Meet AI

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Generative AI and How It Will Change Our World in the Next 5 Years AI Generated Art

It seems like a lifetime ago when I created the slideshow to introduce our senior research unit (the title page is posted below). When I first heard about ChatGPT and how it gained a million users without any marketing, faster than any other website or app, I knew that we were entering a new phase of what had long been promised as game-changing artificial intelligence. Immediately, I thought of my seniors about to graduate from high school and start college. How will the job market look in five years? What will change? What will my students need to know about AI to have an edge?

I talked with my classes about how I lived through the advent of the Internet and how it changed my life on multiple levels. Maybe the comparison to the iPhone and having the world in the palm of our hands is a better analogy? These classes were not too sure about my hypothesis but decided to take a leap of faith and do the research on AI. They could choose a field of the job market or a topic about AI that intrigued them. Throughout the process, they learned how to use AI as a tool, ethically and responsibly. It became part of their research process (how to improve their research questions, for example) and their writing process (receiving feedback on thesis statements and learning to take editorial suggestions or not). As universities grapple with the policies over GPT, my hope is that my students have learned enough about prompting to use it effectively when needed. At the end of the semester, we read a British dystopian novella and discussed the parallels between the author’s concerns about society in the early 1900s versus the anxiety some are feeling today over AI and how quickly the technology is evolving.

Over the course of the last few months, the conversation and of course the development of generative AI itself has exploded on the scene. We saw the introduction of GPT4. Snapchat introduced its own AI bot along with a myriad of other websites. Schools are beginning to worry about how AI will impact education and whether to embrace the technology or resist it. Microsoft and Google are embedding AI into their platforms, and of course, Americans are beginning to worry about the possibility of AI replacing workers. It is a time of wonder and a time of anxiety. Geoffrey Hinton, the “Godfather of AI” quit Google last week over concerns about where AI is going and expressed regret regarding his involvement with the development of it. He believes that the flood of misinformation by bad actors will harm democracies, the job markets will be upended, and that developers do not have a clear idea of the consequences of the intelligence that they are developing. This past week, national news media broadcast stories about AI every night. The timing of our magazine is perfect.

As a teacher, I could not be prouder of these young women and men. They worked diligently until the end of the semester – and produced excellent work. Seniors do not always stay so focused in April and May, but my classes truly continued to fire on all cylinders and this e-zine is one fruit of their labor. Mrs. Yates had two students who also researched AI, so we’ve included their work here as well. We all hope that you enjoy reading about the predictions of where the next generation of AI will take us. We see a lot of good possible in our future along with some reasons for concerns. Hopefully God will bless us as we continue on our path.

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Table of Contents


IsAI theAnswer forAll?

It’s a Brave NewWorld…

GenerativeAI is the Big Thing

CreativityAdjusts with Society

Better, Faster, Enhanced: The Rise ofAI GeneratedVideo Games

The Discordant Symphony ofAI and Music

Script to Screen:AI in Film

Will Film Become a LostArt?

WillAI Solve the Nightmares of Real Estate Transactions?

Farming forthe Future

Robotic Firefighters!

Smarter, Greener, Faster: The Rise ofAI Enhanced ElectricVehicles

AI Expa–nds theWings ofAviation

NewAge ofWarfare

Policy or Privacy: the Dangers of Securitywith NewTechnology

AI Fueled ShoppingAddictions on the Rise

A-Eye isWatchingYou

New Police in Town

AI Joins the Team: Sports Development Just Got aWhole LotSmarter!

HowAI is on the Road to Carving up theAthlete

Game Changing GenerativeAI

From Diagnosis to Treatment: The Future of Hospitals is Here

Revolutionizing Healthcare: HowArtificial Intelligence is Shaping the Future of Medical Research

Friend or Foe: Medical Field Splits onAI

Revolutionizing the Operating Room

HowAI Can Influence Medicine and Its Distribution

Reimagining Society: The Potential ofAI

AI: The Social Media DJ, Spinning the Perfect Content Mix

The Simulation is Real: Data Collection andAI are Intertwined

Destructive Tendencies

Tool orWeapon?

Who OwnsYou?

UsingAI to Lie

AI is LeadingYou theWrongWay

CanWe TrustAI

withWeapons of Mass Destruction? Futuristic Frontiers: 2050 Back Cover Contributors to the E-Zine Page Author Ms. Melissa Megehee Andrew Hagley Francesca Eaton Trevor Schweizer AlexAllen Bobby Riordan JoshuaArneson FinnWhalen Raymond Carlton ZachWeiss Colton Lusk Nick Ford Bryson Hosea Brendan Pickell Elle Clancy Adam Harvey Carly Coopman Caitlin Urzendowski Mai Taylor Kieran Davis Deldrick Franklin Cole Harof Reagan Bentley Camille Ryan SarahVicknair Katelin Lanier Haden Noyes David Hamacher Caroline Smith Meghan Lister Devon Schoonover William Stephanouk Thomas Riordan Luke Flading Alex Rogers Caden Meier Jake Deutscher Staff Photo 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76


AI is today’s new buzz word. It is a type of technology that is advancing at a very fast pace (David H. JStor). One might ask whatAI is? The classic definition of AI dates back to 1955 when researchers defined it as “making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving.” In today’s world, AI is associated with technology and computers. It is the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior in a more effective and faster way. AI will change the future of the work industry by replacing and displacing jobs, thus improving productivity as well as creating new jobs.

People are right to be concerned with regard to this new technology. Goldman Sachs recently came out with a report that 300 million jobs could be lost or degraded as a result of AI technology. It won’t just be driverless trucks. AI will be writing software, conducting surgery, analyzing data and performing the tasks of other upper middle class professionals. Jack Kelly, CEO of a global search firm and writer for Forbes magazine, writes: “This trend has the potential to impact all classes of workers adversely. In light of the study’s spotlight on the dire results of AI, including lost wages and the rapid

growth in income inequality, it's time to talk seriously about howAI should be managed before it's too late.”

AI affects humans in three ways which are the displacement effect, the productivity effect, and the reinstatement effect. The displacement effect is defined as the decrease in the demand for work in jobs that are automated. The definition of the productivity effect is the increase in the nonautomated jobs. A nonautomated job describes a type of work that requires a human to operate it. Whereas an automated job is referred to as anylabor performed by a machine or technology. The reinstatement effect is defined as the creation of new jobs such as engineering, software designs and programming of new technology as well as operating or running the AI.

AI enhances productivity in the labor industry by decreasing paperwork through the use of emails, file attachments, and other types of messages. AI is also used in collecting and storing data and other information. As a result, people need to rethink how they approach labor and the job market to keep up with the advances of technology, especiallyAI as it has the capability of outperforming humans.

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Generative AI is in its infancy and still is not 100% reliable; however, it will soon touch every field. People who embrace the technology and use it to enhance their performance will be rewarded financially and keep their jobs longer as the technology improves. "Artificial intelligence will not replace doctors, but doctors who adopt artificial intelligence will replace those who do not use it," said Gur Roshwalb, a partner in the aMoon VC fund which focuses on innovation in the medtech and life sciences sectors. It will be the same across industries. Eyal Niv, another venture capitalist suggests, “Generative AI is the beginning of the third wave of development of graphic and mechanical models. That's where we're heading and that will replace people."

AI is changing jobs and labor throughout the world. Research shows thatAI is being used in hiring, managing, and firing people. One wayAI increases productivity is by increasing the number of laborhours and the number of laborers. The result is a more effective and cheaper way to

produce a better product. Employers will replace employees by trusting and depending more on AI, increasing efficiency and the bottom line. With all the hype and popularity of AI, one cannot ignore its drawbacks. The cost factor of AI is a major disadvantage of artificial intelligence. Creating and operating machines that can simulate human intelligence is expensive. In addition, these machines require maintenance and updating which can also be very costly. Another negative effect of AI is an increase of unemployment as a result of the displacement of jobs (Tyson, Laura). The lack of human touch and emotional intelligence is another downside to AI.

Artificial intelligence orAI is a modern way of using technology that impacts the job industry globally. It is changing the work industry, and it continues to revolutionize it. It will improve productivity and create new jobs. It is a costly technology that lacks the human touch and can cause displacement of jobs. However, AI is here to stay!

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Thefutureofourworldismachinesandrobots which can do tasks that were once only thought possible for humans. Artificial intelligence is the futureofoursociety.TheworkAIwilldofortheworld willbelifechangingthroughinfluencinglivesandjobs of people around the world. While it may make jobs easier, many may lose jobs as a result. Despite repercussions, AI’s impact on the future is inevitable. Artificial intelligence has the potential to bring significant benefits to society but also poses significant risks,which should be addressed to ensure that its development and implementation in the presentandfuturebenefithumanityasawhole.

Generativeartificialintelligenceworksthrough multiple systems. There are many fields that make up the way AI is utilized. Simply, AI uses data processing with an algorithm.Algorithmshelp filterthrough data setsandthenlearnbypatterns.ThesepatternshelpAI systems grow smarter and continue to improve daily. It has the ability to multitask and produce knowledge without a problem. Human behavior teaches AI what to expect, which makes AI become more knowledgeable. AI observes the actions of humans along with its surroundings to improve. Artificial intelligence works to become as human like as possible and its goal is to model human behavior as bestasitpossiblycan.

AI wants to solve all of the world’s problems. Through the techniques of data processing and algorithms, it can achieve this goal. Creating a system so similar to human behavior can change the way we go about life. Machines will soon be able to do tasks andjobswhichhumansperform.WiththehelpofAI,a human maybe able to complete morework, and some positions will be eliminated completely. However, the new technology will create new jobs for humans and reducethesupplychainissueseverywhereandsolving otherthornyissues.

Artificial intelligence is benefitting society through taking roles of human jobs.AI is substantially changing the healthcare field for the better. Computers are being programmed to diagnose diseases, provide treatment plans, and diagnose the possibilities of long term deficiencies. These computers limit human error and improve decision makingofthingsthatonemaynothavethoughtof.

They can also help develop ways to do surgical proceduresandperformtheseproceduresthemselves. Surgical procedures will go over smoothly since computers do not have to deal with human error. These computers could speed along doctor visits by quickly understanding symptoms and diagnosing the issue. Computers could take human samples and discovertheinfectioninstantaneously.

NotonlyisAItransforminghealthcare, butitis alteringtheagriculturalfield.Inalargefarm,datawas collected about soil properties, weather and season patterns,etc..ThenanAIcompanycreatedasystemto aid farmers in increasing crop yield and productivity. Theprogramwassuccessfulandfarmerswerepleased with their new harvest due to the success of the new system. This program can transform the future of agriculture and farms all over the world. Overall crop yields will become greater and which will allow companies to be more profitable and successful. Farms can avoid spoiled crops or wasting money on fruits or vegetables that won’t be reaching peak yield. These new technologies are benefitting all jobs fields,

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Artificial intelligence is harming society and people’s daily lives as it takes the jobs of workers, which leaves a gap in community and unemployment. Artificial intelligence is taking the jobs of workers which leaves a sense of emptiness and longing for human interaction. WithAI,machinescanbeprogrammedtodothingsforus, humans,withouthavingtodoanywork.Thisremovesthe necessityforinteractionofothers,separatingusfromone another. Ultimately, this will create a void of community and a loss of human interaction. Humans thrive on relationships and human interaction. People will lose communication and simple life skills. Artificial intelligence programs limit the need for jobs, leaving people unemployed. Machines and robots can now take over the jobs of workers taking away the need forhuman labor. These programmed devices will soon leave the majority of people unemployed and take salaries that humans survive on. While machines may seem efficient and the most productive way to do a job, humans have a brainthatrobotslack.Humanscanquicklychangecourse when something goes wrong. They can recognize when something may seem off or how to deal with difficult people. Humans have a creative mind that can never be replaced, so any problem will be a human one, according to Simon Biggs, a professor at University of Edinburgh: “‘AI will function to augment human capabilities. The problem is not with AI but with humans. As a species we are aggressive, competitive and lazy. We are also empathic, community minded and (sometimes) self-sacrificing.Wehavemanyotherattributes.Thesewill all be amplified. Given historical precedent, one would have to assume it will be our worst qualities that are augmented.’” It is up to us to establish guardrails and regulations to insure the safe implementation of new technologies. Given this caveat, despite any potential risks, AI will ultimately enhance the world and society’s dailyfunctions.

Artificial intelligence is the future, and it is going to change the world for the better. The problems that humansworktowardssolvingwillsoonallbesolvedbya

computer. AI will eliminate poverty, reduce disease, and provide better education to everyone in the world. AI’s increasing efficiency and productivity will soon help everyone and solve the problems of the world. Understandingwhysomeone is impoverished,AI could solve the problem. If someone is struggling due to lack of resources or lack of healthcare, computers can fix the issue. AI systems can help find available resources tothoseinpovertyorprovidethemwiththehealthcare necessary to survive. New technologies in the medical field will help reduce disease and find better ways to diagnose illnesses. Robots in the medical field can worksmoothlyandgetthejobdonewithoutaproblem. Programming robots to teach will help provide better education especially to those who lack any education. Robots can help more students in the time necessary. One teacher may struggle to manage her crowded classroom, but multiple robots can aid. The jobs that humans struggle to solve, will be able to be done. Bots will be able to resemble humans indistinguishably. Soon bots will be able to recreate emotions, have perfect speech, and act in social situations. They can act as future bosses, make meals for families, or act as receptionists. Computers can be personal drivers, wait tables, or create code for websites. They can act as personal assistants and complete almost any of our human needs. Artificial intelligence can do it all, and it willsoondowhatseemsimpossibletoday.

AI is paving the way for our future. Its systems use processing and algorithms to increase the intelligence ofthe software. Ithas revolutionized many industries and benefitted jobs, but has also brought negative implications and challenges to our world. In understandinghowitworksandhowitwillchangeour world,we can growin understanding and appreciation forall thatAIwill do fortheworld. Humans need to be aware of how it is affecting life to learn howtheirlives will change in years to come. We need to make decisions and accept changes that will not leave detrimentalconsequencestohumans.

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The word Artificial Intelligence has become a huge word in the technology industry and companies that are big tech are currently exploring the potential of artificial intelligence. AI can potentially change human lives for the better and completely change the work industry in all fields. A couple of Big Tech companies such as Google, Facebook/Meta, and Amazon, are investing their time and money into AI to provide the users of their services with the best possible experience, improve their decision making and make their streamlined options better than they were before. This article will explore the pros and cons of AI in big tech and the specific ways that Google, Facebook, and Amazon have already applied this to their businesses. Additionally, the ethical concerns of using AI will also be stated.

One of the best benefits for companies especially by using this software is the ability to save their own time and money. The algorithms from AI can make tedious and repetitive tasks automated which will allow the employees to be able to focus on the things that matter and more complex tasks. Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many other companies by using this software will allow them to gain insight into the customer's behavior so that they can improve their service based on customer feedback. “The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.” (Jeff Hawkins) Artificial intelligence can give big companies the assistance they need by providing every user with the best-personalized experience by improving how satisfied they are and how loyal they are to use the service. Moreover, this software can help these companies make the best decisions possible by taking a deeper look into data and identifying things that humans may or may not see.

The main concern with the usage of this software is bias. The computers are only able to be as good as the amount of data that is given. If the data given is biased the results produced will also be biased and give out false information. Additionally, Artificial intelligence may lead to the displacement of jobs because tasks will be automated. The downside of this is that humans will have social unrest and inequality among all will grow. “By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that understand it.” (Eliezer Yudkowsky) AI being used for hacking and the wrong reasons is a major concern.

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Big tech companies are the front runners in exploring the limits of AI and the potential that this can give us. Several companies have spent lots of money on further research on the list of ways that they can improve their services and products. As an example, Amazon Alexa provides people with voice-activated assistance. The search engine Google uses AI to give people relevant information from their search input. Facebook uses this to take down fake accounts and content.

Google has been investing in Artificial intelligence for over a decade and is using this software to improve google products and services. Google has an algorithm that is incorporated into the search engine that will provide users with the right search results. The google assistant does the same thing as voice activation and provides the best experience. The DeepMind software is the most advanced search lab in the world. This lab is in the works of making a cutting-edge AI algorithm.

Facebook is using AI to improve the Facebook platform to remove fake news, hate speech and improve the experience of users. The news feed on Facebook is using this to provide content that is personalized for each user. Their lab FAIR is working on developing algorithms that will be able to understand natural language and

Amazon is spending money by investing in AI to improve its business. Alexa, their voice assistant, is using voice-activated commands to give the best response to users. Their fulfillment centers use it to optimize shipping and make it even faster. Amazon uses product recommendations based on people’s search history on Amazon. Additionally, Amazon's use of facial recognition technology has raised concerns over privacy violations and potential misuse, highlighting the need for ethical guidelines in AI development and deployment.

The most significant concern is bias and its potential. The algorithms can amplify the biases to a whole new level. Biases can lead to discrimination and inequality among people. The concerns about it being used for the wrong reasons, hacking, and faking information are also being further investigated. The amount of people who will be displaced because of the AI taking over jobs is being looked further into.

It’s clear this software can revolutionize human lives and the work industries moving forward. Amazon, Google, Facebook, and other tech companies have been in front of the rest of the world. Even though AI can bring enormous benefits, the concerns of AI are also being considered by these companies and many more.

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AIisinvolvedwithgraphicdesignandallthe worktheycreate.Atthemoment,AIisputtinggraphic designersatriskoflosingtheirjob.AIiscreating contentwithtechnologyalready,butifwecanjustaskAI tomakesomething,AIwouldcreateitmuchmore quickerandbrighter.Graphicdesignhelpsalotof companiesmaketheirlogos,but AI is putting graphic designers at risk bytakingthat opportunityawayfromthem.StudieshaveshownthatAI willtakeovergraphicdesignjobssooninthefuture.The artificialintelligenceintheAIprogramisveryhigh-tech andkeepsobtainingmoreinformationoveriteveryday. StudieshavealsoshownthatAImightknowthehuman askingthequestionsonapersonallevelofwhattheyask. Iftheaskerisaskingaquestionaboutgraphicdesign multipletimes,thenAIcanmakeitsowncreativitybased ontheuser.EventhoughAIisriskinggraphicdesign jobs,itcannotdoeverythingthathumanscandowith theirhands.

AIcanaffectgraphicdesigninbothpositiveand negativeways.AIcanpositivelyhelpgraphicdesignby enablingdesignerstogeneratedesignsmoreefficiently, optimizedesignsfordifferentplatformsandaudiences, andexplorenewcreativepossibilitiesthatmayhave beenotherwiseoverlooked.Itcanalsoleadgraphic designtoabetteroutcomeforeachoftheircreations. Nowonthenegativeside,itcantakeawayjobsandvery easilytakeoverthegraphicdesignindustry.In conclusion,whiletheintegrationofAIintographic designhasthepotentialtostreamlineworkflows, enhancecreativity,andincreaseefficiency,itis importanttocarefullyconsiderthepotentialnegative implicationsofrelyingtooheavilyonautomation,such asreduceddemandforhumandesignersandthe potentiallossofcreativityanduniquenessindesign work.Bystrikingabalancebetweenhumanexpertise andtechnologicaladvancements,designerscanharness thefullpotentialofAItocreatetrulyimpactfuland innovativedesigns. People

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call AI the MIT of John McCarthy.

