Spring Gardening 2007

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The value of this book lies in its ability

a collector or a gardener, decide which perennials are worth considering.


of Hardy


Spring Gardening 2007

to truly help the overwhelmed buyer, whether a professional,


From the bestselling author Jim Hole The gardening tradition continues

ardening the Ultimate Reference



In this issue… As They Once Gardened

Hole’s Dictionary of Perennials is perfect for

Exploring Ontario’s Upper Canada Village

anyone who loves perennials. The detailed listings of thousands of perennials offer essential

Seeds of Change

information in a concise, easy-to-access format.

A Passion for Guerrilla Gardening

Great additions, such as an index of common names and a colour picture key $8.99

of over 365 genera, truly make this book The Buyer’s Guide.

Printed in Canada

for more information, visit…

SG2007 Cover final 2


Plotting the Harvest



$49.95 • 448 pages 6 x 9” • casebound • 448 pages • black & white • 32 pages colour



Terrorism Meets Gardening

Thousands of the Best Plant Varieties for 2007 12/8/06 1:11:45 PM


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to expect in a friendly, easy-to-access format

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Jim Hole’s Notebook

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Great Downloadable Information


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And Much More…

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issn 1711-4772

Spring 2007

Publishers Hole’s Greenhouses and Gardens Editor-in-Chief Bruce Timothy Keith Managing Editor Christina McDonald Editor Carmen D. Hrynchuk Art Director Gregory Brown Principal Photography Akemi Matsubuchi, Valerie Hole Advertising & Promotion Bill Hole Printing Quebecor Printing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Cover image by Akemi Matsubuchi

ABOUT THE COVER Passion Vine ‘Incense’ Gardeners can’t help but be lured in by the delicate and reaching curly filaments of the ‘Incense’ passion vine. The exotic dark-blue flowers and light fragrance are just unusual enough to engage the imagination and to inspire a response worthy of the vine’s name. Passion vine isn’t difficult to grow but does require full sun, well-drained soil and regular fertilizing. For best results, grow ‘Incense’ in a container or train it on a trellis. Grow it either way and you won’t be disappointed by the beautiful curves and delicate filaments of this vine’s flowers.

Distribution Disticor Magazine Distribution Services

Editorial & Horticultural Advisory Group Chief Horticulturist Jim Hole Perennials Bob Stadnyk, Jan Goodall Bedding Plants Dave Grice, Valerie Hole, Akemi Matsubuchi Roses, Trees & Shrubs Shane Neufeld, Stephen Raven Herbs & Water Plants Judith Fraser Seeds & Bulbs Marlene Willis Gardening Accessories Morgan Smolak Floral Design Lesleah Horvat, Lisa Alary Trial Gardens Jim Hole, Valerie Hole, Darryl Soetart, Hilary Allen Lois' Spring Gardening is published annually by Hole’s Publishing. It is available by subscription and on newstands across Canada and the United States. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. For more information on the magazine or advertising, please contact us at: 101 Bellerose Drive, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada t8n 8n8 telephone  780 419-6800 facsimile  780 459-6042 subscriptions  1-888-884-6537 email  sg@enjoygardening.com website  www.enjoygardening.com

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Letter from the Editor-in-Chief  3



ARDENING IS MY PASSION. Seven years ago, when I first bought my new home, this was an absolute. I planned, organized and executed my dream yard. It was a chance to do things the way I wanted and to explore some theories about managing a big yard. I lived and breathed my yard for over five years. Two years ago, I discovered rock climbing… instant new passion. As a result, my yard suffered a lot last year, but not as much as you would imagine. That’s because one of my passions was making my garden a lazy man’s paradise. Raised vegetable beds, lots of mulch, an alpine garden, a predominance of perennials… all my forethought resulted in a yard that still looked relatively good

even with me spending most weekends dangling off a rope in the mountains. This year marks the 10-year anniversary of Spring Gardening and to celebrate, we’ve dedicated this issue to exploring people’s passions for growing things and the many ways those passions manifest themselves. From guerrilla gardeners to bug fanatics, from turn-of-the-century villages to rock and roll, the passion for gardening spans the gamut of human culture. If you thought the passionate gardener was in anyway a stereotype, read on and learn. Oh, and by the way, my new passion is photographing flowers growing on rock faces…I guess that means I’ll have to expand the alpine garden! –Bruce Timothy Keith

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of Spring Gardening and to celebrate, we’ve dedicated this issue to exploring people’s passions for growing things and the many ways those passions manifest themselves.

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Guest Contributors Exploring guerrilla gardening under the cover of night (“Seeds of Change” page 8) is Penny Cholmondeley, a writer and PR specialist based in Vancouver, BC. Penny recently completed her MA in Communications and Technology at the University of Alberta and holds a BA in History from UBC. Her byline has appeared in a number of weeklies and dailies, including The Vancouver Sun, the Edmonton Journal, the Ottawa Citizen, The Montreal Gazette and Vue Weekly.

Award-winning photographer Akemi Matsubuchi opens up an amazing new world as she takes intimate portraits of the passion flower (“Passion-ate Flower” page 12). In addition to providing many of the beautiful images you will find throughout Spring Gardening, Akemi has been the primary photographer for numerous Hole’s books, including our best-selling Favorites series, Herbs and Edible Flowers and our recent What Grows Here? series.

After a successful career in Canada’s national museums, Bohdanna Racette has turned to freelance writing. With her she took her passion for the preservation and interpretation of the historical and cultural details of life. In her brief look at the gardens of the Upper Canada Village (“As They Once Gardened” page 167), she explores the many considerations that come into play when planning and maintaining a historical garden.

John Acorn is an award-winning author, educator and broadcaster with a passion for bugs and photography (Backyard “Bugtography” page 143). John is a research associate of the E. H. Strickland Entomology Museum (U of A), research associate and spokesperson for the Royal Tyrrell Museum and president of the Entomological Society of Alberta.

Dr. Ken Fry enjoys a rewarding career that brings him new insights into nature everyday (“What’s Bugging Me; or How I became an Entomologist” page 159). An entomology instructor at Olds College, Alberta, Ken has served as a research scientist with the Alberta Research Council and is a former president of the Entomological Society of Alberta.

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Contents 8

Features 8 Seeds of Change Guerrilla gardening by Penny Cholmondeley

12 Passion-ate Flower An intimate look at the passion flower by Akemi Matsubuchi

18 Rockin’ the Garden Gardening inspired by music history by Bob Stadnyk


77 Out of Zone An honest look at zone ratings by Scott Messenger


143 Backyard “Bugtography” by John Acorn

159 What’s Bugging Me; or How I became an Entomologist by Dr. Ken Fry

167 As they Once Gardened

143 77 174

The gardens of the Upper Canada Village by Bohdanna Racette

171 Plotting the Harvest Fertilizer and bombs— the beauty and destructive potential of ammonium nitrate by Jim Hole

174 Ten Years of Spring Gardening A look back

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Departments 103 Vintage Lois


$10,000 Hosta

149 Scientifically Speaking Nightclub Plants

114 The Kitchen Garden Herbs: Inspired by Nature by Joan Tancock


176 From the Deck with Jim Hole

The Best Varieties For…


21 Perennials 22 42 54 63 65 67 70 71 74

Sunny Areas Shady Areas Rock Gardens Alpine Groundcovers Hot & Dry Areas Ornamental Grasses Perennial Vines Perennial Index


79 145

79 Bedding Plants


105 Roses 106 Hardy 110 Tender 113 Rose Index

117 Trees & Shrubs 145 Prairie Hardy Fruit 151 Spring Bulbs


152 Flowering Plants 158 Water Garden & Bog Plants

161 Vegetables

117 114

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Just Picture It Last summer we handed out sunflower seeds to the young gardeners who made their way through our greenhouse and encouraged them to send us photographs of their efforts. As you can see, these inspiring young gardeners are well on their way to becoming experts. If you would like to have your children’s sunflower or creative gardening project included in our magazine, please send your photographs to Spring Gardening, 101 Bellerose Drive, St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 8N8, or e-mail us at sg@enjoygardening. com. Please include your name, the child’s name, address and daytime phone number. Please note that we are unable to return the images. 

Sunflower Kids 2007

Matthew Bachand, Brooke Best, Robert Corcoran, Lorna Hightower, Melody Hildebrandt, Heather Jespersen, Owen Jespersen, Aiden Jocksch (with Oma), Shayla Johnson, Samantha & Sierra L’Heureux, Kayla Lottin, Chase & Colby Lozinsky, Stacie McCrea, Erik & Adam Wilson

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photo: John Warren

by Penny Cholmondeley


nder the cover of night, a band of urban guerrillas skulks through downtown Toronto. Instead of guns, however, they are armed with shovels and carry an arsenal of compost, seeds and bulbs. They have a prime directive: Reclaim neglected public spaces that, without human intervention, might otherwise remain barren. Cohorts in A Non-violent International Movement (guerrilla gardeners) take over derelict sections of land to grow crops or to beautify neighbourhoods. Targeted spaces range from abandoned planter boxes and beds to boulevards and traffic circles. Erin Woods is the guerrilla gardening coordinator for the Toronto Public Space Committee, and her mandate is to democratize public spaces and to protect them from

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political erosion, commercial interest and privatization. “We want to engage people and show them there are more ways that we can use public space,” explains Woods, who condemns the increase in advertising found in close proximity to parks and public spaces. “We want to show people there is an alternative to the way the city could look.” The group’s assaults are organized and efficient: a location is selected and guerrillas gather at a pre-scheduled time, bringing with them pamphlets and gardening supplies paid for through donations or from their own pockets. When finished, they post signs: This garden brought to you by Guerrilla Gardeners, please water me! Woods conducts regular mailings to a

group of 80 guerrilla gardeners in downtown Toronto alone and estimates there are 800 potential gardeners on their general list. Most active gardeners range in age from late teens to early 30s. Older enthusiasts often contribute by donating plants or money. In Toronto, most plantings occur during the daytime to encourage community interaction. Residents often join by contributing plants or by promising to maintain the garden. However, the mischief and spontaneity of the occasional nighttime planting keeps the spirit of rebellion alive. “You feel a bit more mischievous,” laughs Woods, “like you are doing something bad. In reality, you’re doing the total opposite— you’re doing something really good for the community.”

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9 The Toronto guerrillas are just one group in a movement spanning the globe. A quick scan of www.guerrillagardening.org reveals guerrilla sites scattered across four continents. Richard Reynolds created the website two years ago to document his own guerrilla gardening activities in South London, England. Today, it is a critical resource, reference point and meeting place where users interact and share ideas. Reynolds sees guerrilla gardening as a response to increasing urban density, and as a resident of one of the most populated cities in the western world, he speaks from personal experience: “Land is under much greater pressure here. We have large numbers of people who don’t have their own garden space.” Reynolds and his team garden at night— partly to avoid detection by authorities but

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You feel a bit more mischievous, also out of convenience. “During the day, we have other things to be doing,” he explains. “At night, officials aren’t around, local people are around and that’s when we are free.” Not surprisingly, they are occasionally interrupted. Once, Reynolds was mistaken for a plant thief while weeding. Another time, police suspected his car contained fertilizer bombs and pulled him over under the U.K.’s Prevention of Terrorism Act. Reynolds stresses that they never hide from the residents they hope to engage. “We try and do things in a very public way and put up notices about what we’ve done. We don’t disguise ourselves, we talk to passersby.” In fact, he says almost all residents are pleased, and any confrontations are quickly resolved once the group’s motives are revealed.

like you are doing something bad. In reality, you’re doing the total opposite— you’re doing something really good for the community.

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10 

Reynolds cites New York City as one of the first cities to record examples of organized guerrilla gardening. In the 1970s, landlords and government officials abandoned large sections of the city’s lower east side, leaving residents free to transform vacant lots into hundreds of guerrilla gardens. Organized at the grassroots level, these gardens had a positive social impact on participating neighbourhoods, bringing culturally diverse groups together and providing a peaceful public retreat. Consequently, Reynolds encourages people to choose targets that are close to home, stating, “It is most effective when people, after hearing about the activity elsewhere, decide to do it themselves in their area.” Not all public gardening is the work of guerrillas, however. Gavin Ross is the coordinator of the Fraser and 8th Community Garden located in the Mount Pleasant District of Vancouver, BC. The site has flourished for two decades, thanks in part to a lease obtained from the Vancouver Parks Board. Although Ross has dabbled in guerrilla gardening, he also stresses that working within the system has two major benefits—stability and access to water. “The main advantage is tenure and

The group’s assaults are organized and efficient: a location is selected and guerrillas gather at a pre-scheduled time, bringing with them pamphlets and gardening supplies paid for through donations or from their own pockets.

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 11 land security,” he explains. “You know—barring a huge calamity or messing up on our part—that we’re going to be there as long as we do a good job.” Guerrilla gardens depend on the buy in of a community after the fact and, therefore, have their fates influenced by the future development plans of landowners. “Guerrilla gardening is fine and good,” acknowledges Ross, “but it’s pretty disappointing when you get the rug pulled out from under you.” Likewise, he believes the garden has helped maintain a certain amount of stability in his Mount Pleasant neighbourhood over the years: “It’s no big secret that people move on when they can find a bigger place. The garden has helped to keep that transience level down.”

Woods encourages anyone who is interested to get his or her hands dirty. “Even if there are no organized groups in your city,” she says, “there is nothing stopping you from getting started on your own. The easiest thing is to just do it. It sounds silly, but it is not very difficult. It can be as simple as buying a pack of seeds and pouring them over a space.”

Despite the benefits permanency offers, Reynolds prefers the guerrilla approach and continues to evangelize the movement. “I like gardening much more than I do applying for permission and going through all the red tape and bureaucracy.” He points out that in many locations in the U.K., permission would likely never be granted because landowners may become responsible for health, safety and any residual costs. Although their approaches differ, Ross, Woods and Reynolds all agree that urban gardens strengthen communities and beautify neighbourhoods. “They are proof,” says Woods, “that green is a viable option for the city and that guerrilla gardens bring neighbours together…It gives them a spot of interaction that is safe, because gardening is one of the least threatening things you can do. It also exposes people to nature, which, in the city, you can forget about when you are surrounded by concrete. It is important that people have a hands-on familiarity with nature.” Woods encourages anyone who is interested to get his or her hands dirty. “Even if there are no organized groups in your city,” she says, “there is nothing stopping you from getting started on your own. The easiest thing is to just do it. It sounds silly, but it is not very difficult. It can be as simple as buying a pack of seeds and pouring them over a space.” Reynolds also supports this approach and advises newcomers to find something local. “Don’t spend lots of money; just step-by-step put some bulbs in, scatter some seeds, put in some small shrubs. Nurture it and see how it grows, and once you’ve got a foothold, you can be more ambitious and take on more areas.”  Penny Cholmondeley is a freelance writer living in Victoria, B.C.

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PASSION- ate FLOWER By Akemi Matsubuchi

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 13


hotographing flowers seems to be second nature to me now, but I never tire of looking at them through a macro lens. Getting up-close and per-

sonal with plants opens up an amazing new world, and the

passion flower lends itself beautifully to that exploration. This photo essay is an intimate look at a rather exotic and unique plant. As I hovered around the plant and hunkered down low to find what makes the passion flower unique, I unexpectedly discovered in my viewfinder images that looked more like graceful sea creatures and alien beings than like flowers. I wanted to convey a feeling of sensuality and uniqueness and to reflect the exotic connotations of the plant’s name. In the end, my favourite images were mostly ones that captured only a very small portion of the flower but hinted that there was more around the corner. The final photos I chose have a mix of angles—from wide to close-up, the images are meant to be an intimate portrait, showing the various sides or “personalities” of the passion flower.

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unexpectedly discovered images that looked more like graceful sea creatures and alien beings than like owers

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I did try to photograph other parts of the plant, including leaves, buds etc., but they were all rather unromantic and boring compared to the flowers themselves—except for the tendrils, which completely caught my eye. They were constantly reaching out, trying to grab onto an unexpected mate and had such delicate and beautiful curves to them that I couldn’t ignore their desire to be photographed.

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captured only a very small portion of the ower but hinted that there was more around the corner

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 17

“Incense” was the most intriguing to photograph

Overall, the images begin to show the intimate look of

because of its alien-looking filaments and it is one of

the passion flower, but one could shoot hundreds more,

the more unique varieties in the passion flower family.

with all different varieties, and still not cover all their

At times while I was shooting extremely close to it, I fully


expected one of the curly filaments to reach out, grab my camera and stop me from invading its privacy.

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Akemi Matsubuchi is an award-winning photographer living in St. Albert, Alberta.

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18 

Imagine. An all-star jam with performers such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones and The Eagles. Add to that a play list that includes hits like “Purple Haze,” “Stairway to Heaven,” “Paint It Black” and “Tequila Sunrise.” Now imagine your garden!


usic has had a close association with flowers throughout history. Reflecting the times, children of the rock ’n’ roll era have come up with some interestingly named varieties of plants for aging

children to enjoy in the 21st century. Like flower power and Woodstock, these plants have rapidly caught on, partly, due to their names but, primarily, due to their excellent performance in the garden. So if you’re a gardener looking for something new and different to round out your perennial needs, get ready. The stage is set, and the concert of the century is about to begin—right in your own backyard! Named after the 17th century agricultural pioneer (or the 70s rock band), Coreopsis ‘Jethro Tull’ debuts across North America this spring. In my opinion, this middle-class perennial has never attained the social status it deserves. Hopefully, the fine, fluted, yellow-gold flowers and compact form of this new variety will change that image. It’s a great plant for use as a groundcover, in flower borders, or in containers on your deck or balcony. Maybe it will even make its way to the garden of Ian Anderson, leader and flautist of Jethro Tull—my sources tell me he’s an avid gardener on his estate in Berkshire, England. continued on page 20

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20  Another anticipated newcomer to the market is the Lilium ‘Muddy Waters.’ Regardless of whether it’s named after the murky waters of the Mississippi Delta or after the famed blues musician, this lily boasts a unique colour combination of brown, orange and bronze—and has an interesting history, too. Julius Wadekemper, an avid gardener and plant breeder, decided to focus on breeding crosses of Siberian iris and Asiatic lilies as a retirement project. Through numerous crossings, he developed a lily with exceptional high bud count, strong stems and a colour never before seen in lilies. Unfortunately, Julius died before seeing his registered variety enter mass production, but Lilium ‘Muddy Waters’ is currently being produced in a tissue culture lab and will soon be widely available. Imagine John, Paul, George and Ringo with green hair and you have a fair impression of a new small sedge grass. Carex ‘The Beatles’ is a gently spreading selection with narrow leaves topped with brown spikelets in last spring. Great as an under-planting for shrubs or massed between other shade companions, such as heuchera or hosta. Speaking of hostas, if you are looking for a real big ‘un, try ‘T. Rex.’ It’s the largest ever developed. This monster will reach a height of 2m when in bloom and spread to 1m. Reputed to be slug resistant, T. Rex is guaranteed to send the largest mollusks packing! For other shady areas, try a groundcover called Tiarella ‘Iron Butterfly.’ It’s a fantastic choice for dry spots under trees, or try planting some among shrubs and other shady characters of the woodland garden. The more you water, the quicker it will spread.

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For the second half of the show, be prepared for a wave of ‘Purple Haze.’ This variety of penstemon has glossy purple foliage and white flowers. If you want an experience that will leave you gasping for more—much as Jimi Hendrix did—companion plant ‘Purple Haze’ with Coreopsis ‘Tequila Sunrise.’ Used together in a sunny border, these perennials create one of the best combinations I have seen in years and one that will last the entire growing season. Love it or hate it, Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” was enjoyed by millions during the early 70s. The song title spawned two perennial introductions—one, a Jacob’s ladder; the other, a bearded iris. Jacob’s ladder (Polemonium, as it is known botanically) is best described as a chameleon of the plant world because its foliage colour changes with the seasons. In the spring, ‘Stairway to Heaven’ has hues of soft green, white and pink. As the season passes, the pink hues fade but return in the fall, as do the plant’s fragrant medium-blue flowers.

Also paying homage to Zeppelin is the German bearded iris ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ Personally, I think it deserves a more descriptive name. The colours remind me of a pure-white thundercloud hovering over a marine-blue lake—and its scent is reminiscent of grape KoolAid. Imagine that wafting across your yard! Another iris worthy of mention is the selection ‘Paint It Black.’ It has a rich blend of purplish-black with a hint of dark red thrown in for good measure. It’s a great plant to make a statement with, and like the song it’s named after suggests, if you don’t like the reality, alter it! After you experience the numerous fragrant blooms this plant produces in a summer, I guarantee you will come to appreciate it. Other inspired plant names cover a whole gamut of music. From Panicum ‘Heavy Metal,’ to the musical series of astilbe, which includes ‘Rhythm and Blues,’ and ‘Country and Western.’ The references just keep going—Hemerocallis ‘Helter Skelter,’ Silene ‘White Rabbit,’ Hosta ‘Satisfaction,’ Echinacea ‘After Midnight,’ and so on, and so on. Knowing there are plant breeders who feel as passionate as I do about music and gardening is a great feeling. Although today’s plants have taken their names from the past, keep your ears open for songs earning the right to be called tomorrow’s classics. That’s exactly how I think of perennials, as classic music of the garden—timeless and here to stay. So let their names inspire you and then plant to suite your style. As for me, I like the references to the music I grew up listening to, so it’s safe to say that the only rappin’ heard from my garden will be the tall flowers in the wind, beating thyme against my windows.  Bob Stadnyk is the perennials manager for Hole’s.

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PERENNIALS In This Section... • Over 1800 varieties • 190 new varieties & colours • Includes height, spread & blooming season • Alphabetical by genus name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Perennial Favorites for cultural information Genus names are in large type. Common names, varieties or mixes of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

Purple Bugbane Although we dislike using the phrase “bigger bang for your buck,” that’s exactly what you get with this perennial. Purple bugbane or Actaea ramosa ‘Atropurpurea’ (formerly known as Cimicifuga) is not only an excellent choice for both sunny and shady areas of the yard, it is perfect for short northern growing seasons and has the sweetest scent of all Actaea. Its foliage isn’t as dark as newer selections, but because it’s hardy, you are always guaranteed flowers.

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12/8/06 1:06:57 PM

22  Perennials Sunny Areas

Sunny Areas Achillea Yarrow Hardy, long-lasting perennial. Lean soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Achillea ptarmica ‘Ballerina’ • Double, ball-shaped, white flowers in summer • 30–60 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

edged, raspberry flowers with yellow eyes in summer • 1.5–2 m high, 60–90 cm wide Alcea rosea ‘Nigra’ • Spiked, single, ruffled, maroon-black flowers in summer • 1.5–2 m high, 60– 90 cm wide Chater’s Double Group

Achillea sibirica ‘Love Parade’ • large-clustered, pink flowers in late spring to fall • 45–60 cm high, 40–60+ cm wide

Alcea rosea • Spiked, double, ruffled flowers in summer • available in pink, purple, red & yellow • 1.5–2 m high, 90 cm wide



Hyssop Stiffly upright perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil. Sun. Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’ • Spiked, blue-violet flowers in early summer to fall • Fragrant, foliage • 90 cm high & wide Agastache foeniculum • Spiked, blue-violet flowers in midsummer to fall • Fragrant, licorice foliage • 45–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Alcea Hollyhock Upright biennial or perennial; may require staking. Fertile, well-drained soil. Sun. Alcea ficifolia • Large, single, pink, rose or white flowers in summer • 1.5–2 m high, 60–90 cm wide Alcea rosea ‘Creme de Cassis’ • Single & semi-double, whiteAchillea sibirica ‘Love Parade’

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Anemone Tuberous or rhizomatous perennial. Moist soil; keep soil drier during dormancy. A.M. or P.M. Sun.

Columbine Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, organic, well-drained soil. Sun to A.M. Sun.

Anemone sylvestris • Fragrant, pure-white flowers in late spring to early summer • 30–50 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Anemone sylvestris ‘Elise Fellmann’ (syn Flore Pleno, Elsie Feldman) • Double, white flowers in late spring to early summer • 30– 50 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Anemone sylvestris ‘Madonna’ • Fragrant, large, white flowers in late spring to early summer • 30–50 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Lady’s Mantle Groundcover; clump-forming perennial. Tolerant of a wide range of soils & conditions. Sun to A.M. Sun.

Anemone tomentosa ‘Robustissima’ • Pale-pink flowers in late summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Alchemilla mollis • Lime-green flowers in late spring to fall • 45 cm high & wide


Alchemilla mollis ‘Thriller’ • Yellow-green flowers in late spring to fall • 50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Anchusa Italian Bugloss Short-lived, clump-forming perennials; may require staking; best when mass planted. Gritty, sandy, well-drained soil. Sun.

Marguerite Daisy May require staking. Moderately fertile, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Anthemis tinctoria • Yellow flowers in summer • fine, parsley-like foliage • 45–75 cm high, 60– 75 cm wide Anthemis tinctoria ‘Kelwayi’ • Dark-yellow flowers in summer • fine, parsley-like foliage • 45– 75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Aquilegia ‘Crimson Star’ • Red & white flowers in early spring to early summer • 60 cm high & wide Aquilegia ‘Swan Burgundy and White’ • Burgundy & white, bicoloured flowers in spring • 50–55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aquilegia vulgaris ‘William Guiness’ (syn Magpie) • Purpleblack & white flowers in spring • 45–60 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Aquilegia vulgaris v. stellata ‘Black Barlow’ • Double, purple-black flowers in spring • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Aquilegia vulgaris v. stellata ‘Nora Barlow’ • Double, pink, red & green flowers in spring • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Clementine Series

Aquilegia vulgaris • Spurless, darkpurple or fuchsia-red flowers in summer • blue-green foliage • 30–40 cm high & wide McKana Group

Aquilegia (mix) • Large flowers in late spring to early summer • 60–90 cm high, 60 cm wide Songbird Series

Aquilegia ‘Cardinal’ • Crimsonred & white flowers in spring • 45–60 cm high & wide

Anchusa azurea ‘Loddon Royalist’ • Clustered, bright-blue flowers in late spring to late summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 60 cm wide Alcea rosea

Anchusa azurea

Alchemilla mollis

Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Woodside’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  23 Aquilegia ‘Robin’ • Rose-pink & white, bicoloured flowers in late spring to early summer • 45– 60 cm high & wide Winky Series

Aquilegia (formula mix) • Upward-facing flowers in various colors in late spring to early summer • 35–50 cm high, 25– 30 cm wide

Artemisia White Mugwort Creeping to clump-forming perennial; may require staking. Lean, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun. Artemisia lactiflora ‘Guizhou’ • Fragrant, creamy-white flowers in summer to fall • black-green foliage & mahogany stems • 1–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Asclepias Butterfly Flower Tap-rooted, clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun. Asclepias tuberosa • Fragrant, orange-red flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30 cm wide

Asparagus Asparagus Tuberous perennial. Sun. Asparagus officinalis ‘Jersey Giant’ • Edible, 15–25 cm spears in spring followed by fern-like foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 1–2 m wide

Aster Aster Moist, well-drained fertile, alkaine soil; avoid overcrowding & water at the base. Sun to P.M. Sun. Aster amellus ‘Veilchenkonigin’ (Violet Queen) • Violet flowers with yellow centres in late summer to fall • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Aster lateriflorus ‘Prince’ • Softpink flowers in late summer to fall • purple-stained stems & foliage • 45–60 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Aster novi-belgii ‘Alice Haslam’ • Double, rosy-red flowers in late summer to fall • 45–75 cm high, 50–75 cm wide

Astrantia major ‘Lars’ • Wine-red flowers in summer • 50–65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Astrantia major ‘Sunningdale Variegated’ (syn Variegata) • Pale-pink flowers in summer • creamy-yellow, variegated foliage • 45–75 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Masterwort Astrantia ‘Bloody Mary’ • Bloodred flowers in summer • darkgreen foliage with dark stems • 50 cm high, 30 cm wide Astrantia ‘Moulin Rouge’ • Darkred flowers with purple-red tips in summer • 40–50 cm high, 30 cm wide


Aster novi-belgii ‘Crimson Brocade’ • Semi-double, crimson flowers in late summer to fall • 60–90 cm high & wide

Camas Moist, organic, well drained fertile soil; multiplies quickly. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Aster novi-belgii ‘Professor Anton Kippenberg’ • Semi-double, wisteria-blue flowers in late summer to fall • 45–75 cm high, 60 cm wide

Camassia leichtlinii • Semi-double, dark-purple flowers in late spring • 80 cm–1.2 m high, 30+ cm wide

Aster novi-belgii ‘Purple Dome’ • Rich-purple flowers in late summer to fall • 40–50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aster novi-belgii ‘Winston S. Churchill’ • Medium-red flowers in late summer to fall • 60– 75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Astrantia Great Masterwort Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, evenly moist, organic soil. Tolerant of a wide range of conditions.

Camassia leichtlinii ssp leichtlinii • Semi-double, white flowers in late spring • 80 cm–1.2 m high, 30+ cm wide

Campanula Bellflower Easy to grow, clump-forming or spreading perennial; some may require staking. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun.

Campanula ‘Sarastro’ • Large, glossy, tubular, purple flowers in early summer • toothed, heartshaped foliage • 40–45 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Campanula punctata f. rubriflora ‘Bowl of Cherries’ • Tubular, cherry-red flowers in early summer • 30–45 cm high, 30– 45+ cm wide Campanula rotundifolia • bellshaped flowers in shades of blue in summer • spreading habit • 30–40 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Canterbury Bells Campanula medium • Large, bell-shaped, pink, white or blue flowers in late spring to early summer • hairy foliage • 60– 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Clustered Bellflower Campanula glomerata ‘Alba’ • White flowers in summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Campanula glomerata ‘Caroline’ • Clusters of star-shaped, mauve flowers with purple edge in spring to fall • spreading habit • 40–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Campanula glomerata ‘Joan Elliott’ • Clustered, deep violetblue flowers in early summer • 40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Campanula ‘Purple Sensation’ • Large, dark-purple flowers from

Campanula glomerata ‘Superba’ • Clusters of bell-shaped, violetpurple flowers in summer • coarse, heart-shaped foliage • 45–60 cm high & wide Campanula rotundifolia

Asclepias tuberosa

Aster ‘Purple Dome’

Astrantia major

Artemisia lactiflora ‘Guizhou’

Aster ‘Crimson Brocade’

Campanula ‘Bowl of Cherries’

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near black buds in early summer • toothed, heart-shaped foliage • 40–45 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

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24  Perennials Sunny Areas Peachleaf Bellflower Campanula persicifolia • Single, bell-shaped, blue flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30– 60 cm wide Campanula persicifolia ‘Alba’ • Single, bell-shaped, white flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 60 cm wide Campanula persicifolia ‘Chettle Charm’ • Single, bell-shaped, white flowers with tinted blue edge in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Campanula persicifolia ‘Telham Beauty’ • Single, bell-shaped, lilac-blue flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30–60 cm wide

Castilleja Indian Paintbrush Moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun. Castilleja miniata • Red to orangered flowers in summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Centaurea Cornflower Long-lived perennial. Well-drained soil. Sun. Centaurea dealbata • Fringed, pink flowers in summer • 60– 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Centaurea macrocephala • Large, fuzzy, thistle-like, yellow flowers in mid to late summer • 90 cm– 1 m high & wide Centaurea montana • Star-shaped, deep-blue flowers in late spring to late summer • 60–90 cm high, & wide Campanula ‘Caroline’

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Centaurea montana ‘Gold Bullion’ • Deep-blue flowers in summer • chartreuse foliage • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Centaurea montana ‘Presley’s Blue Hawaii’ • Star-shaped, deep-blue flowers in late spring to late summer • 60–90 cm high & wide

Chrysanthemum x morifolium Stardust (‘Jefdust’) • Double, dusty-rose flowers with yellow eyes in fall • 45–60 cm high, 50–60 cm wide

Clematis recta ‘Purpurea’ • Fragrant, white flowers in midsummer to fall • bronzepurple foliage • 90 cm–1 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Chrysanthemum x morifolium Suncatcher (‘Jefsun’) • Double, bright-yellow flowers • 45–60 cm high, 50–60 cm wide

Solitary Clematis Clematis integrifolia • Nodding, twisted, bell-shaped, dark-blue flowers in summer • bushy habit • 90 cm–1 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Chelone lyonii ‘Hot Lips’ • Deep hot-pink flowers • 60 cm– 1.2 m high, 40–50 cm wide

Chrysanthemum x morifolium Tiger Tail (‘Jeftail’) • Double, orange-peach flowers fading to yellow • 45–60 cm high, 50– 60 cm wide Morden Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Cameo’ • White to cream flowers • 45–60 cm high & wide

Chelone obliqua • Rose-pink flowers • 45–75 cm high, 40– 50 cm wide

Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Canary’ • Bright-yellow flowers • 50–60 cm high & wide


Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Candy’ • Candy-pink flowers • 45–60 cm high & wide

Chelone Turtlehead Rhizomatous perennial. Flowers in late summer. Deep, fertile, moist soil. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Chrysanthemum Clump or mound-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Flowers late summer to fall. Sun. Chrysanthemum x morifolium Dreamweaver (‘Jefdream’) • Mauve flowers with flared, trumpet-like petals • 45–60 cm high & wide Chrysanthemum x morifolium Firestorm (‘Jefstorm’) • Double, deep-red flowers with yellow eyes • 45–60 cm high, 50– 60 cm wide Chrysanthemum x morifolium Showbiz (‘Jefbiz’) • Pompom type, pink-purple flowers • 40– 45 cm high, 50–60 cm wide

Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Delight’ • Bronze flowers • 45–60 cm high & wide Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Fiesta’ • Purple flowers • 45– 60 cm high & wide Chrysanthemum x morifolium ‘Garnet’ • Garnet-red flowers • 40–50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Clematis Clematis Herbaceous, non-climbing clematis; may require staking. Cool, fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun.

Clematis x diversifolia ‘Olgae’ • Fragrant, nodding, mid-blue flowers in summer • spreading, bushy habit • 60–90 cm high & wide

Coreopsis Lance Coreopsis Short-lived, clump-forming or rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil. Sun. Coreopsis lanceolata ‘Rotkehlchen’ (Ruby Throat) • Double, brightyellow flowers with rust-red eyes in early summer to fall • 15– 30 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Threadleaf Tickseed Coreopsis ‘Autumn Blush’ • Winerose to peach-yellow flowers with red eyes in mid to late summer • 60–65 cm high, 75–80 cm wide Coreopsis verticillata ‘Grandiflora’ (syn Golden Shower) • Large, deep-yellow flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ • Icy-yellow flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide

Chelone obliqua

Chrysanthemum ‘Fiesta’

Centaurea macrocephala

Chrysanthemum ‘Gaiety’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  25 Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’ • Golden-yellow flowers in early summer to fall • compact habit • 25–40 cm high, 30 cm wide Tickseed Coreopsis ‘Jethro Tull’ • Tubular, daisy-like, golden-yellow flowers in summer • 45 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Delphinium • Blue, lavender or white flowers • 1–1.5 m high, 50–75 cm wide


Delphinium ‘Blushing Bride’ • Pink flowers • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide

Umbrella Plant Rhizomatous perennial. Lean, moist soil. Sun. Darmera peltata • White to pink flowers in early spring • large, rounded, dark-green foliage • 60–90 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Delphinium Delphinium Upright, clump-forming perennial; may require staking. Produces spikes of flowers in summer. Fertile, welldrained soil; keep soil moist when blooming & in active growth. Sun. Delphinium ‘Aurora Lavender’ • Lavender flowers, with a white bee • 1–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide Delphinium Red Caroline (‘Bartwentyfive’) • Light rose-red flowers • 90 cm–1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide Delphinium ‘Summer Wind’ • Spikes of sky-blue flowers • 1– 1.6 m high, 75–90 cm wide Belladonna Group

Delphinium ‘Atlantis’ • Spikes of blue flowers • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Magic Fountains Series

Delphinium • Lavender or pink flowers • 1–1.5 m high, 50– 75 cm wide New Millennium Series

Delphinium ‘Dusky Maidens’ • Dusky-pink flowers with tan eyes • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Innocence’ • SWhite flowers • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Pagan Purples’ • Dark-blue & purple flowers sometimes white to mauve • 1.5–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Purple Passion’ • Dark purple-blue flowers with striped eyes • 1–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide Delphinium ‘Royal Aspirations’ • Shades of pink flowers • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Sunny Skies’ • Shades of blue flowers• 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Sweetheart’ • Pink flowers • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Pacific Giant Series

Delphinium ‘Astolat’ • Lavender flowers • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide

Delphinium ‘Black Knight’ • Deep-purple flowers with black bees • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Blue Bird’ • Sky-blue flowers • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Galahad’ • Purewhite flowers • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Delphinium ‘Guinevere’ • Palelilac flowers with white bee • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Delphinium ‘King Arthur’ • Royal-violet flowers with white bee • 1–2 m high, 75–90 cm wide Sydney Series

Delphinium • Pink or purple flowers • spikes have very little side-branching • 1–2 m high, 90 cm wide Larkspur Delphinium ‘Blue Mirror’ • Vivid blue flowers • fern-like foliage • 30–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Delphinium grandiflorum • Darkblue, pale blue or sky blue flowers • fern-like foliage • 40–60 cm high & wide

Dianthus Carnation Biennial or short-lived perennial. Moist, alkaline soil. Sun. Dianthus caryophyllus ‘King of the Blacks’ • Fragrant, double, deep-red flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 45–60 cm high & wide

Guardian Series Coreopsis ‘Zagreb’

Darmera peltata

Coreopsis ‘Flying Saucers’

Delphinium ‘Red Caroline’

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Delphinium ‘Guinevere’

Grenadin Series

Dianthus caryophyllus • Fragrant, double, pink, red, white or yellow flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Sweet William Dianthus barbatus (Indian Carpet mix) • Fragrant, clustered flowers in late spring to late summer • 15–30 cm high, 20–40 cm wide

Dictamnus Gas Plant Long-lived, tap-rooted perennial. Dry, moderately fertile, welldrained soil. Sun. Dictamnus albus ‘Albiflorus’ • Fragrant, white flowers in late spring to early summer • 75– 90 cm high, 60–75 cm wide Dictamnus albus v. purpureus • Fragrant, pink flowers in late spring to early summer • 75– 90 cm high, 60–75 cm wide

Digitalis Foxglove Short-lived, clump-forming biennial or perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Digitalis grandiflora • Brownspotted, yellow flowers in summer • 75 cm -1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Digitalis purpurea • White flowers in summer • 1–2 m high, 60– 75 cm wide Digitalis x mertonensis • Strawberry-pink flowers in summer • 75–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Dictamus albus v. purpureus

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26  Perennials Sunny Areas Excelsior Group

Digitalis purpurea (mix) • Flowers in various colours in summer, one colour per pot • 1–2 m high, 60–75 cm wide

Doronicum Leopard’s Bane Rhizomatous or tuberous perennial. Constantly moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Sun; early dormancy may occur in full sun. Doronicum ‘Little Leo’ • Semidouble, yellow flowers in spring • 20–30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Doronicum orientale ‘Fruhlingspracht’ (Spring Beauty) • Double, yellow flowers in spring • 25–40 cm high & wide

Echinacea Coneflower Easy to grow; tap-rooted perennial. Well-drained soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Echinacea After Midnight (‘Emily Saul’) • Fragrant, reflexed, dark magenta-purple flowers in summer to fall • black stems • 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Echinacea ‘CBG Cone 2’ (Pixie Meadowbrite) • Fragrant, brightpink flowers with reddish cones in summer to late summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Echinacea ‘Green Envy’ • Fragrant, jade-green flowers with a green cone in summer to fall • 50– 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Dianthus barbatus

Digitalis purpurea

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Echinacea Harvest Moon (‘Matthew Saul’) • Fragrant, reflexed, golden-mango flowers in summer to fall • 60–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Echinacea ‘Kim’s Knee High’ • Fragrant, reflexed, pink flowers with red-orange disks in summer • 50–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Echinacea ‘Little Giant’ • Fragrant. red-purple flowers with darkorange cones in summer to late summer • 30–45 cm high, 30 cm wide

stems • 65 cm high, 30 cm wide Echinacea purpurea ‘Fragrant, Angel’ • Fragrant, large, white flowers with golden cones in summer to late summer • 50– 75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Eyes’ • Fragrant, magenta flowers with green eyes maturing to orange in summer to fall • 50–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Echinacea purpurea ‘Hope’ • Reflexed, soft-pink flowers in summer to fall • 70–80 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘The King’ • Reflexed, lilac flowers with an orange-yellow center in summer to fall • 45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Echinacea purpurea ‘White Swan’ • Fragrant, reflexed, pure-white flowers in summer to fall • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Big Sky Series

Echinacea purpurea ‘Sunrise’ • Fragrant, single, reflexed, lemonyellow flowers in summer to fall • 75–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea Orange Meadowbrite (‘Art’s Pride’) • Reflexed, tangerine-orange flowers in summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Leuchtstern’ (Bright Star) • Reflexed, purplered flowers in summer to fall • 60–80 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea ‘Pink Double Delight’ • Double. pompom-like, pink flowers in summer to fall • 50– 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’ • Flat, purple flowers with darkorange disks in summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea Summer Sky (‘Katie Saul’) • Fragrant, bitoned, lightorange flowers with a rose halo in midsummer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Mango Meadowbrite’ • Reflexed, mustard-orange flowers in summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Fleabane Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun

Echinacea Sundown (‘Evan Saul’) • Fragrant, reflexed, salmon-orange flowers in summer to fall • 75– 80 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Razzmatazz’ • Fragrant, double, pom-pom, purple-pink flowers in summer to fall • 85–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Erigeron ‘Adria’ • Daisy-like, medium-blue flowers with yellow centers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Doppelganger’ (Double Walker) • Unusual double, rosy-purple flowers in summer • 70–80 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Rubinstern’ (Ruby Star) • Reflexed, carminered flowers with brown disk in summer to fall • 90 cm–1 m high, 45 cm wide

Erigeron ‘Dunkelste Aller’ (Darkest of All) • Daisy-like, dark-violet flowers with yellow centers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea purpurea ‘Fatal Attraction’ • Fragrant, deep purple-pink flowers in mid to late summer • strong, dark-purple

Echinacea purpurea ‘Ruby Giant’ • Reflexed, wine-red flowers in summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Erigeron ‘Rosa Juwel’ (Pink Jewel) • Bright-pink flowers with yellow centers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Echinacea ‘Orange Meadowbrite’

Echinacea ‘Kim’s Knee High’

Dictamnus albus v. purpureus

Echinacea purpurea ‘Sunset’ • Fragrant, single, reflexed, salmoncoral flowers in summer to fall • 75–90 cm high, 45 cm wide Echinacea purpurea ‘Twilight’ • Fragrant, single, reflexed, rose-red flowers with a red cone in summer to fall • strong, erect stems • 60–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide


Doronicum ‘Fruhlingspracht’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  27 Erigeron speciosus • Violet-purple flowers with yellow centers in summer • 60–80 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Eupatorium Joe Pye Large, clump-forming perennial. • Moist, alkaline soil. Sun. Eupatorium ‘Phantom’ • Fragrant, clustered, wine-red flowers in late summer to fall • 80–95 cm high, 60–70 cm wide Eupatorium dubium ‘Little Joe’ • Fragrant, clustered, rose-purple flowers in late summer to fall • 90 cm–1 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Eupatorium purpureum • Fragrant, clustered, rose-purple flowers in late summer to fall • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Eupatorium purpureum ‘Purple Bush’ • Clustered, violet-red flowers in late summer to fall • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Eupatorium purpureum ssp. maculatum ‘Atropurpureum’ • Clustered, dark purple-rose flowers in late summer to fall • 1–1.5 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Eupatorium purpureum ssp. maculatum ‘Riesenschirm’ • Clustered, purple flowers in late summer to fall • black stems • 1–1.5 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Echinacea ‘White Swan’




Spurge Clump-forming or spreading perennial. Lean, sandy, welldrained soil. Sun.

Blanket Flower Short-lived perennial. Fertile, welldrained soil; tolerates poor, salty soil. Sun.

Euphorbia griffithii ‘Dixter’ • Burnt-apricot bracts in early summer • copper-tinted, darkgreen foliage • well-drained, moist soil • 45–75 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Gaillardia ‘Baby Cole’ • Red & yellow flowers with maroon centers in summer • 15–20 cm high & wide

Cranesbill Undemanding, long-lived, clumpforming or rhizomatous perennial. Well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’ •Orange-red bracts in early summer • green leaves with pink mid-ribs & red stems • welldrained, moist, organic soil • 30 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Euphorbia polychroma • Bright chartreuse-yellow bracts in spring • 40–60 cm high & wide Euphorbia polychroma ‘Bonfire’ • Chartreuse-yellow bracts in spring • red stems & red-tinged foliage • 40–60 cm high & wide

Fallopia Japanese Fleeceflower Rhizomatous perennial; aggressive spreader. Moist, poor, well-drained soil. Sun. Fallopia japonica • White flowers aging to rose in summer • 60– 200 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide Fallopia japonica v. compacta ‘Milk Boy’ (syn ‘Variegata’)’ • White flowers in summer • light & dark-green foliage with splashes of cream & pink • 60– 120 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Eupatorium purpureum

Gaillardia ‘Burgunder’ (Burgundy) • Fragrant, wine-red flowers in summer • 50–60 cm high, 45 cm wide Gaillardia ‘Dazzler’ • Goldenyellow flowers with maroon centers in summer • 60–85 cm high, 45 cm wide

Geranium ‘Blue Blood’ • Deep blue-violet flowers with dark veining in spring to early summer • 50–65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’ • Lavender-blue flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 60–75 cm wide

Gaillardia ‘Fanfare’ • Red petals with bright-yellow tips in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide

Geranium ‘Jolly Bee’ • Fragrant, large, violet-blue flowers with white eyes & dark veining in summer • red fall foliage • 60– 75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Gaillardia ‘Kobold’ (Goblin) • Red flowers with yellow tips in summer to fall • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Geranium ‘New Dimension’ • Purple-blue flowers in summer • bronze foliage • 30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’ •Peachy-orange flowers with yellow tips in summer • bluegreen foliage • 55–65 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Geranium ‘Philippe Vapelle’ • Dark-veined, blue-purple flowers in summer • velvety, grey-green foliage • 30–40 cm high & wide

Gaillardia ‘Summer’s Kiss’ • Golden-apricot flowers in summer • 45 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Gaillardia aristata • Yellow flowers with red base in summer • 45– 75 cm high, 60 cm wide Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Arizona Sun’ • Mahogany-red with yellow flowers in summer • 20 cm high, 25 cm wide

Geranium ‘Pink Penny’ • Darkveined, pink flowers with white eyes in late spring to fall • attractive fall foliage • 30–35 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Geranium ‘Red Admiral’ • Magenta flowers in late spring to fall • foliage has good fall colour • 45–90 cm high, 60 cm–1+ m wide

Euphorbia polychroma

Gaillardia ‘Baby Cole’

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28  Perennials Sunny Areas Geranium ‘Rozanne’ • Violet-blue flowers with darker veins in late spring to fall • red fall foliage • 45–50 cm high, 50–60 cm wide Geranium ‘Salome’ • Lilac flowers with black center in summer • 30 cm high, 1.2 m wide Geranium ‘Shocking Blue’ • Purple-blue flowers with white eyes in late spring to fall • 30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium ‘Sue Crug’ • Magenta flowers with darker veins & center in late spring to fall • 50 cm high, 50–60 cm wide Geranium ‘Sweet Heidy’ • Bluepurple flowers with a pink halo around a white center in late spring to fall • 30–35 cm high, 40–45 cm wide Geranium endressii • Dark-veined, pink flowers in late spring to fall • evergreen foliage • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium himalayense ‘Gravetye’ • Large, deep-blue flowers with reddish center in early summer to fall • finely-cut foliage • 30 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Geranium himalayense ‘Plenum’ (syn Birch Double) • Double, purplish-pink flowers shaded blue in early summer to fall • 25–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium macrorrhizum • Pink to purplish-pink flowers in early summer • aromatic foliage • 30– 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Gaillardia ‘Little Boy’

Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’ • Deep-magenta flowers with red sepals in early summer • aromatic foliage • 25–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ • Soft-pink flowers in early summer • lightgreen, aromatic foliage • 30– 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium pratense ‘Okey Dokey’ • Steel-blue flowers in summer • purple foliage • 35 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium sylvaticum ‘Mayflower’ • Violet-blue flowers with white eyes in late spring • 45–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geranium x oxonianum f. thurstonianum ‘Southcombe Double’ • Unusual, twisted, double, pink flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Geum Avens Fertile, moist, organic, welldrained soil. Full sun. Geum ‘Lady Stratheden’ • Yellow flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Geum ‘Mrs. J. Bradshaw’ • Semidouble, carmine-red flowers in summer • hairy foliage • 30– 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Geum triflorum • Purplish to straw-coloured flowers in summer • 30–40 cm high, 60– 90 cm wide

Geranium ‘Sue Crug’

Goniolimon German Statice Clump-forming perennial. Poor, sandy, well-drained soil. Full sun. Goniolimon tartaricum (syn Limonium tartaricum) • Rose-blue & white flowers in midsummer to late summer • stiff stems • 30–45 cm high & wide

Gypsophila Baby’s Breath Tap-rooted, creeping to cushionforming perennial. Sharply drained, alkaline soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun. Gypsophila pacifica • Single, palepink flowers in summer • 65 cm–1 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Gypsophila paniculata ‘Bristol Fairy’ • Double, pure-white flowers in summer to fall • 60–75 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Gypsophila paniculata ‘Compacta Plena’ • Double, white flowers in summer • 20–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Gypsophila paniculata ‘Perfekta’ (Perfecta) • Double, white flowers in summer • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide Gypsophila paniculata ‘Pink Fairy’ • Double, pale-pink flowers in summer • 45 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Gypsophila paniculata ‘Schneeflocke’ (Snowflake) • Double, white flowers in late spring to summer • 90 cm high & wide

Festival Series

Gypsophila fastigiata ‘Festival Pink’ • Double, pale-pink flowers in late spring to fall • 45–60 cm high & wide

Helenium Helen’s Flower Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Helenium ‘Chelsey’ • Crimson to burnt-orange flowers with yellow flecks in midsummer to fall • 75–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Helenium ‘Double Trouble’ • Double, bright-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 80–85 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Helenium ‘Konigstiger’ (King’s Tiger) • Large, red-brown edgedyellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 75 cm–1.2 m high, 45– 60 cm wide Helenium ‘Mardi Gras’ • Daisylike, yellow flowers splashed with orange & red in late summer to fall • 75–80 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’ • Mahogany-red flowers with brown centres, in midsummer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Helenium ‘Red Army’ • Red flowers with yellow-tips & brown to gold centres in late summer to fall • 60–65 cm high, 30 cm wide Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’ • Red-streaked, yellow flowers mature to brown-orange in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Goniolimon tartaricum

Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  29 Helianthus Sunflower Fertile, moist, organic, welldrained, alkaline soil; tolerates occasionially dryness; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Helianthus ‘Capenoch Star’ • Lemon-yellow flowers in late summer to fall • 1–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ • Double, pale-yellow flowers in late summer to fall • 1–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Helianthus ‘Soleil d’Or’ • Double, yellow flowers in late summer to fall • 1–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Helianthus maximilliani • Fragrant, yellow flowers in late summer • 1.5–3 m high, 60– 90 cm wide

Heliopsis False Sunflower Clump-forming perennial; may require staking. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun. Heliopsis Loraine Sunshine (‘Helhan’) • Golden-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • green & white variegated foliage • 60–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Asahi’ • Double, golden-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 85 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Gypsophila ‘Bristol Fairy’

Helenium ‘Mardi Gras’

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Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Hohlspiegel’ (Concave Mirror) •Semi-double, dark-orange flowers in midsummer to fall • dark foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Patula’ • Semi-double, orange-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Prairie Sunset’ • Yellow flowers with wine eye, in midsummer to fall • purple stems • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Summer Nights’ • Yellow flowers with mahogany eye, in midsummer to fall • purple stems • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides v. scabra ‘Goldgefieder’ (Golden Plume) • Double, deep-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides v. scabra ‘Sommersonne’ (Summer Sun) • Single, golden-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 75–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hemerocallis Daylily Clump-forming perennial with grass-like foliage. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Hemerocallis ‘Alabama Jubilee’ • Fragrant, red-orange flowers in mid-season • 50–80 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Heliopsis helianthoides

Hemerocallis ‘Baltimore Oriole’ • Velvet-red flowers in mid to lateseason • 65–70 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Going Bananas’ • Canary-yellow flowers in midseason • 50–55 cm high, 45– 70 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Bertie Ferris’ • Apricot-orange flowers in early season • 50–55 cm high, 45– 70 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Helter Skelter’ • Burgundy flowers in early to mid-season • 60–70 cm high, 45–70 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Cape Cod’ • wineRed flowers in early to midseason • 80–90 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Holiday Delight’ • Orange flowers with red eyes in mid-season • 70 cm high, 45– 75 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Custard Candy’ • Cream flowers with maroon eyes in mid-season • 50–60 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Houdini’ • Violet flowers with cream eyes in midseason • 60 cm high, 45–75 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Dominic’ • Red flowers in early season • 75 cm high, 45–75 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Hudson Valley’ • Yellow-green flowers in midseason • 80 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Dot Paul’ • Brightpeach flowers in mid-season • 60–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘El Desperado’ • Mustard-yellow flowers with maroon eyes & tips in late-season • 70 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Elegant Candy’ • Fragrant, ruffled, pink flowers with red eyes in early season • 65 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Fanciful Finery’ • Fragrant, double, amber-gold with a hint of pink in early season • 40–45 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Fooled Me’ • Rededged, gold flowers with red eyes in mid-season • 50–60 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Hyperion’ • Fragrant, lemon-yellow flowers in mid-season • 95 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Lacy Babydoll’ • Ruffled, soft lavender-pink, bicolour flowers in mid-season • 50–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Langley Fanfare’ • Cherry-pink flowers with a white rib in mid to late-season • 65– 70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Mary Reed’ • Bitone purple flowers with a white midrib in mid-season • 30– 35 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Mateus’ • Ruffled, rose-wine flowers with lighter midribs in early-season • 75 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Heliopsis ‘Loraine Sunshine’

Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Hohlspiegel’

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30  Perennials Sunny Areas Hemerocallis ‘Mini Pearl’ • Melonpink with a yellow watermark in mid-season • 40–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Night Beacon’ • Purple-red flowers with chartreuse center in early season • 70 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Omomuki’ • Fragrant, lemon-yellow flowers in mid-season • 50–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘On and On’ • Fragrant, pink flowers in midseason to fall • 40–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Prester John’ • Fragrant, double, orange-gold flowers in early-season • 65 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Purple de Oro’ • Purple flowers with dark midribs in mid-season • 65–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Radiant Greetings’ • Orange-yellow flowers with a wide red halo in mid-season • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Red Joy’ • Red flowers in mid-season • 70– 85 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Roswitha’ • Double, peach-pink flowers with purple eyes in early-season • 35–55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Rosy Returns’ • Fragrant, rose-pink flowers with a deeper rose eye-zone in late spring to fall • 40–45 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Ruby Stella’ • Fragrant, ruby-red flowers continuously from early summer to fall • 45 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Selma Rose’ • Fragrant, silver-rose flowers in mid-season • 65–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Shady Lady’ • Yellow flowers with wine-red eyes in mid-season • 85 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Siloam Amazing Grace’ • Fragrant, primroseyellow flowers in early to midseason • 50–60 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Siloam Double Classic’ • Fragrant, double, pink flowers in early-season • 40 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Siloam Red Ruby’ • Ruby-red flowers in mid-season • 45 cm high, 30–60 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’ • Fragrant, golden-yellow flowers continuously from summer to fall • 30 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’ • Strawberry-pink flowers with rose-red eyes in early-season • 65 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Summer Dragon’ • Golden flowers with red eyes in mid-season • 50–60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Summer Wine’ • Deep-violet flowers in midseason • 60 cm high, 45–75 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Sunday Gloves’ • Fragrant, near-white flowers in midsummer • 50–70 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Swirling Water’ • Lavender-purple flowers with white watermark in early-season • 55 cm high, 45–75 cm wide


Hemerocallis ‘Siloam Royal Prince’ • Red-purple flowers with a white midrib in mid-season • 40– 50 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Coralbells Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun.

Hemerocallis ‘Sinbad Sailor’ • Lavender flowers with a cream watermark in mid to late-season • 60–90 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Cherries Jubilee’ • Cherry-red flowers on 40 cm stalks in late spring to summer • ruffled, green foliage • 20 cm high, 40 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Sir Modred’ • Fragrant, black-red flowers in mid-season • 50–60 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hemerocallis ‘Spellbinder’ • Fragrant, bright-gold flowers in midsummer • 50–75 cm high, 45–90 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Leuchtkafer’ (Firefly) • Fragrant, tiny, red flowers on long stalks in summer • darkgreen foliage • 50–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

stalks in late spring to summer • marbled light & dark-green foliage • 45 cm high, 30 cm wide Heuchera ‘Snow Angel’ • Rosepink flowers on long stalks in late spring to early summer • frosted, variegated foliage • 25–45 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Heuchera micrantha v. diversifolia ‘Palace Purple’ • Tiny, greenishcream flowers on 50 cm stalks in summer • jagged, shiny, bronzepurple foliage • 20 cm high, 45 cm wide Heuchera sanguinea ‘Brandon Pink’ • Tiny, rose-pink flowers on delicate stalks in late spring • green & white foliage • 40– 60 cm high, 60 cm wide Heuchera sanguinea ‘Fackel’ • Tiny, red flowers on 45–50 cm stalks in late spring to summer • marbled dark- & light-green foliage • 25–30 cm high, 30 cm wide Heuchera sanguinea ‘Geisha’s Fan’ • Tiny, pink flowers on 45 cm stalks in summer • charcoal-veiled, silver-purple foliage • 20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Heuchera sanguinea ‘Vivid Crimson’ • Tiny, crimson-red flowers on 30–45 cm stalks in early summer • 15–20 cm high, 30 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Ruby Bells’ • Fragrant, blood-red flowers on long

Heuchera x brizoides ‘Red Pimpernel’ • Scarlet-red flowers on 50 cm stalks in late spring to summer • 30–40 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Hemerocallis ‘Lacy Babydoll’

Hemerocallis ‘Purple de Oro’

Hemerocallis ‘Siloam Royal Prince’

Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’

Hemerocallis ‘Dominic’

Hemerocallis ‘Custard Candy’

Hemerocallis ‘Spellbinder’

Hemerocallis ‘Rosy Returns’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  31 Dancer Series

Heuchera ‘Rave On’ • Pink flowers in late spring • silver-veiled, green leaves • 20–40 cm high, 20– 50 cm wide Heuchera ‘Tango’ • Bright-pink flowers in late spring • metallicpurple foliage • 20–40 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Inula Sunray Tap-rooted; rhizomatous, clumpforming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Inula ensifolia • Yellow daisy-like flowers in summer • 30–60 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Inula helenium • Daisy-like, yellow flowers in mid to late summer • 1–1.5 m high, 1–1.2 m wide

Iris ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ • Ruffled, navy-blue flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Jitterbug’ • Fragrant, gold standards & russet-washed falls in early summer • 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Chasing Rainbows’ • Fragrant, beige & orchid-violet flowers in early summer • 80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Lady Friend’ • Garnet-rose flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘City Lights’ • Violet-blue flowers with white beards in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Connection’ • White standards with dark red-purple falls & red beards in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Dandy Candy’ • Red-purple standards with purple-edged, peach falls in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Rhizomatous perennial. Sharply drained, fertile soil; avoid fall & winter wet. Sun.

Iris ‘Delirium’ • Old-gold standards with red-purple falls in early summer • 60–70 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Anaconda Love’ • Pink standards with white-streaked, red-purple falls in early summer • 45–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Edith Wolford’ • Fragrant, yellow & violet-blue flowers in early summer • 1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide

Iris ‘Batik’ • Fragrant, purple flowers with white streaks in early summer • 65 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Iris ‘Fiery Temper’ • Rose-purple standards with wine-black falls & red beards in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Before the Storm’ • Fragrant, inky-black flowers in early summer • 90 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Iris ‘Jazz Festival’ • Fragrant, cream & cerise-rose flowers in early summer • 1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide

Iris ‘Beverly Sills’ • Fragrant, ruffled, coral-pink flowers in early summer • 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris ‘Jazzed Up’ • White standards with rose-lavender falls & white beards in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide


Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’

Iris ‘Mastery’ • Gold standards with mahogany falls in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Midnight Hour’ • Fragrant, ruffled, purple-black flowers in early summer • 75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Paint it Black’ • Red-purple standards with black-purple falls in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Princesse Caroline de Monaco’ • Light-blue flowers in early-season • 85–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Queen’s Circle’ • White standards with blue-edged, white falls in early summer • 70 cm– 1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Savannah Sunset’ • Cadmium-orange flowers in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Stairway to Heaven’ • Nearwhite standards with mediumblue falls in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Starship Enterprise’ • Yellow -ribbed, white standards with magenta-edged, white falls in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Heuchera ‘Brandon Pink’

Iris ‘Strange Brew’ • Yellow standards with tawny shafts & violet-centered yellow falls in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Supreme Sultan’ • Fragrant, gold standards & mahogany-red falls in early summer • 1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Touch of Mahogany’ • Fragrant, coffee-coloured with some lilac & burgundy in early summer • 70 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris ‘Warrior King’ • Deep burgundy-red flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Dwarf Bearded Iris Iris ‘Blue Chip Stock’ • Violettinged, blue standards with darkviolet falls in spring • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris ‘Devoted’ • Mid-blue standards with blue-edged, winered falls in spring • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris ‘Fine Idea’ • Purple-blue standards with white-centered, purple falls in spring • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris ‘Penny’ • Peach standards with copper-peach falls & red beards in spring • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris ‘Ultimate’ • Yellow standards with yellow-edged, mahogany falls in spring • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Iris ‘Batik’

Iris ‘Beverly Sills’

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32  Perennials Sunny Areas Species Iris Moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun.

Iris laevigata ‘Queen of Violets’ • Violet flowers in early summer • 65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris chrysographes • Fragrant, reddish-violet flowers with gold streaks on falls in early summer • greyish-green foliage • 40–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Iris laevigata ‘Variegata’ • Paleblue flowers in early summer • variegated white & bright-green foliage • 80 cm–1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘Roanoke’s Choice’ • Pink flowers changing to violetpurple in spring • 75–80 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Iris chrysographes (Black form) • Fragrant, velvet-black flowers with gold veins on falls in early summer • greyish-green foliage • 40–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Iris pseudacorus • Yellow flowers in early summer • grey-green foliage • 75 cm–1.6 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘Silver Edge’ • Ruffled, blue flowers with silver-edged falls in late spring • 70 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Iris pseudacorus ‘Variegata’ • Yellow flowers in early summer • gold & green variegated foliage • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘Turn a Phrase’ • Bitoned, medium- & light-blue with a dark-blue edge falls in late spring • 60–75 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Iris versicolor • Light-blue to purple flowers in late spring • 20–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘White Amber’ • A yellow & pink blend that opens pink & fades to yellow in late spring • 60–75 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Iris hookeri (syn I. setosa ssp. canadensis) • Porcelain-blue flowers in late spring • 15–20 cm high, 30 cm wide Iris pallida ‘Argentea Variegata’ • Fragrant, violet-blue flowers in late spring • white & greenstriped foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris pallida ‘Variegata’ • Fragrant, purple flowers in late spring • gold & green-striped foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Iris setosa ‘Blaulicht’ • Pale-blue flowers in late spring • 30–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Wetland Iris Long-lived, clump-forming perennial. Slightly acidic, moist to wet soil. Sun. Iris ‘Berlin Tiger’ • Yellow flowers with brown veining in early summer • dark-green foliage • 75 cm–1.6 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris pseudacorus

Iris versicolor ‘Gerald Darby’ • Purple-blue flowers in late spring • foliage emerges purple & turns green in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Siberian Iris Iris sibirica ‘Big Blue’ • Gentianblue flowers in late spring • 60–70 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris sibirica ‘Butter and Sugar’ • White flowers with yellow falls in late spring • 70 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Iris sibirica ‘Caesar’s Brother’ • Deep-purple flowers in late spring • 75–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘Pink Haze’ • Lavender-pink flowers in late spring • 95 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lavandula Lavender Shrub. Moderately fertile, welldrained soil. Requires good winter protection on prairies. Sun. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ (syn Hidcote Blue) • Fragrant, purple flowers in summer • silver-grey evergreen foliage • 45–60 cm high, 50–75 cm wide Lavandula angustifolia ‘Martha Roderick’ • Fragrant, blue flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 40 cm high, 60 cm wide Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ • Fragrant, lavender flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide



Shasta Daisy Short-lived perennial, some selfsow readily. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun.

Knautia Clump-forming annual or perennial. Moderately fertile, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun.

Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Aglaia’ • Fringed, semi-double, white flowers in summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–60 cm wide

Knautia macedonica • Small, pincushion-like, dark-purple to red flowers in summer • 60– 80 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Alaska’ • Single, white flowers with yellow centres in late spring to fall • 60–75 cm high, 30– 60 cm wide

Knautia macedonica ‘Mars Midget’ • Pincushion-like, rubyred flowers in summer • 40– 45 cm high, 40–50 cm wide

Iris sibirica ‘Just Cruising’ • Fragrant, light-yellow standards, dark-yellow falls in late spring • 60–75 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iris ‘Pink Haze’

Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Crazy Daisy’ • Single, white flowers with yellow centres, in late spring to fall • 60–75 cm high, 30– 60 cm wide

Iris ‘Caesar’s Brother’

Iris sibirica ‘Butter and Sugar’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  33 Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Esther Read’ • Fully double, white flowers in summer • 45– 60 cm high & wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Fiona Coghill’ • Fully double, white flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Goldrausch’ • Semi-double, white flowers with yellow centre petals in summer • 40–45 cm high, 30–45 m wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Silberprinzesschen’ (Little Princess; Silver Princess) • White flowers with orange eyes in summer • 20–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Snow Lady’ • Single, white flowers with yellow eyes, in summer • 25– 45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Snowcap’ • Single, white flowers with yellow to orange eyeS in summer • 30–35 cm high, 30 –35 cm wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Snowdrift’ • Single, white flowers with yellow to orange eyes in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Leucanthemum x superbum ‘T.E. Killin’ (syn Thomas Killin) • Double-petaled, white flowers with yellow centres in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Knautia macedonica

Liatris Liatris Corm-like tuberous perennial. Moderately fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun. Liatris punctata • Spikes of purple flowers in late summer to fall • 60–80 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Liatris spicata ‘Alba’ • Spikes of white flowers in late summer • 60–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Liatris spicata ‘Floristan Violett’ (Floristan Violet) • Spikes of violet-purple flowers in late summer • 60–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Liatris spicata ‘Floristan Weiss’ (Floristan White) • Spikes of white flowers in late summer • 60–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Liatris spicata ‘Kobold’ (Goblin) • Spikes of purple flowers in late summer • 45–60 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Lilium Asiatic, LA Hybrids Easy to grow; bulbous, clumpforming perennial. Fertile, welldrained soil. Sun. Asiatic Lily Lilium ‘America’ (syn Holean) • Dark-maroon flowers in early summer • 80 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Lilium ‘Beaudacious’ • Cream petals with wine centres & orange-yellow tips in summer • 1–1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Knautia ‘Mars Midget’

Leucanthemum ‘Snow Lady’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 33

Lilium ‘Black Bird’ • Dark-red flowers in summer • 35–40 cm high & wide

Lilium ‘Lennox’ • White flowers in summer • 55–60 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Black Out’ • Red-black flowers in late spring • 1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Little Yellow Kiss’ • Double, yellow flowers with few spots in early summer • 80– 90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Butter Pixie’ • Butteryellow flowers in late spring • 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Ceres’ • Double, deep magenta-rose flowers in summer • 90–100 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Coral Sunrise’ • Goldcentred, lavender-pink fading to peach-pink in early summer • 1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Crimson Pixie’ • Upwardfacing, reddish-orange flowers in spring • 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Cupid’s Gift’ • Purplepink flowers with a red & yellow throats in summer • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Jacqueline’ • Orange-red flowers with yellow centres in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Landini’ • Dark-burgundy flowers in summer • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Latvia’ • Pale-yellow flowers with lacy-black speckling in the centers in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Lemon Pixie’ • Lemonyellow flowers in spring • 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Leucanthemum ‘Esther Read’

Lilium ‘Lollypop’ • Cream flowers with rose-red tips in early summer • 55 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Lilium ‘Loreto’ • Orange flowers with red flame in early summer • 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Luxor’ • Soft-yellow flowers with a darker yellow centre in summer • 85–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Matrix’ • Ruby-red flowers with an orange blush in the centre in summer • 50–55 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Orange Pixie’ • Orangered flowers in early summer • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium Painted Pixie (syn ‘Ceb Paint’) • Yellow flowers with light-red centre markings in late spring • 40–60 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Lilium ‘Paul Bunyan’ • Deep-red in summer • 90–120 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Pink Pixie’ • Creamy flowers with pink tips in late spring • 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Plum Crazy’ • Blush-pink petals with a plum-pink centre in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Beaudacious’

Liatris ‘Alba’

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34  Perennials Sunny Areas Lilium ‘Pup Art’ • Bright-red flowers with heavy, purple speckling inside in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Purple Reign’ • White flowers with a dark-purple brushmark in summer • 90 cm– 1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Solemio’ • Vivid-yellow flowers in summer • 90 cm– 1.1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Stones’ • Deep-red flowers in summer • 70–80 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Tinos’ • Cream withred centers & yellow flares in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Toronto’ • Pink flowers with a soft-yellow center in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Umbria’ • Ivory flowers in summer • 70–80 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Tango Series

speckling in summer • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Orange Art’ • Deeporange flowers with darkburgundy speckling in summer • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide L.A. Hybrid Lily Lilium ‘Ace of Hearts’ • Deep-red flowers in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium Aladdin’s Sun (‘Ceb Sun’) • Upward-facing, vivid-yellow flowers in early summer • 1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Fangio’ • Purplish-red flowers in midsummer • 1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Madrid’ • Brilliant-orange flowers in summer • 90 cm– 1.1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Red Alert’ • Dark-red flowers in summer • 1–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Red Baron’ • Bright-red flowers in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Cappuccino’ • White flowers with heavy burgundy speckling toward the centre in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Royal Sunset’ • Red flowers with orange centers in early summer • 75–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Dot Com’ • Red-spotted, purple-pink flowers in summer • 1–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Samur’ • Pink flowers shading to white centres in summer • 1–1.4 m high, 30– 45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Halloween’ • Orange flowers with purple speckling in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Kentucky’ • Goldenyellow flowers with heavy brown Lilium ‘Jacqueline’

Lilium ‘Plum Crazy’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 34

Lilium ‘Summer Breeze’ • Fragrant, cream, peach, pink, rose or yellow flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium ‘Ace of Hearts’

Lilium ‘Top Gun’ • Large, purplish-pink flowers in early summer • 1.4 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lily Species Lilium lophophorum • Yellow to green-yellow flowers with faint spots in late spring to early summer • 10–45 cm high, 30 cm wide Lilium pumilum • Fragrant, waxy, recurved, scarlet-red flowers with black spots in spring • Sandy, well-drained, organic soil • 45 cm–1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium lancifolium (syn L. tigrinum) • Nodding, recurved, orange, yellow or pink flowers with spots in midsummer • lance-shaped foliage • Fertile, well-drained, acidic, moist soil • 1–2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Lilium lancifolium (syn L. tigrinum) (orange) • Nodding, recurved, orange flowers with spots in midsummer • lanceshaped foliage • 1–2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Martagon Lily Bulbous, clump-forming perennial. Moist, organic soil. A.M. Sun; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture.

Lilium martagon ‘Early Bird’ • Recurved, sunflower-yellow flowers flushed rose in early summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium martagon ‘Moonyeen’ • Recurved, purple-pink flowers with spots in late spring • 1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium martagon ‘Orange Marmalade’ • Outfacing, dark orange-red flowers without spots in early summer • 1.2–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium martagon ‘Theodor Haber’ • Recurved, dark-red flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium martagon ‘Tsing’ • Recurved, tangerine-orange flowers with a few spots in early summer • 60 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide Lilium x dalhansonii • Recurved, maroon flowers with gold spots in early summer • 1–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Limonium Sea Lavender Dry, sandy, well-drained soil; avoid winter wet; tolerates saline soil. Sun.

Lilium martagon ‘Attiwaw’ • Fragrant, recurved, pink flowers with spots in late spring • 90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Limonium platyphyllum (syn L. latifolium) • Tiny, light-violet flowers in midsummer to late summer • 45–60 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Lilium martagon ‘Cascading Glory’ • Recurved, yellow flowers with pink midribs in early summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Lilium ‘Top Gun’

Lilium martagon ‘Attiwaw’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  35 Linum Flax Clump-forming, short-lived perennial. Moist, well-drained, alkaline soil; tolerates a wide range of soils; avoid winter wet. Sun.

summer • tropical foliage, stiff stems • 75 cm–1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide

burgundy foliage • 30–45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

summer • 60–90 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide Lysimachia clethroides ‘Geisha’ • Arching spikes of white flowers in summer • green & cream foliage • 60–100 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Lupinus ‘The Page’ • Spikes of carmine-red flowers in summer • tropical foliage, stiff stems • 75–90 cm high, 50–75 cm wide

Lychnis x haageana ‘Molten Lava’ • Orange-red flowers in summer • 30–50 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Catchfly Lychnis viscaria ‘Splendens Plena’ • Double, purple-red flowers in late spring to summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 m wide Maltese Cross Lychnis chalcedonica • Crossshape, scarlet-red flowrs in early summer to midsummer • upright stiff stems • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 20–30 cm wide

Gallery Series


Lobelia cardinalis • Bright-red flowers in summer to fall • darkburgundy foliage • 60–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lupinus • Spikes of blue, pink, red or yellow flowers in summer • tropical foliage, stiff stems • 40–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Macleaya microcarpa ‘Kelway’s Coral Plume’ • Apricot plumes in summer • blue-grey foliage • 1.5–2.5 m high, 1 m wide



Circle Flower Rhizomatous perennial; aggressive spreader. Moist, organic, welldrained soil; tolerates dry soil; most vigorous in moist soil. Sun.

Linum perenne • Dainty, sky-blue flowers in summer • 40–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Linum perenne ‘Album’ • White flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lobelia Cardinal Flower Clump-forming perennial. Deep, fertile, moist to wet, organic soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture.

Lupine Moderately fertile, neutral to slightly acidic soil; allow to self-sow. Sun. Band of Nobles Series

Lupinus ‘Chandelier’ • Spikes of cream-coloured flowers in summer • tropical-looking foliage, stiff stems • 60–90 cm high, 50–75 cm wide Lupinus ‘My Castle’ • Spikes of brick-red flowers in summer • tropical-looking foliage, stiff stems • 60–90 cm high, 35– 55 cm wide Lupinus ‘Noble Maiden’ • Spikes of creamy-white flowers in Lilium lancifolium

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Lupinus ‘The Chatelaine’ • Spikes of blushing-pink flowers in summer • tropical foliage, stiff stems • 75–90 cm high, 50– 75 cm wide Lupinus ‘The Governor’ • Spikes of bicoloured, blue & white flowers in summer • tropical foliage, stiff stems • 1–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Campion Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils including clay. Sun. Lychnis coronaria • Magenta flowers in summer • woolly grey foliage • 60–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Lysimachia punctata • Starshaped, bright-yellow flowers in midsummer to late summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ • Gold flowers in midsummer to late summer • white & green, variegated foliage • 50–75 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Macleaya Plume Poppy Spreading perennial. Deep, fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Macleaya cordata • Cream plumes in summer • large, heart-shaped, blue-grey foliage • 1.5–2.5 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Malva Mallow Short-lived perennial; some types self-sow freely. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun. Malva ‘Park Rondell’ • Semidouble, pink flowers in late spring to late summer • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Malva alcea v. fastigiata • Deeppink flowers in summer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Lychnis x arkwrightii ‘Vesuvius’ • Orange-scarlet flowers in early summer to midsummer •

Lysimachia punctata ‘Golden Alexander’ • Yellow flowers in midsummer to late summer • gold-edged, green foliage • 50–60 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Shepherd’s Crook Lysimachia clethroides • Arching spikes of white flowers in

Lysimachia ‘Alexander’

Linum perenne

Lobelia cardinalis

Malva alcea v. fastigiata

Lupinus Gallery Series

Lychnis chalcedonica

Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ • White flowers in summer • woolly grey foliage • 60–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Malva moschata f. alba • Hibiscuslike, white flowers in summer to fall • aromatic foliage • 30– 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

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36  Perennials Sunny Areas Mentha Mint Spreading, aggressive perennial. Blooms in summer. Aromatic foliage. Fertile, moist soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Mentha arvensis • Fragrant, lilac or pink, rarely white flowers • 20–60 cm high, 30–60+ cm wide

Monarda ‘Petite Delight’ • Purple flowers • 20– 30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Nepeta subsessilis ‘Candy Cat’ • Pale lavender-pink flowers • 50– 75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Monarda ‘Petite Wonder’ • Rich pink flowers in summer • 30– 40 cm high, 40–45 cm wide

Nepeta x faassenii ‘Dropmore’ • Lavender-blue flowers • 30– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica • Single, rose-pink flowers with yellow stamens • 30–60 cm high, 60–75 cm wide

Monarda ‘Raspberry Wine’ • Wine-red flowers in summer • dark-green foliage • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide


Early Hybrid Group

Peony Long-lived, easy to grow, hardy, clump-forming perennial. Blooms in spring. Fertile moist, welldrained, acid-free soil. Plant with ‘eye’ 2–5 cm deep to ensure blooms. Sun to P.M. Sun. Fernleaf Peony Paeonia tenuifolia • Single, red flowers • fern-like foliage • 45– 60 cm high, 60 cm wide

Paeonia ‘Claire de Lune’ • Single, creamy-white flowers • 90 cm high & wide

Mentha x piperita ‘Todd Mitchum’ • Spikes of fragrant, lilac-pink flowers • red-purple foliage • 30–90 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide

Monarda fistulosa • Large, lilacpurple flowers in summer • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide



Beebalm Rhizomatous perennial. Blooms in summer. Aromatic foliage. Moderately fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun.

