Buccaneer Bulletin Oswego High School’s Student Voice Editor-in-Chief Caitlin Sawyer Managing Editor Catie Furletti Layout Editor Rachel Clark Senior Writer Emily DiFabio Senior Columnist Mary Losurdo Chief Photographer Mackenzie Oatman Art Director Kimberlyn Bailey Business Manager Aaron Callahan Webmaster Kaitlyn Scanlon Sports Editor Christina Buckingham Entertainment Editor Faith Whitely Clublicity Editor Shaughnessy Darrow Alumni Editor Aaron Callahan Photographer Marykate Torbitt Ad Representative Dacota Kazyaka Ad Designer Emily Fultz Art Staff Ashley Fidler Sports Writers
Brittany Ross, Jasmine Davis, Vanessa Sheffield Reporter Kylie Wyman Advisers Bill Reeser Mike McCrobie
The Buccaneer Bulletin, a member of the Empire State School Press Association, and The Quill and Scroll, is published periodically by the students of the Oswego High School, 2 Buccaneer Blvd.; Oswego, New York 13126. It is intended as a vehicle to inform, educate, and entertain the student body. Printing services are provided by The Palladium-Times. Opinions expressed are those of the students and do not necessarily reflect those of the administration or the advisers.
Buccaneer Bulletin
Drawing Illustration by Emily Richmond
…to the OHS Inc. classes that staged a march to Fort Ontario in hopes of saving the historic site from state budget cuts. The classes are continuing to encourage the community to help save the Fort. …to the audience during the performance by Ginger Grace as Emily Dickinson. The audience was well behaved and received the presentation well, as was noted by Grace in a note of appreciation to the school. … to the OHS Interact Club for all its success with the “Blankets for Babies” program. The club donated blankets to the Oswego Hospital Maternity Department after students raised money to purchase materials, and worked with the Sunrise Rotary Club to make the blankets. …to students John Samson, Paul Gamble, Tyler Spicer, Jeremy Gosek, Angelica Alejandro, Anthony Miuccio, and Corey King who placed second in the Oswego County Academic Youth League competition. …to the newest inductees to the Owl’s Head Chapter of the National Honor Society: Hannah Allen, Ali Al-Salameh, Kaitlyn Armstrong, Michaela Auer, Emily Barlow, Gina Bartholomew, Emilie Benigno, Kyrstin Blackburn, Tayler Bowman, Paul Bradshaw, Michael Carey, Bryan Cary, Cassandra Collins, Ashli Deming, Austin DeMott, Danielle Faivus, Luke Familo, Victoria Frazier, Zachary Gerber, Sarah Gosek, Abigail Haessig, Thomas Handley, Cooper Harse, Dalton Izyk, Brittany Juravich, Jonathan Kapelwicz, Brittany Kearns, Michaela Kearns, Emily Kolenda, Stephen LiVoti, Danny Maniccia, Rebecca Martin, Dillon McCauley, Mary Montagnola, Maggie Mooney, Ryan Patrick, John Phillips, Jeremy Purce, Matthew Randall, Caroline Reynolds, MaryCatherine Rice, Aubree Schrader, Eve Simmonds, Josh Sova, Allison Yule, and Trenton Yule. ...to the OHS student council for fundraising for the Dr. Mary Walker Statue dedication by having a hat day to help support the cause.
…To the students who decided that they would wipe boogers all over the girls’ bathroom stalls. It’s not only disgusting but also immature; this is high school, right?
May 2010
Unbelievable: Segregated Proms in 2010 In this day and age, we pride ourselves in the statement by Thomas Jefferson, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal,” but apparently some schools and communities have a different interpretation of this. Across the nation, many teens are finding themselves segregated at what is supposed to be the most magical night of their teen lives, prom! If we are indeed a great nation, then why are we allowing the basic rights of our peers to be denied? No matter the gender or ethnicity, you should be able to bring your date to prom without discrimination. Thankfully, at OHS, whether it’s ethnicity or sexuality, we do not have a segregated prom of any sort. However, at some schools (yea, even in the year 2010) the prom is separated; “students of color” go to one prom and the white kids go to another. We cannot begin to understand this here at Oswego High School. But some schools down South do not have the same luxury as we do. In some areas, there are two proms, one for black students and one is for the white students. The schools claim that the students are fine with the segregation because it has been a tradition for years. We thought the equal rights acts were already passed, but apparently some towns claim to have not received the message. If Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed segregation in schools, then why are schools continuing to segregate their proms? We hope that the districts separate proms for
some valid reasons. Maybe there’s gang violence that necessitates segregation. Maybe it’s cultural differences in the things such as musical tastes. But it still doesn’t justify something the U.S. outlawed in the 1960s. But violence can happen at any prom whether it’s combined or segregated, and gang violence just isn’t a good enough reason to keep them segregated. In the 1960s when African Americans wanted to have equal rights, they didn’t want to be segregated anymore; they had had enough of separate bathrooms, schools, and parts of town. They wanted to be treated as equals. So why would a school district today want to turn back the clock forty years? Some schools argue that these segregated proms are part of their school’s tradition. But this does not justify the fact that segregation hurts and is unjust. If all men and women are supposed to be treated equally, then we should make sure they are. The responsibility not only lies on the school districts, but also the students. Students have the power to change things that they do not like in schools. If we continue to discriminate against our peers, how are we supposed to unite and become the next great American generation. We should rid ourselves of prejudice by ridding ourselves of segregation. We should learn from our history, and help fix this problem before we repeat history by making the mistake of segregating our people.
Prom Should be a Night to Enjoy and Remember As May rolls around, so does the end of the school year. Which means graduation for some, summer school for others, and one hundred and five days of relaxation, and soaking up rays for most of us students who have been working hard (or just getting by) throughout the year. But whatever the case, before the final bell rings or you finish your last Regents, I encourage you to look back at the school year and review its highlights and memories. The Powder Puff game. The sports awards. Pep rallies. Concerts. The musical. And “the night to remember,” the prom. Prom is considered the ultimate “rite of passage.” You will always remember your high school prom--who you went with, who you wanted to go with, why your hair looked like you just got electrocuted, and the night overall.
Buccaneer Bulletin
Let’s face it, when it comes to prom, in most cases it’s no romantic comedy or ‘70s mega hit movie. Most of us won’t stumble upon the perfect dress, snag the quarterback and be crowned prom queen. But is any of that the point of prom? It’s as if we all have a perfect image of what prom should be. Someone asks you in a creative and amazing way, halfway short of renting a blimp or getting a marching band. You accept the offer, and then it all begins. Finding the right dress, the right shoes, sparkles, glitter, hairstyles, limos --it all adds up. Deep down, most of us want the Hollywood fairy tale prom and everything to be perfect. It’s in our hard drive. And I suspect that even those “antipromers” secretly have a dream prom illustrated in their minds. But, what constitutes as a perfect prom? Memories, friend-
ships, your favorite song that’s played, the crazy tuxedo some senior wore, the cheesy theme and streamers, the group pictures you posed for before the dance. The experience. They say that one rarely realizes the significant moments in their life when they are happening and, granted, prom is no major achievement, but still it’s something more than commercial objects and popularity contests. So when May 8 hits, what will prom mean to you, and will you be satisfied with its meaning. Is it a night with your significant other, a night to party, a high school ritual, stupid, a waste of money, a night to celebrate, or a night to cherish and remember? It’s all up to you and to those you take along. So make prom what you want it to be, and enjoy it while it lasts.
What’s your favorite part about prom? Angela Politzi “Looking pretty and getting your hair and nails done.” Class of 2010
Zach McQuaid “Having the opportunity to ride in a limo or party bus. ” Class of 2010
Tom Drumm “Girls in dresses.”
Class of 2011
Eliza Parker “Getting to feel like a princess.”
Class of 2010
May 2010
Sleep Deprivation Affects Teens in Many Ways By Rachel Clark
Experts agree. From diminished learning and memory abilities while in class to less attentive driving skills, research has shown that students who do not get enough sleep every night suffer a wide variety of consequences. “When people doze off in class, it’s not because the class is boring. When people get bored, they start fidgeting. When they doze off, it’s because they’re tired,” said OHS AP Psychology teacher Mr. Mark Mirabito, adding that even if they manage
eral Highway Administration showed that as many as 3.6 percent of all fatal Most people would agree that car crashes are caused by drowsiness. the majority of Oswego High School When the risk posed by drowsiness students start their mornings with comis combined with inexperience, teens plaints about having to get up before are at a considerable risk to get in a the crack of dawn to be at school on crash. time. However, it may be more surprisSleep deprivation may have a numing that, contrary to popular belief, this ber of causes, including the typical ciris not merely an example of teen whinicumstances familiar to many students ness. In fact, according to the Mayo – hours of homework combined with Clinic, many teens do not naturally fall a range of extracurricular activities. asleep until 11 p.m. or later, and need However, technology is also beginning at least nine hours to play a part of sleep. in the problem. According to “I think it’s a serious problem that teens are According to calculations requir- sleep deprived due to heavy extracurriculars a study by Dr. ing only elementary and heavy schoolwork.” Martin Joffe, a math skills, an optiCalifornia peMackenzie Stone-Sweeting diatrician, high mal time for teens’ alarms to go off OHS Senior school students would be around 8 routinely send a.m. Unfortunately, hundreds of text at OHS, students are required to be in to stay awake in class, sleep deprived messages daily, or one every few class by 7:30 a.m., making it difficult students experience “diminished cogni- minutes. “Kids are responding to texts for many students to get enough sleep. tive abilities” when it comes to learning late at night,” Joffe told The New York Coupled with increasingly busy sched- and memory. Times. “That’s going to cause sleep ules packed with extracurricular activiMirabito added that sleep depriva- issues in an age group that’s already ties and homework, it is not surprising tion is also correlated with irritability, plagued with sleep issues.” Facebook that only 15 percent of high schoolers as people who do not get enough sleep and other social networking sites are get more than 8.5 hours of sleep on generally are those people who lead cited as having similar effects. school nights. busier lives, which leads to increased To solve the problems caused by “I think it’s a serious problem that stress and crankiness. a lack of sleep, members of the OHS teens are sleep deprived due to heavy Additionally, he said, sleep de- community have offered a variety of extracurriculars and heavy school- prived teens are “higher risk” drivers. solutions. “I think people shouldn’t stay work,” said OHS senior Mackenzie “The best predictor of whether some- up and text all night,” said senior Libby Stone-Sweeting. “It’s having a nega- one will get in an accident is how long Vickery. “But guess what I do? I stay up tive impact on our daily lives and our they have been driving,” Mirabito and text all night. But then again, I also daily health.” stated. A study by a division of the Fed- don’t complain about being tired.”
Layout Editor
“Set reasonable goals for yourself. People who are stressed out usually try to get too much done,” Mirabito said, adding that students also should not let others set unreasonable goals for them. He noted that many students feel pressured to overextend themselves because they do not want to disappoint their parents, teachers, or coaches. Some students think the school district should be responsible for solving the problem. “They should start school later because it’s been proven that our brains don’t start working until later in the morning, and the younger kids get to go to school later, even though it takes their brains less time to get going in the morning,” said freshman Jordan Olinsky. Sophomore Emilie Benigno disagreed, stating, “It’s nice getting out of school earlier and having more time for homework and extracurricular activities.” “I think it would help if we went to school later in the day. But since no one really seems to want to do that, I’d say people just have to deal with it if they have a busy schedule,” said Gina Bartholomew, another sophomore. Though a handful of schools nationwide have tried starting school later, that solution has not yet been seriously considered at OHS. For the time being, it is up to the students to get enough sleep every night and avoid the unwelcome side effects of sleep deprivation.