AI can be created with graphic design through the use of data visualization, user interface design, and human-centered design principles to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of AI technology. AI might be a great tool for the future while also being a bad source to rely on all the time. Graphic design is a vast job industry that helps many people, businesses, and industries with their own ideas. AI has greatly impacted the world and many jobs, even risking taking the jobs. AI can take over everything about graphic design and make the job faster, easier, and more inefficient. Graphic designers in the past used to be more of a hands-on job, some parts today still are, but the more we advance to the future the more technology this job includes. AI and graphic design might be enemies while being friends.

People call AI the MIT of John McCarthy. In the 1960s people became very interested in an idea like AI. People began training computers to basic human intelligence and knowledge so that computers come back with a more human-like answer. Philosophers with other people were the creators of AI, the main creator is John McCarthy. Machines can give humans an answer to their questions, but it might be more

like a machine answer. People want more of an original, human-like answer to their questions. The AI machine is here to think more critically, make accurate decisions, and increase productivity. AI compared to a human will have more intellect and more accurate answers, but the machine will word it to the human brain to understand.

Graphic design is an art, design, or skill that combines text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. Graphic design used to be a work of art done byhand, like drawing designs and creating content. Pen and paper were the onlyway graphic designers would create content for articles and other online or paper sources. Designs like patterns, lines, shapes, movement, and white balance are examples of techniques that graphic designers use. Today, graphic design is used more with technology than ever. Computers are a huge way of creating content for graphic design. Graphic design can even be studied at colleges and universities. iPads, iPhones, computers, and more technologyhave helped creators make their content faster, easier, and more clear. Technologyhas also helped graphic designers' productivity increase at a faster rate.

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Imagine if there was awayto make games betterwithAI like Skyrim or Fallout 4. By utilizing AI, games can see enhancements in both their development process and overall performance. Acknowledging the advantages ofAI and perceiving it as a tool is vital to maximizing its potential in the gaming industry. This essaytakes a highly favorable view of the role ofAI in the gaming industry.AI has a positive impact on video gaming. This essay aims to highlight the current and future benefits of incorporatingAI into video games, including improved development, elevated game quality, and enhanced social engagement.

Artificial intelligence is used to enhance the development of video games.AI is revolutionizing the way games are created, played, and enjoyed. According to the Codefycs article, “In addition,AI can create interactable Non-Player Characters (NPCs) that make the game feel more immersive, often inVR games.”Another article, Engati, “NPCs or non-player characters are where gameAI is used

the most. These are characters in the game who act intelligently as if theywere controlled byhuman players. These characters’ behavior is determined by artificial intelligence algorithms and engines. Quite often, decision trees are used to guide the behavior of these NPCs.”AI can make NPCs more human by adding personality and emotion to the situation of various games.AI can also make NPCs sound life-like and natural.

Another improvement thatAI brings to the table, as stated in the Forbes article, is gameplay. “AI is also valuable for improving gameplay, not only in terms of realism in Design and avatar interactivity but also suiting the gamer’s specific skill level and method of play.”AI can also help identify and prevent cheating, prevent game addiction, and make games more accessible to people with disabilities. Overall, artificial intelligence works wonders in the gaming industry, but it is not just limited to entertainment, it can also make games more personal.

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The impact ofAI on the gaming industry is profound as it provides game developers with a tool to personalize games for individual players. By utilizingAI algorithms, game developers can create real-world scenarios that are customized to the player's gameplay. In the same Forbes article, the author TonyWang, pointed out that, “developers are obligated to closely monitorthe marketplace and analyze player behaviorwithin their games. Left to humans, that’s extremely manual and time-consuming work. But left to technological solutions that can recognize patterns and adapt to their environments, developers can focus on the more creative aspects.” This enables game developers to enhance the gaming experience and create better in-game experiences. Moreover,AI algorithms can help game developers personalize the landscape and pathfinding of different games according to the unique playstyle and movements of players. Developers can useAI to find the skill level of a gamer and enhance the game based on that player’s familiarity and skill of similar games.

WhileAI is primarily utilized to enhance the gameplay and create personalized gaming experiences, it can also be used to make games more social, as it can enable gamers to interactwith each other and build communities.AI is a powerful tool for game developers, enabling them to create personalized and immersive gaming experiences for players while also enhancing social interaction within the gaming community.

Game developers are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence to make games more social and engaging.WithAI, player-to-player interactions can be more personalized, and monetization can be increased. As TonyWang highlighted, “AI is a tool that manygame developers are using to build those connections, deepen engagement and generate new content and interactive stories. They’re able to do this by collecting opted-in data from users and analyzing user behavior to understand how gamers play, where they are most deeply or most frequently engaged and what factors lead them to stop playing.”Additionally,AI can assist

developers in identifying points in the game that can be monetized, especially for new developers entering the industry. Data mining withAI can help developers see which parts of a game are most popular among players, and this information can be used to create new and innovative gameplay mechanics, leading to the creation of exciting new experiences.

Artificial intelligence has had a transformative effect on the gaming industry, changing the way games are created, experienced, and enjoyed, and elevating the player's relationship with games to a more personal level. The relationship betweenAI and gaming is mutually beneficial - without players,AI would be useless to game developers, butwithoutAI, game developers would not have reached the level of advancement theyhave achieved today. The research intoAI and gaming has yielded accurate and reliable information from credible sources.AI has had an enormous impact on the gaming industry, and the benefits it brings will continue to shape and enhance the gaming experience for players and developers alike.

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Artificial intelligence has become an increasingly powerful tool in not only the music industry, but it is seemingly making its way into every aspect of ourlives as we know it.. While it has the potential to revolutionize how music is made, distributed, and experienced, it also has some negative impacts. Music is an art, and what is art if it is not created by neitherhuman hands nor the human mind?

One of the biggest negative impacts of AI in the music industry is the potential for job losses. As AI becomes more advanced, it can increasingly perform tasks that were previously done byhumans, such as songwriting, producing, and even performing. This could result in significant job losses for musicians, producers, and other music industry professionals. AI could even be replacing human vocalists. Moreover, the reliance on AI-generated music could potentiallylead to a homogenization of the music industry, as the same algorithms and techniques are used repeatedly, reducing the diversity and uniqueness of music.

Recently an AI generated song was released on social media and streaming platforms. Even media critics agreed that the song, “Heart on My Sleeve, an AI simulation, surpassed the real pop stars’ talents.

"The cat is not going back in the bag," said Stanford University associate professor Ge Wang, of the growing popularity of AI-generated music online. Wang, who teaches a class on AI and music, said as the technology becomes more widespread, people can no longer afford to think of it as the stuff of science fiction.

"There's something that we couldn't do now that we can," Wang said. "And along with it is a ton of legal, ethical and artistic considerations that we didn't have to think about before in a practical sense. But nowwe do" as was reported by NPR.

AI Drake is better than Drake? What does that mean for the future of music?

Another negative impact of AI on the music industry is its potential to lead to homogenization. AI algorithms are programmed to identify patterns and trends, and to make predictions based on those patterns. This could lead to a situation where all music starts to sound the same, as AI algorithms identify certain sounds and styles that are popular and then produce more of the same. AI has the potential to make infinite amounts of music. This would completely take away the legitimacy of the work that goes into the production, writing, and producing behind a song.

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Furthermore, the impact of AI on the music industry goes beyond the creative process. As AI-generated music starts to become more prevalent, it raises important ethical questions about intellectual property, ownership, and authenticity. If a machine writes a song, who owns the rights to it? It could be the programmer, producer, or the creator of the algorithm. Players in the music industry need to be more aware of these changes and need to start working to fix them before the

CanAI replicatethe lategreat EddieVan Halen’s guitarwork?

Consequently, AI will be resulting in a complete termination of originality. The human aspect is the most attractive part of music and AI would be stripping that away. Whether music is happy, sad, touching, or completely meaningless, there is always a human mind behind it. Usually being something that people can relate to, making it so appealing.

Although AI’s effects on the music industry are negative by a landslide, it will have some positive effects. Music would be much more readily available and easy to find. New artists would have a means to pitch their music to an audience that fits their style automatically. Finally, the jobs of song writers, producers, and recording labels would become incredibly easier (music would be released quicker).

While AI has the potential to revolutionize the music industry, I believe it would destroy it. From job losses to homogenization, lack of originality, and loss of the humanic aspect, the music industrywould not be as we know it today. Whether the music produced is good or bad, it will be seen as fake, and I believe it would change music as we know it.

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is revolutionizing the film industry from pre-production to post production, offering professionals new and exciting ways to enhance their creativity and efficiency. In the future, it's possible thatAI will continue to evolve and play an even greater role in the film industry, enabling filmmakers to push the boundaries and deliver even more innovative and groundbreaking films to audiences. It is a powerful tool for filmmakers that can automate repetitive tasks, improve accuracy and efficiency, and free up more time for creativity and experimentation, ultimatelyleading to a better final product.

The use of machine learning algorithms in scriptwriting is revolutionizing the film industry, offering filmmakers a newlevel of creativity, efficiency, and precision in the writing process. “A.I. is a tool that’s going to help people express themselves in ways they’ve been stifled until now,” says Helena Packer. A machine learning algorithm is giving a lot of data in the form of movie scripts in order to generate new ones. A new script can be created by the AI algorithm by using data to learn from. Also, it can be used to evaluate specific movie scripts that are not complete. The use of machine learning algorithms in scriptwriting is not only speeding up the process of writing new scripts, but it's also opening up new creative possibilities for

filmmakers, allowing them to explore new genres, themes, and narratives that may not have been possible withoutAI.

With AI assisted pre-production tools, filmmakers can now efficiently manage complex logistical tasks, such as location scouting and scheduling. AI has the ability to significantly make the pre-production process efficient by making the shooting schedules based on the availability of actors. AI can also provide filmmakers with valuable insights and data driven recommendations, helping them make more informed decisions about everything from casting and production design to lighting and sound. AI systems may also analyze the locations mentioned in screenplays and give suggestions forlocations for shooting scenes, which can save a ton of time and money.

The use of AI in the film industry is transforming the casting process, enabling filmmakers to find the best actors for their roles faster and more efficiently than ever before. AI platforms search the database for actors based on the given criteria and textual image descriptions. Furthermore, AI can analyze an actor's previous work and performance metrics, providing filmmakers with more objective and data driven insights into an actor's potential suitability for a role, ultimatelyleading to more well cast and compelling performances.

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AI makes it much easier for movies to find the perfect fit of music that will be incorporated with the film, along with making their own. AI can use reinforcement learning to assess data from various compositions and create musical patterns based on the movie genre and the situations anticipated in the film. A lot of tech companies use artificial intelligence technologies to build music making machines that can take in information about different musical genres from a big database of songs.

AI is transforming the film industry's editing process, enabling filmmakers to create more compelling and engaging movie trailers and other forms of video editing that captivate audiences and generate buzz. “The growth has been really fast in terms of the sophistication of the A.I. models, the techniques, and the software that supports it,” says Graham. It helps editors with the editing of films. For instance, a trailer for the movie Morgan was created using IBM Watson. A human editor will use the AI technology to identify spots of strong action orhigh emotion and highlight such areas in the final trailer. The AI program can identify the important players and assist human editors in organizing such situations.

AI powered promotional tools are transforming the film industry by providing filmmakers with sophisticated algorithms for

identifying and engaging target audiences, optimizing their advertising spend, and generating buzz and anticipation around their films. The buzz surrounding the film, and the actors' standing around the world are examined using an AI algorithm. Movie studios can then prepare their marketing efforts for the areas where they anticipate a higher return on investment. Also, based on a person's preferences, movie studios can sell their films to that person. Companies can produce individualized, targeted adverts using the public data from social media platforms. This data driven approach not onlyhelps filmmakers reach their target audiences more effectively but also enables them to track and analyze audience engagement to refine their marketing strategies further.

While AI is playing an increasingly significant role in the film industry, it is not a replacement for human creativity and ingenuity. Instead, it is a tool that filmmakers can leverage to enhance their craft and deliver more powerful, engaging, and memorable film experiences to audiences. AI for filmmaking will just serve as an assistance while humans will remain in charge. Filmmakers should seek ways to combine technologylike machine learning and artificial intelligence. By embracing AI as a complementary tool to human creativity, filmmakers can unlock new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible in the film industry.

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Will Film Become a Lost Art?

As the film industry continues to push the boundaries of technology, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way movies are made and experienced, opening up awhole newworld of possibilities for filmmakers and audiences alike. Significant contributions have been made by artificial intelligence in several industries, including healthcare, finance, and education. Among these industries, the film industry is no exception, and might become one of the most affected businesses bythe impending wave ofArtificial Intelligence. In future,AI is likelyto have an even greater influence on the film industry, transforming it various segments of the field.

One of the most significant impacts of AI on the film industry is the potential to reduce production costs.AI-powered tools can be used to automate many aspects of filmmaking, such as generating storyboards, creating visual effects, and even composing music. During filming,AI can be used to optimize camera angles, lighting, and sound, leading to fewer reshoots and a reduction in production time.Additionally, it can also be used in post-production fortasks such as editing and sound design, where you would normally pay a crew of people to do so, which can significantly cut down on production costs and expenses .

The innovation of this efficient and seemingly magic technology can completely change the game for future filmmakers and producers. This can help filmmakers save time and money, making it easier forthem to produce high-quality films on a lower budget. Consequently, it levels the playing field, allowing more would-be filmmakers access to the abilityto make professional quality film be creative with theAI equipment. It is a different process, but creativity is still involved.

AI can also identifytrends in the industry and make data-driven decisions forthe better of the box office. By analyzing data on box office revenues, audience reactions, and critical reviews,AI algorithms can help filmmakers identifywhat audiences want and make more informed decisions aboutwhich projects to pursue. Moreover, as algorithms become more sophisticated and capable of processing larger amounts of data, they may also help identify emerging trends and patterns in the film industry, leading to the creation of entirely new genres and subgenres that better reflect audience interests and preferences. This can help reduce the risk of box office failures and make the film industry more financially sustainable. The sudden shift of powertoAI in this aspect of film will have substantial effects forthe future of all film production, whether it be for good or bad.

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AI can also be used to improve the audience's viewing experience by personalizing content to individual preferences.Whether it be by analyzing data on aviewer's pastviewing history, or filtering certain upcoming movies to better fit the viewer, certain algorithms can recommend films that people are more likelyto enjoy.Additionally,AI can be used to create personalized trailers that highlight the aspects of a film that are most likelyto appeal to a specific viewer. This intelligence can also improve the viewing experience by creating new and improved cameras and C.G.I techniques to make viewing more realistic and personable forthe viewer. The use of this technology, if done right, can make movies more efficient and fun to watch forthe new generation. However, even with these serious technological advancements in film, it does not leave out the fact that the inevitable wave of technology mayhave its serious downsides for all industries, including film. The impact ofAI on the film industry is both promising and concerning. On the positive side,AI can assistwith tasks such as script analysis, video editing, and special effects, leading to more efficient and cost-effective productions. It also has the potential to enhance the overall movie-going experience through personalized recommendations and immersive virtual reality. However, the inevitable wave of the power ofAI in film may come with a cost, even among all this efficiency.

The Writers Guild Strike - May

● OpenAI's own researchers believe that writing professions will likely the most heavily impacted from LLMs.

● Joe Russo (Director: Avengers, Endgame, Infinity War) believes that movies made completely with AI and customized to viewers preferences could arrive in two years or less. He sits on the board of several AI companies and has a bit of a unique insider (but potentially biased) perspective here.

● The Writers Guild has evolved its own stance on AI during negotiations, showing how challenging it is to grapple with AI's impact. It originally called for heavy guardrails, but then reversed course and clarified that it was OK with AI used as a supplementary tool.

The significant loss of jobs is nearly impossible to avoid for all different positions, from set building and camerawork, to even star actors who can be replaced withAI or deep fakes. If abused, the use of this technology can strip the art of creativity from the human spiritwhich is what made movies great. God blessed us with the abilityto create art and express our unique and personal feelings through our divine creativity. It is truly a beautiful thing unique to humans, and is meant to be shared with others.

From ancient stone structures to renaissance paintings, art has reflected the times throughout human history. Simply put, the art of ourtimes is in the movies, and if our creative minds are replaced with programmedAI, the tempting convenience of it will replace the enchantment in what makes art amazing, the dedication and effort it takes to create beauty. Overall,AI will have a significant impact on the film industry and how movies are made. By recognizing the potential benefits and drawbacks of this technology, we can work towards a future where AI and human creativity can coexist and enhance each other, ratherthan one replacing the other.

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WillAISolveTheNightmaresof RealEstateTransactions?

Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly popular in various industries, including the real estate industry. AI has the humongous potential to revolutionize the way people buy, sell, and invest in properties. There are tremendous opportunities with real estate and AI, and as a whole, the possibility of changing the way people look at investing and buying properties, will change. The benefits AI will provide to the real estate industrywill be extremely beneficial and could skyrocket the real estate market.

AI has already begun to impact the real estate industry in many significant ways. One of the most crucial changes AI will bring to real estate is the ability to take on tasks that were previously more time-consuming and resource intensive. AI power tools can help real estate agents to identify potential buyers or sellers, analyze property data to provide insight, and provide personalized recommendations to clients. Patrick Sisson says in his article that, “the acceleration of AI technology, suggests potential to reshape

Furthermore, AI can assist in the automation of routine tasks such as paperwork, scheduling appointments, and responding to inquiries, freeing up time for real estate agents to focus on building relationships and providing personalized service to their clients.

There are high hopes thatAI is set to change the way people buy and sell real estate. AI will make it much easier to find the perfect properties and get personalized recommendations based on an individual’s personal preferences. With the help of AI, real estate agents can identify properties that meet a specific criteria, such as location, price, and features. Along with these crucial benefits, Thomas Ma believes that, “AI offers buyers and sellers a more seamless and personalized experience by analyzing vast amounts of data on everything from local market trends to individual preferences”. Buyers can also use AI-powered tools to get an accurate estimate of the value of the property they are interested in buying or selling, and they can also use AI to compare similar properties too.

