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Young Scientist .0

& Technology Exhibition


at Pfizer,


• Welcome Letter (NP)

• Programme of Activities

• Future Zone - list of exhibitors

• Science Lectures timetable ,Q

• Teachers Conference



• Running order of Awards at the Official Awards Ceremony

• SLUdcnL Stand Listin;

• Thank you to the judges

1S our

life's work Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals



Timetable Date


Tuesday, 9th Jan 2001 2pm - 6pm

Registration and set up of Dublin only projects

Deal' StadeKts,, Teackews a/rd PaweKts /taiues are jaweatp/easu/'e Co we, leaare r/oa a//kewe apatK joi aaotkew beep SeieKtist & TcAKO/o/p Ekibitio1.

Wednesday, I Oth Jan 2001 gam - I pm 2pm 2.30pm - 5.30pm 8pm - 10.30pm

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Thursday, I I th Jan 2001 gam - I.30pm I Oam - 5.00pm

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2pm - 5.30pm 8pm - 10.30pm

Registration and set up of Regional projects All participating students to be at their stands for Opening Ceremony judging commences, I st round Evening entertainment, Inflatable Fun, Annex

judging commences, 2nd round Future Zone open to public and school tours See Science Lecture timetable, sponsored by CIF, Concert Hall Teachers Conference and ComputerTraining, sponsored by Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Concourse judging commences, 3rd round Evening entertainment, Fun Quiz and Fleadh, sponsored byTG4 and For-as na Gaeilge,Annex

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Tke /aal(,a Scientist & 7 ckaa/opr/ EkibitiaK is a skowease a^/KKa^at/oK aid eKtef째/b!째ise and

Friday, 12th Jan 2001 gam - I pm I Oam - 5pm

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3pm 3.30pm 5.30pm - 8.30pm

Saturday, 13th Jan 2001 I Oam - 5pm I I.30am - 12.30pm I lam 5.30pm 8pm - midnight

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judging commences, final round Future Zone open to public and school tours See Science Lecture timetable, sponsored by CIF,Concert Hall Teachers Conference and ComputerTraining, sponsored by Fujitsu Siemens Computers,Concourse Photocell with Minister for Education, Michael Woods Primary Science Teachers Workshop, sponsored by Riverdeep, Dodder Suite Official Awards Ceremony, Industries Hall. President Mary McAleese will present the award to Young Scientist of 2001. Open to public and school tours judges feedback session with Teachers, Lansdowne Room Primary Science Teachers Workshop, sponsored by Riverdeep, Dodder Suite Closing Ceremony Closing Disco with celebrity DJ and loads of great prizes to be won, sponsored by Wrangler; Industries Hall


Science Lectures Science Lectures sponsored by CIF

VVrldl IS IL dll dUUUL!

Concert Hall, RDS

Thursday, I Ith Jan 2001 12noon - Randal Henly The Magic of Chemistry 2pm

- The Scienceworks Roadshow Cool and Sticky Science


- The Scienceworks Roadshow Cool and Sticky Science

Friday, 12th Jan 2001 12 noon

Institute of Physics lecture by Dr. Jason B. Greenwood The Exhaling Sun


Randal Henly The Magic of Chemistry


The Scienceworks Roadshow Cool and Sticky Science

Saturday, 13th Jan 2001 12 noon - Randal Henly The Magic of Chemistry 2pm

- The Scienceworks Roadshow Cool and Sticky Science


- Musical Squares

The Magic of Chemistry

Is an entertaining lecture-demonstration that shows how exciting chemistry can be, and how it is an essential part of everyone's daily life. It is specifically aimed at students in third and transition years, before they choose their subjects for Leaving Certificate. The demonstration consists of about thirty colourful chemical spectacles - involving flashes, bangs, flames, colour changes , clock reactions , " egg-splosions", guessing games, cannon fire , and it finishes with sunset in Hawaii! Cool & Sticky Science Experience the world of freezing, freaky, and fun fluids in this entertaining Science Show!!! Using super-cool liquid Nitrogen, the ScienceWorks will explore the effects of cold temperatures on the states of matter and the surprising effects on living things. You might also get to taste the world's fastest ice cream. And if that isn't enough, get stuck into the science of fluids as we get our hands into the world of slimes and goes. Find out how to make your own sticky slimes but be careful that you don't get slimed!!!! The Exhaling Sun Take a tour through the Solar System - Find out aboul The Solar Wind and how it influences life on earth and beyond. Dr. Greenwood spent two years in California at NASA's jet Propulsion Laboratory, performing laboratory simulations of various phenomena found in space. Musical Squares "Musical Squares" is a scientific "fun" lecture which is packed with sound and visual illustrations. It is suitable for all ages and requires no specialised knowledge of the subject at all. Mike and Wendy Gluyas explore many exciting aspects of sound and examine the vital role that it plays in our everyday lives - from communication and the production and enjoyment of music, to medical and industrial uses.

Science Lectures


Science Teachers Lectures and Computer Training sponsored by FUJITSU ^oMP rERs SIEMENS

Thursday, I I th Jan 2001 , RDS Concourse

is Time gam - I I am I am - 12pm

Room I MS Powerpoint

Room 2 MS Excel - Beg/Int

Gerard Fleming'The Forecast for the 21 st Century'

prn - 3pm 3pm - 5pm

Internet and the www

MS Word - Beg/Int

MS Powerpoint

Presentation Skills Workshop

Friday, 12th Jan 2001 , RDS Concourse

Time gam - I lam lam- lpm

Room I Internet and the www

Room 2 Databases using MS Access - Intro

Basics of IT and File Management

Presentation Skills Workshop

2pm - 3pm

ISTA Lecture

3pm - 5pm

MS Powerpoint

MS Word - Beg/Int

Please Note: Catherine Daly of the Killarney National Park Education Centre will be giving an interactive lecture/demonstration called " Magnetism Fields Forces and Fun".

Future Zone Analog Devices ASE - Association for Science Education Astronomy Ireland Book Club of Ireland Briston Myers Squibb Carlow Institute ofTechnology CIF Computer Gym Cork Institute ofTechnology Dublin Zoo Dun-Laoghaire Institute Enterprise Oil Environmental Protection Agency Esat Digifone Esat Fusion Food Safety Authority Fota Wildlife Park Fujitsu Siemens Computers Gardai -Traffic Dept Irish Blood Transfusion Board Institute of Physics Intel Ireland Irish Mensa Irish Patents Office IPCMF rish Times ISTA Bookshop TASTE Labnet International Marine Institute Midas - Capitals Northern Ireland Planetarium NUI Maynooth Pre-University Centre Riverdeep Scienceworks Roadshow Science &Technology at Irish Universitie _ STEPS - Science , Technology & Engineerin Maynooth, NUI Galway, UCC, UL TG4 UCD University of Ulster

r\VVdIUJ Official Awards Ceremony, Friday 12th Jan 2001 , Industries Hall, 5.30pm Esat are delighted that President McAleese will be presiding over this years ceremony. As this ceremony will be televised it is imperative that all students, teachers and VIP guests are seated in the Industries Hall by 5.30pm sharp.

