Welcome to BNU
I would like to take the opportunity here to warmly welcome you to Buckinghamshire New University, we are delighted that you have chosen to work with us. Secondly, to introduce you to our strategic plan, Thrive 28 . Here you will find details of the long-term aims and our over-arching pillars of customers, products, people and environment which ensure that the University thrives – that it grows, develops and is successful, healthy and strong. A number of key themes on which the University will focus particular effort in the period of the strategy are listed for you below:
• Health & well-being
• Digital
• Sustainability and carbon net-zero
• Student outcomes
• Academic footprint
• Civic university
Our HR team is aligned to offering support to you and to Schools and Directorates. You can find further information regarding key contacts under the HR section here on BEN, the University intranet. I wish you every success here at BNU.

It is vital that all new BNU employees receive an induction programme which makes you feel valued and effective in your role as quickly as possible. We have therefore produced this guide to help you understand what happens during induction and probation including information on your line manager’s responsibilities. The intention of which is to ensure a smooth transition into your new role and for you to learn about BNU.
Induction checklist
Please follow the induction checklist (Appendix 1) to ensure all induction activities are completed. This checklist is designed to be used in liaison with your line manager to ensure everything is covered.
Line Managers at BNU
If you are a new line manager at BNU, please access and read the full Line Manager Guidance eLeaning modules for line managers to help you ‘Manage for Success’ can be located on the eLearning portal .
Prevent Duty
All employees are asked to read the information in Appendix 2 – Cause for Concern Prevent Duty which explains what to do if you have concerns about an individual in relation to extremism or radicalisation, and the Prevent process that will be followed.
Workstation Assessment
If you use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of your normal work, continuously for an hour or more, your manager will arrange for you to have a workstation assessment
Mandatory and other eLearning for all BNU employees
Upon joining the university all new members of staff are required to complete mandatory eLearning to ensure organisational compliance. It is recommended that you complete the modules in bite-size periods of time, though complete them as soon as possible after your start date. Further details on these modules and expected completion times can be found on BEN
Please note that the above modules are mandatory and as such need to be completed to pass your probation successfully. This will be extended for any employee who has not fully met these requirements. You can access your mandatory training and user guides via the link on the eLearning BEN page. For any additional support, please contact bnulearn@bnu.ac.uk
Refresher training
All mandatory training should now be refreshed every two years.
You will receive automated reminders from the learning management system. Guidance notes on how to check and update your personal training record are available here on BEN.
‘Welcome to BNU’ formal induction session
The University organises an induction programme for all new employees. These sessions are held on a quarterly basis at the High Wycombe campus from 9.00am – 4.00pm. You will find the date of the session assigned to you in your contract cover letter and you will be formally invited by our BNU Learning & Development team. If you are unable to attend your allocated session, please discuss this with your line manager so we can book you on to the next available session.
The afternoon session on Dignity & Respect in the workplace will be delivered by our EDI Business Partner or a HR representative. Our Equality Strategy and other EDI initiatives can be found on BEN . This will cover equality, diversity, inclusion, the Equality Act 2010, and unconscious bias.
Training for Hiring Managers
It is a mandatory requirement for hiring managers to complete the Inclusive Recruitment training which is held face to face on a quarterly basis. You can book your place via the events page
Introduction to Higher Education (HE) for Professional Service Employees (PSE)
This is a one day development event aimed at all professional services staff within their first year of working in HE, who need to grasp the complexities and political environment of HE, and the implications for operating and influencing effectively.
PSE staff can book on this this free event run by UHR

Why is equality, diversity & inclusion important?
Equality, diversity & inclusion underpins our DRIVE values (Dynamic, Responsible, Inclusive, Visionary, Empowering) and influences everything we do.
One of our key priorities in the Equality Strategy is to build a university community where people can be themselves. We know that intentions don’t equate to change. Our priorities, objectives and measurable outcomes will guide us in building a more inclusive university, so that ‘Being you at BNU’, is a reality for everyone in our community.
