BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
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CONTENTS 4. 5. 6. 8. 12. 14 18. 23. 24. 26. 30. 32. 34. 35.
DEAN’S COMMENT INTERVIEW - Charter Schools: Why are they so controversial? IN BRIEF - Supporting teachers overseas, Kura Maori, BTI anniversary FEATURE - Hayden Reid: Bringing his game to the classroom OPINION - How do you thrive as a new secondary teacher? FEATURE - The DNA of BTI’S Relational Learning Culture A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF: A third year counselling student 2014 KEY DATES LIFE - CULTURE/LEARNING/FAITH INTERVIEW - Strengths Based Leadership SPOTLIGHT - Worthy Recipients BTI Programme Information TOP 5 - Ways to a healthy heart & mind while studying THE FINAL WORD
Forward is published annually by Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI). Editor: Wendy Pyne Contributing Writers: Kathryn Overall, Wendy Pyne Contributors: Raymond Stripling, Dr Bev Norsworthy, Dr Andrew Smith, Richard Cook, James Arkright Design: Bayly & Moore, Jenny Kyle, Wendy Pyne Advertising/Editorial Enquiries: Michelle Wyllie - m.wyllie@bti.ac.nz Printing: Publicity Printing
BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
This third edition of Forward seems a real potpouri of fantastic contributions.
DEAN’S COMMENT Dr Andrew Smith, Dean of BTI, welcomes you to the third edition of Forward magazine
To start with I was not sure how to introduce such a broad collection of reports and comments. Then I saw one of the pictures in the photo essay about Hayley. On a board, someone has written, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” I don’t know who the author was, but I believe they got it right. I hope the statement is true of BTI - I think the breadth of experiences, contributions and insights that come through affirm that there is some outstanding work being done here, and some outstanding people both staff, students and graduates. So enjoy the magazine, read on and see what stands out to you.
Interview Charter Schools: Why are they so controversial? Charter schools foster a partnership between parents, teachers and students to create an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are given the freedom to innovate and students are provided the structure they need to learn. So why are they so controversial? We asked Dr James Arkright, BTI Counsellor Educator, for his thoughts. Why introduce charter schools? Surely New Zealand has enough variety? This initiative from the Act Party was proposed as a means by which to address the needs of priority learners, those learners in NZ schools failing or not doing well in the current system. Priority learners include Māori, Pasifika and those in low socio-economic areas, as well as students with learning needs. So what we might call the tail end of New Zealand’s system, the bottom 15% whose educational achievements are ranked about the 28th in the world, very much third world status. The introduction of charter schools would be one way of addressing this issue. If the current school structure doesn’t work for these students, NZ has a social responsibility to find an alternative solution that encourages engagement and learning, and empowers future generations. We cannot simply sit back and watch these students fail.
Negative press has been huge. Why do you think this is? There are several reasons, but three that stand out to me: Unaccountability: a belief that these schools won’t be covered by the same robust ERO reporting procedures as other schools; Profit-Making Enterprises: a belief that they would be potentially used to create profit that would then go abroad; and Sub-Standard Teachers: a belief that with no requirement to use qualified registered teachers, the education system as we know it would suffer. Of those applications I have seen, none of these criticisms would evenutuate.
How do these schools differ to other schools in New Zealand? Generally, there is more emphasis on skills-based learning; on learning not being confined to the classroom, but more related to industry and careers. The teaching style tends to be more enquiry-based, more collaborative. Teaching and assessments are more combined - this helps those with education stories of failure experience success. I’ve been working with one application and those involved in this process are committed, knowledgeable people who genuinely want to create an alternative educational model where the student is engaged and experiences success. How can that be a bad thing?
What next? From 35 applications, the first schools will be open from term 1, 2014. Will the system work? The proof will be in the pudding, but I think this will work and compliment the existing education system. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
In Brief LOCAL
SUPPORTING TEACHERS OVERSEAS In Forward 2012 we reported on the teacher education programme that had recently started in a refugee camp on the ThaiBurma border with the Karen people. Here is an update! The group that started in May 2012 has now moved into the second and last year of their programme. Fourteen of the starting group have continued – several had to drop out of the programme for a variety of reasons – life in the refugee camps is not necessarily predictable! I had the privilege of being back with the group in May this year and it was amazing to see the growth in confidence of people in the group. Hearing one of the young women who had not uttered a word in her first week last year, standing confidently and talking with the new group about how it was for her a year ago was very encouraging. One of the guys in the group walked three days through the Burmese jungle to return to study after a visit with his family in Burma. The programme has moved out of MaeLa camp – there were increasing logistical challenges involved in running the programme inside the camp. We have moved the group to Noh Bo – a village right on the border about 45 minutes drive further north from MaeLa. We are renting the compound that used to house a Bible College. The compound has several houses, a small primary school and church building. Being in Noh Bo comes with some practical challenges – the students can no longer rely on the UN rice ration, and some of the buildings need some work to keep the rain out - but will also give greater freedom for both the students and also for visiting tutors from NZ. 6
Graeme Cook who facilitated the programme onsite in 2012 returned to NZ in December to marry Kendal – the wedding took place in a DOC campsite in Northland – now why doesn’t that surprise us? Graeme and Kendal returned together to Thailand and are now together running the programme as well as caring for the students, fixing spouting, buying bikes and a host of other tasks. In May a second cohort of 30 students started the programme. The students come from several of the refugee camps along the border, and also from Karen State across the border in Burma. The teaching work that the students will take up when they finish study will be challenging. Some will return to schools in the camps; others, depending on the political situation in Burma, may well go to Christian schools back in Karen State, as part of the Karen rebuilding an education system for their people. People have referred to the ending of the physical warfare in Burma being the start of the battle for education among Burma’s ethnic minorities. Seeing the commitment and passion that the students have as Christians for their people, for the children they will be teaching, and for following the leading of their heavenly Father is a real inspiration. Dr Andrew Smith, Dean, BTI
KURA MAORI UNIQUE EXPERIENCE We dropped in on BTI graduate, Heywood Kuka, who is a teacher at the local Wharekura of Mauao, to find out how this total immersion secondary school differs to what we have come to expect as “normal”. What we find is that the tight-knit whanau environment of a Kura Māori offers a unique experience for beginning teachers. As Heywood says, “At Kura Māori there is no such thing as extra curricular, School is not a 8.30 – 3.30 job; school is
in brief a lifestyle. Kura Māori are different from mainstream, there are deep connections throughout the Kura. Rapport and connections are not a problem; Māori connect innately to each other which makes relationships easier.” Heywood embarked upon his teaching career after working with youth and realising that he had a heart for wanting Māori children to succed as Māori. In his words, “Kei aku tamarahi, e tipu e rea. For the betterment of our people and whanau.” Three years after graduating, and now the school’s senior manager and teacher in charge of rugby, the advice Heywood would offer his first year self is, “Ko te tauira te putake o ngā mea katoa. The student is the heart and soul of all things. Make sure that what we do is conducive to the student.” As the wharekura grows from strength to strength, Heywood feels positive about the future of the school and the way it will shape Māori students. “I try to make a difference here by being really open-minded and being really giving with the gifts I’ve grown up with. I’ve grown up with Te Reo Māori and its customs and I try to give what I can out, not only to Māori but to anyone who has an inkling towards Tikanga Māori and Māori language.. that’s hopefully my gift to them.” And what a gift that is - God be with you Heywood!
