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Annual Report 2013-2014

May the Blessed Trinity be praised: Now and forever!

God the Holy Spirit: Inspire our works

God the Son: Transform our hearts

God the Father: Enlighten our minds

School Acclamation

If you would like to learn more about ways to give, please contact the Development Office.

Establish a Scholarship or Endowment - The school has six endowed scholarships: Goizueta Foundation, Robert White/UPS, Jessica Turner Memorial, Kevin Mann Memorial, Devon McKniff Memorial, and the Elizabeth Huffner Memorial Scholarship. Donors may endow a scholarship of their own for a minimum gift of $20,000.

Planned Gifts - The most common planned gift is when a donor leaves a gift to the school as part of a will. Other planned gifts include life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, and annuity trusts.

Gifts in Kind - These non-cash gifts include items that the school needs and uses including, but not limited to, furniture, office supplies, or printing services.

Matching Gifts - A matching gift is when an employer will match the charitable contribution made by an employee or the spouse of an employee. This can multiply your gift to the school by simply completing the appropriate form from your company. Check with your Human Resources Department about their matching gifts policies and procedures.

Securities - Some donors choose to transfer stock to BT as their gift each year. Contact the Development Office to make these arrangements.

Monetary - Your gifts provide immediate tax savings through deductions and provides the school with funds for current use. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are all accepted.

There are many different methods that donors may choose to fund their gift:

SCHOLARSHIPS & ENDOWMENTS - The school has several endowed scholarships, awards, and funds. Only the interest of these gifts is awarded each year. With the principal’s approval, donors may contribute any amount to an existing endowment, or endow a scholarship of their own with a minimum gift of $20,000.

FUNDRAISING PROGRAMS & EVENTS - The Development Office raises additional funds for the school through partnering with select merchants, the BT Fine Arts Association, and the BT Athletic Association.

ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION - Different levels of membership are available for the BT Athletic Association. Each membership has its own set of benefits, including tickets and apparel. All proceeds help pay the expenses of the school’s athletic program.

FINE ARTS ASSOCIATION - Different levels of membership are available for the BT Fine Arts Association. Each membership has its own set of benefits, including tickets and apparel. All proceeds help pay the expenses for the school’s arts program.

AUCTION & GALA - The Annual Auction & Gala, held in March, is the single-largest fundraising event for the school. In order to have a successful Auction & Gala, we need volunteers, donated items, sponsorships and attendees. To learn more on getting involved in the Auction, please contact the Development office.

ANNUAL FUND - The Annual Fund is the most important fundraising effort each school year. At BT, tuition revenues cover the basic operations of the school. Additional requested budget items can only be funded through a successful Annual Fund campaign. Each year, there is a gap between revenues from tuition and the amount needed to fund the entire school budget. Our goal is to have 100% participation in the Annual Fund from our faculty, staff and parent community, regardless of the amount you are able to contribute. Please help to increase our overall participation rate by making a contribution.

There are several opportunities for faculty and staff, alumni, parents, and friends to financially support our school.

All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Careful planning of your gift can not only help to maximize the gift that you make to the school, but also your personal goals as well. Legal and financial advisors can best help you determine the type of gift most advantageous and appropriate for you to make.

Each and every gift that is given to Blessed Trinity Catholic High School, regardless of the amount, holds an immeasurable level of importance to the school.

Ways To Give

Yours in Christ, Frank Moore Principal

God bless you for all you do for Blessed Trinity Catholic High School.

Our students deserve all that we can do for them.

Enjoy this report. See how you have helped take Blessed Trinity to a level only dreamed of a few years ago. If your name does not appear on our donor list, please prayerfully consider a tax-deductible donation to the Annual Fund and Capital Campaign. To use an oft-quoted phrase: Your support of the Annual Fund helps the school to GO, and your support of the Capital Campaign helps the school to GROW!

We are now entering the final year of our four-year “This is Our Moment” Capital Campaign. The installation of artificial turf on three playing fields is now complete, and we have already seen the beginning of the savings of tens of thousands of dollars a year on field maintenance. We hope that we can soon start construction on the Fine Arts Annex and the locker/restroom building near the tennis courts and lacrosse field.

The 2013-2014 school year started with a lot of changes to the campus: The creation of a dedicated study hall room adjacent to the Media Center, a new classroom carved out from a corner of the Media Center that became the new Health/Driver Education room, the creation of a Robotics Team room and workshop, and a re-done entrance area with additional seating. Most importantly, we made some major upgrades to the security system in the building, providing an even safer environment for our students. We are constantly looking for ways to keep our facility fresh and as safe and secure as possible, and your support of the Annual Fund is a huge help in achieving those goals.

Dear Friends of Blessed Trinity:

Message from Principal

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sliker Dr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Smith Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Solar Mr. Daniel Solomon Mr. Joshua D. Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Jan Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spinner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Spitler III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Staley Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stegemoeller Dr. and Mrs. Scott Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Stetzer Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stevens Dr. John K. Stevens Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stickney Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stoke Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Strawn Dr. Linda A. Streit Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sugrue II Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Sullivan Mr. and Ms. Robert Svete Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Swade Mr. Robert Swanson and Ms. Denise Summers Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Swoish Mr. and Mrs. Pedro J. Szot Mr. Ricky Tam and Mrs. Becky Yip Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tasanasanta Mr. and Mrs. William C. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tenoschok Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Testerman Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Thacker Dr. and Mrs. Shawn R. Thornton Mr. Evan A. Tieles ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Tillman Mr. Robert Tolton and Mrs. Nancy Collier Father Augustine Tran Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Treanor Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Turko Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Turner Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Urrutia Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vacko Jr. AT&T Mobility Bank of America Matching Gifts Colgate-Palmolive Company Equifax Foundation