Objective A:
Review and address disparity of experience in survey outcomes
Objective B:
Monitor service usage and take action where it is not representative of the community
Objective C: Support a culture of belonging
Objective D: Celebrate inclusion and the impact of our work
Objective E:
Develop a welcoming and supportive online presence
Objectives F:
Collaborate with the Students’ Union to tackle inequality

All employees must complete the equality & inclusion eLearning modules. You can access your mandatory training and a LearnUpon user guide via the link on the eLearning BEN page. For any additional support, please contact bnulearn@bnu.ac.uk .
You are strongly encouraged to keep an eye on our Learning & Development page for additional workshops and sessions including ‘Understanding Disability in the workplace’ and ‘Mental Health Awareness’.
Induction Buddy
During your first few days, weeks and months as a new employee at BNU, we want you to feel welcomed by and connected with the people around you. Induction buddies play a key role in the success of your induction by forming a link between you, your line manager and the School or Directorate in which you will be working.
Your buddy will be assigned by your line manager and will have been given the Induction Buddy Guide to support their role. If you have not been assigned an Induction Buddy on your first day, please raise this with your line manager.
IT access
Please access our Digital Bundle – a quick start guide to digital services to find out more about all our systems and employee portals which you may need to access. If you have any technical issues, please log a ticket via IT@bnu.ac.uk or call ext. 5000 from an internal phone.
Payroll induction
Our Payroll Team will be conducting payroll induction sessions for both new and existing staff to cover topics including timesheets, expenses, payslips and pensions. You can book a session via the BEN events page .
Funding for Learning and Development
The University is responsible for ensuring that all employees are able to maintain their continued professional development (CPD) in relation to their role. Details about applying for funding to attend external events such as conferences, webinars or more formal training can be found here
Academic Registry
For academic employees
The Academic Registry provides professional support services across the University in the areas of:
• Quality and Standards, including: programme approval and amendment; programme monitoring and periodic subject review; accreditation; external examining; academic misconduct; academic appeals; and fitness to practise casework
• Student Records and Data, including: Enrolment, registration, interruption and withdrawal of students; student fees and finance; and SLC funding arrangements
• Student and Course Administration, providing a full support to programme teams in both Schools and at Partners from enrolment through to graduation, including marks processing, examination arrangements, and management of Boards of Examiners to confirm progression and confer awards.
• Graduation and conferment activities for learners studying at both BNU and its partners
• Timetabling and room management activities for all BNU students
The Academic Registry is based on the 2 nd Floor East Wing at the High Wycombe campus. We also have a satellite team based at Uxbridge, which also provides support for nursing programmes at the Aylesbury campus.
You can find out more about the services we provide via our suite of pages on BEN or via our studentfacing Academic Advice webpages . You can also find a full list of the University’s quality and teaching policies and processes which underpin our work via the main policies page
Please also contact us for queries about any of the above quality assurance processes and activities, for guidance on individual student issues and options available, or for a more general overview of the University’s regulations for its programmes.
Probation is the term used to describe the overall process of assessing the suitability and ability of new employees to successfully deliver in their new role.
During probation, it is the line manager’s responsibility to provide the necessary information and training that will equip you to undertake all aspects of your role at BNU. It is your responsibility to demonstrate your suitability to the role. Line managers must ensure systems are in place to support and monitor your work throughout the probationary period, in order that you receive reasonable support and assistance to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of the role.
Line managers are expected to diarise probation meetings with their direct reports. The line manager should initiate the probation meeting and complete the form via Business Connect .
Colleagues on probation are not included in the PDR process, however performance should be monitored during the probation reviews:
For Professional Service Employees (PSE)
Review Status To discuss Action
2 weeks Informal This is an opportunity to check in to see how your job is going so far, check that the induction checklist has been completed, and to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.
8 weeks Formal
Discuss how you are progressing, give constructive feedback and discuss any support required. Any concerns at this stage should be identified and action for improvement agreed. You should ensure that you have completed all mandatory training by this point.