BTI CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY Cast your mind back to a world where ‘www’ had no meaning, tablets were known for their medicinal qualities and your mobile phone, if you were lucky enough to own one, was the size of small house brick and was incapable of sending or receiving texts. That’s the world into which BTI was born! In 1993, the Bethlehem College primary school principal, Marion Sanders, who was responsible for inducting all new teaching staff over a year-long programme, irrespective of how long they had been teaching, recognised that there was a need to do things differently. “It didn’t make sense to me,” says Marion. “At Bethlehem College, we recognised that Christian Education is distinctively different to other education, and we were trying to help new teachers by completely changing their way of teaching, which was incredibly challenging. I thought it would be so much better if we could train them our way right from the start.”
Fast forward 20 years and BTI is now highly regarded by stakeholders across the whole of New Zealand, having grown from an initial cohort of just 13 teacher education students to over 450 students each year, studying degrees and diplomas in teaching, counselling and social work, both onsite and at a distance. Teacher education programmes are also delivered offshore in conjunction with the Tupou Tertiary Institute in Tonga and Effective Aid International in Thailand, and a Master of Professional Practice is under development. Dr Marion Sanders, as she is now, has been teaching at BTI ever since, and has become an integral part of BTI’s DNA. She is fondly regarded by staff, students and alumni alike. As tutor Alan MacKenzie says, “Knowing rare and passionate souls like Marion warms the heart like a cup of hot cocoa on a chilly winter evening!” Marion recalls those early days fondly. “I so admired that first intake because they started before we even had approval; it was a real leap of faith on their part. They had no idea whether they would get funding for their studies and yet they were willing to make that huge commitment.” BTI salutes you ‘Class of 1993’!
Across the world in 1993 • • • • • • •
New Zealand First Party was launched by Winston Peters Referendum favours MMP electoral system Israel and the PLO signed Peace Accord Buckingham Palace opens for paid public admission Bill Clinton became the 42nd President of the USA Tim Berners-Lee’s original WorldWideWeb (W3) browser was released by CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) as royalty free software The Maastricht Treaty was signed formally establishing the European Union BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
feature As an ex-professional Rugby Sevens player, Hayden Reid is no stranger to putting in the hard yards. Gruelling training, strict discipline, and pushing himself to the limit were all in a day’s work in his sporting career, so when he says his first 18 months as a secondary teacher at Tauranga Boys College have been “massively challenging”, it’s no light-weight comment. As it turns out, teaching teenage boys is not for the faint-hearted! “Every day you are faced with different situations and different dynamics,” says Hayden. “A lot of these teenagers have phenomenal issues that they bring into school – so it’s one big learning curve learning how to deal with it all. You’ve got to bring an A-game to every single class – you’ve got to have heaps of energy.”
HAYDEN REID: BRINGING HIS GAME TO THE CLASSROOM Even with the best secondary teacher education in the world, nothing can fully prepare a new teacher for that moment of truth when it’s just them, a subject lesson and a classroom full of teenagers. Kathryn Overall caught up with rugby player and BTI alumnus, Hayden Reid, to hear about the highlights and challenges of his experiences as a new teacher. 8
For Hayden, the first clues to his teaching future showed up towards the end of the four years he spent playing professionally in Italy. He found himself gravitating towards the younger players, mentoring them to become better rugby players and better young men. With this new-found focus, secondary teaching seemed like a natural progression. “I thought, ‘what profession would be better where you are involved with young people’s lives – making a difference for them, and coaching them through life and education?” says Hayden. It wasn’t long before Hayden and his young family had their feet back on Kiwi soil. After an intense and stimulating year of study at BTI, he graduated with a Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) and began looking around for his first job, hoping to stay in the Bay of Plenty. Although Hayden’s obvious subject specialty was in Physical Education and Health, surprisingly, the job opportunity he accepted was a five-month relieving contract at Tauranga Boys College – teaching maths! “When I first started out I was like ‘I only want to be a PE teacher. I don’t want to know about any other subjects,’” reflects Hayden, “but I really wanted to work at Tauranga Boys College so I said yes to the maths job.” He admits he was no great mathematician himself at school, but believes that actually made him a better teacher. “I surprised myself and actually became a bit of a maths nerd,” laughs Hayden. “I would get the textbooks out and
feature go through and do the exercises and I learnt to love it. It’s a good workout for the brain and because you’ve been struggling with the very same things the previous day, you actually have more patience to be able to teach the students and help them through it.” It seems Hayden was destined to be thrown in the deep end in every way during his first teaching experience. The curriculum challenges were merely the beginning of his steep learning curve. His mightiest challenge came in the form of a Year 9, low-stream maths class – a wild herd of 13-year-old boys who would trample on all of Hayden’s classroom behaviour ideals and push him to the limits of his capacity. “You come in with this ideal,” muses Hayden, “that they’ll be like little lambs. Even though you know it’s not going to be like that, and you have practicums where it isn’t like that, for some reason, even so, you still think in your first job it will be smooth sailing.”
He had his work cut out for him. While Hayden had the welcome relief of other classes which were well-behaved - even “angels by comparison” - over the next five months his Year 9 maths class tested him in every possible way. “My palms would sweat every time I had to face that class,” reflects Hayden. “I remember one day - I think it was after about a month - I was tired and I had just had enough and I found myself yelling at them. I just felt like I had lost control, like they had taken over. I thought, man they’ve beaten me, they’ve won.” Hayden is strong, good-looking, socially confident, endlessly dedicated and tirelessly positive. It’s hard to imagine anything defeating him. Possibly at this point, a man of lesser calibre may have given up and just muddled through,
Reality struck with full force when Hayden was handed the low-stream maths class along with a list of the behavioural disorders he was about to encounter, ranging from ADD to Asperger Syndrome. “I was so nervous … these kids were raucous,” says Hayden, shaking his head as he remembers those first encounters. “They were in a bad rut. Their previous teacher had pretty much given up on them, they weren’t listening, they were doing whatever they wanted,
“My first year of teaching has been massively challenging and hugely satisfying.” graffiti-ing, just being idiots – wild.” Hayden was well prepared with subject matter for his first lesson, but the instant he began teaching he was met with blank faces. “I realised straight away that I was pitching stuff that was way over their head – even though it was what I was told they were supposed to be learning,” says Hayden. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
feature but Hayden was determined to learn and to change and was humble enough to seek help from the staff members around him. “We looked at heaps of different strategies on how to get the boys on side and to set boundaries,” explains Hayden. “Every day was about going back to the basics. There were a number of times when they were lining up and being unruly and I just wouldn’t let them in the class. I’d say ‘Alright
boys, sit down.’ And of course, some of them wouldn’t sit down. I’d just wait till they were all seated and I’d say softly, ‘okay, these are the expectations. This is what we’re going to do; we all need to take a breath, settle down and come in slowly.’ Honestly, it was just all about the basics. It was just saying this is how you be a good human being. I’m here to help you; I’m not here to fight against you.” Hayden knew that ultimately the way to win the war, even if he lost a few battles, was to win the boys over through encouragement and relationship. He chose to invest energy into proactively building positive connections with the boys. “There was one kid in particular in that class who I was having the biggest battles with,” remembers Hayden. “A few months in I found out his father had died earlier in the year…no one had told me. Once I had that knowledge, I was able to tread more lightly with him. Taking the carrot not the stick approach was better with him.”
