Highland Pony Enthusiasts Club Newsletter Summer 2018 Editor’s comment
North-east Camp
So far this summer has thrown up a series of challenges for many with very hot weather, little or no fodder for our ponies and earlier a foaling season which has caused some heartaches for more than a few of us. Having lost one mare just prior to foaling, followed by a slightly surprise foaling whilst away at the Royal Highland Show, I am now waiting with some trepidation the arrival of a very late season foal. Watch this space. Many members have been busy at shows throughout the country although I suspect that the heat has curtailed some activity. I personally had one brief manic phase of activity with the Royal Highland Show, Breed Show, Great Yorkshire Show and the Southern Highland Pony Show all in a very short space of time. It has also not been an easy time for enthusiasts just hacking having to cope with the excessive heat. However I am sure none of us are really trying to wish ourselves in to Autumn and Winter just yet!
The North East Highland Pony and Fell Camp at the beginning of May started for many what has shaped up to be an idyllic summer. Hosted once again by the Charlton Family at Linnel Wood near Hexham, we were all treated to a wonderful weekend. Activities commenced on Friday with sessions spread over the three days culminating in a friendly and fun competition on Sunday afternoon. Everyone was able to pick activities to suit their interests and the ponies’ abilities, everything from drill riding to lunging, cross country, showing and even rides to the local pub. Ponies and people alike enjoyed the opportunity to try different things and gain confidence with old friends and new. We were blessed with the first beautiful weather of the year, enabling meals outside and demonstrations to be held will all watching in the evening sun. A skills-at-arms presentation was a real treat with some camp attendees joining in, followed by an informative talk about pony types by Gillian McMurray. Saturday night was treasure hunt night, groups departed in cars with a widely varied list of things to find around the local countryside, thankfully no one got lost and everyone appreciated the chance to see a little more of “Hexhamshire”. Sunday afternoon’s competition rounded the weekend off with everyone coming away with something and our Pam Brooks memorial vase being awarded to the much deserving Vyv Wood-Gee. Everyone’s camp spirit meant Linnel Wood was left clean, tidy and peaceful once again. As we all departed home, happy thoughts of the weekend outweighed tiredness
Lambrigg Shula and her colt foal, Lachlan (by Connell Daibhaidh of Castle Green) on his first morning. 1