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Needle Scalers
Needle Scaler

More aggressive than sand blasting, finer than a scaling hammer - for removal of rust and coatings of many kind - without grinding away details - only good for solid metal, not applicable for thin sheet metal. Needs clean and well lubricated air. Maintenance units see page 64

Rust removal on sheet metals:

Patented remover system MBX. Not only for rust removal on sheet metals and car bodies see page 35/36 1 12 x 3mm

Small straight needle scaler for wheel rims, frames and for working at limited space.
Model Article no. needle scaler 5615 8951076002 needle set 12 needles / 3 mm 5615 ST 8951011498 needle plate 12 hole / 3 mm 5615 P3 8951011511
2 needle sets: 28 x 3 mm 14 x 4 mm
2 19 x 3 mm + 30 mm scraper chisel
Combination tool that can be used for two cleaning processes with one. Scraping off layers e.g. of rust from flat surfaces as well as picking rust or old paint away from areas around details like bolts and screws with 19 needles.
Model Article no. combination tool 5610 8951076001 5610 STneedle set 19 needle / 3 mm 8951011496 5610 P3needle plate 19 hole / 3 mm 8951011510 5607scraper chisel 30mm, angled 8951011499 flat chisel 20 mm 5602 8951011497

Powerful needle scaler, pistol type for rough removals (14 x 4 mm needles) and large surfaces (28 x 3 mm needles). Model Article no. needle scaler 5620 8951076003 5620 ST3needle set 28 needles / 3 mm 8951011500 5620 P3needle plate 28 hole / 3 mm 8951011502 5620 ST4needle set 14 needles / 4 mm 8951011501 needle plate 14 hole / 4 mm 5620 P4 8951011503
2 2 needle sets: 29 x 2 mm 19 x 3 mm
Especially suited to work out many details (29 x 2 mm needles). Insulated handle and front exhaust.
Model Article no. needle scaler 5625 8951076004 5625 ST2needle set 29 needles / 2 mm 8951011504 5625 P2 8951011512needle plate 29 hole / 2 mm 5625 ST3needle set 19 needles / 3 mm 8951011505 needle plate 19 hole / 3 mm 5625 P3 8951011513
35 x 4 mm (49 x 3 mm)

Very Powerful and efficient needle scaler, pistol type with many large needles for the fast removal of thicker layers of rust / coatings. Included in the delivery are: 35 needles / 4 mm. Available as extra accessory is a needle set with 49 needles / 3 mm. Model Article no. needle scaler 5630 8951076005 5630 ST3needle set 49 needles / 3 mm 8951011506 5630 P3needle plate 49 hole / 3 mm 8951011508 5630 ST4needle set 35 needles / 4 mm 8951011507 needle plate 35 hole / 4 mm 5630 P4 8951011509

Model Needle diameter Number of needles Blows Weight Inner hose diameter Dimension a x b x c
Air consumption average – continuous Air inlet Duty level Noise LpA Vibration
[mm] [pcs] [min-1] [kg] [mm] [mm] [l/min] [inch] [dB(A)] [m/s2] 5610 3 19 4000 2.55 8 468x44 190 280 1/4” IG 2 89.5 16.81 5615 3 12 4000 1.30 8 290x35 120 180 1/4” IG 1 88.1 11.42 3 4 2 3 3 4 28 14 4500 3.60 13 345x180x61 200 300 3/8" IG 2 97.6 13.72 29 19 3000 2.70 8 320x175x47 120 170 1/4” IG 2 94 17.52 49 35 2200 6.00 8 490x171x67 200 300 1/4” IG 2 99.6 27.88 max. pressure 6.3 bar (90 psi) IG: female thread norms applied : noise according to ISO15744 (KPA=KWA=1,7 dB), vibration 3-axis according to ISO28927-9, for LwA-values see page 69. 22