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Social & Behavioural Sciences

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Stand No: 4513 Title: A healthy food production education program for the developing world Overview: We plan to design an education campaign and kit to promote healthy food production for a commun i ty i n Z am bi a an d eva l ua t e its effectiveness. School: Clonakilty Community College County: Cork Teac h er: M r P a t r i c k O'K e effe Student(s): Daniel Nyhan Sean White Michael McCarthy

S tan d N o: 4518 Title: Athlete burn-out: causes, awareness and prevention Overview: The aim of our project is to investigate the standard causes of athlete burn-out, awareness of it among coaches and preventative measures to combat it. School: Catholic University School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Aoife Curtis Student(s): Mark Smith John McAndrew

Stand No: 4514 Title: Does teenage g i r l s i nvo l ve m e nt in sport affect their diet? Overview: We are going to study whether or not teenage girls involvement i n sports a ff ect s th e ir diet . We will ma k e surveys an d grap h s a nd do experiments. School: S t M ary ' s S econ d ary S c h oo l -

Stand No: 4519 Title: A study of society's attitudes to autism O verv i ew: W e wish to investi g ate society's attitude towards autism through questionaires /survey and interveiws with parents of children with autism, carers and education providers. School: Ballybay Community College County: Monaghan Teacher: Mr Martin Molloy Student(s): Michaela Monaghan Emma Walshe


Tracy Counihan

County: Cork Teacher: Ms Mary Kelleher Student(s): Katie O'Connor Ellis O'Mahony Fiona Vaughan

Stand No: 4515 Title: Is multitasking just screwing up several things at once? Overview: We wish to investigate whether or not multitasking is as efficient as s i ng l e tas ki ng. W e a l so wish to investigate how gender performances compare. School: Ursuline College County: Sligo Teac h er: M r A nt h ony Carolan Student(s): Anna Delargy Maeve Butler Stand No: 4516 Title: The mind behind smoke Overview: There are many people we know that even as well behaved children have begun to smoke and we would like to look into the reason. S c h oo l : C o lai s te R a ithin County: Wicklow Teacher: Ms Maire Ni Nuanain Student(s): Clara Wade Slnead Murphy Stand No: 4517 Title: Energy star Overview: To try and make Dublin city a smart city like Amsterdam, to make smart plugs for dim switches and street lights using energy saving lamps. School: St Joseph's College - Lucan County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Michelle Dunne Student(s): Hannah Samuel Melissa Zaidan Helena Nzanga

Stand No: 4520 Title: The effects of waiting environment and its contents on white coat hypertension O ve rview: We p lan to test the effects of wa iti ng e nvironment on white coat hypertension in patients by both physical testing and through using a survey. School: Gorey Community School County: Wexford Teacher: Miss Margaret O'Neill Student(s): Clodagh Dunne Dermot Wildes Mark Berney Stand No: 4521 Ti t l e: C o m p arin g the learnin g abilities of male and female hamsters O verv i ew: O ur p roject is about comparing the learning abilities of male and female hamsters. Each hamsters learning experiences will be recorded everyday.

School: Breifne College County: Cavan Teacher: Miss Kerri-Ann Thornton Student(s): Laura Sheridan Nicola Mulligan Shannon Morgan Stand No: 4522 Title: Fallen arches Overview: Fallen arches is a condition of the human foot in which the arch of the foot collapses. We will also show the benefits of wearing insoles. School: Ardscoil Ui Urmoltaigh County: Cork Teacher: Mr John O'Sullivan Student(s): Pat Twomey Brendan Madden Peter Lordan

Stand No: 4523 Title: Self-esteem in teenagers - fact of fiction? Overview: A comparative study of the mental health of Irish and European teenagers with special emphasis on self-esteem. School: Holy Rosary College County: Galway Teacher: Mr Gerry Nihill Student(s): Maria Regan Hannah Kielty Stand No: 4524 Title: Sabhailtacht ar rothar: an gcuireann Wed to i mbaol? Overview: Ta muid ag deanamh scrudu ar ce comh dainseireach is ate se ag rothaiocht agus to ag eisteacht le ipod. School: Colaiste Oiriall County: Monaghan Teacher: Ms Roisin Ni Threinir Student(s): Ciaran Mac Cionna Ruairi 0 Muineach Kayleigh Trappe Stand No: 4525 Title: A biological analysis of gaming Overview: This project is to find out the biological effects of gaming (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 etc). School: Blackwater Community School County: Waterford Teacher: Ms Ann-Marie Lineen Student(s): Christopher Coughlan Alex Balding Tom O'Hanlon Stand No: 4526 Title: Are the students of Seamount College at risk of developing type 2 Diabetes based on diet and lifest y le? Overview: Our project aims to investigate the percentage of students that are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and how they can reduce this risk. School: Seamount College County: Galway Teacher: Ms Anita Mc Gonagle Student(s): Isobel Forde Ellen Britton Stand No: 4527 Title: Facebook - what's on your mind? Overview: Our objective is to discover what is so appealing on Facebook that it has over 500,000 users addicte d . School: St Colmcille's Community School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Leila Martin Student(s): Deirdre Whyte Aisling Grainger Liz Murphy

Stand No: 4533 Title: Investigation into memory/ intelligence of the common Irish woo dli ce Overview: Investi g atin g the intelli g ence o f woo dlice b y testin g their abilit y to fi n d foo d and remember where the food was p l ac ed in a g iven time etc . S c h oo l : Scoil Muire g an Smal Count y : Roscommon Teacher: Mr Padraig Harlow Student(s): Ruth Kell y Ai s li ng Ormsb y Sarah Kell y

Stand No: 4528 Title: The beautification of nails - an examination of the potential health and environmental risks associated wit h nail bars Overview: Assess the awareness leve l s o f chemicals contained, handling met h o d s of chemicals and disposal of chemica l s used by nail technicians in the nai l b ars (micro-business) of Lucan. School: St Joseph's College - Lucan County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Michelle Dunne Student(s): Caroline Nicho l son Eimear Flynn Lucy Mulligan

Stand No: 4534 Title: A study of how often favourites win O verv i ew : We are g oin g to investi g ate how often favourites win in golf, soccer, rug b y, NFL and horse racin g. This will show if the odds are accurate. S c h oo l : Blackwater Communit y S c h oo l Count y : Waterford Teacher: Ms Ann-Marie Lineen Student(s): Brian Hanrahan Paul Tobin

Stand No: 4529 Title: Google vtraditional research methods Overview: Project to find out if information is retained in your memory longer when it ' s obtained using internet search engines as opposed to using traditional methods (e.g. dictionary, encyclopaedia). School: St Mac Dara's Community College County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Julie Doherty Student(s): Jack Maguire Robert Nolan

Stand No: 4535 Title: An muinteoir idealach Overview: Taimid a g fiosru cen saghas m6inteoir6an m6inteoiridealach . Beimid ag deanamh amach suirbheanna a g fio s ru cen sa g has muinteoir ata is difeachtai ag mdineadh. School: Gaelcholaiste Reachrann C oun ty : Dublin Teac h e r : Mr Cian 0 Suilleabhain St u dent( s ): Cliona Nic Dhomhnalll Katie Ni Rialn

Stand No: 4530 Title: The drug of social networking in modern society - has text replaced talk? Overview: Is social networking an d texting a drug to teenagers? School: Dominican College County: Wicklow Teacher: Mr John O ' Brien Student(s): Dale Finnerty Jade 0 ' Connor

Stand No: 4536 Titl e: C a n I race it and ace it? Overview: Our project outlines how com p etitive s p ortin g can effectivel y i mprove a students exam results and how it effects their stress levels during the exams. School: Dominican Colle g e Drumcondra Count y : Dublin Teac h er: Ms Lorraine McCool St u d en t( s ): Hannah Finn Keira Ly nch Aislin g Reid

Stand No: 4531 Title: Water divining - fact or fiction? Overview: We will investigate if water divining really works and if people can be taught to do it. School: Scoil Chonglais County: Wicklow Teacher: Mr Stephen Gammell Student(s): John Connolly Eoin Patterson Paul Dwyer

Stand No: 4537 Titl e: S po rtakus no s p artakus Overview: We are doin g tests on compress ion s p orts g ear p roducts used by athletes to investigate the scientific significance they claim to have. School: Gaelcholaiste Chiarrai C ou nt y: Kerr y Teacher: Ms Elaine Ni Dheargain

Stand No: 4532 Title: An athletes biggest hurdle overplaying Overview: We want to stop the i ncrea sin g p roblem of overplaying athletes, resulting in long-term injuries and burnout. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork

Student(s): Aindrio 0 Finn

Teacher: Mr Pat Meaney Student(s): Elaine Scally Kate McCarthy Jessie McCarthy

De a n 0 Mathuna Kealan 0 Dubhlainn

Stand No: 4538 Title: Ce a cabhraionn? Overview: Ta muid chun imscrr du a dheanamh ar an freagairt a mbionn ar daoine dagsula nuair ata cabhar a lorg a g strainsdar. School: Colaiste losagain Count y : Dublin Teacher: Miss Orla de Bhailis Student(s): Eilis Crown Sally Ni Chiarn6in Stand No: 4539 Title: Can you exercise your way to better mental health? Overview: This project will explore the relationship between exercise and mental health in a sample of teenagers through administration of questionnaires and direct experiment. School: Bandon Grammar School County: Cork Teacher: Dr Edward Gash Student(s): Niamh Moloney Sinead Moloney Sinead Houston Stand No: 4540 Title: Food for thought - a comparative investigation into the various food myths in the world of nutrition today Overview: We are setting out to discover for ourselves , through research and investigation , if the different food myths presented nowadays in nutritional awareness programmes are true. School: Dominican College Drumcondra County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Lorraine McCool Student(s): Mollie Bruton Rebecca Behan Niamh Boylan Stand No: 4541 Title: Addressing alcohol use with teenagers today

Overview: We would like to find out what teenagers attitudes to alcohol use are. We will investigate if the area the teenager socialises in affects their drinking . School: St Clare's Comprehensive School County: Leitrim Teacher: Miss Edel McPhelim Student(s): Emma Devaney Lisa Harte Stand No: 4542 Title: Staidear a dheanamh ar an dearcadh ata ag tiomanai 6ige i Dhun na nGall i dtreo sabhailteacht boithre Overview: Ba mhaith Jinn staidear a dheanamh ar an dearcadh ata ag tiomanai dige i Dhun na nGall i dtreo sabhailteacht boithre . School: ColaisteAiligh Count y : Done g al Teacher: Mr Micheal 0 Globuin Student(s): Darragh Maolchraobhach Brendan Mc Ruairi