“If you can go away from every class having given out ten encouraging words with enthusiasm, then you’ve done your job.” “I guess I’m painting a pretty scary picture,” laughs Hayden, “but along with the massive challenges, there is massive satisfaction – there are some pretty cool highs. If you’re going into teaching because you want to build relationships with teenagers, then you’ll love it. For me, one of the mantras I have come to live by, is be really personable with the students one on one - have really genuine conversations with them, find out their interests, their hobbies - but when you stand in front of them as a class, you’re the authority and you need to be really clear about your expectations.” Hayden, who grew up in Te Puke, played professional rugby both in New Zealand and Italy before returning to full-time study.
When thinking about the first 18 months of his teaching experience as a whole, three words in particular stand out to Hayden – energy, encouragement and enthusiasm. “If
feature you can go away from every class having given out ten encouraging words with enthusiasm, then you’ve done your job - you’ll have made a good impact,” says Hayden. “I know I can live off one compliment for a week. For someone to notice something I’ve done well, and say ‘Hayden what you did there, that was outstanding’ - I’m ten foot tall and bullet proof for the next week! So as a teacher, as someone who they look up to and respect, you have got massive opportunity to do that for them.” Over the last 18 months Hayden has discovered that relationships built with individual students can make a big difference when dealing with the students collectively – especially if you win over the leaders. He made an extra effort with one of the boys he was coaching in a school rugby team. With known gang connections, this student had been involved in a lot of criminal activity and was known amongst the teachers as a pretty defiant kid. “Teenagers won’t make the effort towards you,” says Hayden. “More often than not you’ve actually got to make the effort to connect with them. And so I went out my way to talk with him, to just sit down and have a chat and find out what’s going on for him, how his rugby’s going, to find out how I can help him ….and he really respected me because he knew that I was there for him, and backed him and wanted him to do well.” The benefits of this particular relationship showed up unexpectedly for Hayden the day he had to supervise this boy’s class for a 2-hour exam. “They were a really naughty class,” says Hayden. “They had to sit silently and do this exam, and a lot of them weren’t going to be able to do it anyway – so I was a bit worried.” Hayden went into the class, chatted briefly with the boy from his rugby team and then stood up the front and waited for the class to be quiet. “I waited for about five seconds,” says Hayden, “and then this boy shouted ‘Oy, boys, be quiet – the teacher wants to talk.’ The class went dead silent and for the two hours of that exam – they were perfect. Having rapport with that kid, having his respect – it paid off massively.” Back in his own ‘naughty class’, Hayden’s consistently positive, ‘back-to-basics’ approach slowly turned things around – even though his palms would still sweat in
“I remember thinking, ‘oh man, of all the classes they could have chosen…” anticipation. “By the end of the five months, I had built relationships with a lot of them, so they understood my heart was for them to do well,” explains Hayden. “I also became a bit more relaxed about the ‘ideal lesson’ and probably addressed behaviour that wasn’t right in better ways.” Hayden realised how far they had all come on the day that one of senior leadership team came to sit in on that particular class to assess whether he would be offered a fulltime role the following year. “I remember thinking, ‘oh man, of all the classes they could have chosen…’ says Hayden, “…but the boys were angels! I didn’t even prep them. They had picked up what was going on and they were all human enough and liked me enough to want to be good for me. The staff member was blown away, and so was I! He stood up and at the end he said, ‘You’re all extremely fortunate to have Mr Reid teaching you. You can be proud of the efforts you’re making here today,’ and left. That was a pretty cool moment.” Hayden believes that as a new teacher becomes more confident and relaxed, classroom behaviour also steadily improves and falls into line. “After my experience with the Year 9 Maths class, I was given a really low-stream PE class, but because I was way more relaxed and knew how to push the right buttons and say the right things, they just automatically behaved way better – it’s actually quite bizarre,” says Hayden. “I think the biggest thing is that over time you become way more confident, and as challenging as it is, you learn a whole lot more from those harder classes than you ever do from the kids that are obedient.” And that attitude, we suspect, is what makes Hayden an ‘A-game’ teacher. After all, it’s not having an ‘A-Grade’ class that shows the mettle of the man – what really counts is being able to bring an ‘A-game’ attitude to a class that is in trouble and to leave a positive mark on each of the students. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
Opinion ISSUES
HOW DO YOU THRIVE AS A NEW SECONDARY TEACHER? Daniel Clark, Fleur Allen, Hayden Reid were each part of the cohort of secondary teachers who graduated from BTI in July 2011. With the first year of teaching under their belt, (but freshly in their minds!), we asked them to share some thoughts on how to not just survive, but also thrive as a new secondary teacher.
Connect With Others Building relationships with your colleagues and students is vital in creating a sense of community and belonging. Spending time getting to know my colleagues has helped manage my time both in class, sporting commitments and most importantly with my family. Connecting with others provides you the support you need to stay on top of things, and even when things get challenging you are able to ask for help.
Know Your Limitations I found in the first year I took the opportunity to be involved in everything. It didn’t take long to realise that over committing to these things had an impact on all aspects of my life not just teaching. Knowing your limits will not only help you survive but thrive in the initial years of teaching.
DANIEL CLARKE BETHLEHEM COLLEGE Play and Exercise I love to play. I have found that creating lessons that are simple, yet engaging stimulates, SUBJECTS: inspires and motivates both my students and me. Also, I use my down time to either play or exercise. Playing lunchtime games with students is a fun way for me to connect with them. PE, SPORTS SCIENCE Lastly, I enjoy pushing my body through exercise, which has a number of benefits. Most importantly, it acts as a de-stressor by enabling me to take time out from work, removing the focus from the next lesson, assessment or unit - allowing me to focus on taking care of my body.
opinion Join a Carpool Having a carpool party at the beginning and end of each day has been the making of my early teaching years. It is invaluable to have that ‘debriefing’ time with your colleagues - to be able to laugh, rant, rave, scream, cry, complain, find solutions, talk about your great kids, get advice on hard kids, etc. I shudder to think how I would have dealt with several situations had it not been for the support and seasoned advice of my carpool buddies.