Captial Campaign Matching Gift Companies

Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Valentino Mr. Mark Van Weegen and Ms. Pam Perkowski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Vande Loo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vanden Heuvel Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Varn Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Varner Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vassil Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Vermillion Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verner Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vice Ms. Toni A. Vilardi Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Von Hagel Ms. and Mr. Robin C. Voss-Free Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Steven Z. Walters Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ward Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wascher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Watts Mr. Timothy J. Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weis Mr. and Mrs. John Wellford III Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Wellington Mr. and Mrs. William A. Werkheiser Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Westfall Dr. and Mrs. Mark Wetherly Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Wharton Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Wildschut Mr. Douglas Williams Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wise Ms. Patricia Witting Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wright Mr. and Mrs. David D. Young Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yu Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zacharias Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore M. Zammuto Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Zerbe Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Zirngibl

First Data General Electric Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Gorton’s Seafoods IBM Matching Gifts Program JP Morgan Chase Foundation KeyBank Foundation Kimberly-Clark Foundation Lilly Foundation MACY’S Foundation McKesson Foundation, Inc. Medtronic Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program MMC Matching Gifts Program NOKIA Northwestern Mutual Foundation SPX Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation The Baxter International Foundation The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Home Depot Foundation The Morgan Family Fund The Sherwin Williams Foundation The SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program The Washington Post Company Matching Gifts Program Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Young Life Academy

Sincerely, Chuck Oliver Director of Development

Once again, thank you to all of our supporters for everything you did to make 2013-2014 such a successful year.

Finally, I want to thank all of our parent volunteers. Whether you served on a board, coached, provided food, helped make costumes or sets for a fine arts production, worked a concession stand or ticket gate, your contribution to the overall success of Blessed Trinity was very much needed and appreciated.

For the second year, the Auction Gala was held on campus, but this year the back parking lot looked like Cirque de Soliel. The event was hosted in a massive tent and with 410 attendees it was a huge success raising $130,000 for Blessed Trinity. Holding the Auction on campus was a huge undertaking and could not have happened without the inspirational leadership of the Auction chairs, Julie Hubbard and Charlotte Sebesta, along with their army of volunteers.

We continued to receive good support from the community for the Annual Fund with 462 families participating (compared with 300 from the previous year) as well as over 90% of our faculty and staff. Just over $338,000 in contributions were received, and many summer projects were able to be funded with Annual Fund dollars. These included the addition of two new bathrooms in the cafeteria, modification of the computer labs in the Media Center, technology upgrades, completion of the three-year painting cycle and new landscaping around the entire campus.

The third year of the “This Is Our Moment” Capital Campaign ended with over $3.2 million dollars in pledges. All three fields (lacrosse/soccer, baseball and football/soccer) have been completed and we will immediately begin to see savings from the maintenance of those fields. Now we move on to the next projects, the Fine Arts annex and the locker room facility. We want to thank everyone who has participated in the Capital Campaign. We now have over 60% of the Blessed Trinity community committed to the capital campaign and over 70% of our faculty and staff.

The school year 2013-2014 was an outstanding year for Blessed Trinity in many ways.

Dear Blessed Trinity Supporters:

Message from Director of Development

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pruitt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Prunkl Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Grant Putre Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Quindlen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ragan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rakauskas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rearick Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Reinkemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Richters Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Riebock Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riedl Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Rizzo Ms. Allison Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Julio C. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Pedro M. Rossello Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rostowsky Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rountree Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowsey Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rutte Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Ryals Mr. Tom Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sabin Mr. and Mrs. Mario E. Sacristan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Saunders III Mr. and Mrs. William R. Schell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schendl Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schmit Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schretzmann Mr. and Mrs. John Schulz Mr. Paul Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Scordino Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo D. Scott Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Sebesta Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seguin Mr. Nicholas H. Selan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Setchell Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shappard Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shields III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Shields Mr. and Mrs. Yasuo Shoji Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siebert Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons Ms. and Mr. Renee C. Simons Mr. Ron Skorcz and Mrs. Carol Kirwan

Capital Campaign Donors

2% 5%









Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lauber Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Lauerman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. David Leinmiller Ms. Annamarie Lemoine Mr. and Mrs. Michel T. Lentz Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lesser Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Lievsay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lomax Mr. and Mrs. John R. Luckett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Jeff MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Macken Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mader Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Karl Magnusson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Makuck Mr. and Mrs. Andre Malarcher Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maloy Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mandula Mr. and Mrs. Edward Manigault Ms. Catherine Manthey Ms. Marianne Markivich Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Markwordt Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Marsden Ms. Rosalind Martin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Massa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Massaro Ms. Karen Masters Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Maust II

$ 3,772


51% 8% 5% 2% 5% 1% 1% 13% 10% 4%

69% 4% 1% 14% 6% <1% 2% 4%

Mr. and Mrs. David Miniutti Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchler Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Moersen Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Mongell Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Montenegro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Moore Mr. Frank Moore Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morakis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moran Mr. and Mrs. Curt Morgan Dr. Kim Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Barry Morton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morzen Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Moses Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moses Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munns Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Naab Dr. and Mrs. Kerry L. Nagel Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Michael Necolettos Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nee Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. William Noah III Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Nofi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nohl Mr. and Mrs. David Nolan

dollars are per student

$ 15,072 11,300

$ 16,162,102

Cost to Educate Tuition

Total Expenses

Salaries and Benefits Facilities Student Services/Athletics Prof. Dev./Continuing Ed/ Instr. Materials Tuition Assistance Development and Fund Raising Administrative/Technology Construction Debt Reduction Cap Camp Expenditures Fixed Assets

$ 8,172,008 1,220,658 762,952 269,366 727,010 144,769 384,524 2,148,000 1,617,845 714,969

