ISSUE 5 JUNE 2017 SPACE REDNECKS Serial Humor Comic chapter 3
“Think Independent”
A Bubba Gnomes comic “MISSISSING THE SPINNER RACKS” “Welcome to the kingdon”
Auto glass columbus
SPACE REDNECKS : THERE GOES THE GALAXY Last month The Space Rednecks were on the verge of finding out the location of the Yon-kees homeworld Now chapter 3 Http://
Http:// Http://
THINK INDEPENDENT Everyone knows of the characters from Marvel and DC but how about the independent comic creators. Every now and then you should check out what the independents are doing. You can find some interesting stuff. When I go to a con I like to check out the artist alley for the folks I've never have heard of. I may not like what they have but then again I might like some of them. You will never know if you don't check them out. I don't mean buy something just for the sake of buying something but at least take time to look thru their table and talk to the creator and see if you find anything that strikes your fancy. Too often when I'm at a comic con I witness the “zombie apocalypse�. That's what I call it anyway. It's a crowd of mindless sheep shuffling along in a daze until that one shiny object catches their attention and draws them out of the crowd. If you're at a con and you've paid money to get in then take the time to check as much stuff out as possible. I know the bigger cons are harder to accomplish this and you have to be a little more choosy but the smaller cons are ideal for this. You can get to know the creators and find something new that you may never discover without the con or show they're at. Their are the poster booths also that have tons of prints of Deadpool and Harley and ect. that the artist may have done and they may have a cool and unique style and take on the character. The question is, Have they ever worked on a book with that character or is it just fan art? If' they've never been associated with a project with that character then it's copyright infringement. I understand if you have a favorite character and you get different artists to do that character in their style. That's fan art and even though it's iffy everyone seems to be okay with it. The bigger companies probably view it as free promotion of their characters. It's when you get in to the mass production that you start stepping on toes. Everyone does fan art commissions at one time or another. But how much cooler would it be to get a character drawn by the creator of that character. Awesome cool I tells ya. You never know, one day they may be more main stream and popular and the piece of original art you have could be worth much more. I'm going to mention some projects and books that I've run across over the years and the people who are doing them. Later I intend to do a more thorough interview with the people behind the projects, one at a time. First off lets talk a little about KaBlam digital printing at . If you're a cartoonist wanting to self publish your own book then you need to check out this place. It's run by two cool fellows, one of which I'm about to mention on some projects he's working on. The other place you need to check out is INDY PLANET at . Same folks, this is where you can browse thru all the independent comics they print for folks. I'm going to point out a few being done by GALLENT COMICS which can be found at
. Barry Gregory ( writer ) and Steven Butler ( artist ) are working with some public domain characters and making comics that reminds us of why we started reading comics. Follow the link and you'll see the issues of JOHN AMAN AMAZING MAN and THE EXTRAORDINARY MINIATURE MAN. They even have a JOHN AMAN action figure. Soon they will have a JOHN AMAN AMAZING MAN collected into a graphic novel. Barry Gregory is also working with the artist Mitch Byrd on UNEARTHED coming out soon. I'm so ready for this book , dinosaurs and sci fi and action adventures. I can't wait. In later issues I plan to do in dept interviews with all three of these guys. THE KINGDOM is a graphic novel I picked up at a local comic con last year and I loved it. The artwork they had on their banner is what
atracted me over to their table and I immediately bought a copy and took it home and read it and was very pleased with my find. It's a planet where the animals have evolved into societies and it focuses on some apes in particular. The story and art was done by Jason Bienvenu and you can find it at . . TUSKEGEE HEIRS : FLAMES OF DESTINY has some great art and I loved issue one. I hope they plan to a trade of the issues cause that's my favorite way to pick up and read books. I did get issue one cause it looked fantastic and I was not disappointed. Their facebook page describes it as “...a futuristic sci-fi adventure that follows a squadron of young, gifted aviators, who are forced to become Earth's last line of defense against a menacing race of artificially intelligent villains bent on destroyin civilization.� This comes from the creative team of illustrator and cocreator Marcus Williams and writer and co-creator Greg Burnham. Check out their website at . There's more out there and I plan to bring more of it to your attention in later issues and hopefully I get to talk to some of these folks for more in dept interviews.
Click the website --->
Http:// MISSING THE SPINNER RACKS In the good 'ol days we had comics on every street corner. That's not that far from the truth. In my own little quaint town I would go to the Jr. Food Mart first on new book day and get my books then head down to the Piggly Wiggly and get the ones they had that I wanted that the first store didn't carry. They my third stop was the Sunflower for the one or two issues I couldn't get at the other two places. I enjoyed new book day and spinning the rack around and conducting the search. Occasionally during the summer I would be riding with my dad to the neighboring town. We had an appliance repair service and took calls from the local Spot Cash which happen to be next to a good convience store. Starkville was a bit bigger because it was a college town. If it was a Wednesday... new comic book day ‌ then I would step across the parking lot and get me some comics instead of waiting and worrying that they had been picked over. I could read them in the truck between calls also. I bought a lot of books. When I was even younger there were two or three more places that had comic spinner racks. Two drugstores making it five places that you could get them at. Maybe even more that I didn't know about at the time.