The running order for the awards on the night are as follows; Special Awards An Bard Glas Arthur Anderson Ash Ireland Foras Na Gaeilge Comhar-The National Sustainable Development Partnership Dental Health Foundation Dublin Institute ofTechnology Enterprise Oil Environmental Protection Agency Equality Authority Food Safety Authority Irish Blood Transfusion Services Irish Business and Employers' Confederation Irish Energy Centre Institute of Physics ISTA Patents Office Shaw Scientific Limited STEPS

TCD. DCU NUI programme for schools

Sponsors Awards Intel Award Analog Devices Award Fujitsu Siemens Computers Award Nortel Networks Award Category Awards Biological and Ecological Category I st, 2nd. 3rd prizes junior group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Intermediate group or individual 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Senior group or individual

Chemistry, Physical and Mathematics Category I st, 2nd. 3rd prizes Junior group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Intermediate group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Senior group or individual Social and Behavioural Sciences Category I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Junior group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Intermediate group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Senior group or individual Technology Category I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Junior group or individual I st, 2nd, 3rd prizes Intermediate group or individual I st, 2nd. 3rd prizes Senior group or individual Main Awards Young Scientist of the Year (individual or group) Best Group or Best Individual Runner-up Individual or Runnerup Group

Exhibitions and Projects Student Exhibitors Biological and Ecological Category (Green) junior Intermediate Senior Chemistry, Physical and Mathematics Category (Red) Junior Intermediate Senior

Department of Education Projects Kill of the Grange National School Deansgrange Dublin 18 St. Peter's Boys' National School, Monasterevin, Co. Ki lare St.Patrick's National School, Greystones,Co.Wicklow Monkstown Educate Together National School, Monkstown Co.Dublin St.Patrick's Girls' School, Holly Park, Foxrock Avenue, Dublin 18 St.Cronan's National School, Brackenstown, Swords,

Social and Behavioural Sciences Category (Blue)


Junior Intermediate Senior

Sincere thanks to all judges and thank you to the Chairman of the judges

Technology Category Junior Intermediate Senior

NCTE Projects Declan Kennedy, UCC Paddy Carroll, Portroe National School, Nenagh, Co.Tipperary Noel Clare, Cross and Passion, Kilcullen, Co.Kildare Helen Renehan, Loreto Secondary School, Grange Road, Kilkenny Deirdre Butler, St.Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 John Joe, Gallagher, Sligo Education Centre, Ballinode, Sligo Dan Dineen, Carrigeen National School, Carrigeen, Co.Mayo Adrian Keena, St Patricks Boys National School, Ballygunner, Co.Waterford Joe Kelly. St Marys National School, Sutton, Co.Dublin Anna Walshe, Sutton Park School, Sutton,Co.Dublin


Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors 2214


Sadhbh Ni Hogain Sutton Park School CHP - A p ower station in the home Mr Eluk


Owen Mc Car-thy Colaiste Chiaran Ions in the air "Charge or no charge" Daithi Mac Aircinn

Nicola Murphy Our Ladys Grove SC Discovering how a master key works Miss O'Hara

Siobhan Kavanagh St Davids Holy Faith School The Cha p el River Revisited Mary O'Sullivan



Peter Houlihan Sandford Park Acid Armour Mr Keith Mc Bain


Kyle Parfrey CBC Cork Analysis of Chaotic Chemical Oscillating Reactions Mr Cotter

Aire Feeney St Louis Secondary School Whats the Craic! -The physics of accents in Louth Siobhan Greer

Laura O'Toole St Davids Secondary School Comparing levels of Vitamin C in fresh vs processed vegetables Ms Louise Gilmore

221 6

Helena Keenan


Muireann McGinty Our Ladys College A mathematical investigation of the meningitis bacteria and viruses Ms Frances O' Regan


Hannah Duffy Dominican College Factor 15 for BT 15? A study of the ozone layer Mrs P Roe


Mark Egan Colaiste Bhride Does the design on the face of a golf club affect the flight of the golf ball Matthew Burke


Fiona Campbell Newbridge College Domestic Hydropower Deirdre O'Callaghan


Joanne Sinnott Dominican College Energy efficiency in the home Ms May


Clare Fletcher Loreto High School Earthquake Resistance Pipes Norma Hiney


Eanna Lohan Maynooth Post Primary School What are the chances of winning the lotto? Ms McCauley

225 I

Andrew Carson Hartstown Community School Train set dynamics Mr Fitzmaurice


Michael Moloney Scariff Community College A study of parabolic surfaces MrTJ OHalloran

Chemistry, Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2175


List of Student Exhibitors

Loreto Secondary School Eggstravaganza Ms Mary O'Brien









Nicolas Ryan St Endas Community School Dust Magnet Mr Brendan Worsford Cathy McFadden Manor House Practical Luminescence Maurice Murphy Joseph Garvin Newtown School Flame colour in candles Ms McKevitt Sonia Buckley Crescent College Comprehensive Solar Energy: A useful alternative? Julie Callaghan Eoin O'Callaghan Patrician Secondary School Modular artificial intelligence Michael O'Callaghan RachelFahy Loreto College Taking the myth out of science for children Sheila Porter David Franey Central Technical Institute Celtic Tiger chemistry Mr Tom Treacy Caitriona O'Sullivan Christ King Secondary School Rainwater testing and collection Joanne O'Shea








Elaine Cawley Sancta Maria College Noise levels in the environment - are we damaging our ears? Mr M Flynn Vicky OConnor Christ King Girls Secondary School Exploring fractals Deirdre Quigley



Gerard Bugler Scariff Community College Capillary effects according to Pascals Law Mr IJ O'Halloran


Helen McEvoy FCJ Secondary School The secret sounds of mobile phones Mr Michael Dalton


Emma Walsh Loreto College A colourful world: the study of dyes Sheila Porter Aisling Corcoran Loreto College The tensile strength of hair Sheila Porter Eimear Byrne Community School Investigating and Comparing Waters Quality in our Area Mrs A Cadogen

Harry Ormsby Catholic University School The detection of unintentional defrosting of frozen foods Mrs P Roberts-Byrne Mairead Bell Dominican College Tornado power Mrs Roe Kate Martin Colaiste Choilm Corrosion - how and why? Ms Joan Faherty Paul Mullally Scoil Mhuire Community School To investigate electrical charges from soil and other sources Mr John Reidy Bryan ORourke Maynooth Post Primary School Filters - Are they a rip off? S Mc Cauley



Anthony Nicholson St Kilians Community School The Bubble Scale Patrick Quill Vincent McWilliams Sandford Park School All Gummed Up! DrA Graham

Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors


Aishling O'Loughlin Mary Immaculate Secondary School The hydrology of the Caher River Mr John Sims


Amanda Sutton East Glendalough School Eco-Wrapper tablets P McPhillips


Shane O'Farrell Colaiste An Spioraid Naoimh The Syracuse Algorithm Mr Patrick Meehan


Eoin Hallahan Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal The evolution of automobile aerodynamics Mr Sean Foley


Ciara Comerford St Josephs Secondary School Acid Rain in the Navan area Ms McCarthy


Amy Glennon Christ King Girls Secondary School Clean Chemistry Solutions Super! Miss Lenehan