Media Violence Blamed for Teenage Violence By Emily Fultz Ad Designer
Nationwide, the statistics of juvenile violence decreased from 1992-2001. Murder arrests decreased 62 percent while arrests involving weapon charges dropped 35 percent, and miscellaneous violent crimes went down 21 percent. Although the percentages of teenage violence have decreased, there are still, unfortunately, many acts of teen violence happening every day. A big factor contributing to teen violence is violence in media. Statistics show that 61 percent of television programs contain some form of violence, and only 4 percent of TV programs contain an antiviolence message. The same study found that 40 percent of the ‘bad’ people in media don’t receive any punishment for their actions and 44 percent of the characters who exert destructive behavior have
Buccaneer Bulletin
some kind of attractive quality that teens would want reported that 30 percent of teens in the United States to imitate, such as strength or attractiveness. This data have been involved in bullying, by either being bulexplains why some teenagers see violent acts as be- lied, being the bully, and sometimes both. Boys who ing harmless and enticing. In addition to have been bullied have said that they have television and movies, video games like been pushed, hit, or slapped; although girls Grand Theft Auto can also host violent bereport being the target of gossip and encourhaviors that can be damaging to children. age others to exclude or ignore another girl. A 2001 review of 70 best-selling video Although any teen is at risk for violent games concluded that 89 percent contain acts, it is proven that teenagers with a history some form of violence, and in 41 percent of aggressive behavior; those involved with of the games, violence is necessary for the drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; and those who protagonist to reach his goal. Seventeen have poor behavioral control are at risk for Courtesy of percent of the games are focused solely google teen violence. images on violence. Teens’ violent actions aren’t without conseAccording to the National School Safety Center, quences. According to the Centers for Disease Conan unsettling 270 violence-related deaths have oc- trol, it is estimated that $158 billion is spent on teen curred in schools since the 1992-1993 school year. violence every year; and healthcare costs increase in Most of this takes place in the form of bullying. It is communities with teen violence.
May 2010
Our Slang Has Progressively Changed Language. It is a part of our everyday lives, and it would be incredibly difficult to imagine our lives without it. What may be even harder to imagine is our lives without our BRBs, OMGs, and LOLs. But when did this become a part of our language? I understand that we use this in our instant massages and our text messages, but has our generation really become that lazy where we can’t say, “I’ll be right back” or “Oh my God?” Most of us at the Oswego High School have read (or will read) some old English writings like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth. We have all struggled through the almost unintelligible writings and have muttered to ourselves or our
friends about how stupid it may be, but has our language really progressed or has it regressed, and why did this happen? In the 1950s things were “neat-o” and “peachy keen.” Teens hung out at the sock hop soda shops and everyone listened to rock-n-roll. Then, when we entered into the next decade, our language evolved so things were “nifty” and they dreaded talking to their “old man.” Teens wanted to do anything “outta sight” and would do anything not to be considered “a square.” Most people “could dig” the ‘70s except when being put down by “the man.” The following decade it was good to be “bad” and you never wanted to be grody. Into the 1990s when most of us were young, things were “the bomb,” and everyone wanted to have some “bling,” but all the dudes wanted some dead presidents
(money). While it can be reasonable to see where different English-speaking countries have evolved in the past years, even in different parts of the U.S. we have developed our own sayings. Some of our slang or colloquialisms are regional. Accents have developed in different words that we say. Take, for instance, our very own area, Upstate New York. I will strongly bet that we cannot go a whole day without hearing someone describe something without using the word “wicked.” This one word has become a huge part of our own culture. Even something as simple as what we call soda, other parts of the country refer to as “pop.” The thought of where our language can go from here can be something that can be debated, but one thing that is for sure is that slang will always be a part of our speech.
Graphic Illustration by Kimberlyn Bailey
The Future Rests With Us and Our Education
Sitting in a high school chemistry class, you learn a lot of things that you don’t necessarily need to know, but it never hurts to be able to say you can make your own soap or you know the organic makeup of gasoline. Throughout one of our recent tangents, the topic of oil supply grew into a full discussion. The fact that scientists believe that within our lifetime, the world’s supply of oil will be no more, is a scary thought. The only hope we have for an oil
substitute lies with those scientists in the organic chemistry field. The jobs that need to be filled in order to produce lasting solutions to these problems are constantly brought up to students by teachers. There’s an obvious persuasion by our teachers to push students into the fields with the most conflict. Between national debt, depleted unrenewable resources, and unresolved conflicts, the overall weight of the world is being put upon the shoulders of today’s students. We are the ones who will have to deal with the innumerable issues that previous generations have left for us. Most people our age don’t realize the scope and intensity of these problems. We tend to think “We’ll be fine. Some
Buccaneer Bulletin
major award-winning scientist will figure something out before it gets too bad.” At least that’s what we hope. While we make our way through high school and choose our paths to our future careers, we begin to realize that certain things are required of us in order to fulfill our dreams. Making sure we take the proper courses in high school is a big deal for those of us who know what we want to major in and go to school to become. However, it seems as though with all the budget cutting that our school is doing, it’s become more than a small problem. Electives and specific courses that could make or break our college acceptances are being eliminated every year. I want to be a chemistry major and become a pharmacist, but
the courses that could be preparing me for college aren’t available. Teachers are constantly telling honors students that they are at a more advanced level and that they “expect more from us,” but how are we supposed to change the world for the better when we don’t have any clue how to do that. Each year is a new beginning, but at the same time, new problems and new obstacles stand in our way. Our nation, even our world, is digging itself into all types of new dilemmas. It is common knowledge that older generations are forming higher expectations for generations to come, and whether or not we meet those expectations, when the time comes, is up to us.
May 2010
Public Education Creates Enslaved Readers By Kimberlyn Bailey
Art Director
Hello, high school students and intelligent people. Best case scenario is that you are both. Unfortunately, it would be a deceitful lie to say that your intelligence came unswervingly from your high school education, although the education system would like to believe in this false linear system of educational success. Put in opposition to public libraries, public education is, at best, problematic. Consider the difference between librarians and school teachers. Librarians are the custodians of all books and free readers, while school teachers are the custodians of school books and indent u red rea der s, who, invariably, are categorized by age and some questionable mea-
sure of readi ng abilit y. The library seems to think that your individual judgment is adequate to make learning decisions and it doesn’t issue a policy of public humiliation by posting lists of the best and worst readers by their measures. Presumably, it considers reading its own reward, without any additional accolades. The library doesn’t tell me what to read, doesn’t tell me how to read
Buccaneer Bulletin
and it doesn’t grade my reading. The library lets me ask my own questions; helps me when I need help, not when the library decides I need help. And if I feel like reading the same thing all day in the same
place that is okay with the library. It doesn’t ring a bell in my ear nine times a day, breaking my harmoniously fluent thought process to stop reading and go read something else, somewhere else. Public libraries also don’t over-extend their welcome. They don’t send letters home to my parents about my behavior or suggestions as to what I should do outside of school. General future predictions about my life are not made based on my reading habits by the library. Additionally, libraries don’t dictate if I’ll be better off reading Shakespeare as opposed to Stephen King, Allen Ginsberg, or, even the so absurdly silly Captain Underpants. It considers my eccentric reading habits and lets me read whenever, however, and whatever I wish to read. Moreover, a library encompasses a collective spirit of respect for itself and others. Do you ever see kids waving guns around in public libraries or spraying graffiti on the walls? No, because libraries are a generally nice places to go for silence, solitude and freedom - quite a difference from the loud hysteria of the classroom where freedom is narrowed and in some respects de-
stroyed by systematic, prison-like rules. Finally, the library is filled with real books, all books, your books, my books; not school books. Its volumes are not written by collective pens or picked by politically correct screening committees. Real books conform to the curriculum of only the private author, not the invis-
ible cu r r iculu m of some A merican collective agenda, or some gove r n me nt col le ct ive age nd a . These standardizations and institutionalizations in public education do prevent disaster, but what they ensure in its place is an incessant mediocrity, which spreads to all who blindly submit to it. It should also be duly noted that we deplorably lack any sort of library in our school, as the “media center” does not count. So hey, public education, OHS, it is time to get educated! Take a few notes from public libraries, within which you may find a very famous author with wise words sitting amongst the book shelves. Mark Twain, as he called himself, once profoundly said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” Neither should you.
Graphic illustration by Kimberlyn Bailey.
May 2010
Buccaneer Bulletin
May 2010
No Satisfying the ‘Burned-out and Bored’ Emily DiFabio
Senior Writer
“Burned-out and bored” is how many psychologists have described our generation. Nothing seems to amuse us and we are always waiting for something bigger and better than before. But is this really true? Are we really not amused by anything? Are we, as teenagers, infatuated with violence and waiting for the newest thing to come, just find these new things lackluster within a few moments? Ronald Dahl, a professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, coined the term “burned-out and bored.” He discussed his own life and his children, and how they had become, in his words, burned out and bored. He realized this when he took his nine year old son to one of the fastest roller coasters in the world. His son was un-amused by the speed and height of the ride. Dahl stated, “Parents seemed hard-pressed to find new thrills for nonchalant kids. I saw this pattern in my family, the sons and daughters of friends and neighbors, and in many of my patients with behavioral problems. Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young faces were
Drawing Illustration by KIMBERLYN BAILEY
looking disappointed and bored.” This phrase makes one think, have we really become the generation of the un-amused, whose entertainment lives cannot be satisfied? If we go back twenty years, we can see that the games that once entertained a group of teens for hours wouldn’t hold our attention for a moment today. Now, adolescents are glued to the television playing violent video games like the Call of Duty series and watching television shows that blow items up and use foul language. “I think that we are burned-out and bored because we are so exposed to these video games and television shows at such a young age that we become bored quickly and are always waiting for something new to come along, but these ‘new’ things never take our full interest,” said OHS senior Kate Van Buren. What is truly scary is the thought of what will happen to the generation aft e r o u r s ? Wi l l t h e y b e c o m e e v e n w o r s e ? How can it not? With giant screens, 3D and high-def televisions, along with all of the content of movies and games, it does not seem like there will be a return to a simpler era any time soon.