Over the years the distribution got monopolized and with only one distributor they could do it any way they wanted. They quit taking back the back issues that didn't sell and the stores had to keep them. That meant that all of your Mom & Pop stores, drugstores, and grocery stores didn't keep getting comics. They were not set up to handle the backstock. Now you can only get comics in specialty shops or in large chain book stores. We went from having three to five places even in every town even the small ones to maybe four or five comic shops in the whole state of Mississippi. That's not counting the major bookstores which are only in your bigger towns anyway. At the moment I think we are up to seven shops in the whole state. The good thing since then is the internet or as I like to call it, the interwebs. Independent comic creators have been using this as their modern day spinner rack. I myself have been putting my comics on the interwebs for over ten years. You've probably read some of them before getting to this article. You may not be able to easily find a book to hold in your hands and have the weekly joy of seeing what's new but you can do that with websites that update regularly. Most of these usually put out collection books too. I know I do. So there you have it, get on the interwebs and hunt you down some comics. I'll help and give you a few suggestions here. Http:// / / / / / / That should be enough to get you started for now , each month I will try to add a comic to the spinner rack for ya
WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM streaming art, master of the martial arts, What can't Bryan King do? I'm pretty sure a back flip but lets concentrate on the other stuff shall we. Although he doesn't actively update his web comic at the moment you can still read all of the archive pages at his site . (1) Bryan tell us about the formation of your webcomic and the printed trade collections of it for us. (Bryan) Neo-Earth was an idea I formulated in the late 80s. I wanted a world that could host stories ranging from fantasy to sci-fi. I had done a few unpublished comics before college but meeting up with my partner in Neo-Realms Steven McCall was the first time I brought the stories to print. We did a two story anthology called Tales From The Realm. Steven and I started working on games after that and I produced Neo-Earth for about 5 or so years as a web comic (BWC) You've done games for awhile now. I'm constantly playing the Tower Rumble game yall made on my tablet. It can be found at and also you can check out . Bryan and Stephen have been making games together for a while. Not only do they do the app games but Bryan does card and board games also. He's currently working on something right now. You can also watch him creating the artwork for these games as he livestreams his art at (2) Bryan, tell us about the games , apps and cards and board, that you've made over the years and who's helped you . .
Http:// along the way ending up with the new one that you're working on now. (Bryan) The first game we came up with was the Neo-Realms Fishing camp in Second Life. It was Stevens creations but I made the original 3d content. It has been running at a profit for over 10 years. I started playtesting and produced a card game called P.O.N.E. after decididng that Magic was to expensive. Although the game as it stands is simple and quick to play we had to test it over 5 years to make sure that the rules would work for initial release and for all the updates that would come out over the years. Our latest and greatist game is Tower Rumble. Two years in the making and over 2,000 hours of hand painted and animated artwork. Steven did a great job with the programing
and the storyline so it was great fun to animate the characters. I have also been haveing fun on TWITCH making simple betting games and fishing games for our viewers to play. We have Ship Rumble where two ship captains battle it out at the bottum of the screen for viewers enjoyment. Bubbah was kind enough to lend his alien charcter to the mix. We also have had many talented TWITCH artist all there ships to the fray including, Kev-rum, Skwiggerton, Nayohmeeme, maddog_hoek, Jessica D., and Mitch Byrd. This summmer we will be finishing up two more games Crossroad Creatures and Cats Vs. Dogs Vs. Zombies. We will playtest the new games for a while then release them to the public. (BWC) Bryan is also an art teacher by day in a high school on the Mississippi coast but he also does his art live while streaming it on his twitch channel . A lot of times the people watching will ask him questions and he will just push what ever he's working on to the side in order to show a technique of some sort. Also, not only do you get Bryan on his twitch channel but it's a duo with his wife Monica. Monica will step in from time to time with her Pearler Art making cool things with the plastic beads and melting them together.
(3) Bryan, tell us about your teaching and about some of your traditional and coastal art ( share the link to your print store ) that you do also and then about Monica getting into the pearler art and exactly what it is for those that may not know yet, or let Monica talk about the pearlers if she would like to ( Bryan ) I have proudly been an art teacher for the last 16 years. The students are great I love seeing them grow in their skills and produces fantastic art. Many of them have gone on to have carrers in art. As far as traditional art if you live on the coast you have to do some coastal art or they kick you out! I have been happy to do a nice crab or two. The watercolor art that I like to do favores coastal art. Monica has been jumping in the art game as well. Her passion is Perler art and she lays it down one beed at a time. She started out wrestleing with the medeum but now she is quite the 8 bit artist. I have to admit she often outsells me at comic conventions. (BWC) There you have it. Artists on the coast having fun , making art and making a community. Check out the sites, you'll be glad that you did.
LIGHTS OUT UPDATE Seeing as how the ad for the LIGHTS OUT horror comic is at the top of this page it's the perfect place to tell yall about the updates for the series. For those of yall that don't know, LIGHTS OUT is a horror comic series written by my buddy Landon McMinn and drawn by me. It follows a boy and his teddy bear as they fight the supernatural. Originally it was going to be a five part series and we have the first two issues out now. Landon has written the last three issues as one book though. So this next book will finish up the series but it will be the size of a graphic novel instead of just one issue. Landon has written the final story and I have read it. Now I'm about to do thumbnails and page layouts so I will know how many pages it will take to make it. That will give me more of an idea of how long it will take to draw it. We are talking about doing a kickstarter or an indigogo for this one to help with production cost. So be on the lookout for the new LIGHTS OUT horror comic to be working on soon.
Just one more thing
And also July 22 on a Saturday is a Library comic
con at the vancleave , MS library. I will be at the Vancleave Library con.
Special Thanks to all of the BubbaWorld Comix advertisers and supporters for making it possible to bring you this free content. Be sure to check them out and tell them BubbaWorld sent ya. More SPACE REDNECKS each month and more interesting articles about places to eat, foods to cook, Artists to check out and Road Trips to make and possibly a short story or two. See yall in June for the next issue and be sure to check out the humor gag comics at and have a Bubbatastic Day now, you hear.
Bubbaworld Comix comics and characters are owned and copyrighted by Andy B. Childress