Aoife Nic Chraith St Dominics High School A study of natural batteries Mr Nugent


Christopher Kane Colaiste Lorcain Energy Home 2010 Mr McEvoy


Flynn Kleist Clonakilty Community College Radical Radon Mrs M O'Leary & Mrs H Lynch






Shane Moran ONeill Hartstown Community School Levels of radiation emitted by mobile phones Mr Fitzmaurice


lain O'Kelly Christian Brothers College The deterioration of water - do we care? Mr Frank Cotter

Karina Walton St Brigids College Natural Dyes vs Synthetic Dyes Ms Doyle


Sarah Madden St Marys Holy Faith Secondary School Complex numbers - a simplification Ms Martina Forde

Sarah McCabe Rathdown SNR School For Girls A comparison of air-born pollutant levels in smoke-less and conventional fuel urban areas Miss J Rice


St Joseph of Cluny Secondary School Odds "n" Ends What are the dual chances of winning the lottery

Mark Collins Christian Brothers College A Comparison of colas and their effect on teeth Mr Cotter Shaunna OFarrell St Davids Holy Faith Secondary Co-Educational Greystones sea water quality Mary O'Sullivan



2765 2438

Ian Twomey Davis College Mathematics of containers William Shannon 2771



Marie-Claire Reilly Our Ladys College Mathematics of the Book of Kells Miss F O'Regan


Jennifer Smith St Nessans Community School Solar Activities Hidden Effects on the Earth P Gordon


Mary O'Brien Colaiste Bride A Scientific and Biological Experiment Seeking The Origins of Suspect Substances vertical form ASBESTOS Margaret Smith


Anna Carthy Loreto College Does a golf balls bounciness influence the distance that it will travel? Sheila Porter


Clare Fitzsimons Loreto College Factorisation for the 21st century Sheila Porter


David M O'Doherty Gonzaga College Optical logic gates Mr Joseph O'Briain


Ronan Kildea CBS Secondary School Fibonacci number patterns in celitc stone crosses Mrs Mary Lyons


Samantha Carpenter St Marys Holy Faith Convent Unified irregular area Denise McKenzie


Mairead Ni Bhriain Mt Mercy College The orange the whole orange and nothing but the orange? Ms McCarthy


Conor Meehan Colaiste An Spioraid Naoimh Mysterious sand Patrick Meehan


Caoimhi n b Cochartaigh Meanscoil Feirste Staidear Ar Lisaid Modhanna Eags6la Chun Readai TrtThin A Mhuchadh. A study of the use of various methods in extinguishing combusting objects Barra O Dochartaigh


Shane OBrien St Davids Secondary School Monitoring Radioactive pollution off the Wicklow coast Mary O'Sullivan

Sara Byrne

Mr Robert Browne


Kymberly Ryall Midleton College Will the heating of the Earths inner core provide us with extra geothermal energy Mrs L Curtin


Ciara Cuddihy-Goulding Our Ladys School The effectiveness of phosphate versus non phosphate washing powder Mrs E Dowley

Siobhan Whelan Scoil Chriost Ri Sunstruck Geraldine Canty Michael Carty

St Marys CBS

Stacy Mi Giolla Chonaghaill Gaelcholaiste Ceobhran ? Micheal O'Grobuin Cian Hughes Gonzaga College SJ Computer Security - protect your computer and everything on it Mr Joe S Briain

Irene Sands Our Ladys College Friez patterns Ms Francis O'Regan

Money market program Carmel Donoghue 2776

Seokho Lee Blackrock College The magic in magic squares Mr McKirnrn


PeterTaylor St Kilians Community School Investigating symmetrical shapes formed by polygons Patrick Quill

List of Student Exhibitors 2822

Siobhain Campbell Institute of Education Transportation network design and connected graphs DrAidan Seery


Philip Kelly Borris Vocational School The effect of chemicals in water on copper cylinders Mr O'Sullivan


Orla Ni Mhuircheartaigh Jesus and Mary Secondary School The investigation into how textiles react to various chemicals Phyllis O'Flaherty







Clara McGrane Colaiste Bride Hair colouring - a change for the best? Mrs Kendrick


James Buchanan Sandford Park School The effects of different stimuli on concentration and memory Mr K Forbes


Aishling Foley Glanmire Community College Dream Analysis Mr Walsh


Nathan Guimond Sandford Park School The burning question Dr Graham

Danielle Nolan Colaiste Beide Mobile awareness investigation Mrs McGonigle


Jess Healy St Aloysius Does it matter what shampoo you use? Mr McManus

Niamh Fowler Colaiste Bride Teen Surf Ms A Smyth


Catherine Hegarty St Josephs Secondary School Hair colour in the millenium his McCarthy

Laura Delaney Patrician College The use of mobile phones among teenagers Ms Mary Gannon


Bruce Glennon Christian Brothers College

Luke Doyle Borris Vocational School Electricity from natural juices Mr O'Sullivan Ciaran Stewart St Eugenes College educational computer game on light and sound Mrs McMorrow

Cork environs - Drivers in traffic Mr Cotter


Simon Coulter Dundalk Grammar School Why was Big Brother such a success Stephanie Ledwith


Erica Burnell Colaiste Choilm Using mussels behavior to detect environmental disturbances David O ' Laoire


Sinead Heaney Clifden Community School Students and mobile phones Regina Morahan

Social and Behavioural Sciences 2190

ionnula Gibney Our Ladys College Greenhills The Location Game Frances O'Regan

Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2382

Samantha Burke Cllfden Community School Students and depression Regina Morahan


Deirdre Grant Scoil Mhuire Secondary School Schools out TVs in Ms Palmer


Emma Geraghty Dominican College Smoking cool or cruel Ms A Dunne


Denise O'Shea Dominican College Sport -The risks and dangers MrsDunne


Kate O'Callaghan Colaiste Choilm Are mobile phones essential for teenagers or are they just a fashion accessory Michael Nolan


Louise Hickey Muckross Park College The truth about refugees Ms Harney


Una Ni Fhlannagain Colaiste Na Coiribe Kathy Ni Fhatharta


John Hanley Malahide Community School The Internet and Irish business Ms Katherine Condren

2420 2406

Emma Schutte Rockford Manor Secondary School Are we obsessed with television if so what are the effects MsT Putz

Deirdre Murphy Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal Skin Cancer - A study of public knowledge and awareness Mr Sean Foley


Lorraine Byrne Dominican College Superstitions - Are you a believer Ms Aoife Dunne


Lucy White Presentation Convent Rockford Manor Your morning break what's really at stake" MrsT Putz




Orla Barry Colaiste Choilm Whether or not doing sport affects exam results and what types of sport team or individual Mr Michael Neaves Sabrina Jordan Scoil Mhuire Community School Childrens diets - Food or Fuel John Reidy

Roise Nic Graiinne Colaiste losagain Saol na deagoiri Bean Ni Choisdealla


Eilis Murphy Christ King Girls Secondary School Career Choice - What changes are being made? Joanne O'Shea



Tracy Nagle Presentation Convent Rockford Manor Sec School Parental Influences Friend or Foe MsT Putz