Catmint Clump-forming perennial. May require support. Blooms from summer to fall. Aromatic foliage. Well-drained soil. Sun.

Monarda ‘Blaustrumpf ’ (Blue Stocking) • Blue-purple flowers • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’ • Lavender-blue flowers • light grey foliage • 60–90 cm high, 60 cm wide

Monarda ‘Coral Reef ’ • Large, deep-pink flowers • shiny foliage • 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Monarda ‘Fireball’ • Large, red flowers • aromatic foliage • 30– 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ • Bright crimson-scarlet flowers • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Monarda Grand Marshall (‘AChall’) • Fuchsia-pink flowers • purple-tinted foliage • 45– 55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Monarda ‘Marshall’s Delight’ • Large, rose-pink flowers • shiny foliage • 60–90 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Monarda ‘Marshall’s Delight’

Nepeta subsessilis

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Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ • 2007 Perennial of the Year • Lavenderblue flowers • 25–30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Nepeta racemosa (syn N. mussinii) • Violet-blue flowers • mintscented foliage • 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Nepeta racemosa (syn N. mussinii) ‘Blue Wonder’ • Spikes of violetblue flowers • mint-scented foliage • 30–40 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Nepeta subsessilis • Blue-purple flowers • 60–90 cm high, 30 cm wide Paeonia tenuifolia

Paeonia tenuifolia ‘Plena’ • Double, red flowers • fern-like foliage • 45–60 cm high, 60 cm wide Peony Species Paeonia anomala • Single, magenta-red flowers with yellow stamens in late spring • 50 cm high, 50–60 cm wide Paeonia japonica • Single, white flowers with yellow stamens in late spring • 40–50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Paeonia mlokosewitschii • Single, primrose-yellow flowers in late spring • 60 cm–1 m high, 60– 90 cm wide Paeonia obovata • Single, white to rosy-purple flowers • 60 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Paeonia officinalis ‘Anemoniflora Rosea’ • Single, pinkish-red

flowers with yellow stamens • 60–70 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Paeonia ‘Constance Spry’ • Semidouble, cerise-rose flowers • 60–90 cm high, 75 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Coral Sunset’ • Semidouble, deep-coral with rose hues • 75–90 cm high, 60– 75 cm wide Paeonia ‘Eliza Lundy’ • Double, dark-maroon flowers • 75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Paeonia ‘Paula Fay’ • Fragrant, semi-double, vivid-pink flowers • 80–90 cm high, 75 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Sorbet’ • Double, pink & soft-yellow flowers • 65–75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Itoh Hybrid Group

Paeonia ‘Bartzella’ • Fragrant, semi- to double, sulphur-yellow flowers in late spring • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Border Charm’ • Single, yellow flowers with red flares in late spring • 60 cm high, 60– 90 cm wide Paeonia ‘Canary Brilliants’ • Beige-peach flowers maturing to yellow • 90 cm high & wide

Paeonia ‘Canary Brilliants’

Paeonia anomala

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Perennials Sunny Areas  37 Paeonia ‘Garden Treasure’ • Fragrant, semi-double, brightyellow flowers in late spring • 75 cm high, 75 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Julia Rose’ • Semi-double flowers open cherry-red, then fade to orange & yellow • 90 cm high & wide Paeonia ‘Lemon Dream’ • semidouble, yellow with varying amounts of pink in spring • 90 cm high & wide Paeonia ‘Oriental Gold’ • Semi- to double, yellow flowers with red flares • 90 cm high & wide

Paeonia ‘Do Tell’ • Japanese, rosepink flowers • 80 cm high, 80 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Dr. Alexander Fleming’ • Fragrant, double, deep-pink flowers in spring • 1.1 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Eden’s Perfume’ • Fragrant, double, pink flowers• 75 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Edulis Superba’ • Fragrant, double, bright-pink flowers • 95 cm high, 90 cm– 1 m wide

Paeonia ‘Pastel Splendor’ • Single, white with pink & yellow tones • 90 cm high & wide

Paeonia ‘Felix Crousse’ (syn Victor Hugo) • Fragrant, double, rosered flowers • 75 cm high, 75– 90 cm wide

Paeonia ‘Scarlet Heaven’ • Single, scarlet-red flowers • 65–75 cm high, 90 cm wide

Paeonia ‘Gardenia’ • Fragrant, double, blush-white flowers • 85 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Paeonia ‘Yellow Crown’ • Semidouble, yellow flowers with red flares • 90 cm high & wide

Paeonia ‘Gay Paree’ • Japanese, magenta flowers with creamy center • 1.1 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Lactiflora Group

Paeonia ‘Angel Cheeks’ • Double, pink flowers in late spring • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Auguste Dessert’ • Semidouble, light-pink flowers • 75 cm high, 75–90 cm wide Paeonia ‘Candy Stripe’ • Double, white with variable red striping • long-stemmed • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Paeonia ‘Jean Ericksen’ • Japanese, deep-red flowers • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Kansas’ • Double, carmine-red flowers • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Karl Rosenfield’ • Double, wine-red flowers • 80 cm high, 80 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Little Medicine Man’ • Single, pink flowers • 50–60 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Paeonia ‘Cornelia Shaylor’ • Double, soft-pink flowers in spring • 90 cm high, 90 cm– 1 m wide

Paeonia ‘Livingstone’ • Fragrant, double, pink flowers in late

Paeonia ‘Lemon Dream’

Paeonia ‘Scarlet Heaven’

Paeonia ‘Bartzella’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 37

spring • 90 cm high, 90 cm– 1 m wide Paeonia ‘Milton Jack’ • Double, dark rose-red flowers • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Miss America’ • Fragrant, semi-double, white flowers in spring • 90 cm high, 90 cm– 1 m wide Paeonia ‘Monsieur Jules Elie’ • Fragrant, double, rose-pink flowers • 90 cm high, 90 cm– 1 m wide Paeonia ‘Orlando Roberts’ • Double, deep black-red flowers • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Pillow Talk’ • Double, soft-pink flowers • 80 cm high, 80 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Ruth Elizabeth’ • Double, red flowers • 60–90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ • Fragrant, double, apple-blossompink flowers • 95 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Sinbad’ • Semi-double, silver-tipped, red-purple • 90 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Sword Dance’ • Japanese, red flowers with gold center • 75–90 cm high, 75–90 cm wide Paeonia ‘Torpilleur’ • Fragrant, japanese, rose-red flowers • 80 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Paeonia ‘Unknown Soldier’ • Fragrant, double, deep-red flowers • 65 cm high, 65–80 cm wide

Tree Peony Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Golden Temple of Nara’ • Double, orange-yellow flowers in late spring • 90+ cm high, 90 cm wide Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Kamata Tapestries’ • Double, wisteriablue flowers in late spring • 90+ cm high, 90 cm wide Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Rimpo’ • Fragrant, semi-double, maroon flowers in late spring • 1+ m high, 1 m wide Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Seidei’ (Glorious Reign) • Double, peach-pink flowers in late spring • 90 cm–1+ m high, 90 cm wide Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shima Nishiki’ • Fragrant, striped red & white flowers in late spring • 90 cm–1+ m high, 90 cm wide

Papaver Iceland Poppy Easy to grow; self-sows readily. Fertile, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun. Papaver nudicaule Champagne Bubbles Group • Paper-thin, pastel flower colours in spring to fall • 30–40 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide Papaver nudicaule Garden Gnome Group • Papery-thin, red, pink, yellow, orange or white flowers in spring to fall • 25–30 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Wonderland Series

Papaver nudicaule • Orange, pink or yellow flowers in spring to Paeonia ‘Milton Jack’

Paeonia ‘Jean Ericksen’

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38  Perennials Sunny Areas fall • 30–45 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Oriental Poppy Papaver orientale ‘Allegro’ • Orange-red flowers with black blotches in early summer • 60– 70 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Beauty of Livermere’ • Crimson-scarlet flowers with black blotches in early summer • 90 cm–1.1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Bolero’ • Rosepink flowers in early summer • 80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Brilliant’ • Scarlet-red flowers with black blotches in early summer • 75– 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Casino’ • White flowers with black centres in early summer • 60–70 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Central Park’ • Large, wine-red flowers in late spring • 75–80 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Clochard’ • Double, apricot-pink flowers in early summer • 60–65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Flamenco Dancer’ • Fringed, scarlet-red flowers in early summer • 70– 80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Forncett Summer’ • Fringed, semi-double, pink flowers in early summer • 75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Papaver orientale ‘Brilliant’

Papaver orientale ‘Harlem’ • Burgundy-rose flowers with a black base in early summer • 65–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Miss Piggy’ • Fully, double, pink flowers in early summer • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

blotch in early summer • 75– 85 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Watermelon’ • Watermelon-pink flowers with black blotch in early summer • 80 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Perovskia atriplicifolia • Bluemauve flowers in late summer • aromatic, grey foliage • 75 cm– 1 m high, 60–90 cm wide


Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spire’ • Violet flowers in late summer • aromatic, grey foliage • 45–60 cm high & wide

Papaver orientale ‘Papillion’ • Hot-pink flowers with red basal blotches in early summer • 50– 65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Beardtongue Clump-forming perennial. Prefers sharp to well-drained soil; tolerates dry soil; avoid winter wet. Sun.

Papaver orientale ‘Patty’s Plum’ • Rose-plum flowers with black basal blotches in early summer • 70–85 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Penstemon ‘Coral Carpet’ • Coralpink flowers in early summer • 20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Papaver orientale ‘Pink Pearl’ • Lavender-pink flowers in early summer • sturdy stems • 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Pink Ruffles’ • Fringed, pink flowers in early summer • 50–60 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Place Pigalle’ • White flowers with a salmon-red edge in early summer • 50– 65 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Prinzessin Victoria Louise’ • Salmon-pink flowers with dark blotches in early summer • 70–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Royal Chocolate Distinction’ • Chocolate-maroon flowers in early summer • 70–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Papaver orientale ‘Royal Wedding’ • White flowers with black basal Penstemon ‘Rondo’

fine-cut foliage • 60–75 cm high, 50–75 cm wide

Penstemon ‘Prairie Dusk’ • Tubular, red-violet flowers in late spring to late summer • 45– 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Penstemon barbatus ssp. coccineus f. nanus ‘Rondo’ • Red flowers tinted pink to carmine in summer • 50–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’ • Cream-white flowers sometimes tinted purple in summer • Dark burgundy-bronze foliage & stems • 50–75 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Perovskia Russian Sage Sub-shrub; may require staking. Poor to moderately fertile, welldrained soil. Full sun. Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’ • Violetblue flowers in late summer • aromatic, grey foliage • 75 cm– 1 m high, 60–90 cm wide Perovskia ‘Filigran’ • Blue flowers in late summer • aromatic, grey,

Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Longin’ • Smoky-blue flowers in summer • aromatic, grey foliage • 75 cm– 1 m high, 50–75 cm wide

Persicaria Fleece Flower Groundcover; rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial; may be invasive. Prefers fertile, moist soil; tolerates dry soil. Sun to Shade. Persicaria polymorpha • Creamwhite flowers in late spring to early summer • 1–1.5 m high, 75 cm–1 m wide

Phlox Tall Garden Phlox May require staking. Evenly moist soil. Sun. Phlox ‘Peppermint Twist’ • Fragrant, white striped, pink flowers in midsummer • 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox ‘Sherbert Cocktail’ • Fragrant, yellow-beige edged, violet-pink flowers in summer • 50–55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox ‘Swirly Burly’ • Fragrant, white flowers infused with purple-blue markings & dark Perovskia atriplicifolia

Persicaria polymorpha

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Perennials Sunny Areas  39 eyes in midsummer • 60–70 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Amethyst’ • Fragrant, violet flowers in midsummer • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Becky Towe’ • Fragrant, salmon-carmine flowers with magenta eye, in midsummer • gold-edged, variegated foliage • 50–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ • Fragrant, pale-pink flowers with red eye, in midsummer • 60– 75 cm high, 60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘David’ • Fragrant, huge, pure-white flowers in midsummer • 75 cm– 1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Dusterlohe’ (Dusky Flame, syn Nicky) • Fragrant, blue-violet flowers in midsummer • 60–70 cm high, 60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Ferris Wheel’ • Fragrant, pink flowers with dark-pink eyes & petal edges in summer • 50–60 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Kirmeslaendler’ • Fragrant, white flowers with red eye, in midsummer • 60–70 cm high, 60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Magic Blue’ • Fragrant, pale-eyed, purple-blue flowers mature to pale purple with dark eyes in summer • 50–60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Prince of Orange’ (syn Orange Perfection) Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’

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• Fragrant, orange-scarlet flowers in midsummer • 75 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Red Riding Hood’ • Fragrant, cherry-red flowers in midsummer • darkgreen foliage • 45–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’ • Fragrant, crimson-red flowers in midsummer • 75–90 cm high & wide Phlox paniculata ‘Tenor’ • Fragrant, rose-red flowers in midsummer • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide Flame Series

Phlox paniculata Lilac Flame (‘Barten’) • Fragrant, lilac flowers in midsummer • 25–30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Phlox paniculata ‘Junior Dream’ • Fragrant, blue-purple flowers in late spring to fall • 30–40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Volcano Series

Phlox paniculata • Fragrant, pink, white, purple or red flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Physalis Chinese Lantern Groundcover; perennial; may be aggressive spreader. Poor to moderately fertile, dry soil. Sun. Physalis alkekengi v. franchettii • Star-shaped, cream flowers followed by orange berries, in midsummer • 60–75 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide


Phlox paniculata Pink Flame (‘Bartwelve’) • Fragrant, pink flowers with white eyes in midsummer • 25–30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Obedient Plant Rhizomatous or stololiferous perennial. Fertile, moist soil; tolerates dry soil but restricts growth. Sun.

Phlox paniculata Purple Flame (‘Barfourteen’) • Fragrant, purple flowers in midsummer • 25– 30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Physostegia virginiana ‘Miss Manners’ • White flowers in midsummer to fall • 45–60 cm high & wide

Phlox paniculata White Flame (‘Bartwentynine’) • Fragrant, white flowers in midsummer • 25–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Physostegia virginiana ‘Rose Queen’ • Rose-pink flowers in midsummer to fall • 60–80 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Junior Series

Phlox paniculata ‘Junior Dance’ • Fragrant, bright coral-pink flowers in midsummer to fall • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Phlox ‘Tenor’

Physostegia virginiana ‘Summer Snow’ (syn Snow Queen) • White flowers in midsummer to fall • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’ • Deep pink-purple flowers in midsummer to fall • 45–60 cm high & wide Physostegia virginiana ssp. speciosa ‘Bouquet Rose’ • Bright-pink flowers in midsummer to fall • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Physostegia virginiana ssp. speciosa ‘Variegata’ • magenta-pink flowers in midsummer to fall • white-edged, greyish foliage • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Platycodon Balloon Flower Clump-forming perennial. Deep, fertile, lean, well-drained soil. Full sun. Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Sentimental Blue’ • Star-like, purple-blue flowers in summer • 10–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Platycodon grandiflorus apoyama albus ‘Fairy Snow’ • Star-like, white flowers with blue veins, in summer • 10–20 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Astra Series

Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Astra White’ • Star-like, double, blue, lavender, pink or white flowers in summer • 10–20 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Fuji Series

Platycodon grandiflorus • Star-like, shell-pink or white flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Platycodon ‘Sentimental Blue’

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40  Perennials Sunny Areas Polemonium


Jacob’s Ladder Clump-forming or rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun.

Buttercup Spreading or clump-forming perennial; can be aggressive spreader. Fertile, moist, organic, sharply drained to well-drained soil. Sun.

Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Herbstsonne’ (Autumn Sun) • Lemon-yellow flowers with green, cone-shaped centres in late summer to fall • 1.5–2.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Ranunculus acris ‘Flore Pleno’ • sunny-yellow flowers in summer • 45–90 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Hortensia’ (Golden Glow) • Double, golden-yellow flowers in summer • 1.5–1.8 m high, 1–2 m wide


Ratibida columnifera • Daisy-like, yellow flowers with green cone in centre, in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Juligold’ (July Gold) • Single, goldenyellow flowers in summer • 1.5– 1.8 m high, 45–60 cm wide Brown-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba • Yellow to orange flowers with black, coneshaped centres, in late summer to fall • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 45– 60 cm wide



Polemonium Bressingham Purple (syn ‘Polbress’) • Fragrant, lavender-blue flowers in late spring to early summer • purple foliage in spring & fall • 30– 40 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Polemonium boreale ‘Heavenly Habit’ • Violet-blue flowers in late spring to summer • fern-like foliage • 30 cm high & wide Polemonium caeruleum • Blue flowers in late spring to early summer • fern-like foliage • 45– 90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Polemonium caeruleum Brise d’Anjou (‘Blanjou’) • Violet-blue flowers in late spring to early summer • cream-edged foliage • 45–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Polemonium caeruleum ‘Snow and Sapphires’ • Fragrant, spikes of sky-blue flowers in early summer • white-edged, dark-green foliage • 45–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Polemonium reptans ‘Stairway to Heaven’ • Blue flowers in early to midsummer • grey-green foliage with cream & pink margins • 30–60 cm high, 20–40 cm wide

Prairie Coneflower Native plant; tap-rooted, clumpforming perennial. Poor, dry soil. Sun.

Coneflower Clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial; some may be aggressive spreaders. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun. Rudbeckia fulgida v. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ (Gold Storm) • Deep-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Polemonium yezoense ‘Purple Rain’ • Spiked, purple-blue flowers in early summer • purpletinted, fern-like foliage • 30– 45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’ • Fully double, golden-yellow flowers in summer to fall • 45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Cut-leaf Coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Goldquelle’ (Gold Fountain) • Large, double, yellow flowers with green centres

Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’

Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’

Polemonium ‘Purple Rain’

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turning yellow, in summer • 60– 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Blue Sage Clump-forming perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates poor, dry soil. Sun. Salvia nemorosa ‘Marcus’ • Dark violet-purple flowers in summer to fall • 15–25 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide Salvia nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’ (East Friesland) • violet-blue flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Salvia nemorosa ‘Pink Friesland’ • pink-red flowers in summer • 40–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Salvia nemorosa ‘Pusztaflamme’ (Plumosa) • Spiked, deeplavender flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high & wide

Salvia x sylvestris ‘Blauhugel’ (Blue Hill) • Pure-blue flowers in summer • 30–50 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Salvia x sylvestris ‘Blaukonigin’ (Blue Queen) • Rich violet-blue flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Salvia x sylvestris ‘Caradonna’ • Violet-purple flowers with purple stems, in summer • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Salvia x sylvestris ‘Mainacht’ (May Night) • Fragrant, blue-violet flowers in summer • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Salvia x sylvestris ‘Schneehugel’ (Snow Hill) • Pure-white flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Saponaria Soapwort Groundcover; spreading perennial. Fertile, gritty, well-drained to sharply drained soil. Sun. Saponaria officinalis ‘Rosea Plena’ • Fragrant, double, rose-pink flowers in summer to fall • 60– 90 cm high & wide

Scabiosa Pincushion Flower Tolerates dry soil. Sun. Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’ • Lavender-blue flowers in summer • grey-green foliage • 25–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’ • Lavenderpink flowers in summer • 25– 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’

Saponaria ‘Rosea Plena’

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Perennials Sunny Areas  41 Scabiosa columbaria ‘Blue Buttons’ (‘Walminiblue’) • Skyblue flowers in summer to early fall • 30–45 cm high & wide Scabiosa columbaria ‘Pincushion Pink’ • Soft-pink flowers in early summer • 15–25 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide Scabiosa columbaria ‘Pink Buttons’ (‘Walminipink’) • Rosepink flowers in summer to early fall • 30–45 cm high & wide Perfecta Series

Scabiosa caucasica ‘Perfecta Alba’ • White flowers in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide

Sidalcea Checker Mallow Clump-forming perennial. Prefers deep, fertile, moist, organic, welldrained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Sidalcea ‘Brilliant’ • Rose-red flowers in summer • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Sidalcea ‘Candy Girl’ • Rosepink flowers with lighter eyes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Sidalcea ‘Elsie Heugh’ • Pink flowers in summer • 60–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Sidalcea ‘Little Princess’ • Pink flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Sidalcea candida • White flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Sidalcea candida

Silene Campion Cushion, mat or clump-forming perennial. Gritty, lean, welldrained soil. Sun to dappled shade. Silene ‘Prairie Fire’ • Showy, brilliant red flower spikes in late summer • 1–1.2 m high, 30– 45 cm wide

Silphium Compass Plant Prairie native. Moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Silphium laciniatum • Daisy-like, yellow flowers in summer • oaklike leaf on stiff stems • 1–2 m high, 45–90 cm wide

Solidago Goldenrod Clump-forming perennial. Blooms in late summer to fall. Poor, sandy, well-drained soil. Sun. Solidago ‘Crown of Rays’ (Strahlenkrone) • Large, flatheaded, bright-yellow flowers • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Solidago ‘Goldkind’ (Babygold) • Gold-yellow flowers • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Stachys Betony Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Stachys macrantha (syn S. grandiflora) ‘Rosea’ • Rose-pink flowers in summer • grey-green, woolly foliage • 30–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Solidago ‘Crown of Rays’

Stachys officinalis ‘Rosea’ • Pink flowers on sturdy, stiff stems in early summer to late summer • 40–55 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lamb’s Ears Stachys byzantina • Purple flowers in summer to fall • silver-grey, woolly foliage • 45–60 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’ (syn Countess Helen von Stein) • Purple flowers in summer • silver-grey, woolly foliage • 45– 60 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Stachys byzantina ‘Silky Fleece’ • Plum flowers on 25 cm stalks in summer • silver-grey, woolly foliage • 6–8 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide

Tanacetum Painted Daisy Clump-forming perennial; may need support. Well-drained soil. Sun. Tanacetum coccineum (Double mix) • Double, daisy-like, pink or red flowers with yellow centre, in early summer • 45–75 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Robinson’s Series

Tanacetum coccineum • Single, daisy-like, bright-pink, bright-red or bright rose-pink flowers with yellow center in late spring to early summer • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Teucrium Germander Groundcover perennial or subshrub. Lean, well-drained, sandy soil. Full sun. Teucrium hircanicum ‘Paradise Delight’ • Spiked, purple-red flowers in late spring to fall • 40–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Thalictrum Meadow Rue Tuberous, rhizomatous or clumpforming perennial. Cool, fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Thalictrum aquilegiifolium ‘Thundercloud’ • Tiny, deeppurple flowers in late spring to early summer • columbine-like foliage • 60–90+ cm high, 45 cm wide Thalictrum delavayi ‘Hewitt’s Double’ • Tiny, double, lavender flowers in midsummer to fall • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60 cm wide

Tradescantia Spiderwort Cool, fertile, moist soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Tradescantia virginiana ‘Caerulea Plena’ • Double, dark-blue flowers in summer • grass-like foliage • 35–50 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Andersoniana Group

Tradescantia ‘Bilberry Ice’ • Lilac flowers with white edge in summer • grass-like foliage • 40–60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Tradescantia ‘Bilberry Ice’

Thalictrum ‘Hewitt’s Double’

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42  Perennials Sunny Areas Tradescantia ‘Concord Grape’ • Purple flowers in summer • frosty-blue, grass-like foliage • 40–45 cm high, 30 cm wide

Veronica ‘Purpleicious’ • Spikes of purple flowers in summer • darkgreen foliage • 30–60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Shady Areas

Tradescantia ‘Perinne’s Pink’ • Pink flowers in summer • bluegreen foliage • 50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Veronica ‘Sunny Border Blue’ • Spikes of violet-blue flowers in summer • 45–50 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide



Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium ‘Royal Blue’ • Spikes of deepblue flowers in summer • 20– 45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Common Valerian Clump-forming, spreading or rhizomatous perennial. Self-sows readily. Moist, organic, welldrained, alkaline soil. Sun. Valeriana officinalis • White to pinkish flowers in summer • aromatic foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 40–80 cm wide

Verbascum Mullein Clump-forming, biennial or shortlived perennial. Prefers dry, alkaline soil; tolerates poor soil. Avoid winter wet. May require staking in fertile soil. Full sun. Verbascum ‘Dark Eyes’ • Yellowcream flowers with red eyes in midsummer • compact, silvergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Verbascum ‘Sierra Sunset’ • Orange to melon flowers with red eyes in summer • velvety foliage • 20–60 cm high, 35 cm wide Verbascum ‘Summer Sorbet’ • Raspberry-peach flowers in midsummer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Verbascum bombyciferum • Sulphur-yellow flowers in summer • evergreen • 1–1.8 m high, 60 cm wide Verbascum thapsus • Spikes of yellow flowers in summer • densely woolly stems • 1.2–2 m high, 45 cm wide

Veronica Speedwell Clump-forming perennial. Prefers moist, organic, well-drained, alkaline soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun.

Veronica longifolia ‘Eveline’ • Spikes of pink flowers in summer • lance-shaped foliage • 50– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Veronica spicata ‘Blaufuchs’ (Blue Fox) • Spikes of lavender-blue flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 30 cm wide Veronica spicata ‘Glory’ (syn Royal Candles) • Violet-blue flowers in summer • 40–45 cm high, 45 cm wide Veronica spicata ‘Heidekind’ • Spikes of rose-pink flowers in summer • silver-grey leaves • 20–30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Veronica spicata ‘Rotfuchs’ (Red Fox) • Spikes of rose-red flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 30 cm wide Veronica spicata ssp. incana • Spikes of purple-blue flowers in summer • silvery-grey, felted foliage • 30 cm high & wide

Veronicastrum Culver’s Root Clump-forming perennial. Prefers fertile, moist, organic soil; tolerates poor, dry soil. Sun. Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’ • Spikes of lightpink flowers in summer • reddish foliage • 1 m high, 45 cm wide

Monkshood Cool, evenly-moist, fertile, organic soil. Sun to Shade. Aconitum ‘Bressingham Spire’ • Violet-blue flowers in summer • 90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aconitum ‘Cloudy’ • Soft-blue flowers in midsummer • 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aconitum ‘Eleanor’ • White flowers with thin blue edge in late summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide Aconitum ‘Stainless Steel’ • Metallic lilac-blue flowers in midsummer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Pink Sensation’ • Soft-pink flowers in late summer to fall • 80 cm–1 m high, 45–60+ cm wide Aconitum henryi ‘Spark’s Variety’ • Violet-blue flowers in late summer to fall • 90 cm–1 m high, 60–90 cm wide Aconitum napellus • Indigo-blue flowers in late summer • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 30–60 cm wide Aconitum napellus ‘Blue Valley’ • Blue flowers in late summer • 75 cm–1 m high, 30–60 cm wide

Aconitum x cammarum ‘Bicolor’ • White flowers with blue edges in summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Actaea Bugbane Woodland; clump-forming perennial. Moist soil. Shade. Actaea (syn Cimicifuga) ‘Black Negligee’ • Fragrant, bottlebrushlike, white flowers on arching stems in fall • purple-black, lacy foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 60 cm wide Actaea simplex (syn Cimicifuga) • Fragrant, bottlebrush-like, white flowers on arching stems in fall • purplish foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Actaea simplex (syn Cimicifuga) ‘Pink Spike’ • Bottlebrush-like, pale pink flowers in fall • bronzepurple foliage • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 45–90 cm wide Atropurpurea Group

Actaea simplex (syn Cimicifuga) ‘Brunette’ • Bottlebrush-like, white flowers on arching stems in fall • deep brown-red foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Aconitum napellus ssp. vulgare ‘Albidum’ • White flowers in late summer • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 30–60 cm wide

Actaea simplex (syn Cimicifuga) ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ • Fragrant, bottlebrush-like, white flowers on arching stems in fall • purple-black foliage • 90 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Aconitum napellus

Actaea ‘Brunette’

Veronicastrum virginicum v. incarnatum (syn V. virginicum ‘Roseum’) • Spikes of soft pink flowers in summer • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 45 cm wide Veronica spicata

Veronica ‘Fairy Tale’ • Pale-pink flowers & deep-pink stamens in summer • silver-green foliage • 30–45 cm high, 45 cm wide

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Perennials Shady Areas  43 Adiantum Maidenhair Fern Woodland; fern. Cool, moist, organic soil. Dappled shade; shelter from hot afternoon sun. Adiantum pedatum • Delicate, airy, green fronds • Requires moist, organic, cool soil • 45–60 cm high & wide Adiantum pedatum ‘Miss Sharples’ • Yellow-green lacy fronds • 30– 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Anemone Anemone Tuberous or rhizomatous perennial. Moist soil; keep soil drier during dormancy. P.M. Sun. Anemone nemorosa • White flowers sometimes flushed pink or blue, in spring • 5–15 cm high, 30– 45+ cm wide Anemone nemorosa ‘Robinsoniana’ • Lavender blue flowers in spring • 5–15 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Anemonella Rue Anemone Tuberous-rooted, spreading woodland perennial; best when mass planted. Moist, well-drained soil. Shade. Anemonella thalictroides • White to pink tinted flowers in early spring • 10–20 cm high, 15– 30+ cm wide

Arisaema Dragonroot/Cobra Lily Tuberous or rhizomatous perennial. Cool, humus-rich, gritty, lean, neutral to acidic soil. P.M. Sun. Arisaema sikokianum

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Arisaema elephas • Liver-purple spathe white-striped in early summer • 30–50 cm high & wide Arisaema ringens • Green to purple spathe with green or white stripes in spring • 30–110 cm high, 25–80 cm wide Arisaema serratum • Green to purple spathe often white-striped in spring • 40–150 cm high, 25–60 cm wide Arisaema sikokianum • White striped, purple hooded spathe in spring • 30–70 cm high, 25– 70 cm wide Arisaema thunbergii ssp. urashima • Bronze-purple spathe whitestriped in spring • 30–60 cm high, 20–60 cm wide Jack-In-The-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum • Green or purple spathe usually striped green or white in spring • 30– 80 cm high, 25–50 cm wide

Aruncus Goat’s Beard Clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist soil. Shade. Aruncus aethusifolius • Creamywhite plumes in spring to early summer • clump-forming, compact habit • 30–40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aruncus dioicus • White plumes in late spring to early summer • lush green foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide

Aruncus dioicus ‘Kneiffii’ • Cream plumes in late spring to early summer • finely-cut foliage • 60–90 cm high & wide Aruncus dioicus ‘Zweiweltenkind’ (Child of Two Worlds) • Creamy-white plumes in summer to fall • dense, bronzy foliage • 1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Asarum Wild Ginger Woodland; groundcover; rhizomatous perennial. Humusrich, moist, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. Dappled shade. Asarum canadense • Red-brown flowers in early summer • 15– 20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Asarum europaeum • Brown flowers in spring • glossy, green foliage • 15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Asplenium Fern Upright fern. Gritty, moist, organic, well-drained, alkaline soil. Shade. Asplenium trichomanes • upright to prostrate fronds • 15–20 cm high, 20–45 cm wide

Astilbe Astilbe Woodland; clump-forming perennial. Cool, moist, organic, alkaline-free soil. A.M. Sun to shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Astilbe ‘Bressingham Beauty’ • Pink plumes in summer • 60– 90 cm high & wide

Aruncus aethusifolius

Astilbe ‘Burgundy Red’ • Dark-red plumes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 45–55 cm wide Astilbe ‘Federsee’ • Carmine-red plumes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Astilbe ‘Jump and Jive’ • Brightrose plumes in midsummer • 40 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Astilbe ‘Key Largo’ • Raspberry pink plumes in summer • red stems • 40–45 cm high, 25– 45 cm wide Astilbe ‘Montgomery’ • Dark-red plumes in midsummer • 50– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Astilbe ‘Rhythm And Blues’ • Raspberry-pink plumes in early summer • 45–60 cm high, 25– 40 cm wide Astilbe chinensis ‘Vision in Red’ • Pink-red dense plumes in summer • coarse foliage • 30– 40 cm high & wide Astilbe chinensis v. pumila • Lilac Dense plumes in summer • coarse foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Astilbe japonica ‘Bremen’ • Rosyred plumes in summer • 45– 60 cm high & wide Astilbe japonica ‘Deutschland’ • White plumes in summer • 45– 60 cm high, 40–60 cm wide Astilbe japonica ‘Koblenz’ • Salmon-red plumes in summer • 60–75 cm high, 40–60 cm wide Astilbe japonica ‘Mainz’ • Pink plumes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 40–60 cm wide Astilbe ‘Montgomery’

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44  Perennials Shady Areas Astilbe japonica ‘Red Sentinel’ • Rich red plumes in summer • 60–90 cm high & wide Astilbe japonica ‘Rheinland’ • Pink plumes in summer • 45– 60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Sprite’ • Pale shell-pink plumes in summer • 30–45 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Amethyst’ • Lilac-pink plumes in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Cattleya’ • Softpink plumes in summer • 50– 75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Fanal’ • Red plumes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 60 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Flamingo’ • Flamingo-pink plumes in early summer • 50–75 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Glut’ (Glow) • Bright-red plumes in summer • 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Astilbe x arendsii ‘Granat’ • Carmine-red plumes in summer • 60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Astilbe x rosea ‘Peach Blossom’ • Fragrant, soft peach-pink plumes in summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Astilboides Rodger’s Flower Clump-forming perennial. Moist to wet soil. Astilboides tabularis • Cream flowers in early summer • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 60 cm–1.2 m wide Astilbe ‘Peach Blossom’

Athyrium Ferns Rhizomatous fern. Humus-rich, moist, neutral to acidic soil. Shade. Athyrium filix-femina ‘Frizelliae’ • Fine, lacy foliage • 35–40 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Athyrium filix-femina ‘Victoriae’ • Fine, lacy foliage • 30–60 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Athyrium niponicum v. pictum ‘Red Beauty’ • Silvery foliage with red veins & red stems • 45–60 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Athyrium niponicum v. pictum (syn ‘Metallicum’) • Metallic-grey foliage with purple veins • 30– 45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Bellis English Daisy Clump-forming biennial or shortlived perennial. Evenly moist soil. A.M. Sun; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Bellis perennis • Pink, red or white flowers in summer • 15–25 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Bergenia Bergenia Easy to grow groundcover; rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial; best when mass planted. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Bergenia ‘Baby Doll’ • Pink flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Bergenia ‘Bressingham Ruby’ • Red flowers in spring • evergreen Athyrium filix-femina

Bergenia cordifolia

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foliage, turns red in fall • 40– 45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

with good soil moisture; variegated varieties prone to scorching.

Bergenia ‘Glockenturm’ (Bell Tower) • Pink-red flowers in spring • large, glossy, evergreen foliage • 40–50 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Brunnera macrophylla • Forgetme-not, blue flowers in spring • heart-shaped foliage • 30–40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Bergenia ‘Perfect’ • Rose-red flowers in spring • purple, evergreen foliage • 40–50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Bergenia cordifolia ‘Bressingham White’ • White flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Bergenia cordifolia ‘Tubby Andrews’ • Pink flowers in spring • mottled gold & green, foliage • 30–50 cm high, 40–45 cm wide Bergenia cordifolia ‘Winterglut’ • Rose-red flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 30 cm high & wide Bergenia purpurascens • Dark-pink flowers in spring • mahogany-red foliage in fall • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Blechnum Fern Rhizomatous fern. Moist, organic, well-drained acidic soil. Shade. Blechnum spicant • Deep-green, leathery fronds, evergreen • 20– 50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Brunnera Heartleaf Forget-Me-Not Rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. P.M. sun; shelter from hot afternoon sun; tolerates more sun Bergenia ‘Rosi Klose’

Brunnera macrophylla ‘Dawson’s White’ (syn Variegata) • Blue flowers in spring • foliage; green with wide cream margins • 30– 40 cm high, 40–45 cm wide Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’ • Forget-me-not, blue flowers in spring • heart-shaped, silverygreen foliage • 35 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Brunnera macrophylla ‘Looking Glass’ • Blue flowers in spring • silvery-green foliage ages to solid silver • 30–35 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Caltha Marsh Marigold Aquatic; clump-forming or creeping perennial. Moist to boggy, neutral to acidic soil. Shade. Caltha palustris • Single, yellowbuttercup flowers in early spring • kidney-shaped, dark-green foliage • 15–25 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Caltha palustris ‘Plena’ • Double, yellow-buttercup flowers in early spring • kidney-shaped, darkgreen foliage • 15–25 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Cornus Bunchberry Woodland, groundcover perennial. Moist, acidic soil. Shade. Brunnera ‘Dawson’s White’

Caltha palustris

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Perennials Shady Areas  45 Cornus canadensis • Cream flowers in early summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Cortusa Bear’s Ear Woodland; long-lived, clumpforming perennial; best when mass planted. Cool, moist, well-drained soil. Shade. Cortusa matthioli • Bell-shaped, purple to magenta flowers in late spring • 20–35 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Cortusa matthioli ‘Alba’ • Bellshaped, white flowers in late spring • 15–35 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide

Corydalis Fumitory Bulbous, fiberous or tuberous perennial. Cool, fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun to Shade; tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Corydalis elata • Fragrant, cobaltblue flowers in late spring • fernlike foliage • 20–40 cm high, 40–45 cm wide Corydalis flexuosa ‘Blue Panda’ • Fragrant, gentian-blue flowers in summer • fern-like foliage • 15–25 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Corydalis flexuosa ‘Golden Panda’ • Fragrant, cobalt-blue flowers in late spring to summer • green foliage aging to gold • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Cortusa matthioli

Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’ • Turquoise-blue flowers in late spring to summer • fern-like foliage • 15–25 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Corydalis flexuosa ‘Purple Leaf ’ • Fragrant, blue flowers in late spring to summer • green foliage with purple tinge • 20–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide



Lady’s Slipper Colony-forming, terrestial orchid. Well-drained, organic, neutral to acidic, gritty soil. Shade.

Marsh Orchid Humus-rich, moist, alkaline soil. A.M. Sun.

Cypripedium ‘Gisela’ • Purple flowers with rose pouch in spring • 30–40 cm high, 40 cm wide


Cypripedium ‘Michael’ • Purplered with darker veining in spring • 25–55 cm high, 30 cm wide

Fern Colonizing or spreading fern. Acidic, free-draining soil. Tolerates more sun than many ferns do.

Cypripedium ‘Ulla Silkens’ • White flowers with red spotting on the lip in spring • 25–35 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Cryptogramma crispa • Fronds turn rusty-brown in fall • 15– 25 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Cypripedium acaule • Slipper-like, soft-pink flowers in spring • 15– 45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Cryptotaenia Japanese Parsley Perennial, but self-sows freely. Interesting foliage for shade areas. Cryptotaenia japonica f. atropurpurea • Pink flowers in late summer • purple-black foliage with zigzagy stems • 50– 100 cm high, 45–80 cm wide

Cyclamen Cyclamen Colony-forming, tuberous perennial. Fertile, organic, welldrained soil; keep soil drier during dormancy, moist in fall when blooming begins. A.M. Sun. Cyclamen purpurascens • Fragrant, carmine to rose-red flowers in summer to fall • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Dactylorhiza praetermissa • Spiked, rich purple flowers in early summer • 30–50 cm high, 30 cm wide

Dicentra Bleeding Heart Rhizomatous or tuberous perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil; early dormancy may occur in dry soil or full sun. Shade to A.M. Sun; shelter from hot afternoon sun.

Cypripedium (parviflorum x calceolus) ‘Emil’ • Yellow flowers with purple tepals in spring • 35–45 cm high, 40 cm wide

Dicentra peregrina • Lyre-shaped, pink flowers in early summer • blue-green foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Common Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis • Pink flowers with white tips in spring to early summer • 75–90 cm high & wide

Cypripedium reginae • Fragrant, white & rose flowers in spring • 30–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dicentra spectabilis ‘Alba’ • White flowers in spring to early summer • 75–90 cm high & wide

Cypripedium calceolus • Slipperlike, yellow flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Cystopteris Fragile Fern Rhizomatous, clump-forming fern. Moist soil. Tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. A.M. Sun. Cystopteris fragilis • Deciduous, lacy fronds • 15–30 cm high, 35–45 cm wide

Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ • Pink flowers in spring to early summer • lime-green foliage • 75–90 cm high & wide Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra ‘Adrian Bloom’ • Deepred flowers in spring to summer • blue-green, ferny foliage • 30– 40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Dicentra ‘Candy Hearts’ • Red flowers in spring to summer • blue-green foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Cypripedium ‘Gisela’

Dactylorhiza praetermissa

Dicentra ‘Alba’

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46  Perennials Shady Areas Dicentra ‘Ivory Heart’ • White flowers in spring to summer • blue-green foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dryopteris affinis ‘Polydactyla Dadds’ • Dark-green, elegant foliage • 70–100 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Dicentra ‘King of Hearts’ • Darkrose flowers in spring to summer • fern-like foliage • 15–25 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dryopteris carthusiana (syn D. spinulosa) • Soft feathery foliage • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dicentra ‘Luxuriant’ • Carminepink flowers in spring to late summer • fern-like foliage • 25–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dryopteris dilatata ‘Lepidota Crispa Cristata’ • 20–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Dicentra formosa ‘Aurora’ • White flowers in spring to summer • blue-green fern-like foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dodecatheon Shooting Star Clump-forming perennial. Lean, moist, organic, well-drained soil; early dormancy may occur in dry soil. Sun. Dodecatheon jeffreyi (syn D. lancifolium) • Fragrant, magenta to white flowers in spring • 20– 40 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Dodecatheon meadia (dwarf variety) • Deep-rose flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide

Dryopteris Shield Fern Rhizomatous ferns. Moist, humusrich soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Dryopteris affinis ‘Cristata the King’ • Dark-green, elegant foliage • 70–100 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Dicentra spectabilis

Dryopteris expansa • 45–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Epimedium x perralchicum ‘Frohnleiten’ • Gold-yellow flowers in spring • foliage tinged red in fall • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Epimedium x rubrum • Ruby-red flowers in spring • young foliage tinted red • 25–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ • Lemon-yellow flowers in spring • 25–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dryopteris filix-mas • 60–90 cm high, 60 cm–1 m wide

Epimedium x warleyense (syn E. Ellen Willott) • Copper-red flowers in spring • 20–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Crispa Cristata’ • Dark-green crested foliage • 40–60 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Epimedium x youngianum ‘Niveum’ • White flowers in spring • 10–30 cm high, 30– 50 cm wide

Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Crispa’ • Compact, dark-green crested foliage • 40–60 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Epimedium x youngianum ‘Roseum’ • Purple-mauve flowers in spring • 10–30 cm high, 30– 50 cm wide

Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Linearis Polydactyla’ • 60–150 cm high, 60 cm–1 m wide


Male Fern

Epimedium Bishop’s Hat Groundcover; rhizomatous, clumpforming, perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained soil. Shade. Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilafee’ (Lilac Fairy) • Lavender flowers in spring • 10–35 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Yubae’ (syn Rose Queen) • Glossy, redviolet flowers in spring • 10– 35 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Meadowsweet Woodland; rhizomatous or tuberous perennial. Blooms in summer. Cool, damp, organic soil. A.M. Sun to Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Filipendula ‘Kahome’ • Fragrant, rose-pink flowers • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Filipendula palmata • Fragrant, pale to deep-pink flowers in midsummer • 90 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide Filipendula purpurea • Fragrant, carmine-red flowers • 75 cm– 1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Filipendula purpurea ‘Elegans’ • Fragrant, carmine-pink flowers • 80 cm–1.3 m high, 60 cm wide Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ (syn Magnifica, Venusta Magnifica) • Fragrant, large, deep rose-pink flowers • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 1 m wide Filipendula ulmaria • Fragrant, creamy-white flowers in late spring to early summer • 90 cm–2 m high, 60 cm wide Filipendula ulmaria ‘Aurea’ • Fragrant, white flowers • goldgreen foliage • 60–90 cm high, 40–60 cm wide Filipendula ulmaria ‘Variegata’ (syn Aureo-Variegata) • Fragrant, white, feathery flowers in late spring • green & yellow variegated foliage • 60–90 cm high, 60 cm wide Filipendula vulgaris ‘Multiplex’ (syn Plena) • Fragrant, double, creamy-white flowers in early summer • 45–60 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide


Filipendula multijuga (syn F. palmata ‘Nana’) • Fragrant, deep rose-pink flowers • fern-like foliage • 60 cm–1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide

Sweet Woodruff Woodland; groundcover; sprawling perennial. Moist, organic soil. Sun to Shade.

Epimedium ‘Sulphureum’

Filipendula ‘Aurea’

Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’

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Perennials Shady Areas  47 Galium odoratum • Fragrant, white flowers in spring to midsummer • 15–45 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Gentiana Gentian Clump to mat-forming perennial. Cool, moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates alkaline soil. Sun to Shade. Gentiana ‘Blauer Zwerg’ (Blue Dwarf) • Trumpet-shaped, blue flowers in fall • 5–10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Gentiana acaulis (syn G. kochiana) • Large, blue flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Gentiana boissieri • Blue flowers in summer • 5–10 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Gentiana gelida • Pale-yellow to cream flowers in late summer to fall • 25–40 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Gentiana georgei • Trumpetshaped, light red-purple flowers in late summer • 5–7 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Gentiana hexaphylla • Light-blue flowers with darker veining in late summer • 5–20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Gentiana paradoxa • Rich blue flowers in late summer to fall • 25–50 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Gentiana parryi • Deep-blue flowers spotted green in late summer • 25–45 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide Gentiana septemfida • Clustered, deep-blue flowers in summer • 15–30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Gentiana septemfida v. lagodechiana • Dark-blue flowers in summer to fall • 10–20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Gentiana sino-ornata • Upturned, cobalt-blue flowers in late summer to fall • needle-like foliage • 5–10 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide Gentiana verna • Azure-blue flowers with white eyes in spring • 5–10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Gillenia Bowman’s Root Woodland, rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Shade; shelter from hot afternoon sun. Gillenia trifoliata • Star-shaped, white flowers in late spring to late summer • red-tinted stems • 90 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide

Glaucidium Glaucidium Mountainous woodlands. Cool, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Shade. Glaucidium palmatum • Lavenderblue flowers in early summer • 40–50 cm high, 45 cm wide

Gentiana verna

Helleborus niger

Glaucidium palmatum

Gentiana septemfida v. lagodechiana

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Gymnocarpium Oak Fern Creeping, rhizomatous fern. Humus-rich, moist, neutral to acidic soil. A.M. Sun to shade.

Hepatica nobilis v. japonica • Violet-blue or red-pink flowers in spring • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide


Gymnocarpium dryopteris • Yellow-green, lacy fronds age to dark green • 20–50 cm high, 30–60+ cm wide

Alumroot Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; shade to A.M. Sun.


Heuchera ‘Black Beauty’ • Tiny, cream flowers on 60 cm stalks in summer • huge, ruffled, chocolate & ruby foliage • 25 cm high, 45 cm wide

Christmas Rose/ Lenten Rose Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, neutral to alkaline soil. Shade. Helleborus niger • White flowers in early spring • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Hepatica Liverleaf Clump-forming perennial. Humusrich, moist, neutral to alkaline soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Hepatica acutiloba • Blue flowers, sometimes white, or pink in spring • 15–25 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide Hepatica nobilis • Blue flowers, sometimes white or pink, in spring • 10–15 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide Hepatica nobilis ‘Rubra Plena’ • Double, red flowers in spring • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Caramel’ • Pale-pink flowers on 45 cm stalks in midsummer • bright-gold to honey-apricot leaves • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Heuchera ‘Chocolate Ruffles’ • Tiny, cream flowers on 75 cm stalks in summer • huge, ruffled, chocolate & burgundy foliage • 25 cm high, 45 cm wide Heuchera ‘Cinnabar Silver’ • Red flowers on short stalks in summer • purple-metallic leaves, change to silver • 25–45 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide Heuchera ‘Hollywood’ • Coral flowers on dense 40 cm stalks in late spring to summer • mapleleaf shaped, metallic-silver foliage • 20 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Hepatica nobilis v. japonica • Blue, pink or white flowers in spring • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Lime Rickey’ • Tiny, white flowers on 45 cm stalks in summer • ruffled, chartreuse, spring foliage • 20 cm high, 45 cm wide

Hepatica nobilis

Gillenia trifoliata

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48  Perennials Shady Areas Heuchera ‘Marmalade’ • Tiny, green-white flowers on 30 cm stalks in summer • ruffled, umber to deep-sienna foliage • 25 cm high, 45 cm wide

Heucherella ‘Birthday Cake’ • Cream flowers in late spring • chocolate-brown, evergreen foliage • 20–40 cm high, 25– 35 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Midnight Rose’ • Tiny, white flowers on 45 cm stalks in spring • black-purple foliage dappled with pink • 20–25 cm high, 40 cm wide

Heucherella ‘Burnished Bronze’ • Spiked, tawny flowers in late spring to summer • burnishedbronze evergreen foliage • 30– 45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Obsidian’ • Tiny, greenwhite flowers on 60 cm stalks in summer • shiny, very black, rounded foliage • 25 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Heucherella ‘Dayglow Pink’ • Pink flowers in late spring to summer • evergreen foliage has chocolate inlay • 30–45 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Peach Flambe’ • White flowers in spring • peach foliage (infused with red), turns plum & purple in fall • 20–40 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Heucherella ‘Stoplight’ • White flowers in late spring to summer • chartreuse foliage with large, red centre patches • 30–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’ • Tiny, cream flowers on 65 cm stalks in late spring • shimmering plumpurple foliage • 20 cm high, 40 cm wide

Heucherella ‘Sunspot’ • Pink flowers in late spring to summer • electric yellow foliage with red centre patch • 30–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Heuchera ‘Venus’ • Tiny, white flowers on tall stalks in late spring • silver, green-veined foliage • 20–40 cm high, 40 cm wide


Heuchera ‘Vesuvius’ • Tiny, orange-red flowers on 60 cm stalks in summer • rounded, purple foliage • 20 cm high, 45 cm wide

Heucherella Foamy Bells Clump-forming or spreading perennial. Evenly moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Shade.

Heuchera ‘Peach Flambe’

Hosta Easy to grow; summer-blooming; mounding, clump-forming, longlived perennial. Deep, moist, rich, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. A.M Sun to Shade. Hosta ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ • Large, cupped, thick, blue-green foliage • 60 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Alex Summers’ • Greencentered, gold-margined leaves • 80–85 cm high, 1.5 m wide Hosta ‘American Sweetheart’ • Cream-centered foliage with Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’

wide, deep-green margins • 45 cm high, 85 cm wide Hosta ‘Anne’ • Lavender flowers • green foliage with gold margins • 40–60 cm high, 60 cm–1 m wide Hosta ‘Aristocrat’ • Blue-green foliage with creamy edge • 25– 35 cm high, 45–55 cm wide Hosta ‘August Moon’ • Broad, golden foliage; good substance • 50 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ • Dwarf variety with small blue-green leaves • 20–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Hosta ‘Dream Queen’ • Large, cream-centered, blue-green leaves • 45–70 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Hosta ‘Dream Weaver’ • Cream foliage with a wide blue-green edge • 45–70 cm high, 70– 80 cm wide Hosta ‘El Capitan’ • Thick, deepgreen leaves with yellow edges • 55–65 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Hosta ‘El Nino’ • Lilac flowers • blue leaves with a bright-white edge • 40–50 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Brim Cup’ • Cupped, green foliage edged in white • 35 cm high, 1 m wide

Hosta ‘Eleanor Lachman’ • Whitecentered foliage with green margins • 25–30 cm high, 55– 60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Cameo’ • Green foliage with cream margins • 15–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Hosta ‘Eternal Flame’ • Whitecentred, dark-green foliage • 35–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Captain Kirk’ • Goldcentered, wide, dark-green leaves • 50–55 cm high, 1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘Fantasy Island’ • Greenedged, yellow-centred foliage • 20 cm high, 45–50 cm wide

Hosta ‘Carol’ • Green foliage edged in cream • 55 cm high, 1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘Fire and Ice’ • Whitecentered, thick foliage with green edges • 20–25 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Hosta ‘Carolina Sunshine’ • Purple flowers • yellow-edged, green foliage • 30–50 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Hosta ‘Cat’s Eyes’ • Greenishyellow, teardrop-shaped foliage with green margins • 5 cm high, 20 cm wide Hosta ‘Deja Blu’ • Blue-greencentred foliage with a cream line & yellow margin • 40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Fire Island’ • Gold, darkening to chartreuse, rippled leaves with red stems • 40–50 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Hosta ‘Fireworks’ • Cream-centred, green, narrow, stiff, upright foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Hosta ‘Fortunei Aureomarginata’ • Deep-green foliage with gold margins • 60 cm high, 1 m wide

Heucherella ‘Dayglow Pink’

Hosta ‘August Moon’

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Perennials Shady Areas  49 Hosta ‘Francee’ • Forest-green, heart-shaped foliage edged in white • 55 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Golden Meadows’ • Greenedged, cream-centre with a darkgreen margin • 55–70 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Hadspen Blue’ • Bluegreen, thick foliage • 45 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Halcyon’ • Thick, spearshaped, ribbed, blue-green foliage • 45 cm high, 95 cm wide Hosta ‘High Society’ • Blue-edged foliage with gold-centres that mature to white • 20 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Hosta ‘Hope’ • Mid to dark-green leaf with a gold margin • 15– 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Hosta ‘Independence’ • Darkgreen leaf with creamy-white, green speckled margins • 55– 60 cm high, 40–50 cm wide Hosta ‘Ivory Necklace’ • Lanceshaped, green leaves with a white edge • 40–45 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Jewel of the Nile’ • Blue, thick foliage with irregular, gold margins & streaking • 45–70 cm high, 1–1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘Katsuragawa Beni’ • Green foliage with red spotting on the stems & leaves • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Moonstruck’ • Gold to white-centered foliage with green margins • 25–30 cm high, 60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Kiwi Full Monty’ • Ivory centered leaf with blue-green margins • 55–60 cm high, 1– 1.2 m wide

Hosta ‘On Stage’ • Yellow foliage with irregular green edges • 35 cm high, 60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Lakeside Elfin Fire’ • Bluegreen leaves with green speckled, white centres • 8–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Hosta ‘Lakeside Spellbinder’ • Cream to white-centred leaf with a wide green margin • 30–40 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Li’l Abner’ • Green-centred foliage with gold margins • 45–50 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Liberty’ • Thick, green leaves with wide yellow margins, fading to white • 65–70 cm high, 1.5+ m wide Hosta ‘Loyalist’ • White-centered foliage with green edges • 30– 45 cm high, 40–60 cm wide Hosta ‘Magic Fire’ • Flame-like green centres with wide cream to gold margins • 50–55 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Hosta ‘Orange Marmalade’ • Green leaves with centres that change from yellow to orange to white • 55–60 cm high, 60– 90 cm wide Hosta ‘Pandora’s Box’ • Whitecentered foliage with green edges • 10 cm high, 25 cm wide Hosta ‘Patriot’ • Dark-green foliage with white margins • 60 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Paul’s Glory’ • Golden, heart-shaped foliage with bluegreen edges • 65 cm high, 1.3 m wide Hosta ‘Praying Hands’ • Green leaf (folded) with a thin gold margin & prominent back veining • 35–45 cm high, 35– 45 cm wide Hosta ‘Queen Josephine’ • Glossy green, thick foliage with yellow edges • 45 cm high, 95 cm wide

Hosta ‘Majesty’ • Thick, green foliage with wide, creamy-yellow margins • 40–75 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta ‘Red October’ • Lavender flowers in summer • green foliage with prominent red stems • 20– 30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Hosta ‘Maui Buttercups’ • Violet flowers • cupped, thick, gold foliage • 25–45 cm high, 60– 90 cm wide

Hosta ‘Regal Splendor’ • Thick, frosty-blue foliage with creamywhite margins • 75 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta ‘Minuteman’ • Dark-green foliage with white margin • 60 cm high, 1 m wide

Hosta ‘Remember Me’ • Whitecentered green foliage • 30 cm high, 40–45 cm wide

Hosta ‘El Nino’

Hosta ‘Francee’

Hosta ‘Red October’

Hosta ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’

Hosta ‘Sagae’

Hosta ‘June Fever’ • Glossy, chartreuse foliage with narrow, blue-green edges • 50–55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Hosta ‘June’ • Thick, narrow, goldcentered foliage with blue-green margins • 40 cm high, 95 cm wide

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Hosta ‘Revolution’ • Yellow-green leaves with grey-blue edges • 30–40 cm high, 40–50 cm wide Hosta ‘Rich Uncle’ • Large, thick, golden-yellow foliage • 50–60 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Royal Tiara’ • Twisted, white-centred leaves with light green margins • 20–25 cm high, 40–45 cm wide Hosta ‘Sagae’ (syn H. fluctuans ‘Variegated’) • Thick, green foliage with creamy-yellow edges • 80 cm high, 1.5+ m wide Hosta ‘Satisfaction’ • Deep-green foliage with wavy, yellow margins • 70–75 cm high, 1–1.5 m wide Hosta ‘Satisfaction’ • Large, deepgreen leaves with yellow, wavy margins • 65–80 cm high, 1.5 m wide Hosta ‘Silver Bay’ • Silver-blue, puckered, thick foliage • 35– 55 cm high, 80–95 cm wide Hosta ‘Sleeping Beauty’ • Thick, frosty blue-green leaf with a cream to white margin • 80 cm high, 1.5 m wide Hosta ‘So Sweet’ • Fragrant blooms • grass-green foliage with white edges • 55 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Spring Fling’ • Green foliage with rippled, creamywhite margins • 40–50 cm high, 1–1.2 m wide Hosta ‘Stained Glass’ • Gold leaves with wide, dark-green margins • 35–40 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Striptease’ • Gold-centered leaf with a wide green margin • 50 cm high, 1 m wide

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50  Perennials Shady Areas Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ • Thick, lemon-green,cupped foliage • 75 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta ‘Wide Brim’ • Greencentered foliage with creamy margins • 45 cm high, 1 m wide

Hosta ‘Sum It Up’ •Green leaves with narrow gold margins • 75 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta ‘Woolly Mammoth’ • Puckered, thick, blue-green foliage with a wide gold margin • 70–75 cm high, 1–1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘Summer Breeze’ • Greencentred foliage with wide gold margins • 55–60 cm high, 1– 1.5 m wide

Hosta montana ‘Mountain Snow’ • Green foliage with white margins • 70–75 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta ‘Sun Power’ • Narrow, wavy & twisted golden foliage • 70 cm high, 1.5+ m wide

Hosta sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ • Waxy, puckered, thick, blue-grey foliage • 70 cm high, 1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘T-Rex’ • Large, blue-grey foliage • 70–80 cm high, 1.5 m wide

Hosta sieboldiana ‘Frances Williams’ • Thick, puckered, blue-green foliage with gold margins • 70 cm high, 1.5 m wide

Hosta ‘Thunderbolt’ • Fragrant, flowers • yellow centered, bluegreen leaves • 60–90 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Hosta ‘Titanic’ • Green-centred foliage with a wide yellow-green margin • 80 cm–1 m high, 1.5+ m wide Hosta ‘Touch of Class’ • Greenstreaked, gold-centered foliage with blue-green margins • 40– 55 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Hosta ‘Twilight’ • Green foliage with creamy-gold margins • 55–60 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘Undulata Univittata’ • Twisted, green foliage with white centers • 45 cm high, 1 m wide Hosta ‘White Christmas’ • Whitecentered foliage with wavy, green edges • 40 cm high, 90 cm wide

Hosta ‘Sun Power’

Hosta ventricosa ‘Aureomarginata’ • Green foliage with cream-white margins • 55 cm high, 1 m wide

Iris Crested Iris Moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Shade. Iris cristata • Stemless, lilac-blue flowers in spring • 10–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Iris cristata ‘Alba’ • Fragrant, stemless, white flowers in spring • 10–15 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Jeffersonia Twinleaf Clump-forming perennial. Moist, rich soil. Shade. Jeffersonia dubia • Lavender-blue flowers in spring • 15–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Kirengeshoma Waxbells Clump-forming perennial. Moist, organic, acidic soil. Shade. Koreana Group

Kirengeshoma palmata • Waxy, bell-like, yellow flowers in late summer to fall • 75 cm– 1.3 m high, 50–75 cm wide

Ligularia Rayflower Clump-forming perennial. Deep, moist, organic, rich soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Ligularia ‘Lanternchen’ (Little Rocket) • Large, spiked, brightyellow flowers in summer • 50 cm high, 75–90 cm wide

Ligularia dentata ‘Orange Queen’ • Clustered, daisy-like, orange flowers in summer • large, purple-tinged foliage • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 60–90 cm wide Ligularia dentata ‘Othello’ • Clustered, orange-yellow flowers in summer • large, purple foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide Ligularia japonica • Clustered, Daisy-like, yellow-orange flowers in early summer • deeply-cut, large foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 75 cm–1 m wide Ligularia macrophylla altaica • Spikes of rich yellow flowers in summer • large, green leaves • 1.5–3 m high, 1–1.2 m wide

Ligularia ‘Sungold’ • Clustered, two-tone yellow flowers in midsummer • 75 cm–1 m high, 50–75 cm wide

Ligularia przewalskii • Fragrant, spikes of yellow flowers in summer • deep-cut foliage with black stems • 1–2 m high, 75 cm–1 m wide

Ligularia ‘The Rocket’ • Spiked, bright-yellow flowers in summer • large leaves with black stems • 1.2–1.8 m high, 75–90 cm wide

Ligularia x palmatiloba • Clustered, yellow flowers in summer • 1–1.5 m high, 60– 90 cm wide

Ligularia dentata ‘Brit-Marie Crawford’ • Clustered, orangeyellow flowers in summer • chocolate maroon foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Lilium Lily Bulbous, clump-forming or stoloniferous perennial. Sun to A.M. Sun.

Ligularia dentata ‘Desdemona’ • Clustered, daisy-like, orangeyellow flowers in summer • large, purple foliage • 90 cm– 1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Lilium duchartrei • Fragrant, nodding, white flowers with purple spots in early summer • Requires well, drained, moist, organic, boggy, cool soil • 45 cm–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Iris cristata

Ligularia ‘The Rocket’

Jeffersonia dubia

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Perennials Shady Areas  51 Western Wood Lily Lilium philadelphicum • Fragrant, red-orange flowers in early summer • Sandy, well-drained, organic soil • 45–90 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Linnaea Twinflower Circumpolar, native, groundcover; mat-forming, dwarf shrub. Cool, moist to wet, organic, acidic soil. Shade. Linnaea borealis • Fragrant, nodding, pink flowers (always in pairs) in spring • evergreen foliage • 5–8 cm high, 45– 90+ cm wide

Matteuccia Ostrich Fern Rhizomatous fern; can be an aggressive spreader. Loamy, moist, acidic soil. Sun to deep shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Matteuccia struthiopteris • Arching, pale-green fronds • 1–1.5 m high, 60–75 cm wide

Meconopsis Himalayan Blue Poppy Clump-forming short-lived perennial; allow to self-sow. Best when mass planted. Cool, moist, rich acidic soil. A.M. Sun. Meconopsis betonicifolia • Sky-blue flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Meconopsis grandis • Rich-blue flowers in early summer • 60 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide Ligularia japonica

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Meconopsis x sheldonii • Blue flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 60 cm wide

Mertensia Bluebells Woodland; spreading or clumpforming perennial. Cool, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Shade. Mertensia alpina • Light-blue flowers in early summer • bluegreen foliage • 10–25 cm high, 20 cm wide Mertensia maritima • Blue bells in early summer • blue-green foliage • 10 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide Mertensia sibirica v. yezoensis (syn M. pterocarpa v. yezoensis) • Purple-blue flowers in spring to summer • blue-green foliage • 20–30 cm high, 25 cm wide Mertensia virginica (syn M. pulmonarioides) • Bell-like, light blue flowers in spring • bluishgreen leaves • 30–60 cm high, 25 cm wide Mertensia viridis v. cana • Blue flowers in summer • 10–15 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Mukdenia Mukdenia Moist, fertile, well-drained, organic soil. Shade. Mukdenia rossii ‘Karasuba’ (syn. Crimson Fans) • White flowers in spring • maple-like foliage emerges bronze & turns burgundy • 30–45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Myosotis Forget-Me-Not Clump or mat-forming, spreading or rhizomatous biennial or short-lived perennial. Moist soil. Sun to Shade. Victoria Series

Myosotis sylvatica • Indigo-blue, rose or white flowers in early spring to early summer • 10– 15 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Osmunda Fertile, moist, organic, acidic soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Osmunda claytoniana • Fertile fronds covered in black sporangia • 60 cm–1.2 m high, 60 cm wide Cinnamon Fern Osmunda cinnamomea • Cinnamon-brown, erect, fertile fronds amid green fronds • 90 cm–1 m high, 60 cm wide

Petasites Japanese Butterbur Groundcover; rhizomatous perennial; may be aggressive spreader. Fertile, moist to wet, organic soil. Shade. Petasites japonicus v. giganteus • Fragrant, pink flowers in early spring • large, kidney foliage • 75 cm–1 m high, 90 cm– 1.5+ m wide Petasites japonicus v. giganteus ‘Variegatus’ • Fragrant, yellowwhite flowers in early spring • white & green foliage • 75 cm– 1 m high, 90 cm–1.5+ m wide

Petasites japonicus v. giganteus f. purpureus • Fragrant, pink flowers in early spring • large,purple-green foliage • 75 cm–1 m high, 90 cm– 1.5+ m wide

Phlox Wild Blue Phlox Creeping, clump-forming or stoloniferous perennial. Blooms late spring to summer. Fertile, moist, organic, neutral to acidic soil. Shade to A.M. Sun. Tolerates more sun with moist, cool soil. Phlox stolonifera ‘Blue Ridge’ • Blue flowers • evergreen • 15– 25 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox stolonifera ‘Bruce’s White’ • White flowers • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox stolonifera ‘Pink Ridge’ • Pink flowers • evergreen • 15– 25 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox stolonifera ‘Sherwood Purple’ • Deep purple-blue flowers • evergreen • 15–20 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Wild Blue Phlox Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Perfume’ • Fragrant, blue-violet flowers • semi-evergreen • 20–40 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox divaricata ‘Clouds of Perfume’ • Fragrant, lilac-blue flowers • semi-evergreen • 20– 40 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox divaricata ‘London Grove Blue’ • Fragrant, blue flowers • semi-evergreen • 20–30 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Lilium philadelphicum

Mertensia maritima

Phlox ‘Pink Ridge’

Meconopsis betonicifolia

Matteuccia struthiopteris

Myosotis sylvatica

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52  Perennials Shady Areas Phlox divaricata ‘Plum Perfect’ • Fragrant, plum-purple flowers with darker eyes • semi-evergreen • 20–40 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Podophyllum Mayapple Rhizomatous perennial. Deep, moist, organic soil. Shade to A.M. Sun. Podophyllum hexandrum (syn P. emodii) • Soft pink to white flowers followed by plum like red fruits, in spring • 25–45 cm high, 20–40 cm wide

Polygonatum Solomon’s Seal Rhizomatous perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained soil. Shade. Polygonatum ‘Weihenstephan’ • White flowers in spring • 60– 100 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Polygonatum biflorum (syn P. canaliculatum) • green-white flowers then black fruit, in late spring • 50 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide Polygonatum odoratum • Fragrant, cream flowers with green tips, then black fruits, in late spring • 50–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Polygonatum odoratum v. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’ • Fragrant, cream flowers with green tips, then black fruits, in late spring • white-edged foliage • 50–75 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

emerges purple-red, changing to purple-green • 1 m high, 45– 60 cm wide Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Striatum’ (syn Variegatum or Grace Barker) • White flowers with green tips, then blue-black fruits, in spring • striped white foliage • 50 cm–100 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Polystichum Fern Clump-forming fern. Well-drained, moist, neutral to alkaline soil; prefers a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.5, will slowly decline in very acidic soils. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Polystichum acrostichoides • Evergreen • 30–75 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Polystichum munitum • Leathery foliage, evergreen • 60–90 cm high & wide Polystichum scopulinum • Evergreen • 15–45 cm high, 60–90 cm wide

Primula Primrose Clump-forming perennial. Cool, moist, organic, sharply drained, neutral to alkaline soil; tolerates acidic soils. Shade. Primula ‘Aire Mist’ • Stemless, white flowers in early spring • evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide

Polygonatum sibiricum ‘Passion Purple’ • Cream flowers with green tips in late spring • foliage

Primula ‘High Point’ • Royalpurple flowers in early spring • heavy coating of golden farina •

Primula ‘Aire Mist’

Primula ‘Highpoint’

5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Primula ‘Lilian Harvey’ • Double, cerise-pink flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula ‘Nightingale’ • Pink flowers in early spring • evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Primula ‘Pacific Giant’ • Mixed bright-coloured flowers with a yellow eye, in spring • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula ‘Pink Ice’ • Cream-white flowers with pink tones in early spring • 5–10 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide Primula ‘Wanda’ • Purple-red flowers with yellow eyes in spring • glossy, burgundy tinted foliage • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula allionii ‘Neon’ • Purplered flowers in early spring • evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide Primula allionii ‘Pink Ice’ • Large, sugar-pink flowers with white edge in early spring • evergreen • 6–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Primula auricula ‘Arrowhead Double Yellow’ • Fragrant, double, yellow-bronze flowers in spring • 15–25 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Primula auricula ‘Gordon Douglas’ • Soft to violet-blue flowers with cream centre, in spring • no farina • 15–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula auricula (mix) • Fragrant, mixed flower colours in spring • 15–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Primula auricula ssp. bauhinii • Fragrant, pale-yellow flowers with white eyes • with farina • 15– 25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula cortusoides • Rose to purple-red flowers with yellow eye, in early summer • 20–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula denticulata • Ball-like, white, lilac, purple or rose flowers with yellow eye, in spring • 15– 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Primula denticulata ‘Cashmeriana Rubin’ • Ball-like, red-purple flowers in spring • 15–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Primula florindae • Fragrant, sulphur-yellow flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Primula marginata ‘Kesselring’s Variety’ • Fragrant, rich mauve flowers white eye, in spring • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Primula modesta • Pink-purple flowers sometimes white, with yellow eye, in spring • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Primula rosea ‘Gigas’ • Carminepink flowers with yellow eyes in spring • 20–25 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide Primula rusbyi • Rose-red to purple flowers with red ringed yellow eye, in spring • 10–20 cm high, 20–35 cm wide Primula saxatilis • Mauve to pink-purple flowers in summer • 10–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Primula cortusoides


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Perennials Shady Areas  53 Primula sieboldii ‘ASA 81’ • Magenta & white flowers with white streaks, in early summer • 15–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Primula x tommasinii • Fragrant, hose-in-hose, purple, red or rose flowers in spring • 30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Pulmonaria ‘Samurai’ • Blue flowers in spring • shiny, silvergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Primula sieboldii ‘Dawson’s Southern Cross’ • Large, silverwhite flowers with mauve reverse, in early summer • 15–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide


Pulmonaria ‘Victorian Brooch’ • Outward-facing, magenta-coral flowers with ruby-red centre, in early spring to early summer • long, silver spotted foliage • 20– 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Primula sieboldii (Jim’s strain) • Rich-mauve flowers in early summer • 15–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Primula suffrutescens • Rose-pink to red-purple flowers with yellow eye, in spring • evergreen • 5– 15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Primula vialii • Fragrant, blueviolet & red poker flowers in early summer • 30–60 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula veris ‘Katy McSparron’ • Fragrant, double, golden-yellow flowers in spring • evergreen • 15–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula veris ‘Sunset Shades’ • Fragrant, mix of sunset coloured flowers in spring • evergreen • 15–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula x pubescens ‘Christine’ • Deep-rose flowers with white eye, in spring • evergreen • 8–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula x pubescens ‘Exhibition Blue’ • Purple-blue flowers in spring • evergreen • 8–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Primula x pubescens ‘Freedom’ (syn P. beluensis) • Lilac flowers in spring • evergreen • 8–15 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’

Lungwort/Bethlehem Sage Groundcover; rhizomatous perennial; striking when mass planted. Fertile, organic, welldrained soil. Shade. Argentea Group

Pulmonaria saccharata ‘Argentea’ • Red flowers fading to blue, in spring • heavy frosted-silver foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Longleaf Lungwort Pulmonaria ‘Diana Clare’ • Violetblue flowers in spring • silvery apple-green foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Pulmonaria ‘Roy Davidson’ • Light-blue to blue flowers in spring • white-spotted foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Lungwort Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’ • Funnelshaped, large, blue flowers in spring • 20–30 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide Pulmonaria ‘Excalibur’ • Violetblue flowers fading to pink, in spring • silver foliage with green edge • 20–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Pulmonaria ‘Raspberry Splash’ • Raspberry-red flowers in spring • pointed, white-spotted, upright foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide

Ranzania Ranzania Creeping, rhizomatous perennial. Humus rich, moist, neutral to acidic soil. Shade. Ranzania japonica (syn Podophyllum japonicum) • Nodding, mauve flowers in spring • 15–40 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide

Rheum Ornamental Rhubarb Clump-forming perennial. Deep, evenly moist, organic soil; early dormancy may occur in dry soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Rheum alexandrae • Greenishyellow flowers covered in large cream bracts, in early summer • glossy, green foliage • 1–1.2 m high, 50–75 cm wide Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’ (syn Atropurpureum) • Crimson-red flower spikes in early summer • lobed, palmate foliage, crimsonred when young • 2–2.5 m high, 1.2–1.8 m wide Rheum palmatum v. tanguticum • White, pink or crimson flowers Primula ‘Sunset Shades’

in summer • deeply lobed, darkpurple foliage • 2–2.5 m high, 1.2–1.8 m wide

Rodgersia Rodger’s Flower Clump-forming perennial. Moist, organic soil; tolerates more dryness in shadier sites. Shade. Rodgersia aesculifolia • Fragrant, cream to pink flowers in late spring to early summer • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 90 cm–1.2 m wide Rodgersia henrici (hybrid) • Redpurple flowers in late spring to early summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 90 cm–1.2 cm wide Rodgersia pinnata ‘Firework’ • Deep-pink flowers in summer • dark-green foliage with red edges • 85 cm high, 90 cm–1 m wide Rodgersia podophylla • Cream flowers in late spring to early summer • deeply lobed foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide Rodgersia podophylla ‘Pagode’ • White flowers in late spring to early summer • deeply lobed foliage • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60–90 cm wide

Sanguinaria Bloodroot Woodland; rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, welldrained soil. Shade. Sanguinaria canadensis • Single, pure-white flowers in early spring • 15–25 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Rheum palmatum

Primula florindae

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54  Perennials Shady Areas Sanguinaria canadensis f. multiplex ‘Plena’ • Large, fully double, pure-white flowers in early spring • 15–25 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Thalictrum Meadow Rue Clump-forming perennial. Cool, fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Thalictrum kiusianum • Tiny, pink flowers in summer • fernlike foliage • 10–15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Tiarella Foam Flower Stoloniferous, rhizomatous or clump-forming groundcover perennial. Moist, organic, acidic soil; avoid winter wet. Shade. Tiarella ‘Black Snowflake’ • Creamy-white flowers in summer • black-centered, green foliage • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Tiarella ‘Iron Butterfly’ • Fragrant, pale, pink flowers in spring • 20–40 cm high, 20–25 cm wide Tiarella ‘Pink Skyrocket’ • Fragrant, pink flowers in late spring to summer • dark-veined foliage • 15–25 cm high, 25– 30 cm wide

Trillium Trillium Colony or clump-forming perennial. Cool, moist, organic soil. Shade. Trillium erectum • Large, redpurple flowers rarely white in spring • Moist, organic, cool, acidic soil in woodland location • 15–60 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Trillium grandiflorum • Large, white flowers fading to a dull pink-purple in spring • 30– 45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Trillium grandiflorum ‘Flore Pleno’ • Large, double, white flowers in spring • 30–45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Trillium luteum • Yellow to greenish-yellow flowers in spring • mottled foliage • Moist, organic, alkaline soil in woodland location • 15–40 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Trillium ovatum • White flowers fading to rose in early spring • 15–70 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

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Trollius Globeflower Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, constantly moist, well-drained soil. A.M. Sun.

Rock Gardens Acantholimon

Trollius ‘Cressida’ • Semi-double, butter-yellow flowers in early summer • 60–70 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Prickly Thrift Slow-growing, cushion-forming perennial. Sandy, well-drained soil. Sun.

Trollius chinensis ‘Golden Queen’ • Orange-yellow flowers in summer • 60–90 cm high, 45 cm wide

Acantholimon armenum • Pink flowers in early summer • prickly, blue-grey, evergreen foliage • 5–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Trollius europaeus • Lemon-yellow flowers in spring to early summer • 60–80 cm high, 45 cm wide

Acantholimon bracteatum ssp. capitatum • Bright-pink flowers in summer • prickly, evergreen foliage • 10–15 cm high, 10– 15 cm wide

Trollius x cultorum ‘Alabaster’ • Pale primrose-yellow flowers in spring • 45–60 cm high, 40– 45 cm wide Trollius x cultorum ‘Canary Bird’ • Pale lemon-yellow flowers in spring • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide Trollius x cultorum ‘Cheddar’ • Cream flowers in spring • 45– 60 cm high, 45 cm wide Trollius x cultorum ‘Goldquelle’ (Golden Fountain) • Lemonyellow flowers in summer • 45–70 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Trollius x cultorum ‘Lemon Queen’ • Pale-yellow flowers in late spring • 45–60 cm high, 45 cm wide Trollius x cultorum ‘Superbus’ • Sulfur-yellow flowers in late spring to early summer • 60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Uvularia Big Merrybells Rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained, alkaline soil. Shade.