It is recommended that objectives are set at this review. Performance should then be reviewed at the next formal stage whichever is the more appropriate, i.e. interim or final review
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 2 week option
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 8 week option.
16 weeks Formal
26 weeks Formal final
Provide a further opportunity to discuss your progress and support required. By this stage, there should be a clear indication of whether the probation period has been a success. Any concerns should be addressed immediately so that further development and action can be taken.
Objectives set at 8 weeks should be reviewed.
This marks the end of the probationary period.
If successful, this marks the end of your probation period. If there are areas of concern, which includes non-completion of mandatory modules, your probationary period may be extended, or your employment terminated.
Objectives set at 8 weeks should be reviewed.
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 16 week option.
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect, selecting the 26 week option.
For Academic employees
Review Status
To discuss Action
2 weeks Informal This is an opportunity to check in to see how your job is going so far, check that the induction checklist has been completed, and to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.
8 weeks Formal Discuss how you are progressing, give constructive feedback and discuss any support required. Any concerns at this stage should be identified and action for improvement agreed. You should ensure that you have completed all mandatory training by this point.
It is recommended that objectives are set at this review. Performance should then be reviewed at the next formal stage whichever is the more appropriate, i.e. interim or final review
24 weeks Formal This meeting will provide a further opportunity to discuss your progress and support required. By this stage, there should be a clear indication of whether the probation period has been a success. Any concerns should be addressed immediately so that further development and action can be taken.
Objectives set at 8 weeks should be reviewed.
36 weeks Formal This meeting will provide a further opportunity to discuss your progress and support required. By this stage, there should be a clear indication of whether the probation period has been a success. Any concerns should be addressed immediately so that further development and action can be taken.
Objectives set at 8 weeks should be reviewed.
52 weeks Formal
This marks the end of the probationary period.
If successful, this marks the end of your probation period. If there are areas of concern, which includes non-completion of mandatory modules, your probationary period may be extended, or your employment terminated.
Objectives set at 8 weeks should be reviewed.
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 2 week option
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 8 week option
Line manager to undertake a formal teaching observation and to liaise with LTE as appropriate
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect, selecting the 24 week option
Line manager to undertake a formal teaching observation and to liaise with LTE as appropriate
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 36 week option
Line manager to undertake a formal teaching observation and to liaise with LTE as appropriate
Line manager to complete probation form on Business Connect , selecting the 52 week option
Line manager to undertake a formal teaching observation and to liaise with LTE as appropriate
Appendix 1: Induction Checklist
Please note this is a guide and should be customised for individual use. Further Information should be given by the line manager or induction buddy as appropriate
Employee’s name:
First Day
General welcome to BNU by line manager or induction buddy
Visit HR with original ID or Share Code for right to work check if haven’t already done so
BNU employee card issued at reception
Parking /travel arrangements discussed if applicable
Hours: start /finish times and lunch breaks (if applicable)
Absence procedure – who to notify
Introduction to induction buddy and immediate colleagues
Shown office/desk
Introduced to your induction buddy and understand the role of the induction buddy
Location of services e.g. toilets, eating and refreshment facilities
Rules and standards as appropriate e.g. dress, etiquette, confidentiality, code of conduct etc.
Familiarise yourself with our DRIVE values , Thrive 28 strategy, and our BNU Behavioural Framework
Ensure access to appropriate shared drives, email, Blackboard, Business Connect, BEN etc.
Collect IT equipment as appropriate
Access the Digital Bundle for employees
Familiarise with BNU website/Employee Services e.g. booking holiday
Agreed time to complete mandatory eLearning modules
Workstation assessment to be completed
Health & Safety information:
General instructions in the event of fire/emergency evacuation
Location of emergency exits and assembly point
First aid provision
Completion of the four mandatory eLearning modules (Fire, Health & Safety, DSE & Manual Handling
Locate, read and understand the H&S pages and H&S Policy on the website
the end of the first week
Locate, read and understand the Data Protection Policy.