Eimear Fitzgerald Mary Immaculate Secondary School Attitudes of Clare teenagers to food safety Mr Sims

241 1

Eabha Cremin Christ King Secondary School Is employment of students affecting their studies ? Deirdre Quigley


Aimee Kavanagh Harrstown Community School Teenagers perception of ideal bodyform Mr Fitzmaurice


Lorraine McCarthy Schull Community College Teenagers and Occupational Stereotyping by Gender Kay Quinn

Sinead Ni Argain Colaiste Tosagain Spoirt sa saol Trion Ni Choisdealbha




Gary Redmond Arklow Community College Mobile Menace Ms Corbett Mark Armstrong Arklow Community College Teenage Puffers Mrs O'Reilly Caoimhe Proud Murphy Saint Gerards Traffic Congestion Mrs C Stapleton


Gerard Lynch Ennis Community College Deodorants - How much do we know? Frances O'Halloran


Emer Walsh Loreto College Get your basketball kit and make yourself fit Sheila Porter


Cian Murphy Christian Brothers College Information technology and education Mr Frank Cotter


Brian Casey St Josephs College WANTED: An enlightened public towards the mentally handicapped Mr Michael Fitzgerald


Lucy McAlister St Josephs Secondary School Convent of Mercy Why we litter Paul McCarthy


Emer Connellan Maynooth Post Primary Are young people in Maynooth getting enough exercise Mrs McCauley


Niall Sherry Stratford College The effects of new cycle lanes on Edmondstown and Ballygoden Roads Deirdre Poogue


Catherine ORiordan Post Primary Maynooth Underage smoking Why? Mrs McCauley


Louise Towers St Gerards School Let music do the work Mrs O'Dwyer


Derek Egan St Davids Holy Faith Secondary School Who are the real "road hogs" the facts revealed Ms O'Sullivan


Kate Rowan Maryfield College for Girls Graphology Investigated Mr Murtagh

2443 2429

Clara Tallent Hartstown Community School Handedness and language use Mr Fitzmaurice

Michelle O'Dwyer Hartstown Community School Teenagers Perceptions of Scientists Mr Fitzrnaurice

2444 2430

Carol Anne Egan Mount Mercy College Tap water - good enough to drink ? Ms Nestor

Paddy O'Brien St Kierans Settled travellers in Bray - A Social Study Patrick Quill

Please refer to information desk for-stand nu

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2445

David McKane St Colmans High School Study of snacking behaviour amoung I I year old boys Mr Joseph O'Brien


Kate Mitchell Loreto Blonde Bombshell Sheila Porter



Aoife Ni Mhaoileoin Castleknock Community College I stYears -What we think and are we different Mr Eoin 0 Mhaoileoin


Caoimhin Conneely Mary Immaculate Secondary School Does your star sign match Mrs John Sims


2462 Lasairfhiona Reynolds East Glenalough School To investigate the effects of hours of sleep on concentration reflexes and memory Mr Russell Harris

Anna Kealey Loreto High School Children having children Angela Berron



Janice OSullivan Calasanctius College Cidog or thickog Mr Lyncy


Laura Hurley Mount Mercy College Representation in Dail Eireann Ms McCarthy








Niall Caverly Hartstown Community School Co-orelation between birth order and personality? Mr Fitzmaurice Jennifer Allen Loreto High School Beaufort Food Habits of 14 year olds , 18 year olds and adults An g ela Benson Edward McNamara Terenure Colle g e Drugs in sport Mr Joe McDonnell Sonia Morris Loreto High School Beaufort The problem of tooth decay Miss Susan Parker Valerie Hartnett Davis College To demonstrate reaction times using centisecond timer Shiela Rice Stephen Kenneally Saint Gerards School A study of racist attitudes among Irish teena gers Ms O'Dwyer




Maeve Conroy Calasanctious College All work no grades? Mr Lynch


Robert Dunne Cyonlage College Tank orText Mr O'Briain Colm Harney Garbally College Are GAA Defenders paying the penalty? Mr Michael Fitzgerald



Meadhbh Halpenny St Louis High School Allergies in Teenagers - a life long burden Ms Galvin

Aisling McNabb Dominican College Wicklow The ever changing world of communication technology Miss A Dunne


Kristina Desmond Manor House Secondary School What about Science? Ms Lawless

Kimberly Kelly Our Lady of Mercy College Communications in the 21st century Ms Peters


Ursula De Cleir St Nessans Community College Piercings and Tattoos - are they really as cool as they seem Ms Dunne

Elizabeth O ' Dwyer Loreto College Insights into short-sightedness Shiela Porter


Davin O ' Mahony Coachford College Is the public perception of the dangers of lasers accurate? Miss Ni Fhaolain


1 aura Jones Christ Kings Girls Secondary School Boys girls and babies Miss Linehan


Janine Kehoe

Kate Daly Ni Bhroin Loreto College if you care will it show? Shield Porter





Aisling Hogan Loreto High School The effect of sleep deprivation on junior hospital doctors Morma Hiney


Aisling O'Rourke Loreto Abbey Dalkey When girls and boys go out to play? Ms D Butler

Loreto Secondary School Learning methods vs brain retention

Kate Scannell Colaiste Choilm Why surf when you can chat Mr Neaves


Maeve OBrien Colaiste Choilm The impact of catch phrases in advertising Sr Peter Fahy


Yvonne Hehir St John Bosco Community College Evaluation of quality of life QOL in SW Clare Leo O'Donoghue

Breda Ni Choisdealgha Laura Foley Presentation Secondary School Should GI Joes be wearing dresses? Deirdre Knox

Niamh Cullen Dominican Collage Wicklow Cosmetic surgery Ms Dunne

Mrs Louise Murphy


Michael Whiffin St Nessans Community College Bars and soft-drinks whats the attraction




Aoife Bambury Mount Mercy College Does the Celtic Tiger Welcome Tourists? Mr Pat O'Keeffe Paul Bailey Hartstown - Hunstown Community School Use of computers to teach science Mr Fitzmaurice Caoilfhionn Ni Leidhin Colaiste losagain Fostaiocht fas agus forbairt!!!!

