State for the fall 2020 semester.


3,007 of those Cardinals are coming from across Indiana and 240 Cardinals are from bordering states like Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. Cardinals will be traveling from 31 out of the 50 states with 10 states (and the District of Columbia) only having one student moving to Muncie. In addition, a flock of four is flying across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe and Australia and one new Cardinal is heading south for the school year from Canada.



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Wheaton Madisyn Kafer Alyse Lanagan Willow Spgs Kellie Courtney Winfield Vivian Newhouse Yorkville Scott Carter


Akron Mitchell Smith Albany Raygen Edwards Grace Foust Jaigen Glaze Jonas Hensley Spencer St. John Albion Jenna Leatherman Ethan Mitchell Alexandria Kylie Brown Brady Daugherty Josephine Folkner Karissa Hall Kami Horn Shana Matlock Connor Remington Kirsten VanHorn Madisen Zent Anderson Hannah Allen Brooke Ancil Brooke Arms Mercedes Armstrong Briyah Badgley Gavin Barron Makenna Bauer Drake Bond Kameron Bowen Gretchen Brumbaugh Malachi Byrge Tiffany Campion Kendall Canal Karli Cox Brooklynn Dailey Fayth Davenport William Davidson Charlie Dubree Lilly Elrod Olivia Fithian Lela Fox Jordyn Friend Dorion Fritz Bailey Goodson Kyle Harty Emily Hayden Danielle Henson Rayanna Herron Amanda High Lily Hockwalt Emma Hogg Leticia Ibanez Lily Jones Mason Kennedy Alexander Kestner

Conner King Ava Kinser Meghan Kirkpatrick Robert Longnaker Conner Martin Velantina MasseThimothus Hannah Maze Abigayle McCurry Brayden McDaniel Sharilyn Mckinney Samuel Merritt Michelle Miranda Lopez Eric Moore Lauren Owen Jose Padilla Chloe Phipps Spencer Pierce Jaden Precup Macin Precup Jackson Privett Alexis Rivera Brooklyn Rudicil Kendall Ryan Britnney SantiagoLopez Trenton Scifres Kaitlin Sheets Brooklyn Street Austin Tolston Emma Voth Michael White Larissa Whiteman Logan Wilhoite Andrews Bailey Zook Angola Dyer Ball Samantha Biernat Brandie Fuchs Amy German Madelyn Harmes Angel Harper Trey Hiler Grace Kulow Lauren Taylor Arcadia Ariel Jacobson Taylor Mason Yatziry Lizbeth Zaleta Fornue Argos Kendal Ferguson Atlanta Chloe Chris Chandlar Williams Lexy Woodruff Attica Courtney Miller Auburn Ethan Ayers Katherine McAninch Carman Rieke Alison Smith Samuel Steck Gavin Winebrenner Aurora Kada Campbell

Kinley Sweeney Avon Maya Abramson Rylee Anderson Hannah Baines Matthew Barton Jose Campos Chase Childers Sophia Clore Grace Crosier Carter Diebold Ross England Zoe Frossard Collin Goffinet Evan Gosnell Olivia Lakin James Minor Lexington Narvell Nathan Neuman Corrine O’Neil Adrianna Porzio Madison Prosser Peyton Schaefer Kourtney Scott Joseph Souza Connor Speakman Kristopher Thurman Caitlin Walker Abigail Whitlow Rowan Wyatt Bainbridge Abigail Simmerman Bargersville Ethan Crowe Alayna Whitis Mya Whitis Dylan Wood Batesville Dominic Butz Jacob Deutsch Carlos Dice Mason Green Zachary Harmeyer Joseph Hartman Jordan Harvey Justin Heiser Harlee Masavage Kayla Meyer Macy Prickel Skylar Simpson Zebediah Streator Samantha Tonges Battle Ground Haleigh Dooley Bedford Adrian Collins Kylee Martin Danielle Wenz Brycelyn Yost Beech Grove Andrew Galvez Hannah Horsley Brianna Mills Vincent Pich Isabella Vansickle Berne Natalie Beall Nicholas Stuber Bicknell


Shelby Blann Bloomington Nicole Bauer Richard Herzog Levi Jones Samuel Klein Olivia Little Mikah Mevis Lauren Nekola Cody Root Chloe Shook Gavin Sprunger Ashlyn Stanger Hendrix Stowers Hannah Strong Emma Victor Julia Victor Anna Vincel Bluffton Kylie Baumgartner Stephanie Bradley Brielle Bunn Kaelonie Correa Mason DeHoff Maylee Didion Hallie Gallion Ashley Johnson Ian Johnson Dylan Junk Logan Prater Grace Shoaf Julianna Small Boonville Morgan Howard Borden Lillian Snyder Jessica Wolfe Bourbon Jessica Soriano Brazil Mckenzie Church Luke Dudley Noah Mishler Nathan Owens Alyssa Spicer Bremen Ellie Feldman Riley Gilmer Bringhurst Dagan Noonkester Bristol Conor Butler Katherine Dille Daniel Honick Brookston Lauren Bower Brookville Braeden Bogan Austin Bohman Alexis Butt Leslie Cox Samantha Ebrens Kayla Ertel Harvey Marshall Katelyn Meyer Brylee Pace Halle Robinson Brownsburg Katelyn Austin



Callie Bowman Hannah Brucker Blake Brunnemer Cameron Clift Lydia Eldridge Logan Gibson Mallerie Gordon Ashley Gore Kennedy Hart Presley Hess Olivia Hoffa Anna Hostetler Elizabeth Klemeyer Amanda Kraljic Mario Parker Kylie Parr Sarah Pitts Katelyn Redman Landon Reed Kevin Shelley Julia Stonebraker Chandler Welch Madelyn Werner Aubrey Zimmerman Brownstown Angel Bennett Angie Bennett Kyan Mckain Bunker Hill Jayci Wimmer Burlington Reece Fauble Ryan Fauble Burns Harbor Corinne Young Butlerville Kylean Lacey Cambridge City Luke Canady Alyssa Harris Jenna Bertsch Allie Grubbs Kaylee Lawrence Erin Rader Carlie Richardson Reagan Shreves Clayton Tompkins Camby Erick Arreola-Teran Haley Creech Samuel Crum Brayden Evans Jordyn King Paige Ragan Quentin Rogers Virginia Ruch Katelynn Shaffer Sarah Tomlin Essence Whitlock Camden Isaac Dekalb Christine Klima Caitlin Toosley Campbellsburg Coleson Henry Carlisle Shelby Horton Carmel Dominique Abiagom


Ethan Aguilar Julia Ammons Lawrence Arceneaux Justin Atkisson Kyle Atkisson Elizabeth Austin Jason Becker Cameron Beteet Stephen Boger Stephanie Breeze Cassidy Burns Michael Carson Elizabeth Christman Payton Cirrincione Lauren Clark Chloe Colt Brianna Cox Hannah Cunningham Anaiyah Curtis Megan Daggett Emily Daron Evan Dawson Amanda Durham Hayden Dusharm Riley Ellis Mia Ferrulli Winston Fultz Ethan Galka Sophie Gates Grace Gilbert Neilson Gonzalez Rushdeen Gosnell Hannah Gribble Mallory Hale Evelyn Harrison Madison Helding Joshua Hiller Vanessa Hintz David Hommel Maxwell Hurley Danielle Johnson Anna Jones Audrey Kaehr Hunter Keip Benjamin Keys Monica Lafon Chelsea Long Kyle Lozen Natasha Mash Gage Mauck Charles Maurer Olivia McCall Caleb Mccormick Nickolas Mcgraw Carlie Merriweather Abigail Miller Alison Moss Blake Moulton Veronica Newell Ryoma Okano Yasmine Pehlivan Karis Pilcher Devin Pote Conner Prince Claire Richter Jacob Roberts Alyssa Robinson Julia Rodgers Caige Rogers

Lydia Rusin Jenna Rust Katherine Sehgal Joshua Snively Martin Spink Ayden Stewart Erin Takahashi Mckenna Talbot Quynh Tran Tri Tran Kaiyah Turner Adam Vanatter Megan Vanderveen Bryan Vivas Brennan Wells Madeline Whitaker Kiyah Wiesenauer Tytus Witt Emma Woods Carthage Maecy Coates Jacob Koedyker Nicholas Lawson Cedar Grove Jaime Stortz Cedar Lake Megan Davids Alyssa Jarvis Sadie Naughton Lexi Psimos Centerville Erin Baker Lindsey Dale Payton McGriff Carlos Perez Nicholas Warner Charlestown Cody Foster Anna Lowe Andrea Mccoy Justin Riggs Charlottesvle Madelynn White Chesterfield Kaitlyn Tate Chesterton Ryan Clancy Alexander Dzugas Rose Gemeinhart Michael Lemus Lukas Needham Gweneth Storey Churubusco Molly Jones Gage Kelly Breanna Lehman Shauntay Velazquez Cicero Sophia Buck Meredith Diller Riley Engle Steven Hays William Olson Makenna Poindexter Luke Rhinebarger Bailey Turner Clarks Hill Zoe Fultz Clayton