Stand No: 4543 Title: Birth order personality - fact or fiction? Overview: Birth order affects personality - fact or fiction? We wish to prove or disprove this theory by research and analysis . Can we interest you? School: St Colmcille's Community School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Lei l a Martin Student(s): Orla Knight Eimear Duffy Niamh Connell Stand No: 45 44 Title: Disabled attitude Overview: Our project is investigating how people with special needs and disabilities are treated by society and why people treat them like this. School: And Scoi l Na Triono id e County: Kildare Teacher: Ms Orlagh Ni Fhaolain Student(s): Ciara Kealy Aoife Hanlon Stand No: 4545 Title: The effects o f bi l ingua li sm on students in the study of other subjects Overview: The aim of our project is to investigate whether students with two languages have a learning advantage over those with only one language. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork Teacher: Mr Pat Meaney Student(s): Eimear Ahern Cliona Joyce Stand No: 4546 Title: iStudy: Definitive guide to exam preparation in t h e modern stu d ents world Overview: Investigation of students sleep cycle , lifestyle and study methods with the aid of the iPhone sleep cycle app li cat i on an d stu d ent surveys. School: Colaiste Lorain County: Kildare Teacher: Miss Sarah Thompson Student(s): Majella Hayden Donna Byrne Aine Redmond Stand No: 4547 Title: Mayfield - a rich vein for 0 nega ti ve bl oo d? Overview: We learned that more people in our neighbourhood seem to have rare 0 negative blood than elsewhere in Ireland. Is this really true? School: Mayfield Community School County: Cork Teacher: Mr Liam 0 Beaglaoich Student(s): Rebecca O'Flaherty Nicole Keane

Michaela Szkatlova

Stand No: 4548 Title: Anailis ar usaid laithrean lionraithe shoisialta agus an eifeacht ata acu ar deagoiri Overview: Staidear ar laithrean lionraithe shoisialta, bheidh muid ag feachalntarusaid ginearalta deagoiri ar na laithrean seo agus an eifeacht ata acu ar a ngradanna. School: Colaiste losagain C ounty: D u bli n Teacher: Ms Roise Ni Fhatharta Student(s): Roisin Ni Thiamain Rachael Teland de Burca Aisling Ni Raghallaigh Stand No: 4549 Title: TY uptake versus Leaving Certificate performance and further education placement at Blackwater Community School: a longitudinal stu d y Overview: We want to see if students who do transition year (TY) will do better in the Leaving Certificate (LC( and go to a b etter co ll ege. S c h oo l : Bl ac k wa t er C ommun it y School C ounty: Wa t er for d Teacher: Ms Ann-Marie Lineen Student(s): David McCraith Conor Murray Niall Fives Stand No: 4550 Title: Aspects which e ffect a h oc k ey players skill and accuracy Overview: Our project shows the effects of sports drinks, sizes of hockey sticks, concentration, and flex of a hockey stick on a players skill and accuracy. School: Regina Mundi College C ounty: C or k Teacher: Ms Jemima Cassidy Student(s): Eryn Coffey Katie Barry Emma Spoonley Stand No: 4551 Title: The vegan diet is the only sustainable diet for the planet and is better for your health Overview: In our project we will prove how a vegan diet is not only better for your health but also for the planet. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork Teacher: Mr Pat Meane y Student(s): Naoise Galvin Alex Shapovalov Stand No: 4552 Title: Arrive alive! Overview: Our project is based on road safety and bad habits of Irish drivers. We have done surveys and two observations on parking and driving. School: De La Salle College County: Waterford Teacher: Ms Stephanie Flannery Student(s): Adam Byrne Darragh O'Connor Aaron Cosulich

Padraig 0 Gallochoir

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011 a www.btyoungscientist.com A

Social & Behavioural Sciences

Social & Behavioural Sciences Stand No: 4553 Title: The mystery of migraine Overview: Our p roject aims to raise p ublic awareness on migraines , thier tri gg ers and effects . School: Castlecomer Community School Count y : Kilkenny Teacher: Ms Nora Henderson Student(s): Anita McMahon Laura Brannigan Stand No: 4554 Title: Hooked on Facebook? Overview: Our project looks at teenagers and how long the y spend a day using Facebook . We're looking at addiction to facebook amon g different ages and g enders . School: St Declan's College Count y : Dublin Teacher: Ms Breed Kinsella Student(s): Kevin Smith Sean Moran Tom Hall Stand No: 4555 Title: Which school sport makes you fittest? Overview: We will test the strength , endurance , flexibility and heart recovery rate of participants in our school sports to determine which sport makes you fittest . School: Colaiste lognaid S . J . Count y : Galway Teacher: Mr Brian Stewart Student(s): Niamh Kelly Hannah Henry-Bruen Sinead Lowry Stand No: 4556 Title: An investigation into under-age drinking in Ireland Overview: Our project is aimed at letting y oun g people know the dangers of under-a g e drinkin g and the damaging effects that alcohol can have on your bod y. School: Colaiste Cholmain Count y : Cork Teacher: Ms Louise Gumbleton Student(s): Gary 0' Callaghan David Geary Stand No: 4557 Title: Wh y not j ust learn it f rom the book!. Overview: We wanted to see if learning b y doin g and usin g technolo gy is better in the lon g term than just reading from a book . School: Our Lady's Secondary School County : Mona g han Teacher: Ms Alicia McManus Student(s): Kern McArdle Gemma Mulligan Donna Duff y Stand No: 4558 Title: Using phones - a distraction? Overview: We will investigate the effects of the mobile phone on concentration

by conducting a conversation while doing a puzzle, and recording the time and mistakes made. School: Abbey Community College County: Wicklow Teacher: Ms Mairead Lennon Student(s): Sarah Byrne Danniella Barney Stand No: 4559 Title: The voices of Monaghan Overview: Our project is a study of the different accents in County Monaghan. School: Ballybay Community College County: Monaghan Teacher: Mr Martin Molloy Student(s): Hannah Markey Nicola Roe Stand No: 4560 Title: Using symbology as a means of safe drugs use Overview: We aim to design a set of simple symbols that will be used to describe the instructed dosage amounts on over the counter drugs. School: Blackwater Community School County: Waterford Teacher: Ms Ann-Marie Lineen Student(s): Clodagh Buckley Shannen Corcoran Stand No: 4561 Title: The effects of school uniforms on behaviour and class participation of students Overview: Our project is to investigate the effects of school uniforms on students in the classroom and school environment. School: Kilkenny College County: Kilkenny Teacher: Mr John Poyntz Student(s): Matt Murtagh White Ben Murphy Jamie Kerr Stand No: 4562 Title: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the most cognition of all? Overview: We intend to investigate whether girls or boys are more successful at school and other factors that contribute to success/failure. School: Millstreet Community School County: Cork Teacher: Miss Jennifer O'Donoghue Student(s): Orla Kiely Sinead O'Regan Stand No: 4563 Title: Is breast best? A mums view Overview: Examining the emotional/ social pressures placed on breastfeeding mothers in Ireland and comparing with German mothers , and to understand why less Irish mothers breastfeed than German mothers. School: Presentation Secondary School Thurles

County: Tipperary Teacher: Ms Emma Kavanagh Student(s): Orlaith Quigley Sarah-Jane O'Riordan Alison Kelly Stand No: 4564 Title: Does coffee improve your driving skills? An investigation into how caffeine affects your driving responses. School: Loreto College - St Stephens Green County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Yseult Whitaker Student(s): Kate Parker Lauren Swift Isa Yu Stand No: 4565 Title: Teens taking too much treats Overview: Our project is to study students snacking habits and to create an informative handheld chart which calculates the amount of exercise to burn calories in snacks. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork Teacher: Mr Pat Meaney Student(s): Niamh Murphy Stephanie Murphy Stand No: 4566 Title: Mentoring bullying: does it work? Overview: Our project is to mentor students who are experiencing bullying and to reduce the amount of suicides from this sensitive subject. School: Jesus & Mary Secondary School County: Sligo Teacher: Ms Helena Ryder Student(s): Peter Howley Aine Coleman Lorna Hanley Stand No: 4567 Title: Do accents really matter? Overview: We aim to investigate whether accents really matter in relation to other peoples views on the actual person, based on their knowledge of their origin. School: Bandon Grammar School County: Cork Teacher: Dr Edward Gash Student(s): Lisa Copithorne Charlotte McBurney Laura Minehane Stand No: 4568 Title: Improving bicycle use in Monaghan Overview: Investigate how many people use bicycles, how this would increase if assigned bicycle lanes were set up in the town along with secure bicycle shelters. School: St Louis Secondary School County: Monaghan Teacher: Mr Michael Halton Student(s): Leanne Mc Kenna Niamh Gallagher

Stand No: 4569 Title: The matthew effect: does your birth date affect your success in an academic or athletic field Overview: The purpose of our project is to discover whether the matthew effect is relevent to our lives and to prove its claim. School: Alexandra College County: Dublin Teacher: Mrs Niamh McShane Student(s): Sian Kneafsey Amy Ryan Stand No: 4570 Title: Flosru ar an mhi-dsaid a fhaigheann oifigi CLG i gcomparaid le oifigi rugbai ar an phairc Overview: Investigating the prevalence of on field abuse and aggression towards GAA officials and comparing these events to incidents of abuse to rugby officials. School: Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair County: Donegal Teacher: Ms Susan Ni Loinsigh Student(s): Proinnsias 0 Gallchoir Shane Mac Grianna Tomas 0 Duibheannaigh Stand No: 4571 Title: Eating disorders and eating habits in teenage boys Overview: Our project is about how aware teenage boys are of eating disorders and their knowledge of it. School: North Presentation County: Cork Teacher: Ms Eileen Riordan Student(s): Leah Anderson MalreadTwohig Stand No: 4572 Title: The urban revolution Overview: To investigate the increase and change in urban farming in Dublin and to encourage people to get invovled. School: Stratford College County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Nicola McCarthy Student(s): Peadar Charles Conor Allen Fearghal Kelleher Stand No: 4573 Title: Why is male homicide and violence increasing in Ireland? Overview: We are looking at why violent crimes and homicides are on the increase in Ireland. We want to look at ways to reverse this trend. School: St Mary's Academy CBS County: Carlow Teacher: Ms Aileen Tennant Student(s): James Aylesbury Michael Cheung Aaron Whelan Stand No: 4574 Title: A study of hazardous compounds & waste disposal in Irish school chemistry labs Overview: We wish to find out: 1.