Patricia Gordon


Gavin Buckley Colaiste Choilm Urban renewal: how involved is the communit y Norma O'Keeffe


Lisa Dickenson Dominican College Wicklow garden of Ireland I lelen Ray

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2549

Niamh MacSweeney Scoil Mhuire Greenhill Heart Disease Can Kill Mrs Palmer


Angharad Lewis Laurel Hill Secondary School An investigation of teenagers knowledge of food poisoning bacteria Elizabeth Smith


Ann Marie Young Scoil Mhuire The effect of part Lime jobs on students in full time education Ms C Nulty


Aisling Marron Scoil Mhuire Transition year : A success or not ? Ms C Nulty


Leagh Horan St Davids Holy Faith School The impact of the dart on the traffic flow in Greystones Ms O'Sullivan


David Grant St Endas Community School Interknow - Are you tied up Brendan Worsfold


Darragh Bourke St Endas Community School Unkind Cut Brendan Worsfold


Sharon Mannion St Josephs College Do you want your food bug free ? Ms Donoghue






Aislinn Butler St Nessans Community College Mobile phones : communication or fashion accessory Ms Dunne Linda O'Connell Colaiste Choilm Ballincollig army barracks - A focus for the future Rosemary Murphy Kate Murray St Dominics High School Is there life without TV Bernadette O'Dwyer Fiona Mulvey St Josephs College Computer games - How violent are they ? Ms Sheila Mc Cormack Martha Finnegan Scoil Mhuire A study of urban development in a sample Dublin periphery town Ms C Nulty

Dominie Prodger St Endas Community School Are you connected Mr Brendan Worsfold Padraig Liddy And Scoil Ris The effect of diet on nicotine addiction Mr Campion Barry Maxwell St Michaels College Big brother what made us watch it ? Ms Anne Lynch 2612


Nicola Cooney St Endas Community School How genuine is our Cead Mile Failte Brendan Worsfold 2613


Eilish Prendergast Colaiste Choilm The truth about unaverage drinking Ms Faherty 2614


Grainne Donovan Coachford College Is the Lee underutilised as a recreational resource ? Miss Ni Fhaolain

Karen Kennedy Caritas College Patterns in teenage income and expenditure Ms Deegan


Leonie O'Connell Presentation Secondary School Vaccines - Are they effective ? Cartherine Curtis

Stacey Kelly Caritas College An investigation of teenage awareness of First Aid Emergency Procdures Mr Corbett


Roisin Ging Scoil Chriost Ri Secondary School Asthma -The effects and causes Mrs Carroll

Sarah Mulvey St Dominics High School Me You and Euro Ms Bernie O ' Dwyer


Brid Nic Dhonnacha Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiarain Scolairi na linne see Neasa Mhic Dhonncha

Joseph Fox Athlone Community College Noise in School : Is it safe Mrs Susan Auchmuty


Maire Ni Bhroin Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiarain Ra Don Ata Dainsearach On Nadur ? Neasa Mhic Dhonncha

Caroline McHugh Convent of Mercy Secondary School Di inking underage is just a boy phase Sean Boland


Caitlin Nic Dhonnacba Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiarain Ard Teist Fiais ? Nease Mhic Dhonncha

Stephen Thorpe Newtown School Wind power - a social taboo ? Elizabeth McKevitt


Ciara Murray Sancta Maria College A comparison of the social activities of different age groups in urban and rural Ireland Martin Flynn


Zoe Kinahan Loreto College " Lights Out Ms Porter

Emma Beades Parenting styles - which would you prefer ? Miss Denise Flannery

261 1 259 I


Sarah Dunne Scoil Chriost Ri What affects your concentration ? Ms Carroll

St Josephs College

2609 2590

Tara Daly Caritas College An investigation of the treatment of domestic animals Ms Deegan

Aisling Reynolds Scoil Mhuire Refugees and Asylum seekers in Co Clare Miss Brid Ronan

2608 2589




Anita Coote Caritas College Factors that influence junior cert success Ms Deegan

Louise Coleman Caritas College The study of working conditions for teenagers Ms Deegan

Matthew Morris Glenstal Abbey WWWChanging - Ireland Ms Helen Costello

2604 2569



Michelle Andrews Caritas College Health behaviours of school pupils in the Ballyfermot region Ms Deegan

Please refer to information dr

List of Student Exhibitors 2631

Sarah Baxter Maynooth Post Primary An apple a day isnt the teenager way Teenagers and Nutrition Ms McCauley


Katie McDonnell St Wolstans Community School Birthday Analysis Ms Bonner






Rachel Knox Loreto Convent Secondary School Rural Development Maureen Hand Emma Darcy St Kilians Community School Dreams Analysis and InLerpi elation Mr Cahill

2650 Sarah Curran Mean Scoil Mhuire Hamsters adaption to changes in its environment and diet Mary Gilroy

Anne Morgan Convent of Mercy School The Hole 0 Zone Mr Harlow


Maria O'Brien Convent of Mercy Sleepy Heads Mr Padraig Harlow

Dara Doherty St Louis Secondary School Stressed Out Mrs S Greer


Gordon Finney East Glendalough School Obey your thirst Anrelia Grogan

Edel Vaughan Scoil Mhuire A social and ecological study of fairy Pots Miss Brid Ronan


Dara O'Loghlin Ennistymon Christian Brothers Secondary School Fitness - Is it a question of sport Mrs Mary Lyons


Rebecca Kelly Convent of Mercy Secondary School Mobile Phones - necessity or accessory Mr Harlow


Martina Sexton Dominican College Music = Intelligence ? Ms Dunne


Jenny Judge Glanmire Community College Students Attitudes towards Science Subjects Mr Brendan Walsh 2655


Samantha O'Dea Newtown School The effects and misuse of drugs on young people Mrs McKevitt

Helen Egan Convent of Mercy Break me off a piece of that ? Mr Padraig Harlow


Caitrin O'Rourke St Josephs Convent of Mercy Secondary School Training or Straining ? Ms McCarthy

Jacqueline Curley St Josephs College Have the late opening hours affected our drinking habits ? Mary O'Higgins


Ciara Hickey Colaiste Choilm Dying to get in - Will they have space to re in peace ? Domnall Fleming



Anne Duighan St Josephs College GAA Hunks Good guys or Mean men ! Sheila McCormack

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2662

Anne Moran Convent of Mercy Secondary School Veggie heaven ? Mr Padraig Harlow


Deirdre Lynch St Dominics High School Stereotypes Nuala Melinn


Sheena Murphy Convent of Mercy Secondary School Whats it goin to be Feng Shui Mr P Harlow


Emma Fanning Mt Mercy College Are skin care cleansing agents "spot on"? Mrs McCarthy


Ciara Rafferty St Louis Secondary School Eye See You Ms Enright


John Picardo Belvedere College The effect of role models Leonard Moloney


Susan Naughton Convent of Mercy Secondary School Whizz Kid Padraig Harlow


Fiona Merriman Colaiste Lorgain Measunu de eifeacht tionschnamh nua bordas dun laoighre rath an buin le athusaid Inion Ni Choisdealbha


Vivenne Murtagh St Josephs College Comparative analysis of the possible causes of back pain experienced by students at Junior level Ms G Lyons


Emma Louise Cassidy Our Ladys College Doodlolody: An analysis of doodles Miss F O'Regan


Mairead Morgan Convent of Mercy Secondary School Multi - Lingualism -The more the merrier? Padraig Harlow



Emma Murphy Sancta Maria College GAAY2K - Whats the future ? Mr Martin Flynn


Mary Murphy Borris Vocational School The importance of popularity in Secondary School Mr O'Sullivan


Ailbhe Goodbody St Andrews College Shampoos- does it really matter? William Hehir


Tara Duggan Intermediate School Fear Mr Joe Green


Mona Connolly Scot Mhuiren Convent of Mercy Fluoride - friend or foe Mr Morahan Mr O Donghaile


Andrew O'Connor St Andrews College Are CAO choices realistic Mr Hehir


Aine Vickers Loreto Abbey Should we have listend to the eco-warriors? Ms J Mulroe