Relationship Cheating is Complex, Preventable Faith Whitely
Entertainment Editor
Cheating on a boyfriend or girlfriend: almost everyone knows someone who’s done it, or experienced it first-hand. Through all the clenched fists and quivering voices, and after that knot in the bottom of your stomach has slowly faded away, there is only one question left on your mind; “Why?” Usually, it’s stereotyped that guys are far more likely to cheat than girls. However, the current infidelity statistics conclude that 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women are involved in affairs. The numbers are a bit closer than what is usually assumed. One female junior at OHS, who asked to remain anonymous, felt strongly about the topic of cheating, “It’s ridiculous. If you don’t want to be with someone, or you want to be with someone else, at least have the decency to break up with the person you’re with.” So what is it exactly that drives people to potentially ruin important relationships? According to multiple sources such as Time, MSNBC, and truthaboutdeception.com, the first reason is that they just don’t feel that spark anymore. As ridiculous as it may sound, long-term relationships more than often have the habit of making people lazy,
Buccaneer Bulletin
and it’s not uncommon for one person to get bored of the other. They let go of themselves, so when that new guy or girl starts coming around, they feel that spark again and act on the instinct to pounce. A second reason is that the cheater feels like he/ she is being tied down. Persistent nagging, absurd rules and ultimatums, and constant squabbling drives people away after a certain point. A male senior, who also asked to remain anonymous, related most to this statement. “I had a girlfriend who wouldn’t even let me talk to other girls, and I just got fed up with it. If she was more ‘chill’ about it, things would’ve been different. That seems selfish, but it is what it is.” There should be a great amount of trust as well as honesty in every relationship, not smothering on top of insecurities or accusations. Another reason for infidelity is just that the opportunity was there. They gave into an impulse, which, at the same time, says a lot about one’s morals. Sometimes the impulse is so exciting that people give in to that sudden adrenaline rush of meeting someone new, and knowing that it’s wrong makes them even more likely to give in to the temptation. Also, it could be that devil on their shoulder reminding them of how incredibly easy it would be to get away with it.
Revenge is often a reason for cheating on your significant other. They found out you hung out with that gorgeous, Abercrombie & Fitch model-looking tennis player and now not only are they jealous, but they feel betrayed. What better way to get back at someone? An “eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” So instead of talking things over, they’re going to call up one of your friends or they’re going to go hang out with someone they know will really ring your bell. The final reason for infidelity is that they keep getting away with it. They confessed to you, or you found out that they cheated on you, and yet you still want them in your life. If you don’t believe in the old saying “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” then chances are you’re one of these people. If someone knows that they can turn you into their personal doormat, they will take advantage of that, unfortunately, before they even realize they’re doing it. Cheating is undeniably a complex topic, but when approached the right way can be understood and even prevented. Before a relationship is completely ruined by one person’s infidelity, the signs must be seen and changed before it leads down a path that may someday be regret.
May 2010
Walking The Plank
Godwaldt Walks the Stage and ‘Plank’ Buccaneer Bulletin: What is your full name? Sarai Godwaldt: Sarai Luitje Godwaldt. BB: Is there any significance to your name, because it’s not very common? SG: Not really, my parents just like the name, but my middle name is after my grandma. BB: You are a key character in the Drama Club’s spring performance, what’s the play called? SG: A Midsummer Night’s Dream BB: Can you sum up the plot of the play? SG: There are three stories within the play. One is a large love triangle between the characters Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius. Another is of a group of fairies live within the wood and are in the middle of a quarrel, and the third is a group of actors that come together and practice a skit in the woods to perform for the Duke’s wedding. These three stories intermingle to become a very comical performance. BB: When are the performances? SG: The play is on May 21 and 22 at 7:30 here at the Faust Theater at OHS. BB: Who is your character in this play? SG: My character’s name is Hermia. She is in love with someone named Lysander, but her father wants her to marry another man named Demetrius. Hermia and Lysander plan on running away until they venture into the woods that contains the fairies, who then begin to stir up things by casting spells. BB: How many Drama Club plays have you been in? SG: This is my third. I was in Cornucopia, The Phantom Toll Booth, and now this one. I also assistant directed The Importance of Being Ernest.
was Imogene and I like her because I saw her as a rougher version of me. My other favorite was when I got to play Sally in Charlie Brown. My brother played Linus, so it was really fun. BB: Do you plan on doing anything involving theater in your future? SG: I wouldn’t mind if I did more shows, and if there is a theater at the college I go to then I might try out for some of their plays. BB: You’re only a sophomore, but how has your high school experience been so far? SG: I like it for the most part; it’s the drama that kills me. BB: Are you involved in any other activities besides the Drama Club? SG: I’m part of the gymnastics team, and I’m also involved with a lot of charity events like Relay for Life. BB: What are some of your hobbies? SG: I like drawing and listening to really loud music. BB: If you could spend with any three people, dead or alive who would it be, and what would you do? SG: I would spend it with my Grandma, my Aunt Sam, and Taylor Momson. We would spend the whole day in Paris.
Photo By Kaitlyn Scanlon
Sarai Godwaldt is preparing for her role as one of the main characters in this spring’s Drama Club performance of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
BB: How would you best describe your personality? SG: I’m like a giant jigsaw puzzle, you can’t just pick one piece. I have many characteristics.
BB: Have you been in any other plays or acting experiences outside of the club? SG: I’ve been in several church shows.
BB: Is there something you want to make sure you do before you die? SG: I want to make sure I travel the world.
BB: Your mom teaches theater at the college, so is acting something you chose to do or more of your mom’s influence? SG: I chose to act. My mom likes the idea and supports it, but she never makes me be in plays I don’t want to be in.
BB: This play is by Shakespeare, do you like any of his other work? Do you have a favorite piece?
BB: Of all the plays you have been in, who was your favorite character to portray? SG: In The Best Christmas Pageant Ever I
BB: Are there any shows on TV that you make sure you never miss? SG: OH YES- Gossip Girl, Chuck, Castle,
Buccaneer Bulletin
SG: I like some of his work, and it’s really cliché but my favorite is Romeo and Juliet.
Vampire Diaries, and Gilmore Girls. BB: Is there something that you’re looking forward to? SG: I’m looking forward to graduating! BB: Do you have a favorite quote or one that you live by? SG: I’m not really a quote person but I like the saying “live life to the fullest, never quit, never ever hold yourself back, and never think twice... just jump.” Editor’s note: “Walking The Plank” is a regular question-and-answer feature of The Buccaneer Bulletin. In this month’s installment, Shaughnessy Darrow sat down with a cast member of the Drama Club’s spring performance. If you know a student or staff member who you would like to see walk the plank, contact Catie Furletti at cfurlett@oswego.org.
May 2010
Point/ Counterpoint
Should New York Implement A Soda Tax? Personally, if I were cashing out at some convenience store, with an ice cold Coke in my hand, I would not think twice when the total came to a mere $1.65 instead of the usual $1.50. The increased 10 percent tax would have no effect on my desire for the sugary thirst-quencher. I’d give the cashier a sly look, one that displayed my thoughts so well that he could hear them. “What, you think that whopping fifteen cents is going to force me to re-think purchasing this soda? It’s no skin off my nose. I could’ve found that fifteen cents in the cushions of my sofa if I looked hard enough.” This, then, should lead some to ask themselves, “Why does NY Governor Paterson want to tax on our beloved soda?” The answer is simple. Governor David Paterson proposed an 18 percent soda tax a couple years back, as a beneficial budgetbalancing plan, only to abandon the idea three months later due to its wild unpopularity among the public. Since then, this idea has stuck with five other states that are in favor of taxing junk-food. This tax would supposedly, guide Americans towards healthier eating habits. However, Kellie Glass, a registered dietitian in Ashland, Kentucky, finds the concept to be absolutely ridiculous. I agree. “Folks are just not going to give up all the foods they love, even if they are more expensive,” Glass stated. Patterson recently stood by his proposal, “An extra 12 cents on a can of soda would raise nearly $1 billion, allowing us to keep community health services open and teachers in the classroom. And, at the same time, it would help us fight a major problem plaguing our children: obesity,” he said. Sure, so they’ll be raking in cash for New York State, but what part of 12 cents will not change a thing is so difficult for Paterson to understand? It seems the government’s solution to everything is to tax until there’s nothing left. Basically, the idea of taxing sodas and junk foods to discourage people from eating them is ridiculous. Americans who are considered healthy should be rewarded for being healthy, such as by receiving lower health insurance premiums, not hit in the face with an unnecessary tax. Turn on your TV, your radio, or look on every major news homepage. There are far more important issues going on in this country than Americans being overweight. People come in all different shapes and sizes. Get over it. To this day, Governor Paterson is still backing his ever-so-brilliant plan to reduce obesity statistics. Strangely enough, every other TV commercial is some breakthrough weight-loss pill, some magic shot of energy that burns all your body fat, or crazy expensive workout machine that give you results almost immediately. People often choose to take the magic weight-loss pill and continue to eat whatever they please. This, combined with the lack of physical activity, is what gives us the obesity statistics that we have. Taxing foods and drinks that we are likely to continue eating and drinking will not make a significant difference. The problem is not necessarily America’s eating habits; it’s the mentality as a nation. After school, I’ll be stopping at Fast Trac for a 20-ounce soda--regardless of how much it costs. Editor’s Note: If you have any suggestions for next issue’s point/counterpoint contact Caitlin Sawyer with ideas at csawyer2@oswego.org.
Buccaneer Bulletin
Seldom does one proposal help fix two significant problems, but the proposal to tax sugary soft drinks in New York State is just that sort of 2-for-1 solution aimed toward obesity and the budget crisis. Chances are if you are an adult sitting with two other adults, two of you will be overweight. For kids, it is about one in five. It has been ubiquitously called an obesity epidemic and, quite frankly, I would agree. So, how is that sugary seduction, the sensorial delight, the “liquid candy,” as some nutritionists call it, responsible? As previously mentioned, ten percent of America’s calories are from sugary drinks. That’s 597 cans per year on average, or 30 pounds of sugar. Because sugar (or, rather, high fructose corn syrup in most drinks) is quickly absorbed and contains no fiber, you are not full for long, and your blood sugar will quickly rise and fall to another bout of hunger causing you to over eat, contributing to both obesity and type two diabetes. Sugar has also been shown to have a severe addictive quality, slaving the human body through the process of use, abuse and withdrawal. Indeed, sugar addiction is comparable to drug addiction, yet it is funny how normalized the “liquid candy” has become. We are biologically designed to love sugar, but we were never designed to eat so much of it so frequently. So all of these deceitfully pleasurable chemical reactions going on around the consumption of soda has led us to the obesity epidemic, but you may ask how a small tax would lessen obesity rates. Could a few extra cents really change your mind? Perhaps middle class consumers don’t mind spending a bit more on the syrupy concoctions, but statistics have shown that lower socioeconomic groups have higher rates of obesity because they turn to cheap, delicious, sustainable food like soda. It is this growing intimacy between obesity and poverty that would cause the soda tax to make a dent in our waistlines. Beyond lowering obesity rates, a new soda tax could help the state rake in some much-needed cash. You’ve all heard of the budget crisis from both within our own school and the state system. None of us are fond of the potential for an eight period day or closing state parks, so consider the $450,000 a new soda tax could culminate within a single year. Without it, health care spending cuts would be even deeper than the one billion dollars contained in the proposal budget. At this point, any money would be of help. Although I do support the prospective soda tax, I would encourage the government to look at the bigger picture and decide where the real root of the problem lies. Why are unhealthy, sugary foods so cheap in the first place? The answer resides within the government itself, which is deeply entangled in the power struggles, politics and manipulation of the food industry. Commercial interests affect nearly every aspect of food production from farm to fork. The sugary part of most drinks is made of high fructose corn syrup, an artificial chemical derived from corn. It is no coincidence that corn is more highly subsidized by the government than other fruits and vegetables because the government is influenced by lobbyists in favor of selling sugar. The real solution would be to reorganize these subsidies to healthier foods, but at the high unlikelihood of that happening any time soon, let’s bring the new soda tax to life before we, paradoxically, drink ourselves to death. Graphic Illustration by Kimberlyn Bailey
May 2010
OHS ‘Cribs’ Just as Unique as MTV’s We’re taking a page from MTV Cribs and featuring our own OHS version as two teachers have the most unique classrooms around.
