KBB Advisory Handbook 2023-2024

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2023 - 2024 Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
“I was able to furtherpolish my leadership skills, my social skills, and see that change is only achieved in unity.”

Throughout the sta te, city l eaders are beginning to see their younger citizens as a resource for c ommunity problem-solv ing. In these ci ties, youth b oard s are work ing with elected offic ials and other cit y leaders to tackle importa nt issues and discover ing that their efforts do make a difference in the community. Citie s using effective approaches to youth partic ipation are realizing benefits suc h as budget savings and revenue generation, increased supp ort for city initiatives and improved p olicie s and programs for youth

The Keep Brownsv ille Beau tiful (KBB) Advisory Boar d progra m is c ompr ised of student youth member s and adult mentors, that assist in carrying out and mana ging events hoste d, cohosted, or affiliated with Ke ep Brownsv ille Beautiful. The KBB Board assists in creating ne w envir onmental pr ogra ms, expa nding existing programs, and exchanging ideas to further impr ove our community. The KBB Board is a tea m of dedicated servant leader s that bring a valuable youth perspectiv e to all the programs and events hosted by Kee p Brownsv ille Beautiful.

The Keep Brownsv ille Beau tiful - Advisory Boar d members foc us on :

♦ Develop ing leadership skills

♦ Establishing civic engage ment

♦ Learning about community developme nt

♦ Improving economic oppor tunities

♦ Advancing pub lic speaking

♦ Growing advocacy skills

♦ Maintaining good governa nce

♦ Progressing work & team ethics

♦ Flour ishing soc ial skills

♦ Promoting c ommunity inv olveme nt



To increase volunteerism for the conservation and preservation of our natural environment by helping to promote a clean, safe, beautiful, and sustainable Brownsville. We aim to enrich the lives of our community members through environmental education, clean up events, and litter prevention & proper waste disposal initiatives.


We inspire and educate the community to act every day to improve and beautify the city and environment. We envision a city where every neighborhood is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.


Our goal is to get all community members involved in acts of service to help make our vision a reality.

• To create community stewardship of our environment.

• To inspire the citizens of Brownsville to take a more active role in caring for our city.

• To strategically plan and coordinate programs for litter control and prevention.

• To work with community partners and businesses to reduce, reuse, recycle and report tracked metrics for KTB annual report.

• To encourage the planting and preservation of trees, flowers, and plants for wildlife habitat.

• To promote a cleaner, safer, healthier, and more beautiful community by initiating programs that focus on beautifying all parts of the city.

• To engage with our community, and share our love for the City of Brownsville


• Education: Environmental Awareness, Composting classes, Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle, Proper disposal of waste.

• Volunteerism: Graffiti Abatement, Clean-up events, Beautification Projects


About KBB’s Advisory Board

The KBB Advisory Board is a local framework for youth engagement, building on KBB’s model of local youth service. Advisory Board members provide an original point of view in asse ssing Keep Brownsville Beautiful programs, implement local service projects, and act as ambassadors and le aders for youth engagement and service in their respective school and throughout the community. Members will also pilot new programs and events.

Benefits of a Youth Advisory Board

The Advisory Board will cultivate future model citizens and leaders, supporting our vision of a community where every neighborhood is clean, green, and a beautiful place to live.

Members will learn valuable skills in leade rship, problem‐solving, and teamwork through their community service gaining vital skills and experience to become effective leaders.

⇒ Credibility: Offering the youth an opportunity to learn from a well-respected organization that has a prominent impact it the community.

⇒ Networking: The ability for members across the community to share ideas, solve problems, and work together.

⇒ Education: Gaining hands on experiences to advance their knowledge and developing vital leadership skills of me mbers.

⇒ Grants: Members will gain an advantage for the possibility of local, state, and national grants and scholarships.

⇒ Recognition: Members will be eligible to be se lected for local and state awards for their efforts and community service.