$ 15,491,617

Total Revenue


$ 10,719,330 570,226 185,000 2,148,000 906,247 33,547 235,155 694,112

Tuition Fees Archdiocesan Financial Aid Subsidy Archdiocesan Construction Debt Subsidy Development Fine Arts Athletics Facility Rental, Spirit Store, Interest & Other



Mr. and Mrs. Jim May Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mazeall Drs. William and Joanne McAlvany Mr. and Mrs. James V. McCall Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. James K. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCormick III Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McCorstin Mr. and Ms. Jeff McCoy Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. McDonough Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. George T. McFarlin Mr. and Dr. Garrard McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. William McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McGowan Ms. Kathleen McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer McManes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNamee Mr. and Mrs. William McQuaid Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mediate Mr. and Mrs. Bill Medley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Megan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Menna Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mertz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Michael Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mies Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milani Mr. and Ms. Mark H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Miller

Capital Campaign Donors


1% 1%





<1% 2% 6%

52% 7% 4%

123,420 16,237 10,308 $ 235,155

Total Athletics

$ 33,547

Mr. Charles F. Noll Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Connor Mr. Brian O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogrinc Mr. and Dr. Christopher Okobah Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Oliver Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Paul O’Malley Ms. Franca Oreffice Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oreszko Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Osorio Mr. and Mrs. Ryan W. O’Sullivan Dr. Maisha Otway Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Palmich Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmieri Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parham Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Parr Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Patafio Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paulus Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pergolini Mr. and Ms. W. Jonathan Perryman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Pierce Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Piper Mr. and Mrs. James Piper Mr. and Mrs. James M. Piscano Mr. and Mrs. Jason Podhorez Mrs. Stacey Porter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Poschel Jennifer Prewett Mr. Charles M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Pring

Financial Reports included in the Annual Report are not the final audited reports.

The development revenue numbers listed in this financial section do not exactly match the total listed in the Annual Report due to timing differences with the school’s fiscal year end close of June 30, 2014.

Total Fine Arts

Membership $ 13,502 Restricted Donation 2,900 Theater Rental 17,145

40% 9% 51%

$ 906,247 Total Development

Fine Arts

$ 291,624 32% 4,785 1% 58,903 7% 261,841 29% 20,454 2% 226,930 25% 9,099 1% 32,610 4% Annual Fund Restricted Donations Permanent Endowment Capital Campaign Donations Capital Campaign Pledges Auction Commitment Cards Scholarship Donations



$ 85,190

Membership Gate, Concessions, & Other Golf Tournament Coke Sale


Ms. Laura Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Garfinkel Ms. Sherry Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Garrity Mr. and Mrs. R. John Gaston Ms. Rosemarie Gentile Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Georgacopoulos Mr. and Mrs. William B. George III Ms. Deanne Gipson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gittings Mr. and Mrs. William S. Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gonzalez III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Good Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Gorski Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gorski Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grabowy Mr. and Mrs. Blase H. Grady Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Green Mr. and Mrs. John F. Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green Mr. and Mrs. Braxton D. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Baburhan Gucer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guelfo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gullo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haddock Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hagemeyer Ms. Maria Hagin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haigwood Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Hamby Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Zach Harkey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Harman Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harrington Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Harwell Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Havlik Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hentz Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Hershberger Mr. and Ms. Randy O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hildebrandt Dr. and Dr. Scott Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. David Hoch Dr. and Mrs. Darryl Hodson Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Holler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hollers Mr. and Mrs. William E. Holman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Holzgrefe Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. James B. Horton Mr. and Mrs. D. Kevin Houlihan Mr. W. Kenneth Howell Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. James K. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Iassogna Mr. and Mrs. Dragan Ilic Mr. Jeffrey Innis Ms. Marlene Iossa Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Janousek Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Jasinski Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Johnson Mr. Gregory A. Johnson ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Chad D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Joseph

Mr. and Mrs. Raju M. Kallarackal Mr. and Mrs. James M. Karle Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kehner Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Kile Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Kinder Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kler Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kloss Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Knuckles Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kogoy II Ms. Loretta Koleos Mr. and Mrs. James Kolowich Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Korn Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Kosbab Mr. and Mrs. James L. Krakau Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kramb Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Krapcho Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kriscovich Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kristufek Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kudlata Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kuhn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kuroski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lad Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Rob Montepare Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Hazenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Flowers ‘04 ($20,000 +) ($2,500 - $4,999) The Franke Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vice ADM Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Good AIG Matching Grants Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Banks Mr. and Mrs. William E. Holman The Shield Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bataillon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkins ($10,000 - $19,999) Mr. and Mrs. Shaun G. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. William D. Flatt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Briggs Dr. and Mrs. Michael Leach Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. David R. Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Jeff MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Curt Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Callahan The Brian & Kara McCoy The Coca-Cola Foundation Family Trust Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Murphy Titan Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Cote Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. D’Arienzo Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Pryor Ms. Karen E. Brainard Mr. and Mrs. James Fink Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shappard Conrads Family Education Fund The Finkle Family Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sheldon Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glavine Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Holzgrefe Mr. Donald E. Huffner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Luckett Jr. Mrs. Katherine Mann The Miller Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Oreffice Ms. Franca Oreffice Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Scordino Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Varner Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Werner Mrs. Karen C. Wibell

Principal’s Circle

All those who have contributed to the last four Annual Funds are italicized to highlight consistent giving.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Strawn Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Swoish TARGET Mr. and Mrs. Steven Z. Walters Mr. and Mrs. William A. Werkheiser David and Nancy Young Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Zirngibl