Acantholimon caryophyllaceum • Bright-pink flowers in summer • prickly, evergreen foliage • 2– 5 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Adonis Pheasant’s Eye Extremely hardy; easy to grow; clump-forming perennial; may go dormant in summer heat. Fertile, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun. Adonis amurensis ‘Fukujukai’ • Semi-double, sulphur-yellow flowers in early spring • 15– 30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Adonis vernalis • Yellow flowers in early spring • 15–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Aethionema Stonecress Sandy, well-drained, alkaline soil; tolerates poor acidic soil. Sun.

Aethionema grandiflorum • Lilacpink flowers in spring • 15– 20 cm high, 30 cm wide Aethionema oppositifolium • Showy, pink flowers in spring • cushion-forming • 2–5 cm high, 15 cm wide

Alchemilla Lady’s Mantle Groundcover; clump-forming perennial. Tolerant of a wide range of soils conditions. Sun to A.M. Sun. Alchemilla alpina • Yellow-green flowers in summer • 10–15 cm high, 15–45 cm wide Alchemilla ellenbeckii • Creamygreen flowers in late spring to early summer • 10–15 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Alchemilla erythropoda • Greenyellow flowers in summer • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Anemone Anemone Moist soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Shelter from hot afternoon sun; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Anemone multifida • Cream or pink to red-purple flowers in late spring to early summer • 20– 30 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Acantholimon bracteatum ssp. capitatum

Aethionema oppositifolium

Adonis vernalis

Anemone multifida

Uvularia grandiflora • Pendant, bell-shaped, yellow flowers in late spring • 30–75 cm high, 30 cm wide

Veratrum American False Hellebore Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, organic, well-drained, acidic soil. Shade; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Veratrum nigrum • Plume-like, black-purple flowers in summer • strongly-veined, pleated, light green leaves • 60 cm–1.2 m high, 45–60 cm wide

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Perennials Rock Gardens  55 Aquilegia Columbine Short-lived, clump-forming perennial. Fertile, organic, welldrained soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Aquilegia alpina • Blue flowers in late spring • 30 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Aquilegia flabellata • Blue, rose or white flowers in late spring to early summer • 10–25 cm high, 25–30 cm wide Aquilegia flabellata ‘Ministar’ • Deep-blue to purple & white flowers in late spring to early summer • 10–15 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide

Arenaria lithops (syn A. alfacarensis; A. pulvinata) • White flowers in summer • 5– 10 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Arenaria montana • White flowers in spring • evergreen • 8–12 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Arenaria tetraquetra • Stemless, white flowers in summer • evergreen • densely, cushionforming • 2–5 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide

Armeria Sea Thrift Cushion to clump-forming perennial. Well-drained soil. Sun.

Rockcress Spreading, mat-forming perennial. Sun.

Armeria ‘Nifty Thrifty’ • Balllike, pink flowers in summer • lime-green, grass-like, variegated foliage • 15–20 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide

Arabis alpina ssp. caucasica ‘Schneehabe’ (Snowcap) • White flowers in spring • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Armeria juniperifolia • Ball-like, pink-red flowers in late spring • reddish, grass-like foliage • 5– 10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Arabis x arendsii ‘Compinkie’ • Pink flowers in early spring • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Armeria maritima ‘Alba’ • Balllike, white flowers in summer • grass-like foliage • 10–15 cm high, 30 cm wide


Arenaria Sandwort Mat or cushion-forming perennial. Free-draining, gritty, lean, organic soil. A.M. Sun. Shelter from hot afternoon sun.

Armeria maritima ‘Dusseldorfer Stolz’ (Dusseldorf Pride) • Balllike, deep-pink flowers in spring • grass-like foliage • 15–20 cm high, 30 cm wide


Arenaria hookeri • White flowers in late spring • 10 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Aster Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil.

Arenaria tetraquetra

Armeria juniperifolia

Aster alpinus ‘Goliath’ • Blue flowers in late spring • 30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Aubrieta ‘Whitewell Gem’ • Darkpurple flowers in spring • 10– 15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Aster alpinus ‘Happy End’ • Cherry-pink flowers in late spring • 30–40 cm high, 30 cm wide

Aubrieta deltoidea ‘Tauricola’ (f. Greece) • Purple-blue flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Aster alpinus ‘Pinkie’ • Pink flowers in late spring • 10–20 cm high, 30 cm wide

Astragalus Milk Vetch Mat or clump-forming, perennial. Fertile, well to sharply drained soil. Sun. Astragalus angustifolius • White flowers in late spring to early summer • 20–30 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide

Aubrieta False Rockcress Groundcover; perennial. Lean, welldrained soil. Sun; low tolerance for shade.

Aurinia Alyssum Biennial or perennial. Lean, welldrained soil. Sun. Aurinia saxatilis (syn Alyssum saxatile) • Bright-yellow flowers in spring • 20–30 cm high, 45–90 cm wide Aurinia saxatilis (syn Alyssum saxatile) ‘Dudley Nevill Variegated’ • Primrose-yellow flowers in spring • grey & white foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45 cm wide


Aubrieta ‘Blue Emperor’ • Blue in spring to early summer • 5– 10 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Bellflower Easy to grow groundcover; clumpforming or spreading perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun.

Aubrieta ‘Daunes Beauty’ • Darkviolet flowers in spring • white & green, variegated foliage • 5– 10 cm high, 60 cm wide

Campanula ‘Birch Hybrid’ • Tiny, mauve-blue flowers in summer • vigorous spreading habit • 10– 15 cm high, 30–50 cm wide

Aubrieta ‘Purple Heart’ • Royalpurple flowers in spring • 10 cm high, 30 cm wide

Campanula ‘Royal Wave’ • Fragrant, bell-shaped, up-facing, blue flowers with white eyes in late spring to summer • 15– 20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Aubrieta ‘Blaumeise’ • Violet-blue flowers in spring • 10 cm high, 30 cm wide

Aubrieta ‘Schloss Eckberg’ • Redpurple flowers in spring • 10– 15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Aurinia saxatilis

Aquilegia alpina

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 55

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56  Perennials Rock Gardens Campanula aucheri • Bell-shaped, blue flowers in late spring to early summer • colony-forming • Alkaline, well-drained, gritty soil • 5–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Campanula chamissonis (syn C. dasyantha) • Bell-shaped, blue flowers in late spring to early summer • colony-forming • Alkaline, free, well-drained, organic, gritty soil • 10–15 cm high, 25–30 cm wide Campanula collina • Various shades of blue flowers in late spring to early summer • upright, creeping habit • 20–25 cm high, 20–25 cm wide

Campanula x haylodgensis • Double, nodding, blue flowers in early summer to fall • 10 cm high, 25–35 cm wide Carpathian Bellflower Flowers in summer • 15–25 cm high, 30 cm wide

Campanula cochlearifolia ‘Elizabeth Oliver’ • Dainty, double, bell-shaped, blue flowers in summer • tuft-forming, creeping habit • 10–15 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Campanula carpatica ‘Blaue Clips’ (Blue Clips) • Bell-shaped, blue to violet flowers

Clematis Low growing; spreading or rambling perennial. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun.

Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Pearl’ • Bell-shaped, blue to violet flowers Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Uniform’ • Bell-shaped, blue flower

Campanula garganica ‘Dickson’s Gold’ (syn Aurea) • Mid-blue flowers in late spring to summer • yellow-green foliage • cushionforming, spreading habit • 8– 15 cm high, 20–30+ cm wide

Campanula carpatica ‘White Pearl’ • Bell-shaped, white flowers

Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Hoffman’s Blue’ • Violet-blue flowers in summer • evergreen • Alkaline, well-drained, moist soil • 15 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Campanula carpatica f. alba ‘Weisse Clips’ (White Clips) • Bell-shaped, white flowers Spiral Bellflower Campanula cochlearifolia • Dainty clusters of bell-shaped, blue flowers in summer • tuftforming, creeping habit • 10– 15 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Campanula poscharskyana • Pale lavender-blue flowers in summer to fall • vigorous spreading habit • 10–20 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Campanula poscharskyana ‘Blue Waterfall’ • Blue flowers in summer to fall • vigorous spreading habit • 8–15 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Campanula raineri ‘Case’ • Bellshaped, violet flowers in late spring to early summer • 5– 10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Campanula ‘Blaue Clips’ (Blue Clips)

Campanula carpatica ‘White Uniform’ • Bell-shaped, white flowers

Campanula cochlearifolia ‘Bavaria Blue’ • Blue flowers in summer • 10–15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Campanula cochlearifolia ‘Bavaria White’ • White flowers in summer • tuft-forming, creeping habit • 10–15 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide

Campanula ‘Elizabeth Oliver’


Clematis fremontii • Nodding, bell-shaped, purple flowers in summer • rambling habit • Well, drained, dry, gritty soil • 15– 40 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Clematis hirsutissima ‘Lone Pine’ • Purple flowers in late spring to early summer • 15–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Delosperma Ice Plant Extremely lean, gritty, welldrained soil; keep soil moist when blooming; keep soil drier during dormancy. Sun. Delosperma basuticum • Yellow flowers with white eyes in summer • succulent • 2–5 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Dianthus Garden Pinks Clump-forming perennial. Moist, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun. Dianthus ‘Badenia’ • Red flowers in early summer • evergreen • 10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Dianthus ‘Blue Hills’ • Crimson flowers in early spring to early

summer • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Dianthus ‘Bridgette’ • Semidouble, pink flowers in summer • evergreen • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Dianthus ‘Desmond’ • Fragrant, double, deep-red flowers in early summer • silver-green, evergreen foliage • 25–30 cm high, 20– 40 cm wide Dianthus ‘Frosty Fire’ • Double, red flowers in late spring to summer • blue-grey evergreen • 15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Dianthus ‘Laced Hero’ • Burgundy & white flowers in summer • evergreen • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Dianthus ‘Pike’s Pink’ • Fragrant, double, soft-pink flowers in summer • evergreen • 10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Dianthus ‘Rosish One’’ • Fragrant, double, white-edged, dark-rose flowers in early summer to fall • silver-grey, evergreen foliage • 15–25 cm high, 20–45 cm wide Dianthus ‘Rubin’ • Fragrant, single, deep-red flowers in spring • steel-blue evergreen • 10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Dianthus ‘Spotty’ • Fragrant, white-spotted red flowers in early summer • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Star Series

Flowers in summer • evergreen, blue-grey foliage • 15–20 cm high & wide

Dianthus ‘Rubin’

Campanula ‘Bavaria Blue’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 56

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Perennials Rock Gardens  57 Dianthus ‘Brilliant Star’ • Fragrant, white flowers with magenta eyes Dianthus ‘Eastern Star’ (‘Red Dwarf ’) • Fragrant, deeppink flowers with maroon eyes in spring to late summer • evergreen, silver-grey foliage • 5 cm high Dianthus ‘Fire Star’ (‘Devon Xera’) • Fragrant, fire-red flowers with crimson eyes in spring to late summer Dianthus ‘Neon Star’ • Hot-pink flowers Dianthus ‘Pixie Star’ • Bright-pink flowers with a rose-pink eye Dianthus ‘Shooting Star’ (‘Starling Star’) • Fragrant, magenta-purple flowers in late spring to summer Dianthus ‘Spangled Star’ • Red flowers with pink blotches Maiden Pink Dianthus ‘Shrimp’ • Pink flowers in summer • evergreen • 10– 20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Arctic Fire’ • White flowers with red eyes in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Brilliant’ • Double, bright-crimson flowers in summer • evergreen • 15– 20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Confetti Carmen Rose’ • Carmine-rose flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide

Dianthus ‘Frosty Fire’

Dianthus deltoides ‘Confetti Cherry Red’ • Cherry-red flowers in summer • evergreen • 10– 20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Confetti Deep Red’ • Deep-red flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Flashing Light’ • Hot-pink flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Vampire’ • Blood-red flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Dianthus deltoides ‘Zing Rose’ • Single, rose-red flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 25–45 cm wide Allwoodii Alpinus Group

Dianthus (mix) • Fragrant, flowers in summer • evergreen • Sharply, drained, fertile soil • 25–40 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Species Dianthus alpinus • Crimson to pink flowers in summer • evergreen • Organic, sharply drained, fertile soil • 8–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Dianthus gratianopolitanus ‘Firewitch’ • Fragrant, magenta flowers in early summer • evergreen • 15–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Dianthus gratianopolitanus ‘Tiny Rubies’ • Fragrant, double, deeppink flowers in spring • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Dianthus ‘Tiny Rubies’

Dianthus pavonius • Soft-red to cherry-red flowers in summer • evergreen • Sharply, drained, acidic soil • 5–10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Dianthus petraeus ssp. noeanus • Fragrant, white flowers in summer • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Dodecatheon Shooting Star Clump-forming perennial. Lean, moist, organic, well-drained soil; early dormancy may occur in dry soil. Sun. Dodecatheon pulchellum • Darkred flowers in spring • 15–25 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Edraianthus Grassy Bells Low, mat-forming perennial. Lean, organic, sharply drained, alkaline soil; avoid cold, wet, spring soil. Sun. Edraianthus dalmaticus • Bellshaped, violet flowers in early summer • 5–10 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Edraianthus graminifolius ssp. niveus • White flowers in early summer • 15 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide

Erigeron Fleabane Mountainous perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun.

Erigeron ‘Chameleon’ • Yellow flowers age to white then pink in spring to late summer • 5–15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Erigeron aureus ‘Canary Bird’ • Creamy-yellow flowers in summer to fall • Sharply, drained, fertile, moist, acidic soil • 8– 10 cm high, 15 cm wide Erigeron leiomerus • Lavender-blue to white flowers in summer • 10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Erigeron linearis • Daisy-like, bright-yellow flowers in early summer • silvery foliage • 3– 15 cm high, 6–30 cm wide

Eriophyllum Golden Yarrow Groundcover. Poor, dry to sandy soil. Sun. Eriophyllum lanatum ‘Siskiyou’ • Golden-yellow flowers in summer • 25 cm high, 20– 60 cm wide

Erysimum Wallflower Biennial or short-lived perennial. Lean, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun. Erysimum amoenum • Flowers in spring to early summer • 10– 15 cm high, 25–30 cm wide Erysimum capitatum ‘Red Chile Form’ • Fragrant, orange-red flowers in spring • 10–20 cm high, 45 cm wide

Erigeron ‘Canary Bird’

Dianthus ‘Spangled Star’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 57

12/8/06 1:11:34 PM

58  Perennials Rock Gardens Gaultheria Wintergreen Low or creeping shrub. Moist, organic, acidic soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Gaultheria procumbens • White flowers in spring • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 60 cm–1 m wide

Geranium Cranesbill Undemanding, long-lived, clumpforming or rhizomatous perennial. Blooms in late spring to summer. Well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun to A.M. Sun. Geranium cinereum ‘Ballerina’ • Red-veined, lilac-pink flowers with red centers • grey-green foliage • 10–15 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Geranium cinereum ‘Laurence Flatman’ • Dark-veined, deeppink flowers with dark eyes • grey-green foliage • 10–15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Geranium cinereum ‘Purple Pillow’ • Dark-veined, red-purple flowers • grey-green foliage • 15–20 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Geranium cinereum ssp. subcaulescens v. subcaulescens ‘Splendens’ • Bright magentapink flowers with dark-red center • dark-green leaves • 15 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’ • White flowers in summer • 15– 30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Geranium sanguineum ‘Ankum’s Pride’ • Flourescent-pink flowers • 15–20 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Geranium sanguineum ‘Elke’ • White-edged, pink flowers with white eyes in early summer to fall • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Geranium sanguineum ‘Max Frei’ • Deep-magenta flowers continuously in summer • 15– 20 cm high, 25–30 cm wide Geranium sanguineum v. striatum (syn. G. sanguineum v. lancastriense) • Pale-pink flowers veined dark-pink in summer • 10 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Globularia Globeflower Rocky sites, groundcover; matforming subshrub or perennial herb. Grittly, well-drained, alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Globularia repens (G. nana 168 select) • Deep-blue flowers in spring • evergreen • 5 cm high, 15 cm wide


Geranium dalmaticum • Shellpink flowers in midsummer • glossy, aromatic foliage • 10– 15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Tap-rooted, creeping to cushionforming perennial. Sharply drained, alkaline soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun Creeping Baby’s Breath Gypsophila repens • White flowers in late spring to early summer • 15–20 cm high, 30–50 cm wide

Gypsophila ‘Rosea’

Haberlea rhodopensis

Heuchera ‘Petite Pearl Fairy’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 58

Gypsophila repens ‘Rosa Schonheit’ (Rose Beauty) • Rosepink flowers in late spring to early summer • 15–20 cm high, 30–50 cm wide Mouse Ear Baby’s Breath Gypsophila cerastioides • White flowers with red veins in late spring to summer • downy, greygreen foliage • 5–10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Haberlea Haberlea Clump or rosette-forming perennial. Cool, moist, organic, well-drained soil; prevent standing water; avoid winter wet. Shelter from hot afternoon sun. A.M. Sun to Shade. Haberlea rhodopensis • Lilac-violet flowers in late spring to early summer • evergreen • 10–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Helianthemum Sun Rose Short-lived, mat-forming perennial. Well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun. Helianthemum ‘Dazzler’ • Single, magenta-red flowers in late spring to summer • 20–30 cm high, 30 cm wide

Heterotheca False Golden Aster Heterotheca jonesii • Yellow, daisylike flowers in summer • greygreen hairy foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Heuchera Coralbells Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Heuchera ‘Canyon Belle’ • Tiny, red flowers on delicate, 30 cm stalks in spring • green foliage • 10–30 cm high, 30 cm wide Heuchera ‘Petite Pearl Fairy’ • Tiny, pink flowers on 35 cm stalks in early summer • darkgreen foliage sprinkled with silver • 15–20 cm high, 30 cm wide

Houstonia Mountain Bluet Mat-forming perennial. Lean, moist, organic soil. Shade. Houstonia caerulea • Blue star flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Houstonia caerulea v. alba • White star flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Houstonia michauxii (syn H. serpyllifolia) • Deep-blue star flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 25–40 cm wide

Hymenoxys Alpine Sunflower Tap-rooted perennial. Lean, sharply drained, alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Full sun. Hymenoxys subintegra • Yellow flowers in early summer • greysilver foliage • 20–30 cm high, 15–20 wide

Houstonia caerulea

Iris setosa v. arctica

12/8/06 1:11:44 PM

Perennials Rock Gardens  59 Iberis Candytuft Moist, poor to moderately fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun. Iberis sempervirens ‘Alexander’s White’ • White flowers, in spring • evergreen foliage • 15–25 cm high, 15–45 cm wide Iberis sempervirens ‘Purity’ • Large, white flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 10–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Iberis sempervirens ‘Schneeflocke’ (Snowflake) • White flowers in spring • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Iberis sempervirens ‘Weisser Zwerg’ (Little Gem) • White flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 10–15 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide

Iris Iris Moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun. Iris ‘Pristine Blue’ • Blue flowers in spring • 20 cm high, 30 cm wide

Leontopodium alpinum • Silvergrey flowers in spring • greygreen foliage • 15–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Leontopodium monocephalum (syn L. evax) • White flowers in spring • grey-green foliage • 5– 10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Lewisia Bitterroot Clump-forming perennial. Lean, dry, gritty soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Lewisia Lewisia ‘Little Peach’ • Peach-pink flowers in spring • 8–10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Lewisia ‘Little Plum’ • Rosepurple flowers tinted orange, in spring • 8–10–cm high, 10– 15 cm wide Lewisia columbiana ssp. rupicola (syn ‘Rosea’) • Rose flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 10–20 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Lewisia cotyledon (Jubilee hybrids) • Various colors in summer • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Iris setosa v. arctica (syn I. arctica) • Purple-violet flowers with white variegation in late spring • 15– 30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Lewisia cotyledon ‘Regenbogen’ (Rainbow) • Flowers in mixed colours, in summer • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide


Lewisia cotyledon (Sunset Group) • Flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide

Edelweiss Clump-forming perennial. Dry, lean, well-drained to sharply drained soil; avoid winter wet. Sun.

Iberis sempervirens

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 59

Lewisia longipetala • Star-shaped, pink or white flowers in summer • 5–10 cm high, 5–10 cm wide

Lewisia rediviva • Huge, pink flowers in spring • 2–5 cm high, 5–10 cm wide Lewisia tweedyi • Apricot, rarely white flowers in spring to early summer • evergreen • 10–20 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Oxytropis multiceps • Pea-like, pink to purple flowers in spring • silky, silvery foliage • 2 cm high, 30–40 cm wide



Alpine Poppy Short-lived perennial; self-sows readily. Tolerates poor soil. Sun.

Flax Clump-forming perennial. Moist, well-drained soil. Sun.

Papaver alpinum • Flowers in summer • grey-green foliage • 15 cm high, 15 cm wide

Linum capitatum • Yellow flowers in summer • 15–40 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Papaver lapponicum • Brightyellow flowers in summer • toothed foliage • 20–25 cm high, 20–25 cm wide

Linum flavum ‘Compactum’ • Yellow flowers in late spring to late summer • 10–15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Lychnis Campion Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Lychnis alpina ‘Rosea’ • Rose-pink flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Oxalis Sorrel Low-growing perennial. Fertile, lean, organic, sandy, well-drained soil. Sun to A.M. Sun. Oxalis adenophylla • Lilac-pink flowers with dark veins in summer • clover-like foliage • 5–10 cm high, 8–15 cm wide

Oxytropis Point Vetch Tap-rooted, clump-forming perennial. Well-drained soil. Sun.

Penstemon Beardtongue Clump or mat-forming perennial. Sharp to well-drained soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Penstemon davidsonii v. menziesii ‘Microphyllus’ • Lavender to purple-violet flowers in late spring to summer • 1–2 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Penstemon fruticosus ‘Purple Haze’ • Mauve-purple flowers in spring to early summer • shiny, rich green evergreen • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Penstemon hirsutus v. pygmaeus • Violet-purple flowers white throat. in late spring to early summer • purple-tinted foliage • 5–10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Penstemon nitidus • TurquoiseBlue to purple-blue flowers in early spring • 10–30 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Lewisia rediviva

Linum capitatum

Oxytropis podocarpa

Penstemon ‘Purple Haze’

12/8/06 1:11:51 PM

60  Perennials Rock Gardens Penstemon pinifolius • Orange-red flowers in summer • pine-like evergreen foliage • 15–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Penstemon procerus v. formosus • Bright-blue or purple flowers in summer • 5–15 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide Penstemon procerus v. tolmiei • Bright-blue flowers sometimes cream, in summer • 5–15 cm high, 15–25 cm wide Penstemon procumbens ‘Claude Barr’ • Purple-blue flowers in late spring to early summer • 2–3 cm high, 60–90 cm wide Penstemon rupicola • Pink, red or rose-purple flowers in late spring to early summer • 8–12 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Phlox Creeping/Moss Phlox Groundcover. Sharply drained, lean, gritty soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Douglas Phlox Evergreen foliage • 5–15 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox douglasii ‘Crackerjack’ • Magenta-red flowers in spring to early summer Phlox douglasii ‘Rose Cushion’ • Pale-pink flowers in spring Phlox douglasii ‘Salmon Jewel’ • Salmon-pink flowers in spring to early summer

Moss Phlox Evergreen, needle-like foliage • 5–15 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Phlox subulata ‘Case’s White’ • White flowers in spring Phlox subulata ‘Emerald Blue’ • Pale lilac-blue flowers in spring Phlox subulata ‘Emerald Pink’ • Soft-pink flowers in spring Phlox subulata ‘Fort Hill’ • Deeppink flowers in spring Phlox subulata ‘Schneewittchen’ (Snow Maiden) • White flowers in spring Phlox subulata silenefolia • White flowers in spring Phlox subulata ssp brittonii (syn P. douglasii ‘Brittonia’) • Medium pink flowers in spring to early summer Phlox Phlox condensata (syn P. caespitosa ssp. condensata) • Fragrant, softpink to white flowers in spring to early summer • 2–4 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Phlox kelseyi • Fragrant, large, white, lilac or lavender flowers in late spring to summer • needle foliage • 7–15 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide Phlox kelseyi ‘Lemhi Purple’ • Violet-purple flowers in late spring to summer • needle foliage • 7–15 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Phlox douglasii ‘Zwergflamingo’ • Pink flowers with red eyes in spring

Phlox sibirica ssp. borealis (syn P. borealis) • Lavender, lilac or white flowers in spring to early summer • 5–10 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide

Penstemon procerus

Phlox ‘Crackerjack’

Phylliopsis ‘Sugar Plum’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 60

Phylliopsis Phylliopsis Shrub. Cool, fertile, moist, organic, acidic soil. Sun. Phylliopsis ‘Sugar Plum’ • Pink flowers in late spring • dark, needle-like evergreen • 20–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Phylliopsis hillieri ‘Pinocchio’ • Red-purple flowers in spring • dark, needle-like evergreen • 20–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Physaria Twin Pod Native; short-lived, tap-rooted perennial. Sharply drained, lean soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Physaria alpina • Yellow to orange flowers in spring • silver-grey foliage • 10–15 cm high, 10– 15 cm wide

Polemonium Jacob’s Ladder Clump-forming or rhizomatous perennial. Fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun. Polemonium pulcherrimum • Blue flowers with yellow or white eye, in late spring to early summer • 5–50 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Polygala Milkwort Alpine shrub. Fertile, moist, welldrained, neutral to alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Polygala chamaebuxus ‘Kamniski’ • Purple & yellow bicoloured flowers in late spring to early

summer • evergreen • 5–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Pulsatilla Pasque Flower Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Pulsatilla montana • Dark blueviolet flowers in early spring • grey-green foliage • 8–20 cm high, 15 cm wide Pulsatilla patens (syn Anemone patens) • Mauve-pink flowers sometimes cream, in early spring • fern-like foliage • 10–15 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Pulsatilla vulgaris • Purple, red or white flowers in spring • fern-like foliage • 15–45 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide Pulsatilla vulgaris ssp. grandis ‘Papageno’ • Single to semidouble, white, pink, red or purple fringed flowers in spring • fern-like foliage • 15–45 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Ramonda x Jankaea Balkan Beauty Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Jancaemonda vandedemii • Violet flowers with yellow eyes in spring to early summer • 5– 10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Ranunculus Buttercup Spreading or clump-forming perennial; may be aggressive spreader. Fertile, moist, organic, sharply drained to well-drained soil. Sun. Physaria alpina

Polygala ‘Kamniski’

12/8/06 1:11:56 PM

Perennials Rock Gardens  61 Ranunculus ficaria ‘Collarette’ • Double, yellow flowers in spring • heart-shaped glossy foliage • 10–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Ranunculus gramineus • Gold flowers in spring • narrow foliage • 25–50 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Sagina Boyd’s Pearlwort Mat-forming perennial. Moist, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. Sun; shelter from hot afternoon sun. Sagina boydii • Tiny, greenish flowers in summer • 2–5 cm high, 15 cm wide Irish Moss Sagina subulata • Tiny, white flowers in summer • mossy foliage • 2–5 cm high, 25– 40+ cm wide Scotch Moss Sagina subulata v. glabrata ‘Aurea’ • Tiny, white flowers in summer • lime-green moss foliage • 2–5 cm high, 25–40+ cm wide

Santolina Lavender Cotton Clump-forming perennial. Lean, sharply drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun.

sharply drained soil; tolerates dry soil. Sun.

Saxifraga ‘Peter Pan’ • Bright-pink flowers from red buds in spring

Saponaria ‘Bressingham’ • Bright neon-pink flowers in spring • 6–10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Saxifraga ‘Pixie’ • Pink flowers in spring

Saponaria caespitosa • Rose-purple flowers in summer • 10–15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Saponaria ocymoides • Pink to red flowers in late spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Saponaria ocymoides ‘Rubra Compacta’ • Rich-red flowers in late spring to summer • 8–12 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Saponaria ocymoides ‘Snow Tip’ • White flowers in late spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide


Thymus ‘Doone Valley’ • Lavender flowers in summer • aromatic, gold-speckled foliage • 10–15 cm high, 20–35 cm wide

Sea Campion Cushion-forming perennial. Gritty, lean, well-drained soil. Sun to dappled shade.

Sisyrinchium Blue Eyed Grass Clump-forming perennial. Welldrained, moist soil. Sun.

Saxifraga ‘Leuchtkafer’ • Red flowers in spring Saxifraga ‘Luschtinetz’ • Bloodred flowers in spring

Thyme Mat or cushion-forming groundcover perennial. Welldrained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Thymus (Coccineus Group) • Deep magenta-red flowers in early summer • aromatic foliage • 2–5 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Mossy Saxifrage Clump-forming perennial. Moist, well-drained, lean soil; keep moist during active growth; keep soil drier during dormancy. A.M. Sun; shelter from hot afternoon sun. Evergreen foliage. 15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide.

Saxifraga ‘Lammesfjord’ • Red flowers in spring


Saxifraga x urbium ‘London Pride’ • White flowers with red spots in spring



SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 61

Saxifraga umbrosa ‘Elliot’ • Pink flowers in spring

Saponaria x olivana • Soft-pink flowers in summer • shiny foliage • 4–8 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Saxifraga ‘Ingeborg’ • Deep-red flowers in spring

Sagina subulata

Saxifraga ‘Spaetlese’ • carmine-red flowers from red buds in spring

Silene uniflora ‘Compacta’ • Bladder pod, light-pink flowers in summer • grey-green • 10–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Santolina chamaecyparissus ‘Small-Ness’ • Yellow flowers in summer • aromatic, grey foliage • 20–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Soapwort Groundcover; spreading perennial. Fertile, gritty, well-drained to

Saxifraga ‘Rosenzwerg’ • Deep-red flowers in spring

Tanacetum tibeticum • Daisy-like, yellow flowers in late summer • evergreen • 5–20 cm high, 20 cm wide

Sisyrinchium idahoense • Darkblue flowers with yellow eye, in summer • grass-like foliage • 10–20 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Sisyrinchium montanum • Violetblue flowers in summer • grasslike foliage • 15–50 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Tanacetum Painted Daisy Alpine perennial. Poor, dry soil. Sun. Thymus ‘Reiter Thyme’

Thymus ‘Hartington Silver’ (syn Highland Cream) • Pale-pink flowers • green & gold, aromatic foliage • 8 cm high, 30+ cm wide Thymus ‘Like a Rock’ • Pink flowers in summer • 3–5 cm high, 8–10 cm wide Thymus ‘Reiter Thyme’ • Rosepurple flowers in spring to fall • 15 cm high, 60 cm wide Thymus ‘Ruby Glow’ • Magentared flowers in summer • lemonscented, bronze-green leaves • 5–10 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Thymus doerfleri ‘Bressingham’ (syn Bressingham Pink) • Clearpink flowers in summer • greygreen foliage • 2–10 cm high, 35–60 cm wide Thymus neiceffii • Soft-pink flowers in late spring to late summer • aromatic foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

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62  Perennials Rock Gardens Thymus praecox • Purple, red or white flowers in early summer • aromatic foliage • 5–10 cm high, 30–60+ cm wide Thymus pseudolanuginosus • Deep-pink flowers in late spring to early summer • thick, woolly, grey-green foliage • 1–2 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Thymus pulegioides ‘Aureus’ • Purple flowers in summer • lemon-scented, yellow & green variegated foliage • 15 cm high, 30 cm wide Thymus serpyllum ‘Doretta Klaber’ • Lavender flowers in summer • 5 cm high, 30 cm wide Thymus serpyllum ‘Elfin’ • Pink flowers in summer • aromatic foliage • 5–8 cm high, 10– 25+ cm wide Thymus serpyllum ‘Pink Chintz’ • Flesh-pink flowers in late spring • 2 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Thymus x citriodorus ‘Spring Gold’ • Pale-mauve flowers in summer • lemon-scented, golden foliage • 8–10 cm high, 30 cm wide

Trollius Dwarf Globeflower Clump-forming perennial. Fertile, cool, constantly moist, welldrained soil. A.M. Sun. Protect from hot afternoon sun. Trollius pumilus • Golden-yellow flowers tinged red on outside in early summer • 20–30 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Thymus pseudolanuginosus

Veronica Speedwell Mat or clump-forming, groundcover perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained, alkaline soil; tolerates dry, poor soil; wooly foliage types avoid winter wet. Sun. Creeping Speedwell Veronica ‘Giles van Hees’ • Spiked, rose-red flowers in summer • 15–20 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Veronica ‘Waterperry Blue’ • Large, sky-blue flowers in late spring to early summer • shiny, green foliage • 10–15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Veronica allionii • Deep-blue flowers in summer • 5–15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium ‘Crater Lake Blue’ • Spiked, gentian-blue flowers in summer • 25–30 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Veronica bombycina ssp. bolkardaghensis • Deep-blue flowers in summer • white-felted foliage • 2–6 cm high, 5–15 cm wide Veronica multifida • Blue flowers in early summer • 10–30 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Veronica oltensis • Azure-blue flowers in late spring to summer • 5–8 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’ • Deep-blue flowers with white eye, in late spring to early summer • bronze-tinged foliage • 10–15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Veronica prostrata ‘Blue Ice’ • Spikes of blue flowers in late spring to early summer • 10– 15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Viola ‘Rebecca’ • Fragrant, cream flowers with violet spots in spring to fall • 20–25 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide

Veronica prostrata ‘Dick’s Wine’ • Spikes of wine-red flowers in late spring to early summer • 5– 10 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Viola adunca • Fragrant, violetlavender flowers with white eyes in spring • 8–10 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide

Veronica repens • Pale-blue or white flowers in spring to early summer • shiny, green foliage • 5–10 cm high, 20–30+ cm wide

Viola corsica • Purple flowers in spring • 10–20 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide

Veronica schmidtiana • Light purple-blue flowers with dark veins in summer • 10–25 cm high, 10–25 cm wide Veronica spicata ‘Nana Blauteppich’ (syn Dwarf Blue) • Spikes of indigo-blue flowers in summer • 10–20 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide Veronica thymoides ssp. pseudocinerea • Deep-blue flowers in early summer • silvergrey foliage • 1–2 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Viola Viola Clump-forming biennial or perennial; self-sows readily. Prefers gritty, moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Early dormancy may occur in dry soils. Sun to A.M. Sun. Viola ‘Bowles’ Black’ • Blackpurple flowers in spring to fall • 15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Viola ‘Etain’ • Lemon-yellow flowers with a lavender edge in spring to summer • 20–25 cm high & wide Trollius pumilus

Viola pedata • Pale-violet flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Viola pedatifida • Violet flowers in spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Viola riviniana (syn V. labradorica) • Violet flowers in spring • 8–10 cm high, 30– 45+ cm wide

Vitaliana Golden Primrose Cushion to mat-forming groundcover perennial. Gritty, fertile, moist, sharply drained, lean soil. Sun. Vitaliana primuliflora (syn Douglasia vitaliana) • Brightyellow flowers in spring • evergreen • 2–5 cm high, 20 cm wide Vitaliana primuliflora ssp. praetutiana • Bright-yellow flowers in spring • grey-green evergreen • 2–5 cm high, 15+ cm wide

Yucca Yucca Well-drained, dry, sandy soil. Benefits from snow cover in winter. Full sun. Yucca harrimaniae • White flowers in summer • narrow leaves • 30–45 cm high, 30 cm wide

Veronica prostrata ‘Dick’s Wine’

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Perennials Alpines  63





Rock Jasmine Easy to grow, alpine; tight rosette or cushion-forming perennial. Lean, well-drained soil; provide good air circulation.

Columbine Short-lived, clump-forming perennial. Fertile, organic, gritty soil. Sun to A.M. Sun.

Androsace (A. mucronifolia x A. sempervivoides) • Fragrant, pink flowers in spring • 5 cm high, 16 cm wide Androsace robusta v. breviscapa • Fragrant, white flowers in spring to early summer • 4–10 cm high, 20 cm wide Androsace sarmentosa ‘Chumbyi’ • Pink flowers in spring • Sharply, drained, acidic soil • 10–15 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Androsace sempervivoides • Fragrant, lilac-pink flowers with yellow eyes in spring • 2–5 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Androsace villosa • Fragrant, white or pink flowers in spring to early summer • 5–8 cm high, 10– 15 cm wide Androsace villosa v. barbulata • Fragrant, white or pink flowers in spring to early summer • 5–8 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Androsace villosa v. jacquemontii • Red-purple flowers with yellow eyes in spring to early summer • 2–5 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Androsace villosa

Aquilegia (A. jonesii x A. saximontana) • Blue flowers in spring • 8–10 cm high, 15 cm wide

Asperula Alpine Woodruff Cushion to mat-forming perennial. Cool, fertile, gritty, moist, sharply drained soil. Tolerates alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Asperula gussonii • Fragrant, pink flowers in late spring • 2–5 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Asperula nitida ssp. hirtella • Rose-pink flowers in late spring • 2–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Asperula pontica • Fragrant, pink flowers in spring • 2 cm high, 20 cm wide Asperula sintenisii • Pink flowers in summer • blue-green foliage • 2 cm high, 15 cm wide

Astragalus Milk Vetch Mat or clump-forming annual, perennial or shrub. Fertile, well- to sharply drained soil. Astragalus utahensis • Pea-like, bright-red flowers in late spring to early summer • 10–15 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Statice Cabulica Bukiniczia cabulica (syn Aeoniopsis cabulica) • Airy, pink flowers in summer • mottled, green & grey foliage • 2–15 cm high, 15–22 cm wide

Dianthus Clump-forming perennial. Moist, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun. Alpine Pink Cool, sharp to well-drained, lean soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Dianthus arpadianus ssp. pumilus • Rose flowers in summer • evergreen • 1–5 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide Dianthus freynii • Bright-pink flowers in midsummer • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Dianthus glacialis • Soft to dark-pink flowers in summer • evergreen • Slightly, acidic, sharply drained soil • 5–10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Dianthus glacialis ssp. gelidus • Carmine to red-pink flowers in summer • evergreen • Slightly, acidic, sharply drained soil • 5–10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Dianthus haematocalyx ssp. pindicola • Purple-red flowers in summer • grey-green evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Dianthus subacaulis ‘Punnett’s Tight Blue’ • Soft-pink to carmine-pink flowers in summer • blue-grey evergreen • 5–20 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Draba Whitlow Grass Cushion-forming perennial. Lean, gravelly, gritty, well-drained alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Draba aizoides • Hot-yellow flowers in spring • lance-shaped, grey-green foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Draba alpina v. glacialis • Yellow flowers in spring • evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Draba bruniifolia • Gold-yellow flowers in early spring • woolly foliage • 5–10 cm high, 25– 30 cm wide Draba oligosperma • Yellow flowers in early spring • evergreen • 5–10 cm high, 10–25 cm wide Draba ossetica v. racemosa • White flowers in spring • fuzzy, evergreen foliage • 2–5 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Draba polytricha • Yellow flowers in early spring • evergreen • 5– 10 cm high, 10–15 cm wide Draba rigida • Bright-yellow flowers in early spring • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Dianthus myrtinervius ssp. caespitosus • Rose-pink flowers in summer • olive-green evergreen • 5 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Draba sibirica (syn D. repens) • Yellow flowers in spring • 2–5 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Asperula nitida ssp. hirtella

Draba rigida

Dianthus glacialis

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64  Perennials Alpines Eriogonum Sulphur Flower Mountainous; cushion-forming perennial. Deep, gritty, sharply drained soil; tolerates poor soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Eriogonum brevicaule • Yellow flowers in late summer • grey foliage • 10–40 cm high, 10– 20 cm wide Eriogonum jamesii • Cream to yellow flowers in summer • silvergrey foliage • 15–25 cm high, 20–50 cm wide

Gypsophila Alpine Baby’s Breath Creeping to cushion-forming perennial. Sharply drained, lean, alkaline soil; tolerates poor soil; avoid winter wet. Sun.

Polygonatum hookeri • Pink flowers in spring • 3–5 cm high, 10–30+ cm wide

Saxifraga Saxifrage Kabschia & Encrusted Types Clump-forming perennial. Lean, gritty soil; keep moist during active growth; keep soil drier during dormancy. Sun; shelter from hot afternoon sun. Saxifraga ‘Southside Seedling’ • Red-spotted, white flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 25–30 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Saxifraga ‘Tumbling Waters’ • Arching, clustered, white flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 30–40 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Gypsophila petraea • White to soft-purple flowers in summer • 10–20 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Saxifraga bronchialis • Soft-yellow flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15 cm wide


Saxifraga cespitosa ‘Atropurpurea’ • Red flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Devil’s Claw Alpine perennial. Sharply drained, lean, alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Physoplexis comosa (syn Phyteuma comosum) • Pink-lilac flowers with black-violet tips, in late summer • 5–8 cm high, 5– 10 cm wide


Saxifraga cotyledon f. pyramidalis • White flowers in late spring to early summer • evergreen foliage • 5–60 cm high, 7–12 cm wide Saxifraga longifolia • White flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 70 cm high, 20 cm wide

Solomon’s Seal Rhizomatous perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained soil. Shade.

Saxifraga paniculata ‘Foster’s Red’ • Rich-red flowers in spring • evergreen foliage • 20–30 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Physoplexis comosa

Silene acaulis (Grand Ridge form)

Saxifraga paniculata ‘Millstream’ • Rich-red flowers in late spring to early summer • evergreen foliage • 8 cm high, 25 cm wide Saxifraga paniculata v. brevifolia • Clustered, white flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 5–10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide

Silene Campion/Moss Campion Cushion, mat or clump-forming perennial. Gritty, lean, welldrained soil. Sun to dappled shade. Silene ‘Rolley’s Favourite’ • Softpink flowers with white eyes in spring • 30–40 cm high & wide Silene acaulis Mossy, evergreen foliage • 2–5 cm high, 20–40 cm wide Silene acaulis • Pink flowers in late spring to summer Silene acaulis ‘Alba’ • White flowers in late spring to summer Silene acaulis ‘Frances’ • Pale pink flowers in late spring to summer Silene acaulis (Grand Ridge form) • Bright-pink flowers in late spring to summer Silene acaulis ‘Heidi’ • Bright-pink flowers in late spring to summer • tight, lacy foliage Silene hookeri • Pink, rarely purple or white flowers in summer • Gritty, fertile, sharply drained, neutral to acidic soil • 5–15 cm high, 10–20 cm wide

Soldanella Alpenclock Colony-forming perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained soil. A.M. Sun. Shelter from hot afternoon sun. Soldanella cyanaster • Drooping, fringed, blue flowers in early spring • evergreen foliage • 10– 25 cm high, 15–25 cm wide

Tetraneuris Alpine Sunflower Tap-rooted perennial. Lean, sharply drained, alkaline soil; avoid winter wet. Full sun. Tetraneuris grandiflora (syn Hymenoxys grandiflora) • Large, daisy-like, yellow flowers in late spring to early summer • aromatic foliage • 15 cm high, 30 cm wide

Townsendia Easter Daisy Tap-rooted, rosette-forming shortlived perennial. Organic, sandy, sharply drained, neutral to alkaline soil; avoid winter wet; keep soil drier after flowering; allow to selfsow. Full sun. Townsendia hookeri • Daisylike, white flowers in spring to midsummer • 5–10 cm high, 15–20 cm wide Townsendia parryi • Daisy-like, mauve flowers in summer • 5– 30 cm high, 10–15 cm wide

Silene petersonii • Rosy-purple to pink flowers with dark veins, in summer • 10–15 cm high, 15– 20 cm wide


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Perennials Groundcover  65

Groundcover Aegopodium


Goutweed Spreading perennial; very aggressive. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun or Shade.

Pussy Toes Mountainous, mat-forming perennial. Poor soil. Sun.

Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’ • Green & white variegated foliage • 30–60 cm high, 60+ cm wide

Ajuga Bugleweed Thickly-matted perennial. Fertile, moist, well-drained, alkaline-free soil. A.M. Sun; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Ajuga ‘Bronze Beauty’ • Spikes of blue flowers in spring • waxy, bronze foliage • 10–15 cm high, 30+ cm wide Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ • Spikes of violet-blue flowers in spring • white, green, pink & burgundy foliage • 15–20 cm high, 60+ cm wide Ajuga reptans ‘Mahogany’ • Spikes of blue flowers in spring • mahogany foliage • 10–15 cm high, 30+ cm wide Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Brocade’ • Spikes of purple-blue flowers in spring • bronze foliage • 20– 25 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Ajuga reptans ‘Valfredda’ (syn Chocolate Chip) • Blue flowers in spring • chocolate-coloured foliage • 8 cm high, 30+ cm wide Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’

Antennaria dioica ‘Rubra’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 65

Antennaria (Beartooth Pass Ex.) • White flowers in early summer • silver-grey foliage • 5–10 cm high, 30+ cm wide Antennaria ‘McClintock’ • Creamy-white flowers in early summer • silver-grey foliage • 5–10 cm high, 30+ cm wide Antennaria dioica ‘Nyewood’s Variety’ • Deep-pink flowers in late spring to early summer • 8–10 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Antennaria dioica ‘Rubra’ • Darkred flowers in late spring to early summer • 10 cm high, 45– 90 cm wide

Arctostaphylos Kinnikinnik Prostrate groundcover perennial. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi • White to soft-pink flowers in spring • shiny, evergreen foliage • 10– 15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Azorella Azorella Groundcover; mat to cushionforming perennial. Lean, welldrained soil. Sun. Azorella trifurcata (syn Bolax glebaria) ‘Nana’ • Yellow flowers in late spring • 2 cm high, 30– 40 cm wide Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Bolax Plastic Plant Cushion-forming perennial. Lean, well-drained soil. Sun. Bolax gummifera ‘Nana’ • Small, greenish-white flowers in summer • glossy, green, evergreen • 2 cm high, 15–25 cm wide Bolax gummifera (syn B. glebaria, Azorella gummifera) • Greenishwhite flowers in summer • glossy, evergreen • 2–5 cm high, 15– 25 cm wide

Cerastium Snow-in-Summer Mat-forming, spreading perennial; self-sows readily. Well-drained, poor soil. Sun. Cerastium tomentosum • White flowers in late spring to early summer • woolly, grey foliage • 15–20 cm high, 90 cm–1+ m wide

Convallaria Lily-of-the-Valley Rhizomatous perennial. Moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soil; tolerates more sun with good soil moisture. Shade to A.M. Sun. Convallaria majalis • Fragrant, tiny, pendant, bell-shaped, white flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Convallaria majalis ‘Variegata’ (syn Aureovariegata) • Fragrant, tiny, pendant, bell-shaped, white flowers in spring • yellow-striped, green foliage • 15–20 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Convallaria majalis v. rosea • Fragrant, tiny, pendant, bellshaped, pink flowers in spring • 15–20 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Fragaria Strawberry Groundcover; stoloniferous perennial. Fertile, moist, welldrained, alkaline soil. Sun. Fragaria ‘Lipstick’ • Large, red flowers in late spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Fragaria Pink Panda (‘Frel’) • Large, bright pink flowers in late spring to summer • 10–15 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Fragaria virginiana • White or pink flowers in late spring to summer • 10–30 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Glechoma Ground Ivy Groundcover; creeping perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun to Shade. Glechoma hederacea • Blue to purple flowers in summer • variegated foliage • 2–5 cm high, 45–90+ cm wide

Hernieria Common Rupturewort Groundcover perennial. Neutral to alkaline soil. Sun. Hernieria glabra • White flowers in summer • 5–10 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Bolax gummifera

Glechoma hederacea

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66  Perennials Groundcover Hypericum St. John’s Wort Spreading perennial. Moderately fertile, moist, sharply drained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun to Shade. Hypericum buckleyi • Yellow flowers in summer • 20–30 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Lamium Archangel Spreading perennial. Moist, welldrained soil. Sun to Shade. Lamium galeobdolon (syn Galeobdolon luteum) ‘Herman’s Pride’ • Yellow flowers in summer • green veins, silver foliage • 20–30 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide Lamium maculatum 15–25 cm high, 60 cm–1+m wide Lamium maculatum ‘Aureum’ (syn Gold Leaf) • Pink flowers in spring to summer • yellow foliage with white centre Lamium maculatum ‘Beacon Silver’ • Soft-pink flowers in spring to summer • metallicsilver foliage with green edge Lamium maculatum Golden Anniversary (syn ‘Dellam’) • Pink flowers in spring to summer • green foliage with gold splotches Lamium maculatum ‘Orchid Frost’ • Orchid-pink flowers in spring to summer • silver bluegreen foliage Lamium maculatum ‘Pink Pewter’ • Pink flowers in spring to summer • silver & green foliage Lamium ‘Herman’s Pride’

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Lamium maculatum ‘Purple Dragon’ • Deep-purple flowers in spring to summer • silver & green foliage Lamium maculatum ‘Red Nancy’ • Purple to cherry-red flowers in spring to summer • silver foliage with green edge Lamium maculatum ‘White Nancy’ • White flowers in spring to summer • silver foliage with green edge

Minuartia Sandwort Mat or cushion-forming perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Minuartia stellata (Frank Cabot select) • Stemless, white flowers in late spring to early summer • 1–10 cm high, 20 cm wide



Japanese Spurge Spreading perennial. Moist soil. Shade.

Bird’s Foot Trefoil Groundcover, mat-forming perennial. Sharply drained soil; tolerates dry soil. Full sun.

Pachysandra terminalis • Spiked, white flowers in early summer • glossy, evergreen foliage • 15– 20 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Lotus corniculatus ‘Plenus’ (syn Flore Pleno) • Double, brightyellow flowers tinted red, in late spring to summer • 5–10 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Pachysandra terminalis ‘Variegata’ • White flowers in early summer • white & green foliage • 15– 20 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide


Cliff Green Moist, organic, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. A.M. Sun.

Creeping Jenny Spreading, rhizomatous, perennial; may be aggressive spreader. Prefcrs moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates dry soil (most vigorous in moist soil). Sun. Lysimachia nummularia • Goldenyellow flowers in late spring to summer • evergreen foliage • 2– 5 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ • Yellow flowers in late spring to summer • golden foliage • 2– 5 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide


Paxistima canbyi • Green-white flowers in summer • evergreen foliage • 20–40 cm high, 45– 60+ cm wide

Persicaria Fleece Flower Rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial. Fertile, moist soil; tolerates dry soil. Sun to Shade. Persicaria affinis ‘Border Jewel’ • Pink flowers in early summer to fall • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Persicaria affinis ‘Darjeeling Red’ • Pink flowers aging to burnt red, in midsummer to fall • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ (syn Dimity) • Soft-pink flowers aging to pink-red in midsummer to fall • evergreen • 8–10 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide

Sedum Stonecrop Spreading, creeping perennial. Tolerant of a wide range of soils but prefers well-drained, lean soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Sedum acre ‘Aureum’ • Brightyellow flowers in late spring to summer • bright-yellow, evergreen, succulent foilage • 5– 8 cm high, 40–45+ cm wide Sedum kamtschaticum • Yellow flowers in summer • succulent • 20–25 cm high, 30+ cm wide Sedum kamtschaticum v. kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’ • Yellow-gold flowers in summer • cream-edged, succulent foliage • 20–25 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum rupestre (syn S. reflexum) ‘Angelina’ • Golden-yellow flowers in summer • evergreen foliage turns red-orange in cool weather • 8–10 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Sedum spurium Succulent, evergreen foliage • 5– 10 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Sedum spurium ‘Blaze of Fulda’ • Burgundy flowers in summer • dark maroon foliage

Lotus ‘Plenus’

Sedum kamtschaticum

Lysimachia ‘Aurea’

Persicaria ‘Border Jewel’

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Perennials Hot & Dry Areas  67 Sedum spurium ‘John Creech’ • Pink flowers in summer • small, scalloped foliage Sedum spurium ‘Schorbuser Blut’ (Dragon’s Blood) • Wine-red to purple flowers in summer Sedum spurium ‘Variegatum’ (syn Tricolor) • Pink flowers in summer • red, white & green foliage Sedum spurium ‘Voodoo’ • Brightrose flowers in summer • dark maroon-red foliage

Trifolium White Clover Groundcover; spreading perennial. Prefers moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Trifolium repens ‘Dragon’s Blood’ • Pea-like, white flowers in spring to summer • purple-stained, mint-green foliage • 8–15 cm high, 30–60+ cm wide Trifolium repens ‘Quinquefolium’ (syn Pentaphyllum) • Pealike, white flowers in spring to summer • green-edged, purple leaf • 8–15 cm high, 30–60+ cm wide

Vaccinium Lingonberry Evergreen, creeping shrub. Moist, sandy to organic, well-drained, acidic soil. A.M. Sun. Vaccinium vitis-idaea • White to pink flowers in spring • evergreen • 15–25 cm high, 25–30+ cm wide

Vinca Periwinkle Spreading, groundcover perennial; may be invasive. Prefers moist soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun to A.M. Sun. 10–20 cm high, 60+ cm wide. Vinca minor ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ • White flowers in late spring to fall • dark-green foliage Vinca minor ‘La Grave’ (syn Bowles’ Blue) • Violet-blue flowers in late spring to fall Vinca minor ‘Ralph Shugart’ • Blue-violet flowers in late spring to fall Vinca minor ‘Sterling Silver’ • Blue flowers in late spring to fall

Hot & Dr y Areas Achillea Yarrow Hardy, long-lasting perennial. Prefers lean soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Achillea ‘Coronation Gold’ • Large clusters of golden-yellow flowers continuously in summer • 60– 90 cm high & wide Achillea ‘Moonshine’ • Sulphuryellow flowers continuously in summer • 45–60 cm high & wide Achillea ‘Pretty Belinda’ • Darkpink flowers fading to lighter shades in early summer to fall • 50–55 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Achillea millefolium Fern-like foliage • 50–65 cm high, 45–60+ cm wide Achillea millefolium ‘Angelique’ • Fade-resistant, blood-red flowers in late spring to fall Achillea millefolium ‘Cassis’ • Cherry-red in late spring to fall Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’ • Large florets of cherryred flowers in late spring to fall Achillea millefolium ‘Gloria Jean’ • Large florets of bright-pink flowers in late spring to fall

Sedum spurium

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Achillea millefolium ‘Paprika’ • Cherry-red flowers with yellow centers in late spring to fall Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’ • Non-fading, clustered, deep-red flowers in late spring to fall Achillea millefolium ‘Terra Cotta’ • Orange flowers fading to golden yellow in late spring to fall

Artemisia Creeping to clump-forming perennial; may be aggressive spreader; may require staking. Lean, well-drained, alkaline soil. Sun. Old Man Sage Artemisia abrotanum • Feathery, green, aromatic foliage • 90 cm– 1 m high, 90 cm–1 m wide Perennial Dusty Miller Artemisia stelleriana ‘Boughton Silver’ (syn Silver Brocade & Mori) • Silky-soft, silver-green, lobed foliage • 15–30 cm high, 60–75+ cm wide Silver Mound Artemisia schmidtiana • Silky-soft, silver-grey foliage • 30–40 cm high, 60 cm wide Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Nana’ • Silky-soft, silver-grey foliage • 8–10 cm high, 30 cm wide

Achillea ‘Paprika’

Artemisia stelleriana ‘Boughton Silver’

Achillea ‘Cerise Queen’

Artemisia schmidtiana

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68  Perennials Hot & Dry Areas Echinops

Western Sage Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver King’ • Silver foliage • 60–90 cm high & wide

Globe Thistle Clump-forming perennial. Lean, well-drained soil. Sun.

Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen’ • Silver-grey foliage • 60–75 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Echinops ritro • Blue flowers in late summer • silver-grey foliage • 60 cm high, 45 cm wide

Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’ • Silver foliage • 45– 60 cm high, 60+ cm wide Wormwood Artemisia versicolor ‘Sea Foam’ • Feathery, grey foliage • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide

Echinops sphaerocephalus ‘Arctic Glow’ • Round, white flowers in summer • silver-grey foliage & red-brown stems • 60–75 cm high, 60 cm wide

Baptisia False Indigo Tap-rooted perennial. Gravelly, lean, poor, sandy, well-drained soil. Sun. Baptisia ‘Twilite Prairieblues’ • Lupine-like, copper-violet flowers with a yellow keel in late spring • blue-green foliage • 90 cm–1.1 m high, 60 cm–1.5 m wide Baptisia australis • Lupine-like, blue flowers in late spring to early summer • 60–90 cm high & wide

Coryphantha Native Pincushion Cactus Cactus. Dry, gritty, sharply drained soil; keep soil drier during dormancy. Sun. Coryphantha vivipara (syn Escobaria vivipara) • Large, purple, pink or sometimes white flowers in late spring • woolly cactus • 5–10 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide

Eremurus Foxtail Lily Fleshy-rooted perennial. Sharply drained, lean, sandy soil; avoid winter wet. In cold climates, plant on south wall of heated building. Sun. Eremurus robustus • Peach to pink flowers in early summer • 2–3 m high, 45–60 cm wide Eremurus stenophyllus • Yellow to orange flowers in early summer • 90 cm–1 m high, 30–45 cm wide

Eryngium Sea Holly Tap-rooted perennial. Well-drained to poor, dry soil. Sun. Eryngium ‘Sapphire Blue’ • Steelblue flowers in summer • 60– 90 cm high, 45 cm wide Eryngium alpinum • Steel-blue flowers in midsummer to fall • 60–70 cm high, 45 cm wide Eryngium giganteum • Prickly, steel-blue flowers in summer • Fertile, well-drained, moist soil • 70–90 cm high, 30 cm wide

Artemisia ‘Valerie Finnis’

Coryphantha vivipara

Baptisia australis

Echinops ritro

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Eryngium planum ‘Blaukappe’ (Blue Cap) • Double, pale-blue flowers in midsummer to fall • 75–90 cm high, 45 cm wide Eryngium planum ‘Paradise Jackpot’ • Blue flowers with large blue bracts in midsummer • blue stems • 50–65 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide Eryngium variifolium • Grey-blue flowers in midsummer to fall • evergreen foliage blotched white • 30–40 cm high, 25 cm wide

Jovibarba Jupiter’s Beard Groundcover, rosette-forming, stoloniferous perennial. Gritty, lean, well-drained soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Jovibarba allionii (from Esteng) • Green to yellow-white flowers in summer • forms red rollers, evergreen succulent foliage • 10–15 cm high, 15–45 cm wide Jovibarba arenaria (from Murtal) • Greenish-white flowers in summer • rosettes flushed red, evergreen succulent foliage • 5–12 cm high, 15–45 cm wide Jovibarba heuffelii • Yellow flowers in summer • evergreen succulent foliage • 10–20 cm high, 15– 45 cm wide Jovibarba hirta • Green-white to pale-yellow flowers in summer • rosettes with red backs, evergreen succulent foliage • 5–20 cm high, 15–45 cm wide

Eremurus stenophyllus

Oenothera Sundrops/Evening Primrose Tap-rooted, clump-forming perennial. Moderately fertile, sandy, well-drained soil; heavy clay soil may cause root rot. Sun Oenothera macrocarpa (syn O. missouriensis) • Fragrant, large, bright yellow flowers in summer • 15–30 cm high, 30–50 cm wide Sundrops Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fyrverkeri’ (Fireworks) • Bright yellow flowers in late spring to late summer • red stems • 25–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Oenothera fruticosa ssp. glauca (syn O. tetragona) • Clustered, light yellow flowers in late spring to late summer • 45–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Oenothera speciosa ‘Siskiyou’ • Pink flowers in summer • 30–60 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Opuntia Prickly Pear Cactus Easy to grow; low-gowing, clumpforming cactus. Gritty, moderately fertile, sharply drained soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Opuntia imbricata • Pink-purple flowers in late spring to early summer • 50 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Opuntia polyacantha • Yellow flowers in early summer • prickly pads • 8–15 cm high, 30– 60+ cm wide

Jovibarba heuffelii

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Perennials Hot & Dry Areas  69 Orostachys False Houseleek Monocarpic perennial. Dry, poor soil; avoid winter wet. Sun. Orostachys spinosa • Greenishyellow flowers in summer • succulent • 25–35 cm high, 5–10 cm wide Orostachys spinosa v. minuta • Yellow flowers in fall • rosetted succulent • 2–5 cm high, 10– 15 cm wide

Potentilla Cinquefoil Prefers lean to moderately fertile soil; tolerates poor, dry soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Potentilla ‘Flamenco’ • Pink flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Potentilla ‘Gibson’s Scarlet’ • Single, scarlet-red flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Potentilla nepalensis ‘Miss Willmott’ • Cherry-pink flowers with darker pink centre in summer • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Potentilla nepalensis ‘Ron McBeath’ • Carmine-red flowers in summer • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Potentilla neumanniana (syn P. verna, & tabernaemontani) ‘Orange Flame’ • Yellow-orange flowers in spring to summer • 5–10 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide

Potentilla neumanniana (syn P. verna) ‘Nana’ • Yellow flowers in spring to summer • 2–5 cm high, 30–45+ cm wide Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’ • Raspberry-red flowers with velvet-red centres in summer • 30–40 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Potentilla x tonguei • Apricot flowers with red eyes in summer to fall • 5–10 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Rhodiola Roseroot/King’s Crown Easy to grow, rhizomatous, clumpforming perennial. Tolerates dry, poor soil. Sun. Rhodiola pachyclados (syn Sedum pachyclados) • White flowers in summer • flat, rosetted foliage • 5 cm high, 15+ cm wide Rhodiola rosea (syn Sedum rosea) • Yellow-orange flowers in late spring to early summer • succulent • 10–30 cm high, 30–45 cm wide

Sedum Stonecrop Spreading, creeping or clumpforming succulent perennial. Prefers well-drained, lean soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils (avoid winter wet). Sun. Sedum ‘Blade Runner’ • Redpurple flowers in late summer to fall • serrated, holly-like foliage • 35 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Sedum ‘Cloud Walker’ • Pink flowers in late summer • purple-

Orostachys spinosa

tinged, green, waxy foliage • 40–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Sedum ‘Bertram Anderson’ • Dusty-pink flowers in summer • purple foliage • 15 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum ‘Black Jack’ • Pink flowers in late summer to fall • deep redpurple foliage that emerges green • 45–60 cm high & wide Sedum ‘Blue Spruce’ • Yellow flowers in late spring to early summer • blue, needle-like foliage • 10–15 cm high, 45 cm wide Sedum ‘Bon Bon’ • Pink flowers in midsummer • burgundychocolate foliage • 30–40 cm high & wide Sedum ‘Frosty Morn’ • Soft-pink to white flowers in summer • white-edged, light-green foliage • 20–30 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Sedum ‘Herbstfreude’ (Autumn Joy) • Clustered, deep-pink flowers fading to copper red in late summer to fall • 45–60 cm high & wide Sedum ‘Lynda Windsor’ • Rubyred flowers in summer to fall • dark-purple foliage • 30–45 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Sedum ‘Mr. Goodbud’ • Light buds, with dark mauve flowers in late summer to fall • 40–45 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Sedum ‘Pink Chablis’ • Pink flowers in summer • creamedged, blue-green foliage • 10– 15 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Potentilla ‘Gibson’s Scarlet’

Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’ • Red flowers in summer to fall • dark purple-black foliage • 40 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum ‘Red Cauli’ • Deep-red flowers in late summer • purple tinged, blue-green foliage • 20– 30 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Sedum ‘Samuel Oliphant’ • Pink flowers in late summer to fall • green-centred, cream leaves with a pink edge • 30–40 cm high & wide Sedum ‘Vera Jameson’ • Pink flowers in late summer to fall • deep purple leaves & stems • 25 cm high, 30–60 cm wide Sedum ‘Xenox’ • Rose flowers in late summer • maroon foliage emerges green • 20–35 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Sedum album ‘Coral Carpet’ • Pink flowers in late spring to late summer • reddish foliage in cooler weather • 5 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum anacampseros • Starshaped, rose flowers in summer • thick, reddish foliage • 5–10 cm high, 10–20 cm wide Sedum cauticola • Bright-purple flowers in fall • blue to purple foliage in fall • 8–15 cm high, 30–40 cm wide Sedum cauticola (syn Hylotelephium cauticolum) ‘Lidakense’ • Pink-purple flowers in fall • grey-purple folaige • 10–15 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Sedum ‘Herbstfreude’

Sedum ‘Frosty Morn’

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70  Perennials Hot & Dry Areas Sedum divergens • Yellow flowers in summer • 10 cm high, 30– 45+ cm wide Sedum erythrostictum ‘Mediovariegatum’ • White & pink flowers in fall • pale glaucous-green & yellow foliage • 30–60 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Sedum ewersii • Rose-pink flowers in late spring to late summer • 10–15 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Sedum hispanicum v. minus • PalePink to purple flowers in summer • blue-grey foliage • 2–5 cm high, 25–40+ cm wide

Sedum spectabile ‘Stardust’ • Clustered, white flowers in late summer to fall • 45–60 cm high, 60 cm wide Sedum telephium ‘Matrona’ • Orange-pink flowers in late summer to fall • purple-grey foliage • 40–45 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum telephium ‘Mohrchen’ • Bright-red flowers in late summer to fall • burgundy foliage • 60 cm high & wide


Sedum sempervivoides • Carminered flowers • grey-mottled, purple, evergreen foliage • 15 cm high, 10 cm wide

Hen & Chicks Mat-forming, monocarpic perennial. Gritty, moderately fertile, sharply drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Sun.

Sedum sieboldii • Star-shaped, bright-pink flowers in fall • round, blue-grey foliage • 15– 25 cm high, 20–30+ cm wide

Sempervivum • Flowers in summer • evergreen, succulent rosettes • 5–20 cm high, 15–30 cm wide

Sedum sieboldii ‘Mediovariegatum’ • Purple-pink flowers in fall • grey-blue foliage with red edges & marbled cream • 15–25 cm high, 25–40 cm wide Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’ • Yellow flowers in late spring • blue-grey evergreen foliage• 8 cm high, 60 cm wide Sedum spathulifolium ‘Carnea’ • Yellow flowers in late spring to late summer • crimson-tinged, evergreen foliage• 15 cm high, 30 cm wide Sedum spathulifolium ‘Purpureum’ • Yellow flowers in late spring to early summer • purple, evergreen foliage • 5–10 cm high, 45 cm wide Sedum spectabile ‘Brilliant’ • Carmine-pink flowers in late summer to fall • 45 cm high, 30–45 cm wide Sedum spectabile ‘Neon’ • Electric purple-pink flowers in late summer to fall • 40 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Sempervivum

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Sempervivum arachnoideum • Red-pink flowers in late spring • webbed, evergreen, succulent rosettes • 4–12 cm high, 30– 45 cm wide Sempervivum calcareum • Pinkpurple flowers in summer • grey-green with blood-red tips, evergreen, succulent rosettes • 5–6 cm high, 15–30 cm wide Sempervivum octopodes v. apetalum • Yellow flowers in summer • bright-green, evergreen, succulent, tight rosettes • 1–4 cm high, 15– 30 cm wide

Yucca Yucca Clump-forming perennial. Welldrained, dry, sandy soil. Full sun.

Ornamental Grasses Andropogon


Big Bluestem Long-lived, rhizomatous, clumpforming grass. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun; may become floppy in shade.

Golden Brome Grass Creeping, rhizomatous grass. Fertile soil. Sun.

Andropogon ‘Silver Sunrise’ • Silvery spring foliage changing to orange & copper in fall • 60 cm–1.5 m high, 60 cm wide Andropogon gerardii • Red-purple seed heads in late summer • orange & copper foliage in fall • 1.5–2.4 m high, 60 cm wide

Arrhenatherum Variegated Oat Grass Groundcover spreading perennial. Fertile, well-drained soil. Sun. Arrhenatherum elatius ssp. bulbosum ‘Variegatum’ • Striped, green & white foliage • 30 cm high & wide

Bouteloua Blue Grama Grass Clump-forming perennial. Welldrained soil. sun. Bouteloua gracilis • Brush-like, red seed heads in summer • 20– 40 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Bromus ‘Skinner’s Gold’

Bromus inermis ‘Skinner’s Gold’ • Bright-green & gold foliage • 60–90 cm high, 60+ cm wide

Calamagrostis Feather Reed Grass Cold-season, clump-forming, stronggrowing, upright grass; does not need staking. Moist, organic soil. Sun. Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Avalanche’ • white-centered, green foliage • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Eldorado’ • Feathery plumes in early summer • gold-centred, green foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ • Light-pink seed heads fading to tan in late summer • 90 cm–1.5 m high, 30–45 cm wide Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Overdam’ • Pink seed heads in late summer • variegated foliage • 75 cm–1.2 m high, 30–45 cm wide Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’

Yucca glauca • Waxy, white flowers in late summer • sword-like foliage • 30–70 cm high, 60 cm wide Yucca filamentosa • White flowers tinged yellow in summer • darkgreen foliage edged with curly, white thread • 60–75 cm high, 60 cm–1 m wide

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Perennials Ornamental Grasses  71 Carex Sedge Aquatic, spreading grass. Moist soil. Sun to Shade. Carex elata ‘Aurea’ • Arching, brilliant yellow foliage • 45– 60 cm high, 45 cm wide Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ • Green & white, variegated, evergreen foliage • 30–45 cm high, 20–30 cm wide Carex muskingumensis ‘Little Midge’ • 25 cm high, 30+ cm wide

Deschampsia Hair Grass Clump or tussock-forming perennial. Moist, organic, neutral to acidic soil. Sun. Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldtau’ (Gold Dew) • Green-gold flowers followed by gold seed heads in summer • 60 cm–1 m high, 45–60 cm wide Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Northern Lights’ • Pink seed heads in summer • gold-white longitudinal stripes • 30–45 cm high, 45–60 cm wide Deschampsia flexuosa ‘Tatra Gold’ (syn Aurea) • Silver-purple seed heads in summer • bluish-green foliage • 45–60 cm high, 20– 30 cm wide

Elymus Magellan Wheatgrass Clump-forming perennial. Prefers fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Elymus magellanicus • Intense blue foliage • 45 cm–1.3 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Festuca Fescue Clump-forming grass. Sandy, welldrained soil. Sun. Festuca amethystina ‘Superba’ • Amethyst seed head stalks in late spring to early summer • silverblue foliage • 25–60 cm high, 25–35 cm wide

Blue Fescue Festuca glauca ‘Blaufuchs’ (Blue Fox) • Blue-green seed heads in summer • blue-green foliage • 15–40 cm high, 25–30 cm wide Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ • Dainty, blue-green seed heads in summer • fine-textured, powderblue foliage • 15–20 cm high, 30–40 cm wide

Molinia Moor Grass Clump-forming, cool-season grass. Moist, organic, well-drained soil; tolerates poor, acidic soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea (syn M. litoralis) ‘Skyracer’ • Seed heads in summer • 1–2.4 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Festuca glauca ‘Pepindale Blue’ • Blue-green seed heads in summer • icy-blue foliage • 30 cm high & wide

Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea ‘Strahlenquelle’ • Arching, purple seed heads in midsummer • 45–60 cm high & wide

Festuca idahoensis ‘Siskiyou’ • Blue-green to silver-blue foliage • 25–35 cm high, 25–30 cm wide

Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea ‘Variegata’ • Purple seed heads in midsummer • cream & greenstriped foliage with purple stems • 45–60 cm high & wide

Hakonechloa Hakone Grass Rhizomatous grass. Cool, fertile, moist, organic, well-drained soil. Sun. Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ • Green seed heads turning purple in late summer • arching, goldstriped foliage • 30–40 cm high, 30–50 cm wide


Panicum Switch Grass Clump-forming annual or perennial grass. Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil. Sun. Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ • Seed heads in late summer to fall • grey-green foliage • 90 cm– 1.5 m high, 60–75 cm wide

Blue Oat Grass Clump-forming grass. Fertile, welldrained, alkaline soi; tolerates poor soil. Sun.

Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ • Red-burgundy fall color • 90 cm–1.2 m high, 60–75 cm wide

Helictotrichon sempervirens ‘Saphirsprudel’ (Sapphire Fountain; Sapphire) • Blue foliage • 60–120 cm high, 45– 60 cm wide


Koeleria Blue Hair Grass Clump-forming perennial. Welldrained, alkaline soil. Sun.

