Bwc mag 13

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This issue will be an articles heavy one because I've spent all month drawing a FREE digital graphic novel ‌ Instead of using those comics in the magazine there will just be a link to the actual comic.

All comics owned and copyrighted by Andy B. Childress of BubbaWorld Comix

Auto glass columbus

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY FCBD is just around the corner.

. like a special Nerd Christmas. It's

Comic book shops all around the country get these promotional comics that they give away on the first Saturday of May. It's always the first Saturday of May. Depending on the shop you go to depends on how many books you get. When it was first catching on you could rack up cause not as many people showed up to get the free comics but now that it's well known the stores have to be more sparingly and limit how many you get so everyone that shows up can have a chance to get some free comics. You will want to show up early do cause the really good ones will go quick and you might have to get some

Http:// that you are not quite as excited over, but hey, they're free so you can't get too upset. You should check with your local comic shops and see if they're participating and maybe even plan to make a road trip to one or some that day. I will be at 3 Alarm Comics in Biloxi, MS that day and set up with my books and original art. 3 Alarm does a great job at this every year and has a great artist ally right there in the store with independents and well knowns from the main stream comics. I'm going to list people that I know have been confirmed for the event and there may even be some I didn't know about. I'm just going to list them and you may have heard of them or


you may not have. You can always look them up and see who they are. Chances are you may know their work but not necessarily know their names. Here we go.... Mitch Byrd, Steven Butler, John Dell, Andy B. Childress ( that's me... I told you I was gonna be there) , Dave Bain, Kevin Hayman, Quincy Kahlil Roundtree, Mandy Montesanto, Bryan King, Pedro Moreta, Astrid Diaz, Roland Paris, Brian LeBlanc, Derec Donovan, Jenevieve Broomall. Also the good folks from Pensacon and Gulf Coast Fan Fest will also be there. You can check with them and find out about two very great cons that you should be checking out. I will actually be telling you about GCFF in this issue a little later on and if you've read previous issues then you've already seen articles that I've written about Pensacon. The first Saturday in May get out and find you a comic book store and have you some geeky fun why don't ya.

Http:// Http://

WHERE ARE THE COMICS? You may have noticed there haven't been any comics this issue yet. You may be asking your self where they're at. You may be wondering why I didn't point this out at the beginning of the magazine. You may be thinking, “Where did I put my keys?� The reason I didn't put comics in this issue is that I've spent the entire month working on a free digital comic for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY and didn't get time to draw any comics for the magazine and decided to make it an article heavy magazine this month. It continues the SPACE REDNECKS story that I started in this very magazine before I went back to using them and five other humor titles as just one shot gag comics for the comics section. I thought about putting them in this magazine but I was releasing them as a free comic any way so I would just be putting them out twice. Don't worry, I'm writing an article about the book and there will be a link on where to find it there. The reason I didn't mention it first was that I simply forgot I was going to do that. I already had written the first article with all of it's pictures in place before I realized I had forgotten. I wasn't about to un-do all of that work to just add this so I'm putting that article in the wrong place. I'm just glad I remembered at all. As far as where you put your keys , check the couch cushions. If they're not there then I don't know what to tell ya. Now as promised the article about the new digital free comic book I just released. NEW FREE DIGITAL COMIC BOOK We here at BubbaWorld Comix... and by “we” I mean “me”... cause it's just me doing this... have put together a FREE humor comic graphic novel. It's over 70 pages of redneck goodness. That's right it's a

SPACE REDNECKS book. called SPACE REDNECKS : THERE GOES THE GALAXY. It's a humor all ages book and you can find it at the link I will be providing. Don't worry about it being to small to read all you have to do is click it to go to the page where the book is and it's free to download after you get there.

I've had fun making this book. The Space Rednecks is always a fun strip to do. Hope yall enjoy this. There is a CAPN' GEEZER free humor graphic novel in the works now.

Http:// DOX a sci fi novel About ten years or so... maybe a little more... I wrote a sci fi novel called DOX. I actually had the idea rolling around in me head for nearly ten years before I actually started writing it down. Then a friend told me about a thing called NANOWRIMO ‌ which is what they call NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH. It's a challenge to write a novel in one month and why not use the month of

November to do it in. So , I was working the night shift as the night audit clerk of a hotel in my town and decided it was the best thing to occupy my time while I waited for the few midnight check-ins that we got. I wrote it in 28 days. You don't worry about typos or mistakes you just get it written. There's plenty of time to edit it after it's actually written. I thought I would use it as a manuscript to make a graphic novel or graphic novel series. Over the years I realized that it wasn't going to happen or it was going to be a very long wait. So I finally decided to release it as a novel the way it was written and I did. I self published it as a print book and I also made it available as a pdf book on the same site. Now though, I have made it available on the kindle. That's right, you can now buy it for $2.99 for your Kindle and read it that way. I've got it on my Kindle now so that's pretty surreal for me.