Whether Irish chemistry teachers are aware of the carcinogenic nature of dichromate compounds and 2. How disposal of chemical waste is managed in school laboratories. School: Our Lady's Bower - Athlone County: Westmeath Teacher: Mrs Ethna Benson Student(s): Annette Benson Emma Fagan Kayle Crosson Stand No: 4575 Title: Attitudes towards speeding! Overview: In this project we want to evaluate peoples attitudes towards speeding and to establish what impact, if any, media campaigns had on them. School: St Joseph's Academy County: Kildare Teacher: Ms Sinead Shells Student(s): Paul Fahey Scott Critchley Jonathan Murphy Stand No: 4576 Title: Feasacht ailse ubhag6in i measc na ndaoine oga i Muineachan Overview: Ba mhaith Jinn a fhail amach ce mhead eolas is ata ag daltai meanscoile ar ailse ubhagain agus a feasacht a ardu ar an ailse. School: Colaiste Oiriall County: Monaghan Teacher: Ms Roisin Ni Threinir Student(s): Meabh Ni Ruanai Aisling Ni Fhailigh Amy Ni Chuinneagain Stand No: 4577 Title: What motivates people to participate in sport? Overview: Our project aims to find out what motivates people to participate in sport. School: St Oliver's Community College County: Louth Teacher: Mr John Kirk Student(s): Benjamin Doggett George Hawthorne Conor Lynn

Student(s): Colm Mc Goldrick Cian Manley Daniel Russell Stand No: 4580 Title: A behavioural study on peer pressure in young adults Overview: We will study the behaviour of young adults in situations involving peer pressure and compare this to adults. School: Sacred Heart School County: Mayo Teacher: Ms Charlotte McQuaid Student(s): Grainne Long Anna Soye Stand No: 4581 Title: Economic Crises - a comparison of the present economic crisis to the Wall Street crash of 1929 Overview: To investigate what was the safest commodity for surplus wealth to be invested in, in the two year periods after Black Monday and Black Tuesday. School: Dominican College County: Wicklow Teacher: Mr John O'Brien Student(s): Laura Leonard Rebecca Boyce Stand No: 4582 Title: Non-prescription drugs and driving! Overview: I n our project we want to identify peoples awareness of the effect of non-prescription drugs on a persons ability to drive. School: St Joseph's Academy County: Kildare Teacher: Ms Sinead Sheils Student(s): Kyle Fitzgerald Reece Smith Szyman Kranz Stand No: 4583 Title: Spot the signs and symptoms To discover the level of awareness in parents of the signs and symptoms of meningitis and chicken-pox in at risk 3-6 year olds. School: St Mary's Secondary School Macroom County: Cork

Stand No: 4578 Title: How school affects the spine and shoulder, neck and back muscles Overview: By carrying out numerous experiments and surveys, we will analyse and solve incorrect development of the spine and shoulder, neck and back muscles. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork Teacher: Mr Pat Meaney Student(s): Eric Stam David Dennehy Stand No: 4579 Title: Can peer pressure have a positive effect on teenagers? Overview: We wish to conduct a survey to see if peer pressure can have a positive effect on teenagers. School: St Fintan 's High School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Aelsa Carroll

Teacher: Ms Mary Kelleher Student(s): Sarah Hinchion Kate Condon Ailish Hinchion Stand No: 4584 Title: Does sound bring you down? Overview: To investigate if background music and noises distract students while studying, or is silence necessary to gain the full benefit of study time? School: Loreto College - St Stephens Green County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Jennifer Campbell Student(s): Orla Kelly Eimile Thornton Deirdre Murphy

Stand No: 4585 Title: The efficacy of two co-operative learning strategies in supporting students with different learning styles Overview: We are investigating if cooperative learning strategies are suited to students who have different learning styles. School: Schull Community College County: Cork Teacher: Mr Padraig O ' Sullivan Student(s): Stephanie O'Regan Lucy Hunt KatieO ' Donoghue Stand No: 4586 Title: Heavy bags - a real pain in the back Overview: My project aims to find out how the weight of a schoolbag affects a student's back. School: Grennan College County: Kilkenny Teacher: Mrs Christina Kehoe Student(s): Victoria Hanlon Kayleigh Malone Leanne Prendergast Stand No: 4587 Title: Political awareness and engagement of post-junior cycle students Overview: A survey of political awarness and engagement of post-junior cycle students -indentification of factors that contribute to and inhibit political awareness/engagement amongst those on the cusp of voting. School: Youghal Community School County: Cork Teacher: Ms Mary O'Neill Student(s): Rebecca-Anne Wilson Matthew Doherty Claire Cunningham Stand No: 4588 Title: An gcabhraionn deochanna le daltai in scrudaithe agus an oibrionn placebo ardalta! le deochanna fuinneamh Overview: Teastaionn uainn fiosruchain a dheanamh ar na hfifeachtai ata ag deochanna fuineamh an duine oga chun na buntaisti fisiciula is intinne a bhaineann leo a thaispeaint. School: Gaelcholaiste Cheatharlach County: Carlow Teacher: Ms Aine NicCraith Student(s): Brian 0 Diarmada Jack O'Flaithearta Stephen Mac an tSionaird Stand No: 4589 Title: Attitudes to alcohol consumption among transition years Overview: We hope to survey a large number of transition year students and find out their attitudes to drinking alcohol. School: St Andrew's College County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Hilary Rimbi Student ( s): Talulla Dunne

Stand No: 4590 Are firstborns smarter? A study on birth order and IQ Overview: We want to investigate the factors which affect IQ in the family environment with a focus on birth order. School: St Vincent ' s Secondary School County: Louth Teacher: Ms H Daly Student(s): Ellen Matthews Naoise Murphy Kirsten Barry Stand No: 4591 Title: Which of three alternative methods of teachingtennisworksbest? Overview: Using a ball machine to control conditions and a camera for evidence of effect, this study will compare three different methods of teaching tennis. School: Gonzaga College County: Dublin Teacher: Mr Joe 0 Briain Student(s): Sean O ' Rourke Patrick Meenan Stand No: 4592 Title: Are teenage girls dehydrated? Overview: To investigate the hydration levels of girls, 15 to 18 years, and length of time it takes to increase hydration levels in their body and their attitudes towards drinking water. School: Scull Mhuire agus Ide County: Limerick Teacher: Mr Simon Stokes Student(s): Katherina Noonan Louisa Browne Aisling Cullum Stand No: 4593 Title: Portable countryside - an economical and healthier solution to nutrition? Overview: To study the recent growing trend of home farming, and produce a solution for those with limited space. School: Colaiste Choilm County: Cork Teacher: Mr Pat Meaney Student(s): Clara Barnes Sharman Creed Stand No: 4594 Title: Physical activity: Exercise for body and mind? Overview: We enjoy sports but it ' s hard to fit it in with study so we are investigating if physical activity affects your academic performance and if so how? School: Loreto College - St Stephens Green County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Yseult Whitaker Student(s): Grainne Lowney Robyn Kehoe Roche

Patricia Rimbi

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011 速 wwvv.btvounasci




Social & Behavioural Sciences Stand No: 4604 Title: Maths - has it moved from your head to your hand? Overview: Our project investigates the wide held belief that calculators have reduced our ability as a nation to do every day mental arithmetic. School: Dominican College Drumcondra County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Karen Ward Student(s):Julie McDunphy Caroline Brothwood

Stand No: 4609 Title: Do different genres of music, volume or tempo affect a drivers performance Overview: Does music influence a drivers performance, such as breaking distance, reaction time and speed. School: Lanesboro Community College County: Longford Teacher: Mr Michael Lyons Student(s): Barry Falvey Darren McGrath Gavin Murray

Stand No: 4605 Title: Aggression and addiction levels caused by video games Overview: We are investigating to see if video games influence the levels of aggression and addiction in the player, and see which games are most influential. School: St Joseph's Secondary School County: Meath Teacher: Ms Aishleen Cronin Student(s): Niamh Fitzsimons Moira Dineen Francesca Kelly-Murray

Stand No: 4610 Title: The psychological effects of moving from primary to secondary school Overview:Our project aims to examine differences in psychological well-being between sixth class primary school students and first year secondary school students. School: Schull Community College County: Cork Teacher: Mr Padraig O'Sullivan Student(s): Meg O'Connell Kirsty Simms Sharon Lucey

Stand No: 4601 Title: Open up or switch on? Overview: Our project aims to find out which form of learning; e-learning or tactile learning , the brain retains the most information from. School: Ursuline College County: Sligo Teacher: Mr Anthony Carolan Student(s): Hazel Telford Katie Gilligan Emma McLoughlin

Stand No: 4606 Title: Are Irish people being moved by the times in the wrong direction? Overview: Investigating the impact that modern technology has had on the lives of the Irish population and if this has caused a decline in Irish culture School: Loreto Community School County: Donegal Teacher: Miss Margaret Bonner Student(s): Shaun Sweeney Eoin Ferry Kealan Blake

Stand No: 4602 Title: Eifeacht primeail ar iompar sosialta i ngrupai: The effects of priming on group social behaviour Overview: Inniucadh areifeacht primeail ar iompar sh6isialta grupai. An investigation into the effects of priming on group social behaviour. School: Colaiste Pobal Osrai County: Kilkenny Teacher: Dr Lughaidh 6 Neill Student(s): Keire Ni Murchd Cait Ni Mhaolmhuaidh Allis Ni Ghormain

Stand No: 4611 Title: Are you smarter than a Junior Certificate student?! Overview: Compare results from questions given to Junior Cert students and parents to see if parents are hypocritical when enforcing pressure to do well in exams. School: Colaiste Einde County: Galway Teacher: Mr Darran Conroy Student(s): Lindsay Butler Jennifer Faherty Aoife Commins

Stand No: 4607 Title: Does using a mobile phone effect reaction times? Overview: We wanted to see if peoples reaction time is effected while using a mobile phone. School: Mary Immaculate Secondary School - Lisdoonvarna County: Clare Teacher: Mr John Sims Student(s): Ciara Griffin Alison Kelly

Stand No: 4595 Title: Social and economic effects of the bypass on the town of Ballinasloe Overview: Our project studies the economic and social effects of the new M6 bypass on the town of Ballinasloe with emphasis on crime and economic activities School: Colalste Sheosaimh County: Galway Teacher: Mr Cathal Reilly Student(s): Darren Kelly Patrick Murray

Senior Group Stand No: 4600 Title: An investigation into the Milgram theory Overview: Our project is to see whether the Milgram theory is present in schools and how accurate the theory is. School: Marist College - Athlone County: Westmeath Teacher: MrCian O'Brien Student(s): Christopher McGloin Kevin Cooper Joseph Mc Namara

Stand No: 4603 Title: Teenagers attitudes towards exercise Overview: Our project is about teenagers attitudes towards exercise. We also want to find out how often people our own age actually exercise. School: Carrick-On-Shannon Community School County: Leitrim Teacher: Mrs Jacqueline Walsh Student(s): Dara Feely Jack de Lacy Damian Flynn


Stand No: 4608 Title: Investigating the attitudes and habits of teenagers on our roads Overview: Investigate the attitudes of teenagers to road safety and analyse the effectiveness ofTV campaigns in raising awareness of safety on our roads for teenagers. School: Tallaght Community School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Michelle Hegarty Student(s): Kim Smith Jenny Harmon

Stand No: 4612 Title: Participation of senior students in PE and sporting activities Overview: We are looking at the participation rates of senior students in PE and sports both inside and outside of school. School: Mary Immaculate Secondary School - Lisdoonvarna County: Clare Teacher: Mr John Sims Student(s): Megan Byrne Hodei Rubio Lacey Stand No: 4613 Title: An exploration into motivations behind social hierarchy Overview: To study the motivations behind alpha-males and their society and what defines a leader. School: Carrick-On -Shannon Community School County: Leitrim Teacher: Mrs Jacqueline Walsh Student(s): Brendan Jordan Steven Carthy Jacob Lawrie