Ribbon Grass Spreading perennial grass. Aggressive spreader; good for holding banks & hillsides. Moist, well-drained soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils; tolerates saline soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Miscanthus ‘Purpurascens’

Phalaris arundinacea ‘Feesey’ (syn Strawberries and Cream) • Spikelets turn to pinkish seed heads in summer • green & white striped foliage • 60–90 cm high, 60–90+ cm wide

Phragmites Giant Reed Aquatic, spreading perennial. Moist to wet soil. Sun. Phragmites australis ‘Variegatus’ • Brownish-purple plumes in late summer to fall • golden-yellow striped leaves, fading almost to white • 2–3 m high, 60+ cm wide

Schizachyrium Little Blue Stem Clump-forming grass. Lean soil. Sun. Schizachyrium scoparium • Wispy silver-purple spikelets in late summer • foliage turns purple to orange-red in fall • 60 cm–1.2 m high, 30–60 cm wide

Spodiopogon Frost Grass Clump-forming grass. Prefers moist, average soil; tolerant of a wide range of soils. Sun. Spodiopogon sibiricus • Purpletinted spikelets in summer • bamboo-like foliage • 1–1.5 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Molinia caerulea ‘Variegata’

Koeleria glauca • Shiny silvergreen spikelets, aging to buff, in late spring • grey-green foliage • 40–60 cm high, 20–30 cm wide

Miscanthus Chinese Silver Grass Rhizomatous, warm-season grass. Deep, evenly moist, fertile, welldrained soil. Sun. Miscanthus ‘Purpurascens’ • Vertical, silvery-white plumes in late summer • purple foliage • 1.5 m high, 90 cm–1.2 m wide Miscanthus x giganteus • Silvery plumes in late summer • bamboo-like • 2.5+ m high, 1–1.5 m wide

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72  Perennials Vines

Perennial Vines Aconitum Climbing Monkshood Cool, evenly-moist, fertile, organic soil. Sun to Shade. Aconitum episcopale • Blue-purple flowers in late summer • 3–6 m high, 45–60 cm wide Aconitum hemsleyanum • Purpleblue flowers in late summer • rambling habit • 2–3 m high, 45–60 cm wide

Clematis Hybrid Clematis For colder areas, plant hybrid clematis against a south facing wall or west foundation from protection. Keep roots cool & shaded; plant crowns 10 cm deep; cut back to 30 cm in fall. Fertile well-drained soil. Sun to P.M. sun. Clematis ‘Betina’ (syn Red Beetroot Beauty) • Nodding, dark purple-red flowers in spring to summer • 1.8–2.4 m high, 2 m wide Clematis ‘Elsa Spath’ • Blue flowers in summer • 1.8–2 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Emilia Plater’ • Violetblue with dark center bar in summer • 3.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Ernest Markham’ • Magenta flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Elsa Spath’

SG2007PerennialsDec4.indd 72

Clematis ‘H.F. Young’ • Wedgewood-blue flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ • Rosymauve flowers in summer • 1.8–2.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Henryi’ • White flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Jackmanii Superba’ • Deep-purple flowers in summer to fall • 3–4 m high, 1.5–2 m wide Clematis ‘Royalty’ • Semi-double, purple-mauve flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Ville de Lyon’ • Brightcrimson flowers in summer • 3–3.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Warszawska Nike’ (Warsaw Nike) • Red-purple flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Westerplatte’ • Darkred flowers in late spring to late summer • 1–1.8 m high, 1– 1.5 m wide Clematis ‘Will Goodwin’ • Midblue flowers in summer • 3–4 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Constance’ • Semi-double, purple-pink flowers in spring • 2–3 m high, 2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Frances Rivis’ • Nodding, blue flowers with white

centre in spring • 2–3 m high, 2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Helsingborg’ • Nodding, purple-blue flowers in spring • 2.5–3 m high, 2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Pink Flamingo’ • Semi-double, nodding, pink flowers in spring • 2–3 m high, 2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Tage Lundell’ • Nodding, rose-purple flowers in spring • 3 m high, 2 m wide Clematis alpina ‘Willy’ • Nodding, soft mauve-pink flowers in spring • 2–3 m high, 1.5–2 m wide Species Clematis Hardier than hybrids but also need to be cut back to the ground in the fall. Cool, fertile, moist, welldrained soil. Sun. Clematis texensis ‘Duchess of Albany’ • Nodding, pink-red flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis texensis ‘Gravetye Beauty’ • Nodding, ruby-red flowers in summer • 1.8–2.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Virgin’s Bower

Clematis viticella ‘Abundance’ • Rose-pink flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Betty Corning’ • Fragrant, nodding, blue flowers in summer • 2–3 m high, 1– 2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Blekitny Aniol’ (Blue Angel) • Clear-blue flowers in summer to fall • 3–3.5 m high, 1–2 m wide

Clematis viticella ‘Etoile Violette’ • Violet-purple flowers in summer • 3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ • Rosy-red flowers in summer • 3–4 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Polish Spirit’ • Purple-blue flowers in summer • 2.5–3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ • Double, bluish-mauve flowers in summer • 2–3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis viticella ‘Venosa Violacea’ • White flowers with purple veins in summer • 2–3 m high, 1– 2 m wide Species Old Wood These clematis are very hardy & grow from old wood each spring. they may be pruned back by one-third if necessary. They also tolerate more shade & make excellent screens or wind barriers. Fertile well-drained soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Clematis ‘Brunette’ • Fragrant, nodding, red-plum flowers in late spring to midsummer • 2.5– 3.5 m high, 1.5–2 m wide Clematis ‘Paul Farges’ (syn Summer Snow) • Fragrant, white flowers in summer • 5–6 m high, 2 m wide Clematis ‘Prairie Traveller’s Joy’ • Star-like, white flowers in summer to fall • 3–4 m high, 2–3 m wide

Clematis ‘Betina’

Clematis ‘Prairie Traveller’s Joy’

Clematis ‘Ville de Lyon’

Clematis ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’

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Perennials Vines  73 Clematis x durrandii • Indigoblue flowers in summer to fall • rambling habit • 1–2 m high, 1 m wide

Clematis macropetala ‘White Swan’ • Bell-shaped, white flowers in spring • 1.8–2.5 m high, 1–2 m wide

Western Virgin’s Bower

Yellow Bell Clematis

Clematis ligusticifolia • Clustered, white flowers in summer to fall • 5–6 m high, 2–3 m wide

Clematis ‘Kugotia’ (Golden Tiara) • Yellow flowers with dark-purple centre in summer to fall • 2–3 m high, 1.5 m wide

Big Petal Clematis

Clematis ‘Albina Plena’ • Bellshaped, double, white flowers in spring • 1.8–2.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis ‘Ballet Skirt’ • Semidouble, pale-pink flowers in spring • 2–5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis macropetala ‘Blue Bird’ • Mauve-blue flowers in spring • 2.5–3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis macropetala ‘Jan Lindmark’ • Bell-shaped, mauvepurple flowers in spring • 2– 2.5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis macropetala ‘Lagoon’ (Blue Lagoon) • Deep-blue flowers in spring • 2–3 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis macropetala ‘Markham’s Pink’ (syn C. macropetala v. markhami) • Double, open-face, pink flowers in spring • 3–5 m high, 1–2 cm wide Clematis macropetala ‘Purple Spider’ • Open, bell-shaped, purple flowers in spring • 1.8– 2.5 m high, 1.5–2 m wide Clematis macropetala ‘Rosy O’Grady’ • Pink-mauve flowers in spring • 3–5 m high, 1–2 m wide Clematis tangutica

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Clematis tangutica • Bright-yellow flowers in late spring to fall • 4– 5 m high, 2–3 m wide Clematis tangutica ‘Aureolin’ • Bright-yellow flowers in late spring to fall • 4–5 m high, 2– 3 m wide Clematis tangutica ‘Radar Love’ • Gold-yellow flowers in midsummer to fall • 3–4 m high, 2–3 m wide

Humulus lupulus ‘Bianca’ • Purplish stems with large, yellowgreen foliage • 3–4 m high, 2– 3+ m wide Humulus lupulus ‘Comet’ • Conelike, green, female flowers in summer • coarse, large, yellowgreen foliage • 3–4 m high, 2– 3+ m wide Humulus lupulus ‘Magnum’ • Cone-like, green, female flowers in summer • 3–4 m high, 2– 3+ m wide Humulus lupulus ‘Nordbrau’ • Cone-like, green, female flowers in summer • 4–6 m high, 2– 3+ m wide

Clematis x durrandii

Fallopia Silver Lace Vine Rhizomatous climbing or spreading perennial; may be invasive. Moist, poor, well-drained soil. Sun. Fallopia baldschuanica (syn F. aubertii) • White flowers tinged pink in late summer • heartshaped, mid-green foliage • 3– 5 m high, 1–2 m wide

Humulus Common Hops Quick-growing, climbing perennial. Prefers moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soil. Sun. Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’ • Coarse, large, gold-yellow foliage • 3–4 m high, 2–3+ m wide Clematis ‘Rosy O’Grady’

Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’

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74  Perennials Index

Index A Acantholimon sp. ...................... 54 Achillea sp. ......................... 22, 67 Aconitum sp. ....................... 42, 72 Actaea sp................................... 42 Adiantum sp. ............................ 43 Adonis sp. ................................. 54 Aegopodium sp. ......................... 65 Aethionema sp. .......................... 54 Agastache sp. ............................. 22 Ajuga sp.................................... 65 Alcea sp. ................................... 22 Alchemilla sp....................... 22, 54 Alpenclock ..........................62, 64 Alpine Baby’s Breath............61, 64 Alpine Pink .........................61, 63 Alpine Poppy.......................58, 59 Alpine Sunflower .................58, 64 Alpine Woodruff .................61, 63 Alumroot ............................46, 47 Alyssum ..............................54, 55 American False Hellebore ..........54 Anchusa sp. ............................... 22 Andropogon sp. ......................... 70 Androsace sp.............................. 63 Anemone sp................... 22, 43, 54 Anemone.....20, 22, 42, 43, 54, 54 Anemonella sp. .......................... 43 Antennaria sp. .......................... 65 Anthemis sp. ............................. 22 Aquilegia sp. ................. 22, 55, 63 Arabis sp. .................................. 55 Archangel ............................63, 66 Arctostaphylos sp. ....................... 65 Arenaria sp. .............................. 55 Arisaema sp............................... 43 Armeria sp. ............................... 55 Arrhenatherum sp. .................... 70 Artemisia sp. ....................... 23, 67 Aruncus sp. ............................... 43 Asarum sp. ................................ 43 Asclepias sp. .............................. 23 Asiatic Lily ..........................33, 33 Asparagus sp. ............................. 23 Asparagus ..................................23 Asperula sp. .............................. 63 Asplenium sp............................. 43 Aster sp. .............................. 23, 55 Aster..............................21, 23, 55 Astilbe sp. ................................. 43 Astilbe .......................................43 Astilboides sp. ............................ 44 Astragalus sp. ...................... 55, 63 Astrantia sp............................... 23 Athyrium sp. ............................. 44

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Aubrieta sp. .............................. 55 Aurinia sp................................. 55 Avens ........................................28 Azorella sp. ............................... 65 Azorella .....................................65

B Baby’s Breath .............................28 Balkan Beauty ...........................60 Balloon Flower ..........................39 Baptisia sp. ............................... 68 Bear’s Ear ..................................45 Beardtongue ........................38, 59 Beebalm ....................................36 Bellflower ............................23, 55 Bellis sp. ................................... 44 Bergenia sp. .............................. 44 Bergenia ....................................44 Betony ......................................41 Big Bluestem .............................70 Big Merrybells ...........................54 Bird’s Foot Trefoil ......................66 Bishop’s Hat ..............................46 Bitterroot ..................................59 Blanket Flower ..........................27 Blechnum sp. ............................ 44 Bleeding Heart ..........................45 Bloodroot ..................................53 Blue Eyed Grass.........................61 Blue Fescue ...............................71 Blue Grama Grass .....................70 Blue Hair Grass .........................71 Blue Oat Grass ..........................71 Blue Sage...................................40 Bluebells ....................................51 Bolax sp. ................................... 65 Bouteloua sp. ............................ 70 Bowman’s Root .........................47 Boyd’s Pearlwort ........................61 Bromus sp. ................................ 70 Brown-Eyed Susan ....................40 Brunnera sp. ............................. 44 Bugbane ....................................42 Bugleweed .................................65 Bukiniczia sp. ........................... 63 Bunchberry ...............................44 Buttercup ............................40, 60 Butterfly Flower ........................23

C Calamagrostis sp. ....................... 70 Caltha sp. ................................. 44 Camas .......................................23 Camassia sp. ............................. 23 Campanula sp. .................... 23, 55

Campion .......................35, 41, 59 Campion/Moss Campion ..........64 Candytuft..................................59 Canterbury Bells ......................23 Cardinal Flower.........................35 Carex sp.................................... 71 Carnation ..................................25 Carpathian Bellflower ................56 Castilleja sp. ............................. 24 Catchfly ....................................35 Catmint ....................................36 Centaurea sp. ............................ 24 Cerastium sp. ............................ 65 Checker Mallow ........................41 Chelone sp. ............................... 24 Chinese Lantern ........................39 Chinese Silver Grass ..................71 Christmas Rose/Lenten Rose .....47 Chrysanthemum sp. ................... 24 Chrysanthemum .......................24 Cinnamon Fern .........................51 Cinquefoil .................................69 Circle Flower .............................35 Clematis sp. ............ 24, 56, 72, 76 Clematis ..............................24, 56 Cliff Green ................................66 Climbing Monkshood ...............72 Clustered Bellflower ..................23 Columbine ....................22, 55, 63 Common Bleeding Heart ..........45 Common Hops .........................73 Common Rupturewort ............65 Common Valerian .....................42 Compass Plant ..........................41 Coneflower..........................26, 40 Convallaria sp........................... 65 Coralbells ............................30, 58 Coreopsis sp. .............................. 24 Cornflower ................................24 Cornus sp.................................. 44 Cortusa sp. ................................ 45 Corydalis sp. ............................. 45 Coryphantha sp. ........................ 68 Cranesbill ............................27, 58

Creeping Baby’s Breath ..............58 Creeping Jenny..........................66 Creeping Speedwell ...................62 Creeping/Moss Phlox ................60 Crested Iris ................................50 Cryptogramma sp. ..................... 45 Cryptotaenia sp. ........................ 45 Culver’s Root .............................42 Cut-leaf Coneflower ..................40 Cyclamen sp. ............................. 45 Cyclamen ..................................45 Cypripedium sp. ........................ 45 Cystopteris sp. ............................ 45

D Dactylorhiza sp. ........................ 45 Darmera sp. .............................. 25 Daylily ......................................29 Delosperma sp. .......................... 56 Delphinium sp. ......................... 25 Delphinium ..............................25 Deschampsia sp. ........................ 71 Devil’s Claw ..............................64 Dianthus sp. ................. 25, 56, 63 Dicentra sp. .............................. 45 Dictamnus sp. ........................... 25 Digitalis sp. .............................. 25 Dodecatheon sp. .................. 46, 57 Doronicum sp. .......................... 26 Douglas Phlox ...........................60 Draba sp. .................................. 63 Dragonroot/Cobra Lily .............43 Dryopteris sp. ............................ 46 Dwarf Bearded Iris ....................31 Dwarf Globeflower....................62

E Easter Daisy ..............................64 Echinacea sp. ............................ 26 Echinops sp. .............................. 68 Edelweiss ...................................59 Edraianthus sp. ......................... 57 Elymus sp. ................................. 71 English Daisy ............................44

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Perennials Index  75 Epimedium sp. .......................... 46 Eremurus sp. ............................. 68 Erigeron sp. ......................... 26, 57 Eriogonum sp. ........................... 64 Eriophyllum sp. ......................... 57 Eryngium sp.............................. 68 Erysimum sp. ............................ 57 Eupatorium sp. ......................... 27 Euphorbia sp. ............................ 27

F Fallopia sp. ......................... 27, 73 False Golden Aster.....................58 False Houseleek .........................69 False Indigo ...............................68 False Rockcress ..........................55 False Sunflower..........................29 Feather Reed Grass ....................70 Fern ........................43, 44, 45, 52 Fernleaf Peony ...........................36 Ferns .........................................44 Fescue .......................................71 Festuca sp.................................. 71 Filipendula sp. .......................... 46 Flax .....................................35, 59 Fleabane ..............................26, 57 Fleece Flower.......................38, 66 Foam Flower .............................54 Foamy Bells ...............................48 Forget-Me-Not .........................51 Foxglove ....................................25 Foxtail Lily ................................68 Fragaria sp. ............................... 65 Fragile Fern ...............................45 Frost Grass ................................71 Fumitory ...................................45

G Gaillardia sp. ............................ 27 Galium sp. ................................ 46 Garden Pinks ............................56 Gas Plant...................................25 Gaultheria sp. ........................... 58 Gentian .....................................47 Gentiana sp. ............................. 47 Geranium sp. ...................... 27, 58 German Statice..........................28 Germander ................................41 Geum sp. .................................. 28 Giant Reed ................................71 Gillenia sp. ............................... 47 Glaucidium sp. ......................... 47 Glaucidium ...............................47 Glechoma sp.............................. 65 Globe Thistle ............................68 Globeflower.........................54, 58 Globularia sp. ........................... 58 Goat’s Beard ..............................43 Golden Brome Grass .................70 Golden Primrose .......................62 Golden Yarrow ..........................57 Goldenrod.................................41

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Goniolimon sp. ......................... 28 Goutweed .................................65 Grassy Bells ...............................57 Great Masterwort ......................23 Ground Ivy ...............................65 Gymnocarpium sp. .................... 47 Gypsophila sp. ............... 28, 58, 64

H Haberlea sp. .............................. 58 Haberlea....................................58 Hair Grass .................................71 Hakone Grass ............................71 Hakonechloa sp. ........................ 71 Heartleaf Forget-Me-Not ..........44 Helen’s Flower ...........................28 Helenium sp.............................. 28 Helianthemum sp. ..................... 58 Helianthus sp. ........................... 29 Helictotrichon sp. ...................... 71 Heliopsis sp. .............................. 29 Helleborus sp. ............................ 47 Hemerocallis sp. ........................ 29 Hen & Chicks ...........................70 Hepatica sp. .............................. 47 Hernieria sp. ............................. 65 Heterotheca sp. .......................... 58 Heuchera sp. ................. 30, 47, 58 Heucherella sp. .......................... 48 Himalayan Blue Poppy ..............51 Hollyhock .................................22 Hosta sp. ................................... 48 Hosta ........................................48 Houstonia sp. ............................ 58 Humulus sp. ............................. 73 Hymenoxys sp. ........................... 58 Hypericum sp. ........................... 66 Hyssop ......................................22


K Kinnikinnik ..............................65 Kirengeshoma sp. ....................... 50 Knautia sp. ............................... 32 Knautia .....................................32 Koeleria sp. ............................... 71

Lungwort ..................................53 Lungwort/Bethlehem Sage ........53 Lupine.......................................35 Lupinus sp. ............................... 35 Lychnis sp. .......................... 35, 59 Lysimachia sp. ..................... 35, 66



L.A. Hybrid Lily........................34 Lady’s Mantle ......................22, 54 Lady’s Slipper ............................45 Lamb’s Ears ...............................41 Lamium sp. .............................. 66 Lance Coreopsis ........................24 Larkspur ....................................25 Lavandula sp. ........................... 32 Lavender Cotton .......................61 Lavender ...................................32 Leontopodium sp. ...................... 59 Leopard’s Bane ..........................26 Leucanthemum sp. .................... 32 Lewisia sp. ................................ 59 Lewisia ......................................59 Liatris sp................................... 33 Liatris ........................................33 Ligularia sp. ............................. 50 Lilium sp. ........................... 33, 50 Lily Species................................34 Lily............................................50 Lily-of-the-Valley ......................65 Limonium sp. ........................... 34 Lingonberry ..............................67 Linnaea sp. ............................... 51 Linum sp. ........................... 35, 59 Little Blue Stem ........................71 Liverleaf ....................................47 Lobelia sp. ................................ 35 Longleaf Lungwort ....................53 Lotus sp. ................................... 66

Macleaya sp. ............................. 35 Magellan Wheatgrass .................71 Maiden Pink .............................57 Maidenhair Fern .......................43 Mallow ......................................35 Maltese Cross ............................35 Malva sp................................... 35 Marguerite Daisy.......................22 Marsh Marigold ........................44 Marsh Orchid ...........................45 Martagon Lily ...........................34 Masterwort................................23 Matteuccia sp. ........................... 51 Mayapple ..................................52 Meadow Rue .......................41, 54 Meadowsweet ............................46 Meconopsis sp. ........................... 51 Mentha sp................................. 36 Mertensia sp.............................. 51 Milk Vetch ..........................55, 63 Milkwort ...................................60 Mint..........................................36 Minuartia sp............................. 66 Miscanthus sp. .......................... 71 Molinia sp. ............................... 71 Monarda sp. ............................. 36 Monkshood ...............................42 Moor Grass ...............................71 Morden Chrysanthemum ..........24 Moss Phlox................................60 Mossy Saxifrage .........................61

Iberis sp. ................................... 59 Ice Plant ....................................56 Iceland Poppy............................37 Indian Paintbrush......................24 Inula sp. ................................... 31 Iris sp. .......................... 31, 50, 59 Iris.............................................59 Irish Moss .................................61 Italian Bugloss ...........................22

J Jack-In-The-Pulpit ....................43 Jacob’s Ladder......................40, 60 Japanese Butterbur ....................51 Japanese Fleeceflower ................27 Japanese Parsley .........................45 Japanese Spurge .........................66 Jeffersonia sp. ............................ 50 Joe Pye .....................................27 Jovibarba sp. ............................. 68 Jupiter’s Beard ...........................68

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76  Perennials Index Mountain Bluet .........................58 Mouse Ear Baby’s Breath ...........58 Mukdenia sp. ............................ 51 Mukdenia ..................................51 Mullein .....................................42 Myosotis sp. ............................... 51

N–O Native Pincushion Cactus .........68 Nepeta sp. ................................. 36 Oak Fern ...................................47 Obedient Plant ..........................39 Oenothera sp. ............................ 68 Old Man Sage ...........................67 Opuntia sp................................ 68 Oriental Poppy ..........................38 Ornamental Rhubarb ................53 Orostachys sp. ............................ 69 Osmunda sp. ............................. 51 Ostrich Fern ..............................51 Oxalis sp. .................................. 59 Oxytropis sp. ............................. 59

P Pachysandra sp. ......................... 66 Pacific Bleeding Heart ...............45 Paeonia sp................................. 36 Painted Daisy ......................41, 61 Panicum sp. .............................. 71 Papaver sp. ......................... 37, 59 Pasque Flower ...........................60 Paxistima sp. ............................. 66 Peachleaf Bellflower ...................24 Penstemon sp. ...................... 38, 59 Peony Species ............................36 Peony ........................................36 Perennial Dusty Miller ..............67 Periwinkle .................................67 Perovskia sp. ............................. 38 Persicaria sp. ....................... 38, 66 Petasites sp. ............................... 51

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Phalaris sp. ............................... 71 Pheasant’s Eye............................54 Phlox sp. ....................... 38, 51, 60 Phlox .........................................60 Phragmites sp. ........................... 71 Phylliopsis sp. ............................ 60 Phylliopsis .................................60 Physalis sp. ................................ 39 Physaria sp. ............................... 60 Physoplexis sp. ........................... 64 Physostegia sp. ........................... 39 Pincushion Flower .....................40 Plastic Plant ..............................65 Platycodon sp. ........................... 39 Plume Poppy .............................35 Podophyllum sp. ........................ 52 Point Vetch................................59 Polemonium sp. ................... 40, 60 Polygala sp. ............................... 60 Polygonatum sp. .................. 52, 64 Polystichum sp. .......................... 52 Potentilla sp. ............................. 69 Prairie Coneflower.....................40 Prickly Pear Cactus ....................68 Prickly Thrift.............................54 Primrose ....................................52 Primula sp. ............................... 52 Pulmonaria sp........................... 53 Pulsatilla sp. ............................. 60 Pussy Toes .................................65

R Ramonda x Jankaea sp............... 60 Ranunculus sp. .................... 40, 60 Ranzania sp. ............................. 53 Ranzania ...................................53 Ratibida sp. .............................. 40 Rayflower ..................................50 Rheum sp. ................................. 53 Rhodiola sp. .............................. 69

Ribbon Grass ............................71 Rock Jasmine ............................63 Rockcress ..................................55 Rodger’s Flower ...................44, 53 Rodgersia sp. ............................. 53 Roseroot/King’s Crown .............69 Rudbeckia sp. ............................ 40 Rue Anemone ...........................43 Russian Sage ..............................38

S Sagina sp. ................................. 61 Salvia sp. .................................. 40 Sandwort .............................55, 66 Sanguinaria sp. ......................... 53 Santolina sp. ............................. 61 Saponaria sp. ...................... 40, 61 Saxifraga sp. ....................... 61, 64 Saxifrage ....................................64 Scabiosa sp. ............................... 40 Schizachyrium sp....................... 71 Scotch Moss ..............................61 Sea Campion .............................61 Sea Holly...................................68 Sea Lavender .............................34 Sea Thrift ..................................55 Sedge.........................................71 Sedum sp. ........................... 66, 69 Sempervivum sp. ....................... 70 Shasta Daisy ..............................32 Shepherd’s Crook ......................35 Shield Fern ................................46 Shooting Star ......................46, 57 Siberian Iris ...............................32 Sidalcea sp. ............................... 41 Silene sp........................ 41, 61, 64 Silphium sp............................... 41 Silver Lace Vine .........................73 Silver Mound ............................67 Sisyrinchium sp. ........................ 61 Snow-in-Summer ......................65 Soapwort .............................40, 61 Soldanella sp. ............................ 64 Solidago sp. ............................... 41 Solitary Clematis .......................24 Solomon’s Seal .....................52, 64 Sorrel ........................................59 Species Iris.................................32 Species.......................................57 Speedwell ............................42, 62 Spiderwort ................................41 Spiral Bellflower ........................56 Spodiopogon sp. ......................... 71 Spurge .......................................27 St. John’s Wort ..........................66 Stachys sp. ................................. 41 Statice Cabulica .........................63 Stonecress ..................................54 Stonecrop ............................66, 69 Strawberry .................................65 Sulphur Flower ..........................64 Sun Rose ...................................58

Sundrops ...................................68 Sundrops/Evening Primrose ......68 Sunflower ..................................29 Sunray .......................................31 Sweet William ...........................25 Sweet Woodruff.........................46 Switch Grass ..............................71

T Tall Garden Phlox .....................38 Tanacetum sp. ..................... 41, 61 Tetraneuris sp. ........................... 64 Teucrium sp. ............................. 41 Thalictrum sp. .................... 41, 54 Threadleaf Tickseed...................24 Thyme ......................................61 Thymus sp. ............................... 61 Tiarella sp................................. 54 Tickseed ....................................25 Townsendia sp. .......................... 64 Tradescantia sp. ......................... 41 Tree Peony.................................37 Trifolium sp. ............................. 67 Trillium sp. ............................... 54 Trillium .....................................54 Trollius sp. .......................... 54, 62 Turtlehead .................................24 Twin Pod ...................................60 Twinflower ................................51 Twinleaf ....................................50

U–V Umbrella Plant ..........................25 Uvularia sp............................... 54 Vaccinium sp. ........................... 67 Valeriana sp. ............................. 42 Variegated Oat Grass .................70 Veratrum sp. ............................. 54 Verbascum sp. ........................... 42 Veronica sp.......................... 42, 62 Veronicastrum sp. ...................... 42 Vinca sp.................................... 67 Viola sp. ................................... 62 Viola .........................................62 Vitaliana sp. ............................. 62

W Wallflower .................................57 Waxbells ....................................50 Western Sage .............................68 Western Wood Lily ...................51 Wetland Iris ..............................32 White Clover ............................67 White Mugwort ........................23 Whitlow Grass ..........................63 Wild Blue Phlox ..................51, 51 Wild Ginger ..............................43 Wintergreen ..............................58 Wormwood ...............................68

Y Yarrow .................................22, 67 Yucca sp. ............................. 62, 70 Yucca ...................................62, 70

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 77


Daphne tangutica

By Scott Messenger


t’s easy to read Antoine de SaintExupéry’s classic children’s novel, The Little Prince, as a guide to better living. After all, the boy’s journey from his asteroid home world through the solar system is a sight-seeing tour of the human condition, and his bemusement at the characters he encounters makes plain the perils of greed, vanity, vice and so on. Equally important, though, is the Prince’s discovery of his own weaknesses. When a rose sprouts unexpectedly from the inhospitable soil of his tiny planet, he’s captivated by its beauty. In response to the rose’s “horror of drafts” he puts “her” each night under glass. He waters her daily. He tolerates her naivety, her pretensions, her hypochondria. Ultimately, when her demands prove overwhelming, he thinks it best for his rose to learn to fend for herself; he leaves for earth. So, besides commenting on the moral complexity of being human, was Saint-Exupéry also warning against planting anything unable to face the drafts of our own home worlds? Almost certainly not. Still, I can’t help but see the Prince’s relationship with his rose as emblematic of the one binding many fretful gardeners to their plants, as they regularly transform yards into night galleries of blossoms and bell-jars of their own.

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We’re led to believe that beauty is delicate. It’s not uncommon, after all, for particularly intriguing nursery specimens to be rated a zone or two warmer than local climates—according to their tags, that is. That zone number, then, presents a dilemma: do you take the same risk as our little hero, or do you avoid heartache by not getting involved in the first place? It’s a personal question, really, and because of that—and for other reasons that may surprise—it’s not one that a zone rating can help you answer. It was 1967 when Agriculture Canada produced the first Canadian plant-hardiness zone map, building upon ratings the US Department of Agriculture issued for the entire continent. In contrast to the American model, the Canadian approach went beyond ranking climatic zones based only on average minimum winter temperatures. Instead, researchers created a stunningly complicated mathematical formula that accounted for everything from precipitation to frost to wind gusts, thus tidily categorizing climatic differences from coast to coast. The results may not always have differed from those of the American predecessor, but they were—if only by method of derivation—distinctly and fastidiously Canadian.

Fastidiousness aside, John Valleau, corporate horticulturalist with Heritage Perennials (Niagra-on-the-Lake, Ontario) and author of the Perennial Gardening Guide, cautions against gardening according to zone. “Zone ranges are a good general guideline,” he says, “but plants don’t read tags. They’ll either grow or they won’t.” In other words, there is often significant disconnect between the weather a plant can actually tolerate (as determined by its biology) and that which it is assumed to tolerate (as determined by its grower). While the science of the zone map may be fairly rigorous, that which underlies the making of plant tags is, to put it mildly, somewhat lacking. “Unfor tunately the average home gardener still believes that there is a plant-hardiness testing centre around the corner from where they live and that the government runs massive hardiness trials on every plant that hits the market,” says Valleau. In fact, besides small-scale trials conducted by horticultural societies, he says, “there’s virtually no plant-hardiness testing being done.” Quite often, zone ratings are simply educated and expectedly conservative estimations. Because one of Valleau’s responsibilities at Heritage Perennials is to assign zone ratings, he casts as

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78 

Arisaema triphyllum

wide a net as possible when deciding on a number—tapping into the internet, relying on breeder information, and soliciting the opinions of colleagues. And, in the end, given the company’s customer distribution, all zone recommendations are based on the simpler USDA map anyway. To be honest, the Canadian map wouldn’t mean pinpoint accuracy, either, suggests Dan McKenney, a Canadian Forest Service research scientist with Natural Resources Canada. “The hardiness zone map is a bit of an icon, right” McKenney

asks rhetorically. “But,” he says, “you have to look at it with a grain of salt. That formula was great work, but it has certain limitations.” In 2001, McKenney led a project to revise the original map. After all, more than 30 years had passed and the country’s weather had changed. Furthermore, data collection and interpretation methods had improved. Also, elevation hadn’t been factored into the original equation. But even with the significant changes having been made, the new map hasn’t totally

overcome the limitations of the original. It is, for example, still unable to zero in on isolated microclimates. Also, like all science, it remains vulnerable to human error. It is still, McKenney stresses, only a model. What the zone map can’t do, however, another Natural Resources Canada project might. Driving straight to the heart of the matter, is a recent interactive effort in which gardeners submit, by internet, information on what they’ve successfully grown across Canada and the US. Presently, the project website called “Going Beyond the Zones” (http://g4.glfc.cfs. nrcan.gc.ca/ph_main.pl?&lang=en) boasts continental range maps for nearly 1600 species. “The aim is to know what can grow where,” says McKenney. “Mapping the potential distribution of plants is a way to make use of actual observations of survival.” And, as if to make Valleau’s quip about neighbourhood research stations a reality, McKenney adds that “by involving the communities of both master gardeners and the public, we basically have a whole bunch of little trials out there.” It’s this “citizen science,” as he calls it, which will shine a brighter light on “the mystery of biology” that seemingly enables plants to rise above their zone ratings. So is it time strike the zone map from Canadian iconography? Of course not, even if for no other reason than because it’s bound up with the “mystery” that makes gardening so attractive in the first place. Regardless of what’s behind that number, zone ratings will always ignite a gardener’s curiosity. Who knows?—the perceived vulnerability that rating may represent might even satisfy some subconscious desire to feel needed. Of course, if the Little Prince is any indication, not every gardener feels the drive to nurture. In case you’re wondering, the Prince does eventually have a moment of clarity when he meets a fox from earth. “It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important,” says the fox. “People have forgotten this truth. But you,” he adds, as he and the Prince part, “mustn’t forget. You become responsible for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”  Scott Messenger is freelance writer living in Edmonton, Alberta.

Tender Shrub Rose ‘Orange Impressionist’

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Bedding Plants  79

BEDDING PLANTS In This Section... • Over 725 varieties • 164 new varieties & colours • Includes light requirements • Alphabetical by common name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Bedding Plant Favorites for cultural information Common names are in large type. Series, varieties or mixes of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

Salvia Mystic Spires ‘Blue’ Mystic Spires ‘Blue’ is a beautiful addition to garden beds & planters, with rich-blue flowers standing out vibrantly against the dark-green foliage. Growing 20–30 cm tall, this free-flowering annual looks superb & creates a showy display when combined with marigolds or dusty miller. You won’t be the only one enchanted with this attractive annual—butterflies & hummingbirds love it too!

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80  Bedding Plants African Daisy A hardy, daisy-like flower with a spreading habit that is a native of South Africa. Blooms are usually in bright colours & are excellent in mass displays. ‘Lemon Drop’ • Versatile plant which loves hot & cool weather with bright-yellow, single flowers. A mounding growth habit shows off plenty of flowers. Grows 20– 25 cm tall. Sun.

lavender, pink, white, deep rosypink & violet. ‘Snow Crystals’ • Extra-large, pure-white, very fragrant flowers. Most heat-tolerant alyssum! Easter Bonnet Series

Compact, uniform & early blooming flowers have a light fragrance. The best of this series includes: ‘Deep Pink’, ‘Violet’

Spring Flash Series


Vibrant, 8 cm, daisy-like flowers. Grows 25–30 cm tall. Very tolerant of hot & dry conditions. Sun.

Exotic-looking, large plants that add dramatic contrast to pots & flowerbeds. Adds a graceful accent in arrangements. Warm location is a must for success. Sun.

The best of this series includes: ‘Orange’, ‘Yellow’

Ageratum Feathery flowers on neat & compact plants which provide an even & formal border. High Tide Series Dense & beautifully mounded flowers which grow taller & more vigorously than other ageratum. A self-cleaning variety which makes it very easy care. Grows 30–35 cm tall. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’ (Medium lavender blue), ‘White’

Alyssum Profusion of sweetly scented, tiny flowers that form a lacy carpet in borders & spill over sides of pots. Grows 10 cm tall. Sun. ‘Easter Basket Mix’ • Unique blend of pastel colours including African Daisy Spring Flash ‘Yellow’

‘Love Lies Bleeding’ • Long, darkred, trailing, plush ropes of flowers on bushy plants. Grows up to 1 m tall. ‘Pygmy Torch’ • A unique novelty plant with upright, crimson, 30 cm spikes. Grows up to 60 cm tall.

Anagallis Bushy plant with long narrow leaves sporting a mass of blooms that look similar to dianthus. Stunning as a trailing annual in hanging baskets or containers. Trails 10–15 cm & spreads 25–30 cm. Sun. Wildcat Series

Intense bright & vivid colours make this series a winner! The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’ (True blue with yellow stamens), ‘Orange’ (Rich orange with a blue eye), ‘Pink’ (Rich medium pink)

Angelonia Related to the snapdragon family, this plant has masses of orchidlike flowers that look stunning in garden beds or mixed planters. Heat loving & easy to grow, Angelonia is also an excellent cutflower with lush foliage & no need to deadhead. Sun. AngelMist Series

Dark-green leaves with high colour impact on strong, upright plants. Fantastic to use in large containers. Grows 45–60 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Deep Plum’ (Dark purple plum), ‘Dark Rose’ (Deep purple rose), ‘Purple Stripe’ (White with purple markings), ‘White Improved’

Argyranthemum Gorgeous annual daisies which bloom all summer on attractive bushy plants. Also known as Cobbity daisy or Marguerite daisy. Adds great texture to mixed containers. Sun. Keep well watered. ‘Butterfly’ • A top-performing daisy! Stunning, canary-yellow single flowers that resist fading. Grows 35–45 cm tall. ‘Vanilla Butterfly’ • Rich creamywhite single flowers with goldenyellow centres. Grows 30–45 cm tall.

the summer. 4 cm flowers. Grows 20–25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Crested Light Pink’ (Light pink petals with creamy-yellow crested centres), ‘Crested Yellow’ (Pale-yellow petals with darkyellow centres), ‘Pink Improved’ (Lavender-pink petals with crested yellow centres) Molimba Series

Silver-blue foliage sets a dazzling stage for large, single or double flowers. This series is extremely heat tolerant, has a spreading habit & is self cleaning! Grows 20– 30 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Helio First Blush’ (Double, soft pearly-pink flowers turning to white from centre), ‘Mini White’ (Single, white flowers with yellow centres)

Aster Asters bloom midsummer through fall. The tall varieties are among the best annuals for cutflowers, lasting 2–3 weeks in a vase. Sun. ‘Asteroid Mix’ • Long-lasting, 10 cm, mum-like flowers with mounding growth habit; grows 25 cm tall. Excellent for flower beds & pots. Mix includes blue, pink, red, rose & white.

Traditional single daisy with a difference! Earlier & more compact than other varieties. Flowers sooner, therefore you get more flower power throughout

‘Astoria Mix’ • Splendid single, daisy-like aster. Showy, 8 cm flowers in shades of pink, sky blue, carmine rose, white & deep blue. Great for cutflowers or in a tall background. Grows up to 70 cm tall.

Angelonia AngelMist ‘Dark Rose’

Alyssum ‘Snow Crystals’

Madeira Series

Aster ‘Pot ’n Patio Mix’

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Bedding Plants  81 ‘Duchesse Formula Mix’ • Superior, peony-type aster featuring huge, fully double, 10 cm flowers on thick stems. Mix includes blue, rose, scarlet, silver blue, silver rose, sky blue, yellow & white. Great September cutflower. Grows up to 60 cm tall. ‘Massagno Mix’ • Quilled, spidertype flowers, includes wide range of colours. Long-lasting cutflower; grows to 50 cm tall.

the edge of containers with other annuals or for use in short borders & rock gardens. Grows 20–25 cm tall & spreads up to 35 cm wide. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Deep Rose’ (AAS winner. Masses of double, dark-rose flowers all summer long), ‘Pink’ (Single to double, blush-pink, tiny flowers, AAS Winner)

Bachelor’s Button

‘Pot ’n Patio Mix’ • Fully double 7 cm flowers. Excellent in containers or uniform borders. Mix of blue, pink, scarlet & white. Grows 15 cm tall.

Early blooming, long-lasting flowers. Removal of dead flowers promotes continuous flowering. Sun.

‘Standy Mix’ • Exquisite, fully double, 10 cm flowers on strong stems. Excellent cutflower. Grows up to 75 cm tall. Blend of 9 colours.

Very compact, bushy plants; grows 30–35 cm tall. Heavier blooming than taller varieties. Use in mass plantings for a meadow effect. Drought & frost tolerant.

‘Tiger Paws Mix’ • Huge, 15 cm flowers are gorgeous; fully double with long, swirling petals. Grows 75 cm tall.

Baby’s Breath ‘Snow Fountain’ • This variety blooms with an abundance of large, single, white flowers; looks stunning in fresh bouquets. Grows up to 50 cm tall. Sun. Gypsy Series

Worth trying as an alternative to alyssum. Produces a profusion of dainty, 0.5–0.7 cm flowers on fluffy cloud-like plants. Impressive in that plant maintains a compact, mounding growth habit. Plant near Baby’s Breath Gypsy ‘Pink’

Florence Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’, ‘Mix’ (Blue, lavender, pink, red, violet & white), ‘Pink’

Bacopa Very popular! Dense, low-growing, fast-spreading plant is literally covered in hundreds of flowers all season long. Perfect in mixed hanging baskets & planters. Prefers sun. Extraordinary garden performance. Trails up to 20 cm. Abunda Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Giant White’ (Biggest flowered pure-white bacopa), ‘Blue Improved’ (Lavender-blue, smaller flowers)

Begonia Fibrous Outstanding compact plants with masses of small flowers. For borders or gardens. Excellent performers in fully shaded areas, yet will tolerate sunny locations. Provide more moisture in sun. ‘Harmony Mix’ • Foliage is an alluring bronze colour. Very uniform, free-flowering plant tolerant of rain & heat. Grows 15 cm tall. Mix includes pink, scarlet & white. Prelude Series

Masses of 2 cm flowers all season long. Grows 15 cm tall.

Non-Stop Series

Large, double flowers on mounding plants. Grows 20– 25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Apple-blossom’ (White & soft pink bicolour), ‘Apricot’, ‘Deep Red’, ‘Orange’, ‘Pink’, ‘Rosepink’, ‘Salmon’, ‘White’, ‘Yellow’ Non-Stop Mocca Series

Beautiful deep chocolate-coloured leaves contrast large, double, bright blooms. All the benefits of the regular Non-Stop series but with the bonus of having unique foliage. Grows 20–25 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’ (Includes coral, pink, rose scarlet & white), ‘Pink’, ‘Scarlet’, ‘White’

The best of this series includes: ‘Deep Orange’, ‘Orange’, ‘Scarlet’, ‘White’, ‘Yellow’

Begonia Tuberous

Long, apple-green spires with green bells add unusual, dramatic accents to fresh or dried bouquets. Grows 60 cm tall. Sun.

Large, showy flowers for an outstanding display in pots, hanging baskets or gardens. Shade to A.M. Sun. ‘Fortune Golden with Red Back’ • Compact plant that abounds with double, 5–7 cm blooms. Short stems carry gorgeous deep-yellow blooms infused with shades of red. Grows 20–25 cm tall. ‘Go-Go Light Yellow’ • Semidouble, 9–10 cm flowers with unique soft-yellow petals. A uniform growth habit with small & tight foliage makes this a lovely plant to add to shady spots. Bacopa Abunda ‘Giant White’

Bells Of Ireland

Bidens Features masses of single, sunny yellow, open-faced, buttercuplike flowers on mounded plants. Honey-scented flowers. Lace-like foliage adds texture in mixed hanging baskets & containers. Sun. ‘Peter’s Gold Carpet’ • Grows 25–35 cm tall & easily trails to 60 cm, making it an excellent choice for mixed containers, hanging baskets or as an annual groundcover.

Begonia Non-Stop Mocca ‘Mix’

Bidens ‘Peter’s Gold Carpet’

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82  Bedding Plants ‘Sun Kiss’ • Compact & round habit with a multitude of flowers & feathery, dark-green foliage make this a perfect filler for hanging baskets, mixed containers & short borders. Grows 15–20 cm tall.

Black-Eyed Susan Vine A robust vine with an abundance of open-faced, tubular flowers, heart-shaped leaves & curling tendrils. Best as a climber in large containers & garden trellises. Will also trail in hanging baskets. Sun. Susie Series

Bright-coloured flowers with black eyes. A fast-growing climber that can also be used as a trailer in hanging baskets. Grows up to 1.2 m tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Blushing’ (Shades of red to pink), ‘Orange’ (Deep orange), ‘Yellow’ (Bright lemon yellow) Sunny Series (Vegetative)

Cheery, orange or yellow flowers with black eyes. A more vigorous climber than the Susie Series & is fantastic on trellises & obelisks. Grows up to 2 m tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Lemon Star’ (Yellow), ‘Orange Wonder’ (Pumpkin orange)

Blood Leaf ‘Blazin’ Rose’ • Exciting new foliage plant that has brilliant shades of dark red, bright rose & pink. The luminescent multicoloured foliage brightens up a

Black-Eyed Susan Vine Sunny ‘Orange Wonder’

shady corner, & its vigor ensures it a top spot in a mixed planter. Grows 30–35 cm tall. Suitable for shade or sun which makes this an ideal low maintenance plant.

Browallia Unusual, striking, rounded bush with masses of bluebell-like, 3 cm flowers. Shade to A.M. Sun. ‘Blue Bells’ • Beautiful, deep violet-blue flowers. Very popular! Grows 25–30 cm tall.

Caladium These tropical plants native to South America have proven to be a big hit for their highly coloured foliage that adds texture & form in containers. The leaves are heart or lance shaped, & colours & height vary widely. Needs warm soil so plant in containers only. A.M. or P.M. Sun, protect from hot P.M. Sun. ‘Fire Chief ’ • Heart-shaped, white foliage with red blotches & green margins. Grows 35–45 cm tall. ‘Florida Roselight’ • Large pink splotches on dark-green foliage. Grows 30–40 cm tall. ‘Florida Sunrise’ • Small splashes of pink on dark-green foliage with wide red veins. Grows 30–40 cm tall. ‘Frieda Hemple’ • Big & bold red leaves edged in dark green. Grows 20–30 cm tall.

Calibrachoa Calimor ‘Banana’

‘Kathleen’ • Heart-shaped foliage in light salmon-pink with green borders. Grows 35–45 cm tall. ‘Red Flash’ • Striking multicoloured mix of light-red with dark-red veins, pinkish-white flecks all over & dark-green border. Grows 40–50 cm tall.

Calceolaria ‘Pita Petit’ • Puffy little pita pockets in bright colours best describe this flowering plant. Compact & striking, this bold little plant grows well in cool conditions & is an excellent companion to pansies & ornamental kale or cabbage in the early spring or fall. Sun. Grows 20–25 cm tall.

Calendula Traditional flower in warm, bright colours that is exceptionally easy to grow. Sun. Bon Bon Series

hanging baskets. Robust, compact habit. Grows 15–30 cm tall but trails or spreads up to 60 cm. Keep well watered. Sun. Calimor Series

This series offers an exciting & unique colour palette. The best of this series includes: ‘Banana’ (Soft primrose yellow), ‘Sunset’ (Shades of pink, red & pale yellow) Cabaret Series

Earlier flowering & as uniform as a can-can line, these plants have a bold colour range with yellow throats & keep their dark-green leaves. A fast-mounding growth habit. The best of this series includes: ‘Hot Pink’, ‘Light Pink’, ‘Purple’ (Medium purple blue), ‘Red’ (Magenta red), ‘White Improved’

Calla Lily

The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’ (Apricot, lemon, orange & soft yellow), ‘Orange’, ‘Yellow’

Elegant, funnel-shaped flowers with either solid-green, or spottedwhite leaves. The lance-shaped foliage also creates an attractive addition to the garden before plant blooms. A.M. Sun. Protect from hot P.M. Sun.



Large, free-flowering, 6–7 cm flowers, good for borders. Grows 30 cm tall.

Graceful trailing plants smothered with hundreds of small, bellshaped flowers resembling miniature petunias. Fast growing, self cleaning (keeps itself neat & tidy). Good annual groundcover or excellent in pots, planters &

‘Bridal Bliss’ • A statuesque plant with 8–10 cm deep & 8 cm wide, ivory-white blooms that are held on strong stems. Lightly spotted leaves with slightly ruffled blooms make a very attractive plant. Grows 45– 60 cm tall.

Calibrachoa Cabaret ‘Light Pink’

Calendula Bon Bon ‘Mix’

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Bedding Plants  83 ‘Fire Glow’ • Rose-pink blooms darken to a burgundy red with yellow throat. Flowers are smaller but plentiful on spotted leaves. Grows 30–50 cm tall. ‘Flame’ • Eye-catching red flowers with a flicker of yellow. Darkgreen spotted leaves. 8–10 cm blooms. Grows 40–60 cm tall. ‘Gem Dark Eyes’ • Deep-rose blooms with dark-purple throats on solid green leaves. 4–6 cm blooms. Grows 30–40 cm tall. ‘Gold Rush’ • Large, rich yellow flowers with wide, spotted leaves. 5–8 cm blooms. Grows 45– 60 cm tall. ‘Lipstick’ • Slim, deep-rose & burgundy flowers. Extraordinary amount of blooms on compact plant. 4–5 cm blooms. Grows 45–60 cm tall. ‘Millenium Gold’ • Impressive, deep-golden flowers with lightly spotted leaves. 6–10 cm blooms. Grows 35–55 cm tall. ‘Regal’ • Royal velvet-purple with a prominent dark-purple eye ages to burgundy on solid green leaves. 4–6 cm blooms. Grows 30–45 cm tall. ‘Rubylite Pink Ice’ • Large, coolpink blooms that often recurve on solid green leaves. 5–8 cm blooms. Grows 30–38 cm tall.

Canary Bird Vine Beautiful, fast-growing vine covered with masses of tiny, orchid-like, yellow flowers. Largest annual vine—grows up to 4 m & easily fills a trellis. Sun. Calla Lily ‘Flame’

Canna Lily Bold & bright are the best words to describe cannas. Their banana like foliage & large, exotic blooms add a tropical look to your garden. The interesting & colourful leaves also add texture & presence to the landscape while the blooms attract butterflies & hummingbirds. Sun. Hybrids

‘Pretoria’ • Large flowers with subtle shades of orange with exotic yellow & green, zebrastriped leaves. Grows up to 1.2–1.5 m tall. ‘Tropicana’ • Large, rich-orange flowers with striking orange, red & green, zebra-striped leaves. Grows up to 1.2–1.8 m tall. Tropical Series Unique dwarf cannas with bright, 7–10 cm blooms which are held high above solid green foliage. Grows 45–60 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Red’, ‘Rose’ (Bright rose pink), ‘Salmon’ (Rich deep salmon), ‘White’ (Creamy-white blooms, some with pink markings), ‘Yellow’ (Soft yellow with paleorange spots)

Celosia, Crested One of the most spectacular & unusual annual flowers. Good for hot, dry sites. Sun. ‘Amigo Mix’ • Coloured, crested flowerheads that resemble brain coral. Large, 10–15 cm flowers

Canna Lily ‘Pretoria’

in a mix of magenta, mahogany, red, rose, scarlet & yellow. Grows 15 cm tall.

Celosia, Plumed Castle Series

Feathery plumes reaching 18– 20 cm long. Dries well for use in permanent arrangements. Grows 35 cm tall. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Pink’ Fresh Look Series

This series needs no grooming, plumes always look fresh & vibrant (new leaves cover old flower plumes). Tolerates all weather types. First-rate cutflower, dried or fresh. Plumes are 20–25 cm tall & 12–15 cm wide. Grows 30–45 cm tall & spreads 30–45 cm. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Gold’ (Non-fading, rich golden yellow), ‘Orange’ (Bright-orange plumes), ‘Red’ (Rosy-red plumes), ‘Yellow’ (Golden-yellow plumes)

Celosia, Wheat Flamingo Series

Unusual, stiff, two-toned, upright flowerheads similar to heads of wheat. Excellent for dried arrangements. Sun.

Chard Two great uses: edible plants that also provide decorative foliage accents in the garden. Sun. ‘Bright Lights’ • AAS Award winner! Outstanding, truly beautiful mixture of chards whose stems & leaves range from cream to pink, yellow to lime, scarlet to rosy red. Mild flavour when cooked.

Chilean Glory Flower ‘Tresco Scarlet’ • A very vigorous, fast & easily grown vine which bears bright-scarlet, tubular flowers. Blooms prolifically all season & creates a nice screen against a wall. Sun to P. M. Sun. Grows 3+ m.

Cleome An eye-catching background or feature plant. Unique, large, spiderlike clusters on a full & bushy plant. Leaves are deeply indented on prickly stems. Can be used as an annual hedge. Grows 90 cm tall & wide. Sun. ‘Sparkler Mix’ • Flower power & exceptional garden performance. Worth finding a spot in your garden. A mix of blush, lavender, rose & white.

The best of this series includes: ‘Feather’ (Soft-pink flowers turning white, 45 cm tall), ‘Purple’ (Mauve & purple flowers, 90 cm tall)


Celosia, Castle ‘Mix’

Celosia, Wheat Flamingo ‘Feather’

Decorative annual grown for its multi-coloured foliage adding wonderful colour tones to any planting. Mix or match coleus with flowers in pots, hanging baskets & flowerbeds. Truly eye-catching.

Cleome Sparkler ‘Mix’

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84  Bedding Plants ‘Black Dragon’ • Large, curled & serrated leaves are red with black edges. Looks like molten lava. 30 cm tall. Shade. ‘Wizard Mix’ • Large variety of interesting leaf colours. Will jazz up dull areas. 25–30 cm tall. Shade. Kong Series

Welcome the King of Kolor, a new generation of coleus. Features mammoth-sized, 20–25 cm leaves in a kaleidoscope of five new varieties. Truly mesmerizing to look at. Grows 45–50 cm tall. Shade. The best of this series includes: ‘Mosaic’ (No two leaves are alike, shades of red & cream on bright green leaves), ‘Red’ (Vibrantred centres with strong veining & bright-green edges), ‘Rose’ (Splashy-rose centres surrounded by bright-green edges), ‘Scarlet’ (Tricolour pattern with scarlet centres surrounded by deeper reds & irregular green outer edges)

accent plant with an amazing range of foliage colours, sizes, textures & shapes. Complements other bedding plants or mixed plantings beautifully. Keep moist in sun.

& texture to mixed planters. Their interesting sword-shaped foliage creates an exceptional focal point & a tropical feel to any mix of plants. Shade or Sun.

‘Freckles’ • Broad, orange leaves with artistic yellow & bronze splotches. Grows 25–35 cm tall.

‘Red Edge’ • A very close substitute for the commonly known dracaena. Similar slender leaves but sports a darkerburgundy base & faint-pink central vein. Grows to 100 cm tall.

‘Glennis’ • Serrated creamy leaves with light-green flecks & burgundy edges. Grows 30– 45 cm tall. ‘JoDanna’ • Wide, bright-green leaves with stunning contrasting deep-burgundy veins & margins. Grows 15–25 cm tall. ‘Kingswood Torch’ • A knock out combination of magenta & burgundy with flaming-red centres. Grows 30–45 cm tall. ‘Lifelime’ • Bright, solid chartreusegreen foliage adds a punch of contrast to a mixed planter. Grows 30–35 cm tall.

Wizard Sun Series

‘Merlin’s Magic’ • Lime-green leaves with a hint of burgundy-purple veins. Grows 25–45 cm tall.

Coleus for full sun! Compact & uniform plants are popular for gardens & planters. Grows 25– 30 cm tall.

‘Pineapple’ • Exciting contrast of scalloped lime-green foliage with ruby-red edges or markings. Grows 35–45 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Coral Sunrise’ (Pink-shaded foliage with olive green & brightgreen edges), ‘Golden’, ‘Sunset’ (Bronze), ‘Velvet’ (Deep red)

‘Pink Chaos’ • An explosion of pinks & reds with occasional markings of cream & greens. Leaves are slender & small. Grows 25–30 cm tall.

Coleus, Vegetative


A vigorous, bushy plant which thrives in full sun or shade unlike traditional coleus. A very showy

An ever-growing popular plant to substitute for dracaena, cordyline is low maintenance & adds height

Coleus Kong ‘Mosaic’

Coleus Wizard Sun ‘Coral Sunrise’

Coleus Kong ‘Red’

SG2007BeddingPlantsDec4.indd 84

‘Red Sensation’ • Purple-red, upright, blade-like foliage. Grows to 100 cm tall. ‘Sundance’ • Olive-green foliage with subtle pink base & central vein. Grows to 100 cm.


The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’ (AAS winner, bright orange), ‘Yellow’ (Bright golden yellow) Sonata Series

Giant, single flowers on compact free-flowering plants. Grows 60 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Pink’ (Soft pure pink), ‘White’

Cup & Saucer Vine ‘Purple’ • Large, cup-shaped, 5 cm flowers, start creamy green & transition to dark purple. Fastgrowing annual vine, with thick, lush foliage & curling tendrils. Grows up to 3 m tall. Sun.

‘Sunfire’ • Compact & upright plants are an excellent addition to the landscape or mixed containers. Hardy from Zone 4–9, it is considered an annual but if grown in a climate where it can overwinter, reaches 55– 60 cm spread. Deep-yellow, single flowers with a burgundy centre add a splash of colour & fun to the garden. Grows 50– 90 cm tall. Sun.

Dahlberg Daisy


Dahlietta Series

Lovely, daisy-like flowers on tall, elegant plants with airy foliage. Great cutflower. Good in hot, dry sites. Sun.

Amazing flower power! Huge, double blooms all season long make this a perfect potted plant or put into mixed planters. Grows up to 25 cm tall.

Cosmic Series

‘Golden Fleece’ • A myriad of yellow daisies & fragrant (lemon thyme) feathery foliage; a cheery addition in edging beds, hanging baskets & pots. Trails to 30 cm. Sun.

Dahlia Rich aristocratic flowers that come in many sizes & types. Superb show of colour in gardens & borders. Traditional favorite. Sun.

Semi-double, 5 cm flowers on chic plants. Grows 30 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Anna’ (Scarlet), ‘Caroline’ (Light burgundy), ‘Connie’ (Scarlet),

Cosmos Cosmic ‘Orange’

Dahlberg Daisy ‘Golden Fleece’

Cordyline ‘Red Sensation’

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Bedding Plants  85 ‘Emily’ (Light pink), ‘Jenny’ (Dark-orange centre blending to apricot-orange edges), ‘Lizzy Improved’ (Rosy red), ‘Louise’ (Dark-pink petals edged in white), ‘Margaret’ (Yellow), ‘Rachel’ (Orange), ‘Wendy’ (Hot pink) Gallery Series

The very best dahlia for garden borders & patio containers. Huge, 8–10 cm flowers in rich colours. Grows 35–45 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Art Deco’ (Deep-red centres on orange flowers), ‘Art Nouveau’ (Purple rose), ‘Matisse’ (Orange flowers with hints of yellow in the centre), ‘Rivera’ (Glowing red), ‘Rubens’ (Creamy-white centres on vibrant pink flowers), ‘Serenade’ (Soft lime green), ‘Sisley’ (Two-tone lilac purple) Melody Series

Huge & long lasting double 10–12 cm flowers with the height makes this series ideal in flowerbeds & large planters. Strong stems make for superb cutflowers. Vibrant colours will liven up any garden space. Grows 45–60 cm tall.

‘Moonlight’ • Butter-yellow flowers with darker centres. ‘Snowland’ • White, 4 cm flowers with yellow centres.

Datura Outstanding, strong plant with extra-large, pendulous, trumpetlike flowers. Marvelously sweet smelling blooms are exotic & a show stealer in a container. Sun. Ballerina Series

Boasting upward-facing, ruffled, double blooms, this dwarf series has 15–20 cm blooms that exquisitely whorl & twist to show off their beauty. Grows to 45– 60 cm. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Purple’ (Two-tone soft purple with darker purple underside). ‘White’ (Pure, bright white), ‘Yellow’ (Soft buttery yellow & more frilly)

Dianthus Charming, bright flowers with fringed petals; great for pots, borders & gardens. Superb frost tolerance. Sun.


‘Corona Cherry Magic’ • Looking for splashy & bold? Try this AAS & Fleuroselect winner. Largest flowers in a unique mix of solid cherry, lavender with cherry centres, tie-dyed, lavender & cherry colours. Grows 25 cm tall.

Annual daisies provide a splendid show in rock gardens, borders, windowboxes & mixed pots. Excellent drought tolerance. Grows 15–20 cm tall. Sun.

‘Wee Willie’ • (Annual Sweet William) Bright mix of pink, red, salmon & white shades of solid & bicoloured flowers. Grows 8–10 cm tall.

Dahlia Melody ‘Lisa’

Dahlia Dahlietta ‘Anna’

Dahlia Melody ‘Latin’

Dahlia Dahlietta ‘Emily’

The best of this series includes: ‘Gypsy’ (Pink & yellow blended on spider-type petals), ‘Latin’ (Yellow), ‘Liza’ (Rose-pink), ‘Swing’ (Two-tone, orange & red)

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‘Rose Magic’ Dianthus ‘Rose Magic’ is a beautiful new addition to Spring Gardening and comes to us via Ball Seed. This sun-loving plant has delicate-looking fringed flowers that open white, mature to light pink & finish deep rose. Their superb frost tolerance and size (45–60 cm tall) makes them the perfect plant to add a blush of pink to pots, borders & gardens. A must have!

Daisy ‘Moonlight’

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86  Bedding Plants Bouquet Series

Wink Series

Remarkable cold & heat tolerance with outstanding garden performance makes this series of dianthus a winner. Fringed, lightly fragrant flowers grow on well-branched plants with strong, straight stems. Ranges from 25–60 cm tall depending on variety. Sun.

Smaller & mounded plants perfect for compact plantings & pots. Grows 15–20 cm tall & wide.

The best of this series includes: ‘Rose Magic’ (opens white, matures to light pink & finishes deep rose, 45–60 cm tall), ‘Supra Purple’ (highly fringed, deep purple-pink flowers, 25 cm tall)

Dracaena (Spike)

Floral Lace Series


4 cm flowers with lacy, serrated petals on compact bushy plants. Grows 20–25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Crimson’, ‘Mix’, ‘Purple’, ‘Pearl’ (White with pink centres), ‘Rose’ (Unique rose & white bicolour) Super Parfait Series

Twice the size of the Floral Lace Series! 8 cm, fringed flowers with distinct eyes. Grows 15–20 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Dark Pink’, ‘Lavender Pink Improved’, ‘Orange’ (Deep, pumpkin orange), ‘White’ Tall, smooth spikes popular for central display in pots & windowboxes; also dramatic in borders. Frost-resistant; grows well in sun or shade! Grows 90 cm tall. ‘Gold Mound’ • This brilliant gold-green foliage plant looks fantastic mixed with reds & purples in containers. The compact, bushy habit & thornless branches are bonus features that will make this brighten up any garden. Grows 30 cm tall & spreads 25 cm. Sun.

Dusty Miller

The best of this series includes: ‘Raspberry’ (Crimson flowers with dark eyes), ‘Strawberry’ (Darkeyed, rich-scarlet flowers)

Beautiful, silvery foliage, unlike any other annual, makes a stunning border & striking accent in gardens & mixed pots. Grows 20–35 cm tall. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Diascia (Twin Spur)

‘New Look’ • Traditional, silverwhite foliage.

Vegetative Masses of petite, luminously coloured, orchid-like flowers all season long. Ideal fillers in hanging baskets, mixed containers & flowerbeds. Excellent heat & frost tolerance. Sun. Dusty Miller ‘New Look’

Elephant’s Ear Welcome to the jungle! This specimen plant is grown for its leaves which resemble elephant’s ears. This novel foliage plant provides a focal point or background for beds or large

containers. Best to keep them in a sheltered spot from the wind. Alocasia

These slightly slower-growing varieties prefer less water. Have a wide range of heights. A.M. to P.M. Sun. ‘Artist’s Wand’ • Subtly twisted, sage-green leaves that resemble the gentle tips of an artist’s paintbrush. Grows 70–90 cm. ‘Hilo Beauty’ • Eye-catching, creamy-white spots on dark-green foliage. Grows 40–45 cm. ‘Jurassic Dark’ • Impressive upright habit with large, glossygreen leaves creates an impressive display of height in planters. Grows up to 1 m. ‘Upright’ • Impressive upright habit with large, glossy-green leaves creates impressive height in planters. Grows up to 1 m. Colocasia

This truly tropical plant loves moist conditions (marginal pond plant) & full sun. ‘Black Magic’ • Rich, deepburgundy leaves with a slow growth habit. Grows up to 90 cm. ‘Black Stem’ • Giant green & heartshaped leaf that has a shiny black cast. Giant black stems contrast the leaves. Grows over 1 m.

Euphorbia This genus of plants is commonly known as spurge & has a wide range of species from small trees Dracaena (Spike)

to perennials to bedding plants in cooler climates. Most are noted more for their foliage & make excellent contrast plants. ‘Diamond Frost’ • The buzz about this variety is its exceptional heat & drought tolerance & constant clouds of small, airy white blooms. Leaves are narrow & dark green, & are often hidden under the canopy of blooms. Overall the plant adds a great texture to mixed containers. Grows 30–35 cm tall & spreads 25 cm. Sun. ‘Kalipso’ • Small, long and narrow moss-green foliage boasts subtle golden-chartreuse flowers. An extremely bushy & rounded growth habit that resembles a clipped boxwood shrub. Grows 30–35 cm tall & spreads 25 cm. Sun.

Evening Primrose ‘Lemon Drop’ • Profusion of cheery, lemon-yellow, single flowers highlight dark-green, finely textured foliage. The compact but trailing habit is ideal for mixed planters, spilling over the edge of rocks or as an annual groundcover. Frost tolerant. Sun. Grows 10–20 cm tall & spreads or trails 20–30 cm.

Evening-Scented Stock Divine, sweet, cocoa-butter fragrance is particularly powerful on warm summer evenings. Small, lilac flowers. Best planted in groups or mixed among other annuals. Grows 35–40 cm tall. Sun. Elephant Ear ’Upright’

Evening-Scented Stock

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Bedding Plants  87 Felicia Delicate daisy-like flowers show off on nicely mounding plants. Early flowering & superb blooming create a dynamic addition to mixed containers or in the landscape. Sun. Pinwheel Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Periwinkle’ (Lavender blue with yellow centre), ‘Snow’ (Pure white with yellow centre)

Flowering Cabbage Decorative plants provide striking fall accents in the garden with their attractive, colourful, semiwaved leaves. Tight compact heads. Frost resistant. Prefers sunny, cool locations. Grows 15–30 cm tall. Dynasty Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Pink’, ‘Red’, ‘White’

Flowering Kale Emperor Series

Unusual, heavily fringed but uniform plants provide striking fall accents in gardens & pots. Frost resistant. Grows 15–30 cm tall. Prefers sunny, cool locations. The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Red’, ‘Rose’, ‘White’

Gaura Exciting bedding plant addition. Tall spires of delicate orchid-like flowers dance above dark green foliage. Open, airy look adds interest to any landscape. Grows up to 45 cm tall. Drought tolerant. Sun. Gazania Daybreak ‘Bright Orange’

Ballerina Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Blush’ (Soft pastel-pink flowers), ‘Rose’ (Attractive maroon buds open to rose-pink flowers)

Gazania Large, bright, daisy-like, 10 cm flowers with precise dark-ringed centres. Grows 20 cm tall. Full sun in a hot location. ‘Talent Mix’ • Unique, silverywhite foliage similar to Dusty Miller. Flower mix is bronze, orange, pink, white & yellow. ‘Tiger Mix’ • An alluring mix of striped gazanias. Creamywhite flowers with rose stripes, bright-yellow flowers with red stripes plus other interesting combinations. Daybreak Series

The best of this series includes ‘Bright Orange’, ‘Bright Yellow’, ‘Bronze’ (Reddish brown), ‘Garden Sun’ (Golden-orange flowers with light-gold edges & dark eyes), ‘Mix’, ‘Red Stripe’ (Bright-yellow flowers with distinct, red stripes on each petal), ‘Rose Stripe’ (Creamy white with striking magenta stripes)

Geraniums, Ivy Large flowers on cascading plants create tremendous displays in windowboxes & hanging baskets. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Black Magic’ • Deep, dark-purple, semi-double flowers. Great in combinations with whites & pastels. Gaura Ballerina ‘Rose’

‘Comedy’ • Rich fuchsia-rose, semi-double flowers. Great punch of colour in a mixed hanging basket. ‘Flair’ • Salmon-pink, semi-double flowers. Ideal colour for a pastel theme in your windowboxes. ‘Holiday Purple Dream’ • Eyecatching appeal, large, purple & white bi-coloured flowers. Vigorous growth habit. ‘Mandarin • Deep orange-coral, semi-double flowers. Unique colour in ivy geraniums. ‘Pink Spirit’ • Soft-pink, semidouble flowers. Adds a delicate touch of colour in a mixed hanging baskets. Colourcade Series

Stunning array of brilliant blooms that is quick to flower & is well branched. Bright colours liven up any hanging basket! The best of this series includes: ‘Burgundy Improved’ (Maroon red), ‘Burgundy Ice’ (Rosy red with white markings), ‘Dark Lavender’ (Lilac pink with darkpink eye), ‘Deep Pink’, ‘Lilac’ (Medium mauve purple), ‘Pink’ (Rich medium pink), ‘Purple’ (Rose purple), ‘Red Improved’ (Rich, true red), ‘Violet’ (Iridescent bluish purple), ‘White’ (White with a fleck of pink in eye)

Geraniums, Trailing Zonal A splendid cross of a zonal & ivy geranium which creates a unique combination of a compact ivy

geranium growth habit with a zonal geranium flowerhead & leaf. Sun to P.M. Sun. Galleria Series

A great heat-tolerant geranium with a nice cascading habit. Superb for hanging baskets. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Bright Violet’ (Deep violet rose), ‘Deep Rose’ (Dark rose pink), ‘Pink Punch’ (Electric hot pink), ‘Snowfire’ (Soft pinkish-white flowers with deep-rose eyes), ‘Sunrise’ (Large, bright scarletorange flowers)

Geraniums, Zonal ‘Fantasia Strawberry Sizzle’ • Dark foliage geraniums with huge, semi-double flowers in a searing bicolour of hot pink & rose. Naturally compact & wellbranched plants. Grows 40– 45 cm tall. Sun Allure Series

These geraniums are just as vigorous as the Designer series but with added height & unique colours. An outstanding combination of uniformity & performance. Grows 40–45 cm tall. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Hot Coral’, ‘Light Pink’, ‘Purple Rose’ (Rose purple with orange & rose tips), ‘Tangerine’ (Glowing, rich orange) Designer Series

‘Designer’ in every sense of the word! Extra-large, double, vibrant flower heads; early blooming

Geranium, Zonal ‘Fantasia Strawberry Sizzle’

Flowering Kale Emperor ‘Mix’

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88  Bedding Plants plants with outstanding garden performance. Provide continuous colour all season long. Grows 35 cm tall. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Bright Lilac’ (Bright lilac with a lighter centre), ‘Bright Red’ (Rich red), ‘Bright Scarlet’ (Scarlet red), ‘Light Pink’ (Appleblossom pink), ‘Light Pink Sizzle’ (Bicolour of pale-pink petals with dark-pink centres), ‘Light Salmon’ (True light salmon with pink accents), ‘Peppermint Twist’ (Bicolour candy pink & white streaks), ‘Salmon’ (Medium salmon with lighter eye), ‘Salmon Rose’ (Fuchsia rose with shades of salmon), ‘White’ (Pure white)

Gerbera Daisy Spectacular eye-catching plants great for complementing any garden landscape. Long-lasting daisy-shaped, 10–12 cm flowers with a velvety texture held above dark-green & crisp foliage. Grows 20–30 cm tall. Great potted plants. Heat tolerant. Filtered sun. Revolution Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Pink’ (with green centre), ‘Rose Shades’, ‘Terracotta’, ‘Yellow’ (with dark centre)

Godetia Alluring, 5 cm cup-shaped flowers in rich hues; one of the showiest annuals in the garden! Lovely cutflowers. Grows 30 cm tall. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Zonal Geranium Designer ‘Salmon Rose’

‘Satin Mix’ • Mix includes shades of pink, red, salmon, white & red with white-edged flowers.

Grasses, Ornamental Tired of dracaena in your containers? Try these impressive annual ornamental grasses for something different. Outstanding results! Wide variety of height, foliage shape & colour helps create great accents in garden beds or a focal point in containers. Sun. Carex

‘Blue Zinger’ (glauca) • Tufted blue-green, grassy foliage that grows in clumps. Grows 15– 30 cm tall. P.M. Sun & keep moist. ‘Bowles Golden Sedge’ (elata) • Striking grassy-green foliage striped with yellow. Grows 35– 40 cm tall. Shade to A.M. Sun. ‘Evergold’ (oshimensis) • Variegated leaves that are creamy yellow with dark-green borders. Grows up to 25 cm tall. Shade to A.M. Sun. ‘Gold Fountains’ (dolichostachya) • Emerald-green grassy leaves bordered in gold create a fine shimmering texture. Grows 25–35 cm. A.M. Sun. ‘Orange Sedge’ (testacea) • This bronzy-green sedge has flickers of orange highlights & is a finely textured fountain-like mound of grass. Grows 35–40 cm tall. Shade to A.M. Sun.

Ornamental Grass Pennisetum ‘Rubrum’


‘Wind Dancer’ • Native American grass with narrow, blue-green foliage that changes to tan in late September. Airy flower plumes in July. Grows 90–120 cm. Sun. Juncus

‘Big Twister’ • A grass with a fun twist! This species of grass is from the family of rushes & is also known as a Corkscrew rush due to the dark-green, wire-like foliage resembling corkscrews. Makes a great bog or pond plant or an exciting new texture in a mixed planter. Grows 40–45 cm. Sun. Pennisetum

‘Burgundy Giant’ (macrostachyum) • Commonly known as ornamental millet. An impressive plant which is much more upright & has a less fountainlike habit than ‘Rubrum’ but sports the deep-burgundy foliage. Leaves are wider as well & has large, purple fox-tail like flowers in late summer. Grows 60– 90 cm. Sun. ‘Jester’ (glaucum) • Commonly known as ornamental millet. This millet is unique since it emerges chartreuse green with burgundy highlights & ages to a rich mix of bronze, purple & red. Slightly taller than ‘Purple Baron’ but shorter than Purple ‘Majesty’, this millet is best chosen for its mix of colours at different stages. In the late summer, dark-purple seed heads show off their beauty. Grows to 1.2 m. Sun.

‘Karley Rose’ (orientale) • Silky, white, foxtail-like flowers on glossy, blue-green leaves. Grows to 90 cm. Sun. ‘Prince’ (purpueum) • A stately grass that begins purple green with a purple midrib & as it ages, the leaves emerge purple from the whorl & become darker purple as the season progresses. A very vigorous grower that creates a dense growth habit & is outstanding in a container or in the landscape. Grows to 90 cm. Sun. ‘Purple Baron’ (glaucum) • Commonly known as ornamental millet, this purple sword-like foliage bears 20–30 cm long cattail-like spikes. Full sun is a must to intensify the purple. Grows 80–90 cm tall. Sun. ‘Purple Majesty’ (glaucum) • Commonly known as ornamental millet. Similar in appearance to ‘Purple Baron’ but has a taller growth habit. AAS Gold winner. Grows 1.2–1.5 m tall. Full sun is a must to intensify the purple. Sun. ‘Red Buttons’ (massaicum) • Stunning, 4 cm plumes open to a deep red on grassy-green foliage. Grows 60–90 cm. Sun. ‘Rubrum’ (setaceum) • Also known as ‘Purple Fountain Grass’. Gracefully nodding, purple flower spikes & burgundy leaves. Grows up to 1m. Sun.

Pennisetum ‘Purple Baron’

Godetia ‘Satin Mix’

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Bedding Plants  89 ‘Setaceum’ • Also known as ‘Fountain Grass’. Arching grass with an abundance of 30 cm, pink spikes & narrow, 60 cm leaves. Grows to 1m. Sun. ‘Tall Tales’ (orientale) • One of longest blooming & best clumping annual tall grasses. Grow up to 1.5 m tall. Sun. Cyperus

‘King Tut’ (alternifolius) • This exotic looking grass from the banks of the Nile evokes mystery & elegance. Its graceful stalks are topped by large, hair-like umbrellas & adds impressive height to a planter or as a focal point in the garden. Moisture loving so it can double as a water plant or in the garden bed. Grows to 1–1.2 m tall. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Wild Spike’ (alternifolius)• An unusual, informal-looking foliage plant bearing spikes of narrow green fronds resembling the ribs of an umbrella (hence the name ‘Umbrella Plant’). Moisture loving. Excellent in containers. Can be easily adapted to be an aquatic plant in water gardens. Grows 45–60 cm tall. P.M. Sun. Scirpus

‘Fibre Optic’ (cernus) • Brightgreen foliage grows in a clump with small flowers at stem tips which create the resemblance to a fiber optic lamp. Grows to 25– 30 cm tall. Sun.

Ornamental Grass Scirpus ‘Fibre Optic’

Helenium ‘Dakota Gold’

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Iceplant, Vegetative

‘Dakota Gold’ • Helenium is more commonly known as a perennial but this variety is only an annual. Bright golden flowers over textured leaves grow in a compact, mounding form. A vigorous grower with prolific blooms—impressive in mass plantings or mixed beds. Grows 30–35 cm tall. Sun.

Spidery, daisy-like flowers in vivid colours on trailing stems with succulent, needle-like foliage. Ideal for hanging baskets & pots in hot, sunny sites. Trails up to 30 cm.

Heliotrope Highly perfumed, tiny, purple flowers in dense, 25 cm clusters. Heavenly vanilla fragrance. Best grown in pots. Attracts hummingbirds. Sun. ‘Baby Blue Improved’ • Welcome a plant with better vigor & larger blooms. Stays compact & great in pots. Grows 15–20 cm tall. ‘Marine’ • Masses of deep-purple flowers form a showy head. Grows 25–30 cm tall.

Hibiscus ‘Red Shield’ • Unlike the tropical houseplant, this fast-growing annual has dark-maroon, maple leaf-shaped leaves & is grown for its unique foliage. Bright-red blooms with dark-purple centres complement the lustrous leaves & a bushy, shrub-like growth habit makes for great contrast or a feature plant. Grows up to 1m. Sun.

Heliotrope ‘Marine’

‘Cooperi’ • Neon-pink flowers ‘Sequins’ • Violet pink with white centre.

Impatiens, Double Fiesta Series

Vividly coloured, fully double flowers on bushy, mounding plants. Excellent in planters & hanging baskets. Grows 25–30 cm tall. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Apple Blossom’ (Soft baby pink), ‘Deep Orange’, ‘Lavender Orchid’ (Medium pink), ‘Pink Ruffles’, ‘Purple’ (Rich purple pink), ‘Rose’, ‘Salmon’, ‘Salsa Red Improved’, ‘Sparkler Salmon’ (Deep salmon coral & white), ‘White’ (Icy white)

Impatiens, New Guinea Celebration Series

Plants have a terrific mounding habit. Large flowers stand out against the glossy dark-green or bronze foliage. Excellent in hanging baskets or containers. Grow 30–35 cm tall. Sun.

(Iridescent, hot-pink flowers), ‘Electric Rose’ (Lustrous hotrose flowers), ‘Lavender Glow’ (Beautiful, rich deep-lavender flowers), ‘Orange’ (Pumpkinorange flowers), ‘Pink Improved’, ‘Purple Improved’ (Purplereddish flowers), ‘Raspberry Rose’ (Hot-pink flowers with white eye), ‘Sangria Improved’ (Vibrant fuchsia red), ‘Sunset Apricot’ (Deep apricot orange)

Impatiens, Single Masses of distinctive, bright, 4 cm, single flowers. Great in gardens, hanging baskets or pots. Grows 20–30 cm tall. A.M. Sun. Dazzler Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Apricot’ (Rich salmon orange), ‘Blue Pearl’ (Rich bluish lilac), ‘Blush’ (Soft pink with hot-pink centres), ‘Bright Eye’ (White with lavender-rose centres), ‘Burgundy Improved’, ‘Deep Orange’, ‘Deep Pink’ ‘Merlot Mix’ (Includes Burgundy, Lilac Splash & Bright Eye), ‘Punch’ (Hot cherry red), ‘Red’, ‘Rose Improved’(Large, dark rose), ‘Salmon’, ‘Select Mix’ (Mix of popular colours),‘Violet Improved’, ‘White’

The best of this series includes: ‘Bright Salmon’ (Vibrant deepsalmon flowers), ‘Cherry Red Improved’, ‘Electric Pink’

Impatiens Dazzler ‘Red’

Impatiens Celebration ‘Lavender Glow’

Impatiens Celebration ‘Bright Salmon’

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90  Bedding Plants Kochia ‘Childsii’ • Amazingly fastgrowing, annual bush with soft, feathery, bright-green foliage. Instant hedge & good background plant in flowerbeds. Grows 60–90 cm tall. Turns a brilliant red in the fall—also called burning bush. Hot & sunny location.

Lantana Dense clusters of flowers on fragrant foliage that gives off a lemony-sage scent. Perfect in hot & sunny areas. Beautiful in planters, flowerbeds or all by itself in hanging baskets. Sun. Landmark Series

Kaleidoscopic blooms flower freely all season long, well into frost. Exceptional in mass plantings. 35– 50 cm tall, spreads up to 60 cm.

Fiesta ‘Purple’ Double Impatiens The vividly colourful Fiesta ‘Purple’ is one of two new Fiesta double impatiens from Ball Seed. These fully double, rosebud-like flowers stand out beautifully against dark-green foliage. A showy addition to any sunny garden! At 25–30 cm tall, Fiesta ‘Purple’ & ‘Salmon’ are fantastic showcased in planters & hanging baskets.

Kochia ‘Childsii’

Lantana Landmark ‘Rose Glow’

Laurentia ‘Starshine’

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The best of this series includes: ‘Flame’ (Brilliant sunset blend of gold, orange & scarlet), ‘Gold’, ‘Peach Sunrise Improved’ (Shades of peach & honey gold), ‘Pink Dawn’ (Mauve pink & yellow), ‘Rose Glow Improved’ (Rosypink shades & yellow), ‘Yellow’ (Bright yellow)



Abundant flowers make this an award-winning plant that has continuous blooming power all summer. Grows 25–30 cm tall, spreads 30 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’, ‘Pink’ ‘Starshine’ • Gorgeous periwinkleblue flowers create a uniform show over wispy foliage. Grows 25–30 cm tall, spreads 30 cm.

Lavatera A knock-out! Profusion of large, satiny, cup-shaped, 10 cm flowers on bushy plants. Excellent cutflower. Very impressive in the garden. Sun. ‘Mont Blanc’ • Flowery clouds of large, white single flowers abound on plant. Grows to 90 cm tall. ‘Novella’ • Compact plants boast rose on creamy-pink flowers with significantly longer flowering season. Makes an impressive low-growing hedge, mixed border planting & can now be incorporated into containers. Grows 35 cm tall. ‘Silver Cup’ • Bright rose-pink, showy blooms cover plant. Grows up to 90 cm tall.

Stunning star-shaped flowers on a plant with a fantastic uniform habit which excels in either containers or a garden bed. A canopy of blooms contrasts the highly serrated foliage. The subtle fragrance of the blooms in the evening are an added bonus. Sun.

Lavender Spanish

Lantana Landmark ‘Flame’

Lavatera ‘Mont Blanc’

Extremely fragrant (balsam-like scent) flowers on attractive bushes of aromatic, grey-green foliage. Very showy flaring petals on colourful flower spikes on slender

Lavatera ‘Silver Cup’

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Bedding Plants  91 stems. Drought tolerant. Welldrained soil a must. Grows 45–60 cm tall. Full sun. Coco Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue & White’ (Purple flower spikes with white flaring petals) ‘Purple’ (Purple flower spikes with lavender flaring petals), ‘Rose’ (Deep-rose flower spikes with pink flaring petals)

Livingstone Daisy Big, spidery daisies in vivid hues; perfect for borders & rock gardens. Grows 8–15 cm tall, spreads up to 30 cm. Thrives in heat & sun. ‘Harlequin Mix’ • Bright colours of red, pink, purple & yellow with many pastel bicolours. ‘Lunette’ • Sparkling, brightyellow flowers.