I originally dreaded trying to figure out how to make it available for the Kindle until I realized how easy it actually was. Now I wished I had done it sooner. So if you have a Kindle or the app you can get DOX at

Just click the link. Also the the print version is here at

Now... to tell you what the book actually is about. It's your good ol' time travel action adventure with humor and butt ugly aliens. What more could you want? The Shak-A-Ree are a really fun villain race to write for. Humanoid snake critters.... They're some of the butt ugly aliens I was talking about earlier. The Galactic Guardian is pretty awesome too. Then there's the Keeper of Time. All of these characters are cool in their ways but none of the ones I named are actually the main characters but they do have some important roles. Be sure to check it out.

RADIO SHOWS National Voice Talent Gulf Coast is producing a live radio show and holding auditions for The Whistler. The Production dates are July 6&7, 2018 at 7:30pm at the Biloxi Little Theatre. I'm a fan of Radio Shows. I even did one based off of one of my comic strips one time. Podcasts are

like the old radio show use to be. It's come full circle. If you would like to know more about this for auditioning or just to go and support then let me leave you a few links. and Check it out. PODCASTS Speaking of Podcasts , here's a few to check out. COMIC LAB: It's Dave Kellet of Sheldon Comic and Brad Guigar of Evil Inc. talking about comics, making comics and making a living from comics. It's a cool one you really need to check out and you can find it at Https:// Then there's HELLO FROM THE MAGIC TAVERN , a podcast about a guy named Arnie that fell through a magical dimensional portal behind a Burger King in

Chicago and wound up in the strange land of Foon and decided to host a weekly podcast from a tavern interviewing monsters, wizards and adventurers using the weak wi-fi signal from the Burger King that is still making it thru the portal. It's pretty cool and is found at Http:// We here at Bubbaworld Comix are starting back into getting into making podcasts. By we I actually mean multiple people. One set of podcasts will be just talking about comics and geekery while the other one will be a comedy sci fi about the inept alien clone race of Zogs. Specifically a ship of them sending reports back to their destroyed planet... that they don't know has been destroyed. I will report more on this when we get more episodes up but you could keep and eye out at Https://

COTTON DISTRICT ARTS FESTIVAL Every year in April they put on the COTTON DISTRIC ARTS FESTIVAL in Starkville, MS. If's a top notch arts festival. You've got all sorts of artists to check out there each year. They usually have it on Super Bulldog Weekend so you know there will be plenty of folks checking it out. It's held in the Cotton District part of town which is an artsy sort of community itself.

They have three stages at different ends of the festival usually with some band or music group performing and the stages are far enough away from each other as not to interfere with the music from another stage. More art and photography booths than you can shake a stick at. I know... I got tired from shaking my stick half way thru walking around and threw it down. I was getting A lot of weird looks from people that day... until I threw my shaking stick down... then for some reason no one noticed me as much.

The contraption you see in this picture was with a homemade ice cream booth. It was chugging away presumably making ice cream. Is it still home made ice cream if you literally make it in the middle of the street? I'll have to ponder on that

for a bit. If you want to follow the Cotton District Arts Festival then check out their webpage at While I was there I talked to a few artists and photographers at their booths so lets talk about these folks for a bit and you can check them out I tells ya.


Let's start with the Art of Justin Vowell. First off he can be found at Some social commentary and some just humor, he works on canvas and he's out of Tupelo, MS. You should go and check out his sites and let the art speak for itself.

He has the website and an instagram so you follow him on the instagram and keep up with him there. Now for the next person I talked to at the Cotton District Arts Festival.

Click the website ---> I talked to the artist Toni Point out of Metairie, LA. She does Block Prints that she hand carves. Some are illustrative and some are abstract. She also had some water colors with a little bit of gold foil detailing. She also makes prints from some of her drawings and illustrations. She also has jewelry that she makes. All of that and she instantly recoginized me as a fellow artist because I used the phrase “Block Prints� when asking about her work instead of having to explain to me what a block print was. I've been there many times. The next page has links to find her on the interwebs. I putting some pics I took at the

Festival that I lifted from a quick video interview I did with me tablet. Actually I cant seem to send the files to my computer so check out the short video at You can find Toni Point on the interwebs here... Be sure to check out her stuff. Next I talked to a photagrapher , STILL SOUTH by Jessica Rivers. On her card it says, “We specialize in capturing and preserving the still south.� After seeing the photos in her booth I believe it. She had some beautiful work that you could tell she spent a lot of time with settings and afterwards just getting the photo just right.