for the past 25 years, as often, when walking in, one can mistake it for a toy store. The room is crammed full of enough gizmos and gadgets that would make any toy-crazed kid drool By Vanessa Sheffield for hours. Display cases Reporter and items Altman has Mint green and stale beige are the unfortunate collected from places color schemes chosen for the walls of most classrooms such as the Middle East, at OHS. Teachers with the luxury of having their own California and Arizona rooms may, from time to time, put their creativity to litter the room, making work and throw up a poster or two to alleviate the eyes jump from wall to not-so-flattering appearance the bland walls give off. wall . There are also those who bring in unique trinkets from Altman draws his their humble abodes that reflect their personal style. inspiration for his room The decorating additions help make the rooms less from a college profesdrab, as well as amuse us when we’re in full daydream sor whom he had. His mode. For two teachers, their decorating expertise has professor’s room had outshined the competition thus making them worthy interesting items in for this feature of OHS cribs. it, and when Altman A veteran teacher in the building, Mrs. Patricia walked into the room Runeari, is among those who made her classroom and one of the items over with her own personal flair. Located in the heart that appealed to him of the second floor, room 202 is unique on its own, with most was in the front the fact that the room on the corner of two hallways of class, it would spark has two entrances. When Runeari first acquired the his interest to learn classroom, her main objective was to simply fill the about it even more. blank wall space and amp it up. As a social studies From this, he uses his teacher, it’s natural that she came up with the idea of concept of anticipatory posting Time magazine covers on her walls. The entire learning, which is getroom is now a giant Time collage. The first issue she ting students built up posted dates back to October 3, 1988 and discusses a to be ready to learn Photo By Mackenizie Oatman debate between George H. Bush and Michael Dukakis something. “Education for the 1988 presidential election. The most current is attitude,” Altman Social Studies teacher, Patricia Runeari, poses next to her wall of Time issue is about Barack Obama. Before the day’s lesson said. If a student is magazine covers in room 202. begins, one can simply look at the walls for a quick excited to learn about teach about sight and explain how interesting an history lesson. “As far as feedback goes, kids love it! something new, he/she will do better than someone organ the eyes are. He also likes to carry a piece of They are always asking what it’s about. There’s also who isn’t,” he said. This is the philosophy with his his former students in his room as well, by hanging a lot of culture and history involved. Employees don’t classroom; he uses it as a tool to ignite his students’ up key chains that they send him from college. For know what’s in here usually either,” Runeari said desires to learn. Altman’s motto, “If it’s not yours, those who were in his room in previous years, they Runeari’s favorite covers include Princess Di- don’t touch it,” also builds up the excitement for his can also tell others about Kaa, his ball python that ana’s death, Barack Obama winning the presidency, room because when students see all of the interestcalled the classroom home. Out of the hundreds, O.J Simpson’s mug shot, or thousands of items in and JFK Jr.’s death. After his room, Altman jokAs far as feedback goes, kids love it! They are always asking spending a semester in ingly says his favorite the room, whether it be what it’s about. There’s also a lot of culture and history involved. is “Whatever I’m holdfor a study hall or class, ing at the time!” As far Employees don’t know what’s in here usually either. most come out with a few students go, senior favorites of their own. --Mrs. Patricia Runeari his Jake Byron’s favorite is Senior John Oleyourryk OHS Social Studies Teacher the neon guitar. Lindsay says his favorite cover is Rose’s favorites are the the Boston Red Sox winlaser show and holoning the World Series, and Karyssa Carson’s standout ing items, all they can do is stare and wonder about grams. “I have to stay more exciting than my room,” cover was Ellen Degeneres coming out about her them until he uses them in demonstrations. Altman said. I know when I’m getting boring when sexuality. The items in his room range anywhere from everyone starts looking around the room gazing A first floor room like no other is Mr. Altman’s levetrons, to neon guitars and remote control cars. off,” he concluded. physics’ room. His room has been a highlight of OHS Altman uses the “Marilyn Monroe eyes” poster to
Buccaneer Bulletin
May 2010
By Kimberlyn Bailey Art Director
We’ve all been told repeatedly, at length, by our teachers to not “judge a book by its cover” and “beauty is skin deep.” Fashion at this point, apparently, is minimally about self expression and mostly about superficiality, judgment, vanity, conceit and frivolity. These are buzzwords, reductive and categorical, a tidy way of herding fashionable people into a mental quarantine and saying: there. That’s that. Fashion is simply about the shallow facets of the human mind. But our teachers must have some thoughts beyond these cliché morals, as dozens of students pour in to their classrooms every day to sit in desks, face forward, staring ahead at the teacher, and, inevitably, at what they are wearing. So, we rounded up OHS’ most fashionable teachers (many of which, it should be duly noted, chose to not participate in this article) to ask them what fashion is truly about. “Fashion is an art form,” began English teacher Mrs. Patti Devendorf, “It’s color, pattern, shape, depth… People can pick up just one thing and go ‘Oh, and this goes with this and this,’ and they put it altogether into something beautiful. It’s like sculpting; there is something very architectural about it.” Although Devendorf would describe it as a feast for the eyes of onlookers, others teacher’s definitions of fashion sway towards an inwardly-focused emotional point of view. Spanish teacher Mr. Nick Cook, commented, “It’s when people say ‘You look good today,’ when they say that, I feel good. It is about feeling good about yourself. Clothing is about emotion and sensitivity.” So beyond being eye-candy, fashion is also a sort of emotional alchemy. Science teacher Miss Tai Jackson holds similar views, but hers possess a bit more in-your-face rebellion. She declared, “Fashion
is in the eye of the beholder. It is whatever makes you feel good, not about what others’ opinions are. I have a few pairs of argyle tights that people hate, but I love them! Fashion is about whatever you like, makes you feel good, and makes you stand out.” Jackson’s confidence in clothing is as big as her walk-in-closet, which is actually a converted bedroom. She explained, “One wall is entirely shoes with seven shelves. People always ask me how many I have, so I guess I should count one of these days, but there are well over 100 pairs. The other three walls are clothes, accessories and purses… I’ve loved fashion for a long time.” By contrast, there are those who have a more utilitarian point of view about clothing, who manage to exemplify themselves as incredibly well dressed despite their form-overfunction attitudes. Among them, resource teacher Mr. Kyle Brown. He said, “It is all about dressing for the occasion and being appropriate. It’s about gym shorts at the gym, a collared shirt in school, and sweats at home. Whatever the moment calls for.” Dressed in an abnormality for men, a pink shirt, he humorously added, “But I did learn to take some risks and learned some style from Mr. McCrobie. He is, you could say, my fashion mentor.” History and Oswego Inc. teacher Mr. Ben Richardson rides on the same wave-length. “I dress professionally for the occasion. Once I’ve met the requirements for the occasion, I dress for myself, hence my crazy ties. It’s a pretty simple process. I wake up in the morning, it starts with the shirt, whatever shirt is in the front of the row of the closet, and I find a tie and pants to match. There is no grand plan to it… Although I must give my wife a lot of the credit. She has the better fashion sense than I do and if I walk out of the bedroom she may say, ‘No, no, go change.’ So I do… Her veto overrides my vote.” Howeve r, Richardson’s ref ined, classic style started way
back before his role as a teacher. He div private school where we wore ties. My fa so he was always in a suit and tie. And t conservatism has influenced me too, havin twenty years. But I had one teacher who He was the rebellious ‘60s type, so he h tie style… He would buy the thinnest wh get, wear a band t-shirt underneath, and r objects like a rope or a noose! Just a par our school. Obviously, I didn’t take anyth fashion is very reflective of my conserva It isn’t uncommon for teachers to ho for their style. Cook commented, “My mo way. I was always a sharp dresser. She int of Banana Republic and such. Now, I lo Banana Republic and especially Coach ba encrusted, flashy ones like they are comin the younger crowd.” Devendorf, who has had many student as “hippy chic,” can relate. She professe stuck in a time warp! I grew up in the ‘ remain the same way. I still wear smock to loose clothes. I used to have long hair th back… tons of bangles that would that m that teachers asked me to take them off… able to go barefoot because my long jean But those were the ‘70s… What am I do buy myself a stylist – Clinton and Stacy Wear would be great.” In their line of work, teachers also ten ing as a symbolic gesture of authority o Cook explained, “If I dress respectfully I’l that upper edge over them to command my You usually don’t see students walking shoes like I do.” Leather shoes, of which to kid around with him about their “elf’s s extending outward at the toe and flexing an elf’s. “But I love them!” he retorted gl Teacher’s Assistant Mrs. Darlene Fav on using clothing to asymm authority of the classher favor. She at“If I look like t hey w ill be
vulged, “I went to a ather was a lawyer, the Army’s general ng been in it for over I will never forget. hated that shirt and hite shirts you could replace his ties with rt of the scenery of hing from him. My ative personality.” old on to their roots other raised me this troduced me to a lot ove Prada, Express, ags, but not the logong out with now for
nts describe her style ed, “I feel like I am ‘60s and ‘70s and I ops, long skirts and hat trailed down my made so much noise … and one time I was ns covered my feet. oing now? I wish I y from What Not to
nd to use their clothover their students. ll get respect. I need y role as the teacher. g around in leather h, his students tend shoes” appearance, g upward much like leefully. vata would disagree metrically bend the room in tested, them more
comfortable around me. I wear a lot of Wet Seal, a little Hollister, and lots of Maurice’s for sure. But you won’t see me walking around with logos plastered all over my body. That is where I draw the line. I like to look classy, yet young – not juvenile.” But there is a gnarly hidden side to the short and sweet Favata She owns a large collection of leather; pure, buttery, black leather to ride her motorcycles. She confessed, “Yea, leather chaps, leather jacket. The whole bit. I look pretty cool when I’m all put together… If I had all the money in the world I would buy more leather!” While the teachers are divided as to how to use clothing as a tool for power in the classroom, they are also at odds over their thoughts on what we, the students, like to wear. Richardson commented, “The trend I would love to see disappear is the pants on the ground. Didn’t they write a song about it?! You know, I grew up with the notion that once you pulled your pants up, you were officially a man.” Devendorf admitted, “I’m not a fan of the skinny jeans on guys or the low slung pants. It just isn’t very attractive, but my kids were trying to tell me the history behind it but I don’t know. And the casual wear, the pajama bottoms and the sweatpants. They have their place, but not in school. Oh, and I’m not a huge fan of the Uggs either.” Many would agree. “Don’t like the Uggs,” agreed Cook. “Ugh… Uggs!” attested Favata. “The skirt with the Ugg boots is hugely popular and wildly unflattering,” added Jackson, “Although I’m really happy to see the variety in students’ clothing as of late. Usually, in the teen years kids tend to accumulate towards fitting in, looking like clones and not experimenting with clothing. I’m all for diversity. Fashion should be fun.” Indeed, fashion is about fun. From our teachers we can conclusively gather that it is about more than superficiality; it’s about aesthetics, experimentation, power relations, messages, art, architecture, fitting in, individuality, desire, culture, class and identity. It is quite risky to intertwine such diverting, energetic fashion within the strict constructed dress code of an OHS education. Nevertheless, this tension has always championed as the element that helps determine the spirit of an age and privileged fashion not just as a necessity, but as a process of dressing both our bodies and our state of mind. May fashion continue in its splendor, as Jackson ag reed: “Let’s never adopt school uniforms.”