Annual Fund Major Donors Leadership Circle

Mr. and Ms. Tom DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeKoning Mr. and Mrs. Louis Delfino Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Demboski Mr. and Mrs. Robert DePietro Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dever III Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Devereaux Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dodson Mr. John Donovan and Ms. Mary Jo DiLonardo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Dopheide Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Dore Mr. and Mrs. Cornel M. Dore Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Dorner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Dorvee Mr. and Mrs. Philip Downing Mr. and Mrs. William Duffin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Dukat Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Dupuis Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Durham Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Entz Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Eppert Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Eramian Mr. and Mrs. John R. Erbey II Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Etheridge Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Evans Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fairley Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Falkin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Felice Ms. Sheila P. Fenlon Mr. and Mrs. Celso Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Feruck Mr. and Mrs. Scott Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fink Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Fink Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Finkle Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Fite Mr. and Mrs. William D. Flatt Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Flores Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flowers Mr. and Mrs. James Franchi Mr. and Mrs. Norman Francis Sr. Dr. Carlos M. Franco Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Franklin Ms. Rachel A. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fujihira Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Galloway

Capital Campaign Donors


Capital Campaign Donors

Green & Gold

Dr. Patricia Bell Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boyk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Brinsmaid Robert and Jodi Buhay Mr. and Mrs. Sam V. Chiarella Mr. and Mrs. Jason Clift Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Daniels III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fusaro Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gonzalez III Mr. and Dr. John J Gramling Mr. and Mrs. Jason Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haigwood Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hentz Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Hershberger Mr. and Mrs. James B. Horton Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hubbard Mr. J. Patrick Hughes ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Isenberg Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Kile Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kirby Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kogoy II Doug and Cindy Krapcho Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lago Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Llamazales MACY’S Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Makuck Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mann Ms. Catherine Manthey Mr. and Ms. Robert E. Manthey Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Evan T. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. George T. McFarlin Jeffery and Kim Michael Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Barry Morton Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Neill Mr. William Painter Bart and Debbie Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Restrepo Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schendl Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea Mr. Evan A. Tieles ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Turner Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vassil Verizon Foundation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David F. Abbamonte Mr. and Mrs. Jose Acosta Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Aehl Ms. Elizabeth Alford AMA Petro Inc. AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Margaret Banks-Seitz ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barden Dr. and Mrs. Jad H. Batteh Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Berrigan Julz and Paul Bertucelli Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Leland Blackwood III Miss Megan E. Bowen ‘05 BP Matching Fund Programs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Braner Dr. David D. Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buelow Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Butler Carlton Byrd Miss Kelsey M. Callahan ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Carlson Mr. Lucas Carr Mrs. Tamara H. Chavis Miss Christine H. Chesser Ms. Kristie Cintron Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Clark Ms. Cathy Coleman and Mr. Amando Villegas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Conway Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Coppiano Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Cornell The Couch Family Torre and Colleen Crupie John and Carol Cuviello and Family Mr. and Mrs. Denny Darmodihardjo Richard and Jane Davis Mr. and Ms. Tom DeCamp Ms. Julie L. DeFusco ‘05

(up to $249)

Friends of BT

Ms. Toni A. Vilardi Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. John Wellford III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weltlich Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yates Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore M. Zammuto

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Abbamonte Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Aehl Mr. and Dr. Paul Akbarzadeh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allegri Mr. Robert Amar Mr. and Mrs. John D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anello Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Angle Mr. and Mrs. David Appert Dr. and Mrs. Jose F. Aristizabal Dr. Gordon J. Azar Jr. Ms. Mary E. Babaz Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Baker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baker Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Banks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barden Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bascle Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bataillon Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Bazzani Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Beecham Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Beres Rev. Paul Berny Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bichsel Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Birth Mr. and Mrs. William Bivens Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Black II Mr. and Mrs. Leland Blackwood III Mr. and Mrs. Todd Blain Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Blount Ms. Lisa Blume Mr. and Mrs. John Bogosian Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bona Mr. and Mrs. John D. Boudreau

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bouknight Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Bower Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boyk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Boyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Bracken II Mr. and Mrs. Shaun G. Bradley Ms. Karen E. Brainard Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Brazil Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer Rev. Llane Briese Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Brinsmaid Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. David R. Brugger Dr. David D. Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buelow Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Buhay Mrs. Judith Buran Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Burkhalter Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Buzzard Mr. Michael T. Byars and Mrs. Lisa Mellow-Byars Mr. and Mrs. Mike Caddell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cahalan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Caito Miss Kelsey M. Callahan ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Callahan Mr. and Dr. Jack Callicutt Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Camacho Mr. and Mrs. John Camperlengo Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cantu Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Carr Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Carter Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Carter Mr. and Mrs. John M. Casaburri Mr. and Mrs. William M. Casey

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Cassandra Mr. Art Castner Mr. and Mrs. Juan Castro Mr. and Mrs. William Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Bayardo B. Centeno Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cerone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chambers Mr. and Mrs. William H. Chandler III Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Check Mr. and Mrs. Sam V. Chiarella Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Chrismon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jason Clift Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cole Ms. Cathy Coleman and Mr. Amando Villegas Mr. and Mrs. John L. Collar Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Conner III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Connors Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Coppiano Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Corgan Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Corner Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Cote

Ms. Julie Couch Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cowart Mr. and Mrs. William Andrew Cox Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Coyne Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Todd Craighead Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Crain Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crandall Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Kerry C. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Crisafi Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Crisanti Mr. and Mrs. Libardo Cristancho Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crupie Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Czajkoski Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Damaska Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dambach Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Daniels III Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. D’Arienzo Mr. Lawrence K. Darrow Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Davis II Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas Davis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jaime De Diego Mr. and Mrs. Ted Deatrick

We want to say “thank you” to all the families who have supported the campaign. Your generosity will help provide much-needed facilities which will continue to touch the lives of BT students for generations to come.

Over 60% of BT families have participated in the campaign and over 70% of our faculty and staff. We are now approaching the $3.5 million mark in total pledges to the campaign. Funds contributed now will go toward the next projects - the new fine arts facility, lockers and restrooms on the lacrosse field and expansion of the Auxiliary Gym and wrestling facilities.