Rachel Johnson Kendra Thrasher Cloverdale Caitlynn Kendall Coatesville Ella Gilbert Jadin Nunez Tiana Shrewsbury Shaylee Strout Columbia City Vanessa Darley Jacob Fulk Max Gatton Brooke George Emily Korus Angelina Ott Natilie Ressler Micayla Ringel Columbus Wyatt Albertson Hailey Andis Maxwell Bright Valeria Castillo-Lara Aidan Cole Abbie Cregg Liza Doughty Brookelyn DunnEggers Leyton Erfmeier Paola Fernandez Carle Y Finke Oliver Fischer Allen Flores Ella Goddard Merrick Goen William Grider Angie Guzman Presenda Katelyn Hanloh Anna Kelley Riley Kendall Cameryn Kent Elizabeth King Joseph Kiser Olivia Linnemann Anna Mensendiek Karisma Parker John Patton Collin Phillips Zachary Roberts Isabelle Settle Bethany Shelton Ryan Smith Avery Spencer Lydia Trimpe Kevin Wall Lexia Wilcox Commiskey Cassidy Birge Connersville Anna Chalker Caroline Cooley Clayton Garrison Zachary Grothe Ethan Jennings Alyssa Mitchell Raegan Patton Grace Silcott Ethan Smith

Colin Williams Converse Liberty Downam Garrett Garcia Ella Ridgeway Corunna Chloe Taylor Corydon Katherine Fessel Ezekiel Hansen Sadie Hayes Cameron Maupin Madison Messick Isabella Yonkers Covington Gabrielle Springer Crawfordsville Rebecca Rodewald Sarah Brown Blain Campbell Brianna Coffing Clayton Downey Catherine Esquivel Baydin Hall Jonah Hatch Brianna Laws Katelyn Perry Megan Simmons Cromwell Cristian Mendoza Crown Point Abdalaziz Altabbaa Jon Anderson Jenna Bierna T Aurora Carter Lydia Hauber Santo Jann Zachary Jones Ryan Leen Paige Lichnerowicz Mary Mantel Corrine Moran Brianna Morton Erin Muller Noah Perez Luke Persun Brianna Pollachek Aaliyah Roberts Taylor Schubert Nina Vivo Culver Savana Cook Ava Goodrich Cumberland Reece Dillon Cutler Grover Said Daleville Zechariah Lasley David Shellabarger Peyton Starks Danville Preston Chamberlain Alexandra Earl Grace Engel Wesley Graybill Austin Kasmer Austin Lauderbaugh Pace Schmutte

Meaghan Schulz Katie Vickers Decatur Isabelle Friedt Sarah Noonan Dylan Selking Mckennzi Stoppenhagen Calli Wallace Douglas Wolf Delphi Jordyn Gasser Regan Younker Demotte Allysen Anderson Rachel Berg Elexis Groen Emily Koontz Joseph Novosel Denver Isabella McBride Dillsboro Avery Perkinson Dugger Bailey Robinson Dunkirk Joseph Littler Joseph Nuckols Katelyn Wade Dyer Jovanni Alcantar Grace Bentkowski Madison Dulski Caleb Griffin Carina Hernandez Andrew Huffman Meghan Jureczko Noah Steepleton East Chicago Nicole Acosta Eaton Ann-Marie Lane Morgan Storie Economy Zachary Brown Scout Wampler Jacob Warfel Edinburgh Noah Acobert Lili Ervin Elizabeth Madison Holland Kaylee Logsdon Elkhart Karim Al-Hasnawi Kailey Blazier Jose Bravo Markavun Brownlee Aldo Cervantes Brandon Coble Jacob Cook Jacob Creek Steven Edwards Steven Eshelman Lucas Flick Elizabeth Goss Madeline Grimes Kanyon Hamby Kali Hartman

Leslie Hollinrake Sean Holman Emma Lichty Marco Lopez Ellie Malloy Elijah Martin Olivia Merrill Rayna Minix Theodore Myers William Pawlak Lizeth Prieto Alexander Rasler Brayden Rice Benjamin Rutledge Ariel Shephard Avery Snyder Summer Stevenson Elizabeth Weimer Edna Zheng Bradley Ziegelmaier Ellettsville Savannah Mead Elwood Olivia Arnold Roselyn Beaman Sydney Collis Mason Francis Olivia Gaddis Mallory Helpling Meghan Hofer Shelby Johns Hailee Loar Conner Morris Mekayla Rudig Jasmine Tate Jayla Thompson Evansville Jamal Abu-Taqa Emma Anderson Ethan Banks Claudia Bonilla Natalie Christian Sean Donaldson Madelyn Figueroa Christian Garrett Rilynn Harris Cassidy Houston Brooklyn Lewis Grace Nicholas Anthony Phan Carleigh Robinson Abigail Rodocker Alivia Schroeder Maisy Seib Evan Smith Lani Spratt Nathan Stippler Emilee Stogsdill Avin Tracy Tyler Westerfield Fairland Frida Castaneda Ashlynn Wheatley Fairmount Luke Brewer Grace Creamer Lacey Dilly Jakob Haynes Hannah Holmberg

Megan Pax Cobee Rice Brianna Vannatta Farmland Hannah Bolton Marissa Combs Calvin King Olivia Roberts Saij Sampley Kloe Shinn Aubrey Sierks Emalyn Watson Ferdinand Meghan Dale Fishers Cassidy Alcorn Daniel Alder Ryan Arnett Ethan Ayres Hannah Baer Amanda Barrett Jillian Beck Jack Beckius Jessica Bell James Bogan Sharmayne Bond Sophia Bray Allysa Britting Jazlyn Brock Mitchell Brooks Sydney Broviak Jack Brown Graycee Butler Drew Carney Hunter Carson Ximena Casas Lopez Isabella Castelluccio Emma Chase Jessica Churchill Abigail Clone Hannah Cooper Rachel Costello Nicholas Cunningham Bryce Decaudin Luke Dillon Avery Dobson Eliza Eisenmann Samantha Elfreich Samuel Emerson Breanna Eubanks Madalynn Eusey Kael Fears Samantha Figg Jason Fivush Kristin Fogarty Makenna Fredericksen Ayden Gaddis Jadyn Garner Michael Gebhardt Adia Glaser Gavin Glaze Keely Gott Maxwell Griffey Tyler Groves Faith Grudzien Marianna Guerra-Uribe Addison Haas Emily Hall Sarah Hall


WCRD is a student-run radio station that operates as a fully FCC-licensed station broadcasting local news, music and more. WCRD offers comprehensive sports coverage of Ball State and surrounding area high school games not documented by any other stations. WCRD offers game play-by-play and coaches’ interview shows for Ball State varsity sports and much more for your listening pleasure or participation.



Michael Hart Garrett Harter Oliver Hazel Joseph Heemstra Bryce Henson Luke Hinesley Kapuanani Ho Sarah Huggins Joshua Ibey Nicholas Irvin Kyle Jackson Makayla Johnson-Hiott Payton Johnston Savannah Jordan Kyra King Olivia King Ryan Kletch Matthew Lamers Christian Landers Katherine Lause Alexis Lawless Jacob Lawrence Tiffany Le Isaac Ledford Jean Lee Grant Liller Elizabeth Maahs Kuljit Mann Brock Marroquin Declan Mast Desmond Mathews Brynn Mccollister Trevor Mccoy Sophia Mcgrath Isabelle Mclean Gavin Meier Aubree Merriam Emonie Miles Blythe Miller Hannah Miller Brandon Mode Asher Mullins Joshua Novack Jessica Pal Sarah Papp Delany Peoples Noel Phillips Andrianna Pikarsky Ximena Portillo Cruz Alexandra Reed Hannah Reed Lindsay Reichert Benson Rhodes Logan Robinson James Rogers Sofia Ruiz Armendariz Burke Shefferly Michael Sheppard Evan Simmons Briana Smart Hana Spradlin Connor Stidham Monica Stuffle Caden Swayze Nicholas Szymczak Jacob Taylor Joshua Thompson Luke Titus Hannah Totman


Gabriella VanVooren Claire Vankoevering Hannah Velpel Hailey Wallett Braeden Watkins Alyssa Weber Brayden West Hailey West Chloe Whaley Alexa White Alyssa Williams Aliza Willoughby Kayleigh Witt Sydney Wooldridge Flat Rock Lillian Dover Ashley May Flora Tayler Brewington Floyds Knobs Faith Oakley Kyla Romines Alyssa Ryan Kendall Shuff Forest Hannah Mcquinn Fort Wayne Marissa Aguirre Dahlia Aliwa Kyra Andersen Tucker Arnold Hannah Atteberry Keely Baker Kamryn Barbour Dustin Barkley Brooke Beasley Nicholas Birkmeier Alexander Bracken Addison Brita Autumn Brubaker Claire Buchheit Nolan Bulmahn Nathan Busch Avery Butler Evie Butler Mackenzie Butz Christopher Carr Derrick Cicora Matthew Coffee Danny Conroy Alice Constant Danielle Corey Camden Craighead Gabriela Damian Sophia Deckard Riley Dickey Shelby Douglas Julia Eckrich Makayla Edwards Olivia Eisaman Alec Faux Samuel Feasel Andrew Featherston Zion Fikes Kathryn Fortney Audrey Freeland Gabriel Gernhardt Jonathan Gill Madison Gleave