Photography by Monek Cullen, Caitlin Sawyer and Mackenzie Oatman. Illustrations by Kimberlyn Bailey.
Get Ready for Unbelievable Post-Prom Party
Prom is so close you can essentially feel it in the air. The stir of conversation in the hallway of who asked whom and who’s wearing what cannot be ignored. And as the heat rises in Oswego, New York, so does the excitement of juniors and seniors of OHS who are ready to let loose and party at the Prom of 2010. The problem with prom exists in the expectations and assumptions that circulate around “what goes on afterwards.” Prom has somehow received the reputation of the night where girls lose their virginity and end up all over Facebook with pictures of themselves hovering over a toilet. In light of responding to this assumed sequence of events, SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is hosting a Post-Prom Party to be held at Laker Hall at SUNY Oswego. Let me ask you this: what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the post-prom party? Perhaps it looks something like this: a bunch of goody-two-shoes hanging around an extremely dull game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, sipping flat punch, while The Jonas Brothers plays in the background. Mr. Shawn Caroccio has something much different planned for all you naysayers, and you may decide to rethink your post-prom plans. These days, there are so many expectations and assumptions about what students will do after prom. If you aren’t out getting wasted and/or getting high, then it is assumed that you are most likely going to go home and go to bed. “Prom puts kids under a lot of pressure. For couples, the expectation is to have sex. For everyone else, parrrrrrrrtaaayyyy!” says Teal Palmer, whose after-prom plans are still undecided. Caroccio wants you to know there is something else you can do after prom. The Post-Prom Party
Buccaneer Bulletin
is an activity run by the SADD Club where the goal is to give students a fun, safe, substance-free environment to hang out at after the prom. Festivities for the night will include a mechanical bull, bouncearounds (yes, I do mean the blow-up things), jousting, racquetball, and The Gauntlet, set-up by Physical Education teacher Mr. Brian Greene. There will also be a room set up for students to play video games Call of Duty and Rock Band. “We have access to three gyms, the pool, and movie rooms in Laker Hall. There won’t be a single dull moment this year,” said Caroccio. There will be a DJ set up for the night, and JP Shaggy, a traveling acoustic musician and comedian will be there. Also for music, Caroccio is open to having local musicians play in one of the three gyms. Some local groups that are being considered are Wes & Marikate The Acoustic Storm; and The Mars Hotel. SADD Club is not limiting the live music to these groups and encouraging other musicians to come forward and sign up. Food options available will accommodate all tastes. Domino’s Pizza is donating twenty pizzas to the Post-Prom Party, and The Oswego Sub Shop is donating the materials for everyone to “make your own sub.” There will be an open “juice bar” set up for students to try various new, foreign, imported non-alcoholic beverages. For dessert, there will be a cotton-candy machine, and SADD Club is currently in the process of getting Stewart’s to donate ice cream. If you’re still hungry after all that, then you’ll be in the right place, because there is going to me a Man (and Woman) vs. Food competition which could feature anything from hot dogs to ice cream to chicken wings. And all of you card players out there will be happy to know that there will be a Texas Hold ‘Em game where the prizes will include a TV and a BMX Bike. After the prom, you may very well be sweating from head to toe from all that intense dancing, so how nice will it be to cool off in the pool? The pool in Laker Hall will be
Photo courtesy of google images
The Post-Prom Party, sponsored by SADD Club, provides a fun, safe, and substance-free environment for students to enjoy after prom. This year’s prizes include two tickets to the July 21 Yankees’ game.
open for all students to swim after prom. However, the lights will be dimmed and Jaws will be playing on a projection screen right above the pool, to swim at your own risk. There will be locker rooms available for students to change in and lockers to secure their belongings. Oswego High seniors Alex Bush, Rick Wallace, Michele and Marissa Canale, Rachael Demling, Dustin Kavanaugh, Ryan Ramsey, and Richard Mandanas reacted with undeniable gasps, and comments of “What!?” and “SICK!” when they first heard about all that was being offered at the Post-Prom Party. Alex Bush stated, “That sounds wicked legit. I heard the Post-Prom Party was so corny last year, but this doesn’t sound corny at all, this sounds awesome.” His friends followed with various utterances of agreement and nods of heads. When asked if knowing this information would change their plans on prom, every one of them had some form of the phrase “yes.” “This absolutely changes my thoughts on going to the Post-Prom Party. There is a seriously high chance I’ll stop by now,” says Marissa Canale.
If all of this isn’t enough to bring you to the Post-Prom Party, then be proactive and let Caroccio know your ideas. “I’m willing to try anything the kids pitch at me,” he said. So far, he hasn’t shot down any ideas. Caroccio even tried to get the Goo Goo Dolls to play at the party; unfortunately our budget won’t allow it. All ideas are voted on by the SADD Club. If you have ideas, contact President Josh Baer or Treasurer Katelyn Stevens, or contact Caroccio himself in the Counseling Office. SADD Club members and Caroccio are working so hard to ensure you a fun and safe time after the prom. They want you to know that you don’t have to be drinking in order to have a good time. One night of fun is not worth risking your life or someone else’s. “One stupid mistake can change your life,” stated Caroccio. “I think students should attend this party because they want to. Because they want to have a lively and entertaining good time in a safeenvironment. All we’re asking is a few hours of your time, a few hours of FUN.”
May 2010
Segregated Proms Offered at Georgia HS By Kaitlyn Scanlon Webmaster
“My high school experience has been a great one, except for one night that I only got to share with people of my own race. And that night would be, prom night,” Kera Nobles a former student at Montgomery County High School in Georgia told The New York Times. Kera Nobles graduated from Montgomery in 2009. At Montgomery High School, prom is not sponsored by the school, instead private studentparent groups organize separate proms; referred to by the students as “black-folks prom” and “white-folks prom.” The school was integrated in 1971, but the school has yet to sponsor a Prom for all of its students (except for one year in 1995, and attendance was low and money was lost). This is the fault of parents, the administration, a select group of students and tradition. One white Montgomery former student, Harley Boone stressed to the New York Times that having two separate proms is not meant to be racist; “It’s what we know and what our parents have done for so many years.” Boone’s mother, Anita Williamson, didn’t seem as concerned with political correctness and the African-American students of the school when she voiced her opinion to The New York Times; “This community and this school system is fine the way it is. This is the way they have done it ever since the school system has been open, and having proms. So it’s worked for them this way. Why change what has worked, it is not broken.” As far as Montgomery Prom goes this year, it’s hush-hush when it comes to outsiders. The secretary at Montgomery County High School said; “The school has nothing to do with Prom, it’s not school sponsored. I think it’s all together this year. But I’m not allow to talk about it, I’m sorry.” Some stand by tradition as the force holding back progress. Others point to “cultural differences,” stating
“The school or someone should say; if you don’t want to go to prom with your classmates then there is no prom.”
OHS Senior Micheal Johnson
that planning one prom would lead to fighting because black students tend to prefer rap and hip-hop music, whereas white students like country. “They can play all different kinds of music, that’s not it,” said OHS senior Damian Williams. OHS senior Micheal Johnson chimed in with, “I can get jiggy to any music.”
Buccaneer Bulletin
Drawing Illustration by Kimberlyn Bailey
Williams and Johnson aren’t the only ones not buying the “different music taste excuse.” Terra Fountain, a former white student at Montgomery feels the issue is deeper. “It’s the white parents who say no… They’re like, if you’re going with the black people, I’m not going to pay for it,” Fountain who now lives with her black boyfriend (whom she was unable to go to prom with), told the New York Times. One black student who was interviewed by Seventeen Magazine said, “One parent said that she didn’t think it was ‘right’ for white students to have their prom with those ‘types’ of people.” “It doesn’t make sense; the system needs to be looked at. This should not be going on these days, but it still is. There’s racism right here in Oswego, there’s racism anywhere we go. It’s not going to change. But the school or someone should say; if you don’t want to go to prom with your classmates then there is no prom,” said OHS’ Johnson. So in the past at Montgomery High School when Prom season rolled around, there was twice the preparation, twice the sparkles and corsages, and twice the heart-break due to the segregation of whites and blacks. “Kera’s my best friend, she’s been through everything with me the past four years, but we didn’t even
get to spend our senior prom together, and our school doesn’t even care, Cierra Sharpe, Nobles white best friend told The New York Times. “Skin color should not be held against someone because they can’t do anything about it. Someone should have stepped up, maybe the principal, or even the kids, the black kids or the white kids, doesn’t matter. But someone should have stood up and said something, said OHS freshman Cat Clancy. Another thing to consider when reviewing Montgomery High School is that their graduating class last year consisted of 54 people, and roughly 2/3 of the school is white, which means there was about 25 people at the “black prom.” And last year, the “white prom” was held at a community center on May 1 and the next day, the same venue hosted the “black prom”. “I think that if the students can go to school together they should be able to go to prom together too,” said OHS senior Sarah Miller. The New York Times noted that Black members of the student council (at Montgomery) say they have asked school administrators about holding a single school-sponsored prom, but that, along with efforts to collaborate with white prom planners, has failed. Continued on page 19
May 2010
¡Azteca Mexican Grill: Muy Delicioso! Azteca Mexican Grill has been a fixture on East Bridge Street for the past couple of years, providing the only authentic Mexican food in Oswego (No, Fajita Grill doesn’t count). Although it’s by no means perfect, it certainly ranks among the best Oswego dining experiences in its price range. When you walk into the restaurant, you’ll likely notice the jaunty Mexican music playing in the background in an attempt to define the atmosphere. The panoramic picture of a Mexican city as well as photos of figures such as Pancho Villa complete the effect. The interior isn’t necessarily flawless; the garish orange walls aren’t to my tastes, one of the walls looked like it was either very dirty or had water damage, and much of the seating is relatively uncomfortable. However, if you’re lucky enough to get one of the booths with cushions, it’s comfy enough. Fortunately, Azteca’s food more than makes up for the less appealing décor. The menu, as expected, is a smorgasbord of fajitas,
tacos, burritos, and other typical Mexican dishes. Provided that you like Mexican food, it’s basically guaranteed that you’ll find an entrée to suit your tastes, even if you’re a vegetarian – there’s a section of the menu devoted entirely to meatless dishes. The menu also boasts a selection of Mexican sodas with off-the-wall flavors such as apple, sangria, grapefruit, and pineapple. (If you’re feeling less adventurous, they serve Coca-Cola products, too.) The only area that leaves something to be desired would be the dessert menu – the fried ice cream would probably be your best bet, but it’s still a bit bland and makes for a halfhearted end to the meal. Luckily, the generously portioned entrées rarely leave room for dessert. If you’re unfamiliar with Azteca, a good introduction can be found in either the Chiles Poblanos (an entrée composed of two batterrolled, cheese-stuffed poblano peppers with generous helpings of refried beans and rice on the side) or the Super Shrimp Quesadilla (it’s loaded with grilled shrimp, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and guacamole). For a beverage, you really can’t go wrong with the pineapple soda, or a non-alcoholic piña colada.
