BNU & SU SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: December 2024/ January 2025
All services run as usual until the end of Friday 20th and restart on 2 January.

, Gateway HW
Aylesbury Campus
High Wycombe library
Uxbridge Campus & Library
9am-5pm each day (BNU reception staff available on 23 & 27-30 Dec and Security teams at other times)
FREE sachets of soup, hot chocolate, and tea/coffee are available in the Gateway for students heading to the Library. Hot water is provided at the water fountains.
Closed with on call security throughout the period
24/7 access on all days. Students and staff can borrow/return books using self-service.
Online chat will be available 24/7 to answer basic reference enquiries and advise on how to search online resources: buckinghamshire.libguides.com/homepage Library account enquiries/resource login issues to be directed to library@bnu.ac.uk and will be responded to from 2nd January 2024
Online chat will be available 24/7 to assist with basic reference enquiries, provide guidance on searching online resources via buckinghamshire.libguides.com/homepage , and support the use of self-service tools. For library account enquiries or resource login issues, please email library@bnu.ac.uk ; these will be dealt with from 2 January 2024
Free sachets of soup, hot chocolate, tea/coffee in reception. Students are reminded that hot water is available from water fountains. Pulse café closed on all days.
Hot and cold food and drinks will be available each day when the Garden Café is open with gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options.
Closed. (Food and drink available in the Garden Café at advertised times.)
Dove reception High Wycombe Campus Closed

BNU & SU SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: December 2024/ January 2025
All services run as usual until the end of Friday 20th and restart on 2 January.

Halls of residence
The Gateway Gym will be open as usual up to and including Monday, 23 December. The gym will reopen on Thursday, 2 January. For the full Gym schedule during the holiday period, please visit our webpage .
During this time, the gym will be available FREE of charge to any BNU student staying in High Wycombe over the Christmas period.
24/7 staffing of BNU’s halls of residence
Student Support The Student Hub will be closed during this period. However, emails to students@bnu.ac.uk will be monitored twice daily, morning and afternoon.
IT Service Desk
Need to reset your password? Just visit our website , and use our Quick Start Guide to access all the digital resources that BNU provides to support you in your studies. If you need any further assistance, the IT Service Desk is available via the Self Service Portal ( bnu.topdesk.net ) during the holiday period as follows: 20/12 (onsite, 8am to 5pm) ; 21/12 (remote); closed 22/12 - 26/12; 27/12 - 31/12 (remote); closed 01/01
University staff will be available by phone for any compliance emergencies escalated by the Student Hub, such as a student being stopped at the UK border. The full team will be onsite from 2 January to commence enrolment.
Registry Information about assessments, feedback, exceptional circumstances, and managing your studies available on the BNU website.
Students’ Union
Emails to suadvice@bnu.ac.uk or union@bnu.ac.uk will be monitored daily.
The Shuttle Bus will run until Friday, 20 December , and will resume service on Thursday, 2 January It will not operate during the holiday break.