Lobelia, Bush Superb for full colour displays in gardens & borders. Even mounding growth habit. Grows 7–10 cm tall. A.M. to P.M. Sun. Palace Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’ (Crystal) (Dark-blue flowers with bronze-green foliage), ‘Blue with Eye’ (Mid blue with white eye), ‘Lilac’ (Deep lilac), ‘Royal’ (Dark-blue flowers, also darker leaf colour), ‘Sky Blue’ (Light blue), ‘White’ (Snow white)

Livingstone Daisy ‘Mix’

Lobelia, Trailing Masses of tiny flowers make trailing lobelia a traditional favorite for hanging baskets & containers. Trails to 30 cm. A.M. Sun or P.M. Sun. Regatta Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue Splash’ (White with blue throat & picotee markings), ‘Lilac’, ‘Midnight Blue’ (Bronze foliage), ‘Mix’, ‘Rose’ (Magenta pink with white eyes), ‘Sapphire’ (Blue flowers with white eyes), ‘Skyblue’, ‘White’

Lobelia, Vegetative This lobelia grown from cuttings has an incredibly vigorous growth habit & is such a prolific bloomer that it is gorgeous by itself. Larger leaves than seed lobelia give this plant a full look in hanging baskets. Keep moist. Trails up to 30 cm. Sun. ‘Laguna Pink’ • Masses of soft pastel-pink flowers create a magnificent accent in a mixed planter. Good heat tolerance. Waterfall Series

Fantastic series that has an explosion of flowers throughout the summer & is the perfect accent plant in mixed planters. The best of this series includes: ‘Azure Mist’ (Soft lavender & white bicolour), ‘Blue’ (Deep purple blue with white eye), ‘White’

‘Blazin’ Rose’ Iresine Brighten up any shady corner of your garden with the brilliant foliage of ‘Blazin’ Rose.’ This exciting new addition from Ball Seed is covered in a profusion of multi-coloured leaves in shades of dark red, bright rose & pink. A great low-maintenance plant suitable for sun or shade. What a performer!

Lobelia, Bush Palace ‘Blue with Eye’

Lobelia, Vegetative Waterfall ‘White’

Lobelia Trailing Regatta ‘Sapphire’

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92  Bedding Plants Lophospermum

Landmark Series Lantana

‘Pink Dawn’

Enjoy masses of 35–50 cm tall flowers all season long with the Landmark series of lantana. Their exceptional frost tolerance, dense clusters of flowers & spreading habit (up to 60 cm) makes them a great choice for mass plantings, hanging baskets & containers. From rosy-hues of pink & yellow to brilliant sunset blends of scarlet and orange, this series is sure to add outstanding colour to any hot, sunny spot. Another great introduction from Ball Seed.

‘Rose Glow Improved’

Remarkable vine bearing unstoppable snapdragon-like flowers that flow elegantly from hanging baskets or can be trained to climb up to 2 m. Robust growth habit. Works well in patio or trellis containers. Sun. ‘Great Cascade’ • Deep, luxuriant wine-red, trumpet-shaped, 4 cm flowers.

Mandevilla Enormous hibiscus-like flowers & glossy, dark-green leaves on vigorous, winding vines. Blooms profusely in pots with trellis. Thrives in a hot location. Grows to 1.5 m tall. Sun. ‘Alice Dupont’ • Bright rose-pink flowers.

Marigold, African Outstanding, undemanding, prolific flowers. Marigolds are lowmaintenance plants that hold up well in wind, heat & rain. African marigolds tend to be taller with large, round, fully double flowers in solid, bright colours. Excellent for taller borders, backgrounds & annual hedges. Sun. ‘Lunacy Orange’ • Funky flower form distinguishing itself from other marigolds by having an interesting, tightly-crested flower head. Bright-orange flowers on a dwarf plant will add a crazy bit of colour into your garden. Grows 15–20 cm tall.

‘Sweet Cream’ • Lovely, creamywhite, fully double, 6–9 cm flowers on 40 cm plant. Odorless, for those who dislike that ‘marigold smell.’ Antigua Series

Large, 7 cm, double flowers on bushy & stout plants. Grows 20–25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Gold’, ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’, ‘Primrose’ (Light yellow), ‘Yellow’ Marvel Series

Fully double, 7–10 cm, pom-pom like flowers. Grows up to 45 cm tall on extra sturdy stems. The best of this series includes: ‘Gold’, ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’, ‘Yellow’ Jubilee Series

Completely double, 8 cm flowers. Grows 60–75 cm. Great hedge marigolds. The best of this series includes: ‘Diamond’ (Lemon-yellow flowers), ‘Gold’, ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’

Marigold, French French marigolds generally produce smaller flowers than African marigolds with a greater variety of petal types, markings & bicolours. Excellent for shorter borders or in mixed planters. Sun. Bonanza Series

Very large flowers for French type, 5 cm across. Excellent garden

‘Peach Sunrise Improved’

Lophospermum ‘Great Cascade’

African Marigold ‘Sweet Cream’

African Marigold Jubilee ‘Mix’

Mandevilla ‘Alice Dupont’

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Bedding Plants  93 performance & superb heat tolerance; Grows 20 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Bee’ (Mahogany with yellow edging), ‘Bolero’ (Red & gold bicolour; AAS winner), ‘Flame’ (Mahogany with orange edging), ‘Gold’, ‘Harmony’ (Deep-orange crest with maroon outer petals), ‘Mix’, ‘Orange Improved’, ‘Yellow’ Safari Series

Anemone-like, large flowers. Grows 30 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Bolero’ (Maroon with gold centres), ‘Gold’, ‘Mix’, ‘Red’, ‘Scarlet’, ‘Tangerine’, ‘Yellow’, ‘Yellow Fire’ (Yellow with red markings at the base of each petal)

Marigold, Tagetes Masses of bright, dime-sized flowers & deliciously fragrant, lacy foliage. Grows into a 30 cm high, lemon-scented, round bush. Keep well watered. Sun. Gem Series

Excellent garden performance. Beautiful in mass plantings, borders & mixed plantings. The best of this series includes: ‘Lemon’ (Bright lemon yellow), ‘Maroon’, ‘Mix’, ‘Tangerine’ (Bright orange)

Mecardonia ‘Gold Flake’ • Bright-yellow, nemesia-like flowers are a ray of sunshine in a container or Marigold, Tagetes Gem ‘Tangerine’

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as a groundcover. In a hanging basket, it has a lush trailing habit & blooms prolifically. Keep well watered. Grows 7 cm tall & trails to 30 cm. Sun.

Mimulus This plant will thrive in almost any spot in the garden. Its large, tubular flowers resemble grinning monkeys, hence the nickname monkey flower. Plants love sun or shade which makes it a versatile must for every gardener! ‘Maximus Mix’ • First ever grandiflora mimulus! Massive, 7 cm flowers come in a mix of gorgeous vibrant colours. Slightly more upright & vigorous than other varieties. This formula mix contains ‘Ivory’, ‘Orange’, ‘Red Shades’, ‘Yellow’ & ‘Yellow Blotch’. Grows 25 cm tall. Mystic Series

Masses of bright & colourful flowers look fabulous in front borders & containers. Grows 25 cm tall. ‘Mix’ (only solid colours), ‘Orange’, ‘Scarlet’, ‘Yellow’, ‘Yellow with Spots’ (Bright-yellow flowers with elegant red markings)

Monopsis ‘Monoco Trailing Yellow’ • Lobelia-like, sunshine-yellow flowers are offset by fine-textured, lush, green foliage which has a vigorous, cascading habit. Prolific bloomer which make it great in hanging baskets or spilling over

window boxes. Grows 5–7 cm tall & trails 20 cm. Sun.

Morning Glory Fresh, open-faced flowers that open each morning & are replaced by new ones the next day. Heartshaped leaves. Grows up to 3 m tall. Needs trellis support. Sun. ‘Heavenly Blue’ • Incredible, pure sky-blue, 10 cm flowers with white throats. Grows up to 3 m tall. ‘Cardinal Climber’ • Vibrant, 4 cm, scarlet flowers with attractive feathery foliage. Grows up to 2 m tall. ‘Split Personality’ • Rich magentapink flowers with a white throat in a unique star-shaped pattern due to gentle splits in the petals. Grows up to 2 m tall. ‘Star of Yelta’ • A stunning, versatile plant which can double as a climber or groundcover. Magnificent royal deep-purple blooms with a bright-pink centre & rich-red veins. Unlike most morning glories, this one remains open much of the day! Grows up to 2 m tall. ‘Sunrise Serenade’ • Large, double, 7 cm, cherry-red flowers with white throats & slightly wavy edges. Flowers remain open longer than standard single varieties. Grows up to 2 m tall.

Nasturtium Fiery-coloured, open-faced flowers all summer long. Leaves are bright green & rounded. Great in mass

displays, containers & hanging baskets. Sun. ‘Glorious Gleam Mix’ • Semitrailing, 6 cm nasturtiums are dramatic in hanging baskets & containers. Effective as a groundcover or trailing over walls. Prolific bloomer; trails to 60 cm. Sun. ‘Night & Day’ • Contrasting colours of primrose & mahogany make a bold statement as a feature plant or in hanging baskets. Grows 30 cm tall. Whirlybird Series

Semi-double, upward-facing flowers held well above foliage. Spectacular display of colour. The best of this series includes: ‘Gold’, ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’, ‘Scarlet’

Nasturtium, Vegetative These recently re-discovered, French heirlooms are extremely vigorous. Double flowers smother this old-world trailing plant. Makes for a spectacular backdrop flowing over containers & walls. Trails 60–90 cm. Sun. ‘Apricot Twist’ • Exquisite flowers of raspberry red & apricot orange. ‘Forest Flame’ • Golden, apricotorange, 10 cm flowers with striking, variegated yellow- & green-foliage. ‘Hermine Grashoff ’ • Bright, fully double, orange-red flowers.

Mimulus Mystic ‘Orange’

Nasturtium Whirlybird ‘Orange’

Morning Glory ‘Heavenly Blue’

Nasturtium, Vegetative ‘Hermine Grashoff’

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94  Bedding Plants Nemesia


Delicate & airy snapdragonlike flowers with yellow centres. Blooms non-stop even after a frost. Great in mass displays, containers & mixed hanging baskets. Tough plant that tolerates many weather extremes. A great substitute for pansies in the early spring & fall for frost tolerance. Self cleaning. Sun.

Trumpet-shaped flowers with jasmine-like scent most intense towards evening. White flowers generally have the strongest fragrance. Nice cutflower. Sun to P.M. Sun.

‘Opal Innocence’ • Magically the flower colour appears to shift from iridescent pink to light purple depending how the light hits it. Gorgeous mounding habit with a delicious fragrance. Grows 20–25 cm tall.

Hummingbird III Series

‘Sachet Berries & Cream’ • Yummy mix of purple & cream flowers with a yellow eye. These unique coloured nemesia flowers abound on compact plants. Makes a superlative accent plant in mixed planters. Grows 15– 20 cm tall & trails 20 cm. Aromatica Series

Big show of blooms & super fragrant. All colours have a brightyellow eye. Semi-trails up to 30 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Deep Blue Improved’ (Light purple blue), ‘Rose Pink’, ‘White’

Nemophilia ‘Baby Blue Eyes’ • Ideal border plant. Produces pretty cupshaped, sky-blue flowers right into fall. Grows 15–20 cm tall but can spread to 40 cm. Sun. Nemesia Aromatica ‘Deep Blue Improved’

‘Affinis White’ • Large, 8 cm, icywhite flowers. Very fragrant; 90 cm tall. This next generation shows off a more vigorous plant with brighter colours & better garden performance. Excellent for short borders & outstanding for mass plantings. Hummingbirds love these flowers—hence the name. Grows 25–30 cm tall & 30 cm wide. The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Purple Bicolour’ (Blend of purple on white), ‘Red’ (Solid bright red), ‘Rose’, ‘White’ (Icy white with creamy centres) Perfume Series

Highly fragrant at night & produces masses of 5 cm blooms carried high above the plant. Grows 40–50 cm tall & 30 cm wide. The best of this series includes: ‘Antique Lime’ (Intense lime green with tan reverse), ‘Deep Purple’ (AAS winner), ‘Mix’ (Bright mix of blue, deep purple, lime, red, rose & white)

Nierembergia Unusual plant with masses of tiny, cup-shaped flowers, each with

a golden eye. Great for pots or gardens. Drought tolerant. Spread to 30 cm. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Blue Mountain’ • Splendid mound of blue flowers on a compact plant makes a great companion to Mont Blanc in height. Grows up to 15 cm tall. ‘Mont Blanc’ • White, star-like flowers. Grows 10–15 cm tall.

Nigella (Love-in-a-Mist) Cottage garden favorite. Oldfashioned flowers with curious tendrils around each flower & seed pod. Feathery foliage. Excellent cutflower; seed pods are great for dried arrangements. Sun. ‘Exotica’ • Velvety, deep blue-violet flowers with striking, dark-purple stamens. Interesting, elongated, pinwheel-shaped pods. Grows 45–60 cm tall. ‘Mulberry Rose’ • Double flowers in shades of rose & light pink; green seed pods with purple stripes. Grows up to 60 cm. ‘Persian Jewels’ • Semi-double, gem-like flowers in mix of pink, white, mauve, purple & bicolours. Grows 30–45 cm tall.

Osteospermum Rising in popularity, these lovely flowers are well worth growing. Long-stemmed, daisy-like flowers bred to bloom continuously. Plants have lustrous, green foliage. Use in borders, beds, planters or hanging baskets. Sun. Heat & drought tolerant. Nicotiana Hummingbird III ‘Red’

‘Passion Mix’ • AAS winner! Bushy, vigorous plant, 30 cm tall, drought & semi-cold tolerant. Single, daisy-like flowers, 6 cm across in mix of pink, purple, rose & white with azureblue centres. Vegetative Serenity Series

Early blooming & compact plants look marvelous in combos in a planter or bed. Luminous flower colours against dark-green leaves are a striking contrast. Grows 20–25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Dark Lavender’ (Lavender blending to light mauve), ‘Lavender Frost Improved’ (Creamy white with soft tones of mauve), ‘Purple’ (Violet purple), ‘Sunburnt’ (Apricot orange blending to golden yellow), ‘White Improved’ Summertime Series

Vigorous plant with an upright growth habit. Large, alluring blooms are carried on top & sit open & flat. Grows 20–25 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Dark Orange’ (Two-tone orangeapricot & yellow petals with orange centre), ‘Pink Charme’ (Brightpink petals fade to white towards centre), ‘Sunset’ (Blending pastel shades of yellow, pink & apricot), ‘Yellow’ (Glowing solid yellow)

Oxalis Charming shamrock-shaped leaves make oxalis primarily grown for its decorative foliage. Small dainty Osteospermum Serenity ‘Sunburnt’

Osteospermum Summertime ‘Dark Orange’

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Bedding Plants  95 flowers bloom continuously on a nicely mounding plant. Very striking in pots by a doorway or highly visible areas. A.M. Sun to Shade. ‘Molten Lava’ • Golden-yellow foliage (more lime green in lower light conditions) & light yelloworange flowers. Grows 15– 25 cm tall. ‘Zinfandel’ • Exotic dark-purple leaves with bright-yellow blooms. Exciting bold contrast! Grows 20–25 cm tall. Charmed Series

Extra vigorous variety that has rich colours & is splendid in mixed shade containers. Grows 15– 30 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Jade’ (Medium-green leaf with white flowers), ‘Velvet’ (Deep burgundy-brown leaves with white flowers), ‘Wine’ (Dazzling violetpurple with white flowers tinged pink)

Pansy Pansies thrive in early spring & late fall due to their exceptional frost tolerance. Plant pansies in early April for an early garden display. Great in pots or gardens as well as borders. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Dynamite Strawberry’ • Variable deep, strawberry-red flowers with white highlights. Grows 15– 20 cm tall. ‘Frizzle Sizzle Mix’ • Large, 7 cm, flamboyant, ruffled blooms command attention in any pot or Passion Vine ‘Incense’

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garden bed. Mix includes yellow, blue, scarlet & white, all with a blotch. Grows 15–20 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Light Blue’ (Light-blue upper petals with dark-blue lower petals & dark-blue whiskers), ‘Orange’ (Boast deep-orange petals with black whiskers), ‘Purple & White’ (Purple upper petals, white lower petals edged in purple), ‘Red & Gold’ (Red upper petals, goldenyellow lower petals with a brightred edge), ‘White’ (White with deep-purple whiskers), ‘Yellow’ (Strong black whiskers on goldenyellow flowers)

The best of this series includes: ‘Beaconsfield’ (Purple lower petals on light-purple flowers), ‘Rose Frost’ (Bright lavender-pink flowers with white centres; each with a dark-rose blotch & yellow eye)

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue Blotch’ (Dark purple-blue with dark blotch), ‘Blue Frost’ (White with purple blotch & edges), ‘Citrus Mix’ (Mix of white, yellow, orange & primrose), ‘Deep Blue Blotch’ (Dark purpleblue with blotch), ‘Mix’ (Mix of solid & blotch), ‘Orange’ (Solid bright orange), ‘Primrose’ (Solid light yellow), ‘Purple’ (Solid deep purple), ‘Red Blotch’ (Starts with shades of dark red & matures to scarlet red), ‘Sunrise’ (Peach, yellow & rose shades with darkpurple blotch), ‘White’ (Bright white with yellow eye), ‘White Blotch’ (White with dark purple blotch), ‘Yellow’ (Solid bright yellow), ‘Yellow blotch’ (Bright yellow with dark burgundy-red blotch)

Majestic Giants II

Ultima Series

The largest pansy you can buy. Huge, 9 cm flowers all with contrasting dark faces.

Eye-catching & unusual bicolour flowers make this series distinctive. The large, 5–6 cm blooms are distinctive in any garden! Grows 15–20 cm tall.

‘Blue’ • White flowers with blue filaments. Best known variety & most vigorous.

‘Karma Blue Butterfly’ • Gorgeous & unusual colour combination of electric purple-blue cap with bronze-golden lower petals & golden centre with whiskers. Grows 15–20 cm tall. Bingo Series

Large, 9 cm flowers face straight up, for a stronger impact of colour. Superior garden performance & heat tolerance.

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue & White’ (Blue cap on white face), ‘Fire’ (variable red pattern with yellow wings), ‘Mix’, ‘Purple with Blotch’, ‘Red with Blotch’, ‘White with Blotch’, ‘Yellow with Blotch’ Matrix Series

Enter the Matrix! Welcome the new age of pansies. This series is bred for consistent, uniform flowering & less stretching making this pansy a winner. Short, strong stems hold large blooms in a wide range of colours. Grows 15– 20 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Apricot Shades’ (Pastel bicolour with apricot to orangey-rose shades with blotch), ‘Morpho’ (Bicoloured mid-blue upper petals with bright-yellow lower petals & whiskers) Whiskers Series

Passion Vine This tropical vine is known for its mesmerizing alien looking flowers which are eye-catching, large & showy. Some varieties have a light fragrance. Best grown in containers & trained on a trellis. Grows 1– 1.5 m tall. Sun.

‘Incense’ • Dark-pink flowers with unusual curly filaments & a light fragrance. ‘Lady Margaret’ • Striking maroon-red flowers with white centre & maroon filaments. ‘Lavender Lady’ • Dark lavenderpink flowers with light-lavender filaments.

Pepper, Ornamental

Artistic pansies with a unique ‘cat-faced’ pattern all with distinct whiskers. 7 cm flowers boast excellent garden performance.

‘Black Pearl’ • AAS winner. First black-leaved ornamental pepper on market. Dense plant starts with green leaves which matures to glossy black in high light

Passion Vine ‘Lavender Lady’

Pansy Matrix ‘Red Blotch’

Pansy Bingo ‘Beaconsfield’

Pansy Whiskers ‘Orange’

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96  Bedding Plants conditions. Shiny, round, black fruit matures to bright red. Grows 30–40 cm tall. Sun. ‘Chilly Chili’ • Colourful little peppers create an explosion in the garden. Dark-green leaves contrast the fruit which changes from yellow to orange & matures to red. The ‘heat’ was bred out of it so it is safe for children & animals to touch. Doubles as an attractive ornamental garnish on salads or entrees. Grows 25– 30 cm tall. Sun.

Perilla ‘Magilla Purple’ • Striking burgundy-edged leaves with red & green highlights. Showy foliage adds special contrast in a garden bed or container & creates a magnificent show as a mass planting. An interesting substitute for coleus & a fast grower. Does well in shade or sun but must keep moist in sunnier locations. Grows up to 45 cm tall.

Petunias Very popular because they are fast growing & very free-flowering in a wide range of flower sizes, types & colours. Very versatile—great for containers, hanging baskets & flowerbeds, either planted in a mass or as a border. Will tolerate light shade. Prefers sun. Double Petunia A group of petunias whose distinct characteristics include a slightly more upright growth habit & flowers resembling ‘tissue flowers.’ Ornamental Pepper ‘Black Pearl’

Hedge Petunia Tidal Wave ‘Purple’

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‘Sonata’ • Double, white-fringed, 8–10 cm flowers. Excellent rain tolerance. Double Madness Series

Tremendous flower power! Large, 7 cm, fully double flowers on upright plants reaching up to 25 cm tall. Superb weather tolerance; will bounce back after a rainstorm. The best of this series includes: ‘Burgundy’, ‘Lavender’, ‘Mix’, ‘Pink’, ‘Red’, ‘Satin Pink’ (Light salmon-pink with a satiny sheen, semi-to fully double), ‘Sheer’ (Pink flowers with darker veins) Single Petunia ‘Limbo Violet’ • AAS Award winner because it boasts huge, 7 cm, dark-violet flowers on neat & tidy plants that stay compact. Grows 15–18 cm tall & 25– 30 cm wide. Great for small space gardens. ‘Prism Sunshine’ • Best yellow, non-fading petunia & an AAS winner. Soft-yellow flower with deeper-yellow centre. ‘Ultra Sky Blue’ • Light-blue, 7–10 cm, ruffled flowers. Madness Series

A 25–30 cm tall floribunda. So prolific that blooms literally hide the foliage. Very weather tolerant. The best of this series includes: ‘Burgundy’ (Dark-wine flowers veined with dark burgundy), ‘Just Madness Improved’ (A formula mix of veined flowers), ‘Lilac’ (Soft, clear lavender), ‘Magenta’ (Bright rosy purple), ‘Merlot’ Hedge Petunia Tidal Wave ‘Silver’

(Wonderful mix of burgundy, lavender, rose shades), ‘Midnight’ (Fragrant, deep-blue flowers), ‘Orchid’ (Lavender-blue flowers with darker veins), ‘Pink’ (Clear candy pink), ‘Plum’ (Soft pinkish purple), ‘Red’ (Clear, bright, true-red), ‘Red Morn’ (Red with white throat), ‘Red Picotee’ (Deep red with white margins}, ‘Rose’ (Intense clear, deep rose), ‘Rose Morn’ (Hot rose with white centre & yellow throat), ‘Royal’ (Unique deep violet), ‘Sheer’ (Pink flowers with darker veins), ‘Simply’ (Clear salmon pink), ‘Spring’ (Pale salmon with dark-salmon veins), ‘Sugar’ (Orchid flowers with darker veins), ‘Summer’ (Reddish-salmon flowers with deep-rose veins), ‘Total Madness Improved’ (A formula mix of all colours), ‘White’ (Clear, icy-white flowers with lighter, ruffled edge)

Petunias, Vegetative A must try petunia that will provide ‘waves’ of colour all season long. Impressive petunia with masses of flowers. Vigorous spreading growth—excellent in containers, garden beds, hanging baskets or as a groundcover. Sun. Double Petunia Double Wave Series

Lovely double flowers in wonderful colour shades. Will fill up hanging baskets, containers & garden beds fast. Loaded with 5–8 cm blooms. Spreads 60–90 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Blue Vein’ (Pastel light-plum flowers with deep-blue veins), ‘Blue Velvet’ Petunia Madness ‘Red Morn’

(Solid deep purple-blue), ‘Lavender’ (Dark lavender), ‘Pink’ (Light pink with darker veins), ‘Purple’ (Dark purple), ‘Rose’, ‘White’ (Pure white) Hedge Petunia Tidal Wave Series

A category of petunia called ‘hedge petunia.’ Growth habit is determined by how closely they are planted in the garden (the closer they are, the taller the plant). Space plants 30 cm apart to force the plant to grow upwards 60– 90 cm tall or space plants 60–75 cm apart to cause each plant to spread horizontally up to 1 m. The best of this series includes: ‘Cherry’ (Burgundy-rose flowers), ‘Purple’ (Vibrant bright-purple flowers similar to ‘Purple Wave’ but now with more height), ‘Silver’ (Absolutely great garden performance! Fleuroselect & AAS winner. Silvery-white to lightlavender flowers with dark-purple veins. Dense & vigorous, mounding growth habit) Single Petunia Easy Wave Series

A newcomer to the ‘Wave’ Series family. Habit is still spreading but growth is mounding. Plants stay rounded & full all season long; grows 20–35 cm tall & easily spreads 75–90 cm. Easy choice for hanging baskets, planters & garden beds. The best of this series includes: ‘Red’ (Flowers open dark red & lighten to coral red as they mature), ‘Rosy Dawn’ (Deep rose with wide, cream throat maturing to coral Petunia Madness ‘Red Picotee’

Petunia Easy Wave ‘Rosy Dawn’

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Bedding Plants  97 pink with morn pattern), ‘Salmon’ (Strong salmon pink) Suncatcher Series

Mounded, trailing growth habit & an overflowing volume of 5 cm sized flowers. Sizzling colours make this series ideal in hanging baskets & containers. Grows to 15–20 cm tall & spreads 50–60 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Dark Coral’ (Intense glowing coral), ‘Dark Lavender Vein’ (Lavender-blue flowers with contrasting purple veins), ‘Hot Pink’, ‘Pink Vein’ (Candy-pink flowers with darker veins), ‘Plum Vein’ (Soft purple with dark purple veins), ‘Salmon Vein’ (Deep salmon with darker veins) ‘White’ (Pristine white) Wave Series

Catch the Wave! Exceptional performers in containers & as annual groundcovers. These plants boast flower power from the centre of the plant right to its tips. Lowgrowing habit. Grows 10–15 cm tall & spreads 1–1.5 m. The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’ (Rich, deep purple blue, AAS winner), ‘Lavender’ (Deep lavender, AAS & Fleuroselect Gold winner), ‘Pink Improved’ (Vibrant light pink with white throats), ‘Purple’ (Magenta-purple flowers, AAS winner with a flatter growth habit than pink)

Plectranthus Fantastic foliage plant great for adding texture to landscapes & combination containers. Late Hedge Petunia Tidal Wave ‘Cherry’

summer flowers boast long spikes with small, pale-blue petals. Sun. ‘Silver Shield’ • Instant magnet for attention. Lush, large, soft silvery-grey leaves. Mix it in with lavenders, purples & blues for maximum effect. Grows 60 cm tall & wide.

Poppy Flamboyant flowers in striking colours & shapes. Easy to grow. Dynamic in a mass display. Sun. California Type ‘Mission Bells’ • This cheerful mix of semi-double & double, fluted flowers comes in eye-catching colours of yellows, oranges & reds. Grows 25–30 cm tall. Flander’s Type ‘Ladybird’ • Bright-crimson flowers with a distinct black blotch on each petal. Up to 45 cm tall. Shirley Type ‘Shirley Double’ • Delicate double flowers in shades of pink, rose, salmon & scarlet. Grows 40– 50 cm tall. ‘Shirley Single’ • Gorgeous, paperlike, single flowers in pink, red & salmon with a white central blotch. Grows 40–50 cm tall.

Portulaca Flowers resembling tiny roses on succulent stems. Excellent for borders, edgings & rock gardens. Likes hot, dry location. Low maintenance plant. Sun.

Tequila Series

Give this one a ‘shot’ in your garden. Outstanding series for landscapes with a low growing & vigorous-spreading habit. Tolerates cool, wet conditions better than other series & brightly coloured blooms cover wide-spreading plants. Grows to 5 cm tall & spreads 35–45 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Fuchsia’, ‘Mango’ (Apricot orange), ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’ (Bright orange), ‘Peppermint’ (Mottled pink & white), ‘Pink’, ‘White’, ‘Yellow’ (Golden yellow)

Portulaca, Vegetative Vigorous succulent plants trailing to 45 cm long. Ideal in containers & rock gardens. Outstanding heat, drought & wind tolerance. Low maintenance & very floriferous. 7–15 cm tall. Sun. Fairytale Series

The largest blooms on the market! These impressive double blooms have a distinct double centre with larger flat outer petals, looking somewhat like a miniature marigold. Creates quite an impact in mass displays. Grows to 7– 15 cm tall & spreads 35–45 cm. The best of this series includes: ‘Cinderella’ (yellow outer petals with hot-pink centre), ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (Solid golden yellow)

The best of this series includes: ‘Orange’, ‘Rose’ (Bright rose purple), ‘Scarlet’ (Glowing red pink), ‘White’, ‘Yellow’ (Golden yellow)

Purple Knight Plant A fabulous dark purple-leaved foliage plant that adds rich contrast & drama to mixed containers & beds. Very heat tolerant & has a vigorous spreading habit. Grows 40–50 cm tall & spreads up to 90 cm. Sun.

Queen Anne’s Lace ‘Snowflake’ • Dainty, white flowers in elegant, lacy clusters. Splendid flower filler in bouquets. Grows up to 60 cm tall. Sun.

Ranunculus ‘Mache Mix’ • Although this plant is part of the buttercup family, it differs greatly in having large, double, paper-like blooms that are contrasted against dark-green leaves. Responds well to cooler temperatures making it a great companion plant with pansies in the spring & fall. Vigorous & strong-stemmed flowers in a mix of light yellow, creamy white, peach & pink add an elegant touch to the garden. Grows 35–40 cm tall. Sun.


Punchy colours & blooms with prominent stamens & yellow centres create a dynamic look.

‘Purple Bells’ • This incredible vine can either climb (train on trellis) or cascade down a hanging basket. Gorgeous & exotic, dark maroon-purple, bell-shaped

Portulaca Tequila ‘Orange’

Poppy Flander’s Type ‘Ladybird’

Rio Series

Rhodochiton ‘Purple Bells’

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98  Bedding Plants flowers contrast lush green leaves & easily reaches 60–90 tall. Add it to a mixed hanging basket instead of lobelia & create a stunning waterfall of colour. Sun.

Rudbeckia (Annual) Dramatic display of large, goldenyellow, daisy-like flowers on thickstemmed plants. Excellent in mass plantings. Blooms continuously. Long-lasting cutflowers. Sun. ‘Autumn Colours’ • See the warm autumn sunshine in these redringed, brown-eyed, golden 12 cm flowers. Grows 50 cm tall on sturdy stems. ‘Cherokee Sunset’ • A remarkable 8–10 cm, double flower that shows off a bright mix of yellow, bronze, brown & orange tones. Grows 75 cm tall. ‘Indian Summer’ • Deep goldenyellow, semi-double flowers, 15–25 cm across. AAS winner. Grows 90–100 cm tall. ‘Irish Spring’ • Stately plants with extra-large, 13–17 cm blooms. Deep golden-yellow blooms & contrasting green centres. Grows 80 cm tall. ‘Prairie Sun’ • Green-eyed beauty! 12 cm flowers boast golden petals tipped in primrose yellow & light-green central cones. AAS winner! Sure to attract attention in any garden. Grows up to 90 cm tall. ‘Sonora’ • Large, 10–15 cm flowers with golden-yellow tips & large, rusty-red centres. Plants are Rudbeckia ‘Autumn Colours’

Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Sun’

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bushy & look fantastic in large pots. Grows 30–35 cm tall & 30 cm wide.

tall. Red flower spikes on dark green leaves. Exceptional garden performance.

Becky Series


Little garden jewels. Showy 10 cm flowers top these compact, wellbranched plants. Lovely red-brown centres. Grows up to 30 cm tall.

Narrow flower spikes with a profusion of tiny flowers—looks similar to lavender. Striking accent in the garden & in fresh or dried bouquets. Superb when combined with marigolds. Attracts hummingbirds all season long. Sun. Salvia coccinea Not your ordinary salvia. The flowers, which are produced in tiers, are tinier & more open than the usual salvia. Sun.

The best of this series includes: ‘Cinnamon Bicolour’ (Deep burgundy petals tipped in golden yellow), ‘Yellow’ (Honey yellow)

Salpiglossis Exotic-looking, trumpet-shaped, velvety blooms. Ideal for large containers or as a striking garden plant. Grows up to 40 cm tall. A.M. Sun to P.M. Sun. Royale Series

First series of salpiglossis bred in individual colours. Extra large flowers in a stunning range of colours. The best of this series includes: ‘Chocolate’ (Deep burgundy-red, veined flowers), ‘Mix’, ‘Purple’ (Dark violet-purple flowers with veined, softer violet edges), ‘Red’, ‘Yellow’ (Bright golden-yellow flowers with soft-yellow edges)

Salvia (Border Sage) Excellent uniform border plants with dense, tubular flowers, that when mixed with yellow marigolds or dusty miller, make for a showy display. Sun.

‘Lady in Red’ • Red, trumpetshaped blooms. AAS winner. Heat & drought tolerant. Grows 40–45 cm tall. Salvia farinacea ‘Evolution Deep Violet’ • Velvety, deep-violet spikes held high against dark-green leaves. Numerous long, dense spikes cover plant. Tolerant of drier conditions. AAS winner. Grows 45–50 cm tall. ‘Mystic Spires’ • An unbelievably prolific bloomer with true-blue flowers. Graceful spires bloom continuously on stately plants with lush-green foliage. Fairly frost tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Grows 30–35 cm tall. ‘Strata’ • AAS Winner. Bicolour of silvery-white & medium-blue florets. Grows 30–35 cm tall.

‘Maestro’ • Traditional salvia. Early to flower on compact & very uniform plants, 25 cm

‘Victoria White’ • Silvery-white flower spikes on compact plant. Grows 45–50 cm tall.

Salpiglossis Royale ‘Chocolate’

Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’

Salvia greggi Navajo Series

Produces spikes of tubular flowers from spring until frost. Aromatic foliage gives off a mint fragrance. Densely branched. Great for adding height in mixed containers or garden beds. Grows 45–75 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Purple’, ‘Rose’, ‘Salmon Red’, ‘White’ Salvia horminum Long flower spikes with widely spaced, flat, protruding petals. Adds an uncommon touch to fresh or dried bouquets. Grows 60 cm tall. Frost tolerant. Sun. ‘Marble Arch Mix’ • Rose & bluepurple, brilliant-coloured bracts. Salvia patens ‘Oceana Blue’ • True-blue flowers on upright spikes add a cool feel to the landscape scheme. The hooded florets sit proudly on sturdy stems & make a striking addition into a perennial bed or as a cutflower. Grows 50–70 cm tall. Salvia splendens ‘Lighthouse Red’ • A burst of scarlet flower spikes on robust plants makes this a beacon in the garden. Good weather tolerance & garden performance. Grows 50–70 cm tall. ‘Red Hot Sally II’ • Celebrating its 25th anniversary by having a make-over, this latest ‘Red Hot Sally’ is a beauty. Darker red flower spikes against lush green foliage puts on a dramatic show in the landscape as a mass display

Salvia ‘Red Hot Sally II’

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Bedding Plants  99 or in mixed containers. Also has improved uniformity & heat tolerance. Grows to 25–30 cm tall. Sun.

Sanvitalia (Creeping Zinnia) Bright, little, daisy-like flowers that make an excellent accent plant either trailing from a hanging basket or as a groundcover. Lush, dark-green leaves contrast flowers. Loves the heat & is drought tolerant. Sun. Cuzco Series Now available in a compact & trailing form so you can find a purpose for it anywhere in your garden. Very floriferous which makes an impressive display in a container. The best of this series includes: ‘Compact Yellow’ (Bright yellow blooms; trails 30–35 cm), ‘Trailing Yellow’ (Deep goldenyellow blooms; trails 60–75 cm)

Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower) Colourful flowerheads on long stems make an excellent cutflower or tall border in a garden. Sun. ‘Black Knight’ • Gorgeous double flowers in burgundy black with a light fragrance. Grows 90 cm tall. ‘Qis Scarlet’ • Beautiful, deep red, double flowers on strong stems. Grows 60–90 cm tall.

Scaevola (Australian Fan Flower) Unique, fan-shaped flowers along curving stems. Remarkable plant for hanging baskets, mixed containers & garden beds in hot, dry sites. Will tolerate windy locations. Grows 20–25 cm tall & can spread to 30 cm. Sun. ‘Blue Fan’ • Hundreds of large, sky-blue flowers on trailing stems. Perfect in mixed hanging baskets.

Scoparia Hundreds of dainty, 1 cm starshaped flowers bloom heavily all season long—self cleaning. Attractive, fine-textured foliage smells like red licorice. Fabulous in mixed planters as an accent or in a hanging basket. Drought tolerant. Sun. ‘Illumina Lemon Mist’ • Attractive, fine-textured foliage smells like red licorice. Upright, mounding plant perfectly suited for garden beds & containers. Grows 30–35 cm tall & spreads to 50–55 cm. ‘Melongolly Blue’ • Plentiful powdery-blue flowers. Upright, mounding plant perfectly suited for garden beds & containers. Grows 35–40 cm tall & spreads to 40–45 cm.


‘Qis Mix’ • A vibrant mix of ‘Dark Blue’, ‘Deep Red’, ‘Salmon Pink’ & ‘Scarlet’ flowers. Grows 60– 90 cm tall.

‘Royal Pierrot Mix’ • Orchidlike flowers in dense clusters. Bright colours with contrasting markings. Best in gardens or in pots. Grows 25–30 cm tall. Sun.

Scabiosa ‘Black Knight’

Scoparia ‘Melongolly Blue’

Scabiosa ‘Qis Scarlet’

Schizanthus ‘Royal Pierrot Mix’

SG2007BeddingPlantsDec4.indd 99

Snapdragon Snapdragons bloom in an immense range of flower colours, types & heights. Tall varieties make excellent cutflowers; short varieties are superb in mass displays & borders. Frost tolerant. Snapdragons are listed from shortest to tallest. Sun. Snapshot Series

Gorgeous traditional snapdragon! A new & improved dwarf variety that blooms earlier & is more compact. Great in mass plantings & for bordering. Grows 15– 20 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Burgundy’ (Deep winered), ‘Merlot Mix’ (Mix of ‘Burgundy,’ ‘Plumblossom’ & ‘White’), ‘Mix’ (Includes all colours), ‘Orange’ (Spot of light orange in throat), ‘Pink’ (Spot of yellow in throat), ‘Plumblossom’ (Rose pink & white), ‘Purple’ (Dark purple rose), ‘Red’, ‘Rose’, ‘White’ (Speck of yellow in throat), ‘Yellow’ Ribbon Series

Strong, 30–35 cm traditional flower spikes on uniform plants. Great display in mass plantings. Excellent cutflower. Grows 45–55 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Crimson’ (Velvety, crimson red), ‘Lavender’, ‘Light Pink’ (With yellow throat), ‘Mix’, ‘Purple’ (Dark fuchsia pink), ‘Rose’ (Deep cool pink), ‘White’, ‘Yellow’ Snapdragon Ribbon ‘Crimson’

Rocket Series

Extra-long flower spikes that explode into the sky. Awesome for a cutting garden. Grows up to 90 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Bronze’ (Orange), ‘Gold’ (Vibrant golden yellow), ‘Mix’, ‘Pink’, ‘Red’, ‘Rose’ (Deep rose pink), ‘White’

Snapdragon, Vegetative Extremely vigorous growth with a trailing & mounding habit separates these varieties from snapdragons propagated from seed. They are tailor made for hanging baskets, windowboxes & containers. Blooms well into frost. Prune dead flowers to promote continuous growing. Trails to 40 cm; grows 15–20 cm tall. P.M. Sun (will tolerate full sun). Luminaire Series

Mounded plants are absolutely covered in flowers. Blooms well into frost. Excellent in hanging baskets as it will trail to 40 cm & grows 15–20 cm tall. P.M. Sun (will tolerate full sun). ‘Deep Purple’ (Deep rosy purple with a distinct yellow eye), ‘Harvest Red’ (Deep velvet red with yellow eye), ‘Hot Pink’ (Candy pink with yellow eye), ‘Sugarplum’ (Deep fuchsia pink with yellow eye), ‘White’ (Pure white flowers with yellow eye), ‘Yellow’ (Solid golden yellow)

Snapdragon Luminaire ‘White’

Snapdragon Luminaire ‘Sugarplum’

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100  Bedding Plants Playful Series

Novelty blooms quite unlike the traditional or open-faced snapdragon. This flower will spark the interest of any gardener! Outer petals surround a yellow throat & are very vigorous busy plants. Excellent for planters & hanging baskets. Grows 20–25 cm high & 30–35 cm wide. The best of this series includes: ‘Canary’ (Bright yellow), ‘Copper’ (Deep orange), ‘Ice’ (Bright white), ‘Magenta’ (Deep rose purple), ‘Pink’, ‘Twilight’ (Soft lavender pink)

Statice Statice, Mexican One of the most popular dried flowers—the type often found at florist shops. Superb cutflower fresh or dried. Long-lasting colour. Good in hot, dry sites. Grows 60–65 cm tall. Sun. ‘Forever Gold’ • Beautiful, intense golden-yellow flowers; strong stems. Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner. ‘Sunset Blend’ • Warm tones of apricot, orange, peach & rosy red. Pacific Series

Large, vibrant flower clusters on strong stems. Grows 60 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘American Beauty’ (Rich deep rose), ‘Midnight Blue’ (Dark blue), ‘Mix’ (Rose, shades of blue, carmine, purple & white)

Snapdragon Playful ‘Ice’

Statice, Russian ‘Rattail Statice’ • Unusual! Tiny, pink, papery flowers that hug long, curved, branching stems. Excellent cutflower. Dries well. Grows 45–60 cm tall. Sun.

Stocks Beautiful, long, dense flower stalks with an alluring, powerful, spicy-sweet perfume. Exceptional cutflower. Sun.

Strawflower, Vegetative


Dreamtime Series

Devotion Series

A sun-loving garden favourite! Exceptional mounding growth habit loaded in papery flowers that keep their shape all season long. Great in hanging baskets, containers & borders. Grows 30 cm tall.

Graceful, large, clustered heads with masses of small, lightlyscented, tubular flowers. Longlasting as a cutflower. Adds height to mixed containers; lovely in garden beds. Attracts hummingbirds & butterflies. Grows 30–40 cm tall. Sun.

‘Virginian’ • Creeping stocks smothered with delicate clouds of single flowers in mixed colours. Extremely strong, sweet fragrance. Grows 15–20 cm tall.

The best of this series includes: ‘Antique Shades’ (Bubble gumpink flower edged in creamy yellow), ‘Copper’ (Coppery-red flowers edged in orange), ‘Jumbo Yellow’ (Lemon-yellow flowers with bright-orange centres)

Vintage Series

Sweet Pea Vine

Verbena, Garden

‘Explorer Mix’ • Bush-type sweet pea with fragrant flowers, great in gardens or containers. Mix includes 7 colours. Plants do not need support. No tendrils. Grows 30–35 cm tall. Sun.

Eye-catching clusters of tiny flowers on upright plants. Provides a splendid carpet of colour in mass plantings. Sun.

Dense, double flower spikes on compact, bushy plants. Early flowering. Grows 30 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Lavender’ (Soft mauve), ‘Mix’, ‘Red’ (Rosy red), ‘Rose’, ‘White’

Strawflower (Helichrysum) Splendid, everlasting flower with large, full flowerheads that retain colour indefinitely after drying. Best harvested before central petals open. Sun.

‘Gwendoline’ • Most fragrant climbing sweet pea! Huge, lilac-pink, wavy flowers with amazing scent—very showy atop extra strong stems. Perfect for cutflower bouquets. Climbs up to 2 m.

‘King Mix’ • Extremely large flowers in shades of deep rose, gold yellow, orange, silvery rose, silvery white, & yellow. Excellent cutflower! Grows 90 cm tall.

Cuthbertson Floribunda Series

Chico Series

The best of this series includes: ‘Maroon’, ‘Mix’, ‘Rose-pink’, ‘Scarlet’, ‘White’

Compact, 10 cm plants with unusual, crinkled petals.

Lots of sweetly-scented flowers on long stems—excellent for cutting. Clinging tendrils need support. Plant reaches 2 m. Sun.

The best of this series includes: ‘Blue Improved’ (Light lavenderblue flowers), ‘Burgundy’ (Unique, rich-wine flowers), ‘White’ (Green-tinted-white flowers)

Quartz Series

Excellent garden performance! Large, showy flowers carried above bushy, full plants. Good for mass plantings, borders or containers. Grows 20–25 cm high & wide. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Blue’, ‘Burgundy with Eye’ (Wine flowers with large white eyes), ‘Magenta’ (Cherry red), ‘Mix’ (A mixture of solid & ‘eyed’ varieties), ‘Red with Eye’ (Brightred flower with a large white eye), ‘Rose

Verbena, Vegetative Aztec Series

Mounded, trailing plants absolutely covered with bright

The best of this series includes: ‘Mix’, ‘Orange’, ‘Pink’, ‘Yellow’ Strawflower Dreamtime ‘Yellow’

Trachelium Devotion ‘Blue Improved’

Sweet Pea ‘Gwendoline’

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Bedding Plants  101 blooms giving an incredible colour impact. Adds instant pizzazz to containers, hanging baskets & garden beds. Trails to 50 cm. Sun. The best of this series includes: ‘Coral’ (Very soft coral with eye), ‘Light Pink’ (Soft pink with eye) ‘Plum Magic’ (Dark violet purple), ‘Purple Magic’ (Lilac purple with eye), ‘Red Velvet’ (Magenta-red flower with eye), ‘Violet’ (Rich plum-purple with eye), ‘White Improved’, ‘Wild Rose’ (Dark rose with eye)

Vines Foliage plants are becoming the ‘in thing’ & are used to complement or accent flowering plants. Trailing or upright vines now add the finishing touch to mixed pots, windowboxes & hanging baskets. Asparagus Fern Asparagus sprengeri • With its bright-green, airy foliage on arching branches, asparagus fern adds a fresh look to planters & hanging baskets. Tough & wind resistant. Trails to 45 cm. Shade. Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia) ‘Golden Creeping’ • Gorgeous, golden, button-like leaves reaching a height of only 5 cm with masses of yellow flowers. Vigorously trails to 90 cm. Sun. ‘Lyssi’ • Compact solid green foliage with brilliant-yellow flowers. Trails to 25 cm. Tolerates more shade. ‘Outback Sunset’ • Beautiful, multi-coloured foliage in shades of green & yellow. Unique! Verbena Quartz ‘Magenta’

Yellow flowers contrast nicely. Trails to 30 cm & grows 10 cm tall. A.M. or P.M. Sun. Dichondra Impressive cascading foliage plant grown for its button-like leaves. Stunning in hanging baskets, mixed containers or as an annual groundcover. Heat & drought tolerant. Sun. ‘Silver Falls’ • Glistening masses of silver leaves. Trails up to 1.2 m & grows 5–7 cm tall. ‘Emerald Falls’ • Rounded green leaves. Denser & fuller growth habit than ‘Silver Falls’. Trails up to 90 cm & grows 5–10 cm tall. Best choice for a groundcover. English Ivy Traditional English ivy in a wide range of leaf types—solid shades of green & variegated varieties. Adds great texture to containers & hanging baskets. Trails 30–60 cm. A.M. or P.M. Sun. Firecracker Vine (Mina lobata) ‘Jungle Queen’ • Also known as Spanish flag, this robust vine is an amazing climber that is easy to grow! Flowers are exotic in their slightly curved & tubular form with reddish-orange blooms fading to orange yellow & then white. Grows 1.2 m–1.5 m tall. Sun. Helichrysum Vine ‘Gold Leaf ’ • Superb accent plant. Fuzzy yellow foliage. Spreads 45–60 cm. ‘Licorice’ • Soft, velvety, wonderfully textured, silver, Creeping Jenny Vine ‘Outback Sunset’

semi-trailing foliage. Spreads 45–60 cm. ‘Silver Mist’ • Explosion of fine, silvery-grey foliage with a mounded, trailing growth habit. Outstanding accent in mixed combinations or all by itself. Grows 15–20 cm tall & spreads to 60 cm. Kenilworth Ivy Cymbalaria muralis • Tiny, round, glossy leaves & small, lilac flowers. Trails up to 90 cm. Grows up to 5 cm tall. Shade to A.M. Sun. Lotus Vine Bushy vine with billowing, soft, needle-like, airy foliage. Superb in mixed windowboxes, hanging baskets & pots; occasionally produces flowers. Ideal for hot, dry locations. Trails to 90 cm long. Sun. ‘Amazon Sunset’ • Silvery-green foliage & vibrant-red flowers. Adds fullness to any planter. ‘New Gold Flash’ • Jade-green foliage & orange-red flowers. Silver Nettle Vine (Lamiastrum) Striking foliage with silvery markings; a long, trailing ivy. Trails to 35 cm. Sun to Shade. Potato Vine Attractive, ornamental twining climber gives a showy display of blue-tinged-white blossoms. Fastgrowing plant with lush green leaves. Trails naturally or can be trained with a trellis to climb. Perfect to use as a cover for fences

or walls & growing across lattice for shade. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Album’ • Slender, glossy, darkgreen foliage with single, white blossoms. Climbs/trails 45– 60 cm. ‘Variegated’ • Bright yellow-edged, dark-green foliage is a striking contrast trailing in a mixed planter. Much slower growing than ‘Album’ but still trails naturally or can be trained to climb. Trails/climbs up to 60 cm. Sweet Potato Vine These vines are actually in the sweet potato family (Ipomoea). They are lush, fast-growing vines covered with large, leaves & have a full, bushy appearance with naturally compact growth habit. Best used in hanging baskets, planters & other containers, but can also be used as an annual groundcover. As an added bonus, the tubers are edible! Grows 10– 15 cm tall & trails to 75 cm. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Ace of Spades’ • Beautiful, large, burgundy-black leaves shaped just like the ace of spades in a deck of cards. Trails up to 90 cm. ‘Blackie’ • Dark-purple to black, deeply lobed leaves. Trails 60– 75 cm. ‘Lady Fingers’ • Extremely vigorous vine with stunning green leaves that are deeply lobed to look like fingers. Dark-purple accented leaves & burgundy stems. Keep moist. Grows 20 cm tall & trails to 75 cm long.

Sweet Potato Vine ‘Marguerite’

Verbena Aztec ‘Coral’

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102  Bedding Plants ‘Marguerite’ • Lush & fastgrowing plant with heart-shaped leaves in shades of luminescent chartreuse. Trails 60–75 cm. Vinca Ivy Bright-green, variegated foliage. Trails to 1–1.5 m. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Green & Gold’ • Our longest ivy. Bright-green & gold variegated foliage. Often with lilac flowers. ‘Variegata’ • Green-on-white variegated foliage. ‘Wojo’s Gem’ • Exciting vigorous vine! Striking contrast of brightyellow leaf centres with vivid green leaf edges. Guaranteed to be a conversation piece in hanging baskets & mixed planters.

Vinca Ivy Vine ‘Wojo’s Gem’

Vinca Ivy Vine ‘Green & Gold’

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Viola Flowers like tiny pansies. Great in garden as a border, in pots & windowboxes. Superb frost tolerance. Sun to P.M. Sun. ‘Cutie Pie’ • Darling little flowers with the cutest faces shown in variable patterns in tricolour shades of purple. ‘Valentine’ • Bright & cheerful flowers with a unique white & rose pattern & dark-rose blotch. Sorbet Series Early-blooming, 1.5 cm flowers. Excellent garden performance! Grows 15 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Black Duet’ (Bicolour purple with velvety black wing), ‘Blackberry Cream’ (Purple cap with white whiskers & yellow eye), ‘Blue Heaven’ (Violet blue), ‘Coconut Duet’ (Purple cap with white face & whiskers), ‘Orange Duet’ (Purple cap on orange faces, Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner), ‘Yellow Babyface’ (Golden yellow with blotch)

Viola Sorbet ‘Black Duet’

Gem Series These little jewels are magnificent additions to the garden in pots or in garden beds. The novel colours in this series are an exciting addition to the world of violas. Grows 15 cm tall. The best of this series includes: ‘Antique Apricot’ (Shades of golden orange & light mauve to white), ‘Antique Lavender’ (vivid violet purple with variable black markings), ‘Antique Pink’ (Pink shaded with white)

‘Uproar Rose’ • A robust & busy variety with impressive, double blooms in a brilliant electric-rose colour. Grows 75–90 cm tall. ‘Zowie! Yellow Flame’ • AAS winner. Features semi-double, 7–10 cm blooms in an artistic colour pattern. Flaming blooms have yellow petal tips that highlight the magenta-orange centres. Grows 60–70 cm tall.

Zinnia Brilliant dahlia-like blooms in an array of colours & heights. Excellent as a cutflower & in the garden or pots. Sun. Profusion Mix • Early & continuous bloomer that performs well under warm & cool conditions. Excellent disease resistance to powdery mildew & bacterial leaf spot. Mix includes ‘Apricot’, ‘Cherry’, ‘Fire’ (hot scarlet orange), ‘Orange’ & ‘White’. Grows 30–45 cm tall.

Zinnia ‘Zowie! Yellow Flame’

Zinnia Profusion ‘White’

Viola Sorbet ‘Orange Duet’

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Vintage Lois  103

Originally published in The Globe & Mail and later republished in The Best of Lois Hole: Advice & Inspiration for Gardeners, the following article expresses Lois Hole’s understanding of the labour involved in making a pricey hybrid and the heart involved in making a priceless favourite.

The $10,000 Hosta By Lois Hole


t’s not unusual for collectors to pay thousands of dollars for an item that they simply must have. A bottlecap from a 1920s Coke bottle, a rare Koi fish, a Picasso original, old comic books, even a certain baseball hit out of the St. Louis ballpark last year—to the right person, these items take on a significance that transcends their “real” value.

Collectors also exist in the gardening world. It’s not unusual for enthusiasts to spend a hundred dollars or more for a single annual to use as a focal point in the garden, for example. Or if they love roses, they may be willing to spend double the regular price—perhaps $40 instead of $20—for a ver y striking or unusual variety. Even the most avid plant collector might be given pause, however, by a $10,000 price tag. What kind of plant could be worth that much? A very special hosta, one our perennials manager Bob Stadnyk heard about not too long ago.

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The hosta in question was a hybrid plant. Hybrids have been engineered by humans to possess the positive characteristics of two or more parent plants. (Of course hybrids occur in nature, too, as part of the natural process of evolution.) Every year, thousands of scientists cross millions of plants, aiming to create the ultimate rose or tulip or any other plant you can name. Breeders are looking for specific traits: better disease and pest resistance, bigger leaf and flower size, different maturity time, increased flower quantity, weather resistance, specific colours, different growth habit, ease of

culture, and other, more esoteric qualities. Edible hybrid crops often possess superior flavour and storage characteristics. To bring plants with any of these desirable traits to market takes an enormous investment—and the more of the above traits a hybrid possesses, the more valuable the plant becomes. Breeders must grow thousands of crosses to ensure that even a few of the offspring plants do indeed develop the desirable trait or traits of the parents. Valuable greenhouse space is set aside, strict sanitation procedures are maintained, and thousands of hours of labour make each experiment a costly

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104  Vintage Lois

Hepatica nobilis v. japonica

Paeonia ‘Bartzella’

prospect. Many years can be spent simply waiting for a plant to grow to maturity. Naturally, this means that the plant must be maintained over that period of time. When a hybrid is deemed suitable for the market, breeders start propagating the plant. During the early stages of a hybrid’s introduction, there may only be a limited number of plants available—and supply and demand dictates that scarce, desirable plants are more expensive than more commonly available varieties. If the plant is difficult to germinate or propagate, that drives the price even higher. The $10,000 hosta possessed many of the desirable hybrid traits. It was also very difficult to propagate: tissue culture wouldn’t work, so the original hybrid turned out to be quite unique. With only one in existence, it’s no wonder that its assessed value is so high. Unfortunately, this inability to create cheap copies of the plant means that despite its wonderful qualities, this hosta is pretty much a dead end as far as commercial production goes. Bob jokes that the original plant is probably sitting in the garden of the CEO of the breeding company. Another

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employee of mine, Jan Goodall, speculates that perhaps the breeder chose not to propagate the hosta so that its value would remain high. The prestige of owning a very rare item may sometimes be enough to dissuade breeders from propagating plants. The prestige factor is definitely at work in the case of Japanese double hepaticas. The Japanese love these plants; they have plenty of fully double, pom-pom-like flowers, and they are very lush and full. Plus, they are quite hardy. These traits make the new hepaticas very desirable, and that desirability has pushed the price up to 4,000 to 6,000 yen per plant—or about 500 Canadian dollars! Canadian retailers are having a hard time importing Japanese double hepaticas right now; the few Japanese suppliers don’t give up these rare beauties easily. Sometimes a trade will work better than cash; rare North American plants are occasionally exchanged for the hepaticas. The barter system is alive and well, at least when it comes to getting a hold of exotic flora. Most peonies cost about $18. There is a new hybrid peony, however, that costs

about $90. It’s the first cross between a tree peony and a herbaceous peony, and it’s just gorgeous. It looks like a regular peony but for the flower colour; these peonies are yellow with red centres. Like the hosta and the double hepatica, this peony is the result of thousands of hours of work. It’s not quite as expensive partly because it’s been somewhat more successful; it’s been bred in large quantities and it’s not terribly difficult to propagate. It’s still more expensive than most plants, and that’s because of ever yday costs that retailers incur during the course of obtaining the plants. These costs include shipping, customs fees, agricultural fees (inspections, etc.), export permits, phytosanitary permits, and exchange rates. In light of the intensive labour involved in creating these spectacular hybrid varieties, it has to be said that the finished plants are works of art as wonderful as any symphony. The inspiration and delight they provide really is priceless. 

12/8/06 12:07:45 PM

Roses Hardy  105

ROSES In This Section... • Over 145 varieties • 13 new varieties & colours • Includes height, spread & blooming season • Alphabetical by common name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Rose Favorites for cultural information Roses are divided into hardy & tender categories & grouped according to colour. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

Fragrant Cloud Fragrant Cloud is a hybrid tea rose that has perfectly formed flowers & lots of them! This rose’s heavenly sent makes it a perfect pick for any rose garden, flowerbed or planter. Grows 90 cm high & 90 cm wide.

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106  Roses Hardy

Hardy Roses

Explorer Explorer Series roses are developed by Agriculture Canada specifically for Canadian climates. They are amazingly hardy—some even to Zone 1, which is about as cold as a Canadian winter can get. All are easy to care for. None of them needs much pruning or winter protection, other than good snow cover. Most are resistant to both blackspot & powdery mildew, two diseases that commonly afflict roses. The series includes climbers, bushes & low-growing groundcovers. Parkland Roses From Agriculture Canada’s Morden Research Station comes hardy roses developed specifically for Prairie conditions. The Parkland Series of roses produces lots of double to semi-double flowers on small to mediumsized bushes. They do not need winter protection & require little or no pruning—only the removeal of dead branch tips in spring. Pavement Roses Don’t be put off by the unappealing name of this new series of roses because their merits more than make up for it. The name ‘pavement’ refers to the suitability of these roses to street-side plantings. Pavement roses are rugosa hybrids, & the rugosa’s hardiness has been retained at an exceptional level. Pavement roses may be the most salt tolerant of all roses, even more so than the parent rugosa. They also have a low, sprawling growth habit, making these bushes very attractive either as a groundcover or a feature shrub. Species Roses Species roses are also known as wild roses; these flowers are the roses from which all other varieties are derived. They are extremely hardy, usually scented & have single flowers. They need no winter protection. Hardy Shrub Shrub roses are usually free-blooming, with differing forms & bloom sizes. They tend to be bushy, with good disease resistance. They are often grown on their own root & are quite hardy. Hybrid Rugosa A very healthy group that grows practically anywhere in the world, particularly the Northern Hemisphere. They originated in the Far East & have been in cultivation for at least 1,000 years. Extremely hardy, thickstemmed & prickly, hybrid rugosas range in height from 90 cm to over 2 m. Leaves are usually dark green & crinkly. Most hybrid rugosas tend to bloom all summer, with single or double blooms. Old Garden Roses Old-fashioned roses, or old garden roses, are also known as antique & rare roses. They have stunningly beautiful, very fragrant flowers. Many varieties have been cultivated for a century or more. The bushes are tough, robust & need little pruning. These roses are quite hardy, but winter protection is recommended. Gallica Another group with an origin shrouded in mystery, Gallica roses may have existed prior to the 12th century. Gallicas are small, rarely over 1 m tall, but unmatched in quantity & quality of blooms for an Old Garden Rose. Gallicas have dark-green foliage & few thorns.

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Moss Created in the 19th century, moss roses have attractive blooms & unique mossy growth on new foliage & flower buds. Bourbon Bourbon roses were probably created in the 19th century by crossing the Damask & the China rose. Bourbons fall into two broad categories: those with thin, twiggy growth & beautiful China blooms & few thorns, & those with the stiff, thorny growth of the Damask. Bourbons of both types are continuous bloomers & a must for any rose garden. Centifolia It has been determined that this group of roses is actually a complex hybrid made up of genes from several species of roses. It is thought that they have been around since at least the 16th century. These somewhat coarse plants are usually quite thorny, with dark foliage. With proper training & in good weather, they are a rewarding group of roses with beautiful, very double, cabbage-like blooms. Well worth a place in any garden! Hybrid Eglanteria (Sweet Briar) These hybrids have been around since the late 18th century & are best known for the distinctive apple perfume of the foliage. They are best left to naturalize, but if control is a must, these roses make excellent hedges. Blooms are also quite fragrant & are followed by a spectacular show of bright, orange-red hips. Hybrid Pimpinellifolias or Scotch Roses (Formerly Hybrid Spinosissima) These roses probably put on the best rose show of the spring—spectacular! Quite popular since the 19th century, these roses are among the easiest to care for; they require almost no maintenance & don’t mind very poor soil. Albas (Hybrids) This group is ancient in origin, consisting of roses whose blooms are all white to dark pink & exceedingly fragrant. Vigorous roses, Albas bloom in early summer & are among the easiest Old Garden Roses to grow. Portland A group of roses originating in the 18th century, Portland roses bloom continuously all summer. Most are less than 1 m tall & can fit into any garden. Hybrid Perpetual Created by crossing Bourbons with many other groups of roses, Hybrid Perpetuals were intended to bloom perpetually. They don’t quite achieve that, but these large shrubs are still excellent for big gardens. Many are used as climbers with a great deal of success. Damasks Originating in the Middle East during the days of the Roman Empire, these hardy plants proved themselves long ago. Their blooms were used to make perfume, & rosarians of the time loved them since they bloomed twice per season. Damasks are just as worthy of inclusion in the garden today with their soft, textured foliage & beautiful blooms. Plus, they’re quite hardy. Hybrid Kordesii Roses in this group make excellent small climbers. They are extremely hardy & never quit blooming all season. This group contains many of the Explorer roses.

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Roses Hardy  107

Hardy Colour Blends Funny Face Shrub • Semidouble, pink & white, 10 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

Orange Sierra Skye Hardy Shrub • Brightred hips add winter interest. Double, fiery-orange, 5–7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Excellent for mass plantings. Grows 90–120 cm high & wide.

Pink Carmenetta Hardy Shrub • Clusters of single, pale-pink flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms early summer. Reddish foliage. Grows 2 m high & 3 m wide. Country Dancer Hardy Shrub • Very vigorous, upright growth Double, deep-pink, 8–10 cm flowers. Good apple fragrance. Blooms early summer, repeats well. Own root. Grows 1 m high & 1.5 m wide. Dwarf Pavement Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) Pavement • Semi-double, dark-pink, 6–8 cm flowers. Mild fragrance. Blooms repeating through summer. Grows 75–90 cm high & 90 cm wide.

5–6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms all summer. Can be used as a climber or as a shrub. Grows 1–3 m high & 1–2 m wide. Foxi Pavement Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) Pavement • Deep-red rosehips. Single, deeppink, 6–8 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms repeatedly all summer. Grows 75–90 cm high & 100 cm wide. Frau Dagmar Hartopp Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • Beautiful groundcover; somewhat shadetolerant. Hardy to Zone 3. Single, silver-pink, 8–10 cm flowers. Strong rose fragrance. Blooms repeatedly all summer. Grows 1 m high & 1.5 m wide. Frontenac Explorer (Shrub) • Small clusters of blooms; hardy to Zone 3. Double, deep-pink, 8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms in June, repeating sporadically. Grows 75–90 cm high & wide. Great Wall Hardy Shrub • Semidouble, bright-pink, 10 cm flowers. Blooms repeatedly. Biggest flower display in early summer. Grows 90 cm high & 75–90 cm wide.

Jens Munk Explorer (Hybrid Rugosa) • Hardy to Zone 1! Double, medium-pink marked with a striking white streak, 6–7 cm flowers. Spicy fragrance. Blooms abundantly all summer. Grows 1.5 m high & 2 m wide. John Davis Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) Climber • Hardy to Zone 3. Can be used as a climber. Semi-double, medium-pink, 8–9 cm flowers. Spicy fragrance. Blooms profusely June through frost. Grows 1.5–2 m high & 1–2 m wide. Lambert Closse Explorer (Shrub) • Blooms in clusters of 1–3. Double, deep-pink buds opening to pale-pink blossoms, 7–8 cm flowers. Light rose fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 75–90 cm high & wide. Little Mischief Hardy Shrub • Excellent for borders & small shrub beds. Double, pink with white eye, 2–3 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Grows 45–60 cm high & wide. Louis Jolliet Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) • Can be grown as a shrub or climber; hardy to Zone 3. Double, medium-pink, 7–8 cm flowers. Spicy fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 100– 150 cm high & 90–150 cm wide.

Morden Belle Parkland • Double, medium-pink, 6–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Excellent disease resistance. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide. Morden Centennial Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Hardy to Zone 2. Double, bright-pink, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly through summer. Grows 1–1.5 m high & wide. Pierrette Pavement Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) Pavement • A very hardy rose; makes an excellent groundcover. Semidouble, dark-pink, 5–7 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–75 cm high & 90–100 cm wide. Prairie Dawn Hardy Shrub (Shrub) • Originates from the Prairies. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, glowing pink, 5–7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms from late June to fall frost. Grows 1.5 m high & wide. Prairie Joy Hardy Shrub (Shrub) • Can be cut to ground annually for a low, dense hedge. Superb disease resistance. Double, richpink, 7–8 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms June & repeats throughout the summer. Grows 1.5 m high & wide.

Island Dancer Hardy Shrub • Double, pink blend white reverse, 5–6 cm flowers. Blooms repeatedly. Good fall hip display. Grows 60 cm high & wide.

Metis Hardy Shrub • Profuse, semidouble, pink flowers. Blooms July. Great for a low hedge. Showy red-orange fall colour. Grows 60 cm high & 60–90 cm wide.

Funny Face


Lambert Closse

Louis Jolliet

Country Dancer

Frau Dagmar Hartopp

John Davis

Morden Centennial

Felix Leclerc Hardy Shrub • Very disease & drought resistant. Double, deep-pink, clusters of

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Prairie Princess Hardy Shrub (Shrub) • Semi-double, coralpink, large flowers. Light fragrance. Good as either a climber or as a shrub. Grows 1–1.5 m high & 1 m wide.

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108  Roses Hardy Red Leaf Hardy Shrub (Species) • Flowers in clusters & has striking reddish-purple foliage with a blue cast. Single, mauve pink, 3–4 cm flowers. Light fruity fragrance. Blooms mid to late June. Grows 1.5–2 m high & 1.5 m wide. Royal Edward Explorer (Shrub) • Blooms in clusters of 1–7; excellent border plant or groundcover. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, deep-pink fading to medium-pink, 5–6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms early summer through to frost. Grows 30–45 cm high & 45–60 cm wide. Scabrosa Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • One of the best rugosa hybrids! Hardy to Zone 3. Single, silvery-pink, 10–15 cm flowers. Strong carnation-like fragrance. Blooms June to September. Grows 1.5–2 m high & wide. Simon Fraser Explorer (Shrub) • Flowers are usually single on newer growth, semi-double on older plants; excellent border shrub. Hardy to Zone 3. Semidouble, medium-pink, 5 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June to frost. Grows 60–75 cm high & wide. Stanwell Perpetual Old Garden (Hybrid Spinosissima) • Hardy to Zone 3 with disease-resistant, grey-green foliage. Double, soft blue-pink fading to white, 7–8 cm flowers. Strong sweet fragrance. Blooms June to frost. Grows 1.5 m high & wide.

Sunrise Sunset Hardy Shrub • Double, pink with apricot-yellow centres, 5–6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Dense spreading habit. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Therese Bugnet Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • Hardy to Zone 1—blooms on old wood. Double, medium-pink, 8– 10 cm flowers. Intense fragrance. Blooms mid June repeating until frost. Grows 2 m high & 1.5 m wide. William Baffin Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) Climber • Large clusters of up to 30 roses. The hardiest climber for Zone 2! Semi-double, red-pink with yellow centres, 6–7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 2– 3 m high & 1.5–2 m wide. Winnipeg Parks Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Hardy to Zone 2. Double, medium-red fading to dark-red, pink on petal undersides, 7–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June to frost. Grows 30–60 cm high & wide.

Purple Dart’s Dash Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • Great display of red rosehips in fall. Hardy to Zone 2. Semi-double, purple-crimson, 8–10 cm flowers. Strong sweet fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Red Adelaide Hoodless Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Flowers in clusters of up to 25. Hardy to Zone 2 with snowcover. Double, red, 7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June to frost. Grows 1.5–2 m high & wide. Alexander Mackenzie Explorer (Shrub) • Profusion of cupshaped flowers in clusters of 6–12, hardy to Zone 1. Double, red, 6–7 cm flowers. Medium fragrance. Blooms July to frost. Grows 2 m high & wide. Captain Samuel Holland Explorer (Shrub) Climber • Climbing rose with lots of flowers in clusters of up to 10. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, medium-red, 7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 2 m high & 1–1.5 m wide. Champlain Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) • Disease resistant & hardy to Zone 3. Double, dark-red, 6–7 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously through summer & fall. Grows 90 cm high & wide. Charles Albanel Explorer (Rugosa) • Clusters of large flowers, makes a stunning groundcover. Hardy to Zone 1. Semi-double, mediumred, 7–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 30–60 cm high & 90 cm wide.

dark-crimson, 10 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June repeating through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide. David Thompson Explorer (Hybrid Rugosa) • Least thorny of the Explorers! Although classed as medium red, the colour is closer to deep fuschia. Double, medium-red, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms profusely July to frost. Grows 1 m high & wide. Emily Carr Hardy Shrub • Double, deep-red, very showy, 7 cm flowers. Blooms all summer. Very hardy & upright growing. Grows 1 m high & 1.5 m wide. Firecracker Hardy Shrub • Semidouble, medium-red, 7–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Grows 60 cm high & 60–75 cm wide. George Vancouver Explorer (Shrub) • Clustered blooms followed by 100s of red rosehips in fall; good resistance to mildew & blackspot. Hardy to Zone 3. Semi-double, medium-red, 6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–75 cm high & wide. Golden Eye Hardy Shrub • Single, red, 5–6 cm flowers. Blooms repeatedly. Red blooms have bright-yellow centre. Excellent disease resistance. Grows 60– 90 cm high & wide.

Cuthbert Grant Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Clusters of big flowers in tight buds like a hybrid tea. Hardy to Zone 2. Semi-double,

Hansa Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • One of the best allround rugosas. Very long-lived. Hardy to Zone 1. Double,

Dart’s Dash


Alexander Mackenzie

Captain Samuel Holland

Stanwell Perpetual

Sunrise Sunset

Cuthbert Grant

Emily Carr

SG2007RosesDec4.indd 108

12/8/06 11:04:47 AM

Roses Hardy  109 fuchsia-red, 8–10 cm flowers. Strong clove-like fragrance. Blooms June or July & repeating all summer. Grows 1.5–2 m high & wide.

6–8 cm flowers. Light sweet fragrance. Blooms continuously. Good disease resistance. Grows 90–100 cm high & 75–90 cm wide.

Henry Kelsey Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) Climber • Large clusters of flowers. Climbs or spreads to a wide bush. Hardy to Zone 2. Double, red, 6–8 cm flowers. Spicy fragrance. Blooms July to frost. Grows 2–3 m high & wide.

Moje Hammarberg Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • A rounded, bushy shrub. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, reddish-violet, 7–8 cm flowers. Very strong, rich fragrance. Blooms continuously from June to frost. Grows 1– 1.5 m high & wide.

Hope For Humanity Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Huge clusters with up to 15 cup-shaped blooms. Double, blood-red, 8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60 cm high & wide. Hot Wonder Hardy Shrub • Double, fluorescent pink, 7–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Glossy green foliage. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide. John Cabot Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) Climber • Disease resistant. Hardy to Zone 2. Double, medium-red, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly early summer to frost. Grows 3 m high & 1.5–2 m wide. John Franklin Explorer (Shrub) • Profuse flowers in large clusters of up to 30; petals have fringed edges. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, red, 6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms July to frost. Grows 90 cm high & wide.

Morden Amorette Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Hardy to Zone 3. Double, carmine to rose bengal, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms profusely all summer. Grows 30–60 cm high & wide. Morden Fireglow Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Hardy to Zone 2. A rare shade in hardy shrub roses. Double, scarlet-orange, 6–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms in June, repeats in summer. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Morden Ruby Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Masses of large, longlasting flowers. Hardy to Zone 2. Double, dark ruby-red, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June repeating through summer. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide. My Hero Hardy Shrub • Double, red fading pink, 7–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuous. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

green foliage. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide. Paint the Town Hardy Shrub • Double, red, 8–10 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms cotinuously. Glossy, dark-green foliage is very disease resistant. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Purple Pavement (Rotesmeer) Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) Pavement • Blooms present in small clusters. Semi-double, purplish-red with yellow eye, 6–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms summer to frost. Grows 75–90 cm high & 100 cm wide. Quadra Explorer (Hybrid Kordesii) Climber • Impressive climbing rose. Double, deep-red buds opening to rich-red, 8–9 cm flowers. Light sweet fragrance. Blooms late June through summer. Grows 1.5–2 m high & 1 m wide. Red Frau Dagmar Hartopp Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • A hardy, tough rose with characteristically crinkled, medium-green foliage. Single to semi-double, silveryred, 8–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms early summer, repeating. Grows 1–1.5 m high & wide.


September. Grows 1.5 m high & wide. Double White Burnet Hardy Shrub Hybrid Spinosissima • Forms perfect blooms in late spring. Tiny leaves reminiscent of mouse ears. Double, pure-white, 4–5 cm flowers. Heavy fragrance. Blooms late spring. Grows 90 cm high & wide. Double White Rugosa Hardy Shrub (Species) • Hardy with characteristic crinkly foliage & prolific blooms followed by big red hips in the fall. Double, clearwhite, 3–5 cm flowers. Moderate fragrance. Blooms early summer repeating. Grows 1–1.5 m high & wide. Henry Hudson Explorer (Hybrid Rugosa) • This explorer blooms profusely & is hardy to Zone 1! Double, appleblossom-white, 6–8 cm flowers. Gentle fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60 cm high & 90–100 cm wide. Kakwa Hardy Shrub (Shrub) • Trailing habit. Introduced by John Wallace of Beaverlodge, Alberta. Hardy to Zone 2. Single, white, 4–6 cm flowers & black rosehips. Strong old rose fragrance. Blooms late spring for 2–3 weeks. Grows 90 cm high & 90–150 cm wide.

Blanc Double De Coubert Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • Flowers fade & darken. Makes an excellent hedge. Hardy to Zone 1. Semi-double, white, 6–8 cm flowers. Award-winning fragrance. Blooms June to

Macy’s Pride Hardy Shrub • Double, 10–12 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Yellow buds open to creamywhite pink-edged blooms. Grows 150 cm high & wide.

Last Tango Hardy Shrub • Double with ruffled edges, clear-red,

Mystic Fairy Shrub • Double, rich red with pink-blush, 7–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Very dark, glossy

Hope For Humanity

Henry Kelsey

Mystic Fairy

Henry Hudson

Hot Wonder

Red Frau Dagmar Hartopp

Blanc Double De Coubert


SG2007RosesDec4.indd 109

12/8/06 11:05:00 AM

110  Roses Tender Marie Bugnet Hardy Shrub (Shrub) • An uncommon rose. Hardy to Zone 3. Double, snowwhite, 8 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms early June & continuously to frost. Grows 1 m high & wide. Morden Blush Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Blooms in clusters of up to 5 & is hardy to Zone 2. Double, ivory with blush-pink centres, 7–8 cm flowers. Soft fragrance. Blooms profusely from June to frost. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Morden Snow Beauty Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Very compact, dark foliage & masses of blooms—ideal for groundcover. Single, bright-white, 9–10 cm flowers. Light sweet fragrance. Blooms June to frost. Grows 75–90 cm high & 100–150 cm wide. Schneezwerg (Snow Dwarf) Hardy Shrub • A choice specimen rose, shade tolerant & hardy to Zone 3. Semi-double, pure-white, 6–8 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 1.5 m high & wide. Snow Pavement Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) Pavement • Very tolerant of heat, drought or poor soil. Double, white with pink tint, 7–8 cm flowers. Moderate fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90 cm high & wide. The Polar Star Hardy Shrub (Climber) • A vigorous climber with formidable thorns; thin out canes regularily. Semi-double, pure-white, 2–3 cm flowers. No fragrance. Blooms early summer. Grows 4–6 m high & 2–3 m wide. White Rugosa Hardy Shrub Species • Fall & winter interest of bright red rose hips. Very disease resistant. Single, pure-white, 8–10 cm flowers. Rich rose Morden Blush

SG2007RosesDec4.indd 110

fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 2 m high & wide.




