Highland Pony Enthusiasts Club Newsletter May 2018 speed. Penny has stepped into the breech as sadly Helen Best has had to step down due to family circumstances. Our best wishes go to Helen and our thanks for her having carried
Editor’s comment Well the beast from the East parts 1 and 2 certainly caused most of us a few logistics problems and for a time put a damper on most people doing anything constructive with their ponies. Following on we have had wet conditions which have made life difficult for turnout and people have become short of bedding and fodder. Hopefully as a write this the weather has finally started to be a bit more seasonal and enthusiast can start to make plans for the summer ahead.
out vice-Chairman duties over the last two years. After lunch the performance Awards were hosted by Linda Graham. Prior to the day a group of six people had a tour of Castle Green and Langsett Highland Ponies and a slightly different group of six met for an
The AGM The AGM held on March 25th in Penistone, South Yorkshire drew in members from a wide variety of places with people travelling from as far away as Cumbria and Northumberland in
evening meal at the local Indian Restaurant for a meal and convivial chat. Next year the AGM will be hosted by the NE group and they will no doubt have some great ideas to entertain members.
the north, Norfolk in the east and the Northamptonshire border to the south. After an informative talk by Saracens Feeds, the business part of the day commenced. The officers of the club were appointed with Chris Grant kindly agreeing to take on the role of Chairman for a further year to enable the new Vice-chairman Penny Daniels to come up to 1