Albert Gonzalez Angelina Gonzalez Kaitlyn Gonzalez Sierra Grant Autumn Griffith Camron Habegger Nicholas Haines Mackenzie Hall Sarah Hall Hannah Hamilton Matthew Harlan Donald Harmon Lauren Harter Brandon Hedges Kayla Hendon Tania Hernandez Caitlyn Higgins Nicholas Hively Aliviya Holmes Meghan Holt Harrison Hopkins Austin Hoskins Jaden Housman Chloe Hunter Isaac Hunter Gabriella Johnson Alexander Juarez Sophie Kalakay Jada Kepney Ja’Havah King-Jackson Kathleen Krayer Andrewnae Lacey Erick Lagos Benjamin Lahrman Elizabeth Lalonde Lauren Lammers Ariana Lapsley Anaiah Lee McKaya Leitch Jose Lemus Bradyn Livingston Danielle Longenberger Kelena Louis Vincent Lovvorn Bryan Lower Isaac Luckett Kile Mansberger Alexis Marker Alaina Marks Tyler Marks Alexis Martinez Alondra Martinez Monica Martinez Madelyn McCallister Jillian Mccomb Nicholas Meyer Madison Miller Nathan Milner Anthony Mixon Aryana Mount Tatum Mulholland Madison Murray Baylee Myers Madison Ness Jacob Newlin Elyse Niederholtmeyer Braeden Noll Heidi Nolte Yasmin Ortiz-Rodriguez

Viktor Paiz William Pancake Suki Pfister Mikayla Pialur Yasmine Pollard Katelynn Pranger Maya Radike Felicia Ramon Patrick Raudenbush Jamie Ray Leah Rich Logan Richmond Brandon Ringer Avonlea Rodocker Mackenzie Rupp Oscar Saavedra Botello Mckenna Sappenfield Christian Schmidt Zachary Schreck Samantha Scott Alyssa Seifert Alyssa Seitz Summer Silvers-Barone Hayden Stevens Cole Strassburger Colin Sutphin Keith Suttle Tylar Tebben Dylan Teubert Aleasha Thomas Kiana Thurber Alexandria Trimbur Kayela Vogan Calyn Wade Philip Robert Waldorf Elizabeth Weber Dominique WellsWhite TaQuay White Brock Widman Nathaniel Wigge Ian Witham Elizabeth Wolfenberger Alexander Workman Avery Wortman Laura Wright Magdelyn Wyman Owyn Yager Jack Zhang Sydney Zielinski Zachary Zishka Fortville Logan Angelopulos Luis Camargo Jillian Fleck Shandre’Nay Hale Taylor Hamblin Sophie Sterrett Rachel Stinger Zoe Wacker Fountain City Bradley Catron Jagger Silvers Fountaintown Garrett Tingley Madysen Williams Fowler Joshua Hoff Frankfort

MacKenzie GonzalezGarcia Lillian Marshall Katherine Mcquinn Madison Myers Ashley Rangel Coronel Jaden Russell Diego Tejeda Nava Brittney Williams Franklin Hannah Burgener Chloe Castellano Jessica Chaney Kaleb Donohue Christopher Dunning Nicholas Eanes Daisy Gallagher Ethan Gosser Gabriel Mayeaux Patricia Pierson Alexandria Robbins Mason Rutan Xavier Sanchez Brittany Terhune Peyton Wilson Frankton Taylor Baldwin Abigail Furnish Timothy Huff Cole Klabunde Jenna Lee Nathanael Shoemaker Fredericksbrg Natalie Coomer Fremont Rylee Boyd French Lick Jillian Meyer Garrett Jaren Berning Ethan Harter Gary Emanuel Brantley Takyra Cunningham Jovon Davis Noble Dennie Tomiya Hamer Rashad Knight Maurice Oren Selena Rosado Devito Thomas Nyla Williams Da’Nechia Wilson Gas City Ethan Bennett Laekyn Emmons Maiya Garcia Matteson Garlati Paityn Martin Tyra Stanley Alexis Tignor Gaston Callie Berry Lydia Greene Lauryn Johnson Alexis Mann Olivia Routh Geneva Meah Bailey

Hannah Rhoades Georgetown Regan Elias Glenwood Hope Pflum Goshen Brielle Anderson Trinity Barnard Anthony Brinson Samuel Chiddister Kaylee Fredrychowski Christopher GuzmanMoreno Holly Klemm Oscar Lopez Erin Mahaffa Ann Metzger Riley Miller Bryan Moreno Kayla Pippenger Jacob Rohn Stephen Wright Grabill Jordan Fletcher Sierra Hall Meredith Minich Granger August Acito Colby Brown Luke Brown Paxson Campbell Keith Cattie Lia Chettleburgh Zachary Francis Brooke Fuller Elijah Honesty Madison Jackson Rachel Keeler Alizabeth Konanz Grace Miller Joseph Moon Brooke Neal Abigail Nush Oliver Riley Jordan Saunders Hayleigh Shay-Kovach Kade Stone Delainey Thomas Mya Thomas John Thomason Landen Thompson Lina Tobia Dalya Tribble Chase Wickham Grace Wierenga Greencastle Joseph Baker Rebecca George Charity Potter Joshua Whitt Greendale Aulden Gray Rylie Hutcherson Allison Rodiz Greenfield Dakota Atkinson Rachel Bates Dennis Beaver

Sydney Bielefeld Ashlee Blasko Brooke Bonek Nicholas Bradley Alexis Burgess Jack Calvert Matthew Carter Sydney Cornwell Madison Couch Anne DeKeyser Mina Dobbins Maverick Hatcher James Helgason Abigail Hembree James Inman Paige Johnson Aubrey Kapfhammer Emily Keen Brantley Kuntz Elliot Lambert Sierra Lerma Jackson Martin Natasha Pelcha Elizabeth Perkins Ellie Robertson Kylie Rodgers Michael Roller Grace Rosemeyer Claudia Sanders Alexis Seyfried Bailey Stephens Isaac Swinford Paige Towle Lilly Ward Samantha Warren Greens Fork Alyssa Senour Greensburg Brayden Barker Cameron Bowling Madelaine Burford Mason Dyer Jacob Evans Paityn Kielbasa Takisha Lee Alaina Nobbe Hope Pruitt Cameron Redd Ayva Wiseman Greentown Jerzie Eagle Ethan Schuldt Greenville Elizabeth Boehnlein Greenwood Olivia Alexander Taylor Baker Megan Bigelow Logan Britt Michael Carter Isabella Cento Benjamin Dias Mason Diddock Adler Dodson Brenna Emerson Kailynn Fields Payton George Lorelei Gilmore Collin Godar

Megan Halcomb Ethan Hooper Sophie Horning Benjamin Hummel Lindsay Liddle Kate Lindsay Devon Mathena Bryn Mccracken Ryan Morgan Benjamin O’Donnell Cameron Paulin Cameron Poole Cody Robinson Isaak Snead Isabelle Snyder Anthony Spotts Ella Sutton Madalyn Thompson Alyson Todd Cooper Underwood Julieta Villalpando Devin Welch Alleigh Wilham Ashleigh Wilham Tiana Wolff Griffith Emily Dross Ryan Jelenski Andria Johnson Emily Keck Kyree Standifer Hagerstown Montana Barnes Annah Goss Isabelle Hall Melody Hammel Allison Jester Brooklyn Lamar Jackson Linderman Allison Osborne Alexia Ramey Elias Richards Mackenzie Richards Elaina Sherrow Olivia Sullivan Hamilton Robbert Conley Caitlin Snyder Hammond Finley Bensley Skylar Davis Ivan Munoz Yalissa Rubio Ahsi Wiley Jasmin Williams Hanna Jacob Banas Hanover Kristin Consley Hartford City Natalie Blakely Sage Bundy Erin Cagle Liam Gulley Jenna Keplinger Keylee Shady Amber Slagle Christian Wall Kyran Williams

29 08.20.20 Ashley Willmann William Withers Molly Wolfe Hartsville Rashan Wells Hebron Zoe Parsons Highland Aylin Chavez Margaret McQuilllan Gene Shamel Erin Zehner Hoagland Mackenzie Saalfrank Hobart Megan Jones Christian LeRose Brandon Marciniak Dalai Munguia Piper Neyhart Katrina Partlow Kaitlyn Webber Hope Mya Johnson Kylie Lock Howe Madilyn Hochstetler Huntertown Jacob Geller Kylie Hagerman Taylor Horton Alyssa Lee Michael Redding Huntingburg Drake Mlsna Huntington Brandon Bickel Grace Dimond Isaac Eckert Dairian Goelz Thom Greving Hunter Heacock Gracey Linker Kaitlyn Martin Jacob Miller Sydney Selvage Idaville Madeline Scott Indianapolis Christian Alerding Myana Allen Bryce Alpers Amira Alquraishy Yesenia Amaro Kyla Anderson Fortune Anjorin Laura Ardery Aaliyah Arroyo Allison Arseneau Rachel Ashburn Sarah Ashburn Payton Atherton Ala Attaelfadil Semisola Ayorinde Jade Bacon Ellen Bain Jaida Baker Rachel Bales Isabellah Bardach

Kailynn Bardell Kylie Barnes Hawa Barry Andre Bartlett Rosandah Bascombe Mkala Bell Alexis Benson Gabriel Bickel Brian Bobko Emily Boon Breaja Bowens Rayna Bowles Nathan Boyce Emily Brashear Hadiyah Browder-Bass Jarrell Brown Rachael Brown Sariah Brown Sara Brugger Heaven Buck Jacob Bumpus Amaree Burks Kyle Bury Sophia Buselli Jordyn Buttz Jordyn Byrd Labrea Byrd Patricia Byrd Rosylin Ca Hnem Par Delaina Cannady Madalyn Cannon James Capps Ahmaud Carroll-Tubbs Madison Carver Grayson Cates Maria Cerda-Duran Nathan Chapman Natalee Christian Zoey Clark Malaya Clemmons Conner Cline Madilyn Cline Emma Clymore Kiasia Coats Rachael Cochran Christopher Coleman Jaidyn Coleman Julia Collins Kayla Collins Abigail Conway Autumn Cook Justin Cook Brandon Corliss Daijah Crawford Corbin Crittenden Charles Cronin Jarod Crowley Myah Cunningham Jillian Curd Alexa Curra Jaada Curry Kaniya Daniels Andrew Davidson Cameron Davis Omni Davis Nia Denman Genevieve Dewey Jakira Dickerson Jaeda Dixson