Photo by mackenzie oatman
Azteca Mexican Grill offers a wide selection of authentic Mexican food, drinks, and desserts.
Overall, Azteca is certainly worth a look if you’re in search of a casual eatery in Oswego. The food is good, the servers are friendly, and the entrées cost around (or under) $10. Although the aesthetics seem to miss the mark in some ways, it
does appear that the owners have succeeded in creating the atmosphere of a cute, family-owned Mexican place. If you’ve somehow missed out on Azteca in the years since it opened, now would be a good time to try it out.
New Bieber Album Showcases Teen’s Talent Bieber fever is the new epidemic spreading across the country as Justin’s CD My World 2.0 springs on the scene. Tweens and teenage girls everywhere are swarming local CD stores and malls to scoop up Bieber’s second album. His debut album My World, which came on the scene in November, was the first showcase of Justin’s talent with his summer smash “One Time.” His perfect blend of swag, cuteness and innocence has been key in Bieber stealing the hearts of girls everywhere and skyrocketing him from his average schoolboy life to superstardom. The highly anticipated My World 2.0,
which was released on March 19, is furthermore showcasing the talent that the 16 year old packs in his pint sized body. Often criticized for his highpitched voice, you can hear the difference in his maturing voice between his two CD’s. A revived Motown style underlies in his songs like “U Smile” and “That Should Be Me,” giving the album a unique feel. Although the slower songs on albums are viewed as an albums’ weaker areas, that’s not the case for Bieber. The ballad “Never Let You Go” is a fan favorite that has turned into the second music video off of My World 2.0 behind “Baby.” If one chooses to buy the CD digitally on iTunes, they can also have the luxury of getting the juicy upbeat bonus track “Kiss and Tell.” The team behind the scenes for My World 2.0 is all the more reason to buy the CD. As Bieber signed to Usher’s record label, Island Def Jam, he’s been teamed up with some of today’s hottest and
Buccaneer Bulletin
most profound producers/writers Brian Cox and Benny Bianco. Bieber co-wrote most of the songs on the album along with the writers as well. The superstar lineup Bieber has of stars on his tracks alongside him include rapper Ludacris on their number one song “Baby,” and R&B singer Sean Kingston on “Eenie Meenie.” The success that the album has had thus far should be its most profound selling point. Even though a majority of the album was leaked previous to its release date, it still reigned winner as it topped the Billboard charts at number one it’s very first week, as well as ranking number one for digital albums (ex. iTunes, Rhapsody, etc.) and the Canadian Billboards. Whether you’re a teenage girl who’s in love with the adorable heartthrob, or a boyfriend who’s looking to buy his sweetheart a nice gift, My World 2.0 is a must buy. It covers both ends of the R&B and Pop spectrum, and it’s sound is something that can’t be overlooked.
May 2010
Local Bands Making Names for Themselves By Kylie Wyman Reporter
Whether it’s metal, classic rock, or a mixture of both, local bands have been making a mark on the people in their communities ever since their first practice. When someone hears the term “local band” they usually imagine a group of teenagers hanging out in a garage or basement just playing music. Well, they’re halfway right. But, what they don’t think about is the hard work that these bands put into their music and their performances. Although these bands are not famous and touring the world, that doesn’t mean that they are not talented and that they do not have a shot at doing those things in the future. Perpetual Burn For this local metal band, working on their second album is on the top of their to-do list. Their drummer, Dave Reid, is personally producing this album. Band members include Joe Motyka (vocals), Dave Reid (drums), Steve Chwalek (guitar), Jake Reid (guitar) and Grant Davis (bass guitar). Perpetual Burn was formed in October of 2005, when Dave Reid and now bass player Grant Davis decided to play together. “I think it was October 2005 when Grant and I decided to get my drum set to his house to try and play some Lamb of God songs. We jammed “Laid To Rest “ and immediately started talking about starting a band. Jake ended up not going back to college that semester and we needed to find other members so I was like, Hey, I’ll have Jake learn the songs and come play with us. We got together and that was it. We started writing the first Perpetual Burn album from that day forward,” stated Reid. When it comes to musical influences, this band has a wide variety of favorites. In the beginning of their career, Perpetual Burn has covered songs from the bands Megadeth, Metallica and Pantera, among others. Aside from covering songs, the band decided that it wanted to write its own material. “When we started this band, we knew immediately that we didn’t want to be a cover band. We wanted to take over the world and no local cover band is going to do that. We all had tons of original material sitting around in bits and pieces so we started working on our first album from day one,” says Reid. “We write about a lot of things really. All of the members that play instruments will work together usually to write the music part of the songs, and then Joe will write all of the lyrics and vocal patterns and such. We’re all horrible lyricists, so we’re very lucky that Joe is so amazing. The songs are all about whatever Joe wants them to be and we all just go with it because he’s in the band for a reason and we trust his abilities.” Perpetual Burn’s first show was in the summer of 2006 at the Knights of Columbus in Oswego. “I’m pretty sure we were just trying to get a feel for playing live together before we played the
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Harborfest battle that year, but either way, that show was alright,” Reid continued. Although the band is currently concentrating and focusing on recording its album, it is planning to put on some more shows over the summer. In fact, Perpetual Burn will be playing a show on June 5th called Harborshred with other local bands including Psychopath, Wishpool and Cursed from Birth. Local upand-coming metal acts Wormwood and Ruckus will play as well and more bands will be announced in the future. Photo By brittany sperino Although local Local metal band Perpetual Burn jams at a recent session. The band bands rarely get their is currently working on their second album and looking forward to the music out there for Harborshred show on June 5th. people to hear, the dream of achieving that 2010 Battle of the Bands. Playing covers of “Cherry keeps them going strong. “I feel like I can speak for Pie” by the band Warrant and “Round and Round” everybody in the band when I say this band is our by popular ’80s band Ratt, Hair put on an amazing life, our career, or everything. I can’t imagine that in show. As you could tell by their name, the style of two or five, or even ten years we’re going to be any music they play and how they dress. Hair is greatly less driven than we are now to take our music to the influenced by classic ’80s bands such as Warrant, masses,” says Reid. Ratt, Winger, Poison, Motley Crue, Slaughter, and Since Perpetual Burn has been around for a Cinderella. while, Reid had this advice for novice bands who Currently, the band is working on covering want to be successful, “The three most important more songs and it is hoping to write original songs rules that I always tell people to follow with a band for future shows. “We are hoping to write originals are 1) BE A BAND. Meaning, work together as a in the near future, and already have one in the band and give every member an equal voice in the works. We really hope to get that classic ’80s heavy band. Nobody is going to be happy if one person is metal sound out of it, so it’s tough sometimes to find unhappy, and that will end your band before it starts. a good modern source of inspiration.” said guitarist, 2) Be open to all ideas from outside or in, even if Seth Skinner. you think it sounds outrageous, still try it just to Although they claimed victory at Battle of the see how it works. More times than not, you will be Bands just a few months ago, the truth is that they surprised by the results. And 3) Practice, practice, had just formed as a band. In fact, their first show practice! Become the most professional, tight band was this year’s Battle. “The idea was originally you can possibly be and when you finally get a gig, proposed a long time ago and we always meant to you’ll realize how much it pays off when you stand do it. We just decided to step up and do it when we out from the crowd of dime-a-dozen bands that are realized how close we were to the high school battle. unorganized and unprofessional. You don’t have to The band actually formed only a few months before be the best musicians in the world, as long as you the battle and we saw that all of us worked pretty write within your playing boundaries and practice well together and decided to keep going with it, even until you can play the songs in your sleep.” after the battle. Hopefully, we will be playing shows Hair in the near future at some local bars with The Mars Hair is another local favorite. Band members Hotel, who also played in the battle this year. We include Matt Martin (vocals), Seth Skinner (guitar), will be sure to keep everyone updated with when Scott Warner (guitar), Sean Linehan (bass guitar) those shows will be taking place,” stated Skinner. and Steve Chwalek (drums). Playing a mixture As Hair continues to go through the process of of rock and metal music, this band won over the Continued on page 20 judges, and the audience, at Oswego High School’s
May 2010
Hyphenated Names Becoming More Common Sweeting said her mother pressed her father into hyphenating her last name, Wedding bells mean important, “because she wanted to feel like I sometimes complex choices. One was hers, in a way. I think she felt such choice is, do you take your hus- that if I only had my father’s name, band’s last name or do you hyphenate? then I would have been my father’s “I chose to keep my last name,” daughter and not her daughter too.” said OHS Spanish teacher Gloria There are those who argue on Canale Giberson. “For me personally, the other side as well, those who keeping my last name became a source oppose hyphenating, and going of pride. A reflection of showing grati- against the tradition of a woman tude to the people who raised me. I felt taking her husband’s last name. that in many ways, keeping my name “If you were to say that you were honored what my parents did for me not going to take my name when we get and who they made of me and my sib- married, I think that you don’t want to lings. No matter what, the Canale name be committed to me,” said OHS techmeans something to me. It’s who I am.” nology teacher Charles Rowlee. “I’m Canale Giberson’s story isn’t proud of my name, and when you get uncommon. In fact, the number of married you’re buying into something women who choose not to adopt with someone, and you are becoming their husband’s last name upon mar- a new thing. Part of that commitment riage is about two in ten, according is the whole becoming one person to Brides Magazine. The idea reached and taking your husband‘s name.” its height in popularity in the ‘70s and Rowlee isn’t alone in his has since been evident in our society. views. In a1997 study conducted According to Elise Hambrook a by University of Florida profesChairperson of the New Brunswick sor Diana Boxer, more than 10,000 Advisory Council on the Status of Midwestern men thought women Women, the idea of a woman giving who kept their surnames were more up her name upon marriage stems likely to work outside the home, from the tradition that women were less likely to enjoy cooking, less not people, but belongings of either likely to attend church and less their husband or father. An unmarried likely to make good wives. women has her father’s name and her Also in a 2009 survey on wedfather literally gives her to her hus- ding trends WeddingBells Magazine band, hence the tradition of the father found that 69 percent of responding walking his daughter down the aisle bride- to-be planned to use their and “giving away” her to her husband. fiancées last name. And in a poll by “The tradition of a woman tak- Debenhams Wedding Gift Service ing her husband’s name is based on it was found that 51 percent of men old prejudice, sexism and misogyny surveyed said that they would be (hatred for women)”, stated Tania extremely offended if their wife Ramahlo the Women’s Studies Pro- didn’t take their last name, a third gram Director at SUNY Oswego. said they would demand their fian“Complicated,” is the one word cée to change her name to theirs. that OHS art teacher Stacey VanWaldiRowlee also brings up the plausick (soon to be Stacey VanWaldick-Van ble problem hyphenation could have. Camipen) used to describe choosing What happens when someone whether someone should hyphenate their with a hyphenated last name gets name upon marriage. And she proved married? Does it just keep going to be right, because almost everyone on? Do their children have long has a different reason for hyphenating hyphenated last names, and their and different opinions about the topic. children’s children and so on? Or “I wanted to keep my own iden- do you just drop your hyphentity; I didn’t want to become some- ated last name upon marriage? Then, body else,” said Laurie Ascenzi- what’s the point in the first place? Spicer. “Also, for heritage reasons, One should consider the simple because on my side of the family, things as well before hyphenation. there were no boys to carry the name.” As Stone-Sweeting said, look at the OHS senior Mackenzie Stone- length of both names. If it’s someBy Kaitlyn Scanlon Webmaster
Buccaneer Bulletin
Courtesy of Google Images
One decision newlyweds have to make is whether they and their children will take the husband’s name or hyphenate both names.