Friends in High Places Please make good friends with the office ladies! They are wonderful people and they can just about save your entire day. Be grateful. Be patient. Don’t demand. Respect their time. Think of them as the most important members of staff – in so many ways they really are.
Staff Room Etiquette When you start your first teaching job, don’t just barge into the staff room. Have a look around – pick up on how things are done. Do people have their own cups? Are there ‘special’ chairs earned by teaching there for 50 years? But at the same time, please do make yourself feel at home. Sit out on the porch and talk about anything but school. It’s not a time to complain about the school, students or other staff. It’s a time to just have a good old laugh with a cuppa and that time is invaluable.
Exercise Teaching is high energy and pretty demanding – so you need to find healthy ways to deal with stress. I have a good wife who lets me go away and spend time exercising. I find that a good outlet - the endorphins get released from that and you feel good for it! With my PE classes, I get really involved in the practical part of the lessons – running around with the boys and having a laugh. I live at the Mount, and during the summer months, coming home and going for a swim is awesome!
Find Your Off Switch
I think for a lot of teachers, when you come home from school at the end of the day you’re replaying stuff in your mind. You can spin and spin and spin and think ‘oh, I should have done this, or should have done that.’ That is part of reflecting and becoming a better teacher, but you can also take it too far. You need to find an off-switch.
Staffroom Chats are the best Professional Development The staffroom part of your life is massive. I see so many teachers worried about planning for the next lesson. Instead, take time to talk to the other teachers, find out what’s going on and have a laugh with them. I find that a lot of the best PD happens when you’re chewing the fat with one of the other staff members. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
Feature feature
EXPLORING THE DNA OF BTI’S RELATIONAL LEARNING CULTURE Everyone knows there is something special about BTI, but trying to put your finger on exactly what it is can prove tricky. In this piece, Kathryn Overall takes up the challenge of exploring the relational learning culture that makes the BTI study experience so unique. If it’s true, what author and humourist Charles Jones once said, that “you are the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read,” then where we choose to study should be guided as much by the quality of the people we will learn from as by the quality of the programme content. This is particularly sage advice for those who are preparing for a career in counselling, teaching and social work. These are powerfully transformative professions – professions of relationship and connection; ‘where people are at the heart of all endeavours’; where ‘who you are’ matters just as much as what you know. To prepare students for these careers of calling, the team at BTI have created and fostered a deeply relational learning 14
culture – in fact, it’s what BTI has come to be known for. In every organisation, culture is something of a mysterious force. It’s the invisible agent that powerfully shapes the people who learn, grow and develop within its influence. It is a feeling, an atmosphere, a certain tone, a particular flavour, a collective understanding, a kaleidoscope of actions, great and small, which express the inner motivations, values and beliefs that live in the heart of its people. Associate Dean, Richard Cook, who oversees Counsellor and Social Work Education and has been on staff at BTI since 1998 says, “From the beginning of our story, through the shared lives of people gathered around a common purpose, this unique BTI culture has emerged - a ‘way of being’ deeply rooted in the foundations of who we are.” Head of Operation Services, Wendy Pyne, who is part of the Strategic Leadership Team at BTI observes, “Some of the key hallmarks of our learning culture are our integrated Christian worldview, rich lecturer/student relationships, and our commitment to developing the whole person – they are central to who we are and have become what we are known for. These values are ‘caught’ as much as ‘taught’ by BTI students, who in turn go on to embody them in the myriad of places they end up in when they graduate.”
A Christian Worldview Is At Our Heart Faith is at the very core of the BTI culture – personal, powerful, enlightening and shaping of all other values. The faith factor is not a dim echo from BTI’s foundations, but is a current reality, richly lived out in everyday life and integral to all aspects of BTI programmes. “We are committed to being shaped by a Christian worldview,” explains Dr Bev Norsworthy, Associate Dean and Head of Educational Development & Research, “and by that we mean that the way we work together, the priorities we embrace, and the reasons why we do what we do are shaped by the priorities you find in the Scripture.” BTI graduates end up in a vast variety of professional contexts and they have learnt how to embody their faith in such a way that it can be translated appropriately into whatever role they find themselves in.
Feature feature
“The Christian flavour comes through the specialist PIPI papers which not only develop head knowledge but heart knowledge and a willingness to serve in a professional capacity.” Cathryn Upton, Alumna
“Positive relationships are the soil in which transformation grows,” says BTI Dean, Dr Andrew Smith. “They are foundational to effective learning and professional practice. At the end of the day it all boils down to our ability to reflect God’s love – loving acceptance that affirms the inherent value of people, loving encouragement that celebrates strengths and diversity, loving persistence and patience that holds hope for others when they cannot hold it for themselves.” Building relationships with students is a richly rewarding experience for the lecturers as well as the students. Teacher Education Educator, Hazel McVicker-Warnes says, “One of the things that I really love to see is the growth in our students. That they are equipped and ready to go to fulfil the call in their life excites me hugely, and to be able to be part of such a journey is just an incredible privilege and one that I don’t think I will ever stop enjoying.”
Rachael Wood’s first teaching job after graduating from BTI was at Bethlehem College where she is enjoying the freedom she has to engage with the full expression of Christian education. “I think everything that I’ve learned at BTI about Christian education has cemented, and to see it in practice is just a huge benefit,” says Rachael. “It’s such a holistic approach, being able to not just acknowledge but also actually enter into the fact that we are spiritual beings.” Now in her second year of BTI’s Bachelor of Social Work, Jenny Kyle has already spent time thinking through how her faith integrates with her chosen profession. “I recognise that in studying from a Christian perspective, my faith is going to be what sustains me in this journey and in my career as a social worker,” she says. “I’m not going to necessarily be able to go out with a label of ‘Christian social worker’, but it still really forms part of who I am and how I will approach clients.”
Rich Relationships & Open Doors If you walk through the lecturer office buildings at BTI, you will find many open doors. In amongst the whirring of photocopiers, and the ringing phones, students are coming and going down the hallways and there is bound to be at least one student deep in conversation with a lecturer. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
feature When the tables turn after graduation, and the student becomes the teacher, counsellor or social worker, the capacity to build connections and good relationships with their students and clients has been deposited into them almost by osmosis. Janet Blaauw loves her role as Deputy Principal at Te Ranga Primary School and relishes the relationships she has built with students, parents and staff within the school community. She reflects, “When I think back to my time at BTI the thing that really stands out to me was the care that the lecturers had for each student – it wasn’t as if they were just trying to get you through the study, they really wanted to know each individual person and connect with them. A lot of their teaching was around relationship, and the way that they taught us was with relationship.”
