Marshall eLearning Course Descriptions

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Courses and Descriptions


Marshall eLearning

Please click on this link , to take you straight into the LearnUpon dashboard, where you can see a broad range of modules for you to access, including those covering Health & Safety, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Management & Leadership, Finance as well as Wellbeing.

Mandatory Training:

To ensure organisational compliance, on joining the University all new members of staff are required to complete the following modules:

• Health and Safety, Fire, DSE, Manual Handling

• GDPR (80% pass rate required)

• Information Security (80% pass rate required)

• The Prevent Duty in Higher Education (80% pass rate required)

• Equality & Inclusion

• Unconscious Bias

• Safeguarding

• Sexual Harassment

• Diversity in Learning & Teaching

• Zero Suicide Alliance Awareness Training (please note you may find the content of this module distressing and are reminded that support is available through our Being You network and Care First, our Employee Assistant Programme) Your HR Business Partner is also available if you need further support.

If you wish to be excluded from completing the Zero Suicide Alliance Training module, please discuss this with your line manager, so that a risk assessment can take place to mitigate any risk associated with non-completion.

Please note the following modules above in brackets have a pass rate of 80%, for successful completion. If you do not pass first time, please use the “How to check ” guide to re-take the module. Your record will show as “Failed” until this is completed.

Staff Apprenticeship Induction.

This module covers the key aspects of Apprenticeship delivery and compliance. It also includes information regarding the various systems the Apprentices use and the requirements we ask of each Apprentice. Employer Partner, and University Staff. All colleagues delivering on apprenticeship programmes must complete this module.

Fresher training: to be completed every two years

All of the above modules are to be completed as refresher training every two years, with the exception of GDPR and Information Security. Colleagues should complete the Information Security SMART module which provides updated advice about keeping safe online which is critical to promote safe, secure and compliant ways of working.

Completion of all mandatory training including refresher is now a condition of funding for CDP, as outlined in the L&D policy. Your PDR assessment is now also subject to completion of all modules – you can find further details here. Is therefore recommended that you check and update your personal training records regularly. You will also receive automated system email reminders for individual modules.

We hope you find the platform engaging and this booklet useful.

Many thanks

The Learning & Development Team

Marshall eLearning Courses and Descriptions

EDI Modules

• Equality & Inclusion

• Decolonising at Buckinghamshire New University

• Diversity in Learning & Teaching

• Inclusive Leadership

• Inclusive Recruitment

• Let’s Talk about Race in the workplace


• Microbehaviours

• Neurodiversity

• Safe Recruitment

• Unconscious Bias

Equality and Inclusion:

By completing this course, you can expect to gain an understanding of the broader equality and diversity issues become familiar with equality legislation, know your rights and responsibilities as a member of staff and be able to explain the negative effects of discrimination.

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years .


Topics include:

• Diversity in learning and teaching

• Equality charter marks

• Student-facing staff

• Inclusion on campus

• Diversity and the law in the Higher Education context

Alternative formats of the course include a downloadable workbook and accompanying podcast version to ensure that the content is accessible, both online and offline, and to provide learners with the opportunity to access their preferred format.

Approx duration: 60 mins

Decolonising at Buckinghamshire

New University:

This course will introduce you to the concept of decolonisation in higher education and its significance for an ethical institution. It will explore the importance of decolonisation in relation to your role at BNU, paying particular regard to curricula and perspectives.


By the end of this course, you will be equipped with valuable resources to further advance the principles covered in your day-to-day activities.

• describe what decolonising is and the context of it in across academic and professional services

• identify the reasons why it is important from an ethical and practical basis begin to apply best practice in decolonisation within the context of your role at BNU

Diversity in Learning and Teaching:

This course provides more in-depth learning of Equality and Diversity in HE. In this unit, we will be focussing on ways in which staff can build Equality and Diversity into their curriculum and provide, where appropriate, reasonable adjustments to ensure all staff and students can realise their potential and remove any barriers to their learning.

This course will take learners around 60 mins, progress can be saved meaning you can take the course in stages returning to where you left off each time.

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years.


The objectives will be shown in the course details view once you have enrolled.

Approx duration: 60 mins

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Inclusive Leadership:

This video-based eLearning course defines ‘Inclusive Leadership’ and the potential challenges and benefits.


This video includes a series of videos featuring Dan Robertson, Director of Vercida Consulting which explore this innovative aspect of leadership development:

• An overview of inclusive leadership

• Command and control

• Core Competencies

• The benefits of inclusive leadership

• Becoming inclusive

• Overcoming barriers

• At the end of each video, a multiple-choice question enables learners to check that they have understood the concepts introduced by Dan.