thing short that flows and it’s the way both spouses want it, go for it. “I went through a phase,” said Stone-Sweeting, “like when I introduced myself I would just say ‘Mackenzie Stone’ or ‘Mackenzie Sweeting.’ Sometimes, I wouldn’t introduce myself because I didn’t want to go through the drama, ‘Oh you have such a long name.’ If Stone-Sweeting was given the opportunity to change her name, she wouldn’t. She says that although there were times she didn’t like it, she has grown into it now. And likes how not a lot of people have a hyphenated name and she does. “It kind of makes me cool,” Stone-Sweeting said. Also, another downside to hyphenation is that it’s hard to gain access to things such as your bank account, because it may be in the computer with a hyphen, typed together with no spacing or just one of the last names. Plus, it’s hard to fit on cards or other identification certificates. “Right after I got married and I changed my name, I belonged to the credit union, I had to change
everything on my account. I got this very rude phone call, from a women no less, telling me that my name wouldn’t fit on my Visa card and wanting to know what I was going to do about that. I asked what do people normally do, and she said they drop their maiden name. I was really taken aback, because I thought there are a lot of long names like Stephanie Woodrowcouski or something, and how do you put her name on there. So I told her to make it LL AscenziSpicer and I used the two first initials. So yeah, she was not very good with that. I told her I didn’t drop my maiden name, this is my legal name so figure it out,” said Ascenzi- Spicer. “I just want people to know that, it’s not weird when someone has a hyphened last name,” Stone-Sweeting said. “I find it urges other people to question your background. Whenever people hear my name, they ask about parents and family? And there’s really nothing; there’s no big death, or divorce, or remarriage, or any Maury show in my background. It’s just that my mom wanted to keep her name.”
May 2010
How Did You Ask Out Your Prom Date? By Vanessa Sheffield Reporter
As springtime approaches, romances are in full bloom for prom season. The guys at OHS have turned on their A-game to impress their special someone with the best prom “ask outs” of 2010. For two couples, their unique stories have been buzz worthy and deemed a step up from the rest. Juniors Jake Metcalf and Meredith Moshier were among the first to commit to each other as prom dates, as Metcalf popped the question in an “AWHHH” worthy way. It all began as Jake hinted to Meredith the day before her birthday that he was going to be getting her a special present. “I’m pretty sure I came up with the idea on my own, and when I told my mom what I was planning to do, she was excited, so I just went with it,” explained Metcalf. On Meredith’s birthday (March 30), Jake waltzed into their first period class, present in
hand, and grin on his face. As Metcalf said “Happy Birthday!” Moshier ripped open the box not to find an elaborate gift, but rather the phrase “PROM?” written on the bottom of the box. “She was really excited and threw her hands up in the air and was like “Oh my God!” Metcalf said. “I freaked out and gave Jake a big hug,” Moshier said. The two also agreed that they’re going as “just friends”... for now. On the senior side of the equation, Dan Tyo and Katie Anderson tied the prom knot early as well. The two (who have quite an extended dating history) felt that going to prom together for their last year would be the icing on the cake to the history that they’ve had. They went to 8th grade formal together four years ago, and grew up together throughout elementary school. As Katie was picking Dan up for school, he led her up his driveway with a path of shamrocks in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Katie was greeted by a build-a-bear bear that
Tyo custom made for her with a jewelry box in its lap, as well as three clovers above the bear. On the clovers were the words “Will this be my lucky day?” and in the box was a ruby red chained belly-button ring with the word “PROM?” printed on the box. “I waited in my garage until she came out and she had the most surprised and happiest look on her face,” Tyo recalled. “I was having a hard time the days before he asked me, so when he did, I just started balling. It was cutest idea and I was just so happy. I gave him a huge hug and said, “Of course!” said Anderson. Both Tyo and Metcalf sparked up their creativity to impress their special someone, making it tough for anyone to top. The pressure’s on for the rest of the guys out there who plan to ask out a date to prom. The classic rose in the locker just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Creativity reigns.
Segregated Proms Not a Thing of the Past Continued from page 15
Timothy Wiggs the AfricanAmerican student council president last year said, “we just never get anywhere with it.” “I don’t think its right to have segregated proms. The school is racist; they don’t care about the students,” said Oswego’s Williams. Shockingly, Montgomery is not the only school in the country where segregated proms are/were considered “the norm.” In Mississippi, at Charleston High School, it took Morgan Freeman and a camera crew before prom was integrated in 2008. In 1997, Morgan Freeman (he’s from Charleston) offered to pay for the senior prom at Charleston High School, under one condition: that the prom was integrated. His offer was declined. In 2008, Charleston finally took Freeman up on his offer, and for one group of seniors prom became a night to remember, a night to make history. With the help of Canadian filmmaker Paul Saltzman, the Charleston integrated prom paid for by Morgan Freeman, was made into a documentary that was released to HBO June 29, 2009 called; Prom Night in Mississippi. The film shows the planning that went into the prom, the resistance, girls dress shopping, guys buying
corsages, and “the big night” when Charleston students, black, white, any race, got to go to prom together. However, the spirit of change didn’t span to everyone. A group of parents who would not speak on or off camera to Saltzman, still held a “white prom”. In fact, the parents went so far as to hire a lawyer (Jeff Padgett) to state their side of the story. One girl interviewed for the film Prom Night in Mississippi recalls a meeting she went to about the “competing white prom.” She retells what one mother said; “N****** ain’t gonna be rubbing up on my daughter at no prom. It is not happening in this house. As long as she’s living with me she will not attend a mix prom, that’s not how we raised her.” Ironically the two times I called Charleston High School to ask them about their past segregated proms, both secretaries said that they never heard of it and knew nothing about segregated proms and that the school had an integrated prom. Both assured me that no one at the office would know anything about segregated proms; everyone was new to the building, and not there when the film was shot. So when I asked why Morgan Freeman came to Charleston and filmed Prom Night in Mississippi, the first secretary said she didn’t know or understand.
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Despite the reactions of some people, change is occurring, and about time. Just 20 minutes from Montgomery County High School, Vidalia High School’s school prom is becoming more popular and the Superintendent of the Vidalia City Schools, Tim Smith said that in the past there was a number of private Proms (some may have been integrated), but the popularity of the school prom may have something
to do with the decrease in private proms. There is a petition circulating online to pass a Segregated Prom Act (just type Segregated Prom Act into Google and “sign” it, to help stop segregated proms) and even Charleston High School still has an integrated prom, without Freeman’s help. So I guess Freeman was right when he stated in the film, “If it’s left up to the kids, it’s going to be fine.”
May 2010
Passion for Music Drives Local Bands Continued from page 17
doing shows and working on its music, members have had the support of many people along the way. “Our biggest supporters are mostly our closest friends and family. Also, we have to say thanks to Wes and Diane Jones for letting us hold practices at their house. They certainly count as supporters of ours as well. They always let us use the house for practicing, along with a few other bands that were featured in the battle. Of course, we also had a lot of help from the girlfriends, doing the costumes and such,” Skinner stated. When it came down to the advice for other up-and-coming bands, Skinner said, “If there’s one thing I know personally, you need to keep working. Even if it seems like there’s no inspiration, there’s always something that you can do to keep the creative juices flowing and that thing is different for everyone. Also, don’t be afraid to write down the first thing that comes to mind, it’s often the best, even if you don’t think it is. The bottom line is; stick with it. If you enjoy it, keep at it.” Ruckus This is another local band that many know and love. Band members include, Cody Crouse (vocals) Nick Ferlito (drums), Ryan Higgins (guitar), Matt Castiglia (bass guitar), and Matt Farden (rhythm guitar/backing vocals). They performed at this year’s Battle of the Bands, which they won last year. In fact, last year was their first show. Ruckus is currently working on lots of new things, such as their performance at the up-coming Relay for Life. This band has a list of musical influences. Bands including Iron Maiden, Opeth, Boston, Pearl Jam, and Iced Earth are only a few. Like many of the other bands listed, Ruckus has also had people to help them during their time as a band. “Matt’s dad at Midstate Music helped us out a lot with instruments and we just practice at Nick’s house,” guitarist Ryan Higgins says. Sadly, every band must have its end. “In two years, we’ll be over. After the end of the school year we will be going to different colleges and will not be able to continue
playing together,” Higgins stated. Mars Hotel Like Hair and Ruckus, this band also plays a mixture of metal and classic rock. But, unlike the other bands that were previously mentioned there is one thing different, their front man. Or, should I say front woman? Yes. This band is fronted by Mary Losurdo, a senior at OHS. The rest of the band members include John Fay (guitar), Matt Fay (bass guitar), Paul Gamble (drums), and Joel Meeks (guitar). This band has been a band for three months now. They formed because they wanted to play at Battle of the Bands and then continued to be a band after it was over. Mars Hotel is currently starting to write new music and work on covers. They are also perfecting the original songs that they have written. When songwriting, Losurdo takes what happens in her life as her inspiration and motivation. “Inspiration just comes from life and frustrations. I write about the frustrations in my life and frustrations on what have happened in the past. Matters of the heart, one would say,” she stated Musical influences for Mars Hotel are bands that have female vocalists, such as Lacuna Coil, Paramore, and Heart. Also, singer Lita Ford is an inspiration to this band. During the few months that they have been a band, Mars Hotel has had help along the way. John Fay let the band practice at his house and Wes Jones let them use his basement to practice as well. Scott Warner has been a big help for Mary and the band. Since he is in a band (Hair), he knows “the ropes” of being in a band. He also uses constructive criticism when needed in order to help them. “We support each other,” stated Losurdo. Frostbit Blue This southern rock band was formed during the mid ’80s and band members include Nick Gravelding (guitar/vocals), Tom McCaffrey (guitar/vocals), Benny Fiacco (bass guitar), John Bletch (drums), Dave Hawthorn (guitar/vocals/harmonica), and Bill Barry (keyboards/vocals. No, they are not a group of teenagers from OHS and they didn’t perform at Battle of the Bands, but they do have a recording contract and
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Photo by Dan Rounds
Mary Losurdo and Paul Gamble of Mars Hotel made a strong appearance at the 2010 Battle of the Bands. The classic rock- and metal-inspired band performs both original songs and covers.
are currently playing shows across New York State. Their first album, Ice Breaker, was released back in 1995 followed by Just What the Doctor Ordered only two years later. As of 2006, over 18,000 copies were sold. Pretty impressive for a local band. Summer and music go handin-hand. So, take what you have
read here and go see one, or even all, of these bands perform. Each group has something special about it. Whether it be a record deal, Battle of the Bands winner, a female vocalist, amazing songs or the fact that they are just a great band who will put on a great show, you won’t be disappointed.
