2020-2021 The Pillars - Annual Donor Publication

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Ways WaysTo To Give Give The TheTrinity TrinityFund Fund

YourYour gift to Trinity Fund, ourour annual fund, is is the single make each eachyear. year. giftThe to The Trinity Fund, annual fund, the singlemost mostimportant importantgift gift you you can can make Tuition revenues cover the the school’s basic operations. Additional funded through throughaa Tuition revenues cover school’s basic operations. Additionalbudget budgetitems itemscan can only only be be funded successful annual fund. WeWe areare hopeful forfor 100% current our students studentsaafull full successful annual fund. hopeful 100% currentfamily familyparticipation participationto to help help give give our Blessed Trinity education, highlighted in our four pillars. Blessed Trinity education, highlighted in our four pillars.

GRACE Scholars, Inc. An AnEndowment Endowment GRACE Scholars, Inc. is a state-approved Student is a state-approved Student Scholarship Organization (SSO) Scholarship Organization (SSO) established by the Archdiocese established by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The state allows of Atlanta. The state allows Georgia residents to redirect Georgia residents to redirect a portion of their state income a portion of their state income taxes to a private school of their taxes to a private school of their choice for use in providing choice for use in providing financial aid to qualifying financial aid to qualifying students. students.

was established partofof was established asaspart Blessed Trinity’s 2011 Capital Blessed Trinity’s 2011 Capital Campaign. Each year,10% 10%ofof Campaign. Each year, all donations are earmarked all donations are earmarked endowmentand andmay may forfor thethe endowment never be used for operational never be used for operational budget items. Proceedsfrom fromthe the budget items. Proceeds investment of endowment funds investment of endowment funds are earmarked for Campus are earmarked for Campus Ministry initiatives, faculty Ministry initiatives, faculty development, and financial aid. development, and financial aid.

Planned Giving Planned Giving

allows donors donors to allows to continue continue having an impact having an impact at at Blessed Blessed Trinity, beyond beyond their Trinity, their lifetime. lifetime.ItIt may allow you to make may allow you to makeaalarger larger gift that might not otherwise gift that might not otherwise be possible. possible. It It is be is easy easy to tomake make a Planned Gift. If you have a Planned Gift. If you have already named Blessed Trinity already named Blessed Trinity in your will or other estate in your will or other estate plans, please contact the Office plans, please contact the Office of Advancement. of Advancement.

Parent Organization

Give at No Cost to You! Give at No Cost to You!

Parent Organization Fundraising Fundraising

Ask us about Employer/Employee Ask us aboutGift Employer/Employee Matching Programs, or visit the Matching or companies. visit the website Gift for a Programs, list of current website for a list of current companies. Shop to support Blessed Trinity and sign any of our community rewards Shopuptowith support Blessed Trinity and sign shopping partners.rewards up with any of our community shopping partners.

Athletic Association Association BTAA Athletic exists to promote the growth BTAA exists to promote theand growth of all our athletic programs the of all our athleticofprograms and the involvement all BT families.

involvement of all BT families. Fine Arts Association BTFAAFine is a group of dedicated parents Arts Association and faculty withof a common to BTFAA is a group dedicatedgoal parents promote thewith FineaArts community. and faculty common goal to promote the Fine Arts community. Home & School BTH&S strives improve Hometo& Schoolthe overall quality of campus life and spiritual life. BTH&S strives to improve the overall quality of campus life and spiritual life.



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