Approx duration: 10 mins

Inclusive Recruitment

The Inclusive Recruitment eLearning course was developed with the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI)

It will help our organisation reap the benefits of greater access to different perspectives, a greater understanding of customers, increased customer engagement and an improved employer image. Organisations electing to follow the principles of inclusive recruitment will set themselves on the path to higher performance.


Learners completing this course will:

• be able to deliver inclusive recruitment

• be equipped to improve inclusive recruitment outcomes

• recognise and develop their recruitment skills

• be able to explain inclusive recruitment to others

More specifically learners will be able to:

• define inclusive recruitment

• understand how an inclusive workforce benefits the organisation

• design an inclusive job and person specifications

• describe their responsibilities in terms of reasonable adjustments

• implement the legal duties as defined by the Equality Act 2020

• provide an inclusive workplace culture for onboarding new staff members

Approx duration: 60 mins

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Let’s talk about race in the workplace:

The ‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace’ race equality training course has been designed to persuade learners that racism is not just about explicit racist language, abuse or discrimination, it can take the form of inequality and inadvertent bias ingrained in the way organisations and society is run.

The course will further support learners to consciously and proactively address racial bias in organisation.

‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace’ is up to date and uncompromising in setting out the facts and thinking around systemic racism in organisations.

The primary audience for this race awareness training course is first-line managers through to board level leaders or could be used by anyone in the organisation:


1. Systemic Racial Biases vs Explicit Racist Behaviour An exploration of these behaviours and how they may manifest in organisations

2. Unconscious racial bias

A brief introduction to this topic and how it can impact on racial inequality in the workplace.

3. White Privilege

Focuses on the aspects of white privilege that relates to the workplace.

4. Racial microaggressions

Typical examples of racial microaggression found in the workplace

5. Tokenism

Superficial responses by employers to avoid real action and mask inactivity.

Approx duration: 30 mins


This e-Learning course uses the innovative microlearning format to deliver concise and informative content on this topic.

This course in particular focuses on LGBTQ+ related issues, including gender sexuality and how we can be an ally for the LGBTQ+ community:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

This course will cover the following topics:

• Introduction

• What is LGBTQ+


• What do you think?

• LGBTQ+ Experiences

• Understanding the barriers

• Workplace barriers and challenges

• Which microaggression?

• Your role

• Conclusion

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Describe LGBTQ+ identities and use terminology with confidence

• Know what can make it difficult for LGBTQ+ people to feel included at work, and

• Know how to support and include LGBTQ+ colleagues

Approx duration: 15 mins

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This Equality and Diversity eLearning course will help learners to recognise different types of micro behaviours and reflect on the impact they can have in the workplace.


Staff should work in a non-threatening and safe work environment and treated with dignity and respect, which is part of an employer’s legal requirement. Understanding how Microbehaviours intersect with Equality law and unconscious bias will help your organisation to reach this goal.

After completing this Equality and Diversity eLearning course, learners will be able to:

• Define the legislation relating to negative microbehaviours

• Understand how these behaviours link to unconscious or implicit bias

• Define what constitutes microbehaviours

• Summarise the impact of microbehaviours

• Define the steps to take if you experience or witness microbehaviours.

Approx duration: 30 mins


This course looks at the basics of neurodiversity for managers and staff, so that you will be better informed on issues such as hiring practices, the law, and the practical issues around the support you will need to be a more inclusive manager.

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the spectrum nature of neurodiversity and how it fits into the social model of disability – as well as understanding the law in regard to inclusion.

‘Neurodiversity at Work’ is up to date and uncompromising in setting out the facts and thinking around neurodiversity in organisations.


1. What is neurodiversity? An in-depth explanation of what neurodiversity actually is

2. What is it like to be neurodivergent? An opportunity to hear real-life testimonials of what it is like to be neurodivergent

3. How we think and speak about neurodiversity? Looking at the current ways in which we talk about neurodiversity, and what is appropriate language in the workplace

4. The value of neurodiversity in the workplace. With a better understanding of neurodiversity, we can help people who are neurodivergent thrive in the workplace

5. Legislation. As always, we will look at the legislation surrounding this topic and how it may affect your organisation

Approx duration: 30 mins

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Safe Recruitment

This Safe Recruitment eLearning course shows how, if properly framed and applied, safe recruitment policies can: identify and deter unsuitable candidates, bolster confidence in a safe learning environment, and help legal compliance (demonstrated by improved inspection grades)

Learners will understand the basics of safe recruitment, and why it matters:

• Describe how to embed safe recruitment principles at key points in the overall recruitment process

• Be Aware of the legal framework

• Implement pre-employment checks

• Explain the induction process

Throughout this Safe Recruitment eLearning course and in the final section, there are links and details of further resources for exploring the subject in more detail.