“BTI’s mission statement “we teach who we are” really rings true and is evident throughout. The staff’s core beliefs are demonstrated through all they do.” Justine Owens, Alumna
“We teach, counsel, and practise social work out of who we are.” Mention this phrase to any BTI student or graduate and they will nod and smile knowingly, and likely talk about the rigour of reflection they undertook in the memorable PIPI papers of their course. PIPI stands for Personal Inquiry and Professional Integration and is a robust expression of BTI’s commitment to developing the whole person, to fostering self-awareness, to 16
holistically integrating learning so that is becomes ‘embodied knowing’, both professionally and personally transformative. In the Counselling & Social work programmes fostering self-knowledge and developing the capacity to reflect are essential for healthy and effective practice. When thinking back over her first year of study, social-work student Jenny Kyle said, “Even if I never worked a day of social work in my life, I’d still be really grateful for this experience because it’s been such a growing experience. I have had to pull myself apart and really had to search myself, which is all necessary for this type of journey, and on a personal level is just so rewarding.” Counsellors in particular have to be willing to go on a journey of working through some of their own ‘stuff’ so they can believe in the process for others, and be a genuinely compassionate practitioner. “I really try to have a nonjudgmental approach,” Counselling graduate, Vicky Hegarty, shares. “I mean you learn that in the BTI stuff, you really do, but I think you really have to have worked through some of your own stuff, to be able to connect to that and realise ‘gosh, life can be hard sometimes.’ I think people sense that and as you build a relationship of trust, people feel safe.”
feature This whole-person approach gives BTI’s Teacher Education programmes a distinct and respected flavour. Dr Bev Norsworthy reflects, “Most teacher education providers will ask the questions of what should be taught, how should it be taught, and sometimes where or when it should be taught. Rarely are questions about ‘why’ do the teaching asked, and almost never is the question ‘who’ is the teacher that teaches asked. At BTI one of our distinctive commitments is to the person who is the teacher. It’s not just about the projects the teacher gives the student, but everything about the teacher actually ends up being influential.” Reflecting on his experience at BTI, Hayden says, “...what stands out to me is the heart of the people who ran the courses. What they were trying to convey was what’s in your heart, the person that you are in your own personal life, the person that you are with your family – that’s the person that is going to come through in your teaching.”
This capacity is something that sets our alumni apart in the community. Marcus Norrish, who is the Deputy Principal at Pahoia Primary school commented, “I really loved the experience at BTI. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that they always looked for you to go below the surface and ask why, and look for the deeper reasons underneath everything that we do. At the time it seemed a little bit OTT to be honest, but when you get out into the schools you realise that that’s actually a really powerful position to be in and that’s exactly what awesome schools are looking for.”
“You will be known by the lecturers, they will want to build relationship with you and care for you. They are committed to developing you into the best person, teacher and student you can be. God is central to everything, and this is evident throughout the programme and life at BTI.” Sharyn Hanna, Alumna
Learning, true learning, doesn’t just come from books. Important ideas are best communicated in the shape of people who are living out those ideas in real and rich ways, and who care enough about your learning to meaningfully engage with you. So remember, what you study matters enormously, and the books you read will leave a deep imprint, but more than likely it’s the people who you rub shoulders with during your study experience that will have the deepest and most lasting impact on you. Choose wisely. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
photo essay feature
A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF A THIRD YEAR COUNSELLING STUDENT Hayley Botterill is studying the Bachelor of Counselling degree full-time and, like many students, is juggling family commitments, practicums and meeting assignment deadlines whilst trying to find a little “me” time.
The week begins. Hayley shares the home office with husband Phil who works from home. It’s been challenging and setting boundaries around ‘work time’, ‘study time’ and ‘home time’ has been really important.
After a busy day studying, it’s time for Hayley to spend time with the family. Like all busy working mums with school age children, this often means making sure homework is done before she or her husband taxi the boys to football or cadets.
photo essay feature
Wednesday In year three, students are required to carry out a few hours practicum experience each week - Hayley has chosen to work with Otumoetai College in Tauranga, in their Wellness Centre. The centre comprises counselling staff including Grant Nissan (HOD) and a large year 12 & 13 student support group who are on hand to walk alongside students when needed, or simply be available to lend a compassionate ear.
Wednesday After working in the centre, it’s a quick stop at the local shops to stock up on healthy groceries. Eating plenty of colourful, seasonal fruits and veggies will not only taste great, but will help with those energy levels without breaking the bank!
Wednesday Family support is key to succeeding at full-time study. It’s important to recognise that you’re not super human and asking for help is OK! Sharing the cooking is one way that Hayley’s family help to share the load at home. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
photo essay feature
“Our graduates tell us that strong relationships, support and belief from key friends and family members are fundamental to their success.” Richard Cook, Associate Dean of Counselling & Social Work Education
Thursday lunchtime After a quick lunch, it’s back to work on those assignments technology means that Hayley can take advantage of a sunny day and work outside to get that much needed vitamin D! 20
Thursday Hayley’s passion for her counselling study, her strong sense of family and empowering of others, is evident all around her home. As her husband says, “It’s like osmosis; we’ve all been affected by Hayley’s time at BTI. We communicate differently.”
photo essay feature
Friday Another assigment closer to Hayley’s goal. Having studied, prayed and gritted her teeth in determination, those words that have been churning around in her head finally make it into a submitted assignment. The familiar sight of the Assignment Box or online drop box brings huge relief! BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
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Saturday Bonding over a muddy bush walk clears the mind, gives plenty of time for conversation, laughter and building an appetite!
Quality family time is really important in the Botteriil household. To relax, Hayley, her husband Phil, and sons Alex and Harrison love walking on the beach or climbing Mauao.
Sharing a jointly-prepared family meal, giving thanks for small blessings, and joking with each other around the table, reinforces that strong family connection.
key dates feature
02 23 23 21 25
29 Sept 05 Oc 27 Oct 17 Nov
24-26 Jan Parachute Music Festival 27 Jan Auckland Anniversary Day 03 Feb Year Two & Three Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary & Early Childhood Education programmes begin 06 Feb Waitangi Day 10 Feb Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) programme begins with intensive 10 Feb Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) programme begins 10 Feb Year One Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary & Early Childhood Education programme begins 10 Feb Te Wiki Whakawaia - Familiarisation Week begins (Teacher Education programmes) 17 Feb Year Three Social Work programme begins 17 Feb Year One Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) intensive begins 24 Feb Year Two Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) intensive begins 24 Feb Year One Counselling & Social Work programmes begin 24 Feb Te Wiki Whakawaia - Familiarisation Week begins (Counselling & Social Work programmes) 03 Mar Year Two & Three Counselling programme begins 03 Mar Year Three Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) intensive begins 17 Mar Counselling & Social Work Flexi intensive begins 18 Apr Tauranga-based National Jazz Festival begins 18 Apr Good Friday 21 Apr Easter Monday 05 Apr Graduation 21 Apr Term break begins 25 Apr ANZAC Day
Jun Jun Jun Jul Aug
Queen’s Birthday Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) intensive begins Year One & Two Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) intensive begins Year Three Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) intensive begins Counselling & Social Work Flexi intensive begins Term break begins World Teachers’ Day Labour Day Teacher Education Professional Learning Conference begins & Poroporoaki
Some dates may be subject to change.
BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
Over the years many of my students have been expected to read an article by Henri Nouwen (1995) entitled, ‘Moving from solitude to community to ministry’. As I look back at my 15 years at BTI, I see important links between what he is saying in his article and how we have tried to function. Listen carefully to Nouwen’s words, “So often in ministry, I have wanted to do it by myself. If it didn’t work, I went to others and said, “Please!” searching for a community to help me. If that didn’t work, maybe I’d start praying.” I am pleased that he goes on to share that the order that Jesus teaches is the reverse. It begins by being with God in solitude where “God says to us, ‘you are my beloved,’ then it creates fellowship, a community of people with whom the mission is being lived; and finally this community goes out together to heal and to proclaim the good news”.
FEEDING THE SOUL Raymond Stripling, Pastoral Care Coordinator and Lecturer at BTI, reflects on community. 24
Ephesians 3:17-21 (The Message) says: “I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” What a privilege to be part of a ministry for 15 years where our uniqueness is found in Christ and His love. Nouwen, H. (1995). Moving from community to ministry to solitude. Retrieved from http://www.fbccs.org/resources/ papers/soli_comm_mini.asp
Often people think of research as somewhat removed from everyday life and only for those who live in ‘ivory towers’. However, shaped by the key themes within the biblical meta-narrative, research at BTI is seen as part of our Christian calling and commitment to ‘doing good’. For example, the influence of the findings from the Ako Aotearoa project (reported in last year’s Forward magazine) continues to improve the training experience for many students in a wide range of training programmes throughout New Zealand. At Ako Aotearoa’s request Dr Marion Sanders has been conducting workshops throughout New Zealand to a range of training groups – including within medical and trades preparation. In the photograph to the right Marion and Lynne are holding copies of the three resource booklets which have been produced from the project and published by Ako Aotearoa. The booklets communicate the research findings specific to mentors/ supervisors (Five Habits for Effective Mentors), students (Ideas for Learners) or institutions (Ideas for Training Providers). Currently staff are engaged in research across a wide range of interests including: • students’ experiences of specific pedagogies and assessments – both in onsite and online courses • a model for assessing disability, students’ faith journeys • the influence of language in developing a ‘growth mindset’ (Dweck, C. (2006) Mindset: The new psycology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.) in early childhood education • the potential of digital technologies to enhance learning in schools • using ipads for enhancing learning and communication among the practicum triad (Associate Teacher, Tutor Teacher and Student Teacher), and • student thinking as expressed in course evaluations For more information on BTI research, visit our website: www.bti.ac.nz/staff-research
Dr Bev Norsworthy, Chair of BTI’s Research Committee
Some of the research team with Ako Aotearoa staff (Dr Peter Coolbear, Director; Ruth Peterson and Kirsty Weir).
Culture at BTI is not only a cleverly-articulated statement that gets drilled into you from the beginning, but a lifestyle and the pulse to our community. Here at BTI individuals are valued for who they are as a person, and their opinions are respected and listened to. For me, one of the key aspects to our culture is that a supportive, loving environment is created to build genuine relationships between staff and students (onsite and flexi). Upon this foundation, students are empowered to conquer their fears, accept constructive criticism, and encouraged to face their degrees or diplomas with enthusiasm and passion. In contribution to BTI’s culture, every student belongs to BISA (the BTI student association) and is represented by a group of student nominated individuals who work hard to keep that sense of community flowing, as well as representing students’ interests at key times. BISA organises activities and events for all students. These include sausage sizzles, barbecues, sports clubs and even the odd student vs. staff volleyball or tug of war competition! BTI is not only a tertiary institute, it is a community characterised by love, equality, acceptance, family and a love for learning. Anna Stubbs, President of BISA BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
interview feature
Interview Kathryn Overall explores BTI’s unique leadership model and strength-based leadership approach… As you would expect, the cultural values that make BTI such a special place are infused into every layer of the organisation. The well-known BTI maxim that ‘we teach, counsel and practise social work out of who we are,’ extends also into a leadership philosophy that ‘we lead out of who we are’.
“We decided very early on that there would be no “too hard basket”
This philosophy is not only powerfully embodied by the individuals who make up the leadership team, it also informs the very structure of that leadership. While Dr Andrew Smith holds the official role of Dean of BTI, in practice he leads as part of a four person team, known as the Strategic Leadership Team (SLT). In addition to Andrew, this well-respected quartet includes Dr Beverley Norsworthy (Associate Dean of Teacher Education and Head of Research), Richard Cook (Associate Dean of Counsellor and Social Work Education) and Wendy Pyne (Head of Operational Services). Coming from varied backgrounds these four are bound by their commitment to the common vision, and have mutually embraced the Gallup Strength-Based Leadership approach which has significantly influenced the way they see themselves, the way they relate with each other, and the way they collaborate as leaders.
interview feature The basic premise of the strengths-based approach is that each individual will be ultimately more effective if they devote more time to identifying and developing their strengths than they do to overcoming their shortcomings. The Strengths Finder book and assessment is the beginning point for newcomers and over 7 million people worldwide have undergone the assessment and identified their top five strengths. This individual model has been further developed into a strength-based leadership model outlined in the book ‘Strength-based Leadership.’ (Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2009). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. New York, NY: Gallup Press)
work – so I interpret their words and deeds from that strength based understanding. It also gives us ways to speak to each other knowing that certain strengths lead us to prioritise ideas and decisions in different ways and by widening the ways decisions are understood it provides a better level of wisdom – with joint understanding and appreciation. Also, when others make suggestions about areas of my responsibility I appreciate the opportunity to work with their strengths – and at the end of the day – what I do is better because I work with them.”
“Strengths Finder has given us a shared framework,” says Wendy, “one that enables us to both react to, and approach, issues positively and transparently. When you seek to understand what motivates someone’s actions, how they are ‘hard-wired’, and what lens they are viewing the world through, figuring out how people can work together becomes a whole lot easier! That doesn’t mean that we always agree, far from it. We decided very early on that there would be no “too hard basket” and that we’d ask the hard question. Having very different roles, responsibilities and strengths can make for interesting, passionate discussions, but we do always forge ahead positively and supportively.” Bev has undertaken some research into the strengths-based leadership experiences within the SLT and had an opportunity to share some of their experiences at a recent New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society (NZEALS) conference in a presentation entitled ‘I Do Better Because I Work With You.’