Agnes Hardy Shrub (Hybrid Rugosa) • Hardy to Zone 3; prolific bloomer. Double, amberyellow, 6–8 cm flowers. Strong fruity fragrance. Blooms June & intermittently to frost. Grows 2 m high & wide.

Centennial Grandiflora • Double, apricot blend, 6–7 cm flowers. Blooms repeatedly. Resistant to blackspot & mildew. Grows 60– 90 cm high & 60–75 cm wide.

J.P. Connell Explorer (Hardy Shrub) • Hardy to Zone 3; blooms singly or in clusters. Double, creamy-yellow, 7– 9 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms repeatedly from early summer to frost. Grows 60– 90 cm high & wide. Morden Sunrise Parkland (Hardy Shrub) • Striking & unusual blooms are set off against glossy foliage. Semi-double, yellow with orange & pink overtones, 8–9 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–75 cm high & wide. Tahitian Moon Hardy Shrub • Double, pale-yellow, 5 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Large clusters of blooms drop cleanly when finished. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Topaz Jewel Hardy Shrub (Hybrid rugosa) • Hardy to Zone 1! Double, butter-cream yellow fading to cream, 8–10 cm flowers. Medium fruity fragrance. Blooms late June repeating in summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Bicolour Rainbow Knockout Tender Shrub • Single, pink with yellow centre, 5–6 cm flowers. Blooms all summer. Glossy green foliage. Grows 1 m high & wide. Strike It Rich Grandiflora • Double, blend of gold & orange, 7–8 cm flowers. Strong sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly all summer. Glossy green foliage. Grows 1.2–1.4 m high & wide.

Colour Blends Betty Boop Floribunda • Longlived as a cutflower. Single, red with yellow-ivory, 6–7 cm flowers. Fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide. Cherry Parfait Grandiflora • Very bushy, compact growth. Double, creamy-white with wide margins of cherry-red, 6–8 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms early summer, repeating. Grows 1.5 m high & wide.

fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 100 cm high & 90 cm wide. Circus Floribunda • Flowers in large clusters. Double, yellow, peach & pink, 6–8 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Grows 75–90 cm high & wide. Double Delight Hybrid Tea • Medium-sized, bushy plant. Double, cream to strawberryred, 10 cm flowers. Strong spicy fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90 cm high & wide. Fragrant Cloud Hybrid Tea • Medium-sized, bushy plant. Double, blend of deep-coral & orange-red, 10 cm flowers. Exceptionally strong fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 80–90 cm high & wide. Love & Peace Hybrid Tea • Classic tea rose with long stems bearing well-formed blooms above glossy foliage. Double, pink blended with cream & yellow, 12–15 cm flowers. Light fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 100 cm high & 90 cm wide.

Chicago Peace Hybrid Tea • Medium-sized, bushy plant. Double, phlox-pink & canaryyellow, 10–15 cm flowers. Light,

Othello English • Fully double, dark-crimson & mauve, 10– 15 cm flowers. Powerful old rose fragrance. Blooms continuously through summer. Grows 90– 100 cm high & 90 cm wide.

Yellow Submarine Hardy Shrub • Double, bright lemon-yellow, 5 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Excellent for mass planting. Grows 60–100 cm high & wide.

Cherry Parfait

Double Delight


Betty Boop

Chicago Peace

12/8/06 11:05:07 AM

Roses Tender  111 Sandalwood Miniature • Double, russet with light edges, 3–4 cm flowers. Blooms all summer. Unusual colour. Grows 30 cm high & wide. Scentimental Floribunda • Medium-sized bushy plant. Double, burgundy-red swirled with creamy-white, 10 cm flowers. Strong sweet-spicy fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide. Sunset Celebration Hybrid Tea • Bushy upright plant. Colours are best in cooler growing conditions. Double, blend of apricot & amber, 10–15 cm flowers. Good fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide. Tahitian Sunset Hybrid Tea • Double, blended orange, yellow & pink, 10–12 cm flowers. Intense rose fragrance. Blooms June repeating. Glossy green foliage. Grows 1–1.2 m high & 60–75 cm wide.

Mauve Wild Blue Yonder Grandiflora • Wavy, double, wine-purple, 10 cm flowers. Strong citrus & rose fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. AARS winner. Grows 1–1.5 m high & 1 m wide.

Orange Acadia Sunrise Floribunda • Double, orange, 12 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Glossy foliage Sandalwood

Abraham Darby

highlights pure-orange blooms. Grows 120 cm high & wide.

through summer. Grows 1.5 m high & 1 m wide.

Candelabra Grandiflora • Performs well in areas with cooler nights. Very compact, bushy plant. Double, clear-orange, 7–8 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms in June & throughout the summer. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

Evelyn English • Double, apricotyellow, 10 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 75–90 cm high & 60– 90 cm wide.

Crown Princess Margareta English • Known for its perfectly formed flowers! Highly vigorous grower. Double, orange-apricot, 10–15 cm flowers. Strong fruity fragrance. Blooms June throughout the summer. Grows 1.5 m high & wide. First Edition Floribunda • Double, coral-orange flowers. Light tea fragrance. Grows 1.2 m high & wide. Orange Impressionist Tender Shrub • Double, orange, 9– 10 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Upright, compact habit. Grows 90– 100 cm high & wide.

Peach About Face Grandiflora • AARS winner. Double, peach-coloured petals with red undersides, 4–5 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Grows 120– 150 cm high & 120 cm wide. Abraham Darby English • Beautiful, full-formed rose that is reliable to Zone 3. Double, coppery-apricot, 10 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms June Orange Impressionist

Queen Elizabeth


Kiss Me Grandiflora • Double, clear-pink, 10 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Disease resistant foliage. Great for cutflowers. Grows 60–90 cm high & 60–75 cm wide.

A Shropshire Lad English • Large, glossy foliage & slightly cupped blooms highlight this rose. Double, peachy-pink, 8–9 cm flowers. Fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

Miss All American Beauty Hybrid Tea • Medium-sized, bushy plant. Double, dark-pink that doesn’t fade, 10–12 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–75 cm high & wide.

Chuckles Floribunda • Non-stop bloomer & a vigorous compact plant. Excellent for borders & hedges. Single, deep-rose pink, 9–10 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 60–70 cm high & wide.

Perfume Delight Hybrid Tea • Award-winning rose with large blooms & pointed buds on long, strong stems. Double, deep rosepink, 10 cm flowers. Intense sweet fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90– 100 cm high & 90 cm wide.

Day Dream Tender Shrub • Semidouble, fuchsia-pink, 2–3 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Great for borders or along paths. Grows 60 cm high & wide. Eglantyne English • Double, pure-pink, 8–10 cm flowers. Strong rose fragrance. Blooms continuously. Rosette-like flowers. Grows 100 cm high & 90 cm wide. First Prize Hybrid Tea • Excellent cutting variety with long stems on a medium-tall plant. Double, shades of pink, 10 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide. Gertrude Jekyll English • Reliable to Zone 3; plant it where you can enjoy the superb fragrance. Fully double, deep-pink, 8–9 cm flowers. Very Strong fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 100 cm high & 90 cm wide. Grandma’s Blessing Grandiflora • Double, dusty-pink, 8–10 cm flowers. Sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Great for borders or low hedges. Grows 45–60 cm high & 45 cm wide. Heritage English • Double, soft clear-pink, 6–7 cm flowers.

SG2007RosesDec4.indd 111

Strong heavy fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Pink Gnome Tender Shrub • Darkpink buds open to white-centred light-pink blooms. Single, 2 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Compact, round habit of growth. Grows 30 cm high & wide. Queen Elizabeth Grandiflora • Large, upright plant. Double, medium-pink, 8–10 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms repeatedly early summer to frost. Grows 1.5 m high & 1 m wide. Salmon Impressionist Tender Shrub • Double, salmon-pink, 9–10 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Traditional bloom. Grows 90 cm high & wide. Tamora English • Double, apricotpink, 8–10 cm flowers. Strong myrhh fragrance. Blooms repeatedly all summer. Compact foliage. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

Purple Blue Girl Hybrid Tea • Vigorous, bushy growth & exhibition form blooms highlight this classically formed rose. Double, clearlavender toned, 15 cm flowers. Moderate fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

12/8/06 11:05:12 AM

112  Roses Tender Red Europeana Floribunda • Medium, bushy plant. Double, darkcrimson, 7–8 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 75– 90 cm high & 60–90 cm wide. Fisherman’s Friend English • Double, deep-crimson, 7–8 cm flowers. Strong old rose fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 90–100 cm high & 60–90 cm wide. Hot Cocoa Floribunda • Very showy, unusual colour; excellent disease resistance. Double, smoky chocolate-orange red, 8– 10 cm flowers. Moderate old rose fragrance. Blooms early summer, repeating. Grows 75–100 cm high & wide. Ingrid Bergman Hybrid Tea • A vigorous, compact tender rose, excellent for a hot site. Double, bright-red, 10–15 cm flowers. Light rose fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–75 cm high & 75 cm wide. Knock Out Hybrid Tea • Single, light-red, 6–7 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Grows 60–75 cm high & 60– 75 cm wide. L.D. Braithwaite English • The brightest crimson of the English roses! Reliable to Zone 3. Double, bright-crimson, 10 cm flowers. Old rose fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide. Marmalade Skies Floribunda • AARS Winner. Remarkable for its very free flowering, large clusters of blooms. Double, clear reddish-orange, 6–8 cm flowers. Light sweet fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90–100 cm high & wide.

Mister Lincoln

SG2007RosesDec4.indd 112

Mister Lincoln Hybrid Tea • Large, upright plant. Double, deep velvety-red, 10–15 cm flowers. Strong damask rose fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 1–1.5 m high & 60– 75 cm wide. Reba McEntire Grandiflora • Clusters of showy blooms. Double, brilliant orange-red, 6– 7 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms repeatedly early summer to frost. Grows 90–100 cm high & 90 cm wide. Red Patio Miniflora • Double, bright-red, 2–3 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 30–45 cm high & 45– 60 cm wide. Wenlock English • Excellent cutflowers! Double, crimson, 10–15 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms late June through summer. Grows 1 m high & 90 cm wide.

White Iceberg Floribunda • Heavy bloomer, medium bushy plant. Double, pure-white, 7–8 cm flowers. Very sweet fragrance. Blooms early summer to frost. Grows 1 m high & wide. Moondance Floribunda • Double, white, large clusters of 7–8 cm flowers. Raspberry fragrance. Blooms repeatedly all summer. Glossy green foliage. Grows 1 m high & wide. White Patio Miniflora • Nice rounded growth habit. Double, ruffled, white (sometimes tinged pink), 4–6 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms continuously. Grows 35–40 cm high & wide.

Yellow Golden Beryl Miniature • Double, deep-yellow brushed orange, 3–5 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Grows 30– 45 cm high & 30–45 cm wide.

Double, dark-yellow, 15 cm flowers. Light fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 90 cm high & wide.

Golden Celebration English • Double, rich golden-yellow, up to 15 cm flowers. Exceptional fragrance. Blooms early summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Rainbow Sorbet Floribunda • Double, yellow (edged deeppink), 7–8 cm flowers. Light sweet fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Glossy dark-green foliage. Grows 1–1.5 m high & 1 m wide.

Graham Thomas English • Described as ‘too perfect to be real!’ Reliable to Zone 3. Double, rich-yellow, 7–8 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Sunflare Floribunda • Has up to 12 blooms in each cluster on a small bushy plant. Double, medium-yellow, 7–8 cm flowers. Licorice fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60– 75 cm high & wide.

Julia Child Floribunda • Double, butter-gold, 8 cm flowers. Strong licorice candy & spice fragrance. Blooms repeatedly. Glossy, darkgreen foliage. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide.

Teasing Georgia English • Exquisite cupped-shaped blooms have a 2–tone effect. Double, rich deep-yellow fading to pink, 10–15 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms repeatedly June through summer. Grows 1 m high & wide.

Midas Touch Hybrid Tea • Medium-sized, upright plant. Double, deep-yellow, 10–15 cm flowers. Fruity fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 75–90 cm high & wide. Molineux English • Exceptionally free-flowering blooms on tall, bushy plants with good upright growth. Double, rich-yellow, 8–10 cm flowers. Light tea fragrance. Blooms June through summer. Grows 60–90 cm high & wide.

Toulouse Lautrec Hybrid Tea • Fully double, lemon-yellow, 7–8 cm flowers. Strong ‘lemony’ fragrance. Blooms all summer. Grows 1–1.5 m high & 1 m wide. Reba McEntire

Oregold Hybrid Tea • Remarkable large, exhibition-form flowers!

Midas Touch

White Patio

Graham Thomas


Winchester Cathedral English • Double, pure-white (with the occasional pink splash), 7–8 cm flowers. Strong fragrance. Blooms late June through summer. Grows 1 m high & 90 cm wide. Hot Cocoa

12/8/06 11:05:26 AM

Roses Index  113

Rose Index (H) — Hardy rose (T) — Tender rose



A Shropshire Lad (T) .....................111 About Face (T) ...............................111 Abraham Darby (T) .......................111 Acadia Sunrise (T) ..........................111 Adelaide Hoodless (H) ...................108 Agnes (H) ......................................110 Alexander Mackenzie (H) ...............108

Felix Leclerc (H).............................107 Firecracker (H) ...............................108 First Edition (T) .............................111 First Prize (T) .................................111 Fisherman’s Friend (T) ...................112 Foxi Pavement (H) .........................107 Fragrant Cloud (T) ........................110 Frau Dagmar Hartopp (H) .............107 Frontenac (H) ................................107 Funny Face (H) ..............................107

B Betty Boop (T) ...............................110 Blanc Double De Coubert (H) .......109 Blue Girl (T) ..................................111

C Candelabra (T)...............................111 Captain Samuel Holland (H) .........108 Carmenetta (H)..............................107 Centennial (T) ...............................110 Champlain (H) ..............................108 Charles Albanel (H) .......................108 Cherry Parfait (T) ..........................110 Chicago Peace (T) ..........................110 Chuckles (T) ..................................111 Circus (T) ......................................110 Country Dancer (H) ......................107 Crown Princess Margareta (T)........111 Cuthbert Grant (H) .......................108

D Dart’s Dash (H)..............................108 David Thompson (H) ....................108 Day Dream (T) ..............................111 Double Delight (T) ........................110 Double White Burnet (H) ..............109 Double White Rugosa (H) .............109 Dwarf Pavement (H) ......................107

E Eglantyne (T) .................................111 Emily Carr (H) ..............................108 Europeana (T) ................................112 Evelyn (T) ......................................111

G George Vancouver (H) ...................108 Gertrude Jekyll (T).........................111 Golden Beryl (T) ...........................112 Golden Celebration (T) .................112 Golden Eye (H) ..............................108 Graham Thomas (T) ......................112 Grandma’s Blessing (T) ..................111 Great Wall (H) ...............................107

H Hansa (H) ......................................108 Henry Hudson (H) ........................109 Henry Kelsey (H) ...........................109 Heritage (T) ...................................111 Hope For Humanity (H) ................109 Hot Cocoa (T) ...............................112 Hot Wonder (H) ............................109

I Iceberg (T) .....................................112 Ingrid Bergman (T) ........................112 Island Dancer (H) ..........................107

J J.P. Connell (H) .............................110 Jens Munk (H) ...............................107 John Cabot (H) ..............................109 John Davis (H)...............................107 John Franklin (H) ..........................109 Julia Child (T) ...............................112

K Kakwa (H) .....................................109 Kiss Me (T) ....................................111 Knock Out (T)...............................112

L L.D. Braithwaite (T) ......................112 Lambert Closse (H) ........................107 Last Tango (H) ...............................109 Little Mischief (H) .........................107 Louis Jolliet (H) .............................107 Love & Peace (T) ...........................110

M Macy’s Pride (H) ............................109 Marie Bugnet (H) ..........................110 Marmalade Skies (T) ......................112 Metis (H) .......................................107 Midas Touch (T) ............................112 Miss All American Beauty (T) ........111 Mister Lincoln (T) .........................112 Moje Hammarberg (H) ..................109 Molineux (T) .................................112 Moondance (T) ..............................112 Morden Amorette (H) ....................109 Morden Belle (H) ...........................107 Morden Blush (H) .........................110 Morden Centennial (H) .................107 Morden Fireglow (H) .....................109 Morden Ruby (H) ..........................109 Morden Snow Beauty (H) ..............110 Morden Sunrise (H) .......................110 My Hero (H) .................................109 Mystic Fairy (H).............................109

Q Quadra (H) ....................................109 Queen Elizabeth (T) ......................111

R Rainbow Knockout (T) ..................110 Rainbow Sorbet (T) .......................112 Reba McEntire (T) .........................112 Red Frau Dagmar Hartopp (H)......109 Red Leaf (H) ..................................108 Red Patio (T) .................................112 Royal Edward (H) ..........................108


Orange Impressionist (T) ...............111 Oregold (T) ...................................112 Othello (T) ....................................110

Salmon Impressionist (T) ...............111 Sandalwood (T) .............................111 Scabrosa (H) ..................................108 Scentimental (T) ............................111 Schneezwerg (Snow Dwarf ) (H).....110 Sierra Skye (H) ...............................107 Simon Fraser (H) ...........................108 Snow Pavement (H) .......................110 Stanwell Perpetual (H) ...................108 Strike It Rich (T) ...........................110 Sunflare (T) ....................................112 Sunrise Sunset (H) .........................108 Sunset Celebration (T) ...................111



Paint the Town (H) ........................109 Perfume Delight (T).......................111 Pierrette Pavement (H) ...................107 Pink Gnome (T) ............................111 Prairie Dawn (H) ...........................107 Prairie Joy (H) ................................107 Prairie Princess (H) ........................107 Purple Pavement (Rotesmeer) (H) ..109

Tahitian Moon (H) ........................110 Tahitian Sunset (T) ........................111 Tamora (T) ....................................111 Teasing Georgia (T) .......................112 The Polar Star (H)..........................110 Therese Bugnet (H)........................108 Topaz Jewel (H) .............................110 Toulouse Lautrec (T) ......................112


W Wenlock (T)...................................112 White Patio (T) ..............................112 White Rugosa (H) ..........................110 Wild Blue Yonder (T).....................111 William Baffin (H) .........................108 Winchester Cathedral (T) ..............112 Winnipeg Parks (H) .......................108

Y Yellow Submarine (H) ....................110

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114 

Herbs: Inspired by Nature By Joan Tancock


hat an all encompassing experience it is to walk into a greenhouse filled only with herbs. It awakens every sense within a person. The fragrances take you to all kinds of faraway places—lavender fields in France, the coastline of the Mediterranean, outdoor markets in Italy and curry-perfumed streets in India. It’s hard to resist running one’s hands gently through a planter of herbs. Simply brushing by them or rubbing their leaves causes their oil cells to burst and to release their irresistible fragrances. You, too, can enjoy this experience by planting your own herb garden to enjoy every day—be it a pot on your kitchen counter, a patio planter at your back door, a spot in the garden among your vegetables or flowerbeds. Find a pot of all herbs too bland? Plant some edible

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flowers with them. Pansies, nasturtiums and calendula will add colour to your containers as well as to your meals. To simplify the huge world of herbs, I divide them into four general groups: kitchen-collection herbs, fragrant herbs, tea-garden herbs and medicinal herbs. Many herbs can be placed in each of these groups. I use kitchen-collection herbs to make cooking a new and fresh experience. Toss them fresh into your salads or dips, or add them to hot dishes in the last few minutes of cooking. Start with a small amount and increase it as you experiment. When I think of the fragrant herbs, lavender always comes to mind. But there are many others that are also useful in potpourris, such as lemon verbena (the strongest, most sensual lemon fragrance), sweet annie, lavender thyme and many more. Then there are the herbs grown in the

tea garden. Chamomile, lemon balm and chocolate mint can be made into soothing teas any time of the year, and the refreshing mints can be made into iced teas during the summer. The fourth category is medicinal herbs. The familiar herbs consist of St. John’s wort, horehound and feverfew. So tantalize your senses. Awaken them with new tastes and fragrances. Allow them to stir creativity within you, and share that experience with those around you. Encourage those who enter your home to smell, taste and grow herbs of their own. Most importantly, be inspired by nature—seek solace from your hectic life and plant a small corner with these aromatic plants. To help you put together the right combinations of herbs, I’ve created three thematic planters and included recipes to go along with each. 

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 115

Herb Planter for Barbeque Season

French thyme • lemon thyme • marjoram (sweet) • parsley (curly or plain) • rosemary • summer savory

Recipe: Herby Marinade


This recipe is good for lean pork chops and for top or bottom beef sirloin steaks. Will tenderize 4–6 pork chops or 2–3 top sirloin steaks. Ingredients: ½ cup soy sauce ¼ cup freshly squeezed lime juice 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 tbsp. liquid honey 3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley 2 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary 1 tbsp. chopped fresh summer savory 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme 1 ½ tbsp. chopped fresh marjoram 1 tsp. chopped fresh lemon thyme 1. Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Place pork or beef in a large re-sealable freezer bag. Add marinade. Seal bag. 3. Refrigerate overnight. 4. Drain marinade before barbequing.


Herb Planter for Salad Mixes

• basil (red rubin) • basil (sweet) • chervil • dill (fern leaf) • garlic chives • onion chives • tarragon (4 seasons)

Recipe: Herb Salad

A great refreshing salad for hot summer months. Ingredients: 1 head red leaf lettuce 1 head butterhead lettuce 2 cups chopped sweet and purple basil ¼ cup chopped tarragon ½ cup chopped chervil ½ cup chopped onion chives ½ cup chopped garlic chives 1. Tear lettuce leaves into bite-sized pieces and place in a large bowl. 2. Add chopped herbs and toss (cover and refrigerate if preparing early). 3. Before serving, toss with your favourite vinaigrette. 4. Garnish with herb flowers.

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116 

Salsa Herb Planter

• basil (Genovese) • cilantro • lime balm • onion chives • parsley (curly) • tomato plant (Tiny Tim)

Recipe: Fresh Tomato Salsa Be creative and adjust herb amounts to personal taste. Experiment—and enjoy! Ingredients: 2 cups diced, seeded tomatoes ¼ cup onion chives 2 tbsp. chopped cilantro 3 tbsp. chopped parsley 2 tbsp. chopped basil 1 tbsp. chopped lime balm 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tbsp. olive oil 1. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients, stirring gently to mix well. 2. Allow ingredients to marinate and flavours to mellow (about one hour). 3. For best flavour, do not refrigerate.

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Other Plant Combinations Garden Fragrance Planter

• variegated calaminth • lavender (dentate) • myrtle (German) • basil (African blue) • sage (tangerine or pineapple) • thyme (orange or variegated lemon)

Lemon Zest

• lemon thyme • lemon balm • lemon grass • lemon verbena • ‘Lemon Gem’ tagetes marigold (for colour)

Italian Seasoning

• basil (sweet) • oregano (Greek) • rosemary (upright) • sage (garden or purple) • thyme (French) Joan Tancock lives and works in Lacombe, Alberta.

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TREES & SHRUBS In This Section... • Over 485 varieties • 24 new varieties & colours • Includes height, spread & blooming season • Alphabetical by common name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Favorite Trees and Shrubs for cultural information Common names are in large type. Series, varieties or mixes of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Standard varieties are black. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions, or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.


Barberry (Berberis) is a highly ornamental shrub that can’t be beat for providing colour in the landscape. Available in intense shades from deep purples to bright limey yellows, their colour can be kept from becoming garish by combining them with deep-green shrubs and soft-blue evergreens. Gardeners who struggle with hot, dry sites with poor soil will appreciate how tough these shrubs are: water them well while they establish and then only as needed. Barberry also makes striking informal hedges that require minimal pruning. Check out page 130 for information on specific varieties.

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118  Evergreens

Evergreens Cedar

Thuja Best in partially shady, moist, humid sites. Use an anti-desiccant in hot, dry or very windy areas & in winter. Boisbriand (Emerald Prince) Thuja occidentalis ‘Boisbriand’ • Offers contrasting form for shrub beds & is useful for screening. Dense, dark-green foliage on an egg-shaped form. Annual shearing helps to maintain compact shape. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Brandon Thuja occidentalis ‘Brandon’ • Medium to dark foliage. Great feature—striking grouped or used as a screen. Best in a moist, humid site. Shade. Height: 9–10 m; Width: 2–3 m Danica Thuja occidentalis ‘Danica’ • Bright green foliage, tinged blue in winter on a round, compact form. Great in rock gardens—slow growing. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 45 cm; Width: 45–60 cm in 20 years Degroot’s Spire Thuja occidentalis ‘Degroot’s Spire’ • Dark-green, dense, fine-textured foliage on a very narrow, upright form. Great in small yards as a feature plant. A.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 60–90 cm

Cedar ‘Brandon’

Emerald Green Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ • Beautiful emeraldgreen foliage on a very compact pyramidal form. Makes a striking feature tree. A.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 1–2 m Harvest Moon Thuja occidentalis ‘Harvest Moon’ • Great contrast plant. Bright orange-yellow foliage on a mounding form. Hardy cedar great for small landscapes or rock gardens. Sun. Height: 75–90 cm; Width: 90 cm Holmstrup Thuja occidentalis ‘Holmstrup’ • Very beautiful when planted in small groups. Windburn-resistant foliage on a slow-growing, pyramid shape. Great for hedges, rock gardens or shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 30–90 cm in 10 years Little Giant Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Giant’ • Lovely, dense, medium-green foliage on a somewhat columnar form. Great in rock gardens or as a formal hedge. A.M. Sun. Height: 100 cm; Width: 45–60 cm Rushmore Thuja occidentalis ‘Rushmore’ • Windburn-resistant foliage on a narrow, upright form. Excellent for framing a site or for use as a screen. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4 m; Width: 1 m in 10–12 years Douglas Fir

Skinner’s Dwarf Thuja occidentalis ‘Skinner’s Dwarf ’ • Dark-green foliage on a neat spiral form. Use as a hedge & foundation planting. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height: 2 m; Width: 60 cm Skybound Thuja occidentalis • Rich, dark-green foliage on a columnar form. Very hardy— extremely windburn resistant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 7–8 m; Width: 1–1.5 m Technito Thuja occidentalis ‘BailJohn’ • Rich dark-green foliage on a compact pyramidal form. Very dense growth requires less shearing. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 75 cm Techny (Mission) Thuja occidentalis ‘Techny’ • Very tolerant of shearing & shaping. Dark-green foliage which looks coarse when young on a hardy, slow-growing cedar. Hedging or feature tree. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 2 m Techny Globe (Mission Globe) Thuja occidentalis ‘Techny’ • Dark-green foliage on a form pruned to a globe. Same as regular Techny but maintained by regular shaping. Sun to A.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 2–3 m Wareana Thuja occidentalis ‘Wareana’ • Slow growing. Dense, dark-green foliage on a very hardy, broad pyramidal form. Great foundation plant or as an accent. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 1.5–2 m in 40 years Cedar ‘Wareana’

Woodwardii Thuja occidentalis ‘Woodwardii’ • Holds it foliage to the ground. Good for large beds & rock gardens. Hardy, dense, deep-green growth on a slightly wider than tall, globe shape. Sun to P.M. Sun. Best shaped annually. Height: 2 m; Width: 2–3 m

Douglas Fir

Pseudotsuga Pseudotsuga menziesii v. glauca • Hardy, dark bluish-green foliage on a large tree. Excellent planted in large spaces, or as a background. Sun. Height: 20 m; Width: 10 m in 25–30 years


Chamaecyparis Attractive evergreens that require no pruning. Sunny site sheltered from wind. Fertilize annually with 30-10-10 or Miracid fertilizer in late spring & early summer. Heatherbun Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Heatherbun’ • Shear annually for best colour. Blue-green foliage in summer turns plum in fall on a dense, mounding form. Use in rock garden or shrub bed. Sun. Sandy soil. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 1.5 m Sungold Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Sungold’ • New growth is very bright yellow. Dense, thread-like foliage. Great for contrast in the garden. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 2–3 m

Falsecypress ‘Sungold’

Cedar ‘Techny’ (Mission)

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Evergreens  119 Fir

Abies Alpine Abies lasiocarpa • Interesting barrel-shaped, brown cones covered in resin. Greyish-green, blue-tinged foliage. Great background tree & is quite shade tolerant. Sun to A.M. Sun. Height: 20–30 m; Width: 5–8 m Dwarf Balsam Abies balsamea ‘Nana’ • Very hardy tree with dark-green, broad & flat needles on a dwarf form. Nice in a rock garden. A.M. Sun. Moist site. Height: 60–75 cm; Width: 100 cm Silver Abies concolor • Blue to bluegrey, compact foliage, smooth, silvery bark & lots of dark purple cones. Very drought tolerant. Sun. Height: 15 m; Width: 7 m

form ideal for rock gardens. A.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height: 20– 25 cm; Width: 40–50 cm


Juniperus Junipers are wonderful evergreens for northern gardens. Most do not require winter protection to prevent browning. Good in dry sites, but prefer moist, well-drained soils. Sun. Juniperus chinensis Gold Coast Juniperus chinensis ‘Gold Coast’ • One of the best golden junipers for northern areas. Golden foliage colour intensifies in cold weather on a compact dense shrub. Good as foundation, groundcover or mass planting. Height: 90 cm; Width: 1.5–2 m

Keep well watered; fertilize annually with 30-10-10 or Miracid fertilizer. Mulch with a mix of pine needles & shredded bark.

Gold Lace Juniperus chinensis ‘Aurea’ cv Gold Lace • Very brightgold foliage on a semi-dwarf, wide-spreading form. Sun. Excellent accent groundcover plant. Height: 60 cm; Width: 90–120 cm

Gentsch White Tsuga canadensis ‘Gentsch White’ • Creamy-white variegated foliage on a globose form that should be sheared annually to maintain compact form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5 m in 10– 12 years

GoldStar Juniperus chinensis ‘Bakaurea’ • Striking when mixed with darker evergreens. Very dense, bright-gold foliage—the newest growth is the brightest. Great groundcover & contrast plant. Sun. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 1.5–2 m

Weeping Tsuga canadensis ‘Gracilis’ • Needs no pruning. Attractive, low-maintenance shrub with graceful, weeping branches on a

Maney Juniperus chinensis ‘Maneyi’ • Produces masses of grey-green berries—quite showy. Bluishgreen foliage with semi-erect,

Fir ‘Dwarf Balsam’

Juniper ‘Blueberry Delight’



Juniper ‘Gold Coast’

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spreading growth. Extremely hardy & tolerant of high soil salts. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Mint Julep (Sea Green) Juniperus chinensis ‘Monlap’ • Brilliant mint-green, fountain-like, arching branches. Tolerates some shade & poor soil. Sun. Height: 1–2 m; Width: 2–2.5 m Mountbatten Juniperus chinensis ‘Mountbatten’ • Abundant bright berries. Rich bluish-green foliage on a compact pyramidal form. Fast-growing—little shearing or pruning required. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 2 m Old Gold Juniperus chinensis ‘Old Gold’ • Intense brightgold foliage, especially the new growth. Excellent juniper for adding contrast to shrub beds & borders. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Juniperus communis Alpine Carpet Juniperus communis ‘Mondap’ • Soft-textured, deep blue-green foliage on a hardy, slow-growing groundcover. Great choice for areas with limited space. Sun. Height: 20–25 cm; Width: 90–100 cm Blueberry Delight Juniperus communis depressa ‘Amidak’ • Very hardy. Dark needles with a silver blue line on upper surface on a dense, wide-spreading groundcover form. Use in rock gardens. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Width: 1.5 m

Juniper ‘Blue Chip’

Gnom Juniperus communis ‘Gnom’ • Grey-green, compact foliage on a columnar form. Requires little shearing or shaping. Sun. Extremely hardy. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 2 m Green Carpet Juniperus communis ‘Green Carpet’ • Intense brightgreen new growth matures to dark green on a hardy, carpet-like form. Ideal in borders & rock gardens. Sun. Height: 10–15 cm; Width: 75–90 cm Juniperus horizontalis Bar Harbor Juniperus horizontalis ‘Bar Harbor’ • Most are male & have no berries. Blue-green foliage turns plum in winter. Great groundcover—perfect for rock gardens: will grow in cracks. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Width: 2–3 m Blue Chip Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Chip’ • Very hardy, soft steel-blue, dense foliage on a groundcover form. Perfect for draping over walls or as an accent plant. Sun. Height: 10–15 cm; Width: 2–3 m Blue Prince Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Prince’ • Best blue-coloured foliage on a great groundcover juniper. Provide good snowcover through winter. Sun. Height: 10–15 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m Blue Pygmy Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Pygmy’ • New growth is smooth. Blue-grey compact foliage on a spreading form. Great collector plant for small beds or rock gardens. Sun. Height: 5–6 cm; Width: 25– 30 cm in 8–10 years Juniper ‘Gold Star’

Hemlock ‘Weeping’

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120  Evergreens Compact Andorra Juniperus horizontalis ‘Compact Andorra’ • Grey-green foliage turns purple in winter. Great groundcover. Compact foliage is quite soft with adequate moisture. Sun. Height: 45–60 cm; Width: 2– 2.5 m Hughes Juniperus horizontalis ‘Hughes’ • Very compact, silvery-blue foliage. Excellent groundcover, perfect for rock gardens or large shrub beds. Sun. Height: 45–50 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m Icee Blue Juniperus horizontalis ‘Monber’ • Intense blue foliage, tinged purple in fall & winter on a mat-forming plant. Great groundcover for hot, dry sites. Sun. Height: 10 cm; Width: 2 m Lime Glow Juniperus horizontalis ‘Lime Glow’ • Holds its colour well. Feathery new foliage is lime green on a vase-shaped form. Tolerant of hot, dry sites once established. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 1.5– 2m Prince Of Wales Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince Of Wales’ • Great groundcover that drapes over walls & around rocks. Fastgrowing with trailing branches & bright green foliage that often turns purplish in winter. Lovely in rock gardens. Sun. Height: 10–15 cm; Width: 3–4 m

tinged purple in winter. Tolerant of hard soil. Sun. Height: 10– 15 cm; Width: 2–3 m Youngstown (Andorra) Juniperus horizontalis ‘Andorra’ • Very soft foliage which is a beautiful plum colour in winter. Excellent spreading groundcover. Sun or Shade. Height: 45–60 cm; Width: 2.5–3 m Juniperus procumbens Dwarf Japanese Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’ • Best in open areas. Compact, mounding form is slow growing & easy to maintain. Very nice crawling over rocks & retaining walls. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 4–5 m Juniperus sabina Blue Forest Juniperus sabina ‘Blue Forest’ • Dark-blue foliage on a striking groundcover with branches whose ends curl straight up like a dwarf forest. Sun. Height: 15–30 cm; Width: 1.5– 2m Buffalo Juniperus sabina ‘Buffalo’ • Tolerant of salt, excellent along driveways. Soft, feathery, bright-green foliage. Very hardy groundcover; perfect for rock gardens or large shrub beds. Sun. Height: 35–40 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m

New Blue Tam Juniperus sabina ‘New Blue Tam’ • Striking bluegreen foliage on a very dense, low, mounding juniper. Shade & drought tolerant. Sun. Height: 35–45 cm; Width: 3–4 m Savin Juniperus sabina • Very darkgreen foliage that turns much paler in winter on a distinct vaseshaped form. Great in large shrub beds. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5–3 m Variegated Savin Juniperus sabina ‘Variegata’ • Excellent for contrast with other junipers in the garden—try it as a semi-formal hedge. Bright-green flecked with cream foliage on a upright, vaseshaped form. Great in large shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 90–100 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m Juniperus scopulorum Blue Arrow Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Arrow’ • Perfect to frame entrances or as a feature plant. Extremely narrow, upright variety with intense deep-blue foliage on a compact form with little to no shearing needed. Sun. Height: 5 m; Width: 60–90 cm Blue Trail Juniperus scopulorum ‘Blue Trail’ • Fairly drought tolerant once established & fairly quick growing. Very intense silvery-blue foliage on a columnar form. Excellent for screens & hedges. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 1.5–2 m

Wilton’s Blue Rug Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’ • Hardy & fast growing with trailing branches & silver-blue foliage

Calgary Carpet Juniperus sabina ‘Monna’ • Very soft-green foliage on a low-growing, spreading shrub. Our most popular juniper—tolerates light shade. Sun. Dry soil. Height: 20–30 cm; Width: 2–3 m

Gray Gleam Juniperus scopulorum ‘Gray Gleam’ • Silver-grey foliage (striking in winter) on a slowgrowing, pyramidal form. Great

Juniper ’Calgary Carpet’

Juniper ‘Savin’

Juniper ‘Moonglow’

screen or rockery plant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 1.5–2 m in 30–40 years Medorra Juniperus scopulorum ‘Medorra’ • Dense blue-green foliage on a slender columnar form. A hardy & naturally compact plant that does not form cones. Sun. Height: 9–12 m; Width: 2.5–3 m Montana Green Juniperus scopulorum ‘Montana Green’ • Very dense, soft-green foliage on a narrow pyramidal form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Excellent for screening or hedging. Height: 4 m; Width: 1.5 m Moonglow Juniperus scopulorum ‘Moonglow’ • Intense bluish-gray foliage on a dense, pyramidal form. Great feature plant or screen. Sun. Requires no shearing or pruning. Height: 6 m; Width: 1.5 m Skyrocket Juniperus scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’ • Striking silvery-blue foliage on an extremely narrow, upright form. Perfect for formal gardens & small yards. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 45– 60 cm Sutherland Juniperus scopulorum ‘Sutherland’ • Upright-branching juniper with silvery-green foliage on a strong but slow-growing plant—excellent for the prairies. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Wichita Blue Juniperus scopulorum ‘Wichita Blue’ • Great for large shrub beds or rock gardens. Brilliant silvery-blue foliage on a Juniper ‘Medorra’

Juniper ‘Blue Forest’

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Evergreens  121 fast-growing, cone-shaped plant. Sun. Can be made compact by shearing annually. Height: 5– 6 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Juniperus squamata Blue Star Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ • Dislikes high humidity. Very bright-blue foliage on a slow-growing, rounded bush. Best with good snow cover through winter. Sun. Height: 90 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m Juniperus virginiana Idyllwild Juniperus virginiana ‘Idyllwild’ • Branches have a unique, twisting growth habit—very showy! Dark-green foliage on a strong upright form. Excellent as a screening or feature plant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Taylor Juniperus virginiana ‘Taylor’ • Green-tinted-grey foliage darkening in winter on a distinctive, upright form. Very tolerant of poor, dry soil. Sun. Height: 8 m; Width: 1 m


Larix Blue Dwarf Larix kaempferi ‘Blue Dwarf ’ • Blue-green foliage (especially new growth) on a mounding spreading form. Great for small landscapes or rock gardens. Sun. Height: 25–30 cm in 10–15 years; Width: 30– 45 cm in 10–15 years

foliage & masses of ascending branches on a beehive-like form. Striking in the rock garden. Sun. Height: 75–90 cm; Width: 75–90 cm Diana Larix kaempferi ‘Diana’ • Unique twisted & contorted foliage. Great for the collector of interesting plants. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 2–3 m in 10–15 years Dwarf Japanese Larix kaempferi ‘Nana’ • Stunning in a small rock garden. Beautiful golden-yellow fall colour & rich reddish-brown bark on a slow-growing, dense, globose form. Sun. Height: 40–50 cm; Width: 50–60 cm in 10–15 years Lanark Larix sibirica ‘Lanark’ • Blue-green foliage with brightyellow stems on a mounding form. Great for small landscapes or rock gardens. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1.5 m Prag Larix decidua • Extremely hardy variety! Slow-growing mounding habit. Excellent for rock gardens! Moist, well-drained site. Sun. Height: 60–75 cm; Width: 75 cm in 10–12 years Siberian Larix russica • Beautiful golden-yellow fall colour on a very fast-growing, extremely hardy tree. Excellent for large yards. Sun. Height: 30 m; Width: 10 m

Deborah Waxman Larix laricina ‘Deborah Waxman’ • Small female spring flowers open bright red— very showy! Light bluish-green

Weeping Larix decidua ‘Pendula’ • Graceful, weeping branches drape over rocks & walls or crawl along the ground. Soft green needles are shed in fall & replaced in

Larch ‘Weeping’

Juniper ‘Idyllwild’

Pines are great for dry, sandy sites. Prune only new growth in mid June; remove major limbs in early spring. Fertilize with 30-10-10 fertilizer every spring & early summer. Sun. Black Pine Austrian Pinus nigra • Very long, dark-green needles. Excellent feature tree, screen or wind break in dry areas—shows character with age. Sun. Height: 20 m; Width: 7–10 m

Bristlecone Pine Bristlecone Pinus aristata • Plant where many generations will enjoy it. Slow-growing, longlived feature tree. Distinguished from other pines by white resinous flecks on its needles. Sun. Height: 9–12 m; Width: 6–7 m in 50–60 years Jack Pine Uncle Fogy Pinus banksiana ‘Uncle Fogy’ • Offers a different look to the garden—fast growing. Wide, undulating branches & unusual winter buds heavily covered with resin on a pendulous form of Jack pine. Sun. Height: 3–6 m; Width: variable Japanese Stone Pine Blue Dwarf Pinus pumila ‘Dwarf Blue’ • Striking blue foliage on a dense, horizontally spreading form. A hardy Japanese pine, great groundcover or feature. Sun. Height: 60 cm; Width: 1.5 m Limber Pine Limber Pinus flexilis • Windburn resistant dense foliage & flexible branches on a feature tree for larger yards. Slow-growing Alberta & BC native. Height: 10–12 m; Width: 7–9 m Lodgepole Pine Lodgepole Pinus contorta v. latifolia • Narrow tree with a beautiful straight trunk. Plant in groups & beside decks as it’s a tidy tree that doesn’t drop cones. Sun. Height: 20 m; Width: 4–6 m

Pine ‘Limber’

Pine ‘Austrian’

spring. The ultimate feature tree. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height: training dependant; Width: 3–4 m Weeping Varied Directions Larix decidua ‘Varied Directions’ • Extraordinary & unique specimen tree whose growth is wider than tall when mature. Foliage turns a golden yellow in fall. Branches grow up & out then arch down. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height: 2.5– 3 m; Width: 3–4 m in 12– 15 years Wolterdingen Larix kaempferi ‘Wolterdingen’ • A real showpiece for the small landscape or rock garden. Soft blue-green needles all season on a spreading form. Sun. Golden-fall colour yielding to reddish-brown winter stems. Height: 60 cm; Width: 75– 90 cm in 10–12 years



Larch ‘Siberian’

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122  Evergreens Morel Red Pine Morel Red Pinus resinosa ‘Morel’ • Long, soft-to-touch needles on a compact plant—matures to a dense, informal form. Great for backgrounds & large shrub beds. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Mugo Pine Big Tuna Pinus mugo ‘Big Tuna’ • Striking, oval form with a very compact habit. Good screen plant or to provide form contrast in large rock gardens. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 2–3 m Columnar Pinus mugo ‘Columnaris’ • Emerald-green foliage highlights bright-white waxy buds on a compact, upright narrow form. Sun. Great for small landscapes. Height: 75– 100 cm; Width: 30–45 cm in 10–15 years

Mugo Pompon Pinus mugo • Unique form of pruning appears as globe-like tufts of growth at the ends of branches. Sun to P.M. Sun. Very hardy! Height & Width: training dependant Slowmound Pinus mugo ‘Slowmound’ • Dark-green foliage on a very slow-growing plant. Great dwarf for confined sites. Sun. Requires no shaping to maintain form. Height: 60– 75 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m in 15 years Uncinata Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata • Unique, single stem Mugo pine—very large & fast growing. Excellent for large yards & wind breaks. Sun. Shape annually. Height: 20 m; Width: 6 m

Mugo Pinus mugo • Available in both sheared & unsheared forms. A wide-spreading form that can be sheared regularly to maintain a dense form. Great screen for large yards & parks. Height: 5–7 m; Width: 7–9 m

White Bud Pinus mugo ‘White Bud’ • Bright-white candles in spring on a naturally dwarf shrub. Good for rock gardens. Sun to P.M. Sun. Low maintenance. Height: 1 m; Width: 1.5 m Ponderosa Pine (Yellow Pine) Ponderosa Pinus ponderosa • Attractive long needles (up to 15 cm) on a large pyramidal form. Beautiful feature tree, excellent for shelterbelts. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 10 m Scotch Pine Beauvronensis Cloud Prune Pinus sylvestris ‘Beauvronensis’ • The ultimate showpiece for a formal yard. Deep-green foliage on a multi-stemmed tree with cloud-like growth on each stem. Sun. Must be candle pruned to

Pine ‘Morel Red’

Pine ‘Slowmound’

Corley’s Mat Pinus mugo ‘Corley’s Mat’ • Bright-green foliage on a very low-growing, flat-topped mugo. Produces cones at an early age. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 15 cm; Width: 60 cm in 10 years Moppet Pinus mugo ‘Moppet’ • Finely-textured, compact foliage on a wide mounding form. Great for rockeries—very slow growing. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1 m; Width: 1–1.5 m

maintain form. Height & Width: training dependant Columnar Scotch Pinus sylvestris ‘Fastigiata’ • Very dense foliage with a rich steely blue colour on a very narrow form. Great for framing entrances & driveways. Sun. Height: 7–9 m; Width: 45–60 cm Dwarf Globe Pinus sylvestris ‘Glauca Nana’ • A large globe shape grafted on a single stem. Unique feature in shrub beds & rockeries. Sun. Prune annually to maintain form. Height & Width: training dependant Hillside Creeper Pinus sylvestris ‘Hillside Creeper’ • Attractive fast-growing groundcover. Will grow around rocks & spill over walls—a spectacular feature. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 2–3 m Pumila Pinus sylvestris ‘Pumila’ • Bluish-coloured needles on a broadly rounded, upright form. Very hardy plant—excellent for screening. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 2–3 m in 12–15 years Scotch Pinus sylvestris • Each individual tree has its own character providing a striking feature for large yards, acreages or parks. Long, soft-green needles on a wide-spreading tree. Beautiful, orange-red, peeling bark on older branches. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 6–9 m

Pine ‘Hillside Creeper’

Viridis Hindu Pan Pinus sylvestris ‘ Globosa Viridis’ • An extremely showy piece, great for a formal garden on a large bonsai-like form. Sun. Candle prune annually. Height & Width: training dependant Swiss Stone Pine Swiss Stone Pinus cembra • Shinygreen, reverse whitish-blue, dense needles on a columnar form. Super feature for large yards. Sun. Well-drained soil. Height: 20 m; Width: 4–6 m in 20–30 years White Pine Bennett Clumpleaf Pinus strobus ‘Bennett Clumpleaf ’ • A collectors curiosity for a large yard. Very dark-green foliage with thick needles contrasting well with the smooth silvery bark on an upright, broad form. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m in 10–15 years Blue Shag Pinus strobus ‘Blue Shag’ • Soft & long, bluish-green foliage. Excellent contrast choice for rock gardens. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m in 10–12 years Columnar White Pinus strobus ‘Fastigiata’ • Contrasts nicely with darker evergreens. Beautiful silver-blue foliage on a very upright & narrow form. Excellent for small yards. Sun. Height: 10 m; Width: 2–3 m Eastern Weeping Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ • Size varies tremendously because of its very attractive & erratic weeping growth habit. Soft bluish-green foliage & pendulous branches. Pine ‘Eastern Weeping’

Pine’White Bud’

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Evergreens  123 Can be allowed to weep & trail over rocks or walls—excellent feature. Sun. Height: 4–9 m; Width: 3–4 m Macopin Pinus strobus ‘Macopin’ • Bluish-green, silver foliage & prominent spring buds. Good for screening, large shrub beds or rock gardens. Sun. Height &Width: 2–3 m Snowhite Pinus strobus ‘Alba’ • Soft, dense needles that are silverywhite when young on a open, large form. Sun. Height: 15– 20 m; Width: 6–9 m

Russian Cypress

Microbiota Russian Cypress Microbiota decussata • We know of a 14year-old shrub that was 4 m wide! Bright-green foliage turns purple-brown in winter. Great groundcover; spreads indefinitely. Shade to A.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height: 30 cm; Width: 3–4 m


Picea Mulch to keep soil cool & moist. There is such a variety of shapes & sizes that one can be found for virtually any site in the landscape; dwarf spruces are great additions to rock gardens & flowerbeds. Best in full sun. Black Spruce Blue Nest Picea mariana ‘Ericoides’ • Rich blue-grey foliage on a nest-like form which is excellent for foundation planting or as a border plant. Sun. Height: 60– 75 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m Pine ‘Blue Shag’

Russian Cypress

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Golden Picea mariana ‘Aurea’ • Golden colour is best on the newest growth, giving the tree a stunning layered look. Beautiful blue-grey foliage highlighted with creamy-yellow on upper side of needles on an upright, broad form. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 4–5 m Colorado Spruce Colorado Picea pungens • Best for large spaces. Foliage varies in shades of green to blue on a broad pyramidal form. Great for windbreaks, screens or as a feature. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 5–6 m Creeping Blue Picea pungens ‘Glauca Procumbens’ • Can be trained to climb over rocks & small walls. Bright silvery-blue needles form a dense, slowgrowing mat. Excellent for large rock gardens. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 4–6 m Fat Albert Picea pungens ‘Fat Albert’ • Very dense, bright-blue foliage on a broad pyramidal form. Excellent feature tree—perfect for large yards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 6–9 m Globe Picea pungens ‘Globe’ • Dwarf & slow growing with a very compact, globose, upright form. Great specimen plant in a rock garden or shrub bed. Sun. Height: 24 cm; Width: 30 cm in 10–12 years

Probably the brightest blue foliage of all the blue spruce with a very compact growth habit. Best for large yards. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 9–10 m Iseli Columnar Blue Picea pungens ‘Iseli Fastigiate’ • Great for flanking a driveway or house entrance. Compact steel-blue foliage on a very narrow, upright form. Excellent for small yards. Sun. Height: 10–20 m; Width: 3–4 m Mesa Verde Picea pungens ‘Mesa Verde’ • Would make an interesting accent, groundcover or an addition to a large shrub bed. Beautiful, large, nest-like spruce. Extremely hardy plant that can be used for screening. Sun to A.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 2–3 m Montgomery Picea pungens ‘Montgomery’ • Very attractive blue foliage on a compact feature shrub which eventually grows into a broad, pyramidal shape. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 2–3 m Thume Compact Picea pungens glauca ‘Thume’ • Intense steely blue foliage on a very compact globe form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Requires no pruning or shearing to maintain form. Height: 1 m; Width: 1.5 m in 15–20 years

Hoopsi Picea pungens ‘Hoopsii’ • Perfect feature tree—contrasts well with most other plants.

Weeping Blue Picea pungens ‘Pendula’ • Unique feature tree cascading over rocks & walls. Blue foliage on downward angling branches used as a groundcover. Must be trained

Pine ‘Macopin’

Spruce ‘Colorado’

to a tall, weeping tree. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: up to 4–5 m; Width: 1–1.5 m in 15 years Norway Spruce Clanbrassiliana Picea abies ‘Clanbrassiliana Stricta’ • Beautiful, slow-growing tree, eventually looking like a perfect Christmas tree. Excellent for areas with limited space. Sun. Height: 1.5–2 m; Width: 1 m in 75 years Cupress Picea abies ‘Cupressina’ • Dense, dark-green foliage on a narrow columnar form. Excellent for small yards, perfect screening tree. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 90 cm in 10 years Hillside Upright Picea abies ‘Hillside Upright’ • Dark foliage & irregular branching on a great feature or background tree— highlights lighter foliaged plants. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 1.5 m Lanham’s Beehive Picea abies ‘Lanham’s Beehive’ • Foliage is dark green with bluish tint on a beehive-like form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Needles longer & thicker than other dwarfs. Height: 75– 90 cm; Width: 75 cm in 10– 12 years Little Gem Picea abies ‘Little Gem’ • Beautiful lime-green new growth in spring, very dense foliage on a miniature shrub. Ideal for rock gardens. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 60–75 cm

Spruce ‘Little Gem’

Spruce ‘Hillside Upright’

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124  Evergreens Mucronata Picea abies ‘Mucronata’ • Low-maintenance plant for small shrub beds. Dark-green needles & big prominent brown buds on a upright, broad form. Growth accelerates with maturity. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5– 2 m; Width: 1.5 m in 12– 15 years Nest Pice abies ‘Nidiformis’ • Usually has a slight depression on the top that makes it look like a nest. New growth contrasts with older dark green needles on a flattopped, bun-shaped form. Great in shrub beds & borders. Height: 1 m; Width: 1.5 m in 15–20 years Pumila Picea abies ‘Pumila’ • A rich dark-green, rounded mound of foliage. Excellent for shrub beds & rock gardens; great substitute for nest spruce. Sun. Height: 1 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Rubra Spicata Picea abies ‘Rubra Spicata’ • Great for large spaces. Spectacular when new growth is opening up—extremely bright red. Unique, fast-growing feature or showy background. Sun. Height: 4 m; Width: 2 m in 15 years Weeping Norway Picea abies ‘Pendula’ • Versatile feature plant, living fence, groundcover, screen, climbing rocks or walls. Dark-green, dense growth on an extremely pendulous, striking form. Can be staked to grow taller. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: training dependant; Width: 4– 6m

Spruce ‘Weeping Norway’

Oriental Spruce Shadow’s Broom Picea orientalis ‘Shadow’s Broom’ • Very showy! Thin, fine-textured needles on a very hardy oriental spruce. Considered a rich green in the world of conifers. Sun. Height: 1.5–2 m; Width: 1.5 m in 10– 12 years Serbian Spruce Dwarf Serbian Picea omorika ‘Nana’ • Beautiful, blue & dark green, bicoloured foliage on a form that varies from globeshaped to broadly pyramidal. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 2–3 m in 50 years Pimoko Picea omorika ‘Pimoko’ • Green needles with silver underside on a broad upright dwarf form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Smaller version of dwarf Serbian spruce. Height: 45–60 cm; Width: 45–60 cm in 10–12 years White Spruce Black Hills Picea glauca v. densata • Dark-green, very dense foliage on a conical form. Very hardy & slow-growing, ornamental upright spruce. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 1–1.5 m in 10–12 years Coerulea Picea glauca ‘Coerulea’ • Unique & quite showy. Beautiful grey-blue, short needles & narrow branches contrast with dark-brown cones. Excellent for smaller yards. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 5–6 m Dwarf Alberta Picea glauca ‘Albertiana Conica’ • Dense foliage on a short, Christmas

tree-like form. Great for use in a sheltered shrub bed as a formal accent. Sun. Height: 1.5–2 m; Width: 75–90 cm in 20–25 years Echiniformis Picea glauca ‘Echiniformis’ • Thin, grey bluegreen, short needles on a low, pin-cushion shaped plant. Great for rock gardens or troughs. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 25 cm; Width: 30–35 cm Humpty Dumpty Picea glauca ‘Humpty Dumpty’ • Very dense, dwarf plant with an upright, broad pyramidal shape. Feature in a shrub bed or rock garden. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5– 2 m; Width: 1.5 m North Star Picea glauca ‘North Star’ • Medium-green foliage on a compact, dense form. Excellent wind- & sunburn resistance— great for small yards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 3– 4 m in 12–15 years Weeping White Picea glauca ‘Pendula’ • Soft, light grey-green foliage on a narrow, conical form with a weeping habit. Perfect feature tree for a small garden. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 1.5 m in 15–20 years


Taxus Dense evergreens that prefer moist, partially shady, protected sites. Excellent for shrub borders, foundation planting or a feature shrub.

Spruce ‘Weeping White’

Black Spreading Taxus x media ‘Nigra’ • Excellent contrast plant. Very dark black-green, soft foliage on a compact form. Use in a large shrub bed or as an informal hedge. Sun or Shade. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5 m Brandon/Morden Taxus ‘Morden’ • Very hardy, slow-growing plant with dark-green foliage. Excellent in rock gardens. Shade to A.M. Sun. Prefers moist soil. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Dark Green Spreader Taxus cuspidata ‘Dark Green Spreader’ • Very dark-green foliage with a wide, flat growth habit— excellent for hedging or filler. Sun or Shade. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 2–2.5 m Hicksii Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’ • Slow-growing, columnar form— excellent as screen or hedge. Narrow when young width increases with age. Sun or Shade. Height: 3 m; Width: 1.5 m wide in 10–12 years Margarita Taxus x media ‘Geers’ • Bright lime-green foliage on a rounded form. Very hardy plant—excellent for small hedges or contrasting. Sun or Shade. Height: 120–180 cm; Width: 90–120 cm Taunton’s Spreading Taxus x media ‘Tauntonii’ • Requires little pruning. A slow-growing, flattopped globe shape that spreads with age. A lovely windburnresistant groundcover. Shade to A.M. Sun. Height: 90–150 cm; Width: 1.5–2 m Yew ‘Black Spreading’

Yew ‘Brandon/Morden’

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Shade Trees  125

Shade Trees Alder

Alnus Cutleaf Imperial Alnus glutinosa ‘Imperialis’ • Finely dissected foliage on a top-grafted form. Excellent feature plant for small yards. Sun or Shade. Height: 3–3.5 m; Width: 2–2.5 m Prairie Horizon Alnus hirsuta ‘Harbin’ • Very drought tolerant for an alder. Dark-green foliage on a fast-growing tree. Purple spring catkins followed by brown ornamental cones. Yellow fall foliage. Sun. Height: 9–10 m; Width: 4–6 m in 18–20 years


Populus Swedish Columnar Populus tremula ‘Erecta’ • Beautiful planted in groups as a screen or windbreak—good for small yards or tight spaces. Small round leaves tremble at the slightest breeze on a tall, columnar form. Very hardy; shallow roots not invasive. Sun. Height: 10 m; Width: 1.5–2 m


Betula Crimson Frost Betula ‘Crimson Frost’ • Compact, deep burgundyred foliage & bright-white bark with a brownish-red tint. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height: 6–8 m; Width: 2– 4m Aspen ‘Swedish Columnar’

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Cutleaf Weeping Betula pendula ‘Lacinata’ • The bark is a beautiful bright white—produces catkins in the spring. Deeply cut leaves create a fine-textured look on long, arching branches reaching to the ground. Very graceful form. Sun. Height: 15 m; Width: 6–10 m Dakota Pinnacle Betula platphylla ‘Fargo’ • Deep-green foliage with yellowish-white bark on a very columnar form—yellow fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Drought tolerant. Height: 8– 9 m; Width: 2 m Paper Betula papyrifera • Large oval-headed tree with attractive, bright-white bark, often peeling & catkins in spring. Beautiful feature tree for large yards or parks—spectacular in winter with hoar frost on thousands of small branches. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 10–15 m Prairie Dream Betula papyrifera ‘Varen’ • Broad oval form. Brightwhite bark exfoliates with age. Resistant to Bronze Birch Borer. Sun. Deep golden-yellow fall colour. Height: 15 m; Width: 10 m Whitespire Betula platyphylla ‘Whitespire’ • Non-peeling white bark—a very attractive specimen tree. Sun; moist soil. Height: 8 m; Width: 5–6 m Birch ‘Young’s Weeping’

Young’s Weeping Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ • Beautiful feature tree with pendulous branches & white bark. Stem are trained to different showy forms. Sun. Moist soil. Height: training dependant

Black Walnut Juglans Juglans nigra • Coarse, fern-like foliage on a very large, round-headed form. A beautiful, long-lived feature tree. Sun. Deep, rich soil. Height: 15– 25 m; Width: 10–15 m


Caragana Sutherland Caragana arborescens ‘Sutherland’ • Very narrow upright habit of growth. Great feature tree for small spaces. Yellow blooms in May. Great for dry sites. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 1 m


Catalpa Chinese Catalpa ovata • Very large leaves on a upright oval form. 10–25 cm-long panicles of white blooms. Brown ornamental fruits. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 8–10 m; Width: 6–8 m


Prunus Mary Liss Pincherry Prunus pensylvanica ‘Mary Liss’ • Small upright tree. White, clusters of blooms in late spring. Bright-red fruits. Excellent in jelly, juice, syrup & wine. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 4 m

Pincherry Prunus pensylvanica • A 4 season tree that can be grown single or multiple stemmed. Great fall colour with glossy reddishbrown bark in winter. Clustered white blooms in spring. Tiny red fruit in summer. Sun. Height: 7–10 m; Width: 5–7 m


Aesculus Fort McNair Aesculus x carnea ‘Fort McNair’ • Dense foliage provides deep shade. 5–7 leaflets in a hand-shape on a round-headed tree. Pink panicles of blooms. A fast-growing choice for large yards. Sun. Height: 20–25 m; Width: 15–20 m


Prunus Amur Prunus maackii • Features very attractive, often peeling, cinnamon-gold bark, which is especially eye-catching in winter months. Can be grown single or multi-stemmed. Large, roundheaded tree often turns bright yellow in fall. Clustered white blooms in spring. Nice feature for large yards. Height: 10 m; Width: 10 m Bailey Select Schubert Prunus virginiana ‘Bailey Select Schubert’ • A colourful feature tree excellent for small yards. Lovely purple fall colour & edible fruit. Green leaves turn deep reddish-purple on a small, fast-growing, roundheaded form. Clustered white blooms in spring. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 5–6 m Chestnut ‘Fort McNair’

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126  Shade Trees Columnar Schubert Prunus virginiana ‘Schubert Fastigiata’ • Deep-purple foliage on a very upright form. Clusters of white blooms in late spring. Darkpurple fruits. Sun. Height: 6– 7 m; Width: 3 m Goldrush Prunus maackii ‘Jefree’ • A rounded form with coppery-orange bark. Clusters of white blooms in late spring. Ornamental black fruit. Sun. Height & Width: 10 m Midnight Schubert Prunus virginiana ‘Midnight Schubert’ • Fast-growing, non-suckering selection—striking contrast tree. Green leaves turn dark purple by July on an oval-headed form. White blooms in June. Edible purple fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 7–8 m; Width: 4–5 m


Ulmus Brandon Ulmus americana • Beautiful high-headed upright tree, stately vase-shape. Very compact form of the larger American Elm—excellent shade tree for larger yards. Great golden-yellow fall colour. Height: 15 m; Width: 10 m

Flowering Plum

Prunus Princess Kay Prunus nigra ‘Princess Kay’ • Great feature tree for small yards. A heavy bloomer. Showy white, fragrant, double blooms in spring. Purplish-black bark— attractive in winter. Sun. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 2–3 m Flowering Plum ‘Princess Kay’

Flowering Plums

Prunus Muckle (Hybrid) Prunus x nigrella • Produces no fruit. A slowgrowing & extremely hardy tree. Showy rosy-pink blooms in early spring. Great focal point for small yards. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 3–3.5 m

Hackberry Celtis Hackberry Celtis occidentalis • Large, round-headed tree adapts to various soils & dry conditions. Tidy beside a deck, best in large yards or parks. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 15 m


Crataegus Arnold Crataegus arnoldiana • Glossy foliage on a compact, globe form. White, clusters of single blooms in late spring. Bright red fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 4 m Snowbird Crataegus x mordenensis ‘Snowbird’ • A beautiful feature tree. Round-headed tree for small yards & beside decks—fruitless & almost spineless. White blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 6 m; Width: 4–5 m Toba Crataegus x mordenensis ‘Toba’ • Great for small yards, screens or by decks—no thorns or fruit. Pink, fragrant, double blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 6 m

Horse Chestnut

Aesculus Red Aesculus carnea ‘Brioti’ • Deeply lobed, dark-green foliage on a broad rounded form. Rosyred, spiked panicles of blooms in June. Sun. Height: 10–12 m; Width: 8–10 m


Syringa Golden Eclipse Syringa reticulata ‘Golden Eclipse’ • Variegated foliage does not apper on newly planted trees—starts in second year. Leaves are pale green, maturing golden-yellow with a dark centre. White, lightly scented blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–7 m; Width: 2.5–4 m Ivory Silk Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ • Spectacular feature tree that blooms when most other trees have finished & foliage contrasts wonderfully with blossoms. Dark-green leaves on an oval form. Creamy-white to yellow blooms in summer. Beautiful in bloom— great for small yards. Height & Width: 10 m



Dropmore Tilia x flavescens ‘Dropmore’ • Good beside decks, in medium-sized yards or parks. Large leaves form a big dense canopy. White, very fragrant blooms in summer. A hardy variety, perfect for the prairies. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 9–15 m Harvest Gold Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Gold’ • Beautiful peeling bark starts to peel when trunk is 5 cm in diameter. A narrow upright form. White blooms in summer. Good for small yards. Sun. Presents excellent, brightgold fall colour. Height: 10– 15 m; Width: 6–7 m True North Tilia americana ‘Duros’ • Great tree for small yards. A very upright pyramidal form. Sweetly fragrant blooms in early summer. Bark is white when young. Sun. Height: 15 m; Width: 3 m


Acer Autumn Blaze Acer x freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ • Very fast grower with a large, oval head & upright branches. Grown on its own root. Sun. Incredible red-orange fall colour. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 15 m

Boulevard Tilia americana ‘Boulevard’ • Dark-green foliage on a pyramidal shape. Small, yellow, sweetly scented blooms in July. Excellent for boulevards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 15– 20 m; Width: 7–8 m

Autumn Spire Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Spire’ • Blooms before the leaves open, very showy. Lovely feature tree with a broad, columnar form, perfect for small yards. Red blooms in spring. Great red fall colour. Sun. Height: 14–15 m; Width: 6–7 m

Lilac ‘Ivory Silk’

Linden ‘Boulevard’

Hawthorn ‘Snowbird’

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Shade Trees  127 Embers Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Embers’ • Excellent for small yards. Beautiful rounded form—great multi-stem or single stem tree for small yards. Intense scarlet fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 5 m

Sugar Acer saccharum • Great shade tree that does best in large, open areas. Intense yellow, burntorange & red fall hues on a dense & round-headed, large tree. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 7– 11 m

Hot Wings Acer tataricum ‘Gar Ann’ • Yellow-red fall colour on an upright spreading tree. Ornamental bright-red, winged seed. Drought tolerant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 5–6 m

Tatarian Acer tataricum • Beautiful small tree. Red-winged seeds in August & deep fall colour. Blooms in May prior to leafing out. Use in small yards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 5– 6m

Northwood Acer rubrum ‘Northwood’ • Dense, dark green foliage on a large oval-shaped tree. Great for small yards. Sun. Turns brilliant yellow to red in fall. Height & Width: 10 m

Three Flowered Acer triflorum • Attractive, slow-growing tree for small yards with interesting bark & clustered, yellow, spring blooms. Foliage & samaras (seeds) have great fall colours. Dislikes high alkaline soils. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height & Width: 6–8 m Amur Amur Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala • Can be trained to a large bonsai form.A beautiful feature for small yards. Small, wide-spreading tree with orange-red fall colour & red, winged seeds. Fragrant blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–6 m; Width: 5 m

Sensation Acer negundo ‘Sensation’ • Bright-green foliage with a powdery-blue coating on the stems & buds with a slow, uniform growth habit. Perfect for smaller yards—an extremely hardy tree. Sun. Beautiful, brilliant-red fall colour. Height: 7–10 m; Width: 6–7 m Sienna Glen Acer x freemanii ‘Sienna’ • Great specimen tree. Emerald-green foliage on a lovely pyramidal form. Sun. Well-drained soil. Intense red to burgundy-red fall colour. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 9–10 m Silver Cloud Acer saccharinum ‘Silver Cloud’ • Bright-silver undersided leaves & a compact crown on a fast-growing & hardy Manitoba native. Showy in windy weather. Sun. Height: 20 m; Width: 14–15 m Maple ‘Amur’

Ventura Amur Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Ventura’ • Can be trained to a large bonsai form—a beautiful feature for small yards. Brilliant orange-red fall colour with a strong tendency to be single stemmed. Fragrant blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–6 m; Width: 5 m

Maple ‘Tatarian’

Norway Maple Prairie Splendor Acer platanoides ‘Prairie Splendor’ • Burgundy-red leaves provide contrast in the garden. Showy yellow blooms in May. Very hardy tree from southern Alberta. Sun. Height: 10 m; Width: 8–10 m Silver Maple Kenora Acer saccharinum ‘Kenora’ • Beautiful smooth grey bark when young. Can be showy in bloom. Silvery undersides of leaves. Long-lived, very fast-growing tree is hardier than species, excellent for larger yards. Sun. Height: 15 m; Width: 8 m Sugar Unity Acer saccharum ‘Jefcan’ • Intense yellow-orange fall colour on a upright rounded form—best in a protected site. A selection from Manitoba. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 7–11 m

Mayday Prunus Prunus padus v. commutata • Older trees have beautiful, steel-grey bark. One of the first trees to leaf out. Clustered, white, sweetly scented blooms in early May. Best for large open areas. Sun. Height & Width: 10 m Advance Prunus padus ‘Advance’ • Mature tree has attractive dark, steel-grey bark. This species originated in southern Alberta. A tall, columnar form—stunning in full bloom, a week ahead of the regular mayday. Excellent for small yards. Sun. Height: 9– 12 m; Width: 3–3.5 m Maple ‘Kenora’

Sweetheart Prunus padus ‘Sel’ • Red-purple foliage on an upright form. Long clusters of pink blooms. Very hardy selection from Saskatchewan. Sun. Height & Width: 9–10 m

Mountain Ash

Sorbus Blackhawk Sorbus scopulina ‘Blackhawk’ • Columnar in form. Large orange berries. Sun. Height: 8–9 m; Width: 6–7 m Columnar European (Pyramidal) Sorbus aucuparia ‘Fastigiata’ • Slow-growing with a dense growth habit. Big clusters of red berries on an upright, columnar form. White blooms in spring. Great screen tree. Sun. Welldrained soil. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 2–3 m Oak-leaf Sorbus hybrida • Nice feature tree for small yards. Oakshaped leaves on a upright, ovalheaded form. White blooms in spring. True-red, large fruit. Sun. Well-drained soil. Height: 7– 10 m; Width: 5–7 m Showy Sorbus decora • Foliage contrasts well with flowers— excellent for small yards. Dense, round-headed tree. Clustered white blooms in spring. Red fruit. Hardy & fireblight resistant. Sun. Well-drained soil. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 4–5 m


Quercus Burr Quercus macrocarpa • Should be thought of as a ‘heritage’ Mayday

Maple ‘Sensation’

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128  Shade Trees tree & planted where it can be enjoyed for generations. Wide, pyramid-shaped, slow-growing & hardy oak. Well suited to large yards. Sun. Acidic soil. Adaptable to wet or dry sites. Height: 20–25 m; Width: 9–10 m Mongolian Quercus mongolica • Great for large yards but is slowgrowing. Large, strongly lobed leaves on a broadly upright form. Prefers deep, fertile, moist & well-drained soil. Sun. Height & Width: 20 m Northern Pin Quercus ellipsoidalis • Glossy summer foliage followed by striking russet-red foliage in fall. Great specimen. Very hardy in northern areas. Sun. Height: 15–20 m; Width: 10 m White Quercus alba • Best for large open areas, an excellent shade tree! Produces edible acorns. A large, round-headed tree; grows almost as wide as tall. Fast growing when young but slows with age. Sun. Acidic soil. Height: 25–30 m; Width: 15–25 m

Ohio Buckeye

Aesculus Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra • Provides heavy shade. Interesting nuts covered with large spines. Super fall colour on a roundheaded tree. Clustered creamy blooms in late spring. Suited to large yards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 10–15 m

Mountain Ash ‘Showy’

Ornamental Crabapple

Malus Big River Malus ‘Big River’ • Perfect tree for the smaller yard. Very showy pyramidal form. 2–3 cm, deep rose-pink, lightly fragrant blooms in May. Great scale & fireblight resistance. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 2–3 m Dolgo Malus baccata ‘Dolgo’ • Great pollinator. Lovely fruit tree with ornamental value—very attractive in bloom. Purple-red fruit in early September. Good for jelly. Sun. Height: 7–8 m; Width: 5–6 m Dream Weaver Malus x pumila ‘Dream Weaver’ • Perfect for highlighting entrances, driveways, sunny sideyards. Deep burgundy-purple foliage on a unique columnar form that has many uses in the landscape. Abundant blooms in spring. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 30–60 cm in 5–6 years Fuchsia Girl Malus ‘Fuchsia Girl’ • Excellent replacement for ‘Royalty’ crabapple— less susceptible to fireblight. Deep fire-red foliage & a uniform growth habit. Showy red blooms in May. Great spring feature in small yards. Sun. Height: 5 m; Width: 5 m Kelsey Malus ‘Kelsey’ • Very showy feature tree for small yards. Small, round-headed tree with bronze, reddish-green foliage. Masses of purplish-red, semidouble blooms in spring. Sun. Height & Width: 5 m

Pink Spires Malus ‘Pink Spires’ • Purplish-red new growth, maturing green, on a narrow, upright form. Pink, single blooms in May. Maroon fruit. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 3–3.5 m Red Jade Malus ‘Red Jade’ • A beautful weeping form perfect for a small yard. Masses of clear white blooms in May. Glossy bright-red fruit in fall. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m Rosy Glo Malus ‘Rosy Glo’ • Good feature tree for small yards. Green-bronze foliage on a very hardy weeping crab. Purple-pink blooms in spring. Developed from a native Alberta tree. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Royal Beauty Malus ‘Royal Beauty’ • Spectacular ornamental, especially appropriate for a small yard. Deep greenish-purple tinged foliage on a weeping form. Masses of pink blooms in late May/early June. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 3 m Shaunghnessy Cohen Crabapple Malus ‘Shaughnessy Cohen’ • Morden Research Station release! Bright reddish foliage on a rounded form. Large, fuchsiapink, single blooms in mid spring. Red ornamental fruit. Sun. Height: 6 m; Width: 5 m

Thunderchild Malus x pumila ‘Thunderchild’ • Excellent for small yards. A striking tree with beautiful, deep purple-red foliage. Dark reddish-purple fruit. Very resistant to fireblight. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 5–7 m


Pyrus Mountain Frost Pyrus ussuriensis ‘Bailfrost’ • Showy ornamental tree with an upright growth habit. Pretty white blooms in May. Sparse 2 cm fruit. Yellow fall colour. Sun. Height: 7–8 m; Width: 5–6 m Prairie Gem Pyrus ussuriensis ‘Mordak’ • Stunning show of bright-white blooms in May. Perfect for small yards. Sun. Striking golden-yellow fall colour. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 5–6 m


Populus Assiniboine Populus ‘Assiniboine’ • Very resistant to gall mite & canker. Extremely upright growth habit. Great choice for large yards or park areas. Sun. Height: 16 m; Width: 10 m Brooks #6 Populus ‘Brooks #6’ • Seedless. Dark-green leathery foliage on a vigorous & fastgrowing poplar. Ideal for large spaces or shelterbelts. Height & Width: 15–20 m

Spring Snow Malus bacccata ‘Spring Snow’ • Bright white blooms in spring. Excellent tree for small yards. Does not produce fruit! Sun. Height: 8 m; Width: 6 m

Tower Populus x canescens ‘Tower’ • Excellent for small yards, does not sucker. Fast growing with an

Ohio Buckeye

Ornamental Crabapple ‘Dream Weaver’

Ornamental Crabapple ‘Royal Beauty’

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Shade Trees  129 extremely upright growth habit. Stately screen or tall, semi-formal hedge. Sun. Height: 20 m; Width: 2–3 m

Russian Olive Elaegnus Elaegnus angustifolia • Great feature for use with evergreen backgrounds—also sold in shrub form. Silvery leaves & dark bark contrast well. Tiny yellow, very fragrant blooms in June. Round-headed tree. Sun. Hot, dry sites. Height & Width: 6–10 m

Sea Buckthorn

Hippophae Sea Buckthorns bloom in spring with tiny, yellow flowers. Female plants produce a spectacular display of orange fruits in fall, but require a male plant for pollination. Can be trained to ‘tree’ form, & often looks like a giant bonsai tree when this training is done. Very drought tolerant & requires a bright, sunny site. Hippophae rhamnoides • Can be a grown as a small tree or shrub. Dense, willow-like silvery-grey foliage. Female plant has masses of bright orange berries in fall, lasting all winter. Sun. Height & Width: 3–6 m


Amelanchier Autumn Brilliance Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’ • Avoid windy sites. Displays incredible red fall colour. Pinkish-white blooms in spring. Pear ‘Mountain Frost’

Great tree for small yards. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 4–6 m


Salix Advance Golden Salix alba var. vitellina ‘Advance’ • Originates from High River, Alberta & has never shown tip-kill even in chinook areas. Bright-gold bark (especially newer growth) & almost lime-green leaves on an upright form. Good for small yards. Sun. Height: 15 m; Width: 10 m Laurel Leaf Salix pentandra • Very dark-green, glossy foliage on an attractive shade tree. Fastgrowing & an extremely hardy choice for open areas. Sun. Height: 10–15 m; Width: 7– 10 m Prairie Cascade Salix ‘Prairie Cascade’ • Does well in moist soils but is quite adaptable. Strong weeping form with yellow bark that’s striking in winter. Great for larger yards. Sun. Bright-yellow fall colour. Height: 10–12 m; Width: 10 m Silver Salix alba var. sericea • Fastgrowing feature tree for large yards or parks & acreages. Newer branches are golden coloured; older bark is dark brown contrasting nicely with the silver foliage. Sun. Height: 9–10 m; Width: 7–10 m


Euonymus The name says it all! An excellent winter shrub with the female plant producing splendid brightred fruits that are showy until December. White flowers in May. Excellent for mass plantings or screening. Grows 2–3 m tall & wide. Requires both male & female plants. Best in wet sites. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Prairie Radiance Euonymus bungeana ‘Verona’ • Grey bark highlights the massive fruit display. Pink capsules form in August, splitting open in September exposing a showy, ornamental, red fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 6–7 m; Width: 5–6 m

Shrubs American Bittersweet

Celastrus Diana–Female Celastrus scandens • Female vines are extremely showy with their masses of brightorange fruits that retain colour even when cut & dried. Great for screening when grown on a trellis. Clustered white blooms. Requires both male & female plants. Sun to P.M. Sun. Hercules–Male Celastrus scandens • Great for screening when grown on a trellis. Clustered white blooms. Requires both male & female plants. Sun to P.M. Sun.