Approx duration: 30 mins

Unconscious Bias:

This module makes us aware of the unconscious biases that we all hold and explains how by monitoring these we can ensure objective decision making and enhance professional relationships. Using examples and interactive exercises the Unconscious Bias e-Learning course takes a straightforward look at one of the most important current issues in equality and diversity, inclusive management and leadership. It does not assess or judge individual bias or mandate particular behaviours but encourages reflection and self-awareness to create more inclusive and effective organisations. This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:

The Unconscious Bias eLearning course provides a comprehensive understanding of this concept:

• All in it together – science tells us that we are all naturally unconsciously biased, so we can develop both a shared and an individual responsibility to address this.

• Understanding bias – what’s the difference between bias, prejudice and stereotyping?

• Unconscious bias in the workplace and why it matters – how unconscious bias affects decision making in activities such as inclusion, recruitment, people development performance management, leadership and marketing.

• Types of bias – an exploration of how unconscious bias works, including implicit association, affinity bias, and the unconscious organisation.

• How to address natural bias – practical ways to challenge our own biases, to consciously break habits and to do things differently.

Approx duration: 20 mins

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Finance Modules

• Anti-Fraud Awareness

• Anti-Money Laundering

• Bribery Act 2010

• Modern Slavery Act

Anti-Fraud Awareness:

This Anti-Fraud Awareness eLearning course will help to raise awareness of fraudulent activity within the higher education sector.


A report from the National Fraud Authority stated that the UK economy lost £52bn during 2012 from fraud. Our Anti-Fraud Awareness course, developed for UK universities, will enable learners completing this course to:

• Define Fraud

• Explain how fraud can affect the university

• Describe who perpetrates fraud

• Explain how to identify and report fraud

• List the consequences of fraud

Learners can bookmark their progress before existing the eLearning course, and resume from that point.

Approx duration: 20 mins

Anti-Money Laundering:

Anti-Money Laundering eLearning course is developed with Lloyds of London to improve awareness of money laundering and the risks of committing an offence.


This eLearning course explains the basic requirements of the law in relation to your own internal policies and procedures to identify and deal with suspicious requests.

Developed with Lloyds of London this eLearning course allows organisations to comply with current financial regulations training requirements. Chapter includes:

• Part 1 - Objectives

• Part 2 - An introduction to money laundering

• Part 3 - Money laundering and the law

• Part 4 - How to identify and deal with suspicious transactions

Learners can bookmark their progress before exiting the course and resume from that point.

Approx duration: 30 mins

Bribery Act:

A useful resource for anyone wishing to understand their obligations under the Act and provides clear and practical guidance for employees to ensure they have sufficient knowledge in this complex area.


Our Bribery Act e-learning training course covers essential information on the Bribery Act 2010, and its implications in both the public and private sphere. Under the Act the following offences have been created:

• Active bribery

• Passive bribery

• Bribery of foreign public officials

• Facilitation payments

• Bribery prevention failure

Learners can bookmark their progress before exiting the course and resume from that point.

Approx duration: 30 mins

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Modern Slavery Act:

Modern slavery and human trafficking are, sadly, an ever-growing global issue that does not just affect developing countries but Europe, North America and the UK.

To combat this issue, UK legislation has come into force to ensure that no UK organisations with a turnover in excess of £36 million will unwittingly use slave labour in their supply chains.

The new law includes British universities who, like their commercial counterparts, must publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement that includes a report on steps taken in the previous financial year to ensure that no human rights violations have taken place in the supply chain.


Learners completing this Modern Slavery Act eLearning course will understand how to:

• Define the activities that constitute human trafficking and slavery

• List the key features of the Modern Slavery Act

• Describe your legal responsibilities and the penalties for non-compliance

• Identify red flags within the supply chain

• Apply the key requirements of the Act to produce a viable report

Approx duration: 30 mins

Health and Safety:

This Health and Safety eLearning Course provides four core units: This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:

Please note that you need to achieve a pass rate of 80% or more to successfully pass and complete this module.