Kendall Dryden Jaila Duncan Kenneth Dunville Nathan Elder Hope Elliot Derrick Ellis August Endris Saadiya Endsley Morgan English Elaina Essig Makaela Featherston Alexis Ferguson Evan Ferguson Hannah Figaro Justin Finkton Kaia Flowers Akira Floyd Dade Fogleman Lauren Foster Jillian Franklin Alaya Frye Brianna Gallagher Quentin Gallagher Melissa Garcia Larry Garner Kayden Garnett Evelyn Gaspar Levi Gates Emma Gedig Zachary Gerke Aqueelah Gilbert Caleb Ginsberg Amea Givens Isabelle Glenn Jayden Golder Dante Goodman Ashlee Goodpaster Jennifer Gosse Connor Granlund Leeyah Griffin Benjamin Griffith Camryn Grisby Jennifer Guerrero Madison Guimond Shane Gupton Jayden Hailey Ian Haithcoat QueAndrea Hall Javin Halliburton Mckenzie Hamilton Austin Hardin Corinne Harris Courtney Harris Destinee Harris Angeli Hartman Kiarra Harvey Shanell Harvey Vincent Hatch Adrianna Hatcher Zachary Haynes Alexis Hearrell Deja Heath Kiley Henderson Samantha Hernandez Lemus Saniah Herring Jonah Herrmann Emma-Lin Hess Ethan Hicks

Renaja Hinton-Butler Ryan Hirlston Isabella Hodges Brandon Hollins Kimari Hollins Kayla Holmes Cristalle Hopkins Addison Hoppes Paul Houtzer David Hreno Ava Huberts Makyia Hughes Taylor Hull Ethan Hunt Jordyn Hunt Daijah Ingram Amy Isaac Mirah Jack Gabrielle Jackson Jalyn Jackson James Jackson Jonalyn Jacob Eric Jacobs Mary Jacobson Alayzia James Alexis Jarmon Teeaires Jett Abigail Johnson Anastasia Johnson Eryn Johnson Jaylen Johnson Jye Johnson Skyler Johnson Ty Johnson Jessica Johnston Bishr Jones D’Marqo Jones Ja’Sha Jones Kaitlin Jones T-yon Jones Trinity Journey Ian Julian Jalen Justice Elizabeth Karushis Kyla Keeylen Angelina Kelly Jordyn Kemp Lydia Kern Samuel Kile Johnathan Kneebone Pallace Knowles Queen Knox-Marble Trey Koch Gabrielle Kramer Makaila Kremple Nelehia Kyle Tyla Kyle Xavier Kyser Alvaro Lagunas Sloane Lakin Kamaia Lapsley Derrian Lee Eliza Leffler Jonathan Leibacher Austin Leiter Jackson Lemaster Lillian Leslie Mackenzi Lester Bria Lewis

Ryan Lezon Nai Lian Nun Za Lian Caitlin Lindbeck Jamari London Anny Loreto-Romero Meredith Mader John Majekodunmi Lal Malsawmi Nicole Manning Miles Marshall David Masengale Lanele Mathis Van Mawi Gineti Mazorodze Roy McDowell Danaya McGibboney Nga Meh Alan Mendoza Aida Mestas Shane Mickins Rachel Middaugh Shaan Milharcic Makailah Miller Miracle Miller Morgan Mills Xavier Milton Alexzander Mitchell Olivia Modglin Jayleen Montero Guillen Elijah Moody-Grant Alaina Moore

Micah Moore Mikayla Moore Kyarah Morgan Moriah Morgan Ronnie Morgan Joel Moss Ashley Mueller Allan Mulenga Samantha Murillo Susanna Mushall Paw Mwee Carson Myers Olivia Newkirk Jashaun Newman Catherine Nicholas Benjamin Niezgodski Soso No Payton Nowlin Markia NunleyHenderson Samantha Oberc Payton Oberting Gabriel Oliver Fiyinfoluwa Olowu Oluwapelumi Olowu Sierra Olson Natalie Osbun Oghenetega Oweh Alaoni Owens Ashley Owens David Page Brayden Pagel Kiah Paicely

Jonathon PalmerPrichard Natalie Papai Iang Par Sui Par Holli Parker Kaikeyi Paxton Miya Penn Justin Perry BreShawn Phillips Patrick Phillips Alan Pickett Ta’Aliyah Pinner Samantha Plummer Mia Pomales Marshawn Porter Tamara Preyer Rilynne Puckett LaTiyah Radford Delmanisha Ramsey Olivia Randall Asia Reaves Jaidyn Redmon Jasmine Reed Katey Reed Sydney Reilman Anna Richardson Marsela Riddle Brodie Rimmert Aiden Robinson Samuel Robinson Kevin Robleto Chris Rodas Alfaro


Lesley Rodriguez Brian Romero Samuel Rork Charles Roth Ariel Roy Natalie Roy Jaiden Ruffing Sarah Rusaw Jose Iii Sangalang Archana Sathyamurthy Thomas Scherrer Alaina Schmidt William Schoettle Josephine Schott Anthony Scott Reanna Searcy Cameron Secrest Mya Shelton Hayes Shepherd Allison Shuffitt William Shumaker Katerina Sickmeier Augustus Siegel Jaylin Smith Jeremy Smith Kendall Smith Keyshawn Smith Robert Smith Rowland Smith Sajin Smith Olivia Smithers Angelina Snow Grace Sonley

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Emma Spotts Andrew Squier Emma Stayton Jaylun Stewart Seth Stillions Kaleb Stocker Nikolas Stout Myles Strong Tiajuana Strong Jai Stubblefield Ni Sui Gabrielle Sullivan Nena Summerville Natalie Taylor Christopher Terry Hannah Terwilliger Braden Thatcher Kennedy Thatcher Amani Thomas Dianna Thomas Jayson Thomas Kaylee Thomas Nikya Thomas Reilly Thomas Iang Tial Vanessa Tosino Joshua Totten Jordyn Townsend Katelyn Tracy Zoe Trampke-Lee Sophie Treend Evan Tremain Bao Trinh Elias Twyman Krysten Tyler Isabellah Vargas Gloria Vazquez Aniah Viverette Tryniti Walsh Cora Walts Olivia Warner Kaitlyn Warriner Zaquoya Weaver Lily Weidenbach Matt Welch Julia Wells Charity Wert Alexis Wheeler Cassidy Whitis John Whitmore Cameron Whitson Aaron Williams Andrew Williams Ashley Williams Logan Williams Tierra Williams Jayla Winston Kiri Woodruff Trey Woodruff Jala Woods Emma Woolsey Madison Wright Rebecca Wright Trinity Wright Deontasja Young Fareeda Yusuf Janay Zak Betty Zathang Zing Zi


Sandra Zuniga-Nava Ingalls Joshlyn Burton Kasey Landis Makayla Saylor Jasper Abbey Armstrong Lexie Jerger Riley Merder Jeffersonville Jaylen Bell-Mansfield Bethia Busingye Alexander Chinn Sierra Cobb Jenna Flaten Gerardo Garcia Destiny Goins Caleb Mason Savanna McCormick Nicole Meisner Dylan Payne Catherine Shepherd Jonesboro Destanie Croucher Libby Drake Maggie Herring Sophia King Kempton Jordan Schmidt Kendallville Wade Adair Allyson Diehl Rece Vice Haylie Wallen Nevaeh Wolf Kennard Chase Burton Kirklin Mollie Mcdaniel Knightstown Jack Fort Nicholas Lawler Grace Mattix Trinidie Newby Barrett Orr Emmalee Wilkerson Knox Katie Phillips Juan Romero Kokomo Makenzie Brantley Vanice Butler Lynzey Butzin Daulton Cox Kyra Davis Chloe Dockery Kaylynne Fernandes Delaney Griggs Amelia Guyer Ainsley Hall Alexis Hall Coralyn Hawley Katelyn Howell Haley Jones Alexa Kughen Riley McDonald Katherine Miller Kiah Parrott Alison Pemberton

Halle Rezo Raegen Robb Camary Sauve Tajaha Scheffer Fallon Shane Evan Spell Madison Walker Grace Wallace Bethany Whitaker Kincaid Bria Winslow Kouts Kaylee Clindaniel Katherine Davis Olivia Kropp La Crosse Emily Leffew La Fontaine Weslee Nelson Kristen Warren La Porte Skyler Ahlberg Jamie Ellis Sara Farlie Troy Hay Destiny Hockman Tanisha Jimenez Drew Lipscomb Grace Murphy Madelyn Ponsier Gretchen Sexton Sarah Smith Olivia Strieter Ladoga Taylor Crosby Destiny Walsh Lafayette Thaddeus Arnold Rayna Atkinson Shelby Baker Jacob Benson Kaylin Boring Jordan Bradley Ella Bryan Mia Buggs Jadyn Burchett Macy Cook Grace Davis Kathryn Dyer Madison Fell Gavin Ford Allison Forss Veronica Francis Emily Galbreth Taylor Gebhard Cole Gingrich Alyssa Goins Sophie Guimond Zephaniah Hunter Madison Jacot Leah Kline Stephen Lambeth Andi McClain Hanna Miller Aiyauna Riley Jack Roush Deisy Silva-Meza Mya Tolley Natalia Ventura