“At the end of the day – what I do is better because I work with them” The experience of strength-based leadership has been positive for Bev in a variety of ways. “It gives me both an appreciation for, and an understanding of, the ways others
Dr Andrew Smith, BTI Dean
Andrew’s Top 5 Strengths: Connectedness, Intellection, Learner, Relator, Developer “Thanks to our strength-based model, I think I have relaxed into my role more than I might otherwise have done, because I accept that I don’t have to know everything or do everything,” says Dean, Andrew Smith. “My connectedness and relator/developer allow me to bring BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
feature other people’s strengths into play, and work as a team. I see life as a big picture but doing Strengths Finder helped me appreciate that actually I see the big picture as a jigsaw. I think doing Strengths Finder has helped me understand how and why the others in the team tick, and also when their strengths actually might be in play in ways that are unhelpful. But seeing that gives me more positive tools to either ignore the issue if it isn’t a major, or respond to it from a positive position.”
contributing through these. With that increased selfawareness comes an increased sense of responsibility to ‘be and do my part’ of the team. In many cases it helps me understand what language to use when speaking with the others – this does not mean that I say something different – but rather that I say something differently, enabling the other staff member to process something from their position of strength. It helps me understand others’ responses. In fact, when thinking about opening discussion topics or decision-making processes I can be thoughtful about how the particular topic will appear to different people and the implications for them.”
“At first I was sceptical. I wasn’t interested in paying lip-service or even talking about something like this unless we were prepared to live it and speak it”
Dr Bev Norsworthy, Associate Dean & Head of Educational Development
Bev’s Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Learner, Connectedness, Relator, Achiever “Interestingly, the strengths-based approach has given me an appreciation for what my strengths enable me to contribute – especially the top three strengths,” explains Bev. “In a conversation I will hear myself ask a question or make a comment and then realise – yes – that is my role, I am 28
Richard’s initial feeling about Strengths Finder was less positive. “At first I was sceptical. I wasn’t interested in paying lip-service or even talking about something like this unless we were prepared to live it and speak it – including behind closed doors. In the last few years it has become a central way of thinking and relating as a leadership team. I have always loved developing new things. In fact, this has been my overriding sense of direction. So seeing my top 5 strengths are all geared around and towards this has helped me feel more confident of my role and others have been more frequently affirming of my contribution to the team in this area. It has taken some pressure off and allowed more freedom. For example, when I understood that my way of being strategic and someone else’s was different in what it was focussed on, I was able to understand their emphases when we talked. I have been able to defer and refer to them when their strength is more likely to aid a part of a project.”
feature under each other’s skin, and that our “arranger” is to blame! Essentially, we can both be guilty of trying to “arrange” the solution at the same time, but from different perspectives. Now that we know this, we’re able to approach things from a shared understanding, call upon our other strengths and work together to find innovative solutions.”
“I have become more aware of the language I use and how this might be interpreted by others” Richard Cook, Associate Dean
Richard’s Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Achiever, Focus, Deliberative, Ideation “Balancing the needs of the business financially, with the needs of our staff and students is critical, but my first concern will always be people,” explains Wendy. “With a background strong in finance and operations, my language could be misinterpreted by those who do not know my heart, as ‘financially driven’. Over the past 3 years, as we’ve worked together in a strengths-based framework, I have become more aware of the language I use and how this might be interpreted by others. I guess I think more about Andrew, Bev and Richard’s strengths and how they hear though the filter of their strengths. Richard and I both share the “arranger” strength (Richard’s sits at number 6). Early on in our working relationship, we’d spark off of each other during pressured situations where we had a joint interest in the result. Through taking a strengths– based approach to the problem, we’ve learnt why we can get
Wendy Pyne, Head of Operational Services
Wendy’s Top 5 Strengths: Strategic, Responsibility, Individualisation, Relator, Arranger BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
spotlight feature
WORTHY RECIPIENTS BTI partners with local iwi to offer student scholarships to iwi members who wish to complete a teaching, counselling or social work qualification. We catch up with two 2013 recipients, Tony Campbell and Brady Kerewaro, both Ngati Kahu.
Tony, you’re now in your second year at BTI; how important has the Ngati Kahu scholarship been to you with regards to your studies? The scholarship makes studying more meaningful, in the sense that I am doing this not only for myself but for the Ngāti Kahu. Effectually this means that my successes belong to the people. So therein lies the pressure of achieving desirable results at all times, to ensure that I do well in the eyes of our community.
Can you describe your thoughts on BTI’s relationship with Ngati Kahu? How important you believe this to be with regards to providing a scholarship system and how the community might benefit from this relationship? The relationship can only get stronger. The foundations were laid many years ago and have been maintained by the likes of our kaumatua and Graham Preston. I truly believe that BTI offers an inclusive style of tuition that, as we know, is unique and outshines that of other tertiary providers. Therefore, by providing the scholarship system, people such as myself, have the ability to learn and at the same time really look at who we are and where we are going in life.
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12 v.18
spotlight feature BTI education scaffolds the learning process, so that it accomodates individual learning needs. This then creates an environment that is non-threatening and draws upon individual strengths to create a pathway that we shape, but at the same time aligns with regulatory principles etc. The community then benefits from teachers/counsellors/social workers who are holistic in their approach, and spiritually whole.
Bradley, you started with BTI in 2013. Can you tell us what your first impressions are? “It is a privilege to be a recipient of the Henare Rahiri Ngāti Kahu 2013 Scholarship, and I acknowledge those who have made this possible. I feel it is an honour to represent my iwi in the BTI community. It has also made me determined to excel in my studies. From the beginning of my time here, BTI has acknowledged that the campus land is shared with those in the community and is significant to the local Iwi. The relationship and scholarships demonstrate how BTI caters to a need for
opportunities in higher education for all. I see it as an important part of the campus culture. The respect shown to Maori culture has allowed me to feel comfortable in this learning community. This has instilled in me a respect for BTI. It also reflects the Biblical principle of living at peace with those around you (Romans 12v18). This relationship encourages bigger dreams for those within and outside the Bethlehem community. Both have benefited from this relationship. It is an example of respect to those from other cultures and that higher education is readily available to all who aspire to be more.”
“BTI offers an inclusive style of tuition that, as we know, is unique and outshines that of other tertiary providers”
2013 Recipients - Brady Kerewaro, Moana Candy, Tony Campbell
BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
programme Info feature Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary This Degree qualification prepares students to teach primary and intermediate school children in a wide range of educational settings and with the New Zealand curriculum. Graduates are eligible to gain provisional registration with the New Zealand Teachers Council. 3 Years full time. Onsite. NZQA Accredited. Level 7
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Early Childhood Education This Degree qualification prepares students to teach infants, toddlers and young children in a wide range of early childhood contexts and with Te Whariki, the New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum. Graduates are eligible to gain provisional registration with the New Zealand Teachers Council. 3 Years full time. Onsite. NZQA Accredited. Level 7
Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) This Diploma qualification is specifically designed for those working in faith-based early childhood education centres. It can also provide a pathway into the Bachelor of Education (ECE) Degree. Graduates are eligible to gain provisional registration with the New Zealand Teachers Council. 3 Years full time. Part time options available. Study from anywhere in NZ. Centre-based with intensives. NZQA Accredited. Level 7
Master of Professional Practice (under development) BTI is developing a Master of Professional Practice (M Prof Prac) - a 2 year, full time equivalent qualification designed for Christian professionals working in fields such as education (ECE, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) and social services. Subject to NZQA approval, this programme will be offered Semester 2, 2014.