The third year of the “This Is Our Moment” Capital Campaign has now been completed. Because of the generosity of all the supporters listed below, enough funds have been contributed to complete construction of the first projects. Last year, the lacrosse/soccer, baseball and stadium fields were all installed. The completion of these projects will allow BT to immediately begin to realize savings as field maintenance was almost $100,000 per year.

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. P. Andrew Alford Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baker Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Mike Caddell Mr. and Dr. Jack Callicutt Mr. and Mrs. Todd Craighead D.M.K. International Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davenport Mrs. Carolyn Davis Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Dukat Bob and Debbie Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Scott DuPuis Mr. and Mrs. John R. Erbey II Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Farmer FIRST FOCUS Brands Mr. and Mrs. James Franchi Dr. Carlos M. Franco Georgia Natural Gas Mr. and Mrs. John T. Grieb Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Johnson Lori Kiser Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kristufek Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lanthier Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Lauerman Mr. and Mrs. Damon Limberis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Long Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. McLeighton Mr. and. Mrs. A. S. McManus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milani Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Miller Mr. Frank Moore Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moran Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nee Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nix Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogrinc Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips

($1,000 - $2,499)


Mr. Michael L. Gulledge Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heller Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pruitt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kevin Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Prunkl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Richters Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kler Mr. and Mrs. Pedro M. Rossello Mike Kopp and Gail Holbrook Mr. Daniel Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kuchar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Stegemoeller Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Scott Stephen Ms. Annamarie Lemoine Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sugg Mr. and Mrs. Steven Leonard Mr. and Mrs. William C. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch U.S. Bank Foundation Employee Mr. and Mrs. Edward Manigault Matching Gift Program The Marks Family Mr. and Mrs. David van der Blom Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarthy Jr. Ms. and Mrs. Norbert Vogelbacher Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Mark Wetherly Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. McFarland Mr. Douglas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yap Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNamee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zacharias Ms. Kathleen Mudry Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulligan NOKIA Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Ortiz ($500 - $999) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parham Anonymous Mr. and Ms. W. Jonathan Perryman Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jason Podhorez Mr. and Mrs. Roger Arndt Bank of America Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Poschel Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bascle Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Riordan Sr. Rev. Paul Berny Mr. and Mrs. Larence J. Bracken II Mr. and Mrs. Julio C. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rostowsky Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campana Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowsey Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chambers The Sliker Family Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Check Dr. Linda A. Streit Ms. Robyn Clancy The Szot Family Mr. and Mrs. John L. Collar Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Conner III The Baxter International Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Shawn R. Thornton Matthew J. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Weidner Mr. Richard F. Davis III ‘10 W. Jonathan Perryman, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dever III M. Elizabeth Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dicks Ms. Alexandra Woolverton Mr. and Mrs. Philip Downing Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Eppert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Findlay Robert and Suzanne Fink ($250 - $499) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allegri General Electric Foundation Mr. Bob Amar Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Green Jeff and Beth Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guevara Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Baier

Annual Fund Donors

Ms. Laura E. DeFusco ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Delfino Miss Courtney M. Denis ‘07 Mrs. Leslie P. DePietro Mike and Maryanne DiNapoli Allan and Julie Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Eramian First Data Corp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Foster Ms. Rachel A. Freeman Ms. Laura Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Garcia General Mills Ms. Rosemarie Gentile Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gilder Mr. Donald Gillig Ms. Deanne Gipson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Gonda Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gorski and Family Ed and Carole Grabowy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan Miss Allison C. Griggs ‘07 Mr. Jordan R. Griggs ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gucer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guelfo Mr. and Mrs. Zach Harkey Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harof Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harrington Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Henry Mr. and Ms. Randy O’Neill Dr. and Dr. Scott Hill Ms. Linda Hoblitzell Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Hogan Mr. W. Kenneth Howell Miss Olivia C. Hughes ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurley IBM Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Brian Inman Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson Miss Anya M. Javadi ‘09 Marc and Linda Javadi Mr. and Mrs. Javier Jimenez Sharon and Allen Johnson Mr. Chad D. Johnson Mr. Gregory A. Johnson ‘05

AIG Matching Grants Program ADM Matching Gifts Bank of America BP Matching Fund Programs Colgate-Palmolive Company Equifax Foundation First Data Corp General Electric Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company IBM Matching Gifts Program ING KeyBank Foundation Kimberly-Clark Foundation Lilly Foundation

Matching Gifts

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moran Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Pryor

Gifts In Kind

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stoke Mr. Kenneth R. Streit ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Supik Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Tam Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tasanasanta Miss Virginia M. Taylor ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Jordon W. H. Tench ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Testerman Mr. Robert Tolton and Mrs. Nancy Collier Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Valenti Mr. Nicholas M. Valentino ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Valz III Miss Margaret M. Valz ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Vandemark Miss Katherine E. Vilardo ‘09 The Jamie Wagner Family Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Waldman Mr. Michael B. Walsh ‘07 Dan and Diane Walter Mr. Bradley Wedge Mr. Timothy J. Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wright Mr. Michael J. Yates ‘13

Class of 2008

Miss Courtney Denis Ms. Laura E. DeFusco Mr. Robert McConnell Miss Caitlin E. O’Neill Miss Kelly Simpson Mr. Evan Tieles Miss Margaret M. Valz Mr. Michael Wash

Class of 2007

Mr. Patrick T. McLaughlin Mr. Timothy McLaughlin Ms. Kelly Quindlen Mr. Nicholas M. Valentino

Class of 2006

Miss Megan E. Bowen Ms. Julie L. DeFusco Mr. Gregory A. Johnson Ms. Kara Kasten-Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Jordon W. H. Tench Ms. Allison Satterfield-Repic

Class of 2005

Mrs. Nancy Fielder-Flowers Mr. Tyler Flowers Mr. J. Patrick Hughes Mrs. Danielle Lamour-Montpare Ms. Victoria Trent