This Health and Safety eLearning course will ensure learners to:

• Describe key aspects of organisational safety policies

• Identify the roles that everyone has to play in securing health and safety

• Spot common fire hazards

• Explain key fire safety features and safe evacuation procedures

• Describe fire safety roles and responsibilities

The Toolkit covers the following courses:

• An Introduction to Health & Safety

• Fire Safety

• Manual Handling

• Display Screen Equipment

• Stress,

• First Aid

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• Hazardous Substances (e.g. COSHH)

• Lone Working

• Risk Management

Learners have the option to bookmark progress and complete the course in chunks.

Approx duration: 35 Mins

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IT Modules


• Information Security

• Information Security SMART (combined refresher)

• UCISA - Info Security with GDPR


This GDPR eLearning course has been designed for staff to comply with UK regulations. This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years :


The course covers the following sections:

• Data Security


• Compliance

• Rights and Enforcement

• HE Scenarios

Approx duration: 40 mins

Information Security:

Information Security to be taken as a new starter.


Course Objectives are in 4 parts:

• Why Information Security matters

• Managing Risks

• Responsible behaviours

• Conclusion

Approx duration: 20 mins

Information Security Smart:

This Information Security eLearning Course is a suite of 3 x 20-minute modules on GDPR, Information Security and Being Safe Online.

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:

Please note that you need to achieve a pass rate of 80% or more to successfully pass this module.


Module 1: GDPR

Ensures our organisation is ready for the significant changes to data protection that GDPR brings; highlights key areas of change and the actions required to ensure your organisation will comply. Learners will gain a thorough understanding of all aspects of GDPR.

Module 2: Information Security

Introduces the concept of information security and outlines best practices to avoid data breaches, protect information assets, avoid damage to reputation and comply with the law.

The Information Security eLearning course outlines how organisations and individuals can manage risk and external threats to information security from hackers and fraudsters - including phishing, fraud, managing risks with devices, software, emails, the web at home and at work.

Module 3: Being Safe Online

Focuses on the risks associated with common online behaviour at work, in public places and at home. It outlines the ways in which organisations and individuals can behave responsibly when using social media, their own devices or Intellectual Property (IP) to mitigate against threats to Information Security.

Duration Time: 40 mins

UCISA – Info Security with GDPR

Information Security Awareness Training Course

This is a self-paced course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Information Security issues among University staff.

Duration Time: 100-110 mins

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Leadership & Management Modules

• Courageous Conversations

• Giving great feedback

• Hybrid Working

• Managing Performance with connected conversations

• Managing Remote Teams

• Managers’ Toolkit – Managing the Staff Performance Review Process

• Managers’ Toolkit – Time Management

Managers’ Toolkit

• Manager’s Toolkit - Introduction

• Manager’s Toolkit – Communication

• Manager’s Toolkit – Defining Management

• Manager’s Toolkit – Equality and Diversity

• Manager’s Toolkit – Recruitment and Selection

• Manager’s Toolkit – Time Management

• Manager’s Toolkit – Discipline and Grievance

• Manager’s Toolkit – Managing Absence

• Manager’s Toolkit – Managing Budgets

• Manager’s Toolkit – Managing Teams

• Manager’s Toolkit – Staff Induction

• Manager’s Toolkit – Performance Review

• Mentoring

• Performance Development, Appraisal & one-to-one

• Safely return to work

• Staff Apprenticeship Induction

• Treating customer fairly

• Whistle Blowing

Courageous Conversations:

Whether you are a leader or a manager of people, you will find yourself having conversations that impact others on a regular basis. This can happen when meeting new or existing clients, during team meetings with employees, when meeting with more senior managers, during interviews with potential new employees… there are plenty of other examples.

Some of these conversations will feel comfortable; other conversations will require what we might call a courageous approach. These might be conversations where a particular outcome is required from others, which might require people to change their behaviour or the way that they are working.

Calling conversations ‘difficult’ may be unhelpful as it can create anxiety and put people on the back foot. If you say to someone, “I’m going to have a difficult conversation with you?”, you may be creating an adversarial situation rather than a framework for communication.

It may be better to think about these conversations instead of ‘courageous conversations’ –conversations where participations are encouraged to express their views truthfully and openly. In other words, these are conversations where people are able to speak with courage.


• The course looks at the following:

• How to plan for courageous conversations

• How to structure them

• What Skills and behaviours are required to ensure that these conversations can achieve their objectives and desired outcomes?