Jada Vitone Tessa White Makenzie Wilson Summer Wood Emilee Young Lagrange Kiah Baker-Schrock Annaliese Tilford Lake Station Naarah Holloway Abigail Naumann Breanna Poats Lakeville Elena Lindke Lanesville Arynn McAlister Connor Peredo Lapaz Shelby Casteel Laporte Adam Howard Hailey Joseph Jillian Matzke Payton Neely Natalia Ruiz Logan Schroeder Larwill Allie Hearld Conner Lucas Alison Weeks Lawrence Morgan Thatcher Lawrenceburg Ashley Cornelius Sarah Ferguson Jackson Ketcham Kendra Kunkel Cailee Mitchell Hailey Roden Aaliyah Sansone Samuel Thayer Lebanon Phillip Betts Cayleigh Dial Megan Ewers Caleb Henry Daniel Hood Marisa Howe Kendall Krauss Hannah Medley Cauy Nance Erin Shallenberger Blake Shaw Haleen Shepherd Leesburg Myiah Chanley Lila Fierek Chase Zawadzki Leo Madison DeRose Aerin Goldman Maggie Jones Madelyn Myers Skyler Phan Sarah Wahl Lauren Wertman Maya Wilkins Leo Cedarvle Katherine Lantz

Landon Thompson Lexington Shahala Brown Liberty Erica Ball Nathaniel Derickson Michael Horning Amanda Jahosky Rylan Louden Ligonier Jaime Gutierrez Beatrice Hasting Isaac Porter Lizton Hailey May Abby Pickens Logansport Abigail Coon Olivia Flatt Nay Htetoo Alexa Pasquale Danyelle Robertson Amalia Skroko Joseph Snay Kevin Todd Emilio Valdes Long Beach Zoe Olesker Loogootee Hannah Bailey Cassidy Esch Lauren Kain Losantville Haylee Storms Lowell Chloe Freeman Anna Kampe John Megquier Navin Pace Alexander Pavlick Emily Polak Hannah Ramon Lynn Kalee Hayes MACY Maryann Freeman Madison Hunter Alcorn Leana Barnes Casie Bear Emma Cammack Hannah Owen Emily Skirvin Isaac Smith Connor Steveley Marion Lourdes Bacon Caitlyn Blair Logan Carrico Jaelyn Cruzan Nolan Davis Karina Dean Hannah French Elizabeth Greene Kane Guy Morgan Hartman Claire Hendricks Lexi Honeycutt Parker Howell

Jessica Kelley Tristin Kerschner Jaelin Lindsey Nicolas Madden Simon Manwell Olivia Mooney Chandler Morrison Alex Moss Connor Murphy Matthew Ontiveros Layla Ping Aaliyah Redding Richard Reed Olivia Roberts Kabriel Robinson Gabriel Sanchez Elizabeth Stallsmith Wyatt Stephenson Sable Thornburgh Kammi Timmons Allison Titus Markle Gabrielle Bulick Lance Huffman Markleville Samuel Jennings Adelynn Jessup Caleb King Emma Montoney Martinsville Andrew Baugh Jalen Bennett Brianna Brown Paige Dorsett Colleen Mappes Styel Mechling Jason Nihoris Olivia Ostler Savanna Pipes John Ross Zachary Shomber Spencer Skaggs Madelyn Summers Briana Waltz Carly Williams Marysville Sara Abell Mauckport Erica Wood McCordsville Eduardo Alvarez Aguilar Emil Anderson Addisyn Baer Savannah Christy Alexa Clayton Akila Holland Mikiah Jones Charles Livengood Benjamin Lyday Mollie Reintjes Symone Session Emma Sweet Ethan Sweet Amelia Walker Sydney Willis Memphis Morgan Craig Mentone

Mason Jackson Hayden Miller Jillian Walls Merrillville Nicole Eldridge William Fuhrman Darius Green Destiny Hawkins Kendall Means Shaiana Norwood Dorothy Oduwaye Tyler Turner Itzel ViramontesRenteria Margarita Weathersby Anthony Williamson Metamora Alex Stirn Makaylee Woods Miami Marlena Rude Brevin Williams Michigan City Leon Ainslie Robert Banks Robert Jefferson Sidney Johnson Anna-Lisse Lenard Issis Segura Armani TorranceWorlds Michigantown Sophia Barnes Hanna Cheek Middlebury Amethyst Blankenship Joseph Garberick Kayleigh Miller Middletown Baylee Chambliss Kathryn Doyle Zoie Gambrel Lauran Lowder Christopher Masters Charles New Hallie Robertson Joseph Schipp Tyler Shannon Kara Surguy Susan Wagner Milford Gabriel Hettinger Mill Creek Jacob McCormick Millersburg Valeria Pizana Milltown Zeanna Reed Milroy Logan Woodruff Milton Riley Flockhart Mishawaka Izabella Barstow Isabelle Becker Grant Boyer Zekaryah Brothers Taylor Carter Nicholas Davis

Chase Eggeman Shaylyn Fraschetti Graham Harding Nathaniel Kronewitter Hannah Lear Jade O’Banion Cody Powers Hannah Ryback Cierra Scholz Samuel Schwartz Alicia Villalobos Emily Voelker Olivia Walter Kyle Wickizer Caleb Wilson Mitchell Grace Bohnenkamp Monon Hope Garling Rachel Inman Monroeville Claire Castleman Morgan Castleman Peyton Hennessey Monterey Harriet Davis Monticello Miles Ademi Cyrus Allen Chloe Foster Emilie Macowan Katelyn Mathew Madison Mathew Zoe Mcnulty Emma Nolan Michael Shipp Montpelier Reaghan Harding Reece Hasinbiller Mooreland Megan Fletcher Ian Hamilton Abigail Irvin Lauren Madison Mooresville Shelby Alexander Angela Broom Charis Eicher Tierra Evans Dylan Gabbard Ryker Kuntz Faith Scaggs Ashli Striegel Andrew Willett Morgantown Cale Smith Morristown Trevon Carlton Cora Downing Mulberry Richelle Berry Muncie Edom Alemayehu Samantha Allen Vanessa Allen Kailee Amos David Anderson-Penn Marissa Arguijo Emma Baird

31 08.20.20 Sarah Bartlett Christian Barton Sage Beckley Conner Bedwell Sarah Billiter Payne Blackburn Hailey BonshireThomas Shelby Botkin Olivia Bradburn Benjamin Brannon Roghan Brashear Aidan Brewer Benjamin Brooks Peyton Byrum Samuel Campbell Zake Campbell Michael Clingerman Katie Cook Chloe Cox Mackenzie Cox Allessa Cremeans Kortney Criswell Madison Crouch Camryn Curry Braxton Davis Trinity Dewitt Lucille East Elizabeth Eber Taylor Edwards Samantha Estep Kaylee Fender Jacey Fultz Zachary Garner Justin Gillespie Benjamin Guarnery Anthony Gullion Logan Hale Alexander Hammers Abby Hansard Abbigail Harris Myles Harris Austin Hill Aiden Hinds Heaven Hogan Elijah Hudson Bridgette Ingram Jace Jeffers Mia Jennings DeShae Johnson Jayla Jones Kaylee Kemp Averey Klooze Scott Kramer Michaela Lambert Jordan Locke Jayden Long Janna Madding Jeffrey Martin Haleigh McCaffrey Seth McKinney Ryan Mcabee Chadlyn Mckenzie Misha Moery Sarah Moore Adrieonna Mullenix Jack O’Day Julio Orozco Ashton Painter

Alexis Quirk Lucy Raef Hunter Raymond Cassandra Reeves Kylie Reeves Cameron Reigel Lillian Richardson Richard Rucker Avery Sallee Lindsay Sanchez Noe Sanchez Eden Sanders Annika Schaller Hunter Seagraves Austin Selvey Shaylin Sherrell Randania Sims Bryce Smalley Colton Smith Andrew Ssekibaamu Megan Stahl Kayleena Strahan Breeyanna Taylor Clarissa Terry Kaleb Thomas Simon Underwood Alec Upchurch Benito Vargas Jordan Vickery Katherine Vinson Mackenzie Vore Issabella Walker Chloe Weaver Grace Whittenburg Zachary Wickliffe Mary Williams Aubrey Willitzer Isaiah John Yuhico Munster Melina Chioros Dharma Niles Mianna Papageorge Andrew Synko N Manchester Addie Haecker Kiera Hatfield Taylor McLaughlin Kora Slone Sarah Wagner Emma Wynn Nappanee Olivia Craven Delaney Davis Mary Kinzel Alexa Shaw Nashville Olivia Baughman Abigail Hollander Needham Cody Mahler New Albany Jillian Andriot Michael Bierly Avia Browning Tariana Green Analise Henderson Sydney McCormick Megan Mumphrey Abigail Nevins