Aisling Hynes AthenryVoctional School Cultural evolution Mr Seamus Hynes


Dermot McGuckin St Malachys College Caffine consumption: experimenter and palcebo effects Dr D Roberts


Nessa Mullane Ardscoil Mhuire "Spring Forward Fall Back" Nuala Moore


Cathy Richards St Michaels Battle of the Sexes Michelle Seery


Sandra Crotty Scoil Mhuire Can Smal SAD Is there light at the end of the tunnel ? Mr Sean Foley


Lorcan Kenny St Josephs College Education: Is it really free ? Mr Michael Fitzgerald


Michael Curley CBS Asthma - A Growing Concern John Clogher


Foncy Keaveny CBS How do image based advertisements affect consumers John Clogher



Edmund Coleman St Pauls Secondary School Boom ! Wheres our education ? Seamus Ferry


Triona Ryan Loreto Secondary School Applied maths - Is it applied in our schools ? Mr B Williams



Maine Lohan Convent of Mercy Secondary School A Euro Closer Mr Padraig Harlow



Emma O'Grady Colaiste Bhride Biotech Know How ? Ms MarieTherese Kilmartin




Patrick Keegan Christian Brothers School All this - for leaner pork ? Ms Sarsfield


jenny Bracken Convent of Mercy Secondary School 6 Trix Mr Harlow



John Oh Patrician High School To investigate the factors influencing the differences in human auras Mr Michael Fahey

Ciara Burke Loreto High School Beaufort The analysis of chemicals in cosmetic products Miss Susan Parker Jennifer Maxwell Caritas College How transition year affects career choices Ms Deegan Yvonne Plunkett Cnoc Mhuire Playground politics Mr Dawson Stephanie Keohane Mount St Michael Living with mobile phones and masts Ms O'Donovan Alex Rankin St Davids Secondary School Day to day computers Mary O'Sullivan Eilish Carolan Loreto Convent Secondary School Are you a Fit Chick? Miss Seery Miriam Scarry Salerno Secondary School Investigation into the effects of eating breakfast on everyday behaviour Mrs Daly

Please refer to information desk for st

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2842

Kevin Ruane St Conleths College Teens 2000 Dr Garret Campbell


Kieran O'Halloran Mary Immaculate Secondary School What affects periwinkle distribution? Mr John Sims


Teresa Gaynor St Josephs Secondary School Fungal growth Ms McCarthy


Gara Delaney Salerno Secondary School How your diet can affect your stress level Miss F Geraghty


Caroline Barry Scoil Mhuire Cut flowers - fresh for longer Ms Brid Ronan


Jean Noonan Colaiste Choilm Productivity of grasslands - is management a factor? Ms Joan Faherty


Triona Giblin Manor House Secondary School Public awareness of zoonotic diseases in common household pets Ms A Dolan


Claire Murray St Paula Secondary School Diabetes and sugarfree products - glucose free or not? Ms Denise Farrell


Caragh Deasy Loreto College Blood whats the fear? Sheila Porter



Toni Cowzer St MacDaras Community College Depression! Mr Cosgrave




jean Hally Loreto Abbey Secondary School Acidity levels in soil and how rain affects them Ms Joanne Mulroe Kerry Crowley Colaiste Choilm Biological degradation of chemical wastes - in the school laboratory Ms Faherty Paul Finegan Rice College The runoff water from logged peatland forests and its effects on aquaculture Mr Sean OMaolly Caitriona Begley Our Ladys Greenhills A study on the behaviour of horses in different weather conditions James Montgomery

Laura Evans East Glendalough School How safe is well water for human consumption? P McPhillips


Deirdre O ' Keefe And Scoil Chiaran Naofa Food for thought Dominic Guinan


Lynda Owens St Davids Holy Faith Microbial analysis of sea water Mrs M O'Sullivan


Joseph Kelly Athlone Community College Water filters - more harm than good? Mrs Auchmitty

Eimear McCarthy Colaiste Choilm The effects of bacteria on the growth of lettuce cells Joan Faherty


Sarah Walsh St Brigids College Fragrances from the freezer - extracting essential oils Eddie Walsh


Marc Keegan Athlone Community College Zebra Mussels - A widespread future problem ? Mrs Susan Auchmuty



Mary Cooney Colaiste Choilm Comparison of water pollution in tributaries of the River Lee Mrs Faherty


Donncha Walsh St Marys CBS The relative effects of well known drinks on teeth and the adolescent perception Ms Brennan

Emily Kearney Loreto College Can goldfish distinguish between green and red? Sheila Porter



Catherine Graham Alexandra College Natural or Not? Dr J Hennessy


Donna Madill Dominican College The housing boom - its effects on flora and fauna in Wicklow town Ms Dunne

Aideen O ' Brien Glanmire Community College A sticky situation Brendan Walsh



Davey McCaflar Dean Maguirc College Whats happening in the Black Bog ? Terry McCann


Sarah Laird East Glendalough School Worming our way out of household waste P McPhillips

Eliza Matthews Our Ladys College The roosting habits of the corvidae family revisited Miss Frances O'Regan


Claire McMenamin Loreto Letterkenny Pollution and its effects on our environment MsMartina Martin


Kate Lynch Colaiste Lorcain A study of the composition and beneficial characteristics of essential oil Sylvester McEvoy


Stephen Dunne St Farnans PP Soils of North-West Kildare Sean Clarke


Caolmhe Brennan Scoil Mhuire Oxidation of Vitamin C Ms C Nutty

2307 2291

Grace Gannon Colaiste Lorcan A study of the factors that affect water quality Mr McEvoy

Caitriona Ni Chonghaile Colaiste Pobail Osrai Flail faoi leith Caoimhin 0 Conghaile


Shane Quirke Catholic University School CUS The dangers of butchers handling raw meat and money Mrs P Roberts Byrne

Biology & Ecological 2226



Helen Lane Colaiste Choilm Understanding the behaviour of small rodents Joan Faherty

Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors


Lisa O'Dea St Joseph of Cluny Secondary School Factors affecting tooth decay Mr Robert Browne


Lana De Bhulbh Colaiste na Coiribe Failli athchursala Kathy Ni Fhatharta


Bairbr-e Ni Mhaille Colalste na Coiribe Sceal na nuibheacha: bataire saor-raoin organach Kathy NiFhatharta


Alan O'Gorman St Caimins Community School Study to investigate the effects of various chemicals on Daphnia Ms O'Connell


Gillian Smith Holy Child School Acne -The Real Cure Ms Flora Dillane


Shane McNally Glanmire Community College Life in the Glashaboy River and valleys Mr Walsh

Sheila Porter


Orla Fitzpatrick Mary Immaculate Secondary School Factors affecting limpet size and distribution Mr John Sims

Aileen O'Mahony The effect of shoes on posture and feet Glanmire Community College Mr Walsh


Emma Curry St Brigids College Reedbeds - a solution to pollution Emily Doyle

Conor O'Carroll Colalste Pobail Osrai Uisce - ce chomh glan is a bhfuil se ? Caoimhin 0 Conghaile


Ashley Cooke Scoil Mhuire Greenhill Air pollution in relation to lichen numbers and species in Carrick on Suir Ms Palmer


