Food Photography by Brian Twede

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Food Photography by Brian Twede

Show the quality of your products

with images by Twede Photography Studio. You’ve worked hard to develop the high quality, best tasting food that you sell. It is essential to your success that you portray that quality in advertising, and your website, with beautiful imagery.

We have everything you need to create appetizing photos of your ingredients, recipes, finished products, and packaging. We have a full kitchen, props, and food stylists that will capture the perfect look.

Images that really make a splash!

Attention to texture, and subtle details, make the difference between a good image, and a great one. We create images with light that wraps and flows around the subject, forcing the viewer to soak in every saturated detail.

Photography for packaging is

an important step in the process of marketing your products. Bad product photos actually hurt your sales! Large food manufacturers call us to create effective packaging for them. Now you know where you can get the same quality. It really levels the playing field.

Package designs that get picked up! Pouches, wrappers, labels, boxes. You get the picture.

If you already have a designer, we play well with others. If you don’t, let us help.

Never underestimate the value of a well designed

package. Your package is your face to the world. It should attract, inform, and motivate your customer to buy it. Retail packaging is a tricky business, and we know the methods that work. If your packaging or brand is need of a face lift, give us a call. We are uniquely capable to design and execute your new look, all under the same roof. Designs happen faster, and better.

Old Design

Twede redesign boosted sales 4x

Lifestyle shots really sell. Your clients will see themselves

being happy and healthy by using your products. They are also useful for showing preparation, ease of handling, and size. Let us help plan your locations and talent.

High-end, styled shots to make your customer’s mouths water, and make your cash registers ring!

I’m Brian Twede and I‘m a food photographer and designer in Salt Lake City. I know food. I have spent many years shooting food for restaurants, food manufacturers, and food storage companies. My skills as a designer help me to best portray your product for packaging. I’m very experienced, very wellequipped, and very reasonably priced.

Please visit my website at:

to see more examples of work. You can contact me at: 801-534-1459 840 west 1700 south Salt Lake City, UT 84104

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