Frequently Aske d Q uestions:

What is the difference between a member and an elected officer?

- The KBB Advisory Board has a large membership of K – 12+ youth and advisors or mentors who come together to decide the years KBB initiatives and programs.

- A KBB Elected Officer serves by being elected by the membership through a nomination process. KBB Officers have more responsibilities and requirements than a member and help lead KBB, track results, publish content, and help achieve the mission, vision, and goals of KBB.

How can I become a member?

- If interested in becoming a member you must apply for consideration.

When are the applications available?

- Applications are available year-round starting in September. The election of officers is held annually on the 4th Saturday of September. Early submittals are encouraged and highly recommended.

How are members sele cted?

-The Advisory Board Interview Committee will review all applications and interviews before deliberating and selecting potential board members.

Are there any requirements?



- Not really, we do however insist that the applicant be committed and serious about joining.

Will I be called in for an interview?

- Not personally, all applicants are requested to attend the September meeting and share their application to the membership, followed by the election of officers. This is an opportunity to see if membership is a right fit for you and your current commitments.

- K-8 Grade Chapter Members are accepted through the KBB Chapter Program through their school, if offered, they do not need to interview at the September meeting.

What if my school doesn’t have a KBB Chapter?

- Please apply individually or encourage a teacher to be a Chapter Advisor and start a new club at your school.

How long is the term for?

- Terms commence October 1 and proceed through the following year concluding September 30.

What would my duties consist of?

- Attend mandatory meetings hosted by the KBB Advisory Board

- Coordinate related activities/projects in the community.

- Recruit youth volunteers throughout the community

- Establish communications and linkages with educational agencies, businesses, and other entities.

- KBB Officers and KBB Liaison will conduct and oversee activities/projects in respect to Keep Brownsville Beautiful

Note: K-8 Chapters are not required to attend KBB Board Meetings as they are completing their requirements through their school advisor. They are encouraged to attend as many KBB meetings, events, or activities, as they can with an adult.

How is the board structured?

- The Advisory Board consist of 14 youth officer s. Adult mentors can be a KBB member and help advise or guide youth to increase their awareness for potential opportunities, partners, collaborations, or ideal projects. By being an adult member, you understand the goal is to help develop youth and let them self-govern to learn and grow.

Are there any expectations?

- All members are expected to volunteer 15 hours a quarter (every 3 months), officers are expected to volunteer 20 hours per quarter (every 3 months) maintain good communication with the board and follow all KBB Advisory Board bylaws.


KBB Impact

Unfortunately, Covid-19 caused a major disruption to the magnanimous numbers and efforts of long and short-term members of KBB that was at times 800 strong. We are in the process of resuming membership.

Pre-Covid, the Keep Brownsville Beautiful - Youth Advisory Board was composed of 75 strong active board members representing 14 learning institutions including public, private, chapter, magnet, advanced, and higher learning schoolings within the city of Brownsville and neighboring cities. Board members come from all walks of life from all-star athletics, academic achievements, aspiring arts, and artisan architecture. They shared one thing in common, the desire to make their community a beautiful, greener, better, and more enjoyable place to live. The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others and in the Youth Advisory Board’s case their devotion runs bottomless.

“ample amount of experience and endless mem ories th at will forever bring a smile to my face.”

KBB Advisory Board Bylaws (Also a standalone document)



At Keep Brownsville Beautiful, we want to ensure that community improvement and development are our lasting signature. Keep Brownsville Beautiful inspires and educates the community to act every day to improve and beautify their community and environment. We envision a city where every neighborhood is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.


The KBB is a local framework for youth engagement, building on KBB’s model of local youth service. The members will provide an original point of view in assessing Keep Brownsville Beautiful, implement local service projects, and act as ambassadors and leaders for youth engagement and service in their respective schools and throughout the community. The members will also pilot new Keep Brownsville Beautiful events.