Approx duration: 30 mins

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Giving great feedback:

This Giving good feedback eLearning Course delves into what makes feedback effective and the unconscious biases that may occur when giving feedback to staff.


Given thoughtfully, feedback forms an important part in creating change: Whether that’s helping you to improve your course, developing a team members contribution to meeting goals or addressing an imbalance in chores around your home.

Learning how to give constructive feedback, and how to receive and use feedback constructively, is a skill that can be learned, developed and applied to all of your life.

Why feedback is valuable

• Universities want the best feedback possible as a means of:

• Learning what it can do better

• Understanding what is does well

• Making sure your experience is the best it can be

• Changing what doesn’t work

• Improving what does

• Understanding what makes it different to other universities

This giving good feedback eLearning course looks to provide staff with the understanding around the principles of good feedback, the importance of being fair, the different methods of feedback (electronic, face-to-face etc and how to be open when receiving feedback. These skills are crucial to develop better relationships and to improve an institution. This module covers the importance of feedback, ensuring your feedback is useful to the receiver and discusses the different opportunities of feedback. A perfect and vital development for all leaders, managers, staff and students that are involved in providing feedback to others.

Approx duration: 30 mins

Hybrid Working:

This Hybrid Working course is essential for any organisation that wants to bridge the gap that comes when both working from home and the workplace.

Traditionally, workplace teams have been based together at a specific location, with colleagues collaborating in-person and around the same schedules. But times have changed, and new ways of working provide new challenges for both employees and employers.

This course will support leaders to consciously and proactively address the challenges that arise within hybrid working.


1. Culture: People co-create the culture of their organisation. As an organisation moves towards a hybrid working model, employee behaviours and the styles of leadership need to reflect this change

2. Hybrid Working and Workplace biases: There has been a great deal written about conscious and unconscious biases in the workplace. The hybrid working environment may magnify some of these biases.

3. Leadership: Every member of a team, despite their location, needs the same level of support from their manager or leader.

4. Support those working remotely: To manage the performance of remote teams you need to take some time to think and prepare

5. Trust: Trust is the oil that keeps the wheels in an organisation turning smoothly

6. Meetings: To be inclusive consider that all team meetings could take place online. That means everyone can take part.

Approx duration: 30 mins

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Managing performance with connected conversations:

This Managing performance eLearning course connected conversations between managers and employees can support career development and performance at work.


The Managing Performance eLearning course has 6 modules which include high-quality video scenarios with associates discussing key issues surrounding modern performance and appraisals best practice.


Coaching conversation - the benefits of a coaching style of conversations

The Strength-based approach - focuses on identifying positive aspects of individual, organisations and communities. Research by Gallup found that doing so results in higher levels of productivity, customer loyalty and employee retention.

Helping your employees manage their careerthis module provides a framework for understanding what to focus on in career discussions and what employees need to think about when managing their careers.

Connected Conversation - this module explores how to lead on successful connected conversations to support performance and career development.

Performance review - useful for anyone who has one-to meetings with their manager interested in taking a proactive approach to managing their career.

Approx duration: 10 mins per module

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Managing a remote workforce:

This course provides knowledge of how to effectively manage remote teams and a quick guide to working from home for employees.


• Part1: Managing remote workers

• Part 2: A quick guide to working from home for employees

Approx duration: 20 mins

Managers’ Toolkit – Managing the Staff Performance Review Process

Staff Performance Review is all about managing the performance and development of your team. It’s a tool that can shape each team members career but also a two-way process in which you as a manager will come to understand your own strengths.


• What is Staff Performance Review and what are the benefits of this process?

• In depth look at the Staff Performance Review process

• How to prepare properly

• Tips on how to manage the discussion

• Giving good feedback

• How to agree objectives

• How to document the process and follow up effectively

Approx duration: 20-30 mins

Managers’ Toolkit – Time Management

TIME: Probably your most valuable personal resources

This course focus on how you can take control of your time and make sensible practical choices about how you use it.

This essential skill can help to reduce your stress levels at work and help create a more productive team atmosphere.


• Planning and Prioritisation

• Delegation

• Taking control of your working environment

• Personalising time management techniques

• Setting SMART objectives

• Getting the most from meetings

Approx duration: 20 mins

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A ‘one-stop’ mentoring portal designed to give mentors and mentees a solid foundation for embarking on a mentoring programme.


This course is designed for a range of different audiences, i.e. mentors/mentees looking for more in-depth training in the subject, those looking to create a mentorship scheme, or those merely curious about the process. Whichever it is, you’ll find this portal has something for you.