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AIwillalsobenefitpropertyownersby providingthemwithmoreaccurateproperty valuations,whichcanhelpthemtomakebetter knowledgeabledecisionsaboutsellingorinvesting inrealestate.Byanalyzingdatasuchasmarket trends,propertycharacteristics,andlocation,AIcan providepropertyownerswithamoreaccurate estimateofthevalueoftheirproperty.Thiscanhelp propertyownerstomaximizetheirwealthandmake betterdecisionsabouttheirproperties.Additionally, AIcanassistpropertyownersinoptimizingtheir propertiesformaximumreturnoninvestmentby identifyingareasforimprovementandpredicting marketdemandforcertainfeaturesandamenities. WhileAIisamazingandprovidesmany benefits,itdoesnottakeawayfromthehuman touch.Realestatetransactionsremaincomplexand requirehumanexpertiseandguidance.AIcanhelp realestateagentstoworkmoreefficiently,butit cannotreplacethepersonalconnectionthatagents

havewiththeirclients.Thehumantouchisstillan essentialaspectoftherealestateindustryandthat willalwaysbethewayitis.Therefore,the successfulintegrationofAIintherealestate industrywillrelyonfindingtherightbalance betweentechnologyandhumanexpertise,leveraging thestrengthsofbothtoprovidethebestpossible servicetoclients.

Toconclude,AIhasthepotentialto revolutionizetherealestateindustrybyautomating tasks,providingpersonalizedrecommendations,and improvingpropertyvaluations.AIwillbenefitboth thebuyersandsellers,aswellaspropertyowners lookingtomaximizetheirwealth.However,itis importanttorememberthatAIcannotreplacethe humantouch,andrealestatetransactionsstillrequire knowledgeandguidanceofrealhumanagents.In thefuture,AIisexpectedtocontinuetoplaya significantroleintherealestateindustry,providing benefitstoallstakeholdersinvolved.

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Therapidprogressofartificialintelligencehasthepotentialtorevolutionizeourworldon amassivescale.AIimprovestheworldoffarmingandagricultureinmanydifferentstepsofthe process. The increasing adoption of precision farming, smart livestock management and advancedSupplyChainSolutionsistransformingtraditionalagriculturepracticesandPavingthe

Precision farming

Modern agriculture is being transformed by precision farming techniques, which utilize cutting-edge technology to optimize crop yields and minimize waste. In order to do this samples and testswould be taken on the soil, weather patterns, and other factors of growth. These would be used to make predictions on when to plant, fertilize, water,andharvestthecrops.

Farmers can access precise and up-to-date informationontheircrops,empoweringthem to make more informed decisions and manage their crops. Different AI technology canbeusedtolookatthesoilandcrophealth and the things that factor into them. This AI technologyisalsoabletodetectearlysignsof disease which leads to less damage because farmersgettotheproblemssooner.

Livestock management

AIisusedinlivestockmanagementtoimprovehealthandproduction.WithAI,thelivestock canhavewearabledevicesorcamerasthatmonitortheanimalsinrealtime.Theinformationthat is obtained from the movement of the animals is used to detect whether the animals are acting irregular. The information can detect stress, illness or if the feeding times need to be changed. Overall the use of AI to manage livestock is a very useful and needed technology because it improvesefficiencyandcreatesawaytomakebetterlongerlastingdecisions.

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Automatic machines

AutomaticvehiclescanbeequippedwithsensorsandGPSandusedtocompletevariousjobs. These jobs consist of planting, harvesting, and moving crops. They can also be programmed to fertilize, spraypesticides, and complete othertaskswith perfect or nearlyperfect accuracy.Also, automaticdronescanbeusedtohoverovercropsandmonitortheirgrowth,health,detectdisease, andapplyaidstogrowthsuchasfertilizer.

Supply chain management

The use ofAI technologyhas opened up new possibilities for businesses to analyze data on production, transportation, and customer demand, providing valuable insights for improving supply chain management. The AI algorithms are able to predict the demand for certain items through past information which allows the companies to adjust the inventorylevels.AI enhances thetransportationroutesandschedules,whichwillreducetheamountoftimeandmoneyneeded for shipping. It has the ability to improve the speed and precision of the supply chain while reducingthecosts.

AItechnologyintheagricultureindustryhasbroughtsignificantimprovementsinprecision farming, crop management, livestock management, supply chain management, and automatic machines. As the management consulting company Gartner suggests, “Going forward, organizations will continue to pursueAI to enhance their decision-making processes. Savvy ones that adopt these methods quickly will drive more competitive differentiation and become more agile and more responsive to ecosystem changes.” These advancements will lead to greater efficiencyandsustainabilityinfarming.

With AI, farmers have access to precise information on crop and livestock health, which helpsthem make factbased decisions andtake earlyactionto preventlosses.Additionally,AIhas created new possibilities for businesses to perfect production and transportation, as well as reducing costs and improving the overall speed and precision of the supply chain. With further

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Collaboration among researchers, developers, and industry experts is essential for AI to reach its full potential. This can help to share knowledge and ideas, improve access to data, and address ethical considerations. While it is a relatively new technology, the range of tasks that humans and companies are programming AI to do is expanding daily. AI is playing a vital role in safety by detecting threats through cameras, protecting against cyberattacks, and helping us protect our forests from wildfires. The use of AI in detecting wildfires is particularly important. AI helps humans detect wildfires by analyzing satellite imagery, robotic equipment that understands how to fight wildfires, and by storing and learning how to detect wildfires in the future.

Predicting wildfires is done through several different AI approaches. AI has

revolutionized the way we approach wildfire prevention by utilizing a range of advanced techniques to predict these natural disasters. One such method is the use of satellite imagery and other advanced technologies to identify "hotspots" - areas where wildfires are likely to occur. By analyzing this data, authorities can take proactive measures to prevent fires from starting in the first place. Moreover, each fire that AI collects data from contributes to the refinement of its predictive algorithms, making it better and more accurate at identifying and alerting authorities to potential wildfires. This is a significant improvement over traditional methods, where government agencies relied solely on calls from civilians to be alerted to the presence of wildfires. With AI, the response time has been drastically reduced to just 5 minutes, compared to the 40 minutes it took for civilians to report the fire.

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While AI has made tremendous strides in its abilities, it still has room for improvement. AI is making tremendous strides in it capabilities, but it is still not perfect yet. Just like humans need to learn a skill through trial and error so does AI and its algorithms. Companies predict that AI needs to see around 70 more fires to collect enough data to be the most efficient at predicting and being able to notify authorities that there is a wildfire.

AI is proving to be a game-changer not only in predicting wildfires, but also in helping firefighters during the firefighting process. Wildfires can burn at incredibly high temperatures, making it dangerous for humans to approach. Even with protective gear, firefighters can only remain near a wildfire for a limited time before risking harm to themselves. To overcome this challenge, a company called "Shark Robotics" has developed mini tank-like robots that can aid firefighters in controlling and extinguishing fires. These robots have caterpillar tracks and long shovel-like attachments that allow them to navigate through difficult terrain and reach areas that would be too dangerous for humans to approach. Moreover, these are equipped with AI and thermal sensors and imagery, allowing them to identify hotspots and navigate the terrain more effectively. By gathering real-time data and relaying it back to firefighters, these

and relaying it back to firefighters, these robots can help them make better decisions and take more effective action to control the fire. The development of these AI-powered robots represents a significant advancement in firefighting technology and has the potential to save lives while also minimizing damage to property and natural resources. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see even more innovative solutions emerge to help us better manage and prevent the devastating effects of wildfires.

“Whenfirefightersarrive,they wanttodotwothingsatthe sametime:immediatelycome toactionandkeepanoverview. Thiscanallbedonebyjust pushingastartbutton.”

AI helps humans detect wildfires by analyzing satellite imagery, robotic equipment that understand how to fight wildfires, and by storing and learning how to detect wildfires in the future. The faster AI collects data, the faster we can prevent wildfires. AI has and will continue to save the lives of civilians and also the lives of the firefighters that put themselves in harms

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- Slager,CEOofPerspectiveRobotics

The future is now. Electric cars have been around for decades, but they are reaching a tipping point, and AI will usher them into the future. AI-powered electric cars have the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry by enhancing energy efficiency, enhancing car performance, and improving road safety through advanced driver assistance systems. AI can be used to develop collision avoidance systems that use sensors, cameras, and radar to detect potential hazards on the road.

These systems can provide real-time alerts and automatically take action to avoid

collisions. For example, if a vehicle suddenly brakes in front of an electric car, the collision avoidance system can apply the brakes automatically to prevent a collision. This technology can significantly improve road safety for passengers traveling in electric cars. Many companies are producing electric vehicles with advanced safety features such as LiDAR, radar, and cameras that work together to minimize incidents. The computer system can understand the driver's preferences and provide personalized safety features. Although self-driving cars are not yet fully developed, these advanced safety features can adapt to individual needs.

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Studies have shown that electric car batteries are improving, but they still require further development. “The arrival of AI has disrupted the electric vehicle ecosystem, especially in the area of battery development”, according to an account in Analytics India Magazine. Electric car owners face limitations with charging, particularly on long trips, and in cold weather. Researchers are working on developing safer batteries that can recharge quickly, last longer, and be more sustainable. While electric cars are currently more expensive than traditional cars, in the future, theywill become more affordable, leading to a significant reduction in pollution.

Electric cars are gradually taking over the car industry, but there are still details that need to be addressed for mass production and to

Self-driving cars are becoming more common, particularly for companies that need to distribute goods quickly, cheaply, and efficiently. These vehicles are equipped with cameras that enable them to stop and accelerate as necessary. Advanced technology allows for faster delivery times and routes, thanks to instantly updated data systems for directions. Electric cars are also designed for performance, with some models capable of going from 0-60 in 2.3 seconds and featuring self-driving features while in use. Google and Ford are collaborating to advance the intelligence of self-driving cars, with Google Maps being incorporated into the cars to improve awareness. "Google Maps' integration with Ford's SYNC 4 system will provide a more personalized and comprehensive navigation experience for users, making it easier and more enjoyable to get where they're going, " notes Hau Thai-Tang, Ford's Chief Product Platform and Operations Officer. Electric cars are not only designed for clean air but also for faster speeds and easier driving for the average person.

Electric cars with AI are rapidly evolving and revolutionizing the automotive industrywith advancements in safety features, performance, and self-driving capabilities. As a result, the future is now, and people are adapting to the upsides and downsides of this transformation. Over the next decade, many people will switch from gas-powered cars to the most advanced technology ever built. Although self-driving cars are currently being integrated into our world, their presence will only continue to grow.

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Fastenyourseatbelts!Artificialintelligence isnowtheco-pilot.Astheaviationindustry continuestogrowthroughartificialintelligence,it islikelytoencountertransformationsinvarious aspectsthroughouttheindustry.

Bookingflightsisoneaspectthatwillmake lifesomucheasierforconsumersaswellas employees.Already,peoplearebookingflights throughAmazonAlexa.So,withoutthehassleof gettingonadeviceandresearchingforflights, Alexacanalreadydothatforyou.WithAI,the convenienceaspectisboosted,butAIwillalsohelp detectfraud.Therearemanycaseswherefraud

dangerouspeoplethroughX-rays.Also,instead ofphysicalscreeningforpassports,andthings likethat,remotescreeningwillmakeitmuch quicker.

Sincethepandemichit,healthmonitoring inairportsingeneralhasbeenrampedup.They havebeentakingmoreandmoreprecautions, andwithAIitwillonlybecleaner.WithAIat somepointitmightbeabletodetectifyouhavea virusjustfromscanningpassengersorbytaking aquicktest.Ifsomeoneweretohavesomekind ofcriticalemergency,

Therearealreadysomanysafety measureswhenitcomestoanairplanebeingin

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findtheabsolutequickestwaytogetyou whereneedbe.Itmayalsobebetterableto predictweatherconditions,andadjustto thoseaccordinglybetterthanahumancould.

Groundhandlingisatoughjob.You workoutside24/7,andyouhavetocarry luggage,bulkitems,andkeepingitall organizedisnoeasytask.WithAI,luggage wouldbemucheasiertofindiflost,and reducetheamountofworkforhumans.AI

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Inthefuture,there’saworld whereyougotoChatGPTand say,‘Hey,whatarethebest flightsforwhateverneedthat Ihave?Andcanyouhelpme bookaflightforunder$500?’


Discover how AI is transforming the military, from enhancing cybersecurity to changing the job landscape, and its potential impact on the future of warfare.

The military is utilizing AI to enhance cybersecurity by detecting and recognizing coding that could be used to hack their systems, and anti-jamming systems to protect communication networks from interference or disruption. While this technology creates a high demand for cybersecurity jobs, it also leads to the elimination of jobs such as front-line positions, drivers, ordnance and supply units, and medical staff, highlighting the potential impact of AI on the military workforce.

The use of CBMs (Confidence-building measures) has several downsides, including how the enemy perceives them and logistical challenges. Relying on CBMs can make one appear uneducated and give an advantage to the enemy. Additionally, it can be challenging to generate CBMs in the field due to resource constraints. Furthermore, AI-generated CBMs may pose a threat as there are no regulations in place, and monitoring is insufficient, leading to the potential dissemination of false and persuasive information.

While AI could increase transparency and reduce human error, it could also change the psychology of combat and make decisions based solely on algorithms rather than human relationships. AI could provide an unbiased and logistical approach to decision-making in war, but it should not replace human war specialists completely. Instead, it should be viewed as a tool that can assist in making better-informed decisions in a complex and rapidly evolving battlefield.

The military has been using AI to assist with nuclear weapons, but it poses a risk due to its lack of dependability. False information could result in mass casualties, and the risk of hacking and data forging by foreign countries increases the need for cybersecurity. The use of AI in a weapons also faces challenges with sensors, which could result in misfires or miscalculations. However, AI's ability to track submarines that launch nuclear missiles could help neutralize potential threats.

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AI is having an impact on various job sectors within the military, leading to both the creation and elimination of jobs. There is a high demand for cybersecurity jobs due to the use of AI in the military. Reports show the Pentagon wishes to allow the DOD to spend $874 million on defense and military technologies that relate to AI and ML. Further, the Pentagon segments $2.3 billion of its science and technology research budget to the military artificial intelligence. However, jobs such as front-line positions, drivers, ordnance and supply units, and medical staff have seen a decrease in demand due to advancements in AI. Nearby, depot engineer Conrad Macy held up a pitted and scoured aluminum mounted accessory drive housing hydraulic pads for the F-18 E/F Super Hornet strike fighter. The gizmo retails for about $160,000 when it’s new, but the robot fixed it in minutes for pennies. These gizmos are what will lead to mass unemployment. AI-driven

vehicles and drones are replacing front-line positions and drivers, while machines are becoming more efficient in ordnance and supply tasks. AI is also being introduced into medical tasks, with potential impacts on doctors' demand for positions. The military is using AI to improve its cybersecurity by detecting and recognizing certain coding that could be used to hack into their systems. By doing so, it can limit unwanted access to sensitive information and operations. Additionally, AI is being adapted to help with anti-jamming systems, which could be used to protect communication networks from interference or disruption. By utilizing AI in this way, the military can better protect its personnel and operations from cyber attacks.AI is changing the job landscape in the military, and it is essential to understand its potential impact on the workforce.

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PolicyorPrivacy: theDangersof SecuritywithNew Technology

Securityhas been used throughout history as a way to stay safe and protect ourselves, but nowwith the new addition of AI how can we knowwhen policy stops and privacy is evaded. It is a dangerous line that is not to be crossed or the lawsuits will start flooding the businesses.

Generative AI has the capability to analyze vast amounts of personal data, including an individual's social media activity, online interactions, and search history. This information can be used to create more convincing social engineering attacks, where a

hacker impersonates a trusted individual to gain access to sensitive information or systems. "Artificial intelligence is to hacking as steroids are to sports. It can help you cheat much more effectively." says Bruce Schneier, who is a public technologist working at the intersection of security

The usage of facial recognition technology has seen a significant surge in popularity over the past fewyears, making it a powerful tool in various applications. By utilizing facial recognition technology, businesses have the ability to enhance their customer service by detecting returning customers and offering them personalized recommendations or exclusive deals, ultimately resulting in an improved overall customer experience. This technology can also be used to speed up the check in process at hotels, airports, and otherlocations, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience. However, there are concerns about the potential misuse of facial recognition technology, such as invasion of privacy, bias and discrimination, and the need for proper regulations and safeguards to prevent abuse and misuse.

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AI-powered security systems have the capability to track and identify any unauthorized attempts to access restricted areas or buildings by recognizing the individual or object making the attempt. The system can use facial recognition or object detection algorithms to identify the intruder and alert security personnel. What if this technology is used for tracking, however? In NewYork City, MayorAdams said, “We are putting out a clear call to all of our shops—do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask,..we need to use the technologywe have available to identify those shoplifters and those who are committing serious crimes." His statement suggests just how ubiquitous this facial recognition technology now is in cities. Do we feel comfortable with this level of surveillance in the name of security?

Larry Page, Co-founder of Google, suggests "Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactlywhat you wanted, and it would give you the right thing." This personalization would be a true selling point for big tech firms. Many consumers fail to understand the trade-off of privacy for data collection that affords this personalization. It has become increasingly difficult to opt out of data collection. In Europe, regulations have made it easier to insure data privacy; however, the government in the U.S. has resisted such efforts.

Consequently, we the American consumers are the ones who are for sale.

The utilization of AI algorithms allows for the automation of personal information attacks, enabling hackers to use stolen login credentials from one website to gain illicit access to other websites. AI can help attackers automate this process, making it faster and easier to breach multiple identities. As such, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to use strong, unique passwords for each online account, enable two-factor authentication where possible, and regularly monitor their accounts for any signs of unauthorized access or suspicious activity. With the advancement of technology, we can experience new conveniences, perhaps new safeguards but will also need to keep up with the latest technology to understand how it is being used for ill. It is the responsibility of government to regulate and try to protect its citizens, especially seniors. Cyber crime has shot up 80% in the last year alone here in Georgia. We need to expand cyber crime units in order to re-capture the lost money before it disappears. Corporations have a responsibility to protect their customers’ data as well. Historicallywe have looked for security measures to feel safe and confident. As technology adds complexity to the world, we need to be thoughtful and ethical in the ways we safeguard our citizenry.

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The world of retail shopping has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with artificial intelligence (AI)leading theway. Retailerswho invest in AI technologies stand to gain a significant competitive advantage by providing their customers with a seamless, personalized shopping experience that can boost revenue and profitability. By leveraging the power of AI, retailers can now make data-driven decisions that improve everything from supply chain management to customer engagement. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, the strategic adoption of AIwill become increasinglycritical for retailerslooking tostayaheadofthecurve.

Customer Satisfaction

The advantages of incorporating Artificial Intelligence extend beyond increased profitability for businesses, as it also promotes higher customer satisfaction. Chatbots enable customers to navigate stores and obtain tailored product suggestions, enhancingtheirshoppingexperience.AIempowers

businesses to demonstrate their dedication to providing exceptional service and valuing customers' time. Utilizing data-driven insights and streamlining customer interactions, AI can foster stronger connections with clients while increasing operational efficiency and profitability. The integration of AI technologybecomes an essential aspectof succeeding in today'sfiercelycompetitiveretailmarket.