Class of 2004

Miss Kate McWilliams Ms. Margaret Banks-Seitz

Class of 2003


Dr. and Mrs. Forest D. Jones Carly E. McDaniel ‘13 Grace A. Henderson ‘14 Cassidy N. McDaniel ‘15 Connor T. McDaniel ‘15 Mallory C. McDaniel ‘15

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Aehl Alice E. Aehl ‘15

Mrs. Carolyn Davis Richard F. Davis ‘10 Matthew J. Davis ‘15


NOKIA Northwestern Mutual Foundation The Baxter International Foundation The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program U.S. Bank Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program Verizon Foundation

While GRACE participation addresses the school’s critical need for targeted financial aid funding, it should not be considered a donation. It is, rather, a re-direction of tax monies already owed to the state. We continue to be grateful for your much-needed contributions to the school’s Annual MACY’S Foundation Fund as they help us meet overall Menasha Corporation budgetary obligations.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S Stevens Mr. Jeffrey R Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Michael B Strawn Mr. and Mrs. Terence R Szanto Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J Szaro Jr Mr. Peter Tarantino and Mrs. Catherine Mullin-Tarantino Mr. and Mrs. William C Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Turko Sr Mr. and Mrs. Robert J Vacko Jr Mr. and Mrs. Dale R Warner

Lon and Tina Spitler Mr. and Mrs. David Spraley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Staley

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G Manigault Ms. Rita M Mantel Mr. and Mrs. William P McAlvany Mr. and Mrs. Martin L McFarland Mr. and Mrs. William J McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F McGrath Mr. Frank Moore Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J Morakis Ms. Kathy P Mraz Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro Mr. and Mrs. John Nee Mr. Charles F Noll Jr Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael T Palmich Mr. and Mrs. Richard S Paulus Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P Pierce Jr Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Craig A Reese Mr Daniel J Ruane and Jacqueline M Jenna Mr. and Mrs. David J Schmit Mr. and Mrs. David A Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Francis G Shappard Dr. and Mrs. David A Smith Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Spudic Mr. and Mrs. Michael P Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P Stegemoeller

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morzen Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Naab Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naccarato Mrs. Vanessa Necolettos Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. O’Brien Mr. Brian O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Oliver Sr. Miss Caitlin E. O’Neill ‘07 Mr. Conner R. O’Neill ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palazzo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmieri Perfect Circle Energy Solutions, LLC Sam and Anne Pierce Mr. and Mrs. James Piper Dr. and Mrs. John D. Piper Mr. and Mrs. Kerry M. Porto Miss Kelly M. Quindlen ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ragan Mr. and Mrs. Michael C Rakauskas Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Riebock Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rinehart The Rizzo Family Ms. Allison Roberts Ms. Maria V. Rodriguez ‘08 Ms. Caroline I. Rodriguez ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rogers Mr. Christopher J. Rogge ‘09 Mr. Tim Rountree Charles Ruffner Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Sak Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sarno Miss Allison M. Satterfield-Repic ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Schietinger Mr. and Mrs. John Schulz Mr. Paul Schumacher Miss Samantha A. Scordino ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seguin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Setchell Mr. Kevin J. Sevcik ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Simonsen Miss Kelly A. Simpson ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Slive Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Solar

Mr. and Mrs. James M Grupp Ms. Tammy Guelfo Mr. and Mrs. Michael L Gulledge Mr. and Mrs. Michael J Hampton Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A Havlik Jr Mr. and Mrs. James William Heard Mr. and Mrs. Donald A Hoffman III Mr. and Mrs. Michael W Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J Holzgrefe III Mr Mark Hopkins & Ms Elizabeth Podgorny Mr. and Mrs. Harry E Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M Horgan Mr. and Mrs. D Kevin Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G Isenberg Mr. and Mrs. Russell H Jones Mr. and Mrs. Todd M Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Abraham W Kassis Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G Keegan Reverend Mr. and Mrs. William N Keen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J Kern Mr. and Mrs. Norris H Lanius Mr. and Mrs. John R Luckett Mr. and Mrs. William L Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Michael J Mader Mr. and Mrs. John G Mandula

Dr. and Mrs. Forest D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Tom Juratovac Mr. Alan Keel Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelleher Jim and Lisa Kelly KeyBank Foundation Ms. Patricia E. King Mr. and Mrs. William T. King Ms. Loretta Koleos Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Kolodziej Miss Mary K. J. Kolodziej ‘05 Mr. Michael D. Kolodziej ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kriscovich Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kudlata Mr. and Mrs. Rob Montepare Ken and Deanna Lancaster Mr. Carl Hazenberg and Mrs. Kathryn Lasseigne Mrs. Megan Lawson Mr. and Mrs. David Leinmiller Mr. and Mrs. Michel T. Lentz Miss Leslie F. Lipsius ‘12 Dr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Lipsius Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Lonergan Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Macenko Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maloy Ms. Karen Masters Mrs. Laura May Mr. and Mrs. William May Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McCarthy Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mr. Robert A. McConnell ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. McIntyre Mr. Patrick T. McLaughlin ‘06 Mr. Timothy S. McLaughlin ‘06 Miss Kate McWilliams ‘03 Menasha Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Menetre Mr. and Mrs. Matt Merriman Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miller Mr. and Ms. Mark H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Miniutti Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moir Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morakis