Professor Garvey’s expert content will guide you through a range of mentoring topics which you can explore in as much or as little depth as you want.

Each topic can be accessed at any time and in any order and is accompanied by a video lecturer located in the Resources section, alongside further material on any of the topics in this module.

Learners undertaking this course will be able to:

• Establish one’s own learning outcomes as appropriate for the purpose and context of mentoring

• Know and understand the historical development of mentoring

• Know and understand the critical importance of building rapport and establishing ground rules

• Demonstrate the use of a process framework in mentoring

• Make informed critical and ethical judgements about the theory and practice of mentoring

• Reflect on an evaluate factors which have an impact on the achievement of the aims and desired outcomes of mentoring within an organisational context

• Seek, evaluation and use feedback and take responsibility for own learning processes

Approx duration: 5-10 mins per modules (8 modules) plus extensive video library

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Managers’ Toolkit – Managing the Staff Performance Review Process

Staff Performance Review

Performance Development, Appraisals & One-to-ones:

With some academics growing weary of managerialism, and staff under increasing pressure in the higher education sector, we wanted to provide guidance on how vital conversations should be run so they are meaningful to all concerned.


This course focusses on coaching conversations and career development.

Video content breathes life into the subject in a creative and engaging way, combining audio-visual content filmed on the university campus, with accessible design to give the course a stylish feel, without sacrificing the importance of the course’s messages.

Appraisals and one-to-ones are crucial to career development and for maintaining productive working relationships with staff. Ensuring that you approach these situations in the right way can make the difference between demotivated staff members or finding incentives to truly energise them.

This course covers the importance of appraisals and one-to-ones in relation to career development and workforce motivation.

Appraisals and one-to-one - outlines the importance of staff engagement, staff wellbeing, goal setting, feedback and the appraisal conversation.

Coaching conversation - explores the best practice for coaching conversations and the most effective coaching styles.

Career development - focuses on how career development supports staff and delves into the roles that each staff member should play.

Video scenarios - helps to visualise the topics explored earlier on and highlight the differences in effectiveness between the right and wrong approaches to appraisals and one-to-ones.

Progress will automatically be saved enabling learners to complete in their own time.

Approx duration: 30 mins

Safely Returning to work:

This return to work eLearning course provides key advice, precautions and staffing strategies you need to create a safe working environment postlockdown.


Learners completing this Return to Work eLearning course will be able to:

• Manage the risk by understanding your legal responsibilities

• Understand who should return to work and how to protect those at higher risk or need to self-isolate

• Mitigate the risks associated with coming into and leaving the workplace, as well as high traffic areas where staff will congregate

• Health and Safety strategies for cleaning the workplace and hygiene methods

• Plan shift patterns and working groups

• Source further support and information

Approx duration: 40 mins

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Treating customer fairly:

This Customer Service eLearning Course has been designed to help people understand what is meant by ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ through case studies and real-life examples. Learners will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding through a test at the end of the Customer Service eLearning Course.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) states that “all organisations must be able to show consistently that fair treatment of customers is at the heart of their business model”. This sentiment is reflected in the FCA’s six treating customers fairly (TCF) outcomes and the Rules and Principles that supports them. Above all, TCF is about creating the right culture within a firm: “customers expect financial services and products that meet their needs from firms they trust”.

Approx duration: 40 mins

Whistleblowing Training:

Since the financial crisis whistleblowing has become front-page news on topics such as data security and treating customers fairly. It is therefore vital that organisations and their staff are aware of their rights and obligations.

In this Disclosure eLearning course, you will learn about what whistleblowing is and its important role in helping to improve the financial sector; how to adhere to the relevant whistleblowing regulations, and what the consequences of non-compliance are for individuals and organisations.

This Disclosure eLearning course has been designed to help people understand whistleblowing using case studies and real-life examples. Learners will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding through a test at the od of the course.


This Disclosure eLearning Course is split into four parts:

Part 1 - Introduces the concept of whistleblowing and explains why it is so important. The Public Interest Disclosure Act is explored in detail, alongside relevant financial regulations.

Part 2 - Explains what organisations need to do to adhere to the regulations, including outlining the role of the Whistleblowers’ Champions. It then details when and how employees should raise a genuine concern in order to be protected by The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA)

Part 3 - Focuses on what happens if organisations or their staff do not abide by Whistleblowing regulations. A recent highprofile case is used as an example.

Part 4 - Contains a multiple-choice knowledge test based on the course content.