Stand No: 4614 Title: An ciudiu no c6nt6irt e satnavs Overview: Ta muid chun fiosru an bhfuil satnavs dainsearach do tiomanal agus an eifeacht ata acu fad is ata siad ag tiomaint. School: Colalste Ailigh County: Donegal Teacher: Mr Shane 0 Breac6in Student(s): Niamh Ni Ghailin Conor Mac Giolla Bhain Sorcha Ni Bhuaidhe Stand No: 4615 Title: Social networking or anti-social networking? We are going to survey a range of people to determine how social networking affects their behaviour and social skills. School: Deele College County: Donegal Teacher: Ms Gr6inne O'Donnell Student(s): Antoin Sharkey Alison Donnelly Ciara McLaughlin Stand No: 4616 Title: Young peoples attitudes towards studying and learning Irish in Ireland today Overview: To investigate young peoples attitudes towards speaking and learning Irish, and to promote the usage of the language in every day life. School: Mohill Community College County: Leitrim Teacher: Miss NatalieTobin Student(s): Padraig Gallagher Niall Tiernan Conor Reynolds

on students taking honours in the Leaving Certificate over the next fews years? School : St Gerald's College County: Mayo Teacher: Mr Brendan McHugh Student (s): Art Og 0' Sulleabhain Bernard Kennedy Kevin Keena Stand No: 4620 Title: Back to the future - Ireland + Kenya Overview: Our project is to compare Kenya today with an Irish town 100 years ago. We hope to show the comparisions and differences between the two countries e.g economy and services. School: Killinarden Community School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Helen Concannon Student(s): Wayne Travers Dean Ford Stand No: 4621 Title: Do televised road safety campaigns affect the way teenagers think about drink driving? Overview: We hope to investigate the effects of televised road safety campaigns on teenagers ' views of drink driving, using questionnaires to establish what affects them. School: Carrick-On-Shannon Community School County: Leitrim Teacher: Mrs Jacqueline Walsh Student(s): Bronwyn Mulvey Martha Baker-Kenny Louise Gannon

Stand No: 4617 Title: Mind over matter - mind over maths! Overview: Our project aims to create a warm up exercise to help stimulate the mathematical ability of the brain, enhancing students' maths results. School: Youghal Community School County: Cork Teacher: Ms Crona McCarthy Student(s): Blathnaid Ni Chleirigh Caoimhe Ni Eidhin Stand No: 4618 Title: Faith matters? Does having religious faith make you happy? Overview: What struck us most about these young adults was their happiness. We wanted to know is it true that having religious faith makes you happy? School: Old Bawn Community School County: Dublin Teacher: Ms Edel McGovern Student(s): Melissa Hardiman Clara McGrane Stand No: 4619 Title: Up-grading! How the new Irish and Maths syllabi will impact higher level uptake in the next S years Overview: Will new irish and maths syllabi at Leaving Cert impact positively

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011


Teacher Seminars Thursday 14th January




Friday 15th January





Patents Office








J In association with Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies


Cosmic Explorers

Joe Fitzpatrick, Program Director, IBM Software Group

This year celebrates the 21st Anniversary of the amazing Hubble Space Telescope. Cosmic Explorers merges gaming technology with the latest in 3D stereo projection to create a cosmic voyage of discovery. As we fly into orbit and out into the universe you will visit other worlds and learn how we are using ground and space based telescopes and probes to unlock the secrets of the universe and discover how space technology and satellites are changing our everyday lives.

Speaker Mr Noel Brett

European Southern Observatory is the pre-eminent intergovernmental science and technology organisation in astriiomy. It carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities for astronom to enable important scientific discoveges.

Or Fergal Brady

Or Claire Penny, IBM Environmental Solutions Programme Manager

Leo Enright

Created in 1962 , ESO is supported by thirteen member states: Belgium , the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France , Germany, Italy,' the Netherlands, Portugal Spain , Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom . Whilst the headquarters are located in Germany, ESO operates three observational sites in the Chilean Atacama desert. ESO is also currently engaged in design studies for a 42-m Extremely Large Telescope. ' It employs around 600 staff members.

LENNOX - continuing to support BT Young Scientists


The show is produced with support from BT, the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAS) and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC)

'he Dublin Institute Advanced Studies

Laboratory Supplies Ltd. Lennox is an independent Irish company employing 54 people. We have been serving the Irish science teaching community with equipment, apparatus and chemicals since 1923. We also market the TRACEBoard Interactive Whiteboard which is one of the most versatile and cost effective available. TRACEBoard can be used as a standard dry-wipe marker whiteboard when not in use interactively. See also our new eBoard which easily turns a standard whiteboard into an electronic whiteboard. Visit us at http://www.traceboard.ie for further details. Lennox is once again proud to be associated with BT in sponsoring the Teachers Area. We are also providing an additional competition prize of a laptop computer and a voucher for science equipment to the value of â‚Ź800 Visit us at our stand on the balcony in the Teachers Rest Area in the Main Hall. Visit us at http://www.labsupplies.ie

The journey will also take us into the realm of the very small, as we miniaturise the audience to travel into the realm of the microscopic to discover the building blocks of life itself!


The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies exists to create an environment in which research, scholarship and training at the highest level can flourish and thereby promote Ireland 's international reputation. Currently supported fields are Theoretical Physics, Cosmic Physics (astronomy and astrophysics together with geophysics) and Celtic Studies. The international standing is assured by a system of independent international governing boards for each discipline backed up by major international peer-reviews every five years. Since its establishment in 1940, with the Nobel prize winner Erwin Schroedinger as first Director of the School of Theoretical Physics, the Institute has been at the forefront in attracting leading scientists. mathematicians and celtic scholars to Ireland. In addition to its research work the Institute has played a key role in developing the national research e-infrastructure with such projects as Irish Script on Screen, the national capability computing system and the Irish research optical network and federated national datastore being installed as part of the PRTLI-4 e-INIS project. It also has an outreach programme involving public lectures, open nights and other events in Dunsink Observatory (which is run by the Institute) and more recently the seismology in schools programme. The current director of the School of Cosmic Physics won the Young Scientist of the Year award in 1969.

F wwwbhroungsoentist.com

ibition 2011

BT k

• 0.

ARENA Timetable of daily shows


Thursday 13 & Saturday 15


Dale Treadwell Gondwanaland

RTE Children's Television favourite 'Nature Guy' Dale Treadwell brings his GONDWANALAND Presentation to the BT Arena Stage for the 2011 Young Scientist Exhibition! Best know for his quirky take on 'Life in Your Backgarden' which he regularly brings to schools throughout Ireland and the Naturally Wild Play garden from the 2007 Bloom Garden Festival, Dale intends to take us back on an audio visual adventure to his own childhood passion the search for the Living Fossils of Gondwana the Wollemi Pine Dinosaur tree from Eastern Australia only discovered in 1994 and previously thought extinct. The BT Arena Stage will be transformed into a Jurassic Rainforest and no Jurassic Display would be complete without Deinonychus antirropus ('terrible claw') our 3m long 1.5 m tall dinosaur


Gandini Juggling




Gandini Juggling


Dale Treadwell Gondwanaland




Gandini Juggling

Velociraptor might have been fearsome but they were only about the size of a large turkey and T-Rex was quite a monster but he wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box. Deinonychus - now he had the highest EQ of all the dinosaurs (intelligence as measured by it's relative brain to body weight). It probably ate just about anything it could slash or tear apart. When hunting in packs Deinonychus could probably kill any prey it desired. Visitors and Exhibitors to this years Young Scientist BEWARE!!! Other topics Dale will explore are Polar Dinosaurs and the Larks Quarry Dinosaur Stampede site of Western Queensland. for further information www.naturallywild,ie


Gandini Juggling


ii 1cscs l i

Gandini Juggling has been set up to celebrate the art of juggling in all its facets, fuelled by a belief that juggling is an exciting living art form . During the last past 18 years, the Gandinis have performed over 4,000 shows in 40 countries and are in constant worldwide demand for their virtuoso juggling and breathtaking choreography. They have done pioneering work into using mathematics to generate juggling patterns. The piece they are performing uses state of the art LED technology and electronics to synchronise and program light-emiting juggling clubs. Participants

Friday 14 10.00

Gandini Juggling


Dale Treadwell Gondwanaland


Gandini Juggling




Gandini Juggling


Dale Treadwell Gondwanaland


Gandini Juggling



What is fire exactly? What do we need to produce it, and why is it so important? 2011 is the International Year of Chemistry, and with some exciting demonstrations the W5 team will show you why fire is an important illustration of chemical reactions, how we can create fire tornadoes, how different chemicals produce different reactions (fireworks) and, most importantly, why you should be aware of the risks of fire and why it should be treated wijh respect.

ientist & Technology

Are you looking for a unique way to get your class excited about science?

The RDS Primary Science Fair is an opportunity for Primary Schools to exhibit a class project on one day of the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.

Open to 4th, 5th, 6th class and Key Stage 2.

Dates: Thursday, January 12 or Friday, January 13 or Saturday, January 14, 2012.

To add y our school to our mailing list, and make sure you receive all important


C- * rD

0p 4P


updates, don't hesitate to contact us!

The Robotic Warriors are back. Stars from the TV show will battle it out to the death in the Mecha trons Battle Arena. These heavyweight 'bots take no prisoners using full pressure flippers , axes, crunchers, spinners and more to destroy each other. Their full metal jackets had better be in top condition to withstand not just an arsenal of weaponry but also 100kg impacts at up to 40 Kph! Iron Awe will be defending its current title against top seeds Bigger Brother, Pressure, Ripper, Beast and Merlin to name but a few. There ' s no holds barred as the meanest, toughest and most destructive battling robots thwack, flip, munch and bash . In the end , there can be only one.


*)NEmail: prima rysciencefair@rds.ie Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheRDS Blog: www.rds.ie/blogs

Take your seats quickly and follow the rules or the Sentry Mechatrons mightjust take exception to you! You will see Daleks, walkers and a host of other dangerous, friendly and just plain weird robots. Bring your raincoat and ear defenders and prepare for sprays, sparks, noise and mayhem at the BT World of Robots

Think you could do better? Want to try driving a fighting robot yourself? Well you can! The Ankle Rascals are a set robotic warrior style featherweight ^ 15kg ^ robots that you can try out your own robot control skills with. You can fight them and try to flip each other over or work in teams in a robotic soccer playoff.

The RDS Primary Science Fair is part of the RDS Foundation's Science programme which aims to encourage young people to see science as provoking, challenging and fun. Further details are available at www.rds.ie/science.

Web: www.rds.ie/primarysciencefair Facebook: www.facebook.com/RDSdublin Call: 01240 7990


RDS Primary Science Fair at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition? While not part of the main competition , the RDS Primary Science fair provides an exciting opportunity forthese students to think about science in practical and fun ways and helps to develop their skills in communicating their interest and knowledge of science . Come along and see the projects on display in the Eco Zone!

Don't forget to bring your earplugs for the sound activated Robot Rumble. These full size heavyweight boxing bots will be bashing and belting to the sound of your screams and cheers . Will Brittany Spares do it again for the girls or will the boys take the title this time?