Viburnum Blue Muffin Viburnum dentatum ‘Christom’ • Very showy & attracts birds. Use as a low, informal hedge or border. Masses of clustered white blooms in late May/early June. Royal-blue fruit. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Sea Buckthorn

Red Feather Viburnum dentatum ‘Red Feather’ • Red new growth. 5–6 cm, white, flat-topped blooms in June. Black fruit. Best colour when sheared annually. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–5 m

Azalea Spectacular, spring-blooming shrub. Fiery-red fall colour. Light shade best. Shelter from winter winds. These varieties are hardy in northern gardens. Prune after flowering. Prefer rich, moist, acidic soil. Sun to P.M. Sun. Northern Lights Series Lemon Lights Rhododendron ‘Lemon Lights’ • Flowerbuds are hardy to -35°C. Hardy plant with upright growth habit. Masses of lemony-yellow, sweetly fragrant blooms in early spring. Height: 1–2 m; Width: 1 m

Willow ‘Silver’

Serviceberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’

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130  Shrubs Mandarin Lights Rhododendron ‘Mandarin Lights’ • An excellent feature plant for small shrub beds; flowerbuds are hardy to -35°C. Very hardy plant with upright rounded form. Masses of bright mandarin-orange blooms in late spring. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Northern Hi Lights Rhododendron ‘Northern Hi Lights’ • Striking red-orange fall colour. Creamywhite, fragrant blooms in spring before leaves appear. Flowerbuds are hardy to -40°C. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Orchid Lights Rhododendron ‘Orchid Lights’ • Flowerbuds hardy to -40°C. Very hardy dwarf shrub. Extremely showy, palepurple blooms in spring. Height & Width: 60–75 cm Rosy Lights Rhododendron ‘Rosy Lights’ • Great fall colour. rosypink, fragrant blooms in spring. Very hardy flowerbuds (-43°C). Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Northern Lights Series Western Lights Rhododendron ‘Western Lights’ • Compact growth habit. Large, lilac purple, sweet fragrant blooms in late spring. Height: 60 cm; Width: 45–60 cm



invaluable use as a barrier or hedging plant. Minimal pruning required for informal hedge. Sun. Cherry Bomb Berberis thunbergii v. atropurpurea ‘Monomb’ • Berries add winter interest. Try it as an accent, in borders or small hedges. Deep crimson-coloured foliage on a slow-growing, compact form. Bright-yellow blooms in May-June. Bright-red fruit. Height & Width: 90– 100 cm Concorde Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea ‘Concorde’ • Deeppurple, velvety foliage on a dwarf globe-shaped form—excellent for borders. Sparse ornamental, red fruit. Height: 50–60 cm; Width: 90 cm Dwarf Gold Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea Nana’ • Golden-yellow foliage on a mounding form. Yellow blooms in June. Small, greenish-yellow fruit. Welldrained soil. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 80–90 cm Emerald Carousel Berberis ‘Tara’ • Versatile plant with spring blooms, fall colour & bright red berries—excellent for hedging, small shrub beds & borders. Deep-green leaves turn reddishpurple in fall. Yellow clustered blooms in mid spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Avoid wet soil. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m

winter. Newest growth is dense & a deep orange maturing to golden yellow on a dwarf, slow-growing accent plant. Height: 30 cm; Width: 45 cm Rose Glow Berberis thunbergii v. atropurpurea ‘Rose Glow’ • Especially striking planted en masse or used as a contrast shrub. Unique, rose-pink, mottled leaves mature to deep purple & in fall turn pink purple. Yellow blooms in May/June. Red fruit. Height: 90–100 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Royal Burgundy Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea ‘Royal Burgundy’ • Perfect in borders, mass plantings or as an accent. Abundant, tiny leaves of deep burgundy, deepening to black red in fall on a very compact shrub— very showy. Red fruit. Height: 40–50 cm; Width: 60–75 cm Royal Cloak Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea ‘Royal Cloak’ • Deep purple-red foliage on a mounding form. Small, yellow blooms in June. Tiny, elongated, ornamental, red fruit. Height & Width: 100–120 cm Ruby Carousel Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea ‘Bailone’ • Very thorny habit—great as a living barrier as formal or informal hedging. Beautiful reddish-purple foliage with a uniform growth habit. Bright-yellow blooms in May/June. Bright-red berries. Height: 90–100 cm; Width: 100 cm

Developed specifically to be rust resistant, these highly ornamental shrubs are prized for striking foliage (providing great contrast in the landscape) and for their

Golden Nugget Berberis thunbergii ‘Monlers’ • Provides contrast in borders, shrub beds & rock gardens—berries are striking in

Arrowwood ‘Blue Muffin’

Azalea ‘Western Lights’

Azalea ‘Lemon Lights’

American Bittersweet ‘Diana-Female’

Azalea ‘Rosy Lights’

Barberry ‘Royal Cloak’

SG2007Trees&ShrubsDec4.indd 130

Sunsation Berberis thunbergii ‘Monry’ • Great for hedges, mass plantings or as an accent in a small shrub bed. Glowing golden foliage matures with an orange cast on a compact, upright & vase-shaped plant. Greenishyellow berries. Height: 90– 100 cm; Width: 100 cm


Betula Dwarf Arctic Betula nana • Finelytextured native shrub with small, round leaves. Use in borders & foundation plantings. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Trost’s Dwarf Betula tianschanica ‘Trost’s Dwarf ’ • Well suited to larger rock gardens, because it drapes over rocks & overhangs. Thread-like leaves on a compact, slow-growing plant. Excellent specimen shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Rich, moist, acidic soil. Height & Width: 90–150 cm


Caryopteris Sunshine Blue Caryopteris incana ‘Jason’ • Bright gold foliage on a small compact, rounded form. Blue blooms in late summer. Great for borders & shrub beds. Sun. Height & Width: 75–90 cm

Bog Rosemary (Andromeda)

Andromeda Blue Ice Andromeda polifolia ‘Blue Ice’ • Keep compact, shear & shape when actively growing. Barberry ‘Rose Glow’

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Shrubs  131 Dusty-blue foliage on a hardy, dense, compact form. Great contrast in mixed evergreen beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist to wet soil. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Chuo Red Andromeda polifolia ‘Chuo Red’ • Silver foliage on a compact form. Rosy-red, bellshaped blooms in late spring. Shear when actively growing. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Kiri-Kaming Andromeda polifolia ‘Kiri-Kaming’ • Dark, redtinged, upright, wiry foliage on a compact form. Pink, bell-shaped blooms in late spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 60–90 cm


Buxus Alberta Buxus • Calgary native, great for small hedges & borders. Fragrant blooms in late April to mid May. Easily pruned. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 30–45 cm Green Velvet Buxus microphylla var. insularis ‘Green Velvet’ • Slow growing. Nice in rock gardens or small formal hedges. Sun to P.M. Sun. Sheltered, snow-covered site. Prune late winter. Height & Width: 90 cm

Birch ‘Dwarf Arctic’


Cystis Masses of lilac-purple flowers in late spring or early summer. Grows 30–60 cm tall & 60– 90 cm wide. Prune after flowering to keep compact & to produce more flowers the next year. Cyni Cystis nigricans ‘Cyni’ • Showy yellow blooms on a compact form—prune in spring to encourage bloom clusters. Great for a hot & dry location. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m Moonlight Cytisus scoparius ‘Moonlight’ • Very drought tolerant. Narrow, light-green foliage on a rounded form. Small, creamy-white, sweetly scented, pea-like blooms in June. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Purple Chamaecytisus purpureus • Use in shrub beds or foundation plantings. Masses of lilac-purple blooms in late June. Prune after flowering to keep compact & promote next year’s blooms. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 60–90 cm

Burning Bush

Euonymus Compact (Dwarf) Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ • Shear & shape for a formal appearance. Rounded form with flaming-red fall colour. Excellent for borders & small shrub beds. Sun or Shade. Height: 1.5–2 m; Width: 2–3 m

Bog Rosemary ‘Blue Ice’

Fire Ball Euonymus alatus ‘Fire Ball’ • Easily sheared & shaped, it can be used for hedging or mass planting. Intense crimson-red fall colour on a dwarf plant that is nice for small sites. Best colour in full sun. Sun or Shade. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1 m Grove Compact Euonymus alatus ‘Grove Compactus’ • Intense red fall colour on a compact mounding form. Wings are very pronounced. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Rudy Haag Euonymus alatus ‘Rudy Haag’ • A rounded form adaptable to most soils. Compact & slow-growing with intense pinkish-red fall colour. Tolerates shade but sacrifices fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Turkestan Euonymus nanus var. turkestanicus • Excellent feature or accent shrub. Use in foundation planting or groups. Flaming-red fall colour. Bleeding heart-like, pink & orange blooms in summer. Sun or Shade. Moist, well-drained soil. Height: 1– 1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m


Caragana Easy-to-grow shrub with bright yellow pea-flowers in spring. Among the most drought-tolerant shrubs. Sun. Grows well in poor soil; does not tolerate wet sites. Fernleaf (Lobergii) Caragana arborescens ‘Lorbergii’ • Soft, finetextured foliage—very hardy,

interesting feature. Umbrella-like, single-stemmed feature. Height: graft dependant Pygmy Caragana pygmaea • Good for hot, dry locations. Naturally vase-shaped form. Excellent for small formal hedges. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m Russian Globe Caragana frutex ‘Globosa’ • Medium- to lightgreen foliage on a slow-growing & extremely hardy plant. Great feature shrub, perfect for rock gardens. Height & Width: 60– 90 cm Walker Caragana arborescens ‘Walker’ • Left unpruned, it crawls along the ground or spills over rocks & walls. Graceful weeping branches & fern-like foliage on an attractive feature plant. Height: graft dependant; Width: 2–3 m Weeping Caragana arborescens ‘Pendula’ • Graceful weeping branches. Masses of yellow blooms in early summer. Great feature plant in shrub beds or rockeries. Height: graft dependant; Width: 2–3 m Silver Globe Caragana roborovskyi • Try this as a formal feature in a mixed shrub bed. Silvery-grey foliage. Yellow blooms in June. Unique lollipop top-grafted form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Drought tolerant. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1m Spiny Red Caragana tragacanthoides • Yellow blooms turn red after pollination. Silky new growth, bright-red thorns

Broom ‘Cyni’

Boxwood ‘Alberta’

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132  Shrubs & stems on a striking, spreading dwarf feature tree. Sun to P.M. Sun. Drought tolerant. Height: 20–30 cm; Width: 1–1.5 m


Aronia Autumn Magic Aronia melanocarpa ‘Autumn Magic’ • Excellent red & orange fall colours. White, clustered, fragrant blooms in spring. Clusters of purple fruit. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m


Symphoricarpos Amethyst Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii ‘Amethyst’ • Tolerates shade but produces less fruit. Lots of ornamental purple fruit on a rounded form. White, single blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height & Width: 1 m


Cotoneaster Cranberry Cotoneaster apiculatus • Great in small shrub beds or as a foundation planting. Attractive groundcover. Pinky-white blooms in spring. Bright red. Sun to P.M. Sun. Requires snow cover. Height: 30–90 cm; Width: 1.5–2 m Hesse Cotoneaster x ‘Hessei’ • Small, round, dark-green leaves on a mounding form. 1 cm, pinkishred blooms in June. Ornamental red fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60 cm; Width: 100– 150 cm Burning Bush ‘Turkestan’

Peking/Hedge Cotoneaster acutifolius • Shear & shape for formal hedging or leave as a feature. Dark-green foliage & lovely orange-red fall colour on a very hardy shrub. Plant 30– 45 cm apart for hedges. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Soongoricus Cotoneaster racemiflorus var. soongoricus • Blue gray foliage on an attractive shrub. Masses of white blooms in spring followed by showy pink fruit. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1.5–2 m


Viburnum Bailey Compact Viburnum trilobum ‘Bailey Compact’ • Great for screening or for use as an informal hedge. Dense foliage turns bright-red in fall. Very showy. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Dwarf European Viburnum opulus ‘Nanum’ • Deep-green foliage on a very compact, small shrub. Excellent for low hedges, small beds or borders. Sun or Shade. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 90–150 cm Gary’s Pink Viburnum trilobum ‘Gary’s Pink’ • Very showy when in full flower. Deep fall colour on a great background shrub. Shellpink blooms in June. Bunches of edible, red fruit. Shade to A.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Wentworth Viburnum trilobum ‘Wentworth’ • Edible fruit good for juices & jellies. Heavy bloomer & high fruit producer with strong-red fall colour. Great as screening & for large shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m


Ribes Alpine Ribes alpinum • Lustrous, bright-green foliage on a fastgrowing shrub popular for hedges. Prune regularly to maintain a dense form. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5 m Golden Flowering Ribes odoratum • Hardy & mildew-resistant plant for hedging, borders or as a feature. Bright-yellow, tubular, fragrant blooms in May. Sun. Height: 1.5–2 m; Width: 1.5 m


Daphne Highly fragrant, spring-blooming shrub. Light sun best; keep wellwatered in sunny sites. Ensure good snow cover throughout winter for best results. Prune after flowering (usually only shearing & shaping). Briggs Moonlight Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Briggs Moonlight’ • Impossible-to-miss, glowing creamy-white foliage. Masses of pink blooms in June. A.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m

early spring. Great in shrub beds. A.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90 cm Rose Daphne cneorum • May rebloom in late summer. Dense, dark-green foliage. Clusters of rose-pink, very fragrant blooms in May. A.M. Sun. Requires snow cover. Height: 15–30 cm; Width: 60–90 cm


Cornus Attractive shrubs all year-round. Clusters of white spring flowers. Berries attract birds. Handsome stems in winter. Best when 1/3 of oldest stems are removed annually. Prune in late winter before leaves sprout or in early spring after flowering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Arctic Fire Cornus stolonifera ‘Arctic Fire’ • Red twigs on an upright, rounded form. 5–6 cm, white clustered blooms in June. White ornamental fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.25 m; Width: 1m Arctic Sun Cornus sanguinea ‘Cato’ • Excellent winter colour. Brightgreen foliage turning yellow in fall. Clusters of white spring blooms. Sun to P.M. Sun. Yellow stems tipped red in winter. Height & Width: 1.25 m

Carol Mackie Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Carol Mackie’ • Attractive green leaves edged in cream. Lightpink, very fragrant blooms in

Cream Cracker Cornus alba ‘Cream Cracker’ • New growth is creamy-white with yellow margins on a compact mounding form. creamy-white blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90 cm

Caragana ‘Walker’

Cotoneaster ‘Hesse’

Cranberry ‘Gary’s Pink’

SG2007Trees&ShrubsDec4.indd 132

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Shrubs  133 Dwarf Crimson Cornus pumila • Emerald-green foliage on a irregular mounding form. Clusters of white spring blooms. Sun to P.M. Sun. New growth is red. Height: 1.2 m; Width: 1 m Golden Prairie Fire Cornus alba ‘Prairie Fire’ • Very showy all year round—stem colour is best on young growth. Yellow foliage, fiery-red fall colour & orange-red stems in winter. Great contrast or feature shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 1.5–3 m Golden Variegated (Aureo) Cornus alba ‘Gouchaltii’ • Bright-green foliage with creamy-yellow edges. Excellent contrast for large shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: best at 1–2 m; Width: 1–1.5 m Hedgerow’s Golden Cornus alba ‘Hedgerow’ • Makes a great contrast hedge. Regular shearing & shaping gives continuous, new, brightly coloured foliage. Excellent for wet sites. Brightgold variegation, centre of leaf is light green. Blooms in June followed by clustered white berries. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Ivory Halo Cornus alba ‘Bailhalo’ • Very compact & slow growing— requires little pruning. Compact, silver-variegated foliage. Vivid red twigs in winter. Great contrast or accent shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Kelsey Dwarf Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’ • Excellent low-growing shrub for borders, great for Currant ‘Golden Flowering’

groundcovers. Bright-red stems are very attractive in winter. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60 cm; Width: 75–90 cm

fruit on red stems. Lovely fall colour, provides winter interest. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Kesselring Cornus alba ‘Kesselringii’ • Keep pruned to maintain best form. Dark-green leaves on dark brownish-purple stems with white fruit. Great specimen plant for winter interest. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2.5–3 m

Siberian Coral Cornus alba ‘Coral’ • Great for mass plantings. Dark-green foliage & white fruit on coral-red stems. Lovely fall colour, provides winter interest. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Mahoning Cornus racemosa ‘Mahzam’ • Pale-green, redtipped foliage on a dense, globose form. Creamy-white blooms in June. Bright-white fruits. Sun or Shade. Height & Width: 2.5– 3m

Siberian Pearls Cornus alba ‘Siberian Pearls’ • Rich reddishpurple fall colour. Dark-green foliage & masses of pearly white berries. Deep-red stems provide winter interest. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Muskingum Cornus racemosa ‘Muszam’ • Grey-green foliage turning brick red in fall on a mounding form. Creamy-white blooms in June. Bright-white fruit. Sun or Shade. Height: 60 cm; Width: 120 cm

Silver and Gold Cornus stolonifera ‘Silver and Gold’ • Great for borders. Beautiful variegated form with bright yellow bark— very unique. Excellent feature for small shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Red Gnome Cornus alba ‘Regnzam’ • Bright-red stems on an extremely compact upright form. White blooms in June followed by white fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 90–120 cm; Width: 120–150 cm

Sunshine Cornus sericea ‘Sunshine’ • Bright-gold foliage turns redorange in fall—showy. White blooms in late spring. White ornamental fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2.5–3 m; Width: 2–2.5 m

Red Osier Cornus sericea • Attractive shrub—dark-green leaves & white berries. Excellent for mass plantings & great winter interest. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3 m

Variegated Siberian Cornus alba ‘Sibirica Variegata’ • Attractive bright white & green foliage. Good accent plant, mass plantings. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: variable

Siberian Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ • Great for mass plantings. Darkgreen leaves & attractive white Daphne ‘Carol Mackie’

Double Flowering Plum Prunus triloba var. multiplex • Requires a minimum 6 hours of sun to bloom—prune after flowering. Double, pink flowers cover branches in early spring. Excellent feature shrub in borders or as an informal hedge. Sun. Height & Width: 2 m

Dutchman’s Pipe Aristolochia macrophylla • Prefers moist, well-drained, organic soil & requires support. Heart shaped foliage on a climbing vine. Maroon & white, pipe-shaped blooms in July. Shade to A.M. Sun. Cut back in fall. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 2–3 m


Sambucus Most are very fast-growing shrubs. Prune regularly in spring before leaves appear. Sun to P.M. Sun. Average or very moist sites. Black Beauty Sambucus nigra ‘Gerda’ • Excellent plant for contrast—vigourous & holds foliage colour well. Clustered, pink, sweet lemon-scented blooms in June. Purple foliage & black berries—easily sheared & shaped. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Black Lace Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’ • Great substitute for the tender Japanese Maple. Finely cut purple-black foliage—showy! 8–10 cm, pink, sweetly fragrant, clusters of blooms in July. Blackish-red. Sun. Height & Width: 2 m

Dogwood ‘Golden Variegated’

Dogwood ‘Siberian’

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134  Shrubs Goldenlocks Sambucus racemosa ‘Goldenlocks’ • Wonderful shrub for contrast in a border or shrub bed. Bright-gold, finely dissected foliage on a dwarf form. White blooms in spring. Clustered red fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 75–90 cm; Width: 90–100 cm Linearis Sambucus nigra ‘Linearis’ • Beautiful contrasting texture— often mistaken for a Japanese maple. Metalic blue-green, fernlike foliage. Clustered creamwhite, sweetly scented blooms in June. Black fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1m Sutherland Sambucus racemosa ‘Sutherland’ • Little pruning required once established. Lacy, golden foliage & clusters of scarlet berries in July on a fast-growing, contrast shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m


Euonymous Blondy Euonymus fortunei ‘Blondy’ • Each leaf has a bright orangeyellow centre—very showy. Excellent for small shrub beds or for use as a border. Sun. Height & Width: 40–50 cm

False Spiraea

Sorbaria Sem Sorbaria sorbifolia ‘Sem’ • New red growth changes to pale yellow with green stripes on a compact plant. Panicles of white blooms in July. Sun or Shade. Height & Width: 1 m Dogwood ‘Ivory Halo’

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Flowering Raspberry




Rubus odoratus • Large, showy, purple blooms in early summer. Great for screening or as a background, especially in full shade. Shade. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Late spring-flowering shrub for hot, dry areas & poor soil. Small, bright golden-yellow flowers completely cover branches in spring. Prune after flowering. Sunny site.


Dwarf (Lydia) Genista lydia • Abundant yellow blooms last 3–5 weeks on an excellent groundcover plant. Great for hot dry areas. Sun. Height: 45– 60 cm; Width: 90–100 cm

Forsythia Stunning, spring-blooming shrub. Yellow flowers cover the branches before leaves appear. Good hedge. Great cutflower. Protect from winter wind. Prune after flowering. Sunny site. Happy Centennial Forsythia ‘Happy Centennial’ • Compact foliage on a low mounding form. Golden-yellow blooms in May. Spectacular flower display early in spring. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Width: 1 m Minigold Forsythia x intermedia ‘Minigold’ • Yellow & green variegated foliage with red stems on a upright mounding form. Golden-yellow blooms in May. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Show Off Forsythia x intermedia ‘Mindor’ • Dark-green foliage on an upright form. Large, brightyellow blooms in early spring— spectacular. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m

Vancouver Gold Genista pilosa ‘Vancouver Gold’ • Extremely showy, heat-loving groundcover. Hundreds of yellow blooms in spring. Great for mass planting & rock gardens. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Width: 90–100 cm


Corylus Beaked Corylus cornuta • Thick, compact, dark-green foliage on a native plant often grown for its sweet nuts. Great for naturalizing. Sun or Shade. Height: 3 m; Width: 2 m


Ilex These evergreen varieties usually require separate male & female plants to produce the traditional bright red fruits. Perfect for small shrub beds. Can be sheared & shaped on new growth. Performs best in a site with Sun to P.M. Sun. Protect from drying winter winds.

Blue Girl Ilex x meserveae ‘BlueGirl’ • Excellent feature plant. Fastgrowing with dark gossy foliage. Requires male pollinator to produce very showy, bright-red berries. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m


Diervilla Attractive, summer-flowering shrubs. Wonderful addition to flower gardens. Little to no pruning required. Sun to P.M. Sun; well-drained, moist soil. Dwarf Bush Diervilla lonicera • Not a true honeysuckle, but has many of the same characteristics. Glossy, dark green foliage. Small yellow blooms in early summer. Excellent for borders or informal hedges. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m

Lonicera Attractive, summer-flowering shrubs. Wonderful addition to flower gardens. Little to no pruning required. Sun to P.M. Sun. Well-drained, moist soil. Belgica Lonicera periclymenum • Very free flowering. Broad green leaves on a twining vine. Pink & red, sweetly fragrant blooms in summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 2 m Dropmore Scarlet Lonicera x brownii • Climbing vine requires support—don’t cut back in fall. Orange-scarlet, tubular blooms in June to September. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 1–2 m

Elder ‘Black Beauty’

Euonymus ‘Blondy’

Dutchman’s Pipe

Flowering Raspberry ‘Rubus’

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Shrubs  135 Emerald Mound Lonicera xylosteum ‘Emerald Mound’ • One of the earliest shrubs to leaf out in spring.Excellent for use as a border. Emerald-green foliage on a perfectly mounding form. Yellow-white blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60– 90 cm; Width: 1–2 m Harlequin Lonicera x italica ‘Sherlite’ • Pink, cream & green foliage on a climbing vine. Yellow & pink, fragrant, tubular blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1 m Honey Baby Lonicera ‘Honey Baby’ • Yellow-cream, very fragrant blooms all summer. Great choice for borders or small shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 30–45 cm Honeyrose Lonicera ‘Honeyrose’ • Resistant to witch’s broom aphid. Deep bluish-green foliage. Rosyred spring blooms. Great for screens, backgrounds or features. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3 m; Width: 2–3 m Mandarin Lonicera • Climbing vine requires support—don’t cut back in fall. Red-orange, sweetly scented, tubular blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 1–2 m Sweetberry Lonicera caerulea • Ideal for small shrub beds or foundation plantings. Brightgreen foliage on a very dense shrub. Yellowish-white blooms. Sweet edible fruit. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Genista ‘Dwarf (Lydia)’

Hydrangea Very showy, full-flowering, summer-blooming shrub. Partial shade is best; will tolerate sun. Moist soil essential. Angel’s Blush Hydrangea paniculata ‘Ruby’ • 25 cm long, white turning rosy-red, clustered blooms in August-September. Nice accent or screen. Sun to A.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 2–3 m Annabelle Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ • Showy in large shrub beds. Incredibly large, ball-like blooms in August/September. Should be cut down to ground in spring. Sun to A.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 60–90 cm Blushing Bride Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blushing Bride’ • Glossy green foliage on an upright form. 15 cm, white fading pink, mop-type blooms in mid summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5 m Endless Summer Hydrange macrophylla ‘Endless Summer’ • Flower colour will be pink in alkaline soil & blue in acidic soil. Dark glossy-green foliage. 18– 20 cm, pink or blue, globeshaped clustered blooms in summer. Very hardy. A.M. to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 75–90 cm Kyushu Hydrangea paniculata ‘Kyushu’ • Smooth, dark-green leaves & abundant white blooms fading to pink. Lovely feature shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Lime Light Hydrangea paniculata ‘Lime Light’ • Flowerheads are held straight up—excellent for drying. Bright-green blooms in mid to late summer. Great for large shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 1.5–2 m Little Lamb Hydrangea paniculata • Fleecy white blooms float just above the foliage on a mounding form. 10 cm, white blooms in August. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Pee Gee Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ • Can grow much larger depending on climate. Huge, lovely pinkish-white blooms in August. Thin to 5– 10 stems for the largest flowers. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m

turn pink earlier than other hydrangeas. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m White Dome Hydrangea arborescens ‘Dardom’ • Very sturdy, upright growth. Large, white, dome-shaped clusters of blooms in August. Sun to P.M. Sun. Blooms on new wood. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1 m White Moth Hydrangea paniculata ‘White Moth’ • Short, irregular panicles are extremely showy in bloom—prefers dappled light during the hottest part of the day. Creamy-white blooms in late summer. Prune to 2 buds per stem for best form & blooms. A.M. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil. Height & Width: 2 m


Pink Diamond Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’ • Great for screening or as a background plant. Pink buds open white & mature to pink, large, 30 cm blooms in August. Beautiful feature. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 3 m

Engelman Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. engelmannii • Great low-maintenance climber for large trellis, fireplace or wall. Self-slinging to masonry with glossy leaves that colour up early in fall to crimson red. Sun or Shade. Salt tolerant. Height: up to 10 m

Pinky Winky Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVP Pinky’ • Upright growth habit. Large, creamy-white maturing to rich-pink blooms in late summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5 m


Quick Fire Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bulk’ • Excellent variety for extending hydrangea season. Clusters of white (maturing to pink0 blooms in July. Flowers Hazelnut ‘Beaked ‘

Syringa A favourite spring-bloomer for its showy, fragrant flower-heads! Sun to P.M. Sun. For best flower colour, shade from hot afternoon sun. Prune just after flowering. Seedheads can be removed immediately after flowering to promote more flowering the next season—remove only the seed-head! Honeysuckle ‘Dropmore Scarlet’

Honeysuckle ‘Honeyrose’

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136  Shrubs Agincourt Beauty Syringa vulgaris ‘Agincourt Beauty’ • Slow-growing, upright, rounded form. Large clusters of deep-purple, fragrant blooms in spring. Excellent for screening. Sun. Height: graft dependant; Width: 3 m Assessippi Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Assessippi’ • Great screen. Masses of lavender-lilac, very fragrant blooms in mid to late May. Extremely hardy lilac—nonsuckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m Beauty of Moscow Syringa vulgaris ‘Krasavitsa Moskvy’ • Considered by lilac experts to be one of the best, this shrub is a very heavy bloomer. Masses of fragrant, pink, double blooms in spring. An excellent screening plant or feature shrub—spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 3–4 m; Width: 2.5–3 m Charisma Syringa x prestoniae ‘Charisma’ • Attractive in borders or mass plantings. Grown for its very dense foliage—excellent for informal hedges. Deep-purple blooms in late May-June. Nonsuckering. Sun. Height & Width: 75–90 cm Charles Joly Syringa vulgaris ‘Charles Joly’ • Good for informal hedges. Masses of double, purplered, fragrant blooms in spring. Beautiful feature plant in small yard—spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3 m

Hydrangea ‘Angel’s Blush’

Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’

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Donald Wyman Syringa x prestoniae ‘Donald Wyman’ • Can be trained to ‘tree’ form. Long clusters of dark-purple, lightly scented, single blooms late in season. Non-suckering variety. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m Dwarf Korean Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ • Makes a lovely hedge. Red-purple buds open to pinkpurple, fragrant blooms in late spring. Small, compact plant— non-suckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1–2 m; Width: 1.5–2 m James MacFarlane Syringa x prestoniae ‘James MacFarlane’ • Dark-green foliage. Masses of rich pink, single blooms in spring. Non-suckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3– 4m Madame Lemoine Syringa vulgaris ‘Madame Lemoine’ • Lovely white, fragrant, double blooms in midspring. Keep pruned to 3–5 stems for best display— spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Minuet Syringa x prestoniae ‘Minuet’ • Blooms later than most other lilacs. Bright-pink, single blooms in late spring. Nonsuckering variety—great feature plant, hedge or screen. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3– 4m Miss Kim Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’ • Non-suckering, dwarf variety. Icy lilac-purple, very fragrant blooms in early summer. Sun Hydrangea ‘Pee Gee’

to P.M. Sun. Purple fall foliage. Height & Width: 90–150 cm Mount Baker Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Mount Baker’ • Dark-green foliage. Masses of white, fragrant, single blooms. Excellent for large shrub beds— non-suckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m Pocohontas Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘Pocohontas’ • A vigorous & prolific bloomer. Deep-violet, single blooms. Great for screens & shrub beds— non-suckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–4 m Prairie Petite Syringa vulgaris ‘Prairie Petite’ • Perfect for small shrub beds or for use as a border plant. Upright, dwarf form. 8–10 cm, light-pink blooms in late May. Heat & drought tolerant— spreads slightly. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90 cm President Grevy Syringa vulgaris ‘President Grevy’ • Striking blue, fragrant, double blooms in midspring. Excellent for screening—spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3– 4m President Lincoln Syringa vulgaris ‘President Lincoln’ • Beautiful blue, single blooms in spring. Excellent for use as screen or as a border shrub—spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Lilac ‘Dwarf Korean’

Royalty Syringa x prestoniae ‘Royalty’ • Dark-green foliage on a non-suckering plant. Deeppurple, single blooms in May. Nice contrast with white lilacs. Sun. Height & Width: 3 m Sensation Syringa vulgaris ‘Sensation’ • Masses of unique white-edged purple, fragrant, single blooms in spring. Great feature shrub—spreading. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 3–4 m Summer Charm Syringa pekinensis ‘Summer Charm’ • Lustrous dark green foliage. Clusters of white, 8–15 cm, fragrant blooms in early summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Width: 4–5 m Tinkerbelle Syringa ‘Bailbelle’ • Great for hedges, borders or as a feature shrub. Rich-wine buds open to deep-pink, spicy-scented blooms in June. Compact, upright growth—non-suckering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5– 2 m; Width: 1.5 m Wedgewood Blue Syringa vulgaris ‘Wedgewood Blue’ • Upright spreading in form. Very large clusters of true-blue, single blooms in late spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 2–3 m Weeping Syringa juliana ‘Hers’ • Small, finely textured foliage on a weeping form. Light-mauve, heavily scented blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2.5– 3 m; Width: 1–2 m

Lilac ‘Charles Joly’

Ivy ‘Engelman’

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Shrubs  137 Magnolia

Magnolia Royal Star Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ • Excellent feature plant. Small, rounded shrub. Double, 8–10 cm, pure-white, fragrant blooms in May. Plant in sheltered site. A.M. Sun. Organic soil. Height & Width: 2–3 m


Acer Atomic Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Atomic’ • Globe form. White blooms in May. Excellent for hedging or as a feature plant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Bright-red fall foliage. Height & Width: 1 m Bailey Compact Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Bailey Compact’ • Foliage turns bright red in fall on a compact variety. Terrific for small yards & for screening. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Emerald Elf Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Emerald Elf ’ • Excellent for small shrub beds. A slowgrowing & compact dwarf form of Amur maple. Sun to P.M. Sun. Striking scarlet-purple fall colour. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Globe Amur Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala ‘Globe’ • Very uniform growth. Small, globe-shaped tree with orange-red fall colour & red, winged seeds. Fragrant blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–6 m; Width: 5 m Korean Acer pseudosieboldianum • Fine foliage similar to Japanese Lilac ‘James MacFarlane’

maple turns rich orange-red in fall. Great textural contrast. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 5–6 m


Philadelphus Beautiful shrub with sweetly scented, white flowers. Prune just after flowering; blooms on 2ndyear wood. Sun to P.M. Sun for best floral show. Blooms late spring to early summer. Blizzard Philadelphus lewisii ‘Blizzard’ • Very hardy accent or background shrub with yelloworange foliage in fall. Abundant white blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Golden Philadelphus coronarius ‘Aureus’ • Makes an excellent screening plant or can be used for hedging. Bright-gold foliage on a large, rounded form. Whitishpink, fragrant blooms in June. Great for contrast. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Miniature Snowflake Philadelphus ‘Miniature Snowflake’ • Prolific, double, white, fragrant blooms in June. Great feature shrub or informal hedge. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 30–60 cm Snowbelle Philadelphus ‘Snowbelle’ • Sweetly scented blooms in late spring. Great as a background shrub, informal hedge, screen or foundation. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–150 cm Lilac ‘Miss Kim’

Waterton Philadelphus lewisii ‘Waterton’ • A compact shrub. White, very fragrant blooms in spring. Great accent plant in shrub borders or foundation plantings. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5 m

Mountain Ash

Sorbus Chinese Dwarf Sorbus reducta • Striking red fall colour. Glossy green foliage, grown as an attractive groundcover. Creamywhite blooms in summer. Brightpink berries. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 60–90 cm White Wax Sorbus koehneana • Great rounded form for large shrub beds or as a smallish tree in limited spaces. Creamy-white blooms in June. White fruits stand out against purplish-red fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Dislikes wet soil. Height: 2.5–3 m; Width: 2.5 m

Nannyberry Viburnum Viburnum lentago • Fruits are excellent for jams & jellies; prune after flowering. Lustrous, compact, dark-green foliage. Creamy-white blooms in June followed by edible, blue-black fruits. Sun or Shade. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 2–3 m


Physocarpus Center Glow Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Center Glow’ • Glossy red foliage emerges glowing yellow on an upright, rounded

form. Creamy-white blooms in late spring. Sun. Height & Width: 2.5–3 m Coppertina Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Mindia’ • Copper-coloured spring foliage turns red in summer. White blooms in spring. Ornamental bright-red seeds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m; Width: 2 m Dart’s Gold Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ • Excellent for contrasting—especially with purples. Small compact shrub. New growth is fluorescent yellow. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Diabolo Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Diabolo’ • Great for feature for large shrub beds. Super contrast plant with rich-purple foliage on strong, upright growth & pink clustered blooms in summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Golden Nugget Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Nugget’ • New foliage is golden bronze in colour—later, lime green. Choice shrub with dense, compact growth—great in small beds. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Summer Wine Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Seward’ • Compact purple foliage on a rounded form. White, globe-shaped clusters of blooms in June. Great contrast or hedging plant. Sun. Height & Width: 1.2–1.8 m

Magnolia ‘Royal Star’

Mockorange ‘Miniature Snowflake’

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138  Shrubs


Eleagnus Silverscape Eleagnus ‘Silverscape’ • Cross between wolf willow & Russian olive—can be sheared & shaped. Bright silvery foliage on a rounded form. Drought-tolerant screening, hedging or contrast shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2.5–3 m



Gold Drop Potentilla fruticosa ‘Gold Drop’ • A dwarf variety. Loads of deep-yellow blooms in summer. Great as a border or in small beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60 cm; Width: 60– 90 cm Goldfinger Potentilla fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’ • Large, brightyellow blooms in all summer. An extremely adaptable & easy to grow shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm

Blooms all summer! Great in mass or foundation plantings, hedges, borders or raised beds. Drought tolerant. Prune in early spring while dormant for dense, bushy shrubs with lots of flowers. Sun to P.M. Sun.

Goldstar Potentilla fruticosa ‘Goldstar’ • An upright bush form. Masses of large, deepyellow blooms in summer. Very showy in beds or borders. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 90 cm; Width: 60–75 cm

Abbotswood Potentilla fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ • Masses of bright white blooms in summer. Excellent for hedging—can be sheared & shaped. Makes a great border. Sun. Height: 90 cm; Width: 90–100 cm

Kobalt Potentilla fruticosa ‘Kobalt’ • A dwarf plant that’s excellent for small shrub beds, borders & small formal hedges. Goldenyellow blooms in summer. Sun. Height: 60–75 cm; Width: 75 cm

Dakota Sunspot Potentilla fruticosa ‘Fargo’ • Dark-green foliage on a compact form. Large, 2.5 cm, golden-yellow blooms in summer. Great in beds & borders. Sun. Height: 60–75 cm; Width: 90–100 cm

Mango Tango Potentilla fruticosa ‘Mango Tango’ • Abundant yellow orange-blended blooms in summer. A variety from Manitoba: great for hedges, borders & shrub beds. Sun. Height & Width: 60–75 cm

Frosty Potentilla fruticosa ‘Marsidh’ • Excellent groundcover. Masses of single, frosty-white blooms in June. Great accent for shrub beds or borders. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Width: 90 cm

Nuuk Potentilla tridentata ‘Nuuk’ • An introduction from Greenland—useful in shrub beds. Attractive, spreading evergreen groundcover. White blooms in June & sporadically through summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Dry

Mockorange ‘Golden’

SG2007Trees&ShrubsDec4.indd 138

soil. Height: 8–10 cm; Width: 30–45 cm Orange Whisper Potentilla fruticosa ‘Orange Whisper’ • Compact growing. Pale-orange blooms in summer. Excellent for small shrub beds or as a border. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 75–90 cm Pink Beauty Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pink Beauty’ • Compact rounded form. Showy, long-lasting pink, semi-double blooms in summer. Use for borders or in mass plantings. Sun. Height & Width: 60–75 cm Yellow Gem Potentilla fruticosa ‘Yellow Gem’ • Silvery-green foliage on a short, compact spreading form—a great groundcover. Bright-yellow blooms in summer. Sun. Height: 40 cm; Width: 90–100 cm Yellowbird Potentilla fruticosa ‘Yellowbird’ • Upright growth habit—good for use as a hedge. Bright-yellow, semi-double blooms in summer. Sun. Height & Width: 90 cm


Rhododendron One of the most spectacular spring-flowering shrubs! Lots of stunning flowers in large clusters. Sun to light shade; prefers moist, acidic soil. Mulch base of plant. Prune after flowering. The following are probably the hardiest available, & have been growing in our Zone 3 area for several years.

They perform best when planted in a site that collects snow & is shaded for winter. Ramapo Rhododendron ‘Ramapo’ • Excellent for rock gardens or small shrub beds. Dwarf variety—very compact. Showy pink-purple blooms in late spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height: 30–45 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Marjatta Hybrids Haaga Rhododendron ‘Haaga’ • Slow-growing plant—released from the University of Helsinki. Coarse, dark-green foliage. Showy dark-pink blooms in late spring. Hardy to -35°C. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Hellikki Rhododendron ‘Hellikki’ • Dense growth habit. Dark violetred blooms, hardy to –35°. Needs a sheltered site or snowcover. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height & Width: 1.5 m Helsinki University Rhododendron ‘Helsinki University’ • Hardy Finnish variety. Reddish foliage matures to dark green. Pink with orange red-flecked blooms in May/June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height: 1.5– 2 m; Width: 1 m Peter Tigerstedt Rhododendron ‘Peter Tigerstetedt’ • Upright spreading form. One of the hardiest of all rhodo’s (-35° ). White with strong violet-flecked blooms. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height & Width: 2 m


Potentilla ‘Goldfinger’

Ninebark ‘Diabolo’

Olive ‘Silverscape’

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Shrubs  139 Pohjola’s Daughter Rhododendron ‘Pohjola’s Daughter’ • University of Helsinki introduction. Hardy compact form for small shrub beds. Bright-white, funnelshaped blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height: 90 cm; Width: 1 m Mezitt/Weston Hybrids Compact P.J.M. Rhododendron ‘Compact P.J.M.’ • More compact & slower-growing version of ‘P.J.M.’. Large clusters of lavender-pink blooms. A very hardy variety. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist, acidic soil. Height & Width: 60–90 cm

Russian Almond Prunus Prunus tenella • A very consistent bloomer. Deep-pink blooms in early spring. Lovely feature shrub, useful in mass planting or by foundations. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 60–150 cm


Prunus Purpleleaf Prunus x cistena • Use in mixed shrub beds & foundation plantings, & prune annually after blooming. Very hardy, purpleleaved accent plant. Pink blooms in spring. Pair with golds & yellows. Sun. Moist soil, sheltered site. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m


Amelanchier Obelisk Amelanchier alnifolia • New growth is coppery red turning soft green in summer. Potentilla ‘Pink Beauty’

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Upright growth habit. Clusters of white blooms in June. Ornamental purple fruits. Sun to P.M. Sun. Red-orange fall colour. Height: 5 m; Width: 1.2–1.5 m

Smoke Tree

Cotinus Golden Spirit Cotinus coggygria ‘Ancot’ • Bright-gold foliage, tinted red when new, on a broad upright form. Smoky-yellow blooms in July. Sun. Red-orange fall colour. Height: 2–2.5 m; Width: 2 m Grace Cotinus coggygria ‘Grace’ • Red, orange & yellow in fall—may die back to snowline in cold climates limiting the overall size but is considered quite hardy. Light-red foliage. Frothy-pink blooms in mid to late June. Plant in a sheltered site where snow collects. Sun. Height & Width: 1–2 m Young Lady Cotinus coggygria ‘Young Lady’ • Bright-green foliage on a rounded form. Clusters of smoky-pink, frothy blooms. Very showy in bloom. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.2–1.8 m

Snowball Viburnum

Viburnum Roseum Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ • Great for screening or in mass plantings. Stunning clusters of sterile, white, large, globeshaped blooms in May. Prune after flowering. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height: 2–3 m;

Width: 3 m


Symphoricarpos Marleen Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii ‘Marleen’ • A very hardy, exquisite shrub with a pendulous branching habit. Bluish leaves & pale-pink blooms June to September. Purplish fruits persist to November; use in arrangements. Sun or Shade. Height & Width: 1 m


Spiraea Spiraeas are flowering shrubs that bloom in spring & early summer. Great fall colour. To promote branching & more flowers, prune either in early spring before shrubs leaf out or remove spent flowers to encourage 2nd flush of flowers. Sun to P.M. Sun. Anthony Waterer Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’ • Unusual bluish-foliage contrasts well with blooms. Dark-pink blooms in midsummer for 3–5 weeks. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Big Leaf Spiraea japonica var. macrophylla • Burgundy fall colour. New foliage is bright red maturing to lime green on a mounding form. Clusters of pink blooms in July. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m Dakota Goldcharm Spiraea japonica ‘Mertyann’ • Great variety for contrast. Yellow to bronze-tipped branches.

Bright-pink blooms in mid June. Remove spent blooms to promote repeat flowering. Sun. Height: 30–40 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Dart’s Red Spiraea japonica ‘Dart’s Red’ • Rich bluish-green foliage. Deep purple-pink blooms in June/July. Sun to P.M. Sun. Excellent reddish-purple fall colour. Height & Width: 90– 100 cm Dwarf Garland Spiraea x arguta ‘Compacta’ • Excellent for shrub beds or for use as a feature plant. White blooms smother long, slender, arching branches before or as the leaves appear in late spring—showy. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m Fairy Queen Spiraea trilobata ‘Fairy Queen’ • Produces abundant white blooms in spring. Excellent border plant or planted in mass. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 60 cm Flaming Elf Spiraea japonica ‘Flaming Elf ’ • Mounding form. Pink blooms in June. Tiny yellow, orange & red leaves. Great for rockeries, perennial beds & borders. Sun. Height: 20–30 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Flaming Mound Spiraea japonica ‘Flaming Mound’ • New foliage is flaming red maturing to gold on a compact mounding form. Clusters of dark-pink to red blooms in summer. Sun. Height & Width: 60–70 cm

Rhododendron ‘Hellikki’

Smoke Tree ‘Grace’

Rhododendron ‘Peter Tigerstedt’

Sandcherry ‘Purpleleaf’

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140  Shrubs Flowering Choice Spiraea x bumalda ‘Flowering Choice’ • New purple-red foliage on a mounding form. 2–3 cm, purple-pink blooms from June to September. Great for mass planting. Sun. Height: 40–45 cm; Width: 30–40 cm Froebelii Spiraea japonica ‘Froebelii’ • Dark-green foliage on a small round form. Pink blooms in summer. Use along paths, driveways or in shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Gold Fountain Spiraea x vanhouttei ‘Gold Fountain’ • Yellow foliage on a mounding form. Compact arching branches with masses of bright-white blooms in spring. Sun. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 2 m Golden Elf Spiraea japonica ‘Golden Elf ’ • Great for borders & small shrub beds—shear/ deadhead for repeat blooms. Bright-gold foliage turns orange-red in fall on a compact mounding form. Light-pink blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 15–20 cm; Width: 45–60 cm Goldflame Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’ • Foliage colour is best in full sun. Bright foliage is a blend of orange & yellow. Light-pink blooms. Great accent or contrast in shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 90–100 cm; Width: 100 cm

Spiraea ‘Anthony Waterer’

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Goldmound Spiraea japonica ‘Goldmound’ • Iridescent yellowgold foliage on a mounding form. Pinkish blooms in summer. Great accent & border plant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Grefsheim (First Snow) Spiraea cinerea ‘Grefsheim’ • Quite striking cascading over retaining walls. White blooms smother branches prior to greyish-green foliage emerging in late May/ June. Use as a feature plant. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5 m Halward’s Silver Spiraea nipponica ‘Halward’s Silver’ • Perfect for borders & mixed shrub beds. Dark-green, compact foliage & showy bright-white blooms on long, arching branches in late May to early June. Sun. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 60–100 cm Little Princess Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’ • Bright-pink blooms in summer. Fast-growing border plant with good red fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 60–75 cm; Width: 90–100 cm Magic Carpet Spiraea japonica ‘Magic Carpet’ • Shear plants after blooming; encourages branching & fresh, new colour. Red, yellow & pink foliage with pink blooms in June & July on a compact mounding form. Great contrast plant. Sun. Height: 25–30 cm; Width: 60–90 cm Mellow Yellow Spiraea thunbergii ‘Mellow Yellow’ • Especially good contrast when mixed with purple foliaged plants. Golden-yellow

foliage on long arching branches. Bright white blooms. Great background or foundation shrub. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Neon Flash Spiraea japonica ‘Neon Flash’ • Masses of bloom clusters completely cover this plant in the summer. Bright purple growth matures to dark green & turns a deep burgundy in the fall. Brightred blooms in June/August. Pruning spent blooms promotes reblooming. Sun. Height & Width: 90–100 cm Pink Parasols Spiraea fritschiana ‘Wilma’ • Bluish-green foliage tinged red in summer on a mounding plant. Large, pink blooms in summer. Sun. Orangered fall colour. Height: 60– 90 cm; Width: 90 cm Renaissance Spiraea x vanhouttei ‘Renaissance’ • Excellent feature plant or for screening; beautiful orange-red fall colour. Dark blue-green foliage on a vaseshaped shrub with long, arching branches. White blooms in early spring. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Snow Storm Spiraea media ‘Darsnorm’ • Compact mounding form. 20 cm, white, dome-shaped clusters of blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Intense orange-red fall colour. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m

shrub. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 90–150 cm Sparkling Carpet Spiraea ‘Sparkling Carpet’ • Striking lime-gold leaves on a carpet-forming shrub, roots wherever branches touch soil. Little pink blooms. Sun. Height: 15 cm; Width: 30 cm Tor Spiraea betulifolia ‘Tor’ • Striking fall colours of gold, orange & bronze. Clustered creamy-white blooms in June. Great in borders. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 60–75 cm


Stephanandra Cutleaf Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’ • Lovely spilling over rocks, rooting where its branches touch the soil; great on slopes. Fine textured, compact groundcover with reddish-bronze new foliage & reddish-orange fall colour. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30–60 cm; Width: 1–2 m


Rhus Cutleaf Smooth Rhus glabra ‘Laciniata’ • Incredible orange-red fall colour with deep-scarlet seed clusters. Glossy, smooth bark with lacy, tropical-like foliage. Great for screening or as a feature plant. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 3–5 m

Snowmound Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ • Prune after blooming when required. Dark blue-green foliage on a dense form. Bright-white blooms in May. Great accent or feature

Gro-Low Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ • Excellent for massing in beds or for erosion control. Compact, aromatic foliage on a wonderful groundcover. Yellow, scented

Spiraea ‘Little Princess’

Spiraea ‘Dwarf Garland’

Spiraea ‘Goldmound’

Spiraea ‘Froebelli’

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Shrubs  141 blooms in late spring. Sun. Good red fall colour. Height: 60 cm; Width: 2 m Staghorn Rhus typhina • Excellent for mass planting, naturalizing, screening & the back of shrub borders—beautiful orange-red fall colour. Long, tropicallooking, lacy leaves on thick, velvety stems. Green blooms in late spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 5–7 m Tiger Eyes Rhus typhina ‘Bailtiger’ • Intense yellow, orange & scarlet fall colours. Great xeriscape plant. Golden leaves on pink branches. Yellow, 15 cm clusters of blooms in July. Ornamental red fruit in September. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2 m

Ruby Spice Clethra alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’ • Slow-growing, requiring little maintenance—an excellent plant for borders or featured in small shrub beds. Prefers wet salty soils but adapts well to most soils. 10 cm, ruby-red, sweetly scented blooms in July. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1 m

Sweet Fern Comptonia Comptonia peregrina • Tolerates poor, drier soils & fixates nitrogen. Aromatic, fernlike foliage on a mounding form with upright, slender branches. Sun to P.M. Sun. Prefers acidic soil. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 1–2 m


Western Smooth Rhus glabra var. cismontana • Makes a great background or feature plant for dry sites—bark is rich brown in winter. Native plant with beautiful intense red foliage & abundant clusters of bright scarlet-red berries in fall. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

Summer Glow Tamarix ramosissima ‘Summer Glow’ • May die back to the ground but regenerates quickly. Fine, feathery blue foliage on a very hardy plant. Masses of rosy spiked blooms in summer on old & new wood. Sun. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 1–2 m


Virginia Creeper

Clethra Hummingbird Clethra alnifolia ‘Hummingbird’ • Glossy foliage on a dense mounding habit. 15– 18 cm spikes of white, sweetly fragrant blooms in July. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 75 cm

Spiraea ‘Snowmound’


Parthenocissus Parthenocissus quinquefolia • Bright-red fall colour on a climbing vine—requires support. White blooms in July. Ornamental blue-black fruit. Sun or shade. Height: 3–5 m; Width: 1–2 m

Wayfaring Tree

Viburnum Emerald Triumph Viburnum lantana ‘Emerald Triumph’ • Excellent foundation, screen, border & large shrub bed plant. Versatile. White spring blooms. Leathery leaves turn rich-red in fall & pink fruit matures to purple-black. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5 m Mohican Viburnum lantana ‘Mohican’ • Green leaves turn purple red in fall on a compact form; great for screening. Creamy-white blooms in May. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Variegated Viburnum lantana ‘Variegatum’ • No two leaves are the same—great for background contrast. Random variegation of dark-green, light-green & creamy-white leaves. Showy white blooms in spring. Bright red berries. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m


Weigela Fine Wine Weigela florida ‘Bramwell’ • Great for borders or foundation planting. Reddish burgundy foliage on a semidwarf, mounding form. Profuse, rose-pink, tubular blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 50–60 cm; Width: 75 cm

Deep-pink blooms in June. The smallest weigela. Sun. Height: 45–60 cm; Width: 60–70 cm Minuet Weigela florida ‘Minuet’ • Provides great contrast. Dark green, tinted purple leaves. Rubyred to pink, yellow throated, lightly scented blooms. Plant where snow collects. Sun. Height: 60–90 cm; Width: 90 cm My Monet Weigela florida ‘Verweig’ • Use as an accent in shrub beds. Green & white-variegated foliage on a mounding form. 4–6 cm, deep-pink, tubular blooms in early summer. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 40–50 cm; Width: 50 cm Red Prince Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’ • Long-lasting, rich-red blooms in spring (may rebloom in summer). Very nice feature in small shrub beds & borders. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Rubidor Weigela florida ‘Olympiade’ • Abundant red blooms in June contrast with bright-gold foliage. Excellent feature or background plant—very showy. Sun. Height & Width: 1.5–2 m Ruby Queen Weigela florida ‘Ruby Queen’ • Reddish-burgundy foliage on a rounded form. Pink, tubular-shaped blooms in early summer. Sun. Height & Width: 45–60 cm

Midnight Wine Weigela florida ‘Midnight Wine’ • Wonderful addition to the small shrub bed. Intense metallic burgundy-purple foliage on a lovely contrast plant.

Tango Weigela florida ‘Tango’ • Excellent for borders, along walkways or as feature shrubs in mass. Dark-purple foliage contrasts with red blooms with yellow centers on a small,

Stephanandra ‘Cutleaf’

Sumac ‘Staghorn’

Sweet Fern ‘Comptonia’

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142  Shrubs compact plant—hardy to –34°C. Sun. Height & Width: 45–60 cm Wine and Roses Weigela florida ‘Alexandra’ • Dark-burgundy foliage & rosy-red blooms provide contrast in borders & beds. Striking late spring feature. Sun. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m


Salix Fast-growing shrubs for informal hedges, shrub beds or problem areas. Good in moist sites & to prevent soil erosion on banks. Prune regularly in winter or early spring to maintain size, colour & density. Sun to P.M. Sun. Blue Fox Salix brachycarpa • Attractive blue-green foliage on a compact willow. Great for foundation plantings & shrub beds. Sun to P.M. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 60– 200 cm Canyon Blue Salix purpurea ‘Canyon Blue’ • Beautiful purple stems in winter are very showy. Narrow, silvery-blue foliage—prune heavily to keep compact. Excellent for borders, foundations & features. Sun. Height: 1–1.5 m; Width: 1 m Corkscrew Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’ • Often used in floral arrangements. Young growth is yellow with irregular twisted branches & narrow, green, twisted foliage. Sun. Height: 4 m; Width: 3 m

Tamarisk ‘Summer Glow’

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Coyote Salix exigua • Great substitute for bamboo. Featherytextured, silver-grey foliage achieves best colour in cooler climates. Lovely for contrast in shrub beds. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m Dwarf Arctic Blue Leaf Salix purpurea ‘Nana’ • Try it as an informal hedge. Very attractive, deep-blue foliage on a compact form with light-grey bark. Great contrast in shrub beds. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 1–1.5 m Flamingo Salix integra ‘Flamingo’ • Prune to maintain best colour & form. New growth is intense pink maturing to variegated pink, white & green on a globelike form. Sun. Height & Width: 60 cm Globe Shade Salix fragilis var. bullata • Compact, rounded plant that prefers moist soil but is adaptable. Can train to a multistemmed tree form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Width: 3– 4m Hakuro Nishiki Salix integra ‘Alba Maculata’ • Hardy Japanese variety benefits from some wind protection. Showy variegated creamy-white & green foliage on an attractive fast-growing feature plant. Prune annually. Sun. Moist soil. Height: 1.5 m; Width: 1.5– 2m

Virginia Creeper

Polar Bear Salix silicola • Silverwhite & blue, furry foliage on a hardy shrub with lots of pussy willows in spring. Great contrast. Sun. Moist soil. Height & Width: 3 m Silverleaf Creeping Salix repens var. argentea • Great bank stabilizer. Yellowish-silver catkins appear in spring before the velvety-silver foliage on a groundcover form. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30– 45 cm; Width: 1.5–2 m Yellow Bud Salix yezo-alpina • Silky, silver-green foliage & abundant, upright yellow catkins in early spring—beautiful groundcover for rock gardens. Sun. Height: 10 cm; Width: 90 cm



plants. Best in wet sites. Sun to P.M. Sun. Berry Heavy Ilex verticillata ‘Spravy’ • Dark, glossy-green foliage on an upright round form. White blooms. Brightred berries. Very heavy fruit set. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 1.5 m Berry Nice Ilex vertcillata ‘Spriber’ • Massive amounts of very bright-red, ornamental fruit on an upright round form. White blooms in spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 2 m; Width: 1.5 m Jim Dandy Ilex verticillata ‘Jim Dandy’ • Slow-growing male variety. Blooms in early May & pollinates other varieties; best ratio 6–10 female to 1 male plant. Sun. Height & Width: 2–3 m

The name says it all! An excellent winter shrub with the female plant producing splendid bright red fruits that are showy until December. White flowers in May. Excellent for mass plantings or screening. Grows 2–3 m tall & wide. Requires both male & female

Willow ‘Yellow Bud’

Weigela ‘Tango’

Willow ‘Dwarf Arctic Blue Leaf’

Weigela ‘Red Prince’

Willow ‘Hakuro Nishiki’

Willow ‘Coyote’

Wayfaring Tree ‘Mohican’


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 143

Variegated Fritillary butterfly

Backyard ‘Bugtography’ By John Acorn


he flowers have been planted, things are greening up and my wife, Dena, and I proudly walk around the yard admiring the beds that we know won’t look this good again until this time next year. But to me, the beauty of the garden goes well beyond the blossoms and the greenery—to me, the garden becomes a miniature continent on which I search for mysterious bugs. After all, every garden is habitat for hundreds—if not thousands—of species of minute creatures, and if you can get past the few bad apples that qualify as garden pests, the others are innocent, fascinating quarry for people like me.

We live in a time when close-up photography has never been easier. Many point-and-shoot digital cameras can focus to within a centimetre of the lens, but my personal preference will always be a single-lens reflex with interchangeable lenses. Even in that realm, it is now easier than ever to get yourself a first-rate macro lens and start prowling the garden in search of diminutive beasts. This oddball hobby has been with me since childhood and since my encounter with the book Grassroots Jungle. It was the work of the great

nature writer Edwin Way Teale, and his prose and photography inspired me to see even the smallest tuft of vegetation as potential stalking ground. I haven’t lost that feeling in over 40 years. I love photographing butterflies, and with enough butterfly-friendly nectar flowers in the yard, you can’t help but attract your share of these lovely creatures. Here in Alberta, the best butterfly flowers include aster, blazing star, coneflower, coreopsis, daisy, forget-me-not, marigold, petunia, continued on next page…

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144 

“Wee tiny ladybug”, Psyllobora vigintimaculata

sunflower, verbena and zinnia. I also watch the lilacs for swallowtail butterflies in June, and to be honest, the best butterfly flowers at the beginning and the end of the season are usually dandelions. Butterflies are fun to sneak up on, and there are plenty of good field guides out there for butterfly identification, including my own. For the past few years, I’ve been working on another field guide—one to the ladybugs of Alberta. It should be on the shelves by the time you read this article. Finding and photographing the 75 species of ladybugs in the province has

been a challenge, and some of the most interesting surprises have occurred right in my backyard. For example, did you know there is a tiny consolation to the appearance of powdery mildew? That’s right!—a mildew-eating ladybug, which I call the “wee tiny ladybug” (Psyllobora vigintimaculata). I’ve commonly found this species on some of the saskatoons in our ravine that were hit the heaviest by mildew. I’d have to say, though, that one of the greatest unanticipated joys of backyard bugtography has been the flies. Seriously—flies. This past spring, I snuck up on one, carefully snapped its portrait and then, to my delight, discovered that it was possible to identify it to species using recently published books. It was a flat-footed fly, Bertamyia notata, a marvelous velvet-black beast with pale-blue accents, fairy-like wings and giant eyes the colour of ripe apples. Until that moment, I had never heard of such a thing, and believe me, I’ve heard of a lot of strange bugs. The garden is full of surprises, and this tiny fly was only one of them. 

Most gardeners wouldn’t be without a bird book, so why not make a bug guide part of your core library, too? Nora Bryan has a great book out, The Prairie Gardener’s Book of Bugs. For those who want to dig even more deeply into the subject, I recommend Stephen Marshall’s Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity: With a Photographic Guide to Insects of Eastern North America. I can’t help but promote my own books: Butterflies of Alberta, Bugs of Alberta, Damselflies of Alberta, Tiger Beetles of Alberta and Ladybugs of Alberta.

John Acorn is an award-winning writer, broadcaster and lecturer living in Edmonton, Alberta.

Flat-footed fly, Bertamyia notata

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PRAIRIE HARDY FRUITS In This Section... • Over 80 varieties • 11 new varieties & colours • Includes height, spread & blooming season • Alphabetical by common name Common names are in large type. Series, varieties or mixes of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Standard varieties are black. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

‘Honeycrisp’ Apple Picking an apple straight off the tree and eating it while wandering around the garden is one of life’s greatest pleasures. A great apple that fits the bill is “Honeycrisp.” It’s a late-season apple but is firm, crisp & stores well. It deserves a place in any apple-lover’s garden.

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146  Fruit Apple

Malus Battleford • Red with green stripes, 7–8 cm, crisp & tasty fruit in early September. Good in desserts, fair for cooking; fair keeper. Collett • Red-green streaked, 6– 7 cm fruit in late September. Good cooker & great for desserts; keeps well. Sugars triggered by frost. Dexter Jackson • Developed in Saskatchewan for the prairie market. Amber-red streaked, 7– 8 cm, sweet fruit in late August. Great for cooking & fresh eating; good storage. Blooms in May. Sun. Height: 5 m; Spread: 4 m Fall Red • Red over pale-green, large, 7–8 cm fruit in late September. Good for fresh eating; excellent keeper. Sun. Gemini • Yellow blushed-red, 6– 8 cm, crisp, juicy, medium sweet fruit in late August. Good for fresh eating; excellent keeper. Sun. Goodland • Green with redblushed, 5–8 cm fruit in late September. Great for eating & good for cooking; keeps well. Small tree. Sun. Harcourt • Green with redblushed, 5–6 cm fruit in early October. Good for cooking & eating; poor keeper. Good fireblight resistance. Hardi-Mac • Bright-red, crisp, 5– 7 cm fruit in late August. Excellent for eating or cooking; Apple ‘Hardi-Mac’

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keeps well. Large tree up to 6 m tall. Sun. Height: 5 m; Spread: 4m Honey Crisp • Lemon-yellow blushed scarlet, 6–7 cm fruits ripening in October. Creamcoloured flesh is crisp & juicy. Excellent for desserts; stores up to 5 months. Sun to P.M. Sun. Kerr (Cr.) • Dark-purple, 4–5 cm fruit in mid October. Good for eating & processing; great keeper. Large tree, doesn’t drop fruit. Millstream • Dull-red, 6–7 cm fruit in September. Excellent for eating. Medium-sized tree; good choice for small spaces. Sun. Norkent • Tastes like Golden Delicious! Yellow orange-red striped, 7–8 cm, firm & juicy fruit in early to mid October. Good for dessert; keeps well. Prairie Magic • Hardy, mediumsized tree. Yellow with redblushed, 6–7 cm fruit in mid September. Excellent for eating fresh & very crisp; keeps well. Sun. Red Sparkle • Bright-red, 6– 8 cm, white-fleshed fruit in early September. Great for fresh eating & desserts. Distinct nutty flavour. Sun. Rescue (Cr.) • Yellowish-green with red-blushed, 3–5 cm fruit in late August/early September. Good for processing. Fireblight resistant. September Ruby • Bright-red with green striped, 6–7 cm fruit in

early September. Good for eating & juicing; very good keeper. Sun. Strathcona Gold • Golden-yellow, 6–7 cm fruit in early September. Great for eating fresh. Blooms in May. An Edmonton area introduction. Sun. Dwarf Apple Trees Dwarf Dexter Jackson • Developed in Saskatchewan for the prairie market. Amber with red-streaked, 7–8 cm, sweet fruit in late August. Great for cooking & fresh eating. White blooms in May. Sun. Height: 3.5 m; Spread: 2.5 m Dwarf Goodland • Green with red-blushed, 5–8 cm fruit in late September. Great for eating & good for cooking; keeps well. Small tree. Sun. Dwarf Harcourt • Green with red-blushed, 5–6 cm fruit in early October. Good for cooking & eating; poor keeper. Good fireblight resistance. Dwarf Norkent • Yellow orangered striped, 7–8 cm, firm & juicy fruit in early to mid October. Good for desserts; keeps well. Small tree. Dwarf Prairie Sun • Yellow with pink-blushed, 5–8 cm fruit in late August/early September. Great for eating fresh & leathers; keeps well. Sun. Dwarf September Ruby • Brightred with green-striped, 6–7 cm fruit in early September. Good for eating & juice; very good keeper. Small tree. Sun.

Apple ‘Prairie Magic’

Apple ‘Harcourt’

Apple ‘Collett’

Apple ‘Kerr’

Zestar • Greenish-yellow, redstriped, 5–6 cm, sweet-tart flavour fruit in August. good for fresh eating & cooking; keeps 3– 4 weeks. White blooms in May. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Spread: 4 m


Prunus Morden 604 • Tall, upright tree. Golden-yellow, 4–5 cm fruit in mid to late August. Great for dessert & preserves. Blooms late; less frost susceptible. Sun. Height: 7 m; Spread: 4 m Scout • Bronzey-gold, large, 5 cm fruit in July to early August. Excellent for cooking. Westcot • Golden-yellow, 4–5 cm, sweet juicy fruit in mid August. Great for canning & jam. Blooms in late April. Very hardy buds. Height: 4 m; Spread: 3 m


Vaccinum Burgundy • New growth burgundy maturing grey green. Light-blue, 1 cm, sweet fruit in August. Good for processing, fresh eating. White blooms in June. Sun to P.M. Sun. Height: 30 cm; Spread: 100 cm Chippewa • One of the hardiest of all blueberries. With its great fall colour, this blueberry is excellent for its ornamental value. Blue, large, mild fruit in early August. Self-pollinating; yields of 1.5–3 kg per plant. Sun to Shade; moist, acidic soil. Blueberry ‘Chippewa’

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Fruit  147 North Country • Great-tasting, smaller blueberries! Heavy producer. Very vigorous & productive, extremely hardy, lowgrowing bush. Glossy, dark-green foliage turns bright red in fall. Blue, small, tasty fruit in early August. Yields vary from 1–2 kg per plant. Sun; moist, acidic soil. Provide snow cover. Northblue • Ornamental plant with lustrous, dark-green foliage that turns bright red in fall. Blue, 2 cm fruit in early August. Keeps with refrigeration. Yields of 1–2 kg. Sun; moist, acidic soil. Provide snow cover. Polaris • Powdery blue, 2 cm, superb flavoured fruit in mid August. Yields of 1.5 kg per plant. Best in sun; moist, acidic soil.


Prunus Black Nanking • Black fruits instead of the typical red cherry. Produces 1–2 cm fruit in August. Excellent for cooking & jams or fresh eating. White blooms in early spring. Sun to P.M. Sun. Nanking • Often used as an ornamental for hedges or trained to small tree form. Red, 2 cm, sweet fruit in July. Use for pie, jelly & fresh eating. Pale-pink blooms in early spring. Yields 4–11 kg. Sun. North Star • A self-pollinating, sour cherry. Small size makes it good for city lots. Dark-red, 2– 3 cm fruit in late July. Great for Blueberry ‘North Country’

cooking. White blooms in early spring. Delay picking to increase sugars. Sun. Romeo • Very flavourful. Formerly known as 7 of 7. Red-black, 2 cm, sweet fruit in August. Good for fresh eating, desserts & excellent for juice. White blooms in mid May. Sun. Valentine • Very heavy producer. Formerly known as Rick. Bright red, 2 cm fruit in August. Excellent for desserts & pies. White blooms in late May. Sun.

Cherry Plum

Prunus Compass • Yellow-red skin with yellow flesh, 4–5 cm, sweet fruit in early September. Good for fresh eating. White blooms in May. Sun. Height: 2 m; Spread: 1.5–2 m Convoy • Scarlet with yellow flesh, 2 cm fruit in mid August. Good for canning & jam. Pollinates mid-season cherries & plums. Sun.

Western Sandcherry • Black, 1 cm fruit in August. Good for cooking & jams. Best pollinator for mid to late blooming cherries & plums. Sun.

Manor • Ornamental when in bloom. Red, 2–3 cm fruit in August. Good for canning, jam & fresh eating. Great pollinator for mid-season cherries & plums. Sun.

Carmine Jewel • An extremely hardy Saskatchewan introduction that is beautiful & practical. Dark-red skin & flesh, 2–3 cm fruit in August. Great for dessert. Ornamental white blooms in spring. Sun.

Opata • Eat fresh off the tree 2weeks prior to maturity. Purple, 2 cm fruit in late August. Good for jam & jelly. White blooms in mid to late May. Pollinates ‘Brookred’ plum. Sun.

Crimson Passion • Excellent for fresh eating. Formerly known as Big Momma. Bright-red, 2– 3 cm, sweet fruit in August. Juice desserts & pies. White blooms in mid May. Sun. Evans • A self-pollinating, sour cherry. Delay harvest to increase sugars. Bright-red, 2–3 cm, sweet-tart fruit in late July/early August. Excellent for fresh eating, pies & winemaking. Sun.

Cherry ‘Nanking’

Sapa • Sweet & juicy fruit. Shrub can be trained to a small tree form. Purple, 2 cm fruit in mid to late August. Great for canning & jam. White blooms in mid spring. Pollinate with sandcherry. Height: 2 m; Spread: 1.5–2 m


Prunus virginiana ‘Robert’ Robert • Dark-purple foliage is very ornamental. Best pollinator is ‘Garrington.’ Large clusters of black fruit in July & August. Great for jams, jellies & syrup. Sun. Can be a beautiful dwarf shade tree.



Black Ben Conan • Compact growing. High yields of deep-black, large fruit in August. Blooms in early spring with frost tolerant buds. Mildew resistant. Sun. Red Red Lake • Red, 1 cm fruit in July/ August. Great for juice, jellies, wine & syrup. Heavy producer of fruit in large clusters. Sun.


Ribes Hinnonmaki Red • Very popular & productive selection with mildew resistance. Bright-red, large fruit in late July to early August. Good for jams, jellies & eating. Blooms in May. Good yields. Sun.


Vitis Beta • Requires no winter protection. Blue, 1 cm fruit in late August/early September. Good for juice & jelly. Hardy grape with heavy yields; great cross-pollinator. Sun. Concord • Bright-blue, 1–2 cm, tasty fruit in late August/early September. Great for wine, juice & fresh eating. Heavy yields. Sun. Frontenac • A hardy, vigorous red wine grape with excellent disease resistance! Red, 10–12 mm fruit in August. Excellent for juicing & wine making. White blooms in June. Sun; moist soil.

Cherry Plum ‘Sapa’

Cherry ‘Evans’

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148  Fruit Valiant • Slightly larger fruit than Beta but fewer. Deep-blue, 1 cm fruit in early August. Excellent for wines, juice & jellies. Popular hardy grape. Sun.


Lonicera Berry Blue • New berry from Russia. Extremely hardy. Blue, oblong 2–3 cm, similar to blueberry fruit in late June. Fresh eating, jams & jellies. White blooms in late April. Sun. Blue Belle • New berry from Russia. Extremely hardy. Blue, oblong 2–3 cm, sweet fruit in June. Fresh eating, jams & jellies. White blooms in April. No pest or disease problems. Sun.

Kiwi Arctic Beauty Female • Less colouration on leaves than male—quite attractive. Fruit production is not reliable. Green, small fruit in September. Novelty fruit, grow as an ornamental; needs male pollinator. Shade to A.M. Sun; moist soil. Arctic Beauty Male • Only female plants bear fruit. Attractive pink, white & green foliage— extremely showy climber used as a pollinator. Shade to A.M. Sun; moist soil.


Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus Dwarf • Red, 1 cm fruit in September. Good for jams, preserves & juice. Pink bellKiwi ‘Arctic Beauty,’ male

shaped blooms in June. Sun; moist, acidic soil. Height: 10 cm; Spread: 15 cm


Pyrus Early Gold • Yellow, 5 cm fruit in September. Great for preserves or eating fresh. Hardy ornamental; pollinates other pears & apples. Sun. Golden Spice • Reddish-yellow, 5–6 cm, sweet & aromatic fruit in early October. Good for eating & processing. Fireblight resistant. Sun. Summercrisp • Green with red blush, 7–8 cm, crisp sweet flavoured fruit in August. Fresh eating & canning; stores 2 months. White blooms in May. Sun. Height: 5–6 m; Spread: 4–5 m


Prunus Bounty • Dark-red, 4–5 cm, tasty fruit in August/earlySeptember. Great for jam & jelly. White blooms in May. Hardy tree. Sun. Height: 5 m; Spread: 4 m Brookgold • Golden, 4 –5 cm, sweet fruit in August. Excellent for eating fresh. Early pollinator—use nanking cherry or ‘opata’ plum. Sun. Brookred • Sweet tasting! Red, 2– 4 cm fruit in mid to late August. Eat fresh or use for jam. Blooms late; pollinate with ‘pembina’ or ‘opata’ plums, or sandcherry. Plum ‘Brookgold’

Mount Royal • Dark-purple, 4– 5 cm, sweet fruit in late summer. Excellent for fresh eating. White blooms in mid to late spring. Sun. Height: 4–5 m; Spread: 4–5 m Pembina • Juicy plums. Red with yellow flesh, 5 cm fruit in late August. Can or eat fresh. Use late pollinators—‘Brookred’ or ‘Opata’ plums, or sandcherry. Sun.


Rubus Honeyqueen • Developed by Robert Erskine from Rocky Mnt. House. Yellow, mild & juicy fruit in early July to late August. Great fresh or as jam. Very hardy; high yields. Sun; moist soil. Red River • Red, sweet & tangy fruit in August. Great for processing. Heavy yeilds. Cut back to 30 cm each fall. Sun; moist soil. Souris • Red, sweet fruit in mid July to mid August. Enjoy fresh or preserved. Hardy with heavy fruit production. Sun; moist soil. Wyoming Black • High yields of quality fruit. Purplish-black, mild fruit in early August. Great preserved. Doesn’t sucker—grows singly like a shrub. Sun; moist soil.


Rheum Honey Red • Good for eating & cooking. Thin, sweet, red stalks through summer. Feed annually with compost. Sun.


Amelanchier Martin • Very productive plant with great fall colour. Loose clusters of bluish-black, 2 cm, sweet fruit in early August. Good for processing. White blooms in May/early June. Sun. Pear ‘Golden Spice’

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Grape ‘Valiant’

Raspberry ‘Wyoming Black’

Northline • Purplish-black, 1 cm, sweet fruit in July. Great for processing. White blooms in May. Heavy producer; suckers freely. Sun. Parkhill • Quite ornamental in spring—excellent orange-red fall colour. Purple, tasty fruit in July. Use in pies, jellies & fresh. White blooms in late May. Sun; moist, well-drained soil. Regent • Bluish-grey bark is ornamental. Purple, 1 cm, sweet fruit in July. Good fresh & processed. White blooms in May. Striking fall colour; heavy yields. Sun. Height: 90–120 cm; Spread: 90–120 cm Thiessen • Dark-purple, 2–3 cm, sweet fruit in late July. Excellent for fresh eating. White blooms in May. Very heavy producer. Sun.

Sea Buckthorn

Hippophae Harvest Moon (female) • Thornless with excellent yields. Orange, 7–10 mm fruit in August. Great for jams, jellies & juice. Yellow blooms in June. Sun. Female requires male for fruit. Poll Mix Male • Pollinator for female varieties. Yellow blooms in May. Sun.


Fragaria Fort Laramie • Bright-red, medium, sweet fruit in late spring & again in summer. Great fresh & processed. Everbearing. Sun; moist soil. Height: 10 cm. Kent • Bright-red, large, sweet fruit in June & July. Great fresh & processed. June-bearing strawberry. Sun; moist soil. Height: 10 cm. Tri-Star • Red, large, deliciously sweet fruit in July to September. Enjoy fresh or processed. A dayneutral, high-yielding strawberry. Sun; moist soil. Height: 10 cm. Saskatoon ‘Thiessen’

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Scientifically Speaking  149


PLANTS by Jim Hole


ne evening this past summer, as I sat on my deck sipping wine and watching the bees wander from flower to flower, a thought came to mind: were the mating games played by plants really that different than the ones played by humans? As I scanned the yard and thought back to my short-lived disco days, decks and dance floors didn’t seem so diametrically opposed. Perhaps the wine was at work, but the more I thought about it, the less different the reproductive strategies used by plants seemed from the reproductive strategies used by people. From the plain to the flamboyant to the downright strange, each plant seemed to have a human counterpart. So I ask: is the kingdom of plants really that different than our kingdom? You be the judge.

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Pennisetum (Fountain Grass)

Pimp My Yard? Start with the grasses—the reluctant but dutiful friends who get dragged to a club for the sole purpose of playing subservient roles to true players. Grasses, with their dull-brown seed heads, are content to hang around the periphery of the yard, parking themselves against a fence in the corner. In typical wallflower fashion, they are ignored by every one of God’s mobile pollinators. Bugs, birds and bats acknowledge grasses as mere obstructions and circumvent them as quickly as possible in an effort find continued on next page…

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150  Scientifically Speaking

Kiwi ‘Arctic Beauty’

Digitalis purpurea (foxglove)

the attractive flowers. I know. But don’t feel sorry for them just yet—grasses couldn’t care less about the pollinators and prefer to…well…watch and wait until a move is absolutely required. When that moment finally comes, they—quite literally—throw pollen and caution to the wind, hoping against all reproductive hope that some seed will find its way to another grass of the same species… now pity them.