Approx duration: 40 mins

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Safeguarding Modules:

• Safeguarding

• The Prevent Duty in Higher Education: an introduction

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:


Safeguarding in a higher education context is about being as proactive as possible, rather than waiting for problems to arise.

This Safeguarding eLearning course is specifically designed to equip staff with the confidence to deal with safeguarding issues, recognise signs of neglect and abuse, to know the steps necessary to report these issues, and empower staff with the knowledge and tools they need to get support or take action.


This Safeguarding eLearning course covers the following sections:

• Introduction

• Legislation & Guidance

• Recognising Abuse

• Institutional Abuse

• Responding to Abuse

• Disclosure

• Whistle Blowing

• Prevent

Approx duration: 45 mins

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The Prevent Duty in HE: An Introduction

The Prevent eLearning course provides an excellent introduction or refresher for dealing with extremism and radicalisation in education. This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:

Please note that you need to achieve a pass rate of 80% or more to successfully pass and complete this module. You will receive a certificate when you have completed the module. However, you must also achieve the pass rate of 80%. If you do not pas first time, you can revisit each session of the module by clicking on the green button in the top right. This will open the course menu from where you can navigate to the slides and review your responses where necessary. You can use this navigation method as many times until you have achieved the pass rate.


The importance of Prevent training in education cannot be overestimated – for organisations, employees and students. The Prevent Duty eLearning course will also enable your organisation to more effectively recognise, manage and implement practical responses to support your safeguarding work and provide evidence for successes in preventing extremism and radicalisation, highlighting areas requiring improvement.

After completing this course learners will understand:

• The importance of embedding concerns about radicalisation into safeguarding policies

• Why it is necessary to support good campus/ college relations between diverse communities with potentially conflicting world views

• An overview of challenges from extremism in UK HE/FE sector

• How radicalisation and potential conflicts between different groups on campus or in colleges can be seen from a safeguarding perspective

• The PREVENT agenda in the context of; its definition and focus, legal responsibilities (institutional and individual), practical implications and requirements for sensitivity and cultural empathy

How to engage with the PREVENT agenda in a wider safeguarding context

In addition, this course could help to introduce new perspectives to your existing and new work in areas connected with safeguarding, extremism and radicalisation

Approx duration: 60 minutes

Wellbeing Modules

• Alcohol and drug awareness

• Identifying, responding and supporting Mental Health

• Mental Health at work & looking after yourself

• Menopause at Work

• Sexual Harassment

• Zero Suicide Alliance Awareness

Alcohol and drug awareness:

Alcohol and Drug Awareness eLearning course.


Learners completing this Alcohol and Drug Awareness eLearning course will understand:

• Short and long terms effects of alcohol

• Drug usage on the body

• How much a unit of alcohol is

• the most common types of drugs and their effects

• the social, legal and academic consequences of either drinking too much or drug use

The course also includes a diagnostic quiz at the start, so staff can assess whether their drinking habits are damaging their health.

Approx duration: 20 mins

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Identifying, responding and supporting Mental Health

Mental Health fatigue:

This module help start the conversation about mental health fatigue.


Many people don’t always feel ‘OK’ in terms of their mental health. A lot of the time, work - and life in general can be a real struggle. If you are struggling, it’s best to be direct and open about the situation. Because the reality is that unless mental health challenges are blatantly obvious, your colleagues won’t notice.

In a busy workplace, we all operate at such speeds that we only tend to see what’ on the surface’, focusing on our own needs and priorities. We don’t take the time to really look at individuals and pick up on subtle cues.

Mental health challenges at work

The animated videos in this Mental Health fatigue course focus on Ramesh’s mental health challenges at work and the efforts of his well-meaning manager, who during this 20-minute course offers three possible solutions to Ramesh with varying levels of success.

Throughout the module mental health expert, David Beeney offers video insights into Ramesh’s situation and discusses his own personal mental health journey with diversity consultant Gamiel Yafai.

The course is equally suited to individual members of staff, managers and senior leaders and will enable learners to recognise mental health fatigue and provide ideas about actions that can be taken at work to support colleagues with mental health fatigue.

Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the issues under discussion by answering multiplechoice questions.

Approx duration: 20 mins

Mental Health at work & looking after yourself:

This Mental Health eLearning course places a strong focus on the individual in the workplace and how they can protect and manage their Mental Health.