Berenice Prendiville Our Ladys School The effect of acid rain on germinating mustard seeds Erika Dowley


Patricia Agnew St Louis Secondary School The effects of radiation on the bioavailability of vitamin B12 Mrs S Greer


Laura Walsh Loreto College, Dublin Sugar in low fat foods - a hidden health threat Sheila Porter


Yvonne Smith Maynooth Post Primary School Can we tell whether milk is sour or not without using our senses? Mrs McCauley


Donagh Fitzgibbon Mount Mercy College The effect of pollutants on pond life Ms Miriam Nestor


Aoivean Brennan Loreto College, Dublin Sweet tooth - a study of tooth decay Sheila Porter


Sarah Best Maynooth Post Primary Chewing gum - harmful or helpful? Mrs McCauley


Eimear Nugent Malahide Community School Are detergent residues linked to eczema incidence? John Causey


Susan Parsons Loreto College, Dublin Why leaves change colour in Autumn Sheila Porter


Orla Lagan Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School A study of environmental factors influencing parasite behaviour Mr McClean

2326 2315

Aisling Conroy St Davids Holy Faith Coed Secondary School The physiological effects of aromatherapy Ms Mary O'Sullivan

Aimee Byrne Loreto College, Dublin A study of the cell membrane and its properties Sheila Porter


Hugh Sullivan Blackrock College The effects of glucose on the human body during cycling Cynthia Ceillier


Brid Doherty Mary Immaculate Secondary School The relationship between fruit size and seed size in sloes Mr Sims


Roisin Phillips Colaiste Bhride Study of characteristics and behaviour of mallard ducks Mr Burke


2328 2317




Martha Edwards Scoil Mhuire Kombucha - health promoting or death dealing ? Brid Ronan Sarah Hurley St Marys Secondary School Anti-bacterial face products - doing more harm than good? Ms Shanahan Daniel-Patrick Heatley Abbey Christian Brothers Grammer School Newry Do chemical conditions affect the hatch rate of brine shrimp? Doctor Fee Andrea Kelly Loreto College, Dublin Do drugs inhibit the action of enzymes? Sheila Porter





Claire O'Reilly Loreto College, Dublin Apicial bud dominance Sheila Porter OrlaTwomey Scoil Mhuire Hidden energy in our diet Brid Ronan Paul Murphy Gianmire Community College Composting using earthworms Mr Brendan Walsh Anne Marie Osborne Colaiste Bhride Climatic effect on wood growth in Ireland and moisture content Mr Burke Mark Watson Maynooth Post Primary School Onions - their scientific properties and uses Mrs McCauley Sarah Myles Maynooth Post Primary Mouth washes - which ones really work? S McCauley




Sally Wickham Loreto College The suburban garden - A habitat in danger


Daire Reilly St Marys Diocesan School Water quality in Drogheda Andrew Korean


Gillian O'Keefe St Joseph of Cluny Secondary School Growth of the common bread mould Mr Robert Browne

List of Student Exhibitors 2367


Leona Connolly Holy Child School An investigation of colour patterns of crabs at different locations on Killiney Beach County Dublin Miss de Loughry


Myles Gutkin Catholic University School Do robins have a language? Mr Niall Tracey


Rachel Wade Loreto Secondary School

Susan Murray

Effects of increased atmospheric pollution on

Mount Mercy College The Irish draught horse - a dying breed?

local flora as a result of improved

Ms Orla McCarthy

Mr C Garvey



Michael White Midleton College Why do slugs avoid the leaves of Alpine strawberry plant? Mr L Curtin


Laura Real St Nessans Community College H2O - Diluted Truth H2O + FL - No Choice? Mrs Gordon


Mark Egan St Davids Holy Faith Secondary School Relationships between diet and fitness in first year students Anne Marie McMahon


Ursula West Ballybay Community College School - our bacterial habitat Mora McQuaid

2509 2393

Clodagh Murphy Mount Mercy College Glycaemic index - good and bad carbohydrate Mr O'Keeffe

John Kennedy CBS Highschool Osteoporosis - Irelands silent disease Carmel Fitzsimons

251 1

Kevin Fitzpatrick St Colemans Community College The effects of acid rain on plant life Miss Sandra White


Iriona O'Donohue Mary Immaculate Secondary School Factors affecting the growth of moss on hazel Mr Sims


Keller Harlow CBS The good the bad and the brush John Clogher


Aine Bradley Tullamore College Investigation of river quality in the Offaly region Ms Noreen Boland


Sara Dennedy St Louis Secondary School Microbial growth on fruit Elaine Woods





Damien Kelly Hartstown Huntstown Community School To investigate the effectiveness of home produced composts on plant growth Mr Fitzmaurice Mark Sims Mary Immaculate Secondary School Hawes - how long do they last? Mr Sims Fiona O'Donoghue Mary Immaculate Secondary School Relationship between leaf length and distance between veins John Sims Christopher O'Sullivan Carraignafoy Community College Why not swim here! Shiela Curley

Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors 2521

Shane Muldoon St Josephs Garbally College Organic food - taste the difference Mr Michael Fitzgerald


Grace Keogh Loreto College Sprayback - deodorant vs bacteria Sheila Porter


Deirdre Williams St Michaels Community College Japanese knotweed - a plant beyond control Mrs M Leyden


Oonagh Crowley Colaiste NaToirbhirte Organic lettuce Celine Buckley


Gavyn Pedley Maynooth Post Primary School Does school give you a pain in the back ? Mrs McCauley


Robert OHanlon Newbridge College A biological study of the River Liffey Miss O'Callaghan


Sarah Fitzgerald Colaiste Choilm Biodiversity in hedgerows Ms Faherty


Christina Foley Boris Vocational School Grass growing optimising the conditions Mr O'Sullivan


Jason Barrington East Glendalough School The control of zebra mussels using natural resources in the Wicklow area Audrey Barnett


Louise Laird East Glendalough School Flotsam and jetsam on the Wicklow seashore- origins and effects Andrey Barnett


Francesca Fitzpatrick St Davids Holy Faith School Air quality in Greystones Ms O'Sullivan









Sheena Flaherty Maynooth Post Primary Is church water clean? Mrs McCauley


Niall OShea St Colmanns Community College What is underneath your fingernails ? Geraldine Lordan


Daniel Mahon St Colmans Community College The effects of tooth whitening on your teeth Mrs Sandra White


Stephen Mahon St Colmans Community College The effects of soft drinks on your teeth Ms Geraldine Lordan Christopher Kenneally St Colmans Community College Smoking and health Miss Sandra White Brian O'Regan St Colmans Community College Is pollution a problem in the Owennacurra River? Geraldine Lordan Laura Taylor Loreto High School The bacteria a hand collects in an average day Ms Lorna Freeborn

Sourness and sweetness in oranges and

lemons MsDowley 2800




Clara Mulligan Mohill Vocational School A study of zebra mussels in the River Shannon Mr Martin Fallon Eoghan Quigley St Peters College To investigate the effects of gaming on human physiology and behaviour Mr J Doyle Sarah Cronin Our Ladys School Biowaste management Ms Dowley Ronan Niall Donovan St Gerards Senior School Colour blindness and your career choice Ms C Stapleton