Austin Sheets Aaleiah Winford New Carlisle Paige Dew Meggan Goldenstern New Castle Allyson Anderson Lauren Ayers Savannah Bertram Collin Blessinger Kaleb Carter Jarel Coatie Zoe Conway Ethan DeArmond Daniel Escamilla Elizabeth Frost Jonathon Hawrot Ashley Hess Corbin Madden Thailand McGuire Destiny Myers Samuel Pederson Keaton Perdue Cameron Rusk Caitlin Shunneson Camille Smith Cole Smith Emily Thurlow Aidan Thurman Tanner Walradth Gabriel Weber Sabra Willoughby Joslynn Witham New Haven Elise Boatright Eryka Bobay Samantha Buchanan Coleton Junk Allie Ort Jensen Peppler Carmen Schuckel Hope Screeton Colleenia Shirey New Palestine Henry Giesler Logan Hovis Mackenzie Meadows Zane Norman Tyler Pipkin Gillian Pritt Brayton Riley Jeremy Wagoner New Paris Chloe Dell Andrew Rosenbrock New Ross Ian Johnson New Whiteland Camille Engle Rebecca Slevin Newburgh Janie Arseneaux Jenna Chodkiewicz Andrew Heiss Evyn King Carson Peach Zachary Rathgeber Peyton Rhule Brylee Rose

Isabelle Schaber Bradley Thrall Alyssa Wilkerson Nineveh Anna Cantwell Delaney Herald Jordan Watson Noblesville Anna Albers Cheyenne Anderson Tyler Andis Jacob Baker Allison Baluyot Madelyn Baron Taylor Bennett Kyle Bilby Mariah Binion Zeke Bolinger Keenan Bowen Michael Boyle Mia Brooks Logan Browning Ashanti Bush Levi Calvert Abbey Cassidy Elly Cleland Emma Cornelius Morgan Crandall Evan Crawford Alexi Curts Max Davis Sam Davis Bryan Diaz-Villalobos Andrew Dwyer Morgan Eldridge Ryan Eller Maxwell Ely Taylor Flatter Nathan Froelich Joseph Gassensmith Julia Glover Jacob Hamm Rachel Harrell Colton Hendrix Auburn Hession Madalynn Hobbs Macee Holmes Emily Hutson Jeffrey Iles Donovan Jenkins Nicholas Karn Kaylah Keating Lauren Kilburn Lauren Knauer Megan Kraay Lauren Lara Kaitlyn Lassen Nathan Link Jada Malcomb Molly Marcuson Emily May Devin McCabe Beethoven Meginnis Tyler Meister Joshua Melrose Gloria Merrell Jordan Mininger Wesley Moore John Neddenriep

Jared Newman Olivia Nguyen Allison Olsen Jonathon Page Kendall Paris Anna Perkins Morgan Post Devon Ray Alec Rees Gracen Richeson Adam Rider Nathan Ritz Cameron Roberts Joseph Roberts Brianna Robertson Carson Sanders Abigail Santos Mary Seago Gabriella Severeid Jacob Shankland Haley Shinkle Kennedy Shoemaker Gizelle Smedley Taylor Smith Sydney Sparks Layla Stanley Joseph Stapert Madison Stevens Jordan Sturgeon Nevaeh Suddarth McKenna Tanner Holden Thomas Jordan Tolson Jasmine Trott Samantha Vanheirseele Johan Victorio Evan Voigt Kaeden Walker Allison Warren Eliza Welton Drake Wiese Kennedy WinfreyRagland Sarah Wolfe Katherine Yazel Sophia Zofkie North Judson Devan Condon Julianna Hughes North Vernon Haven Hanna Ellie Hearne Brandon Lee Audrianna McKinney Kerrigan Moore Crayton Morrison Adison Patton Mason Pittman Johnathon Ritchie Abigail Rowlett Chasity Shepherd Zachary Thomas North Webster Abbygayle Marks Oakland City Leah Boze Oldenburg Rebecca Deputy Chloe Meadows

Orestes Cheyenna Grubb Orleans Lillia Camp Osceola Ethan Allen Jessica Alvey Joseph Krachenfels Natalie Lis Andrew Porter Jake Seymore Ossian Sierra Billiard Arianna Callantine Kaine Harris Logan House Benjamin Klitz Owensburg Katelyn Stewart Palmyra Tucker Wheatley Paoli Haley McCluskey Parker Herbert Amburn Parker City Gabriela Beckham Roman Braun Victoria Gill Amanda Haney Aubrey Landis Clinton Moles Pekin Madeline Gibson Pendleton Macy Bell Ethan Brown Sydney Davis Jason Doudt Sarah Fendel Ryleigh Goodwin Eli Hardsaw Bryce Hatfield Aubrey Helpling John Jones Leah Kahana Zander Kauffman Thomas Long Justin McKechnie Kierstin Messer Karly Riffey Iziah Schill Caleb Shupe Rachel Tupps Brayden Vaughn Pershing Dylan McCullum Peru Jimmy Bowyer Alexis Knight Starr Myers Victoria Tyson Petersburg Joel Henson Morgan Houchins Hunter Willis Pittsboro Alyssa Arnell Rachel Boatman

Tyler Cavender Josephine Cialkowski Grace Luzader Blake Saylor Sara Smeltzer Emma Snoeberger Anna Voglewede Macy Walters Alexa Williams Plainfield Baasandorj Batjargal Reagan Britton Jaden Brock Austin Davis Harrison Dunnuck Kailee Fowler Maeya Geisert Samantha Hall Allan Halliburton Claire Harper Kevin Harris Danielle Jackson Micah Moore Meghan Sandifer Plymouth Alexis Albarado Zoe Denney Caden Grove Mary Hildebrand Brayden Hissong Elizabeth Howard Jenna Justice Tolman Mills Daniel Nowicki Breana Poirier Madison Rose Anna Snyder Gretta Stotler Portage Eric Ailes Qamille Armour Brianni’ Bush Kenzie Cline Kylie Deyoung Allyson Farkas Isabella Gonzalez Kyle Gutierrez Jacob Haskins Alexys Hutton Lauren Ivankovich Nina Kaplan Joshua Mann Sonnie Mueller Ken’Nisha Patton Savion Porter Zachary Ragon Victor Ramirez Nathan Shaffer Nathan Smith Tyanna Young Zachary Young Porter Destiny Gruett Portland Gavin Billington Erica Grayson Gavin Lambert Alyssa Leonhard Ashlynn May


Sara Muhlenkamp Ella Roessner Alexis Slocum Adrianna Stein Jacob Wangler Abigail Weaver Quincy Brennan Shumaker Ramsey Kerstin Cox Redkey Abigail Fisher Cameron Henry Rachel Louck Makayla Templeton Megan Templeton Calvin Whitney Reelsville Naomie Martinez Rensselaer Emily Budd Shelby Hofferth Richland Kalene Rumley Richmond Joshua Berger Shane Berry Gabriella Block Cade Bray Elizabeth Brown Madelyn Brunton Stephen Coates Kelli Drake Morris Gibbons Kayleigh Hampton Elizabeth Hannah Evan Linde Diana Martinez Wesley Mull Trenton Neal Ryan Rohe Araya Sparks J’Naya Thompson Ella Wilson Jordan Young Ridgeville Kristina Aslinger Jaydon Buckler Ethan Crump Paige Finch Katherine Pike Bryley Roth Williams Nyah Trausch Rising Sun Shyanne Higham Roachdale Kristy Krsulic Roanoke Jake Dobler Kyle McGinnis Brandt Myer Jessica Poiry Madalynn White Owen Wills Rochester Madelyn Conley Cerenna Eakright Adrianna Freels Jacob Salyer



Megan Thomas Rockport Dawson Vaal Rockville Samantha Howard Rolling Pr Abigail Huff Rome City Gabriel Reed Romney Jamison Royer Rosedale Jessica Stevens Rushville Megan Adkins Morgan Adkins Calista De Jager Austen Gerrian Jacqueline Johnson Aria Meo Casey Nowlin-Smith Carmen Ringley Clayton Spurlock Micheal Turner Matthew Yazel Russiaville Kaiya Dunn Braden Freeman Caleb Woolace Saint John Joshua Brunette Colleen Dyra Zoe Miller Owen Potucek Demetrios Rauch Camryn Reitsma Eric Ross Sarah Sanders Morgan Taylor Haley Turek Kelley Williams Salem Sydney Rogers Lauren Stephenson Santa Claus Emma Eubank Schererville Stefanie Angus Emmanuel Ariyo Julia Daniel Ethan Fr Endling Adam Haney Brian Kacerski Joseph Karl Kylie Moriarity Rachel Roberts Isabella Watts Scipio Andrew EverageScheible Scottsburg Seth Everett Sellersburg Cassandra Baumgart Wyatt Baxter Johnathon Doss Grace Grady Noah Keinath Jack Meriwether


Selma Abigail Adams Breonna Anderson Beau Brown Sofani Buck Morgan Hicks Olivia McCauley Jaren Olds Evan Rausch Emma Schuck Hannah Willmann Alexis Wulff Seymour Anayely Cadena Martinez Owen Chandler Liam Combs Elijah Kreutz Peyton Levine Larssyn Maisel Rhiannon McGrew Jozie Nicholson Sharpsville Jack Blades Shelbyville Madison Adkins Kathryn Aldridge Logan Cord Kaitlynn Harrison Haley Higdon Hannah Johnson Alexandra Lux Aaliyah Marshall Ryan Oliver Jocelyn Sadlowski Christina Tsataros Sheridan Aleah Caraballo Jakob Leonard Josie O’Brien Shipshewana Michael Miller Shirley Aaron Franklin Taylor Ooten Tyla Spoon Silver Lake Alyssa Bell South Bend Braden Allison Alejandro Almanza Samuel Austin Cecilia Becker Kayley Bouterse Laila Buck-Adams Hudson Carmon Abbi Creager Lynar Day-Deynes Austin Gill Rebecca Goerke Makayla Griffin Diego GutierrezMcElroy Logan Hansen Wesley Herma Caleb Hlade Abigail Holmer Graham Hornbeck Elizabeth Horvath