Participation will cultivate future model citizens and leaders, supporting our vision of a community where every neighborhood is clean, green, and a beautiful place to live.

The KBB Advisory Board and its programs will have immense benefits for its members. Members will learn valuable skills in leadership, problem‐solving, and teamwork through their community service gaining vital skills and experience to become effective leaders. Adult members can help develop and guide our future leaders and advocates.

• Credibility: Offering youth an opportunity to learn about creating clean, green, and beautiful communities.

• Networking: The ability of members across the community to share ideas, solve problems, and work together.

• Education: Gaining hands-on experiences to advance their knowledge and develop vitally leadership skills of members.

• Grants: Members will gain an advantage in the possibility of local, state, and national grants and scholarships.

• Recognition: Members will be eligible to be selected for local and state awards for their efforts and community service.



To inspire and educate the community to act every day to improve and beautify the city and environment. We envision a city where every neighborhood is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live.


To increase volunteerism for the conservation and preservation of our natural environment by helping to promote a clean, safe, beautiful, and sustainable Brownsville. We aim to enrich the lives of our community members through environmental education, clean up events, and litter prevention & proper waste disposal initiatives.


To engage Brownsville’s youth and effectively increase environmental awareness and participation in a service learning and leadership development.


Participants will contribute to and inform KBB on projects while acting as ambassadors and leaders in their schools and communities. KBB members will produce materials to distribute to the KBB network and will serve as ambassadors and represent KBB within their community.


Is a volunteer-based council to KBB, an affiliate of Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful, and is a subcommittee of the Brownsville Beautification Committee. The KBB Advisory Board is a large membership comprised of student youth members from elementary, middle, high school, and college levels, and adults serving as mentors or advisors. The elementary and middle school memberships are accomplished through the KBB School Chapter with a Teacher Advisor and application process. If a school does not have a chapter, there is an option for a K-8 individual memberships with the commitment of an adult who will accompany the minor at meetings, clean-ups, or other KBB events. The KBB Advisory Board has 15 youth officers (President, Vice, Treasurer, Secretary, Project Coordinator (6), Compliance Officer (2), Media Managers (2), Chapter Officers) who are elected every September by the membership and officers may carry out and manage the activities for the KBB Advisory Board to provide information and to assist KBB in carrying out its duties.




♦ Attend mandatory meetings of the KBB Advisory Board & volunteer the minimum required hours.

♦ Develop, coordinate, and participate in KBB activities, clean-ups, and events.

♦ Recruit youth volunteers throughout the community.

♦ Communicate and connect with educational agencies, businesses, and other entities to further KBB mission, vision, and goals.

♦ KBB Elected Officers and KBB Liaison oversee conduct and oversee KBB activities, clean-ups, and events, subject to the approval of KBB.


The KBB School Chapter is a school volunteer group that wants Keep Brownsville Beautiful membership affiliate status, the school chapter is comprised of student youth members from elementary, middle, high school and college levels. The school chapter members may carry out and manage the activities for the chapter to provide information and assist KBB in carrying out its duties.


♦ Attend all mandatory meetings of the KBB School Chapter

♦ Coordinate and participate in KBB related activities/projects at the school.

♦ Recruit youth volunteers throughout the school.

♦ Create and publish environmental awareness, reduce, reuse, recycle awareness, or beautification campaigns.

♦ Report related KBB data collected by school chapter to KBB representatives.

♦ For K – 8th Grade, if possible, attend KBB meetings, clean-ups, or other advertised volunteer events with an adult or school representative.

♦ Host at least 1 KBB related event at the school or school sponsored per year (clean up, planting, graffiti removal, recycling, beautification, etc.).


Members shall be accepted to the KBB Advisory Board and shall maintain their membership if they continue to contribute to and attend mandatory meetings and complete the minimum required volunteer service hours. Members who fail to meet the eligibility criteria will lose their seat but are welcome to reapply the next year if the commitment level is too much at the given time. Adult members are intended to be minimal and may comprise only 10% of the KBB Advisory Board and may not serve as elected officers.