Loss Prevention

One of the significant benefits of Artificial Intelligence is the ability to enhance a business's profitability by mitigating losses due to theft, fraud, or operational errors. Through integrating AI into self-checkout stations and video systems, businesses can quickly detect suspicious transactions and notify theirstaffofpotentialproblems.ByutilizingAI-powered tools, businesses can not only minimize losses but also enhance overall operational efficiency, resulting in a better bottom line. AI can offer valuable insights into consumerbehaviorandtrends, empowering businesses

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empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions that elevate their overall performance. In the current competitive business landscape, integrating AI technologies is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-termsuccess.

Brings Down Costs

Businesses can harness the potential of AI technology to make informed decisions based on the abundance of available data. AI-powered tools can analyze data, revealing patterns and trends that may be challenging to discern manually. This ability to make data-driven decisions can help optimize operations, improve customer experiences, and enhance profitability. Furthermore, AI can automate tedious tasks such as delivery, tracking, and ad scheduling, liberating employees to concentrate on more strategic initiatives. Thus, integrating AI technology has become increasingly critical for businesses seeking to streamline operations, remain competitive, and thrive in the dynamic business environmentoftoday.

Recommended Ads

The power of Artificial Intelligence lies in its ability to predict customers' needs through customized recommendations, giving them a personalized shopping experience based on their online behavior. Predictions about future behavior can be made by analyzing consumers' previous behavioral patterns, allowing businesses to offer relevant displays and recommendations for each interaction. By recognizing customers' previous purchases and shopping behavior, businesses can offer personalized products and services that align with their interests and preferences. To personalize the shopping experience, AI-powered tools can be leveraged to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, while simultaneously increasing revenue and profitability. “Experts estimate that digital information and ads already influence about 50% of store sales, and that number is growing rapidly” according to The Harvard Business Review Integrating AI technology has become increasingly crucial for businesses looking to provide exceptional customer experiences and thrive in thecompetitiveretaillandscapeoftoday.

Self Checkout Kiosks

Shoppers tend to abandon their purchases and turn to other stores due to long checkout lines and poor checkout experiences. To address this concern, businesses have created self-service kiosks that enable customers to scan and payfortheirpurchases,leading to reduced wait times and an improved shopping experience. In response to customers' growing demand for convenience and efficiency, businesses have increasinglyadoptedthesekiosks.Amazon's"AmazonGo" storestakethisconceptastepfurtherbyutilizing

AI technology to provide a seamless shopping experience.ThestoresleverageAI-poweredcamerasand sensors to track customers' movements and purchases, eliminating the need for traditional checkout lines entirely. “Last week, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said his companyhasbeenworkingonaChatGPT-styletoolfora long time. And earlier this month, Shopify unveiled AI tools to help vendors and merchants write product descriptions.” Thus, integrating self-service kiosks and AI-powered checkout solutions is becoming increasingly essential for businesses seeking to provide exceptional customer experiences and succeed in today's highly competitiveretaillandscape.

Inventory Management

In the retail industry, the optimization of inventoryis critical, and artificial intelligence plays akey role in achieving this goal. Through the analysis of historical sales data and other relevant factors, such as seasonality, trends, and consumer behavior,AI-powered tools can accurately predict future demand, allowing businesses to adjust their inventory levels accordingly. This approach can reduce stockouts, overstocking, and waste, improving operational efficiencyand profitability. By leveraging AI-powered tools, retailers can optimize inventory management processes, minimize costs, and ensure that products are consistently available to customers, thereby enhancing their satisfaction. Therefore, integrating AI technology into inventory management processes is essential for businesses seeking to thrive in today's highly dynamic retail landscape.

As the retail industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative applications of artificial intelligence. Already, AI is playing a significant role in transforming the way retailers do business, from increasing personalized product recommendations to predictive inventory management. With the rapid advancements in AI technology, we can anticipate even more sophisticated solutions in the future that will provide more immersive and engaging shopping experiences for customers. To succeed in today's highly competitive retaillandscape, businesses that embraceAI technology and incorporate it into their operations will bewell-positioned.


AIsecurity cameras are rapidly becoming an essential tool in the fight against crime and security in establishments. With their ability to detect and analyze potential threats in day to day life. The theory is thatAI security cameras are helping make the world a safer place. From retail stores and banks to airports and government buildings, these cameras are providing valuable insights into the behavior of individuals and groups, helping to prevent crime, protect property, and save lives.

AI security cameras can help stop the rate of crime. They recognize suspicious behavior of someone. If it suspects a crime in itself it can alert security orlaw enforcement. The cameras use facial recognition so it can help law enforcement

identify the suspect or person of interest. When more people find out about these AI cameras it will help people simply not want to commit a crime in a fear of being caught. With facial recognition AI cameras can also help detect a person's certain behavior pattern. The cameras also can help build evidence up forlaw enforcement when trying to find different suspects and their routes.

In addition to helping law enforcement, AI cameras can also help security guards. They can help security guards monitorlarger spaces and keep record of everyone in the footage. They also can simply reduce the amount of work security guards have to work. Having these cameras helps the risks security guards

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take everyday doing their jobs. The cameras can help them respond to emergencies in larger places faster by altering them and having the incident on record. The cameras overall give security guards an easier job and overview of the area or event. Some fearAI will replace humans in the workforce eventually; however, for now, Steve Rheinharz writes: “With the combination of human intuition and machine intelligence, these two security forces can complement each other and elevate enterprise securitylevels.”

The cameras alone can help improve the system. AI cameras enhance the quality of the image or video in security. It makes people and object easier to see and identify. The system can filter out certain things in footage like noises or unnecessary objects. The cameras can adjust to their surroundings and environment. Such as if they are placed outside, they can adjust to weather conditions.

The cameras can take on task that would usually require humans. The theory is if the reduce the needs of human, there will be less risk of errors in oversights of footage. The cameras can help with certain things faster by altering the humans that need to be involved. They can also help with things like “false alarms” and increase the accuracy of the alerts sent out.

Lastly, AI cameras can help with object detection. They analyze the size and shape of an object and can follow it wherever it might go. It can help if an item is in potential threat of being mistreated or stolen. It can recognize unsafe objects like guns, knifes, and different weapons. It can track if they are concealed in certain bags or on people. AI cameras can provide effective security for businesses and different organizations.

Always a leader in the security industry, sports invest in the latest technology. “And yet sports also have a way of bringing out particularly Orwellian tendencies in their organizers. For billionaire team owners, cities that have bet the house on stadiums, and less-than-democratic host governments, anything that poses a threat to business or reputation, even protesting or panhandling, can count as a matter of security. In some instances, organizers stretch surveillance far beyond the bounds of public safety to serve their own interests,” according to Arthur Michel in The Atlantic. He claims that sports stadiums have gotten downright dystopian, and the Superbowl, for example, was a peek into the future.

The AI security system will help people with their jobs and help by giving more accurate data. Overall, the question is, will these cameras help or hinder us? Yes we can have a higher advance system, but is that in cost of our privacy?

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HowwillAIinpolicingchange?Isitagoodthing?Orwillitgo downhillfromhere?

GenerativeAIinvolvescomputersystems performingtasksthatnormallyrequirehuman intelligence.It'sgrowingrapidlyandhasmany applications,includinginpolicingwherefacial recognitiontechnologyidentifiessuspects. However,concernsaboutmisuse,bias,and privacyexist.PredictivepolicingusesAItoidentify potentialcrimehotspotsorindividualsatrisk.

Aroundtheworld,atleast75countriesare currentlyusingAItechnologiesforsurveillance purposes,includingfacialrecognitionandsmart policinginitiatives.AlthoughAIhasbenefitssuch asfrauddetectionandpreventingcrime,italso presentspotentialdangersthatneedtobe addressed.

havecompletedmorethan1millionphoto searchesonthecompany’splatform. Clearview’s technologypairsfacialrecognitionalgorithms (whichmanycompaniesoffer)withadatabaseof over30billionphotosscrapedfromtheinternet —mostlyfromsocialmedia—withoutthe consentofthosephotographed.Thefirm primarilymarketsthetooltolocallaw enforcement.

AIisrevolutionizingcrimeprevention throughfacialrecognition,predictivecrime analytics,andfrauddetectiontechnologies.Facial recognitionalgorithmsareabletoaccurately identifyindividualsandtracktheirmovements, HoanTon-That,CEOoffacialrecognitionfirm ClearviewAI,recentlytoldtheBBCthatU.S.police

Infact,CobbCountyenteredintoa3year contractwithClearviewlastDecember.Forthe AtlantaJournalConstitution,thePoliceChief commented:“Idon’twanttoliveinapolicestate,” VanHoozersaid.“We’renotgoingtogetina situationwherewethinkthatpeople’scivil libertiesshouldbetrampleduponsowecansolve everycasethatwehave.”Thecountyisupdating itsfacialrecognitionpoliciestoaddresspotential biasesandhowtheAItechnologywillbeused.

Facialrecognitiontechnologyhasbeen foundtohavebiasesregardingrace,age,andsex, whichcanleadtoinaccuratematchesand wrongfularrests.ClearviewAIclaimstohave

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anear100%accuracyrate,yetthesefiguresare oftenbasedonmugshots.Thesystem'saccuracy dependsonthequalityoftheimagesfedintoit, whichhasseriousnegativeconsequences.For instance,thealgorithmcanconfusetwodifferent individualsandprovideapositiveidentification forlawenforcementwheninfact,thepersonin questionistotallyinnocent,andthefacialIDwas wrong.Clearviewisprohibitedfromoperatingin theUSwiththeexceptionofworkingwithpolice departments.Assuch,itiscrucialthatthese issuesareaddressedbeforewecanfullyrelyon facialrecognitiontechnologyinlawenforcement.

Frauddetectionalgorithmsusemachine learningandlargevolumesofdatatorecognize patternsoffraudulentbehavior.Byleveraging theseAItechnologies,lawenforcementagencies arebetterequippedtopreventcrimeandensure publicsafety.

ThelimitationsofAIincrimeprevention areacriticalconcernthatrequiresattention.One ofthechallengesisthepotentialforbiaseddata toleadtobiasedpredictions,perpetuating existingsocietalbiasesanddiscrimination.To addressthis,it'scrucialtoensurethatthedata

usedtotrainthesystemisdiverseand inclusive,representingtheentirepopulation.

AnotherAIsystemusedincrime preventionistheuseofpredictivepolicing software.Thesoftwareusesdataanalysisand machinelearningalgorithmstoidentify high-riskareasandindividuals.Itcanbeused topredictandpreventcrimes aweekbefore theyoccur with90%accuracybytargeting resourcesandeffortsinareaswithahigh probabilityofcriminalactivity. Anarticlein Science Daily reportedonthestudy,andthe studyrevealsthebiasinpolicingisstilla problemtoday:“Crimeinpoorneighborhoods didn'tleadtomorearrests,however, suggestingbiasinpoliceresponseand enforcement.” Usingthistechnologyto reallocateresourcesandmakebetterdecisions willhelpfailingneighborhoodsacrossthe nation.

AlthoughAIhasshownpromiseinthe fieldofcrimeprevention,itisimportantto recognizeitslimitationsandpotentialbiases. Thereisaneedforongoingresearchand developmenttoimprovetheaccuracyand reliabilityofAIsystems.

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AIJoinstheTeam:Sports DevelopmentJustGota WholeLotSmarter!

AIinsportsathletedevelopmentinvolvesthe applicationofmachinelearninganddataanalytics techniquestoaugmentathletetraining,performance, anddevelopment.Thistechnologycananalyzemassive amountsofdatafromdiversesources,suchas recruitingandcoaching,healthcare,trainingand performanceanalysis,broadcasting,andAIreferees. TheultimateaimofusingAIinsportsathlete developmentistooptimizeathleteperformanceand trainingtoachievebetteroutcomesonthefieldor court.

Althoughhumanscannotbefullymeasured usingquantitativecriteria,theirperformancecanstill beanalyzedinaquantitativemanner.Invarioussports suchasfootball,basketball,baseball,andsoccer, single-playerperformancedataisusedtoevaluate theirfitnessandpotential.


statisticsbutencompassescomplex matricesthattake intoaccountnumerousfactors.Furthermore,AIinsports providesaccesstohistoricaldata,makingiteasierto predictaplayer'sfutureperformance.Thistechnology canalsoaidinaccuratelyestimatingaplayer'svalue duringtherecruitingprocess.

AIhasthepotentialtorevolutionizeathletehealth monitoringandinjurypreventioninthesportsindustry. Withitsexceptionalpredictivecapabilities,AIcan analyzeawealthofdatacollectedfromwearable technologiesandmedicalteststocreatepersonalized healthandfitnessplansforathletes.Theseplanscan helpoptimizetrainingprogramstopreventinjuries, reducerecoverytime,andincreaseoverallperformance.

AIcanalsohelpsportsteamsmakeinformed decisionsaboutplayers'return-to-playtimelines,by analyzingtheirphysicalhealthdataandmonitoringtheir progressduringrehabilitation.

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Additionally,AIcanprovideinsightsintoathletes' mentalhealthandemotionalwell-being,helpingteams identifypotentialstressorsandinterveneearlytoprevent burnoutorothermentalhealthissues.Overall,AIhasthe potentialtotransformathletehealthandperformancein sports,leadingtoimprovedresultsonthefieldandcourt.

AIisrevolutionizingthesportsbusinessin multipleways,transformingtheexperiencenotonlyfor playersandcoachesbutalsoforsportsfansworldwide throughlivestreamingandbroadcasting.Insports broadcasting,AIisbeingusedtoautomaticallyidentify thebestcameraanglesbasedonon-fieldhappenings, providingspectatorswithanunparalleledviewing experience.Moreover,AIisgeneratingrevenueforsports leaguesthroughadsalesbyfindingoptimalopportunities todisplayadvertisementsandassessingaudience enthusiasmduringsportingevents.AIisalsomaking significantstridesinsportsdataanalysis,providing insightsintogamestrategy,playerperformance,and injuryprevention,therebyoptimizingathletetrainingand performance.Thistechnologycananalyzevastamounts ofdatafromvarioussources,includingrecruitingand coaching,healthcare,trainingandperformanceanalysis, andenhancetheathlete'soverallexperience.

AIhasthepotentialtorevolutionizetheway refereesmakedecisionsinsports,withtheuseof advancedalgorithmsandmachinelearningmodels.By analyzingandprocessingvastamountsofdatain real-time,AIrefereescanquicklydetectruleviolations, fouls,andotheron-fieldincidentsthathumanreferees maymiss.Thistechnologycanprovideobjectiveand unbiaseddecision-making,eliminatingthepossibilityof humanerrorandbias,whichcanoftenimpactthe outcomeofgames.Moreover,AIrefereescanimprovethe overallfairnessandintegrityofsportingeventsby providingaccurateandconsistentdecisionsthroughout thegame.However,therearestillconcernsregardingthe reliabilityandethicalimplicationsofAIreferees,suchas potentialtechnicalfaultsandthelackofhumanjudgment andintuition.Nevertheless,withfurtherdevelopmentand refinement,AIrefereeshavethepotentialtoenhancethe overallqualityofsportsgamesandprovideamore enjoyableexperienceforplayersandfansalike.

JoshGoldberg,asportslawyerinMiami,is focusingmoreonAI:“It’simportanttonotethatthere mayalsobeconcernsaroundtheethicalimplicationsof AIinsports,suchasprivacyanddatasecurityissues,and

thepotentialforAItoreplacehumandecision-making entirely.Furtherpotentiallegalimplicationsmayarise suchasintellectualpropertyrights(ifanAIsystemcreates awork,whoownsthecopyright?),discrimination(ifanAI systemistrainedonbiaseddata,itmayproducebiased results),andliabilityconcerns(ifanAIsystemcausesharm ormakesamistake,whoisatfault?).”Withthisnew technology,wehavenumerousissuestoadjudicate. Despitenotknowingtheintricaciesandlongterm consequences,corporationspushonwithAI. Dataisthe increasinglyimportanttosports.Toaccuratelyevaluatean athlete'sperformanceinanysport,coachesneedto analyzeawiderangeofdatathatgoesbeyondgeneral metrics.Thisincludesbothindividualandteam performancemetrics,whichprovideacomprehensive understandingofaplayer'sstrengthsandweaknesses.For example,infootball,performancemetricsvarybetween forwards,midfielders,anddefenders,andeachplayer's gamecanbequantifiedandmeasuredaccordingly.The globalsportsanalyticsindustryisexpectedtoreach$3.4 billionby2028,accordingtoa2021reportfromResearch andMarkets.Trackingsoftwareandmachinelearninghave takensportsanalyticstothenextlevel.

AItechnologycananalyzemassiveamountsofdata fromavarietyofsources,includinghealthcare,training andperformanceanalysis,broadcasting,andAIreferees. AItechnologyhasthepotentialtotransformthesports industrybyimprovingthefanexperienceandgenerating revenuethroughadsales.WhileAIrefereesmayface challengesduetobiasandtechnicalflaws,the advancementofAItechnologypromisesmoreobjective andaccuratedecisionmakinginsportsgames,whichwill benefitbothplayersandfans.Dataanalyticsmaynotbe exciting,butwhatthealgorithmscandowiththedatacan taketeamstoawholenewlevelofexcitementforsports fanseverywhere.

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Artificialintelligenceisonitswaytocompletely reshapingtheworld,andtheworldofsports,isinfora reckoning.Forhundredsofyearspeopleofsuperiorcaliber whenitcomestospeed,size,andstrengtharetheoneswho startedoffasourgladiators,warriors,andnowwe recognizemanypeopleofthisdescriptiontobeourmodern dayathletes.Noteveryonehasthephysicalcapacityorwill todowhatathletestakeondayinanddayout,andAIalso knowsthisbutthetechnologygoesastepfurther.AIhas affectedvariousfieldsinthesportsmarketandhowitdoes thiscanbebreathtaking.GenerativeAIhasplayeda disruptiverolefortheathlete,theownersofteams,arenas andvenues,gambling,marketingcompanies,andsports agents.Sportswillneverbethesame.


EventhoughAIisrelativelynew,ithasalready itswaytohavealargeroleinathletes'lives.Oneofthe biggesttasksthatAIhasdisruptedis recruitment.It’sa datadump.Anumbersgame.Coachescanputthe measurablesofplayersthattheywanttorecruitintoanAI databasethatwilltakethatinformationandsearchfor athletesthatfitthatexactmold.Thistoolcanmakethe recruitingprocesssomuchfasterwhichbenefitsplayers andscouts.Butwiththiseverythingisnotallpretty.There aresomedrawbacks.Someathleteswhomaynothave certainmeasurementsthataredesirablemayendup gettingleftoutofgettingachanceatplayingatthenext level.Thepartofhandsonrecruitingandlookingata player’stapeongoingtoseetheminpersonlikeithasbeen donefordecadeswillstarttodiminishduetoAI.