Jeffery Jesensky Katherine Jones Elizabeth Kearns Hadley Lindzy Stuart Mackenzie Kiley Martin Takyla McMillan Mary McNamara Lauren Miller Olivia Miller Christian Njuguna Kylie Parcher Mason Pawlowski Jose Pedraza Mariah Pinkowski Brianna Pitchford Ismael Quintero Tyler Rajski Aubrey Richardson Robert Russell Joshua Szpakowski Nia Thomas Taylor Thomas John Van Meter Elijah Wachs Adonnika West Jackson Williams Xavier Winston Claire Wright Speedway Maryam Ashamu Kelsen Bartley Spencer Sidney Kesler Spiceland Lindsey Blake Kyle Falck Andrew Pierce Dillon Stevens Madison Trusty Springport Macy Abbott Madilyn Gibson J. Paul Stewart Springville David Barton Nicholas Combs Star City Veronica Bedwell Straughn Nicholas Jones Sumava Resorts Ema Ramirez Summitville Cadence Brown Brooklyn Burton Rebecca Staver Sunman Korey Barrett Oliver Moster Syracuse Adrianna Clark Grace Morrison Cassandra Oliva Ella Park Rachael Sweatland Rebekah Whirledge Terre Haute Britton Cain

Jonathan Carlson Seth Gage Payton Halloran Derek Hudgens Anne Lemke Shea Moloney Anna Paugh Chloe Reed Nadia Sanquenetti Margaret Shearer Mason Unger Thorntown Summer Adamowicz Kalei Garza Tipton Griffin Hare Madison Hoover Rachel Matthews Samantha Mumbower Cali Pickering Raiven Richardson Hannah Smith Trafalgar Aidan Burress Savannah Sturgell Union City Mason Hardwick Trevor Phillips Union Mills Layla Crawford Zachary Lenze Katrin Marks Uniondale Riley Fraze Angel Fisher-Plunkett Upland Dylan Bragg Trinity Moore Shauna Singer Urbana Allysa Haupert Valparaiso Eliza Atterbury Kiersten Boer Jacob Brant Madelyn Burton Ashley Craycraft Katherine Evans Andrea Flores Mallory Gall Aaron Hale Sophia Halfman Jennifer Injeski Austin Janik Brooke Johnson Peyton Krutz Aleksa Matijevic Elizabeth Metrakos Mason Mitchell Rebecca Northey Hunter Nunemaker Vanessa Phipps Janet Portelli Gianna Quartucci Dana Rodriguez Deanna Rootkie Rachel Sandifer Peter Stocker Elena Thompson

Alicia Trauscht Brooke Wilcox Van Buren Rileigh Cassidy Alexus Roush Veedersburg Nadya Rahm-Bradford Vevay Zoe Tsaparikos Dylan Walter W Lafayette Abigail Deno Olivia Gillespie Jafet Gonzalez Daniel Hogan Jeremy Knipp Seth Lowe Jenna McCarty Alec Meister Gillian Rogers Abdel-Rahman Sadiek Brielle Smith Wabash Jesse Allison Tylor Bayliss Emily Cole Wyatt Davis Traydon Goodwin Sydney Helfin Madeline Helsel Devin Holmes Madison Johnson Shyla Judy Kayla Mays Grace Schoening Allison Steele Laney Temple Wakarusa Morgan Berry Ashlyn Branch Kiana Piercy Waldron Stormy Helsley Walkerton Jack Gregor Reagan Howe Nathan Middlebrook Ryan Minter Walton Kieran Claypool Lauren Hileman Wanatah Shawn Battleday Annabelle Mischke Warren Natalie Danals Jessica Runkle Sydney Smekens Sierra Tolen Warsaw Blake Bolland Shelby Bolt Brenna Buhrt Jacob Dye Alliana Fitzpatrick Alexis Hughes Darryn Kuhl Josie Leininger Nicholas Lesko

Gage Lind Dariana Lopez Mason Madding Kelsey Nethercutt Rush Nichols Tira Scutchfield Kyle Sensibaugh Audrey Turley Joseph Wilkinson Washington William Lamb Maleigha Miller Aurora Stuffel Waterloo Cristina Leco Reagan Snyder West Harrison August Fulton West Lafayette Madison Simpson Luke Smith West Lebanon Abigail Simpson Westfield Trey Anderson Lily Atha Samuel Baldwin Jacob Barney Abigail Bognar Carson Brooks Grace Cavanagh Mason Cox Harrison Craig Taylor Dickey Ethan Dilick Makenzie Emerson Cade Ferguson Elie Gerth Morgan Hagerty Snezhana Hardcastle Kathryn Harmeyer Cooper Hoberty Sade Hodson Julie Hoffman Isabella Hughes William Jolly Maureen Kirk Peyton Kitto Cheyanne Kummer Samantha Lewis Heather Magombo Katelyn Murray Alexander Pazdernik Jack Pedersen Leanne Penley Leah Pham Rachel Purciful Anthony Redavide Cameron Rice Reid Stewart Bryce Taylor Patrick Taylor Camela Williams Sarah Williams Tyler Williams Ajdin Zec Westpoint Nash Miller Savannah Richard

Westport Kylie Owens Wheatfield Hailey Jeeninga Whiteland Dylan Soult Whitestown Grace Duerksen Stella Latham Hector Lavergne Jason Maddox Whiting Kimberly Ledezma Williamsburg Taylor Day Winamac Faith Pratt Winchester Richard Briere Cole Campbell Mayley Case Stacy Cox Ross Culy Nathaniel Dunica Makenna Gibson Halei Goforth Emalyn Hartzell Lindsey Herrera Isabelle Horn Gabriel Lacy Riley Mckissick Mikal Melton Makenzie Merchant Cami Miller Michael Pegg Walter Slusher Shadaisy Smith Kaibrey VorheesCampbell Colton Wells Windfall Isabelle Abney Alyssa York Winona Lake Thaddeus West Wolcottville Ethan Hoover Allie Kruckeberg Kate Papai Woodburn Isabel Edwards Jacob McGauley Yoder Derek Hockemeyer Yorktown McKenna Alexander Sophia Aul Hannah Avila Hailee Campbell Reagan Cox Kaylee Daugherty Morgan Day Sarah Green Jayla Journay Kadence Linn Styler Martini Carson Orr Calvin Riley Alexis Robertson

Johnny Sparks Isaac Stachler Dylan Stout Galen Tait Haley Tetrault Raul Valdes Sanchez Kelsi Wiggins Zanesville Isaac White Zionsville Ethan Alldredge Tyler Baumann Olivia Broadwater Sophie Collier Hayden Elefante Ryan Flaherty Elise Gall Olivia Ice Molly Kelly Wesley Lee Luke Price Samuel Seyer Denae Snyder Medhanit Stolle Jacob Valentine Gunnar Vannatta Mark Varas William Workman


Junction City Jaisha Shumpert


Elsmere John Ferguson Erlanger Kortlan Jenkins Logan Vaillancourt Fort Thomas Cassidy Perme Georgetown Grace Lyman Louisville Halle Baisas Kendyl Bingham Sarah Blackwell Tiara Peoples Southgate Maria Broering

Louisiana Lafayette Jessica Hackett

Maryland Columbia Victoria Kerry Oakland Andie Ward

Michigan Ada Kyler Williams


Byte is a student-run, multimedia coalition operating out of Ball State University’s Unified Media Lab. Though mostly oriented toward Telecommunications and Journalism majors, Byte draws in students studying all sorts of disciplines ranging from Creative Writing to Computer Science and everything in between. Student staff work closely with the student-run editorial board to help refine their skills and improve the quality of content produced for the organization. We are dedicated to providing the best in entertainment and pop culture related content.



Adrian Daisy Leal Burton Griffin Grabowski Canton Zion Rankin Cassopolis Justin King Coldwater Elka Machan Dowagiac Madeline Stockwell Grand Rapids Jacob Fouch Harrison Twp Ryan Brown Holt Virginia Heft Kalamazoo Lucy Derango Linden Carly Miller Marine City Morigan Vermilya Niles Madison Watchorn Novi Avery Fenchel Olivet Lauren Chavez Plymouth Clarissa Carrigan Joshua Mangion Portland Ainsley Ludema Rockford Payten Romig South Lyon David Quenby Sterling Hts Katelyn Swope Sturgis Michael Olarean Trenton Anthony Baldwin Washingtn Twp Cameron Grant West Bloomfield Julia Canty Wyoming Deandra Huynh Ypsilanti Mallory Beatty


Lino Lakes Alexander Cavegn White Bear Lk Leanne Fahie


Arnold Victoria Hutchings Cape Girardeau Julian McBride Clayton Mason Sharon


Eureka Hope Kleitsch Independence Aaron Porter Wentzville Megan Wood

North Carolina

Swannanoa Sasha Grim Waxhaw Hannah Ruthberg


Omaha Mackenzie Henson

New Hampshire Alton Erin Kelley

New Jersey Clark Emma Hilton Hoboken Adele Kriegel Medford Haines Hoag

New Mexico Albuquerque Kyle Nelson

New York

Lake View Kya Pawli Mineola Brenden Resnick New City Maureen Donegan Perry Autumn Milhollen


Ansonia Reganne Oconnor Avon Thomas Lorincz Bowling Green Caelan Smith Bryan Caleb Zuver Camden Julie Schmidt Chillicothe Cressa Brier Cincinnati Anthony Frederickson Brooke Walter