KBB Advisory Board members shall be appointed for a one-year term from the effective date of appointment and may be eligible to renew their term with approval of the KBB Advisory Board.


Any member may resign by written notice, which the resignation shall be effective at the time specified in said notice.


Any member of the KBB Advisory Board may be removed for cause, subject to the approval of Keep Brownsville Beautiful and the KBB Advisory Board. Written notice stating the cause for such removal shall be provided to the member in question ten (10) days prior to the effective date of removal to provide opportunity to meet and refuse such charges. “Cause” for removal of a member under this section shall be fraudulent or dishonest acts, gross abuse of authority, discharge of duties, or failure to maintain expectations of the KBB Advisory Board. At such time an alternate may be invited to apply.


Any vacancy in the elected officers of KBB Advisory Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.



Written notice of each KBB Advisory Board meeting, stating the place, date, and hour of the meeting, shall be posted on the KBB social media page and website, messaged (email/text) to members at least six (6) days prior to regularly scheduled meetings, with an agenda created by the elected officers or the KBB Liaison.

School Chapter Meetings

KBB requires that each chapter provide a school chapter member meeting schedule for the year, a list of planned service projects for the year (minimum requirement is one (1) project), data collected from all projects, and member attendance sheets to be submitted to KBB.BTX@brownsvilletx.gov each month, quarter, or at most the end of each semester (Fall/Spring) to retain chapter status. The school chapter membership and data from at least one project must be submitted by the last Friday of January to be included in the annual Keep Texas Beautiful report due every March.

The first meeting of the new KBB Advisory Board will be held the third Saturday of September where new members and offices are considered and elected.




At any meeting of the KBB Advisory Board where a quarter of the membership is in attendance and or the majority of the elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and in the absence of elected officers, a public meeting hosted by the KBB Liaison for KBB Volunteers.


KBB Advisory Board members shall meet at least once a month at such times and places as noticed on the agenda, at least six (6) days prior to a meeting. Special meetings may be called at any time by vote of the KBB Officers or as necessary by the City of Brownsville KBB Liaison (Activity Specialist, Special Events Coordinator, or Designee of the Parks and Recreation Department Director).

Elected Officer members missing three (3) meetings and or fail to participate in half ( ½ ) of the approved annual calendar of events will be automatically vacate their officer and KBB member status from the board for the violation of their duties. KBB Advisory Board members missing three (3) meetings (Sept – May) and or fail to participate in at least two (2) KBB events will automatically vacate their member status for serving KBB for a year but will retain all credit for hours volunteered.

Any member who has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences during their term may be conclusively presumed to have resigned, and the resulting vacancy may be filled according to these Bylaws.



Each member of the KBB Advisory Board shall have one (1) vote, and only members of the KBB Advisory Board and the KBB Liaison may cast votes on matters of KBB Advisory Board business. Except as specifically provided herein, a vote of the majority of members attending a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the KBB Advisory Board. The President shall refrain from voting unless there is the need for a tie-breaker vote.


KBB Members will recuse themselves from voting when there is a conflict of interest. No member of the Youth Advisory Board may cast a vote on any matter in which that member or the school which such member represents has a direct interest.



Optional. Every KBB school chapter is encouraged to have elected youth officers, who are nominated by the club chapter members, which may include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary positions, if deemed appropriate for the KBB school chapter needs.


KBB has an esteemed history of a youth led board and volunteerism base. To prioritize the voices and perspectives of young people and have a youth-centric focus those eligible for election are youth members only High School or Collegeaged 18-22.

The KBB Advisory Board has Elected Officers the following elected officers comprised of 15 positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, (6) Project Coordinator, (2) Compliance Officer, (2) Media Manager, plus optional School Chapter Officer Presidents (optional K-8).