Celebrity Look-a-Like
Vayner or Chicken Man? Above, Oswego High School math teacher Mr. Vayner (right) bears a remarkable resemblance to Chicken Man (left) from Toy Story. If you know anyone at OHS (either faculty or student) who has a celebrity look-a-like, contact Caitlin Sawyer at csawyer2@oswego.org
May 2010
Page Identifier
Buccaneer Bulletin
May 2010
Editor, Principal Oughterson Reverse Roles Caitlin Sawyer Editor-in-Chief
Imagine coming to school and having a stack of paperwork to fill out and about 150 e-mails to respond to, and being responsible for the well-being of over 1,400 high school students. Well then, welcome to a day in the life of OHS principal, Mrs. Patty Oughterson. Everyday Mrs. Oughterson arrives at the school at 7:00 am. Although she has her own personal parking spot (which she allowed me to park in for the day) she still has a lot she must accomplish before students start entering the building, such as disciplinary actions, e-mails, and planning her schedule for the day. On this particular day, Oughterson and I would be going to the ED Center to sit in on some meetings. Oughterson is often asked to leave the building to attend meetings, but she tries to be in the building as much as she can. “I asked Mr. Crist to not have me leave the building for meetings unless it was absolutely necessary,” stated Oughterson. Before we could leave, she had to finish up some confidential paper work. As I was sitting there listening
to Oughtersons’ ‘soothing music,’ I started to nod off. “Well, between my heart and my brain both are going a 100 mph, with all of the different things I have to finish, I have to relax by listening to this soothing music,” stated Oughterson. With Oughterson’s busy day she listens to this music in hope to keep herself relaxed. Once we finally got to the ED Center, we walked around and I was able to meet the people that work behind the scenes, I even got to talk to with former Executive Principal Mr. Peter Myles. After being introduced to what seemed like the entire building (I’m not sure how she remembers all of their names, because I certainly didn’t) we made our way to the conference room. The first meeting for the day was called Check and Connect, which basically is an outreach program to students who may not have the best home life and encouragement in school. I definitely learned many different terms that I wasn’t even aware that existed. Once the presentation was finished, we ate lunch and then went on a search for the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. William Crist. I discovered that Crist
Photo by Mr. Shawn Caroccio
Sawyer and Oughterson took a break from a presentation at the Board of Education office during the day in which Sawyer shadowed the principal for our “Day in the Life . . .” feature.
Buccaneer Bulletin
Photo by Mackenzie Oatman
Buccaneer Bulletin editor-in-chief Caitlin Sawyer and OHS executive principal Patricia Oughterson enjoy a school lunch in the cafeteria.
is definitely on the go as much as Oughterson. The second meeting was about who is a legal mandated reporter. The counselors from the high school were there as well. They were definitely a little confused to see a student there. As we made our way to third period, we had to sign out of senior study hall and make our way to Mr. Reeser’s room. While in studyhall we got her stock sheet set up for OHS Inc. and Oughterson started purchasing stocks. “I wish we did this stuff in high school, it’s fun and it helps you learn about stocks at the same time,” stated Oughterson. By the time fifth period had finally rolled around, Oughterson was ecstatic that she had profited four dollars on her stocks, even though that wasn’t a big profit compared to the rest of the class. Oughterson also had to take notes in class. “I had almost forgotten what it was like to take notes, but after a while I got the hang of it,” stated Oughterson after taking notes about stocks. Throughout the period, Oughterson and I continued to buy and sell stocks to see who could make more of a profit. Sixth period was our last class of the day and luckily it was lunch. We decided to sit with my normal lunch table and ended up having to squish in the booth. Oughterson engaged
in conversation with us just like she was one of our peers. “It’s cool that the principal can actually throw on sweatpants and try and be a student for the day,” stated senior Nicole Sivers after Oughterson and I had lunch with her. “I loved being in school. I would love being a student again knowing what I know now, and at the same time you guys have the luxury of not knowing what I know, so in a sense, you have the freedom,” stated Oughterson. “It was fun being a student for a day. It was very busy. There are a lot of rules enforced. I almost got my cell phone taken away and I got yelled at six times for having my hood up. There really isn’t any time for goofing around in school,” stated Oughterson after experiencing her day as a student at OHS. Although Oughterson was only able to experience half a day as a student she began to address students as her peers and I even called her Patti a couple of times. In the end, we both got to experience what it was truly like during our day. I now know why it’s always so hard to get a hold of Mrs. Oughterson; she’s always busy. We both agreed that our days were difficult in different ways and enjoyed switching roles and would enjoy switching again.
May 2010
Buc Athletes Spring into Action Girls’ Varsity Softball
After the rough start, the Bucs rattled off a string of victories to move five games above .500 on the young season.
With head Coach Mike McCrobie leading his team into yet another season, the girls are off to a roaring start with their 17-0 no hitter win over Nottingham on Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Monday April 5. Seniors on the team this season who With head Coach Robert Nelson leading his are expecting to lead their team to a solid year include team into yet another season along with assistant Marissa Canale, Michelle Canale, Morgan Lavner, coach, Dan Bartlett, the OHS boys’ varsity lacrosse Laura Miceli, Laura O’Brien, and Jessica Slight. team is underway with their season with a current 1-7 game standing. Leading the team this season are co-captains Patrick Holland, Eric Witmer, and MatGirls’ Varsity Lacrosse The girls’ lacrosse team, under the direction of thew Howard. coach Laura Burger began this season with a 3-game win streak with their most recent 13-12 victory against Boys’ Varsity Tennis Auburn on Tuesday April 6. Seniors Maia Czarnecki The boys’ tennis team began this season with a and Amanda D’Amico each scored four goals for four games so far with Matt Randall leading the team, the Lady Bucs, while goalie Tayler Bowman had 13 playing first singles. This season the team is coached by head coach Jim Hartmann. The boys’ next home saves. match will be held on May 13 against Liverpool.
Boys’ Varsity Baseball
Girls’ Varsity Track
The Bucs recently lost 10-0 to Liverpool to open The OHS girls’ varsity track team currently hold their season, however not without a fight. The loss did a 0-3 meet standing, however there are still many not leave the Bucs discouraged as they bounced back more chances for them to prove their individual and team times and scores. Their next meet is on May 5 to win a thrilling 11-10 slugfest against Corcoran. in Oswego, against FM.
Buccaneer Sports Flashback Five years ago 2005
Jessica Ziegler received a scholarship to SUNY Buffalo after being a state meet finalist in track and field. The football program caused a large debate during the off season over whether it would remain in the AA division or be placed in Class A. Mr. Chuck Rowlee became the new varsity girls’ lacrosse head coach. Coach Sharon Morey took the lead from Mr. Paul DeRitter as the new coach for boys’ varsity tennis. Tennis stars Josh Dufore, Zach Smith and Dan Morey led their team.
Fifteen years ago 1995
The OHS girls’ softball team took its third consecutive Section III Class A softball title after defeating Rome 4-3. Although they lost in the state regionals to Columbia, the team had an 18-9 season under head coach Mike McCrobie. The OHS track was shut down during this time as parents voiced their concerns over the track being unsafe. Athletes were forced to compete in other, less-accessible facilities for the remainder of the year.
Twenty-five years ago 1985
The girls’ track team fought to the end to win the Newark Girls’ Invitational and managed to land a win over rival school, Jamesville-Dewitt. Noted athletes during this season included Joanne Davis (sprinter), Sandy Wanek (hurdles), Laurie Campbell (sprinter), and Traci Purtell (long distance). Coach Jim McCaul definitely had a strong roster this season.
Thirty years ago 1980
Photo by mackenzie oatman
Dan Cirino crosses the finish line at a track meet at the Oswego Middle School.
Buccaneer Bulletin
Photo by mackenzie oatman
Tyler Perez hits during a recent 11-10 varsity baseball victory over Corcoran.
Oswego High School’s golf team enjoyed a season full of victories including winning against rivals Mexico Academy and Central Square High School. Tom Iorizzo, Mike Joyce, Steve Bullard, Paul Hurlbutt and Matt Davis were also key players during the season.
May 2010
Buccaneer Bulletin Sports Volume 13 Number 6
Oswego High School’s Student Voice
Oswego High School Athlete of the Month
Name Here
Post Prom Party 2010 taken to new heights Page 14 Why do people cheat? Page 8 Segregated prom causes controversy Page 15
Photo by Mackenzie Oatman
May 2010
Matt Randall By Christina Buckingham Sports Editor
Athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Different sports require different specific sets of skills. Because of this, it is not rare to find athletes who specialize in one main sport when they reach their high school years. For OHS junior Matt Randall, tennis has been his sport of choice for the past four years. Randall began his tennis career in his second year at the Oswego Middle School after finding his passion for the sport during the previous summer. He began playing on the OHS varsity team as soon as he entered high school. “I just started playing with my dad and I fell in love with it,” commented Randall. “I love the mental aspect of the game more then anything.” This year, he has landed a captain position on the team with co-captains, Jon Kangah and Joe Hart. Randall has been chosen this season by coach Jim Hartmann to play first singles for his team, which is an exciting accomplishment, as he will be matched against some of the best tennis players in the league. “I am playing first singles this year, so my biggest challenge will probably be staying positive when I am playing some of the better players in the section,” stated Randall. Specializing in one sport has its price. Although tennis has become his forte, Randall faced a difficult decision in earlier years when he realized that playing both tennis and baseball during the spring was not an option. “I actually played baseball all throughout middle school and my childhood. Choosing tennis over baseball was a really tough decision for me. I wish that I could play both,” said Randall. His family attends as many matches each season as possible to support him in his tennis dream. Although no one else in his immediate family plays the sport competitively, Randall and his father often like to face each other on the court. Randall’s teammates also provide support to his game. “I have a lot of friends on the team this year and I am looking forward to a great year with them,” he commented. Off the court, Randall likes to keep up with the rest of the tennis world. He often watches tournaments and his favorite tennis star is Marcos Baghdatis. He realizes that sports aren’t everything and his parents are a reminder that school comes first. He loves the sport, but doesn’t let it get in the way of the rest of his life. This tennis player is also a huge fan of music, as he plays the cello for the school orchestra. While he hasn’t chosen a college to attend quite yet, Randall hopes to be awarded with a scholarship for his tennis achievements. He hopes to get some looks from good D-2 schools. He hopes to eventually find a career in the medical field, possibly physical therapy. Tennis is not something that Randall would ever willingly give up, considering the passion he has for the sport. To any younger athlete who has ever considered swinging a tennis racket competitively, “If you are really interested in playing, commit to it early. Practice makes perfect in any sport, but in tennis, this is even more true. When I look back on what I could have done to be better, it would have been to start earlier than I did.” The singles players around the league however, are probably glad Matt didn’t start earlier.