Bwc mag 7

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ISSUE 7 SEPT 2017 SPACE REDNECKS Serial Humor Comic chapter 5

The funny pages return

podcasts Yard decorations

Nerd-Vana Con in Oxford MS Sept 16, 2017

Auto glass columbus

SPACE REDNECKS : THERE GOES THE GALAXY This month the yon-kees return Now chapter 5





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THE FUNNY PAGES RETURN This is the last month tha the BWC Magazine will be running THE SPACE REDNECKS as a serial comic. Not to worry, the SPACE REDNECKS will be here each week, just in a different format. It will be done as a humor one shot gag comic and there will be two of them each week.

That's how they started out originally anyway. The story is at a good stopping point but at the same time it is not thru being told. There will be a SPACE REDNECKS graphic novel coming out that will collect the first half of the story and finish telling the rest. The reason for returning to this format is to bring back the other five titles that use to appear with them in the original BWC Paper over 14 years ago. Each will have two comics each month. Now we will have an actual funnies section in the magazine I tells ya what. I liked doing the long form of the comic but I would rather have it all in one book instead of dragging it out. Also, new readers won't be lost when they start, the same way I wouldn't

be lost picking up a Sunday paper and reading the funnies in it. They can always go back and read the previous magazines also but now there won't be any rush to have to and they won't have to worry with reading them in order. Starting next month the comics appearing will be QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR ( two idiot brothers working for their dad in the family appliance repair business ), MISSISSIPPI SWAMP DRAGONS ( as the name suggests it's about a psychotic chicken in a floppy ear hat and a pessimistic clown ), DAWN OF TIME ( redneck cavemen ), CAPN' GEEZER ( a time traveler and his companions ) and GOING BATTY ( a mad scientist and his pet bat along

with all the other freaks on his dirigible lost in the Bermuda Triangle. I may also add ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER as a one shot gag strip to the mix also. Also later I will be putting out a CAPN' GEEZER graphic novel that will tie in to the SPACE REDNECKS graphic novel so keep an eye out for that why don't ya.

Http:// PODCASTS Landon McMinn and myself ( Andy B. Childress ) are starting some podcasts. Just in case someone out there does not know what a podcast is , it's like a talk radio show on the interwebs. If you're reading this magazine on the interwebs and have never heard of a podcast I commend you on your accomplishment. The podcast that Landon is making is a horror podcast. It will be on his youtube channel ( ) and also his instagram ( ) . These shows will mostly be short horror stories that either he or I write and read. Occasionally we may just talk horror or have an interview for something interesting. Landon's podcast

is called MISSISSIPPI CRYPTID. You should check it out when you get a chance. He also has some celebrity interviews on his youtube channel that he's been getting at Pensacon for the last three years along with some fun silly videos he's made with me and some of his other friends. My horror podcast will be called OH THE HORROR. It will also be short horror stories read by me and Landon and usually written by me. The stories I put up there will probably be collected in a book of short stories at some point. I will also be doing my podcast on my youtube channel ( ) . I plan to be doing a few podcasts there actually. I will be writing short sci fi stories for the ASTOUNDING TALSE OF ASTONISHMENT podcast and short story collection book by the same name. All of these podcasts will be put in playlists when I start to getting more of them. I've already started a podcast

based off of some goofy aliens from the CAPN' GEEZER comic strip I do. It's called the ZOG REPORT. I would like to do a geek podcast just talking about comics and other geeky stuff.


It's getting close to that time of year that the lawn decorations will start showing up. Last month I talked about the Book Store / Art Gallery I opened up on the weekends ( Uncle Bubba's Book Shack & Emporium of Oddities & Curiosities ). What you may not know is that it is located directly behind the Backwoods Institute of Technology. I worked in the B.I.T. While keeping an eye on the Book Shack and reverse engineered how to make a reversible Snowman / Scarecrow yard standee out of pallet boards. One side is a scarecrow face for the fall and when winter gets here you just turn it around for the Snowman side. It just simply leans against a house wall.



Nerd-Vana are local Comic, Game and Anime Enthusiasts forming a convention in Oxford, MS at the PowerHouse on September 16, 2017. I will be at this convention so be sure to check it out if you're in the area or even make a road trip if you're not in the area. Check out their facebook page at Http:// Show your support and support the smaller cons around Mississippi and you're discover some

fun and interesting people and stuff I assure you. Plus it's in Oxford, which is a fun place to visit too.

Special Thanks to all of the BubbaWorld Comix advertisers and supporters for making it possible to bring you this free content. Be sure to check them out and tell them BubbaWorld sent ya. More COMICX each month and more interesting articles about places to eat, foods to cook, Artists to check out and Road Trips to make and possibly a short story or two. See yall in Sept. for the next issue and be sure to check out the humor gag comics at and have a Bubbatastic Day now, you hear.

Bubbaworld Comix comics and characters are owned and copyrighted by Andy B. Childress

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