The Owner

Anotherfieldthatartificialintelligenceisbeginning toinfiltrateistheownerclass.Ownersofsportsteamsare facedwithharddecisionsoftenpertainingtoeithercutting, trading,orsigningplayerstotheirrostersandfranchise. OwnershavebegunusinganAIalgorithmthatcouldhelp thembuildaseeminglyperfectteam.Hintsofthefuture wereforeshadowedafewyearsbackwiththepremiereof theinsightfulmovie Moneyball. Thisfilmprojectedatrue storyofhowascout/ownerbuiltaneliteteamusinga computerdatabase.Inrealtimeifownersbegantowidely usethisinstrumenttodecipheraddingorgettingridof players,itcouldreducebigdragoutsofcontract agreementsandtakeawayprolongedstressfromboththe ownersandathletes.WiththenewadvancementsofAI,we canexpect“Moneyball”onsteroidswhichwillleadtosome repercussionsliketakingawaythejobofscoutsand sometimesthehumaninstincthasrealvalue.


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Arenas!Ahugepointofsalesandgatheringsfor franchisesineverysport.Venueslikearenastakealotof engineeringandtimenotonlytoputtogetherbutalso tostrategizehowtoshowcasethingsthatareimportant totheorganization.AndthisisexactlywhereAIcomes intosavetheday.AIcanbeusedtodecidewherethe bestcameraanglesarewhichisacrucialpartofreplays andalsobroadcastingnationally.Thismachinelearning canalsocanbeusedeffectivelytothinkofwhatplayers shouldbeputoutonbannersandwhere,AIcanalso helpplanonwherestatuesormonumentsofteams historicalmomentsorfiguresshouldbeportrayed.

Itwasoncesaidthat“gamblingisnotabout money,itisaboutthethrilloftherisk”.Withartificial intelligencethesocalledriskandthrillofgamblingmay begonewhichwouldreallyshutdownthisindustryall together.AIcannowbeimplementedtopredictgames byaccountinginmanyfactors.Nowtheaccuracyofthis systemisnotyetknownbutithasbeenproficientto someextentandjustlikehowChatGPThasbeenrapidly improvingsowillthisformofAI.Thetechnologycan alreadypredictathletesnextmovesbytakingin terabytesandpointsontherebody.Butwiththerebeing thousandsandevenmillionsofdollarsonthelinewhen itcomestobettingwithprizepicksandDraftkingsor anyotherbettingwebsite,aquestionhasbeenposed, whoexactlyhasaccesstothistechnology.

Marketingwhichissomewhatofaspinofffrom advertisingisalsorelevanttotheAIsituation.Whatis meantbymarketingisalongthelinesofendorsement deals.AIcanbeusedtodetermineifanathleteshouldbe broughtontoshowcaseaproductandcangoasfaras whichproductwouldsuitthembest.Thiswillhelp companieslikeGatoradeorNikechoosewhotobringon totheteamandseewhichpersonwillmakethemthe mostmoneyandwithwhatproducttheymaydosowith. SportsagenciesarealsoprevalenttoAI’sgrowth inthesportsindustry.Sportsagenciesoragentswould useAIinthesamewayasthemarketingindustrybutthis couldbeusedtwofoldbyboththeathleteandagency. Thisisbecauseanagencycanbedecidingiftheywantto representapersonornottoseewhatgoodoutlooks couldcomefromapartnership.Anathletewouldbe decidingifthisagencywouldbenefitthemmoreinthe longrunversusanotheragencyoption,AIhasmadehuge progressinsuchashortperiodoftime.

Toconclude,AIissomethingthathasupsand downsbutitisalsosomethingthatwearegoingtohave togetusedto.Whetheryoulikeitornot,thismachinery isthenewwaveandwillcontinuetogrowasthe generationscome.Sotakeitonestepatatime,athleteor not,artificialintelligencewillbeapartofyourlifeinthis dayandageregardlessofifit’simpactisbigorsmallon you.Justcontinuetopushforwardandpersevere,as “youmiss100%oftheshotsyoudon’ttake”(Wayne Gretzky).

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As AI continues to push the limits of human performance, it's becoming clear that the future of sports will be powered by data-driven insights and intelligent algorithms. The integration of AI technology into sports will transform the scouting process, athlete performance tracking, and healthcare for sports-related injuries, leading to more informed recruitment decisions, personalized training programs, injury prevention strategies, improved diagnosis and treatment, and better overall outcomes for athletes. The sports changes will be astronomical and it has already started.


AI will enable sports teams to analyze vast amounts of data on their opponents, including their playing style, formations, and past performance, providing coaches with a more comprehensive understanding of their opponents. “Coaches can acquire insights into their teams’ strengths and weaknesses using data and graphics on any given day with ML-based algorithms, allowing them to make

tactical and strategy modifications to exploit their opponent’s playing patterns and shortcomings.” This newway of scouting is a game-changer, as the team that can scout the best and learn the most about their opponent has a better chance of winning. According to Forbes, “With AI-powered data analysis, teams can create more accurate and detailed scouting reports, giving them a strategic advantage over their opponents.”

Performance enhancing

AI can provide personalized training programs, simulate game scenarios, offer real-time feedback, and provide immersive training experiences using tools such as virtual reality to help players improve their skills. It will set up a program for training, lifting, film study, and recovery. According to NetSuite, AI can simulate games in the season and project how a pitcher's arm will be. This innovative technology is opening up new ways of training that can make players 100% better, and its continuous evolution promises to revolutionize sports training forthe better.

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AI technology has transformed the world of sports by enabling the prediction and treatment of injuries. By analyzing data from wearables and medical imaging, AI can identify injury-prone movements, accurately diagnose injuries, and develop personalized treatment plans. Additionally, AI can monitor the progress of an athlete's recovery using sensor data from wearables. This technology has made it possible to anticipate and prevent injuries, allowing coaches to modify workouts and reduce the risk of injuries. As a result, athletes can train more effectively, achieve better performance, and reduce the likelihood of suffering from injuries.


AI will enable sports scouts to process vast amounts of data in a short amount of time, helping them to identify talented athletes and potential draft picks more efficiently. Having machines that can find the best players that fit your team is huge for a program. Additionally, AI can identify patterns and trends in player performance data, enabling coaches to make data-driven decisions when it comes to team selection, game strategy, and player development. Using the machine, going through thousands and thousands of players will take less time so the right players can be found in a snap. Overall, UsingAi in recruiting will make the process much easier for coaches and scouts but also give players a fair chance.

insights and analysis to optimize player performance and gain a competitive edge. With the help of Ai, a player's tendencies and patterns will be more visible. Coaches can make decisions on how to beat another team with a well-made plan. With the knowledge of a player's strengths and weaknesses, AI will help a coach target those with a well-thought-out report. Players will knowwhat to go for and the coach will be able to have play calls to win. Overall, the integration of AI technology in coaching decision-making processes has the potential to enhance performance and bring newlevels of success to sports teams across various disciplines.


The integration of AI referees into various sports, including baseball and soccer, is revolutionizing the way games are officiated. Baseball and other sports have already started to implementAi refs. For example, in MILB theyhave started to useAI to call balls and strike. In soccer, they have started using it to watch for offside violations. Using AI to make calls, speeds up the process and allows for more accurate calls to be made. The implementation of AI referees in sports such as baseball and soccer is increasing, leading to more efficient and accurate calls being made.

At FIFA, for example, they used connected ball technology for the first time at the World Cup. “Combined with player position data and by applying artificial intelligence, the innovative connected ball contributes to FIFA’s semi-automated and offers Video Assistant Referees instantaneous information to help optimize decision making. A new adidas Suspension System in the center of the ball hosts and stabilizes a 500Hz inertial measurement unit (IMU) motion sensor, which provides unprecedented insight into every element of the movement of the ball, while making unnoticeable for players and not whatsoever.” Now it is being

AI is transforming the world of sports by providing teams with data-driven insights for analyzing opponents, personalized training programs, injury prediction and treatment, efficient talent scouting, real-time insights for coaches, and revolutionizing game officiating through AI referees. All sports are being affected by AI for good reasons. The way of sports is taking a dramatic change and some people are excited and some are not.


FromDiagnosistoTreatment: TheFutureofHospitalsisHere

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace AI technology, the potential for personalized and precise treatments becomes limitless. Specifically looking at how AI is changing hospitals all around the world, generative artificial intelligence changes the dynamic of hospital infrastructure. What people have done with this technology is brilliant. The waythe world works is going to be changed forever. The technological advancements in AI are rapidly transforming varioussectorsofthehealthcareindustryasit is revolutionizing the way we diagnose patients, conduct surgeries, and perform routine administrative tasks, enabling healthcare providers to deliver better outcomes, more efficiently. AI has transformed the healthcare industry through advancements in medical research and analysis, facilitating more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced healthcare delivery. In hospitals, AI can be applied to tasks such as diagnosis, treatmentplanning,anddrugdiscovery.

Medical data analysis has long been the wheelhouseofAI.Thenewergenerationcanidentify patternsthathumansmayoverlook,leadingtomore accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. This can ultimately improve patient outcomes and save lives! The utilization of AI in hospitals has significantly improved patient outcomes by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and reducing the likelihood of medical errors, making healthcare more effective and efficient. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data and identify patterns that are difficult for humans to detect. For example, AI can help detect early signs of diseases like cancer, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat patients earlier, increasing their chances of survival. AI can also assistinidentifyingthemosteffectivetreatmentsfor specific conditions, based on the patient's medical history, and predict potential complications, allowingdoctorstoproactivelymanagerisks.

AI can also help hospitals streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. For example, AI can help hospitals optimize patient flow, reduce wait times, and ensure that resources are allocated where they are needed most. AI can also assist with inventory management, ensuring that the hospital has the necessary supplies and equipment on hand when needed, reducing waste and costs. AI can provide real time analysis of patientdata,reducingtheriskofmedicalerrorsand improvingtheaccuracyofdiagnoses.

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Additionally AI can assist in identifying patients at high risk of developing chronic diseases, enabling healthcare providers to intervene earlier and prevent disease progression. The use of AI in hospital settings also improved the patient experience. Virtual health assistants can provide 24/7 access to healthcare and support. The development of AI in hospitals also raises some concerns. The use of AI in healthcare requires a high degree of accuracy, which can be difficult to achieve due tothecomplexnatureofhealthcaredata.

Despite the concerns of AI technology, the development of AI in hospitals is likely to continue as the benefits of AI outweigh the risks. Part of the reason is economic. Researchers estimate that introducing AI could lead to savings between 5% and 10% in healthcare spending. This is roughly $200 billion to $360 billion a year. “AI will not replace doctors, butinsteadwill augmentthem, enabling physicians to practice better medicine with greater accuracy and increased efficiency.” said by Benjamin Bell. As AI continues to evolve it becomes more accurate and reliable. This provides even more benefits forthepatientsandthehealthcareindustry.

The development of AI in hospitals has been driven by the need for improvement in healthcare. Furthermore, the ongoing research and development in AI will continue to address the challenges and concerns associated with the use of AI in healthcare, leading to even more innovations and improvements in the future. To conclude, the impact of AI on the healthcare industry cannot be overstated, and its implementation in hospitals has marked a significant milestone in the evolution of healthcare. “they should stop training radiologists now,” as he believes diagnostic imaging will soon become entirely computational said by Geoffrey Hinton. AI is improving patient outcomes, streamlining hospital operations, and providing healthcare professionals with up-to-date information. However, guardrails need to be set so that patientinformationissecure.

As we continue to develop and implement AI in hospitals, it is crucial to prioritize ethical considerations and ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits all patients. Overall, the appropriate use of AI in hospitals has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry, leading to better patient outcomes, moreefficienthealthcaredelivery,andimproved qualityoflifeforpatientsaroundtheworld.

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The future of medicine is now, and it's powered by AI. With the rise of machine learning and data analytics, healthcare providers are revolutionizing the waytheydiagnoseandtreatpatients.Wheremostpeople believe that AI will affect the world negatively, the medical world feels the opposite. The integration of artificial intelligence in medicine has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry, improving patient outcomes and enhancing the efficiency of medical practice.

Faster analysis of medical research due to complexity

With the aid of AI, medical researchers are now able to rapidly analyze and interpret complex data sets, allowing for the identification of previously unknown relationships and patterns that can inform the development of new drugs and therapies. Byharnessing the power of artificial intelligence, medical researchers are now able to rapidly analyze and process vast amounts of complex information, allowing them to sift through thousands of documents in a fraction of the time it would take a human to review just one. Furthermore, AI can identify potential side effects of drugs and treatments, enabling healthcare providers to take a proactive approach in mitigating adverse effects and improving patient safety. Artificial intelligence is trained to quickly understand and explain a topic that a humanmaynotknowmuchinformationabout.

Ability to faster develop disease identification

The power of AI to process and analyze large-scale medical data is revolutionizing disease research, enabling scientists to quickly identify new information about diseases and accelerate the developmentoftreatmentsandcures.Utilizingits

analyticalprowess,artificialintelligencehastheability to dissect intricate biological systems into comprehensible explanations, providing valuable insights for researchers to better understand disease development and progression. Moreover, AI can be trained to recognize subtle patterns and trends in large datasets that are beyond the capabilityofhuman observation, potentially leading to new insights into disease mechanisms and novel treatment strategies, The website explains that artificial intelligence will be able to “analyzing symptoms, suggesting personalized treatments, and predicting risk” to help identify the sicknessmoreefficiently.PredictiveanalyticsinAI,for example, like Sybil, are able to catch cancer years before a radiologist is able to from a regular CT scan: “[We} see a future in which the AI tool is helping radiologistsmakeimportanttreatmentdecisions.”

Ability to create new treatment plans faster than ever before

"With the integration of AI in healthcare, patients can now receive personalized care and treatment options at their fingertips. Through interactive chatbots and symptom checkers, AI is empowering patients to take control of their health and well-being." according to The Natural Library of Medicine. AI can analyze vast amounts of patient data and medical research to develop targeted treatment plans in real-time, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions and improve patient outcomes. Artificial intelligence is poised to not only facilitate accurate medical decision-making, but also serveasapotenttoolforadvancingourunderstanding of emerging diseases by unlocking novel ways to comprehendandinterpretcomplexresearchfindings.

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How AI will bring down the high death rate due to medical error

AI is revolutionizing medical education, providing students with new opportunities to learn and apply advanced concepts in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. With its ability to give information about treatment ornewdiseasesitwillhelpdoctorshavemoreknowledge aboutthe things theyare treating and theywill be able to make better, more justified decisions.Thiswillhelp show the lasting effects of what AI will be able to do to help improve the medical community. With this assistance it will increase the better outcomes in the hospital simply because of the new knowledge medical employees will have.

Improvement of patient outcome and care

With the power of artificial intelligence, we have the potential to significantly reduce human error in critical industries such as healthcare, aviation, and transportation, saving countless lives every year. AI can introduce new ways to make sure that the medical protocol is being followed by using checklists and other mechanisms. In additionto generatingtailoredtreatment plans, artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly reduce wait times in hospitals and emergency rooms, optimizing patient care by streamlining and expediting medical processes. This new technology will make hospitals have a more safe environment so that patients have the best care possible. Moreover, AI can continuously learn from patient data and clinical outcomes to optimize treatment protocols, further improving the quality of care and reducing the

AI can better support the admin roles to help create a better and more efficient environment

AI-powered hospital protocols are transforming the way healthcare providers operate, enabling them to deliver personalized care and treatment options in real-time, ultimately improving patient satisfaction and driving better health outcomes. Admin can also use artificial intelligence to checkthevalidityof sourcesthatemployees are using. The new systems using AI will benefit the way that medical facilities run from behind the scenes, this can be done byhaving new information for those working on cases or checklists created so that all tasks are being completed. Furthermore, as AI continues to evolveandbecomemoreadvanced,ithasthepotential to revolutionize not only the healthcare industry, but also many other industries, leading to more efficient and effective operations across a wide range of sectors. Overhead in healthcare is 25% administrative budgeting, and AI will be able to reduce the workload of mundane tasks in this area by 50-80% over the coming5years,accordingtoMcKinseyconsultants.

Generative artificial intelligence will majorly benefit the medical world in the future. By using AI to medical advantage the world will see a major difference in the medical world in just a short period of time. The future is happening now and in many instances is benefiting patients in hard to reach places,providingbetteraccesstobettercare.

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Looking into the future can be scary and the unknown is unsettling; nevertheless, knowing how the creation and advancement of AI in medicine will change healthcare forever and give our children and their children a better chance at a safer, longerlife, is necessary. While security is certainly a concern, another major challenge facing AI is ensuring that it is developed in an ethical and responsible way. As AI systems become more powerful, there is a risk that they could be used to exploit people or perpetuate existing biases and inequalities. To prevent this from happening, many experts are advocating for greater transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of it. AI has become increasingly relevant in today’s society in many more fields than just medicine including but not limited to, sports, engineering, education, research, and many more. Most importantly, in the medical field, AI has changed so much in the everyday life of a doctor including, how fast information is given to doctors, the overall organization of that information, better memory and storage, and finding better medications and cures for diseases like kidney disease.

A main plus of AI is quicker response times when it comes to information, and overall creating more informed hard working doctors. One of the ways that researchers are ensuring that AI is safe for every patient is by training doctors on how to use it safely. To integrate it into medicine, it is required that doctors be able to work with the machine and its many skills. One way that it is infiltrating the system is that now doctors use AI and its vast knowledge to get information better and faster. The only issue is that with a machine doing all of the work the accuracy comes into question. How do we know that “it” can be so personal as to be able to attend to each and every human being individually? It's always going to be important to continue to monitor and evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of AI systems and ensure that they are developed and deployed in an ethical and responsible manner. Better memory and storage, and especially organization, the human brain is incredible and complex, but a machine has much better accuracy in storing knowledge in its brain.

It is no doubt that there are some smarter brains than the machine seeing as this was an idea at one point; nevertheless, AI runs smoother. The human brain makes mistakes and forgets, and limits, how small those limitations are. With AI and a little bit more work, we will be able to get rid of the problem of mistakes and add more knowledge. it's important to acknowledge the limitations and biases that may exist in the data used to train AI systems, and work to ensure that the development of AI is inclusive and equitable for all populations. An article from the College of Computing and Informatics addressed this issue saying, “AI is constantly evolving and improving to account for data gaps. However, it’s important to note that specific populations may still be excluded from existing domain knowledge.”

In terms of patient care, AI is poised to revolutionize the sector. A new study found that overall, patients preferred the chatbot over the physician 79% of the time. From the study: “The chatbot responses were preferred over physician responses and rated significantly higher for both quality and empathy.” It is important to note this was an online forum, and doctor’s prefer face to face contact. Also, the numbers will only improve as AI improves. Potential implications are health guidance 24/7, quicker results, increased availability of healthcare in rural areas, and decreased workload in healthcare systems.