Thursday 13 January 2011

Bigger B r other Height JOa re11d: 90CW WiWh: 90s• WW9bt: 9319 Prwn: Y19a0s

Project Title

School Name

We are what we eat, or are we? Magic minds How the human eye works How to prevent skin cancer What makes a good healthy lifestyle? Terrific turbine The unbelievable human body Smart energy The twentieth century Seanchai Simply green about simple motors At the heart of it all Crude oil - help or hindrance? The super bread experiment Inside story

Terenure College, Terenure, Dublin 6W Rathdown Junior School, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Scoil Samhthann N.S., Ballinalee, Co. Longford Timolin N.S., Timolin, Co. Kildare John Scottus School, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Glenageary Killiney N.S., Killiney, Co. Dublin Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal, Inchicore, Dublin 8 Antrim Primary School, Co. Antrim St Joseph's N.S., Dundalk, Co. Louth Castleknock Educate Together N.S., Castleknock, Dublin 15 St Clare's Primary School, Haroids Cross, Dublin 6W Balbriggan Educate Together, Balbriggan, Co . Dublin Scoil Mhuire, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway St Andrew's College, Booterstown , Co. Dublin Griffeen Valley Educate Together N.S., Lucan , Dublin Carrick N.S., Ballinlough , Co. Roscommon Wicklow Montessori School, Co. Wicklow Mount Anville Montessori Junior School, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Whitecross N.S. Julianstown, Co. Meath

How clean is our school? Part I WZ


We like to be cool so recycling is our rule Colourful chemistry Mini-beasts in our garden What games should I play? Prove it! The Irish hare n e on the construction site of our new school


I c TI

Institutes of Technology Ireland


Institutes of Technology are centres of higher education supporting the economic , social and cultural development of the people in the communities they serve.

Friday 14 January 2011 Project Title Lively lungs and healthy hearts Maths is the key H2O - stop the drop Lighthouses in Ireland You are what you eat Ar gceadfai - our senses How well do we smell in our school? Diabetes Eco classroom? Eco school? Cool! Can colour help you read? Natural disaster or social catastrophe? Our busy lungs Health eating - fuel for school Thaumatropes, Zoetropes & Praxinoscopes Science in our garden Fun and games with forces Six degrees of separation Food allergies - investigating coeliac & shellfish allergies Crystals all around us Wonderful weather Magnetic cars Pond life! Wheels in motion Age and exercise - the effects on blood pressure Food allergies - lactose intolerance & peanut allergies Magic in the mountains Eat well ! Think well! Be well! How well do you smell today? Energy for a smarter school LEts GO safely on the farm Weather watchers Bubbles! The perfect recipe The best insulator - cotton, denim or polyester?

School Name Divine Word N.S., Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 St Oliver's N.S., Carlingford, Co. Louth Scoil na Maighdine Mhuire, Newmarket on Fergus, Co. Clare Scoil Mhuire, Howth, Co. Dublin Rathbeggan N.S., Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath Gaelscoil na Rithe, Domhnach Seachnaill, Co. Meath Tiermohan N.S., Naas, Co. Kildare St Andrew's N.S., Lucan, Co. Dublin St Laurence's N.S., Greystones, Co. Wicklow Kildare Place School, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Moyderwell Mercy Primary School, Tralee, Co. Kerry Guardian Angels' N.S., Blackrock, Co. Dublin Scoil Mhuire, Sandymount, Dublin 4 St Andrew's College, Booterstown, Co. Dublin Catherine McAuley N.S., Dublin 2 Duleek B.N.S., Duleek, Co. Meath Griffeen Valley Educate Together, Lucan, Co. Dublin Holmpatrick N.S., Skerries, Co. Dublin Balscadden N.S., Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Kill o'the Grange N.S., Blackrock, Co. Dublin Newtown Dunleckney N.S., Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow St Brendan's N.S., Skerries, Co. Dublin Lettergesh N.S., Renvyle, Co. Galway St Patrick's N.S., Drumcondra, Dublin 9 Holmpatrick N.S., Skerries, Dublin Waterford Educate Together, Tycor, Co. Waterford Mount Sackville N.S., Chapelizod, Dublin 20 Tiermohan N.S., Naas, Co. Kildare St Conaire's N.S., Shannon, Co. Clare St Joseph's N.S., Athy, Co. Kildare Holy Rosary Primary School, Ballycragh, Dublin 24 St Anne's N.S., Shankill, Dublin 18 Our Lady of Mercy Convent School, Booterstown, Co. Dublin Scoil Eoin, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 Scoil Naomh Eoin, Navan, Co. Meath

Saturday 15 January 2011 Project Title Trash or treasure?


School Name St Patricks G.N.S. Hollypark, Foxrock, Dublin 18

Research in IOTs Have you got what IT takesto join the next generation of innovators?, You're here with your idea... We're here with IoT innovation and entrepreneurship experts to answer your questions. Research IT...

Undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities

Develop IT ...

Research and development, help with innovation, IP protection

Launch IT...

Technology transfer, commercialisation and entrepreneur support

Grow IT ...

Incubation centres and supports

Come see us on Stand 42 Research, Development and Innovation in the IOTs •

IOTs provide undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study with a strong focus on the needs of the individual and the workplace.

IOTs promote equality of access, transfer and progression, to and through programmes of study.

IOTs recognise and give credit for prior learning achieved through study and in the workplace. IOTs co -operate with other Higher Education Institutes at home and abroad for staff and student exchange programmes, and research and development initiatives often with ind ustrial partners. IOTs have been at the forefront in developing new programmes in the areas of greatest skill demand, often working in partnership with industry to provide new modes of delivery. 10Ts are regional gateways for an extensive range of knowledge and technical resources, and have become focal points in the growth and development of the regional and national economy. IOTs promote a research ethos aligned with the development of a nation innovation system and the promotion of entrepreneurship that both meets the need of the individual and of society.

The growth of an active research, development and innovation culture in the Institutes of Technology has seen the sector win more than €270m in competitive research funding since 2004. Institutes engage in a range of research and related activities which focus on the creation of new knowledge and its transfer to meet economic, technological and societal challenges. Opportunities exist for postgraduate training to Masters and PhD level across the following 6 thematic areas: • Communications, Software and Sensor Technologies

• Health and Biotechnology • • • •

Renewable, sustainable and Environmental Technologies Medical Devices, Engineering and Materials Research Creative Arts and Technologies, Social Sciences and Humanities Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation

Institutes' research activities are complemented by campus-based specialist centres, business incubation centres and campus companies.




environment for all. The Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government specifically wishes to promote and support educational and awareness initiatives in schools that develop public engagement with the built environment so if you or your group is interested please find out how to get involved. More details on the policy are available at http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/Heritage/Architectural Policy/.

1: PharmaChemical Ireland PharmaChemical Ireland, IMDA, Industrial Products and FDII have come together to showcase a variety of interactive science and engineering activates. The aim of the stand is to encourage an interest in science and engineering and to understand the importance of these sectors for the Irish economy. Visitors to the stand will have the opportunity to get involved in a range of interactive activities and also receive a range of publications that are available for students, parents and teachers. PharmaChemical Ireland represents pharmaceutical and chemical manufactures, employing 24,000 over half of the employee are third level graduates in Science and engineering. FDII represents the interests of over 150 food and drink manufacturers and suppliers in three main sectors: Consumer Foods, Dairy, and Meat. The industry has an output of almost€20 billion with 110,000 people employed in the sector throughout the country. IMDA represent nearly 100 medial device and diagnostic companies. The industry employs nearly 25,000 the highest number of people working in the industry across Europe per head of population.

r^'1 Foras na Gaeilge 6: Foras na Gaeilge Foras na Gaeilge is the All Island body for the promotion of the Irish language. Foras na Gaeilge has a role in advising administrations, North and South, as well as public bodies and other groups in the private and voluntary sectors in all matters relating to the Irish language. They also undertake supportive projects and grant-aid bodies and groups throughout the island of Ireland. Foras Na Gaeilge aims to promote the use of Irish as a living language, not just for the classroom.

ITUSCUTI National Museum of Ireland Ard.Miisacm nu hf ireanu

4: National Museum of Ireland

Explore & Learn at the National Museum of Ireland The National Museum of Ireland has long been a resource for primary, second and third level students and educators, providing a broad range of services - including guided tours; demonstrations and workshops; an information and resource service; professional development courses and activities forteachers. The Museum's exhibitions are a valuable resource for teachers and students. At the Museum you can:

Learn through observation of original artefacts

Investigate how curators, scientists, archaeologists and historians work to understand about nature and life in the past Look for evidence using primary resources, through 'discovery' learning Study science, geography, mathematics, history, local history, art, craft and design, art history, religious knowledge and drama, Make links across a range of subjects through an integrated and cross-curricular approach to learning Teachers and students are welcome visitors to the National Museum of Ireland.

• • • •

The Museum also offers an outreach service.

Find more details aboutthe Education & Outreach service for the Museum on our website www.museum.ie \/ Cnmf,Mnr Oidhlen[N sass Rloli, Semi E-r.-nl xenft9a,d local Owe, -t


9: Avaya Avaya enables businesses to achieve superior results by designing, building and managing their communications infrastructure and solutions. For over one million businesses worldwide, including more than 90 percent of the FORTUNE 500®, Avaya embedded solutions help businesses enhance value, improve productivity and create competitive advantage by allowing people to be more productive and create more intelligent processes that satisfy customers. For businesses large and small, Avaya is a world leader in secure, reliable I P telephony systems, communications applications and full life-cycle services. Driving the convergence of embedded voice and data communications with business applications, Avaya is distinguished by its combination of comprehensive world-class products and services. Avaya helps customers across the globe leverage existing and new networks to achieve superior business results, www.avaya.co.uk +44 (0(1483 308 000


16: Dublin City of Science Dublin will be the European City of Science in 2012. For the whole of the year Dublin will be buzzing with all things science and you can get involved too! Whether you are into Forensics, Space, Genetics or Video Games there will be activities and events happening all over the country in 2012 so there will be something to be a part of nearyoul We will be showing the world the cutting edge research that Irish scientists have carried out. Our top class universities will also be showcased, so it is a chance for you to see what they have on offer to you as a future student! The highlight ofthe year will be a conference from the 11th-15th July 2012 where 5500 scientists from all over the world will descend on to Dublin to tell us about the latest discoveries in science, covering everything from climate change to technology.

Don't Miss Out , Get Online:

The Central Statistics Office publishes a wealth of statistics which are relevant to a range of subjects studied at 2nd level. Whether you study statistics as part ofyour maths course, use statistical data in Geography, research our past through historical data orjust want to find out more about the use of statistics in everyday life, you will find something here for you. Visit the CSO stand to see what you can find the answers to, access Census and other data online, participate in the Census At School survey to see how you compare with your peers and enter the competition to guess the population of Ireland at the next Census Day 10th April 2011.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service seirbhis Fuilaistriuchain Eireann

8: I BTS The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is a national organisation responsible for providing blood transfusion services to patients in Ireland. It relies completely on the generosity of voluntary non-remunerated donors to provide sufficient donations ensuring a consistent blood supply to patients.