Annual Fund Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E Baker Jr Mr. and Mrs. John J Barone Mr. and Mrs. Paul G Bataillon Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Batteh Mr. and Mrs. Jad H Batteh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S Berletchick The Reverend Paul W Berny Mr. and Mrs. William J Bivens Ms. Maria K Bonsavage Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F Boullain Mr. and Mrs. Dale J Boylston Jr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caddell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J Christy Mr. and Mrs. Terry L Clouser Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Paul N Cote Mr. and Mrs. Keith E Crandall Mr. and Mrs. Michael J Criscolo Mr. and Mrs. Henry R D’Arienzo Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D Dopheide Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J Dukat Mr. and Mrs. Steven J Early Mr. and Mrs. Mark F Eppert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fite Dr. and Mrs. Carlos M Franco Mr. and Mrs. John E Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John F Green

2013-2014 GRACE Scholars Contributors

This past year, the funds approved by the state were exhausted by February and as a result, for the first time, we saw a decrease in both the number of participants as well as the amount contributed. G.R.A.C.E. applications are now being accepted on-line ( for the 2015 tax year. We encourage everyone in the BT community to take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible and want to thank the following families who chose to participate in the G.R.A.C.E. Scholars program and hope they will continue to choose G.R.A.C.E. as part of their tax planning strategy for years to come.

Last year, 102 participants in the G.R.A.C.E. program selected Blessed Trinity as the recipient of their funds. As a result, Blessed Trinity received over $180,000 and was able to provide financial aid to ten new students who otherwise might not have been able to afford a quality Catholic education. These students will continue to receive financial aid through G.R.A.C.E. for the next four years provided they continue to qualify. Because these funds came from G.R.A.C.E., it allowed regularly budgeted financial aid dollars to go farther in supporting the financial needs of the students coming from our Catholic feeder schools and other private schools.

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School participates in the G.R.A.C.E. Scholars program, a state-approved Student Scholarship Organization (SSO) established by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. In 2008, the state of Georgia passed legislation which allows Georgia residents to re-direct a portion of their state income taxes to a private school of their choice for use in providing financial aid to students coming from public schools. The students must qualify for the financial aid based on need.

GRACE Scholars Program

Established by family and friends in 2001 after the tragic loss of Jessica,

Jessica Turner Memorial Endowed Scholarship

AIG Matching Grants Program Mr. Donald E. Huffner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Long Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morakis Mrs. Margaret A. Ward

This scholarship was endowed by family and friends of Mrs. Huffner, a parent who was very active in the Blessed Trinity community. This scholarship is awarded to a student for excellence in academics and service, two qualities that she prized. Total Invested Funds: $ 47,017 2014-15 Recipient: Theresa Morse Donations received:

Elizabeth Huffner Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Clift Ms. Rosemarie Gentile Ms. Deanne Gipson Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hoffman III Ms. Karen Masters Mr. and Mrs. Evan T. McElroy Miss Virginia M. Taylor ‘08 Mrs. Margaret A. Ward

Established by family and friends in memory of Devon McKniff, a Blessed Trinity student who died in an automobile accident in December, 2006, these scholarships are awarded to two students who share Devon’s love of the arts. Total Invested Funds: $ 121,345 2014-15 Recipients: Elizabeth Tenoschok, Cam Johnson Donations received:

Devon McKniff Memorial Endowed Scholarships

Fine Arts Association Kelly McCoy, President Susan Womick, Co-Vice President Brianna Morrison, Secretary Nancy Swoish, Treasurer Laura Brinsmaid, Hospitality/Concessions Julie Wagner, Ticket Sales Colleen Rogers, Membership Valorie Davis, Publicity/Historian/Website Donna Hussey, Flowers

Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Mr. Timothy J. Weidner Mr. John Wellford III

Athletic Association Cornel Dore, President Lauren Gonzalez, Vice President Todd Craighead, Treasurer Kim Michael, Executive Secretary Julie Hubbard, Program Manager Renee Pruitt, Dir. of Advertising/Programs Dan Aehl, Golf Tournament Mary Nichols, Tennis Tournament Linda Walters, Fall Sports Paul Anderson, Winter Sports Bob Svete, Spring Sports Mark Hopkins, Membership/Reserved Seating Director Lee Seibert, Coke Sale/Fundraising Manager

Ms. Marci Miller Mr. Frank Moore Mrs. Sandra Morton Mr. Ed Morzen Mrs. Sharon Mueller Mrs. Amy Muller Mrs. Vanessa Necolettos Mr. Brian O’Connor Mrs. Jan P. O’Donnell Mr. Charles P. Oliver Sr. Mr. Ryan W. O’Sullivan Dr. Danny Piper Mr. Jason Podhorez Mrs. Lisa Ragan Ms. Allison Roberts Mrs. Sara B. Rossello Mr. Tim Rountree Mr. Tom Ryan Mr. Paul Schumacher Mr. Paul S. Stevens Mr. Evan A. Tieles ‘07 Mr. Robert Tolton Mr. Richard T. Turner Sr. Ms. Toni A. Vilardi Mr. Jamie J. Wagner

Total Invested Funds: $ 56,741 2014-15 Recipient: Ana Abbamonte

to his/her Catholic faith.