Beauty and the Bees Next on the scene are my pinwheel petunias. Unlike the grasses, petunias are all about being noticed. As incapable as they are of putting together an outfit that wouldn’t land them in the circus, they have no trouble attracting suitors. Bees go wild for them, proving that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. Attracting equal attention, are the blue petunias. While they definitely have more fashion sense than their

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cousins, the pinwheels, their sartorial sensibilities are overshadowed by wafts of heady perfume. Because subtlety is lost on bees, they buzz and mill around the receptive flowers, reveling in the excess of evocative fragrances. Across the yard are the foxgloves. They may seem old-fashioned, but foxgloves aren’t coy when it comes to reproduction. On the lower lip of each trumpeted flower is a ‘honeyguide’ that serves as a landing pad for bees. Each beautifully speckled and spotted lip acts like a beacon that lures high-flying bees down to the foxglove’s flowers—much like seductive red lipstick works on some men.

Divide and Conquer In the other corner of the yard, the scene turns a little alternative with the Jack-in-the-Pulpits and the kiwi vines. Jack-in-the-Pulpits are interesting perennials that live in the dark, moist understorey of the trees, secluded and hidden away from the masses. What makes them most interesting, however,

is that they refuse to commit to a sexual orientation. A transgendered plant, Jackin-the-Pulpits decide to produce male flowers when soil resources are lean but then abruptly shift to being female when resources are abundant. Bringing a little discipline to the corner are the kiwis. Kiwis are divided into female and male plants, but don’t mistake them for equals. The female is definitely the dominant gender, having much more vigor and easily dwarfing the male. In fact, the female will often engulf the much smaller and less aggressive male kiwi, using it for nothing more than its ability to supply the pollen needed to produce seed. Oh! And then there’s the garden cucumber that doesn’t even require a partner, but I don’t think I’ll go there. So if you’re a little shy around the clubs or old enough to miss your nightclub days, take heart. With a little imagination and a yard filled with an assortment of plants, you can bring your disco past back to life. A glass of wine or two wouldn’t hurt either. 

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SPRING BULBS In This Section... • 205 varieties • 42 new varieties & colours • Includes height, spread & blooming season • Alphabetical by common name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Favorite Bulbs for cultural information Common names are in large type. Series, varieties or mixes of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Standard varieties are black. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be brand new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

‘Pablo’ Dahlia This lovely decorative dahlia from the Gallery series is stunning in borders and containers. Large, fully double, yellow blooms edged in coral are held atop short, compact plants. ‘Pablo’ is sure to provide a burst of colour to the landscape. Grows 35 cm tall.

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152  Spring Bulbs

Flowering Plants African Cornlily

Ixia Produces graceful stalks of starshaped blooms in pink, rose & white. Use as a potted plant or in rock gardens. Lift corms in fall & store. Height to 40 cm; blooms early summer. Prefers sun & welldrained soil. ‘Summer Breeze’ • Mix of white, red & pink flowers.

African Lily

Agapanthus Funnel-shaped flowers are produced in clusters of 12–30. They bloom over a long period. Grows well when potbound. Lift in fall & store. ‘Blue Triumphator’ • Clusters of 12–30, funnel-shaped, azureblue flowers. Blooms in summer. Height: 100 cm ‘Delft Duo’ • Cobalt-blue & white flowers. Height: 100 cm


Anemone coronaria Each bulb produces a handful of big, colourful, poppy-like blooms, most with gorgeous black centres. Use as cutflowers, borders in beds or woodland gardens. Height to 40 cm. Blooms early to Anemone ‘DeCaen Mix’

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midsummer. Prefers sun or light shade & moist but well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store. Semi-Double ‘St. Brigid Mix’ • Blue, pink, red & white flowers. Height: 30–40 cm Single ‘Bicolor’ • Pure-white flowers with a bold fuchsia ring in the centre. Height: 30-40 cm ‘DeCaen Mix’ • Blue, pink, purple, red & white flowers. Height: 30–40 cm ‘Hollandia’ • Scarlet flowers with black centres. Height: 30–40 cm ‘Mister Fokker’ • Single violet-blue flowers. Height: 30–40 cm ‘The Bride’ • Single white flowers with apple-green centres. Height: 30–40 cm

Belladonna Lily

Amaryllis belladonna Clusters of fragrant, pink, lily-like flowers. Height to 50 cm. Plant in sun. Blooms in summer. Lift bulb in fall & store.

Blood Lily

Scadoxus (Haemanthus) Produces red flowers in a globeshaped cluster, followed by showy red berries. Use in woodland gardens, containers. Lift bulbs

in fall & store. Height to 50 cm; blooms in summer. Prefers sun to light shade & well-drained soil.

‘Flame’ • Fiery-red flowers with a flicker of yellow. Height: 45– 60 cm


‘Majestic Red’ • Crimson-red flowers. Height: 50 cm

Triteleia laxa (syn Brodiaea) Produces blue or white, starshaped flowers in summer. Foliage is grass like & clump forming. Use in rock gardens, borders & woodland gardens; makes excellent cutflowers. Lift bulbs in fall & store. Height to 35 cm. Prefers sun & well-drained, sandy soil. ‘Blue Ocean Blend’ • Blue, lightblue, & white flowers. Height: 60–90 cm

Calla Lily

Zantedeschia The elegantly curved, funnelshaped flowers make calla lilies stand out in any setting. There is a wide range of flower colours. Leaves can be solid green, to speckled & lance-shaped to spearshaped. Height ranges from 30– 90 cm. Use in beds & containers. Makes an excellent cutflower. Plant in sun (not the hot afternoon sun) to partial shade; organic, moist but well-drained soil. Blooms in summer. Lift in fall & store. Hybrids ‘Anneke’ • Purple flowers. Height: 40–50 cm ‘Cherry Chiffon’ • Pinkish-white flowers with a cherry-red edge. Height: 60–80 cm

‘Plum Pretty’ • Light-lavender flowers change to deep rose pink. Height: 35–45 cm ‘Red Embers’ (syn. ‘Pillow Talk’) • Glowing red flowers with a hint of yellow. Height: 30–35 cm ‘Rubylite Rose’ • Wavy, vibrant hot-pink flowers. Height: 45 cm ‘Sunset Blend’ • A unique mix of deep, rich-coloured flowers. ‘Sunshine’ • Bright-yellow flowers. Height: 60 cm Species Zantedeschia albomaculata • Ivory flowers. Height: 60 cm

Canna Lily The boldly textured foliage & brightly coloured flowers add a tropical look to any landscape. Looks great in mass plantings, as a feature, in containers or as a backgound plant. Height: 50 cm– 2 m. Plant in full sun. Likes organic, moist, well-drained soil. Blooms midsummer to fall. Lift in fall & store. Dwarf, Bronze-Leaved Use for mass plantings & ideal for containers. Height: 50–80 cm.

‘Dark Eyes’ • Deep-rose flowers with a dark-purple throat. Height: 30–40 cm

‘Australia’ • Deep-orange flowers with dark chocolate-brown foliage. Height: 60–100 cm Dwarf, Green-Leaved Use for mass plantings & ideal for containers. Height: 50–80 cm.

Belladonna Lily

Calla Lily ‘Majestic Red’


Calla Lily ‘Flame’

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Spring Bulbs  153 ‘Cherry Red’ • Dark-red flowers with a touch of yellow. ‘Cleopatra’ • Yellow & red bicolour flowers. ‘Eureka’ • Pale primrose-yellow flowers with red speckles. ‘Lucifer’ • Iris-like red & yellow bicoloured flowers. ‘Milk Festival’ • Creamy-white flowers with buttery-yellow centres. Height: 60–75 cm

Tall, Green-Leaved ‘The President’ • Large, bright-red flowers. Height: 1 m Novelty Uniquely striped foliage adds interest & further contrast to the garden. ‘Pink Sunburst’ • Salmon-Pink flowers with green, red & yellow variegated foliage. Height: 75– 90 cm

Crinum Lily

Crinum powellii Produces umbels of 6–10, fragrant pink, lily-like flowers. Use in borders or containers. Height to 90 cm. Blooms in summer. Prefers sun or light shade & well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store.

Crocosmia (Montbretia)


‘Tangelo’ • Bright-orange flowers. Height: 1–1.5 m

Cape Colony Nerine

‘Tropical Sunrise’ • Creamy-peach flowers blushed with pink & orange. Height: 1 m Improved Hybrid Varieties Compact plants are perfect for small gardens or for containers. Produces lots of flowers in unique colours. They are easy to grow, vigorous, earlier to bloom, weather tolerant & self-cleaning. Height: 75–90 cm.

Produces clusters of rose-pink blooms with narrow, curved petals. Use in containers & borders or as a cutflower. Height: 50 cm; blooms in summer to fall. Prefers sun or light shade & well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store.

Thin, arching spikes with several tubular starry flowers. Available in small & large flowering varieties. Leaves are sword-shaped. Use in beds, meadow gardens, borders & containers. Makes an excellent cutflower. Height: 45–90 cm. Prefers sun to light shade; moist but well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store.

Chocolate Cosmos

‘Lucifer’ • Prolific, 4–8 cm fieryred flowers. Height: 60–90 cm

‘Color Clown’ • Yellow mottled with red flowers. Height: 90– 100 cm ‘Picasso’ • Unique yellow flowers with deep-red, leopard-like spots.

Canna Lily, Variegated Tall, Bronze-Leaved Easy to grow. Height: 90 cm–2 m ‘Durban’ (syn. ‘Phasion’, ‘Tropicanna’) • Brilliant orange flowers. Height: 1.5 m ‘Red King Humbert’ • Red flowers.

Nerine bowdenii

Cosmos atrosanguineus • Unusual chocolate-scented, velvety, chocolate-maroon flowers. Height: 60–90 cm

Climbing Lily

Gloriosa Unusual flowers with reflexed petals. Slender stems climb; grow on trellises for screening or in pots; good for cutflowers. Height to 3 m. Blooms late summer. Prefers sun & moist soil. Lift in fall & store. Gloriosa rothschildiana • 10 cm red & yellow flowers.

Dahlia Superb display in gardens & borders. Also a marvelous cutflower! Traditional favourite. Prefers sun & organic, moist, well-drained soil. Blooms summer through to frost. Remember to lift dahlia roots in fall & store. Anemone Flowering (Pin Cushion) Unusual & striking flowers have one or more outer rings of flattened petals & a central group of tubular petals. Height: 60– 90 cm. Use for small borders, in containers & as cutflowers.

‘Wyoming’ • Huge orange flowers. Height: 2 m


Striking blooms up to 15 cm across. Excellent cutflowers. ‘Blue Bayou’ • Purple flowers with a centre puff of tight, burgundy, tubular petals. ‘Boogie Woogie’ • Large lilac flowers with a yellow centre. Height: 90 cm ‘Brindisi’ • Soft lavender-pink flowers edged in vibrant purple. Height: 60–100 cm ‘Floorinoor’ • Vibrant fuchsiapink flowers with orange centre. Height: 60–90 cm ‘Lambada’ • Pink flowers with a creamy-yellow centre & pink tips. ‘Optic Illusion’ • Double purple flowers with small, white inner petals. Cactus

Double blooms with narrow, pointed petals that roll tightly inwards their entire length. Spiky, attractive look. Height: 1.5 m. ‘Nuit d’Ete’ • Dark wine-red flowers with an almost black centre. Height: 1 m ‘Star’s Favourite’ • Soft rose-pink flowers with ivory-white centres. Height: 1 m ‘Yellow Star’ • Yellow flowers tipped with white. Fringed

Striking shaggy petal tips. ‘Fringed Star’ • Salmon-pink flowers with yellow centre. ‘Star Surprise’ • Soft lilac with white flowers.

Canna Lily ‘Picasso’

Canna Lily ‘Wyoming’

Gloriosa rothchildiana


Canna Lily ‘Lucifer’

Cape Colony Nerine

Dahlia ‘Lambada’

Crinum Lily

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154  Spring Bulbs Cactus & Decorative Mix ‘Pretty in Pink’ • Shades of pink flowers. Decorative Popular garden favourites! Flowers are fully double, flat & have broad, blunt-ended petals with no visible central disc. Height, colour & flower size vary greatly. Grows to 1.5 m. ‘Arabian Night’ • Velvety deep-red flowers. ‘Kalinka’ • Bright-pink flowers with yellow towards centre. Height: 1 m

‘Babylon Purple’ • Maroon flowers with purple glow. Height: 1 m

of large, double flowers all season. Grows to 30–45 cm.

‘Barbarosa’ • Enormous red flowers. Height: 1 m

‘Art Nouveau’ • Purple flowers. Height: 45 cm

‘Bristol Stripe’ • White flowers with magenta & purple striping. Height: 1 m

‘Pablo’ • Fully double coral & yellow flowers. Height: 35 cm Giant Ball Double, ball-shaped flowers, often slightly flattened at the top. Petals are round-ended or blunt & roll inwards for more than half of their length. Flowers are 5–9 cm across. Height: 120 cm.

‘Cafe Au Lait’ • Creamy mocha flowers. Blooms in summer through to frost. Height: 1 m ‘Grand Prix’ • Yellow flowers with white tips. Height: 1 m ‘Kelvin Floodlight’ • Bright-yellow flowers. Height: 1 m

‘Le Baron’ • Deep-purple flowers. Height: 1 m

‘Kidd’s Climax’ • Salmon-rose flowers with yellow. Height: 1 m

‘Lucky Number’ • Fuchsia-pink flowers.

‘Lilac Time’ • Large lavender flowers. Height: 1 m

‘Mistery Day’ • Fuchsia-red flowers with white tips.

‘Otto’s Thrill’ • Peach flowers with mauve highlights. Height: 1 m

‘Night Queen’ • Dark-red flowers. Height: 1–1.5 m

‘Papageno’ • Yellow-gold flowers with a pink blush. Height: 1 m

‘Pair of Giraffes’ • Yellowwith red streaks & pink flowers with purple streaks. Height: 1 m

‘Snow Country’ • Extra large, white flowers with cream centres. Height: 1 m


‘Strawberry Ice’ • Pink flowers. Height: 90–150 cm

‘Jewel Purple’ • Purple flowers. ‘Jewel Red’ • Red flowers.

‘The Big Wow’ • Gigantic, 25–30 cm wine-red flowers. Height: 1 m


‘Thomas Edison’ • Fuchsia flowers. Height: 1 m

Giant flowers on tall plants. Each dahlia produces numerous flowers the size of a dinnerplate for a long season of display.


‘Babylon Bronze’ • Golden-orange flowers. Height: 1 m

‘Myama’ • White flowers.

‘Babylon Lilac’ • Deep lavender flowers. Height: 1 m Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’

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‘Kogane’ • Salmon with yellow flowers.


Best dahlia for borders or containers! Short, compact plants with lots

‘Babette’ • Dark lavender-pink flowers. ‘Golden Torch’ • Yellow flowers. ‘Hy Suntan’ • Miniature bronze flowers. Height: 1.5 m ‘Jescot Lingold’ • 8–10 cm warm dark-red flowers with yellow edges.

‘Bishop of Llandaff ’ • Beautiful red flowers with deeper red centre; bronze-leafed. Semi-cactus Flowers are double with narrow, pointed petals. Petals roll tightly inwards for about half their length. Flowers are less spiky than cactus types. Use for specimen planting, background planting or cutflowers. Height: 1.5 m. ‘Autumn Festival’ • A collection of red & yellow flowers. ‘Black Cat’ • Dark maroon flowers. ‘Blue Beard’ • Violet-blue flowers. Height: 90 cm ‘Dutch Explosion’ • Large, white flowers with deep-pink or lilac tips. Height: 75–90 cm ‘Kenora Macob’ • Deep-maroon flowers.

‘Marble Ball’ • White flowers streaked with purple. Height: 90 cm

‘Popular Guest’ • Pink flowers.

‘Sandra’ • Bright-pink flowers. Mignon Produces small, 6–10 cm, daisylike flowers with wide petals. Use in borders or containers. Height 50 cm.

‘Veritable’ • Dark-lavender flowers with creamy-yellow centres. Topmix Small 3–5 cm, daisy-like flowers with one ring of petals around an open central disc; short, compact plants with lots of double flowers all season. Use in borders or containers. Height 20–50 cm.

‘Roxy’ • Pink-violet flowers. ‘Sunshine’ • Yellow flowers with red around central disc. Peony-flowering Daisy-form flowers are fully double with broad, flat, round-ended petals. Centre is open or partly covered by small, twisted petals around the central disc. Height: 1 m.

‘Purple Gem’ • Rich amethystpurple flowers.

‘Sweetheart’ • Dark-pink flowers with yellow & white centres. Waterlily Large, double flowers have an open, flattened shape. Petals have slightly curved margins. Grows to 120 cm.

Dahlia ‘Babylon Bronze’

Dahlia ‘Cafe Au Lait’

Dahlia ‘Black Cat’

Dahlia ‘Lilac Time’

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Spring Bulbs  155 ‘Lucca Johanna’ • Pink flowers. Height: 1 m ‘Nonette’ • Soft creamy-yellow flowers with a crimson flush at maturity. Height: 1 m

Elephant Ears Absolutely the most gigantic leaves! Best displayed as a feature or accent plant. Great in a large container or in the garden. Adds a jungle ambiance to any garden. Protect from the hot afternoon sun & wind. Keep soil moist. Lift tuber in fall & store, or bring inside as a houseplant.

Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Upright’ • Slower growing than ‘Big Leaf.’ Elephant-ear shaped leaves stand upright. Start indoors 6–8 weeks before planting outside. Plants will be shorter as annuals (2–3 m). Will tolerate full shade but prefers A.M. Sun. Height: 3.5–4.5 m

Colocasia esculenta ‘Big Leaf ’ • Very vigorous. Impresive large green leaves. Easy to grow. Will tolerate full sun if it has lots of water. Prefers A.M. Sun. Height: 2–3 m

Firecracker Flower Dichelostemma Umbels of dazzling firecracker-like flowers hang from strong stems. Blooms in summer. Lift in fall & store. Dichelostemma ida-maia • Scarletred flowers tipped with pale green. Height: 30–45 cm Elephant Ears ‘Big Leaf’

Freesia Pretty, trumpet-shaped, fragrant blooms open on arching stems. Good for pot culture. Lift bulbs in fall & store. Height to 40 cm; blooms early summer. Prefers sun & well-drained soil.

Gladiolus Each corm produces a spike of several florets. Available in a wide range of colours. Excellent background plant & cutflower. Provides a succession of colourful blooms for several weeks. Easy to grow. Height: 50–150 cm; blooms summer to early fall. Prefers sun & organic, moist, well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store. Border Gladiolus The smaller flowers are usually coloured in two contrasting tones. They are shorter than traditional gladiolus & produce more flowers. Excellent cutflower. Height to 90 cm. ‘Belinda’ • Magenta-Red with ivory centres & edges flowers. Height: 70–90 cm ‘Frederica’ • Brilliant gold flowers with scarlet-red edges. Height: 70–90 cm ‘Maggie’ • Soft lavender-purple flowers with creamy-white splotches. Height: 70–90 cm Butterfly The smaller flowers are usually coloured in two contrasting tones. They resemble butterflies in shape. Each floret often has a conspicuous blotch in the throat. Excellent cutflower. Height to 1.2 m. Gladiolus ‘Grande Passion’

‘Perseus’ • Lilac-pink flowers with creamy blotch.

‘Comet’ • Rich-purple flowers with yellow. Height: 1 m

‘Shocking’ • Soft-rose flowers with bright-red blotch.

‘Dolce Vita’ • Ruffled soft-pink flowers with darker pink edges.

‘Violetta’ • Purple flowers with creamy blotch. Landscape Needs no staking, grows to 1 m tall. Colours are rich & cheerful. Perfect for small-scale gardens, mass plantings & in containers. Long-lasting cutflowers. Blooms in summer. Prefers sun.

‘Espresso’ • Reddish-black flowers.

‘Passos’ • Mauve flowers with dark-purple streaks & central blotch. Large-flowering Vigorous hybrids in an array of colours from soft pastels to bold, bright hues. Each corm typically produces one flower spike with up to 28 buds & up to 12 buds open at a time. Height: to 1.5 m. ‘Amico’ • Violet-pink flowers with an ivory centre. Height: 50– 70 cm ‘Bambino’ • Pale-yellow & soft pink flowers. Height: 50–70 cm

‘Far West’ • Rose-red flowers with yellow centre. ‘Faro’ • Deep violet-purple flowers with a central white blotch. ‘Flevo Eyes’ • Cream with raspberry-red flowers. ‘Flevo Safari’ • Crimson flowers with white brush mark. ‘Grande Passion’ • Grape-purple flowers with white brush marks. ‘Great Lakes’ • Light-blue flowers. Height: 90–150 cm ‘Green with Envy’ • Chartreusegreen flowers. ‘Hobo Joe’ • Ruffled rich, smoky, orange-red flowers with distinct yellow throat. ‘Holiday’ • Coral-orange flowers with a red blotch on yellow. Height: 90–150 cm ‘Innocence’ • Pure white flowers.

‘Black Beauty’ • Very deep-purple flowers.

‘Invitation’ • Mauve-pink with a cream throat & veins flowers.

‘Black Jack’ • Deep-ruby flowers with rich-black edges.

‘Jessup’ • Magenta & white bicoloured flowers.

‘Blush’ • Mix of deep-rose & white edged in pink flowers.

‘Mon Amour’ • Strawberry-pink & cream flowers. Height: 90–150 cm

‘Can-Can’ • Light-yellow flowers with a rose edge. Height: 90– 150 cm

‘My Love’ • White flowers with rose flecks.

‘Champagne’ • Soft-beige flowers.

‘Phantom’ • Dark-purple flowers with golden-yellow throats.

‘Cheops’ • Ruffled white flowers with vibrant-pink edges.

‘Plum Tart Bouquet’ • Pink & purple flowers. Height: 1.5 m

Gladiolus ‘Shocking’


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156  Spring Bulbs ‘Pole Position’ • Violet-purple flowers with a white throat. ‘Princess Margaret-Rose’ • Orange flowers with ruffled, flame edges. ‘Purple Eclipse’ • Purple & orange-yellow flowers. ‘Ramona’ • Light-pink flowers with deep-pink edges. ‘Satin n’ Lace’ • Soft-rose flowers with a white centre. Height: 90–150 cm ‘Semarang’ • Golden-yellow flowers with salmon highlights. ‘Spic’n Span’ • Pink flowers. ‘Summer Heat’ • Mix of yellow & orange flowers.

Miniature Hybrids

Gladiolus nanus Small, dainty blooms on short plants (50–90 cm). Mature earlier than other gladioli. Bloom in early summer to late summer. Make excellent cutflowers & corsages. ‘Elvira’ • Soft-peach & ivory flowers with darker splotch. ‘Prins Claus’ • White flowers with peppermint-red blotches.

Gladiolus tubergenii ‘Charm’ • Purplish-red flowers with ivory-white throats. Blooms in early summer to late summer. Height: 40 cm

‘Summer NIght’ • Mix flowers. ‘Vera Lynn’ • Soft-blue flowers with a deep-purple splotch in centre. ‘Wine & Roses’ • Soft-rose flowers with a deep-wine throat. Primulinus The distinguishing feature in this group is the upper flower petal that forms a hood over the other petals, the pistil, & the stamen. Each stem bears up to 23 flowers with up to 7 open at a time. Blooms early summer to late summer. Excellent cutflower. Height to 60 cm. ‘Atom’ • Red flowers with white edges & centres. ‘Columbine’ • Light-pink flowers with creamy centre. Height: 30–60 cm

Hardy Orchid Features clumps of bright-green, pleated foliage & stalks of miniature, purple or white orchidlike flowers. Use in rock gardens, containers & woodland gardens. Height to 25 cm; blooms early summer. Prefers partial shade & moist, well-drained soil. Lift rhizomes in fall & store. Bletilla striata • Purple flowers.

Harlequin Flowers

Sparaxis Produces red, orange, pink & white, star-shaped flowers. Use in rock gardens, borders & containers. Lift corms in fall & store. Height to 25 cm; blooms early summer. Prefers sun & welldrained soil. ‘Tricolor Mix’ • Height: 25–40 cm

Gladiolus ‘Columbine’

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Asiatic Hardy lilies. Flowers face upwards or outwards, with petals slightly recurved. Many are spotted. Leaves are close together & spiral up the stem. Asiatic lilies often naturalize. Plant them in sun to partial shade. They prefer fertile, well-drained, organic soil. Asiatic lilies grow 60 cm–1 m tall. Blooms in summer. Use for mass plantings & mixed flowerbeds. Excellent cutflowers! ‘Cappuccino’ • White flowers with black markings. Height: 1–1.5 m ‘Centerfold’ • White flowers with deep red dots & streaks at centre. Height: 1 m ‘Cola’ • Dark-red flowers. ‘Compass’ • Solid orange flowers. ‘Dot Com’ • Purple-pink flowers with red spots. Height: 1–1.5 m; Spread: 30–45 cm ‘Halloween’ • Orange flowers with black markings. Height: 1–1.5 m ‘Honey Bee’ • Yellow flowers with black markings. Height: 1–1.5 m ‘Kansas’ • White with goldenyellow flowers. Height: 1 m ‘Landini’ • Very deep-red flowers. Height: 1 m ‘Latvia’ • Yellow flowers dusted with deep red & almost black centres. Height: 1 m; Spread: 30–45 cm ‘Luxor’ • White & apricot flowers with brown spots. Height: 1 m

‘Nettie’s Pride’ • Greenish-white flowers flushed with deep maroon red. Height: 60–90 cm ‘Orange Electric’ • Pinkish-white flowers with orange bands & brown spots. Height: 60–90 cm ‘Starburst’ • Red flowers with black markings. ‘Tinos’ • Creamy-white flowers touched with yellow & cherryred centres. Height: 45 cm ‘Wizard’ • Golden-yellow flowers with red brushmarks. Border & Pot Assortment

Short varieties that bloom in early summer. Height: 45–60 cm. ‘Denia’ • Pink flowers with darkmaroon spots & yellow centres. Height: 45–50 cm L.A. Hybrid A cross between hardy Asiatic & Longiflorum (Easter Lily) type. Plants are hardy & will naturalize. L.A. Hybrids have fragrant, large, waxy flowers; flat or slightly bowlshaped. Excellent cutflower. Plant in sun to partial shade. Prefer fertile, well-drained, organic soil. Blooms in early summer. Heights to 1 m. ‘Fangio’ • Plum-Pink flowers. ‘Red Alert’ • Fiery-red flowers with small orange centres. Height: 1–1.5 m Spread: 30–45 cm Oriental Big, open blooms with a strong fragrance. Flowers have wide petals with undulating margins. Not as hardy; need winter protection. Prefers sun or light shade & fertile,

Lily ‘Centerfold’

Lily ‘Denia’

Gladiolus ‘Elvira’

Lily ‘Tinos’

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Spring Bulbs  157 well-drained, organic soil. Use in mass plantings, as a specimen plant or as cutflowers. Height to 1 m. Blooms in late summer. ‘Acapulco’ • Vibrant rose-pink flowers with darker centres. Height: 95 cm ‘Arena’ • White flowers with yellow to red markings in centres. ‘Aubade’ • Creamy-white with yellow flowers. Height: 60– 90 cm ‘Barbaresco’ • Fragrant, deep violet-pink flowers. Height: 1 m ‘Black Beauty’ • Strongly recurved, deep-pink flowers with white edges. ‘Casablanca’ • Pure-white flowers. Height: 1 m ‘Hot Lips’ • White flowers with dark-pink stripes & spots. ‘Le Reve’ • Soft pure-pink flowers. ‘Muscadet’ • Large, white flowers flowers with pink spots & a soft pink star. ‘Satisfaction’ • Red flowers with yellow centre, tips & edges. ‘Sorbonne’ • Baby-pink flowers with green throats. Height: 1 m ‘Stargazer’ • Bright-pink flowers edged in white. Height: 70 cm ‘Tom Pouce’ • White flowers edged in pink & accented by a yellow stripe. Height: 1 m ‘Triumphator’ • Snow-white flowers with red centres. Height: 1m ‘White Stargazer’ • Pure-white flowers. Lily ‘Latvia’

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OT (Oriental x Trumpet) Big, trumpet-shaped blooms with a strong fragrance. Flowers have wide petals with undulating margins. Unique & exciting colours. Not as hardy; need winter protection. Plant in sun to light shade. They prefer fertile, well-drained, organic soil. Use in mass plantings, as a specimen plant or as cutflowers. Height to 1 m. Blooms in summer. ‘Boogie Woogie’ • Fragrant yellow flowers with a soft-pink edge. ‘Scheherazade’ • Deep-burgundy flowers with a gold edge that fades to cream. ‘Sonora’ • Fragrant white flowers with a deep-red centres. ‘Touch’ • Fragrant yellow flowers with red centres. Tiger Hardy lilies! Flowers have distinctive markings. Blooms face downward & petals almost curve back on themselves. Use in mass plantings; great cutflowers. Height to 85 cm; blooms mid-season. Prefers sun & well-drained soil. They come in assorted colours like orange, pink, red, yellow & white. Trumpet Flowers are trumpet-shaped, fragrant & face downward. Each stalk has twelve or more 15 cm flowers. Prefers sun or light shade & fertile, well-drained, organic soil. Use in beds, mass plantings; makes an excellent cutflower. Needs winter protection in cold areas. Height to 1 m. Blooms in midsummer.

‘Pink Perfection’ • Deep-pink flowers with white centre stripe. Lilium regale • White flowers streaked with burgundy on outside.

Peacock Gladiolus Each corm produces a spike of several florets. Available in a wide range of colours. Excellent background plant & cutflower. Provides a succession of colourful blooms for several weeks. Easy to grow. Height 50–150 cm; blooms summer to early fall. Prefers sun & organic, moist, well-drained soil. Lift in fall & store. Acidanthera bicolor • White flowers with chocolate-brown centres. Height: 75 cm

Peruvian Daffodil (Sea Daffodil)

Hymenocallis Produces fragrant, funnel-form flowers with long, spidery petals. Use in beds or pots. Gives a tropical look to gardens. Prefers sun or light shade in moist, welldrained soil. Height to 60 cm; blooms in summer. Lift bulbs in fall & store. Hymenocallis ‘Sulphur Queen’ • Yellow flowers. Hymenocallis x festalis • White flowers. Height: 30–60 cm

Pineapple Lily Curious stalks of greenish starry blooms topped with a tuft of green leaves that resembles a pineapple. Use in borders, containers; spikes make excellent cutflowers. Lift bulbs in fall & store. Height to 60 cm; blooms in summer. Prefers sun or light shade in moist, welldrained soil. Eucomis bicolor • Pale-green flowers with lilac edges. Eucomis comosa • Pale-pink flowers tinged with green.

Rain Lily (Fairy Lily) This plant’s solitary, upright, crocus-like blossoms are held above tufts of grassy foliage. Flowers appear unexpectedly, often before the foliage. Use in borders, rock gardens or containers. Lift bulbs in fall & store. Height to 25 cm; blooms in summer. Prefers sun & dry periods followed by wet.

Zephyranthes robusta ‘Fairy Lily’ • Rose-pink flowers. Height: 15 cm

Zephyranthes sulphurea Yellow flowers.

Ranunculus Big, buttercup blooms in bright, sunny colours. Each bulb produces numerous flowers. Prefers sun & well-drained soil. Height to 40 cm; blooms early summer. Use in pots or beds. Bulbs must be lifted in fall & stored. ‘Rainbow Mix’ • Pink, orange, red, white & yellow flowers.

Peruvian Daffodil

Lily ‘Stargazer’

Pineapple Lily

Peacock Gladiolus

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158  Spring Bulbs Shamrock

Oxalis tetraphylla (syn O. deppei) Features clover-like leaves & showy, wide-open, funnel-like, silky flowers. Use in rock gardens or containers—makes an excellent houseplant. Prefers sun or light shade & moist soil. Height to 30 cm. Blooms in summer. Lift bulbs in fall & store. ‘Iron Cross’ • Rose-pink flowers.

Star of Good Hope Ornithogalum saundersiae • White flowers with black centres.

Summer Hyacinth Galtonia candicans Tall stalks of fragrant, white, bellshaped flowers. Use in beds; makes a good cutflower. Lift bulb in fall & store. Height to 1 m. Blooms in summer. Prefers sun or light shade & well-drained soil.

Fragrant, white, waxy flowers on tall stalks. Blooms open progressively upwards for several weeks. Use in a border or in containers; makes an excellent cutflower. Lift rhizome in fall & store. Height to 75 cm; blooms in summer. Prefers sun & welldrained soil.

Bog Water Plants Garden Plants

‘The Pearl’ • Double white flowers. Height: 45–90 cm

Miniature Cattail


Polianthes tuberosa

Voodoo Lily auromatum venosum (syn Arum cornutum) Unusual looking plant, similar to Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Foliage resembles mottled lizard skin. Single leaf appears after flowers are finished. Calla-like flowers have pearly grey to flesh-toned exterior & yellow-green (mottled with maroon) interior. Height to 40 cm. Lift tuber in fall & store.

Put the finishing touches around the pond. These perennials will overwinter when planted directly into the wet soil zone around the pond’s edge.

Typha minima Unusual, small round cattails, barely 3 cm long. Height: 30– 60 cm

Waterlily Popular varieties; dry-packed for easy shipping. For use in water gardens. Lift in fall, drain & store in black plastic bags in a cool (5°C), dark room. Available in pink, yellow & red.

Yellow Flag Iris

Iris pseudacorus White to deep-yellow flowers with brown markings. Height: 1 m Yellow Flag iris

Tritonia Silky, bell-shaped flowers in cream, yellow, orange & salmon rose. Heights to 60 cm. Lift bulb in fall & store.

Shamrock ‘Iron Cross’

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What’s Bugging Me;

Or How I Became an Entomologist By Dr. Ken Fry

1998—Ken exploring a volcano in Japan while at a scientific conference.


very so often, I am asked why I became an entomologist. Admittedly, insects are not high on anyone’s list of favourite things, so I can understand why someone would question my sanity. Who would want to spend their life working with and among creepy-crawly things? Unlike some of my colleagues in the field of entomology, I was not born with a sweep-net in my hands or with an immediate fascination with insects. My respect and awe for the tiny denizens of our world did not develop until midway through my undergraduate education. Growing up, I always wanted to be a fire truck. When I finally realized that this was a physical impossibility, I changed my career aspirations to that of many young boys; astronaut, racecar driver or veterinarian. With the latter vocation in mind, I enrolled in the pre-veterinary medicine program at the University of Alberta. A pre-requisite of this program was a course in medical and veterinary entomology. It was the content of this course that set me on the road to a life-long fascination with insects. continued on next page…

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1978—just before Ken started university.

Learning about the many ways insects can harm animals did not inspire me to dedicate my efforts to ridding the world of vermin. Instead, what captured my imagination was the diversity and ingenuity with which insects overcame obstacles. It is the amazing array of adaptations exhibited by insects that I find so fascinating. It seems there is no nook or cranny of the world that insects have not been able to exploit. I decided then to pursue a career in entomology as a means to discover the world around me. As an undergraduate I had the good fortune to find work as a technician for Dr. Mark Goettel, then, a Ph.D. student and, now, a scientist with Agriculture Canada. I spent summers collecting mosquitoes in sloughs and ditches, my head bombarded by red-winged blackbirds protecting their nests and my nostrils assaulted by methane gas from the slough bottom. I was in my happy place. I knew then that life could not get any better than spending your days investigating the wonders of the natural world. Beyond the inescapable fact that insects are simply cool, they have also meant a lot to science. There is not a question about biology (be it in genetics, ecology, biochemistry or whatever discipline you choose) that you cannot use an insect model to investigate. Insects offer a window into the workings of our world, from fruit flies used in genetics, bumblebees for aerodynamics, to the lowly cockroach for neurology. For me, insects provided a way to view, understand and appreciate the intricate nature of the environment. I took my new-found enthusiasm for entomology and pursued graduate work

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Olds College is one of the institutions across the country where one can study entomology.

that focused on how immature mosquitoes and black flies obtain food. My decision to pursue these studies, however, was not borne of idle curiosity but rather was influenced by the work of my senior year and Ph.D. advisor, Dr. D.A. Craig, who was studying the structure and function of aquatic insects. One of the goals of the work was to understand how these insects feed so that we might be able to tailor pesticides to target only those species that do us harm, therefore preventing unnecessary harm to non-target species. One unforeseen benefit of my graduate work was getting to know the students and faculty in the Department of Entomology. These people were an inspiration to me and are still highly valued colleagues and friends. In fact, through my work as an entomologist, I have made connections the world over. Collegiality and a common interest serve as invitation wherever I care to travel. We entomologists may be weird, but we are a friendly bunch. My working career has run the gamut of identifying biting flies in feedlots to using fungi to kill thrips in greenhouses to my

present role as entomology instructor at Olds College. I have never stopped learning about the wondrous ways of insects, and now I have the honour and privilege to pass on this information to horticulture students. I continue my research into biological control of insect pests and also have the good fortune to be responsible for the College’s substantial insect collection. Every day brings me some new insight into nature. Whether I’m in the lab discovering some quirk of behaviour in the insect that I am studying or simply marveling at the visitors to my garden, I thoroughly enjoy looking at the world through the eyes of an insect. Whatever your passion, I hope you have the opportunity to pursue it full-time as I do. It is true that wonders never cease—my work in entomology has provided a richly rewarding career, pleasant afternoons in the garden and even led me to meet Connie, my wife of 18 years, but that is another story.  Dr. Ken Fry is an entomology instructor at Olds College, Alberta.

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VEGETABLES In This Section... • Over 120 varieties • 25 new varieties • Includes variety information & harvest times • Alphabetical by common name • Refer to Lois Hole’s Vegetable Favorites for cultural information Common names are in large type. Varieties of plants are listed below the plant type in single quotes. Standard varieties are black. Items marked in red are making their first appearance in Spring Gardening. These varieties may be new introductions or older cultivars that have performed well enough to join the Spring Gardening plant listings for the first time.

Frisky Corn We love to eat sweet corn fresh from the garden, and the sooner we can the better. That’s why a variety called ‘Frisky’ has really caught our fancy. It is an early variety that sacrifices nothing in flavour. Frisky is a ‘synergistic’ type of corn, which means it contains a variety of different types of sweet corn kernels on each cob. The result is truly synergistic because the flavour combination of the different kernels is greater than the sum of its parts.

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162  Vegetables

Artichoke Green Globe • Very productive. Immature flowers are eaten. Thick & flavourful hearts. Plants grow to 1.5 m tall with deepgreen heads, which mature to purplish flowers. Harvest mid August.

Artichoke, Jerusalem Not classified as a true artichoke. Very easy to grow. Extremely hardy, perennial sunflower with chocolatescented blooms & delicious tubers with a crisp, nutty flavour. Dig like potatoes. Can harvest in both early spring & late summer. Challenger • Productive variety. Grown for its abundant production of tasty tubers. Has less of a flower display.

Asparagus Jersey Knight • Hardy, highyielding hybrid with rich colour & a delicate flavour. Use twoyear-old root stock. Mary Washington • Hardy & high yielding. Shoots are thick, straight, dark-green with the tips tinged purple & tightly folded. Use two-year-old root stock. Excellent for freezing & canning.

Beans E Z Gold Yellow Bean • Bush type matures early with high yields. Beautiful, yellow-gold, juicy, beans.

Artichoke ‘Green Globe’

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Rocdor Yellow Bush Bean • Early, extra-long 17 cm straight pods. Harvest young for best quality. Excellent for canning, freezing & eating fresh.

Paragon • Excellent fresh & frozen. Early maturing variety with very tender, sweet heads that are 15–20 cm across. Matures early to mid August.

Scarlet Runner Pole Bean • Vines with scarlet flowers grow up poles, trellises or fences; 3–4 m tall. Tender, 15 cm green beans. Matures late July to early August.

Brussels Sprouts

Straight ‘n Narrow Bush Bean • An outstanding, petite, deepgreen, French filet bean that is straight, beautiful & delicious. Plants are compact & produce heavy yields of 15 cm pods. Pods do not over mature easily. Matures late July to early August. Strike Bush Bean • High yields of long, slim, tender, green, 10– 15 cm string beans. Bush type— no staking. Matures mid to late July.

Beets Red Ace • Round, red beets with a honey-sweet flavour. Best variety for pickling! Resists bolting. Young beet greens are superb cooked. Matures early to mid July. Rodina • Cylindrical, smooth, dark beets (formanova type) with a sweet flavour. Excellent for slicing & pickling! Slowbolting. Young beet greens are superb cooked.

Broccoli Goliath • Huge heads, up to 30 cm in diameter. Bushy plants grow up to 35 cm & will produce side shoots. Matures early to mid August. Asparagus ‘Jersey Knight’

Jade Cross E • Early maturing with high yields of flavourful, oval, 2 cm, dark-green sprouts; disease resistant. Sprouts harvested after a light frost are much sweeter in taste. Matures late August to early September.

Cabbage Discovery Mid Season • Green cabbage with very sweet, excellent flavour. Heads average 1.4– 1.8 kg. Very easy to grow & doesn’t take too much space. Royale Red • Extra early, roundheaded, 1 kg heads. Good wrapper leaves. Excellent red interior & great taste. Savoy Express Savoy • Sweet flavour, perfect for coleslaw. Very early, waffle-like cabbage; heads average 0.5 kg. AAS Winner! Waltrip Early • Very early, 1–1.25 kg heads are sweet & juicy. Exceptional holding ability. Ideal for small gardens.

Carrots Baby Sweet • The ultimate baby carrot! Very sweet & juicy, coreless, short; no peeling required. Matures very early; mid to late July.

Cauliflower Cumberland Late Season • Large, solid heads that mature mid to late August. Plants have excellent leaf wrap to protect heads; great holding ability. Solid, domeshaped heads are 20 cm in diameter. Minuteman Early • Solid, mediumsize, 1 kg, dome-shaped heads. Excellent quality; early maturing. Great choice for home gardeners. Matures early to mid August.

Celeriac Large Smooth Prague • Large, tasty, turnip-like roots; great for soups, stews & salads. Roots can be eaten after they reach 5 cm or more in diameter. Matures in September.

Celery Utah 52-70 • Uniform, dark-green stalks. Matures mid to late August. Needs to be kept constantly moist.

Corn Extra-Early Super Sweet • Extralong, large, 25–30 cm cobs with sweet kernels; superb flavour. Good for canning or freezing. Matures mid to late August. Frisky • Bicoloured cobs average 20 cm. Sugary-sweet flavour, tender & creamy kernels. Excellent for eating fresh. Grant • This variety is the first to mature. Cobs are small & yellow with good flavour. A great choice for short season.

Beans ‘Strike’

Broccoli ‘Goliath’

Beets ‘Red Ace’

Carrots ‘Baby Sweet’

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Vegetables Seneca Arrowhead • Wonderful, bicoloured variety! Early, large cobs with sugar enhanced tender kernels. Matures mid August. Speedy Sweet • Extra-early bicolour corn. Ears average up to 18 cm with 12–14 rows of kernels. Sugary-sweet flavour. Excellent vigour in cold soil. Popcorn Robust 21-82W • The best early popcorn for shorter season areas; has a great flavour when popped.

Cucumbers Armenian Slicing • Very unusual light green-skinned, mildly flavoured fruit. 7–10 cm in diameter, highly ribbed & up to 90 cm long, it is best harvested at 30–45 cm. Grows straight when trellised but will twist into unusual shapes if grown on the ground. Cool Breeze Field Hybrid • Early maturing breed sets perfect fruit without cross-pollination early in the season, before bees are active. Delicious, very sweet & juicy fruit, no bitterness. Thin skins are edible. Harvest when 10–15 cm long. Corona Long English • Up to 50 big cucumbers per plant! Tasty, 40 cm long, dark-green cucumbers with thin, edible skins. Vines reach 3–4 m tall. Best grown in a greenhouse. Harvest late June to early July. Dasher II Slicing • Heavy yields on compact, disease-resistant plants. Extra-long, slim, dark-green

cucumbers. Harvest late July to early August. Diva Salad, Burpless • AAS winner! This self-pollinating, all female variety, results in high yields of slender, semi-glossy fruits of 15–20 cm long. Vining habit. Excellent salad cucumber. Fanfare Slicing (Bush Type/Pot) • AAS winning variety! Produces over a long period. Slim, darkgreen, flavourful cucumbers from 20–25 cm long! Small plants with excellent yields. Great for container growing. Needs only 60 cm of garden space. Harvest fruit late July. Spear-It Pickling • Thinner skins than slicing varieties; can be eaten fresh with no peeling. Heavy yields of uniform, darkgreen cucumbers with white spines. Harvest fruit late July. Sweet Slice Burpless (Non-bitter) • Good yields; disease-resistant plants. Very sweet, slender cucumbers; 25–30 cm long. No peeling required. Harvest fruit late July.

Eggplant Fairy Tale • AAS winner. Elongated lavender fruit with white stripes, produced in clusters of 3–5. Sweet, nonbitter fruit best harvested at the gourmet baby stage (10 cm long & 5 cm wide). Dwarf, 45– 60 cm plants, ideal in containers & gardens. Early fruiting, up to 2 weeks before other varieties.

Leek ‘Kilima’

Endive ‘Salad King’

Cucumbers ‘Spear-It’

Eggplant ‘Satin Beauty’

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Satin Beauty • Great for containers & small gardens. Dark-purple, egg-shaped fruit. Harvest early August.

Endive Salad King • Dark-green, deeply cut & curled leaves. Vigorous & hardy. Resists bolting. Harvest late July to early August.

Garlic Best White • Excellent flavour; can be used to enhance many dishes. Very hardy; plant as soon as ground can be worked. Harvest in fall. Giant • Forms clusters of cloves. Best used fresh; excellent shortterm storage.

Horseradish Large, rough, white roots. Perennial. Peel, grate & mix with vinegar or cream to make a zesty condiment.

Kohlrabi Rapid Star • Larger, earlier variety than the old st&ards. Great tasting, tender bulbs, fresh or cooked. Slow to bolt. Matures early July.

Leek Kilima • Very early, mild-flavoured leek; 25–30 cm long stems with medium blue-green foliage. Excellent resistance to bolting. Will survive through light frosts.

Garlic ‘Best White’

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Lettuce Bistro Salad Blend Leaf Mix • Gourmet salad mix in many different leaf shapes & textures. Colours include deep red, bronze & various shades of green. Excellent flavour. Seed every 14 days for continuous harvest. Buttercrunch Butter • Very tender; 11 cm long & 25 cm tall rosettes. Medium-green, crisp, thick leaves are sweet & juicy. Excellent heat tolerance & resistance to bolting. Ithaca MI Head • Heads are medium-sized, 14 cm tall & 12 cm wide, & well wrapped with dark-green, deeply fringed, smooth leaves. Tolerant to tip burn. Matures late July to early August. Parris Isl& 318 MI Romaine • Medium, dark, silvery-green heads. Great for caesar salads. Matures mid to late July. Red Salad Bowl Red Looseleaf • Burgundy-red, deeply lobed, oak-like leaves from a full rosette; adds great contrast to a garden. Great for baby leaf eating & holds mild, non-bitter taste well. 51 days to mature. Simpson Elite Green Leaf • Uniform & reliable, dark-green ruffled leaves that hold flavour longer without bitterness. Later to bolt. Matures early to late July. Salad King Endive • Large head, 45–60 cm, with big frilly leaves. Vigorous grower that is slow to bolt & tip burn resistant. Matures in 97 days, mid to late August. Lettuce ‘Parris Island’

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164  Vegetables

Melons Earlisweet Cantaloupe • Best variety for shorter season areas; smaller, 15 cm fruit. Deepsalmon flesh & sweet flavour. Earlidew Honeydew • Good choice for northern climates. Fruit averages 14 cm in circumference & up to 1.4 kg in weight. Turns greenish-gold at maturity with light-green flesh inside. Excellent flavour.

Onion Kelsae Sweet Giant Spanish Onion • Gigantic, yellow onions with dense, solid flesh & unique sweet flavour. World record for size— 3.5 kg! Stores for short periods. Best planted from transplants. Begin harvesting mid to late August. Long White Summer Bunching Bunching • Excellent bunching onion. Produces upright, white shafts 13–18 cm long & is nonbulbing. Mercury Red Onion • Large, darkred globes with deep-red interior rings—a great sandwich onion! Stores well. Harvest mid to late August. Norstar Cooking Onion • Mediumsized, yellow onions with strong flavour. Excellent cooking onion. Harvest late July to early August. Super Star Spanish Onion • AAS winner. First hybrid onion ever to win an All American Award for garden performance! Extra large,

mild, white onion can weigh up to .45 kg. Exceptional fresh or cooked. Stores for a short period. Walla Walla Sweet Onion • Mildtasting onion; excellent for sandwiches & salads. Harvest mid to late August.

Parsnip Harris Model • Long, smooth, slim, uniform & tapered roots average 30 cm long. Harvest in fall. Parsnips harvested after moderate frosts are sweeter in taste.

Pea Green Arrow Garden Pea • Very sweet peas. High yields of long, 10–15 cm pods. Easy to pick; harvest mid to late July. Ho Lohn Dow Snow Pea • Small, edible pods may be eaten raw or cooked in stir-fries. Bush-type. Does not need staking. Harvest mid to late July. Lincoln Garden Pea • 8 cm long, slender, bright green pods; 8–9 small peas per pod. Excellent quality & sweetness; good for freezing. Harvest 65 days after sowing. Patio Wonder Garden Pea • Early & compact plant for windowboxes, containers & hanging baskets. Mid-size, bright-green peas with 7–8 peas per pod. Sugar Sprint Sugar Snap Pea • An edible & tender-podded pea growing up to 7 cm long. Vine type plant; 65 cm tall. Matures mid to late July.

Onion ‘Super Star’

Pea ‘Green Arrow’

Onion ‘Walla Walla’

Pea ‘Lincoln’

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Peppers (Hot) Hot peppers are rated by Scoville units, which measure heat. (Capsaicin is the oil that makes peppers hot). Bell peppers are rated at 0 units (No heat). Peppers are about 10 times more pungent after drying. Pepper are listed in order of mildly hot to hottest. Big Chili II • An improved plant that produces early with heavy yields of extremely large, 25 cm long fruit. A mild chili pepper; excellent roasted & in salsas. Mildly pungent for people who love the green chili flavour, but do not like excessive heat. Harvest early August. 400– 700 Scoville units. Holy Molé • All American Selections winner that produces a distinctive, not too spicy flavour that is perfect for mole sauce. Tapered peppers are dark chocolate brown & can be used fresh, cooked or dried. Mariachi • Combines earliness with superior size & improved heavier fruit with thicker flesh. Mildly hot with 10 cm long fruit & matures from yellow to red. Grows to 45–60 cm tall. 500–600 Scoville units.

Serrano • Little packages with a big punch! Among the top 10 of the hottest peppers on the market. Matures from brightgreen to red, 4–5 cm in length with a slight taper & rounded end. Excellent for salsa making for those who like the heat! 10,000–23,000 Scoville units. Super Cayenne III Hot Cayenne • An improved version the classic cayenne. Large plants produce heavy yields of super hot peppers that mature from green to red. Great for drying. 30,000– 40,000 Scoville units. Super Chili • Fiery hot & will light up your taste buds! A super combination of form & function. Early bearing, very productive semi-compact plant with coneshaped, 6x4 cm, colourful fruit. An explosion of colour creates a stunning ornamental. Ideal for drying. 40,000–50,000 Scoville units.

Peppers (Sweet) Interesting variety of peppers that range in colour from green to gold to red that are mostly bell & banana shaped. Blushing Beauty Bell • Early maturing, gorgeous ivory peppers that ripen to beautiful shades of blush to red. Very, very sweet with heavy yields. AAS winner.

Mucho Nacho Jalapeno Pepper • Heavy yields of moderately hot, thick-walled & pungent, 10 cm long fruit. A favourite for Mexican foods. Green peppers ripen to red; use at either stage. Harvest mid August. 5,000– 10,000 Scoville units.

Carmen Bell • AAS winner. Produces phenomenal sweet peppers in the distinctive, Italian bull’s-horn style. Tapered fruit is

Peppers ‘Super Chili’

Peppers ‘Sweet Gypsy’

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Vegetables 15 cm long & can be used raw or cooked. Matures from green to red. Grows up to 70 cm tall & ideal for containers. Early Sunsation Early Bell • Plants are loaded with medium-sized peppers that mature very early. Green peppers mature to gold; excellent choice for short season locations. Gypsy Banana • Wedge-shaped fruit; 11–14 cm long & 7 cm wide. Very sweet & matures from yellow to orange to red. Revolution Green Bell • Bears extra-large, blocky, thick-walled peppers—each 4-lobed fruit is 12 cm long & 11 cm wide. Matures green to red. Produces good yields on vigorous plants in cool weather. Super Heavyweight Hybrid Pepper • The most gigantic pepper you can grow! High in flavour. Produces thick-walled peppers 18 cm long & 15 cm wide. Outstanding stuffing pepper or just for eating raw. Matures green to gold.

Potatoes Common Varieties Kennebec • Matures mid to late season & is white & oblong. A good all-around, large potato. Use for boiling, baking & frying. Good for storing.

& baking. Good for storing. Pontiac • Matures late. Has red skin & white flesh; round shape. Use for boiling, baking, frying; best for mashing. Good for storing. Russet Burbank • Matures late. White flesh & long form. Use for boiling, baking & frying. Excellent for storing. Warba • The earliest maturing potato. Has white skin, white flesh & round form, deep pink eyes. Use for boiling or baking. Stores poorly. Yukon Gold • Matures mid season. Has white skin & yellow flesh; round form. Use for boiling, baking & frying. Good for storing. Novelty Banana • Matures late. Has yellow skin & yellow flesh; fingerling. Tastes slightly sweet. Good for boiling & storing. Caribe • Matures mid season. Has purple skin & white flesh; round form. Use for boiling & frying. Good for storing. Russian Blue • Matures mid to late season; oblong with purpleblue skin & blue flesh. Good for boiling & baking. Stores poorly.


Norl& • Matures early. Has red skin & white flesh. Oblong or round shape. Good for boiling

Dill’s Atlantic Giant • Huge, dark orange-red pumpkins. For record pumpkin contests—can produce up to 272 kg pumpkins (3 m in circumference). In shorter season climates, with lots of water &

Peppers ‘Early Sunsation’

Pumpkins ‘Wee B Little’

Peppers ‘Blushing Beauty’

Tomatoes’Sugar Snack’

fertilizer, expect pumpkins up to 45 kg. Warm, sunny location a must. Harvest just before frost in fall. Orange Smoothie • Smooth, dark-orange fruit with strong stems. 2.3–3.6 kg fruit (20 cm circumference) are ideal size for children. Semi-bush type—fits well in small garden spaces. Harvest just before frost in fall. Wee B Little • True miniature, 220–450 g, round, orange fruit. Compact, bushy plant excellent for small space gardens & great for kids. AAS winner.

Squash Summer Summer squash is harvested while still tender & young; grows on bush-type plants. Does not store well. Papaya Pear • AAS winner & first on the market with a goldenyellow, papaya-shaped fruit. Great plate appeal & tasty stir fried or sautéed. A vigorous, semi-bush plant requires less space than most squashes & produces high yields of little, 9 cm long & 7 cm wide fruit. Best when harvested 8 cm in size. Peter Pan Scallop squash • Small, light-green skinned squash that is thick & meaty. Best quality when picked smaller than 10 cm. Has uses similar to zucchini. Tivoli Marrow • Unique bush-type squash that produces many white medium/large fruit. Sweet with mild crunch. Flavour enhances stir fries & salads. Vegetable Marrow Bush Marrow • Snow-white squash can be allowed to mature or can be picked young as cousa (Lebanese zucchini). Treat as summer squash if picked young. Mature squash stores well & should be harvested just before hard frost. Winter Harvest winter squash in fall after the rind has completely hardened, just before a hard frost. Stores very well. Buttercup Buttercup Squash • One of the best buttercup squashes! Dark green with sweet, extra-dry, orange flesh; up to 2 kg. Vining plants.

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Early Butternut Butternut Squash • The earliest butternut-type! Tan shells with orange flesh; from 0.5–1.5 kg. Very productive, bush type. Mesa Queen Acorn Squash • Jetblack squash with rich-orange flesh. Delicious & fine textured. Semi-bush type. Mini Green Hubbard • Smaller version of the traditional hubbards—great flavour. Smaller size is easier to manage for cooking. Mini Orange Hubbard Squash • Similar in size & shape to ‘Mini Green’ except orange. Fine textured & delicious flavour. Super Delight Kabocha Squash • Dark-green, cupless buttercup fruit can weigh up to 2 kg. Rich, sweet, orange flesh is dry & fiberless. Can be cooked in any way suitable for acorn squash. Vegetable Spaghetti Spaghetti Squash • Pale-yellow, oblong squash with flesh that separates in strands when cooked, like spaghetti. Early maturing, vining plants. If picked young, treat like a summer squash.

Tomato Relatives Cape Gooseberry/ Strawberry Tomato Ground Cherry • Cherry-sized, golden berries with unique flavour. Great fresh or in preserves, sweet sauces, desserts & fruit salads. Begin harvesting early to mid August. Grows 30–60 cm tall. Tomatillo Toma Verde (Garden Huckleberry) • Fruit is 3 cm, lustrous & firm. Combine with chili peppers, onions & garlic in salsa, sauces or Mexican dishes. Fruit is covered with a papery husk; best harvested when husk turns pale yellow but can be used green. Similar care to a tomato plant. Matures mid July. Grows 1– 2 m tall.

Tomatoes Cherry Tomato (30 g) Sugar Snack • High yields of grape-like clusters of fruit. The fruit is very sweet & delicious. Ripe fruit is firm & is an excellent keeper. Matures mid to late July. Stake & prune.

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166  Vegetables Sugary • AAS winner. Rave reviews on this tomato. Produces clusters of tiny, 16 g fruit; oval shaped with pointed ends. Can be eaten like grapes. Sugar content 9.5% higher than most other varieties. Look for fruit in mid July. Semideterminate; can be pruned to contain growth. Sun Sugar • Beautiful gold fruit, very sweet & wonderfully juicy. High yields of grape-like clusters. Mild flavour. Stake & prune. Tumbler • The heaviest yields of any tomato relative to plant size! Excellent in hanging baskets & pots; branches cascade over sides of containers. Produces an abundance of small, tasty tomatoes. Matures early July. No pruning. Heavy feeder; fertilize at every watering with 15-15-30. Average size up to 50 g. Extra-large Tomato (Over 250 g) Ball’s Beefsteak • Globe-shaped, uniform fruit with great flavour. Matures early August; stake & prune. May also be grown as a bush; does well in containers. 300–400 g fruit. Big Beef • AAS winner for superior performance. One of the earliest maturing beefsteaks; rounder & smoother than other beefsteaks. Extra-heavy yields & outstanding disease resistance. Matures early to mid August. Stake & prune. Meaty, flavourful, 300–350 g fruit. Big Bite • Our biggest tomato! Impressive yields of excellent Tomatoes ‘Tumbler’

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beefsteak tomatoes on strong, very vigorous vines. Fruit is resistant to cracking & splitting. Matures mid August. Stake & prune. 500–900 g fruit. Bush Champion • Big, meaty, mouth-watering tomatoes. Compact plants excellent for large containers or small space gardens (60 cm tall). Matures late July. Can be grown staked, but not essential. 250–340 g fruit. Park’s Whopper • High-yielding, early beefsteak variety. Clusters of smooth, round tomatoes with great flavour; resists cracking & blossom-end rot. Matures late July. Stake & prune. 400 g fruit. Large Tomato (225–170 g) Bush Early Girl • The ‘little sister’ to Early Girl. High yields on compact, bush-like plants— terrific flavour! Matures mid July. Use cage; do not prune. 200 g fruit. Tiffany •Dark-red fruit with light-green shoulders. Vigorous plant produces vines loaded with smooth & firm fruit. All-purpose use from freezing to cooking. Matures late July. Stake & prune. 170–227 g fruit. Medium Tomato (Under 170 g) Cluster Grande • Early, clustering tomato bearing intense red fruit & great flavour. Heavy yields & excellent shelf life. Matures late July. Stake & prune. 140 g fruit. Early Girl • The earliest slicing tomato! Large clusters of greattasting, rich-red, meaty tomatoes;

very dependable. Superb disease resistance. Matures early to mid July. Stake & prune. 170 g fruit. Health Kick • Packed with up to 50% more anti-oxidants (lycopene) than any other tomato & yields a bountiful crop. Deliciously sweet, plum-type tomato that is perfect in salads or as a bite size treat. Also resistant to spotted wilt virus. Matures early August. Use cage; do not prune. 113 g fruit. Patio Picnic • A newcomer that is ideal for containers & smallspace gardening. Produces clusters of firm, round, red fruit in an amazing quantity on a very compact plant. Matures early August. Use cage; do not prune. 100 g fruit. Novelty Tomato Golden Girl • Bush-type plants; high yields with very smooth, golden-yellow fruit. Flavour is sweet & mild. Use cage; do not prune. 200–300 g fruit. Heirloom Rainbow Blend • For gardener’s who want a taste of year’s gone by, here are 8 popular heirloom varieties to try: ‘Mortgage Lifter’ (pink), ‘Red Brandywine’, ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ (orange), ‘Aunt Ruby’s German Green’, ‘Black Krim’, ‘Yellow Brandywine’, ‘Big Rainbow’ (bicolour) & ‘Great White’.

Matures early August. Stake & prune. 200 g fruit. Viva Italia • Earlier & more productive than other “Roma” types. Exceptionally heavy yields of bright-red, pear-shaped tomatoes. Delicious flavour with few seeds, ideal for cooking, canning, paste or eating fresh. Vigorous plants; matures early August. Use cage; do not prune. 85–100 g fruit. Window Box Roma • You’ll want to find a special container for this dwarf plant, which is quite ornamental even without fruit. A bright-red, pear-shaped paste tomato—very uniform in size & shape. Matures late July. Use cage; do not prune. 60–80 g fruit.

Zucchini Aristocrat • A noble addition to the vegetable patch showing off glossy, deep green skin that is tender throughout their growth. Compact vines with the fruit carried higher on the plant for easier picking. Goldrush • Very straight, goldenyellow, 20 cm fruit. Bush-type plants. Treat as summer squash if picked young. Mature, squash stores well & should be harvested just before hard frost.

Lemon Boy • Very productive plants! Clear lemon-yellow inside & out; smooth, shapely fruit with sweet, mild flavour.

Space Miser • Extremely early & prolific variety with deep-green & uniform fruit. Plants are compact, excellent for smaller garden spaces.

Tomatoes ’Bush Early Girl’

Zucchini ‘Space Miser’

Tomatoes ‘Bush Champion’

Tomatoes ‘Lemon Boy’

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AS THEY ONCE GARDENED BY BOHDANNA RACETTE As agreed, I met him under the twisted apple tree at the back of the Robertson House almost at the riverfront of the Upper Canada Village. At first, I didn’t see him in the dappled shade, his hands busy weaving a basket as he sat on a low bench almost hidden in the tall grass. But the smell of his ever-present cigar gave him away.

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“Good Day to you, Madam,” he said, as he rose and removed his straw hat. “I trust your journey was pleasant.” So started my tour of the historic gardens of this pioneer village in Morrisburg, Ontario. This gardener took me to his world of latter 19th century Ontario and showed off the flower and vegetable gardens of his vil-

lage, including the improvements that some folks were able to bring in. At the same time, his alter ego, Gerry Thompson, a historical horticulturalist at the living history museum, explained the research and the work involved in recreating gardens more than a century after their time. Both fascinated me. The Upper Canada Village is an outdoor

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historical museum consisting of 40 buildings situated on 62 acres of land 22 km west of Cornwall, Ontario, not far from the border it shares with Quebec. It is a small riverside village, typical of eastern Upper Canada of the early 1860s. Ironically, its beginning was almost a full century later. In the late 1950s, a massive joint Canadian-American construction project altered the shape of the St. Lawrence River and the waterways to the Great Lakes by making them accessible to large freight and container ships. This included building a hydro-electric dam and destroying eight waterfront villages. In the end, the public became aware that, although commerce and transportation were modernized, much of Ontario’s earliest architectural and agricultural heritage lay under water. The Ontario government created the Upper Canada Village to preserve, study and evidence that heritage. It saved, and moved to the site, many of the buildings and houses from these “Lost Villages” of the St. Lawrence Seaway project. As it was not possible to find all the necessary components of a typical 19th century village from the flooded areas, historians also found buildings elsewhere in Eastern Ontario. Each building remains true to its own story. The collective, however, creates a fictional village. Therefore, rather than being based on particular archaeological findings and specific archival records as restored gardens would be, the historic gardens at the Village are imagined, as happens in the case of a movie or stage set. “We try to recreate, as close as possible, the garden that fits into the historical circumstance of each particular house,” Thompson says. The Robertson House is an example of an upper middle-class merchant’s home. It had been enlarged and renovated a number of times since its first construction in the 1780s to reflect the owner’s position of wealth and prosperity in the community. A reasonable assumption being that the front yard leading to the home would maintain these public appearances. Research about the family shows that Mrs. Robertson had an interest in flower gardening—although it is unlikely that she would have done much of the heavy maintenance herself. Also, judging from the interior décor of the house and other family archives, the Robertson front garden would have kept to classic forms (with occasional extravagancies) rather than followed the latest horticultural trends. Thus, the principle of “putting one’s best foot forward” would be

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the guide to design and plant choice—not Victorian strictures. “We chose to give the house a much freer garden of the1820s,” Thompson tells me. More specifically, the fenced garden, which completely fills the space between house and street, is in keeping with a New England parlour garden. This means simple, well-known annual flowers complement the bright-yellow house with a riot of colour from early spring to late autumn. Like a lacy fringe or a richly embroidered collar, the garden embellishes a very symmetrically matched house. Unlike a later Victorian garden, this border is not controlled by plant heights, colour or planting pattern. However, this New England parlour garden style is not as formless as an English cottage garden might be. While its content is uncontrolled, as it is in the latter, the basic design is regulated: length of the house plus one walkway and a depth of two-thirds of the width of the house. Down the road, gracing the front of the impressive Crysler Hall, is a much more formal garden and one more in keeping with strict Victorian gardening standards of the mid to later 19th century. Here all plants are semi-tender annuals, fifteen-inches tall and grown in cute patterns according to a

limited colour palette. In Canada, this style was often called “railway gardening,” as it was the one used in gardens at railway stations. Again, the choice for the design of the garden takes its lead from the formal architecture of the building. The large brick home with Doric columns made from individual pine trees had originally been built between 1846 and 1848 on the King’s Highway east of Morrisburg. But even then, it was not typical of most houses of the period. According to the historians of the Village, “The sweeping circular drive and cast iron fence, while adding to the dignity of this fine example of Greek revival architecture, would have been considered pompous by most residents.” The theatrics continue, with the front garden. The house is on a four-degree grade, and all the planting is done to lead the eye to the front door. If one stands at the gate, one sees arcs of maple trees in one’s peripheral vision, framing a semi-circular driveway that bends at the front door of the house. From the gate there is a centre pathway or alée with ribbon plantings on either side also leading to the front door. Had Mr. Crysler had a greenhouse, his gardening options would not have been as limited. As it was, the annuals in his Victorian continued on page 170

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gardens were not replenished with the changing seasons as some were on large estate gardens after which he was likely patterning his efforts. This limitation is continued today. The same respect to “historical circumstance” is given to each vegetable garden on the property. The gardener shows me Mrs. Cook’s garden at the back of the village tavern, which supplies that kitchen with its everyday needs. He explains how the raised beds are used to overcome the soil’s wetness problem. Over the fence we see an orchard, the trees spaced a good forty feet apart and boxed in to protect them from the fat sheep grazing the tall grass around them. I ask why I don’t see any scarecrows and he laughs, noting they are old-fashioned. He says, “No one’s used one here since about the 40s, I would think.” Before I start on my journey home, we go back to the Robertson garden and he asks me how I am ‘fixed for tomatoes.’ He picks a bag of luscious Brandy Vines and Early Reds. “Started them in a hotbed,” he says. He shows me a wooden frame on the side of the garden. In early spring he fills it with horse manure and soil, alternating with two-inch layers. As this combination sinks it produces heat. “Gives the little ones a fighting chance against the cold,” he says. I clutch my tomatoes and basil grown in this pioneer world and re-enter my own century. I had come to learn a little bit about historic gardening. I leave with Thompson’s personal definition of a living history museum. “What you’re doing, [is] you’re creating a total environment. You’re putting together plants, animals and buildings in a context.”  Bohdanna Racette is a freelance writer living in Ottawa, Ontario. All photos courtesy of Upper Canada Village

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Plotting the


By Jim Hole


ome days, I can’t help but feel the irony. My last attack of it came a while back when I was glancing at a national paper before heading out to the greenhouse. That’d be when I noticed that glancing back at me was a cartoon of a crazed-looking gardener hauling a wheelbarrow loaded with huge bags of fertilizer. Precariously perched atop the mountainous pile was one tiny flower. The reference, of course, was a bit of black humour acknowledging the arrest of suspected terrorists in Toronto and their alleged attempted to purchase, roughly, three tons of ammonium nitrate to turn into explosives. As someone who’s immersed in the science of agriculture, I understand the potential behind ammonium nitrate. But looking at the cartoon, I realized that potential—something we talk about but don’t really think about—is the common thread that links everything to

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everything else: gardeners to terrorist, scientists to cartoonist, fertilizer to bombs. The beauty and the horror of it is that anything that has the potential to be great, also has the equal potential to be devastating. At the risk of stating the obvious, the world has changed. In 1995, when terrorists bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, the world took notice; I took notice. Just as everyone else seemed to be questioning the things of which they used to be certain, I, too, watched as my realities shifted. Fertilizer—a substance used to fortify the land—was now being used to destroy it. In response to the arrest in Toronto, people have been coming to me and asking what I think about ammonium nitrate and what measures I think should be taken to control its distribution. I’ve answered a lot of questions over the last thirty years, but I never thought I’d be asked

to consider gardening’s effects on national security. Most farming families, including mine, counted on fertilizer to grow crops that could cover input costs that sustain a family through an Alberta winter. On our family farm in St. Albert, we always referred to ammonium nitrate by its chemical analysis, 34-0-0, which indicated the percentage by weight of nitrogen. One of my brother’s and my annual spring duties was to drive down to Sturgeon Valley Fertilizers and hand bomb (sorry, that really is the expression) 50-lb bags of fertilizer on to our half-ton truck to bring home and spread on our fields. Strangely enough, it came out to around three tons—the same amount of fertilizer confiscated in Toronto and roughly triple the amount used in the Oklahoma bombing. Ammonium nitrate was a godsend for our corn crop. Our prairie

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soil was rich, but never quite rich enough to grow the latest high-yielding corn hybrids. And it took only one harvest to figure out that without an application of fertilizer, our corn crop was destined to become nothing more than a stunted, pale-yellow version of one grown in nitrogen-rich soil. Nitrogen is all a round us. In fact, it represents about 78% of the air we breathe. Not only is nitrogen essential for our growth, it’s also essential for plant growth. Without nitrogen, plants languish; with it, plants have almost limitless potential. The problem,

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however, with atmospheric nitrogen is that it cannot be used by plants until it’s converted into usable forms like ammonium and nitrate (fertilizers). Only then can plants absorb the nitrogen through their roots and convert it to proteins. At university, ammonium nitrate captured my attention in a different way, and I got my first glimpse of its bipolar personality. Suddenly, nitrogen was not only this miraculous ‘secret’ ingredient with the potential to create, it was also a highly explosive chemical with an equal potential to destroy. Stern lectures about the incompatibility of ammonium nitrate and petroleum fuel were commonplace at school and punctuated with stories about barns and storage sheds that had blown up when safety measures were ignored or merely misunderstood. Of course, as a young man, it was stories about the destructive side of anything that I found most memorable, so it was fascinating to think that a seemingly innocuous product had such a dark side. Still a bit wide-eyed, I hadn’t made the connection between destruction and devastation—a souvenir from boyhood when one’s fascination with exploding things is linked directly to the “isn’t that cool!” of kids and the beauty that is that single spectacular moment of destruction. That was then. And, at the risk of sounding sentimental or of glorifying ignorance, it was simply a different time—a time when cigarettes were dessert, Styrofoam was disposable and ammonium nitrate was fertilizer. The more I heard about nitrogen, the more I needed to know exactly what it was that made it so

explosive. The simple answer is offered in chemistry class: ammonium nitrate doesn’t really like being ammonium nitrate. It would rather be something that requires less work. Ammonium nitrate contains nitrogen, and nitrogen is xenophobic—wanting nothing more than to bond with another nitrogen. Because of this, ammonium nitrogen must be forced into the more difficult task of coupling with hydrogen and oxygen. And herein lies the explosive problem: when combined with just the right mixture of petroleum fuel, nitrogen atoms are free to jump ship, liberating themselves of hydrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen is then free to recombine quickly with the carbon in the fuel. The result is a rapid, massive and explosive release of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gas—the aftermath of which was sickeningly evident in the Oklahoma bombing in 1995 and the World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Over the years at our greenhouse, we’ve sold tons of 2-lb boxes of 34-0-0 to a wide assortment of gardeners who were attempting to squeeze the last bit of growth out of their corn, cabbage and cucumber crops before the hard fall frosts came. Curious about the availability of large quantities of the now notorious 34-0-0, I checked with one of my farm suppliers of ammonium nitrate, and he said that because of the explosive dangers, they hadn’t sold ammonium nitrate for years. A call to my greenhouse product

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 173 it can’t be imbued with goodness or evil—it just…is. Nitrogen has been different things to me, but the one thing that it consistently represents is potential. Really, nitrogen is symbolic of all potential, and the very presence of potential is as abundant as nitrogen itself. That can’t be changed. What can be manipulated, however, is one’s understanding of potential. And understanding potential is the difference between a headline that reads, Young Man Charged with Plotting Terrorist Attack, and one that reads, Young Man Charged with Plotting Good Harvest. 

supplier yielded different results. He said he had 10, 25-kg bags that I could have shipped up in a couple of days. When I asked what the policy was on selling ammonium nitrate, he said they could sell it only to established customers and not to anyone simply walking in to the order desk. The truth is that ammonium nitrate is but one of the potentially explosive products that people can buy, and I’m not sure that banning it would make the world significantly safer. In a time when cellphones can be fashioned into detonators, there’s no way to control how something is going to be used. I am, of course, all in favour of tracking and monitoring the use of 34-0-0, but the benefits of banning it seem dubious at best—proof of which I find, literally, lurking around my corner. After a day of visiting the past and contemplating the future, I decided to take a walk around the greenhouse. As I strolled past our fertilizer storage area, I, for the second time that day, collided with irony. A quick survey of inventory revealed that, although there was no ammonium nitrate fertilizer on hand, I did have two common greenhouse fertilizers and one water-purifying product that, when combined in just the right way, would create another of mankind’s questionable creations: gunpowder. I may have changed, and the world may have joined me, but nitrogen remains immune to time and influence. Unlike us,

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Look for the label that stands out... Trees Shrubs Evergreens Perennials Roses

For Outstanding Plants!




ER Y C O .

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OF SPRING GARDENING For the past 10 years, it’s been our goal to discover what’s new in the world of gardening and to present that information in an engaging and comprehensive format. Throughout those years, we’ve offered many answers—but we’ve asked a lot of questions, too. With each issue of this magazine, we set out to learn something new about ourselves and our industry; each time we discovered answers we couldn’t wait to pass along to you. As we look toward the next 10 years, we do so with the intention of honouring the principles set forth by the late Ted and Lois Hole. So to continue their mandate to learn and teach and grow, we at Spring Gardening are excited to announce that we will be growing into a new look when we relaunch next year as Enjoy Gardening magazine. The new magazine promises to continue to reflect upon the questions that capture our passion, while exploring what it truly means to Enjoy Gardening.

Thank you for 10 years of support, and see you next year! —S.G. staff

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omeone recently asked me why I have a passion for writing. Well, to be honest, I had never really given it much thought. I just wrote when I felt compelled to and didn’t think about the motivation. But once the question was asked, I felt obligated to find the answer. So, in a moment of introspection, I began thinking about the word passion and what it really meant. The Webster Dictionary defines passion as “any one of the emotions, as hate, grief, love, fear, joy, etc. or all of those emotions collectively.” And it’s when I thought about all those disparate emotions ‘collectively’ that it suddenly became very clear why I have a passion for writing about horticulture: I’ve spent my entire life surrounded by a family that dedicated their lives to the horticulture industry and who all—at one time or another—have been pushed to the edge of every one of those emotions. In fact, if

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with Jim Hole

memory serves me correctly, hate, grief, fear, joy (plus a few more passions) have all lined up to pay me a visit on the same workday. That’s just the way it is—when you’re trying to do your best to make a living in horticulture, the exhilaration of growing a ‘perfect’ crop is often tempered with the frustration of killing another. For me, writing is an outlet for that frustration and exhilaration. So, while it’s true that it’s the opportunity to bridge the chasm between plant science and people that I’m truly passionate about, I’d be deceiving myself if I thought there wasn’t a touch of catharsis involved in the process, too. In my newfound age of enlightenment, I would describe my passion for writing as having one eye focused on how the science of plants enriches our lives and the other eye on my personal experiences. Showing people that science isn’t boring might be an

odd passion, but understanding and sharing how something like the tiny seed of a giant redwood tree can figure out how to read the complex script of life and grow into one of the biggest organisms on earth is, to me, endlessly fascinating, and I can’t help but want to share that excitement and passion with others. As it turns out, staring at a blank piece of paper and thinking about why I write was actually good for me. It was a reminder that passion is something we make but that is inspired by our experiences—much like the written word is. Maybe it’s that very process that attracts me to writing—paper, after all, is flat; but the world is round. As much as I try to articulate the sentiment behind passion and writing, I think D.H. Lawrence summed it up best: “Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.” 

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to expect in a friendly, easy-to-access format

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Jim Hole’s Notebook

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Terrorism Meets Gardening

Thousands of the Best Plant Varieties for 2007 12/8/06 1:11:45 PM

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