Did you know? Giving blood saves lives. 1 in 4 people will need a blood transfusion at some point in their lifetime because they are undergoing surgery, recovering from cancer or have been in a serious accident. The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is always looking to sign up new blood donors. 3,000 donations are needed each week. Participating in the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is an ideal opportunity for us to meet the donors of the future. We are committed to educating young people on blood donation and encouraging them to making it a regular part of their adult lives. To find out more about giving blood in your area see www.giveblood . ie or lo call 1850 731137.

Follow us on:

Marie Keating

www.facebook . com/dublincityofscience20l2 Twitter. com/dubscience20l2 #dub2Ol2

10: Marie Keating Foundation

The Marie Keating Foundation Making Cancer less Frightening by Enlightening We aim to increase awareness and knowledge of cancer and related issues within all sectors of the community through promoting early detection and treatment of all types of cancer. We provide practical support services for those affected by cancer and work closely with other cancer organisations. Through our involvement with the Young Scientist of the Year competition we wish to highlight our dedication and commitment to school going students. We value the significant part research plays in bringing about cancer awareness. We wish to acknowledge the integral part young scientists are playing in making this happen and value their contribution to cancer awareness in leading to early detection and ultimately cancer prevention. The Marie Keating Foundation Award is presented to the best project that is most relevant to improving cancer awareness in all categories and all age groups of the competition.

17: UCC Visit the exhibition of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, UCC, to experience the latest breakthroughs and amazing discoveries of our world-renowned Research Scientists. There is something of interest for everybody from the exploration of DNA and advances in Microbiology to amazing developments in Computer Science and Technology. Be one of thefirstto discover the new foods being produced by our students, to investigate fascinating aspects of the Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and to take a virtual trip through the Solar System with the Magic Planet!. Come along to the UCC stand, meet our Scientists and Students and be astounded by the marvels of the science of tomorrow.... (http://www.ucc.ie/en/sefs/)

er1f 12b: Centre for Talented Youth


TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN : nVP4` coldlsnlee rxmnamr, BALEAwnalarI a

18: TCD

CTY Ireland runs university style courses for primary and secondary school students. Classes are run on Saturdays and in the summer.

Trinity College Dublin is recognised internationally as Ireland's premier university offering a unique educational experience across a range of disciplines in the arts, humanities, engineering, science, human, social and health sciences.

Subjects that can be studied include: Forensics, Veterinary Science, Legal Studies, Architecture, Psychology and much more. There are centres in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Wexford, Athlone, Galway, Letterkenny and Tralee. Correspondence courses and other special events are also organised. For more information contact CTY Ireland at Tel: 017005634, www.dcu.ie/ctyi or email: ctyi®dcu.ie

Located in the heart of Ireland's busy capital city, the state-of-the-art facilities include the Science Gallery, a modern Sports Centre, and the Trinity College Library, the largest research library in the country. Trinity has a vibrant community of 16,800 students representing every county in Ireland and 118 nationalities and a wide range of social backgrounds and age-groups.

LOP Institute of Physics In Ireland

5: Build Environment

13: Institute of Physics in Ireland

The Government Policy on Architecture 2009-2015: Towards a sustainable future encourages and supports high quality architecture and places emphasis on sustainable development and urban design. Through this Policy, the Government seeks to promote awareness and understanding of the contribution of good design to the daily life and well being of society as a whole. The quality of our built environment profoundly affects the quality of our everyday lives and good architecture is fundamentally about much more than individual buildings; it is about generating a more humane

Have you the fastest kick in Ireland? Has your kick been RADAR tested by the lO P? Police forces around the world use a RADAR gun to measure car speeds. The same principal can be used to measure the speed of a struck object. Take a kick to see if you can beat the record of 11Okph set by physics student and UCD soccer team member Mark Langtry and find out about RADAR from expert physicists at the stand.



Check out our website : www.dublinscience2O12.ie

7: CSO The Industrial Products and Services Group represents companies operating in the engineering, plastics, aviation, marine, forestry and building materials fields. The industrial products sector provides valuable products, and encourages innovative technological development solutions.


Committed to excellence in teaching, research and innovation, Trinity guarantees a distinctive all round undergraduate experience that will change your life forever. Trinity's Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science offers world class teaching. Are you interesting in studying Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Immunology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Physics, Physiology, Science, Statistics or Zoology? Visit us at Stand No.18 to find out more about these exciting courses. Hold our friendly cockroaches, witness an exploding volcano or have a chat with our friendly staff and demonstrators who are more than happy to answer any of your questions.

I n addition: come to the stand and try out some fascinating physics questions to which you can text your answers by mobile phone to find out if you are right and then pick up some colourful posters with information about hundreds of different physics careers with a guide to everywhere you can study physics in Ireland.

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011

=0 30: IBM

0 25 & 26: EU 19: HP Did you know... -

77% of business leaders believe that rapid change is the norm in today's economy


1 in 2 business leaders say that their IT department is unable to respond to rapidly meet changes in demand


71% would increase IT investment if it meant better time to market

Visit the European Union stand in the World of Science and Technology (Industries Hall - stand numbers 25 & 26). Learn about the importance of soil biodiversity and check out our interactive touch-screen game on the potential of low carbon energy technologies. We also have a range of publications and educational resources on the European Union. The Joint Research Centre (www.jrc.ec.europa.eu) is the scientific and technical arm of the European Commission and provides scientific advice and technical know-how to support a wide range of EU policies.

IT sprawl is taking business performance to the breaking and IT convergence doesn't happen often, but now a variety of factors are driving it. From Green IT and virtualisation to cloud computing, all of today's mega-trends predict that tomorrow's businesses will be built upon a Converged Infrastructure. Put simply, a Converged Infrastructure matches the supply of IT resources with the demand for business applications.

The European Commission Representation in Ireland (www.euireland.ie) and the European Parliament Information Office in Ireland (www.europarl.ie) provide information to the Irish public on the European Union and its policies, and the roles the EU institutions.

HP's Converged Infrastructure can transition your infrastructure from a productcentric to a service-centric management approach, simplifying IT and accelerating your business results.


Come and visit us on the HP stand to hear more about how Converged Infrastructure can help your business.

a 21: ISTA The Irish Science Teachers' Association is the largest subject association in the country. It was founded in 1961 and has 1200 members from all sectors of education. The ISTA functions as a body dedicated to the professional development of its members and the advancement of science teaching. The ISTA maintains links with other bodies involved in science education in Ireland and associations for science education in other countries. TIPPERARY 1 INSTITUTE

22: Tipperary Institute Tipperary Institute is a dynamic third level college with campuses in Thurles and Clonmel. HETAC accredited Honours Degrees are offered across a wide variety of areas including Computing, Games Design & Development, Creative Multimedia, Digital Animation Production, IT Support, Business, Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Environmental and Natural Resource Management and Social and Community Studies. TI's stand at the BT Young Scientist and Technology exhibition will feature exhibits

on the Science of Computer Games. Stand visitors will have the opportunity to meet Ti lecturers to discuss career choices in the area of science and technology. Call to the stand and also meet our Student Ambassadors who will be providing games demonstrations throughout the event. The games demos are always a popular activity and will feature the XNA Ireland Challenge, Robocode Ireland, SchoolBots and student portfolio demonstrations. So make sure to visit the TI exhibition area at Stand no. 22 in the Industries Hall and check out the science behind computer game development for yourself!


28: Science Spin Science Spin , covering all the sciences from astronomy to zoology, is a popular fact packed magazine . In clear language and with a lively presentation Spin makes the best in science available to everyone . With national distribution , north and south, Science Spin circulates to schools, research institutes, and colleges throughout Ireland. The digital edition with live hyperlinks is available to everyone, everywhere, and is FREE. Features written by scientists and award winning journalists cover such topics as ageing, fossils , space, and fusion power. Spin also has wildlife, news , and a special section for schools.

W5 is a multi award winning Science Centre in Belfast. W5 is home to over 200 interactive exhibits that let you explore flight, weather, sound, levers and pulleys and so much more. As one of the top visitor attractions in Northern Ireland W5 has been engaging visitors and educational groups with science, engineering and maths for nearly ten years. Part of their achievements over that time is to have developed creative demonstrations shows that really bring science to life!

RTE brings a host of programmes and interactive opportunities to the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2011.

IBM is helping the systems that run our world to be smarter by linking them up and analysing the data and patterns that result. This can help everyone improve our traffic systems, our education systems, our healthcare systems, our water systems and help our cities to be safer places to live and work. To find out more, why not visit Stand 30 and add to our'Wordle' on how we can build a smarter planet, city by city. Get ready for destination 'Smarter Planet': Pick up a Smarter Planet Passport, find the IBM employees with stickers and claim your unique set of Smarter Planet Badges. Let's build a smarter planet

Goy>gle Are you passionate about maths, science, engineering and technology? Do you love to create, innovate, be the first to solve a problem? Come along to the Google stand to find out where computer science can lead you and what computer science really means as a career. Learn about our Geo products, tips and tricks in Google Docs & Spreadsheets, sharing your photos with Google Picasa, the latest on Android, what's new in Search, and the Google Chrome Browser. Take a peek into our unique culture and working environment and meet some Googlers from our Dublin office. We can't wait to meet you!

LJnivt'i ilyOI

29: Comreg

Visit the Faculty of Computing and Engineering's stand to get information about the extensive range of undergraduate courses in Computing and Engineering on offer. Courses are designed to meet industry needs - offering a balance of theory and practice - and offering great employability for our graduates.

32: University of Ulster Jordanstown

Our remit covers all kinds of transmission networks including: •

Traditional telephone wire

Traditional television and radio

Radio communications including fixed wireless

MMDS and deflector operators providing TV services

Mobile operators providing voice and data services

Licensing framework for satellite services in Ireland

Postal delivery network

Premium Rate Services

RTE Two's Two Tube will be on site with their team filming your weird and wonderful projects and capturing the atmosphere. RTE's news2day will keep viewers at home up to date on what's happening on the ground, as well as searching for a new talent with the Be a Reporter for a Day competition open to all exhibiting students - pop by our stand for further details. RTE Weather will broadcast bulletins live on RTE One from the RTE stand and you'll also have a chance to get in on the action and experience the magic of television by presenting your own bulletin in our specially built chromo key studio. RTE Radio 1 and RTE 2fm will also be broadcasting live from the stand, while RTE lyric fm will give you the opportunity to see what its like on the other side of the radio desk in our workshop sessions.

All Access will beat the RTE booth providing an inside look at what's going on around RTE, and you can also try out RTE's mobile phone apps. Pop by the RTE stand 34 to join ou r team or watch and listen to us as we capture the essence and excitement of the event.

31: Google


Our activities are geared towards operators and business & residential users of communications services. Visit ComReg's stand in the Industries Hall to find out more about use of the radio spectrum in Ireland, to experience live demonstrations and to get advice from our Consumer Team on telecommunications issues.