Http:// A lot of her pictures are from around Marshall County, Mississippi and with some from around Starkville also. She also has coastal and delta prints. When ever she travels she's got her camera with her. You can find her on the interwebs at That was fun talking with those folks at the festival. I've recently started back the website that originally kicked off this monthly magazine. I realized with my tablet I could report from the actual event as it was going on. I did a quick article about the Festival itself on the drive home, don't worry... someone else was driving. As I learn more about live streaming I may just start doing

Interviews live right then straight to my youtube channel and then write stuff on the website and just update regular there. You can find it at Https:// I named it the Mississippi Arts & Culture Magazine back then. I can also put the links to the video interviews there also immediately after I live stream them. Now the question is do I move this magazine back there or try to do both at the same time? I would ask for feedback but that's easier on the website where there is an actual comment section. I wouldn't give up the issuu site, I would just publish free content here such as free comics that I would still be doing. A lot to think about.

KINDLE BOOK I've published a sci fi adventure book a while back ago in print on the lulu site I use to print my comic collections. Recently I finally took the time to revise it to be a Kindle release. I was dreading this. I had no idea what I was doing. The fun part of self publishing is sometimes just figuring out how to do something. Turns out that it wasn't hard at all. Pretty easy actually. It is now ready to download for only $2.99 at Check it out. It's got time travel, science fiction, adventure, humor and butt ugly aliens. Everything you could want in a novel.

FREE DIGITAL GRAPHIC NOVEL In this very magazine I started the comics section with an ongoing serial humor comic strip title, SPACE REDNECKS. Later I decided to do it as a collection of one shot gag comics using six or seven titles, Space Rednecks being one of them. I did promise to finish the story I was telling then so behold... I bring you SPACE REDNECKS THERE GOES THE GALAXY....


Click the link above to download your FREE copy now. That's right , I made it a free digital comic book. What's better than Rednecks in Space...? when they're in a FREE book I tells ya. This is not the only FREE comic I've done as a digital comic. On the issuu site that hosts this very magazine is a ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER comic book. The SPACE REDNECKS book is at my LULU store so it can be downloaded easily. It's over 70 pages also. I'm plotting out the free CAPN' GEEZER humor comic book right now. It will be a digital download also. Be sure to download yourself a copy now and go enjoy you some redneck humor why don't ya.

The Future of this Magazine I'm thinking of transisioning this magazine back to the website. I've already been using it. Instead of having a monthly deadline to make I can just post stories and updates every other day almost blog like. I can put up the ads in the updates and they would get rotated enough in a month. If I do that I'm thinking about making a Monthly Sunday Funnies Pages that would be released here thru the issuu site. It would have a full page of each of the six humor titles and then an ongoing serial comic that I might actually be doing in color. Possibly water color painting and not computer coloring. When the serial comic runs thru it's story I would start a new one. I can always collect the pages into a collection book afterwards.

PATREON Patreon is a site that helps artists find people that like supporting the arts. People pledge an amount of money , it can be as low as one dollar, and that amount is drawn from their card each month and the more patreons supporting an artist the more art they can make. I have such a site with a few supporters. If I had more supporters then I could created more and more. These pages usually have perks on them for the supporters and the more you give the more you get to see. I chose to make everything available to all of the supporters from one dollar up. I'm producing a new humor strip called FILTHY BARGAINS there that the patreons get to see first. The rest of my stuff I create the patreons might get to see the behind the scenes sort of process as I'm making my other projects. If you would like to support me then you can go to Https:// I have put together a thousand page digital download book called BWC MOSTLY HUMOROUS and it contains pretty much my life's work of humor comics. You can find it at my website for only $5 at Http:// Just use the paypal button beside it there. Every book I sell helps me create more comics.

Special Thanks to all of the BubbaWorld Comix advertisers and supporters for making it possible to bring you this free content. Be sure to check them out and tell them BubbaWorld sent ya. More COMICS each month and more interesting articles about places to eat, foods to cook, Artists to check out and Road Trips to make and possibly a short story or two. See yall NEXT MONTH. for the next issue and be sure to check out the humor gag comics at and have a Bubbatastic Day now, you hear.

Bubbaworld Comix comics and characters are owned and copyrighted by Andy B. Childress

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