Elementary and Middle School aged youth are permitted to be on the Advisory Board (with an adult present) and will have 1 vote.

Voting adult participation is permitted as an Advisory Board member only. The total number of adults permitted is limited to 10% of the entire KBB Advisory Board, to maintain a youth-centric focus. Adult members roles are intended as advisors, mentors, or supports but not to be the primary decision-makers or assume leadership roles. The level of adult involvement is intended to be carefully balances to achieve the intended goals of KBB while genuinely empowering young people.


Working with the KBB Liaison, the Project Coordinator shall ensure that all aspects of the scheduled KBB led events are safe, organized, supervised, and coordinated. This position's main duty is to effectively assign and monitor resources to boost project efficiency. Lastly, the Project Coordinator will handle administrative tasks for the chapter to keep things running smoothly.

The School Chapter Advisor / Project Coordinator will serve as a point of communication between the KBB School Chapter and the KBB Liaison.




Working with the KBB Liaison, the Treasurer shall be keeping organized files for the KBB. The Treasurer will need to have computer skills such as Excel to be helpful with preparing financial statements and presenting budgets. The Treasurer shall review as part of the agenda for regularly schedule meetings the overall KBB budget, encumbered funds, available funds, and project status balances and shall also remind members to adhere to the budget when considering new ideas.

The Treasurer and President, assisted and coordinated by the KBB Liaison shall make the annual budget request, if needed, to the Brownsville Beautification Committee, failing that approval, then to the Parks and Recreation Department Director.


Working with the KBB Liaison, the Secretary shall take attendance of members during all activities. Secretary shall keep a record of hours and minutes of the Board and provide notes or summaries of each meeting. Secretary shall assume specific leadership responsibilities as determined by the President and with the guidance and support from the Vice President. Secretary shall mentor new members on probationary status. The Secretary shall review as part of the agenda member attendance status and risks.

Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President and preside at Board meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall assume specific leadership responsibilities and mentor new members on probationary status as assigned by the President. The Vice President shall have the responsibility to assist the Secretary to seek input from members for action and discussion agenda items; and assist the Secretary to complete board secretarial duties, including seeking grants and sponsorships.


The President shall preside at all meetings of the KBB Advisory Board, maintain order, and keep everyone agenda focused. The President shall appoint standing or special committees as necessary to carry out board business and activities. The President shall be the liaison to other councils, organizations, and the KBB Liaison. The President shall call for votes when necessary and shall mentor or appoint mentors for new members on probationary status. The president shall refrain from voting unless there is the need for a tiebreaker vote.

Compliance Officer

The Compliance Officer assists the Project Coordinator and or KBB Liaison with check-in and out of volunteers and KBB Advisory Board member hours served and the subsequent required record keeping providing to the Secretary and or KBB Liaison to maintain accurate records and issue the Volunteer Verification Letter or the Volunteer Service Certificate.

Media Manager

The Media Manager is one who has a special talent for photography/videography and will be assigned to take appropriate photos of KBB Advisory Board Members, volunteers, activity/event work or action shots that meet the mission and vision of Keep Brownsville Beautiful and complies with all rules and regulations of posting to KBB social media.


The 15 Elected Officer positions shall be appointed through an election within the KBB Advisory Board members. Voting will take place in by the end of September of each year and for School Chapters, by the end of February, if school clubs are semester based. Each term will be for a duration of one (1) year and not exceed two (2) consecutive terms. Nominated individuals must be available to serve the full term.

Before the elections nominees will be allowed to give a nomination speech not to exceed three (3) minutes. Nominee questions by voting members will be done for an additional one (1) to three (3) minutes. Candidates will make their speeches and members will vote on the same day. The majority wins for each office.

The order of elections will be Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President, (6) Project Coordinator, (2) Compliance Officer, (2) Media Manager. If there is a need for a tiebreaker the nominees who are tied will be asked to leave the room and the members will discuss each nominee and take another secret ballot vote.