Family and friends established this scholarship in memory of Kevin Mann, a teacher and coach at Blessed Trinity, who died of cancer in June 2006. This scholarship is awarded to a student who shows academic achievement in social studies, participates in the school’s athletic program and displays a devotion

Kevin Mann Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barden Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bazemore Ms. Cathy Coleman and Mr. Amando Villegas Ms. Rachel A. Freeman Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grabowy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan Mr. and Mrs. Baburhan Gucer Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Henry Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. George T. McFarlin Mr. and Ms. Mark H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Barry Morton Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Jason Podhorez Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ragan Mr. Tom Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sabin Mr. Evan A. Tieles ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Turner Sr.

daughter of BT Athletic Director Ricky and his wife Lynn, this scholarship is awarded to a junior girl who embodies the qualities the Turners were developing in their daughter. This includes, involvement in the spiritual life of the school, membership in extracurricular activities and success in academics Total Invested Funds: $ 53,972 2014-15 Recipient: Ellie Rizzo Donations received:

Colgate-Palmolive Company Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Eramian Mr. J. Patrick Hughes ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Rob Montepare Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Marks Mr. Patrick T. McLaughlin ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rinehart Ms. Allison Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Wagner

Donations received:

This scholarship was established by the Fleming family and friends in honor of 1st Lt. Scott Joseph Fleming, a 2004 BT alumni, who was killed in Afghanistan during combat operations while providing security for the Afghan people during the Parliamentary elections on September 17, 2010. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior student who has demonstrated academic success, leadership qualities and believes in community service. Total Invested Funds: $ 22,793 2014-15 Recipient: Robby Gipson

1st Lt. Scott Joseph Fleming Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bazemore Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Mark Conway Mr. and Mrs. Scott Findlay Mr. Donald Gillig Mrs. Katherine Mann Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rountree Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stevens

Donations received:

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of La Salette Council #8376, this scholarship is awarded to a student from St. Ann’s Parish who is successful

Martin J. Kinzler Annual Scholarship

Through her foundation, Mrs. Olga Goizueta, wife of Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of Coca-Cola, has endowed this scholarship which awards two students of Hispanic heritage. The scholarship recipients must also contribute to the life of the school through scholarship, leadership, and dedication, qualities possessed by her late husband. Total Invested Funds: $ 191,521 2014-15 Recipients: Maria Paula Ramirez, Eric Centeno

Goizueta Foundation Endowed Scholarships

Endowed by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Stokes in 2006 to recognize two students who are known for kindness, consideration and bringing out the best in others. Total Invested Funds: $ 27,762 2014-15 Recipients: Kathleen Flanagan, Normal Francis

Jeff and Jeannie Stokes Family Endowed Awards

Endowed by Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pintozzi, his scholarship is awarded to a student from a minority background who has enriched the life of the school. Total Invested Funds: $ 27,301 2014-15 Recipient: Jada Hastings

American Book Company Endowed Scholarship

In Memorial Of... Megan Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell

Endowed in 2005 by Mrs. Dorothy Smith, grandmother of Elizabeth Smith ’06, the annual proceeds from this gift are added to the amount of tuition assistance made available to qualified families. Total Invested Funds: $113,357

Smith Family Endowed Fund for Tuition Assistance

This scholarship was endowed by an executive of UPS and is awarded to a young man who embodies both physical abilities and academic skills. Total Invested Funds: $ 39,169 2014-15 Recipient: Michael Witting

Robert White & UPS Endowed Scholarship

Sponsored by David and Denise Huntley, owners of Picture Perfect Photography, this award is given to an outstanding sophomore scholar. 2014-15 Recipient: Jonathan Anderson

Picture Perfect Photography Scholarship

academically, active in school activities, and participates in the religious life of the school and parish. 2014-15 Recipient: Bronco O’Brien


Alumni Association Executive Committee Billy Gabelman ’03, President Kate McWilliams ’03, Vice President Colleen Hein ’05, Communications Director Katie Connolly ’04, Fundraising Director

Administration Frank Moore, Principal Father Paul Berny, Chaplain Brian Marks, Assistant Principal/ Dir. of Admissions Richard Martin, Assistant Principal Susan Dorner, Assistant Principal Mary Beth Dever, Director of Communications Ricky Turner, Athletic Director Chuck Oliver, Director of Development

Mr. Michael P. Henry Ms. Linda Hoblitzell Mrs. Kathy D. Hoffman Mr. Brent Hollers Mrs. Lisa M. Houlihan Mr. W. Kenneth Howell Miss Olivia C. Hughes ‘08 Mr. J. Patrick Hughes ‘04 Mrs. Karen Hurley Mr. John Jackson Mr. Gregory A. Johnson ‘05 Mr. Chad D. Johnson Mr. Alan Keel Mrs. Danielle L. Montepare ‘04 Mrs. Megan Lawson Mr. Brian E. Marks Ms. Karen Masters Mrs. Laura May Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mrs. Mary McCullough Mrs. Elizabeth T. McFarland Mr. Tim McFarlin Mrs. Jolene McIntyre Mrs. Debra H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Miller

Advisory Council Mike Sebesta Vince Baker Jim Kelleher Pat Callahan Debra Kopec Paul Cote Frank Moore Hank Joseph Fr. Josh Allen Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, Ex Officio Dr. Diane Starkovich, Ex Officio

Mr. Leland Blackwood III Mr. Lucas Carr Mrs. Monica Chambers Mrs. Tamara H. Chavis Mrs. Moira Clark Mrs. Joy Clift Ms. Cathy Coleman Mrs. Susan Conway Ms. Lori DeCamp Mrs. Leslie P. DePietro Mrs. Mary Beth Dever Mr. Allan Dodson Mrs. Nancy Eramian Mr. Scott Findlay Ms. Rachel A. Freeman Ms. Laura Gamble Ms. Rosemarie Gentile Mr. Donald Gillig Mrs. Carole Grabowy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan Ms. Jodi Gucer Mrs. September Harkey Mr. Andrew Harlin


Anonymous Mr. Bob Amar Mr. Richard Barden Mr. Preston Bazemore Rev. Paul Berny Mrs. Anne Birth

Faculty and Staff

Mr. Richard F. Davis III Mr. Conner R. O’Neill

Class of 2010

Miss Kelsey M. Callahan Miss Anya Javadi Mr. Christopher Rogge Miss Katherine Vilardo

Class of 2009

Mr. Kevin Sevcik Mr. Kenneth R. Streit Miss Virginia M. Taylor

Annual Fund Donors

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