This Mental Health eLearning course helps to provide individuals with the knowledge and advice they need to ensure their mental health is well looked after whilst at work. The workplace can, at times, be a high pressure, stressful environment especially through times of rapid change, austerity or times of excessive workload; all of which can challenge our mental health and mental wellbeing.

This Mental Health eLearning course explains the importance of mental health in the workplace, how to spot the warning signs and how to look after yourself.

Learners completing this eLearning course will learn:

• what is resilience?

• how resilient are you?

• hints, tips and tools that can help to develop resilience

• the warning signs of poor mental healthphysical symptoms and behavioural indicators

• facing change and positive thinking

• how to look after and preserve your mental health

Approx duration: 20 mins

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Mental Health support others:

This Mental Health eLearning course focuses on the importance of Mental Health in the workplace, supporting others with Mental Health challenges.


A workplace with no opportunities to have conversations about mental health and with no plans of action for those who have mental health issues, can be a huge problem both for individual employees as well as for the organisation as a whole. This Mental Health eLearning course will cover spotting the early warning signs; how to have safe and supportive conversations about mental health; and the benefits of wellness action plans.

Taking this course learners will understand:

• Impacts of a toxic workplace on mental health

• How to create a respectful work environment

• Benefits of talking about mental health

• Early warning signs of mental health issues

• How to start the conversation when someone may have an issue

• The conversation - how to support others

• Wellness action plans

• What employers can do to protect the mental health of their employees

• Resilient teams

• Helping others to keep a healthy perspective about our work and concerns

Approx duration: 30 mins

Menopause at Work

Menopause touches the vast majority of us, either directly or indirectly, yet it is still a taboo topic. For those with personal experience, symptoms, the physical environment, role responsibilities and the attitudes or assumptions of others can be very challenging. The workplace can fail to deliver adequate and appropriate support, which leads to those experiencing menopause to miss opportunities to grow, and the organisation potentially loses talent. But the good news is that while this can be a sensitive topic, the more we know, understand and talk, the better equipped we are to support one another and to create a menopause-friendly workplace.

Marshalls Menopause module will increase knowledge and awareness of all employees, and it provides practical information and guidance for line managers and leaders, and those with responsibility for organisational policy on menopause.

Through examples, research, scenarios, learner activities and best practice approaches, course content explores (among other topics) what is menopause, having positive conversations, top tips for managers, and organisational policy and practice.

Approx duration: mins

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Sexual Harassment:

The Sexual Harassment eLearning course is designed to equip staff with the ability to recognise the signs of sexual harassment, understand the steps necessary to report sexual harassment, and empower staff with the knowledge and tools they need to get support or take action in the workplace.

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:


Given that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men in the UK have been sexually harassed in their workplace (ComRes, BBC Radio 5 Live 2017), this course addresses an urgent need to provide organisations with the ability to identify sexual harassment and its impact and support them to create harassmentfree working environments.

Interactive elements in the course include engaging scenarios covering some of the biggest issues and most widely held misconceptions such as: ‘Are one-off events considered harassment?’ and ‘Why sexual harassment should not be allowed to hide behind the pretence of banter’. Our Sexual Harassment eLearning course gives employees the opportunity to explore sexual harassment legislation and the definitions and impacts of sexual harassment:

1. Introduction

2. Defining Legislation about harassment and sexual harassment

3. What constitutes Sexual Harassment? –dispelling myths and defining sexual harassment and unwelcome behaviour

4. Exploring the impact of sexual harassment

5. Taking steps forward – steps to take if you experience or witness sexual harassment

6. Assessment

7. Useful Resources and summary

Approx duration: 20 mins

Zero Suicide Alliance Awareness

The Zero Suicide Alliance Awareness course will help you to gain skills and confident to help someone who may be considering suicide.

This module is mandatory and will need to be completed every two years:

This training may be challenging. Please make sure that you have someone supportive nearby.

What you’ll learn:

• How to spot suicide warning signs

• How to have a conversation with someone you’re worried about

• Where to signpost to for further support

• Suicide is preventable

Approx. duration: 20 mins

Climate Change:

Climate change is a serious environmental challenge facing humanity. This course covers what climate change is, steps the government is taking to tackle the issues, what you as an individual and organisations can do to make a difference and what the future of travel is going to look like in response to climate change.

Climate Change

Approx. duration: 15-20 mins

Environmental Sustainability:

This course will help to raise understanding of eco-issues across your workforce and improve performance in key areas.

Environmental Sustainability

Approx. duration: 20 minutes

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publication was produced by Buckinghamshire New University in January 2024.
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