The KBB Advisory Board does not have a designated budget, it obtains funding from approval from the Brownsville Beautification Committee (BBC) and the City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation Department’s (PARD) limited funds and any grants or sponsorships. All funds obtained and expended must follow the City of Brownsville procurement and financial policies. Sponsors may directly purchase equipment, material, or supplies for KBB, however it is imperative to track the financial value of those donations and follow the Parks and Recreation Department donation policy, and provide sponsor thank you and acknowledgement.


Some materials, supplies, and equipment are obtained from Keep Texas Beautiful for the Great American Clean Up, and the rest from BBC or PARD. All projects, activities, and clean-up volunteers must have appropriate supplies and safety precautions in place. Sponsors may be able to help supplement gaps in funding. All expenditures or allocations must be approved by the KBB Advisory Board and City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation Department or its designee.


• To be considered a KBB Advisory Board Member and receive a certificate of completed membership (at the end of the term) each member is expected to:

o Volunteer at a minimum of 15 hours each quarter (every 3 months),

 Elected Officers are expected to volunteer 20 hours per quarter (every 3 months).

o Participate in 2 KBB Events, including the Great America Clean Up (Spring).

 Elected Officers must participate in ½ half of the scheduled KBB events.

o Miss less than 3 regularly scheduled meetings (September through May).

• Attendance records for all KBB Advisory Board activities will be kept or reported to the Secretary by the Project Coordinator, via sign-in and out sheets.

o Members unable to attend must give a reason for their absence in advance of the meeting.

• The Secretary must communicate with the President and Project Coordinator by the stated deadline regarding attendees for each activity.

o The Secretary and Vice President will submit all collected data for the Annual Report.

• Goals for future meetings, outings, or discussion of ideas will be discussed in a meeting where everyone can vote. Agreement of members for a KBB related decision outside of a regular scheduled meeting will not count, it must be placed on the agenda and voted on.

• All members must conduct themselves in a professional manner, treat each other with respect, and let only one person speak at a time during Board discussions.

o A discussion period determined by the President will be held before a motion to vote.

o KBB Advisory Board regularly schedule meetings will loosely follow certain components of Robert’s Rules of Order:

1) The purpose of having rules for conducting meetings and the benefits of a procedure.

2) The order of business (calling the meeting to order, determination of quorum, approval of minutes, reports of officers and committees, unfinished business, new business, and adjournment).

3) Motions including a main motion, seconded, discussion and voted upon.

4) Debate and decorum (guidelines for conducting debate in a civil and orderly manner).

5) Procedures for voting and elections.

6) Committee formation, duties, and procedures of committees.

7) Bylaws and Officer roles and responsibilities.


All KBB Advisory Board members are direct representatives of the Keep Brownsville Beautiful and will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all KBB activities. All members shall always address each other with respect. Altercations and bickering among members will not be tolerated and may result in probation or the removal of the board. It is encouraged that all members maintain a positive and productive character outside of KBB activities to uphold the integrity and standards of the KBB. Failure to follow these rules may result in probation or the removal of the board by a vote of the membership.




1. BROWNSVILLE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE (BBC) is the governing body for Keep Brownsville Beautiful for its Keep Texas Beautiful affiliate status. The Beautification Committee was created by City of Brownsville Ordinance #91-1234, amending Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances by adding Article X, establishing a Beautification Committee, and amended by Ordinance #2001-1234-A. The committee develops an annual plan outlining the committee's recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year and presents it to the City Commission prior to July 31 of each year and prepares any additional City Beautification duties as determined by City Commission. Donates their time and effort purely out of a sense of purpose, without any expectation of payment or material rewards in return.