3.TryMartinShkreli'sDr. Gupta,poweredbyGPT-4 (lovehimorhatehim,the productworkswell)

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IfyouwanttotestAIvs. physicianforyourself,here areacoupleofsuggestions:

With the knowledge that AI is giving the field scientists and doctors have been able to advance in the study of kidney disease and overall with other diseases and disabilities and giving many people a better chance of survival. Researchers continue to refine and improve AI algorithms, giving us the ability to have even greater breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of kidney disease, as well as other diseases and disabilities. As the Earth continues to spin, we continue to grow in our knowledge of many things. Dr. Peter Kotanko says, “AI is helping doctors diagnose and manage kidney disease and predict trajectories for kidney patients,” He writes about this in his article about AI and where it's going in 2023.

Among some of the most significant setbacks of AI infiltrating healthcare is precision. It is not 100% that the robot or machine will get it right every time seeing as they continue to grow daily. A lot of issues have risen because of this, especially in medicine. The robot cannot perform surgery or always do the best research, and sometimes it glitches which could be fatal in some situations. This problem has been around for years but the only solution that is truly reasonable is working as it continues to advance and always staying on top of it, making sure that the machine cannot outsmart its creator.

The amount of time it will take to perfect this field will be a big problem seeing as the medical world is constantly changing and AI is still struggling to keep up. However, with proper regulation, education, and collaboration between humans and AI, we can harness the full potential of this technology and use it to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare for everyone.

Scientists and researchers usually enjoy bragging about their ability to keep up with the machine as it continues to grow, but in reality, AI is keeping these scientists on their toes. It constantly changes and grows bigger and poses more of a threat to the safety of all of our information and our lives endangered. There is constantly a multitude of people on the issues fighting to make it better constantly but humans can only do so much.

Unemployment is an obvious con because, undeniably, a robot can perfect the flaws that humans naturally have but that also means that it will take jobs, Which becomes a problem, especially with COVID. When the pandemic hit, people went into panic mode. They spent half of their time stocking up on toilet paper and the other half of the time complaining about the masks. From many great problems arouse unemployment, which came from the sudden halt in almost every company and business in the world. It also came from AI and the advancements that it had made during COVID. Additionally, while the adoption of AI may result in the loss of certain jobs, it can also create new job opportunities in fields related to the development, implementation, and maintenance of AI systems. As AI advanced more people lost their jobs which made people talk and theyhad many things to say about it.

To sum up everything, AI has pros and cons, and with the right brains to keep working with this machine until it is perfected, we can grow as a society and as a human race. It can help us pull and organize information from anywhere at any time. This machine is extremely smart and great for medicine. The only problems are that it can’t be 100% accurate all the time and that it's taken some people’s jobs. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that its development and implementation align with our values and goals as a society. Researchers also largely have to focus on keeping up with the machine as it continues to take in new information every day becoming significantly smarter by the second. With these pros and cons it’s truly only the reader’s decision how to feel aboutAI.

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Have you considered the potential impact of combining artificial intelligence and surgery? This powerfulcombinationhastheabilitytorevolutionize the medical field, with the potential to greatly enhance surgical precision, improve patient outcomes, and reduce the risk of complications. By leveragingvastamountsofpatientdata,AIcanassist surgeons in making informed decisions during surgeries and developing personalized treatment plans.

Avoiding surgery

Wouldyou optfora surgery-free alternative if it were available? Luckily, advancements in technology are making this a possibility in the near future. The ultimate aim of AI in surgery is to eliminate the need for invasive procedures altogether.HowdoesAIachievethisgoal?Byutilizing cameras and specialized tools, it can enable early diagnosis of health issues and facilitate preventative measures that could potentially avoid the need for surgery. Specialists are actively pursuing the idea of earlydetectionanddiseaseanticipationthroughAIto improve patient outcomes and reduce the need for invasivetreatments.

Pre-Op planning

The key to avoiding surgery lies in effective pre-operativeplanning.Withoutit,wewouldn'thave accesstospecializedscanslikeCTscansthatprovide us with detailed views of the affected areas. This planning enables us to quickly predict potential failures, which is critical as timely intervention can make all the difference in saving lives. Thus, pre-operative planning is an essential step that cannot be overlooked if we hope to improve patient outcomes and reduce the need for invasive treatments.

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TheintegrationofAIin surgeryhasthepotential torevolutionizetheway weapproachhealthcare. Byleveragingthepower oftechnology,wecan enhancesurgical precisionandimprove patientoutcomesina significantway.
Dr. Jane Smith, Surgical Oncologist

Surgical Robot Assistance

Oneofthelatestadvancementsinthe medical field is the integration of robots in surgery. While robots cannot replace human surgeons, they can greatly enhance surgical outcomes. Robots are capable of improving precision and control, which allows for a better line of sight during surgeries. This results in minimally invasive procedures,which inturnleadsto quicker recovery times and reduced pain forpatients.Additionally,complicationsare minimized as robots carry out pre-operative planning with a high degree of accuracy. Innovative technology like the gestonurse, a robotic nurse that handles surgical equipment in the operating room, further improves surgical outcomes by reducing errors and assisting the surgeon withprecision.However,theintroduction of such AI in the medical field could potentially lead to a reduction in certain nursing jobs. Nonetheless, the benefits of robotic assistance in surgery are substantial and have the potential to improvepatientoutcomessignificantly.

Quicker Recovery

As previously mentioned, a quicker recoverytime is a crucial factor for many patients. Thanks to advancements in technology and tools such as AI, this can now be achieved in somecases.Improvedsurgicalprecision, which is made possible through the use of artificial intelligence and technology, can lead to a shorter recovery time. By utilizingAI,surgeonsareabletoperform procedures with greater accuracy and control,resultinginbetteroutcomesand reducedhealingtimeforpatients. Our future is in good hands with artificial intelligence surgeries just aroundthecorner.Thisisagoodstartto a great ending! So many lives could be savedandimprovedfromthisdiscovery. Thefutureisinourhands.

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Imagine a future where medicine and sales jobs use Artificial Intelligence to help them diagnose illnesses faster, and sales teams useAI to better understand customer needs. AI is continuously growing stronger and more intelligent, its discoveries could change everything we know about medicine. AI has the potential to level the playing field by improving access to medical equipment for underserved communities, empowering individuals with disabilities to lead more independent lives, and transforming sales jobs with data-driven insights and personalized customer experiences. Artificial intelligence can help us cure diseases and diagnose people sooner, change the distribution of medical equipment, help the disabled, and affect sales jobs tremendously.Adding on, there can also be negative impacts such as job displacement, ethical concerns, and biased decision-making. These new ideas overall, can be beneficial as well as harmful, and only time will tell how our lives will

One of the many possible benefits of artificial intelligence is the potential for it to help us come up with new ideas to cure diseases and help people. These technologies have the potential to change someone's life. There are millions of dollars being poured into AI and its research, meaning there is hope for new technologies and labs and tests being run to help cure people. Some of AI technologies can also improve the speed that diagnoses are given and help people get treatment sooner. It can also help come up with new formulations of medicines and combinations of chemicals to improve people’s health.

AI also has the potential to speed up and change the ways medicine and medical equipment are distributed around the world.With the advanced and ever evolving implementations of AI, medicines can be produced, diagnosed, labeled, and packaged at a faster rate, which can help to speed up pharmaceutical sales and distribution. As a result, people can have easier and more affordable access to healthcare products. Companies may use

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these technologies to speed up processes causing some people to be out of work. Corporations may make more money and consumers can have more affordable medicine if technologies allow for faster ways to sell medicine.

The Food and Drug Administration has been busy overseeing the new AI technology on multiple levels. New chatbot systems are identifying health issues and streamlining the process to cut down on wait times for medical experts. One example is retinopathywhich was approved in 2018, but NPR notes that this new generation of AI may expand the field: “Other similar AI programs have been approved for specialties like radiology and cardiology. But these new chatbots can potentially be used by all kinds of doctors treating awide variety of patients.”

There is also really big potential forAI to be able to benefit and change the lives of disabled people. With possible new prosthetic technologies and drivable cars in the future for paraplegics, disabled people can live with less struggles and live fuller lives. AI-powered prosthetics can provide greater mobility, functionality, and comfort for those with limb loss or other physical impairments. With the ability to detect and respond to signals from the user's nervous system, AI-powered prosthetics can provide a more intuitive and natural feel than traditional prosthetics. AI also can speed up how fast these products are made and they can give u better measurements and more range of function. These technologies are building blocks for so many things that can be invented in medicine. Daily life can change for so many people if AI can help make better and more lifelike prosthetics and help come up with new inventions for them. Overall, new technologies for disabled people can help provide equal chances to do

AI has many benefits but some questions are raised when it comes to technology safety and personal medical information. There is a movement to streamline and personalize all medical data on mobile apps. If AI can see people’s medical information, could this be a national danger if it got hacked? Safety is a big concern with AI and with its power, it should be programed to keep things secret.When nations all over the world begin to grow their AI technologies, we need to be careful that our information is kept safe from hacking. Further, the government needs to regulate and set boundaries.

Sales jobs in healthcare can change a lot with the new technologies and progress with AI. When AI figures out faster ways to sell and distribute medical supplies, then sales reps will be needed less. Sales jobs will be needed less if hospitals can ask AI everything they need to know about a product they might need to buy. Sales people will lose their jobs because theywon't have to sell and pitch ideas when all the information of their product is already known by the doctors and it's easy to order. In total, sales people will always have the benefit of a personal touch on sales, but the world and AI can change so much about the industry.

Overall, AI is growing fast and we have a lot of big changes in our future, new inventions, and cures. Because of AI people can be saved and cured from diseases and live healthier lives with unimaginable medicines on the horizon. The manual laborthatAI can eliminate will be a major cost-savings that will hopefully be shared with the consumers and make healthcare more affordable for all. While generative artificial intelligence is still in its infancy and needs to be managed, this sector is one where the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks if we manage it ethically and responsibly.

WorksConsulted From then… …to Now


ArtificialIntelligencehasbeensteadily increasingitsimpactontoday'ssocietyandhas thepotentialtotransformnumerousjob opportunitiesaroundtheworld.However,with itscontinuedriseofitsimpactonsociety,many individualsandsocietyasawholehave concernsaboutitsincreasingrole.AIhasthe potentialtobedevelopedtocreatemore equitableandefficienteducationsystems, creatediversityinsociety,eliminatebiasin employmentsystems,andimproveourjustice systems.

Oneofthebiggestproblemsinsociety todayisthegrowinginequalitybetweenthe membersofoursociety.Variousfactors contributetothisproblem,includinglackof accesstopropereducation,jobopportunities, andracialbias.Thisinequalitynotonlyaffects individualsbutalsohasfar-reaching consequencesforsocietyasawhole,including reducedeconomicgrowthandsocialinstability. Thecurrenteducationsystemisfailingtomeet theneedsofeachindividualstudentanditis resultinginasignificantgapbetweengroupsof students.

AIiscurrentlybeingusedtoincrease efficiencyinhumandecisionmakingby eliminatingandcorrectingerrorsthatwemake. Forexample,oneofthemostpopularsectors thatcomputersarepresentlybeingdeveloped

intoistransportation,withself-drivingcars. beingmodeledwiththegoalofreducing accidentsandsavinglives.Itisalsobeing appliedinhealthcaretoaiddoctorsandmedical professionalsindiagnosingdiseasesaccurately andtodeveloppersonalizedtreatmentplansfor patients.Artificialintelligenceismoreofa presenceinoureverydaylivesthanweknow, anditcouldbejustonthevergeofsurginginto asolutionformultipleproblemsinsociety. Thedevelopmentofcomputerswitha mindoftheirownhasthepotentialto revolutionizeeducationsystemsbycreating learningexperiencesthatareproperforeach individualstudent,ensuringthattheylearnata fastandefficientpace.Microsoftco-founder BillGateshaspredictedthatAIchatbotswill helpchildrenlearntoreadandenhancetheir writingskillsinjust18months'time. Additionally,itcananalyzevastamountsofdata toprovideeducatorswithvaluableinsightsinto studentperformance,allowingthemtomake data-drivendecisionsandimprovetheoverall qualityofeducation.Anotherproofalargerrole withthisnewadditiontoeducationisthatitcan giveinformationthatisimportantforevery student’sdesiredcareerpath,ensuringthat everystudentwillbeontracktofulfilltheir desiredcareer.

. DavidHamacher MeetAI Page56

Anotherproblemthatexpertsystemscan worktoresolveiscreatingamorediverse society.Forexample,humandecisionmakingin fieldssuchasrecruiting,promotions,and salary,couldseevastimprovements,suchas reducingthecommonproblemofhumanbias andensuringthatpeoplearecorrectly rewardedfortheirperformance.Furthermore, AIcanassistinidentifyingpatternsof discriminationandbiasthatmayexistwithinan organizationorsociety,allowingfortargeted interventionstopromoteequityandinclusivity. Creatingadiversesocietywouldpromote fairnessandinclusivity,whereallmembers haveanequalopportunitytosucceed.

Oneofthemajorbenefitsoftheriseof thiscomputerizedassistantinsocietyisits potentialtoreduceoreliminatebiasin employmentsystems.Biasinemployment systemsisoneofthebiggestreasonsastowhy oursocietyfailstoreachdiversity,anditis essentialthatitisfixedfortheoverall bettermentofsociety.Perhapstheprimary causeofthisproblemishumanbias,something thatwillnevergoaway,unlesswesuccessfully incorporatetechnologytocreateasystemthat identifieswhatresumesarethebestforeach applicantinajobapplicationprocess.Hiring processescanbemadesothatpersonalthings suchasname,age,skintone,gender,etc.are notontheforefrontofwhypeoplegetjobs,but ratherwhichcandidateistrulythemost qualified.

ConsiderwhatAIcandotoimproveour justicesystems.Itcancreateamoreobjective rulingthatisbasedonpreviouscasesand eliminateanyhumanbiasthatcouldbe possibleintherulingsofcourtcases. However,itisimportanttonotethattheuseof thisinthejusticesystemmustbeapproached withcautionandtransparencyasthe potentialforerrorsandunintended consequencesstillexists,andhuman oversightisstillcrucialinensuringjusticeis servedfairly.Acomputerizedsystemthat givesitsjudgmenttocriminalswouldtakeout anyquestioningfromthepeopleinour societyonwhetherornottherulingwasa goodoneasthebasisforallrulingswouldbe moreobjective.

Whilethereislimitlesspotentialto transformmultipleaspectsofsociety, reducingsomeoftheproblemsinoursociety, itisimportanttounderstandthatitcannot cureallofourproblems.Withtheaidof humans,ArtificialIntelligencecanworkina responsiblemannerthatwillcreatemorejust andequitablesystemsthatareproperlysuited forallpeople.Thisrequiresethical considerationsandcollaborationamong expertsindifferentfieldstodevelop guidelinesforresponsibility,toensurethatit isalignedwithoursharedvaluesandgoalsas asociety.Together,wemustensure responsibledevelopmentofAIthatbenefitsall ofsociety.

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Artificialintelligence ismoreofapresence inoureverydaylives thanweknow,andit couldbejustonthe vergeofsurginginto asolutionformultiple problemsinsociety.

AI:TheSocialMediaDJ,SpinningthePerfect ContentMix

The implementation of AI services by social media platforms is a double-edged sword, as it has the potential to enhance the user experience, while also posing ethical concerns regarding its use and potential negative consequences. Given the crucial role of social media in shaping public opinion and distributing information, it is essential to conduct a careful evaluation of howAI impacts these platforms.

Facebook positive

With its latest advancements in AI technology, Facebook is demonstrating its innovative approach toward revolutionizing social media platforms. This includes the abilityto detect and remove content that violates community guidelines, as well as to learn and tag people's posts. Additionally, Facebook's AI algorithms can detect harmful images posted by friends or family members and send alerts to loved ones. As a result, Facebook has seen a significant increase in content flagged by users seeking help, with 20 times more people sending them content than before. In a manifesto outlining his vision for how Facebook can help build a better global community, CEO Mark Zuckerberg highlighted the social network's unique ability to connect people in danger of self-harm to the resources they need. By implementing AI in social media networks, we can take important steps toward promoting mental health and well-being worldwide.

Privacy concerns

The ability to connect with loved ones and express oneself has been made possible through the influence of social media, but this comes with the cost of personal information being collected bythese platforms through theirterms and conditions and user activity. With the use of AI, social media platforms can create specialized feeds for users based on their personal information and behavior, leading to a constant stream of personalized content that can also make users vulnerable to manipulation and privacy breaches.As Facebook CEO

Mark Zuckerberg once stated, "When people have control over what they share, they are comfortable sharing more. When people share more, the world becomes more open and connected." However, the question remains whether this level of openness is worth the potential risks involved in using social media platforms that rely on AI technology to shape our online experiences. This data collection and analysis have raised concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of personal information. It is important for individuals to be aware of the data that is being collected and to take steps to protect their privacy.

Spread of misinformation

The boy who cried wolf may have been a cautionary tale in the past, but in the world of social media today, the consequences of spreading fake news are far from fictional. With the widespread adoption of AI technology, the once sporadic spread of false information has now multiplied threefold, creating a perfect storm for the dissemination of misinformation. The allure of instant gratification through likes, shares, and comments has incentivized a race to the bottom, where accuracy and truth are no longerthe primary drivers of content creation. As a result, we're leftwith alandscape where critical thinking and fact-checking have taken a back seat, and the power of social media has become a two-sided coin that can both enlighten and deceive us all.

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Social media has a tendency to provide a biased portrayal of stories and topics due to its customization of content based on users' interests and preferences, potentially leading to a stronger influence on their political opinions without their awareness. However, this political polarization can have negative effects on democracy, such as increasing centralization of power, congressional gridlock, and citizen dissatisfaction. This is particularly concerning as the younger generation gets a significant amount of information from social media, where algorithms may only show one side of a story, leading to addictive behavior and potentially lasting impacts. Additionally, while individuals can create their own content on these platforms, the algorithms created by AI can also perpetuate cycles of polarization by shaping beliefs and opinions. It is crucial to address these issues and find ways to ensure that social media provides a more diverse and balanced portrayal of information.

Addiction and social isolation

The impact of social media addiction goes beyond just mental health, as it can also contribute to the spread of harmful behaviors and attitudes. For instance, easy access to communities that promote disordered eating behavior can lead to a rise in such behavior among social media users. This, in turn, can have devastating effects on an individual's physical and emotional well-being. As the number of social media users and usage time continues to increase, it is important to address these issues and find ways to mitigate the negative impacts of AI algorithms and other aspects of social media. One way to mitigate the negative effects of social media addiction is through digital literacy education, teaching individuals howto recognize and navigate biased content and the potential risks associated with prolonged social media use.

