Recreation Programming Plan

Page 36

Surplus Energy Theory


Catharsis Theory

Preparation Theory


Relaxation Theory


SelfExpression Theory


From Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society tenth Edition 2015 (Daniel D. Mclean, PhD; Amy Hurd, PhD, CPRE Surplus-Energy Theory- This theory asserts that running, playing soccer, or jumping rope on the playground are done because people have excess energy to use. Some criticism of this theory that play also occurs in people with little energy and does not account for nonphysical play. Relaxation Theory - This theory that regards people use play to restore energy. Play was seen to energize a person who was exhausted from work, school, or the stresses of daily life, and when a person is mentally or physically drained, play can restore energy. Preparation Theory - This theory suggests that play is a means for children to practice adult life. Children who play house, doctor, or school, are preparing, to experience, these things as older children or adults. A weakness of this theory is that it doesn't account for adult play Catharsis Theory - This theory is based on the view that play - particularly competitive or active play - serves as a safety valve for the expression of bottled-up emotions. Self-Expression Theory - Elmer Mitchell and Bernard Mason, believed that specific types of activities that an individual engages are the way they express their personalities. They are also influenced by such factors as physiological and anatomic structure physical fitness level, environment, and family and social background. Agon Play - Refers to activities that are competitive and in which the equality of the participants' chances of winning is artificially created. Winners are determined through such qualities as speed, endurance, strength, memory skills, and ingenuity. Alea Play - Includes games of chance where the outcome is through fate and the contestants have no control.

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