Clare Byrne St Dominics High School Youth smokers: initial impact on health Mr Paul Nugent


Susan Connolly St Raphaelas Secondary school Brine shrimp vs fairy shrimp in fish feeding Ms Lalor

Aine Clancy St Aloysius Secondary School Is our local school stream polluted? Mr Mc Manus


Jean Gunning Convent of Mercy Secondary School Water Works -Watered Down Quantity Mr Padraig Harlow

Mark Doran Colaiste Bhride Lung capacity and the Buteyko technique Mr Matthew Burke


Vincent McCaughan St Malachys College Factors affecting the decomposition of pears Dr D Roberts

Claire Doyle Borris Vocational School Insect mania Mr O'Sullivan


Elisabeth Carr-Fanning Mt Anville Sacred Heart Secondary School How do the chemicals in drinks affect you? Ms Mion

James Humston OFiaich College The treatment of hypertension using aromatherapy Kenneth Rea

Our Ladys School


2849 2572


Sarah Kelly

Niamh Maher Loreto Convent Study of respiratory illness in Clonmel Mrs Nuala Smith

Richard McDonnell Sandford Park School Electromagnetic effects on organisms Dr Alison Graham

Caitin McBride Laurel Hill Secondary School Do herbs have antibacterial activity? Elizabeth Smith

2801 I

Mr O'Sullivan

2846 2570

Daniel Sexton Clonakilty Community College Spot the difference Ms Hilary Lynch

Maria Fenton Borris Vocational School Antics


Martin Garland St Malachys College How safe is bottled water? Dr David Roberts


Yvonne Sile Crowley Colaiste NaToirbhirte Are lichens an indication of pollution in the environment? Ms Buckley

Barry Carolan Patrician High School To investigate and improve the energy efficiency of the average domestic refrigerator Mr John O'Rourke

Please refer to information desk for stand numbers

List of Student Exhibitors

List of Student Exhibitors Caitriona Frost Colaiste Gaelcholaiste Choilrn & Glanmire Community College Virtual music session in cyber space - is it possible Catherine Frost Mark Finlay St Michaels College Theoretical perpetual electricity production Miss A Lynch Eithne Mc Evilly St Josephs College Internet Shopping - is it all its cracked up to

be? Caroline Concannon

Jim Redington St Hannans College LEDs as an alternative to ordinary light bulbs PJ Gerry Lisa Berrigan St Marys College The modern solar house and its future in Ireland Maria Murphy Sarah Colclough Colaiste lognaid Pneumatic Car Mi Stewert

Charles von Metzradt East Glendalough School eToast Audrey Barnett

Micheal Larkin Our Ladys Sec School Castleblayney An investigation into non-text based searching on the World Wide Webparticularly music files James Brophy

Andrew Cahalan St Josephs College Multimedia Communications Mr Michael Fitzgerald

Bobby Synnott Sutton Park School Document retrival system Anna Walshe

Wayne Auchmuty Athlone Community College "Shouting" electronic warnings can aid hearing impaired children Mrs Susan Auchmuty

Laurence Glynn Terenure College Computer Braille interface machine Joe Reville

Patrick O'Donovan Middleton College You dent have to do everything robots can Mrs Curtin Richard Callan St Marys Diocesan School The fastest safest and most efficient means of telecommunication Mr Kieran Eamonn O'Flaherty Christian Brothers College New air traffic holding patterns Mr Frank Cotter Emmanuel Stone St Marys Secondary School Artificial eco-system model Mary O'Malley

Shane Mellon Confey College Unifeed - A feeding utensil for the disabled Mr Phili p Devereux

Liam Harkin Crana College Autolite Daniel McConnellogue Dan Kennedy Sandford Park Power from above Dr Angela Kelly Louis Masterson Sandford Park School Whats the best sound Dr Graham Aengus Stanley Sandford Park Pump no electricity Ian McCullegh Owen Garrigan Terenure College Automatic gears on a push bike Tom Hughes Conor Cole Abbey Grammar CBS The Blind Mans Answer MrT Mooney

David Grehan Kilbeggan Mercy Secondary School The harmful effects of mobile phone radiation Ms Sarah Mulligan

Aldan McGarvey Abbey Grammar School CBS Automatic tap Mr G Savage

Brendan Madden Drogheda Grammar School The development of an air powered car Mr Brendan Madden

Brendan Murphy Abbey Grammar School CBS House Safety Supervisor Mr BTaggart

Donall McCann De La Salle College Web authoring made easy Eamonn I Madigan

Darragh Rogan Scoil Mhuire Community School Truly Mobile John Reidy

Roberto Conti Confey College A geriatric turntable Philip Devereux

James Donovan Colaiste Choilm Is the force of lift affected by the number of wings used and the distance between them? Ms Faherty

James Campbell Abbey Grammar School CBS Speed stop MrT Mooney Colm Byrne Abbey Grammar School CBS Parking aid for disabled MnT Mooney Gerard Murphy Abbey Grammar School Wind Tunnel MrT Mooney Clodagh Naughton Dominican College Pegzmate II Miss Aoife Dunne Finian Murphy

St Davids Secondary School an internet service provider Ms Mary OSullivan Brenda Kearney Maynooth Post Primary School Science on the Net Mrs McCauley Eoin OConnell Scoil Mhuirc Can Smal Automatic cat flap opener Sean Foley Alan Payne Newbridge College Portable trolley motor Gerry Gavin Lynn-Marie Dennehy Scoil Mhuire San Smal Electronic baby reins Mr Sean Foley Lucia Fitzgerald Pobail Scoil losolde Lasers Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Miss Byrne and Miss McEnroe

Sean McClory Abbey Grammar School CBS Pots and Pans Mr B Tregart

Bobby O'Leary Newbridge College Energy saving through recycling Mr G David

Philip Cole Abbey Grammar School CBS Laying the Lockdown Mr G Savage

David Murphy St MacDaras Community College The Internet: Mans best friend or a big waste of time? Mr Cosgrave

Jody Cradock Athenry Vocational School Mechanised recycling Joe Cradock

Tommy Williams Mt Temple Comprehensive School "Gerbil genome generator' To develop a computer program to

Niall ODonnagain Colaiste Mhuire Gincaddir Leictreachais Gaoth-Thiomainte Toma O Murchu

accurately determine the genomes of

Gareth Boyle Pobail Scoil Isolde How we can save our world through solar power Mrs McEnroe

Natasha Reynolds East Glendalough School People Power! Ms McPhillips

Claire Corcoran Scoil Mhuire A feasibility study on solar powered cars in rish conditions Mrs Palmer

Carolan Goggin Newtown School

rodents and their offspring with a view to selective breeding

Mr B Kearns

Music technology for autistic children Elizabeth McKeviLt

David Whitty Colaiste Bhnde Carrel Safety self inflating lyre Mr Burke

Conor Noble Newbridge College Relax-A-Back Ms Deirdre O'Callaghan Mark Coughlan St Nessans College The Hand Built Car Miss C Dunne Eileen Ni Mhuirisrua Colaiste losagain Gluaiseacht Rothe A Mheadu Breda Ni Choisdealbha



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