23: W5

34: RTE

By 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in cities. We are adding the equivalent of seven New York Cities to the planet every year. This wil I put a huge strain on the earth and its resources. Thankfully help is at hand! Around the world IBM is helping cities to become more intelligent, or as we say, smarter!

Science Spin is published six times a year, and is available on subscription or through newsagents . Subscription is just €18 and the digital edition is distributed to all those who register their name and email address on www. sciencespin.com

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) is the statutory body responsible for the regulation of the electronic communications sector (telecommunications, radio communications and broadcasting transmission) and the postal sector. We are the national regulatory authority for these sectors in accordance with EU law which is subsequently transposed into Irish legislation.


Building a Smarter Planet City by City

Why choose the University of Ulster? •

As the largest university in Ireland, Ulster offers a huge range of engineering and computing courses across three campuses: Jordanstown, Coleraine and Magee.

Full-time undergraduate coursesincludeaplacementyearorstudyabroad enhancing employability.

Courses are informed by industry through placement, research and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

As appropriate, courses are accredited by the British Computer Society the Institution of Engineering and Technology or by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

For further details please email: compeng @ ulster.ac.uk or telephone: v44 28 90 36 6305 OR VISIT OUR STAND AT BT Young Scientist


33: EirGrid EirGrid is a state-owned company and is the independent electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) in Ireland and the Market Operator (MO) of the wholesale electricity trading system. EirGrid's role is to deliver quality connection, transmission and market services to electricity generators, suppliers and customers utilising the high voltage electricity system. We are responsible for the Grid infrastructure required to support the development of Ireland's economy, as well as connecting the Irish Grid to the European Grid. EirGrid plays a key role in the operation of the Single Electricity Market (SEM) which services the island of Ireland.

35: Intel Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow. We are a move-society-forward-by-quantum-leaps company. We routinely turn science fiction into science fact. We are much more than a microprocessor company, and we're already working on the next century's innovations. We believe our greatest strength is what's still to come. Every day, people do amazing things using Intel-powered computers to educate, entertain, innovate, communicate and express themselves. One ofthe highlights on our stand this year

is the Intel movie theatre where you can see the broader impact of Intel technology across the world. And guess what, while you are in the queue forthe cinema we will even let you touch the technology and the components used to make our chips. The goal of the stand is to generate excitement in technology, science and engineering while making a connection between doing science and mathematics in school with a career in innovation, technology and research & development. Visit Intel fun station at the stand where Sue McGrath from Science2 Life will carry out many science fun shows throughout the day. Take the Intel Bong challenge with your friends live on our big screen to see if you can recreate the bong that now plays somewhere on earth about every 40 seconds. Our stand would not be complete without sampling the research and development creativity of CRANN (Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices), Tyndall National Institute and TRIL (Technology Research for Independent Living). Also on the stand you can visit the simulated classroom for a demonstration of the interactive whiteboard, the perfect way to transform a classroom into an interactive learning environment and the ultimate tool for captivating students' attention and bringing lessons to life. The interactive classroom will also showcase a variety of education programmes which Intel is driving in Ireland and abroad. So make sure you come along to the Intel stand to experience science, innovation and technology.

sfi 36: Science Foundation Ireland Research for Ireland's Future Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is investing in scientific and engineering research underpinning the Biotechnology (BID), Information and Communications Technology OCT) and Sustainable Energy and Energy Efficient Technologies sectors in the third level institutions in Ireland. SFI supports the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in order to promote the benefits of investing in scientific and engineering research to young people and the general public and to encourage young people to consider undertaking research careers in science and engineering. SFI Speakers for Schools SFI strongly encourages the researchers it supports to visit primary and secondary schools to give talks on their own research, on more general science and engineering

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011

topics or on careers in science and engineering. These visits are considered to be particularly valuable exercises that can have enormous impact for the next generation of Irish scientists and engineers. There are currently over eighty SFI researchers from eleven Higher Education Institutes registered on the SFI Speakers for Schools website www.sfi.ie/outreach Come visit our stand in the Industries Hall to see demonstrations, learn more about Speakers for Schools and other SFI programmes.

Science Foundation Ireland Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin IRISH PATENTS OFFICE -II


37: Patents Office The role of the Patents Office is to provide an efficient and effective system of industrial property protection that will encourage technological progress and promote enterprise through the implementation by the Office of the relevant legislation. This is to be achieved through the protection of industrial property rights in the fields of patents, trade marks and designs, and the dissemination of relevant information in conjunction with each of these activities.

38: NCE-MSTL The National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (NCE-MSTL) and the Faculty of Science & Engineering, University of Limerick (UL) along with MACSI and Mary Immaculate College provide you the opportunity to experience interactively activities in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science and much more. The NCE-MSTL aims to enhance the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics at all levels with the objective to increase the achievement levels in mathematics and science and increase the uptake in the higher levels of these subjects. The NCE-MSTL conducts evidence based research into the teaching and learning of science and mathematics, translates research into best practices and transfers these best practices to the classrooms through CPD programmes, conferences, publications, and research and resource guides. Teaching and learning resources are accessible nationally at www.nce-mstl.ie The Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Limerick invites you to share in the experience of our progressive and exciting campus. The fields of science and engineering are wide and varied, offering many unique and sustainable careers which are essential to the growth of our economy. Whether its the study of robotics, the pursuit of renewable energy technologies, the development of innovative computing solutions or pioneering biochemical research, the study options within science and engineering atthe University of Limerick are vast. www.ul.ie

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Ir/TI 42: IoTI IOTI is the representative body for 13 Institutes of Technology, a number of which will showcase their programmes and research including: Dundalk IT - demonstrating smart home technologies for allowing people live independently as long as they choose. IT Carlow will focus on Aviation and will have items such as a model piston engine and a servo controller for flaps on the wings of the aircraft.

Fred the RoboSkeleton was a bit hit at last year's exhibition and makes a return visit this year, thanks to Letterkenny IT. Fred is a wireless controlled skeleton and uses technologies which can be found in modern day products. Staff at IT Sligo are engaged in investigating the recent demise of the honey bee and colony collapse disorder which is occurring worldwide. The effects of this are likely to have devastating consequences for mankind in term of food supply. Find out more about the on-going research being undertaken to counteract this threat. Ever thought of tryi ng to contact ET? Now is your chance to do so. Students, their teachers and members of the general public will have the opportunity to send a message and a picture of themselves to a planet outside our solar system, using a live linkup to a radio telescope operated by Cork Institute of Technology at its science centre in Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork. Everyone who sends a message can keep track of its general progress by logging onto a dedicated website. This is a unique opportunity to send an echo of yourself across the galaxy - and who knows what it might find when it reaches its planetary destination. Visit our stand for demonstrations and information on these exciting developments. Talk to our experts aboutfull time and part time courses, or about how you can make your business idea a reality with the help of our incubation centres.



or enquiries relating to Road Traffic legislation and Road Safety. The Unit can be contacted at the e-mail address below orthrough crimecall@garda.ie

Stand 1: BT Feature Exhibit

Located in the Eco Zone, BT is delighted to present the 'Vehicle For Change' exhibition. BT's interactive showcase is here to demonstrate cutting edge Information Communication Technology. The BT Vehicle For Change offers your organisation an interactive experience. It addresses your challenges and requirements in an innovative and 'live' environment. In today's uncertain world the challenges businesses face are more intense than ever: achieving cost leadership whilst innovating and investing for the future; balancing the consolidation of local markets while growing global capability; ensuring operational predictability and managing risk and, most importantly, serving customers better, faster and at lower cost. While the challenges are clear, too often the answer is not. Many executives realise the potential for Information Communication Technology (ICT), and its latest evolution Cloud Computing, to transform their business but it has to be easy to buy, risk-free, energy efficient and available when and where their people need to use it.





Stand 2: SEAT


43: Analog Analog Devices is a world leader in High Performance Signal Processing. Simply put, this involves the conversion of real-world signals (sounds, voice, temperature, etc.) into digital signals (i.e. computer language). At the Analog Devices stand we aim to open your mind to the fun, interesting and downright weird applications of science and technology in everyday life. Come test your skills and knowledge with some of the new demos which are on display. Take a trip down Laser Alley and avoid breaking the lasers; find out who has the quickest feet on the PODs challenge. The fastest finger wins in Laser Shoot Out. Have you enough energy to pedal the bicycle fast enough to generate electricity and light some light bulbs? Can you guess how fast sounds travel in the Speed of Sound demo? Test your eyes at the Persistence of Vision. See invisible electricity from a mobile phone at the phone power demo.

Why not visit our stand and find out about the One Good Idea secondary schools project, run in partnership with Change.iethe campaign on climate change? Or you could challenge yourself at the Human Power Station. Have you got the energy to power an LED light, a Halogen light or a radio? The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland plays a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.

The education programme provides resources to primary and secondary schools, developed in consultation with teachers and relevant to the various curricula where energy is included. Information is offered to schools, free of charge, via the website and hard copy resources. This is supported by an extensive outreach programme including energy workshops for schools, exhibitions and attendance at teacher and student events. Change.ie is an all of Government campaign on climate change.

39: IE Domain Registry The I E Domain Registry (IEDR) manages Ireland's domain name - all Internet addresses ending in ie. When the Internet began addresses consisted of a string of numbers. Domain names simplified these numbers into easy to remember names such as www. why.ie..ie is Ireland's identity on the Internet. The ie namespace is consistently ranked in the top five safest domains worldwide by McAfee and offers Irish website owners and users the benefits of a online presence with minimal risks of cyber crime. This security is created by the IEDR who check and verify all .le domain names before they are registered. This means that by choosing a in domain you are guaranteeing that your website has a connection with Ireland, people know you are who you say you are and that anybody who visits your site can do so safely and securely.

Microsoft 41: Microsoft At the Microsoft stand you will explore the latest technological innovations that fit to your digital lifestyle. Come and interact with the new Kinect system for Xbox 360, the fastest selling piece of technology of all time, where you are now the controller! Meet the staff at Microsoft and learn how you can do more with Windows through free programs like Windows live essentials that will transform how you manage photos, movies, instant messaging, email, social networking, and more. Also on display will be our new Windows Phone 7 which is unlike any phone you have seen before, get to see it in action and see how your information can follow you on the move.

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Stand 4: NPWS The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) is responsible for the protection of Ireland's natural heritage. The NPWS stand in the EcoZone will have exhibits, information and other materials available plus a chance to meet our staff to discuss activities and school programmes available from the NPWS.

Our Education & Visitor Centres The NPWS operate a number of Education & Visitor Centres around the country offering various activities and learning opportunities aimed at teachers and students alike. Our Education Officers have designed a range of school programmes aimed at promoting awareness of, knowledge and an appreciation of our native flora, fauna and their habitats - our biodiversity. Further information is available on www.npws.ie. NoticeNature Notice Nature is Ireland's public awareness campaign on biodiversity. Find out why biodiversity is so important and why you should protect it. This will help halt the damage being done to our plants and animals and the landscape, waters and habitats in which they live. See www.noticenature.ie for more information.