Locate, read and understand the Prevent Duty and Cause for Concern Process information in Appendix 2
Read and action the New Starter email HR team (this is automatically generated by our Business Connect system)
Discuss and clarify the role responsibilities etc.
Tour of the campus by Line Manager or Buddy
Introduction to employees outside of the team
Review of week – first impressions
Complete or agree time to complete remaining eLearning modules
Check/add missing personal details to Business Connect
Check/amend Bank Details on Business Connect
Check/add Emergency Contact, Next of Kin, Beneficiary & Equality Monitoring Details to Business Connect
Locate induction documentation on BNU website
Learn how to use BNU Apps to book a visitor and report an accident or hazard
Learn how to use My Bookings to book a room
Understand your annual leave and how to book annual leave
Understand how to access your Payslips, submit timesheets, expenses etc.
If you are a Line Manager, access and read the Line Manager Guidance
If you are an Academic, ensure you know how to use the interactive teaching screens in classrooms
If you are an Academic, ensure you know how to control the classroom heating/cooling
The list below is not an exhaustive list but may act as a useful reminder of some of the more practical activities that need to be covered and / or arranged for you as new employee. These will assist to integrate you into the School and/or Directorate from day 1.
Have you been invited to attend the Welcome to BNU Employee Induction Session?
Have you completed the all the mandatory eLearning modules?
Are you included on all relevant email lists?
Are you invited to all relevant meetings?
Have you been invited to any social events?
Have you been shown the ‘need to know’ essentials e.g. use of BEN, Blackboard and Business Connect, access to photocopiers, access to buildings out of hours; BNU card, library opening hours?
Has an Induction Buddy been assigned to assist you?
Do you have an 2 week catch up with your line manager diarised to have an initial informal probation review
Appendix 2: Cause for Concern
Prevent Duty
Buckinghamshire New University, in accordance with legislative requirements under the Counter Terrorism and Security (CT&S) Act 2015, is required to practically manage the risk of radicalisation and the development of extremist views within employees and students. For more information see the Prevent duty guidance
We have set up a Prevent Group to implement the guidance here at the University.
All employees are asked to read the information below – Cause for Concern Prevent Duty - which explains what to do if you have concerns about an individual in relation to extremism or radicalisation, and the Prevent process that will be followed.
What do I do if I have concerns about an individual in relation to extremism or radicalisation? If you have concern about an individual, either staff or student in relation to extremism or radicalisation, you can refer to our University Prevent advisors. They will be able to offer appropriate advice and guidance and will refer into the Channel process, if required. In the first instance, please email prevent@bnu.ac.uk . We will contact you for further information and then decide on the best pathway.
What happens once I have raised a concern about an individual?
A Prevent Team Officer from Thames Valley Police may liaise with you to discuss your concerns. They will complete a vulnerability assessment for the individual (either by engaging directly with them or based on information given by the referrer, depending on the circumstances). The information would then be used to make a decision as to whether the case needed to be discussed at a Channel meeting. The person making the referral will be kept informed and, in many cases, would be involved in decision-making going forward. Your information will not be shared with the individual.
What is Channel?
Channel is a key element of the Prevent Strategy. It is a multi-agency approach to protect people at risk of radicalisation. Channel uses existing collaboration between local authorities, statutory partners, the police and the local community to identify individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism, assess the nature and extent of that risk and develop the most appropriate support for the individuals concerned.
BNU Prevent Process
The diagram shows the different stages within the Prevent process:

High Wycombe Campus
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ
Aylesbury Campus
59 Walton Street
HP21 7QG
Uxbridge Campus
106 Oxford Road
Middlesex UB8 1NA
BNU based at Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Road
Iver Heath
Buckinghamshire SL1 0NH
Missenden Abbey
London Road
Great Missenden
Buckinghamshire HP16 0BD
This publication was produced by Buckinghamshire New University. © Buckinghamshire New University.