The Tech Digest (Vol. 2, Issue 4, FEB 2022)

Page 24

Cold Damage in East Asia caused by Arctic Winter Warming “Due to climate change, Arctic winters are getting warmer. An international study by UZH researchers shows that Arctic warming causes temperature anomalies and cold damage thousands of kilometers away in East Asia.” The effects of those are: reduced growth of vegetation as well as smaller harvests, and less carbon dioxide being absorbed by the region’s forests. During this year’s winter, the United States’ east coast “experienced heavy snowfall and low temperatures as far south as Florida.” Researchers have found that these extreme winter weathers in East Asia have been triggered by the warmer Arctic winters. The cooler southern winters have a negative impact on the vegetation; they reduce the activity. They also have a negative impact on the ecosystem. The cooler winters also have led to the reduction of activity regarding agriculture. For a study, the scientists have used a combination of system modeling, satellite data, and local observations. “They also analyzed an index of sea surface temperatures from the Barents-Kara Sea and found that in years with higher than average Arctic temperatures, changes in atmospheric circulation resulted in an anomalous climate throughout East Asia.” These conditions particularly in cold years have adverse effects on the growth of vegetation as well as crop yields. “Moreover, the researchers estimated a decrease in carbon uptake capacity in the region of 65 megatons of carbon during winter and spring (by way of comparison, fossil fuel emissions in Switzerland are 8.8 megatons of carbon per year).” There is a correlation between climate change and the reduction of the carbon dioxide absorbed. This shows how big of an effect Arctic warming has on other ecosystems.

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