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) This Graduate Diploma qualification prepares graduates to teach in New Zealand’s diverse secondary school sector and with the New Zealand curriculum. It may be studied from anywhere in New Zealand. Graduates are eligible to gain provisional registration with the New Zealand Teachers Council. 1 Year full time. Part time options available. Study from anywhere in NZ. NZQA Accredited. Level 7 32
programme Info feature Graduate Diploma of Christian Education This Graduate Diploma programme provides qualified teachers and educators in Christian schools (or who are seeking to teach in a Christian context) with on-going professional development. It is based on, and further develops, biblical foundations and critical reflexivity so that graduates are more able to participate in faith-informed and evidence-based practice. 1 Year full time. Part time options available. Study from where you live or work. NZQA Accredited. Level 7
Professional Development BTI is passionate about enabling teachers to bring together their professional practice with their Christian worldview in life-changing ways. Our tailored workshops provide teachers and educators with accessible and relevant biblically based professional development opportunities to help with the challenges they face. Onsite or at your school/centre, supporting schools, staff and principals in areas such as: curriculum, educational technology, working with integrated curriculum, inquiry learning.
Bachelor of Social Work This Degree qualification prepares students to participate in faith-informed and evidencebased practice through development in three key areas: knowledge and understanding (head), character (heart) and skills (hands). Graduates are eligible to gain registration with the Social Work Registration Board. 4 Years full time. Part time options available. Onsite and distance learning. NZQA Accredited. Level 7
Diploma of Counselling This Diploma qualification is designed to equip students for counselling roles in the church or community. The part time structure of this programme caters to those who wish to study whilst retaining employment in the workforce. It can also provide a pathway into the Bachelor of Counselling Degree. 3 Years part time. Onsite and distance learning. NZQA Accredited. Level 6
Bachelor of Counselling This Degree qualification prepares students for future work in counselling, individual and family care roles. Graduates will be equipped to take up professional counselling and therapy roles in churches, community agencies, and eventually in private practice. This qualification is highly regarded by counselling profession associations. 3 Years full time. Part time options available. Onsite & distance learning. NZQA Accredited. Level 7 BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
top five
TOP FIVE WAYS TO A HEALTHY HEART & MIND WHILE STUDYING EAT WELL Eat plenty of seasonal fruit and veggies, which are not only laden with oodles of vitamins and minerals but they’re also filling and tasty. Check out the local farmers market and keep your eyes open for neighbours selling off their home-grown goodies. Have quick, healthy snacks to hand; try dried fruit, whole grain crackers and peanut butter, unbuttered popcorn, raw veggies and of course plenty of water to keep you hydrated! Eating well will give you the energy needed to stay active.
Regular exercise is vital. Learn to love the outdoors: powerwalk, hike, find a swimming pool, or swim in the ocean if you’re lucky enough to live near one! Try ditching the car for those short journeys, and climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift – staying active can help to keep you mentally sharp, lower your blood pressure and help you sleep well.
Sleeping well is vital to being energised, feeling good and being able to concentrate on those assignments! Ideally, try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even at the weekends. A peaceful bedtime routine sends a powerful signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down and let go of the day’s stresses. Try taking a warm bath, listening to soft music, praying, or doing some easy stretching exercises before you retire. If you’re still a little hungry, eat a banana or some almonds an hour before bedtime, as the magnesium they contain is a muscle relaxant which will help you to unwind and find inner peace.
In today’s social media driven world, it can be hard to switch off. Constant “busyness” and feeling that we need to ‘be online’ all of the time, not to mention meeting all of those assignment deadlines, can lead to stress. All too often we put ourselves under pressure by being unrealistic in our expectations of ourselves and others. To find inner peace, find some time for relaxation and soul searching; learn to stay SAFE; simplify your life, accept what you cannot change, forgive yourself and others, and enjoy God’s creation!
Maintain your newly found inner peace by mapping out a budget and sticking to it, making a timetable and following it, making the most of time spent with family and friends and enjoying it! Remember, life isn’t an assignment to be completed; it’s an unknowable landscape waiting to be explored.
‘Like’ us on Facebook to see interviews, get updates and keep in touch with the BTI community. www.facebook.com/BTI
“It does not take a brain surgeon to conclude that an integral element of an effective learning experience is the presence of a qualified and welltrained teacher.”
THE FINAL WORD Humanitarian and co-founder of both The Oaktree Foundation and the Global Poverty Project, Hugh Evans, shares his thoughts on why qualified, well-trained teachers can transform the lives of those living in extreme poverty. In recent years a lot of focus has been placed on reaching the second Millennium Development Goal of achieving universal primary enrolment for boys and girls everywhere by 2015. No doubt there is good reason for this. According to figures recently released by the UN, 57 million children are still not enrolled in primary school, 32 million of whom are girls.
Yet equally important is the quality of the actual learning experience itself. According to the World Bank, 250 million children who are enrolled and go to school do not actually learn to read or write - a staggering figure that undeniably hints at poor-quality education. Indeed, in some countries, an estimated 25 to 50% of children that have completed primary school cannot read, while 3 in 10 children cannot do basic arithmetic. It does not take a brain surgeon to conclude that an integral element of an effective learning experience is the presence of a qualified and well-trained teacher. Not only do properly trained teachers boost literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills in their students, but more broadly they promote gender equality, support the disadvantaged, create a supportive environment, and inculcate good citizenship qualities in their students. Furthermore, adequately trained and qualified teachers are able to provide the necessary tools to ensure that children possess the basic skills necessary to continue learning after completing primary education. Through improving livelihoods and job access, an education delivered by a qualified teacher ultimately transforms the lives of those living in extreme poverty. Studies indicate that an improvement in both the accessibility and quality of schooling to the extent that all primary school students acquired basic reading skills, could lead to 171 million people being lifted out of poverty. That’s an incredible outcome and part of the reason why later this month the Global Poverty Project will be joining the UN in calling for 2 million more teachers by 2015. BTI Forward
Issue 03 – 2013
* 36 Discover Discovera acareer careerininTeaching, Teaching,Counselling CounsellingororSocial SocialWork Work today todayatatwww.bti.ac.nz www.bti.ac.nz Programme under development. Subject to approval processes late 2011.