a novel by Suzana Bubic
the littlest bird najmanja ptiÄ?ica
There once was a big bird and a little bird. They loved each other so much! They got married, made a nest and waited for their wish to come true. They wished for a little baby girl bird of their own.
Bila je jednom velika ptica i ptičica koja su se toliko volele! Vjenčali su se, sklopili gnezdo i čekali da im se želja ostvari. Poželeli su malu devojčicu.
They built this nest from little twigs, grass and flowers.
Izgradili su ovo gnezdo od malih granÄ?ica, trave i cveća.
The nest was now ready to welcome their tiny baby girl bird. Soon the big bird and the little bird would become Papa bird and Mama bird.
Gnezdo je sada bilo spremno za doÄ?ek te malene devojÄ?ice. Uskoro će velika i mala ptica postati tata i mama.
Not long after, there appeared a little delicate egg in the nest. It would not be long now until their little bird would hatch. Mama and Papa were very excited to meet their little baby bird.
Ne dugo zatim, u gnezdu se pojavilo malo delikatno jaje. Neće proći dugo dok se njihova ptičica izleže. Mama i tata su bili veoma uzbuđeni što će ubrzo upoznali svoju malu ptičicu.
Mama bird and Papa bird were so happy when their baby arrived. They called her Mala (littlest bird). Mama kept Mala warm and Papa brought delicious worms to feed his family.
Mama ptica i tata ptica su bili tako srećni kad im je beba stigla. Nazvali su je Mala ptiÄ?ica. Mama je Malu drĹžala toplom, a tata je donosio ukusne crve da bi prehranio porodicu.
Mala was a good little bird. She ate her worms and listened to her Mama and Papa. She grew a little bit every day and soon she would grow big enough to fly like her Mama and Papa.
Mala je bila dobra ptiÄ?ica. Jela je svoje crve i sluĹĄala mamu i tatu. Svakog dana je rasla pomalo i uskoro će porasti dovoljno velika da leti kao njene mama i tata.
Mama and Papa bird were so proud of their daughter. They loved her so much. Here they are teaching her how to fly.
Mama i Tata bili su tako ponosni na svoju ćerku. Toliko su je voleli. Ovde je uÄ?e kako da leti.
Mala was so happy that she learned to fly. Now she was able to go to the park and make many friends with all the other birds. Mala je bila toliko srećna da je nauÄ?ila da leti. Sada je mogla da ode u park i stekne mnogo prijatelja sa svim ostalim pticama.