Unsupervised decision

The pervasive use of AI in social media has led to virtual influencers like Lil Miquela, who has amassed millions of followers and landed lucrative brand endorsements. However, the fact that these AI-powered entities lack moral judgment, intellectual capacity, and emotions raises concerns about the accuracy and ethical implications of their decisions. As AI technology evolves to include more advanced self-learning capabilities, it becomes increasingly important to establish checks and balances that ensure virtual influencers are held accountable fortheir actions and aligned with ethical standards.

As Dr. Ben Goertzel, CEO of Singularity NET, said, "We need to create AI that can understand the moral and ethical implications of its actions and be held responsible for them." The recent reports indicating the inconsistency, inaccuracy, and unethical nature of some AI-generated solutions further emphasize the need for such checks and balances.

In addition to the impacts mentioned above, the use of AI in social media also brings up concerns regarding unsupervised decisions made byAI systems. Lil Miquela, for example, operates without any human supervision and can endorse brands and provide advice to her millions of followers. This raises questions about the accuracy and ethics of her decisions. Furthermore, social media use has been linked to addiction, social isolation, and polarization. The spread of fake news through social media platforms is also a significant issue that needs to be addressed. Another area of concern is privacy, as AI can gather and analyze vast amounts of personal data. However, there are also positive aspects of social media and AI, such as connecting people from all over the world and promoting positive messages through platforms like Facebook. As the use of AI in social media continues to evolve, it is essential to balance its benefits with the potential risks and drawbacks.

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The Simulation is Real: Data Collection and AI are Intertwined

In an era where privacy is increasingly scarce, the thought of AI mining our personal information is disturbing reality that we can no longer ignore. How would AI having information about people be that big of an issue? Well the rapid growth of AI is also arising problems with taking private data about people all around the world. While AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, the indiscriminate collection and use of personal information by these systems poses significant ethical questions that must be addressed.

Social media platforms and other online services have amassed vast amount of personal data form their users, including their interests, browsing history, and even

location data, compromising users’ privacy and autonomy. The data collection artificial intelligence expand with every keystroke of the general population. It knows more about you than you know about yourself. People have been freely giving their information to all these sites and apps with no care, but little do they know that it can be storing any of the information about them. Companies use the principle of Metcalfe’s Law which states that all technology has a network that shares the information. So any information someone gives to one app can be transmitted to all other platforms. As technology continues to advance, there are concerns that the data collected by these platforms can be used to manipulate people's behaviors.

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AIhavinglotsofourinformationcoilsbea helpfulthinginsomecases.AI’saccesstopersonal datacanimprovehealthcareoutcomesbyallowing formoreprecisediagnosesandpersonalized treatmentsbasedonindividualpatientdata.They canalsohelpprotecttheinformationthatisinthere andnotifyifithasbeentaken,lifecreditcardfraud. OntheotherhandAIcanbebadforpeople’s personalinformationbecauseitcanbeeasytotarget certaincompaniesthathaveinformationabout peopletheyarelookingfor.

WithAIbeinganeasytargettogain informationaboutotherpeople,howwillthe governmentworktomakeanimpact?The governmentcanplayacrucialroleinregulationthe useofAIandprojectingpersonaldataby implementingstricterlawsandregulationsaround dataprivacyandsecurity.Thereisalreadypersonal informationabouteveryone,butwilltheyworkwith AItocontrolhowmuchinformationthatitisallowed totake?AccordingtoKerry,anexpertinProtecting privacyinanAI-DrivenWorld,“Thechallengefor Congressistopassprivacylegislationthatprotects individualsagainstanyadverseeffectsfromtheuse ofpersonalinformationinAI.”PresidentBidenhas beenworkingwithhisWhiteHouseAdministration abouta “BlueprintforanAIBillofRights.”Thiswill guideasocietythathelpsprotectallpeopleform threats.“Youshouldbeprotectedfromabusivedata practicesviabuilt-inprotectionsandyoushould haveagencyoverhowdataaboutyouisused.”The governmentismakingplansonhowtohelpwithAI. Inadditiontogovernmentregulation,itisalso importantforindividualstotakestepstoprotect theirownpersonaldatabybeingmorecautiousand selectiveabouttheinformationtheyshareonline.

Thequestionpeopleareaskingrightnow iswhatisthewaytoslowdownhowmuch informationAIisallowedtotake?Companies thatusAIshouldbetransparentabouttheirdata collectionandprocessingpracticesandprovide userswithmorecontroloverhowtheirdatis usedandshared.Thiscanhelplimittheamount ofpersonalinformationthatisavailableforAIto accessandanalyze.Withthehelpofthe governmentandtheplanfor“BlueprintforanAI BillofRights”suggestedbytheWhiteHouse, therewillberulesinplacethatcouldhelpslow downAI.Anotherapproachcouldbeto encouragethedevelopmentofAIalgorithmsthat canoperateeffectivelywithoutrequiringaccess tolargeamountsofpersonaldata,using techniquessuchasdifferentialprivacyof federatedlearningtominimizetheamountof sensitiveinformationthatisshared.

Inall,AIisrapidlygrowingandwiththatit iscreatingmanyconcernsforwhatwillhappen withourpersonalinformation.AsAIsystems becomeincreasinglyintegratedintoourdaily lives,itisimportanttocontinuethedialogueon ethicalAIdevelopmentandestablishguidelines. Ultimately,AImustbedevelopedandusedina responsibleandethicalmannerthatprioritizes theprotectionofindividuals’privacyrightsand promotesthewellbeingofsocietyasawhole. WhileAIcanoffermanybenefitsintermsof personalizedservicesandimproves decision-making,itiscrucialthatwetakesteps toprotectpersonaldatafrombeingexploitedor misusedbyAialgorithms.

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Thedatacollectionartificial intelligenceexpandswithevery keystrokeofthegeneralpopulation. Itknowsmoreaboutyouthanyou knowaboutyourself.

With countless sci-fi films and novels depicting the apocalyptic consequences of artificial intelligence, it's no wonder that Hollywood has convinced us that AI will be the ultimate downfall of humanity. But is this portrayalanaccuratereflectionofwhatthefuture holds, or are we letting our fears get the best of us? As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the potential risks and consequences it poses to society cannot be ignored.Whiletheideaofarobottakeovermaybe far-fetched, the real danger lies in the potential loss of privacy, the erosion of democratic principles, and the potential for harm to individuals and society as a whole, unless proper regulations are put in place to mitigate these risks.

Lawmakers don’t understand the risks and are behind in defining any regulations. Company self regulation can’t enforce adherence to rules. AI technology needs a regulatory body dedicated to setting the standards like with electricity. No one can predict how fast technology innovation

exponentially once it becomes self improving. As such, it is crucial for lawmakers to catch up and take action in defining regulations to ensure the safe development and deployment of AI, and a dedicated committee can provide a framework for the standards needed to prevent the potential risks andconsequencesofunbridledAIdevelopment.

AI automates the collection and filtering of camera surveillance meaning that you are always being watched. NPR news says. “At least 1 billion surveillance cameras are spying on the world right nowaccording to one estimate.” Half of those are in China alone. Facial recognition, social media activity, purchasing behavior is all being collected and analyzed byAI. Deep fakeAI couldwreakhavoc if misused by bad actors to impersonate people and ruin someone’s reputation or to commit fraud. It is crucial thatwe consider the potential consequences of the unregulated collection and analysis of personal data by AI systems, and take steps to ensurethatthe use ofthesetechnologies is properly governed and monitored to prevent abuse and protecttheprivacyofindividuals.

AI data collection is being used by non-democraticcountriestofurtherrepressionand censorship. AI can be used to spread misinformation. According to a MIT Technology review,AI is being spearheaded byChina rightnow, to be used by the Chinese government to provide false reports. China is doing this in Taiwan to influence elections. China is selling its AI technology for surveillance and data collection to other non-democratic countries and training on its use.These countries could slowlyuse itto influence the people and turn them away from democracy.As

AI technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable, it is critical that we establish ethical standards and regulations to prevent the weaponization of AI by non-democratic countries andensurethattheuseofAIsystemsisalignedwith democraticvaluesandprinciples.

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AI can be a danger to humanity if it is not set up correctly. In a TED Talk, Sam Harris said thatAIcoulddecidethathumanityhastobewiped out, not because it is evil but because we become an obstacle forit. IfAI is given ataskitmaynotbe programmed to know when to stop and make a decision to prioritize its task over human safety. “AI can be misused, or it can be used by bad actors.So,thentherearequestionsabouthowyou govern the use of this technology globally.” If given the wrong prompts, it can start a war. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize safety measures and ethical considerations when developing and deployingAI andto ensurethatAI systems are designed with fail-safes and human oversight to prevent catastrophic outcomes that couldposeathreattohumanity.

AI can be used to find cracks in networks and find a way in to gain information. According to a CNBC article, AI can be developed to learn patterns in software to find weaknesses, making hackersthathave accesstoAI aworsethreat. IfAI is used, phishing accounts can be created a lot faster and look more attractive to victims.

According to the same article, it is easierto attack something on theweb than build a defense.As the use of AI in cyberattacks becomes more sophisticated, it is essential that we stay vigilant and invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect against the potential damage and disruptionthatcouldbecausedbytheseattacks.

According to IOT, around 400-800 million jobs will be lost and replaced by AI and robots. 50%unemploymentisprojectedtohappenin30

years. With all of the unemployment the economy will crash because of the amount of people not working and spending money. During the industrial revolution machines put people out of jobs, but those machines created more jobs such as machine upkeep. While those machines were more rudimentary, AI will be able to adapt and learn to perform all sorts of more intelligent jobs. There will be jobs created but not enough for the workforce that was laid off to go right back to work.Too muchleisuretimewith no purposewill impact humanity's well being. Therefore, it is essential that we prioritize investing in education and retraining programs to ensure that people can adapt to the changing job market and acquire the skills necessary to work alongside AI and automation. Additionally, we must consider the potential social and psychological impacts of a rapidlychangingjobmarketandworktoestablish policies and systems that support the well-being and resilience of individuals and communities impactedbythesechanges.

Onlyifweallowit,willAIbeadangertothe world. When writing the code for the AI it is important to have standards, rules and regulations that can be enforced. Rules have to be defined before the technology advances much further or it will be too late to control. Furthermore, we must ensure that these standards, rules, and regulations are regularly reviewed and updated to keep pace with the rapid evolution of AI technology, and that they are enforced by governments and industry to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is alignedwiththebestinterestsofhumanity.

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AI, ChatGPT, Dall-E, andAIArt are all major buzzwords that are going all round the world right now. People say it is the future orthat itwill kill us all and take our jobs. There has to be some middle ground within all the chaos of internet redirect. Society must considerthe "real/intended" uses of machine learning such as ChatGPT and Dall*E in orderto identifywhether they can be used as weapons ratherthan tools.

While many people know of the common terms used to referto the field ofAI, they may not truly understand what they mean in the context of the field. The largest tripping point is the difference betweenAI and Machine Learning, while Machine Learning is a subset ofAI it is not artificial intelligence. “Artificial Intelligence is the field of developing computers and robots that are capable of behaving in ways that both mimic and go beyond human capabilities” (Columbia) & “Machine learning is a pathway to artificial intelligence. This subcategory ofAI uses algorithms to automaticallylearn insights and recognize patterns from data, applying thatlearning to make increasingly better decisions” (Columbia). The fundamental base of Large Language Models are Autoregressive Models. “Autoregression modeling centers on measuring the correlation between observations at previous time steps (the lag variables) to predict the value of the next time step (the output)” (DeepAI). If a person has one cookie on day one, four on daytwo, and 16 on day fouryou might not see a pattern to determine how many cookies theywould have on daythree. This is where anAutoregressive model shines: itwould see that there is a pattern of x^2 and knowthat the person would have nine cookies on daythree.Although this is a roundabout example it begins to make more sense when someone might say “To be or not…” and you would say “be, that is the question.”This is exactly what Chat GPT is doing on a much larger and more complex scale.

AI has many uses butwhat are the uses that the creators ofAI’s or even theAIs themselves saythey are supposed to be. What does Chat-GPT itself say its purpose is. Here is a conversation that I had with ChatGPTto answer just that question:

User: What is the intended purpose of ChatGPT and other large language models?

ChatGPT: The intended purpose of large language models like ChatGPT is to enable more advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. These models are trained on massive amounts of data and use complex algorithms to understand and generate human-like language.

One of the key applications of large language models is in improving human-machine interactions. Chatbots like ChatGPT can engage in conversations with users in a more

natural and intelligentway, helping users to get answers to their questions or complete tasks more efficiently.

Large language models can also be used in a range of other NLPtasks, such as text generation, summarization, sentiment analysis, language translation, and more. Theyhave the potential to improve awide range of industries, including customer service, healthcare, education, and many more. However, it's important to note thatlarge language models can also raise ethical concerns around biases in the data used to train them, as well as the potential for misuse or abuse. It's important to use these tools responsibly and ensure that their benefits are balanced against their potential risks.

User: What are large language models like ChatGPT's intended use?

ChatGPT: Large language models like ChatGPT are intended to be used in a variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, text generation, summarization, language translation, and sentiment analysis. These applications can be useful in a wide range of industries, but it's important to use these tools responsibly and ensure that their benefits are balanced against their potential risks.

AI can be a companion to human creativity, avast source of knowledge that can be hard to access and much much more.As a chatbotAI helps people generate ideas and learn. It is not a one stop shop but it is an unmatched springboard for many ideas.What isAI used for in the real world and where does it actuallyhelp? There are many uses for AI CSU global sites many uses: “Artificial intelligence technology offers several critical benefits that make it an excellent tool forvirtually any modern organization, including: Automation, Enhancement,Analysis,Accuracy, ROI / Simply put,AI allows organizations to make better decisions, improving core business processes by increasing both the speed and accuracy of strategic decision-making processes.(CSU Global).AI takes tasks that many programs and people can not do and streamlines them through its vast and unique design. Many parts of the world use this sectorto take tasks that mighthave taken forever and make them much more efficient.AI is here to stay as ithas already inundated itself in many sectors in the world.With great power comes great responsibility and this is true even forAI.

AlthoughAI has many incredible uses, what are some of the ways that it can be used as aweapon?Well let us hear what ChatGPT itself has to say again:

ChatGPT: The use of AI as a weapon poses a significant threat to individuals and society, as it has the potential to cause physical harm, manipulate public opinion, and undermine the trust in institutions and democratic processes. The consequences of AI weaponization can be far-reaching and long-lasting, making it imperative to prevent its misuse and promote ethical and responsible uses of technology.

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ChatGPT: It's important to note that the risks associated with AI as a weapon are not just theoretical, as there have already been instances of AI being weaponized. For example, in recent years, there have been reports of malicious actors using AI to generate convincing deepfakes, disinformation, and social engineering attacks. There have also been concerns about the use of autonomous weapons, which could use AI to identify and engage targets without human intervention. The potential for AI as a weapon raises significant ethical, legal, and social implications. There is a need for ongoing research and development to identify potential risks and develop effective strategies to prevent its misuse. It's also crucial to prioritize ethical considerations and promote responsible uses of technology, which can help mitigate the potential negative consequences of AI weaponization.

There are many dangerous parts ofAI that already exist. Just as it can take tasks like accounting and streamline it, it can also make malicious code and even fake p*** thatwas previously not impossible buthard to access.AI is not just a metaphorical weapon. It can also be used as aweapon of war and DISEC talks abouts its threat to the international community: “The weaponization ofAI is one of the biggest threats facing the international community.WeaponizedAI technologies do not face the same barriers as human soldiers, allowing them to traverse all kinds of terrain and be utilized in all areas of typical warfare. Additionally, as artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, its abilityto engage in atypical warfare, such as that in space and cyberspace, continuously increases” (DISEC).AI is not just a weapon in the metaphorical sense; it can be trained to shoot a gun faster and more accuratelythan ahuman. This creates an extreme ethical problem especiallywhen one country gets to this level of technology before another and can useAI to kill people. Nowthatwe have addressed both the idea ofAI being a really powerful tool and its uses as aweapon what do we do?Well I would propose a prettylukewarm argument that all tools are dangerous. I asked ChatGPTto do the work for me and to make an argument abouthow 3 different tools are all dangerous but still tools. I told it to do this with the Hak5 Rubber Duck, a crow bar, and Chat GPT itself as the 3 tools. Here is what ithad to say:

ChatGPT: Tools, in general, can be highly useful in various domains, such as construction, engineering, or security. Crowbars, for example, are commonly used as a levering tool to move heavy objects or to break open locks. However, the misuse of such tools can have serious consequences, and they can become dangerous weapons in the wrong hands. Crowbars, for instance, could be used for criminal purposes, such as breaking into homes, stealing property, or even committing violent crimes. This highlights the importance of regulating access to such tools, ensuring their safe storage and preventing their misuse. Similarly, with the rise of technology and advanced tools, the potential for misuse has increased. While these tools can provide many benefits, they also carry the potential for significant harm if used maliciously or irresponsibly. For instance, in the cybersecurity domain,

ChatGPT: hacking tools that were originally developed for legitimate purposes, such as penetration testing or vulnerability scanning, could be used maliciously to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, steal sensitive information, or launch cyberattacks. Moreover, the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies has raised concerns about their potential form is use as well. The capabilities of these technologies can be exploited for malicious purposes, such as creating deepfakes, impersonating people, or spreading disinformation. Therefore, it's essential to recognize the potential dangers of tools, regardless of their intended use. It's also crucial to promote responsible and ethical use of technology, to prevent their misuse and minimize the negative consequences that could arise from their exploitation. This includes ensuring that access to tools is regulated, providing adequate training and guidance, and enforcing legal and ethical guidelines for their use.

I could have Chat GPTwrite my essay; however, even that is howwe can misuse the tools we have. The response that Chat GPT generated was very specifically created and refined by the writer and may express the opinions of the person generating the response, but ithas an inherent bias and is not unique workwhich would mean it is plagiarized.A student could find a paperthat expresses the exact opinion theywant to share in their paper and saythat theywere done there because theytook the time to find it. Even if they changed a fewthings, rewrote some portions and made it “their own '' thatwould still be plagiarized. That is exactlywhat Chat GPT does. It takes the ideas of the user and makes connections to the prompts that the user gave to otherworks from its vastknowledge base and spits it back to you. It is not unique or its own work; it is a series of connections that the program made based on one or more prompts that the user gave it.You might then askwhy I quote the whole response that Chat GPT provided. The strength of Chat GPT is not asking it to write foryou, it is to write with you. If you are having trouble formulating whatyou want to sayyou can ask Chat GPThowto do that. Itwould be like having avideo from a tool channel titled “Don't smash your neighbors door in with this - Home Depot Crowbar”that then goes on to explain howto use a crowbar properly as a tool. The Hak5, a Crowbar, andAI all are tools thathave amazing uses that can all be used forweapons. There is nothing preventing someone from getting a crowbar, but they can be just as dangerous as Chat GPT so no don’t ban Chat GPT. There might not be a specific video on not smashing your neighbors window in but there are manythings that can teach you howto use a crowbar. People need to be educated on howthese things work so that they can use these incredible tools responsibly.