2. KEEP BROWNSVILLE BEAUTIFUL (KBB) is a primarily youth led subcommittee of the BBC with a dedicated City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation department employee, currently titled Activity Specialist. KBB is dedicated to increase volunteerism for the conservation and preservation of our natural environment by helping to promote a clean, safe, beautiful, and sustainable Brownsville. Whose aim is to enrich the lives of community members through environmental education, clean up events, and litter prevention & proper waste disposal initiatives.

3. KEEP TEXAS BEAUTIFUL (KTB) "Keep Texas Beautiful" is a nonprofit organization in the state of Texas, United States, that focuses on promoting and implementing programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing the environmental and aesthetic quality of Texas communities. The organization's primary mission is to inspire and empower Texans to take responsibility for the beauty and cleanliness of their surroundings, and it works towards this mission through various community-based efforts, education, and partnerships.

4. KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL (KAB) "Keep America Beautiful" is a nonprofit organization in the United States with a mission to inspire and educate people to take action every day to improve and beautify their communities and the environment. Founded in 1953, it is one of the country's most well-known organizations dedicated to addressing issues related to litter prevention, waste reduction, beautification, and community improvement.

5. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT (PARD) The City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation Department is a municipal government agency responsible for managing and maintaining public parks, recreational facilities, and programs within the city of Brownsville, Texas. Its primary mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors by providing access to outdoor spaces, recreational opportunities, and community activities that promote physical activity, social engagement, and overall well-being. The personnel who assist with BBC and KBB are paid employees.

6. KBB ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER A person who aligns with the mission and vision of KBB accepted to the KBB Advisory Board having submitted an application and review, who is committed to attend a minimum number of board meetings and participate in minimum amount KBB activities or events in order to receive a KBB Advisory Board Member Certificate. Donates their time and effort purely out of a sense of purpose, without any expectation of payment or material rewards in return.

7. KBB ADVISORY BOARD ELECTED OFFICER A person elected by the membership who aligns with the mission and vision of KBB and has demonstrated leadership skills and active participation in advancing the mission, vision, and goals of Keep Brownsville Beautiful and the KBB Advisory Board. Having submitted an application and review, who is committed to attend a minimum number of board meetings and participate in minimum amount KBB activities or events in order to receive a KBB Advisory Board


Member Certificate. Donates their time and effort purely out of a sense of purpose, without any expectation of payment or material rewards in return.

8. KBB CHAPTER Schools, non-profit organizations, or businesses located within the city limits of Brownsville, Texas is eligible to have a Keep Brownsville Beautiful chapter status if their group or club aligns with the mission, vision, and goals of KBB. They need to demonstrate a certain level of membership and commitment to ensure there is a genuine interest, and to uphold the reputation of Keep Brownsville Beautiful. Chapters shall have a leadership structure, governance, regular reporting, adherence to policies, and compliance with legal and ethical standards, and fundraising or financial sustainability is encouraged if a school, required if a business or non-profit.

9. KBB VOLUNTEER “KBB” hosts a many environmental activities and events that align with its mission, vision and goals, any member of the public may participate in these activities and events, is considered a KBB volunteer and will receive a volunteer verification letter or certificate for hours volunteered. Donates their time and effort purely out of a sense of purpose, without any expectation of payment or material rewards in return.


The Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of volunteer opportunities. KBB activities and events need to align with the mission, vision, and purpose of KBB, PARD will help to communicate eligible KBB volunteer opportunities to the membership and stipulate which ones meet the standard. Members are able to volunteer if they see fit, if a volunteer task does not meet KBB initiatives, hours will be logged separately from the KBB volunteer hours logged. See sample announcement below.

SAMPLE KBB Announcement:

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: PARD Park After Dark The following are the jobs/tasks that we need volunteers. ALL hours will be logged; however, some roles do not fit within the mission and vision of KBB so if chosen they wouldn’t count towards KBB hours per se, however, you would still receive credit from PARD.

☐ Parking Attendant

☐ Game Operator

☐ Litter Mitigation & Recycling (KBB Hour compliant)


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