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Stand 5: KN Networks KN Network Services are specialist infrastructure service providers specialising in telecommunications, transportation and renewable energy operating across Ireland and the UK. KN's vision is to provide value to our clients with a professional service, delivering a quality product within a safe environment. Since acquiring Chiltern Future Energy in 2007, KN has built an impressive portfolio of renewable energy projects. They continue to provide practical and effective energy solutions meeting the needs of commercial and domestic customers. In December 2010 KN formed Scotia UK Limited, a joint venture with Danish solarpowered lighting developer Scotia ApS to bring to market SunMast which is the UK's first grid connected solar powered street lighting column designed to generate more power than it uses. The concept is it has integrated PV modules which generate electricity combined with LED lighting, collecting energy and feeding it back into the grid, enabling clients to earn money and reduce carbon emissions. The light itself is powered by electricity from the grid, making it a fail-safe system.

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44: WIT Discover the wonders of science, the ingenuity of engineering and the magic of maths in a fun and interactive way at the Waterford stand. Investigate the challenge of climate change where we'll be giving out tree-mendous indigenous Irish trees sponsored by Coillte. Explore microbes and macro-invertebrates, learn about the workings of the eye and meet Bengy the robot. You can also do some fun maths puzzles with the Maths Week Ireland team and meet 17th century Irish scientist, Robert Boyle. Waterford has been selected as a Science region under EU Framework 7 programme. Waterford Institute of Technology -WIT- is working with Waterford County and City Councils, schools and industry to create a science region in the Southeast where science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are celebrated. Already over 12,000 people in the region attend STEM events annually coordinated by Calmast (WIT's international award-winning centre for promotion of STEM). Calmast is pleased once again to support the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in partnership with leading pharmaceutical and healthcare companies Bausch & Lomb, Teva and Genzyme. This stand presents all areas of STEM in an accessible and interactive manner for all ages. www.calmast.ie, email: calmast@wit.ie

Stand 3: Garda Siochana

Stand 7: EPA

The Garda Road safety Unit was established in 2001 and is based in the Regional Traffic Division, Dublin Castle.

The Environmental Protection Agency protects the environment for everyone in the country. We regulate and police activities that might otherwise cause pollution. We ensure there is solid information on environmental trends so that necessary actions are taken. Our priorities are protecting the Irish environment and ensuring that development is sustainable. Come and visit our interactive stand - find out what the whacky teacher has to say about environmental protection and see what you can make from what we've got lying aroundll

The Road Safety Unit's overall aim is the reduction of road deaths and serious injuries and the improvement of road safety generally. The Unit delivers presentations on Road Safety to a number of groups in the community including:-

Schools and colleges

Youth Clubs

Senior Citizens

Local organisations

Industry groups

The Unit's presentation for secondary schools, It won't happen to me, is included in the Transition Year syllabus. The Unit also provides Road safety information at major public exhibitions such as The Young Scientist Exhibition, Ideal Homes Exhibition, The National Ploughing Championships and a variety of car and motorcycle shows. The team on the Crimecall Programme deals with road safety topics on each monthly episode. The Unit welcomes suggestions regarding topics that should be covered

Self Help Africa p, Stand 8: Self Help & Irish Aid Irish Aid & Self Help Africa - Science for Development Irish Aid Irish Aid, the Government's overseas aid programme, is hosting a multimedia exhibition, Khulungira: Harvesting Hope in an African Village, in the EcoZone at this year's BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. The exhibition, which features video, slideshows, and photographs, introduces small farmers of Malawi who have

BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011 www.btyoungscientist.com


benefited from advances in agricultural research. Visitors to the Irish Aid/Self Help Africa Stand can also sign up for African Drumming workshops, take part in a fun quiz and learn more about the work of the Irish Aid programme and how you and your school can get involved. Come and discover the valuable role science can play in development.

Self Help Africa works with rural communities to help them improve their farms and their livelihoods.

Innovation and research is a key element in supporting farm progress. You can find out more at the Self Help Africa Stand in the EcoZONE.



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Self Help Africa

Our mission is to empower rural Africa to achieve economic independence - and on a continent where up to 75% of people rely on small-scale agriculture for their survival, we believe that it is only by tackling the challenges faced by rural farming communities that real and sustained economic progress can be made across subSaharan Africa.


VNE Logistics provide specialist logistic and distribution services to the telecommunications and ^ lectronics industries. Our strength and reputation is built on providing a comprehensive array of value !fled services, being proactive and developing strategic relationships with our customers. What sets VNE Logistics apart is our commitment to excellence.


10 ft, NON

Stand 10: DIAS The Seismology in Schools (Seismeolalochtsa Scoil) Project was started by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Cosmic Physics, in 2007, as part of its Outreach Initiative and to promote the study of earth science and seismology. Currently there are over 50 primary and secondary schools involved in the project throughout Ireland. A seismometer is installed in the school and the teacher and students are instructed in how to use the instrument to monitor earthquakes from all over the world. This year many schools recorded the strong earthquakes of Haiti and Conception in Chile, as well as more local events in Co Donegal and Co Clare. Teachers are also instructed in the use of animation software and on how to interpret the seismograms which it records. The software used in the programme is free and has been developed by the IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) in the USA.



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BT ;t

WI NN ERS 1965

19661 1967

i John Monahan Newbridge College, Co Kildare

4 Mary Finn Ursuline Convent, Sligo



4 Walter Hayes St Vincent's CBS, Glasnevin, Co Dublin Salmonellis in Mice: A study of etiology, course and effect of the disease on the host

1977 lei

9 George Reynolds St James CBS, Co Dublin

4 Luke Drury Wesley College Co Dublin

4 Maria Edgeworth Convent of Mercy. Long fotd




Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney, Co Managhan To theeldsteneesPra analyzing sock slitiedt geophysical w direction andde outcrops


-1 Donald P McDonnell Crescent College Comprehensive, Dooradoyle, Co Limerick A study of effect of proven pollution on ecological balance in the Shannon at Limerick

4 Jervis Good Midleton College, Cork

Colaiste Choilm CBS, Swords , Co Dublin Simulation of Drude Electron Theory and Kinetic Theory of Gases

4 Ronan McNulty St Mary'sCollege, Rathmines The Musical Typewriter (A System Which Prints Music as You Play)


-^ Karen Ruddock Alexandra College, Milltown, Dublin Lichens in relation to their environment

Abbey Grammer School. Newry, Co Down Factors Affecting Cavitation in Whole Plants, Leaves and Vascular Bundles using Acoustic Detection

Ursaline College, Thurles, Co Tipperary

4 Richard Elliott

-^ Elsie O'Sullivan 4 Rowena Mooney -^ Patricia Lyle



Scoff Mhube, Portanlington, Co Laois ralasitelosagainl


4 Emer Jones


4 John D.O'Callaghan -P Liam McCarthy

4 Adnan Osman! St Finian's College, Westmeath The graphical, technological and user-friendly advancement of the Internet browser

Kinsale Community School, Co Cork The Development of a Convenient Test Method for Somatic Cell Count and its importance in Milk Production

-1 Ronan Larkin CBS, Synge Street, Dublin 8 Generalised Continued Fractions

2010 -1 Ciara McGoldrick -! Emma McQuillan -^ Fiona Fraser

Presentation School, Tralee, Co Kerry Research and Development of Emergency Sandbag Shelters

4 Richard O'Shea Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal, Blarney, Co Cork A biomass fired cooking stove for developing countries

Dominican College, Belfast, Co Antrim The preservation of Biological Data in European Bog Bodies

Muckross Park, Dublin

A study of physical , biochemical and anatomical aspects of the spider and its web, and its adaptation to its environment

Tadgh Begley

bdusalam Abubakar

Distribution of the Primes and the Itoedying order of chaos.

College, Co Meath yoftheRiverSkane

'4 Catherine Conlon

Kinsale Community School, Co Cork The development and evaluation of a biological food spoilage indicator

-1 David Michael O 'Doherty


4 Grace O'Connor

Castletroy College, Castletroy, Co Limerick CROMA: A new dialect of lisp

mge Street. Dublin 8 ateension of Wiener 's Attack on RSA



-1 PatrickCollison

4 Aisling Judge

St Killian's Community School, Ballywahrim , Bray, Co Wicklow Investigating Symmetrical Shapes Formed by Polygons


Rosary College, Raheny, Dublin Focus on the Viola Tricolour-an Indepth study on Bull Island

Navan Ge

20011 -P Shane Browne -P Peteraylor 4 Michael O'Toole

Abbey Grammar School, Newry, Co Down Assessment of Female Quality by Male Gammarus

1997 eee

'4 Donal Keane 4 Rodger Toner

'9 Brian Fitzpatrick 9 Shane Markey

4 Sio



4 Jean Byrne R.I.P.

4 Breda Maguire 4 Niamh Mulvaney

A Study on a Crop Fractation Industry

1982 1974


a Eoin Walsh

FCJ Secondary School, Bunclody, Wexford Fibre Optic Liquid Analyser.

Presentation COmmat,:'


-1 Elizabeth Dowling St Paul's Secondary School, Dublin A Picture Winged Insect . Population Dynamics of a Thistle Predator Terellia Sermtulae

Henry Byrne 1987 4 -^ Emma Donnellan

a John Birmingham 1972 'Colaiste Mhulre;,Dublinl




-1 Micheal Og O 'Briain Colaiste Mhuire, Dublin

4 Peter Short



4 Mary Kelly-Quinn

The concept of Ecopolemiology as Illustrated by a Preliminary Study of the Bionomics of the Earwig

1971 I

-1 William Murphy '9 Gareth Clarke -^ Turan Mirza Carrickfergus Grammer School, Antrim Microcomputer based robotics

An integrated study of the scientific conservation of Rogerstown Estuary Co Dublin

The Construction and use of a spectra-photometer to investigate complex ion formation in a transition metal

1970 1

-/ Noel Boyle Westmeath A study of photoelectric cells and construction of a spectrophotometer


4 Raphael Hurley Colaiste an Spoiraid Naoimh, Olshopstown, Co Cork

4 Martynn Sheehan Convent of Mercy, Moate, Co Westmeath



Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh The use of computer techniques to provide mathematical models of


BT YOUNG SCIENTIST Where Smart Minds Meet

& TECHNOLOGY Exhibition Driven by Innovation , delivered by


Where Smart Minds Meet


BTYOUNG SCIENTIST &TECHNOLOGY Exhibition Driven by Innovation , delivered by


BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2011 www.btyoungscientist.com



Driven by Innovation , delivered by


Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events

Thursday 13th January

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Schedule of Events Saturday 15th January

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6, 500 km of transmission lines and cables . 300 expert staff . 1 EirGrid . A secure national grid is essential for jobs and prosperity. At. EirGrid, we manage Ireland's National Grid, co-ordinating output from wind farms and power stations so it is available for homes, farms and industry. That's the reason, as a state-owned company, we're upgrading the transmission system.

Because, the better the National Grid, the better for everybody.



BTYOUNG SCIENTIST &TECHNOLOGY Exhibition Driven by Innovation, delivered by


RDS, Dublin , 13th - 15th January 2011









Be Inspired BT U www.btyoungscientist.com

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