Tools are dangerous so we need education on howto use them butwhen used right they are incredibly powerful. Now thatyou knowwhatAI is don’t go have Chat GPTwrite yournext essay, but if you are interested I challenge you next time you get stuck on the phrasing of something, boot up Chat GPT and talk to it and ask forhelp.

Page 65 MeetAI

As AI technology continues to advance, the question of its impact on society becomes increasingly complex. While it has certainly brought about positive change in many areas, we must also consider the potential negative consequences and work to mitigate them using AI resource.

Thinking about the right to our own data

Data protection is a crucial aspect of modern society, and individuals should be aware of their rights regarding their personal data. One such right is the right to be informed, which means that individuals should be informed of how their data is being used, who is using it, and for what purposes. Another right is the right to restrict processing, which means that

Finally, the right to erasure is a key right, which means that individuals have the right to have their data erased in certain circumstances, such as when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Who are the companies in the AI race There are many companies that are driving the development of AI technology. Some of the largest and most influential companies in this field include Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, and Facebook, among others. These companies are investing heavily in research and development of AI technology with the goal of improving their products and services, enhancing user experience, and gaining a competitive advantage. However, their objectives may vary based on their business models, and it is essential that they balance their goals with the ethical use of AI.

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Does Someone Need to Establish Some Sort of Regulations

As AI becomes increasingly sophisticated, there are legitimate concerns around safety and privacy. For example, AI systems that are not properly tested or designed can have unintended consequences, such as bias or discrimination. Additionally, the use of AI in data processing and analysis raises concerns about privacy, as personal information may be collected and used without the knowledge or consent of individuals. It is important to set clear boundaries on AI to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner that protects both safety and privacy.

Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

The development of AI models that protect user privacy is becoming increasingly important as more data is collected and analyzed. One method for achieving this is through the use of federated learning, where the training data is kept on individual devices or servers and only the model updates are sent to a central server. This approach allows for the development of accurate AI models while preserving the privacy of user data.

Data Ownership and Control

As AI systems become more sophisticated, the collection and use of personal data has become a major c

concern. To address this, researchers are exploring ways to give individuals more control over their data and how it is used in AI systems. This includes the development of privacy-preserving technologies like data subject access requests, which give individuals the right to access and manage their own data, and transparent data management policies that provide clear information about how data is collected and used.


The security of AI systems is becoming increasingly important as they become more widespread and connected to the internet. Cyber threats like hacking and malware can compromise the privacy and security of individuals' data, making it crucial to develop techniques for protecting AI systems. This can include the use of secure coding practices, regular security audits, and the implementation of network security measures like firewalls and intrusion detection systems

AI has the potential to improve various aspects of our lives but also presents risks such as misuse and job displacement. Ethical guidelines and regulations should be established to address these challenges. By doing so, we can ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a responsible and sustainable manner, benefiting both individuals and society as a whole.

Page67 MeetAI WorksConsulted

Generative artificial intelligence is the iPhone of 2007. Hundreds of chatbots are released everyweek.ThisnewAIfocusesondoingtasksthat typically require human like intelligence and thought process. While the new technology may makeourliveseasier,AIcanbeusedtocreateand spread disinformation at an unprecedented scale and speed, as it enables the creation of highly convincing deepfake videos, images, and text. Fortunately, AI can also be used to detect and combatdisinformation,byanalyzinglargeamounts of data and identifying patterns and anomalies in real-time. The most common ways it is used to spread misinformation is through AI generated voices and faces, scam calls, and fake social media accounts.

Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally. It can take many forms, including rumors,conspiracytheories,propaganda,andfake news. Misinformation can have serious consequences, as it can mislead people and affect their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and even causeharmtoindividualsandsocietyasawhole.In the age of digital media and social networks, the spread of misinformationhas become increasingly prevalent, highlighting the need for critical thinking skills and fact-checking to combat its negativeeffects.

ManycountrieshavealreadybegunusingAI generatedfacesandvoicesthataretakingtheplace oftraditionalnewscasterstoaidtheminspreading messages and political agendas. This is very worrisome to many people because An AI generatedpersonwillsayanythingitistoldtosay, givingthecountryorpoliticalgroupaneasywayto have a firm grasp on what information, true or false is pushed out to their targeted people. Furthermore, the use of AI-generated people in news and political messages raises concerns about transparencyandaccountability,asitcanbe

difficult to determine the true source and intentions behindtheinformationbeingpresented.

Fake voices or synthetic voices created by AI technologycanbeusedtotargetvulnerablepeopleand scamthemoutoftheirmoneyorpersonalinformation. Scammers can use these fake voices to impersonate someonethevictimtrusts,suchasafamilymemberor afriendtogaintheirtrustandmanipulatethem."AIhas become the perfect tool for creating realistic- looking deepfakes, amplifying messages to target specific groups,andevenautomatingthecreationofentirefake news articles," according to Frida Polli, journalist reporting on the newest advances in the technology. This type of scam can be particularly harmful to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or people withmentalhealthissues,whomaybemoresusceptible topersuasionandlesslikelytodetectthattheymaynot betalkingtoarealperson.

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NotaRealPerson:ArtificialIntelligences makedeepfakessoperfectevenotherAIs can’tdetectthem.

In today's digital age, companies and political campaigns are creating fake accounts on social media platforms to push information to unsuspecting users. These fake accounts are designed to mimic human behaviorandinteractwithrealusersonsocialmedia.By doing so, theycan promote specific content ormessages to influence public opinion. These bots can be programmed to spread disinformation, fake news, or propaganda, and are difficult to detect, especially for userswho are not familiarwithhowtheyoperate. As a result, many people may not be able to tell whether the informationtheyarereceivingiscomingfromahumanat alloriftheinformationiseventrueornot.Thiscanhave serious implications for the trust in the information we are fed every day and impairs the ability to make decisionsbasedontheinformationweconsumedaily.

As AI and misinformation continue to pose challenges to our society, there are several ways to counter and detect the negative impacts. One way is to develop AI algorithms and tools that can detect and flag fake news and misinformation, by analyzing patterns, language, and sources. educating the public on media literacy and critical thinking can help people become morediscerningandinformedconsumersofinformation should also be done. Fact checking organizations and journalists can also play a crucial role in verifying informationandexposingfakenewsandpropaganda.

Finally, social media platforms and tech companies can take proactive measures to curb the spread of misinformation and fake accounts, such as improving their content moderation policies and implementingtransparencyandaccountabilitymeasures.

considerations and safeguards will need to be implemented to prevent bias, inaccuracies, and manipulation," Curtis added. "Vigilant oversight and transparency are key to trust in this technology going forward." News divisions will want to useAI talent to save money (salaries) and "You can train AI to detect bias and vet information to provide context," Neeha Curtis added. "AI can even be programmed to present in a 'neutral' tone."

As AI technology continues to advance, it brings with it the potential for both positive and negative impacts on society. One of the major concerns is the spread of misinformation through the use of fake social media accounts, AI generated voices scam calling, AI generatednewscastersandothermeans."AsAIimproves, it’s becoming easier and faster to manipulate images, video,andaudio,andtogeneratetextthatcanfoolpeople into believing something false." according to a recent articleinthe MIT Technology Review.Whileitistruethat AIcancontributetotheproblem,itcanalsobepartofthe solution.

Educating the public about the ways in which AI can be used to spread false information and how to counteritiscrucial.Byworkingtogether,wecandevelop strategies to mitigate the negative effects of AI on our societyandharnessitspotentialforthegreatergood.It's important to recognize that the responsibilityto combat misinformationspreadbyAItechnologyfallsnotonlyon individuals, but also on governments, tech companies, and other institutions, who can play a vital role in regulating and monitoring the use of AI in spreading disinformation. The technology is developing at a rapid pace,sowe’venotimetowaste.

As AI technology improves AI will make newsrooms and the media, in general, more efficient and accurate, former news anchor Neeha Curtis said. However, AI-generated news andAInewspresentersmustbe labeled clearly for audiences. "Ethical

By working together as a society, we can control the negative effects of AI and misinformation and promote a moreinformedanddemocratic society.


AI disinformation, also known as “deepfake” technology, has become a growing concern in recent years. With the ability to manipulate audio, video, and images, AI generated content can be used to spread false information and propaganda on a massive scale posing a significant threat to democracy, public trust and individual privacy. As this technology becomes increasingly sophisticated it is important to understand potential dangers and take proactive measures to fight its negative impact.

Disinformation can often be confusedwith misinformation.Misinformationreferstofalseor inaccurate that is spread through various things such as social media, news outlets, or word of mouth, can potentially mislead society as a whole. Disinformation refers to deliberate and false information spread with the intent to deceive,manipulate,orinfluencepublicopinion.

Often used as propaganda or for a political campaign. The main difference is misinformation is false information that is not used to harm or deceive people, while disinformationismeanttoharmanddeceive.

AI can create the problem of disinformation by generating the false informationthatisaatascalelargerthanhuman capacity. This is all done through advanced AI algorithms that can generate convincing fake information, such as deep fakes, text generators andchatbots.Allofwhichcanmimichumanlike behavior. It can also be used to target specific audiences and identify vulnerable individuals, alsohastheabilitytoamplifyfalsenarratives.AI algorithmscanalsoreinforcebiasesandamplify the impact of disinformation by creating echo chambers and filter bubbles that limit people's exposuretodiverseperspectivesandopinions.

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One of the biggest ways you can detect disinformation is to use AI against itself. You use another AI algorithm whose job is to detect anomalies in the data, such as unusual patterns in user behavior, language, or network activity that couldindicatedisinformation.Anotheroptionisto rely on human expertise and judgement, such as fact checkers, journalists or subject matter experts, all who can evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information based on their knowledge and experience. This includes encouraging people to verify the sources, cross check the information, and question the authenticity and accuracy of the information before sharing it. By combining AI tools and human expertise is probablythe best possible way todetectdisinformation.

When Joe Biden announced his bid for re-election,theGOPproducedafictionaladfullof AI produced tales, from a Chinese invasion of Taiwan to the shutdown of the city of San Francisco, illustrated with fake images and news reports. A small disclaimer in the upper left says the video was "Built with AI imagery." It’s just one exampleofAIblurringthelinebetweenreal

and fantasy."I look atthese generations multiple times a day and I have a very hard time telling them apart. It's going to be a tough road ahead," said Irene Solaiman, a safetyand policyexpert at theAIcompanyHuggingFace.

Disinformation is a complex and evolving problem, its trajectory is very difficult to predict with certainty. But disinformation will continue to be a significant challenge for individuals, organizations, and governments around the world, especiallyasAI and otherthings advance. Campaignsmaybecomeevenmoresophisticated and targeted, using AI tools to manipulate the public and exploitvulnerabilities in social media and other digital platform. At the same time this gets worse, our ability to detect the disinformation will also get better, with new strategies, tools, and collaborations emerging to counter false narratives and promote digital literacy. Ultimately the trajectory of this will depend on us, Will we continue to enhance AI’s ability to spread disinformation? Or will we work on making AI weaker so it is more trustworthyinspreadingcorrectinformation?In theenditwillcomedowntoustodecidewhereit isheaded.Educationistheanswer.

Page71 MeetAI

AI Is becoming a part of everydaylife in many ways. One of the big implications ofAI will be in the military. Many newtechnological weapons involvingAI will be used bythe military soon.Will all these be ethical, or could there be possible dangers.


The integration ofAI technologies in military operations is an increasingly complex and nuanced issue. One prime example is the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that currently require human operators, butwill soon be able to operate autonomously based on their programming and real-time data analysis. While this technological advancement has the potential to enhance military capabilities and decision-making processes, it also raises significant ethical and safety concerns that must be addressed through robust regulatory frameworks and responsible deployment practices.As such, it is crucial thatwe approach the use ofAI in the militarywith caution and deliberation, ensuring that these technologies are used in a manner that aligns with our collective values and ethical principles.As we race towards more powerful weapons, we need to considerwhythese weapons are essential and whywe need them.


The integration ofAI technologies in military operations has far-reaching implications that are both exciting and concerning. On the one hand, the development of autonomous weapons such as UAVs, scanners, and vehicles has the potential to transform the nature of warfare, enhancing precision and reducing the risks of human error. However, it is also essential to acknowledge the potential ethical and legal concerns related to the use of such technologies, including the risk of unintended consequences and algorithmic biases.To make sure these will not become consequences, it is important to make plans for ethical, safe, human controlledAI remain in power. Ultimately, it is also essential to explore and implement diplomatic solutions to conflicts, as the use of increasingly sophisticated technology in military operations only amplifies the need for peaceful resolution to global conflicts.We have to think twice about the possibilityof innocent civilians being hurt orkilled in these attacks. Thedangers

The use ofAI in military combat also raises concerns. There will be emotions in theAI systems and could cause friendly casualties if it meant the success of the programing. This will all be underthe

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control of programing and in time data analysis. The most important danger is these highly advanced materials getting into the hands of terrorists.As President Kennedy once said, “We set sail on this new sea because there is newknowledge that must be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used forthe progress of all people. Space science, like nuclear science and technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether itwill become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of preeminence can we help decide whetherthis new ocean will be a sea of peace or a newterrifying theater of war.” If terrorists gained access to drones and vehicles etc, they could level out the battlefield. Itwould cause the value of training to become useless. This is one of the biggest advantages a powerful countrylikeAmericawould have over non-state enemies. MilitaryAI has and will have the possibilityto make thatvalueless.


The militaryAI market is being shaped by a range of established defense contractors and emerging technology companies. Industryleaders like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon are investing heavily inAI research and development, while innovative startups such as Palantir,Anduril, and Shield AI are bringing new ideas and approaches to the table.As these manufacturers continue to produce increasingly sophisticated autonomous systems, predictive analytics, and decision support tools, itwill be important to ensure that they prioritize safety, transparency, and ethical considerations throughout the design and deployment process.


The potential buyers of militaryAI include various military organizations and government agencies around the world. The largest buyers of militaryAI are typically the major military powers, such as the United States, Russia, China, and European countries. There is a growing demand for militaryAI technologies from non-state actors, such as terrorist groups and insurgent organizations. If these weapons become available on the black market, they could be armed and readyto deploy it as soon as they purchase it.AsAI technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, it is likelythatwe will see awider range of buyers and users of militaryAI. This will allow for different countries or even smaller militias to have equal capabilities for combat.


Governments around the world are beginning to recognize the need for regulations on the use of military AI technologies. The development and deployment ofAI in military applications raises significant ethical and legal concerns, such as the potential for unintended consequences, the risks of algorithmic biases, and the loss of human control over autonomous systems. To address these issues, Governments have implemented plans that govern the development, testing, and deployment of militaryAI technologies.

Elon Musk is quoted as saying: “IfAI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way, itwill destroyhumanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it…It’s just like, if we’re building a road and an anthill just happens to be in the way, we don’t hate ants, we’re just building a road.”The integration of AI technologies in military operations has the potential to transform the waywars are fought and won. This also raises significant ethical and legal concerns, such as the potential for unintended consequences, algorithmic biases, and the loss of human control over autonomous systems. To address these challenges, it is essential to develop ethical and legal frameworks that guide the development, deployment, and use of militaryAI technologies around the globe.

Page73 MeetAI WorksConsulted

Generative artificial intelligence has become increasingly proficient at performing tasks that were once exclusive to humans. Some of the most common characteristics of AI circle around its ability to analyze data, come up with suggestions, translate spoken and written language, and much more. Massive amounts of data can be analyzed by AI systems, which can also spot patterns and base forecasts or suggestions on those patterns. AI has the potential to revolutionize a variety of sectors, including healthcare, automation, boosting productivity, and revealing newly discovered information. If AI remains scalable, some experts think that manufacturing may return to its home countries and be spread out more widely. Artificial intelligence has made massive progress even in the past year and will only continue to spike.

Though predicting the future of AI is never easy, most experts agree that over the next ten years, it will continue to progress quickly. AI is anticipated to become even more integrated into everyday life in the coming years. We can also anticipate that AI will improve in its resemblance to humans through ways of reasoning, learning, and social interaction. It will also become easier for non-experts to use because of tools such as natural language. Experts predict that artificial intelligence could help solve some of the world’s biggest issues. These problems include hunger, medicine, entertainment, cybersecurity, transportation, education, data entry, customer service, vital tasks, and more. It will be critical for society to address these impacts as AI develops through positive and negative ways. AI expert Barry Chudakov said: “My greatest hope for human-machine/AI collaboration constitutes a moral and ethical renaissance – we adopt a

moonshot mentality and lock arms to prepare for the accelerations coming at us. My greatest fear is that we adopt the logic of our emerging technologies – instant response, isolation behind screens, endless comparison of self-worth, fake self-presentation – without thinking or responding smartly.”

However, there are rising concerns that artificial intelligence systems run the potential of becoming unpredictable or uncontrollable, which could have serious unintended consequences. Furthermore, when AI develops it mayhave its own objectives that may not coincide with those of humanity. To ensure that AI systems work for us rather than against us, it is crucial to create them in a transparent, ethical, and aligned manner with human values. The good news is, AI is still in its infancy and has a long way to go before it can equal human intelligence in its entirety.

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However, one of the largest central questions remain. Can you trust it? In a 5 country research project led by trusted experts, they surveyed over 6,000 people and revealed strong community endorsement for the principles and practices of trustworthyAI. “The report also showed that most people are more willing to use AI when there are mechanisms in place to assure thatAI is being developed and used in a trustworthy manner”, says Professor Nicole Gillespie. Luckily, These views are often based on myths and misunderstandings about howAI works and what it is capable of.

It is difficult to foresee where artificial intelligence will be in 25 years, but specialists in the field believe that by that time, AI will have significantly changed many facets of our society. With the potential to revolutionize several sectors, AI is expected to become even more intelligent and sophisticated. AI may become more prevalent in decision-making procedures, from financial assets to medical diagnoses. Also, AI-powered robots may become more common in industries like healthcare and agriculture, which could give human employees

the ability to focus on higher-level, more creative tasks.

With all of this information, howwill we prepare? Will we be ready? Increasing our knowledge of AI and how it functions is one of the most crucial steps we can take in order to be able to make decisions about its possible uses and effects. Additionally, as AI becomes more prevalent, humans will need to develop new skills and adjust for new careers in order to prepare for the possible loss of jobs. Finally, it will be vital to society to address the ethical issues presented byAI and to establish regulations and guidelines that guarantee thatAI is created and applied in a way that is both responsible and helpful.

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