Coldwater Lauren Gilliland Rachel Miller Columbus Qian Magwood Dayton Ella Waldspurger Defiance William Callan Delaware Jacob Lewis Dylan Seiler Delphos Abby Hensley Dublin Emma Kruse Madison Villella Eaton Ben Brewer Elyria Jessica Bridges Fairfield Evan Papania Rose Sprague Fairfield Township Kennedy Cunningham Findlay Kathryn Harp Galloway Kathryn Collins Goshen Riley Bullock Greenville Daphne Kies Alexis Matchett Grove City Shawn Collier Hamilton Keith Coffey Maddie Stein Laura Jacob Motz Lewistown Nathan Reichert Liberty Township Erin Rossiter Lima Ryan Norton Loveland Lauren Docter Maineville Karianna Garrison Marysville Elise Atzbach Madison Blaisdell Matthew Cooper Mason Hannah Frame Mia Lee Bethany Moser Kelly Sulek Mendon Austin Kundtz Metamora Victoria Miller Midland Sophia Agee New Albany

Alexis Thigpen Oakwood Miles Davis Julia Spowart Oxford Nathaniel Henson Piqua Conor Ratliff Lauren Sweetman Saint Henry Regan Wendel Seven Mile Olivia Faine Solon Logan Brooks Springfield Kylee Mastin Trenton Madisyn Carroll Van Wert Tori Boyd Aleigh Chesbro Ryan Knisely Versailles Grace Carman Wapakoneta Falon Mccune Mishwa Patel Allison Vanderhorst Waterville Eric Dress West Chester Katherine Telles Westerville Kayla Jones Ali Khan Melia McCoy

Pennsylvania Hanover Lydia Hobson Media Rachel Bolen Newport Rachel Bohn Pittsburgh Kelsey O’Neill Portersville Kevin Meeder Washington Karla Weaver

Tennessee Murfreesboro Keionte’ Newson Nashville Corey Stewart


Allen Kyra Jacobs Bee Cave Abigail Storm Irving Jaime Grider La Feria Nallely Marin Torres

Lubbock Kelsie Dalton Missouri City Joelle Sokoloff Pflugerville Madisyn AndrewsMoreno San Antonio Gabriela Garza Emma Richards



Gillette Jason Chambers


Ontario Waterloo Tyler Hinrikus

Falls Church Alex Weinstein Herndon Henry Metcalf Midlothian Callie Srader Sterling Hannah Johnston Virginia Bch Ashlyn Works Woodbridge Victoria Henry




Mercer Island Maria Reyes Snohomish Annika Erickson


Brookfield Ryann Locante Cedarburg Maria Ziegelbauer Hartland Dalton Elrod Elyse Horner Menomonee Fls Taylor Harris Milwaukee Dayanara Ortiz Denisse Ortiz Muskego Connor Grohman Nashotah Jack Carthew Racine Tyler Vandun Sussex Jordyn Jeffers Thiensville Brenna Campbell Whitewater Henry Bresser Wisc Rapids Lauren Ontl

West Virginia

Williamstown Allyssa Haymaker


Castelldefels Silvia Martinez Jimenez Cerdanyola Del Valles Ivet Subirats Teruel Madrid Paloma Gomez Rengifo

New South Wales Garden Suburb Lucas Borrow

UNSPECIFIED Keaton Crockett Abigale Elgert Madison Tomes Trinity Webb

35 08.20.20


Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Fort Wayne, Indianapolis and Muncie On May 25 in Minneapolis, George Floyd died while in police custody. Following Floyd’s death, several protests were held not just in Minneapolis, but around the nation. Residents in Muncie, Fort Wayne and Indianapolis all held protests, and many participants carried signs with slogans such as “Black Lives Matter” and “I can’t breathe.”

The crowd of protesters reflects in the sunglasses of a state trooper on May 30, 2020, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The protest started peacefully, then around 5:30 p.m., teargas was shot into the crowd and riot-control police officers arrived. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN

A protester holds a signs that reads “Black lives matter” during the George Floyd protests May 29, 2020, Indianapolis. People protested the use of force against George Flloyd, who died in police custody May 25 in Minneapolis. NICHOLAS BECKMAN, DN

The crowd of peaceful protesters march down McKinley Avenue, June 5, 2020, on McKinley Avenue. The protest gathered a couple thousand people and marched from Shafer Tower to Muncie City Hall. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN




Right: A protester shouts in the front of the group May 30, 2020, on the front lawn of the Allen County Courthouse in Fort Wayne, Ind. The protesters started on the sidewalks then gradually worked their way to the lawn of the courthouse. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN Bottom: A spray-painted van sits outside the David Letterman Building June 4, 2020. The van was used during the protest to transport water for the marchers. CHARLES MELTON, DN

A protester hold a sign while walking in the street on May 30, 2020, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The protest started peacefully, then around 5:30 p.m., teargas was shot into the crowd and riot-control police officers came out. JACOB MUSSELMAN, DN

Protesters march through the Village June 4, 2020. In response to George Floyd’s death and other protests across the country, Muncie community members marched from Shafer Tower to City Hall. BAILEY CLINE, DN

37 08.20.20



For more information on the events listed here, visit Farmers Market at Minnetrista • Every Saturday June-September, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. • The market will take place in the main parking lot, with vendors spaced out appropriately. Parking is located at the Deleware County Fairgrounds. There will be a signle entrance and exit, and we will be allowing no more than 50 individuals into the market at any one time. • Join your family and friends for Farmers Market at Minnetrista! It’s here you can connect with vendors to discover fresh produce and plants every Saturday. A protester kneels and bows their head June 4, 2020, at Muncie City Hall. The crowd participated in eight minutes of silence before and after the protest march in response to the death of George Floyd. BAILEY CLINE, DN

Virtual Roost Housing Fair • September 14-18 • Fly over to the Virtual Roost Housing Fair happening September 14-18! It’s the premiere place to explore local housing options from the comfort of anywhere. Enter the ‘Around The Roost’ contest for a chance to win 1 of 5 housing essentials prizes! Let us open the door to your new nest at the Virtual Roost Housing Fair!


A protester holds a sign that reads “All power to the people” May 29, 2020, in Indianapolis. Peaceful protests were held during the day, but crowds were dispersed later that night. NICHOLAS BECKMAN, DN

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The words “I can’t breathe” can be seen spray-painted on a column outside of a Starbucks the morning of May 30, 2020, Indianapolis. Protesters were chanting the slogan in protest of George Floyd’s death in police custody May 25 in Minneapolis. NICHOLAS BECKMAN, DN

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Ball State Protest: DominantProtesters march through the Scramble Light June 4, 2020, at the intersection of Riverside and McKinley Avenues. Ball State students, faculty, staff and University Police Department officers as well as community members marched in response to the death of George Floyd. BAILEY CLINE, DN

Carli Grass, a worker at Yats, protests while she is at work June 4, 2020. Grass said she wanted to take a few minutes to show her support for the protesters. CHARLES

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A protester holds up a sign June 4, 2020, at Muncie City Hall. Community members marched from Shafer Tower to City Hall in response to the death of George Floyd and protests across the country. BAILEY CLINE, DN

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39 08.20.20

Crossword & Sudoku

CROSSWORD EDITED BY RICH NORRIS AND JOYCE LEWIS; SUDOKU BY MICHAEL MEPHAM ACROSS 1 Storied December shelf dweller 4 Kind of gun that catches speeders 9 Burning crime 14 Pooh pal in a pouch 15 Spanish month 16 Colorful tank fish 17 Cow call 18 Baked mac and cheese, for many 20 When an after-lunch meeting might start 22 Blender maker 23 Deux halved 24 Ones paid to play 26 Something that affects a result 28 Hit pay dirt 33 Issue, as light 34 Memo opening words 35 Kid’s bear 39 Willy Wonka portrayer Wilder 40 Doctor’s order? 42 __ avis 43 Leading the league 45 Plant stem joint 46 Of the mouth 47 “Aladdin” song whose title

lyric follows “You ain’t never had a” 50 Social blunders 53 Carded at the door, briefly 54 Christian sch. in Tulsa 55 One way to read 59 TV host Gibbons 62 Buried record for future generations 65 OED book, e.g. 66 Newborn’s lack, usually 67 Big name in racing 68 With 60-Down, on one’s game ... and hint to the start of this puzzle’s longest answers 69 Analyze, as ore 70 Fills fully 71 “__ Misérables” DOWN 1 Funny Bombeck 2 Pirate’s take 3 Clue in the mud 4 Fix dinner? 5 15-Across starts it 6 Free game version, maybe 7 Lab greetings 8 Word with square or cube 9 What opposites do, it’s said 10 NBA official

11 Dark beer 12 Maine campus town 13 Consumer advocate Ralph 19 APR-reducing loan 21 Bad loan, to an accountant 25 Cinco y uno 27 Nation within Oklahoma 28 Utah lily 29 IRS enforcers 30 Silly 31 Test for fit in the changing room 32 Double-check, as totals 36 Stunt double, e.g. 37 Wee bit o’ whisky, say 38 Clinton’s alma mater 41 Prefix with pad 44 Holier-than-thou 48 Puerto Rico, por ejemplo 49 Loafers 50 “I __ go!”: “Ciao!” 51 Astrological Ram 52 Running on __: weary 56 Numbered work 57 Ensign-in-training inst. 58 Tidy up a bit 60 See 68-Across 61 Woeful cry 63 LAX calculation 64 “To Kill a Mockingbird” author Harper

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