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Company Profile

RODCRAFT Headquarter Offices in Germany
ISO 14001 ISO 9001 ISO
For over 30 years, RODCRAFT stands for high quality, value-added products and services. Founded and headquartered at Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, RODCRAFT has grown steadily to become one of the world's leading suppliers of pneumatic tools and equipment in the market segments concerned. Our active engagement in the market and the quality of our products, has earned us a brand recognition level of over 86% in our major markets.Continuously improving our products, services and processes, we are a certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 company, constantly investing in our capabilities,in order to match our customers future demands.

Testing Capabilities Distribution

Established RODCRAFT Customer Centers and distributors with full sales and support teams covering distribution in over 80 countries worldwide on a daily basis.

3D-CAD Design
For many years, RODCRAFT's use of computer aided 3 dimensional design (3D-CAD), has greatly shortened product development cycles and improves the communication with manufacturing. Many of our products feature patented designs, exclusive to RODCRAFT, such as our new composite sander and impact wrench series. Our trained technicians are able to quickly implement new market-driven ideas, into full-scale production models.
Our state of the art testing equipment, located at our Headquater and at local Service Centers, are an integral part of our leadership strategy.
Customer training and seminars are regularly held by our skilled staff in Germany and at our Customer Centers. Training Facilities and Trade Shows